progenycursed · 8 months
Progeny Cursed Chapter 14
A new type of pain confuses the Pure Vessel. What is done to stop it, just confuses them more. The Pale King voices his opinion on table manners. While Lurien learns tackling the Pale King is a bad idea.
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<hurt> ?<pulling pain>? *confused*<hurt>What that?
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<hurt> ?<pain>  Why hurt? Did heal. *shock*  ??<radiating pain>?? What mouth doing?
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?<hurt>? why hurting?
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?<pang> ?<Pulling pain>? ?<gnawing hurt>? 
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?<Twisting cramp>? What (I) doing? Didn’t order stop
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?<aching twinge>? What ‘eat’? Maybe. Okay. No.  ?<gnawing ache>? Want better
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?<shooting pain>? *shock* *annoyed*?<pain>?
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?<screaming pain>? <twisting>?<ATTACK> ?<MAIM>?<crushing>?<BITE>? ?<CONSUME>?<FEED>?
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<feeding><hunger> Thing approaching [growl] [snarl] *aggression*[threat]
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<feeding> <hunger> <hungry> <feed>
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&lt;ATTACK> Idea! <MAIM> <KILL> <feeding frenzied>
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{memories of strange pain} healing not stop pain}{weird uncontrollable mouth movements}{biting and eating wingsmold} Why wingsmold void not same as void? Sacred of void but okay with wingsmold void {thing approached while eating}{threatened it}
(You) will not bite
(You) ever eat?
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*nervous*no  *shock*irritated*
(You) bad liar
*annoyed* … Approximately 
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Answered one question
*chaos* MORE
*gasp* Answered 1 question! No more!
Answer question better
*mischief* all night 
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No mouth. Can’t eat. Merge
Merge? What merge?
Answered one question. Now SLEEP!!
Masterpost | Previous | Next
Void Translation Quick guide:  () a person  [] a void callout  {} memories ** emotions <> physical reaction  ~breath~
At last! It is done! Turns out the season of delays is running long for me. Shit just keeps happening. Really annoying shit. So, unfortunately, there might be more time between updates.
You all may have noticed the backgrounds changed between parts. That’s because I’m getting bored doing the backgrounds. I like the way they looked before, but its no longer fun to do them and are really slowing me down. I find myself dragging my feet when it’s time to work on them. Sketching, coloring, and shading are all still fun. But the backgrounds are just, tedious. So I’m going to start experimenting with them to try to make them more fun. Bear with me while I figure out what style will work best for me. 
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svetzzi · 4 months
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sin-simps · 5 months
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If you perceive my sona as a woman I will kill you
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segasys · 7 months
ough ough im going to throw up /pos
i hate you objectified i hate you /j graaaaaaaaaaah its so good the art is so wonderful wtf
bro bro i love objects omg
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higgsfigs · 1 year
[Cw: Blood/Gore/MAULING]
Let him set you free
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secretwhumplair · 1 year
615 words | Stand-alone. For now
Inspiration ​by @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
Content | Blood, gore, possession, murder, mauling, bites bites bites, broken bones, gunshot, gore, vomiting, BLOOD and GORE
Notes | Idk what to tell you. Whumpee is having a no good very bad day. Someone is having fun. And who's that trustworthy person... ?
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Whumpee collapsed in a dark alley, covered in blood.
If its metallic stench hadn’t been enough, the taste in their mouth would have tipped them over the edge. They barely managed to lift themself up un their arms before they threw up. The blood, it seemed, had reached even deeper inside them, and they left a fresh splotch of red on the already dirty pavement.
Their shirt stuck to their skin disgustingly, their jeans already started to feel stiff as it dried. They had never seen this much blood before and they wished they never had.
But they hadn’t been given a choice.
Everything was blurry. The fact that some of the blood was their own did not help, but they knew that wasn’t all.
They had been going about their day, ordering their usual at their favourite coffee shop, until they heard the door open and close behind them, and suddenly-
They had only been able to watch as they threw themself, bare-toothed, at the man who had just come in. They felt a rage like they had never felt before - but it wasn’t theirs. They had never seen this man before.
They sunk their teeth into his neck.
There was so much blood.
»Perish, sinner.« Their voice was all wrong, deep and hoarse, as they stood and looked down at the figure gargling blood until finally, finally he became still.
Someone had grabbed onto them, and they bit again.
They had wished they could close their eyes, could faint, could abandon their body. But they were given no choice. As they - no, not they - mauled their way to escape, the foreign rage was replaced by something else.
Whoever was making use of their body was enjoying the slaughter.
They were grabbed, were hit - once with a chair, and something cracked in their chest, but that did nothing to stop their possessor from straightening them and launching another attack. At least one of their nails tore as they clawed at someone, aiming to bury their fingers past their eyes. Their skin burned from the way they twisted out of someone’s grip.
It wasn’t until the cops arrived, until a bullet brushed their shoulder, that they, with a hiss, tried to escape in earnest. They climbed the back of the building, their muscles screaming with an effort they were not trained to make.
Miraculously, they escaped.
And then, they were ditched in this dirty alleyway.
They could feel the disdain as it left. Or did it?
Now they pulled themself upright, tried to breathe even through the sobs racking them. Everything hurt. The wound on their shoulder still oozed ever more blood. Breathing hurt.
They wanted to go home, wanted to shower forever, wanted to hide in their bed and never come out.
But there was no way they could do that. They would be hunted. How on Earth would they ever convince anyone it wasn’t them? -it wasn’t them who had brutally mauled these people like a wild animal?
»Why?« They quietly thrust the word out between sobs. »Why me?«
They didn’t even know whether to be disappointed or relieved that no one answered. They buried their face in their kness and cried. They had nowhere to go now, and they knew it.
»Hey there.«
They flinched to the painful protest of their battered ribcage.
Someone had appeared and was quickly coming closer. Night had fallen, but there was enough light gushing from the streetlamps they would see the blood - any moment now-
»Wow, you look like you’ve been through quite something.« Their voice was warm, sympathetic. And to whumpee’s amazement, they reached out a hand. »Come on, I can help you.«
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bloodybosom · 6 months
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Thanks @holygladiatordetective
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vintageterror · 11 months
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ribzinc · 2 years
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runby2 · 2 years
 no offense but if you try to fit my race into a little community box and claim the online community for my race is the only voice for my race then i need you to re-evaluate what you think black / brown / mixed / etc ppl are outside of the internet. 
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raytoromoans · 2 years
i dont even want to sexualize him rn bc you all ONLY DO THAT. FUCKING AKCNOWKEDGEHRHE HEIM AS A PART OF THE BADN oh my god im killing.
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agentfascinateur · 3 months
Autistic, Down Syndrome Palestinian Mohammed Salah Bahar was petting the dogs Israeli forces set on him to maul him.
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USA, shut down this satanic bloodbath.
#no other way to describe it
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petnews2day · 5 months
Grisly Bronx dog attack leaves man fatally mauled, canine shot dead by cops
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/news/pet-news/dog-news/grisly-bronx-dog-attack-leaves-man-fatally-mauled-canine-shot-dead-by-cops/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230&utm_campaign=social
Grisly Bronx dog attack leaves man fatally mauled, canine shot dead by cops
Sign up for our amNewYork email newsletter to get news, updates, and local insights delivered straight to your inbox! Police in the Bronx shot and killed a dog as the canine mauled its owner to death in a horrific attack early on Friday morning. Law enforcement sources said the grisly scene unfolded at about 3:09 […]
See full article at https://petnews2day.com/news/pet-news/dog-news/grisly-bronx-dog-attack-leaves-man-fatally-mauled-canine-shot-dead-by-cops/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230&utm_campaign=social #DogNews #42NdPrecinct, #Canines, #DogAttack, #Dogs, #FatalDogAttack, #Longwood, #Mauled, #Mauling, #PitBull, #SimpsonStreet
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ocxmaul · 1 year
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my text post collection vol. 1
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milkcioccolato · 6 months
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Jedi Master Maul faces the greatest obstacle of his existence: being tiny
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wlwanakin · 1 month
i think possibly my favorite anakinism and one i think about a rather unhealthy amount is his body language and how he almost always looks viscerally uncomfortable and vaguely like a child who is scared of getting slapped. even when he’s being confrontational he looks sooo defensive like wow girl you have never fully processed anything that’s happened to you and you will carry the weight of it forever
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