#nicolas sturniolo
pussypie456 · 3 days
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both at the same time!!💜💜
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sunrisemill · 2 days
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Heyyy Mattttt (said with incredible, jaw dropping rizz)
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sturnsmadl · 3 days
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texts messages from toxic!chris.
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hi!! idk how i feel about the whole 'texts between' thing i feel like my writing style isn't made for it :/ oh well! ill live.
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tags!- @bellaonthelow @hrtsdollie @moonk1ss3d @sturnclouds @christophersgf @ellizzyy @fratbrochrisgf @phoenix062 @pixxiies @conspiracy-ash @blahbel668 @monroesturnns @gwennybenny @sturnobsessedwh0re @xoxo4chrisss @pixie-sticks-are-good @wurlibydominicfike @anitahunt @ilusa @mattstrombolii @stvrlighht @asherrisrandom @amelia-sturniolo3 @pvssychicken @owensbabygirl @ncm9696 @sturniolo-fann @watchu-mean-baby-keem @babyalliah-777 @imtheprett @coochiedestroyer1 @scarlettbitches
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freshl6ve · 2 days
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₊⊹⁀➴ : Chris had been filming all day with Matt and Nick, and the constant pressure to get everything perfect was wearing him down. His frustration simmered, barely held in check, until it felt like a weight pressing on his chest. When Y/N, sensing his stress, clung to him for comfort, Chris snapped. He couldn’t help but lash out, his words sharp and unkind.
⭑.ᐟ : AGNST, cursing, happy ending
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˚⊱🪄⊰˚ : 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐫, exhaustion evident in every line of his body. I was already in the living room when he entered, and I immediately noticed the tension radiating off of him. Without a word, Chris stalked straight towards the couch, dropping onto it with an air of weary resignation. The muscles in his shoulders were visibly taunt, his jaw clenched tight.
I moved silently to the side of the couch, watching him curiously. He had been filming with Matt and Nick all day long, and I knew that the constant pressure to perform perfectly had been taking its toll on him. Chris fidgeted restlessly, unable to find a comfortable position. His eyes were dull and distant, his mind clearly elsewhere.
I couldn't stand to see him like this, so I carefully perched next to him on the couch. At my movement, he glanced in my direction, his expression guarded. I tentatively placed a comforting hand on his arm, hoping to offer some small measure of solace.
I gingerly slid my arms around him, trying to pull him into a hug. Before I could even speak, he bristled, pushing me away with a harshness that stung. “Can you give me some goddamn space?!” he snapped, his voice crackling with barely contained frustration.
Chris surged to his feet, his movements jerky and agitated. He practically wrenched himself away from me, putting a few paces between us. “God, Y/N, you're so fucking clingy!” he hissed, raking a hand through his hair in frustration. “Just give me a fucking minute to breathe!”
I stumbled back, shocked and hurt by his words. Chris had never acted like this before, even when he was stressed out. “What the hell is your problem?” I countered, my voice rising.
Chris let out a ragged sigh, running a hand over his face. “You’re my problem, bro,” he grumbled, his voice tense. “I can't breathe for a god damn minute before you're, like, clinging onto me.”
I retorted, my voice tinged with hurt and defensiveness. “I was just trying to comfort you!” I exclaimed, my words tumbling out in a rush. “I saw how stressed you looked when you walked up the stairs, and I just wanted to make sure you were okay!”
Chris threw up his hands in frustration. “Well, if you saw that I looked stressed, then you should know I'm not okay!” he shot back, his voice rising with irritation. The muscles in his jaw tightened as he clenched his teeth, bristling under the weight of his frustration.
Chris clenched his fists, his patience fraying as he snapped back. “God, you're so fucking annoying, Y/N!” he bit out, his voice taut with irritation. He raked a hand through his hair again, the movements jerky and agitated. It was clear that he was reaching the breaking point, his usual calm demeanor cracking under the strain of his frustration and stress.
I recoiled, stung by his words. It wasn't like Chris to be so cruel, and I struggled to process his sudden shift in demeanor. “I'm trying to help,” I protested, my voice small and hurt. “You don't have to treat me like an inconvenience just because you're stressed.”
Chris rolled his eyes and turned away, striding down the stairs to his room without a backward glance. I huffed in irritation, chasing after him, determined to not let him brush off the argument so easily. “Don't roll your eyes at me, Chris!” I snapped, my voice rising as I followed him to his room. “You started this argument, not me!”
Chris retorted, his voice growing heated as we entered his room. “It wouldn't have started if you had just given me some space!” He stormed across the room to his bed, flopping down onto the mattress with a frustrated huff.
Chris pinched the bridge of his nose, his frustration mounting. “Well, you didn't have to be so clingy and annoying!” he shot back, his words sharp. “You could've given me space without having to be up in my face all the time! You're always hovering, always there, and it's suffocating!”
Chris continued, his voice strained with irritation. “You always treat me like a damn baby! It's so annoying, constantly fussing over me and trying to pamper me. I'm not some fragile doll, goddamnit! I can handle my own problems without you always being there, smothering me!”
I stood my ground, my own irritation bubbling up to match his. “I just want to help you!” I protested, my voice rising in pitch. “I care about you, Chris! And it's not pampering, it's just how I show that I care!”
Chris lunged to his feet, his irritation flaring into outright anger. “I don't need your fucking help! alright?!” he bellowed, his shoulders taut and trembling with the force of his words. “I don't need you constantly hovering over me, like I can't handle my own problems. I'm a grown man, not some pathetic child who needs your constant attention!”
I reeled back, shocked at the harshness in his voice and the coldness in his eyes. I had known Chris for a long time, and I had never seen him so hostile. “You don't have to be such a dick about it!” I snapped back, my voice shaking with hurt. “I'm just trying to be there for you, Chris! Is that so wrong?”
Chris's voice rose to a near screech, his anger reaching a boiling point. “Just leave me alone for once! Leave, goddamnit!” he shouted, gesturing wildly towards the door. “I don't need you here, I don't want you here! Can't you just take a hint and leave me the hell alone?!”
Chris continued to rant, his words becoming more and more unhinged with each passing second. “I'm sick and tired of your constant clinginess and your suffocating presence! You're like a goddamn parasite, never letting me have a moment to myself!”
He paced the room, his movements jerky and agitated. “I can't even think straight with you around, constantly bugging me, asking how I'm feeling. Can't you see that I just need some space?!”
My expression dropped into a sad one, my eyebrows furrowing in sorrow. “You don't mean that, Chris,” I said, my voice soft and pleading. “I know you're just frustrated and stressed out right now, but you don't have to lash out at me like this. I care about you, and all I want to do is help.”
I slowly approached him, my expression still one of hurt and sadness. But Chris recoiled, backing away from me as if my presence repulsed him. “Please, just leave,” he hissed, his voice cold and distant. “Get out of my room. I don't want you here.”
I snapped, my patience finally breaking as my emotions spilled over. “You're such a dick!” I shouted, my voice cracking with anger and hurt.
Chris fired back immediately, his own defenses rising in response. “Well your mouth is always full of it!”
I'd had enough. “Fuck you!” I retorted, my voice filled with a mixture of hurt and anger. I walked over to his green couch and grabbed my dirty clothes and shoved them in my bag. Chris let out a heavy sigh as he sat on his bed, his frustration beginning to subside. As he watched me pack my things, a wave of regret washed over him. He stood up from the bed, his voice soft and pleading. "Y/N, don't pack your things, please. I'm sorry," he said, his gaze fixed on my back.
Chris let out a heavy sigh as he sat on his bed, his frustration beginning to subside. As he watched me pack my things, a wave of regret washed over him. He stood up from the bed, his voice soft and pleading. “Y/N, don't pack your things, please. I'm sorry,” he said, his gaze fixed on my back.
I ignored his apology, too hurt and angry to forgive him so easily. “You told me to leave you alone,” I muttered, my voice cold and distant. “So I'm packing my shit and going home like you wanted me to.”
I continued to gather my things, jamming clothes and necessities into a small bag. I refused to look at him, my heart still smarting from his harsh words.
Chris' expression grew more desperate, his voice thick with regret. “Y/N, I'm sorry,” he pleaded, stepping towards me. “I didn't mean any of this. I didn't mean anything I said, please. I was just frustrated and stressed, and I took it out on you, and I shouldn’t have. Please, don't go.”
I maintained my cold demeanor, brushing past him without a glance. I headed into his bathroom, my thoughts racing in anger. I grabbed my toiletries and shoved them into my bag as well, determined to leave as quickly as possible.
Chris called out desperately as I walked past him again. He reached out and grabbed my wrist gently, trying to get me to stop. “Y/N,” he said, his voice pleading.
I refused to look at him, my heart stinging with hurt. “Let go,” I bit out, trying to pull my wrist free from his gentle grip. “I'm trying to leave.”
His voice grew softer, his tone pleading. “Y/N, look at me.” I continued to avoid his gaze, my emotions warring within me. “Please,” he repeated, gently grabbing my chin to coax me to look at him. “Baby, please.”
Reluctantly, I lifted my eyes to meet his gaze. The pain in his expression mirrored the ache in my own heart. His grip on my chin was gentle, yet firm, as if he was scared to let go, afraid I would slip away from him.
“I'm sorry,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “I didn't mean anything I said. I was just frustrated and stressed, and I took it out on you. I didn't mean any of it. I don't want you to leave, I want you here with me. I need you here. Please, stay. I'm sorry.”
Chris's expression softened as he spoke, his voice laced with regret and vulnerability. “It's not fair for me to say those things to you when you've helped me through so much,” he murmured, his eyes searching mine. “You've been there for me during my toughest times, and I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. You didn't deserve it.”
Chris's voice grew softer, his tone laced with a mixture of remorse and affection. “You're not any of the things I said, baby,” he murmured. “I enjoy having you cling onto me, and I really enjoy how you baby me. I enjoy it so damn much. God, I'm so sorry, Y/N. Baby, I'm sorry.”
Chris gently cradled my face in his hands, his touch gentle yet tremulous. His eyes flicked from one of mine to the other, his gaze brimming with vulnerability “Please, stay with me,” he pleaded, his voice catching on the words as tears pricked at the corners of his eyes.
“I can’t bear the thought of you leaving, of you walking out that door,” he continued, his voice quivering slightly. “I need you here, Y/N. I want you here. I don’t know what I’d do if you left.”
Chris drew a shuddering breath, the intensity of his pleading almost palpable. “I promise I won’t snap like that again. I’ll talk to you when I’m stressed, I’ll talk to you when I’m frustrated—”
I gently brought my hands to his face, tenderly wiping away his tears. “Baby, it's fine,” I reassured him, my voice soft and understanding. “I know filming has been hard on you, but just talk to me, okay? We don't have to talk if you don't want to; we can just enjoy the silence and the comfort of each other's presence. We'll get through this together, because I'm here for you.”
Chris's expression quivered, his eyes welling with emotions. He leaned into my touch, his own hands still gripping my wrists gently. “You're too good to me,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “I don't deserve you. I was such a dick.”
I shook my head, a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips. “You do deserve me,” I said, my own voice wavering slightly. “And you deserve happiness. We're in this together, remember? The good times and the bad. I'm not going anywhere, okay?”
Chris's shoulders sagged, as if a weight had been lifted. He closed his eyes, leaning his forehead against mine. “Okay” he whispered hoarsly.
I gazed into his eyes, a soft smile playing at the corners of my lips. Then, I closed the distance between us, pulling his face to mine and initiating a soft, gentle kiss. Our lips met in a sweet and tender embrace, the passion between us fueled by a mixture of love and relief.
The kiss was unhurried and sincere, filled with unspoken apologies and promises. We held each other close, our bodies pressed together as the world around us faded into the background. In that moment, it was just us, our connection, and the silent vow to work through our issues together.
Chris and I reluctantly parted, our lips separating just as Nick's voice interrupted us. Chris glanced toward the door, where Nick stood, a playful grin on his face and bags of food in his hands. “Sorry to interrupt,” Nick chuckled, holding up the bags. “but we got food.”
I let out a soft chuckle at the sight of Nick and Matt making their way upstairs from the garage. I look at Chris, my expression filled with a mixture of love and determination. I take his hand in mine and run my fingers through his hair. “Let's go eat and forget about what happened,” I murmur, my voice soft yet firm.
Chris locks eyes with me, his expression softening as he nods in agreement. I lean in and give him a quick peck on the lips, a small smile tugging at the corner of my mouth. “Come on,” I say, tugging gently on his hand. “I'm starving.”
We slowly make our way upstairs towards the kitchen, the earlier tension between us replaced by a comfortable quietness. Our hands stay intertwined, and every so often, I give his hand a comforting squeeze, silently reassuring him that I'm here and I'm not going anywhere.
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thenickgirl · 3 days
people commenting on nick’s body and only finding him attractive now because he lost a pinch of weight
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hearts4werka · 2 days
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My eyes slowly flutter open while the sunlight pools into my and Matthew's shared bedroom through the curtains over the windows as the morning hours strike, glancing at my current surroundings I see the form of sleeping Matthew next to me with his tattoed arm softly draped over my waist. I can't help but stare at his adorable sleeping face for a few minutes, pbserving and taking in his facial features shadowed by the sunlight occupying the space around us in the moment.
Turning my head to lay flat against the soft pillow sitting currently beneath my head, I stare at the ceiling and come up with an idea to prepare breakfast and since Nick and Chris will be arriving later today to visit before they both have to attend to some meetings regarding their brands, I havent been told much yet but hope to get slightly more educated when they do arrive.
I pull the duvet away from my body, ready to exit the bed and start my day but Matthew’s hand that was previously laying down on my waist tightens its grip and subconsciously pulls me closer into his chest, holding me captive as he slowly stirs awake himself and buries his face into my hair as I hear him mumble something into them but I can’t quite make out the words.
“What was that, sleepyhead?” I ask softly, taking my eyes away from the ceiling and now on him, noticing him slowly coming back to consciousness and waking up from his slumber.
“…five more minutes” He repeats more clearly for me to understand him this time in a slight whine, his face still buried in my hair as I notice him inhaling the scent of them in that moment, still remaining half asleep and not fully awake yet.
When the words ‘five more minutes’ in that whiny tone from sleepy Matthew, knowing very well that in his state right now im not getting far with this conversation so I just chuckle under my breath at how clingy he's being and especially in the morning. Accepting my faith I place a soft kiss on his forehead and snuggle further into his chest, giving into his wishes.
“Only five more minutes, after that I gotta get up. Okay?” I clarified, glancing over at him to make sure he understands me but the only answer I receive is a groan of approval. Nodding his head against the top of my head as he softly pulls me impossibly closer into his chest as he can.
“I love you.” I whisper against his chest as I feel a smile growing on his face thats cuddled up into my hair, our bodies melting together as heat radiates off them and transfers them to the other persons skin, making it slightly tingle.
“Love you too.” He muttered as we continued to cuddle up against each other, suddenly I feel a hand starting to tickle me in ticklish places on my body. Out of instinct my body jerks away from the hand, while Matthew giggles under his breath and continuing his tickle assault.
The sudden tickles make me burst out in laughter as I return them, poking at his chest and starting to tickle him as well. Both of us end up as two laughing messes on the bed after only a few minutes passing by, I adore mornings like these with Matthew laughing next to me.
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authors note: just a random blurb I wrote today in class out of boredom and while writing the drug dealer Chris fic and I might make it like three parts or two bc I’m writing their meeting rn and I don’t want it to be very long since the first part is already longer that I thought it would be so just say if y’all want it to be two parts of nah, luv y’all so much
| @sturnioloblues - @sturnsxplr-25 - @deffonotjae - @strnzzvsp - @luvvs4chriss - @sturniolosweetheart33 - @pussypie456 - @choclatestarfishwithahat - @venusxsturnio - @bagsbyclair0 - @sturnstvs - @dykes4chris - @klaus223492 - @hoe4matt - @cayleeuhithinknot |
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seafullofpeace · 2 days
pls do a fluffy one where matt or chris (ur choice) are streaming and y/n wants attention
Clingy today, aren't we?
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summary: you're watching your boyfriend as he stream, and you want nothing more right now than to cuddle with him
an: thank you for the request! I'm sorry, I personally think it's awful and cringe :( my first time writing like that and I didn't quite had the idea for it. also sorry for bad english! not my first language <3 JUST DON'T READ THAT
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You were sitting on top of your boyfriend's bed and scrolling through some meaningless apps while looking up at him from time to time. Chris is streaming for 2 hours already and you're slowly getting bored. Even though you love to admire your boyfriend and watch how he focus on monitor in front of him, you wish you could just lay with him and relax in his arms right now. Even though the fans know about your relationship with Chris, you are shy and scared to show it publicly sometimes, so you don't really want to come up to him straightforward and ask for anything.
Your eyes continued to watch your boyfriend then you saw that he lost in the game. He groaned from annoyance then turned around on his swivel chair. He gave you a small smile, then ask:
"Ya' alright, hun?" , and you just nod in response. He smiled gently again then stand up because he wanted to grab something from the kitchen, and you decided to follow him. He looked at you as he heard that you're walking after him. He noticed your bored but a sad expression that was clearly visible on your face and that made him frown. He walked towards you then wrap his arms around you and rest his chin on top of your head.
"What's wrong, baby? I'm really sorry if the stream is taking too long for your liking." -he whispered quietly into your ear as your head is rest comfortable against his chest. You looked up at him then he kissed your forehead.
"It's completely okay, just...can we spend some time together after? I kinda need it." -you asked quietly while looking up at him. He lift your chin with his fingers a little then spoke:
"Absolutely, whatever you want. I love you so much, keep that in your pretty head, alright?" , then he kissed your lips gently and you both went to the kitchen. After few minutes he sat on his chair again and you lay down in his bed. In a long amount of time- next hour passed. You had enough of laying so you walked to Chris and he looked up at you with a smile.
"Chat, we all say hi to my pretty girl." you smiled a little then waved to the camera and look at him again.
"How much longer, Chris..?" you asked quietly, a little scared that it will sound rude.
"Not too long, babe. They wanted me to play Fortnite at the end, so I'll give them a little of it, okay?" he answered. But you didn't wanted to wait any longer so you just sat down on his lap softly and bury your face into Chris's hoodie. He chuckled, the gesture melted his heart, then look at you with affection in his eyes.
"Clingy today, aren't we?" then he put a strand of your hair behind your ear. You cuddle to him like that for a few more minutes, then you heard:
"You know what, guys.. I'll continue the game tomorrow so I invite you all to my stream. Priorities first." he said while looking at you. Then after saying goodbye to fans he finished the stream and look at you as you still straddle his lap and cling to him.
"Pick the movie, I'll bring the snacks."
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gilbertscurls · 1 day
Tutu Day ➵ Matt Sturniolo
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summary: matt dresses up in a tutu just because your daughter asks him
inspired by
The living room was a whirlwind of color and laughter as your Matt’s three-year-old daughter, Luna, bounced around in her favorite pink tutu. The sparkle in her eyes was contagious, and her excitement filled the room with a joyous energy. She had been adamant all week about having a special “tutu day,” and today was finally the day.
You watched from the couch, your heart swelling with love and amusement. You had anticipated the moment when Luna would ask Matt to join in on the fun. You were prepared for the laughter and the chaos that was sure to follow.
Luna tugged on Matt’s hand, her little face set with determination. “Daddy, you wear a tutu too!”
Matt, who had been trying to balance a stack of blocks while simultaneously monitoring Luna’s playtime, looked down at her in surprise. “A tutu?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, Daddy! You wear a tutu! It will be so fun!” Luna insisted, her eyes wide with hope.
Matt glanced at you, while you were trying your best to stifle your giggles. You gave him an encouraging nod, your eyes twinkling with mischief. “Alright, Luna. I’ll wear the tutu.”
Luna’s face lit up, and she clapped her hands in delight. “Yay!”
You quickly retrieved a sparkly, pink tutu from the closet. Matt took a deep breath, preparing himself for the spectacle. He stepped into the tutu, pulling it up around his waist with a mixture of amusement and embarrassment. The fluffy pink fabric settled around him, and he looked at you, seeing you were now fully laughing.
Matt adjusted the tutu, trying to make himself look somewhat comfortable. “How do I look?”
Luna’s eyes widened in pure joy as she ran up to him. “You look amazing, Daddy!” She spun around in her own tutu, mimicking ballet moves with adorable clumsiness. “Let’s dance!”
Matt grinned, his nerves melting away as he saw the sheer happiness on Luna’s face. He took her small hands in his, and they started twirling around the living room. Despite the awkwardness of the tutu, Matt found himself laughing and enjoying the moment. Luna’s laughter was infectious, and he couldn’t help but get caught up in the fun.
You watched from the sidelines, capturing the heartwarming scene on your phone. You knew that moments like these were fleeting but precious. Seeing Matt so willingly participate in Luna’s fantasy made your love for him even stronger.
“Look at you, Daddy! You’re the best!” Luna cheered, her enthusiasm unwavering.
Matt chuckled, giving Luna a gentle lift and spinning her around. “Anything for you, sweetheart. Just remember, this tutu is not becoming a regular part of my wardrobe.”
Luna giggled, giving him a quick hug. “I love you, Daddy.”
Matt’s heart melted as he hugged her back, the tutu’s fluffiness adding a playful touch to the embrace. “I love you too, Luna. And I’m glad we had this tutu day.”
As they danced and played, you joined in, your laughter mingling with theirs. The room was filled with love and happiness, a perfect snapshot of family joy. Matt might have felt silly in the tutu, but in Luna’s eyes, he was the hero of the day.
When the laughter finally settled and the tutu day came to a close, you and Matt cuddled on the couch with Luna nestled between you. Despite the initial awkwardness, Matt knew that the day would be one of those cherished memories you would look back on fondly.
You looked at him with a loving smile. “You were amazing today. Thank you for making Luna’s day special.”
Matt smiled, resting his head against yours. “It was worth it. Seeing her that happy… It’s all that matters.”
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tag list: @stuwniolo, @sturnobsessedwh0re, @matts-myloverboy, @imjusthereforthesturniolosmut, @lizzymacdonald06, @asherrisrandom
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strnilolover · 2 days
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .˚ Daddy’s Home ⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .˚
⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧
♫ Hey Daddy (Daddy’s Home) • Usher
⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧
♡ Dad/Dilf!Chris x Mom!Reader
♡ Warnings : smut, unprotected pnv (be careful y’all), hair pulling, pet names (daddy, baby, ma, babe, whore), breeding, degrading, praising, slight spanking, dirty talk?, almost getting caught, aftercare, fluff, I think that’s all?
♡ Wc : tbc
♡ A/N : we all love Dad/Dilf!Matt but like what about Dad/Dilf!Chris? Both men can give me their babies and I would be happy for the rest of my life. Sorry if this is absolute shittt <3
⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧。⋆ ⋆。‧˚ʚ🐾ɞ˚‧
Chris was coming home today. Having spent the last few weeks in Boston with his brothers to visit family, leaving you with your five year old daughter Amelia.
You were excited to say the least, and so was the hyper ball of energy who ran around outback with her toys. Having to call Chris every night or every other night to talk was just pure torture, for both you and your daughter. You could tell she missed her daddy dearly, having not really spent so much time away from him.
You smiled as you watched her from the chair you sat on, on the patio. Soaking in the sun as she played on the playground Chris had built for her. “Be careful sweetie!” You called out, watching her small body roughly run across the playground, growing concerned about her hurting herself.
“Okie mommy!” She cheerfully said back, slowing her pace a little as he slid down the slide, repeating the actions. You just shook your head, your heart swelling as you watched how carefree she was.
Just then, you heard a car pull into the drive way, your head snapping toward the fence as you see a figure get out of the car. You smiled widely, knowing exactly who it was. “Amelia, baby. Come here!” You said excitedly, your daughter running to you quickly.
Grabbing her hand you lead her inside, closing the back door behind you as you stood there, now facing the garage door. Your nerves were set on fire, the butterflies growing increasingly in your stomach. Even after all this time with Chris, he never failed to make you nervous.
The door leading into the house opened quickly, Chris walking in with his bags, a huge smile plastered on his face as he spotted his two favorite girls. “Daddy!” Amelia squealed, letting go of your hand to run towards Chris. His arms opening invitingly as he picked her up, spinning her around.
“There’s my favorite girl! How’s my lil bug doin’?” He mumbled as he pressed a kiss to her temple, hugging her tightly. You stood there, watching the way he held her against him, and you smiled as you crossed your arms.
His eyes flicked up, meeting yours as he continued to hold Amelia. You smiled giddily, blush rising to your cheeks as you walked over to them. He smiled in return, putting your daughter down slowly as he bent back up, wrapping his arms around you.
“And here’s my other favorite girl.” he whispered, head lowering to press a kiss to your lips which you happily reciprocated. You melted, arms coming to wrap around his neck as he pulled you closer to him. One you pulled away, you sighed contently, resting your forehead against his. “How’re you doin’ ma?” He asked, his breath tickling your face.
You hummed, “I’m doing better now that you’re home. Missed you so much baby.” You whispered, arms tightening around him more. He returned the act, holding you tighter. “I missed you too.”
“Bleh, that’s gross!” You heard your daughter say from beside you guys, a laugh bubbling out of yours and Chris’ throats. You pulled away, Chris turning his attention to your daughter.
“Mommy and daddy just love each other very much, lil bug.” He said to her. “And I love you even more!” He says as he ran towards her. She squealed, turning and running in the opposite direction as he chased her.
You shook your head, chuckling to yourself as you watched Chris chase her. Picking up his bags he left, you carried them to your bedroom, setting them near the closet for him to deal with later.
Dinner was all made, Amelia’s bath was all done and now Chris was tucking her into bed for the night. You could hear the soft giggles of her voice echo down the hall as Chris read her a story and was being his goofy self.
You laid there, night shorts and tank top on your body as the warm covers engulfed you. You could hear Chris close your daughter’s door softly, his feet padding down the hallway coming closer to your room.
The door creaked open softly, his large frame walking through the door way in nothing but his black sweatpants, shirt nowhere to be seen. You’d be lying if you said the sight didn’t turn you on, because it did. You were so touch starved for your husband, those few weeks making it feel like years since you last saw him.
He closed the door behind him, locking it swiftly before he made his way to the bed. Climbing in, he scooted closer to you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling your back flush against his chest.
“I missed you so much ma.” He whispered, his breath hot against your ear as you felt his nose trace the side of your face. You’d shuttered, a smile spreading across your lips. “I missed you so much too — missed having you here with me.” You say, humming softly as his mouth found your neck, peppering it with small kisses.
“Yeah?” He hummed, teeth starting to nip at your skin softly. “Missed having you pressed against me — it was torture not being able to touch you for so long.” He groaned out, his hips pushing forward against your ass. You gasped, your own hips voluntarily pushing back into his.
“Show me how much you missed me.” You whispered. After those words left your mouth, he turned you over, his body hovering over yours as he dipped down to capture your lips in a searing kiss.
You moaned against his mouth, hands reaching up to tangle in his hair as your thighs squeezed together, searching for more friction as you felt your panties grow damp. He nipped your bottom lip, causing a gasp to escape as he slid his tongue in, exploring your mouth as you easily submitted to his movements.
As he continued his assault on your mouth, his hands roamed down, gripping the edge of your tank top and tugging it up your body. Disconnecting your lips briefly so he could pull the fabric over your head, tossing it somewhere in the room as his lips came back down, trailing kisses down your neck and collarbone this time.
Chris kissed between your breasts, making his way to your right one and taking the hardened nub between his lips. He sucked harshly as his hand came to twist your left bud between his fingertips. You moaned, back arching into his touch as pleasure pricked your skin.
He pulled away slightly, hooded eyes looking up into yours. “You need to be quiet ma, can’t have everyone knowing what we’re doin’ hm?” He mumbled as he directed his mouth to your left bud now, lips wrapping around it as his hand tweaked your right one. You nodded desperately in understanding, panting harshly at his ministrations.
He pulled away, lips now kissing down your stomach to the waistband of your shorts as he looked back up at you. Smirking he grabbed them, starting to tug them down. “Lift your hips baby.” He said, and you obliged. Lifting your hips for him to slide your shorts and panties off in one swift motion.
Once your clothing were discarded he leaned down, pressing a few soft kisses to your inner thighs before pulling away, making you whine impatiently. “Shh ma — so impatient.” He spoke out, his frame crawling off the bed momentarily as he shuffled his sweatpants and boxers down his legs. Once his clothes were fully discarded, he climbed back on top of you, smirking as he grabbed your shoulder and flipped you over.
He grabbed your hips, pulling them high in the air as a hand pushed on your lower back, causing you to arch impossibly. He groaned at the sight in front of him, “god you’re so beautiful baby.” He said breathlessly, a hand coming down to swipe through your wet folds, eliciting a moan from you, your hips pushing into his hand.
“Ah — such a desperate little whore. Did you miss my cock baby, hm?” He asked, his hand pulling away, grip tightening on your waist. “S-so much, missed your cock so much.” You whined out. He just chuckled, his hand gripping his cock and stroking a few times before he lined up to your entrance.
Your hips swayed slightly, feeling his tip push against your entrance. His hips snapped forward without warning, a loud moan reverberating through your chest, eyes rolling back. Chris’ hand grabbed your hair, tugging it out of the pillow you had subconsciously pushed your face in. He tugged your head up, his other hand coming forward to shove two of his fingers into your mouth.
“I said to be quiet yeah? Such a fucking whore.” He gritted through his teeth as his hips continued to snap relentlessly into your own. “M’sorry daddy!” You whined out, the words muffled around his fingers. Your hands gripping the sheets below you.
“Mhm I bet you are. I bet you’re loving this hm?” He said, angling his hips to push deeper into you. “Missed my cock so much that you just have to let everyone know.” He groaned as he felt you clench around him.
You just whined, his hand letting go of your hair and fingers leaving your mouth. Causing your body to drop against the mattress, face burying back into the pillow. His hands found purchase on your hips again, slamming into you roughly. You suddenly felt a sting on your ass, Chris’ hand coming down to land a hard smack against it. You whimpered, walls clenching around him again.
“Ah — fuck! B-baby.” You moaned, your hips now pushing back to meet his thrusts. “Doin’ so good ma, takin’ me so well.” He whispered, landing another smack onto your reddening ass, causing you to whine once more.
Incoherent babbles left your lips as Chris’ hips picked up the pace, angling just right to hit that spot deep inside you that had your eyes rolling to the back of your skull. Your walls clenched around him once more, his body leaning forward to plaster his chest against your back.
“You gettin’ close baby? Gonna cum and make a mess on my dick. Go head’ make a mess f’me.” He moaned, teeth nipping your shoulder as you nodded, body shaking.
You felt your insides grow tight, the knot in your stomach pulled until it finally snapped. Your body convulsed, coming around Chris’ dick as his hand came around to rub your swollen clit. He growled at the feeling, helping you through your high as high pitched moans left your lips, sounding like music to his ears.
He lifted his chest back up, gripping your hips tightly once more as he began to chase his own high. “m’gonna cum in this pussy, give you another baby yeah?” He growled as he plowed into you, and you nodded, your body tilting on the edge of overstimulation.
With a final thrust, he buried himself deep inside you, groaning as he released thick ropes of his cum, painting your walls white. You moaned at the feeling, pushing your hips into him as you felt so full.
You guys stayed like that for a moment, regaining your composure until you felt him slowly begin to slip out of you. You hissed, already feeling empty now that he wasn’t inside you. Your body collapsed against the bed, the feeling of his cum and your juices dripping down your thighs.
Chris laid next to you, panting softly as he turned you toward him, pulling you into his sweaty chest. “You okay love? You with me?” He asked softly, pressing light kisses to your head. You hummed, burying your face into his chest.
“Baby?” He asked once more, and this time you lifted your head. Your hooded eyes looking into his own as you nodded. “M’okay, I’m with you. That was — amazing.” You said breathlessly, your own breath coming out in soft pants. He smiled down at you, pecking your lips. “Wasn’t too rough?” He asked and you just shook your head.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, you hear a knock on your bedroom door. Your body immediately shooting up, eyes wide darting to Chris’. You scrambled for the blanket, covering your body as Chris slipped out of bed, grabbing his clothes and slipping them back on as he made his way to the door.
You watched as he opened it, your room too dark for anyone to notice you may have been awake. “Daddy?” Your daughter whispered out, a hint of sadness layered in her voice.
“Hey bug, what’s wrong sweetie?” Chris asked, kneeling down in front of her and pulling her into a hug. “M-mommy sounded hurt… is she okay?” She sniffled softly, and your faced heated. Chris nodded his head, scooping Amelia up into his arms and carried her down the hall. You could hear his faint voice.
“Mommy is okay bug, she was just having a nightmare. She’s okay, I promise.” He whispered. “Pinky promise?” Amelia’s muffled voice asked. Chris’ own voice replying in return, “pinky promise.”
After ten minutes or so, Chris came back. Closing the door once more behind him as he climbed into bed next to your naked body. He smirked as he pulled you to him, “you and that mouth sure know how to make someone worry.” He chuckled mockingly.
You smacked his arm lightly, “it was your fault!” You whisper-shouted to him, but laughed in return. “Mhm, you loved it.” He retaliated, pressing a kiss to your lips. And he was right, you did love it. But, now your child might just be scarred for the rest of her life.
You rolled your eyes playfully, “you know I did, now help me clean up please?” You asked, and he nodded, slipping away into the bathroom connected to your room. Hearing the water run then shut off, he came back out with a warm rag.
He walks back over to you, slowly turning you over as he takes the rag to your inner thighs, wiping softly. He made his way up your thighs, finally reaching your core as he wiped gently there too. You hissed softly at the feeling, but were grateful for his help.
Once he was done, he threw the rag into the laundry basket, grabbing a shirt of his on the way back to you once more. He helped you sit up, slipping his shirt over your head and then climbing back into bed with you. You snuggled into his chest, bodies tangled with one another as you both drifted peacefully to sleep.
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© Strnilolover
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♡ A/N : this is absolute shit, sorry y’all. I’ll add the word count later…I need to get better at my smut cause I feel like this was rushed LOL.
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pussypie456 · 3 days
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dilf matt dilf matt dilf matt dilf matt
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neaveeee · 3 days
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it’s all over the screen 😕
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lovmatt · 1 day
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#need to kiss his tummy
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sunrisemill · 3 days
The whole tiktok felt like a massive tease
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thenickgirl · 2 days
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he heard me talking about him
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cherib3lla · 9 hours
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warnings — not proofread :( pet names (baby), complete fluff !!
a/n — this is my first fluff fic/blurb so please give me feedback !! i’ve also seen many fics/blurbs like this so credit to the people who have made story’s like this <33 enjoy!
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Chris and Matt had been streaming for more than three hours. Ever since Nick had gone on tour with Madison they've been streaming an insane amount. Not that anyone was complaining. The fans loved it.
They typically streamed until late at night. Starting around six or seven o'clock and not ending until at least ten. Even sometimes streaming twice in one night.
You streamed with them for an hour or two. Playing different games with them until you eventually get tired. That's what led you here, sleeping in Chris’ bed while he and Matt played Fortnite.
This was the second stream of the night. You had fallen asleep somewhere in between streams. Chris and Matt started playing Fortnite for the third time that night while you slept.
Everyone knew how mad that game made them. It was unavoidable. Screaming, banging, and chair throwing surrounded the house. To you, it was never that serious. Just a stupid game that they liked to play.
You were wrapped comfortably in Chris’ blankets. Head between two pillows to try and muffle the sound of everything around you. To be frank, it didn't work at all.
“WHAT THE FUCK MATT. GET OVER HERE.” Chris yelled at the screen. Matt yelled back, you could hear him from upstairs. “THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT CHRIS!”
You slowly open your eyes, accepting defeat. You are still in Chris’ bed, out of frame. You sit up with a huff, hair messy, and lips puffy. You wrap the blanket around yourself, get out of bed, and walk over to where Chris is sitting at his desk.
“MY FAULT? YOURE THE ONE WHO-” he gets cut off by your soft hand on his shoulder, tapping gently to get his attention.
“Chris, please come to bed it's almost — three am,” you state as you look in the bottom right corner of his computer. Unbeknownst to the two of you the chat was speeding by with ‘hi’s and ‘good morning’s directed to you.
“I'm sorry — did I wake you?” Chris replys. You wanted to make a snippy comment and say ‘Yeah no shit’, but you didn't. Too tired to really say anything anymore. But you did anyway.
“Yes, now can you please come to bed? It's almost three,” you repeat. “Of course baby — go lay back down I'll be there in a second!”
He leans up to peck your lips. You dodge it playfully and turn to walk back to his bed. His jaw drops. Ha couldn't believe you just did that in front of thousands of people.
‘Damn’ ‘LMAOOO CHRIS GOT REJECTED’ fills the chat. He turns back to the computer, saying bye to the stream and Matt. “Bye, guys! Love you all” he throws up a peace sign, logs off the discord, and turns off his computer.
He spins his chair around to see you under the blankets with your phone in hand. He walks over to you, gets under the covers, and pulls you against his chest. “I missed you baby,” he says through a yawn.
“Chris I was literally two fe-” he cuts you off with shushing noises.
“Shhhh — you're way too far away. Now go to sleep”
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a/n — hiii, i hope you guys enjoyed!! this is super short but i hope it succeeded your expectations.
tag list — @sturniolos--girl-deactivated202 @m0r94n @lovesodakid @sweetreliever @emssturniolo @slxtformatt @prettylameusertbh @conspiracy-ash @probablyoutyappingorsomething @sturniolosandmoree @https-roman @hoeforchrizz @hvlplvss @idontcare4urmom @submattenthusiast
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mattsturnioloz · 2 days
Then I lost you: Pt 5. (last pt.)
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
Summary: Matt's career as a youtuber takes a toll on his 4 year relationship with his girlfriend, putting it on hold. Will it ever be the same again?
Warnings: angst, unresolved angst, crying, fluff!!
Pairings: Y/n x Matt Sturniolo
A/N: (This is gonna be the last part, it’s gonna be sad but hope you guys will love it 🫶🏼 Also I fell asleep in the middle of writing this so forgive me if it’s not my best😖 I recommend listening to the song while reading 😚)
(Also since this part is really long I recommend just replaying the song over and over until the end of the story :) if you wanna cry☠️)
Matt’s Pov:
I drive back back home, The car silent and the negative thoughts come to my head but I quickly drown them out by playing music.
I get home and open the front door, and I go up the stairs to the living room and see Chris and Nick both laying on the couch watching some netflix show and I lay in between them, putting my head on Nicks shoulder. Somewhat needing to feel my brothers comfort.
“Are you okay?” he speaks up looking at me on his shoulder. I shake my head while staring at the tv and picking at my nails. He puts his arm around my shoulders and rests his head against mine and Chris rubs his hand up and down, on my partly exposed back and they exchange sympathetic glances at eachother.
Nick and Chris fall asleep during the show and I get bored, closely listening to the analog clock that we have above the couch, ticking, and the soft snores of Chris and Nick filling my ears.
I decide to get up and clean up around the house, doing basic chores until later in the day when it’s time to get ready. I shower quickly so that I don’t have time to think about the negatives. I grab the towel and dry myself off before going to my room.I go to my closet. The side where y/n’s clothes used to be is empty and the sight hurts. The hangers just.. hanging.
I knock out of it and I change into a plain light grey, almost white hoodie, and light blue baggy jeans with a pair of white air forces. Something casual but nice.
I’m nervous, like I was before picking her up for our first date, 5 years ago. I know where im taking her already and I can’t wait, but it’s going to bring back memories and i’m not sure that it’s a good thing right now.
I put on my Vivienne Westwood earrings and necklace to match before fixing up my hair. I hook my keys on the belt loop of my jeans and I spray cologne and deodorant before turning off my room light and heading out closing the door behind me.
I would say bye to Nick and Chris but they’re passed out on the couch so I go down to the stairs to the front door, leaving and locking the door after I walk out. I walk over to my car, getting in and I can feel my heart beating out of my chest.
I stop by a flower shop and I grab a bouquet of plumeria flowers, her favorite. The same ones I got her on our first date with all sorts of pretty colors that all go well together. They’re beautiful and vibrant, just like her.
I pay for them before I go back out my car and I get in buckling my seatbelt and I take a deep breath before I start the car and I start driving to Y/n’s house. Y/n’s house.
I break down in sobs, letting my cries out before I get to her place. I feel like I can’t breathe, gripping the wheel so tight, that my palms start to turn white.
I get there and park before putting the mirror down and making sure I look okay. I get out taking a deep breath, taking in the warm Los angeles sunset. I go over to her front door and let my fist hover over the door for a moment, my palms sweaty and I wipe them before I knock.
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Y/n’s Pov:
I’m changing into a nice simple white dress, when I hear a knock on the door. Shit. I hope I look okay. I dust my dress off in the mirror while also checking if my makeup looks alright before grabbing my purse and turning off the lights. I go to the front door and open it to see Matt standing there. He looks so good.
“Hey baby..” He says with a warm smile. He looks nervous, exactly like he did on our first date. It’s radiating off of him and I feel my palms start to sweat. I see tear stains on his cheeks but i’d rather not bring it up and ruin the mood.. Instead I wrap arms around him and hug him.
I can feel my body shaking, I don’t wanna lose him. Why are we even trying? What was the point of splitting up if we were just going to act like a couple? Technically today, we still are one.
We finally let go of what will be one of our last hugs. My heart is still aching to the point where it’s starts to hurt physically. “Youre so beautiful.. you always have been..” He says in the sweetest, most gentle tone. He grabs me the waist pulling me closer, while looking me up and down in awe.
“Thank you baby..” I reply, smiling and I press a kiss to his lips. “You ready to go?” He asks. His tone almost sad. But I nod and smile in response.
This is what I was still holding on to. Moments like these. Moments like last night, and this morning. I love him. So much. I wish he would just tell me that he takes it all back. That he wants to be with me. That he wants to try again.
———- ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ———-
Matt’s Pov:
I grab her hand after she locks her door and I lead her to my car, opening the door for her. She kisses me on the way in before smiling at me. Her smile makes my heart flutter. She’s so beautiful. Everything about her is just so beautiful.
I kiss her again before shutting the door and making my way around the car and into the drivers seat. We buckle ourselves in before I start the car. The sun still setting by the minute.
I roll the windows down, the air warm and fresh, and Y/n plays music, singing along with it, and I can’t help but smile and steal a few glances at her. We stop at a red light and I reach in the backseat. She looks at me, confused and I grab the plumeria flowers, handing them to her.
She freezes and she looks up at me almost in shock. She knows. I can tell that she wants to cry but she doesn’t. She flashes me a big smile. “Thank you so much baby, I love them!” She says with the biggest smile before smelling them. “Of course, i’m glad you like them..” I say reaching over and putting my hand on her thigh, caressing it gently before just letting my thumb glide side to side.
I’m devastated that i’m losing all of this. I can’t believe I treated her the way I did. I wish I could take back everything i’ve said to hurt her. Maybe this wouldn’t be happening. If i would’ve just treated her right and gave her the love and attention that she deserves. I let my career get in the way of our relationship. Our love.
“I’m glad we’re doing this.” I say, glancing at her. “Me too, Matt. I’m really glad.” She responds. “I’m sorry.” I say, my voice cracking. Dammit, why do I keep crying. She turns her head too quick to look at me. “I’m sorry for all the things I did and said to push you away. I’m sorry I didn’t treat you better.” I swallow the lump in my throat. She takes my hand that’s still on her thigh and she kisses it.
“It’s okay Matt.. like you said, it’s for the best.. It just wasn’t working for either of us…” I nod and I want to tell her that I take it back, but I can’t. I know I can’t.
“Now let’s talk about something else to get your mind off of it yea?” she says smiling at me. How can she smile? How can she keep her composure when she’s probably more hurt than I am. I’m the one who said it won’t work. But I nod again. We talk about some more random things like our careers and future projects we might have planned and want to do.
We arrive at the restaurant and she looks at me with her jaw dropped while smiling. The same restaurant that I brought her to on our first date. “Ravioli?” She asks with a shriek, her voice crackling when she does. “Ravioli.” I nod chuckling her reaction.
I kiss her hand before unbuckling my seatbelt and I get out, making my way to the passenger side and opening the door for her, grabbing her hand to help her out. “I swear, you’re so beautiful baby.” I say closing the door before wrapping my arms around her waist pulling her closer and I kiss her.
“I could look at you for the rest of my life, and never get tired..”I mumble, against her lips before moving my kisses down to her jaw, then to her neck. She giggles at the feeling, making my heart flutter at the sound of her laugh.
I leave a small subtle hickey before pulling away and kissing her lips one more time and I grab her hand. “Let’s go.” I say, locking the car as I lead her towards the restaurant.
We go inside and I request the same table we had on the first date and thankfully, it was available. We get seated and handed our menus but we don’t bother to look inside because we both know we’re getting ravioli.
“I love that we’re recreating our first date.” She says, reaching across the table to hold my hand. “I thought you might. It feels like our first date all over again.” I smile, planting a gentle kiss against her knuckles.
The waitress comes over and we order, and not long after we get our food. We talk, eat and laugh about old times for hours, and eventually we’re the last people at the restaurant, the night coming to an end.
I pay the bill and we go quiet. Neither of us wanting the night to end. We stand up and I grab her hand leading her out the restaurant and I walk over to the trunk grabbing a blanket. “We’re going to the park too?” She smiles looking back towards the park next to the restaurant and I nod smiling.
“Gotta recreate our first date for our last.” I say placing a kiss on her temple. I lead her towards the park, the only lights being the dim street lights. I lead her to the grass, placing the blanket down and I kneel, helping her down before we both lay, looking up at the stars with her head and hand resting on my chest.
This feels right. The coldness of the night breeze making me feel peace. The mix of the stars and the streetlights, highlighting her features perfectly.
Hours pass. We talk while stargazing and eventually it’s 2 am. “I don’t want this night to end..” She’s says quietly. “Me neither baby..” I say, holding her closer.
Eventually we get up and she start to shiver so I wrap the blanket around her and hold her for a little before we stroll down the park back to my car.
I open the passenger door and let her inside before shutting the door while taking a deep breath and walking over to my side. I get in and it’s quiet. I glance at her and I can see her devastation.
I start the car and start driving towards her house. I put my hand on her thigh again, caressing it, and she grabs my hand intertwining her fingers with mine. The whole ride there silent.
When we arrive, I look over at her and she’s already looking at me with tears rolling down her cheeks at a rapid pace and she breaks down into sobs, her breath pace increasing.
To no surprise I start crying too. I get out of the car running to her side, opening the door and practically yanking her out, into a hug. Her sobs are killing me. “Listen to me Y/n.” I say lifting her head from my chest, cupping her cheeks, and wiping her tears with my thumbs.
“I’ll always be here for you, i’ll always love you so much, you’re the love of my life. No matter what, it’s always gonna be you baby.” I cry softly, pulling her head back to my chest. Her cries die down and all I hear is her occasional sniffling. “I love you, Matt..” she hiccups. “I love you too y/n.. more than life itself. I always will. Always and forever..” I say mumbling into her hair.
She pulls back and kisses me, and we make out slowly and passionately, taking our time, tears mixed in between. I give her one more soft loving kiss but eventually we part and my heart shatters into so many pieces to the point where i’m not sure that there even is one.
We let go of eachother and she makes her way towards her door and when she reaches it she looks back at me one more time. “I love you.” She says, with a teary smile. “I love you more.” I say smiling back, my own tears rolling down my face.
She watches me a little longer before turning around and unlocking her door, disappearing inside after she closes it. I take in the bittersweet moment. The love of my life is officially gone.
I take deep breaths as I walk to my door and I get in, starting the car and immediately driving away, because if I didn’t, I would be banging on her door begging her to stay with me.
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Y/n’s Pov:
I feel my heart break the more that I watch his car fade into the distance through my window and after i can’t see it anymore, I walk over to my couch and plopping on it. The silence too silent, like im drowning in it.
I look at the promise ring on my finger that he gave me long ago when we hit our 2 year anniversary. Taking in the memories that came with it. Remembering every detail of that beautiful night.
I stare at the boxes of my things that are still packed and I look around, taking in the emptiness and loneliness of my new home. 5 years with the love of my life… gone.. and I miss him already.. I miss him so much and all of our memories come flooding back. But then I realize that this was goodbye.
———- ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ———-
Matt’s Pov:
As I drive further away from y/n’s house, a part of me is gone and feels like it’s been taken, but I know this was my doing. It’s all my fault. I need somewhere to go. To feel at peace. But then it hits me. The beach.
I drive to the beach, trying to drown out the painful after thoughts of losing y/n and the aching in my chest. My vision becomes blurry when soft tears fill my eyes.
I play music to try and drown out the images. The images of her smiling at me. The sound of her laughter. The sound of her crying. But it’s all too much and it doesn’t help that white ferrari by frank ocean starts playing.
When I get to the beach I park and pause. As if time stopped and I take in the sight, the memories flooding back all at once.
———- ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ———-
“Where are you taking me?” Y/n giggles, as my hands are covering her eyes. “Be patient my love, you’ll see..” I say placing a kiss on her temple. I lead her to the spot at the beach and I uncover her eyes.
A whole picnic set up for us with blankets, pillows, her favorite snacks and board games. “Oh my god..” She says looking back at me with her jaw dropped and she jumps into my arms and I catch her, holding her up by her thighs, kissing her face repeatedly.
Her skin is soft and her hair is flowing with the night breeze making her look more beautiful than ever. The city lights reflecting on her face, highlighting her beautiful features.
I put her down giving her a kiss and I pull her down onto the blankets and pillows. “I have one more surprise for you my love..” I say, brushing her hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear.
“Another one? Baby you didn’t have to-“ She says. “Shush, you deserve it and so much more.” I say cutting her off and pulling out a ring. “It’s a promise ring.”
She smiles and her eyes well up with tears. “Matt that’s so sweet oh my goodness..” She says trying to hold back her tears. I pause and take a deep breath before speaking.
“Y/n I promise to always be here for you, to be the one who cherishes your love. I promise to be faithful and to be the man that you deserve.” I say, sliding the ring on her ring finger. “I promise to be the woman you deserve too baby.. I promise i’ll always love you..” she says hugging me.
After that she lays in my lap, her upper back against my chest and her head against the crook of my neck as I hold her. We watch the stars and stare out into the darkness of the ocean, the city lights reflecting onto the water. The night is perfect and so is she.
I turn her face towards me and I gently kiss her lips. “I love you Y/n..” I say with a smile. “I love you more baby..”
———- ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ———-
I walk towards where the sea meets the land and I sit in the very spot from that night, I breathe and take in the night air. The waves crash gently against the shore, a soothing rhythm that once matched the beat of our hearts.
I sat at the edge of the ocean, the place where we made our promises. The night sky seems endless, but it only reminds me of the distance between us now. Every memory we shared flashed before my eyes, each one more vivid than the last. The laughter, the tears, the promises we made.. they all feel so close, yet so far away.
In that moment, I realize that everything we had was slipping through my fingers like sand and I regret everything I said that pushed you away, I just want you back.
The echoes of our last conversation lingered in the air, haunting me with every breath I take. The place we once cherished now feels empty, a different contrast to the warmth you brought into my life.
The sky darkened, identical to the darkness I now feel in my life. The gentle breeze that once brought your laughter now carried only silence.
I sat there, hoping for a miracle, a sign that you might come back. A sign that this wasn't the end. I could only hope that we’d find each other again when the time was right.. but for now, I whispered your name one last time, knowing deep down that this was goodbye, and just like that you were gone.
Then I lost you.
———- ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ———-
3,086 words.
A/N: (Ahhh my first series is finally finished!! I’m so devastated, and i’m as we speak. Thank you all for the support and I really hope you guys love this last part :) thank you 🫶🏼)
Taglist: @urmom69lol @imwetforyourmom @tsturniolo4 @watercolorskyy @starzinasblog @urfavstromboli @sturniqloo @star-yawnznn @h3arts4harry @asherrisrandom
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