Ppl will complain about Pressure updates and devs while forgetting Pressure is NEW.
Ik tumblr has more users with common sense but the amount of tiktoks and tt users say that the game was at its PEAK two weeks after the game's release just bc you could climb Sebastian, he wasn't (visibly) married (it was always written into his character), and tolerated the players slightly more is INSANE.
Most games, at that, aren't at its peak gameplay and story a month after release!!
"The anti-climbing mechanic doesn't even fix anything!" Yeah because you climbed Sebastian several times over ofc at SOME point you're gonna get softlocked bro. Maybe try playing pressure for a reason aside from harassing seb.
I genuinely feel like the pressure fanbase tend to forget that Pressure is from roblox programmers in a small developing group. This isn't Hoyoverse or DevSisters where the game is fully polished with information on all characters and a finalized world building upon release because the company has more time, money, and skilled labor to develop that. It was made in ~1 year and a rushed release.
Not only that, but Pressure is a passion-project. It isn't driven by money, which means there's not much of an incentive to please the playerbase with fan service content that changes lore/characters so people can buy it. (Fan service as in any content made to make ppl happy) So, developers are going to choose what they want to do with the game bc they don't care whether or not you play. Zeal said so first thing in his interview with Breadian.
Amazing features that enrich gameplay and world building such as Sebastian killing walldwellers and the DiVine being able to kill you, Navi-AI turning into a new character, and several new room types are hinted to come to Pressure but nooo!!! Its somehow cooked and unsavable because of ONE form of characterization YOU deem incorrect not even knowing the character's lore. Right.
Edit: Pressure has a future as a roblox game that values storytelling and immersing the user in it's world. We need rblx games like it that put work over profit so people stay on the platform. Especially when older and new games have become money hungry over time.
Its really crazy how people be biting the hand that feeds them. Seb could easily be replaced with an expendable or unknown void like jeffery as a merchant npc if this continues. Online users will really be out her acting like the person who wrote and designed their favorite character is all of a sudden BAD!! And their favorite character is RUINED!!! And TAKEN AWAY FROM THEM!! Because their personality wasn't made to please the fanbase.
Yes, Sebastian hates you. Not pouty tsundere hates you, he is literally keeping you alive against his own will by mr. Lopee. He not tryna fuck bro 🔥
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very-straight-blog · 2 days
One of my favorite dynamics in this damn fandom is that a lot of people pretend that only one side (Rhaenyra and TB) is right and only they should be supported, while even in modern politics there are...well...parties? And it's normal when people in society have different views on them. Grow up ffs.
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barbiedreams-posts · 3 days
My thoughts on Khaos Reigns
— I found the story to be a 6/10, but I still think it's better than Aftermath.
— My girl Cyrax getting the redemption arc she deserves! (Bi-Han also deserved it, but hey, we're talking about the Netherealm)
— I loved Sektor and Khameleon's interactions, and I'm going to make several fanfics and one-shots about them!
— Harumi Shirai A.K.A Queen of my heart
— Now I'm seriously imagining Johnny Cage fighting in WWII lol.
— I'm glad Sektor and Bi-Han isn't canon, for real.
— Did you see the face Tomas made when Johnny mentioned that he wanted a sister? He was probably remembering HIS sister 😭
— I love Taleena but Empress Tanya and Emperor Rain is so tragic😭
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Doctor who question here, how do you feel about rose and the metacrisis doctor? What do you think their life would have been like, now that the doctor isn’t “the doctor” anymore?
You know interesting question for an interesting pair of people.
How Do I Feel?
To me, Rose and the Metacrisis Doctor was one of those gut punches of "oh, Doctor, no, you didn't, no".
The whole thing was that Rose's relationship, Rose's life, the person Rose was so desperately trying to reach and had lost so much of herself to save was the Doctor.
Metacrisis not only isn't him, but he's a mixture of the Doctor and a woman she's only met briefly: Donna Noble, who was one of her many replacements.
She's then told "Isn't this great, Rose? Now you can be with your One True Love: guy who looks like me but a little more ginger! It's what you always wanted" and she's expected to have her problems all solved and get to live happily ever after with this stranger who has his own ridiculous amount of baggage of being the Almost-Sort-Of-Doctor-And-Or-Donna-But-No-That's-Not-it-Either.
I love it, because it is so awful and is one of the many steps of awful of the tenth doctor journey (which is one from "I'M SO OPTIMISTIC AGAIN" to "OH GOD, THIS IS HORRIBLE").
What Is Their Life Like
Deeply uncomfortable.
See, both of them know the Doctor isn't the one Rose wants, and that Rose perhaps isn't what this Doctor who isn't the Doctor wants. Of course, Rose has to support him because what the fuck is he supposed to do sans TARDIS/place in the world, but it's like they're playing house together and they both know it.
(And sure, they're growing a new TARDIS, but that's going to take, you know, time, a lot of time and they're not exactly immortal.)
Neither can exactly blame the other, especially when the Doctor is the one who shoulders most of the blame there, but it would be remarkably painful to look at one another and know that things aren't quite right (Rose isn't to the Metacrisis Doctor what she was to the Doctor and similarly Metacrisis Doctor isn't the Doctor and never will be).
Maybe they get over this and they can forge their own new relationship, but it'd be very difficult, especially as the whole premise was supposed to be that Rose gets a Doctor who won't run off on her.
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Possibly a Hot Take, but I'd like to see another Transformers series where Megatron is just a powerhungry fascist with a gun whom started as a soldier or cop and simply became worse.
Instead its Orion Prime whom stands up for the workers against the fascist regime.
The major Decepticon that's depicted with sympathetic qualities would actually be Starscream for once. Like you could focus on the fact that he used to be a scientist and best friends with Jetfire, as well as the sense of betrayal from Jetfire leaving him and that he wants to become leader of the Decepticons to reform the faction from within.
And yes, his former relationship with Jetfire could be romantic with an ex vibe!
Besides I think Starscream could use a happy ending for once given all his terrible fates that happens to him at the end of nearly every series.
And that would be interesting!
I agree that Starscream does deserve better, and I'm still hanging onto the (perhaps illogical but idgaf) hope that the rest of earthspark s2 will be better for Starscream— he's probably not going to be the main/endgame antagonist of s2 that's most definitely going to be the Quintessons I bet.
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darkwing-ramblings · 18 hours
What makes a happy silmaril?
For context we must consider that the silmarils are written as living is not intelligent beings in a way and that they were derived of trees and so are a probable never-before-seen-gem-plant-hybrid-creature-with-opinions-just-no-mobility. Also I am @darkwinganimus by another name, to be clear, and this moves a previous discussion @eri-pl and I were having in the replies of one of their posts over to a format with no restrictively frustrating word limitation.
As @eri-pl puts in their Silmarillion reread part 6: "They loked like diamonds, so canonically white-ish. their fire is made of mixed Treelight, so I would assume warm white is canon.
They shone like stars of Varda but had real life inside — I really need this in English! OK, I googled it.
OH. Something else but: "he pondered how the light of the Trees, the glory of the Blessed Realm, might be preserved imperishable" — It may be me jumping on things + Tolkien's poetical wording, but this seems like a strong suggestion of "Fefe wanted to jump higher than his head" (he was not the first one) and sheds a light (pun intended) on his sttitude towards the Silmarils later.
Anyway back to that part about life: "and yet, as were they indeed living things, they rejoiced in light" So they are living things, not just "like" living things. Silmarills = baby Trees is canon! (OK, somewhat canon? but they *are* alive, and by logic they must be bred not made-in-the-strict-sense by Feanor)
So they glow by themselves with warm white, but also they are iridescent like diamonds. Beautiful indeed."
(Opinions such as disliking Morgoth then Carcaroth enough to burn him when the former wore them in his underground torture fortress Angband and the latter rudely ate them).
Anyway, the discussion points I actually want to raise are below, now that the nature of the silmarils are established as probably-living- beyond the possibility of poetic and figurative language along those veins merely sounding cool- is explained:
@eri-pl Hmm, okay, so per your reply attached to this post "Melkor (to be precise this was his name at that point :D ) wanted to kill Feanor anyway. He thought Feanor would be home too, iirc from the book. And still, Fefe could have worn them to a well-guarded situations, at least. But he was too paranoid." let's imagine Feanor takes the measure of no vault and just wears the silmarils everywhere, because he's pretty sure no one else distrusts Melkor enough to be sufficiently on guard. Melkor now has no reason to attack Formenos during the party so I don't know waits to ambush Feanor travelling on the road back from it, directing Ungoliant at the trees for a distraction etc and stealing the silmarils+killing Feanor as planned. Good for Melkor he achieves all his goals.
I humbly ask how this then might end up in your opinion better for the silmarils in question, aside from more time outside out and about Aman in sun years per your "Feanor wearing them might have ended up better for them anyway. At least he could have worn them to well-defended occasions (like That One Party), but he didn't because he was paranoid about the normal Valar too.". Because without Feanor and with Finwe alive there a question of if the flight of the noldor even happens afterwards- which they were agitating let's assume so and skip the how-that-happens/goes for now- and about the oath.
Now the oath is terrible for most beings involved, yes, but is it terrible for the silmarils themselves? It's a force of dedicated warriors specifically trying to retrieve them from Melkor their evil abductor- a force of dedicated warriors who make their retrieval from Morgoth so fraught a topic Thingol invokes it in an arguably rash and spur of the moment to Beren arguably meaning "I-would-see-you-dead-before-I-give-permission-for-you-to-marry-my-beloved-daughter-go-die-to-Morgoth-and/or-the-feanorians-over-a-silmaril".
It sees one of them get out of Angband in the hands of Beren and Luthien and enjoy free-range-ish years in the open then ultimately make it to Earendil upon Vingilot's prow. Earendil and Elwing's arrival with said stolen silmaril also helps petition aid from the valar in the war of wrath successfully leading to one ending up in the ocean (not terrible for pseudo-plant-gem-creatures as an environment) and a random volcano that maybe also got swallowed by the sea (at least there's no Melkor and it has possible gem-friends in its volcano). If there is no oath all of the latter is in question and whilst things could end better for the silmarils probably (and definitely those who died because of the oath on both sides, but that's not the focus here) they could also end up worse.
Now, Feanor's son's swear the oath of their own initiative when he begins to but on their own with him dead it's not exactly assured say Kanafinwe is going to see to it a very similar one is made.
I understand entirely that it is a lot of words however so won't be offended if you'd rather call it a day/don't actually read this all. Either way putting it together in one place has pleased me greatly whether any response, staggered yay or nay, results.
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A conversation needs to be had regarding the democratic party
I've been particularly harsh when it comes to clout chasers regarding Palestine and the instant gratification the world seems to want without putting in the work.
But I want to talk to the Pro-palestinian supporters as well as the online leftist and liberal groups as a whole.
Now, up until Trump's first strike in july, I always thought they MAGA was deeply unified. It didn't matter how awful their leaders treated them, it didn't matter how much disdain their leaders showed them, they always fell in line to vote for Trump and lowkey, I respected it as they, for every single fault they have, loyalty was not lacking on their side.
Meanwhile, I was growing furious with my side of the fence because there was always fighting. I just wanted us all, for a single moment in time, when so much was at risk, to stop the infighting, unite against s common enemy, and defeat the dictator wanna-be once and for all.
Because I know that while MAGA have the cult-like ability to become a homogeneous being, we on the left are basically a bunch of ideologies mushed together under the blue umbrella.
Yesterday, I wrote a blog about how empathy was lacking and it's true. Palestine supporters are willing to throw America under the bus, where marginalized people like trans, minorities, disabled and elderly people will be the first to be hit if Trump wins, followed by white women.
But empathy is a two way street and a lot of people on the left are forgetting that Palestinian lives are being lost every day. The BIDEN administration is acting like an abused housewife to Netanyahu by refusing to even look him in the eye and pull support and while Harris believes in a ceasefire and a two-state solution, she still believes in the ally ship between Israel and America and believes they have a right to defend themselves.
And if we are real, America is the big sister to Israel. We basically taught them everything they needed to know in terms of being colonizers and unabashed murderers.
And keep in mind, im not talking about all Israeli people. I know plenty who are standing with Palestinians both in the states and outside of it.
I'm talking about the Zionist settlers that relish in Palestinian deaths, like Netanyahu, while also crying the victim because of what happened on October 7th (even though he was warned of Hamas attacking several times and still did nothing but that's a conversation for later)
As Americans and those on the left, we need to have a deep conversation with ourselves and ask two things.
Why are part of the left willing to overlook genocide?
And why the other part doesn't care about their own people and their plight?
Neither of these questions are easy to answer but I'm willing to give it a shot.
The first question is a simple one.
The year where everything went wrong. Hillary Clinton decided to run for president. The dems wanted this and they did everything they could to support it. They threw Bernie Sanders under the bus, this infuriating the youth, they propped Trump up to give her an easy win, and they were arrogant enough to ignore the blue wall. All of this, and the baggage she had from decades of slander, Russia's interference, and Comey's Benghazi investigation literally a week before the election took a flawless victory to a stunning defeat.
After that. Four years of fuckery that left the entire country shaken, where every day seemed like a new low. But what made it worse was the laws that were gutted, one of which made Covid so much worse, the 2 surpreme court judges being pushed by Turtle McConnell, leading to Roe V Wade being slain. among many other things.
It took a near decade but many people on the left are battered and fearful of another Trump win, especially now with Agenda 47/P2025 on the horizon.
Because of this fear, and the guilt that many feel by not holding their nose and voting for Hillary in the first place is causing an overwhelming overreaction by doing "blue no matter who." People claim that "Blue Maga" is real, and they are right. But it's not because of the same reasons as MAGA.
MAGA exists for people to be their worse selves. They can be ignorant, belligerent, racist. Sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic because Trump has allowed those bigots to come out of the shadows and be legitimized in the political world.
"Blue Maga" is created by fear, guilt and understanding of what is at risk by Trump winning again and further making things worse for all.
Because of the Israel-Palestine conflict getting mainstream, some people feel that they need to focus on their own situation before anyone else's, some people (sad to say) really don't care about something that isn't effecting them, some also have Zionist viewsx and a small amount can't forgive them for celebrating 9/11 the day it happened. Whatever the case, they want to stop Trump and MAGA by any means necessary, no matter who gets in their way.
Now, the second issue is also a combination of a lot of things. A lot of the protesters (correctly) feel like genocide is absolutely something that should be fought against, especially as its using our tax dollars to fund said genocide. It also doesn't help that thanks to the internet, a lot of them are scarred from the images and news reports they were bombarded with on various social media sites regarding Palestine.
Something like death and human sorrow is never easy to forget. I was a little girl living in Chicago. I've already saw a lot of death. And then after moving to Vegas, 9/11 happened and seeing/hearing the bodies splatter on the ground, the screams, the...everything was harrowing.
I don't blame anyone being emotionally disturbed by it all.
And as I've railed about many times, many social media people have hopped from supporting Ukraine to supporting Palestine for the social justice moral purity points to make themselves look good.
Also, you have the sleeper agents that are using Palestine as a way to help MAGA and Russia win the elections along with Pro-Hamas supporters (not Palestinian supporters. They get conflated often so I have to make the difference) using this to reveal their antisemitism.
But for a lot of young people, this is their first really big social movement so they are throwing everything into it because they are at the stage that they believe that they can make a movement that will sweep the world ala the civil rights movement, conveniently ignoring how much strategic planning, pragmatism, peaceful riots, and patience it took.
However, much like "Blue Maga" they've decided that Palestine is the end all be all and damn anyone or anything that gets in their way.
This leaves them blind of the suffering of their own communities. They don't rage over homelessness, the cost of living, the stagnant wages, the rampant discrimination, disenfranchisement and disinformation that is going on. And they sure don't see how women are being made second class citizens right in front of their eyes.
They either don't see it, believe that all these things are "first world problems," outright think they another Trump presidency wouldn't be so bad and that people were exaggerating, even though it took until the 20s to see how Trump's presidency really tore apart this country, they think its karma, or the worse case is that they don't care about what Trump will do because they think they are in a privileged position to not be hit with the worse that can happen.
So this is where we stand.
Now we have to ask what to do about it?
Truth is, what can be done?
The democratic party is in a state of flux. Many conservatives have come out to support Harris in an "the enemy of my enemy is my temporary friend" deal including resident devil Dick Cheney, Biden continues to bow to Israel due to the alliance they have, and third party candidates have been revealed to be MAGA in disguise.
One side believes that teaming with a demon to slay a devil is a necessary evil while the other side fears this is the proof that Democrats are going further right.
But if half of the democratic party refuses to vote due to Palestine, the people who are fearful of what they can lose will go to desperate measures to survive.
My verdict? We really need ranked voting.
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transrevolutions · 1 day
I believe we as a society need to put the "is human nature inherently bad or good" debate on hold until all involved parties can be decent and respectful about people with mental disorders.
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sher-ee · 3 months
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nyancrimew · 2 months
OPINION: stop studying cybersecurity because of me
im trying to get u into activism, not college
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very-straight-blog · 15 hours
Thinking about season 1 Aegon and Aemond looking at Helaena and expressing what they both wish to have in a marriage. Aemond : a pure targaryen wife to strengthen the family. Aegon : just someone who have something in common with him.
It tells a lot about them. Aemond loves the targaryen lore while Aegon just wanted a wife who could have been his friend and love him :(
A shame their role weren't reversed
Well, I agree, because I really think that Aegon, with his endless supply of love that he's ready to give and that no one wants, could have been saved by a suitable marriage. He needs love, acceptance and support. And Aemond - well, the right woman could make him calmer, I guess, tame his demons. Funny how Margaery Tyrell could have handled both of them. But in general, yes, the whole point of the relationship between Aegon and Aemond is that each of them has something that the other wants to get.
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myjetpack · 8 months
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My cartoon for this week’s Guardian Books.
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kaininaie · 2 months
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forgive me for my bad memory if it was mentioned in the books, but when ollivander gave harry his wand was he aware of who tom riddle was ?
Ollivander notes that he sold the wand that has the twin core to Harry's and that this person went on to do "great and terrible things".
Harry later reflects on this in book 7 when he meets Ollivander again with a "why is your wording so weird, man".
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ghostslimu · 2 years
you will never be a bad person for not reblogging a post on tumblr, please remember that
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incorrectbatfam · 10 months
Question: do you think it's better for Cass to be verbal or nonverbal?
Secret third option where she has one line a day like Ferb and it's an absolute zinger
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