#okay i'm done cause that's not what this post was even about.. i like reading my bad
starlightxsvt · 2 years
— Lover | c.sc (M)
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pairing ➳ dom!Seungcheol x sub!inexperienced!female reader
genre ➳ sugar daddy au, fake dating, strangers to lovers, smut, pwp, angst and some fluff. part of the Sugar Spice and Everything Nice project.
warnings ➳ okayy let's see, profanities, reader is shy and timid, she is also a simp, age gap tho it isn't mentioned, lying, insecurities, mention of terminal illness, dom/sub dynamics, explicit sexual content: multiple sex scenes, daddy kink obviously, kissing, a little degradation (slut), marking, big dicc! cheol, one tit slap, one spank, a little fingering, a lil clit biting? tit worshipping, male oral, choking, virgin sex, unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it guys, this is just fiction!), forced orgasms, multiple orgasms, crying, creampie, seggs so gud she passes out, lots of emotions that needs to be addressed, Cheol is kind of an asshole at times?
word count ➳ 15.7k (grab your popcorn besties)
synopsis ➳ the worst first meeting and then an uncanny proposition is enough to cause trouble for you. you fall for a man who doesn't seem all that keen on returning your feelings.
playlist ➨ sugar daddy- queen herby // lover- taylor swift // power- ellie goulding // sugar- maroom 5 // tell it to my heart- meduza // guys my age- hey violet // tie a cherry- cl // only- lee hi // king of my heart- taylor swift // one last night- vaults // i fell in love with the devil- avril lavinge // i like it when you love me- oh wonder.
a/n: First of all happy new year guysss(even tho I'm late) and secondly, it's hereee!!! The first installment of Sugar Spice and Everything Nice is here!! I'm so excited, goshh. This is my first time writing explicit smut so idk how good it was (lemme know, wink wonk). For me it was hard af like I had no idea it was so draining to write smut??💀 Lmao anyways. Tbh when I thought of doing a sugar daddy fic, the first member I could think of was Cheol. I mean- HES A LITERAL DILF OKAY, he has the looks, the money, everything so ofc I had to do my first ever sg fic centering him. I hope y'all have a great time reading this and anticipate Joshua and Jeonghan's story which will probably take another couple months to be posted, sorry! Happy reading and I'll see y'all in hell( I can't believe I wrote this WTF 😀)
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Your ass hurts.
It hurts so bad that you feel like the skin has come off and it has been set on fire. But that pain doesn't even come close to the fear and anxiety you feel right now as you watch the godly handsome man glare at you, his eyes shooting fire towards you like laser beams. His secretary or assistant or something dabs away at the stain on his pristine dark blue suit jacket with extreme caution; careful not to spread the stain further. The stain you just gave him.
In your defense, it was accidental but you aren't totally guilt free. You were too busy daydreaming about the man; the one currently sending daggers your way, to notice he was getting up from his seat to take his leave. Somehow your clumsy, pathetic self lost her balance and ended up tossing all the hot coffee that you were about to serve another table on him- mainly his suit while you land ass first on the floor. You are truly thankful that the man was wearing his suit otherwise he would have been burned pretty bad and by now you would probably be on your way to jail for burning somebody.
"Fuck! Stop it!" The man, also known as Mr. Choi bats the other man's hand away from his jacket as he takes it off, still glaring at you, probably cursing you too in his mind while you sit unmoving on the floor, stupidly gaping at him.
"Oh my god! We're so so sorry, sir!" From somewhere Tanz rushes towards the crime scene and helps you get up, while continuously bowing to the man in apology. "That was an accident. Please forgive us, sir. We'll pay for the dry cleaning."
"Forget it!" His voice booms, clearly annoyed as he mutters something to the other man who rushes out of the restaurant. "Do you know what you have done? How I could have been burned? I have a business meeting for fucks sake." He hisses at you while dabbing at the light patch of brown that has seeped on his crisp white shirt from the jacket.
"I'm sorry," you whisper meekly, head hanging low in shame, cringing at yourself. Way to make an impression. Tanz is about to say something but the man speaks again, this time directed at her, "If this is how your employees treat their customers then you should probably think about hiring new ones." He snaps before turning on his heel and marching out of the place.
The hushed chatter returns as obnoxiously rich people stare at you and gossip while Tanz pushes you towards the kitchen. "Wow. So you like spilling coffee on men that you like? Is that your way of telling them that you are interested?" She raises a brow at you making you flustered. "I swear, it was an accident! I just- slipped somehow...I'm so sorry."
She sighs, rubbing her forehead. "It's okay. As long as he doesn't file a complaint about us. And if he doesn't do that, be sure he's never coming back. He doesn't wanna get his pretty face burned next time." Tanz jokes but you don't really find it amusing.
Mr. Choi has been your harmless crush for a while now, well he definitely was harmless until now. He's one of the regular customers here, showing up almost everyday whether to have breakfast or to grab a cup of coffee. He always leaves the most generous tips which are a given for a billionaire like him. You have seen his face on magazines and the internet before as he is a hot topic of discussion because of his extreme success at a young age. Not only is he blessed with extremely good looks but he also doesn't lack intelligence and pairing it up with his communication skills and straightforwardness, he has managed to build an entire empire fairly young. And you just spilled hot coffee on someone like him.
Tanz takes pity on your traumatized state and lets you go home early, where you crawl under your blankets and try to wipe the cringy memory off your mind. You can only hope he does the same.
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Sitting here, waiting for the stranger to appear is nerve wracking. Well, he isn't a complete stranger if you consider the messages you exchanged with him over the past week.
You still can't believe you signed up on a freaking sugar daddy website and then started chatting with some dude who you have no idea is real or not and now you are here, waiting for the said dude at a cafe. This all truly feels surreal now. Sure, the man seemed fun and nice over texts but you have no idea what he looks like and if he truly has the capability to be a sugar daddy. In his profile, it said his name is Scoups and his age is 32. That's all you know about the man you are going to meet. You don't have any idea what he looks like because his profile picture was rather vague, a capture of his silhouette rather than his profile.
He had asked if he could meet you in this cafe last night and thinking about all your accumulating bills, you said yes. He even specifically told you where to sit, the third table from the entrance by the window. Now you sit here tapping your foot nervously, contemplating your decision and waiting for the man to show up. You can't even look for him and only hope that he manages to recognize you from your profile picture.
You're so engrossed in your thoughts that it takes you a while to realize a man is standing in front of you. Peeking up to look at him, your heart almost lurches out of your chest at the sight. Mr. Choi stands in front of you in all his glory, a confused look on his face as he judges you with a raised brow. Your throat tightens.
"Wha- what are you doing here?" He's incredulous. You get nervous for no reason. You fiddle with your hands as they flail wildly and blurt out, "I- you told me to c-come here. We- we have been talking through that website-"
"What the fuck are you saying? I was supposed to meet some investors he- wait a second!" Some sort of revelation flashes across his eyes as he clenches his jaw and tightens his fist. You half expect him to start throwing punches but instead, he yells, "Fuck! Yoon Jeonghan!" He grits his teeth as he produces his phone from his breast pocket and quickly dials a number before walking away, leaving you completely bewildered.
You sit there as minutes pass by, baffled at the situation. Out of all people, he had to be your match? Or maybe it wasn't him. God, you're confused. When you are sure he has left for good and you should too, he reappears at your table, an annoyed look resting on his face.
He sits down on the chair across you with a disturbed grunt, before undoing the button of his jacket and releasing a deep breath. You sit there frozen, too nervous to speak or move, only watching the beautiful man in front of you rubbing his temples. He begins, "I have to clear things up. This is a setup, done by my dear friend. He was the one who you have been talking to on that website. He set me up to this, saying that we were meeting some investors. I had no idea I was gonna meet a...sugar baby." He mutters dryly, undoubtedly displeased with everything. Dumbly, you whisper, "I'm sorry."
What are you even sorry for? Oh yeah, spilling coffee on his jacket.
He lets out a mirthless chuckle, "It's really ironic meeting you. God the confusion I felt when I saw you sitting here." He shakes his head at the memory as you grow more embarrassed. "Anyway, I think we're done here. Sorry to let you down but if you want to meet my friend I can give you his number." His tone is dismissive as he prepares to leave but stops in his tracks when a ping comes from his phone. He opens the device to check the text and a frown settles on his face upon reading it. He sits still for a while, staring at the screen while you do the same, waiting for his next move.
And it surprises you.
"On a second thought, I don't mind being a sugar daddy." He announces as he gets comfortable in the chair again and you gulp, wondering what that text said that made him change his mind so quickly. Silently, you wait for him to elaborate but he doesn't, instead starts scanning you top to bottom. You grow flustered under his scrutinizing gaze, shuffling in your seat as you wonder if he likes what he sees or feels repelled. It's probably the latter.
"I have some specific demands that need to be met. One, if I'm being precise. You do that and I pay you generously."
You swallow. "What is it?"
"I need someone to show up with me on family functions and other events. You see, my family has been pressuring me to find a significant other and me showing up with a girl will really keep them off my ass." He states, getting to the point immediately as you sit there, processing his words. His proposition sounds almost unreal, too easy. He continues, "I'm willing to pay whatever your requirement is. If you agree, then I'm gonna prepare a contract which will carry all the details of this arrangement." He sounds so formal like he's doing business which in a way, he is and his authoritativeness makes you stumble over your words as you gather your thoughts.
"I...I don't mind I guess. I have loans to pay off so...I'm willing." You whisper. In the back of your mind, you wonder if this means you have to get physical with him, which you definitely don't mind but the thought makes your throat dry. As if he can read your mind, he speaks, "Don't worry about sex. I'm not looking for anything physical. But if you are willing then we can. However, that is not a priority. We can take it one at a time." His bluntness makes your face burn as you nod timidly, looking away. When you offer nothing more he sits up straight. " Well, then, Miss ____, I take it you're willing?"
"Yes." You nod. "Good. My secretary will contact you soon. We can meet up and discuss the contract." He throws a professional smile at you, a pleasure-doing-business-with-you-with-you smile as he fishes out his wallet and pulls out a couple of hundred dollar bills. To your utter surprise, he pushes them towards you. "Thank you for your time." Is all he says before he stands up and marches away, leaving you to sit there shocked, horrified even as you stare at the bills sitting on the table.
Two hundred dollars?
For what? Like twenty minutes? Is this what it feels like to be a sugar baby? Half of you feel ashamed while the other half feels giddy as you reach for the notes. You have to put your pride aside if you want to pay off your loans and accomplish your dreams. Also, it's not like this is illegal or you begged him for this. He willingly gave you two hundred dollars! With a soft smile on your lips, you put the notes in your purse and head home.
A couple of days later, true to his words, Seungcheol's secretary calls you, letting you know that his boss wants to have dinner with you and go over the contract. Due to the occasion, you take out the best piece of clothing you own; a mid-length black evening dress with a sweetheart neckline that hugs your body nicely and pray that it makes you look decent and presentable. Seungcheol is kind enough to send his car to pick you up and take you to the restaurant.
When you arrive, Seungcheol is already there, waiting for you in one of the private dining areas. Dressed in a grey suit and pants which are a little crinkled right now, it is evident that he had a long day. But somehow, he manages to look perfectly put together and attractive, his intimidating aura ever present. "Good evening, Miss ____."
He greets as he sees you enter and with a shy greeting, you quickly sit down opposite to him. The room is spacious, designed with wood and minimalistic decorations as a table sits at the center, surrounded by a couple of chairs. Seungcheol pushes the menu resting on the table towards you. "Order whatever you please. Then we can start discussing the contract."
So you do that quickly as the waiter arrives and pours some champagne on your glasses. As a means of easing your nerves, you quickly gulp it down.
"Now, since this is a contract, I expect you to be completely honest and tell me if you aren't satisfied with anything. This won't work if you don't tell me your worries," Seungcheol begins, pushing the written contract towards you. Tentatively, you pick up the piece of paper. "I've listed my requirements here. You can add yours if you have any. And if you disagree with any of these then we can discuss it." He states, leaning back on his chair and taking a sip of the bubbling drink. You can feel his eyes burning into you as you read over the contract and you are pretty surprised over its simplicity.
They don't contain many clauses, just a few; none of the parties are allowed to have any other relationships while in this contract, prices are negotiable if they do not satisfy the sugar baby, sexual relationship is not a must but it can be initiated with the consent of both parties and lastly, if any of the parties want to break off this arrangement, they can do so without any questions asked. You set down the paper with a hum and Seungcheol asks, "Okay? Would you like to add anything?"
"No, I think this is fine." You say, making him nod and fetch a pen from his pocket. "You can always add something later if you feel like it. I want this to be beneficial for both of us. This way, we both get what we want, don't we?" Nodding, you scribble your sign at the bottom of the paper, next to his. You feel like you have done something huge, something that will change your life and it will. He is literally your sugar daddy now. Which reminds you.
"Oh, thank you for that money...that day. You... didn't have to do it, really." You whisper. Seungcheol shrugs, his tone bored, "I'm your sugar daddy, aren't I? Besides, you were scammed in a way. Only felt right to compensate you. Jeonghan says he's sorry, by the way." Biting your lip, you nod, unable to come up with a reply.
"Okay, now." Seungcheol puts his hands on the table, his serious gaze making you squirm in your seat. "My parents are hosting a charity event this weekend. And you will be accompanying me."
"This weekend?" You let out an unceremonious gasp. He raises a brow, "Yes. Do you have plans? I will pay you handsomely." The mention of money makes you flush as you quickly shake your head, "No no! I just- I wasn't expecting it. I mean it's in two days and I don't have any time to prepare my dr-"
"Everything will be taken care of, ___." He pins you down with his gaze. "You just need to show up. I will have a pair of stylists and make-up artists at my place this Saturday. You can get ready there."
"O-okay. Thank you." You mutter, feeling a little intimated.
"Good." Seungcheol smirks. "Pleasure doing business with you, Miss ____."
After that, there's a pause in the air as dinner is served and you both start eating in relative silence. "I did some background check on you. You're a business major, I see." Seungcheol states somewhere between the dinner. "Yes, I am." You speak.
"You have quite an excellent score. Why don't you come to my company for an internship." The idea is enticing but you are already in a rather special relationship with this man so the idea of him being your boss too isn't really the most pleasing. It is true that you are preparing your résumé for some internships as you need money to pay off your loans as the diner's pay isn't helping with too much. "T-thank you for your offer, Mr. Choi. But I don't think I will." He raises a brow at you but doesn't speak further, instead sips the champagne. "You are not interested in an internship?"
"I- I was but not anymore. I mean, with our new arrangement," heat flares all through your face "I-I think I'll keep working at the diner and save up. I actually want to open my own shop." You whisper, confessing your dream to him suddenly making you shy.
What does he think of you? Is he judging you? Laughing at you?
"What shop?"
"A flower shop," you breathe, looking at your lap. He's silent for a while before nodding, "A flower shop, huh? Interesting." He muses and you cringe inwardly thinking he's probably laughing at you. Before you can stop yourself you explain, "You see my mother used to have a garden when I was young. I really liked watching her tending to the garden with so much love and before I knew it I started to do the same too. She loved roses, half of our garden was full of them. I just...I don't know, I want to work with flowers." You don't know why you are blabbering about this to pretty much a stranger and you half expect him to roll his eyes and say whatever but you watch him nod, almost understandingly.
"That's great. We'll drink to that. I hope you can open your shop soon." He raises his glass and you quickly grab yours, clinking it with him, whispering a 'cheers'.
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It has been two months since that night and God, your life has turned completely upside down. If someone said this was gonna be your life a few months back, you would have flipped them off but lord, it is. You have attended quite a few events with Seungcheol in the span of the last couple of months and after each event, the amount that was dropped in your bank account was mind boggling, almost filthy. You have once tried talking to Seungcheol about it, saying he did not have to pay that much every time but he just shrugged and said that's what you deserve for giving him your time. And you certainly can't complain.
With the current flow of cash, in just a few weeks you can finish paying all your debts and actually start working on setting up your shop.
Other than the obscene about of money, there are gifts. So much of it that bags of Channel and Dior and Gucci and Louis Vuitton and Prada lie around your apartment now because after every party you attend with Seungcheol, he lets you take home the expensive dresses and shoes as gifts. You have tasted the most luxurious wines and champagnes, tried a variety of delicacies, rode cars worth a million dollars and whatnot. It has been an overwhelming but also a learning experience as you got to experience how the filthy rich people lived. And it is easy to get used to because coming from a struggling family, when you have diamonds and rubies on your neck and fingers, you truly can't complain too much. But every now and then you tell Seungcheol to take it easy and tone it down just a little.
Seungcheol, right. The man who is now at the center of your universe. He's an enigma, just like gravity as he keeps pulling you closer and closer yet leaving you unsatisfied. You don't really know what you expected Seungcheol to be but it's definitely not this. He's attentive and respectful but also very professional. While this sugar daddy and sugar baby relationship may sound really intimate to others, it's nowhere near that for the two of you. It's fair to say you are extremely surprised at how Seungcheol keeps his distance and never tries to initiate anything with you.
You have been playing the role of Seungcheol's arm candy slash companion, nothing more or less. So far you have attended four events with him, the first one being his family charity. His parents surprised you, in the best way. While you expected them to make rude comments and judge you down to your pores, they were welcoming and chatty and easy to get along with, like the rest of his family. His mother was the life of the party, talking and laughing and drinking nonstop, her vibe a lot younger than her age.
After that event, you attended two more office parties, followed by an evening party taken place after Seungcheol launched another new business. That night is the most unforgettable as you were flocked with paparazzi coming at you from all directions and throwing questions left and right. However, Seungcheol handed them efficiently, shielding you from the blinding flashes with his large frame as he answered the questions for you. He has always made sure that you felt comfortable and always made you feel included in conversations. And for someone with a soft heart like yours, his attention and politeness towards you have increased the teeny tiny crush you had on him to tenfold.
How can you not like someone as charming as him? Sure, he has kept you at an arm's length, never sharing anything too personal with you nor asking anything personal about you but the sight of him in a suit, engrossed in his work, his ring clad fingers massaging his temples is enough to make you forget everything and fall for him harder. Seungcheol pays you to show up with him at events and while you were first interested in luxurious parties and fine dining events, you've soon lost interest in them; now too busy gawking at Seungcheol. The events now bore you but you certainly aren't complaining when you get to be by the side of a man like Seungcheol.
The way he shows up in expensive suits, tailored just perfectly and free of a single crease and the way he brushes his slicked hair back while talking or the way his adam's apple bobs when he sips champagne or the way his biceps flex when he buttons his suit is good enough to drive you insane. Simply speaking, it looks like you've got it down bad for someone who is clearly not interested in a relationship. You remember asking him about this on the way home after one of his parties.
"Why don't you just...date?"
Your question catches him off guard by the look on his face as he raises a rather judgemental brow at you. Flustered, you're about to apologize for being nosy when he sighs. "Too much work."
"Huh?" You blink at him. "Dating. It's too much for me. I've seen people around me fall in love and then fall apart in the worst ways and I don't want to be like them. I'm not ready for commitment or the effort and responsibilities that come with a relationship only for it to end and cause me headaches. It feels like a burden to me."
"Oh." You murmur. "But it could be fun too. If you find the right person, I mean." Your voice fades into a whisper. A small unamused smile rests on his face. "That's the thing. Finding the right person. I don't think there is someone like that. At least for me."
"Well, you never know until you search." You speak wondering why the hell you are pushing him to find love. Maybe because deep down that's what you wish from him, to love you. Seungcheol stares at you for a while, your eyes not leaving his as you watch the city lights reflect in them. The moment is broken when a frown mars his beautiful face as he snaps, "Well. As I said, I'm not interested."
His rejection definitely hurt you but you didn't have time to dwell on it because the next day Seungcheol announced that you would be accompanying him to Paris this weekend for a two-day business trip. The news came out of nowhere and smacked you on the face but you were too excited to complain how short of a time he gave you to prepare. Seungcheol dealt with all the paperwork work and a few days later you were accompanying him to Paris in his private jet.
It has been a couple of hours since you have landed and checked into the hotel suite. Seungcheol is currently taking a shower as you stand on the balcony, watching the Eiffel tower in the distance as the dusk fell.
You are still in the process of processing that all this is real and you are truly in Paris, staying in a fucking penthouse suite which unfortunately or fortunately has two bedrooms because Seungcheol claimed he didn't want to make you uncomfortable, sipping a wine whose name you can't even pronounce. All thanks to your dear sugar daddy. The word still feels foreign on your tongue and you haven't called him that out loud but oftentimes, your mind wonders if he'd like to be called that in bed. You are yet to find out if you have a daddy kink which seems like it won't happen soon given how professional Seungcheol has been with you.
Your wandering thoughts come to a halt as Seungcheol appears from the bathroom, half naked, just grey pajama pants hanging low on his hips and you almost choke on your wine. Making a quick excuse you dash to the bathroom, seeking shelter from the defined, absolutely perfect muscles all over his chest and abdomen. This sugar baby thing is proving to be a lot harder than you thought but hey, at least you are getting paid enough.
The next day Seungcheol meets his business partners in an early breakfast meeting as you get your beauty sleep in the fluffy white pillows and blankets. Later that evening you prepare for the after party as you put on a champagne colored silk evening dress, another luxurious purchase by Seungcheol. With your makeup done, you are putting on your earrings when Seungcheol pads into your room, dressed in the finest white suit you've ever seen. There's a white turtleneck underneath it and a Chanel brooch pin rests on one of the lapels of his collar. His hair is styled back in a rather messy way as the smaller strands lay scattered on the sides of his forehead and you have this terrible urge to run your fingers through them. He simply looks delectable.
You watch him with bated breath for a while before his voice brings you back to reality. "Are you finished?"
"Yeah, um, I just need to put my shoes on," you reply fumbling for your pumps. Seungcheol watches you for a second, his eyes scanning you top to bottom before he gives you a soft smile and steps out of the room, leaving you to finish getting ready.
This party is like every other, men talking about capitalist things and women showing off their jewels to each other. You sit on a chair by the long table full of sweets and fruits, helping yourself with a piece of strawberry as you sip on the rose champagne and watch Seungcheol converse with his business partners. Well, he stays silent mostly while the men surrounding him talk and this is the first time you have seen Seungcheol look so disinterested. His eyes keep wandering around and often landing on you and when they do, he holds his gaze, eyes boring into yours even though he's on the other side of the room. As you finish your strawberry Seungcheol excuses himself from his friends and stalks over to you. "Boring, isn't it?" He raises a brow at you.
"I'm surprised to hear that from you." You send a teasing smile on his way. He laughs softly, "I know. I'm kind of regretting making them partners. They just don't know when to shut their traps." He sighs, grabbing a champagne flute and finishing it in one go. "Well, would you like to leave then?" You ask. "Now?" He frowns. "We haven't had dinner yet."
You shrug. "We can just have it back in the hotel if that's okay with you." Seungcheol seems to ponder that idea for a second before he reaches out for your hand, surprising you. "Let's do that. I've had a long day." Nodding you follow him, your hands linked with his as you excuse yourselves from the party and head towards Seungcheol's limo.
Tonight the air between the two of you feels different, charged with palpable tension. Seungcheol, who only have ever touched the small of your back or pressed the slightest kisses on your temple as a public display of affection has been keeping his hands a lot more on you today. Like right now.
His hand rests on your thigh casually as you sit next to him on the limo, your heart thudding loudly when he absentmindedly starts stroking the flesh. You take a tentative look at him, his eyes focused outside, his brows furrowed a little. His face is so close to you, just mere inches apart and you can even count his beautiful, long lashes. And you have this insane urge to kiss every inch of his face, press your lips against him and feel the softness.
Your body seems to take matters into its hand as you feel yourself move and press your lips softly against like sharp jawline. Seungcheol is pleasantly shocked as he turns to face you, the hand on your thigh tightening. Holding your breath you watch him, waiting for him to react. He does by cupping your cheek, dark eyes watching you closely. And then he leans closer, pressing his lips on your cheek before trailing down towards your lips. He then stops and observes you for a while, his warm breath kissing your face, the heated desire in his eyes making your heart race.
And then he presses his lips on the corner of yours gently, as if testing the waters. Your soft gasp and tightening hold on his jacket ease his worries as he attaches his lips to yours softly. He takes his sweet time kissing your lips as you sit there frozen, the fact that this is happening stunning you. When he gently prods his tongue into your mouth you grab his jacket, breath hitching as fireworks spread through your body.
Perilously you kiss him back, hands snaking around his neck as he somehow shifts you onto his lap. Your heart rings in your ears loudly, thrilled to finally, finally taste the man you have been utterly besotted to.
He tastes like pure luxury, fine and deep and obsessive leaving you moaning for more. He removes his lips from yours to trail them down your neck, starting from your jaw as soft gasps leave your mouth. You throw your head back once his lips meet your sensitive spots and half unconsciously you start grinding yourself against his thigh. You seem to have lost your mind, your brain overflowing with some sort of horny hormones probably because your period is coming or because of the unfairly sexy man underneath you. However, your passionate moment is hindered as the car comes to a halt making you snap out of your reverie.
Face heated, you scramble to get off his lap while he lets you, an unaffected look resting on his face as if he didn't just eat your face. Getting off the car as fast as possible you march inside the hotel and go straight for the elevator. Seungcheol follows you close by and after one awkward, full of tension elevator ride later you reach the suite and as soon as Seungcheol unlocks it, you almost make a beeline for your room, too ashamed to face him after your little make out session. But his voice stops you in your tracks.
"Did I make you uncomfortable?" He asks suddenly, his face solemn. The sincerity in his tone makes you feel a little guilty. "No!" You signify. "I just- um, I really liked it but I'm afraid you didn't and I crossed a line or something..." You trail off nervously, eyes low in embarrassment. He watches you amusedly for a while before stepping towards you and tilting your head up with a finger.
The proximity of his body next to yours paired with his scalding gaze have your knees shaking but you swallow and meet his eyes. "Trust me, you didn't cross any line." His deep voice reverberates as he leans closer, his lips a breath away from your ear. "I liked that a lot, in fact." He whispers, trailing his lips from your cheek to your earlobe as he softly bites the flesh. Your hands clutch on his jacket tightly as you mewl, legs shaking. You can't believe how embarrassingly wet you are from one makeout session.
"Wait!" You speak, making him step back immediately with a frown and you hate how you miss his warmth. You don't want him to get the wrong idea so you keep your hands on his jacket as you look down and whisper your embarrassing truth. "I- you should know...that...I've never done this before. I'm- I'm-" you can't bring yourself to finish that sentence so keep your head down in shame, scared that he's gonna back out now. For a moment nothing happens and you feel like disappearing into thin air, before he cups your cheek and guides your face up.
"That's okay. What I need to know is," His eyes darken visibly, turning into pools of lava, "Do you really want this? Do you want me?" He utters, his lips a breath away from yours. "Y-yes, I do." He didn't even touch you but you are already gasping for air, the thoughts of him corrupting you sending shivers down your spine.
Watching you for a beat he leans closer and attaches his lips to yours, gently at first. When a soft, pleasured gasp leaves your mouth he grows bolder, pushing his tongue inside and claiming your mouth once again and biting your lips to the point it's swollen. The kiss is raw, filled with molten lust as he somehow manages to guide you both towards the master bedroom your lips always connected to his plump ones.
When you both stand in front of the huge bed, you almost lose your balance due to your lust-riddled brain but he is quick to grab your waist rather roughly and pulls you close while his other hand ventures downwards, groping your ass. He kisses you until you are breathless and then pulls back to look at your already fucked out state, your doe eyes watching him with so much eagerness.
"Beautiful." He whispers, eyes on your swollen lips that are parted just a little.
With a gentle hand, he reaches for the straps of your gown and lets them fall off your shoulders before his hands dance on your back, tugging down the zipper in a smooth motion. He steps back just a little bit, waiting for you to step out of your dress and shyly you do so. The dress doesn't let you wear a bra so your bare breasts are exposed to the chilly air, making your nipples harden immediately. You're about to cover yourself out of shame when he grabs your wrists. "Don't." Is all he says, his voice gentle yet commanding and you nod vigorously like a puppet.
He begins by pressing kisses on your shoulders and then your breasts as his hands work on massaging them simultaneously. He takes one nipple into his mouth, sucking and biting and torturing it with his tongue until you are arching towards him with a moan and bunching the sheets in your fists. "You are so beautiful when you moan for me darling, don't stop." He mouths with a cheeky smile before doing the same to your other breast, all the while watching your reaction and you are so lost in sensations that you don't realize he has taken off his suit jacket sometime while pleasing you.
Then he stops for a moment, pushing you back into the pillows behind you and sitting on his knees as he takes off his turtleneck. His body is truly a sight for sore eyes, chiseled abs all over and you have this urge to kiss every inch of his porcelain skin. Smirking at how you ogle him he then reaches for his pants, tugging them off too. Left in his boxers only which shows a clear outline of his hard length, you can't help but mewl out a please. Your desperation makes him cockier and he decides to tease you a little further.
Leaning down, he presses sweet kisses on your belly before going down, eyes connecting with yours every so often. He kisses your covered core once before tugging off your panties and tossing them aside, making you gasp and without a delay he spreads your legs open, staring at your core. You feel your whole body heat up with embarrassment and you want to close your legs but you can't because of his strong grip. It frustrates you how slow he is, too busy eye fucking you and enjoying your neediness. Throwing the sexiest smirk at you that has your pussy leaking, he leans down and attaches his lips against your core.
You almost scream bloody murder.
His mouth moves expertly against your most sensitive spot as he messily sucks and laps at your core. Your hands fist on his hair as you almost arch off the bed when you feel his warm tongue prodding at your entrance. "Fuck! Daddy!" And the word leaves your lips somehow which makes Seungcheol stop his ministrations on you. He leans back to look at you and you are so embarrassed you hope that the bed would swallow you up.
You're about to open your mouth to apologize but he says, "What did you call me?" His deep baritone has you gushing again as his smoldering eyes pin you down. "D-daddy." You whisper. "Good. Scream that when I make you come." The confidence and authority in his voice are enough to almost make you come as he dives back in with renewed vigor.
He's merciless, prodding your hole relentlessly with his tongue, alternating sucks and nips on your clit. It sets fireworks all through you and you feel the coil in your belly starting to tighten in pleasure. "So fucking good baby. You taste so sweet." He grunts, face pressed against your mound and his words paired with the lewd sight between your legs has your cunt throbbing.
Soon enough you find yourself on the precipice of an orgasm which washes over you when he gently nips your clit before giving it a harsh suck. You scream as you hurl down an orgasm, your first, real orgasm as Seungcheol holds your shaking body down.
Before you can even come back from your high, he continues, kissing your pussy aggressively while adding a finger and then two and the sudden stretch in your tight hole has you coming again in mere seconds, this time your orgasm stronger, setting your nerve endings on fire as you scream his name.
He sits back once done, a satisfied smirk on his face as he watches you twitch underneath him, vision q little blurry. He makes a show of licking his lips which glisten with your arousal before leaning down by supporting himself on his elbows and capturing your mouth in a passionate kiss. You moan, tasting yourself on his tongue and the filthiness of his act sends a new rush of arousal through your body.
"Do you want me to continue?" He asks and though his concern warms your heart you can't help the groan. "Yes, yes! Of course." You almost yell. Chuckling at your enthusiasm, he moves back and rakes a hand through his hair. "Well, then, if we're gonna do it, we have to do it bare because I don't have a condom with me. But I assure you, I'm clean and I'll pull out." He says, his eyes focused on your face to catch any hint of hesitation and honestly, you don't give a fuck. You'll do just about anything to have his dick inside you right now.
"I'm on the pill so I'm fine." You pant, reaching for him to pull him close. Smirking, he grabs your wrists midway and pins them above your head. Lazily he whispers in your ear, "If you want me to fuck you, you're gonna be a good girl and keep your hands to yourself. Understand?" You answer him with an enthusiastic nod but he isn't satisfied as he lands a sudden slap on your tit making you squeal. "Yes, daddy! Yes!" You heave for breaths, pussy throbbing as his rough treatment.
Once happy he works on removing his boxers and when they come off you almost drool, mouth hanging open at the sight. His cock is utterly beautiful, long and thick and heavy as it bobs in the air. Your pussy clenches around nothing as you swallow, thinking about how deliciously it's gonna stretch you, if you can even take it in the first place.
"Like what you see?" His tone is smug and you can only nod. He gives your pussy a few rubs, spreading your arousal before lining his cock up to your entrance, intense eyes watching you as he whispers, "Deep breaths baby. Tell me if it gets uncomfortable, alright? I'll stop immediately." You can only nod, grabbing his biceps for support as you feel his tip entering followed by some inches and just that feeling has you on the brink of exploding. Sharp pain and pleasure surge through you but what steals most of your focus is how incredibly full you feel. Your breath hitches and you tense up as he gradually pushes in, mewling, "Ah- s-so b-big."
Above you Seungcheol grits his teeth as he keeps pushing inside steadily and you wonder just how big his cock is when it finally stops and you let out the breath you were holding. "Alright?" Seungcheol asks. You nod your head taking in a couple deep breaths, pulling him closer as an indication to continue. And he does. Lazily he pulls back until the tip of his dick rests inside you and then he thrusts, so hard that you scream out loud as he hits that spot inside you. "Fuck, you're so tight." He sounds choked.
"Oh god!" you're wail, head full of bliss as your mouth hangs open in pleasure. The ethereal sight of him on top of you, sweaty, full of lust has you moaning and clenching. You wrap your arms tightly around his strong back, nails digging onto his skin as he increases his pace. "Feel good? You want more, little girl?"
His words make you gush around him. "Yes! Yes, daddy! I want more. Give it to me!" You whine deliriously, clinging onto him. He grunts, doubling his pace if that's even possible. You feel like you are gonna break into two, in the best possible way as he keeps hitting your sweet spot that has you moaning like a whore and you feel your orgasm approaching.
"Keep screaming my name. Who's making you feel this good?" He hisses in your ear, thrusting erratically. "You daddy! You! Seungcheol! Please, I'm gonna cum!" You mewl.
"Oh yeah? So easily? Cum then. Milk my cock dry." He bites your earlobe as one of his hands reaches down to circle your clit in tight motions making you shudder violently. You feel like you are gonna burst and you do actually. The coil in your belly snaps and with a raw scream of his name you come, pussy spasming erratically. Seungcheol hisses on top of you as he feels your arousal coat him but continues his ruthless pace, his thrusts so deep the bed shakes.
He's merciless, continuing his torture on your clit even after you come and oversensitivity settles. "Seungcheol, please..." You gasp, unsure what you are even begging for. "One more. You can do one more," he huffs before whispering, "Where do you want me to come baby?" He pants, hands rubbing your clit tirelessly.
"Inside! C-come in me, daddy!" You're delirious, the thought of him filling you up sends your body into overdrive as he pinches your clit, making you come once more with a scream of his name. The orgasm ripples through you like tsunami waves, shaking your whole body and making your toes curl as your fingernails dig into his back. He comes with you, warm spurts of his seed filling you up continuously, so much that some of it leak out. The warm feeling of his release inside your pussy and his sweet sucking on your neck is the last thing you remember before passing out.
When you return to earth it's morning and your whole body hurts. The sun filters through the silk curtains, making you squint as you struggle to sit up. The ache between your legs is ever present, making the memories of last night flood back in. At that thought, you look around the room only to see no signs of Seungcheol. Is he gone for a meeting? The bedside clock reads 9:05 am.
Damn, how long have you been passed out for? You didn't even have dinner last night. At the thought of food, your stomach growls and you scramble to get out of bed, awkwardly moving your legs after the treatment Seungcheol gave to your pussy last night. The thought has you feeling flustered as you pad outside of the bedroom and find Seungcheol sitting on one of the dining chairs, a newspaper in his hands.
A soft gasp leaves you as you didn't expect to see him. He looks up and the corners of his lips turn upward just slightly, "Hello there. Good morning."
"G-good morning," you fumble with the hem of your (his) shirt as you stand there awkwardly, face and neck heating up with embarrassment. "Sleep well?" He asks, his tone almost teasing and you nod shyly. "Good." He folds the newspaper and stands up, fixing his t-shirt. "Take some medicine. I'm sure it hurts. Was I too rough last night? You literally passed out on me." Refusing to meet his eyes, you only shake your head no and mumble out an apology. He steps towards you and lifts your face up with a finger. "Don't be. Did you have a good time?" The sincerity and integrity on his face steal your breath away. "Y-yes, thank you." You breathe, hypnotized by his eyes. He nods and steps back, announcing. "Have breakfast and get ready. We're gonna go for sightseeing today."
"Oh? You don't have any meetings?" You can't hide the astonishment in your tone.
"No. We're in Paris baby. And it's your first time. It's a shame if we leave just like this." He says as he puts on his watch. "I'll be downstairs. Take your time." He sends a smile your way before stepping out of the suite and despite the ache all over your body you move around quickly, excitement bubbling over.
The day is spent driving around in Seungcheol's Porsche as he takes you to visit museums, cafes, stores and whatnot. You return home in the evening with hands full of bags from luxury brands and tonight you two crash into bed early, both of you exhausted from running around all day. Tonight you sleep next to him and he doesn't comment on it, probably because he passes out the second he lies down and soon you do too.
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After an early flight the next day, you return home with too many gifts and unforgettable memories and a fat wad of cash in your bank account. Then you fall back into your daily routine, morning at the diner then attending the flower decoration class and then back to home. Seungcheol seems to have fallen into his busy routine too as he hasn't asked you to come over for the past week and the texts from him have been short and simple. Though his lack of attention hurts you a little bit, you push that feeling down and go on with your life. Seungcheol had suggested to you some plots for your shop and you start looking into them, deciding on which would be the best for you.
One Thursday after your flower decoration classes, you text Seungcheol, asking if you can meet him. It has been a while since you saw him physically and can't stop yourself from reaching out to him first. When his text says he's free in the evening, you bounce up and down with giddiness.
You arrive at his penthouse a little after 8. Seungcheol opens the door soon after you ring the bell, his hair damp and you can tell he's fresh out of the shower. He smells so good, fresh and minty and you have to stop yourself from hugging him. In the back of your mind, you wonder how great it'd be if he was your boyfriend.
Get it together.
Smiling from ear to ear you greet him. "Hi! I hope I'm not disturbing."
"No, it's fine. Come in." He steps away as you walk inside and get rid of your coat.
"Would you like some wine? I've asked the chef to prepare dinner for us."
"Oh, sure. And you didn't have to do that," you say bashfully as you sit on one of the breakfast stools and rest your hands on the marble countertop. You watch as Seungcheol moves around the kitchen, the thin t-shirt not really hiding his buff figure. His biceps flex as he unscrews the wine bottle and you swallow. He looks more muscular than the last time you saw him and you wonder if your mind is playing tricks on you.
Sliding a glass of wine towards you he sits on the opposite stool, brushing a hand through his hair and fluffing it. "How have you been? I've been really busy the past week."
"Yeah, I'm doing good. My flower decorating lessons are almost over." You take a sip of the cool drink.
"Good. Have you looked into the plots I suggested?" He takes a sip of his wine. For a distracted moment, you gape at his jawline and how his adam's apple bobs when he swallows. "Uhm, y-yeah. They're all really nice." You whisper, looking away. He nods, finishing his wine. "Take your time. When you decide on one let me know. I'll take care of your paperwork."
"Thank you," you smile before reaching for your bag that sits beside you. From inside you pull out your gift for him, which is the main reason you wanted to see him today. "This is for you. I made this today," you whisper shyly as you push the bouquet of dried flowers towards him. They are a combination of dried pink and red camellias, white clovers and red roses, all tied together with a white satin ribbon. Seungcheol raises a surprised brow at the present as he takes it in his hand and examines it.
"They are dried flowers. They'll last forever, you know. You don't have to take care of them." You explain nervously.
You shouldn't really be giving this gift to him. Last forever? Why would he want to keep something from you forever? You have let your emotions get the best of you. You want him to have something that'll remind you of him after all this is over; that is if he actually keeps this stupid gift. Chewing on your lower lip, you watch him anxiously, hoping he'll be blind enough and just accept it as a simple gift.
"Thanks. They are beautiful," he comments, setting the flowers down on the counter and you let out a breath of relief.
That night after dinner and too many glasses of wine you end up in Seungcheol's bed where he claims you as his own, all over again. You scream his name on the top of your lungs and by the time dawn rolls around, you're passed out completely. When you wake up in the morning, you find yourself alone in his large bed and a note resting on the bedside table, telling you that there is breakfast if you want and to check your bank account.
Sure enough, there is another new load of cash when you open your banking app, the amount staring back at you almost tauntingly. Accepting money from him has started to become harder and harder and you know very well you won't be able to continue this for long. You also know very well that Seungcheol will let you go without any questions asked but that's the problem. You want to stay. With him. Even if this is the way you can. You always end up feeling cheap and filthy at the end but you don't have anyone to blame but yourself.
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A couple of days later you accompany Seungcheol to yet another evening party, dressed in a teal gown and pearls in your neck and ears. It is boring like every other party and Seungcheol seems to feel it too. He sticks by your side mostly instead of entertaining his business partners who, you have noticed, does a poor job of keeping their lusty eyes off of you. You have overheard one particular Mr. Wang asking Seungcheol about you and if he's willing to share. The look Seungcheol sent his way made him look like he was about to piss his pants and after threatening to cut off all business ties with him, Seungcheol stuck by your side and hasn't left since.
"Should we just leave? Let's eat at my place. We can order whatever you like." Seungcheol offers and you are quick to agree. Getting to be with Seungcheol alone is something you can never refuse. Especially if that means you can leave this dull party.
And so you head home with him, picking up dinner on the way which you share over a nice bottle of Dom Perignon. He talks about his upcoming plans and you talk about your schedules regarding your shop as you finish dinner. Then the conversation dulls down as you both enjoy the wine in comfortable silence.
You sip on the drink and take your sweet time watching his beautiful profile, burning the image deep into your memory. From his thick brows to his long lashes, his structured nose and his plump pink lips and his adam's apple, you ingrain every detail into your mind.
Maybe it's the overflowing amount of alcohol in your blood or the fact that you are deeply, madly in love with him which you once again realized, that you speak the words. "You're such a great person, Seungcheol. Whoever you marry is gonna be so lucky." Half of you can't believe you said that out loud and how utterly smitten you sounded.
He stares at you for a moment, contemplating your words before responding, "Thank you, ____. But I don't think that'll happen anytime soon, if ever."
"Why not?" You whisper, tracing the rim of the wine glass with your fingertips. The fact that he once again is denying any thoughts of marriage or love hurting you. "You're such an amazing person. You're smart, talented, passionate, hard-working-"
"Yeah but that all gets dumped by the amount I make." Seungcheol frowns. "At the end of the day, money and power is everything, is it not? If there's a scope to get even more of that, they leave, no matter how passionate or smart you are." His tone sounds mocking, almost.
"Not everyone is like that," you remark, even though you feel like a hypocrite. The relationship you have with him is solely based on money. Sure you said yes to being his sugar baby because you were in need but also because you always found him attractive, not because of his money, just because of him. And he sure as hell wouldn't just date you in a normal way so to get a taste of him, to get a touch of a luxury like him, you said yes because that's the only way someone like you can have someone like him nearby. "There are people out there who will love you just because of you. Not because of your money or anything else."
He raises a brow at you, almost challengingly, probably indicating your relationship with him. You can't help but cringe in your seat.
"Hmm, I doubt that. Take my father for an example. He was whipped for my mother. At first, he thought she loved him equally, maybe she did but it'd all change after I was born. She'd be too busy for us, for me, always outside, shopping and splurging and meeting men half her age. But even after all that my father forgave her, didn't push her away. And that angers me more. Why would he do that to himself? It doesn't make any sense. My mother used him."
At the mention of his mother, your mind brings up the images of her at their charity event, her bubbly and outgoing persona dominating the crowd. She wasn't like how you expected someone her age to be but she didn't seem like a neglectful or a bad person either. But who can say how what happens behind closed doors.
"That doesn't mean you will end up like that too." Is all you can whisper, hoping to bring him some solace.
"You sound awfully sure and I'm not sure if I like that." His eyes narrow on you as his demeanor starts to change. His voice turns cold and you feel like there's suddenly a wall between the two of you. But your alcohol riddled brain keeps going on, "Maybe I am. Because it is true. Everyone's lives are different. You may not end up like your father. You just need to open your heart-"
"You should stop," he interrupts you, his icy stare boring into you. You watch him like a lost puppy as he abruptly stands up, to leave this conversation you assume. You do too but not for the same cause.
"Why are you so stubborn!" You can't stop yourself from accusing him. You sound desperate and pathetic and hopeless even to your own ears but you continue. "Don't you see what an amazing man you are? That there are many who'll kill to be by your side not because of the baggage that comes with you but simply because you are a wonderful person! Why do you keep doing this to yourself? Why do you deny yourself the happiness you deserve?" You're yelling at this point, tears brimming in your eyes as you two face each other. His eyes blaze with anger and you can literally see him fuming when he hollers, "Remind me since when my business became your concern!"
You scowl at him, clenching your fists, anger seeping into your veins. This is so stupid. You hate how desperate you are and you hate how right he is. This truly is none of your business. Seungcheol seethes, "If we are to continue this relationship then you need to know your place. Otherwise, it's better if we just part ways."
A tear streaks down your cheek as you feel this aching void starting to form in your heart. You find yourself whispering, "I am in love with you, Seungcheol. I just...love you."
His eyes widen, alarmingly. There's a look of disbelief on his face. He almost looks betrayed, like you did the worst possible thing to him. Considering how he despises love, that is probably true. In silence, you two stare at each other as you wait for him to say something, do something. He clenches his jaw and then rakes his hand through his hair frustratedly before blowing out a loud breath.
"I think you should leave ____." His voice is quiet, extremely so. It's barely audible but you hear it loud and clear. His eyes lack any emotion and you know he has once again put up his walls, like many times before. Still, you stand immobile in your spot for a while, soaking up his words, the realization that this is over for good washing over you.
He's done with you and now he's showing you out the door. And you can't do anything to protest. You've lost your voice. So with one last longing look at his beautiful face, you grab your purse and coat with a shaking hand and carry your slumping body towards his door. He doesn't say anything, do anything and you don't look back, channeling all your energy into getting out of here instead of collapsing in front of him
As soon as you step out of his building a gust of cold air hits you on the face. You stand there in silence, letting the cold wind numb your face, the same feeling blooming in your heart. You shiver slightly as you stand like a statue, staring hard at the ground. The past few months that you have spent with Seungcheol wash over you like huge tsunami waves and you feel overwhelmed and pathetic and broken. You are wrung out of your self pity when you feel droplets of water fall on your head. Looking up, you see the roaring dark sky and within seconds, it starts raining.
How perfect.
It definitely suits the mood, making you feel like you are the protagonist of some angsty romance drama. Oh how you wish you were that instead of a pathetic fool who yearns for a man who doesn't give two shits about her. With a sigh, you pull your coat around you tighter and start to take heavy steps, your beautiful gown dragging behind you. You feel out of place, all alone and pitiful in an area full of houses worth millions of dollars. The streets are empty maybe because of the rain or maybe because people don't walk in this neighborhood. Laughing humourlessly at your pathetic state you continue walking until you are out of that neighborhood, far, far away from him.
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Running a shop is harder than you predicted. Especially when you have customers coming in every now and then. This may have something to do with valentine's day which is in a few days.
Your last two days consisted of working till your back was about to break, greeting customers and preparing bouquets for them, shipping them and so on. Your business has been doing really good. It has been almost two months and you are surprised at the progress you have made. People seem to love your shop and you have made a fair amount of regular customers. At this rate, you need to hire a part-timer because it is becoming quite impossible to prepare hundreds of bouquets by yourself.
You have named this shop after your mom, who visited on the opening day with your dad. Tanz visited too and treated you to a meal later that day. Though you don't work at the diner anymore, you still hang out with her every often as she gossips about whatever the rich people are up to. It took you a while but you told her everything about Seungcheol, from start to finish. She had an outburst after hearing your story, calling him all sorts of names.
You agree with her but not completely. It isn't his fault if he doesn't feel the same way you feel about him. Sometimes you think you pushed him too hard and it was completely your fault but other times you believe you did the right thing. That stubborn man needed to address his issues and frustrations.
You haven't seen his face nor had any contact with him after that night, and you're partially glad. You don't know how you can handle seeing his face when you haven't gotten over him. A part of you probably never will. You still remember him, all the moments with him so vividly as if it happened yesterday. When you lie in your bed alone at night you can almost picture him right next to you, his arm wrapped around you, his scent surrounding you. You should probably get your head checked for that.
Other than the pretty constant thoughts of Seungcheol lurking in the back of your mind, life has been pretty good. Well, it certainly was until now, when dear life decided to smack you on the face and bring back your misery.
Seungcheol stands at the door of your shop, a confused look resting on his face once his eyes land on you.
It was a busy day, full of customers and now that the night had fallen you were preparing to close for the day when this man showed up out of nowhere. He stands there, watching you while you do the same, the pen in your hand about to break from how hard you are clenching it. Looking at his outfit, you assume he has come here straight from work, dressed in a dark blue vest and pants, his suit jacket resting on his arms. His hair is a little messy, in the sexiest way possible. Your simping brain almost wants to forget everything and run into his arms, as if you are seeing your boyfriend at the end of a long day.
How pathetic.
Seungcheol clears his throat, somewhat awkwardly and you snap back into the painful reality. He stalks towards you, eyes scanning around the shop as you stand frozen in your spot.
"Do you have red roses?" He asks, standing in front of your booth. You grit your teeth.
Why does he need red roses? Who is he saying I love you to? Shit, tomorrow is valentine's day. Looks like he's got a date. The thoughts float through your mind and you hate yourself for how jealous you feel.
"Yes." You reply looking towards the said flowers. Seungcheol speaks, "I'd like a fifty of them in a bouquet."
You have to stop yourself from frowning. Why the fuck is he buying fifty roses? More like, who the fuck is he buying them for? Putting on your best professional smile you nod, preparing a receipt. "That'll be 22 dollars." You move to prepare his bouquet quickly, half of you wanting to give him the withered roses.
Gosh, when did you become so childish?
Hastily wrapping it with a ribbon, you push it towards him. He grabs it and examines the bouquet for a while before saying. "Thanks. Nice shop, by the way."
Is he doing small talk now? You refrain from rolling your eyes. "Thanks." You mutter lamely, eyes on your desk. Seungcheol stands in his place for a few breaths, amplifying the tension in the room as you pray to God to just get him out of here. Him standing so near you, a faint whiff of his cologne tickling your nose is too much to bear and you are losing your sanity. It also doesn't help that he has bought roses for some stupid girl, from you.
The audacity of this man. Is he doing this on purpose? Maybe not if you consider the shocked look on his face when he first entered.
"Well, have a good night." He says in a form of goodbye and heads towards the door.
"I thought you didn't do love. Yet you are here, buying a bunch of roses for valentine's day, it seems, Mr. Choi." It takes the frown on his brows and his rather judgemental stare for you to realize you just said those words out loud.
Gosh, could you appear any more pathetic? You sound like a jealous ex, which you are kind of.
He regards you with a perplexed look as you pray for the ground below to open up and swallow you whole to save you from this embarrassment. Seungcheol lets out an amused noise, "Well, thank you for reminding me. These are, in fact not for any lover. But now, I would like something else too actually, for them." His eyes are taunting, watching you closely for your reaction as he steps back towards you. "Do you... perhaps have some salvias? In blue?"
You can't believe how this situation backfired on you. Now he's really buying blue salvias for his lover. Real nice. You just gave him the chance to rub it all over your face. With a loud sigh, you force a smile. "Yes, we do."
"A bouquet then, please," he smiles, sarcastically almost. Huffing you grab those poor flowers aggressively and hastily put them in a bouquet before accepting the money. "Thank you for your visit. Have a pleasant night." You motion him towards the door with the fakest smile, desperate to be left alone and he takes mercy on you. With a nod, he briskly walks out of your shop and you sink down on the floor as soon as he's out of sight, letting out a huge breath of relief.
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You know very well that life comes with surprises. Still, some surprises are too hard to comprehend like the one happening to you right now. You stare at the bouquet of blue salvias sitting on your countertop which was just delivered, half wondering if you are dreaming or hallucinating. The note that came with it sits crumpled in your hand as a try to wrap your head around it.
Happy Valentines. I think you know what these flowers mean. If you do then could you do me the honor of joining me for dinner? At my place tonight, if that's okay. I feel like we should talk.
— Seungcheol.
I think of you. That's what blue salvias mean. He thinks of you? Is this some sort of joke? You have been trying so hard to get over that stupid man but now this puts you back to square one. You feel like ripping your hair out. Should you go? You and the whole world knows knows how obvious the answer is but you still try to think about it, knowing very well what the result will be.
Of course you'll go.
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Seungcheol is fairly perplexed when he opens his door to see you that evening. "____-....I didn't really think you'd come."
He looks like he just got home, still dressed in his crisp white shirt underneath his unbuttoned vest and matching grey slacks. It doesn't help how he has rolled his sleeves up to give you the perfect view of the veins in his arms. One look at them and you almost forget what you're here for. Averting your gaze, you cough. "Yeah." He steps aside and you walk into his house, the memories immediately flooding your senses.
Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
Silently you pad towards his living room as he speaks behind you. "You should have told me you were coming. I would have called the chef-"
"Seungcheol," you cut him off with a sigh. "I'm not really here to have dinner. You and I both know that." He watches you for a while, his face emotionless before nodding with a sigh. "Would you like some wine? Whiskey maybe?"
"I'd like to keep my head clear, thank you." You murmur, sitting down on his couch. The place is as pristine as you remember, nothing out of place. As if no one lives here. Seungcheol disappears from your view, probably pouring himself a drink as you hear noises from the kitchen. A minute later, he returns, a glass of whiskey in his hand as he sits on the sofa opposite to you.
You're glad that he keeps his distance.
"I have a lot of explaining to do, right?" He chuckles dryly, taking a sip of his drink. Mutely you watch him as you don't trust yourself to speak now. You actually don't trust yourself with anything right now as being remotely close to Seungcheol always tends to mess with your head. It's better if you just stay still and melt into the background.
With a loud sigh, Seungcheol sets the glass down on the center table and leans back into the sofa. "I don't know where to start. Maybe with the roses I bought yesterday. They were for my mom, actually. I visited my parents last night. My mom is sick. They are suspecting it's cancer."
All thoughts of staying silent fly out the window when you hear those words. "Oh my god," you whisper. "I'm so sorry."
He shakes his head dismissively. "Anyway," he starts. "The past few months have been hard but educative for me. Maybe because I'm finally dealing with my shit or whatever. I had a lot of time to think. About what you said. About me, my life. About everything. You see, it's like a habit to be an asshole and shut people out when you're scared and you hate yourself." His eyes are focused on the glass in front of him, no emotion whatsoever in them and you feel goosebumps.
"I don't know how I ended up like this but I've been hating myself for the longest of time. Maybe it was because of my mom's shitty habits and how she hurt dad when I was younger. Or maybe because she never had time for me. Or maybe because never in my life I've met a person who loved me unconditionally, who was ready to give everything up for me. Everyone surrounding me chases money and that scares me. So much. I'm scared that I'm nothing without that. Without my reputation or power. That if I open myself to someone they'll get what they need and then leave, like they always do." He blows out a long breath, fingers rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"I'm scared of love because I've never experienced it and I've seen people do horrible things in the name of it. I'm scared the same will happen to me once I open my heart." His voice is quiet as he trails off and reaches for the whiskey to finish it.
The breath you have been holding until now finally comes out as you watch him, your heart thudding loudly in your chest. You want to hold him and tell him that it's okay, that you're here but you seem to have become a statue as you only sit and drink in the beautiful, pained man in front of you.
"That being said, I'm sorry for how I treated you," his voice seems foreign as he grits those words out and you realize this man probably has never apologized to someone in his lifetime. "You didn't deserve that. Everything you said hit too close to home so I pushed you away as a defense mechanism. But I missed you, still do. More than I'd like to admit. I keep thinking about you, about how my world seemed to be a little brighter with you. And I keep regretting what I did. I'm sorry and...if you are still interested in me, I'd like to have you back. I'd like to try again, really try this time because I-... I think I love you."
It's a wonder how he manages to keep his voice so stable and emotionless. Like he is briefing a new company strategy and not expressing his love for someone. But don't focus on that because you can see how he's still holding himself back, holding his emotions back. And it's something that needs to be worked on but that's for another time.
This man just said he loves you. This stubborn, egoistical, too handsome for his own good man just confessed to you.
You feel like you are on cloud nine. But you don't have the time to rejoice as Seungcheol stares at the ground blankly, probably overthinking once again while waiting for you to say something. So you get up from your seat and walk towards him, before kneeling right in front of him, your hands resting on his knees. "Oh Seungcheol," you softly call for him.
His eyes meet yours as you cup his cheek softly with a hand and for a brief second, you see his eyes shine before they get lost underneath his blank gaze.
You gently pull his face downwards while inching yours closer to him and press your lips against him faintly. You try to kiss him as gently as possible, as if you are kissing his broken soul. He remains still to your touch for a second before cupping both of your cheeks and kissing you back earnestly. This is the first time Seungcheol kisses you with so much need and passion, like this is the last time he'll ever kiss you. Your lips mold against each other perfectly but he doesn't go too hard, instead just kisses you, soft and slow. You pull back to see the desperation in his eyes and you realize that you still haven't given him an answer.
"I still love you, Seungcheol. Of course I'll try again with you." You croak, your voice choked up with all the emotions. This time you clearly see his eyes glisten and the faintest of smile kiss his lips. But he only breaths, "Thank you, ____."
You smile at him sweetly, "You're welcome, Seungcheol. But I need you to be honest with me if we want this to work. Don't hide from me, Cheol." You whisper, the nickname falling from your lips easily. He observes you in silence before closing his eyes and nodding. He leans closer once again and with a shy smile, you close the distance between the two of you. This time you don't hold back on kissing him as you wrap your arms around his neck while he pulls you up from your knees and sets you down on his lap, lips connected.
You pull back to look at the sinfully beautiful man underneath you, his eyes hazy with need, his plump lips parted slightly as he takes deep breaths. Your hand moves on its own as it reaches to touch the fluffy mess of his black hair. Gently you stroke through the locks, eyes set on his as he absentmindedly draws soft circles on your lower back. In this moment of tranquility you feel the surge of love and adoration you posses for this man flow through you all over again and you can't help but smile knowing he's yours now.
"What's so funny?" He asks, dark eyes peering at you. "Nothing. Just how much I love you. How beautiful you are," you reply bashfully as you press a kiss on his jawline. You continue kissing down his neck and nipping the skin gently, encouraged when you hear him release a blissful sigh. And then an idea pops into your mind as you lean backward and get off of his lap just to sink down onto the floor again.
Seungcheol's eyes widen, "____, what are you doing?"
You can't help but pout, "I'm taking care of you. Don't you want this?" Your hands dance over his crotch area mischievously. Blowing him has been on your to-do list for so long and today you are not backing down.
He grunts frustratedly, "I- fuck, yes I do. But- are you sure you can? I don't want to push you too hard, baby. You don't have to do it."
"But I want to. Let me try at least," your pout deepens. The thought of having Seungcheol in your throat makes you desperate. "Tell me if I do something wrong, please."
He lets out an amused snort as your fingers work on undoing his Gucci belt. "Trust me, there's nothing you can do wrong." With a coy smile at him, you undo the buttons of his slacks and then the zipper as Seungcheol shuffles a little to help you pull down his boxer briefs.
The sight of his thick, hard cock has your pussy clenching and your mouth drooling as you tentatively reach for the semi-hard member and give it a few experimental pumps. The tip leaks white pearls of precum and your mouth waters. Seungcheol's nails dig into the armrest as he lets out a grunt, the sight below him purely sinful. Wanting to hear more of his sounds, you quickly take the pinkish tip of his cock into your mouth and suck.
"Fuck-" Seungcheol hisses, hands coming to rest on the top of your head. The way your doe eyes look at him with your mouth full and your curious hands work on him has him losing his mind. His reaction pleases you and you swirl your tongue around his tip, moaning when he leaks salty precum into your mouth. Your hands work on the base of his cock as you inch down your mouth.
"Shit, ____-" You don't listen to his curses as you keep going down and then suddenly your gag reflex activates as you feel him kiss the back of your throat. You haven't even gotten half of him inside your mouth and your throat already hurts.
You pull back to take in a deep breath before delving back in without any delay as you take as much of him as possible in one go. Your throat burns and you feel like choking, tears in your eyes but it's somewhat manageable when you relax your throat so you keep sucking what's in your mouth and pump the rest using your hands.
"Shit, you're so good baby," Seungcheol breaths, looking down at you with dark eyes, a proud smirk on his face that makes your pussy leak. Loving his praises you pull back to lick a stripe down the underside of his cock before sucking him harder. His hands fist in your hair though he remains careful not to hurt you. It takes all of Seungcheol's willpower to not just grab your head and shove it down his length. When the pleasure begins to increase and he can feel his high approaching, Seungcheol pulls your mouth off of him with a grunt.
"That's enough, baby. I'm gonna cum," he hisses and you whine, voice croaky as a little bit of drool escapes from your mouth. "I want to make you come! Please, let me. Did I do something wrong?" Your concerned wide eyes make his heart soften as he strokes your cheek gently. "No sweetheart, you were perfect. It's just that I really need to come inside you right now. Is that okay?"
The thought of it makes you swallow as you nod your head mutely and with a smirk, Seungcheol quickly drags you towards his bedroom where he manhandles you onto his king sized bed. He crawls on top of you like a predator waiting to devour his prey and the intense fire in his eyes is enough to make you forget the human language. Roughly, he attaches his lips against yours, tongue prodding inside your mouth in no time as his hands work on undoing your blouse. You don't realize he has torn it open until you hear your buttons scattering over his floor.
"Shush. I'm too impatient." He whispers, leaning back and tugging your jeans down swiftly. Then his large hands reach for your bra as he unhooks it hastily and tosses it away before kneading your breasts softly. You mewl in pleasure. "Seungcheol- that feels so good."
"Oh yeah?" The cocky smile never leaves his face as bites your soft flesh, sucking your sensitive nipples before pushing your soft flesh inside his mouth, marking it in the process. Your mushy brain tugs at his shirt as you whine. "T-take this off please. Wanna see you." You hear him chuckle, "Why don't you do it for me?"
You don't need to be told twice as you immediately start fiddling with the buttons of his shirt and help him out of it. With that offending piece of cloth gone, his sculptured figure is once again revealed to your eyes and you almost drool. He's just as buff as you remember, if not more, taut muscles spread all over his torso. Subconsciously you trace your fingers over them as you drink him in.
"You can stare at me all you want later, baby." Seungcheol gives you a soft smile before pressing a kiss on your belly. "I need to be inside you now." He whispers lips ghosting over your core as his hands make a quick work of taking off your panties. He starts with kissing your clit before moving down and licking a long stripe across your cunt and then sucking. Your toes curl as you writhe underneath him, "Daddy!"
The name falls from your lips almost unknowingly as your delirious brain grinds against his mouth for more. He's relentless, determined to bring you to your orgasm as he pushes his tongue into your hole and continues his torture. Your hands grip his hair tightly as he continues his ministrations on your sensitive spot, your arousal leaking onto the bed. "Fuck, missed this sweet pussy so much." You hear him mumble and his words seem to make your orgasm come faster. "Seungcheol! I'm g-gonna come!" You wail.
"Come, baby. Come for me so I can fuck you open." His voice is muffled against your core as your mouth opens in a silent scream. He gives a particular harsh suck on your clit and your orgasm washes over you making you shake.
Seungcheol wastes no time, pushing a couple of his fingers inside your sensitive hole as he gives a few quick pumps before popping the fingers into his mouth, his eyes seductive as he makes a show of sucking them. Then he stands up and hastily takes off his pants and boxers. Your mind is fogged up as you recover from your orgasm and watch him stroke his cock, intense eyes set on you before lining his hard length with your pussy.
"Ready, sweetheart?" He asks. You can only nod, hands clutching the bed sheets for support. And then he pushes in. The stretch of his thick cock has you moaning loudly, the overwhelming sensation of fullness consuming. Above you, Seungcheol curses softly as you grab him tighter and try not to lose your mind. "Oh my god- Seungcheol-" You gasp for breaths.
"So fuckin tight. Just as I remember," he breathes.
He marvels at your reaction, eyes rolling back as your mouth hangs open, hands blindly clawing his body to ground yourself. He leans closer so that his naked chest presses against yours and starts peppering wet kisses on your neck, never faltering his thrusts. They are slow but deep and calculated, hitting your sensitive spot every single time as you whine and whimper, tears forming in your eyes. "Daddy, harder please!" You wail mindlessly.
"Oh yeah? You want it harder, baby?" He raises a full brow at you, expression cocky as he captures your lips in a bruising kiss before shuffling back and pulling out of you completely. You're about to cry for him when he grabs your hips and flips you over onto your front, your ass in the air for him. He gives it a sudden smack and you squeal, jolts of pleasure rippling through you before wasting no time to push himself back in. He doesn't go slow this time, immediately increasing his pace as his cock moves inside your tight walls brutally.
The new angle has him even deeper inside you as he holds your body still by grabbing your arched hips. You can feel every inch and ridge of his cock rearranging your guts as you scream into the pillow. "O-oh fuck, d-daddy-"
His grunts feel like music to your ears. "Is this what you were asking for little slut?" He hisses, snaking his arms around your body to reach for your breast. His degrading words make your pussy throb harder as you shake your head wildly, "Yes daddy! Yes! Please give me more."
He snickers, doubling his pace and you can hear the headboard of the bed hit the wall. "Such a polite baby girl, I have." He softly bites your shoulder as he takes a nipple between his index and thumb and twists it harshly before flicking it. You mewl loudly, the rough treatment bringing you closer to your high. "O-oh my god- fuck, I'm g-gonna come."
"So soon?" He teases, ramming his cock inside you tirelessly as you nod. "Go ahead then, come, little slut." He whispers in your ear, another hand trailing down to your pussy where he starts rubbing your clit in harsh movements and your mind goes blank. "Come, baby," he mouths, nipping your earlobe and the combination of his merciless thrusts and his fingers on your clit brings you over the edge with a pornographic scream.
Your whole body shakes violently as you come, toes curling in pleasure as meaningless sounds escape your mouth. You can't even fully process anything when Seungcheol flips you again to face him and holds both of your legs wide open, continuously railing your sensitive pussy. His hands keep doing their magic on your hypersensitive clit, making you shudder and whimper. "C-cheol." You call for him mindlessly.
The sight in front of you is God sent, Seungcheol's dark eyes watching you, his body coated in a thin sheen of sweat as he keeps fucking you hard. It makes your throat dry. "Give me one more, baby." He says, leaning closer to peck your lips before ramming himself inside you, pace so fast that tears actually leak from your eyes. "Oh fuck- o-oh fuck-"
Before you can even feel it, your orgasm washes over you with a force that has your ears ringing and white dots filling your vision. You twitch underneath Seungcheol's large frame as his pace falters and with a loud groan of your name, he comes. His warm release fills you up and some even leak out, but you're too gone to care. You feel nothing but pure bliss, as if you are floating in a cloud.
Seungcheol gently slips out of you before collapsing right next to you, his hands pulling your body close but you can't even comprehend anything until your brain starts working a little. His warm breath tickles your shoulder as he pants next to you and you feel this seed seep out of your beaten cunt.
Mustering up enough power to open your eyes, you lazily turn your head to look at Seungcheol. You have to blink a few times to properly see and the sight warms your heart. His beautiful face greets you, his hair disheveled, a look of content and a small smile sitting on his lips. "You didn't pass out this time," he teases once he catches his breath. You can only grin, eyes falling shut again.
You feel him move beside you but your hands stop him immediately by wrapping them around his torso. "I have to clean us up, baby." His voice is soft. You shake your head, lazily pulling him back and he lets you, before scooting closer to him and nuzzling his neck, his addictive scent overwhelming your senses. "Don't. Just stay." You croak, voice almost inaudible. You hear him sigh and pull you closer, your face squishing against his hard chest as his hands move in soft motions through your hair.
"I love you," His gentle whisper makes you open your eyes and peek at him. "I love you so much that it scares me." He sounds so vulnerable, a side of him you never thought you'd see and your heart aches for him. But your heart also feels full and warm and happy hearing those words, words that you've wanted to hear for so long.
Wrapping your arms around him as tightly as possible you shower gentle kisses on his chest. "I love you too, Seungcheol. I love you so much."
His eyes gaze down at yours, and the emotions swirling in his brown orbs make your heart skip a beat. "Thank you. For loving me. For giving me a chance. For everything." His lips meet your forehead for a kiss. You grin, "I should be the one thanking you Seungcheol, really. I'm so lucky to have you." He smiles, leaning into your touch as your index finger trails over his face.
After a beat of silence you ask, "Now, does that mean you're my boyfriend?" Your shy eyes wander to his as you nervously chew on your lip. Seungcheol seems to ponder for a while as hums, "Boyfriend? Doesn't that sound so limited? I'm more than that. I'll be your everything if you'll let me. I'll be your lover."
Warmth blooms on your face at his words as you almost melt. "That's... really romantic, Cheol. And very unlike you." You whisper.
"I'm trying to be romantic for you, lover." He smiles his signature gummy smile which is quite a rare sight.
"Lover...I like it." You smile gleefully, hands reaching for his to interlock your fingers. If you look very closely, you can see just the faintest hue of red shading his cheeks and ears and your heart flutters at the sight.
"Lover it is." Seungcheol whispers, capturing your lips in a loving kiss.
Lover, he is.
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a/n 2: SO, if you enjoyed reading this and want to know more about this couple or lover! Seungcheol in general, my ask is open. I'd love love lovee to hear your thoughts about them and if you have any questions regarding how they/he would act in a situation or something like that, you can send me an ask and I'll write drabbles regarding it. I'm just so excited about this fic, I'd really like to chat about this with y'all, I'VE SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT so please let me know your thoughts and requests for any drabbles!
masterlist | kofi
Taglist: @coupsiekkuma @haomullet @haven-cove @woozarts @fairiewonu @qy61 @lilactangerine @wheeinz @melocular @soonchanshua @chvngbin @kp0p10v3r2 @mommymilkers6000 @silent-potato @luv4cheol (forgive me if I've forgotten to tag someone 🙏)
© startlightxsvt 2022 | All Rights Reserved. Do not copy, translate, adapt, or repurpose any of my works.
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Tim Finds Danny's Memes AU
Source: #crack
You know those memes in universe where Danny makes super concerning memes about his parents. what if the batfam found out about him from those?
This one comes to mind
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(by L)
Who would find them first?
I feel like Tim
Someone asks what he means by the meme and he just sends a video of the sentient food or something similar
shows the proof
can see its a video of his family trying to kill the hotdogs
"I just wanted an easy dinner"
Danny’s looking into the camera 200% done with the world
Makes it even more concerning if they try looking up his parents and find memes like this
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(unknown, please inform us if you know of the creator so we can properly tag them)
Danny: It’s the infinite realm actually and I don’t want it here either.
and then thinks it’s a joke account until friends and others from the same city post random things about the Fenton’s or even a thread where each saying how the Fenton’s chased them because they thought they were possessed
Is this an elaborate joke or is there a problem in Amity
They don't know of its multiple joke accounts or of its serious
Causing Tim to investigate
 further... amg imagine hacking into the satellites and get a good view of phantom chasing the box ghost being chased by the Fenton’s.
Even better
They find Wes' account
Because he would absolutely have one and the entire thing is just talking about Danny being Phantom
Tim is so worried about this kid that may or may not be a ghost
Tim finding Danny's memes is now being added to the list of fics I'm going to write.
I’d read that
Can see Tim wanting to investigate on his own too just because he still isn't "sure"
but it’s not letting him sleep
Imagine opening twitter and finding this
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maybe ask Steph or one other to come like a friend
I'll put a link in update-alerts if I post it.
He goes to amity himself because he doesn’t trust the satellite
finds its absolutely real : I double checks to make sure it isn't because he's sleep deprive
Tim just wanted a laugh now he’s dealing with this
Tim in over his head but he couldn't even comprehend how to explain this to the others : I
He suggested they all go there for reasons and doesn’t say why
He’s still not completely sure he’s not losing it
amg imagine he fakes being broken down :I it’s an obvious lie but it makes the whole fam comes anyways because somethings up
Tim: cars broke come here
Dick: you can fix almost anything why do I need to go to you? Is everything okay are you in danger?
Tim: just get here, please.
lol basically :I
He refuses to answer any further questions
Meanwhile he's going to find a hotel/motel to fall asleep and nap
to make absolute certain it’s not him-
Dick in a panic takes everyone available with him
be funny if Technus did take over his car after Tim went to go sleep =w= so he ended up not lying and pretends that what he was calling about.
which is also obvious was not the case :I but that's not the issue lol
One of the bats: So why did you call us here?
(A guy claiming he's the box ghost runs past while a teen in a hazmat(?) Suit chases after him)
Fenton’s dangerously driving after shouting and shooting blindly.
Tim: And that...
Pulls out his phone and shows about the memes
Tim: And this.
Tim: hey what I only called dick? Why are all of you here
A lot of this is going in the fic.
Batman doesn’t know till he’s looking for them and they’re in a whole different state
Tim explains what actually going on and how he got to this point.
Dick and the others like OH that's what had you so busy.
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(by L)
From Danny
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ddejavvu · 2 years
stepdad!sirius teaching shy and innocent reader how to touch herself (she's of age ofc!)
hope it's okay with u and i didn't make u uncomfy with that request — if i did then im sorry!!!
~ 🐇
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
a quick note (copied from my last post just in case you missed it): i totally understand if you're not into stepcest! i personally am not upset by it as my boundaries are sexually illegal acts, and it's not illegal. but everyone has different boundaries, and this happens to be the darkest thing i've ever posted on this blog. i understand if you want no part of this, so if you'd like to avoid this content in the future, block #dark mei (at the bottom of this post) to avoid it! I will not judge you for not wanting to read this or see it, and i ask that you please do not send hate towards me for writing it, or the anon for requesting it. everyone has different tastes, and i'm here to indulge pretty much anything that isn't illegal.
on with the blurb! this post is 18+ and dark, minors dni. reader is 18+ in this.
god i’m such a whore for the ‘teaching reader how to touch herself’ plotline like idc who it’s with it’s always so hot
Your fingers squirmed aimlessly through your folds, disappointingly bringing no pleasurable sensation. You’d been trying for almost five minutes to find a good spot, a nice pace, anything that felt good at all, but nothing was happening.
You’d gotten curious only a few moments earlier, finally deciding that you wanted to see what all of the fuss was about. You didn’t know why there was so much buzz over touching yourself, frankly it felt quite lackluster, but you wanted to feel as good as everyone said you would.
You were so caught up in attempting to pleasure yourself, twisting your fingers this way and that, that you failed to hear the creak of your door opening, a soft cry spilling from your lips as the only sensation you gained from the experience was pain. You were on the verge of giving up when you heard a soft chuckle from the doorway, eyes blowing wide open as you turned to see who had stumbled upon you.
Sirius, your recently married stepdad, stood in the doorway, one eyebrow cocked pitifully at you, “Oh, darling, that’s not how it’s done.”
The tone of his voice, condescending and saccharine-sweet had a strange feeling brewing in your tummy, the domineering stance he held in your doorway only adding to it. You quickly removed your fingers from under the hem of your panties, cheeks ablaze as you tried acting normal.
“’M sorry, Sirius,” You choked on a sob that came fast to your throat, “I know ‘m not supposed to, but-”
“But you wanted to feel good, yeah?” He stepped through the gap of the door, shutting it softly behind him as he made his way over to your bed, perching on the end of it.
You nodded bashfully, “Mhm, but it doesn’t work. Can’t stop hurting,” You did not miss the twinges of pain that came from your core as you’d fumbled with the concept, glad that you’d had an excuse to take your fingers out.
“Honey,” His voice was dripping now with more condescension than ever, “That’s ‘cause you’re not even wet. Y’gotta get excited first, then it’ll feel better.”
“Really?” Your eyes were wide as you stared up at him from where you laid, “How do I get wet?”
“Do y’want me to show you, baby?” Sirius offered, something sadistic behind his falsely helpful eyes.
“You’ll help me feel good?” You verified, tummy still brewing with the same funny sensation.
“Of course,” He smiled, nodding softly, “Anything for my baby girl.”
You returned his smile, shuffling on the bed so that your legs were on either side of him. He reached slowly for the hemline of your panties, your tummy practically cartwheeling inside of you. His fingers, long and slender and worn, peeled back the layer of fabric as he peered down at you.
“Well, m’pretty thing, it looks like we’re getting somewhere already.”
“What do you mean?”
“Does it feel kinda funny in there?” Sirius let the hem of your panties go, resting his hand on your tummy. You nodded, his touch amplifying the sensation swirling inside of you.
“That’s what I thought,” Sirius smirked, “That’s you gettin’ wet, baby.” He returned to your panties, sliding the material down your thighs, “‘Think it’s ‘cause I’m here helpin’ you.”
“You think I get wet because of you?” You silently committed the information to memory, promising yourself to go back later and think about what it was about Sirius that got you excited.
“Yeah baby,” He cooed, ghosting a finger over your cunt, sending a quick tremble through your legs, “So that means that whenever y’wanna feel good, y’gotta think about me. That’ll do it, okay?”
“Okay,” Your voice came out strained and soft, “I will, I promise.”
“That’s m’good girl,” Sirius smiled down at you, gently easing a finger into your cunt. You sucked in a harsh breath at the touch, expecting the same spurts of pain as you’d experienced before, but instead a gentle tingling sensation accompanied his touch, “Now, let’s make y’feel really good.”
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Jungkook: Deep Breath (1)
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In which you're on the hunt for a roommate - and he might be the perfect candidate.
Tags/warnings: Alien!Jungkook part 9643 I guess, human!Reader, futuristic, Angst, Fluff, strangers to lovers, eventual smut, jungkook is VERY touchy, Alien shenanigans and scary human things
Additional Chapter Warnings: fluff, cute alien boy
Chapter Length: mid/long
Next ->
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You've been searching for a fitting roommate for months by now- but no one seems to fit.
You don't want someone who does yoga all day, unintentionally guilt tripping you into doing sports again just to not seem as lazy as you are- but you also don't want someone who doesn't clean up after themselves. At the same time, a clean-freak would drive you crazy- while someone who's home all day every day could prove difficult to handle if you want to have visitors.
But just as you're about to delete the post on the website, giving up, a message pops up in your inbox.
He introduces himself as Jeon Jungkook; a 25-year old Kumya from planet Paras, currently searching for someplace to stay for the time of his exchange. He's working for a coding company who you know occasionally exchanges their workers to gain experience- so he's got a stable income, meaning he'll most likely pay rent on time. His words are casual but formally friendly, no profile picture can be found; but from what he tells you, he seems like he could be a good fit.
You answer by telling him some info about the apartment, making sure to include rent as well, and the small damages here and there with pictures do he knows more details about what he's getting into. You also make sure to stress the fact that you're, well, a girl- and that if he's uncomfortable with that, it would be a deal breaker.
It takes a couple of hours, but he eventually replies- this time a lot more casual, even using smileys at certain points, to underline statements like
'don't worry, I even do my own dishes, I heard humans hate that task a lot ๑^ᴗ^๑'
'Gender doesnt matter to me to be honest but I hope you won't be intimidated by me cause I've heard human women tend to get scared by men very easily- I promise I'm nice! (๑•w•)و✧'
And he really does seems nice enough- so you send him the last details, before you both agree to try it out.
Now, obviously he doesn't move in right away- it takes a course of weeks for his work Visa and everything to be sorted out- but once he stands in front of your door, he takes your breath away.
While half of his face is hidden behind a mask, and you've already done some research on what to expect from the Kumya-race when it comes to behavior , culture and looks, he still looks a lot different than what you've expected. His eyes seem to glow- reddish-pink in color, while his hair, buried underneath a black beanie, is pale and an ash-blonde color. He waves a little, eyes turning into half moons as he smiles underneath his mask. He'd told you about this habit of his, and you've read online that it's common for his kind- force of habit, since the air on Paras isn't very clean to breath a lot of times, and the mask helps them to not get sick. You've told him it's fine- even though now, you're slightly curious to know what he looks like underneath.
"Hello. I hope I'm not too early?" he asks, and it makes your eyes widen because holy shit, he's talking inside your head. It's odd, and he seems to pick up on that. "ah, yeah, most people here have that reaction. I hope its okay-" he starts slightly worried, before you wave him off with a smile, letting him in.
"no, it's fine, just.. A little odd?" you giggle, making him visibly less tense as he walks into the apartment. "i hope your flight was okay?" you ask, and he nods.
"it was great, thanks for asking. I'm less exhausted than i thought I'd be." he chuckles, making you smile as he takes off his shoes.
"All your stuff had been delivered and I've put the boxes into your room for you to unpack." you say, as you open the door to what would from now on be his room.
"that- was really not necessary, thank you so much." he answers with wide open eyes, before they turn a bit concerned. "there's some heavy stuff in some though. I hope you didn't struggle too much-" he worries, as you wave him off.
"ah, it's nothing." you said, before he drops his backpack to rush inside, inspecting one of the packages with an alarmed face. "oh- did something break-"
"did you hurt yourself?" he asks, brows furrowed as he looks at you. "i can smell blood on this one."
"just a papercut, I'm a bit clumsy, it's no big deal." you tell him, as he gets up to walk over to you, hugging you.
Ah yes- another fact about his kind.
Men of his kind are typically the main caretakers of the family's; highly emotional and very touchy, they tend to be very protective of their partners and friends, while simultaneously never backing down in the face of danger. Their kind of like the definition of the term 'Lion moms'; fierce, gentle, protective, and loving.
They also make friends very, very fast, and they love skinship a lot. It's normal to hug anyone they like right away- it's like shaking hands to humans.
"thank you, I really appreciate this." he hums out before parts from you.
"ah uh.. Yeah sure. I'll.. Leave you to unpack, just holler if you need anything." you say, making him nod with happy eyes, before he turns around to open the first box of his things.
Well- this could certainly become interesting.
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mnoa · 2 years
mistake (zhongli n reader) pt 2! 
"Get the fuck out." "W-What?" "Get out!" You screamed, pointing to the door of your shared home. Small drops of blood splattering every where. For the first time in your "relationship", he had been asked to get out and leave. "What about us? Are we still-" Zhongli spoke up. "After everything you did to me, you expect me to still want you back? Hah, funny." You scoffed at his pathetic question. "God, do I just want to rip your face off and show everyone you're nothing but a bitch. A bitch wanting his lovely little ex back, only running into somebody else's arms just to let time pass." You took another glass piece and broke it. "Stop breaking things!" He was mad. "Oh? Now you're mad?" You didn't want to turn this into a full fight, but it was hard to not. "Zhongli, I gave you chances. I gave you hope for us. And this is how you treat me?" "I loved you." Zhongli was, of course, trying to calm you down and talk his way through your forgiveness. "I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for what I did to you. I'm sorry-" "You always say sorry but you never mean it. You always use your words to talk your way into my arms. Into my embrace. Into my forgiveness. Cause you're the biggest, most fucked up asshole there is." You felt angry yet sad. "I tried, Zhongli. I really fucking tried." The look he gave you looked like he finally had some sympathy. He finally understood what you had meant by "I tried". In reality, he did somehow try too. He tried to love you, to care for you, and to cherish you. But he just couldn't do it. "Goodbye. I can't do this anymore." You took your coat and bag, walking towards the door. "Wait-" He tried to stop you. "There's nothing worth stopping for anymore, Zhongli. It's over. It's all gone." were the last things you said before leaving and shutting the door in his face. He cried, heart full of sorrow and despair. He finally realized what he had done. He had lost you for good. There was no chance that you would run back into his arms like he ran into yours in the beginning. All the love and time you spent together down the drain. "What do I do now?" ------------------------------ timeskip a year later ! You were finally living a free life. You didn't regret breaking up with him and losing your long "loving" relationship. You loved traveling and reading books. But your most loved thing to do was write about what you had learned. You posted a blog on the internet, which went viral and now various people follow you.
"Zhongli? Hah, funny you mention him again. I don't regret breaking up with him, but I would love to thank him for some reason. He helped me grow and learn. Even if the expense of learning those lessons were, well, expensive." He, meanwhile, was still living in your shared home. In the first 3 months of your break up, he was depressed. He was also learning himself. What he had done, what you had said and done. He was still hurt. He could let go of everything you had. Your bedsheets that smelled like you, your pillowcases, your collection of books. But one thing he couldn't let go was the photo of you and him, standing on the beach with your cat and dog. He knew deep inside that he was genuinely happy at that moment. He knew he couldn't get you back, but thinking and missing you was enough for him.
You both had different endings. You ended up fully healed and happy with your new life. He, on the other hand, was still learning and healing. But no matter how much you love a person, don't forget to leave some for yourself. For loving somebody too much can hurt both of you.
BIITCHES THIS IS IT. I CANT BELIEVE TE OTHER ONE GOT SO MUCH ATTENTION LIKE 🤨🤨 but this is the final part. I absolutely love this so much, and I hope you do too. Love is hard to understand, but with the right person at the right time, you will be able to love :)!
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greynatomy · 2 years
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Florence Pugh x Fem!Reader
This is my first story post and only part one of this series. Probably will be a three part series. Let me know what you guys think.
The cast of Hawkeye are hanging out at Hailee Steinfeld’s house for a little cast gathering. They’re all halfway through finishing filming the series and thought it’d be a great idea to get to know each other better. A couple hours in, they all hear a door open, a woman carrying grocery bags walk in from the garage, dropping the bags on top of the counter.
“Darling? Could you give me a hand? Someone’s fallen asleep, but I’ve got all this I need to bring insid—”
Having heard this person’s voice, Florence eyes go wide as well as Y/N’s, her eyes meeting Florence’s.
“Y/N.” Florence said, barely having heard by anyone, but Y/N caught it.
“Florence.” She said, coolly.
Peacefully playing with her toys under the tree, Florence’s attention is quickly turned to a girl who fell right in front of her. Getting up quickly, she makes her way to the girl, helping her up.
“You okay?”
“Yup. Okay.” The girl turned her attention to the toys that Florence was playing with. “Woah! That’s cool.”
“Yeah. Wanna play.”
“Yeah.” After a bit of playing. “I’m Y/N.”
“I’m Florence.”
“We’re going to be bestest friends.”
“What are you reading?” Y/N asks, sitting beside Florence under the tree.
“It’s called Little Women. Great read.”
“What have you been up to?”
“I’ve done quite a bit of writing actually. Just got to find the best tune to go with it.”
“Play if for me?”
“Of course.”
“Thank you for meeting me here.”
“Yeah, of course.” Florence replied, sitting across from Y/N, under the tree. “Why’d you ask me to meet you here?”
“Well, I’ve just finished writing something and I wanted to play it for you. Would that be alright?”
“You know how much I love it when you sing.”
Girl, I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you, I promise you, I will
Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
“Is that about me?” Florence asked, tears streaming down her face.
“Uh, yeah. Having known you for years, I’ve realized that I have fallen in love with you, and I’ve tried to suppress my feelings, but clearly it hasn’t worked. So, if you reject me now, it’s alright cause, we are best friends first and we can just forget that thi—”
“Y/N!” Florence said, cutting her off. “You haven’t even asked me yet.” 
“Oh.” Clearing her throat. “Well, Florence Rose Pugh, will you be my girlfriend?”
“Oh my God! I would love too.” She said, giving Y/N a bruising kiss.
Getting out of the car, Y/N carries takeout on one hand and a bouquet of red roses in the other. She sees Florence’s car parked in front of the house, so she knows she’s home.
“Darling?” She calls out, after opening the door. “Flor, honey? I’m home!” Still no reply. She puts everything down on the kitchen counter and makes her way to their room. 
On the way there, Y/N hears noises, more like moans. She carefully opens the bedroom door and her face pales when she sees Florence and her director, Zach Braff, entangled under the sheets of the bed she shares with Florence. Florence looks towards the door, seeing her girlfriend stood there.
“Y/N.” She said in a whisper and voice of horror.
Y/N walks away, grabbing her keys and wallet, ignoring Florence calling out to her. Suddenly a hand grabs her arm. She pulls away, as if that arm suddenly burnt her.
“Don’t touch me!” Y/N exclaimed, turning around to face her girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend now. She sees her, now dressed in panties and a shirt, Zach’s shirt.
“I-it’s not what it loo—”
“Oh, shut up! Don’t give me that ‘it’s not what it looks like’ bullshit because it is exactly what it looks like.” Y/N starts pacing back and forth, Florence not knowing how to calm her down. “I should have known. You were pulling away. Always missing dates, leaving dates, not coming home until late. I’m a fucking idiot.”
“You’re not an idiot.”
“Yes, I am. My girlfriend has been cheating on me for so long and I just turned a blind eye and kept telling myself that she loves me and would never do such a horrid thing.” Y/N reached into the front of her pants pocket, pulling out a small, black, velvet box, tossing it to Zach. “Here. You could use that more than me, cause if it isn’t clear enough. We are over.” With that, Y/N walked out the front door, got in her car and drove away.
Florence turns to Zach, grabbing the item thrown at him. Seeing the item, Florence breaks down to the ground, finally realizing how much she fucked up and lost the one person who truly loved her.
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
(@impishtubist dropped this prompt on my doorstep and i couldn't let it go. AU in which Remus is a leather-clad rebel with causes and Sirius is a soft-spoken, dorky, single dad.
this could probably be an entire fic, but i...apologize for not delivering that. there is a companion art piece to this though that hopefully will also be posted today.
about 5k
Sirius walked quickly between the stacks of the library, messenger bag over his shoulder, knowing exactly where he needed to go, and having exactly 7 minutes to get what he needed. He accounted for the errand down to the second, putting in a cushion of 15 minutes to stop and get a tea before class. His kid's voice in his head telling Sirius to stop and smell the roses every once in a while, Dad.
Today, the rose he was smelling was a strong cup of black tea. No cream, no sugar, just how he liked it. Even though he was certain Harry would also have something to say about the lack of adventure in this routine as well. Would it kill you to try something new? Maybe? Sirius had stopped trying to convince Harry that he tried new things in research every single day; numbers and calculations transforming before his eyes were exciting and different. To Sirius, anyway. Which was exactly why he was in the library in the first place, to look for a new book he could skim through, walking through the aisles confidently, reading the markers on the sides to signify he was almost--
Sirius's head collided with something hard, causing him to stumble a few paces backward, his glasses falling off his face. He thought it might have been a display fixture--Sirius had done that a few times before when he hadn't been paying attention and things were at precisely the wrong height--but the stream of violent swearwords that followed after told him otherwise.
"Shit, mate, you've got the hardest fuckin' head," said the other voice, and Sirius bent down to pick his glasses up off the floor.
"Sorry, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking and in a bit of a hurry. Just...sorry." Sirius muttered quickly, despite the throbbing in his head. He hadn't accounted for this.
He hadn't planned for a concussion.
He put his glasses on and stood up, pressing his palm to his forehead as he did so, the stranger with the voice and the swears finally coming into view.
An entire sleeve of tattoos including every single one of his fingers.
Leather pants.
"Oh," he said, amber eyes scanning Sirius slowly. Suddenly Sirius had wished he had listened to Harry when he had told him khakis weren't on trend anymore. The man removed ran a hand over long sandy hair, smoothing some of it back into place, and smiled warmly, "You've still got a hard head but uh," he raised an eyebrow at Sirius, "No need to be sorry. Not at all."
Sirius felt hot, hoping it wasn’t creeping onto his face, hoping he wasn’t about to sweat through the back of his collared shirt. But this stranger had on leather pants and a tight t-shirt and had no business being in a library, in the maths section any more than Sirius had business in the Arts department dicking around with paints. Two disparate things. It made very little logical sense, yet Sirius had a throbbing headache to prove that this was a reality and some man clad in leather with charming freckles and a low ponytail was staring at Sirius with a decidedly stupid and arrogant grin.
“Unless my head is harder than yours and I’ve permanently addled you?”
“Uh…no, no, sorry. I’m actually late. Are you okay?” Sirius asked looking at his watch. He had seven minutes exactly and this had taken up all of them and bled into his tea time. He needed to leave now if he wanted to make it to his lecture hall on time.
“I’ve never been better,” the man responded, tilting his head as he studied Sirius’ face, “In fact, this might have made my entire day. Week, even. Month potentially.”
Sirius cleared his throat, “I think you should get your head checked out…I’m late. Ice, maybe? 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off.” He gave the man a nod, before turning around and walking back down the stacks from where he came. He was not going to be late, and he certainly wasn’t going to be late for this.
“Are you a doctor?” he asked, following Sirius, nearly matching his stride and pace. Long, leather-clad, legs kept up just fine. Sirius pretending wasn’t looking at combat boots, transfixed by the bit of sock poking out over the top that was a soft pink. It wasn’t often Sirius cared about what he dressed in and most days he kept it simple, white shirts, smart tailored trousers, black shoes. His kid called him a dork sometimes but it was really just practical. Except at this particular moment, Sirius was wishing he hadn’t picked out khakis. His black ones at home were much nicer, fit better, Sirius had chosen khakis so he would look approachable to students, and oh, how this had backfired.
“Do we need a doctor?” he asked, looking at Sirius, and Sirius thought he might like to run into another wall. Start the day fresh and forget all about freckles.
“No, I’m fine. Why would you think I am?”
“You gave me medical advice.”
“I gave you basic first-aid.”
“So you’re a nurse?”
“No,” Sirius said, straightening slightly, “I’m late.”
“I’m Remus. Is that why you’re running?”
“I’m not running, I’m--”
“I was going to say--”
“Very fit.”
Sirius tripped over the threshold of the library, stubbing the toe of his black dress shoes on the concrete outside, trying to make sense of the verbal assault. He was definitely sweating now, and he was wearing khakis. He was about to teach his first class with sweat marks on his ass, and body odor, and his approachable first impression notion was slipping away.
“Careful,” Remus said, a tattooed hand reached out to grab Sirius’s forearm to ensure he didn’t fall completely. Two concussions in one day. On the first day. “Is this normal for you? The falling and running into people?”
“No,” Sirius stressed, pushing his glasses up his nose and running fingers through his hair, black curls escaping from the gel he had used that morning that was usually enough to last all day. Apparently not when he was rushing around and sweating and fighting down blushes from strangers, --from a Remus--that wouldn’t relent and wouldn’t simply let him go. “I told you I’m late, and I really need to go. I’m sorry I ran into you--”
“Sure know how to let a bloke down gently, don’t you?” Remus asked, giving Sirius another smile that sent flutters into Sirius’s stomach. He did not account for this at all when he left the house this morning.
Sirius sighed, “I’m a professor. I have a class to teach that I am…barely going to make it for. I am sure you’re very nice, Remus, and I am glad you’re okay but I can’t stay and talk with you. Even if I really want to know why you were in the library.”
“Grabbing a book or two, of course.”
“Of course, right, sorry. That…was silly of me to wonder. Anyone…can read.”
“You think I look illiterate?”
“I think you look out of place, but that’s not the point,” Sirius straightened and extended his hand to Remus, “Please enjoy your classes, pleasure running into you.”
Remus grinned, and met Sirius’s hand, giving it a squeeze, “Hm…you know what they say about big hands, right?”
“Piano players.”
Remus laughed, “What?”
“People say that…if you have big hands you should play piano? I…do. So…no need to wonder.”
“Right, piano playing, exactly what I was thinking,” Remus nodded, biting down on his lip, the tiniest bit of tongue poking out and for the first time, Sirius saw a glinting of silver.
Tongue piercing.
“You can let go now.”
“Pity. Where do you teach?”
“Bartleby Hall,” Sirius said finally pulling himself away from the stranger, and heading towards the lecture hall, “I teach physics in case you were going to ask that next! But really, please get your head looked at, have a nice day--” Sirius didn’t wait for a response, he didn’t wait to see if he would be sucked into another round of 20 questions, or if he would start playing a game of look and find for other piercings on Remus’s body. The tattoos and the tongue piercing were enough surprises for a single day.
It was a long first day of classes. Sirius finished the day in his office, making sure everything was precisely where it should be. Paperclips in a jar, not one left loose on his desk; files were arranged by date; books were marked and his chair was pushed in. He had grabbed his trash bin, intending to put the bag into the larger receptible out front, not wanting anyone to clean up after him, before closing the door to his office.
“Did I miss office hours?”
Sirius dropped his keys.
“I have them again on Wednesday,” Sirius said simply, quietly, as he bent over to pick up his keys, a soft hum coming from the man behind him as he did so. Remus. This Remus was persistent. He was still here. “Did you get your head looked at?”
“Do you have anything else you can drop?”
Sirius nearly dropped his keys again at the question, turning around to look at Remus, tall and covered in leather, hair now out of its ponytail and falling in soft sandy waves over his shoulder. A widow's peak. Slight stubble. “Excuse me?”
“Sorry, did I cross a line?”
“I don’t even know where they are to be perfectly honest with you.”
“Then I’ll say you have a nice arse instead,” Remus shrugged stepping forward, “Professor Black.”
Sirius was used to being the smartest person in every room he walked into. Unfailingly bright and logical. He could see solutions and answers everywhere, his mind looking something like building blocks stacked neatly on top of one another, a game of Tetris where everything could fit together and work if you took the time to figure it out. Sirius had been playing Tetris all day, from the moment he woke up and dropped his kid off at school, to the time he spent calculating how much time he could spend in the library, somehow still managing to make things fit together and align despite the disruption. But Professor Black twisted a bunch of blocks the wrong way, and one by one they all toppled over, Sirius’s mind in complete disarray, his heart thudding in his chest, and the sweat, the blush, the fever.
“I think I’m ill…” muttered Sirius.
“I asked around about you. You’re very popular.”
“I’m not.”
“That’s not what your secretary said,” Remus inclined his head down the hall where the front desk was, “Beloved by all students, very smart, office hours are particularly popular…”
“I teach Physics. Quantum Physics. Hard sciences, hard subjects, of course, my office hours are popular.”
Remus chuckled biting back a smile, “Sure.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Finding you.”
“Oh, come on, you seem smart, I think you know why I wanted to find you.”
Very fit.
Nice. Arse.
Get a hold of yourself.
Sirius cleared his throat and began walking past Remus and out to the front. Remus followed. That shouldn’t have surprised him, but Sirius had things to do. He had things to do this morning when they had collided and now wasn’t any different. Dinner to make, a kid to pick up from school and get started on homework, lesson plans to review, and a cold as the antarctic shower to take after sweating all damn day.
“You walk fast.”
“You’re persistent.”
“I know.”
“And presumptuous.”
“I can be that too.”
Sirius sighed, hating that Remus was able to catch up with him, “I don’t understand why you’re so intent on following and finding me. You waited all day?”
“Now who’s presumptuous? I had class, thank you.”
“You’re a student?!”
“And even more, what, have you never seen a life-long learner, Professor? Late in life student?” asked Remus and Sirius kicked himself mentally for not thinking his comment through. Of course students came in all shapes and sizes.
“Don’t call me, Professor.” Weird way to say "sorry"....
“Well, I don’t have a first name and didn’t want to be rude.”
“Can talk to me about my arse but won’t address me without a title? Interesting."
“I didn’t know talking about your arse was rude. I thought it was a compliment. Still is, still stands.”
“Are you--” Sirius halted in his tracks on the pavement. He could see his car in the distance in the car park, students coming and going for the day. He turned around to face Remus who was wearing a smug grin, a lazy eyebrow raised, arms folded over his chest. “Are you staring at my arse?”
“And if I am?”
Sirius inhaled deeply, “What do you want?”
“Have dinner with me.”
“Dinner. Food. Do you eat?”
“I…yes…I do. But--”
“Tomorrow night?”
“It's Tuesday.”
“That’s not a date night.”
“It’s a date?” Remus gasped, “I’m flattered.”
“You asked me out! Didn’t you?” Didn’t you? Dear fucking god. Didn’t he? Wasn’t dinner a date invitation? Lunch wasn’t, coffee wasn’t necessarily a date, but all the books clearly said that dinner was a date material.
“Could’ve been an apology dinner, you know, for knocking skulls with you this morning.”
“...I am…so sorry. Today has been very weird, I didn’t mean to--”
Remus reached out and put his hand on Sirius’s arm again. Reassurance. “I’m messing with you. I definitely meant date. But I wasn’t aware that Tuesday couldn’t be a date night. Did you read that somewhere?”
“Uhm..no, I…just…”
“So are you free?”
“I…will have to let you know. Check my…planner.”
“Very cute.” Remus said, “Do you have a pen?”
“A pen, for writing, dear.”
Went right up there with Professor Black. Sirius reached into his bag, pulling out a pen and giving it to Remus, not pausing to question his intentions. Remus grabbed Sirius’s hand, opening it up and scrawling something on his palm, eyes only glancing up to catch Sirius’s for the briefest of seconds. Mischievous. Arrogant. Presumptuous.
Oh, you’re gone. This is it.
“Here’s my number. I don’t have a cellphone, but I do have a landline. Give me a call once you check your planner?”
“I…” Sirius took his hand back, staring at the set of numbers, “....Okay.”
“Can I keep the pen?”
“Are you an unprepared student?”
“No, it just means I’ll have to deliver it back, and I’ll have an excuse to come to your office again. One that isn’t rude and isn’t about your arse.”
Sirius was pacing around his room, nervous energy radiating out of every pore in his body, while his fifteen-year-old sat on the bed in his room, grinning from ear to ear at the sight in front of him. He hadn’t invited Harry into his room but hadn’t kicked him out, even though his teenager had nothing but fashion advice to give out, critiquing every aspect of Sirius’s outfit, enough for him to change his clothes three times. There were shirts on the floor, a pair of trousers as well, that Sirius was told to swap out for a pair of nice jeans instead, it’s a date, not a business meeting, Dad, and the entire idea, the prospect of going on a date in the first place, was entirely too stressful and made Sirius want to pull his hair out one by one.
“So how’d you meet this guy?” Harry asked, watching as Sirius ran a comb through his hair, pushing back dark curls away from his face. He needed a hair cut, he had been thinking that for weeks and had put it off, his hair the slightest bit too long. No wonder the hair gel hadn’t kept it in place.
“Just at work,” Sirius told him, “Have you started your homework?”
“In study hall today, almost done. And he gave you his number?”
“Well, when is he picking you up? Do I get to meet him? I think I should.”
“Meet him?”
“Yeah, you know, make sure he brings you home on time. Back by curfew…or not.”
Sirius raised an eyebrow at Harry through the mirror, his kid giving him a cheeky grin, wiggling his shoulders suggestively, “I’ll be home at a reasonable hour, I assure you, Harry.”
“I’m just saying, what if you have a good time? You can stay out. I’m almost sixteen--”
“You just turned fifteen.”
“Semantics, Dad,” Harry shrugged, “I’m saying you could stay out however long. Can’t Uncle Reg come? You can text him and say hey, I’m having a great time on this dinner date and would like to turn it to drinks, watch my brat for me. Oh! I’ll even take the bus tomorrow. in case you want to...you know have a sleepover.”
Sirius laughed softly as he picked up his jar of hair gel on the top of his dresser, putting some between his fingers and rubbing it to warm the product before putting it onto his hair. Taming curls had been a routine for him for the past ten years. Sirius often thought it was unfair that for someone who liked order and reason so well, he had been cursed with curly hair that had a mind of its own in the mornings. “I will be home by 10, I can guarantee that, love.”
“My dates last longer than that…” Harry said making a face, “Maybe you skip the hair gel today?”
“I’m sorry, with all these instructions you’re giving me today, one would think you have an issue with how I look.”
“I just mean, it’s a date,” Harry rolled his eyes, “You haven’t exactly been on one since--”
“I know, Harry,” Sirius said though he stopped his ministrations with his hair. He usually used two layers of gel, he hated when it came out of place. It drove him up a wall and Sirius was quite okay with avoiding spontaneity or unexpected occurrences such as hair troubles and…men in leather.
“It’s not so formal, Dad. That’s all. They’re supposed to be fun. You know what fun is, right? The kind that isn’t…organizing your files or rearranging the silverware or getting a new calculator.”
“Cheeky…” Sirius said, screwing the lid back on and putting the gel on his dresser, right next to his box of jewelry and a photograph of himself and Harry. He took a step back to examine himself in the full-length mirror. Black jeans cuffed at the bottom, his socks were black to match, pale blue sweater that he tucked into his jeans, gold watch on his wrist, hair pushed back away from his face. “Hand me my glasses, would you?”
“Dad, come on, you don’t need them. They’re for reading.”
“How am I going to read the menu?” Sirius asked, walking towards his bedside table to grab his glasses that were placed next to a stack of books, but Harry beat him to it.
“Dad, I love you, but you’re a bit of a dork, and you have nice eyes. Everyone says so.”
“Who says that?”
“I dunno. Mrs. Weasley? Bill? Oh, my English teacher Mr. Hastings. Though, I don’t think I was supposed to know that. There’s also some Mum on the school board who thinks it too…I told her she was barking up the wrong--”
Harry grinned again, “Kidding, I didn’t say anything. Now, I know you’re the adult here and you know way more than me, but given that I’ve been out on more dates than you in the past five years, I think I might have a little bit more experience…”
“You know, Harry, this man and I met when I looked just how I normally do and I still got his phone number so as much teenage experience you have to offer,” Sirius reached over and took his glasses from Harry, putting them on his face, “I can manage this on my own.”
“If you say so,” Harry shrugged, “Can you at least untuck your shirt? It works better.”
“Remind me to cancel your subscription to Teen Vogue.”
Sirius’s next day at work had him feeling entirely different. Arriving home well after 10pm, his brother in the sitting room with an amused expression as Sirius tried to talk his way out of what had actually occurred with I just lost track of the time and not that Sirius had sat across the table from a man who wore leather, even on dates, and talked for hours. A man who had picked Sirius up on a motorcycle, drove carefully and let Sirius hold onto his as tight as he wanted (though Sirius wasn’t holding tighter because he was worried necessarily). At first, it was terrifying, much like the entire scenario.
At first, he was sweating and nervous, hesitantly straddling the bike behind Remus, helmet on his head though he knew it was going to mess up his hair. At first, he barely touched Remus to hold on as they started out of Sirius’s neighborhood, the bike rumbling beneath them, exhaust fumes filling his senses, and cold air biting at his cheeks. But then it felt like flying as they moved down the streets together, nerves disappearing into the night sky with every turn, Sirius daring to hold on a bit tighter. By the time they had got to the restaurant, Remus was reaching for Sirius’s hand as if he had held it a thousand times before, as if it was meant to be held by his.
Sirius let him.
Remus let Sirius pull out his chair, and Remus let Sirius pay after a brief argument.
Sirius took off his helmet and let Remus fix his hair across the table, there’s a piece that’s sticking up, do you mind?
Remus filled the evening easily with stories of other adventures on that motorcycle--how he had traveled the world for years after his mother had passed, finding hidden locations to eat, working on farms for months at a time to get some money before moving on to the next thing. Time spent in strange cities where he didn’t speak the language, seeing the entire world before deciding it was time to go back to school.
School could wait, but I was only going to be young and have all the nerve in the world to travel once.
He collected postcards, from all the places he went to.
I’ll have to show them to you some time.
Sirius did his best and tried to make his life seem half as exciting as Remus’s was. Different sorts of adventures. Instead of traveling, Sirius had chosen to become a parent, deciding that his big house and his well-earned paycheck and reputation deserved to be shared with someone else. Boyfriends came in and out, Harry had been there the entire time. Instead of working odd jobs and experiencing and creating, Sirius got more degrees and research grants and a respectable teaching job at a University. Instead of exploration, Sirius chose simplicity. Monotony. Domesticity. And Sirius loved his life.
He didn’t expect a run in with leather to turn that upside down, Sirius still struggling to collect the Tetris pieces every time Remus opened his mouth and smiled at him. Laughed as his jokes. Asked about physics and actually seemed interested.
They closed the restaurant down and Sirius found himself wanting to stay with his hand entangled in one that was scarred and weathered and told stories that Sirius’s well-manicured ones never could. They took the longest walk.
Slow. Measured. No sense of urgency.
In step.
Smart dress shoes next to black combat boots.
Sirius was dropped off at his front door close to midnight, way past his bedtime, and unprepared for the way his fifteen-year-old would interrogate him in the morning when they drove to school.
I had the nicest time with you.
Remus kissed his cheek, having to stand on his toes to reach the top of Sirius’s cheekbone just under his temple.
Me too.
Sirius had managed to make it through a day of teaching classes without dissolving into giggles and having flashbacks of a night looking into amber eyes and letting himself laugh loudly and unapologetically. To the moments when Remus would innocently drop compliments, You’re quite handsome, and terms of endearment into conversation like they were commas. A pause between words only left space for dear and nothing else. Sirius was on his way to his office when the front secretary stopped him.
“Professor Black, this came for you while you were out.”
“Oh, thank you, it could’ve gone into my mailbox, no need to deliver everything personally, Haddie,” He said, and the young woman smiled a little.
“He…wanted to make sure you got it today and didn’t trust that you would check your mailbox. I may have told him you usually do that on Thursdays.”
“Right you are. Sorry,” Sirius said, taking the paper from the woman's outstretched hand and examining it, a smile spreading slowly onto his face, and his heart speeding up.
In bold bright yellow letters, across the scene of what looked like Barcelona, La Sagrada Familia depicted in an aerial photograph. Sirius flipped it over, biting down on his lip as he read the messy handwriting.
Had to miss your office hours again today, unfortunately. but…I might settle for dinner.
You can pick me up this time, and it can be on an actual date night.
You know where you can reach me. Find me. Call me. Everything.
Sirius’s breathing hitched softly, walking away from the front desk so no one was around to witness the faint pink hitting the tops of his cheeks.
An address.
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sincerely-mnkh · 2 years
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°Navigation☁ - Have a look around
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~Summary of post: It was meant to be a relaxing bath after a training session, but Zoro was getting tired of your cockiness.
~A/N: My inbox is open:)☁
Pairing: Zoro x Fem!Reader
~Warnings: mentions of swords, cursing, penetration, no prep (reader was already wet), Cream pie
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The burn in your legs is nearly unbearable as Zoro demands you to drop back into your stance and ready your wooden sword.
Being the only other sword user in the Strawhat pirates crew, and a good one at that meant you were a competition to him.
He claimed at every sparring match that it was just for some extra training, but you knew by the way that his eyes would shine when he beat you and the why they would dull up when you would beat him that this was more than training to him.
The harsh impact of your sword being hit back against you brought you back to reality.
"You don't get distracted out in an actual battle," he snarls. "So what makes you think you can with me?"
You shake your head and ready your sword while falling back into a staddle like stance.
"I was letting you get a few free hits," you laugh. "I know you get embarrassed when I beat you."
His breath hitches at your insult and his eyes darken.
"You think you're better then me, huh?"
He took the nod of your head as a signal to charge at you again.
The next few hours were spent hitting each other down to the ground until you both were dripping sweat.
You watch as Zoro angrily erases the small chalk board that was set up on the side of the room keeping the scores.
It had read: "84 - 87." A full 3 points more than Zoro and you could tell even at it being a small difference he wasn't taking it lightly.
"You should've taken that offer up on some free hits," you mumble as you wipe the sweat from your forehead with a towel.
"Shut up," was his only response before he climbed down from the crow's nest, leaving you alone in the stuffed up room.
You sit alone for a few minutes enjoying the silence before climbing down and making your way towards the kitchen.
The sound of the door opening causes Sanji to move from his place at the oven to look at you.
"Do you need something Y/N?" He asks beginning to wipe his hands off with a rag. "Dinner's gonna be done in about an hour."
"Can I just get some water?" You take a seat at the small table just outside the kitchen area.
He nods at your request, pulling out some ice from the freezer and filling a cup up with ice cold water.
He places the cup in front of you. "Zoro didn't go too hard on you, did he?"
You bring the cup up to your lips, your body tingles at the refreshing feeling as you place the cup back down.
"Not really? I mean, I was gonna be sore anyways so I don't think it was harsh," you admit taking another drink.
Sanji groans at your reply. "That damn Moss head doesn't know when to stop," he hisses taking your now empty cup and walking over to the kitchen sink.
"It wasn't that bad," you laugh. "I'm just gonna take a bath before dinner."
"Okay Love," he swoons.
After getting a change of clothes from your locker you make your way up to the baths.
Placing the clothes on the nearest surface, you begin filling the large square tub with warm water and pouring in some soap.
Admiring how the tub fills with bubbles you strip yourself and climb into the tub, melting into the warm water.
You switch the water off when the water reaches just beneath your breasts.
After washing and rinsing your hair, you lay up against the back of the tub enjoying the warm water again before you have to wash your body and kiss it goodbye.
Your closed eyes snap open at someone shouting.
Standing in the now open doorway is Zoro with a towel and some clothes in one hand, his other covering his mouth.
Your arms fly to your breasts covering them from his view. "What the hell! Zoro get out!" You yell.
"You didn't lock the door Woman!" He shouts back. "Hurry up, I gotta take a shower before dinner!"
You chuckle. "Since when did you bathe?"
He rolls his eyes. "Just hurry up, damn it."
"Hey, I'm relaxing," you hiss.
He groans. "Then let me sit at the other side of the tub."
"Fine, whatever."
Zoro sat at the other side of the tub, a few feet away from you looking at the wall as he washed himself.
You had uncovered your breasts stretching your arms along the edge of the tub once again enjoying the water despite the sudden company.
"So," you start, cracking an eye open to stare at his back. "How's your bath?"
"It'd be better if I wasn't looking at a fucking wall," he hissed.
You fold your arms behind your head lying into your open palms. "I deserve this after winning our sparring-"
"Oh, shut up!" Zoro turns to look at you.
Your arms fly in front of you to cover your breasts. "Hey! I told you-"
"I don't give a damn Woman," zoro made his way through the water towards you, stopping halfway to still keep some distance between you too. "Ever since you joined this crew you acted like you were better then me."
You blush at his hard eyes on you. "Well didn't our matches today prove that?"
Hands harshly plant themselves on the edge of the tub on either side of you.
Looking up to meet his hard gaze, Zoro grits his teeth. "If I'm gonna be the world's greatest swordsman, I need to take out small competitions like you first."
"Small? You got some balls calling me a 'small competition'," you snarl.
His brow twitches and it was obvious it didn't have anymore comebacks.
You were about to push him away and leave but he begins to talk again before you can.
"I just," he drops his gaze to the side and swallows. "I just admire your fighting style."
Your eyes widen, usually you'd reply with something snarky like 'of course you do,' but you couldn't it was just so unlike him to compliment someone without any backhand.
You look at his chest as silence consumes you both. Every detail on his chest and stomach catches your attention, bringing your gaze back up to his face for a second before dropping it again.
You never realised how attractive he was, everytime you were with him it was always full of yelling and fighting so you were never able to fully take him in.
There were smaller scars circling around the large one he had gotten from Mihawk that stretched across his chest and stomach.
"Thanks," you mumbled quietly. He didn't move or respond but you knew he heard you.
You look up and meet his gaze again. His eyes weren't filled with anger this time, they were filled with understanding and awe, but more importantly they were filled with lust and want.
You noticed his eyes ranging from your face and your covered breasts. The blush on your face deepened.
"Zoro," your voice was shaky.
Zoro hummed and moved one of his hands to rub circles on your shoulder with his thumb.
All he was doing was looking at you plus he just got done admitting he admired you which was definitely hard for him, so why was your core warming up with need and clenching around nothing?
"Zoro," your voice wasn't as shaky as the first time, but it had gotten quieter. "Zoro, please."
Now you're begging him? Just a few minutes ago you were at each other's throats.
He moved his hand up to cup your cheek and rub his thumb against your cheek bone.
Tears pricked your eyes but your forced them away before he could notice. You couldn't explain it, it was just so comforting especially from someone like him.
You dropped your arms from your breasts and stood up wrapping them around his neck in a hug, digging your face into the crook of his neck.
It clearly caught him off guard, but he wraps his arms around your waist nonetheless.
Zoro's hot breath on your neck sends a shock of pleasure straight down to your core causing you to fall into him more and whimper quietly.
Zoro takes notice of this and slides his hands below your waist and grabs both of your ass cheeks, groping you.
You gasp and clench your thighs together to send some kind of friction to your throbbing core.
Zoro grips the back of your head with his right hand, keeping the left on your ass.
Turning you to face him, Zoro smashes his lips against yours while continuing to grope you.
His tongue swipes along your lips asking for permission, when granted his shoves his tongue into your mouth.
A string of saliva connects you two when you part for air. Zoro hooks his arms under your thighs and picks you up to place you on the edge of the large tub.
Keeping your arms around his neck, you wrap your legs around his waist as he firmly grips your thighs.
You begin kissing again, this one hungrier than the last as he brings a hand up to grope your breast.
You moan into his mouth as he rubs his tip against your clit with long slow thrusts, his tip poking your stomach everytime he comes towards you.
You part again for air, heavy breathing filling the bathroom. Zoro pinches and pulls your nipple with the hand that was groping you. You throw your head back and moan out, his eyes watching you closely.
"Please," you whimper. "Please fuck me."
Zoro chuckles and pushes you back onto the cold tile of the bathroom and spreads your legs.
The warm air from the hot bath blows against your clit, sending chills down your spine.
Zoro looms over you, placing a hand beside your head and jerking himself off with the other a wicked grin on his face.
He places himself at your entrance before putting his hand on the other side of your head.
"Are you ready?" A soft dim coating his lustful eyes. When you nod his eyes darken again as his pushes his tip into your throbbing entrance.
You gasp and arch your back at the feeling of him stretching you out as he bottoms out inside of you.
He waits for you to get use to him. Once the pain of being stretched out is over came by pleasure you nod at him to continue.
He pulls back leaving just his tip inside of you before slamming back into you followed by fast and hard thrusts.
You breasts bounce at the impact as you moan and babble out nonsense, Zoro occasionally groaning a low curse in your ear.
The bathroom begins to fill with the sounds of your moans and the sound of skin slapping against one another fast.
Zoro kisses a sloppy row of kisses down your collar bone as his thrust become mercilessly faster.
Your thighs clench around his waist as you scream for more which Zoro is more than happy to comply to.
The cold tile against your back, hot air and mercilessly thrusts makes your head spin and that familiar knot gets tighter and tighter in your stomach.
"Z-Zoro!" You manage to cry out, tears prick the corners of you eyes.
Zoro grips your chin and smashes his lips against yours.
You both moan into the kiss, both of you nearing your highs.
Zoro speeds up while you both near your highs, that knot in your stomach snapping causing you to cream around his cock.
Zoro groans into your ear has he releases inside of you. Zoro plants two hands on either side of your head again as you both try to catch you breaths.
Finally, Zoro pulls out and submerges his lower half into the bath water, pulling you in with him.
By the time you and Zoro had rebathed it was 15 minutes past when dinner was supposed to begin.
Walking into the dining room, everyone (expect for Luffy) stops eating and turns their gazes to you two.
"And where have you two been?" Robin asks twirling some seafood pasta around her fork.
"We were training," you answer taking a spot next to her while Zoro sits in between Usopp and Luffy.
Usopp has an uncomfortable look on his face but Zoro pays it no mind.
Sanji walks out of the kitchen holding two plates of seafood pasta.
He places one in front of you. "Here you go Love."
You smile at him. "Thank you."
You begin eating while Sanji harshly hands Zoro his plate with a 'here,' before sitting down in front of his own.
Everyone's chatting and eating happily until Nami coughs awkwardly.
"Are you okay Nami?" Chopper asks concerned.
Nami nods and turns down his offer of cough medicine, instead she turns her attention to you.
She rest her shin in her palm which is proped up on the table. "So."
"So?" You repeat eating another bite of food.
"Usopp said he saw something," she pauses to find her words, Usopp seems even more uncomfortable then before. "Intresting-"
"Was it an island?!" Luffy asks through a mouthful of food happily.
"No!" Nami hits him over the head which earns a whine from him before turning back to you. "He saw something interesting."
Usopp groans and buries his face into his hands. "Why do we even have windows looking into the bath house?"
You and Zoro pause and look at each other.
"What!?" Sanji exclaims. "Where you watching Y/N bathe?!" He points his fork at Usopp.
"What?! No!"
Silence consumes dinner, with everyone being quiet Luffy speaks up.
"Why's everyone so quiet?" He asks. "Is it cause Usopp saw Y/N and Zoro having sex? Nami said it was gonna cause drama." No one says anything and Usopp continues to groan into his hands. "Y'know, I think it'd be cool to have a baby crewmate."
"What?! I'm not pregnant!" You shout over the table to Luffy.
"That's what you were doing you damn moss head!?" Sanji shouts. "Foundling my precious Y/N!?"
Sanji stands behind your chair placing a hand on each of your shoulders.
Zoro groans and leaves the dining room with a 'welp.'
"Hey! Come back here!" Sanji follows him out the door yelling.
You take a drink of your soda and take your chances with looking at Usopp.
Usopp stares back at you. "You're disgusting."
You shrug as Sanji opens the door and sticks his head back into the dining room throwing daggers at Usopp with his hard gaze.
"I'm coming back for you," he hisses. "Looking at My angel's precious naked body." With that he leaves.
"Wait, so we aren't getting a baby crewmate?"
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heeracha · 2 years
forty-six. / forty-seven. — the one for me. / alternative ending.
for me. — k. sunoo
✴︎ synopsis: to sunoo, you were just a random girl in one or two of his classes who happens to be friends with his friends while to you, sunoo was the guy who you’ve been swooning over for a year or so. now, with you tweeting about your crush on him on the wrong account, sunoo has just one question. you’re the one who confessed to him, so why the hell is he the one chasing (literally and figuratively) you?
✴︎ pairing: sunoo x fem!reader
✴︎ content/genre: smau, college au, fluff, angst (?)
✴︎ warning(s): swearing, always HEHE unproof read :D
✴︎ note: final chap !! AAAAAA thank you so much for the support you guys,,,, for the alternative ending,,, it's what i originally planned, but im not sure if i'm going to post it. tell me if you guys want it or not <3
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"hello, my love." sunoo greets as you come out of the lecture hall with a wide smile on your face. "you have anything to do today?" he asks, kissing your nose as he takes your bag from you even though you have argued with him that you can do it yourself hundreds of times already.
"none, how about you?" you ask and sunoo shakes his head smiling. "you wanna go somewhere?"
"you wanna just stay in my dorm? or your apartment?" sunoo asks.
"your dorm's nearer, so," you laugh and sunoo nods with a smile, kissing your forehead as he grabs your hand while the both of you start walking. "can't believe you lied to me about having the same way home."
"what can i do? i'm a big simp for you." sunoo says, rolling his eyes but smiles anyway. you smile, chuckling as you look ahead to see jeongin.
"hey!" you greet and jeongin smiles, waving as you open your arms, inviting him into a hug. jeongin hugs you on the side as you feel sunoo not letting go of your hand (possibly even tightening his hold).
"long time, huh." jeongin says with a smile. "i'll see you around. hey, sunoo."
"hey," sunoo greets and jeongin walks past, your boyfriend rolling his eyes.
"you're so mean." you say and sunoo shrugs, smiling at you. you roll your eyes but a smile comes up anyway. "you're an idiot." you softly say.
"i'm you're—"
"don't even say it." you say, putting a finger over his lips. sunoo smiles, kissing your finger as you two exited the university premises. "remind me i have to ask you something later, okay?"
"okay." sunoo says, kissing your temple as he pulls you to the nearest ice cream parlor to get his mint chocolate ice cream. dates with sunoo are just never dull, honestly. the two of you could just stay inside and he'd find a way to lighten it up. no dates were ever repeated. sure, you two would go to the same places for sentimental reasons, but you could never say that it was like a date you had before with him.
or maybe you were just really a big simp for sunoo.
as the two of you settled on a tall table with no chairs with your ice creams, sunoo started talking how his day went... saying that his least favorite part of his day was seeing what's his face. god, sunoo.
"can't believe you pick that flavor over mint chocolate." sunoo says as puts on a judgemental face, continuin to eat his ice cream. you glare at him, scooping a large chunk on his ice cream causing him to whine loudly.
people stare at the two of you causing sunoo to cover his mouth as you hide your face on his shoulder, muffling your laughter on his jacket. you lightly hit sunoo on his arm as you pull away, a big smile on your face, mirroring sunoo's.
"hey, you said you wanted to ask me something." sunoo says and you hum.
"so, we've been going out for five months already, right?" you say and sunoo hums as he nods. "of course, after all the unnecessary chasing you have done—"
"you'll never let it go, will you?" sunoo says with a chuckle.
"oh, come on. it's my biggest flex." you said, batting your eyes jokingly. "who would have thought a certain kim sunoo would chase someone?"
sunoo rolls his eyes, smiling as he nods at you.
"i talked to jay and he said it's time for me to take the reins, so," you sigh, scratching the back of your neck, not knowing how to say it. you honestly don't know how people ask people out. how are you going to ask sunoo to finally be your boyfriend?
sunoo's eyes widen, looking at you. "are you asking me to be.. your boyfriend?" he asks and you look at him.
"yeah..?" you say, unsure. "unless you think that's unattractive, then no."
"no, no." sunoo says, shaking his head. "it's just... this is so awkward."
"is it really weird for a girl to make the move?" you ask.
"no." sunoo shakes his head. "you don't know how many times i wished you'd make the first move and maybe confess to me again with no sunghoon snitching you."
"then, what is it?" you ask.
"i thought we are official." sunoo says, looking at you and you place your hands on either sides of your head.
"oh, god." you say, covering your face. "did you ask?"
"well, no." sunoo said. "i just assumed we are when we kissed."
"oh, god." you mumble and sunoo looks at you, pressing his lips into a thin line as he resists his laugh. but he can't.
sunoo giggles, gently grabbing your arm as he pulls you into his chest as he hugs you tight. "you're so cute!" sunoo says with a laugh as he rocks you side to side. "you know what? here's what we're going to do,"
"what?" you ask, looking at him.
"let's have two anniversaries. the date i thought we got together and the date you asked me to be your boyfriend." sunoo suggests and you smile. "deal?"
"well, i'd love that idea." you mumble, drawing circles on his chest. "but you haven't answered my question yet."
"well, technically, you didn't ask yet." sunoo says with a smile.
you chuckle, feeling your ears grows red. "well, kim sunoo, will you finally be my boyfriend?" you ask, looking up into his eyes that shone probably brighter than the stars.
"i'd love to be your boyfriend, y/l/n y/n." sunoo says and you smile, kissing his cheek as he kisses your forehead.
it took them long, but at least they're happy in each other's arms now. it definitely was worth the wait.
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✴︎ au taglist [ taglist closed. thank you so much for everyone who supported this fic <3 ] : @tomorrowbymoa-together @icywhatim @giyyuzz @ncityy04 @yougeans @hobistigma @nyfwyeonjun @big-fool-energy @amakumos @pixyseeun @angel-hyuckie @meiiiwa @jvnsun @aria-grace-scott @msxflower @pebbypenny @isaluv @snowfalltxt @dinosdance @m1ng-how @taylorswifeyyy @tobiosbbyghorl @urresidentdrugdealer @leeis @yizhoutv @chirokookie @apricottulips @jay-durian @studioreader @hibuki-chan @mildlystupid @tenten-67 @hiqhkey @wh4txium1n @uhhalexwashere @sunswoonie @ahnneyong @clarakyunisageek @silkyyvenus @wonderwrench @yourlocalhotgf @jaycheoluwu @haechans-sunflower @kkquml @hoonstrology @mybabywearschanel @xeirisarax @lilacsxjoon @ifwtyun @ily-cuz-i
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emohee · 3 years
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he's a monster - 심재윤
- ,, pairing : violent yandere!jake x fem!reader
- ,, genre : yandere
- ,, tw : heavy yandere themes, dead bodies, violence, forced abortion mention, domestic violence, strangulation.
- ,, request :
"I've always been reading angst and yandere stories where jake is cute, can you write jake a bit more rude, aggressive and cruel? Thank you very much in advance."
- ,, word count : 1.6K
- ,, yuri's note : idk i'm not really satisfied with this, but i still decided to post it since it was requested and i don't want make people wait too long for me to write their request :(, anyways enjoy! + the part 2 is probably coming soon!
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You ran away from jake
He yanked you down the street regardless of the passers-by staring at you
"When we get home I'll show you what it means to disobey me"
Instantly you froze, and stood still, jake tugged on your arm harder,
but you stood still and sat on the sidewalk,
you would have caught the attention, jake would have done something violent to move you, people would have seen him, would have stopped him, they would have asked you if he often hurt you, you would have told them everything, everything you went through
Jake seeing you sitting, tugged on your arm with even more harder, making your shoulder move as well.
Seeing you unresponsive he ducked down and whispered to you
"Don't make me even more angry, if you get up now, i'll pretend nothing had happened, and i will turn a blind eye to what you just did and the punishment will not be that painful"
You stayed there, you weren't going to listen to him
Jake's face became serious
he picked you up and started walking very quickly, he had to walk only about 50 meters before reaching home.
generally the area where jake lived was very quiet and you could think that jake lived there completely alone, so you had absolutely no opportunity to go out and tell everything to the first stranger and have him call the police to report jake
but that day, that day was FULL of people, and you couldn't miss this opportunity
so you wriggled from jake like a snake and he was forced to hold you tighter and walk even faster, almost running, to not let you go
"Not today" you repeated in your mind
You tried to slap jake but he didn't seem to give any reaction, you wriggled even more
No result
You couldn't lose your life like that, you had to fight for survival, like an animal
You scratched jake on the neck, he was forced to let you go because of the pain, you fell on the sidewalk, and wasted no time getting up and running away as fast as possible
You were never good at running but that day you could have even won a bronze medal at the Olympics for how fast you ran
You ran and at one point you saw your aunt
A wave of happiness overwhelmed you
“AUNTIE KYUNGAH! I AM HERE” you yelled as you ran to her
she turned right away, she smiled, but when she saw you her smile faded away
"Auntie, please take me to the police, please do it now, i'll explain everything later" you said in a desperate tone
She looked you up and down in disbelief and then took your hand and started walking towards the police station
"Okay honey, but how come you are reduced like this?" she asked
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It was understandable that she was so shocked, the last time she saw you, you were beautiful, with your beautiful skin without any scars or bruises, with shiny hair but most importantly with the smile of a girl who loved her life.
And now ... your face was sad, your eyes furrowed with dark circles, formed when jake left you alone with your mouth taped up and handcuffed to the light pole of a odd train station located somewhere, I had to stay awake 2 whole days, paying attention to what was happening around you, because creepy men passed around you, and they could have raped you if only they wanted to.
Your body, on the other hand, was full of scratches and bruises, due to Jake's constant abuse,
he beat you for everything, even for fun
seeing the bruises and marks caused by him excited and pleased him then led him to do others for his own satisfaction.
Jake loved to push himself to extreme limits with torture, he hurted you so much that you cried and begged him to stop, he loved that pathetic desperate expression.
He loved to think about the fact that you were crying for him, your life was in his hands now and you begged him to keep you alive even though at this point you would rather die than live with that monster.
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At your aunt's question you were silent
Your aunt immediately understood, because when she was young, auntie kyungah had married a man, he seemed the perfect man, kind, intelligent, rich, from a good family and with many good acquaintances
She could never have imagined that he was a psycho
He often beat her, he even whipped her, he just liked to make her suffer
One day auntie kyungah got pregnant but not wanting to hold the child of a monster in her womb she aborted it, his anger became immense and that day he whipped her so much that she still has the red streaks caused by the whip.
Then the aunt could not take it anymore and she ran away deceiving her husband, and she went to tell the police everything about her, showing the injuries her husband had done to her.
As soon as auntie kyungah remembered everything she had been through she quickened her pace
"Y/n every now and then look around and tell me if he's following us"
"Okay auntie, thank you so much" you said starting tearing up
"You will thank me later, now you just have to think about how to get at the police station as fast as possible"
You nodded
the way was quite short, you arrived at the police station in less than 10 minutes, as you passed, people stared at you, the kids stared at you, then whispered something to their mothers.
Wouldn't you have been impressed too if you had seen a girl covered in very visible bruises all over her body?
In a short time you arrived at the police station, the young policeman who had listened to his aunt when she told him about her husband's abuse was still working there.
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"Hey kyungah, how are you?" the policeman said smiling
"There is no time for chatting woojin, let's go in immediately, my niece is in danger" she replied almost whispering
The policeman became serious and nodded, and led you two into the interrogation room.
"So, what do you have to tell me"
"Woojin, do you remember my story?"
The policeman nodded
"I think my niece may have had the same experience as me, honestly I don't even know what happened, so I'll listen to what she has to say too"
Then he turned to you
"Ok y/n, we are listening to you, please tell us what happened"
All the bad memories with jake went through your mind, the pain you felt and the sweet words she said to you as he beat you to blood came to your mind
Without realizing it, you began to tremble strongly and weep.
When you realized it you tried to compose yourself but you started shaking again
The policeman then said kindly
"tell me what's his name"
"J-jake s-sim" you stammered
"Jake sim?" repeated the policeman, noting
"Yes" you replied
"Where does he live?"
"He lives in the big house opposite the carpet shop, I don't know the exact address, but it's house number 16"
"all right"
The policeman paused
"Would you like to talk about what jake did to you?"
You didn't answer
"Nobody will judge you, you will feel better when you'll tell us everything, trust me"
Those words touched your heart so you took a breath and started to tell you about the horrible things jake did to you
Your aunt looked at you horrified, instead the policeman listened but he was visibly disgusted by so much brute violence
At the end of your long story you burst into tears, your aunt hugged you, she was crying too.
The policeman instead came out of the room to talk to his colleagues about what you just told him.
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Soon after the cops brought Jake to the police station, you began to tremble and you were mentally ready for his punishment.
Fortunately, they immediately took him to another room to question him.
It took them an hour, and you spent that hour in the arms of your aunt who consoled you.
When they released jake from interrogation they asked you to stand aside, jake and your aunt had to go out and talk privately at jake's request.
"Be careful aunty," I said to your aunt just before she left
"Quiet y/n, I may be old but I know how to defend myself" she replied jokingly
You tried to smile but felt a bad presentiment
Your aunt and jake stayed out for quite some time, after about 40 minutes the cops went to check what the hell was happening jake and your aunt weren't there.
Your heartbeat stopped.
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It was around 6pm, and you had to stay at the police station until 11pm, until they found jake unconscious near a large waste container not far from the river, he was bruised and had various injuries, including some that were still bleeding and that had stained his clothes making him look stabbed or something.
The police decided to search in river as well, in which they found your aunt's corpse at the bottom, she had signs of aggression too, but also signs of strangulation.
The doctors instantly assumed that she was first beaten, then the aggressor tried to strangle her and thrown her in the river, where she drowned.
The news regarding her death arrived to you at 3 am the following day.
As soon as you heard those words you started shaking and you couldn't stand up, you fell and passed out.
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turtle-babe83 · 2 years
Could you do another Halloween spirits smut but with Donnie? If that’s okay?
Like they’re together but Joe knows she wants more than vanilla and in a way gets Donnie angry and punishes his feom!s/o? Is that okay??
I’m excited for this one since we talked about it. Thanks for agreeing to let me change holidays. This time our beloved Joe is the spirit of Christmas nookie. 😉😉
Posting early because I love @tmntspidergirl and she asked for it 💜
Christmas Spirit:
Donatello x F!Reader
Warning: Language and NSFW 18+ only
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Oh, I won't ask for much this Christmas
I won't even wish for snow (and I)
I'm just gonna keep on waiting underneath the mistletoe
I won't make a list and send it to the North Pole for Saint Nick
I won't even stay awake to hear those magic reindeer click
'Cause I just want you here tonight
Holding on to me so tight
What more can I do?
Oh, baby, all I want for Christmas is you
-All I Want for Christmas Is You, Mariah Carey
You sighed. It wasn’t like the sex wasn’t good. Donnie kept you well satisfied. But as you read your smutty Christmas romance novel, you couldn’t help but wish Donnie would let loose and fuck you hard and wild like the male protagonist in the book.
It’s just that Don was a creature of habit, especially when his mind was focused elsewhere. Like updating the new security system, including all the cameras. It was like the sex was an afterthought, a means to an end. Nothing romantic or even exciting. The same old positions, the same old rhythm, the same old pass out as soon as the deed was done and wake up to a cold bed because he went right back to work. Could you be sexually frustrated even though you were still getting plenty of sex?
You sighed again. You knew his work was important. So you felt guilty asking for more. But as you turned the pages, you envisioned Donnie ravaging you instead of the characters in the novel. A chill suddenly shook you, and you pulled your hand knit blanket closer around yourself, a gift from Raph for your birthday last year. You had been getting those shivers and shudders more often lately. How odd.
Unbeknownst to you, you had a ghostly onlooker reading over your shoulder. Joe had settled in as a regular part of the lair, even if Leo and his girlfriend were the only ones who actually believed in his existence. He was rather proud of the way he had played matchmaker at Halloween this year. It made him happy to see Leo in love and the relationship prospering. Now however, it looked like another turtle brother needed his help. Donnie might absolutely refute the existence of ghosts and spirits, but Joe was nothing if not persistent. He had grown fond of you as well and wanted to see your relationship with the nerdy genius flourish. You balanced one another quite well in his opinion. So, as he read the pages you were swooning over, he began to see what the issue was. You needed some spice back in the bedroom. Joe began to develop a plan.
Donnie was, once again, checking security feeds for the new cameras he had set up in the tunnels. He watched each screen for a moment before moving on to the next. He frowned when he got to camera 4. It was turned at an odd angle, not the way he had placed it during installation. He huffed. Must have come loose somehow. He grabbed his small tool bag and headed off to the tunnels. Sure enough, camera 4 was twisted but still fastened tightly. It was as if someone grabbed it and turned it. He inspected the area but there was no evidence of anyone besides him having been in the tunnel. He readjusted the camera and headed back to his wall of monitors. When he got back, he started where he left off. A couple more cameras in and he noticed another was turned the wrong way. It happened again, several more times. He would fix the camera which was fastened properly, yet facing the wrong direction. Then he would go back to check the next one, just to find more discrepancies. His frustration was growing and by the last time, he was seething. By this time, he was certain that someone was playing a prank. He decided to hide and wait to catch the culprit.
You had been reading for so long, only a couple more chapters left until the book was finished. You hadn’t seen Donnie in quite awhile. Deciding you should probably make sure he at least took a break to eat, you went in search of your turtle. He wasn’t at his work station but there was a lukewarm cup of coffee sitting on the desk. It hadn’t been too long since he had been there. You wandered through the lair, checking all the usual places but no Donatello. Finally, you asked the other guys and Raph piped up and said he thought he saw him going back and forth from the tunnels. Inwardly, you cringed. The tunnels were creepy when you were alone. But Donnie was so bad about taking a break. Dammit.
You walked through the tunnels cautiously, making as little noise as possible. Occasionally, you would feel a cold breeze that came out of nowhere. You started to wonder if perhaps Leo’s claim about a ghost was warranted. As you were nearing the last tunnel, you heard a noise that stopped you in your tracks. You crept forward on silent feet, venturing into the dimly lit corridor. Suddenly, you were grabbed from behind, an arm around your waist and a hand over your mouth. You immediately began to struggle, and your attacker turned you around and pushed you up against the wall. Donnie was caging you in with his long arms and he looked furious. His eyes were tired but flashing with anger.
“So, you think you’re funny? Making me run back and forth between all the cameras? All damn night?” he growled.
You frowned, what was he going on about? He looked exhausted. Maybe he fell asleep and dreamed up something?
“Donnie, what are you-“
“Don’t play dumb with me. You almost had me believing in the damn ghost theory,” he glared. “Bad girls get punished.”
Your eyes widened. This was not your normal Donnie. But boy, did it make your skin tingle. His breathing was uneven and his voice was low.
Ready for what? Suddenly, you were turned around and your leggings and panties jerked down your legs.
“Bend over. Hands on the wall.”
You gulped. Curious to see what he would do next, you complied. His big hand slid over one rounded butt cheek, then he reared back and slapped it. You cried out even as your thighs clenched. Another slap had you biting your lip, and the third was just a little lower. You were already getting turned on and the slap on your pussy left Donnie’s palm wet. He leaned in close to your face, grabbing your hair and tugging your head back till you were looking at him. Then his long tongue slipped out of his mouth and he licked your juices from his hand. You whimpered as his hand came down and slapped it again. This time when he licked his hand clean, he thrust his tongue into your mouth, kissing you deep and sharing your flavor as he stole your breath.
Donnie unfastened his pants and freed his cock as he continued to ravage your mouth. He lined himself up with your entrance and shoved hard. In two thrusts, he was balls deep. You were already a moaning mess, hot face pressed against the cool concrete. His rhythm was brutal as he pounded your pussy. He hooked an arm under your leg and opened you wider as you clawed at the unyielding wall.
“Oh god! Donnie! Fuck!”
“This is what you get,” he panted, “for pranking me.”
“I-oh-I have no idea-damn-what you’re talking about!” you whined.
He was going so deep with that lengthy cock, hitting your cervix and sending sparks up your spine.
“Ah, ah, ah!” you cried out.
“Give it up, I know it was you,” he growled out.
“I swear!” you moaned, feeling your womb clench in release.
As your walls tightened around him, Donnie groaned, rutting into you hard and fast. He filled you up with his hot seed, and finally released you. You nearly fell, legs weak. He caught you and pulled you up against his plastron, chest heaving. Feeling his anger subside, he considered your responses and realized that you truthfully didn’t know what he was talking about. You weren’t the prankster.
“If it wasn’t you…” he mused.
You looked up at him, confused but happy with what had transpired.
“Must have been Mikey,” he decided.
“No, your brothers were all accounted for. I talked with them before I came to find you,” you shook your head.
“But someone had to move the cameras!” he grumbled, rubbing the back of his head.
There was a squeak right above you, and you both looked up in time to see the camera twist and turn on its own. A scream caught in your throat and Donnie’s jaw dropped. The temperature dropped for just a moment, enough that you could see your breath. You could feel your hair standing on end and goosebumps on your skin. Then it passed. You both hastily pulled your pants up and started back to the lair. Halfway down the tunnel, Donnie looked back and thought he saw a shadow following.
“Joe?” he whispered into the darkness.
The dim bulb in the light fixture flickered. Donnie’s mind immediately went to how to develop paranormal investigative equipment. Then he looked up ahead at you framed in the tunnel entrance, with the Christmas lights glowing and your beautiful smile, and remembered how good you felt and the way you whimpered his name.
Donnie decided it could wait till after the holidays.
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maedaex2combo · 2 years
More Than Pale
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Chapter Two: When Feelings Go Unspoken
Post-retcon / Post-sburb
[CH 1] ==>
Pairings: Dave x Karkat x Reader (GenderNeutral!Reader Human!Reader)
Warnings: Strong language, Alcoholism, Angst.
Word Count: 16.3k (itsmorethistimeimsorry)
Summary: After sobering up and getting your music career up and running again, you reconnect with an old friend from your tour. This causes more than a few issues between you and your two "platonic" best friends. Is it jealousy or is it for your well-being?
A/N: Holy shit I finally finished this chapter LMAO. God this took me forever y'all I'm so sorry. I'm literally in a foreign country right now for study but I'll be damned if I let that stop me (I only let it slow me down significantly). Anyways I was kind of struggling with what direction I wanted to take the story to get the boys to realize their feelings, but this is what I came up with! I hope it's good because I can't keep reading over this monstrosity of a chapter anymore. But we've got a new character and high high tension in this one. Sorry for all the angst! But it'll be worth it in the end ;) Enjoy!
Lets get into it x2
It’s been a month!
A month of sobriety. A month of working on your new album. A month since the breakdown video, which ended up getting cleared up with both the public and your friends. The dinner with Rose and Kanaya was awkward, you’ll admit, but they actually helped with their advice about staying sober. The picnic with Roxy, Calliope, and Jade was helpful as well and encouraged you to spend more time with your other friends. All in all, you were doing a lot better now! You even wrote one of your songs about your journey towards recovery and self-love so far. In a livestream, you ended up crying at how supportive your fans were. Things were really looking up for you.
The album was maybe about halfway done now. At the moment you’re currently working on your track with Dave as a feature and writer. He’s been having trouble with his own writing, despite all his work being very good, as you continue to tell him. You think he’s just being especially hard on himself since he knows this will be largely produced and listened to by millions. You’ve been patient though, always, for him.
The room is scattered with papers, whole ones and crumpled ones. Really, this was not very eco friendly. You probably could’ve written in a tablet or something. All the tech though was being used for recording, beat making, mixing, etc. There's cords everywhere like a death trap. It’s a mess.
You’re reading over one of the verses for the thousandth time when Dave walks back in again with AJ and a water for you.
“so what do you think?”
“Dave. Every time I tell you it’s perfect! You’re the one who’s nitpicking.”
“yeah but if it’s perfect then why do you keep giving me feedback?”
“Because you insist!!!” You laugh a little at the ridiculousness of the past several hours spent going back and forth like this. You stand up and hand the paper towards him for the last time. “This is it, Dave. This is the final draft. I officially have no more comments.”
“but-“ he starts to protest.
“ok just-“
He finally breaks out into a smile. “okay! okay. but just for the last line. I think that-”
“What was that?? I think someone’s calling me, I can’t hear you. One second.” He sighs as you clearly answer a fake phone call. “Hello? Who is it?… Oh my gosh, Barrack Obama???… Wow, such an honor to talk to you sir. To what do I owe the pleasure?-“
“hey. don’t bring him into this.” He says, but there’s still that little amused smirk on his face.
“Oh, what’s that? You read the copy of Dave’s verses I sent you? Thank you, sir! And what’d you think? Oh, wow…. Really??? You think it's THAT bangin?? That’s great! I’ll let him know!” Dave rolls his eyes behind his shades as you pretend to give Americas greatest president your farewells.
“thats not funny. identity theft is a crime (y/n).”
“You know what’s not a crime? Being confident in your bomb ass work. Seriously, why are you so anxious about it? You like your own music, don’t you?”
“of course bro. i write the fucking sickest raps on this planet.”
“Then why-“
“this is different. im not just posting this on my shitty little personal noisecloud account. this track might end up playing in every goddammed mall, cafe, club, and whatever else is on earth c. this is gonna be like- my own official debut. if i put this song out there on your album, its gonna be the whole planets first real look at my music. people are gonna search me up- and if it’s too good then theyll look at my old songs and be all ‘aw shit dude this guy actually sucks’. but if its not good then theyll just assume my music is ass and wont even bother-“
“Dave.” You cut off his rambling suddenly, taking a step closer to him.
“what??” He snaps, clearly stressed, as he whips his head around to look at you.
“It’s good. I promise it’s good.” You take one of his hands in both of yours. “It’s just as good as all your other music. I promise you. Your debut will be a huge success, I already know it. You don't have anything to worry about.”
It’s silent after that. He just stares at you for a while, and the assumed eye contact feels weirdly intimate after a moment passes. From your point of view, you think maybe you went too far. You just wanted to reassure him, but you probably made him uncomfortable. 'I really have to draw the line for this stuff somehow' You think. You start to blush a little out of embarrassment, and quickly let go of his hand to turn away and clear your throat. Not that that makes it any less uncomfortable.
From Dave’s point of view, well, he’s not even quite sure what he’s feeling. He's had these weirdly intimate moments with you ever since he found out you had feelings for him. Did he ever get this flustered around you before that? He cant remember. It’s a good thing that he doesn’t usually blush very much, because it must’ve been unnoticeable to you. He wishes it was unnoticeable to him too, the way his heart started to beat faster when you touched his hand and comforted him, and even faster every second your eyes stayed connected. It felt so nice, it left him speechless long enough for you to think he was uncomfortable. this is weird… this feeling… i have a matesp- boyfriend. so why do i feel-
And then you’re pulling away. And he shakes off the weird emotions he doesn’t want to address as quickly as they came.
“Anyways.” You quickly add onto that comically awkward cough as you make your way back to your own desk with your own writing. “If you want to keep perfecting it, that’s fine. But y'know that one saying… Uhh what was it… Don’t fix what isn’t broken? Right?”
Dave nods. “yeah i guess.” He replies as he goes to sit back down at his desk. Right before he can take a seat, someone knocks on the door of your workroom. You both know who it is of course.
Karkat opens the door before either of you even get to say anything. “HEY. SORRY TO BOTHER YOU TWO WHEN YOU’RE ‘IN THE ZONE’ OR WHATEVER. BUT SOMEONE'S AT THE FRONT DOOR ASKING FOR (Y/N).”
“Huh?” This catches your attention, turning your body in your chair to look at him. “Who is it??”
Your heart sinks a little, immediately assuming the worst. “Oh, shit. Is it one of the guys I’ve dated?? Tell them I’m not here!!”
Now you’re curious. And apparently your two friends are as well, when they follow you into the hall and quietly peak their head out from behind the stairs to see who the mystery man is.
When you open the door, you need to take a second to get a good look at him. He has curly black wolf-cut hair, and when he takes off his expensive-looking maroon shades, he’s got really well drawn black eyeliner on. You immediately recognize him now that you can get a good look at his face. He was one of your openers on tour! You spent a couple months together and he was really cool from what you can remember. You can’t believe you forgot to keep in touch! Then again, a lot happened for you.
“Rael!!!” Your face lights up and you excitedly pull him into a hug, taking him by a bit of surprise, but his smiles big when he returns the hug.
“(Y/n)! Hey! I missed you, dude!” The two of you pull back, grinning. “How you been? I saw all that stuff that happened last month and got worried. Thought I’d come check on ya!” Karkat and Dave share a confused glance with eachother.
You laugh a little, embarrassed that he had to read/see about that. “Ooohhh yeah… that was crazy! Haha.. But I’m doing a lot better now! I’m working on my next album!”
“I heard! I bet it’s coming along great.” He compliments, putting his hands on his hips. "Your tracks are always groundbreaking."
You blush. “Hahah.. Thanks! But yeah, it is coming along really well." You’re smiling bigger than you have in a while. It feels so good to see another artists from your tour again, brings back good memories, as exhausting as the trip was. There were people who made it worth it. “Would you… like to come in?” You suggest suddenly on a whim.
“Oh, that’s okay! I know you’re busy. I just thought I’d come by and say hello, since I was in the area.”
“Are you sure? I'd love to have you over for a while! Maybe I could show you what I’ve been working on?” You suggest, a little bashful. You haven’t shown anyone but Dave and Karkat your work so far. It’d be good to get another artists opinion as well.
“Hmm…” He takes a second to think, looking off to the side. “Well, alright! Since you insist!” He agrees suddenly, and the two of you laugh, chatting some more as he walks in alongside you into the house. Dave and Karkat go back into the workroom when they notice you coming in.
When you two enter to see them, Rael is the first to speak. “Hey! These must be the god-friends I heard you talk about so much!” He announces, and you blush a little. “Its nice to finally meet you two! The famous Dave Strider! I heard your beats are nice!"
"sup." Dave nods in resonse, his hands in his pockets.
He looks over to Karkat. "And uh… Wait don’t tell me… Kitkat?”
“KARKAT.” He sneers, immediately put off by this guy.
“Oh right! Haha, funky name.” He totally misses the aggravated response. Humans sometimes have a hard time with troll names, but it comes off as xenophobic if they don’t even try or apologize. It’s one of Kar’s many pet peeves. He only didn’t go off on the guy because Dave immediately took his hand behind his leg to calm him down subtly. You laugh a little awkwardly to fill the short, yet thick, following silence.
“and who are you?” Dave asks, melancholy.
"Oh right. Guys this is-"
“Name’s Rael! I’m a friend of (Y/n)’s. We were on tour together!” He cuts you off, but you don't think much of it.
“His music’s really good! I thought he could help us out a little bit. Maybe give us an outside view for editing purposes?” You smile, intentions good, totally forgetting Dave’s thing about privacy and how much he would and does think that's an awful fucking idea.
“im good.” Is his short reply.
“What? Dave!” You immediately retort.
“It’s okay, I can just take a look! I don’t have to give any real criticism if you don’t want it!” Rael offers, but Dave’s cold expression doesn’t budge. There’s a very tense air in the room right now. The silence unfortunately pushes Rael to continue his paragraph. “Hey, I get it man! Some people just can’t take it, I’ve had a lot of friends go off on me for-“
“yeah. really. im good.” Dave reports again, cutting him off in the same tense tone. “you two can knock yourselves out though. think im all written out for today anyways.”
Then he’s grabbing all his writings that he can see and walking out of the room. Karkat follows behind, not without his signature dirty look glaring directly at your friend. The door slams after him.
Yeah. They’re never really elusive or subtle with how they feel, are they? As much as Dave tries to be. This doesn’t surprise you, but you’d be lying if you weren’t a little upset. Also, it was a little bit out of character for Dave to be so cold to someone new. Why was he acting so weird?
“Well then!” You say, clapping your hands together and faking a smile, trying to forget that strange interaction. “Shall we get started then?”
You two spend the next several hours in the workroom. Every laugh from behind the door seems to vibrate throughout the whole house. The intense air followed the two boys into the living room where they’ve been biding their time doing whatever the hell they could think of. Mostly video games. Theres no real one set reason to why the events of today seem to put the two in a bad mood. Karkat of course didn’t like this 'friend' of yours based off first impression, but he doesn’t ever like new people honestly. He’s also just pissed he has to deal with him being in the house for this extended amount of time, even having to see him walk out to use your bathroom once. It was silently pissing him off. Or as silent as he can get, only warranting a few angry outburst rants to Dave saying things like “HOW LONG IS THIS ASSHOLE GONNA STAY IN THERE?” and “HE MIGHT AS WELL FUCKING MOVE IN AT THIS POINT.”
Dave on the other hand didn’t really have a problem with the guy, other than the way he greeted Kar earlier, which also set a bad first impression for him. He’s more-so annoyed with you, for suddenly bringing in a stranger and offering to share his personal work with him when you know- or should know- he wouldn’t like that. He was already struggling with the track, and now he can’t even work on it for today. But it’s whatever. (It’s not.) At least that’s the conclusion he’s come to.
Finally, after what feels like forever, at 11:48pm, Rael finally gets escorted out into the front hall. He says goodbye to your friends, which grants him what sounds like a muttered goodbye and a headnod without eye contact. (I’m sure you know who’s who.).
You hug him in the doorway and send him on his way, satisfied with how tonight went. Other than maybe one thing.
You walk into the living room and stand in front of the TV as to get your best friend's attention. They both look up at you.
“Hey… I’m sorry about earlier. I know what he said was maybe rude, and a little intense. But I promise he’s a cool.”
“YEAH RIGHT. THAT GUY SEEMED LIKE A SHITHEAD.” Karkat says immediately, sitting tucked into the corner of the couch.
“Karkat.” You frown at his never-failing bluntness.
“its cool. just maybe dont bring him into the workroom again.” Dave says from his spot chilling on the floor, looking at something on his camera.
“Why not?”
“because dude. i got my work in there too. you know i don’t want some random people seeing my personal feels-jam shit.” He says plainly, glancing up at you now.
“Okay, well, he’s not just some ‘random guy’, he’s my friend.”
“big emphasis on ‘your friend’.”
You sigh, moving forward to sit on top of the coffee table. “Okay, I’m sorry. I just thought maybe he could help you get inspired! If you gave him a chance, I'm sure you’d see he’s really great and you two would hit it off… Artistically, I mean.” You say the last part glancing at Karkat nervously. He didn’t care of course.
“maybe. but i just met the dude today.”
“AND HES AN ASS.” Karkat adds again, arms crossed.
“He is not. You’ll see. I’ll bring him over again and you guys can actually talk this time.”
“PLEASE DONT.” He chimes.
“Karkat, can you at least try to give him a chance? This could be good for us.”
“But you guys should really be meeting more people! I finally have the chance to introduce you to someone you don’t know, but I do! This could be a chance to maybe socialize? I think you guys need it.-”
“and i think you obviously have a thing for this guy.” Dave suddenly adds.
“What!?” You blurt out, very thrown off by this accusation.
“cmon (y/n). you were putting on the happy-go-lucky ass demeanor you always have when some dude youre into is around. and you were laughing like every minute.”
You frown at this sudden accusation, and blush intensely at their teasing. “I do not have a thing for him!! He’s my friend!! And I’m trying to make him your guys too!”
“hard pass.”
“DAVE!” You shout in protest. He finally has to let out a snicker at how insistent you were being about this. It really couldn’t be more obvious. You blush harder.
“alriiiiiiiight alright. fine. if it means that much to you then ill try.”
Your smile finds its way back again slightly, still blushing. “Thank you.” Then you turn to Karkat.
“NO.” Is his immediate response as soon as you make eye contact, because he knows exactly what you’re about to ask.
“Karkaaaaatttttt” You plead. “Pleeeeaaaaaseeeeee!”
He glares at you, and you keep strong with your pouting, waiting for him to give in. This is held for a weird amount of time, as Dave watches, pretty amused by it. And then-
“UUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHHH” He groans loudly and throws his head back, signaling that he's given in.
“Thank you!!!” You immediately respond to his groaning. You go over and give him a big hug, to which he weakly tries to retract from, as an attempt to show how much he did not want to agree to this.
“OH WHATEVER! GET OFF ME!!!” He yells, starting to blush lightly, but you can tell by his weak squirming that he didn’t actually dislike it. If he really wanted you off, he’d be clawing at you like a cat or something. You’ve seen it happen. 
And so your fate was set.
After that night, Rael comes over and tries again with the two boys. It goes better than last time, but they’re still not quite convinced. So, he comes over again, and again. And again. But it unsurprisingly becomes less and less for their sake.
One day, the two of you actually go out on an official “date”. To which the boys are very skeptical of, considering past mishaps. You insist to them it’ll be fine.
“We’ve been hanging out with Rael for a few weeks now! It won’t be any different than how it usually is hanging out with him! I’ll be fine.”
So, hesitantly, they let you go. They’re silently anxious and impatient when they wait for you that night, trying to bide their time in a way that tried to make it seem like they weren't both feeling this way.
To their surprise and relief, you come back totally sober. And happy! They haven’t seen you this happy in a while. Maybe this is a good thing after all… Right?
It’s an hour since you got back from your date with Rael and you’re in the bathroom doing your nightly routine. When you hear a knock on the bathroom door, you give your permission for them to enter, and in walks Karkat. “Hey Kar. What’s up?” You say, only glancing at him for a moment before going back to applying toner.
“Yes. I promise you it went well.” You assure him again, despite having done so ealier.
You hold back a laugh, but it comes out anyways kind of like a snort. “What’s that supposed to mean?! It’s not like it was a date with just any random person like before!” You exclaim and he nods, leaning against the door, arms crossed. “Plus, you should know since I’m totally 300% definitely sober. Do you still want to test me just in case? I’ll walk in a straight line, look!” You start to do so as a joke, but realize after a few seconds that something is off with him. He looks lost in thought. “Kar.. What’s up? Is something wrong?”
The question seems to snap him back to the moment suddenly. “WHAT?! YEAH. I MEAN NO!! IM FINE.”
You frown, titling your head a little. “Are.. you sure?”
It’s quiet for a moment.
You smile, making sure once again that he knows you’re very serious about this. “Yes! I really really do. Seriously.” You reassure him, but you don’t realize that’s not at all what he wanted to hear. “I’m actually thinking about asking him…” You continue, but trail off.
“TO BE YOUR MATESPRIT???” Karkat shouts, eyes widening slightly and arms dropping.
“Well… yeah. I mean…“ You look away sheepishly. “Do you think I shouldn’t? I know how you guys feel about him, so-“
Your head shoots back to him, surprised, not noticing the tensity of his response. “Really?!”
This time you notice the harshness, but you brush it off as the usual grumpy commentary you get from your friend, not reading much into it. “Oh!… Okay! Thank you! I-“
“IM GOING TO BED. NIGHT (Y/N).” He says and he’s leaving before you can even protest.
“..Night..” you say weakly, even though no one’s there anymore. You hear a door slam down the hallway. Something in your heart sinks as you replay what just happened and analyze the look on Karkats face that whole conversation. It was almost…
You don’t even know. Really, what was that?
Anyhow, after that night, you two do make it official. Rael is over more often. Then, suddenly he’s spending the night “since he stays so late anyways”. The boys get used to him, but no closer to him at all. They more-so just put up with him for your sake. It’s what they had figured they might have to do when you eventually made it official with someone unfortunately. But there’s still always been something off about Rael, the way he’s so “chill” and “happy” all the time, to the point where it seems almost passive aggressive. There was a time where they watched while you disagreed with what they were ordering for dinner, and it almost seemed like he manipulated you into agreeing. But he was so subtle and upbeat about it that it was hard to point out. Plus, it’d be weird to address that they’re being that observant. Things like that happened pretty often, but they never decide to address it outwardly.
Work on the album continues as well. You’re more inspired and motivated than ever. Dave and you finalize your collab together, and all that’s left now is recording. What could go wrong?
… Lol.
A few weeks pass since you got into your new relationship. You, Dave, and Rael took today to go to the studio together. Karkats been alone at home for a few hours, not wanting to tag along. He decided to actually try and bake you two something as a surprise, being the romantic yet non-physically-affectionate troll that he is. He knows the baking is done when the oven starts smoking. That’s definitely how this works.
As he goes to take the (basically burnt) pastries out of the oven, the door swings open with a loud bang, and then slams close with the same volume. Karkat nearly drops the container when the sound comes out of nowhere, followed by his clearly aggravated boyfriend flying into the room. He takes a seat on one of the dining room chairs. It stands quiet for a moment as Karkat stares at the blonde in shocked-confusion, oven mitts and pan still in hands.
“…DAVE?” He finally says to get his attention. 
Dave quickly whips his head around to face him. “yeah? whats up?” He asks without hesitation, acting as if he didn’t just make a scene, and isn’t home earlier than expected.
“what? a dude can’t fly into his own home and take a seat on his comically high dining room chair?”
“yep. we finished early.”
“probably still recording.”
Another unnecessarily loud bang as the front door opens, and you come flying in.
“CAN WE NOT JUST OPEN THE DOOR LIKE NORMAL FUCKING PEOPLE?!” Karkat yells, now very aggravated after almost dropping the baked goods on the floor for the second time.
“Dave!!” You yell, remaining hovering above ground when you come to a halt in front of him. “What the hell was that about?! What do you mean you won’t do it?!”
“WONT DO WHAT??” Karkat asks from behind you, still confused.
“i just don’t feel like doing it anymore.”
“What?! But we spent so long working on the song! What happened?”
“YEAH SO IM SURE ITS A BIG FUCKING SURPRISE TO ALL OF US, BUT IM WONDERING THE SAME THING!!” Karkat interjects between the two of you, really desiring some type of answer.
You sigh, looking over to Karkat. “Dave suddenly said he didn’t wanna do the song anymore after we spent like not even a half hour trying to record it. He just said he didn’t want to do it and flew out!” You turn to look at Dave again. “I had to leave Rael at the studio to come chase you!”
“yeah well why don’t you go back to him then?”
“UGH! Why are you being like this??! I thought you liked the song!”
“i do.”
“Then why?!”
“i just don’t want to produce it anymore.”
“But!… but…” You trail off, not sure what to say anymore.
Silence. The three of you stay still for a moment, Dave looking to the side, you staring at him, and Karkat staring back and forth between both of you with—you guessed it— a still very-confused expression. You guys usually never argue like this. If you fight, it’s always lighthearted, but this felt different. None of you know how far you can take this. You take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down before you speak again. You lower yourself so your feet touch the floor, slowly.
“Fine.. fine. We won’t release the song.” You say as calmly as you can. “But… can you please tell me the actual reason why?”
You and Karkat both stare at him, waiting for his response. The silence is deafening.
“i don’t want him working on the album.” He says, finally turning his head back to face you.
“your boyfriend.”
“Why not?”
“because he ruins my flow.”
“Your flow.”
You turn your head from him to roll your eyes.
“Dave. He’s been helping me with almost this entire process. I can’t just not credit him or exclude him from production suddenly.” You tell him, crossing your arms.
“then i don’t want my song on the album. ill release it on the next one or something.” he says, mirroring you by crossing his arms, and leaning back in his chair.
“Are you serious right now?” You say, totally taken back at how stubborn he was being.
“yeah.” The two of you glare at each other, him straight-faced and you just straight-up pissed off.
This is really the first time things have ever gotten this heated between you guys, surprisingly, and it felt so weird. This never even happened when you three were stuck in the same building on a meteor in space for three years. There was bickering, sure, but never actual heartfelt aggression. The worst it’s ever gotten was when Karkat and Dave first met and fought all the time. But you’ve never actually fought with either of them in a serious light.
At this point Karkat’s had about all he can take while being silent. “ALRIGHT.” He finally drops the pan on the counter, and whips back around to address you both. “CAN YOU TWO JUST FIGURE OUT A GODDAMN SOLUTION? WITH ALL OF THE FUCKING BARELY-ANYTHING I KNOW ABOUT THE SITUATION, FROM MY POINT OF VIEW THIS IS PAINFULLY STUPID AND POINTLESS.”
“Tell him that! He’s the one who’s being totally unreasonable!” You retort, gesturing with one hand to Strider.
“i just don’t want my song on the album, is that such a big fucking deal? you have plenty of other ones. just make one with him or something.” He says coldly.
He’s never been this heartless to you. His words sting. You really wanted to release this song with him. It felt special, since you two put so much into it, it’s one of your favorite pieces off the whole disk.
Your frown gets deeper. “I want to release our song Dave. We worked so hard on it!”
“okay let’s just release it as a single then.”
“BUT WH-“ You take a sharp inhale. “Yknow what?” They both watch you as you carefully calm yourself down. “Fine. Let’s just release it later then! If that’s what you want.” You finally get out, in the most passive aggressively upbeat tone.
“Gladly!” Are your parting words as you take his advice and fly up to your room. That’s when you know you’re upset, you don’t even bother using the stairs.
Karkat looks over at Dave somewhat sympathetically. Dave avoids eye contact with him, already knowing the look he’s getting.
“YOU WANNA TELL ME WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED NOW?” He asks, walking over to take a seat next to him.
Dave sighs hard and slumps into his seat, sinking into the hoodie he’s wearing. “i just cant fucking stand that guy. i dont even know why. i hate that i have to work with him. i already feel uncomfortable enough releasing my shit officially.”
Karkat nods along. Usually it’s him ranting, so he does take special care to be a listener when it’s Dave’s turn, which of course he's still good at with his history of people relying on him with their problems.
“-and like. he didn’t even say anything specifically. i don’t even know what it was dude. something just ticked me off and it was the last fucking straw i swear. like if i told you youd be like 'wow thats a fucking stupid thing to get pissed and quit about' but its not just that-“ He continues to rant for quite a while.
Meanwhile, you’re upstairs ranting to Rael over the phone. He only lets you talk for a short amount of time before he has to go, but he promises he locked up the studio and everything before he left. Still, you can’t help but feel discouraged about the whole thing as you lay on your bed, listening to your unreleased album through again with your headphones. Why was he being like this? Things were going so well… What happened?
You decide to go to bed early.
Time goes by too quickly for your liking after that. Dave stays stubborn, despite your pleading. And you really do end up releasing the album without one of its best pieces you were hoping to showcase.
Still though, it does incredibly well. It hits all the top charts, and passes record streams in less than a week. You’re getting bombarded for interviews, music video shoots, magazine features, etc. And yet, you haven’t taken any offers. You still barely go outside. You spend most of the day sleeping and just scrolling through the stats and comments on your phone. Things have been tense and awkward with your housemates ever since the argument. You’re not sure anymore if you’re still upset at Dave or upset at yourself that you actually went through with the release without him. Is that what he really wanted? It seemed like it. Karkat won’t talk to you about it either. It’s kinda been like the silent treatment.
You hate it.
Your boyfriend tries to beg you for some publicity, which he’s very rarely successful in. It gets a few appearances from you, but fans are still not satisfied. The little publicity you two do together, though, also gets him a lot of attention. Everyone wants to know more about you two and how you met.
You’re so tired. Why are you tired? Your boyfriend tells you that maybe you need to get away from your environment for a while. Maybe he’s right.
It’s been about two weeks since the album release. Tonight there’s a dinner party being held at Kanaya and Rose’s gigantic house, to celebrate the album’s success and discuss deals with professionals interested. There’s lots of people there, musicians, producers, artists, directors, etc, and of course your friends. No reporters were invited, per your request stemming from past events anxiety. Karkat and Dave show up as well, to your surprise. You’re silently glad they still decided to show support in some way, despite not actually talking to you in several days. They came after you, and when you spotted them you got excited and nervous as hell at the same time. You never feel this way with them, it's like they're strangers suddenly?
You’re greeting all your friends as you make your rounds through the giant event hall. Everything is decorated so beautifully, of course the married couple always having an incredible eye for interior design. You make note to thank them again for all this later.
“Roxy! Calliope! June, so nice to see you!” You exclaim, making your way over to the group of three familiar faces. 
The black-haired girl in thick glasses and a blue dress stands up to greet you. “(Y/n)! Big congrats on the release!! I listened to it when it came out and I love it! Really inspiring stuff.” June says happily, beaming that toothy smile.
You mirror her reaction. “Thank you so much. I appreciate the support guys, really.”
“Of course babe!! We got you no matter what.” Roxy smiles, giving you a sly lil wink.
“Yes.. I’m happy to be of sUpport to any of my friends.” Calliope adds. “I hope to see yoU continUe down yoUr road of sUccess!”
You keep conversing with them for a little while before moving on. You talk to Terezi and Vriska, Dirk and Jake and Jade, and many other visitors for a little while. Eventually you get pretty exhausted from all the social interaction, and decide to take a break at the snack table you've been eyeing for the past half hour.
Your boyfriend accompanies you as you approach the table, decked out with insanely delicious looking treats. You don’t even know where to start.
“Hey sweetheart. How’s it going? How you feelin?” He asks, placing a hand on your lower back.
“I’m great! The album and the party have been such a success... What wouldn’t there be to be happy about?” You reply without looking up at him, placing a few fruits on your small porcelain plate.
“You say that, but I know something’s been buggin' you. You know you can talk to me, right?” He replies. You feel a pang of guilt for masking your feelings so much around him lately. You’re scared to complain to him about how much not being able to talk to your best friends is effecting you.
“Yes! Yeah. Of course." You try to shake off the awkward feeling of secrecy with someone you're supposed to confide in. "But.. I promise, I’m okay! I’m more than okay! I just can’t believe this is all really happening.” You insist as you move right to grab some small cakes, putting on a half-fake smile. You really are happy with how things are going. Everything besides that. You wish it weren’t bothering you so much.
“Yep! ...It’s all really happening, just for you. You deserve it, babe.” He reassures you. You smile, your heart warming at his words, finally looking up at him, but see that he’s actually looking around. Your smile wavers. He turns back to meet your gaze a little late.
“Well… I couldn’t have done it without you! You’re the best.” You say half-heartedly.
He smiles fondly, and gestures at a glass of champagne in his free hand. “You sure you don’t wanna celebrate with some booze tonight?”
“You know I can’t.” Is your automatic response.
“Yes, I know how you feel about it. But really, you’ve been so good about being sober. You deserve to let loose for just one night!”
You bite your lip a little, cursing yourself in your mind for even thinking about taking the validation as permission. But still, you shake your head. “I can’t, really. But I’m still enjoying the party! Don’t worry!”
He nods, not bothering to push anymore for now. “Well, I’ll be making the big announcement in couple hours. Make sure you’re ready, cus I’m gonna get some people to record, okay?”
You nod, smiling. He leans down to kiss you quickly before saying he’s going to socialize some more, leaving you to your snacking. You wave as you watch him go, long after he’s already disappeared into a crowd of people.
He’s so sweet. Really, it’s all you could’ve asked for.
So… Why did it still feel wrong?
Rose later approaches you as you’re dipping your 4th marshmallow into the chocolate fountain. “(Y/n). May I talk with you about something?”
You finish popping the whole thing into your mouth when you muffle back “Mm? Myeah, whasshup?”
She chuckles a little before continuing. “You'll have to forgive me for asking, if it’s somewhat out of line, although I can't imagine it being so. But is there something going on between you and Dave and Karkat? …Davekat? You three haven’t talked all night. Usually nobody can get you to separate.”
You feel your stomach sink a little at the unwanted question, and take a moment to finish swallowing your snack before you respond. “Oh, it’s nothing really. We just had a little argument a couple weeks ago and-“
“An argument? What about?” She inquires, keeping a calm gaze with your eyes even when you start glancing around awkwardly. Oh boy.
“Ohhhh Dave and I just had a disagreement about the album I released.. But It’s really not a big deal. We’ll get over it.”
Rose’s eyebrows perk up a little as she becomes more intrigued. You usually know when to keep quiet, but to be honest, you haven’t really had anyone to talk to about this. You haven’t even wanted to talk to your boyfriend about it, since it involved him for some reason, so you’ve kept it to yourself. So, in your early defense, you were probably just desperate for someone to rant to.
“So yeah...” You think maybe you shouldn’t continue.
“And what did this disagreement entail?” She pushes again in her subtle way.
“Okay so, we were supposed to have this track together on the album, right? And we spend sooo much time-“ aaaand you’re spilling. Man, that was easy. She didn’t even have to pry it out at all, you were like an open book sitting on a teachers lap during story time.
As you’re telling the story, you come to realize you’re not even mad anymore. You’re just sad. It starts out frustrated, but becomes a little depressing and self-depreciating as the explanation goes on. “And now I’m not even sure where to go from here. Do I apologize? Do I wait for him to apologize? Should I just be the bigger person and say something? But what if they don’t want to talk to me or-“
“I fail to see what else there is to do besides talk about it.” She bluntly cuts off your ranting a bit early.
“Lets say, hypothetically, you decide not to bring up the fore-mentioned subject again. I’m assuming talking to them at home is quite awkward right now because of the lingering elephant in the room, correct?-” You nod in response, which she knew was the answer, because she immediately continues. “-So, you continue to avoid them, and they continue to avoid you. But then, really, what’s next?”
You take a moment to think about it. What’s next?
“Well… I don’t know. But what if they don’t continue to avoid me?” You retort genuinely. 
“In that quite unlikely situation, knowing my brother and my practically-brother-in-law pretty well, then it would probably warrant the same outcome as if you were to be the first to speak. But the point is that someone needs to initiate some type of communication about the situation, or this unusually awkward train isn’t going anywhere. And like I mentioned, we both know well how stubborn those two are." She watches your expression become more discouraged for a moment. "If you feel so guilty about going on with the release without Dave, then I see no good reason it can’t be you to initiate. Why don't you just apologize?” You start what is about to be a protest, but she holds up a hand to silence you before you can. Then she takes a brief moment to bite into an orange slice she's holding in her other hand, from an orange you didn’t even realize she had been peeling. She looks to the side for a second to think while she snacks, then turns back to you. “Even if you feel like you did the right thing, or were only doing what he said he wanted, you still feel guilty about it regardless. If it’s bothering you that much, which I know it is since you just avoided using a chocolate fountain for several minutes to rant the subject to me, then I say you rip the damn bandaid off.”
You take her words in for an even longer moment again. She’s… right. Of course. “Yeah...” You sigh.
She places a kind hand on your arm to comfort you for a moment. "I'm aware of how much you all care about each other. Don't let something so fickle be what pulls you apart. That'd be a disappointing situation to see play out in this timeline."
You smile just slightly at her encouragement. “Thank you, Rose. I guess I’ll have to work up the courage to talk to them about it this week somehow.”
“Or how does right now sound?”
“What?!” You only look up for a second to see her smirking, staring at something behind you, before suddenly she’s taking you by the arm and leading you a few steps backwards.
Karkat and Dave are walking and chatting, looking at each other, before turning forward to see you two, at the same time you turn to face forward and see them. Your expressions of awkward-surprise are mirrored, not including Rose of course, who looks entirely calm and satisfied at how perfectly this moment just played out.
“Hello, Dave. Hello, Karkat. I don’t think I’ve gotten to speak with you tonight yet.” She greets. You avoid eye contact with them.
“How are you two enjoying the party? I know it’s not your usual scene.”
“nah, its cool. you always throw sick ass events in your unnecessarily huge mansion.” Dave replies, ignoring the awkwardness of you being right beside her.
“Again, not a mansion. And interesting of you to say so when you hardly ever come to these so called ‘sick ass’ events in mention.”
“hey. im a busy guy, what can i say?“
“Is that so? Please enlighten me on such things that keep the great Dave Strider busy.” She jeers.
“oh yknow. god stuff. big responsibilities. nuff said.” He adjusts his glasses, smirking a little. Then he puts his hands in his suit pockets. You hadn’t failed to notice earlier that Dave actually dressed up a little for the dinner party. Karkat is wearing a sweater and black jeans, but it’s different from what he wears around the house at least.
“How mysterious.” Rose and Karkat both roll their eyes. You feel her nudging you forward a bit. “Well, it’s all for (Y/n) today. But I’m sure you’ve already congratulated her on the release and such related subjects, yes?”
“yeah sure.” “YOU COULD SAY THAT.” They respond at the same time, overlapping words. You’re still not looking at them.
Rose turns her head to the left to spot her wife waving to her. Taking this moment to complete her mission, she waves back and lets go of your arm. “Well, I’d love to stay and chat, but a host has her duties to attend to, doesn’t she?” She doesn’t miss when Dave smiles at the word ‘duties’ to no surprise. “I’ll see you all later.”
And then, to your dismay, she’s walking off in the opposite direction. Leaving you and the two men who you haven’t properly talked to in a couple weeks despite living in the same house.
It’s… uncomfortably quiet for a handful for seconds.
“UH.. YEAH CONGRATULATIONS ON THE RELEASE BY THE WAY.. (Y/N).” Karkat says carefully, and you look over to finally make eye contact with him. You notice that Dave’s looking off in the other direction when you take a quick glance at him.
“Thanks, Kar. Have you guys listened to it at all?” You ask, giving a weak smile.
Your smile also grows genuine now. “Oh yeah.. that one was your favorite, right? I’m glad.” 
Karkat nods, and when there’s an awkward silence afterwards, he nudges Dave a little bit to say something as well.
“i mean if you want me to be honest, i didnt yet. but technically i was there for the whole process of making it, so i already know what the tracks sounds like.” Dave comments flatly. Of course he was lying, he still listened to it when it came out, but he didn't feel like making small talk and half-assed compliments with the way things were with you at the moment. He just wanted to get to that snack table right now. Karkat scowls at him for his attitude, and continuing to make this conversation as awkward as possible.
You try your hardest not to get upset at this comment. “Well. I think it probably sounds a lot different now that it’s all put together… Maybe you could give it a listen?… Sometime?”
He finally turns to meet your gaze, pocker-faced. “yeah. sometime.” The seemingly cold response sends chills down your spine. It’s quiet again for a beat. “damn, im fiendin for a chocolate covered miscellaneous fruit right now to be honest.” Dave breaks the silence, completely changing subject and demeanor suddenly. He doesn’t bother looking at you again as he walks right past you to towards the table. Karkat follows hesitantly, and his eyes linger on you for longer than you’re able to notice.
Staring at the floor, you’re not sure what comes over you next. You start to feel a wave of emotion, everything from the past few weeks seeming to come up in your mind, everything you’ve been trying not to think about- and failing. You’re so sick of this. You have to say something. You remember Rose's advice, and it suddenly pushes you to blurt out:
“I’m sorry!!!” You say it out of nowhere, just loud enough for them to hear you. Dave stops, Karkat stops. They both turn over to look at you, and you slowly turn around to meet their eyes. “I’m sorry, okay?” You repeat.
“FOR WHAT?” Karkats the first to respond.
“What else?? For not including the song on the album!”
“dude, im not mad about the song.” Dave’s calmer than you expect when he replies.
“You’re not?”
“fuck no. we can release that shit whenever.”
“But.. then what…” You trail off. Karkat and Dave exchange a subtle glance. It’s really not an easy thing to explain to you. “Was it just the fight in general? I’m sorry I just stormed out and never said anything it was just-“
“yeah its not that either.”
“What??” It goes quiet again. You look very confused. Then you remember. Of course. “Oh. Is this about Rael?” You glance around a bit to make sure he’s not around when you ask this. The silence that follows tells you your answer.
You’re not really sure what to say, because you’re still not sure what exactly you have to be sorry about at first, regarding him. All you did was bring your boyfriend into your project. It made you happy. But you can think of one thing that maybe you crossed the line with.
“Okay well… I’m sorry then that I brought him into our song production. I shouldn’t have made you share that process with him. It was my mistake, really.” You’re looking at Dave the whole apology, so he knows you're being genuine. “Can we please just stop being so awkward around each other now? We can talk more later in private, if you want. I just hate having it be like this between us... So awkward, like you guys haven't seen me do a plethora of embarrassing things before, and vise versa. We're best friends, so why is our first instinct when we fight to ignore each other?” After a second, the two nod slightly in agreement.
“yeah this blows.”
“…So?” You wait for their response, mostly Dave’s, since he’s the one who has to accept the apology. You and Karkat both look at him.
“what? i just agreed that this is stupid.”
“So you'll forgive me? For now?”
“wait hold on. let me think about it. give me a second.” He says holding his hand out, and then bringing it to his chin to over-exaggerate his thinking. He takes a deep breath. “hm… yea i dont know im not convinced. how much AJ are you offering if i do?” He says in a way where you can obviously tell he's teasing, but it flys over Karkat's head.
"DAVE!" He elbows him, and Dave holds his side with a "what! i was joking!"
But then you're laughing, and they both turn to you curiously. It's the first time they've heard you laugh for a little while, and it puts you all at ease, making all the tension suddenly disappear. The other two smile slightly at you after a moment, and Dave joins in lightly chuckling with you. You beam, walking up to pull both of them into a hug. They’re both taken off guard at first, but then melt into it, hugging you back. You really needed this, and it was literally so easy to just talk to them that you feel stupid being so overdramatic about it this whole time.
“Thank you! I’m so glad you guys-“
You turn to the sound of your name cutting you off. When you turn around, you see your boyfriend leaning out of the dining room doorway, waving you over. You nod and wave back, gesturing that you’re coming. You turn around a little sheepishly. “Sorry.. I should go see what he wants..”
“go ahead.”
“Thank you. I’ll talk to you guys later though, okay?” They both nod and you pull them into one last quick hug before quickly making your way over to the kitchen. They watch you go for a while, exchange a glance, and then turn to serve themselves some food.
It’s been over an hour and Karkat and Dave have been sitting on the couch on their phones for longer than probably acceptable at a social event. They’re leaning on each other, slumped, a sign that they haven’t moved for a while. There’s been no sight of you since you walked off earlier, which could be their fault. Still, they figured maybe you’d come find them. Finally, Dave leans back from his phone, his head pushing back onto Karkat’s arms, blocking his phone.
“yo i think im gonna go hit the bathroom and then grab a drink. you want anything?”
“you sure? youre not thirsty?”
“aight. just checking. that shits important.” He responds, waiting for Karkats eye-roll in response before standing up and heading off.
On the way to the bathroom, Dave says hey to June and Jade and a couple other people. He forgot that there were actually a lot of people he knew here and not just random artists and whoever else Rose invited. The closer he gets to the bathroom, the less noisy his surroundings get, the chatter slightly fading to a muffle as Dave closes the door behind him into the hallway.
“jesus this place is a fucking maze.” He mumbles to himself, despite being alone. When he gets up to the bathroom door, he can hear a voice from inside. Figuring he’ll just wait until they’re out, he leans his back against the wall. Though it’s weird someone is talking in a one person bathroom? He ends up eavesdropping a little. That’s when he realizes the voice is familiar. It takes a few seconds and then… it’s Rael. He wasn’t going to think anything of it, just going back to minding his business, until he hears your name.
“Yeah (Y/n)’s party is going great! It’ll be announced soon and we’ll get to start the next project together. It’s all going hella smooth.” Dave doesn’t notice when he’s subconsciously leaning his ear to the wall for a better listen. “Dude what? Nah, it’s fine. When I break up with them, they’ll still have those two dorks they obviously like. I just need to get this part over with so I can start making bank. But it’ll be fun.” Dave’s eyes widen more with every word. There’s no way. He has to be imagining this. “Yeah, I’m good. I mean, like I said before, the other perks of the relationship aren’t bad either. You should’ve seen the way they-“
“no fucking way.” He mumbles to himself, and he feels sick listening to the rest. The anger and shock is so overwhelming, he’s not even sure what he should do right now. Should he confront the guy? Should he tell you? No, no way, it’d ruin your night. And would you even believe him?
Despite his burning urge to punch the shit out of your ‘boyfriend’ when he walks out, instead he starts speed walking back into the event room and to his previously designated couch. Karkat feels a sudden hand on his shoulder from behind the couch and a voice right in his ear “karkat!”
He jumps and swings around to face his boyfriend, his hand on his chest from shock. “JEGUS CHRIST DAVE YOU SCARED THE EVERLIVING FUCK OUT OF ME!!” He shouts.
“dude. you won’t believe the shit i just heard.” He says, ignoring the previous comment, his voice a little quieter than normal.
“yeah yeah i was. but (y/n)’s boyfriend was in there, and he..” Dave goes on to explain everything he heard.
Every word Dave continues with, Karkat’s face gets noticeably more pissed off. His eyes widen, his sharp teeth start to show more as his mouth opens in disbelief, he clenches his fists. “NO. FUCKING. WAY.”
“thats what i said.”
“YOURE KIDDING, RIGHT? YOU’VE GOT TO BE PULLING ONE OF YOUR DUMB IRONIC PRANKS ON ME RIGHT NOW.” He insists, despite knowing he must be telling the truth.
“no dude i would not joke about this. honestly i wish i were joking.”
It’s silent for a moment, and Dave just watches as Karkat seethes with rage, staring at nothing.
“so... what… do you think we should do?” He asks cautiously. But instead of saying anything, Karkat's standing up and darting off like he’s on a mission. Dave quickly tries to follow behind him, startled.
“wait. wait! karkat.” He shouts, catching up to him and grabbing his shoulder, making him stop.
“WHAT?!” He says, whipping around to face him.
“what are you doing??”
“you cant!” He replies immediately, and he’s not even sure where it came from, it was so automatic.
“because!… i dont know. maybe its not the right time. cus yknow itd kinda suck if i got told my boyfriend was using me at a party im supposed to be enjoying and celebrating my success at and shit. right?” He explains, even a little unsure of his own words. Karkat takes a second to think about it, and it seems to resonate with him a little, but thinking about what the guy said again, his anger returns and he shakes the previous thought off.
There’s a silence. He knows that Dave agrees, but he doesn’t understand why he’s being so careful anyways. “IM TELLING THEM.” And with that, he continues to stomp around looking for you, Dave somewhat anxiously following behind him.
They finally spot you from behind, talking to some people they’ve never seen before.
“(Y/N)!” Karkat shouts when he’s a few feet away from you, making everyone in the circle turn. When you turn around though, your face has a bit of a pink hue, and there’s an empty bottle in your hand. An alcohol bottle. Not only that, but when you see the two of them, your face immediately lights up and you smile that big, goofy, drunk smile. You stumble a little bit to meet them when they both stop in their tracks at the sight of you. Karkat reaches out to hold your arms, steadying you when you get to them.
“(Y/N)?? WHAT THE FUCK?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING SOBER?!” He says and Dave nods, still in a bit of shock.
“Yeahhhh! I was! Butt yknoww Raelie said ‘ohhh come onnnnnnnn its ur night! u should be celebrating with booze!! dont be lame’ And I thought ok YEAH! I mean what’s one…. Or ah fwew drinks gonna make a big differance.. rhight?” You ramble, making big gestures as you speak. Both of their hearts sink as you talk, realizing what’s going on.
“he seriously peer pressured you into drinking again? even though he knew you were trying to stay sober?” Dave says, feeling disgusted at the thought of him again.
“Huh?? No i chouse to-”
You frown. “I know what peer presure is!!! He didn’t preshure me!!” You shout back defensively.
“karkat chill. its not their fault.” Dave says, trying to calm him a little. Of course, those were not the best words he could’ve chosen.
“CHILL??? FUCK NO!! IM NOT GONNA SIT BACK AND WATCH MY BEST FRIEND GET ABSOLUTELY FUCKED OVER BY SOME DOUCHEY GARBAGE CAN IN A HUMAN FLESH SUIT. HE CAN SUCK MY GOUGING BONE BULDGE!! I DONT GIVE A FUCK ANYMORE.” He’s yelling louder than normal, and quite a few people have started to stare now. Dave looks around awkwardly. You are now confused and a little shocked at the sudden outburst.
“I’m sorry, I can do what now?” Comes a familiar voice from behind the two boys. They turn their heads to see Rael.
“YOU HEARD ME MOTHERFUCKER!! HOW DARE YOU WALK THE EARTH I CREATED JUST TO BE SUCH A FUCKING BULDGEWAD TO SOMEONE WHO ALSO FUCKING CREATED IT!!! I LOATHE WHATEVER KIND OF SORRY EXCUSE IS ABOUT TO COME OUT OF YOUR IGNORANCE TUNNEL AFTER THIS!” He shouts, pointing in his face, as Rael puts his hands up in defense- a little jokingly. Rael holds somewhat of a smug look on his face, faking surprise, which only pisses Karkat off more.
“Woah! Woah! Calm down, man!” He starts, moving past him with his hands still in the air, to be next to you. He places a hand on your back, and Dave has to hold Karkat back by the arm. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just trying to throw my partner a good album-release-dinner-party.”
Karkat shakes off Dave’s grasp to get up in his face again. “YOU DIDN’T THROW JACK SHIT. ROSE AND KANAYA PROBABLY PLANNED THIS ENTIRE THING THEMSELVES. AND YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THE HELL IM TALKING ABOUT YOU TWO-FACED BLITHERING FECULENT SHITHOLE!!” A few people in the crowd of people gasp at this, and Dave sighs, putting a hand up to shield his face slightly.
“What are you talking about?!” You finally shout back, extremely confused.
“(Y/N).” Karkat looks deep into your eyes, with a gaze more gentle than he was just staring up at your boyfriend with, placing both hands on your shoulders. Your eyes widen, and Rael stares down at you two blank-faced. “THIS GUY IS USING YOU FOR YOUR FAME. WE HEARD HIM SAY IT. WELL… DAVE HEARD HIM SAY IT.”
You glance over his shoulder at Dave, and he nods slightly, reassuring the statement. You go back to eye contact with Karkat, and he looks dead serious. “BREAK UP WITH HIM. TRUST ME ON THIS.” He tells you suddenly, and your eyes widen again, bigger this time.
“What?!” You say immediately, shocked, but Karkat keeps the same serious face. You want to trust him but…
You look up to your boyfriend, who’s not even looking at you, he’s making some kind of intense eye contact with Dave. “Rael… Whaht are they talking about?? You’re.. ushing me?” You mean to say as a firm question, but it also comes out a little nervous.
He turns to make eye contact with you, and for a half-second you can’t see any emotion in his face. Then he melts into a sweet loving tone “No, baby. Of course not.” He takes your cheek in one hand. “I would never do some lame shit like that. Why would I go through all that just for some clout?? I really don’t know what they’re saying.” You immediately feel comforted by this, but there’s still a doubtful gut feeling in you. Your mind is a little clouded from drinking, but you know you always trust your best friends. Why would they lie to you? They have never liked him though… But they still wouldn’t lie… Right?
Karkat, on the other hand, is about to go off the rails. “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW? I MEAN I KNOW YOU'RE A LIAR BUT COME THE FUCK ON?! WE HEARD YOU SAY IT.”
“Say what?” He says, turning to them, looking genuinely confused.
“that youre using them!” Dave cuts in suddenly, finally having enough of this conversation. “you said you were only working on the album for the fame and you were gonna break up with them! i heard your whole sleezy ass conversation in the bathroom. why would you even go to the bathroom to take a phonecall if it wasn’t for something you were trying to hide?”
Your heart pangs. Why are they so genuinely upset if Rael said they were wrong? Maybe it’s a misunderstanding?
“In the bathroom?? I was never talking to someone in the bathroom. And why would you even be trying to listen to my conversation if I was? That’s just weird." Dave opens his mouth to retort, but Rael cuts him off again. "But anyways, I’d never screw them over like that! You guys are making ridiculous assumptions!” He starts to get defensive now. It’s a really believable act, because you’re not sure who to believe at all. Although, you’re starting to lean towards Rael, despite your better judgment. Even if these two are actually telling the truth, then this party would just turn into a big scandal event and the next few months of your life will probably be hell again. You don’t want to believe it.
“seriously?!” Now Dave’s getting actually pissed, as he moves in closer to the rest of you. You can feel the heat rising.
“I don’t know what the hell you two are talking about, I told you! I wouldn’t do stupid petty shit like that.”
“I’m sorry, do you two have any kind of proof of anything? Because this is a lot to be accusing someone of suddenly. Is this a publicity stunt?”
“what?? no-“
So many people are looking right now. You start to hear whispers. Glancing around, luckily you don’t see anyone recording, but you start to remember the articles again, and you’re getting more anxious by the second.
“ALRIGHT!!!” You shout, matching Karkat’s volume, immediately silencing him and making them all turn to you. You look around again anxiously before you continue, lowering your tone now. “Look. I don’t know what the hellss gotten into you two toniight but this is reaaally REALLY annoying and ridiculous!!! Ok!! I get yew dount like him!! Fine!! I know it everyday becushe you make it super obvuouhs always!!!! But can you not make the dinner party a huge fugcking scene! This ise embarrassing!!” You all hold eye contact for a few beats. You’re breathing heavy from the sudden outburst, and now some people are starting to try to pretend like they aren’t looking, to your slight relief. Then, you spot Kanaya and Rose looking over at you with concern. You look to them, and then the bottle in your hand, and suddenly you’re very embarrassed. The anxiety continues to build.
“(y/n)… do you not believe us?” Dave’s the first one to break the silence. The two of you now hold an intense stare now. Your eyebrows are furrowed, but they slowly lift as your expression softens. “I!… I don’t know. All I knouw is thaat you two have neever been supportive of us!! So… Ok yeah maybe itss kinda haurd to believe you now!” You cross your arms.
When you look at Karkat, your heart sinks again. He’s looking at you with hurt and disappointment. You don’t think he’s ever looked at you that way, not even when you had the addiction. Though you suppose you started that again as well. You feel more guilty. “I… I can’t do this right now.. Can we just talk about this later?” You say, tone suddenly much sadder from before.
Your eyes begin to water, but for some reason you're getting angry at the same time. “WELL… FINE. I WILL THEN! I NEVER ASKED YOU TO DO ANYTHING FOR ME ANYWAYS!! ALL I WANTED WAS YOUR SUPPORT!!” And you don’t even let them respond before you dart off behind you into a crowd of people.
Only Dave watches you go, and Karkat stops and stares at the ground with his arms crossed. He also can’t decide whether to be sad or angry, but angry is easier for him to show.
Rael continues to stare at them after you leave, keeping his place. The two boys both look over to him when they notice he’s still there.
“what the fuck are you still standing here for??” Dave snaps at him, exhausted.
Rael looks around to make sure no one was watching anymore, and they weren’t. In fact, most started to walk in the direction you ran off in, since the drama might presumably follow you. He then flags down one of his buddies and whispers to him to start the announcement. Dave and Karkat watch in confusion as the other guy runs off and Rael turns to make eye contact with them again. He’s smiling now.
“Haha! You guys are a damn riot, I’ll give you that. (Y/n) sure knows how to pick em.” He says giddily, suddenly changing demeanor so drastically.
“whatever dude.“ Dave comments flatly, not wanting to keep talking to this asshole.
“Hey, you got me, alright? I’ll admit it.” He runs a hand through his hair. “But it doesn’t matter anyways-”
“WHAT?!” ”what?!” They say in unison.
On the speakers a little further into the room, an announcement starts being made.
              [Hey everyone! Thanks so much for coming out to celebrate (Y/n)’s Third album release! There’s a few things we want to-]
“Yeah, look, they’re not gonna believe you. It’s too fucking wild of an assumption. Because really, why would someone go through all that for fame?”
              [-If you discussed any possible offers for (Y/n) tonight please make sure one of their managers has your contact information as well as-]
“Exactly. But I’m not like everyone. I’ll do anything to achieve my what I wan-“
“OH MY GOD PLEASE SHUT THE EVERLOVING FUCK UP.” Karkat groans, cutting off what sounded to be the start of a cringy self determination speech.
Rael laughs again. It rumbles over the announcement that continues to overlap their conversation. “Alright alright. I know you guys are sick of me now. But hey, think of it like this-"
              [-I mean truly, we're all so proud of the success that has continued to skyrocket from this long-awaited release, and there's sure to just be more great works on the way-]
"-You can have (Y/n) after the tour now, so it's not all that bad for you guys. Since you’re so obsessed with each other, I’m sure that’s what you wanted!”
“WHAT?!” They both say again in unison.
“Oh, I’m sorry did you not notice yourselves yet? Even if I did actually like (Y/n), which I almost did in the beginning by the way, how could I not see the obvious tension between you three? It would be impossibly awkward to be around you together all the time, and I can never seem to get them away from you either. You’re all they ever talk about for gods sake.” Rael even chuckles a little at the thought of it, clearly not even that bothered by it, just amused.
Dave and Karkat side eye each other for a few moments, trying to read each other’s expression about this accusation, and feeling slightly more guilty about the situation now than before. Were they really preventing you from having a relationship, even if this guy hadn't turned out to be a douchebag?
Then something clicks in Dave’s head. “hold on… did you say tour?” He asks suddenly, and Karkat looks at him confused as it starts to click for him too.
Raels smiles again at this, and he starts walking backwards towards where the announcement is being made. “Well. Maybe I’ll catch you guys later!” He shouts nicely.
“GET BACK HERE YOU FUCK!! YOUR PLAN ISN’T EVEN GOOD PEOPLE ARE JUST GONNA FUCKING HATE YOU AFTER!! YOU’RE A BUMBLING IMBECILE!!!” Karkat shouts after him, but he only laughs as he turns around and disappears from sight again.
“hey, it’s fine. i got that all on recording.” Dave says calmly, holding up his phone that still continues to take a video, and holding Karkat from going after him with his other arm. 
“yeah. he was talking all that shit earlier about having no proof. but they have to believe us now, right?”
              [But anyways, enough of me! We’d like to tell you all some big news that we’ve finally made official! And I’ll pass the mic over to Rael so he can share it with you all!]
Karkat and Dave turn toward the speakers. There’s a lot of people gathered around a small platform where Rael's friend was just making the announcements. They can barely see over the amount of people, but then Dave spots your face as you walk up and stand behind Rael. There’s no readable emotion on your face.
              [R: Thank you all! Really! This has been such a great event. And I want to especially thank the lovely Rose Lalonde and Kanaya Maryam for knowing how to throw together such a great dinner party on such short notice!] 
Karkat rolls his eyes and huffs.
              [R: Now I’m sure you’re all curious what this big announcement is!]
Everyone cheers and claps a bit as confirmation.
              [R: Well… It took a lot of string pulling and quick planning, but (Y/n) and I are proud to announce, we’ve decided to go on a world tour!!]
Gasps and applause ring throughout the room. Karkat and Dave’s face change to a look of absolute horror. He wasn’t bluffing.
              [R: This will be (Y/n)’s second ever tour, and I’ll be accompanying them on stage! Please come and show support if you’d like to! Everyone here will revive a free ticket so-]
Karkat suddenly feels sick as he turns away from the stage, covering his mouth. This was a nightmare. A world tour. You’d be gone for such a long time again.
Dave puts his arms around Karkat to support him, and he looks over his shoulder to search for your face again above the crowd. When he does, you both make eye contact at the same time. Your slight smile immediately turns into a frown, and you're the first to look away again, almost shamefully.
You were going to tell them before it was announced, but everything happened so fast. You knew they’d be upset if they didn’t hear it from you.
Dave frowns and turns to walk towards the door with Karkat. Tonight was a lot, so maybe it’d be better to just go home.
But there’s no reassurance or making up afterwards this time.
They go home, but you don’t follow.
You don’t come home that night. Or the next night.
The house’s atmosphere is intensely gloomy. The two boys can barely talk about anything other than what happened that night. Pent up anger they can’t express to you, since you won’t come home or answer your phone, ends up coming out at each other sometimes. They start fighting about small stupid things, and the arguments always eventually turns into something along the lines of “WHEN THE HELL IS (Y/N) JUST GONNA COME HOME ALREADY?”
When three days pass since the party, the anger dies down a little and worry starts to take its place. Calls are made to a handful of other friends asking if they’ve heard from you. No one says they have until they talk with Rose, who says you had come over briefly the day prior to thank them for the party.
At least they knew you were okay. But now they know you’re definitely ignoring them.
From your point of view, you had been spending the nights at Rael’s place, and your unsureness of the situation also caused you to be quite cranky. You tend to snap at Rael a lot, which causes him to just leave you alone most of the time. He goes out a lot as well, so you’re usually by yourself.
But you miss them.
You want to go home. But you’re too exhausted to want to deal with this, especially right before tour. You don’t even know what you’d say to them. You’re upset at them, but you feel bad at the same time, because you know they’re upset at you as well. Plus you can't stop beating yourself up about the relapse. You broke a promise to your friends, but more importantly, yourself.
You unlock your phone and go to look at Dave’s text messages to you for the hundredth time.
Tuesday 1:34pm     Dave™️💿: yo can you at least tell us where you are    Dave™️💿: and that youre like safe and not dead maybe? Tuesday 3:53pm    Dave™️💿: i mean i doubt that something heroic or just happened for you to actually be dead    Dave™️💿: but you never know    Dave™️💿: maybe you decided to push an old lady out of the way of a big truck headed straight for her because you realized shes blind and couldnt see it coming    Dave™️💿: or because maybe she just had like    Dave™️💿: really ass peripheral vision or some shit    Dave™️💿: you just fly in like superman and    Dave™️💿: wait fuck we can fly i always forget we can fly    Dave™️💿: yeah i guess that wouldnt happen since you could just fly away with her instead of pushing her out of the way which would probably still put her in the hospital anyways    Dave™️💿: but you get my point    Dave™️💿:  like i doubt something like that happened but itd be nice to be reassured Tuesday 8:20pm    Dave™️💿: karkats still super pissed off im ngl but im willing to talk about it if you want to    Dave™️💿: plus i have something you really need to see    Dave™️💿: but i dont want to send it to you cus i dont know where you are or where your heads at right now    Dave™️💿: ok ill stop spamming you but seriously text me asap    Dave™️💿: its like the damn twilight zone up in here
And that’s just from today.
You sigh. It’s really hard to stay away from them like this. You remember what Rose said that night, and you know you should really talk to them.
Rael walks into the room, looking dressed to go out.
“Hey.” You greet, melancholy. “Where are you going? Don’t we start practicing tomorrow? The tour is really last minute so we'll probably be rehearsing all day.”
“Yeah I’m just going to this party my friends invited me to. It’ll be fine.” He says, fixing his hair in the mirror.
“Again? Do you always go to parties this often when you’re not with me?”
“Yeah, why? Is it a problem?”
The attitude in his voice makes you feel sad, but you shake your head. “No.. I just didn’t know.. Sorry.” You respond and go back to your phone, not wanting to make a big deal. You're already exhausted.
He walks over to you and places a kiss on the top of your head, which permits a range of conflicted emotions inside you. “It’s alright babe. I’ll be back before midnight, okay?” You nod and he grabs his coat before leaving the room.
You stay staring at your homescreen as you hear the front door close. Your finger lingers over the 'phonecalls' application for a while. You reluctantly press it.
There’s still a ton of missed calls from Dave, and a few from some others. You linger again over the call back button next to Daves contact name, biting your lip. After what feels like a couple minutes, you press it, but the second it starts ringing you hang up again.
You grip the phone tightly, and then toss it to the end of the bed with a loud groan, falling back onto the pillow behind you. This is annoying.
Suddenly you hear a vibration, and you body shoots up to look at your phone a few feet away from you, but it’s off. Looking around curiously, you spot another phone on the dresser. It’s Rael’s. He forgot it.
You crawl over, hovering over the screen to read a name you don’t recognize. Eventually it stops ringing, and the screen fades to the lockscreen photo of Rael performing during your tour. You slowly take the phone in your hand, swiping up on the screen to the passcode input. You look cautiously around the room even though you know you're the only one here. You know his password. You saw him put it in once and laughed at how stupid it was, but maybe he changed it after? Only one way to find out…
You stop put the phone down, scolding yourself for even thinking about snooping through your boyfriends phone. Why would you need to do that? You trust him, right? You trusted him that night so...
It’s not like he should have anything to hide…
Yeah. There’s nothing suspicious that should be there, so what’s the harm in looking? He wouldn’t mind.
You quickly pick up the phone again, rapidly sliding up and typing ‘6969’, the screen making a click sound and opening to yet another homescreen photo of him. You immediately go for the texts app, scanning the messages. You don’t find anything weird though, everything seems normal to you.
Of course.
You click on the photos app. Nothing weird here either. Screenshots of random things, photos of random things, a few photos of you two, and tons of selfies.
You click the phonecalls app now, scanning through the recent calls. There’s not anything strange here of course, since it’s not like you would recognize any of these names. However, there is one number that isn’t registered as a contact. You’d brush it off as a spam call, but it was ongoing for almost 20 minutes. Then you notice it was the day of the party, and it was an outgoing call. Why would he call an unknown number and talk for 20 minutes with them? On the same day Dave and Karkat accused him of saying those things on call in the bathroom…
You can’t be sure.. but it is the only call made that day.. so what if..
You hear the front door unlock and open, and you immediately snap out of your daze you got caught up in. Hearing the footsteps down the hall start to get closer, you quickly throw the phone back on the dresser and try to sit natural like you weren’t just snooping through his history.
“Hey babe I think I forgot my-“ He stops in the doorway, raising an eyebrow at your weirdly composed position with your phone sitting at the foot of the bed. “Uh.. Phone.”
“Oh really? How’d you manage to do that?” You smile, which is out of character for you the past few days.
“What are you doing?”
“Huh? Oh nothing, I was just thinking about stuff..." Your eyes drag over to the television. "Like what I should watch on the TV! There’s.. so many channels.... ha.”
“Okay…” He gives you a weird look, and then glances over to spot his phone. “Ah! There it is. Alright I’ll see you later.” He grabs it and immediately starts doing something on it as he leaves the room again. Luckily he doesn’t seem to suspect anything.
“Okay! Bye!” You shout to him and you hear the front door open and close again. You let out a sigh of relief.
Your phone starts to ring, surprising you again. You look over.
It’s Dave.
Tuesday 8:21pm.
Dave is chilling on the couch after just sending you todays ‘last text’, even though he knows he’ll definitely text you again tomorrow if you still don’t respond. Karkat sits on the other side of the couch, with one hand in his hair probably squeezing the color out of it, and the other tapping away on the down arrow of his laptop (husk-top). Really, he could not be hitting the button any harder. It’s practically ringing throughout the whole house.
“dude. take it easy on the keys. i can hear them begging you for mercy at this point.” Dave comments, staring over at him. Karkat hasn’t spoken a word since yesterday. Which is honestly impressive, but it is starting to scare his boyfriend at this point. He just turns to make eye contact with Dave, looking just as pissed off as he has since they got home, and continuing to hit the keys like he’s trying to break them. Then he goes back to whatever he’s looking at.
“ok. cool. forget i said anything i guess.” He says passive aggressively, but also at this point he can’t seem to care anymore. He goes back to looking at his phone.
“AUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!” Karkat finally shouts out in aggravation, grabbing his face and throwing his head back, making Dave jump in his seat. “AAAAUUUGHGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!” And then he throws his laptop (HUSKTOP.) across the room. Wow.
“what? why?”
“BECAUSE IM CALLING (Y/N).” He says and he starts to reach over for Daves phone.
He pulls his arm back to hold it out of reach. “i already did today and they wont answer. why dont you just call on your phone?”
“ok well if you havent noticed, theyre not answering me either so were both shit out of luck right about now. hate to break it to you.”
“JUST GIVE IT TO ME!!” He shouts hysterically, starting to climb over him to grab the phone.
“dude calm down!!” Dave shouts back, startled, holding the phone up over his head now.
Kartkat continues to fight for the phone, and Dave continues to move further to keep it out of his reach. Eventually, Dave ends up sitting up on the couch and just holding it to his chest, buried in his arms to shield it from grabbing. Karkat gets on his lap and tries to grasp for it, but then Dave suddenly puts his arms around him, locking Karkats arms to the side of his body. Karkat squirms around in this position with all his might.
“nope! were staying like this until you chill the FUCK out.”
“no shit we both do!! but they wont answer!!! you know they wont!” Dave protests, still keeping a tight hold on Karkat, his head tucked into his side as well.
Kakat’s struggling starts to get weaker and weaker after Dave says this, until finally he relaxes, letting himself drop his weight down and his head fall onto Daves shoulder. Dave lets out a subtle sigh of relief. 
“theyll call when theyre ready dude. itll be fine.”
It’s quiet for a while as they both stay in this position, breathing a little heavy in the beginning from all the struggling, and then calming down.
“man. they cant go on another tour. or at least not without talking to us.”
There’s more silence as Karkat just lays dead still on his shoulder. Dave clicks on his phone to check for a notification, to which there’s still just a blank screen. He sighs. The air stays still and calm like this. He starts to lightly rub Karkats back after a while, comforting him silently. Karkat begins to purr after a couple minutes of this, to his further relief.
“you okay?” Dave asks, breaking the silence as he moves his head a little to try to see his face.
“…YEAH.” He responds in a tired sounding tone, not moving at all. “SORRY.”
“its cool.”
“do you miss them?” He asks, and even he thinks it comes out a little strange after it’s left his mouth. When there’s no response, he tries again to get a look at his face.
“hey.” Dave says, shaking him slightly to try to get him to sit up. “look at me.” Karkat reluctantly raises his head a little to face him.
“WHAT D-“ Dave cuts off whatever he might’ve said by pulling him into a kiss. It shocks him, but he doesn’t pull away at all, and eventually he’s kissing back. He starts purring again. When Dave pulls back, he’s got a sweet smile on his face, and Karkat is blushing intensely, his bright red blood always making it so noticeable.
“WHAT WAS THAT FOR…” He asks a little sheepishly.
“what? a guy cant just kiss his boyfriend? are you homophobic?”
“thats fucked up karkat. to be homophobic in this day and age. honestly. you should be ashamed.”
“OH JUST SHUT UP ALREADY.” He crosses his arms, and looks away, still flustered. Dave laughs a little, and then leans back onto the couch, closing his eyes.
“things have just gotten so intense. i think we need to chill.”
“…YEAH…” Karkat looks back over and stares at him for a little longer, blush still lingering, and then eventually leans forward to lay against his chest.
There’s another long pause. Karkat sighs.
“i know..” Dave frowns as he starts to rub Karkats back again. “but theyll definitely talk to us before they leave. theres no way they wouldnt.”
“well they might. but i mean they have to at least believe us about him? ive got the video.”
“I DONT KNOW. THEY SEEMED SO FUCKING HELLBENT BEFORE ON NOT BELIEVING US. EVEN IF THEY WERE DRUNK.” He sneers, still bitter about the way you doubted them that night.
Dave is silent for another minute before he speaks again.
“you remember what the douche said to us right before he made that announcement about the tour?”
“yeah but i mean when he was saying that stuff about uh..” He pauses out of awkwardness of what he wanted to say next, not even sure if he should bring it up right now. “like.. that we should date them or whatever? he said we must have a thing for them.. but thats...”
He waits for Karkat to finish his sentence, thinking maybe he could get his opinion without having to directly ask. To no avail, however.
“i dont know…” He blushes a little, turning his head to stare at the wall. “what did you think when he said that?”
“oh.. yeah? why impossible?”
“i mean yeah. but are matespritships always with two people for trolls?”
“BUT THAT'S NOT A GOOD THING. YOU USUALLY ONLY HAVE ONE PERSON IN ANYTHING OTHER THAN AUSPISTICISM. I MEAN IVE NEVER HEARD OF MORE THAN TWO TROLLS IN ANY OTHER QUADRANT…” This thought seems to have him pondering hard about whether that would be sustainable. He had never considered it before, and surprisingly it had never been in any of his RomComs. He sits up a little to look at Dave, who turns his head to meet his gaze again. “DO HUMANS HAVE MORE THAN TWO PEOPLE IN YOUR ONLY QUADRANT?”
“i mean im probably like the last person to ask. hell if i know anything about human relationships, obviously i was never in one. but yeah im pretty sure people did that. polyamorous and like… quad.. amorous? i guess? no wait that doesnt sound right.” Dave now is pondering what the fuck a four way relationship is called, not to mention five, six, seven…
He snaps out of his thoughts. “huh? nothing.”
“NOTHING...” He's not convinced.
“i mean i was just thinking like… its weird that hes not the only person to have said something like that right? rose and kanaya asked us before and it made us super awkward. june and roxy asked me once.. dirk mentioned it but not even as a question he was just like ‘your two partners blah blah blah’ which totally threw me off? plus we never even talked about when they confessed to us that one night. we both know they have feelings for us but we never talked about how we feel about it. whats up with that?”
Karkat takes a moment to consider all of this. To be quite honest he hasn’t really thought about this subject in a lot of detail, but it is a little troubling. With everything happening lately, he's been realizing he's always felt for you the same he's things he's felt for Dave. You both meant a lot to him, and he cared for you both in the same way. 
“dude. we have literally nothing but time, all the time.”
The silence is deafening.
“okay yeah but-“
Dave's pokerfaced for a beat, like he’s loading. “…how... do you feel about them?”
“yeah but! if i feel one way about them and you dont then thats kinda awkward… and its gonna be a problem later on right?.”
“FOR FUCKS SAKE.” He rolls his eyes. “FINE I…” He stops, starting to think hard again. He knows how he feels, but at the same time he's not sure. Having feelings for two people at once, like he said, is usually not seen as a good thing. It's normally conflicting and problematic. Granted, it's usually not a good thing for humans either. They're both struggling with the concept of polyamory.
“you dont know?”
“really. youve never thought about being in a relationship with (y/n)? like all of three us?”
Dave purses his lips for a moment, thinking hard trying decide if he should just come out and say it. 
“yeah. ive thought about it honestly.” 
Karkat's short response suddenly makes Dave a little anxious, and he sits up a bit to get closer to him and make eye contact. “oh shit but you really havent?? fuck... im sorry i just meant because we all live together i just sometimes think ‘we all might as well just fuckin date with like how much we sit around together all day and-’ man im sorry-“
“oh. right. okay.”
“its cool i get it.”
"yeah of course."
Insert awkward pause of silence.
“so… we both feel the same way about them?”
“i dont fuckin know. but im sure we could figure out a way. weve already lived together this long.”
Dave chuckles a little. “fucked up that raels the motherfucker that made us finally talk about this shit.”
They laugh for a bit before letting out a sigh of relief, all this finally being off their shoulders. Feels like a huge weight is gone.
“god. we really need to fuckin talk to them now.”
Dave picks up his phone from the couch, going into his contacts yet again to click on your name. He puts it on speaker.
It rings…
And rings…
And rings….
No response.
The phone goes to voicemail and Dave hangs up again.
And then, as if replying to him, the phone lights up with a text notification.
[ 1 New Message Notification:    (y/n): ill be over in 5.]
The curtain closes again on Chapter 2, bringing it to a cliff-hanging END.
There are curtains this time. Imagine them. You’re imagining them, and they are closing.
See you soon for the finale!
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little-diable · 2 years
Waves, cover up what I've done - Jasper Hale (1/2)
I'm very excited to post this, I've been playing with this idea for a while. It's dark and kind of angsty, but I hope you guys will still read it. This will have a part two. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: The Cullens are always right there to protect their loved ones, even if the reader begs them for help to cover up what she has done. And sometimes - just sometimes - even Charlie Swan will break the law for the ones he loves.
Warnings: 18+, unprotected sex, oral (f), blood, explicit description of murder with a knife, cheating, abusive boyfriend
Pairing: Jasper Hale x fem!reader (3k words)
Part 2
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She was running through the forest, eyes glassy as she tried to stay focused on the trail ahead. The wind was blowing through the afternoon, keeping her trapped in its icy touch, reminding her of the past hours. Her memories stuck to her, repeating themselves again and again.
What had she done.
“Darlin’,” Jasper was already waiting for her, standing in front of the Cullen’s mansion, he was holding a blanket in his hands, ready to warm her up. The rest of the family was standing a few feet behind Jasper, watching (y/n)’s every move, ready to step in should she break down.
“I,” a heavy breath fell from her lips, eyes finding his golden ones. “I killed him.”
Six Months Ago
The sun was rolling around the sky as (y/n) and Jack were walking through Forks, not sharing a single vowel, focused on their thoughts and the fight that has kept them awake for the past hours. It had been another night he had returned home fully drunk, Jack had screamed all too loud, ripping her from an uneasy slumber with his body crashing against their bedroom door.
His screams still rang in her ears, not letting go of (y/n)‘s tired body, even hours later. For months she had tried to find a way out of their relationship, but she had nowhere to go, had opted to stay in Forks where she had her home, and at least a few familiar faces to keep her company.
“(Y/n)?” She turned towards Charlie Swan with a big smile on her lips, eyes finding his dark ones before they met Bella’s. Jack kept walking, not waiting for her as he stepped inside the liquor store. “You okay? You’re trembling.”
Charlie couldn’t help but worry about his neighbor, the woman he had watched grow up for years. He had been there for her whenever she’d need a shoulder to cry on, from the moments her parents have left her and Forks behind. And even though she was a few years older than Bella, Charlie had always treated her like his own daughter.
“Yeah, don’t worry. I gotta go, I will talk to you later.” She couldn’t keep Jack waiting, and didn't want to cause a scene in the center of town where all nosy neighbors could watch the two. Jack was about to pay as she stepped inside the store, not noticing the pair of golden eyes watching her every step.
“Are you good to go?” (Y/n) tried to press a kiss to his cheek, a peace offering Jack chose to ignore, he pushed her off him, grabbed the brown bag and forced her back outside with his hand clamped down on her wrist. She was too focused on faking her smile to pay attention to the blonde haired man that followed them to their truck.
“Hurry before I make you.” With a sigh spilling from her lips, (y/n) ripped open the truck’s door, she plopped down on the worn out seat with glassy eyes. One day she’d rip herself free, one day she’d push his body into the ocean and watch him drown like a ship clashing against an iceberg. But today wasn’t the day to commit murder, no, not today.
“Come, we’ll warm you up.” Jasper wrapped his arm around her waist, he pulled her inside, up the stairs and towards one of the grey sofas. He didn’t let go of her, kept her close with every hurried breath leaving her, scared that she’d break any moment now.
Blood was clinging to her hands, blood that left most of the Cullens frozen on their spot, not able to swallow down the big lumps forming in their throats. Only Jasper, Carlisle and Edward didn’t seem to mind the smell, they tended to her every need, made her tea and tried to keep her warm, not wanting to rush her into talking about what had happened.
“I think I need to shower first, can I?” Her eyes met Jasper’s, wordlessly he followed her towards his room. No words were shared between the two as he turned on the shower, helping her out of her soaked through clothes with his cold hands wandering up and down her sides.
A silent kiss was shared between the two, lips moving in sync with their bodies finding their way into the shower. The hot water cascaded down their backs, keeping the two close together as a memory of their first night together found its way back to (y/n).
Four Months Ago
“Fuck, don’t stop.” She arched her back off the mattress, eyes flickering down to Jasper. He was placed between her thighs, tongue brushing through her slit, teasing her pulsing clit with a smirk tugging on his lips. “Right there, fuck, you’re good at this.”
He fucked her with his cold fingers, set on pushing her over the edge before he’d give in and fuck her into oblivion with his cock spearing her. For weeks they have been teasing one another, waiting for either one to give in. It had taken her a while to accept her crush on the blonde haired man with a southern accent, but the second their lips met for the first time, she had known that her heart belonged to him.
“You taste so sweet, darlin’. Cum for me.” His raspy voice wrapped itself around her, and with her hand finding his locks, (y/n) gave into her orgasm. The feeling rocked through her, it stuck to her like a second layer of skin, not letting go of her as he kept sucking on her clit, prolonging her orgasm.
“‘Need you to fuck me, Jas’. I can’t wait any longer.” She was addicted to him, wanted to feel every inch of his body rubbing against hers, fucking her till she’d forget her name. He’d worship her, would make her feel as if she was reborn, getting another chance to live a carefree life with Jasper by her side.
“My pretty darlin’, you’re mine.” Ever since she had tumbled into his life, Jasper had found himself obsessed with her, desperate to claim her as his. But she was still with Jack, was still with a man that would turn to liquor when the moon was waking the night. The alcohol would turn him into something she’d run from, a monster that would follow her even through the darkest nights.
Jasper aligned his cock to her tightness and with a shared kiss, he pushed into her. The moan that clawed through her was sweeter than the blood he had tasted this very morning, sticking to his fangs like a shadow of his true self. She was his salvation, was his reminder of the calm life he should lead, away from war and sorrow.
Their bodies molded together, if they’d get the chance to stay right there, bodies connected and souls tangled, they’d thank the spirits above for believing in them. They have been made for one another, destined to cross paths, to fall for one another like Tristan and Isolde, like Romeo and Juliet - tragic stories that kept them connected. A love destined to be.
His hips snapped against hers, he fucked her into the mattress with darkening eyes. Jasper would have to force himself to stay focused on her, not wanting to lose control and give into the major, his alter ego, the one he’d turn into when he hadn’t tasted blood in days, the one even Jasper himself would shrink away in fright from.
Jasper kept holding her close, scared that she’d run from him if he’d loosen his grip. Silence engulfed the two as (y/n) watched the blood being washed down the drain, one with the water that moved down her body like snakes slithering along the cold ground.
“I can still hear his scream.” (Y/n)’s words were drowned out by the sound of the water clashing to their bodies, sounds Jasper had picked up on nevertheless. He didn’t reply, kissed her forehead to signal (y/n) that she was safe with him. “I should feel awful about it, but I only feel relieved.”
Her confession hung in the air, it filled the bathroom like fog dancing through Fork’s forest. (Y/n) couldn’t put into words what she was feeling - confusion, anger and relief, but not one ounce of guilt.
Wordlessly she turned off the shower, she didn’t dare study her reflection in the mirror, scared that blood was still sticking to her skin, blood she couldn’t wash away with her bare hands. She dressed herself in one of his hoodies and a pair of her jeans, (y/n)’s hands didn’t stop shaking, struggling to stay calm as she desperately tried to distract herself.
The other Cullens were still scattered around the living room, silence engulfed them, not daring to speak up as the couple found its way back to them. Wrapped in her blanket, (y/n) took a few sips of her tea, trying to find her voice to tell them what she had done.
A few hours ago
She had woken with a heavy heart and anger simmering deep inside her. Last night's fight was still sticking to her limbs and mind, the words he had screamed at her, urged on by the alcohol thumping through his system.
Her cheek was hurting, (y/n) could still feel the back of Jack’s hand coming in contact with it, hitting her for screaming right back at him. Jack wouldn’t let her go, he’d force her to stay with him, would give her black eyes whenever she’d raise her voice at him.
He was lying beside her, face pressed into his pillow, sleeping as calm as a baby. Pure and innocent, without knowing the vile whispers it would once be forced to face. But Jack wasn’t sweet nor innocent, no, he was a drunkard, an abuser, a man she no longer could stay with. She was destined to rip herself free, to live with Jasper, away from Jack and their miserable relationship.
Today was the day - she could feel it.
She’d have to be quick about it, would have to do it before he’d wake from his slumber, otherwise he’d be the one to kill her, too strong for her to go against him. Without making any noise, she rolled out of bed, eyes not leaving his features once. Perhaps she’d simply grasp her bag and run should he wake before she could get to him.
Without taking another breath, she reached for the knife she kept hidden in her drawer, prepared for whatever he’d do to her when he was intoxicated. Slowly she found her way back to her side of their bed, and with her trembling hands and her teeth pressed into her lower lip, she pierced the blade into his chest.
Jack’s blood stuck to her cheeks, he woke with a scream, eyes meeting the woman that was towering over him. He tried to reach for the knife, but before he could take another breath she pulled it out of his chest - only to stab him once again, straight into his throat. She could only sit and watch as he choked on his blood, slowly giving into death’s call.
For a minute or two (y/n) couldn’t move, her eyes were glued to his features, no longer was he breathing, no longer was he screaming at her. No, he was simply lying there with blood oozing out of his wounds. And then she snapped into motion, without giving into her screaming thoughts. (Y/n) wrapped their covers around his body, and pulled him off their bed with as much strength as she could muster.
She didn’t dare call Jasper nor the other Cullens, scared that they’d leave her be if they’d see what she has done. (Y/n) was on her own, forced to act as fast as she could, she’d have to be quick, would have to get rid of his body before her neighbors could suspect a thing. But before she pulled his wrapped up body out of their house, she checked to see if Charlie was still around.
The second her eyes fell upon his empty driveway, (y/n) pulled Jack’s body to her car. Sweat pooled on her forehead, it ran down her cheeks as she struggled to pull his weight - as if she was crying mourning tears. She was still covered in blood and hadn't even washed her features. It was safe to say that she had no idea what she was currently doing.
“Fuck, you’re so heavy.” With half of his body placed in the boot of her car, she heaved the other half off the ground, closing her truck with trembling fingers. For a moment she allowed herself to breathe, forehead pressed against the cold glass, trying to sort through her thoughts. But as she heard a car approaching in the distance she took off running, back inside and straight to her shower.
Not one tear rolled down her cheek, not one thought of guilt flooded through her. She almost felt happy, happy that she no longer would have to listen to his screams, that she no longer would be plagued by his drunken self.
Where would she dump his body? In the forest? In the ocean? Fuck, she truly hadn’t thought this through.
The sound of her ringing doorbell echoed through the house, snapping her out of her thoughts. (Y/n) stumbled out of the shower, she wrapped a towel around her body and hair, checked her now clean reflection before she walked down the hallway. She froze in her step as her eyes fell upon the blood stains on the carpet - one could clearly tell that something had happened right there.
Her doorbell went off again, urging her on to open the door, “Charlie? Hi, what are you doing here?” With wide eyes she greeted the sheriff, (y/n) stepped outside, and closed the door before he could see the blood stains.
“Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten about our breakfast.” Fuck. Of course she had, clearly distracted by her now dead boyfriend. Something about Charlie seemed off, his eyes flickered back to the window in her door, trying to see what she was hiding from him, “Do you mind if I step inside for a minute?”
“You can’t.” The words split from her lips before she could stop herself, dipping with panic. She was a criminal, blood was sticking to her skin and soul, a murderer that had ruthlessly killed her lover. And now she was standing in front of a man of the law, a man with a pure heart that would instantly put handcuffs on her if he’d realized what she had done. “You know how Jack is, he had too much to drink yesterday and is still asleep.”
“It’s still early, why don’t you put on some clothes and we’ll drive to the café together?” He wouldn’t let go of her, would stick to her side like a shadow. Perhaps Charlie simply trusted the feeling in his gut, perhaps Charlie already knew what she had done, but perhaps he simply wanted to spend some time with her.
“I can’t, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t leave him when he’s like that. But how about tomorrow?” With his tongue running along his lower lip Charlie took a step back, hands raised as if she had accused him of committing a crime.
“Whatever you say, doll. At least call me tonight.” (Y/n) watched him leave with her heart in her throat, pumping blood through her veins as if she was running a marathon. Which she kind of was - in a match against time, hoping that she’d be able to get rid of Jack’s body within the next hour.
“Do you think Charlie knows?” Rosalie was first to speak up, she took a step closer, hand finding (y/n)’s shoulder. Something about this situation felt awfully familiar to the vampire, taken back to the time she had killed Royce.
“No, I don’t think so. I was careful, Jack’s body was already in my truck by the time Charlie came ‘round.” The lump in (y/n)’s throat began to tighten, making it harder for her to keep on talking. Only now her mind seemed to catch up with the things she had done. She had killed a man, had pierced her knife into his throat to free herself from his possessive grasp.
“What did you do with him?” All Cullens were now staring at (y/n), forcing her to pick up her story, to tell them what she had done with Jack’s lifeless body and the bloody sheet. But (y/n) couldn’t find her voice, tears began to run down her cheeks, followed by a sob clawing through her.
Jasper was quick to pull her into his lap, arms tightly wrapped around her body. Neither of them said a word as (y/n) gave into the anxiety that was washing through her like waves of the ocean.
“Who is that?” Alice sped towards the window front, hands balled into fists as the others waited for her reply. “It’s Charlie, he’s here for (y/n).”
Carlisle and Bella disappeared downstairs, hoping to buy them some time for (y/n) to calm down. But her sobs didn’t stop and her eyes stayed as red as the blood that had poured from Jack’s body. Instinctively she tightened her grip on Jasper, relishing in what could be their last moments together, silently saying goodbye to the dream of an easy, carefree life with him.
“What’s going on with you?” Charlie’s voice boomed through the mansion, he was standing near the stairs, next to Edward and Renesmee, with Bella’s hand placed on his shoulder. The Cullens would do everything to protect her, by now she was part of their family, but none of them knew what they’d do if Charlie would try to take her in.
“Do you know why Jack didn’t turn up at work today?” He took another step towards (y/n), followed by another and another, till he came to a halt directly in front of the sofa. “Would you mind explaining the blood stains on your carpet?”
All air was punched out of her lungs, eyes wide as Jack’s had been as he had been ripped from his sleep. She struggled to part her lips, pulled into a thin line, struggled to use her vocal cords with Charlie’s dark eyes burning into her soul.
“Did you kill him?”
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Please like and reblog if you've enjoyed reading this, come talk to me about my writing, let's spill some tea or thirst over our favorite people. xxx
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ryansjane · 2 years
Can't wait to read your post on SeanWhite!!! Absolutely loved this episode and their development
okay so I'll highjack this ask to make my analysis there then hehe! I also adored this episode, and the more I think about it, the more I'm in love with it! let us start bc that shit is, as always, gonna be long as fuck
why not me ep 6 is extremely important for seanwhite
so something that fascinated me this episode, on top of being fucking brilliant, is how it feels like its own arc inside of the main story if that makes sense. in this episode, we had sean finally break down his last barriers and trust white/black completely, before being betrayed by white in the worst possible way in his eyes. let us see why I adored the development of seanwhite in this episode & why it made white's betrayal feel even worse.
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we start the episode with white and sean having been "kidnapped", which we quickly learn was just another test to prepare for the upcoming mission. but white's feelings in that scene are very much real as he believes sean's life to be in danger. (see how white rests his head against sean's back when the "gangster" fires his gun in the picture above. a very cute detail that shows him seeking closeness to the person he trusts the most & feels the most protected by.) that entire scene though, whether we the viewers believed it was real at some point or not, is still very stressful and tense as white cannot handle these types of situations well at all. his emotions are more than palpable and it affects the viewer, and, even though he won't show it, sean as well. and white, in typical white fashion, betrays the rest of the gang to save sean. not only this response to the situation would make sense for white no matter who was being threatened to be killed, but here it's sean who we're talking about, THE driving force of white towards changing his ways of thinking from a future politician to a vigilante. the man who white most definitely is attracted to & said he wanted him to "listen to me and trust me too."
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so anyways, obviously white is affected by thinking sean is gonna die, and put his life above protecting the rest of the gang, which is a very powerful move. that being said his reaction to be scolded, abundant tears falling on his face, is even more powerful to me because it is white SHOWING sean he cares about him, something black would've never done. and sean knows it & is affected by it. I think this is the scene that makes white takes full conscience of his feelings, because as we know it's only when we have or are about to lose something that we realize how much it matters to us.
in the next scene, seanwhite bicker about the plan & that's when the main problem of the episode starts, which is a difference in value between sean & white. sean wants to make tawi suffer no matter what, even if that causes people to drink something that has been altered, whereas white doesn't want to involve tawi's buyers, and more so worries about how society will perceive sean's actions. we can see that, despite already having changed a lot, having cut off his relationship with his dad & not having taken the political job he'd been given, white hasn't 100% changed his views either. how people perceive you is still very important to him, whereas sean doesn't care one bit & just wants the result to be that tawi suffers.
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the next scene we have right after this one is sean being drunk on the bed. it felt a little random to me at first, but actually made a whole lot of sense, as sean was both shaken by white's betrayal of the gang in the fake kidnapping, but also mostly got angry about tawi again & most probably thought about his father. he then drowns his sorrows in alcohol, but I find it very telling that he does so alone, knowing that white sleeps in his room. being drunk is quite a vulnerable position to be in, and we're gonna see that sean doesn't hold back and allows white to see him like that. I also LOVE how for the first time of the show, white comes into the room and says "I want to talk things out." after ALL the shit that seanwhite haven't said, all the tension, attraction and confusion, this time white doesn't run away from confrontation & is even the one to instigate it.
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and when sean confronts him about having changed, this time white responds to it heads on, in a way that actually feels less shady than denying it like he's done until now. and for ONCE, the two of them talk like grown ass adults capable of communication, a miracle!!! even with sean completely hammered, they have the most calm & mature discussion they've had until now, clearly eased by, yes, alcohol, but also the intimacy of their shared room. it also seems like white has finally embraced the gang fully & actually wants to belong in it, as well as sean being more open about how much this mission means to him & how invested in it he is (which again, is a false feeling of safety for sean & consequently the viewer who will get betrayed by white's action later on in the episode.) but anyways I love this scene because it's the first time these two feel like a team, that, yes, still bicker & have their differences, but truly wanna work together no matter what. and that... is kinda beautiful. especially accompanied by drunk sean who is truly priceless & very handsy. once again these two finally feel like friends if not more, and I loved seeing sean so vulnerable and white so open. BUT it also is interesting to note that every vulnerable scene that sean has is either when he's asleep or drunk, which means he still has quite a bit of opening up to do.
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speaking of being vulnerable when asleep, sean has another nightmare that night, which shows us a lot more backstory to sean's father's death, as well as remind us how young sean was at the time with an amazing performance by off who kills it as always. what I love about this nightmare scene is that it goes almost the exact same as the first one, clearly establishing a pattern, and ends up again with sean seeking comfort with white, by hugging him close. we can see that white is just as worried & soft with him as the first time, and while this scene doesn't bring us any new information on their relationship, it does show a repetition of trust & a habit of taking care of each other forming. I also LOVE the waking up scene, where even though once again sean plays it shocked that they went to sleep hugging, there seems to be way more closeness than in the first scene of that type, showing again that they're closer & more comfortable together. there is even banter between them, with white kicking sean with his feet & sean waking white up repeatedly, which truly shows how far they've come.
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then we have a small but meaningful moment during the plan explaining scene, when white tastes the bitter powder and sean immediately gives him a candy or gum to make the taste disappear. this is actually a very meaningful gesture, as up until now sean has only helped white in life & death situations, and not just being mildly uncomfortable for a couple of minutes like here. yet he doesn't hesitate, and pulls that gum out of literally thin air to help white out. I'd say that's love bitches!
after that though, we have white promising to sean he won't jeopardize the plan, which... we all know how that goes 😬 and once the mission starts, sadly the differences of opinions between sean & white only continue, with white being against sean knocking out the employees while sean is way more heartless with it by saying "everything I have to do, I'll do it." we keep confirming how far sean is ready to go to in order to get his revenge against tawi, and how white clearly doesn't agree with his ways at all. the issue becomes that white still wants to be part of the mission, even when sean gives him a way out multiple times. it shows how confused about it all he is: he doesn't think the same way he used to, but there's also a LONG way until he starts thinking like sean, if he ever does.
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AND THEN, we have my favorite scene (probably, actually every scene is my favorite lol), when after white basically criticized every step of the mission, sean finally shows him that despite his cool appearance, he's also stressed & scared. this is a very vulnerable admission for sean to make, him who's always acting so cool & detached unless asleep or drunk, and I particularly enjoy the directorial choice to zoom onto their faces for most of the scene to make the scene feel even more intimate. once again, despite them having been in a disagreement for the whole mission, they still feel like a team. sean can't fully work if white doesn't work alongside him too. and here we see a side of sean under all of that pain and thirst for revenge, a side that, as we've seen in the nightmare flashback scene, is actually just a young adult having to deal with too much way too young. once again those two have become softer about those things & actually communicate, which is a true miracle. it almost seems like white is convinced now, as he apologizes and continues to show his support to sean, even if he disapproves of his ways of doing things. and I LOVE how soft their voices are in that scene, even though they're supposed to be fighting. once again we see how long of a way they've come from the earlier episodes.
and then, sadly, we have the gut-wrenching betrayal of white who does not pour the bitter powder in. that scene is as frustrating for the viewer as it is for sean who watches it happen through the cctv & can't do anything, even though he trusted white enough to keep him on the mission even after he betrayed them during the fake kidnapping & showed multiple times that he didn't agree with the plan. yet sean did, probably from a mix of remembering the old unstoppable black & trusting this new "black." I can't fully say WHY white betrays sean like this as I myself am struggling to see why he did it, as even though, yes, he didn't agree with the plan from the start, he promised sean he wouldn't jeapardize it & messes it up right in front of sean's nose and not secretly like when he poured the gas in the sink in the ep 2 mission. I do think most of it is impulse though, and white regrets it pretty much immediately. at least I hope so, and there’s clearly a plan he has with the picture of the tank he’s taken. we see sean in such a rage that he leaves the cctv room without erasing the footage like he said he would... and confronts white, though they're interrupted by tawi's right hand which cuts short to a confrontation & makes them go into survival mode.
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you will note though, that even having been betrayed, sean still opens the door & lets white go first, that he still helps him fight tawi's right hand even though he could escape freely & leave him, AND that he lets him go first through the barbed wires so he can arrive first. that shows that even though sean might be enraged, he still cares for white & ngl, that shit is touching as hell.
THAT BEING SAID, when they arrive to the motorcycles, that's when sean can really express his rage. and @fck-inspector-m pointed it out to me, but this is such a quiet fight. it's none of the usual "grandiose" ones with sound effects and choreography, this time it feels... real. sean is hurting white bc he feels betrayed, he who has been betrayed by the justice system & the entire society for his father's case. he who has felt all alone in the past 4 years, trying to make his father's death count for something. trying to make a change. and white ruined that for him, despite how much he trusted him, despite his promise. how can sean not feel completely & utterly betrayed in that moment?
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and so, that's how the episode ends. an episode that started so hopeful for these two, finally building a relationship & trusting each other, to white doing the worst thing he could probably ever do to sean & sean choking him for it. this episode truly was a roller-coaster, and I wonder how it's all gonna get settled when now it feels like sean & white are further apart than they ever were in the first place. p'nuchie did say ep 7 is the episode they start to fall in love, so... we'll see 👀👀👀 hope you enjoyed this analysis, it took me so long haha but I really enjoy doing those :')
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crikeygatormate · 2 years
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I Will Always Return (Pt. 4)
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Summary: You were the daughter of the mayor of Wrywood back when the wild west was more than just a movie genre. Your father was a sly politician who managed to find himself stuck between a rock and a hard place with a large crime group that resided in the city and the west’s most notorious group of outlaws. Somehow you find yourself stuck in the middle.
Warnings: Angst, Self-loathing, Men r stupid, like so stupid lmao, gun violence, typos cause I can't spell
I'm sorry in advance I just really like angst lol also I pray this makes sense I sometimes write and have no idea where I'm going with things :,)
Part 5!
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Part Four
Your days spent with Izuku were nothing short of boring. He was sweet and attentive to you, but now that you were a wanted criminal you had to stay at his house, and according to him that meant you couldn’t go outside.
The first two days were okay, you had baked. Which was something you haven’t done in a long time. Izuku practically showered you with praise when he tried your cookies and little cakes. He told you it was a treat to come home to something so sweet.
On the third day you cleaned, truly a terrible chore, but your boredom was severe enough that you enjoyed cleaning. It was actually fun.
On the fourth day, you didn’t leave your room. As you reflected on your time at Izuku’s house you slowly came to realize that what you were living was the life your father had planned for you. To stay at home and be a wife. Granted you were nowhere near being Izuku’s wife, but it was more than humiliating to realize you were acting like one.
On the fifth day, Izuku came back with the post for the week. He was timid when he coaxed you out of your room with the promise of a new shirt that actually fit you.
You narrowed your eyes, holding up the long sleeve plaid shirt. It was definitely a women's shirt, but he seemed to thankfully pick up that you wanted riding clothes, so it was made of hardy cotton. You thumbed the pale blue fabric between your fingers wondering why Izuku had bought you, a stranger, such a nice shirt.
“So,” Izuku cleared his throat, “the news came in a few days ago. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I just, well, you better prepare yourself,” he said honestly as he unrolled the paper on the oak table.
Your hands immediately grabbed the paper upon seeing a sketch of your face on the front page. It was a warrant for your arrest, a warrant for murder. So Keigo had convinced enough people that you had killed Tokoyami that day. You placed your pointer finger on the paper reading the text below.
The way they described you made your temper flare to a searing scald. “That’s grand,” you spat, “they're calling me hysterical, ridiculous.”
“I know, it gets worse,” Izuku told you.
You frowned reading further down only to see that they had interviewed your father. He stated that you had always had a few screws loose’ and it wasn’t surprising to learn that you murdered a soldier who was trying to help you home. Apparently, you were too fragile-minded to make a coherent decision.
But the worst thing of all was that the sheriff's office in your town had put a reward on your capture, and it was three grand. Apparently, all someone had to do was return you to Keigo Takami so he could ID you, and then you’d be thrown into an asylum, presumably.
Your mouth dried and you looked up at Izuku. He was looking down at you with a concerned expression and the thought that you hated to even acknowledge became prominent in your mind. “You don’t think?” your voice died out before you cleared your throat, “you don’t think he’s gonna bring me back there to get his money right? He needed three grand.”
Izuku gulped as he folded his arms over his chest. “I’m really not sure. Kacchan is a good guy, really, but he’s got a drive in him to get revenge on Keigo. He’d do just about anything to put that guy six feet under.”
Any hope that you had left for Bakugou was completely shredded and burned to ash, and it made you mad. So mad that you crumpled the paper in your fist. “Izuku, I can’t let that happen.”
“I know, but my hands are tied,” he told you honestly, “you’re a wanted criminal and there’s no one besides me who would hide you from him or the military.”
“Then let me go,” you argued, standing to your feet. “I can’t go back, not like this.”
Izuku shifted his weight, “I can’t let you go, not before Kacchan comes back.”
You grit your teeth, feeling your adrenaline spike, “I don’t care, I’m goin’.”
You and Izuku stared at each other from across the table, tense. He was waiting for you to move, presumably to grab you and lock you up, but you weren’t stupid, and you weren’t weak. After the two and half weeks of hell you’ve gone through, you’ve proved to yourself that you were not as fragile as you thought.
“Don’t do this,” Izuku said seriously, watching you closely.
“I don’t have a choice,” you hissed as you let your eyes dart back towards your room.
Izuku was obviously tracking your gaze with his eyes, seeing where you were going to run and once he saw you look towards your room he lunged.
However, you had planned for that to happen. You easily jumped out of his way, tossing the chair you were sitting in back towards him. You then sprinted towards the front door and swung it open squinting as hot summer air hit your skin.
You ran towards the barn, not daring to look behind you as you headed towards the stall your horse was in. Footsteps thudded behind you and you knew Izuku was not too far behind. With quick pants, you flung open the stall door, grabbed your horse's bridle, and pulled it over his head. There was no time to actually put his bridle on so it sat around his neck, and you hope this horse could neck rein.
You grabbed a handful of your horse’s mane and swung up over his side forgoing the tack because you didn’t have time. You kicked his sides causing him to jolt before racing out of the open barn past Izuku who leaped out of the way so he wouldn’t get run over.
You looked behind you seeing Izuku scramble to grab his saddle and you grinned. He couldn’t ride bareback apparently. Now that you were getting away from him, you didn’t know where to go. Granted this probably wasn’t your smartest idea.
You couldn’t ride into town so you headed back away towards the woods. The sound of a horse squealing sounded behind you and you turned your head to see that Izuku had finally made his way out of the stable, barely. His horse was pissed and starting to buck, serves him right.
You huffed turning back around as you deepened your seat as your horse sped up. You were both panting as you tore across the sandy plain, dust billowing behind you. In a way, part of your dream was fulfilled just by this horse, which you were now officially claiming as yours. He was the only constant in your life.
As you grew further away from Izuku the pressure in your chest seemed to loosen, and you knew you were free again. At least for now.
That small glimmer of hope you had quickly diminished when you saw a familiar dark bay horse trot out from the treeline followed by a black horse and a palomino. So he had brought Kirishima and Kaminari with him.
He was planning on taking you down to Keigo. Of course he was. You knew that, Bakugou was a criminal that was all. He took what he wanted and gave only if there was an advantage. “Asshole,” you grumbled as you looked towards another large river that cut through the land. This one was wide, but it looked shallow enough to cross, and since your horse had no saddle you could easily swim across.
By the time you changed directions heading towards the river, Izuku had managed to meet up with Bakugou and the others, obviously telling them what had happened. Now all four of them were chasing you.
Izuku and Kaminari were slow riders. You knew Bakugou was fast, but you never expected a man as big as Kirishima to be riding fast. It didn’t matter though, you were going to outrun them before either one caught up to you.
However, a pop from a pistol had you almost freeze. Someone had shot at you and you quickly turned your head to see that Kaminari had his pistol out. Bakugou shouted something at him and Kaminari pulled back on his horse's reins, falling away from the group.
Tears pricked your eyes as you looked away from them once more. So that’s how it was gonna be then? You really were just an investment after all. Another step in Bakugou’s ladder that he used to get to the top, to get to Keigo. You slowed your horse down as he loped into the water. Just when you were about to step off the drop-off, Bakugou and the others had skidded to a halt at the bank, mud and pebbles sprayed the surface of the river.
“What the hell are you doing?” Bakugou shouted, kicking his horse's sides to get him into the water.
“Fuck off!” you shouted back, hating that your emotions were raging inside your head, making tears roll down your cheeks. “I’m not stupid! You think you can yank me around, play with my head?”
“The fuck are you talkin’ about!” Bakugou shouted again as his horse took a few timid steps into the water.
Kirishima’s horse reared, not wanting to get in the mud which made Izuku’s horse start to buck again. It was chaos to say the least. You watched as both men were thrown from their saddles, landing harshly on the river bank as their horses took off back towards Izuku’s stables.
You looked back at Bakugou, watching his horse paw at the water, “don’t act dumb, you’re gonna bring me to Keigo to get your damn money.” The shock that crossed Bakugou’s face was all you needed to see. You scoffed, “yeah, thought so.”
Bakugou looked back at Izuku who was starting to stand up, holding his lower back as his green eyes cut between the two of you. “Deku, you showed her the post?” Bakugou said, there was an edge to his voice.
“She would have found out anyway,” Izuku admitted.
You wiped your cheeks roughly, wincing when the fresh scar from the bullet that grazed your cheek split open due to your rough movements. There was no reason to wait for Bakugou to respond, not anymore. You weren’t going to wait for him.
“Wait,” Bakugou’s voice carried over the water. He was closer now, but it was clear he couldn’t get his horse to go any deeper. “Just hear me out.”
“Hear you out?” you spat, turning your horse around so you could look at him. His face was passive, so passive for someone who was supposed to be on your side. That was naive to even think he was on your side in the first place. “You must be joking?”
“‘M not, just hold on,” Bakugou sighed heavily as he ran his good hand through his hair. He must have lost his hat a while back.
“No, I’m not gonna sit here and listen to you,” you snapped, and turned your horse back around and urged him into the deeper part of the river. Once he stepped off the bank you dropped off his back, holding onto his red mane while he swam to the other side.
“Y/n!” Bakugou shouted, his voice was starting to grow hoarse from yelling so much.
You grit your teeth and ignored him. There was a new type of heaviness that weighed down on your chest the further you traveled from him, and before you knew it you were about to reach the other end of the river.
However, a golden horse was waiting for you on the other side. How you didn’t see him come out of the woods was beyond you, but the moment you saw Kaminari smirking down at you, everything fell apart.
“That was pretty smart, riding across the river bareback, but no one outsmarts Bakugou,” Kaminari said as he tossed a rope around your horse's head after yanking the bridle around his neck off. “Get back on, you’re not goin’ anywhere.”
You hesitated thinking of any way you could escape, but once again you had your freedom stripped away. Your shoulders slumped as you got back on your horse. Your clothes clung to your body as you let Kaminari lead you down the river and towards a bridge that you didn’t notice before.
It made you think that the universe must want to clip your wings. Every time you tried to fly away you were promptly brought back to the earth.
When you meet back up with Bakugou and the others you stayed silent. You refused to look at him, at any of them. All you could do was watch the muscles of your horse ripple as he walked behind Kaminari.
Bakugou rode next to you. He opened his mouth a few times to speak, but he was unable to find his voice. He hasn’t known you for long, but he now knows you well. Well enough to see that whatever flame of spirit you had inside of you was doused.
“Stop starin’ at me,” you said quietly, not evening sparing him a glance.
“Just let me explain,” Bakugou almost pleaded.
The three men in front of you two all turned their heads, eyes wide at the way Bakugou was speaking to you.
“No,” you answered as a shiver wracked over your form.
“Y/n, I’m bein’ serious,” he said, hoping you’d just listen.
“I’m being serious,” you snapped back and then turned your head to look at him. He looked tired like he hadn’t slept well the past couple of days. “I’m being serious,” you repeated, swallowing thickly as you looked him straight in the eyes, “when I’m saying to stop, I don’t want to listen to you. In fact, Bakugou, if there was the option to never see you again I would take it in a heartbeat.”
Bakugou’s eyebrows rose at your venomous words.
Before he got the chance to respond you were already ready to spit more venom at him, “I can’t believe that you are going to turn me in to Keigo. Especially after everything you’ve told me about yourself, what I’ve told you? You know what they're gonna do with me? Surely you do, how else would you know about the reward money, huh?
How can you live with yourself? Putting money over someone's life? Go ahead and shoot me now, I’d rather be dead than be stuck in some asylum,” you hissed, tears pricking your eyes again. You huffed, wiping the blood away from your cheek.
Bakugou was silent, and turned his gaze away from you and set his jaw. He remained quiet.
“Pathetic,” you said, your voice heavy with sorrow.
Kirishima cleared his throat, “Izuku, Denki, why don’t you two walk up ahead?”
Izuku nodded and helped lead Kaminari back towards his house.
You looked behind you briefly to see that Kirishima was talking with Bakugou, looking a little frustrated. It didn’t matter though, it wasn’t like you even cared anymore.
It took a while to get back to Izuku’s house but once you did you found yourself shut back in the bedroom. At least you were dry, and as much as you hated to admit it, the shirt Izuku had picked out was nice.
You could hear them talking through the door. Kirishima sounded angry, his deep voice carried through the log walls. You heard Kaminari laugh a few times. They were obviously planning on what to do with you.
It did hurt, more than you’d admit, having Bakugou stab you in the back like that. You were so loyal to him, and for no reason at all. All it granted you were a few moments of gilded freedom. You shook your head, you were such an idiot for even letting him in.
And you did let him in, you had thick walls and it took no time at all for you to knock them down for him. For a caustic man who only thought of himself.
A soft knock on your door had you turning your head and you were mildly surprised to see Kirishima poke his head in.
“Do you mind if I come in?” he asked.
You shook your head, “I don’t mind.”
Kirishima nodded and slipped into your room and softly shut the door behind him before making his way to the chair by the bed. He sat down, letting out a groan when he tweaked his sore muscles wrong.
“If you’re in here to talk for Bakugou, I don’t want to hear it,” you said quickly as you folded your arms over your chest.
Kirishima shook his head, “nah, I’m not in here to be Katsuki’s voice. I just wanted to check in on you?”
You rolled your eyes, “look, you don’t have to play the nice guy, Kirishima.”
“‘M not,” he said honestly. “It’s been a tough few weeks for you, anyone would know that.”
“Right,” you said bitterly. “Just get on with what you want to say, I’m not really in the mood for a heart-to-heart.”
Kirishima stretched his legs out, crossing them at his ankles. “Well if you insist. I’m here to tell you the plan. If you’re interested, that is, which I’m sure you would be.”
You glanced at him through narrowed eyes, “I don’t care.”
Kirishima shrugged, brushing off your sour mood. He was used to being around someone prickly. “We’re leavin’ in about a week or so, just so Katsuki’s shoulder can heal some more. But we’ll be headin’ back to your town to drop you off with Keigo, and then get our money.”
That knife in your back seemed to dig a little bit deeper now that Kirishima had voiced just what you were worried about.
“But,” Kirishima added, “there's a lot more to it, and I get your reaction, I do. Katsuki is probably the most apathetic man I know, and he’s absolutely terrible when it comes to explaining anything without making someone upset. Also, Izuku should have never shown you the post, that made everything much more complicated than it ever should have been.
You're obviously gonna come back with us. I don’t know why you thought we’d leave ya behind. You’re only gonna be with Keigo for a few moments before Izuku takes you off to your next destination, which will be back here.
That three grand is what we need to buy Keigo’s past estate and finally get proof for all the crimes he committed.” Kirishima explained.
Your eyes widened, “what? Are you kidding?”
“See? Not so bad-”
“Yes, that's bad!” you interrupted, “why didn’t anyone tell me that first! You made me think my life as I knew it was over!”
Kirishima’s cheeks flushed, “I suppose it could have been handled better.”
“You suppose? Get the hell out,” you snapped and promptly stood up and opened the door.
Kirishima held his hands up as he quickly rose from his chair and slipped back out of your room. You heard Kaminari laugh at him before you shut the door.
Your head was starting to pound from the sheer range of emotions you had gone through all in one day. With an exasperated sigh you laid down on the feather bed and pressed your cheek against the pillow Izuku had given you. Before you knew it you had fallen asleep. You were quickly pulled into such a deep dreamless sleep that you didn’t even wake up when your door opened.
Bakugou had been knocking for a while, growing frustrated that you weren’t answering, but after what you had told him today, he wasn’t surprised. “I’m comin’ in,” he announced and slowly opened the door only to find you fast asleep. He frowned, keeping his gaze locked in on your form. He could see that your cheeks were wet again.
You were crying in your sleep.
And it made him feel like shit, which he knew he deserved.
You were up early the next day before the sun had slipped over the horizon, the sky was a pale pink and that meant that it was going to storm later. Which was fine with you, it would match your current mood.
You were still mad, of course, you were. Who wouldn’t be pissed that they had kept you in the dark?
How on earth he thought it would be okay to leave you at Izuku’s, run off for almost a week, and come back presenting his plan to you and expect you to immediately agree. If Izuku had not shown you the paper, you weren’t sure how you would have reacted to having all that info dumped on you at once.
You frowned as you gripped the stall fork tighter in your hands as you thought about your bounty. Not to mention, the fact that your bounty was set at three grand meant one thing, your father was planning on taking you back, getting the money, and paying off Bakugou. It wasn’t a coincidence.
A bitter taste filled your mouth just thinking back on the bald bastard. He had the audacity to say those vile things about you in the post? Ridiculous.
You were brought out of your thoughts by the sound of heavy boots thumping against the ground and the last person you wanted to see walked through the barn doors.
He looked even more tired today, his red eyes were dull as he took a hearty sip from what you could assume was a cup of coffee. He was also dressed down, wearing a red shirt that was tucked into his jeans. His hair was wet too, just starting to dry as the morning began to warm.
You huffed and turned your back to him and continued to muck your horse’s stall, considering throwing a rake full of stall shavings and piss at him. As much as it would be funny, it was childish and so far, it seems Bakugou has only seen you act in such a manner when you were mad. Even if it was warranted.
You didn’t like being so emotional around him, but he brought out a side of you that you’ve never seen before. You didn’t know how to deal with it, and it was annoying. It made you feel out of control.
His footsteps came to a stop outside of your stall and you waited a moment before glancing at him over your shoulder through narrowed eyes.
He kept his face passive when he met your heated glare, but after a brief moment, he sighed. “Can we talk?” he asked, setting his mug down on a large barrel of grain by the stall door.
You turned around fully, leaning a bit on the rake as you pondered his question. Did he come here to apologize? Surely not, he’s never once said sorry for anything. “Depends,” you began, hating the way that the morning light was starting to cast him in a soft glow, “what are you wantin’ to talk about?”
Bakugou shifted his weight, clearly uncomfortable. “About the plan-”
“Not interested,” you interrupted and turned back around, gritting your teeth. You knew he was gonna bring that up. All that mattered was his plan and his way.
“Can you just listen?” Bakugou asked, irritation heavy in his voice.
“No,” you replied smoothly, “I don’t think I will.”
“Damn you,” Bakugou hissed, “you’re such fuckin’ trouble.”
So he was mad now. Fine. He can be mad, get all huffy and run off like he does. You noticed that about him, every time he got frustrated he’d leave. Lord knows why, but it was annoying as hell. A dry laugh bubbled past your lips as you tossed some more dirty shavings into the wheelbarrow next to you, “glad to finally know what you think of me.”
“No, that’s not-” Bakugou sighed heavily, “-just fuckin’ listen to me, please.”
That piqued your interest a little bit. He must really want to tell you something if he’s using basic manners. You turned, holding his gaze as you moved towards the grain bucket and picked up his mug. You held it out waiting for him to take it, and when he did you opened the lid and took the bucket by the door. Then you filled it about halfway before setting it on the ground.
Your horse lifted his head, nostrils flared at the scent of food and he immediately rushed to your side snorting as he dunked his face into the feed bucket.
“You have until he finishes eating to talk, you better hurry, you and I both know this horse eats fast,” you said leaning against the edge of the stall as you waited for him to start.
Bakugou’s eyes slightly widened as he glanced down at the bucket, seeing that it was already a fourth empty. “I was never gonna drop you off to Keigo, that was never an option. Never even crossed my mind, but once that wanted poster came out, it became the best option to use you as bait again.”
He glanced down at the bucket again, it was halfway gone now, “I know that sounds fucked, and I didn’t just ignore what you told me. I need to do this, it’s my only chance.”
“Only chance for what?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“If I get that three grand, Kirishima and I will finally have proof to put Keigo in jail. That day I was tellin’ you about my family and couldn’t finish the story,” Bakugou began, swallowing harshly, “they didn’t die from a fever. Keigo killed them all. Played it off as illness.
I believed him all the way up till we were in the military together. Kirishima, Keigo, Deku, and I bunked together. Found his little journal with a fuckin’ box full of teeth. The fucker labeled them. I understood then that he killed our families and that he was sick in the head.
Kirishima and I left, obviously, we couldn't stand to be in the same place as him, talk with him, fuckin’ look at him. The only person who knew we were leavin’ was Deku. He promised to keep our secret and he has ever since. So that’s why I need the money, Kirishima and I figured he’s got some damning evidence in that house buried somewhere. Probably put it up for sale for the thrill of it. Fuckin bastard.”
The grain in the bucket was long gone and your horse had moved back to the haynet hanging from the wall. You stood there, stunned. So that’s why he turned to crime and became an outlaw. He was trying to save up enough money, and it’s taken him years to even get this close. You figured he was close once, when your father offered them the cash he needed, only to have it swiped out from underneath his nose. That must have been devastating.
And you knew that Keigo had done something horrible to Bakugou and Kirishima, but not something so terrible, so sinister. It horrified you to learn that he had kept souvenirs. “Bakugou, I’m so sorry.”
“I don’t want any fuckin’ pity,” he snapped, red eyes ablaze with fierce anger, but his expression softened when he saw you frown.
“I wish you would have told me that sooner,” you said, ignoring his harsh words. “I mean, I would never push you, but I would have had a better understanding on why you wanted to use me as bait.”
Bakugou sighed, nodding in agreement. He’s never been good with words or opening up. “I know, and I’m sorry.”
He’s sorry? You furrowed your brows, he apologized. “I’m still upset,” you told him truthfully, “and a little scared,” you added, not liking the idea that you’ll be with Keigo even if it was for a moment.
“I know,” Bakugou replied, rubbing his eyes. He was so fucking tired, its been days since he had a good night's sleep. He brought his hands down from his face and pushed them into his front pockets, “you’ll be fine though, Deku will be there the whole time.”
“And what about you? Where will you be?” you asked, curious. Now that you sort of made up with him, you weren’t so sour to admit that you wanted him close. It was comfortable being by him now.
“Close by,” Bakugou answered quickly, “we all will be.”
“And what if it goes wrong? What if Keigo knows that you’ll be the one dropping me off? How do you know he’s not just baiting you, getting you close to your goal before yanking the prize away?” you said. It was a valid question. Bakugou’s plan seemed impromptu, rushed, and definitely emotionally motivated which meant that something could go wrong.
And that meant you could be left behind. A part of you still didn’t trust that Bakugou had let you into his little tight-knit circle. You still felt like you were just an investment being pushed around and used whenever necessary. Which you hated.
“That won’t happen,” Bakugou said seriously.
“You don’t know that,” you replied, folding your arms over your chest as unease settled heavy in your gut.
“I do, quit arguing,” he said, his voice strained. To be honest, he didn’t know. He was scared too. He’s been careful over the years not to get caught, but he’d be heading right into the belly of the beast with this plan. But it was his only shot.
You huffed, irritated at him. “I’m not doin’ it,” you announced before turning back around. Sure you felt for him immensely, but there was no way you were going along with some dumbass poorly put-together plan that puts everyone in danger.
“Huh?” Bakugou hissed, immediately surging forward to grip the stall door, he looked pissed to hell, “the fuck do you mean you’re not doin’ it? After everything, I just told you?”
You shrugged, “hurts doesn’t it? Feeling like someone betrayed you.”
“I already apologized-”
“I’m allowed to still be upset,” you responded coolly, trying to rein in your temper, “and I don’t wanna be a part of your plan because it’s bad. There are too many loose ends that need to be tied up.” You turned around again as you went to grab the wheelbarrow, “I do want to help you, but not like this.”
“You gotta be fuckin’ kidding me?” Bakugou growled, his voice almost rising to a shout. He watched you move past him heading out of the barn to dump your dirty shavings in the grass. He was hot on your heels though, practically breathing down your neck.
You tipped over the wheelbarrow rolling your eyes as you set it against the barn wall. “I’m not, honest,” you said as you moved to get a water bucket and head to the small pond near Izuku’s house.
You glanced behind you to see that Bakugou was still stomping after you, cursing you out rather loudly as he followed you to the pond. The sky was quickly turning to a dark grey and a cold gust of wind swept through the grasses around you.
“Well if you’re so smart, then why don’t you come up with a plan then?” Bakugou said harshly, his gaze burning holes in the back of your head.
You stopped in front of the pond, bending down to fill the bucket, “maybe I will.”
“Well then fuckin’ tell me what you’re thinkin’? I never have any idea what’s brewing in that head of yours, god you’re so annoying,” he snapped, letting his anger start to taint his words.
Your frowned, standing back up to your full height, “it’s been less than ten minutes since I found all of this out, can’t pull a new plan right out of my ass. And honestly, you’re annoying, Bakugou,” you started, pushing a finger harshly into his chest, “I have no idea what’s going on in your head either, maybe if you would actually try to communicate some more, this would have been a lot easier.”
Bakugou bared his teeth at you, engulfing your hand in his large one as he yanked your hand away from his chest. The wind was starting to pick up to a soft howl and some cold droplets of rain began to fall, wetting the dry earth at his boots. “You never leave me alone,” he hissed, not even sure what he meant by that.
“Pretty sure I’ve left you alone for the past five days,” you shot back, glancing up to his hand over yours. He was so tall that he was practically holding your arm up.
“Such a smart ass,” he said, narrowing his eyes as it started to rain. “No one besides you ever talks back to me, you know that?”
“Oh please,” you snorted, wiping your eyes as the rain began to fall harder, “don’t tell me that hurt your feelings?”
“Shut your mouth,” he sneered, his upper lip twitching at the satisfied grin that was growing across your face. He took an involuntary step towards you, invading your space as he bent down a little, his red eyes never leaving yours. “I’m so fuckin’ sick of your attitude, your face, your voice always in my fuckin’ head, makin’ me mess up.”
Your eyebrows rose as you blinked up at him. He was so close, closer than he’s ever been. You blinked some more water out of your eyes as you watched him drop his arm down, still keeping your hand tight in his. “Mess up?” you questioned, your voice had died down, but he was close enough to hear you above the wind and the rain.
“I don’t know,” he grumbled, clearly frustrated, “can’t think when I’m by you. I’m always messin’ up.”
Your heart skipped a beat and it seemed that the rain had put out your fiery attitude as he bent his head down more, making your foreheads touch. He was warm and even though it was raining you could smell the aftershave on his skin, it reminded you of the evergreen forest up in the mountains. “I don’t know what to say,” you admitted, completely unsure of what was about to happen.
Bakugou let out a breath, gaze sliding down from your eyes and to your lips that were slightly parted. He unfurled his hand from yours, and his gaze cut over to see that you had intertwined your fingers with his. It made his head feel like it was full of fluff, and he couldn’t gather any of his thoughts. “Then don't say anything,” he said softly.
Your eyes widened when he leaned in and to your utter shock, he pressed his lips against yours. It was strange, the emotion that filled your chest so quickly when you allowed yourself to shut your eyes and lean into the kiss. It felt like you had a little flame in your chest that was growing larger and larger, it never burned you, it just remained warm and steady.
Bakugou brought up his free hand cupping the side of your face as he ran his thumb across your cheek, a little upset to feel that your wound hasn't healed yet. But a soft whimper from you had him completely forget about your cut and turn his attention back to you.
He was so soft, so gentle for someone so aggressive and wiry. But as he continued to kiss you in the rain you were reminded of all the times he has been gentle with you, and at that moment you realized he’s always been gentle with you in his own way.
Your eyelids fluttered open when he pulled away from you, his lips were slightly swollen and his cheeks were tinged pink. You were awestruck and absolutely speechless and what had just happened, and so was he.
For a beat, you both stood there in the cool rain watching each other before he dropped his hand from your face.
You missed the warmth of his hand almost immediately. Wishing he could just hold your face forever. It was then you also realized you liked him, a lot. In your time spent together, he had become someone special to you. He occupied a place in your heart that no one has ever owned, and Bakugou wormed his way in without you noticing.
“Bakugou,” you began, breaking the silence between you both, “I-”
“I gotta go,” Bakugou quickly interrupted, clearing his throat. His hand dropped from yours and he shoved it deep into his pocket like you had burned him.
“Wait,” you sputtered, your heart racing in your chest as you grabbed his forearm, “don’t leave like this again. I don’t know much, but you can’t keep running,” you told him, your eyes frantically searching his.
“These things don’t work for me,” Bakugou told you, his shoulders were up by his ears again, “I’m sorry.”
You dropped your hand from his arm as you watched him walk away from you with heavy steps. The rain was falling harder, making your vision blur as he continued to walk away from you. Again. Why was he always leaving?
You shakily inhaled feeling another surge of emotions wash over you. It stung to have him reject you. If that was even what rejection was? You had no idea, but whatever you were feeling it hurt.
After standing in the rain for a couple of minutes, trying to process what had just happened, you picked up the bucket, water sloshing from the top as you made your way back to the barn. The world was cruel, you thought bitterly as you placed the bucket in your horse’s stall.
All your life you’ve longed to be independent and never have to rely on a man for anything. Over the years you had plenty of suitors, some of them were great, most of them weren’t, but you always shut them out no matter what. And now…now when you found yourself wanting to be with someone, with him.
He was the one who shut you out. Tore down all your walls only to keep his strong and unbreakable.
You wiped your eyes, disappointed that you even tried. “Is there something wrong with me?” you asked your horse, whose ears swiveled towards you. “I guess, there must be,” you muttered.
Bakugou avoided you like the plague after the moment you both shared in the rain. At first, you tried to get his attention, offer him a weak smile, but he would turn and leave. It was terrible.
Especially because you still liked him. Your feelings weren’t going away no matter how hard you tried to repress them.
As the days passed, you soon began to understand that Bakugou didn’t want you, and he probably never did. It still stung, but you were able to withdraw more into yourself instead of looking to him for anything anymore.
Eventually, Mina and Sero showed up, which was good. You liked Mina, she was nice, a little blunt, but overall nice. She immediately picked up on what had happened between Bakugou and you, but never pushed you to say anything.
You still spent most of your time alone, feeling like an outsider however hard you tried to fit in. Kirishima assured you again that you ran with them, but how could you feel like you did when their leader didn’t like you?
Maybe you didn’t belong anywhere.
You didn't fit in at home and you didn’t fit in with the outlaws. So where did you fit in? You didn’t know, but every night you would stare at the ceiling of Izuku’s house, listening to the others outside, talking around the fire, and wishing things were normal. Like they were in the mountains.
“You seem sad,” Izuku’s voice cut into your thoughts.
You turned your head, looking away from the window where you could see Sero and Bakugou shooting at glass bottles. “Why do you say that?”
Izuku shrugged as he sat on the arm of the chair you were in, “dunno, you just seem different. Distant.”
You huffed, glancing back at the window, “do you sometimes feel like you don’t belong with them? Because you're a sheriff?”
Izuku tracked your gaze as his landed on Bakugou. He sighed, “yeah, I do. I’ve never fit in with them,” he admitted.
“Really?” you said, raising a brow as you rested your cheek against your forearm, “I couldn’t tell, honestly.”
Deku nodded, “yeah, I suppose it’s better now, but when we were back in the military things were different. I tried to be friends with him so badly, but he always pushed me away. He’s a hard person to get close to.”
“How did you get close to him?” you asked, feeling a little hope flutter in your chest.
“I still haven’t really,” Izuku admitted, a muscle twitching in his jaw as his gaze slid over to Kirishima.
“Oh,” you replied, feeling the weight on your shoulders return.
“I know you like him,” Izuku said rather bluntly, “but if I’m bein’ honest, Y/n, you deserve a better man than Bakugou.”
You cleared your throat, scrambling to come up with a lie to hide your feelings, “What makes you say that? I don’t even like him.”
Izuku snorted, “everyone knows you like him, you watch him like a hawk and get all flustered when he’s around,” he paused, smiling to himself a little before looking down at you, “just do yourself a favor and try to move on.” He stood up and gave your shoulder a squeeze before walking outside and leaving you alone.
You furrowed your brows, wondering why Izuku was telling you something so personal? Not to mention, he didn’t use Bakugou’s nickname while he was talking to you. He must have been mad then, was he mad at Bakugou?
You sighed, as you looked back out the window again. Maybe Izuku was right, maybe you did deserve better, but you didn’t know what was better. You did know that Bakugou has treated your heart rather poorly, he practically stomped on it. But that didn’t even seem to matter to you.
What a cruel joke.
With a sigh you stood up and walked outside, hoping to distract yourself by coming up with a new plan that didn’t involve you getting dropped right into Kiego’s lap. That was another problem, you couldn’t seem to come up with anything better than having you as bait. It really was the best option and it scared you shitless.
“Y/n,” Mina’s chirpy voice carried on the wind as she waved at you from where she was standing by Bakugou and Sero.
Your heart flopped in your chest as you stiffly made your way over to them. Hating that Bakugou was already pocketing his pistol, ready to leave. You felt gross in your own skin seeing his lips turn down into a frown at the sight of you.
“Hold your horses,” Mina said with a goofy grin as she grabbed Bakugou’s arm, holding him still by her, “I wanna see how good of a teacher you are.”
“Let go of me,” Bakugou hissed, his eyes frantically cutting between you and Mina.
You stopped, feeling a lump form in your throat but you quickly swallowed it and plastered on a smile, “pretty shitty teacher, if you ask me. I’m a terrible shot. Never been able to hit anything.” Your words as much as you tried to make them sound normal, were obviously fake.
Sero rolled his eyes and handed you the pistol he was using, “go ahead.”
You took the pistol, blinking away the image of Tokoyami's face that flashed in your mind. You took a breath before pointing the pistol, holding it like you were taught and keeping both eyes on the brown glass bottle sitting on the fence post. Your pointer finger pressed on the trigger and you flinched when the gun went off.
However, to your surprise you hit the bottle, making it shatter in thousands of pieces. They flew through the air glittering as sunlight danced on their sharp edges. You smiled, your first smile since that day.
Mina laughed, grabbing you roughly by the neck as she punched Sero roughly in the chest, “pay up! I told ya!”
Sero grumbled, yanking out a few dollars from his pocket, and begrudgingly handed them over to Mina who hooted loudly.
“Gonna buy us somethin’ nice, hear that Y/n!” Mina shouted waving the money up in the air, “maybe some candy? I sure do love those peppermints that old hag sells downtown. Wadda think?” she asked, looking at you with sparkling eyes.
You laughed, it felt good to laugh, “that would be nice, thanks, Mina.”
“Of course!” she bellowed, “gotta stay close, you and I do, these boys are more trouble than they’re worth,” she added, her gaze cutting to Bakugou who was smiling a little.
You snorted, squirming in her tight embrace and you involuntarily looked towards Bakugou, looking for his approval. When you saw he was smiling, even a small one, it made your heart soar and the little flicker of hope you had been kindling seemed to grow a little.
But, the smile slipped off his face and he pulled his arm out of Mina’s grasp and headed back to the house.
Sero clicked his tongue, clearly irritated as he placed his pistol back in the holster attached to his belt.
Later that night after dinner everyone was seated around Izuku’s kitchen table. Tomorrow marked the day you were going to be turned in to Keigo. You had a loose plan, that you knew wouldn’t fly once you presented it, but you could try.
Izuku told you before dinner to tell your idea anyway, even though Bakugou would gripe about it. You had a right to an idea after since you were the one being used as bait.
“Um,” you began, your voice catching as you spoke up, trying to remain confident as six pairs of eyes turned to you. “I know tomorrow is the big day,” you chuckled, no one laughed, “but I still don’t like the plan, so I came up with an alternative.”
It was silent still, so you continued, “my father presumably set my bounty to three grand so he could pay you all of, and get rid of me. Kill two birds with one stone. So instead of you all traveling down to my town and putting yourself in danger being there, I’ll go back home alone. Where my father will no doubt turn me in, get the money and you can take it from him then. Izuku can still come so I don’t get taken anywhere.”
You looked to Izuku who was nodding his head from next to you.
“It’s a good idea, I’ll be there so nothing goes wrong, and you guys won’t have to deal with the military if they’re there.”
Bakugou frowned, his vermillion gaze cutting between you and Izuku. “I don’t like it.”
“Why not?” you asked “You still get your money, and you all stay safe.”
“How do I know your father’s not gonna take the money all for himself,” Bakugou asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Well, that’s where I come in,” Izuku said. “Everyone knows Y/n’s father rigged his polls, which is illegal. I can’t even believe he’s still a free man, honestly, so I’ll arrest him. No big deal.”
“I like it,” Mina said with a smile, “it’s less work and we don’t have to put ourselves at risk.”
“Too fuckin’ bad,” Bakugou hissed, his eyes narrowing at Izuku, “I’m not gonna do it, too much risk.”
“There’s no risk,” you shot back, growing frustrated. “There is literally no risk to you at all, the person who is risking the most is me. You can sit back and I’ll get you the money, and,” you mouth dried as you thought back on Izuku’s words, you deserved better, “and then I’m goin’.”
Bakugou blinked, unsure if he heard you right, “you’re goin? The hell do you mean by that?”
“Once you get your money, I’m goin’ because I’m not needed anymore. I really appreciate you taking me in, but I don’t think this is right for me. It isn’t working out for me,” you said, throwing the words he told you days ago right back in his face.
“I think that’s fine,” Kirishima said, folding his arms over his chest, “you’ll be free from your father's place and we’ll have our money. Seems like a fair trade.”
You gave Kirishima a thankful smile. “Thanks, Kirishima.”
“Looks like you’re outvoted, Kacchan,” Izuku said with a satisfied smile.
Bakugou’s eyes narrowed to slits and he abruptly stood from his chair and stormed out of Izuku's house, slamming the log door behind him.
“Phew!” Kaminari said with a laugh, “don’t know why he’s so upset when you two are doin’ all the work for us. I’d be thankin’ y’all if I was him.”
You gave Kaminari a forced smile, but your gaze slid back to the door. There he goes again, running away. Just like he always does. It was good for you to leave because you couldn’t stay with someone who was never for you in the first place.
“Then it’s settled,” Izuku said as he stood up, “Y/n and I will be leaving right away.”
“Good luck,” Sero said truthfully as you passed by him. “I guess if this is the last time I’ll be seein’ you, I have to admit you are not as prissy as I thought you were.”
You grinned, “thanks, Sero. I think.”
He snorted and you followed Izuku out of his house and towards the stables. Your heart was heavy in your chest to say goodbye to the horse you’ve grown so close to, but at the end of the day, he wasn’t yours. He belonged to Bakugou.
While Izuku tacked up his horse you silently opened the stall next to his, approaching the large red gelding. He knickered and walked over to you, nudging your hands with his pink nose, looking for treats.
“‘M sorry, I don’t have anything for you,” you muttered, bringing a hand up to his face to pet his forelock.
He huffed, still looking for treats as you held back some tears for an animal that was never yours. You should have tried to not get attached, but you two have been through a lot, and it was hard to say goodbye.
“Hey, I’m ready to go,” Izuku said as he led his horse out of her stall.
“Okay,” you replied, looking back at the red gelding, “bye, I’ll miss you,” you said softly, giving him one last pet before leaving his stall and heading over to Izuku.
Izuku held out his hand as you took it, standing on his boot in the stirrup as you got on behind him. You wrapped your arms around Izuku’s torso as he spurred his horse on.
Your chest felt tight as you passed the house and neared the pond. You could see him standing by the water with his hands in his pockets. He was looking out into the distance and turned his head upon seeing you and Izuku pass by him.
You let out a breath, squeezing Izuku more tightly as Bakugou turned away from you and began walking back to the house
You’d miss him the most.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Yeah But Are You SURE IT'S A HICKEY (Part 2)
And the answer is still.... YOU TELL ME. Your brains and eyeballs work as well or better than mine.
This one, like my last post, is courtesy @ffjj5 and @westcoastgal1 because of their discussion about hickeys from yesterday. And all this is because I AM A DUMBASS and my cute merrily skipping anon had to POINT OUT that Jungkook did, in fact, have his handle hair on the day he showed off his hickey in the MOTS ON:E DVD. It's an entire conversation, really, I suggest doing a scroll and read if you are at all confused. ANYWAY.
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The WIRED Auto-Complete Interview, or "BTS Answer the Web's Most-Searched Questions" video was released on August 4, 2021. The BBC Live performances were released six days earlier AND IT IS VERY POSSIBLE, even likely, that all those interviews were done on the same day. So I'm just gonna go on and say it. I think it's a hickey AND I THINK IT'S THE SAME HICKEY. But we do what in this household? We watch original content. And why do we watch original content? For truth and context. People who watch edits and analysis vids for reasons other than amusement have what? Doorknobs where their cerebrums should be. Keeping that caveat in mind, please do watch the above video in its entirety when you get a chance. In the meantime, LET'S GET THIS BREAD:
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Nothin', right? Oh sure it looks like nothing if you DON'T WATCH THE WHOLE INTERVIEW and only show up for the quotes. And this interview is kinda famous for "socially distanced" and "sooo busy" and "Netflix". And possibly because Cameron Philip dubbed it on youtube and I died of the snortgiggles. BUT. Rewind. Start over. This collarbone thing is visible from minute ONE.
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What the hell is that? I can't get it in HD close enough to be sure. Could be a shadow but from WHAT? Did a makeup person just throw up their hands and yell "I need more contour, GODDAMMIT JUNGKOOK"? What happened?
Oh. Will you look at THAT.
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Okay then. I mean
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From a distance it doesn't look like much and Jungkook is prone to heart-eyeing his entire man over there so it really does require a bit of enlargement. I feel like discussion may have taken place re: maybe let's NOT SHOW THE WHOLE DAMN AREA JIMIN.
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So he doesn't. He pulls out the camo moves.
But things roll on and our Jiminie gets silly with everyone else, and they're all tired, and Koo is being TOO adorable and everyone is funny and charming, not least Jimin himself, and
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It is, as I said NOT EVEN AN HOUR AGO, what it is.
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And it is dark. The failed camouflage and the lighting right here makes it look even darker. I did not do anything to this photo except embiggen it, that is ONE HELL OF A HICKEY above that mole. The point of impact is... extreme. I really don't even want to think about what would cause that kind of suction but I think I can make a fair guess about who:
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As I suspected. No need to grin.
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