#miles morales headcannons
spidrgirl · 5 months
childhood best friends to lovers
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Pairing: Miles Morales 1610 x female reader !
Synopsis: miles being in love with you since you guys were kids.
Genre: fluff
Word count: 2361
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His earliest memory consists of the taste of cherry flavored blowpops, the scent of strawberry lotion and wild mango shampoo, and the feeling of your soft, warm lips pressed against his.
He remembers it as if it were yesterday. The two of you had been playing outside for what felt like hours while "The mothers" (as you guys had playfully called your mothers) scolded you for running in and out of the house.
After another trip of doing exactly that—going into the house for a drink of water and quickly running back outside—Rio stopped you two and gave you the choice of staying outside, or coming inside.
you smiled brightly and assured her that you would stay outside and play until you were finally ready to come in for the day.
"Of course tia," you had agreed, "we'll stay outside and play until it's curfew! We won't come in anymore, I promise!"
And with that, you grabbed Miles' hand and ran outside to the farthest end of your street, where the neighborhood park was.
"Betcha can't beat me in a race there and back," he taunted, pointing at a large pin oak tree that stood near the back of the park. It's dark green leaves slightly brightened by the glistening sun shining down on them.
"Can too!" you exclaimed, eagerly accepting his challenge.
Miles gave you a sly grin and ran to the sandbox, which was then quickly assigned to be the starting line, with you quickly chasing behind him, your hair blowing against your face in the soft breeze.
You perched yourself at the sandbox with Miles right next to you, ready to take off and kick his butt in what was sure to be another easy round of you beating him in a race.
"On your mark…" Miles said slowly, glancing over at you to make sure you were ready, his eyes flickering with something you couldn't quite determine but making you smile anyway.
"get set…"
"Oh, hurry up Miles!" You playfully groaned, rolling your eyes at his obvious trolling.
"GO!" Miles exclaimed, and the two of you took off running towards the pin oak tree,taunting and mocking each other the entire time.
"You're slow!" You shouted breathlessly.
"You're one to talk; you are literally reminding me of a turtle right now!" Miles shot back with another big smile, sprinting to the tree as fast as he could.
When he neared the tree, though, Miles slowed down and let you pass him up—not too obviously, but just enough to let you think that he had gotten tired or that you were simply too fast for him to beat.
The truth was, Miles was much faster and stronger than you and could have easily run the race, but he always let you take the first place trophy. He enjoyed seeing you brag about how fast you were or how good you were, knowing it was only possible because of his own loss.
Because of this, you won the race and wasted no time bragging about your well deserved and expected win, completely oblivious to the fact that he had let you win this time, and all the other times that came before this.
"Ha! I beat you, Miles; you owe me a soda!" You smiled at him, flashing a row of white baby teeth with the one on the side missing.
"Oh, please," he rolled his eyes playfully, "you cheated. I would've beat you but you ran before I even said go."
You laughed at his comment and slid down the tree's thick trunk to cool down, grateful for the shade the large branches and leaves provided against the relentless July heat. Beads of sweat were starting to form on your face from the heat waves rising from the hot asphalt, and you were almost certain you were going to die of "hotness."
"Whatever, you still owe me a soda." you cooed, letting out a deep sigh and resting your head on his shoulder, hot and tired from all that running you just did.
"I don't have a soda..but I got this," he said breathlessly, pulling a cherry blowpop from his pocket stowed away from earlier.
You took it from his fingers without another word and popped it into your mouth, immediately feeling a rush of dopamine from the sugary taste of the candy.
Miles gazed over at you, resting on his shoulder and mindlessly sucking on the blowpop, silently taking the chance to admire your beauty. Even though you were just an eight-year-old girl, you were already so beautiful, and this was something everyone seemed to know but you.
Miles was reminded of this fact whenever he took the chance to sneakily take longing looks at your soft pink lips, long dark eyelashes, iridescent eyes, and that soft hair that always seemed to glow in the sun. He loved all these small details about you, but was too young to understand what this meant to him yet. So he kept them to himself, storing it for later.
A while later, you lifted your head from his shoulder, and although it was plenty hot outside, he immediately missed your warmth. He wanted you to rest on him again, perhaps come even closer, but he wouldn't press the issue.
He thought of you and what he wanted for a quick moment before he was snapped out of his thoughts when you looked up at him with a soft smile and asked him if he thought that you guys would be friends forever.
"Of course we will. We are best friends forever, remember?" He replied, fanning his flushed face.
"Yeah, but what if we get older and make new friends? You'll probably forget all about me and have way more fun with them." You countered, eyes wide, with the thought of growing up without your best friend.
"But I wouldn't, cause you're my number one girl for life. I would make other friends, but they would never come close to me as close as you are to me. I promise." He said.
As if to emphasize his words, he leaned forward and brushed a strand of hair away from your face. His touch was gentle, almost feather-light, and it sent a shiver down your spine. You felt a strange fluttering in your chest, like butterflies were trapped inside. You didn't understand what was happening, but it felt nice.
Just as you were about to ask him what was wrong, he leaned in even closer. His lips were just inches from yours, and you could feel the warmth of his breath on your skin. Time seemed to stand still as you waited for him to make his move, but you were unsure of what that move was yet.
And then he kissed you.
His lips were soft and warm against yours, and they sent a rush of heat through your entire body. He remembered the taste of the cherry-flavored lollipop on your lips and the softness and warmth of your skin. Time seemed to stand still as you kissed under the shade of the tree, the soft summer air caressing your skin.
He inhaled the scent of what was sure to be shampoo, its sweet, fruity smell making him only want to smell more of it. He counted to five in his head because it's what he had seen all the other kids do in the movies when they kissed, and when he finally pulled away, you were breathless, your cheeks flushed from the heat and the kiss. He smiled down at you, his amber eyes sparkling in the sunlight with something he was sure to love.
And this is when he knew that he was in love with you.
Now, eight years later, when he was sixteen and you were fifteen and a half --you always liked to point out whenever Miles teased you for your age difference--,Miles couldn't help but wonder if you remembered that day.
Did you remember the feeling of his lips on yours? The feeling of his skin pressing against yours? The sweet, innocent smiles that happened after that kiss?
Miles couldn't help but think of that moment as he lay on his bed, the sunlight streaming in through the window casting a warm glow across your face. Your hair was spread out around you like a halo of gold, and your eyes were closed as you lay on your stomach, lazily flipping through a fashion magazine.
He couldn't help but stare at you. Since you had gotten older, you had started to fill in nicely. Places where you weren't so curvy back then had started to fill in, and he couldn't help but take in every detail—every curve of your body, every freckle on your skin.
When he looked at you like this, he just knew he wanted to kiss you again. No, he didn't want to kiss you again, he needed to kiss you again. To feel your lips against his, to taste your sweet breath on his tongue.
"What do you think about this dress?" you asked suddenly, interrupting his thoughts. He blinked, coming back to reality, and forced a smile. "It's really pretty," he mumbled, trying to focus on what you were saying, although his mind felt scattered with thoughts he knew he shouldn't have.
You smiled back at him, and in that moment, he felt like everything was alright. He felt like he could forget about kissing you and how much it hurt to be so close to you yet so far away. He felt like he could finally breathe.
But then you leaned over to pick up your water bottle, and as you did, your shirt rose up just enough to reveal a sliver of smooth skin at your hip. It was only for a second, but it was enough to make his heart race and his palms grow sweaty. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch you, to feel your skin against his own.
"So, do you think I should get my nails done in that color?" You continued, gesturing to a pretty shade of pink on the page of the magazine. The pink had reminded him of that one hello kitty girl you liked, my Melanie? but he didn't have time to think about it for too long before he forced himself to look at the page and focus on your words.
But all he could think about was how much he wanted to kiss you again, to feel the softness of your lips against his. He swallowed hard, trying to clear his throat. "Um, yeah, that color would look really good on you," he managed to say. "You should totally do it."
Sensing the tension in the air, you look up at him and find him staring back at you with something that can only be described as love in his eyes. A blush crept up on your face, and you tried to clear your throat. The tension between you was growing thicker as you both struggled to maintain eye contact.
Finally, you decide to break it, glancing down at your magazine and pretending to focus on the pictures. "Well, I guess I'll have to ask Mom what she thinks."
Miles nods, pretending not to notice the awkwardness between you. "Yeah, maybe you should." He mumbles, swallowing hard, feeling the urge to reach out and touch you growing stronger by the second. He forces himself to stay still and focus on anything but these feelings, though.
The silence stretches between you, thick with unspoken words and unacknowledged feelings. You both know what happened, you both felt things that neither of you were sure were supposed to be felt, but neither of you dared to acknowledge them. It's as if you're both afraid that if you say anything, it will make it real, make it permanent.
But Miles couldn't take this anymore. He needed you, and he knew what he needed to do in this moment.
Miles clears his throat, looking away from you for a moment, focusing on a spot across the room. He takes a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to do. Then, without warning, he leans forward and presses his lips against yours.
It's a soft kiss at first, tentative and unsure, but as you respond, your fingers softly trailing up his shoulders and your lips meeting his exactly how they needed to, it becomes something else.
His hands find their way to your face, cradling your cheeks as he deepens the kiss. You taste like cherry lip gloss and it instantly reminds him of the cherry blowpop flavored kiss the two of you had shared years ago.
But now, the two of you were older. Kissing meant more than just some innocent, childlike crush thing. Kissing meant more, and in this moment, he knows that he's never wanted anything more than to be able to taste you, to feel your lips against his, to breathe in the scent of your mango shampoo-scented hair.
You pull away for a moment to catch your breath, but he still holds you close to him. Savoring the closeness between you two, he whispers sweet things against your lips, whispering all of the things he's been wanting to say since he was eight years old.
"I love you, like, really, love you" he whispers, his eyes closed and his fingers tracing your cheeks and sliding up into your hair, gently touching the soft strands.
I love you too, Miles. I always have" You mumble back, your hands resting on his shoulders and your lips still softly brushing against his.
You pull away for real this time, slowly opening your eyes and seeing something you've never seen before. You see a depth of an emotion that you didn't even know existed. You see love. Not the puppy-love of your childhood, but the mature, true love that only comes from years of knowing someone and realizing just how much they mean to you.
So, you kiss him again. This time, with a passion that Miles knows he'll be getting for the rest of his life.
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mayearies · 1 year
TOUCHY FEELY …. miles g. morales ⟡
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… ꒰ঌ ໒꒱
⟡ clingy! #MILESGMORALES x reader headcannons
⟡ genre: fluff | warnings: none authors input: ehhehawiw 🍍🦟
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you were rather surprised when your boyfriend miles g morales was really clingy, despite his stoic and cold demeanor
miles g morales who would come by late at night and lay with you for a little bit before he has to go
miles g morales who has a habit of always going for your waist whenever he sees you (for hugs, kisses, cuddling, etc.)
after dealing with prowler business, miles g morales will always call you afterwards since he loves hearing your voice
speaking of voices, miles g morales likes when you send voice messages to him
miles g morales likes the way your hands feel
when watching movies with him, miles g morales likes when you sit on his lap and he can hug you from behind
miles g morales who is embarassed to show pda in public
miles g morales who kneads your thighs from time to time
miles g morales who cannot STAND when you dont display him affection for a while so he takes it into his own hands (quite literally)
“ whatchu mad at me for? i just want some attention, mamita.. ”
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©hiimayee loves you !
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mindless-existence1 · 29 days
Dating Miles Morales headcannons
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Summery: Literally what the title says, this is aged up Miles but if you are a teen who simps for him you can imagine him at his normal age just don't be weird about it. This is a gender neutral read and reader isnt a spiderperson. Enjoy!
Masterlist Link
☆Sooooo nervous about dating. The only "experience" he's had is his crush on Gwen so literally nothing.
☆He's worried about hurting you accidentally since he's not used to his spider strength. (You help him get over that fear tho)
☆Speaking of spiderman, it gives him sooooooo much anxiety about whether he should tell you or not.
☆You find out accidentally when he gets injured during a fight and is too hurt to take care of it himself so he goes to your house instead plus he just wanted to see his partner
☆He knocks on your window a few times before you go over and answer it. He takes off his mask quick so you know it's him.
☆After scolding him for being so careless you bandage him up.
☆You guys do have a serious talk about it tho the next day.
☆He calls you really cute pet names because he literally thinks you are an angel incarnate
☆If you don't already know Spanish he tries teaching you how. Even if you are having trouble learning he will get excited that you're trying and at least learning a few words.
☆His parents love you, he was worried about them being embarrassing and oh believe me they were.
☆You guys meet over dinner that Rio makes for you all. After an awkward beginning you guys really start to bond.
☆After that you and his parents tag team tease him and he hates loves it because he knows it means you are feeling at home.
☆He introduces you to the other spider people and you hit it off with all of them (let's pretend atsv was full of sunshine and rainbows and miles got a watch and everything is fine).
☆You, Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, and Hobie all hang out in one of your dimensions and do random stuff together
☆You guys text all the time and just send random nonsense throughout the day. Even when he's spidermaning
☆He loves to take you on dates throughout the city but sometimes cuddling together snd watching a movie is just as amazing.
☆You guys share headphones when sitting next to each other (wired headphones) or just Bluetooth ones if you are doing your own thing in the same room.
☆Draws you alllllll the time. Imagine instead of Gwen being who he draws all the time it's you.
Thanks for reading!
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mintkookiess · 1 year
Miles Morales headcannons #1
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Miles who has a separate sketchbook just for you. He brings it everywhere along with his usual sketchbook because he knows that he'll want to draw you multiple times a day no matter where he was. Most of his sketches and doodles of you just had your face and that smile that he loves, decorated with hearts and sparkles all around. 
Miles who never fails to sneak a peek on you by your bedroom every single day. It doesn't matter if he was busy on a mission, patrol, or if he just wanted to see you. If he was swinging by, he'd just wave at you, give you a flying kiss before pasting sticky notes on your window with words like "I love you so much!", "Your hair looks so pretty today.”, "You're keeping me going today mi vida." 
Miles who doesn't like confrontation. So when he sees some other person flirting with you , he'll get jealous but would be too shy to do anything about it. However, it's like he becomes a different person as Spiderman, going to that said person to warn them to back off from you. Works almost every time. When it doesn't work, he'll just be more clingy to you for a while till the person gives up. 
Miles who makes sure to always have an extra hoodie for you during class. He knows you always forget to bring one, and the classrooms are dead freezing so he couldn't give the one he was wearing. Instead, he gives you one of his. Most often than not, he sprays a shit ton of his perfume on it because he knows how much you like to smell his hoodies or his clothes in general. 
Miles who likes to dance with you when you two were alone e.g. his or your bedroom. Usually, he would blast out some songs from his or your phone, but if that was not an option or if he's too happy to even bother, he'll start singing for the both of you while twirling you around and just vibing together.
Miles who likes being the little spoon when you cuddle. For my fellow tiny ass people, it could be a bit difficult, but he tries to be smaller for you. Tries. He crumples in on himself just for you to reach your leg over his waist and hug him from behind successfully. He also loves it when you bury your nose in his hair cause it tickles and makes him feel special. 
Miles who brings you food that his mom cooked, because his mom knows about the two of you. Though it was a rare occasion given her job as a nurse, it always made your day and his. Sometimes you both would bring it to a picnic somewhere or even just the rooftop of yall's places.
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More of my Miles content here babes!
(if yall wanna be on my taglist feel free to let me know!)
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gloomysarchive · 11 months
♡︎ Alphabet Soup Series ♡︎
abc headcanons || miles42 x black gn!reader
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M} — move
he’d take so long to initially ask you out, but he’d do it romantically when he finally plucks up the courage. it's been hard for him to get close to someone ever since his dad died, so you'd have to be patient. he didn't know what to get you as a token of his affection. flowers? what if you were allergic? candy? What if you didn't like candy? So he went with something simple, something he did best; he gifted you a portrait he made of you. he played it off all cool like "it ain't even my best work fr" "i can do better than that, yk?" basically trying to prepare himself if you turned him down.
╰╴he's genuinely surprised when you don't reject him. he didn't show it, but he was happy as hell.
I} — interests
he wants to know what you like. he'll check out anything you put him on to, really. movies, shows, artists, books, etc. he'll listen to you rant and ramble about your interests, and he'll nod along, hanging onto every word like it's the most important thing he's ever been told — and he genuinely feels that way. he'll keep tabs on what you like, and give you updates like "oh i heard it's getting a second season", "i think that's getting an adaption, you tryna see it when it comes out?"
╰╴ also, if he sees anything remotely related to your interests, he'll buy it. he hates not knowing what to give people, which is another reason why he pays close attention to what you're into. he keeps all types of merch in his cart so he'll never run out of gift ideas.
L} — love
it'd take even longer for him to finally say "i love you". those three lil words carry a lot of weight to him, and he can't just be throwing them around like it's nothing. he wants to make sure he can trust you, if you're actually his and not just playing with him. once he does say it, tho, he'd be dramatic about it.
╰╴"I need to talk to you rq," "ok... what's up?"
he'd stare at you, silently, studying you for a bit as he tries to build up the courage. he'd take your hands in his, holding them tenderly. he'd give them a gentle squeeze — then, he'd say it.
╰╴♡︎ “Eres tan preciosa para mí. Te quiero...”
E} — emotions
he doesn't like being vulnerable; it takes a while for him to open up to you, but he eventually does, piece by piece. he'd tell you what he stresses about or his other hopes and dreams. he plans to get you and his mama away from all the chaos of the city.
╰╴and he's there for you just as much as you are for him. He listens patiently when you're ranting or venting about something that's bothering you. he waits until you're done talking and tries his best to calm you down after you get worked up and give you advice. other than “i should beat that bitch ass”, he gives really good advice.
S} — sleep
he INSISTS he never sleeps 🙄 he's always up at night doing his vigilante work, protecting what he loves (his city, his mama, you, ofc) but whenever does get the chance to get some rest in, it'd be with you. he'd stop by your place during one of his patrols, just to check on you. y'all would talk for a bit, just enjoying each other's company. then you'd notice how low and hazy his eyes are, and how he's dragging his words a bit.
╰╴"i got shit to do, I can't be tryna go to bed n shit," "i'm not sayin' go to bed, you can take a lil hour nap..." after going back and forth for a while he'd finally give in, with reluctance, flopping onto your bed. he's out almost immediately, clutching you tight as if someone would take you from him while he's asleep.
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bear w me y'all I haven't written in a lil bit LMAO
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spyder-anon · 1 year
patching up miles after a rough day
earth42! miles / earth1610! miles (aged up!)
miles moralesxblack! female reader
summary: miles visits you late at night once again, hurt and in need of help.
a/n: here’s to my first post! not sure how I feel about it but we all start somewhere. and thank you to bestie @miokienie for giving me the idea! enjoy!
you get so sick of this man
he’ll often come to your place when he needs patching up cause he knows uncle aaron will tear him up; not like you won’t either, tho
“come on, mamí, you know you love me.” he’d tell you and grab your waist, pulling you close and resting his thumb along your jaw.
“you got 2 seconds to let go of me before i give you smth else to patch up.”
his tricks never worked, and you scolded him the whole time you were helping him, and he pouted the whole time, too, whining and trying to get you to not be pissed with him.
“mamí~” he would sing song, giving you the most charming voice and smile he could muster. “sonríe para papi, por favor~? (smile for papí, please~?),” or “come on, mamí, don’t look at me like that,” etc. it would never work and would only piss you off more.
“shut up, boy. it’s already too late for this bull, don’t push it.”
then he’d start to get pissed that you were talking to him like that despite him trying— in his own way— to make it better. “ight, ma, you can drop the attitude. you know i gotta do what i gotta do.”
you would stop and raise an eyebrow. “i know you ain’t talkin’ to me,” you’d step back and cross your arms.
“ma, i’m bein’ fr. drop the attitude, i ain’t playin.”
“neither am i.” you’d shake your head and roll your eyes heavy at him. “you see this?,” you pointed to the bonnet on your head, “i was ready to slump— you interrupted that, but i let you cause i love you. but i will get back in that bed and let uncle aaron tear you up, but that’s up to you.”
boy he would get so pissed off when you had the upper hand on him. “ight girl, whatever, jus hurry up” he would huff and cross his arms and turn his head the other way.
he would continue to make smart comments but they didn’t phase you; you knew how he was, and right now he was just bein’ a big baby cause his girl had to put him in his place. ngl, you had to keep yourself from laughing cause it was funny to watch considering how hard he acts otherwise.
“‘mkay, you’re done.” you would stand back with your hands on your hips, sighing after your hard work. “you good, baby? or you gonna keep pouting?”
he would glare at you, angry pout still on his face; most would take that face as a warning sign, but you found it endearing. “ay, cariño.” you’d coo and plant kisses all over his face.
“aye! ma— stop! stop! you play too much!” he would protest, but you knew he liked it.
you would pull away and he’d have a playfully vengeful look on his face. “oh, so it’s like that, huh?” he’d ask, and you’d laugh at him with a grin.
next thing you know, he’s picked you up and throw you over his shoulder; you hit his legs and protest while laughing a little, but your hits do nothing against him.
he lays you down— gently— on the bed and towers over you. “my turn, mama.” he would smirk, and he’d kiss you on the lips, long, soft, and slow. it was his way to show how much he appreciated you, even if he struggled to say it out loud sometimes.
earth1610! miles
this boy would look so guilty as he stood in the middle of your room, suit ripped in different places and bleeding and bruised skin in others.
“miles!” you would fuss, “we’ve talked about this.” you spoke calmly but your tone showed the upset you felt for him. the sight of him hurt would wound you in its own manner.
he rubbed the back of his neck and avoided your gaze. “i know…things just got out of hand tonight…i’m sorry.” he’d look at you with those big brown eyes, genuine guilt swirling throughout them, and your heart would completely melt as it always would. poor boy was doing his best.
you would sigh and kiss his forehead. “its alright, mijo. let’s get you cleaned up, alright?”
you would take him to your bathroom and the two of you would sit on the floor. you’d address his wounds while he would recite to you what happened; you always wanted to know if you could.
it was always rough, and your heart felt for him. you wished he didn’t have to exert himself so harshly every night. it only made you worry more about something happening to him.
when you were done, you’d look at him with loving empathy and caress his face. “ay, mi vida..” you would sigh sadly, but miles always gave you that charming, strong smile.
“don’t worry, ma, i’ll be alright. i’ll always be alright. plus,” he would smirk, “i think we make a good team like this. you can be my hot nurse.” he winked. he didn’t want you to worry at all, especially not more than you had to. he would always be okay for your sake, if not for anyone else’s.
you would cringe roll your eyes at his statement and thump his forehead playfully. then, you’d bring him in a warm embrace. “you wanna stay here tonight, hermoso?”
“yeah. yeah i’d like that.” he’d smile softly down at you, wondering how he could ever repay you for all you’ve done for him.
-thank you for being here~!
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easybakeoven7 · 1 year
He asked to cum but sorry stink it’s ur cannon event 🤷🏾‍♀️💋
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
can you write miles 42 having readers bank account, card ALL that on his phone and gets mad if she purchases shi with money he didint give her. its really crazy but its miles 42....what do you expect??? hehe
Sure love!!!
A/n: y’all I love you so much but I need you guys to start requesting regular miles fanfic pls. Although 42 miles owns my 🩷
It was just a simple necklace. It was the Vivienne Westwood necklace that you saw everyone around you wearing and wanted so badly. You knew Miles would get it for you in a heartbeat but a part of you wanted to get it for yourself. It had been a long, stressful semester but you struggled through it all and got to a point where ou were passing with A’s and B’s. Coincidentally, you had gotten a job at Starbucks after months of applying and you had about $1000 saved up of your own money that you were waiting to spend on something special. That was, until that “something special” came along in the form of Miles.
You never knew what he did but you knew he was making 8x your salary in a month. It seemed like anything you wanted, you got when you were with Miles; shoes, clothes, books, makeup any and everything you wanted, it was yours in a matter of days. It’s worth mentioning that Miles is extremely overprotective and wants to know everything about what you’re doing and buying because he loves you and cares about your habits.
Even on Miles’s birthday when you dipped into your savings to get him the latest Jordan’s, he was furious that you had to use your own money:
“Damn Ma, these are valid. How much were they?”
“Oh don’t worry about it” you said
“I said, how much were they.” His eyes narrowing in on you because he knew how much they were because he was gonna buy them 2 weeks ago but decided not to.
“$500. I’ve been saving for them for you, baby. It’s all good” you tried to assure him
“Aight. thank you.” He said, pulling you close to him, the scent of the Dior Sauvage cologne you also bought him, filling your nostrils
But deep down you knew he was pissed off and mad that you spent your own money, so after a long talk about how he should be able to keep tabs on you and keep you safe, you gave him your Apple Pay and banking info for emergencies only but of course it’s Miles and being the overprotective boyfriend he is, he checks it everyday for any “extravagant purchases” made by you or someone else.
Of course he isn’t crazy, he set a $25 limit for you before he steps in and asks what’s up. Once, you were at a mall with your friend and found the cutest shirt at Urban Outfitters and decided to buy it. The price tag read $50 but you went ahead and got it; the same happened at Bath and Body Works and Tilly’s and as you made your way to the bathroom, you got a text from Miles:
Miles: did someone take your card?
You: no why??
Miles: why’d you spend $150 in an hour??
You: I’m at the mall
Miles: so? I pay for your shit
You: dawg it’s $150. It’s not that deep 💀
Miles: I ain’t yo “dawg” and yes it is when Yk I buy you shit
You: you aren’t my sugar daddy
Miles: I basically am atp. I’m sending you $1000, buy something cute
You contemplated leaving him on seen but you remembered how he hates that so you replied:
You: Okay
You had saved up enough to get the necklace and when you got it, you were ecstatic. You thought about all of the possible outfit combos and how good it will look against your brown skin but your thoughts were interrupted by a certain someone:
Miles: what’d I tell you, Mami?
You: ?
Miles: don’t play dumb, yk I would’ve bought you that necklace in a heartbeat but instead you wanted to be miss independent and buy it yourself. I guess since you’re so independent, I’ll stop sending you that $1000 every week. How about that?
You: ok
Miles: ?
You: we can discuss this when I get home
Miles: K
You: k
It was a long ride home but eventually you accepted that Miles was gonna rip your head off and there wasn’t anything you could do about it.
When you got home, he had three of the necklaces, two huge teddy bears, a bouquet of your favorite flowers and the newest pair of Jordan’s waiting for you:
“What’s all this?” You smiled and asked
“I told you I’ll pay for your shit, y/n” miles said, with a small smirk on his face
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solitude4chiron · 1 year
texts with your boyfriend..
Miles!42 x Blk!fem reader
Pt: to be continued..
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brights-place · 15 days
I noticed how you did miles (1610) with a sister but what ab 42?? Also if you do this can you add uncle Aaron hc too???
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42! Miles Morales & Lil Sister! Reader
Pairings: Miles & Lil Sister! Reader
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: I'd say the same rules reply from the head-cannons for 1610 miles but also with this one!! if you want to see it I'll put it here 1610! Miles & Lil sis!, 42! miles & lil sis (your here!)
- You and Miles as siblings are Chaotic like REALLY! fucking chaotic I mean one moment you two would be loving siblings next when mama rio turns her back your brawling with your brother who is 3 years older then you - You surprisingly won and you would cheer but Miles would let you because you were his younger sister - In this universe you are trying to learn spanish but Miles who is older KNOWS spanish so would laugh and mock you - Miles would chuck you around the house as you shout You and Miles do rock paper scissors to see who does chores like others - Miles is a Mama's boy and your a Papa's Girl well you WERE a papa's girl... - after what happened with Jeff you and your mother struggled along with miles because in this nasty ass crime ridden town you were all you three had left and Uncle Aaron - Uncle Aaron and Miles grew close though taking a vow to protect not only to Rio but also YOU - Uncle Aaron would give money to Rio to help her out and for you he would sit down ask you how your doing and you'd say fine - too be honest Uncle Aaron and Miles knew that you were an expressive person very animated when talking but after Jeff is death you bawled your eyes out with your Mother - You lost your father and your mother lost her husband HOW FUN!! FAMILY TRAUMAAAAA - When you were learning still he would flex how he was able to speak fluent spanish to piss you off as you shout at him to stop speaking in spells - He stares you down when he see's you steal his clothes because you claim you wear it better then him "Hey big bro can I borrow this?" "No" "WHY!" "BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS WEAR AND STEAL MY SHIT!" "NUH UH!" "YUH HUH! YOU SEE ME WEARING YOUR CLOTHES!" "NUH UH CAUSE YOU CAN'T WEAR GOOD SHIT!" - Mama rio came in with her sandal and chucked it at you too shouting "¡TRANQUILIZARSE! ¡Estoy intentando chismorrear con la tía!" (CALM DOWN! I'm trying to gossip with Auntie!) - You both break into eachothers rooms just to piss the other off - You were once on your laptop talking to friends on call but he broke into your room and entered laying on your bed as you side eyed his ass before he literally SLAMS YOUR LAPTOP SHUT !! and runs out of the room as you chase after him - Another time was when he is drawing or building something for his prowler duties and you enter his room eating something or sipping a drink as he pauses what he's doing staring at you as he turned to look at his work and back to you once more to see you slowly closing the door before swinging it open quickly and running away as miles shouted you to close it properly chasing after you - He can hear that gremlin cackle that he finds so annoying - You want to be an amazing artist like him cause you find him amazing but you never say it to him
- Miles was going to put on his prowler costume and you told him how he looked like an edge lord and good luck on comic-con but thing is - You respect him and want to be like him an amazing artist and get to a amazing school just like him! He pretends he doesn't see you trying your hardest - When he became the prowler he tried to hide it from everyone especially you and your mother :<< - Him and Uncle Aaron work hard for you and mama morales aka RIO - When he goes out on nights as the prowler he always makes sure to check if you're asleep or distracted - Sometimes when he comes back after doing all that he'd check up on you and if your not asleep he'd walk in and force his lovey little sister to sleep even though you have beef with him "I'm going to finish this last game" "no go to bed" "but-" "get your ass in bed" - When stressed he makes you braid his hair as a way bonding time together sometimes you ask to try hairstyles on him and he'd deny but then he's having his little sister show no remorse yanking his hair and braiding it - When Miles and Aaron sometimes leave out of nowhere you ask them to come back with food because well FOOD - You'd notice him and Uncle Aaron speaking to each other sometimes privately as you look at them but Uncle Aaron would close the door - Uncle Aaron would take you and Miles out to eat sometimes when Rio wasn't home and working late shifts - You would chat away eating ice-cream happily as Uncle Aaron would listen to you ramble about your Interests and how fun you've been having with friends even in this shitty city you were a glowing gem - sometimes you are in your room staring at the crime ridden city scared for you and your family and miles would come over and hug you as the amazing older brother you are - BLASTING YOUR FAVOURITE SONGSSS - Sometimes arguing over who gets to have the speaker as you guys drive around the city to get food - Always being high on Alert around you. Miles takes care of you he is your brother he doesn't wanna see his sister or his mother hurt - he wants to keep his family safe as his younger sister he protects you and as prowler with the help of Uncle Aaron he makes sure you and your mother never get hurt.
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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1lenii · 1 year
F! Mentions, Miles G Morales(basically headcannons)
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42!Miles who’s a big softie for his girlfriend, always admiring her, and I mean always.
42!Miles who would no hesitate to set his jacket on a wet stain of the fine tiles of the restaurant blocking the entry way.
42!Miles who would rent up a limo just to take his girlfriend to prom, making sure he has the people setting up a red carpet.
<He would have the best prom ask out and prom plan, prove me wrong>
42!Miles who notice other guys staring, takes your chin between his index and thumb pressing a firm kiss to your lips
42!Miles who loves seeing you bond with mama rio over the sunset and beach that are of Puerto Rico.
42!Miles who buys you trinkets of your country and buys some for himself as a reminder of you.
42!Miles who loves when you batch his twin braids on a day he goes out to ply street basketball with his middle school friends.
42!Miles who asks his barber to integrate your initial into his fade with a heart.
42!Miles who convives your mom and as well as his mom to let ya dorm together.
42!Miles who can’t stand the thought of you not give him attention when one of your fanboy/fan girls come up to you.
Overall, miles is a cutieeee omg<33
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spidrgirl · 9 months
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Masterlist: here ➼
Pairing: Miles Morales x sweet girlfriend ᥫ᭡
Synopsis: Headcanons of miles (1610) and his sweet girlfriend who he is absolutely obsessed with and whipped for!
Genre: fluff + slight angst
Word count: 801
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➳ Miles morales loveees quality time with the people who loves, and especially with you. If you arent laid up at his house chilling while watching him play video games, you were probably out exploring the city of New York with eachother.
➳ Miles Morales definitely likes hugs. You know, the kinds of hugs where he can smell your perfume and become so lost in the scent that he'll still be able to smell it when you let go of him. The kind of hugs where your soft and warm body is pressed against his, and he just feels like he's at home.
"can i have one more hug ma? ion wanna let you go yet.." he'll mutter before slowly bringing you closer to him.
➳ Miles morales who is always scouting for you. When he's at school, he's looking through hallways just to get a glimpse of you. during nightly patrols, he swings by your houses and glances into your window hoping to see you peacefully sleeping in the security of your home. When he knows that you are, he finally feels okay.
"Thank god shes alright" He whispers to himself before swinging back around the city.
➳ Miles Morales definitely loves when you plays with his hair. He loves feeling your soft fingers softly massaging his scalp while you tell him all the things you did that day, or just things that you want to do in the future. Whatever it is, he loves hearing it just because *you're* the one talking.
"Mhm, tell me more mama" he'll mumble while slowly falling asleep in your arms.
➳ Miles Morales likes kisses! Kisses on his neck, jaw, or cheeks just make him fold everytime. You can definitely expect makeout sessions to frank ocean or the weeknd playing in the background of his dark room, one of his hands draped around your waist and the other in your hair or cupping your cheeks.
➳ Miles Morales who hates arguing with you. He doesn't like leaving any conversation on a bad note, especially after Uncle Aarons death. He just feels like any moment could be the last he spends with you, so he tries to make the most out of any and every conversation he has with you.
➳ Miles Morales who sometimes has his days where all he thinks about is Uncle Aaron. He comes to your house, enters your room without even knocking with low eyes and a tense body. You immediately rush to him, giving him kisses and multiple hugs while reminding him that his uncle would be so proud of him.
He doesn't say anything in reponse in that moment, but you know he's grateful that he can always rely on you in situations like these.
➳ Miles Morales who sometimes calls you late at night holding back tears, especially when he hasn't had much time to see you because of spidey-business. He constantly goes on mute so you won't hear him sniffling, but you can always tell.
He just misses his sweet girl so much, and feels like he isn't doing enough to make time for her. You always remind him that he's always enough, and forever will be.
"I-I dont know. I just..." he pauses, trying to find the right words to say."I just miss you, that's all. I feel like we dont spend as much time as we should..and its my fault you know?".
➳ Miles Morales who helps you study. Sometimes, you feel really stupid around him. You're smart, but you dont feel like you're smart in the same way he is. It seems like he always knows the answers to everything, while you struggle with answering even the most basic of questions. He reassures you that you are smart, and probably even more so than he is. It doesn't convince you though, so he makes time after school to help you study and do homework with him. Really though, its just an excuse to hang out with you.
"See ma? You aren't stupid. You just need to stop doubting yourself. Podrías ser mucho mejor que yo si simplemente crees en ti mismo." He'll tell you, pulling you in for a hug as he plants soft kisses all over your face.
➳ Miles Morales who gives you the first and last bites of his food. If you have problems with eating, he'll always reassure you that your body is fine just that way it is, and encourage you to eat with him.
"Say ah.." he'll urge, holding a spoon full of the pozole his mother had made just a few hours prior.
➳ Miles Morales will always win the 'i love you more' game. No matter how much you try to argue that you love him the most, he knows that it'll always be the opposite. Its just no topping his love for you.
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#tags #milesmorales #milesmoralesupremacy #milesmoralesfluff #acrossthespiderverse !!
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mayearies · 1 year
a cat version of miles morales comes along and causes some stir. genre: fluff
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warnings: a jealous miles i guess a/n: text might be fucked up sorry lads
1610 miles had been in the spider society for around two weeks now. after convincing miguel o'hara to finally loosen up a little. knowing of him being spiderman, he came home and told you about his adventures all the time. the loud rumbling and distortion of your world would be a reminder he's came to see you. this time, he brought a friend.
"baby, i'm home."
he snuck up behind you a kissed you on the lips, disrupting you cooking dinner. he can't come home and not give his lovely wife a kiss, no?
"how was work? anything exciting?" "uhh, well... it was eventful to say the least. i brought a friend."
a cat standing on its legs appeared around the corner. he looked exactly like miles. like, exactly. only that he was a cat. the jacket, the jordans, everything. it was the cutest thing you have ever seen.
"hello every-nyan!"
you instantly fell in love.
✰ for the next few hours, you babied this version of miles. he called himself 'meows morales' which only made you swoon over him more. you fed him the dinner you made, groomed him, played with him, did everything that someone who owns a cat would usually do.
✰ however, that also made your miles a little envious. i mean, yeah, it technically was him but it also wasn't. all the attention you gave him since he got home was a quick little peck on the lips. yet you give this version of miles all the attention in the world. it made him side eye the whole time.
you were watching a movie in your bedroom with MILES right beside you and, who would've thought, meows was laying in your lap asleep and purring as you stroked his fur lightly. your husband just looked at it with disgust and jealousy, "miles."
"hm?" "you've been staring for a while, you okay?" "oh, what? nah, i'm good. i'm.. fine."
your face molded into a playful smirk as he looked at you blankly. did he let it shine through too much? knowing you, this is something you would tease him about for the rest of the night. "y'know, ever since meows came here, you've been awfully quiet."
"what? pssh! no, i've just been thinking." "about?" "about us."
you pressed your lips into a line and looked unamused as he put his head on your shoulder, trying to sound sentimental. "if this is about me going to leave you for a cat version of yourself, ion wanna hear it."
he sucked on his teeth, sighing his head against the headboard. "come on! i just have a hunch-"
"no hunches. you know what you do when you have hunches." "okay but speaking realistically-" "there is no 'speaking realistically,' i'm not leaving you for meows morales!"
yeah, you had him all figured out. as always. he rested his head on your lap too, sighing in defeat. he bit his lip as he turned his head to look you in the eye. "you swear?"
"yes, miles. i swear i would never date a cat over you."
© mayeluvsu
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What the ASTV Boys Love about you!
Warnings: does fluff count??? Lots of fluff lol, slight mention of panic in Miguel's section, reader is mentioned to know Spanish
Tried keeping it as gender neutral as possible!
Miles Morales
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- The way you call him, mi vida. You already knew some (or were fluent) in Spanish. However, you didn't necessarily speak it often. There weren't much times where you needed to other than around family. So, when you first called him 'mi vida' he basically malfunctioned. His cheeks went pink and his jaw dropped, but he snapped back quickly after you called his name. It was so simple but he truly new you were the one.
Pavitr Prabhakar
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- Where to start.. This man loves everything about you, from the way you look to the way your mind works. Personally, I think his favourite thing about you would be how you look when you're concentrating. Whether you poke your tongue out or bite your bottom lip, he's so entranced, watching you with the look of a lovesick puppy. He enjoys seeing you so passionate about something.
Hobie Brown
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- He loves the way you hold his face when you're fixing a bloody nose or a cut above his eyebrow. Heck, he loves the feeling of your slightly calloused yet still soft hands against his sharp cheeks. The way you're so apologetic when he winces as you're cleaning a cut, but you scold him after just so he knows you're serious. It has his stomach doing happy little flips knowing you care so much about him with just this simple touch.
Miguel O'Hara
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- He loves the minimal physical touches you offer. The gentle brush of fingers or a simple caress of his shoulder. It's comforting, but not overwhelming. He isn't huge on PDA, so you not being overly touchy is something he loves so dearly. It's something where touch says more than words. He knows that you understand when he's stressed or upset when you give his hand a squeeze, a gentle reminder to help him ground himself.
Peter B Parker
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- He loves your hair. Whether it's short, long, or a mohawk. He loves how soft it looks, the gentle touch to it. His favourite thing is to touch it while cuddling. You could be wrapped up in his arms and he'd somehow be twirling your hair between his forefinger and thumb. It's more of a habit. You know how some baby's play with their hair to go to sleep?? That is exactly what Peter does, but with your hair.
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mintkookiess · 1 year
Miles Morales headcannons #2
This has both 1610!Miles and 42!Miles
Playing UNO with the two Miles (and losing)
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1610!Miles Morales
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He memorizes all the rules by heart. You gave him approximately an hour to get ready and familiarize himself with how the game works. You just didn't expect the guy to memorize it all.
Unfortunately, uno is a card game that can't be played simply by the rules. It's pretty easy to win against this guy cause he does know all the rules but doesn't know the untold tricks of the game. Or so you thought.
You've used all your reverse cards and it infuriates him because he hasn't landed a single card for at least 4 rounds now. "Dude just let me put one!" He groaned which just makes you want to bully him a bit more. "Nah, this is war."
After a few rounds however, he starts to get a hang of it and eventually beats you. He has exemplary memory, so he was able to use your tricks against you. Which makes him display a devilish grin, "Thanks for teaching me how to beat you."
He likes to ramble about the most random shit to distract you
"Did you know that slugs have four noses?" "How the f—" "Only female mosquitos bite you." "JUST PUT THE DAMN CARD DOWN MILES." "I already did." "THAT AIN'T EVEN THE RIGHT COLOR." "Shit." "Wait no it is the right color..."
42!Miles Morales
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It's a damn miracle that you got this man to play with you. But you managed, after a bunch of shit talk.
"Come on Miles, just one game." "No thanks." "Bro you're so boring." "No I just don't want to play dumb games." "Or you're just a fucking pu—" "I dare you to finish that sentence ma." "What, like it's not true?"
You're so brave—
You've honestly never seen him play a single game ever since you two became friends, so you were confident you were going to beat him.
He gives one look at the manual of how to play the game, and once your first round starts, he's already on the offense. Placing down +2 or +4 cards immediately that it makes you question the luck he has on the cards.
Miles nonchalantly puts down a reverse card, and his final +4 card before saying, "Shouldn't have egged me on ma." And leaving you to yourself.
You just sat there with a shit ton of cards.
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See more of my Miles content here babes!
(if yall wanna be on my taglist feel free to let me know!)
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 1 year
I have a headcannon that everyone in the spidercrew absolutely adores Gayatri and will lovingly tease Pavitr by being like: Nah, bro not YOUR girlfriend, OUR girlfriend!
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Pavitr knows they're just teasing, but still, he has to make a comeback in Gayatri's honor!
Miles: Hey Gwen! Sup Hobie! Hi Pav! 😄👋 Hiiiii Gayatri 💕😍🥰😘
Pavitr: Step the fuck up New Guy! Miguel will not be ur only threat today! 🤬
Gwen: Soooo Gayatri you seeing anyone? 😘😉
Pavitr: Gwen if you don't get your emo having ass away from my girlfriend 😡💀
Hobie: Gayatri! How you doing, love? 😘
Pavitr: Ah so it wasn't enough for your country to steal my people's stuff but now you wanna take my gf too?!? 😤
Margo: #teamgirlfriend
Pavitr: I trusted you Margo! 😭
Gayatri thinks it's all very hilarious 🤣
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