dutyworn · 12 days
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@naitfall said: Favourite trope? Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet? Are there certain characters that you gravitate towards?
Questions for the mun    /    ACCEPTING ↷
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Favourite trope? :: Want a specific one? Kind restraints. I have a fascination for writing my muses restrained in general (both in a sexual context and a nonsexual context), but kind restraints is an oddly specific trope that I love. Basically for whatever reason, usually the character or their friend having reason to believe the character might be a danger to themselves or others, a character being restrained with kind intentions, for their own or other people's safety. I like hurt/comfort (and even hurt/no-comfort) in general, and the vulnerability of muses being restrained. Yes, I like writing bondage in a kinky sense as well, but there doesn't have to be anything sexual about it for me to be fascinated by it.
Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet? :: Shepard in Saren's role. Her being the one indoctrinated by the Reapers in early game era. First human spectre candidate kills another spectre (Saren or Nihlus) and wounds another (Saren or Nihlus) on Eden Prime. Her killing Jenkins, maybe even Kaidan, fucking off with Sovereign. Extra delicious when hero character is literally brainwashed/mindcontrolled into the villain.
Are there certain characters that you gravitate towards? :: 81 traumas in a trench coat.
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worldhell · 2 months
Dina, Karla, Kuchel || (they're all dead so don't feel bad for them Grisha)
Send my muse a fuck, marry, kill.
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IT'S TOO CRUEL ... a sadistic testiment to the women in his life who all lost their lives, and he the deciding factor. A self-desparing complex to all his failures and mistakes. The guilt that he could of changed things if he weren't so naivie, so blind and arrogant.
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“ Carla is my WIFE. I will not abandon her. ” It's a game, that's all. Yet the guilt is overwhelming. He had a wife before, a family ... did that not count for anything? Was he that deplorable? Grisha clears his throat, tries to remain composed.
“ To sleep with Kuchel ... would be doing a disservice to her as my paitent and to someone who I have nothing but respect for. I couldn't do it. I wouldn't want to take advantage of that, not ever. If ... I could have one last night with Dina, even if I am not deserving of it ... it feels wrong, but I would choose it still. ”
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lausticzt · 4 months
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┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . 𝓬𝓸𝓵𝓭-𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓹𝓸𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓬 𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓮 ◞ 𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖊 . ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ @naitfall ⤸ “ tell  me  what  you  want. “ ( I can't resist sending you a meme . . . only if / when laura feels like it! )
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How can he say that so calmly, while she struggles to hold his gaze ... a stillness in their serene that captures Laura's breath, any response she could have given hitching in her throat. Suffocating all of it / he's close enough she can feel his warmth, the feeling that she's being towered over by someone shorter then her by proximity alone, his scent completely overpowering her senses ... his eyes.
She's seen them soften, apparent even in his sharp expression, because she watches (...) more then she should. Her gaze always finding their way over to him in most scenarios. In those rare, often gruelling times of the life they lead, the brief glimpses before they revert again because it's easier to pretend ... everyone is out for themselves / all con men, with no true remorse. A witness to it, time and time again, and yet, she never believed it with them. Not him.
Levi is more human then most in every way maybe in the only way she knows. It's why she'd grown to trust him, completely. She strays from time to time, because trust was all so vulnerable. But, she never second guesses his words, doesn't have to watch out for masked lies and deceit, the way her world often disgusted her / the inner walls was a hell, where most idolised the stage play of wealth and professed perfection.
In a way, he embodied what she'd loved about the world beyond that. Raw in it's form, nothing to hide from ... in flaws, and the hardship of it's harrowing truth, was undoubtedly real. Normal in it's abnormality, to find true understanding and kinship within their world. Nothing to hold back on, nothing left to conceal. That was freeing.
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Suffocating and not once did she feel she was drowning. Awkward as eyes shift, attempting to keep a steady gaze while her body runs hot. There's no silencing the pounding in her heart, she feels the growing warmth in her cheeks, burning at her ears, the lightest twitch in her eye.
It's humiliating how flustered she could still get when she's been in more intimate positions before. Laura is overbearingly commanding. It should be the other way around, she wishes to tell herself. But she can't think of anything else right now, aside from him.
And, god, does she need a moment. A hand covers half her face, finally shifting away from him, can't even mutter a curse under her breath at her own ridiculousness it's his fault, she decided. He gave her control. What she wanted.
❝ ... don't say anything. ❞ Until she gathered what dignity she had left to look at him again, to reveal the insanity of indescribable fluster that currently embodied her. A weak threat. She doesn't want him to go anywhere / don't move.
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centuricnis · 13 days
" i don't feel like talking . " || (@ Eren!!)
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eren hadn't really come over to talk. afterall, the last thing he associated levi with was long drawn conversations. still, his presence was a comfort to him and the brunet found himself gravitating to wherever his captain was when he needed a moment to just gather himself. sometimes eren had wished they'd never found what his father had hidden in that cellar. it seemed to make everything so much more complicated in his mind. what was the point of it all?
he grimaced and sighed softly in defeat. just trying to figure it all out made his head hurt. instead, teal eyes flicker over to the shorter man, taking in his familiar frame with the almost ever present furrow in his brows. sometimes he wants to just reach up to smooth it out and his fingers twitch with the sudden compulsion to. he curls them into a fist to avoid doing something idiotic.
"that's okay... we don't have to talk," he finally replies after what's probably been a minute of silence. "i came over here for the quiet, anyway."
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massensterben-a · 2 months
You start to get really fucking grateful around here. It starts with clean water, with gristle and kitchen scraps. You thank them on your knees for a chance to chew. Then sleep. The first time he got to sleep through the night, he woke and wept with gratitude. Voices, light, the sky. Things like that are luxuries he no longer has any right to. They are granted in exchange for his cooperation, for his willingness to crawl. And god, he is willing. They have made him willing.
Bertholdt is told he has been in Paradisian custody for ten months. Emaciated and haggard, he bears the signs of his redemption on his body. There are scars on his skin, for the first time. There are holes in his mind that have been punched in by Commander Hange. Ten months of suffering is nothing, of course, compared to the pain he brought to these people. Ten months of rot and screaming, what does that amount to? No, if Bertholdt wants to live at all, then he must offer more. —He has offered. After months in darkness, starved and beaten and pissed on, Bertholdt finally began to talk. And he didn’t stop talking, did he? He quickly learned that the more he said, the more time Commander Hange would spend with him, which meant that the guards could not have free rein over their own brand of vengeance.
Perhaps he should have preferred to die a patriot’s death. But he was only sixteen years old.
But Bertholdt talked. Bertholdt talked himself out of the confines, out of the torture cell, out of the naked frightened animal state. He talked himself out of the dungeons. He begged and promised and wept for everything that was ever demanded of him. He talked himself in front of Captain Levi.
@naitfall says: ❛ When does a reason become the blame? ❜
The question slips into his ear like poison. It is cold and impersonal. It burns him through like acid, some chemical compound. He’s been asked the question before, though differently. How did you justify, how did you justify, how did you justify? He didn’t. He couldn’t.
“We just wanted to get back home. We had to… We didn’t know. I swear we didn’t know.” His voice is some hacked off limb, crawling out of his mouth. He chokes on it. Bertholdt’s eyes are nailed to the captain’s boots. He’s waiting for one to come sailing into his face. He can already taste the blood, the skull-shattering pain. He sees his teeth scattering.
“We were told to retrieve the Founder, by any means necessary. It was never meant to be like this.”
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viitlumi · 2 months
" nothing good can come from this . " || (at Hilda, for starters! or someone else, if you wanna!)
In the mellow gleam of daybreak, Solveig stood at the edge of a forest, brandishing her battleaxe with precise and deliberate strokes. Each strike against the sturdy trunks was a synergy of vigor and decisiveness, and her dexterity was evident in every calculated arc. Although she was a maverick by temperament, she was not gregarious — she simply favored the quiet companionship of the trees and the rhythm of her own breathing. Exercising in the wild provided her with the clean breeze she craved. Solveig felt her lungs inflate, and her heart pounded all the harder. In those moments when she pushed herself to her limits, Solveig was present and correct in a way that became crucial to her. The forest resounded with the strikes of her axe as it cleaved a path through wood and thought. Solveig's mind, a source of strategic insight, often mimicked the keen intellect of her idolized brother. Yet, her heart remained tied to her sister Hilda, who consistently encouraged her and believed in her abilities regardless of the obstacles they confronted. Solveig's practicality and directness made her a pillar of support for everyone who knew her, even if she kept most people at a distance.
She could tell that Captain Levi, an imposing and strong personage, was monitoring her from a respectful distance. His presence was as domineering as the dawn breaking over the horizon. As he stepped forward, his boots whispered on the forest floor, interrupting the rhythm of Solveig's work. His voice, usually as cutting as his blade, quieted as he spoke. “Nothing good can come of this,” Solveig heard him say, his words lingering in the air like a shade. The reprimand was clear, but Solveig's resolve remained unshaken. Solveig halted, the handle of the axe firmly in her hand, and turned to face him. Her clear and resolute eyes met his with calm certainty. "I don't quite grasp your concern, Captain. The trees won't uproot themselves and seek their revenge on me." Solveig remarked flat in jest, her manner of speaking witty, but not lacking in decorum. She found herself speculative as to why the Captain had chosen to seek her whereabouts, since she hadn't sent word to anyone of her location - admittedly, it wasn't far from the heart of the city.
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The forest seemed to hold its breath, the tension palpable in the air. Levi’s word of advice sprang from a place unknown involvement, and Solveig surely desired to cognize why he arrived to detect her.
The blonde woman strode with ponderous steps over to the tree trunk where a second massive cast axe was embedded firmly beneath the brown bark, braced her foot against it and drew the polished steel out with a tug, seemingly with consummate ease. Her hand's back swept away the pearlescent sweat on her forehead, making it generally seem as if she had put hours into her practice already.
“What can I do for you, Captain Levi?” Solveig asked in an egalitarian voice as she headed back to her throwing spot and targeted another toss with the axe, intended towards the tree trunk. @naitfall
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jxwz · 2 months
“  shut the fuck up and sit down. you’re bleeding.  ”
injury/hurt prompts bc reasons
@naitfall || prompts
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Immediately, Porco clips his mouth shut and drops into the nearest chair available. Even if he is already healing—steam spilling out from between his fingers, his bloody bicep clutched tight to his side—there's no way he's going to argue with the Captain. An order is still an order and Porco didn't get this far by disobeying them and defying his superiors. He's not an idiot.
"Sir." It is the only thing he says; his respect shown, authority acknowledged. An effort he hopes that will steer him out from the center of the Captain's ire. And at least the blood on the floor won't stay there for long. . .
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lostxcourage · 3 months
Too little too late
Starter for @naitfall
It's a cold and snowy time of the year in both Paradis and Marley, and although no snow is currently falling at the moment, there is still some snow on the ground from prior snow falls. Thanks to Zeke pulling strings, war had been declared on Paradis. However, that doesn't necessarily mean Zeke has any intentions of just letting members from other nations trounce his race like nothing. He simply sees this as revealing the truth about what's inside the hearts of many and justification for him and his goons both inside and outside of Paradis in the form of Yeagerists like Floch and volunteer soldiers like Yelena to carry out his mission. After all, they didn't have to agree to this. They had free will and could have chosen to back out. But it's still a shame for the innocent civilians who had nothing to do with it, and it won't be just Liberio or even Marley soon. Liberio has just been wrecked after a short, but intense battle that broke loose, which even Eren was forcefully suckered into against his will.
At some point along the way, Eren made contact with Zeke away from it all. In the process, Eren also learned that it was Zeke who manipulated Grisha via Paths to massacre Historia's precious royal family, including her beloved half sister Frieda Reiss, which had already been a major wound to Eren's heart since he first learned about it back in the crystal cave. It resulted in regret and despair at the time, especially in conjunction with the fact that he couldn't even use the Founding Titan to save humanity anyways, making it seem all for nothing, and although it certainly got better to a point, it never fully healed and has now been reopened and transformed into rage, especially in conjunction with the awful future Grisha saw and warned Eren about.
Zeke's heinous plan is to imprison all of humanity in all sections of the earth behind their own sets of walls, with mindless titans roaming around to further enforce his will, and prevent males and females from interacting so breeding stops and the population will eventually drop all the way down to absolute zero, as well as prevent technology from advancing, keeping crime and war in check, but in a cruel and tyrannical way.
Eldians aren't the only ones in danger of being turned into titans even against their will now either. All races are susceptible, except perhaps the Ackermans. And even after Zeke's physical body dies, the titans he makes will still be bounded by his will. Not only the mindless titans, but also anyone who gets the Founding Titan after Eren and Zeke will also be bounded by Zeke's will. Using time magic via the Paths, Zeke also intends to keep resetting time so Eren can never truly disappear even after his physical body technically dies in timelines, essentially keeping him stuck in an endless loop. Grisha has begged Eren to stop Zeke no matter what it takes.
There was also a tug of war for the power of the Founding Titan, and although Eren certainly got a major power boost after that, including being able to talk even in titan form and make it extremely huge with armor and melee weapons and even wings for flight as well as control over mindless titans to an extent, it still wasn't enough on its own, as the boost his older brother got was clearly the greater one still. Eren got into a fairly short and one-sided scuffle with Zeke over these sudden outrageous revelations where Eren could only put up some degree of a fight back, both in their regular human forms and wearing the new and more sophisticated Omni-Directional Mobility Gear.
Zeke has since moved on with some goons from Eren's general location for now to take care of other matters. But the next time they fight, it will be in titan form. And although Eren certainly still has plenty of fight left in him for later physically, having only fought briefly in human form and all, it has become all too clear to him by now that he has made a huge mistake keeping the way the royal titan touch works for the Founding Titan a secret from everyone, and it's a mistake that will come back to haunt him and everyone else.
Had he mentioned something sooner, they could have had Historia become a titan shifter and planned things accordingly, although it would have shortened her lifespan to 13 years left, which Eren absolutely loathed the idea of, along with another titan shifter dying even more prematurely than already expected in the process of her taking their place, whether it would be Armin, Reiner, Annie, Ymir, or anyone.
Speaking of which, Annie was freed from her crystal at some point after they returned to Shiganshina, but before they went to Marley. She's currently ripped between Marley and Paradis, though hopefully not for much longer. Ymir is still alive and fighting alongside the warriors of Marley.
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Eren just kneels in the snow in a sitting position looking down, slightly roughed up from the scuffle, lamenting over the bad situation they are all in now because of his poor decision making. But if he comes clean now about everything he kept to himself for so long before, then maybe, just maybe, it just might not be too late.
Historia also went with them to Marley. All they need now is a titan serum, even just one, another titan shifter, even the War Hammer Titan, and a chance to make it happen. There is a chance, even if it is just a slim chance at best now. If that fails, their next best bet left, while it will most likely still fail, is for the others to just help Eren with all they've got in themselves. The other titan shifters could potentially interlink with each other to combine their strengths just like Annie's titan almost did with Eren's berserk titan form once when Eren calmed down.
At the same time, however, somewhere in the back of his head, he's starting to question if trying to stop Zeke is even truly the right thing to do.
The Founding Titan's activation with the royal titan touch between Eren and Zeke caused a strong surge of energy that every single titan shifter could sense, and there are certain non-titan humans following certain titan shifters...
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gyofukuki · 3 months
2. is it hard for you to write with characters you don’t know/don’t know well?
3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.)
2. is it hard for you to write with characters you don’t know/don’t know well?
Smol disclaimer here - canon or original, if we haven't been writing the two characters together yet, I'd consider that new and unknown each time! The tricky part sometimes there to me is finding circumstances in which the two would connect somehow, but once that is figured, it's pure joy! Cue me agonising over the word not being the right word but the right word doesn't sound right and-
3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most? (you can choose anyone! famous writer or not.)
Hah! How to measure that... so, this is not to say I feel like I'm anywhere near any of these authors, but some writers that had me go huh isn't it cool would be for sure, in no particular order, F. Dostoevsky, V. Woolf, H. Hesse, O. Wilde, N. Gaiman.
7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.)
Really all I ever want is tension! If they are a given family, let them not get along that great, if they are found family, let them have some big difference beyond their control, if they are rationally aligned, let them have trouble communicating about emotions, if they are in synch emotionally, let them be misaligned morally somehow-- that's about it! Extra points if it remains constructive and pushes both to grow tho.
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getsusekaii · 4 months
☀️ 🌺
☀️ ― your posts always bring me joy 🌺 ― simply admiring you from afar
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one day i gotta come bug ur himeno on my csm blog! im happy that my posts can brighten your day, as does yours! thank you!
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symbols of kindness / @naitfall
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vonbirden · 2 months
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@naitfall asked: 𝔪𝔢𝔪𝔢 𝔱𝔞𝔤◞ ​🇦​​🇨​​🇨​​🇪​​🇵​​🇹​​🇮​​🇳​​🇬. " what are you talking about ?! "
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HE TAKES A LONG PAUSE ... despite his unmoving expression, there's an air of awkwardness that takes over him ; the way his frown pulls into a deeper frown, the silence at his lips even as he looks to speak, how his feelings were, in fact, SLIGHTED.
It seems hypocritical, as someone who also had no MERCY to spare when it came to demons. All of them had to be eradicated. There was nothing more in this world that he hated then demons. But, in saying that ... he had faith in them. Those two who he'd met during that fateful winter massacre. Was it guilt? For not getting their fast enough to save the rest of his family. Was it the way she didn't eat her brother, even as she salivated with the hunger of a newly born monster.
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He'd taken a chance on them. Put his own life on the line. For someone operating outside the Demon Slayer Corp to come into contact with the knowledge ... was an uneasy feeling indeed. The Master had acknowledged the siblings. That kept the other Hashira at bay.
Tomioka keeps his gaze firm, clicks sword into it's sheathe ; there was no need after all. He wasn't looking for a fight. “ Like I said, they are under the supervision of the Hashira now. On our Master's orders, they are to remain as part of the demon slayer corp. Both of them. ”
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kerothi · 2 months
“  it’s fine— nothing i haven’t dealt with before.  ” 
injury/hurt prompts bc reasons
@naitfall | prompts
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"A-Are you sure? Captain. Sir." Jean is still inclined to ask, regardless. Okay, it might not be the first time Levi's gotten an injury as nasty-looking as that, but personally, the knowledge hasn't put his mind at ease. Jean still trails after him, rubbing nervously at his neck as he says, "Still, I think, may-maybe it's best if you sat down for a little while?"
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worldhell · 2 months
Levi, Zeke, Erwin
Send my muse a fuck, marry, kill.
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“ What kind of questions are there ... it's way too early for this. ” Wait don't leave, he didn't say he wasn't going to play. Farlan is thoughtful for a moment. Expression twists at a few of the choices. He might be thinking too deeply. People shouldn't know his personal feelings, but hey, it's just a game, so why not lighten up?
“ The most obvious choice is to kill Zeke. ” Easy option. Farlan had little mercy for that man. Funnily enough, that wasn't the issue he was facing right now ... stifling a groan, he puts down his tea and leans his cheek in his palm. “ Erwin Smith. ” Had he thought about it? Not neccassarily. Had he taken note of the charm the man had, enough to get people to risk their lives for this cause? Yes. He pleads disinterest. “ It wouldn't be the first time I got information this way, so sure. If he's asleep, it gives me time to look around. ”
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“ Not like much would change if I married Levi, if you think about it logically. ” Oh, he's being SHAMELESS and it's intentional, grin and all.
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lausticzt · 3 months
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┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . 𝓬𝓸𝓵𝓭-𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓹𝓸𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓬 𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬𝓮 ◞ 𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖊 . ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ @naitfall ⤸ &. 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬 (𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬?) 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. ❛ if i say yes, will you shut up? ❜
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THE LINGERING TOUCH OF FILTH was more unsettling then she'd let on. Unwanted contact that she'd still brazen towards, defiant to her own discomfort ; for the rare congress of noble and military gathering would always be a plotted spectacle for all parties involved. She's an amalgamation, stripped from the security of uniform and thrown into the parade that was the insatiable aristocrats -- a way to keep the 'people' on top happy, for the vultures to obtain repour, for the high ranking officers to wrangle their cause ; her standing is with the military, yet she may as well have a target on her back, what a gold mine she must be. She speaks as she must, but no smile could ever grace her lips ... irritation flashing in whatever breaks she could get. Once either side got drunk enough, the leeches would latch. A game of words, a ploy for everyone who delved into conversation. Schemes, lies, the arrogance of those with power.
After awhile their would only be two left, those of high standing and the military police. The rest had more sense not to overstay their welcome ; it was often made known. Departing before it turned into nothing more then festivities for the rich. Intoxicated by luxury, the glamorous showcase, and oh, the dancing ; that she was well accustomed too. It seemed to come up early in the night this time, less opportunity to get away.
The graceful and precise movements Laura prided herself on was not to entice that lacklustre display. IT'S A DISGRACE TO TALENT. With each touch, every invitation, her mind traverses elsewhere. She is not soft, her movements never to be led carelessly ... in entwinement is truth, and that truth had always led her to one thing ; fight. For every turn, each step, she can recall those fleeting moments of wind in her hair, the refined hold on blades that couldn't cut without intricate momentum, the twists and detailed fluctuation of how she chose to strike. By the time she is finished, she'd taken complete control, returned to noiseless chatter and a disoriented partner.
She feels nothing for these events ; a hollow feeling comes with it. She'd excused herself ( rather, Nile questions her departure to be met with a passing response ) having reached her limit long ago. It happened to be more lively then the last for it to already get to this point. It must be ... because upon leaving the bustling environment, she'd spot him. The night seems quieter out here, almost deafening in comparison. The air, at least, is less suffocating.
“ Why is it I always find you away from where you're supposed to be. ” She doesn't attempt to put spite into her words, they are simply said ; like they always are. Attempts to appear hostile are lacklustre and void. In truth, the events of the night had been unpleasant. She felt ... unpleasant. THE NEED TO BITE WHEN SHE LACKED THE TEETH FOR IT. Brows furrow against her tired expression, gaze focused ( scarcely ) elsewhere. Even if he wanted her to leave, she wouldn't. She can't admit it, but his company alone is refreshing. In every way she can't stand, and in every way she finds genuine and unnervingly comfortable.
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She's quiet for some time after. Laura hated it. The unease of what she was feeling, the disgust of having anyone of them near her ; but, more then any of that, it all was numb ... pride shambles, the obscurity of that moments downfall was still raw and confusing, but it's not unknown to her.
“ Levi. ”
Dubious to even her own rational, yet it feels clear when she finally breaks away from her head. A kindling feeling ; she doesn't need to look at him to feel his presence in entirety, for when she finally straightens up and looks towards him, it feels her eyes had never looked away.
“ Dance with me. ”
A demanding stance, with a still firmness and intruding gaze, even when she understands the obscurity of her 'request'. It comes out of nowhere for her as well. “ I don't need you to know how. I doubt you know the steps for it. ” Albeit almost challenging in her abrupt commentary, she still holds a hand out to him. It's not a suggestion. Nor can she help the slightest waver in her eyes as she studies him.
SHE NEEDS THIS If it's by her choice, for it to be her hand reaching out ... a part of her wants it to feel different, needs to know it can. It's the idea of it being him that had overshadowed the unrest in her very core. It's intimate, more then any of them could gather ; deeper. She wants her hands cleaned, her heart to sing even for a single moment. It's not for anyone else to taint. For a time it had been hers. A lone dance in the darkest hours of night, a bloody battlefield, a connection she still had with what was gone. So, she needs it, and the truth of it all was there was no one else but him she'd be willing. That she would every inquire elsewhere. “ This is a gathering, it's often a custom with aristocrats. You have enough form, I know that. I know you won't step on my feet either. That's enough. So, you don't have any excuse. ”
❛ if i say yes, will you shut up? ❜
She pulls a face, unable to suppress the offence she takes ; and still it's not off-putting in the slightest. Even if she scowls ( pouts ) for a brief moment, and had she been the type she may have rolled her eyes. Instead, they remain firmly ahead. Laura didn't think he'd actually agree, too stubborn to have backed down after demanding it of him, and it throws her heart off a beat.
“ I'll consider it. ”
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sandcrafted · 7 months
When she sees Levi, Nifa can't believe her eyes at first.
It's not like this is the first time she's encountered someone from that distant, dream-like past. The life in her memories where she lived and died as a soldier, over a century ago, were at first something she didn't believe was real. But the knowledge those memories have given her about people she should've never met in this life; their names, their habits; personalities - things she shouldn't possibly have any way of knowing... they've long since proven to her that it all has to be real. As hard as it is for her to believe even now.
The problem is that out of everyone she's met from her past life - none of them could recall a thing. The concerned and creeped-out faces of her old comrades as she insisted that she wasn't crazy, that they really had met before in a life before this one, still stick in her mind and cause her to cringe when she looks back on them. Honestly, it's difficult not to want to cry when she thinks about it... so she doesn't, for the most part. She focuses her efforts on this life, and honestly, she's been happy living that way. Sometimes she's hit with a bitter kind of nostalgia, or catches herself wondering about how her old friends are doing, but... they're nothing more than fleeting moments, and she's learned to live with them comfortably by now.
But this... is Levi. It's not like she was ever especially close to him - not compared to people like Hange, at least, but- she'd respected him. Looked up to him, even. In fact, he was the last person she saw before she... before she died in that horrible way. So maybe it's no surprise that seeing him now leaves her off-kilter, dizzy and unsure of herself, trying not to recall the smell of blood and sound of gunshots in her ears that suddenly feel all too real.
Speaking with him is a bad idea - she knows that. But unfortunately, it looks like that decision may have been taken out of her hands. Because he's noticed her already, and from the look on his face, her abrupt bout of nausea hasn't gone unnoticed either.
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"Ah... I'm sorry, I'm fine! It'll pass in a moment... You don't need to worry about me, sir."
@naitfall ( starter! )
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worldhell-archiving · 10 months
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┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . 𝐼𝒻 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝐿𝑜𝓈𝑒, 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝒟𝒾𝑒 ◞ 𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖊 . accepting. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ @naitfall ⤸ let me handle it ,  just go ! (at a muse of your choice)
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❝ hey (...) levi you can't be-! ❞ he bites those words closed, teeth clenching together with hardened brutality; he feels it in the way his throat grumbles, tongue rooted and pressing hard. farlan knows why, deep down, (...) he isn't stupid, nor blind to what levi was doing. what he was always doing, right from the start. isn't that right? from the moment he got pulled out from that titan's stomach, just what did levi see, exactly, when he looked at farlan now?
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it wasn't exactly the time to be bringing it up. fists clench deeply against the hilts of his blades. ❝ you're being irrational! I get that you're strong, but if we both take them down, it'll be a more efficient sweep up- ❞ because abnormal titans were just that. abnormal. unpredictable. there's no telling what might happen. is that why? what ... do you see now levi, just what-
let me handle it, just go!
eyes widen, and he takes a step back. despite the appearance of more titans incoming from the near distance, his focus is kept on levi. in that same comparison, levi hadn't met his gaze. Haha (...) he doesn't know if he wants to laugh, or punch him. but he feels his rising frustration is nothing to the sinking feeling in his chest.
they've been here before. ❝ are those your orders, levi? ❞ and still, so much had changed. just when had levi stopped trusting him? since farlan almost died? since levi marched forward with those wings on his back?
❝ you really have no faith left in me, do you? ❞ words are muttered, quietly, pitifully- so, instead, he snorts. it's empty and void, a bit spiteful, but it's enough for him to regain composure. he sheathes his blades in defeat, whistling for his horse.
❝ I'll rendezvous with the supply team. not that you need me to tell you this, but just don't die. ❞
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