#patton x dark sides au
prodigal-explorer · 9 months
my roleplay information/application!
hey guyssss, so like i'm kinda desperate for rp partners so i'm just gonna try my luck here and see if any of y'all are interested in rping with me! feel free to read through this information and message me if you are interested!! as long as you meet my requirements, i would love to rp with you!!
basic information
i am 18 (19 in a few weeks) and i'm okay rping with any age, but i will not rp anything relating to nsfw with a minor. not even implied nsfw, it's just very uncomfortable. but if you're 18+, i'll rp anything on this list with you!
i only rp semi-lit/descriptive. this means at least five sentences, detailed responses that aren't just surface level. it's hard to respond to stuff that's lazy, so please please please just put in the effort if you want high quality responses in return!
the fandoms i roleplay are sanders sides, undertale, your turn to die, and omori. i dabble in oc rp, but it's not very common for me since i don't really have many ocs that i like enough to rp with.
my favorite types of roleplay are heavy angst and whump. i love really dark concepts, and it's rare that i won't do something that's dark and angsty. i struggle with concepts that are just fluff because i prefer rps with a lot of conflict and struggle.
my only triggers are constant discussion about body type/comparing body types and descriptive talk of medical needles. other than that i will do literally anything lol.
i am filipino-american, audhd, physically disabled, and i love to incorporate these aspects of my identity into the characters i play. if you don't like that, we probably won't make very good rp partners.
i hate hate HATE poking. please don't remind me of the rp after ten minutes of me not responding. please don't remind me of the rp after ten HOURS of me not responding. i know it exists, i just need time to reply. if you nag me about responding, i probably will wait even longer to reply because it's intimidating.
i love to chat oorp! feel free to leave a silly message, even if it has nothing to do with rp!
scroll all the way to the bottom of the post if you want to see writing examples!! below are just specific tidbits of information pertaining to each fandom i rp!
sanders sides specific information
the main side i love to play is roman. i will always want to play roman in every single tss rp, he's just me, he's my number one homie, my favorite character of all time.
i can also play any of the other sides, but my characterization for them is not as solid as roman.
i don't really like patton in roleplays unless he's a minor character or an antagonist/villain. i am very good at playing patton as a villain, but i don't really like playing him in any other context. i have so many aus where patton is a villain or antagonist, so if that's your jam, you've come to the right place!
i will do mindscape or human aus, i love both!
i am okay with ocs but i will not do canon side x female oc. it just makes me very uncomfortable to ship sides with female characters.
some of my favorite ships are roceit, prinxiety, logince, anaroceit, analogical, intrulogical, and loceit.
the only ships i WILL NOT do are moxiety, royality, moceit, logicality, intruality, and remrom. every other ship, i'm completely okay with.
i love rping as remy or emile picani!!
i have SO MANY IDEAS for this fandom. like literally hundreds of aus. so please message me if you want to rp anything with angst, or drama, or anything like that because i have SO MUCH.
undertale specific information
so fun fact i'm actually kind of bad at undertale rp.
it's not that i'm awful i just don't have a lot of experience, but i'm working on it!
the main characters i like to play are papyrus, undyne, alphys, toriel, asgore, and gaster.
i can also play asriel/flowey, sans, frisk, mettaton, grillby, and chara if necessary.
i am totally fine with ocs, bring them on!
i don't really like rps with the au sans stuff? nothing against it, i just don't really know much about it and in the nicest way possible i don't really care. i prefer to stick with canon and prequel/sequel aus instead of aus that change up the characters' personalities and stuff.
my favorite undertale au of all time is handplates i have so many thoughts about it and i would love to rp it!
i love angsty rps but undertale is actually one of the only fandoms where i love to rp fluff for it. undertale is just such a goofy game and i love emulating that style of humor in rp!
ships i enjoy are soriel, papyton, alphyne, sansby, and whatever the ship name for alphys x gaster is?
the only undertale ships i WILL NOT rp are anything involving the child characters (frisk, chara, asriel, monster kid), and anything that ships undyne with a guy. i'm also not a huge fan of asgore x toriel but i'll do it if you really want me to!
your turn to die specific information
i am so new to rping in this fandom but i really want to anyway!! trust, i know all the lore, i just need some solid experience!
my favorite characters to play are jou, reko, nao, gin, kai, shin, hiyori, and sara.
i will play q-taro, mishima, or alice if necessary!
i am very bad at keiji, i don't think i can play him well.
i love canon and au roleplays equally! i would love to do either way!
i like pretty much all the ships, it would be easier to list ships i don't like.
i don't like any ships that involve the little kids (kanna, gin, hinako), any ships with a huge age gap (especially sara x keiji), and shin x hiyori. it's just...no.
omori specific information
i am very new to the fandom, so please have mercy on me if i get something wrong lol!
my favorite characters to play are kel, hero, aubrey, and mari!
i can play sunny if necessary.
i will not play basil. i actually don't like basil being present in roleplays, he's just a character i personally dislike. i'm fine with him showing up occasionally as a minor character, but i just don't like him being a big part of roleplays.
i will roleplay canon and aus! i love both! but bear in mind i am a bit more hesitant to rp ships in canon, but in aus i have zero reservations!
my favorite ships are anything involving sunny, kel, and aubrey being together, but my number one otp is hero x mari!
the only ships i WILL NOT do are ships that have basil in them, especially basil x sunny or basil x kel. they just don't sit right with me personally.
i don't really know much about the minor characters of the game...i might need a bit of guidance if you want to use a character that isn't a part of the main six! but i am completely fine with it as long as you're okay with me being a bit clueless.
writing samples!!!
The streets were soft, the dusty sidewalks concealed by powdery snow that made Brooklyn look like a wedding. Roman stepped lightly, wondering how high he would have to hold himself to keep his foot from sinking in the snow, ruining the shiny white blanket that protected his bare feet from the cruel asphalt.
His book remained tucked under his jacket, as if it needed protection from the biting wind. Roman didn’t think it was possible for something that carried such beautiful notions and ideas to be unfeeling, so he acted as though there was a beating heart somewhere between the pages. Nobody had ever told him there wasn’t one, so what was the harm in believing if it made the sky feel brighter, and the air feel warmer, and the world feel more connected?
When he came back to the small, tucked-away alley that he and his brothers were currently living in, he was happy to see a little fire that he could warm himself beside while he opened his new book, aching to see what was inside.
Roman was unfamiliar. He was always used to protecting other people. He was tall, graceful and beautiful. Couldn't really throw a punch, but he had a way with his words that could get him absolutely anything he wanted. Including peace. He was used to standing between bullies and victims, seducing with his sweet smile and long eyelashes. Making anybody feel like they've been blessed just looking at him. With his parents always gone, and nobody to hold him during nightmares, Roman had gotten used to holding himself. But now, he just wanted to be protected so badly. He wanted to be truly loved by somebody besides himself.
"Okay..." he whispered, "Okay."
"Oh! Do you guys want to go to that restaurant across the street?" Patton asked, "We performed so well tonight, I think we all deserve a treat! Virgil, you hit that syncopation perfectly, and Janus, that riff was amazing! The crowd went wild for us! Drinks will be on me, as long as you all promise not to drink too much. I'll be the designated driver too. What do you say??"
Of course, this invitation was not extended to Logan. Patton didn't even notice Logan in the area, assuming that he was off sweeping the stage or packing up the van. Patton was the one who decided what everybody did, and he usually gave Logan the grease-work like that. He didn't really care very much about Logan, just because Logan wasn't as close to the group. There wasn't that bond of performing show after show, having fans that requested autographs, being followed and gushed over by paparazzi.
Since Logan was never onstage, nobody knew the face or identity of the man who wrote the songs that all these fans were so crazy about. And Patton sort of preferred it that way. He didn't really like the idea of Logan being a face of their band. Unlike Janus and Virgil, Patton wasn't sure how the public eye would recieve Logan. The man wasn't remotely ugly, but he was rather plain-looking. He tended to blend into the background of the rooms he occupied. He wasn't the type of look one would expect to be in a hugely successful band.
All the others had their "niche". Patton was the sweetheart, the nice one, the innocent one. Virgil was the quiet, brooding, mysterious one. And Janus was the charmer, able to seduce anyone with a wink and a smile. What was Logan? He didn't talk very much, he wasn't particularly nice, brooding, or seductive. Patton didn't like that Logan didn't exactly have an archetype. He didn't quite fit in.
Roman tilted his head with a polite smile and an appropriate amount of interest as Logan disclosed his name. It was nothing familiar to him, but he did think it was a beautiful-sounding name. He always loved when people's first and last names started with the same letter. It felt like a name out of a fairy-tale when it had that feature.
Listening to what Logan was saying, Roman couldn't help but go red, very embarrassed. He was bad at English, but he certainly wasn't stupid. He could tell that Logan was euphemizing heavily in order to preserve Roman's feelings, which made Roman both embarrassed that Logan felt the need to do this, and honored that Logan cared so much about how he felt. It was a really sweet gesture, honestly.
"You write music too?" he asked, very curious. "I would love to sing a song by you wrote. You will...pay me? Money?"
Roman wondered if Logan was offering him a job, or just wanting to have a jam session as friends and colleagues. He would be happy with either option, but he wanted to manage his expectations there and then, so there would be less awkwardness from false assumptions.
Roman looked at it and smiled as he read through the lyrics, his eyes carefully scanning from left to right as he ingested each lyric. His smile only grew.
"It is okay," he said, "I like messy handwriting. It means...it means your brain moves fast, and your hand must hurry to follow. I like this song. I think...I want to sing it. Do you want me to sing here? In front of everyone?"
Roman would definitely be willing to give Logan's song some publicity. And he adored the thrill of singing a song for the first time in front of a whole crowd of people. Roman wasn't the type to get stage fright. The more risky a performance was, the more excited he was to try and execute it. Roman had a bit of a shame deficiency, such was obvious with him singing those lyrics he wrote out loud multiple times.
His eyes were shining with enthusiasm, but also, with gratitude. He was thankful to Logan for the opportunity he had to bring this song to life, this brand new song that no one had ever heard before. The idea that its first breath of auditory life would be coming from Roman's own voice was so romantic that it almost made Roman want to sing it right there and then so he wouldn't have to wait anymore.
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Sanders Sides and Ever After High Crossover/AU
So, I am a huge fan of both Ever After High and Sanders Sides and have had brain rot thinking about a Sanders Sides EAH au.
So I was thinking about what fairytale characters each Sanders Sides character would fit as the child of, and then I got to thinking...
What if they were the younger siblings of certain EAH characters?
Because then, there's fun character and sibling dynamics galore.
So... here we go.
Virgil: Son of the Evil Queen, younger brother to Raven
Logan: Son of Snow White, younger brother to Apple
Patton: Son of Cinderella, younger brother to Ashlynn
Janus: Son of the Dark Fairy, younger brother to Faybelle
Roman and Remus: Twins, sons of one of the Charming's, cousins to Daring, Dexter, and Darling
All of our sander sides friends are first years, so while they are there for the Legacy Day shenanigans, they are not participating in Legacy Day themselves.
Also, I figured that their "destinies" would all work similar to the Charmings from EAH, namely that they are set to fill spare destinies. For example, Logan, Patton, Roman, and Remus would fill spare prince charming destinies, while Virgil and Janus would fill spare villain destinies.
Now, let's get into a few basics about the story that I want to establish.
Dorm assignments:
Logan and Virgil: After asking the Headmaster to have Raven and her room together for their Legacy Year, Apple also gets their younger siblings a shared room. Because I just feel like she would.
Roman and Patton: Before their first year at Ever After High starts, they're already friends, so they request a room together at school.
Remus and Janus: I don't plan on having them be close friends at the start of this story, but that changes quickly because I love their dynamic.
Relationships with their siblings:
Virgil and Raven are really close, and share some of the same tastes in music and fashion. Also they both like purple. They both also aren't big fans of their mother and prefer to not have her brought up in conversation. Neither of them want to be evil.
Logan and Apple do care about one another, but they aren't really that close. Some of it boils down to Logan feeling ignored in favor of Apple and her destiny as the next Snow White. There's other stuff piled into that whole thing too, but anyway. The two of them do both enjoy learning new things, and are able to bond over their shared interests in that regard.
Patton and Ashlynn, similarly to Raven and Virgil, get along really well. They both act like the parent of their respective friend groups. When they don't feel like they can bring something up with their friends, both Ashlynn and Patton seek out the other to express their frustrations about something or vent their feelings.
Janus and Faybelle used to get along when they were younger and really don't anymore. This is in part due to Janus being a rebel, as Faybelle sees it as him rejecting their villain heritage. Janus' actually reason for rebelling is hating Headmaster Grimm and the system of destinies. Faybelle doesn't listen to him though.
Roman and Remus get along probably better than they do in Sanders Sides cannon. They also are close friends with their cousins, Daring, Dexter, and Darling, because I think that would be fun. That being said, Roman is really the only one out of the two of them who gets along with Daring. Remus, Dexter, and Darling bond over not being total fans of their predetermined paths due to their Charming heritage.
So far, the only romantic relationships I have planned for this au include Prinxiety, Dexter x Raven, Apple x Darling, and Ashlynn x Hunter (and other background Ever After High ships as well).
At the start of the school year, Janus and Virgil are friends, having both been pushed to the side by their classmates for having a villain heritage.
Roman, Patton, Logan, and Remus are a friend group as well.
During the beginning part of their first year (so basically, before Legacy Day) the six of them end up as one friend group by means of dorm room assignments, shared classes, and introductions.
Royal or Rebel?:
Virgil, Janus, and Remus are all rebels.
Roman and Patton are royals.
Logan isn't sure what he is.
They all end up on the rebels side eventually.
Anway yeah that's what I've got for now. Feel free to send asks about this au!
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itsatechreel · 2 years
Corrupt Clues (A Sanders Sides x Blue’s Clues AU)
Last night I, inspired by a friend, decided to do something random I never have before and invent an AU (alternate universe) mixing two of my favorite series, Sanders Sides & Blue’s Clues 🐾
Brief Summary: With stress reaching an all time high, Thomas gets Roman’s help in order to transform his daily life and the Sides themselves to fit the format of a comfort show from his childhood: Blue’s Clues. Is this a good idea? Is every side on board and comfortable with these changes? Will Thomas ever allow this to stop?
It’s a silly AU, but I’m weirdly very happy with it, and if nothing else it was a very fun writing excercise 😅 And if you read through it and decide you want to make something based on it, then go for it! Whether it’s fanart or a short story/full fanfic or any other piece of media based on this AU, I’d love to see it! All I ask is to be credited and also tagged so I could see any creations 💙
👇 Click through to read more specific details about this AU 👇
Lately, the stress has been hitting Thomas more so than ever. Days are long, motivation is low, anxiety is high, etc. One day Thomas decided he’s had enough and something needs to change. He goes to Roman, begging him to provide some fun and fantastical change to his routine, something that can distract him from the darkness of the world. Roman thinks about this and devises a plan, and the next day Thomas’ life is transformed to fit that of a show he once found great comfort in: Blue’s Clues. All the sides awake that morning to find that their forms (with one exception) have been changed to fit this new vision.
🌈 Thomas takes on the role of Steve/Joe/Josh. He can now spend his days doing little else but singing and dancing, drawing, playing games, eating snacks, and helping his friends with very simple tasks. And of course now he can enjoy the stress-free activity of playing Blue’s Clues with his own version of Blue. He’s absolutely ecstatic about the changes that Roman brought on, ready to fully indulge in a seemingly ideal yet childish life of acting out his days as extended episodes of the show.
💙 Patton finds himself as Blue, and is very happy about it. He’s still able to talk as normal despite the new puppy form, but Thomas tends to prefer he barks like Blue to keep up the illusion (which Patton often forgets and is corrected on regularly). Games of Blue’s Clues are started up a few times a day, at least one time each day dedicated to wanting some form of cookie. There’s never a doubt in his mind that this is the best thing for Thomas, although that could just be because he’s having too good a time to see any potential issues.
👓 Logan is forced into the role of the child audience of the show, mainly due to Roman expecting that he wouldn’t participate at all if he was made to look silly. He decides to participate as, even though he knows Thomas hiding from his issues may prove to be worse for his mental health, he figures he won’t be listened to if he protests. Hoping in time that Thomas will realize the errors of this decision, he reluctantly follows Thomas in his adventures. He consistently questions the illogical nature of Thomas asking such simple questions he would normally know the answers to, or where clues are that he should plainly see, and even the notion that Patton leaves clues at all when he could simply tell Thomas what he wants. It’s all very confusing and very patronizing to Logan, but he does his best to indulge Thomas, for now.
🛡️ Roman decides to make himself the fabulous Rainbow Puppy, as he feels it’s the only character that could truly embody all that he is. A character that constantly sings and performs is a perfect fit for him and he fully plays the part (which truly isn’t much different from how he existed before this change). He occasionally finds himself jealous and wishing to switch roles with Patton, as Blue is a more important character to this new daily narrative by far, but he does his best to let Patton keep his well-fitting role. He, like both Thomas and Patton, see absolutely no issue with this new way of existing. Roman is plenty content to keep it going as long as Thomas desires.
🌩️ Virgil has been cast as Tickety, given that Roman felt that someone who experiences a great deal of alarm should be the alarm clock. He’s definitely one of the least interested in this new way of life, less regarding how it avoids the real issues and more because he doesn’t fit the kids show vibe. He hates being a small silly clock, the constant sound of ticking coming from his own face, and the fact that he can’t get too anxious without setting off his loud bells that manage to scare himself every time. On the other hand though, he recognizes that life was very stressful and while being a clock is obnoxious it is a bit easier. There's a lot of bouncing back and forth between whether this is worth it to avoid the stresses of reality, or if Thomas and the others are slowly losing their sanity as they continue to pretend like this life can be the new normal. Virgil’s anxiety is everywhere as he reluctantly plays along, which is rough for him but definitely provides Thomas’ morning alarm bells quite well.
🗑️ When it came to the Dark Sides, Roman decided they needed to be as harmless and out of the way as possible, starting with Remus being nothing more than a snail (the classic pink snail seen 3 times in every episode). But to Roman’s dismay, Remus doesn’t mind this one bit, he’d much rather be a slimy slithery creature than any cute animal or appliance. True Remus can’t be as effective as normal, but once in a while he’ll cross paths with Thomas and others as they engage in their various activities, always ready to mess with them quickly before they go about their business.
🐍 Last, but certainly not least, Janus was sentenced to the Felt Frame as a Felt Friend. Though he may be stuck in there for the time being, he manages to make images to fill out the frame in order to grab Thomas’ attention and remind him of what he’s avoiding. Janus knows that Thomas is lying to himself, pretending that he can live forever in this childish charade, like the world around him doesn’t matter and his problems will just disappear. He’s limited in what he can do, but he does his best to try to get through to Thomas.
And this is how life is for Thomas now. Days fueled by Roman’s powers of creativity, the Dark Sides shoved out of view as much as possible, Virgil constantly between wanting it to continue and wanting it to end, songs and games of Blue’s Clues with Patton as Blue, and Logan being treated as a captive audience who grows ever closer to joining forces with Janus to get through to Thomas. This can’t go on forever, but will Thomas allow it to stop? Can anyone get through to him? 👀
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milkhoney531 · 1 year
Sanders Sides Fanfic Masterlist
OMaM Series:
Ships in Series: Roman x Virgil, Logan x Remus, Patton x Janus
Of Monsters and Men (omam): Not everyone can pay for college, so it's not unheard of to join the military for the expenses. But despite careful planning and no real interest in the military, plans can go awry. The rise of the zombie apocalypse and vampire attacks were definitely not in these boys plans, especially since they can no longer persue their dreams, right? We'll see.
Neither Deity nor Man (ndnm): (SEQUEL TO "OF MONSTERS AND MEN") Death isn't always the end. It can be a new beginning as well. This is true for Janus. But even in death, there is trouble that lies in wait. Hiding in the dark. Can our boys come out on top? Or will they face a Fate worse than death?
Neither Gone nor Forgotten (ngnf): (TAKES PLACE AFTER "NEITHER DEITY NOR MAN" THIRD BOOK IN SERIES, FIRST BOOK IS "OF MONSTERS AND MEN") After choosing to be reborn, our favorite boys are scattered apart without their memories. Reborn in a new world where some are born with a superpower gene, or created to be supers. Will our boys survive such a world? Will they meet again? Or, once again, will their lives end much too soon?*
Easter Eggs and Epilogues (eeae): Having become deities and gaining access to the multiverse, our favorite boys now witness other universes and guide them to the afterlife as they discover what it means to no longer be human and navigate through issues they had ignored as new issues erupt around them. Fans of my stories might find this infrequent epilogue mini series a nice read. Especially if they have read my sanders sides au Of Monsters and Men, its sequel Neither Deity nor Man, and the triquel Neither Gone nor Forgotten, as these characters might have little easter egg appearances in some of my other works. This does contain spoilers to my other works, so proceed with caution. Due to the nature of this mini series it will have extremely infrequent updates due to it being full of epilogues of specific stories.*^
HoE Series:
Ships in Series: Roman x Virgil, Logan x Remus, Patton x Janus
Hell on Earth (hoe): In a small town isolated by mountains, demon possession is on the rise. Right when two kids find themselves in the town after the suspicious death of their parents. Convenient timing or total coincidence, the town has its eyes on Roman and Remus. Are they connected to the rise in demonic activity? Will they be safe? No one knows.
Heaven on Earth (hoe2): (SEQUEL TO "Hell on Earth) Having escaped from a recluse town known as Hell's Portal and a murderous priest, their friend died as they made it to the safety of a town known to be Heaven's Gate. But danger is still out there. Secrets have still yet to be uncovered. A friend back from the dead. But is everything as it seems?*
RaF Series:
Ships in Series: Roman x Virgil, Remus x Janus, Logan x Patton
Rise and Fall (raf): After getting hired to capture a wandering merchant suspected to be a monster, Roman sets out to find him. Taking on his first task as a monster hunter, he must travel far and fast to catch up with the merchant. With his best friend at his side, who will he meet on his journey and what secrets will he discover?
Risen to Fall (raf2/rtf): (Sequel to Rise and Fall) Having found a promised land, the twins raise their families in safety until danger knocks at their door. Secrets of the past and cults alike will force them into action to save themselves and future generations.*
FoF Series:
Ships in Series: Roman x Virgil, Logan x Remus, Patton x Janus
Fact or Fiction (fof): An isolated mountain town surrounded by deep forests has some interesting rumors and tourist attractions. Tales of an inhuman creature terrorizing those who come across it, if they leave alive. Logan decides to move in and discover the truth.
Everyone Fucking Dies (efd): (SEQUEL TO FACT OR FICTION) In a new dimension, scattered and hunted, who survives? Who dies? Will they ever return home? Or will they have to live in a world if eldritch monsters?
Strange Happenings (shtl): Janus and Virgil move back to their hometown. While Virgil is at college, Janus has an investigation to conduct under the strict orders of his mother. He knows what will happen if he refuses her. What will he discover? What secrets will unravel? (an alternate timeline for Fact or Fiction and Everyone Fucking Dies)
SOS Series:
Ships in Series: Roman x Virgil, Logan x Remus, Patton x Janus
School of Secrets (sos): A secret boarding school in the center of the Bermuda Triangle has accepted a new batch of students. Each one harbouring a secret or two that could get them killed outside of the school. Although not every child taken to the island attends the school, the island is protected by school staff from impending doom. Hunters and war alike threaten the children, will they be able to see a future free of harm, to be themselves?
Unintended Consequence: Things have changed. One decision with unintended consequences made Remus immortal, with only Virgil at his side, they watched their friends die. After countless years, with their mental health deteriorating, they see a familiar face. What happens when two immortals meet their friends' reincarnations?
GaG Series:
Ships in Series: Roman x Virgil, Logan x Remus, Patton x Janus
Gifts and Gifted (gag): After the tragic death of their parents, brothers Roman and Remus moved to a new state, new city, to get a fresh start. They try to assimilate in this odd historic town, getting new jobs and friends, but they also find some people they can't stand or are simply suspicious. But circumstances force them together and many secrets come to light.
Fae and Man (FAM): Sequel to Gifts and Gifted, Fae and human relations are difficult. Patton has taken over his grandma's business of finding and helping the fae home, Remus helping in hiding them after taking over the mortuary from Logan's uncle. If that wasn't difficult enough, Remus is going through strange changes and Virgil is struggling to adjust to being human. Will they suffer in silence or ask for help? What conflicts will arise?
New Normal (NN): (Takes place after Fae and Man, third book in the GaG series) After secrets have been unveiled and the world forever changed by the merging of realms, how will everyone fare under this new normal? Will the Fae still be hunted? Will humans be subjected to abuse? Will selkies still be at risk of being trapped? How will so many different species interact with each other? Will there be peace or war?
Ships in Series: Logan x Patton x Janus
Son of a Bitch (soab): Patton and his son have moved into a new town. The once hopeful move turned sour when two chance encounters throws everything off course. A fight and a mix up leading to three single dads making an unfortunate acquaintance. (Where everything started)
SOAB! Rocky Start: Virgil is sent to a new foster parent. Logan does his best, but it's a rocky start. (Takes place before Son of a Bitch)
SOAB! Yuletide Fun: The kids are on winter break and Logan and Janus are feeling the holiday blues. They miss their families despite everything, luckily, Patton has an idea and a good relationship with his own family. So he decides to introduce his parents to his partners and their kiddos. What holiday mischief will happen? What stories will Patton's parents' tell about their now grown little boy? (Takes place after Son of a Bitch)
SOAB! Take a Bite out of Life: (Takes place before the events of Son of a Bitch) Janus has been running his restaurant for nearly two years in the town he grew up in. Stressed, depressed, and having recently cut off his family, he has thrown himself into his work. He doesn't know what to do with his life or himself, but when he gets his first catering order for the local orphanage, everything changes for the better. He never planned to be a father, but maybe it's time for him to take a bite out of life?
SOAB! Surprise Attack: (Takes place after Son of a Bitch) Virgil is still getting used to his new family and being part of a family that genuinely loves him. But it is nearing November 8th, his birthday. A day he is certain will be forgotten. With how his family is acting and the hushed whispers that cut off right when he enters the room, he fears the worse. No one mentions the whispers or his birthday, he's afraid and trying not to show it as his anxiety eats at him. As he questions if they still want him to be part of their family. What will ensue?
SOAB! Police Station, Fire Station, and Apartment: (Takes place before the events of Son of a Bitch) How did the twins end up in separate orphanages? Why was Virgil placed in foster care? Who were their family before they were adopted? Let's take a peek into the past.
SOAB! Gender? Fuck!: (Takes place after Son of a Bitch) Gender can be confusing and hard to navigate. Virgil and Roman are struggling, Remus forgot something important, and they navigate it together. Some changes, confusion, and stress won't stop them from supporting each other.
SOAB! Cupcakes and Dragons: (takes place before Son of a Bitch) How did Roman come into Patton’s care? Patton Cross wasn’t always a baker. One night of work changed his life. He’d always say it was for the better. And it was. He discovered a passion and discovered his little Star.
SOAB! A New Kind of Spectrum: (takes place after Son of a Bitch) Self discovery is a continuous journey. Sometimes you need some help in your journey. It's the summer before Virgil, Roman, and Remus enter high school. Virgil is made aware of something during a sleepover with two of his friends that leads the family to some interesting discoveries.
Stand Alone Stories:
Win or Lose (wol): Ships: Roman x Virgil, Logan x Remus, Patton x Janus Life was a series of battles, win or lose, they would have to fight again. Sometimes, they could rest before they fought once more, sometimes they could not. One day, they face a new discovery, a new challenge. Will they win or lose?
Out of this World (ootw): Ships: Roman x Virgil, Logan x Remus, Patton x Janus In a small desert town, a UFO has landed. While the local government explores the crash, an extraterrestrial being is on the run with time sensitive information trying to leave and stop an intergalactic war. An unlikely group of friends might be the key to saving thousands of lives. Secrets will be revealed, some new, some old. Lies will come undone. Will this group of unlikely friends survive it all?*
Knife to Meet You (ktmy): Ships: Roman x Virgil, one sided Virgil x Patton, one sided Patton x Logan, Remus x Janus x Logan Four years ago, a steady but concerning statistic rose. Murders. New information comes to light, revealing that these seemingly unconnected murders are actually the product of an infamous serial killer. Tensions are high, stress is high, and there's something in the air. What will happen? Who is this mysterious killer? And who is next?*
Ghost of You: Ships: Logan x Virgil, Remus x Patton, Roman x Janus Karma comes in many different forms, sometimes it is even passed down. When an old house is passed down, more than just a new home is inherited. Surely an old house only needs some repairs? But its new occupants will wish they'd hired an exorcist. Will the ghosts and mortals learn to coexist or will they destroy each other?*
Running Out of Time (root): Ships: Remus x Logan, Janus x Patton, Roman x Virgil Time is unraveling. A time traveler is trying to save the known universe, but at what cost? Will the world be saved? Is the world even worth saving? Six people will have to make that decision.
Body in the Water (bitw): Ships: Remus x Logan, Patton x Janus, Virgil x Roman Summer school is supposed to be easy. But with strange deadly accidents and rumors of ghosts filling the air, maybe hope for a decent college is a farther reach than Roman bargained for?
Son of a Witch (soaw): Ships Janus x Patton x Logan On the run from the king's guards, Janus finds refuge in a dangerous neck of the enchanted woods. But he isn't alone. What else lurks in the woods? Will he get out alive? Is he in for more than he bargained for?
Forgotten Gods (fg): Ships: Remus x Janus, Patton x Logan, Roman x Virgil The gods of old are no longer needed, no longer known. Did they simply fade away or do they still lurk around the corner? What happens when a god is forgotten? What happens when a new god appears?
Stolen? Borrowed? Same Thing. (sbst): Ships: Janus x Remus, Patton x Logan, Roman x Virgil Borrowers, Pixies, and Brownies have always lived under human's noses. Each one thinking the other is a myth. Each one views humans as an enemy, a tool, or a friend. What happens when they all meet? Will the four species get along?
Coffee and Zombies (CaZ): Ships: Janus x Patton Life and Death, two very contrast things. Or are they? In the zombie apocalypse, what is death? What is life? Is anyone truly living? A scientist searching for a cure to his mistake, a firefighter bent on helping survivors, two supernatural brothers struggling to adapt and survive, and two brothers who desperately want to rest and find safety. Will they survive?
Currently Writing:
New Normal (NN): Ships: Patton x Janus, Remus x Logan, Roman x Virgil (Takes place after Fae and Man, third book in the GaG series) After secrets have been unveiled and the world forever changed by the merging of realms, how will everyone fare under this new normal? Will the Fae still be hunted? Will humans be subjected to abuse? Will selkies still be at risk of being trapped? How will so many different species interact with each other? Will there be peace or war?
Strange Happenings (SH!tl): Ships: Janus x Patton, Virgil x Roman, Logan x Remus Janus and Virgil move back to their hometown. While Virgil is at college, Janus has an investigation to conduct under the strict orders of his mother. He knows what will happen if he refuses her. What will he discover? What secrets will unravel? (an alternate timeline for Fact or Fiction and Everyone Fucking Dies)
Back Burner:
Stories in this section are on hold and may be rewritten
Easter Eggs and Epilogues (eeae): Having become deities and gaining access to the multiverse, our favorite boys now witness other universes and guide them to the afterlife as they discover what it means to no longer be human and navigate through issues they had ignored as new issues erupt around them. Fans of my stories might find this infrequent epilogue mini series a nice read. Especially if they have read my sanders sides au Of Monsters and Men, its sequel Neither Deity nor Man, and the triquel Neither Gone nor Forgotten, as these characters might have little easter egg appearances in some of my other works. This does contain spoilers to my other works, so proceed with caution. Due to the nature of this mini series it will have extremely infrequent updates due to it being full of epilogues of specific stories.*^
Coming Soon:
SOAB! One shots
Dragons, Krakens, Unicorns, Oh My! (DKUOM!TL): Ships: Roman x Virgil, Logan x Remus, Patton x Janus (alternate version of Fact or Fiction and Everyone Fucking Dies) Six children are separated from their parents and once peaceful lives only to discover they aren't as normal as they thought, that they're part of not one dimension, but two.
Meet Again (MA): Ships: Roman x Virgil, Patton x Janus, Remus x Logan (Takes place after School of Secrets and Unintended Consequences) Centuries of waiting and careful planning have bared their fruit. Years of glimpsing a mysterious figure. A strange invitation leads four strangers to the palace. The King has waited long enough.
Put the Rom in RomCom (PtRiRC): Ships: Roman x Logan, Remus x Virgil, Patton x Janus Sometimes, you stumble into something unplanned for, unexpected. It can be life changing in the most unexpected ways. Changing who you are, what you are, or even just your plans. Three different people stumble into these changes unexpectedly and love is in the air.
More Than Blood (MTB): Ships: Patton x Logan x Janus Son of a Bitch sequel, They say family is more than blood. What happens when the twins and Virgil's biological parents come back into the picture? Struggling with high school was hard enough, now it's getting more and more complicated as the days go by.
Accruing a Crew (AaC): Ships: Logan x Remus, Virgil x Roman, Patton x Janus Remus went out on his ship, The Morning Star, and never returned. Roman searches the seven seas for his brother when he sees The Morning Star once more, but his brother’s vessel is led by a filthy pirate. He must arrest this man, as is his duty, and hopefully he can discover the whereabouts of his dear brother, even if just to know if his dear brother was met with a watery grave.
Saving Time (ST): Ships: Roman x Virgil, Logan x Remus, Patton x Janus rewrite of Running out of Time, info coming
Resident Sides (RS): (name may change) Resident Evil au, info coming
Space Unfilled (SU): Ships: none, found family and QPR Logan studied hard, worked harder, and now he is finally achieving his dream. He is going to touch the stars with his fellow astronauts. But his dream will quickly turn to a nightmare he fears he will never escape as regret writhes deep within him.
First Murder and the Grief that Follows (FMatGtF): Blood of a brother on his hands, he is cast out from his home and the afterlife. Cursed to walk the world alone, immortal and unchanging. One day, he sees a familiar face. His brother. What will he do?
My Ao3:
* = Has a chapter reference in Easter Eggs and Epilogues to read after the story
^= On the back burner
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tmddytimeo · 2 years
siren x pirate au
dark sides as sirens and light as pirates
no plot i just.. them..
virgil as a siren whose voice and tail had been polluted by the sea, rescued from an oil spill by the pirates (also how he was separated from remus and janus) and he’d been roaming around the ship ever since his rescue.
roman a glory-hungry pirate whos goal is to travel every inch of every island and sea in the world (started off as a hope to find his brother. but he’s trying to accept the fact he might never turn up again)
patton a crewmate who was strung along by romans coercing a few years before present, striving to be the heart of the ship— which he very much has turned out to be, handling the sails almost as good as roman.
remus, a human turned siren, wandering into the sea when he was in his younger years and never being seen by his family again. he had found his family in the sea and with its creatures. he always pondered his past life, however, and the people he’d met. the things he’d done with his legs..
janus was the siren that lead remus into the sea. there isn’t much anyone knows about him, but he’s wary about letting remus leave his side — or even attempt to swim up to the surface. it may have been because of what happened to virgil but who would know?
logan was a scientist before he hopped aboard romans ship as a map reader, the promise of sea exploration intriguing him. he wanted something new, which would be marine biology. and perhaps the atmosphere on the ship wasn’t the worst.
maybe the roleplay could start with [siren side] swimming up, either discovering [in the dark sides case] or revisiting [virgils case] the ship. finding either a familiar or unfamiliar face, sharing a chat until others come and interrupt, to which the siren dips back into the water and is seen when the pirate [light side they were talking to] is to be alone again
dm me if interested, its late and i am about to crash
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ashleyfanfic · 1 year
For the fan fiction writer asks! 3. Do you share your fic ideas, or do you keep them to yourself? 20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics? 35. What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted? 68. Are there any fics that influenced you to write the way you do? 76. How do you deal with writing pressure, whether internal or external?
Also I'm sorry you've had only negative asks lately, I hope this cheers you up 💜
First off, you beautiful angle! You put the question in the ask! Second, yeah every now and then you just catch some shit cause people are assholes who feel they can say and do whatever they want behind a screen.
Now onto the questions!
3. Do you share your fic ideas, or do you keep them to yourself? If they are Jonerys, I share them with my soul mate @justwandering-neverlost cause any opportunity we have to write together I’m gonna take. I know I’ve also shared some Dramione fic ideas with my friend, Kim, who used to write fic but now is a fucking publish author! But usually I tend to keep them to myself cause who the hell knows when inspiration will hit?
20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics? AUs. Sigh, case and point, just yesterday we got a comment on our Dragon Dark and Deep fic that was complaining that our military strategy wasn’t good. For three paragraphs. Like, come on, my reasoning for writing that fic is NOT to come up with sound strategy. It was to make these two people start banging before they met in season 7 and make them twisted for each other. I couldn’t actually give a fuck about military strat. You wanna read that? Go find a book written by George Patton. Me, I’m here to make two hot people bang a lot.
35. What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted? The first thing that came to mind was Legends of Winter’s Peak. Not only because I got to write it with JW and made the best friend I could ever hope for/have, but because it’s the most complete story in terms of character arcs, relationship arcs, main and side players. The writing process for that story was hands down the most fun I ever had writing. Which isn’t to say I don’t enjoy writing other things or even other fics with JW, but that one owns my whole ass soul.
68. Are there any fics that influence you to write the way you do? I can’t say there are specific fics but specific writers. I’ve been reading fan fic since I was 14 and I started with X-Men’s Rogue/Gambit. But through all the fandoms, I’ve learned more from writers and their process that makes sense. Kim actually had me planning out stories. I was a notorious pantser before and my stories would have more holes in it than Swiss cheese. So when I started LotB (Love on the Brain) I knew that with so many POVs and relationships, I couldn’t do it that way. @frostbitepandaaaaa has made me think harder about motivations for movements and reactions. Also, I respect someone that tears so hard into something I’m writing that it makes me question why I’m doing this. Because good critique can make you question it but their suggestions can also give you new life because she doesn’t see it the same why I do cause I’m too close. JW is so fucking phenomenal about adding in emotion to blocking dialogue. I’m a dialogue whore so I’ve never really cared about the stuff between, but the way she writes it actually makes me take a step back and go “huh, this can be better. What would JW do?” I don’t get close to how good she can make it, but it does make me think.
76. How do you deal with writing pressure externally or internally? I know this might piss someone off, but I don’t care about external pressure. I have a fic I Ah ent updated in 20 years that I was working on the other day. I write what I feel like writing. Internally, I can feel bad about not updating, but I also know I can’t force myself to write anything. That’s just not my way. I can try and get close but if it come down to me crying because I can’t get the words out, let me tell you that I don’t. I move on to something else like drawing, watching things on YouTube, napping. When I get inspiration, I get inspiration. I can’t force it.
Thank you for the asks!!
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Hello and welcome!
I'm Sparrow. This is the blog for Power Rangers : Side Force, a Sander Sides au based in the Power Rangers universe. As I've stockpiled a lot of information on this au, I thought I might as well plague the world with my brain rot. If this kind of au catches your interest, I'd also recommend @its-pronounced-quoassoints TSS x Power Rangers au here. The story is a ride and a half and it's written really well. It's seriously had me hooked and inspired me to get this all down instead of just letting it mentally fester. I'd also recommend @when-day-met-the-knights posts about their au too here. More info under the cut!
General information:
•This is my first work in the fandom, and first public work in general as far as I can remember. Keeping that in mind, characters may be a bit OOC.
•This is a human au, and has the sander sides characters as well as other characters from different things done by Thomas and the crew, though it does mainly focus on the sides. It will also feature C!Thomas, so if that weirds you out for any reason, you should probably skip this au. To make things clear I see C!Thomas and Thomas Sanders the content creator as separate entities, separated by the realms of fiction and non-fiction respectively.
•A lot of the settings and plot elements are from Power Rangers, but with a bit of personal interpretation. Specifically, it's mainly based on the original MMPR series/Zordon era, and the disney series of Dino Thunder and a bit of S.P.D. There is a further reason for it.
•A big part of this au revolves around C!Thomas. Specifically, the mashing up of C!Thomas, and the character of Tommy Oliver from MMPR. In fact, the character of Tommy Oliver is leaned into quite heavily. A mix of canon and headcanon of the MMPR character sneaks its way in here. I don't want to give away too much, but it does mean that throughout the story as a whole, he is referred to as Tommy Oliver and nicknames revolve around that a fair bit, so here's a fair warning.
•I, the creator, am not from America. Despite that, I've tried to write a story set specifically in America. Because of this, I don't doubt that I've gotten a few things wrong whether it comes to geographically, to spelling, to simply culture. I've tried my best but have come to the realisation that it'll always be a weird amalgamation, because this is just a fan work.
•There are going to be a wide range of things discussed in this story from disappearances, to bad relationships, to violence. There will be content warnings for things at the beginning of chapters. It should never be too heavy or dark, it is based on a kids show, but again, if it does, there will be warnings.
•At the time that this was originally thought up and worked on, the Orange side(if there is one) has not been revealed, because of this, I use Orange for a different person.
Plot Summary:
When four teenagers get the powers of a lifetime, they must learn how to exist and thrive with a new set of abilities. With the guidance of a mentor who seems to know more than he lets on, and what happened to their predecessors being a mystery just waiting to be solved, these four Rangers need all the help they can get to find out whats true, false, safe, an dangerous in Power Rangers : Side Force!
Or Alternatively for a more detailed explanation:
Logan, Patton, Roman and Virgil become power rangers by accident. Thomas Oliver Sanders, their new biology teacher, helps them out. The new group of rangers learn how to live with their ranger abilities. However the past begins to come forth as it seems that their teacher is not who he seems, and the last generation of power rangers haven't quite resigned. With juggling their own school, home, ranger, and personal lives these four teens must work together as a team if they have any hope of getting to the bottom of what's truly afoot.
There will be ships, though they aren't the main focus, they just kinda evolved whilst I was writing and. There will be endgame:
Romantic Logince
Romantic Pintroverts
Romantic JanusxRemusxEmilexRemy
Platonic Moxiety.
The majority of the content for this will probably be on the written side, with chapters and that. That being said, I do have art like ref sheets and that I will share as time goes on. The blog header will show who's chronologically at play at the current time according to the latest chapter posted. There's a single creator on here, so things might take time, especially because I'm figuring out how things work on this site still.
I think that's just it for now! Asks should be open if anyone is curious about anything!
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ao3feed-loceit · 2 years
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Janus’s 100% Foolproof Five-Step Plan To Win Patton’s Heart
Step 1: Insert Ourselves Into His Life
The Plan, • , Step 2, Step 3, Step 4, Step 5, Profit
My Best Friend’s Brother (read this first, or don’t, I’m not your mother)
Word Count: 449
Rating: Teen
Pairings: established Anxceitmus, eventual Intrumoxieceit 💚💙💜💛
Warnings: swearing, Remus being Remus
Remus skipped up to the door of the Morales household, completely aware, but impudently ignoring the two pairs of eyes burning a hole in the back of his head. Since Patton was the most familiar with Remus, it was decided that Remus would invite him to go to the mall with the three of them, so J-anus and Virgin were waiting in the car. Remus of course had rolled the windows down for them (it was summer in Florida; Remus wasn’t a monster!). 
He rang the doorbell for only a second or two longer than necessary, suppressing the urge to keep pressing it until he got a response, he needed to make a good impression after all (ignoring the fact that he’s been to Patton’s house before and was obnoxious each and every time he came to pick up Roman). It wasn’t long before Patton’s mom was answering the door.  
“Oh! Hello, Remus. I’m surprised to see you.” 
“Hi Mrs. Morales! Is Patton here?” Remus asked, giving her his best, most innocent smile.  
“I’m sorry dear, but he just left. He said he was heading to your house; I’m surprised he didn’t text you first.” 
Well… Remus hadn’t thought of that. He pulled his phone out to find that he did indeed have a text from Patton. Whoopsie doodles.  
“Oops,” Remus grinned sheepishly. “Guess I’ll go meet him at my house. Thanks Mrs. Morales!” 
“Goodbye, Remus!” 
Remus skipped all the way back to the car, ignoring the suspicious looks Janny-Jan and Virgie-poo were shooting at him through the open windows.  
“Well?” Janus asked impatiently as soon as Remus opened the car door.  
“Pat-a-doodle-doo went to my house,” Remus replied, starting the car. “He texted me earlier.” 
“Remus!” Virgil hissed.  
“Proving we listen to him is on the list!” 
“Yeah, but it’s step three,” Remus waved him off. “How was I supposed to know you meant listen to him now?” 
“Because that’s how a relationship works!” Janus fired back. “Any relationship!” 
“We’re so screwed!” Virgil whined, throwing his hood over his head and sinking down as far in his seat as he dared while simultaneously being afraid of the car getting into an accident.  
“Chill, guys, we’ll just go meet him at my house!” 
Patton was not at Remus’s house when they got there, instead, Remus found another text waiting for him on his phone.  
From Daddy Kink @ 11:03am: Your mom said you were gone for the day. Guess I should have texted you sooner 😅 
From Daddy Kink @ 11:03am: Maybe we can hangout tomorrow? Idk text me back 
From Daddy Kink @11:03am: Only if you want to though. If you don’t that’s cool too 
“Hehe… oops.” 
Currently my thought is that it’ll be formulated like a 5+1, each part will probably be pretty short (who knows, not me), might change the formatting and length a little before I post on AO3 (once again, who knows, I’m barely in charge here)
Best Friend’s Brother taglist:
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @knight-shives @misunderstood-shadowling @the-sunshine-dims @taylorxoxo22 @oatmealoatmealoatmealoatmealoatm @captain-gh0st @007ardra @fandomfan315 @sophiexteresa @smolemopotato @contemplativespectrum @xachery-apollo @sp4c3d-0ut @your-gay-enby-highness @sanderssides-angst @idont-freaking-know @thatsoftpunk @imlovethomassanders @frogsandcookies @aricana8 @cute-and-angsty-prince @a-chilly-pepper @why-is-everyone-pretty @angelgrace003 @justablah56
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Wont you let me take you to the other side?- A dark sides au intrulogical story
okaaaaaay I got hit with alot of inspiration for this one! I was listening to the song The Other Side from The Greatest Showman ( and had @softmushie ‘s animatic of the song on repeat for like an hour its so good) and as I was listening I started thinking and suddenly this song fit these two perfectly for this au.
A bit of context: Remus is pretty damn tired of the light sides and his brother always taking things from him and virgil and the other dark sides and decides that they need a taste of their own medicine, and he knows EXACTLY what to do to do it~
I hope you guys enjoy, I had alot of fun doing this and there will be a corresponding picture being drawn( since I dont have the tools to make animatics- theres an animatic in this that im just writing out at this point) So if this comes off as a song fic thats part of the plan
Anyway enjoy!!
Warnings: Crude language, cursing, remus being remus, unsympathetic sides(all sides not just one, depends on whose side youre viewing the conflict from) Sympathetic dark sides, Sexual implications and innuendos somewhere
Logan would pride himself on being many things, such as prepared for almost any situation. He was rational, logic, level-headedness, problem solver, calm. He was prepared for many things thrown at the sides and at Thomas. 
He knew how to calmly ease Deceit’s insecurities about his new role. He knew how to reel back Roman from going overboard and exhausting himself before he can expand on any one idea. He knew how to calm Patton down when and urge him to talk before he bottled up too much negativity. He would even risk saying he could keep the dark sides from causing too much mayhem, as difficult as they could make themselves. Logan was efficient and orderly, and he tried to keep most of the mindscape, and Thomas, the same way despite any roadblocks or shenanigans.
Despite this he was not prepared for everything that could happen, which is what landed him in his current predicament. 
Logan’s head throbbed lightly as he pried his eyes open, as if he had a headache or had been hit hard over the head with something heavy. When he had gathered his bearings he looked up to find himself in a dark space shrouded in black, sitting at the end up a sleek dark table. A glance down showed him he was not restrained in any visible way, and he could get up and leave if he so wanted. But where he would be leaving was unclear, and he stayed seated as he thought back to what happened and how he would’ve gotten here. ‘ Lets see....we were brainstorming another video idea...I was with Roman...we were bickering over an idea of his and the actuality of Thomas being able to pull it off in a timely matter or if we should go with something else...it was a bit of a stalemate so to speak...and then Roman yelled something about behind me...and then I saw a glimpse of green...and then...The last thing I can remember seeing was--’
“ Remus.” He said firmly. Thats when he heard a familiar laugh at the other end of the table.
“ You called Logan darling~?” Logan sighed and briefly pinched the bridge of his nose to maintain his composure before reopening his eyes and locking them with the wild, glowing green eyes of the side across from him. 
Remus was sitting at the other side of the table with his chair tilted back in a precarious balancing act and a wide grin on his face that reeked of bad intentions...or maybe that was just Remus in general. Logan sat himself up straighter in his chair and sighed.
“ Remus would you please explain where we are, and why you felt the need to knock me out to bring me here.” Remus only shrugged at first, tapping freshly painted black nails on the desk where he could reach. Despite the casual feel to his movements his eyes were unusually sharp and focused, trapping Logan in their grip. He couldnt help the irritated huff he gave, and he tapped his foot a little.
“ Remus please, I’m not in the mood for these games of yours right now. Wheres the exit.” All he got back was an amused hum and the thud of his chair remeeting the floor and the creak as the other leaned towards him.
“ oh ho ho~ No games today Lo-lo not this time...This time I’d like to put an offer for you out on the table.” He gave a grand sweep gesture over the table and grinned, eyes glittering with something Logan recognized somewhere else. Stubborn-ness, determination.
He saw it in Roman’s eyes far too often to mistake it. 
“ An...offer? Remus...what are you talking about?” Remus seemed to wave off his clear suspicion and continued his pitch, voice enthusiastic and honest.
“ Cmon lo! I dont want to have to keep chasing you down for it...but I know you see it too. Drop the stuffy ties with those light side pricks and try running with me.” Logan was stunned, too stunned to reply at first. And Remus took that opportunity to keep going.
“ You can run with me, and I can cut you free from them and all the burdens they keep piling on. Out of all that drudgery and the walls that are keeping you in!” He leaned forward more, palms flat on the table as he stood from his chair.
“ Lets trade that boring typical for something different, something colorful! And if its bad or crazy? Fuck it lets live a little crazy!” Logan only had time to blink before Remus was standing beside him, leaning close.
“ You can play it sensible, their king of the conventional. Or you can risk it all and see...dont you just wanna get away from this same old boooooooring part they make you play?” He felt Remus’s hand glid over his chest and shoulder as he circled around the chair, another grand gesture made with his other hand.
“ Because frankly specs, I got more of what you need! So just come with me and take the ride~ and I’ll take you to the other side! Because dont get me wrong...” Another blink and the other was seated directly in front of him on top of the table, one leg crossed over the other and his heeled boot lightly pressing on his thigh above his knee.
“ you can keep doing like you do...or you can do like me! You can stay in you boring little cage, or you can finally take the key...” A golden key dangled in his right hand tauntingly, as his other hand wrapped around Logan’s tie and pulled him up so their faces were close. He lowered his voice to a soften, smooth tone as his smiled curled into a small smirk.
“ Well damn, then suddenly youre free to fly....Just let me take you to the other side.” 
Logan blinked, once then twice as he processed what was happening as quickly as he could. And once it had he almost let out a bit of a laugh. Remus was persuasive when he was passionate about something, Logan wouldnt deny him that. His words were urging and hypnotic, but that alone wouldnt make the logical side swoon. So he sighed through his nose and put his hand on the wrist holding his tie and met his eyes confidently. 
“ Ok Remus, you want to...” cut me in” so to speak. You want me to join the dark sides with you correct? As...gilded and lovely as you make the offer to be...” He gently pushed his hand off and leaned back in his chair, straightening his tie with a calm, composed expression.
“ Well I hate to tell youm but it simply just wont happen. So I give you my thanks, but no. I think im good to go.” He gave a small smirk and stood from the chair and took a step away, casually dusting his shoulders off as he did.
“ Because despite what you say I quite enjoy the life you claim to say im trapped in. Not to completely disregard you now,” He glanced back, dark blue cutting into bright green as the table disappeared and left the two standing face to face in the darkness 
“ Now, I’ll admit I do admire you, and this whole show you can do. Youre onto something Remus, really youre onto something I can say I’ll be proud of you for. But I have to stay among the light sides and rationality, and cannot afford to give in to recklessness. That, I’ll have to leave that up to you.” He chuckled softly with his words and stood up straighter, his smiling faded as he took a more serious approach, turning on his heels to walk away.
“ Dont you know that im ok with this “ uptown” part I get to play. Because there I got what I need and I dont wish to take your ride. So I dont need to see the other side.” He turned and began to walk, waving his hand to dismiss the idea away.
“ So you go back and do like you do, I’m well and good to do like me. I am not in some so called cage...so I dont need to take your key Remus. I believe you can see I’m doing just fine. I dont need you to take me to the other side.” Remus narrowed his eyes and let out his own sigh, watching his back with more seriousness.
“ Is that really how you like to spend your days? Wasted and in misery, locked in their rules and pretty plays?” Logan glanced back with a stern look.
“ If I were to be mixed up with you, I’d be the talk of the mindscape. I’d likely be disgraced and disowned, discarded as unfit for my role as logic.” 
Logan had blinked once and suddenly he was swept off his feet and in a twirl. He let out a startled noise as Remus led him in a extravagant waltz, arms around him and keeping him close as the world around them melted and swirled into a  luxurious and gothic ballroom hall, green candlelight flickering and glowing as they danced round and round. Here in his arms Logan realized for the first time that Remus was actually taller than him, and that the other could dance beautifully and elegantly while Logan stumbled along with him. Remus didnt seem to mind as he chuckled and led Logan round and round to music he couldve sworn floated at the edges of his hearing, something somber and sweet on the violin or piano maybe. 
“ Cmon Logan dont you enjoy this? The freedom, the thrill?” Logan looked up again and opened his mouth to repeat his stance when Remus leaned close
“ You would finally get to live a little, finally laugh a little....just let me give you the freedom to dream and to breathe a little...” Another twirl and he spun Logan once like a princess before continuing their dance.
“ It’ll wake you up and cure all your aching, I’ll take all your walls and we’ll start ‘em breaking! Now to me that seems like a deal...a risk well worth taking~” He then spun Logan away from him, and the logical side found himself a little speechless as the scene morphed once more. Remus himself fell into a deep sweeping bow as he smiled, a bow worthy of a King’s presence. And for the one moment Logan realized he could feel the weight of a crown on his head, could see parts of the elegant and simple royal robes he was donning and the throne room he now stood at the head of, moonlight pouring in and giving it all an almost heavenly glow. His eyes met Remus’s once more, and he saw they were glittering in the moonlight, like green jewels. And all at once the moonlight faded and Remus pulled himself up. Logan briefly felt a hand slide sensually, longingly across his cheek as it grew darker, and as Remus’s voice grew softer.
“ But I guess I’ll leave that decision up to you Logan...” 
He blinked and found himself standing in the hallway, right in front of his room, normal attire and Remus nowhere in sight. It was dark, most likely night now and he could feel Thomas sleeping. 
He was back home...right?  
Logan took a deep breath as quietly as he could and shook his head, trying to dismiss the whole ordeal as perhaps nothing but a vivid dream of sorts...He let his shoulders slump a little as he headed into his room to go work on some things before bed. But he stopped as his door clicked shut, eyes locked on the single thorny blue rose sitting in the center of his desk. He felt warmth flood his cheeks as his fingers brushed one of the silk soft petals. He caught a glimpse of a single lined note attached to the stem, the paper spotted with a couple suspicious red dots and curvy, messy handwriting.
‘ I’ll be waiting on your answer, you know where to find me once you do~ Until then darling’
aaaaaaaaaand tadaaaa! Its done!! I hope you guys like it!!
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queer-and-colorful · 5 years
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Page 1
This is the 1st page of a comic I will be starting based off this piece I did for the Sanders Sides Secret Santa. I don’t know how long I’ll make it but it will at least cover virgil meeting the fairy boys and leaving into the fae world with them.
Woo.. this is gonna be a doosy haha. the rest of the pages probably wont be colored.
I will be tagging @fearful-quartet cause this is technically a continuation of their gift
1(youre here)/
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sanders sides starship au
Analogical Sander side space au
Logan one of the few aliens on crew
Very 'spock like' if commander Thomas is to believed
Lead Scientist of the Sander Sides Starship
Several years of expeditions under his belt
Virgil is the fresh face on the sander sides starship
Originanlly brought on as nothing more than a temp custodian so he could hitch a ride to the next dock
But turns out Virgil is a lot more useful, like 'I can spot a miscalulation in the system, do proper first aid, take control of the ship and steer and, if need be, fight like a mad man.'
After two or three near death escapes the most of the main crew agrees that Virgil should stay
But Logan is cautious
They Know nothing about Virgil or his past.
So as Thomas put Virgil as an ship mechanic
Logan is watching him
He tries to be 'sneaky'
Which means he stared at Virgil from across the room when they were nearby each other
Virgil was a dark side
meaning he was a human who was kidnapped and forced into manual labor off of earth
he, along with a group of other dark sides, took over the ship they were forced on
but things went south pretty quickly as the sides fought to be captain. it was messy and just as dangerous as before so Virgil  ran the first chance he had
which is why he’s been jumping ship after ship in hopes of getting back to earth
and maybe to make the dark sides loose his trail as well
he was the right hand man of dark sides before things went south
Virgil just wants to lay low and get back to the planet he hasn’t seen in a decade
but then comes the sander sides starship
this rag tag group of explorers going to uncharted galaxies without caution
they are going to get themselves killed
and they might’ve grown on him with their wacky personalities 
so he stays
and everything is going great! he’s got friends that respect him, a job that pays him money, and even his own room! he’s having the time of his life!
except for this guy named Logan, you would think for a highly intelligent scientist like himself he would understand that he is not very sneaky
but nope.
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Shitty idea 3:
So this is based on the game Devilish Hairdresser.
The angle is - Patton/Roman/Logan (if you really want)
The demon is - Virgil/Remus/Deceit
For those of you that haven't played this amazing game (you should) the demon is trying to sabotage the clients haircut while the angle isn't looking and has to do a certain amount of time without being caught to successfully ruin it.
Thought it would be cool to have this lol :)
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clemjolichose · 2 years
Would You Be So Kind?
Summary: During his college years, Patton falls in love with a boy he often sees at the coffee shop in the morning. His best friend Emile helps him approach the very handsome young man.
AU: Burning Pile - a college Sanders Sides AU. This one-shot takes place before the main events of the AU and represents Logan, Patton, Emile and Remy’s backstories.
Characters: Logan (he/him), Patton (he/they), Emile (he/she), Remy (he/him), Willy (OC, he/him)
Pairings: logicality (Logan x Patton) and remile (Remy x Emile)
TW/CW: ableism, fatphobia (for one interaction around the middle)
Patton Warren and Emile Picani had only entered the Remy's when the second man exclaimed:
"Oh! Cutie at twelve o'clock!"
Patton looked and blushed immediately.
"Shush! He will hear you!"
He put a finger over his own mouth, accompanying his words with a shushing gesture. Emile laughed it off and walked over to the counter, turning to the barista. He smiled at him and laughed awkwardly, all flirtatious.
"Hey Rem- hum, my friend and I would like your darkest coffee, as usual."
The man wiggled his eyebrows, making the barista laugh.
"As dark as your soul, I suppose? All right, two cups of cream coming up!"
He turned around to just prepare their usual - and not two cups of cream - as Emile watched him. Patton, however, was a little distracted by the first cutie spotted when they entered the coffee shop. He had already seen his face around the campus, but every time his heart failed him like the first, skipping beats and accelerating. His stomach would twist at the thought of talking to this stranger, hearing his voice... though he never entertained the idea long enough to build up the courage to do it. It didn't matter how many times Emile pushed him towards him. It had been two months now and they still didn't know his name or what he was studying here.
"Hey, sleeping beauty, you can get your coffee now, Remy teased him, handing him the cup."
Patton snapped back into reality and blinked a few times at the barista who laughed again.
"You're really all head over heels for him. Falling hard, uh? Can't blame you, you have the same look as Emily.
-You call Em "Emily"? Patton asked, finally taking the cup.
-Yeah, well, he's real cute. You better run back to him or he'll start thinking something is up, Remy advised him."
Patton turned his head to see Emile waving at him from a table. He hesitated.
"He paid for you, you'll pay next time; the barista informed him."
So he smiled at Remy while walking over to his best friend. 
Logan had been here for an hour, barely looking up from his notebook and textbooks scattered around the table. He sometimes sipped from his black coffee in which he secretly added liquor. Not that he liked the taste, but it was to keep him going. The stress of being near the finals of the first semester was getting to him and he needed this to not fall apart. After all, he was already doing that in high school, which, of course, should be considered a bad idea because he was a teenager. The thing is: as long as he was getting perfect grades, it didn't matter how he was doing it. Nobody cared. So he kept doing it and it started being a habit - and Logan really struggled to fall out of it, or get another one. His autistic brain had found a way to cope with the stress of being inadequate and no other methods could get to that level. He was fucked...
Still, he didn't drink too much alcohol at once. Only a sip of liquor in a coffee every now and then, not more than once a week. Though he knew that alcoholism was around the corner, waiting for him, he just didn't want to think about it. Losing himself and his sense of reality into his work was the best way to forget about it. And that was how he didn't spot the two guys loudly talking about him. Remy hadn't missed them though and was about to make things move fast. 
There weren't a lot of clients, actually no one was coming in, so Remy got out from behind the counter and walked over to Patton and Emile, sitting beside them on a reversed chair. He supported himself by putting his crossed arms on the backrest.
"Hey, by the way, the Remy's will host a game show tomorrow night. Something chill, so people can get to know each other. I was wondering if two cute, clever guys like you would like to come and bless us with their presence?"
Both men blushed and giggled softly, but Emile was definitely the most flustered. Patton answered for the both of them:
"Yeah, that could be fun. What time?
-Six pm, be on time 'cause I know someone will."
Remy eyed over to Logan who had just rolled his sleeves all the way above his elbows. It was Patton's turn to get flustered and Emile's turn to answer, hooking his arm around his friend's shoulders.
"We will be there. Thanks!"
With a satisfied and rather proud expression, Remy rose up. He gave a last piece of information before returning to his job, though:
"He will want to get first place in the Trivia Game. Make him know you're clever, get on his team, and win his heart. That's the way."
And with those words, he fingerguned his way out. 
Patton was freaking out. They had nothing to wear for a fun night out on the town - or on the campus! At least Emile, as a good roommate and best friend, was supporting them through a mental breakdown during which they changed their mind. Sitting at the end of their bed, their head in their hands, they were almost crying.
"Come on, Pat! It's gonna be okay!"
Emile held them, caressing their back with a smile.
"I know it means a lot to you. Hey- how about this: you go through my wardrobe and find something to wear there. Does it sound good?"
Patton lifted their head and wiped their cheeks.
"Yeah, huh, why not.
-Rise up then, Sleeping Beauty, it's time to get you changed to meet your Prince Charming before midnight.
-I think you're mixing tales..."
They both laughed while walking over to Emile's bedroom.
An hour or so later, Emile and Patton stepped in the Remy's, the music playing loudly with people dancing in the middle of the room where tables have been removed. Emile approached the young owner.
"Hey, you turned it into a nightclub.
-That wasn't the idea but someone took the DJ's place and I don't know where she went, Remy answered, lowering his glasses to look at Emile.
-Have you checked the bathroom? Patton said."
He shook his head.
"I should go. Are you coming with me, Emile?"
The man nodded excitedly and followed his crush to the bathroom, leaving Patton alone with a sorry expression, mouthing the word to them. He brushed it off, putting his thumbs up in encouragement. When both men were out of sight, he settled in a quiet corner before being approached by Remy's former boss - Willy. Willy sat down near them and talked to him:
"Look at that! That poor coffee shop! This not a way to keep the place nice, nay.
-It's students having fun. I wish we had a place like that when I started my studies here."
Patton looked at the people dancing with a pleased smile. Willy thought the student would agree with him, since he was just left by his friend and sitting in the corner, but they were happy seeing people happy, and right now the room was filled with laughter. He was just a grumpy old man before even reaching 40. He didn't answer, only muttering curses about the young generations that sometimes made Patton giggled. Willy was never hurtful, and could actually agree that progress was nice - he was himself a gay man after all - but he also didn't know how to express his feelings except through complaints. That's what his father did and his father's father before him. Patton never minded his company, nor did Remy who liked complaining with him or poking fun at him from time to time. Another person never minded him, and was actually eager to see him: Patton's crush. When he rolled over to them and settled next to Willy, Patton blushed and fell silent. He wished he had a drink to look down to and avert his eyes from the prettiest boy he had ever seen.
"Good evening, Willy. I didn't think you would come, the nerd greeted him with a low voice."
This wasn't the first time Patton heard him, but his voice was so deep and regular, almost like a bass rhythm that made his heart beat faster and louder - if the loud music didn't already.
"Well, you told me you'd be here, Willy answered sincerely. Though I don't know how the sound doesn't trigger you.
-Ear plugs.
-Ah, of course."
Patton had never heard Willy so relaxed. He was actually amazed hearing the two of them interact. Though it didn't last long because some dudes walked up to them, already laughing, looking like jerks already.
"Hey, what's up nerd? Not you since you're stuck in that chair!"
They high-fived and Patton's blood boiled in anger. They looked over at the said nerd who was looking at his legs, clutching his wheelchair's massive armrests. They were about to stand up when Willy snapped back, holding his cane in a threatening manner.
"You fuckers better go off and learn some respect before I kick your asses 'til you bleed! And I've done that to policemen in the 1980s so don't try me."
One of the guys went pale and tried to escape with his friend, but the other laughed.
"What you're gonna do, old man? You can't catch up if we run.
-See if you can run first. I'll have you on the ground."
They were getting close to fighting and the target of the mockery was very much upset, seeing how clenched his jaw was. Patton stepped in:
"You boys get off before I call Remy. You're just mean because you didn't find something else interesting to do, like getting girls. Be alone in another corner and let nice people enjoy nice things - that means not you.
-Oh, the fat boy is getting angry, the man cooed annoyingly. So what, you'll sit on us and make us suffocate? That's no muscle there, I bet I can lift you up."
So Patton did the only thing left to do: thanks to his smaller body, but very strong - the mean student was very wrong about Pat's strength - he kicked him right in the nuts. The boy fell and was led away by his scared friend. The violence wasn't usual for Patton and that made him snap back in reality. He turned to the man in the wheelchair who was breathing heavily while Willy was still cursing about them.
"Hey, are you alright? Do you mind if I-"
Patton was about to touch his hand in the hope to unclench it as he was visibly hurting himself, but he quickly shook his head, a movement so wide he might have pulled his neck.
"Okay, I'm not touching you, that's fine. You're fine, they're not there anymore."
They tried to talk loud enough to be heard, but not too much so he could still sound soft. The man wouldn't look up, his body tense.
"We should go outside, get you in a safe place where you can calm down. Can I touch your wheelchair to push you outside?"
He wasn't answering. Willy, who was finished cursing the jerks, explained:
"He's having a meltdown, he won't talk to you, you know...
-I'm not asking him to talk, there are other ways of communicating if we're willing to actually use empathy.
-We don't have the time, the older man sighed, annoyed."
He took the wheelchairs handles but then the man sitting in it jerked up, his hand flailing to Willy, smacking him to push him away.
"Ah fuck, Logan. You little shit."
And Patton understood the situation was very wrong.
"You should apologise to him, they said firmly, looking down at Willy.
-What? That shit hurts-
-Apologise now. Do you like to be respected? He would like that too and you showed disregard for his consent, so apologise!"
Willy stood there for a moment, leaning on his cane. Then he sighed again.
"You're right. Sorry boy, I didn't mean to hurt you. It was my fault."
Just like that, Logan calmed down, as if the guilt was removed from his shoulders and the sense of justice was rushing through him - a pleasant sensation for once. He looked up to stare at Patton's face, though not their eyes the student noted, saying nothing and standing still. After a moment, Patton asked again:
"Do you want me to push you outside?"
Logan nodded. Relieved, Patton turned around, took the handles and slowly made their way out. Willy stayed inside, ruminating about what he's done to the poor boy.
Outside, the air was chill and made the two men shiver. Logan squirmed and moaned in displeasure. Glancing over to him, Patton took off their scarf and showed it to him. When Logan looked at him with expectant eyes, not entirely understanding, they very slowly put it around him, smiling.
"There. Don't get cold."
Logan chuckled and snuggled in the soft light blue scarf. He looked away, very much embarrassed anyone had to see him during one of his meltdowns. He even smacked someone! But this kind stranger, who seemed so concerned about goodness and shoulds, stayed with him and didn't hold it against him. It was odd and he felt like he was about to be manipulated - a defence mechanism, though it fell apart when they spoke:
"So, do you have a partner for tonight's trivia game? It's in groups of two and I didn't find anyone."
He shook his head.
"Aw, too bad. Well, not really, because that means we can team up and win that game! Wouldn't it be fun?"
Logan chuckled while removing his ear plugs, now much more collected - there was something about the man next to him that calmed him in the most troubling, exciting, tender way.
"Weren't you with a friend?
-Emile? Oh, he plans to flirt with Remy all night. I don't want to be third wheeling.
-Third wheel- but you're... human."
Logan sounded genuinely confused about the expression, so Patton explained it - it was like explaining how college and city life worked to their parents. They were used to explaining things that looked easy to understand for some people, or even things that were the norm. But Patton wasn't normal, nor their family was, not even their best friend Emile. And they were more than happy to see their crush wasn't either, as they were afraid he would make fun of them.
"Being the third wheel is an expression - you say that about someone who is with friends that are in a relationship. The friends show their affection in front of the third person so that person becomes a third wheel, a witness of their affection.
-Ah, I see, Logan realised. Is it because a bicycle has two wheels so a third would be unnecessary? The third friend is the unnecessary wheel?
-That is a harsh way to put it but yeah. I mean, it really isn't far from the truth, because you feel unnecessary when you're the third wheel. So I better stay with you, huh? We're gonna have so much fun!""
Both of them were deeply focused on their conversation when Willy stepped out of the coffee shop.
"Well, gentlemen, I must head back home. I thought the Trivia Game would start sooner, he told them, playing with his cane's handle.
-Oh, I should try to find Remy, Patton said. I haven't seen him since Emile and him- Oh, I think I know what happened.
-You do that and I get some sleep. I'm sure I'll dream about kicking those bastards' asses."
Logan chuckled, moving back and forth in his wheelchair. Patton noticed it in the corner of their eye and smiled. It made them happy to see their crush so alive and energetic in their own weird way after their meltdown. Willy walked away, waving at Logan.
"You can go and search for Remy, I'll get back inside by myself.
-Alright, I'll get back to you for the game so don't try to hide!"
Patton hurried inside while Logan calmly made his way back into the party. 
When Patton entered the restroom, he heard the sound of smooching. He grimaced and knocked on a stall's door.
Remy and Emile stumbled behind the door, with lots of "shit" and "fuck" and "sorry". When they got out, Patton's best friend was red as ever and dishevelled.
"We weren't doing- Emile tried to say.
-I don't wanna know, Patton cut him out.
-We were just kissing!
-And I'm happy for you but I'm here to get Remy. People are waiting for the game to start."
Remy seemed to remember the game just now as he put his sunglasses back on.
"Thanks for telling me. I was a bit... distracted."
He glanced over at Emile who giggled adorably and Patton smiled. They were cute.
The three of them walked back into the party and Remy reached for the microphone, so Patton joined Logan. Emile winked at his best friend and gave him space to get closer to him.
Logan had a drink with him, calmly waiting for Patton at a table. He smiled at him when he saw him coming.
"What are you having?
-Red wine, Logan answered carelessly. Do you want me to get you a glass?
-They serve red wine?? Patton exclaimed, surprised.
-It's from Remy's personal collection, the man answered with a grin, looking proud."
Patton giggled and acquiesced, so Logan rolled to the counter and stealed Remy's wine bottle. He came back laughing and filled another glass so they could toast. The game started as they both sipped their wine.
The first questions were fairly easy and just a few people were eliminated. Patton and Logan were leading, answering Remy's questions with ease, especially for the nerd. And to celebrate each point, they both drank some wine to the point they were completely drunk by the end of the night and the final questions were a complete black out for Patton.
The next day, Patton tried to talk to Logan at the coffee shop, but he was resolutely silent and wouldn't even look at him.
"Hey, Lo, it's me, don't you remember? We teamed up last night for the game!"
No answer. No smile. No reaction. He sighed, pained to be ignored.
"Hey, did I do something wrong? I know I blacked out last night but if I did anything that embarrassed or hurted you, I would prefer to know about it!"
That somehow got Logan more tense. He was flipping pages while obviously not reading them, actively ignoring him.
"Please, Logan, stop ignoring me."
All of a sudden, Logan looked up in annoyance and sighed.
"I made a mistake last night. That's what happened."
All of Patton's words left his mouth and he couldn't think of an answer. Emile was flirting with Remy at the counter, unaware of what was happening between Patton and Logan.
"I… kissed you, the latter murmured finally, looking down at his textbooks.
Patton was more and more confused.
"And it was a mistake, for you? he asked in a tiny tiny voice."
His eyes watered, his heart ached and he was almost choking, unable to talk. When Logan looked up once again, he couldn't help but panic, putting a hand on Patton's arm with a tight grip.
"Fuck, Patton, I'm sorry- What I meant is… Uh, I kissed without your consent, while you were drunk, and you not remembering it is just another proof that I shouldn't have done that."
His hand moved from his arm to his cheek as he was wiping away the tears.
"I don't want to hurt you. I would never hurt you on purpose, he continued."
Patton smiled and Logan's stomach flipped. He wanted to see his smile again, he wanted to see him beaming, shining like the sun outside. He froze there, agape, his eyes darting at  the man's lips.
"I know that, silly. And you were drunk too. Phew, I was afraid for a moment there, Patton giggled."
Logan smiled in return.
"Afraid of what? Logan asked, oblivious."
Patton got a little bit closer to his face.
"Afraid of– I don't know, my feelings not being reciprocated."
He played shyness, but was still smiling, knowing what would happen next. At least he hoped it would happen.
"But they are."
Logan was so red, his whole face was burning, and he didn't seem able to act on his feelings. He cleared his voice and talked again before Patton could:
"I've seen you at the theatre. You work at the theatre, right?
-I am a student in theatrical art, Patton nodded.
-And well… You, I couldn't get my eyes off you. I came back for each of your plays, I don't know what's happening to me…"
He sighed, because all these feelings were too much for him to handle. He was planting his nails in the palms of his hands, nervous and needing to stim his feelings out. Patton noticed and held his hand, playing with his fingers.
"Maybe we can talk about that after our lessons, this afternoon?
-We can, Logan acquiesced.
-Perfect, that's a date, Patton smiled. Do you mind if I kiss you?"
Logan blushed again and slightly turned his head to show his cheek. Patton laughed and planted a kiss there, before rushing outside, waving at his future boyfriend, a sweet man, kind enough to love him back. It was the start of a new exciting life-long adventure.
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ajthedumbass · 3 years
Descendants AU
This is an AU I came up with as a (very) self-indulgent rp. I made moodboards for them and wanted to share them!
Sally Face Version
Intruality (Patton x Remus)
Analogical (Logan x Virgil)
Roceit (Roman x Janus)
Remile (Remy x Emile)
Patton, Son of Belle and the Beast
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Patton is son of Belle and the Beast, and the second prince in line behind his older brother Ben. He doesn’t mind, though, being second in line, he’d rather be a kind and loved prince than forced to make tough choices ruling Auradon. He always does his best to be good and honest, even when he makes a mistake.
Logan, Son of Drizzela Tremaine
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Logan is the son of Drizzela Tremaine and grandson of Lady Tremaine. His interest in inventing and science are always punished and shoved aside in favor of sewing dresses for his mother and grandmother. He is a caring and protective brother of his little sister Dizzy, despite shutting off most of his emotions to practically everyone else.
Roman and Remus, Sons of the Queen of Hearts
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Roman and Remus are the sons of the infamous Queen of Hearts. Roman inherited his mother’s regal and poised side, Remus got her deranged and brutal nature. Roman is very romantic and dramatic, dreaming of being an actor. Remus is happy getting high behind the school on the isle. While Remus wouldn’t mind being the one manning the guillotine, neither twin could say no to a nice afternoon beheading.
Janus, Son of Dr Facilier
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Janus is the son of Dr Facilier. A cunning and deceptive young man, Janus has no problem taking advantage of his fathers “friends” to get a few extra bucks reading fortunes. He cares for his younger sister Celia and is more than willing to help her practice her own card reading skills.
Virgil, Son of Mother Gothel and Hades
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Virgil is the son of Mother Gothel and Hades. As a boy, his fascination with the dead was always strange and unexplainable until he learned his father was the god of the underworld. He carries a strong resentment for both parents, one for abandoning him and the other for her abusive nature. He show interest in the occult and dark magic. He is currently unaware of his half-sister Mal.
Emile, Son of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider
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Emile is the son of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. His hair often grows quickly, causing him to cut it frequently, though he prefers to keep it shoulder length and up in a bun. He is a cartoon fanatic and likes to lend a hand or an ear to his friends.
Remy, Son of Sleepy
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Remy is the son of the dwarf Sleepy. Sassy, fashionable, and a caffeine addict, the only thing in common with his father is his constant desire to nap. Remy’s always down to party, with nap or coffee breaks, of course.
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xlehukax · 4 years
Thank You For The Music
Foreword: This is for the Sanders Sides Gift Exchange! Analogical Soulmate Au, as requested by @romantichopelessly! Happy holidays. And there’s also a playlist!  @sanderssidesgiftxchange! 
Ships: Logan x Virgil, (Background) Patton x Janus 
Word Count: 8374 
Warnings: SelectiveMute!Virgil, like one fight scene, Cursing, Logan’s ignoring feelings, it’s mainly the Logan and Virgil show... I don’t think there’s really anything! 
Summary: Logan’s been asked to assist a local student on campus. Having nothing else to do, he agrees: and so starts a connection that he would’ve never expected, and one that flowers more beautifully than he could ever imagine. (Soulmates can hear each other sing in their heads: Italics are either singing or sign language) 
Somehow, Logan thought his fourth year in College would feel different. Like he’s gone on some sort of journey: like he’s learned in the education manner but also in the lifestyle sort of way. 
It doesn’t appear that way. It seems like Logan’s the same. 
No friends. 
No challenges. 
Nothing to be excited about whatsoever. He’s going to college for the degree at this point, and the title alone. It’s why when the professor for his Microbiology class asks him to stay after, it shocks him. Especially so close to the end of the semester. 
Is he not doing enough? A quick inventory of his mind ensures that he hasn’t forgotten anything. The professor must need something: she’s taken a shine to him anyway, it probably isn’t bad. Logan gathers his things and then places them carefully in their individual places in his bag: once everything is where it belongs, in pockets and folders and sections, Logan presents himself to the professor. She smiles at him over the top of her laptop, eyes sparkling with mirth before shutting the lid of the machine. 
“Thank you for seeing me, Logan,” she grins. 
“I’m going to be blunt here: why have you asked me to stay? I assume that there is nothing out of order.” 
“No, no… your grades are impeccable, participation is great, and you’ve been fantastic. It’s simply that you’re so outstanding that I want to ask a favor,” his professor asks shrewdly. Logan hums for a moment, debating, before wincing in pain and clutching his temple. 
“Logan! Are you alright, dear?” 
“Ah, yes. It’s merely my soulmate,” he says by way of explanation. The professor smiles broadly. 
“How fantastic! Anything good?”
Logan quickly takes stock of the song: his mystery mate sang Overkill yesterday during Office Hours, and Sally’s Song the day before that while he was at his college apartment. He only knew because a) these were repeating songs, and b) he’d looked them up right away. Listened to them after the music fades to hold them close. 
It’s funny that he never once thinks that the original is better in any sense than the sweet song of his soulmate. His (Logan’s assumed it’s a he, based on his own sexuality and interests) music is so sweet: his voice is lilting and beautiful and it makes Logan feel so guilty. So guilty, because he must be the most beautiful man in the world and Logan hasn’t given him anything. Logan does not… sing. 
And in a world where you hear your soulmate’s singing in your own head, it’s a betrayal. 
“So? What is it?” the professor’s voice snaps him back to reality. 
“Oh, I’m not sure. It seems to go… oh, oh, oh, I got a love that keeps me waiting. Oh, oh, oh, I got a love that keeps me waiting. I’m a lonely boy, I’m a lonely boy,” he repeats the song in a monotone. The professor snaps her fingers. 
“Ah, The Black Keys. Lonely Boy, a classic!! It’s a good song, your soulmate has some bloody good taste. And, what are you doing, letting them be lonely like that?” she winks at him, “It’s quite the song.” 
“I do not see how this is relative to our conversation,” Logan deadpans, tired of this discourse already. If it has nothing to do with academics, he doesn’t want to hear it. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I got off-topic. Anyway, you know ASL right?” 
“Perfect,” she smiles gently, getting up from the desk and dusting herself off, “There’s a student at the school, it’s his second year: he’s mute and uses primarily ASL to communicate. So far, he’s been surviving by being with his brother. But the brother is changing schools after this semester to go to a better nursing school and… well, we need someone to look after Virgil. Virgil Williams is the name of the student and Patton Williams’s the brother. There’s not a lot of students who know ASL here, and from what I’ve heard you don’t really participate in extracurricular activities. This would be not only a great way to flesh out your resumé but also simply a great thing to do, you know, humanitarian wise. Would you be up for it?” 
Logan considers for a moment. It’s true, he doesn’t do a whole lot outside of schoolwork: he does tend to have too much free time spent re-reading books. It doesn’t have to be anything special: it’s only helping this kid when he needs it. No problem whatsoever: he’s tutored people before, it’ll be similar. 
“I don’t see why not. Do I have an opportunity to meet with them before I agree completely?” 
“Oh, of course! They should be at their dorm now… here’s the dorm number,” she passes him a slip of paper and what this job will entail and waves him off. The dorm’s only a short walk away: it’ll be less than a ten-minute walk from the lecture hall if he crosses the Courtyard. 
Logan walks briskly: he doesn’t require the extra exercise due to his rigorous workout schedule but it’s always nice to stretch his limbs. He breaks into a light jog, his bag bouncing slightly on his back as he moves, and makes it there in exactly 8.7 minutes instead of 10. Logan wipes the sweat from his brow with a cloth before entering the dormitories and heading to the shared Williams dorm. It’s on the third floor, right outside the elevators. 
Logan takes the stairs. 
He combats a sudden influx of nerves at the door: swallows it deep and regulates his features. Professional, he thinks to himself. Be professional. 
His knock is answered immediately as if they were standing at the door. Logan’s presented with a man who breaks out into a broad smile immediately: his hair is pulled up into a small bundle at the top of his head, sparse brown curls sticking out haphazardly. He’s quite large and strong-looking: he’d be intimidating if his eyes didn’t have that same sort of sparkle that the professor did, his large circle-rimmed glasses hiding absolutely nothing. 
“Oh!! You must be the guy the Prof knew!! Hello! I’m Patton!! It’s so great to meet you!! Agh, I’m so excited! Well, Virgil too,” he grins. Logan blinks. He is… a lot. 
“Greetings. I am Logan,” Logan signs the words alongside the verbal words to demonstrate his fluency. Patton squeals and Logan winces. 
“Haha, sorry about that. Again, eee! So excited! I’ll introduce you to Virgil,” Patton holds the door ajar for Logan to enter, gesturing to the small pile of shoes to remove his. Logan gently unties his trainers and places them beside a pair of Doc Martens and Toms. They’re about as different as they could be: one is black and bulky with thick purple laces, the others a sky blue with little paw prints. Polar opposites. Logan diverts his attention to Patton, who’s been jabbering on about something or other. 
“-and there he is! Virgil, come on out kiddo- meet Logan!” Patton coos at what at first glance seems to be a shadow but in reality is a man who practically hides by the door of the conjoined bedroom. He’s encompassed by an oversized hoodie. 
“Hello, it is nice to meet you, Virgil,”  he signs out silently. Patton bites his lip to stop himself from speaking, but his noises of excitement escape anyway. Virgil signs back a meek hello: his hood falls off in the process, and Logan scrutinizes the face that he’s apparently going to be assisting for a while. 
Virgil has long dark hair: unkempt and uncut, old dye lingering stubbornly on the tips of it. His eyelashes are long, drooping over his cheeks, as he avoids Logan’s gaze. He possesses dark circles under each eye- so dark it seems intentional. Virgil tugs his hood over his head the moment the silence stretches a bit too long, and he’s gone: a rabbit ducking into a hole. Logan wishes he’d put the hood back down. 
In all regards, Logan means to say that Virgil holds palpable beauty. 
The idea within itself isn’t strange: Logan understands the various societal norms and standards that society adheres to beauty and usually makes deductions off of that, but there is… something about Virgil. Virgil’s not muscular looking, or overly lean, or anything of the sort. He’s simply…  enchanting. 
“Well, say something!” Patton shouts, breaking the silence. “Or, I mean, sign something, Virge. It’s too stifled in here: do either of you want something to drink?” 
“Water?” Virgil signs. His hands are shaking.
“I’ll have one of those too,” Logan adds on. Patton smiles at the two of them and finger guns. “You can hear, correct?” Logan asks, keeping his tone easy. He makes sure to enunciate each of his words, just in case. Virgil blinks up at him moonishly. 
“Yes,” Virgil says, worrying at his lip. 
“You don’t need to be afraid. I’m only here to help you,” Logan attempts to smile at him comfortingly: judging by Virgil’s expression, it seems more like a grimace. “Let’s sit down and talk about this, alright?” Logan sighs. He pulls out a chair at their small table and lets Virgil sit in it, pushing him in. Immediately after, Virgil pulls his legs to his chest and wraps his arms around them. He’s vanished completely into his hoodie. 
Logan sits next to him, rather than across: he doesn’t want to make him feel like he’s being interrogated. 
“I’m sorry,” Virgil says. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for?” Logan replies, more of a question than an assurance. “My apologies Virgil, but you’re not trying to impress me. I am simply here to introduce myself so that I can begin to help you. I am here for you. You can take as long as you want.” 
Virgil peeks out from under the hoodie like a prairie dog emerges from a hole. Hair first, then curious eyes, then his hands. 
Logan smiles. 
“Now, let’s draw up a contract here, to outline what we’ll be doing this year. I do believe,” he retrieves the papers the professor had given him, “that you already have a solution for classes, so you will not require my assistance there. It’s more after school hours and personal activities, no?” 
Virgil nods meekly. 
So… Virgil just needs a… friend? A friend who knows ASL? Logan’s heart swells in his chest: Virgil just needs a friend. 
Logan doesn’t let his excitement show: because deep down, deep enough that he’ll never admit it fully- let alone say it aloud- he’d truly like a friend too. 
And as Virgil glances over the contract and bites his nails and spares him the smallest glance before Patton returns with two glasses of water and a plate of supermarket cookies… Logan can’t help but feel like this will become more. 
The contract is solidified: Logan will go to Virgil after his classes end, assist him with homework or anything else he needs at the time. Logan will be on speed dial for him if talking to people if needed. Logan will be paid a small sum per day, as well as the equating service hours. 
Patton can’t stop thanking him with tears in his eyes. Virgil doesn’t look at him once, spares him no glances. Rather, his eyes are downcast for the next hour that Logan’s there. He has a little fidgeting toy and presses it in his lap. Logan exchanges cordially with Patton, Patton cheers animatedly, and Virgil is silent. 
“If I may ask… why now? Is this not your second year of college? Why would you leave now?” Logan asks. Patton’s expression saddens. 
“Oh… well, I’m transferring to a better medical school after this semester and- I couldn’t leave Virgil here without any help- he waited for me so we could go here together and… I can’t leave with no safety net for him,” Patton says tearily. He wipes at his eyes and goes to squeeze Virgil’s shoulder.
Virgil sinks deeper into his hoodie. Logan feels deeply uncomfortable. 
“So thank you, Logan: you seem so nice, and so smart, I’m sure that I’ll be leaving him in capable hands,” Patton assures him, and then looks at the time mounted on the wall, “Oh! You must be going now, huh? I’ll walk you out,” 
“Goodbye, Virgil. I look forward to seeing you soon,” he says curtly, before letting Patton lead him back to the door. As he ties up his shoes, Logan opens his mouth hesitantly. 
“You are… you are a good brother, taking care of your younger sibling like that,” he does his best at comforting. Patton laughs at him. 
“No, no! Virgil’s my older brother by two years. Technically, he should be at your level: but he waited for me to go. We’re really close and we help each other out so… Goodness, that’s the reason why I’m doing all this, reaching out to the teachers and organizing things for him. I want to -no, I need to- help him out. Like he’s helped me,” Patton explains. Logan blinks. This means two things. 
Patton feels guilty. He feels oh so guilty, and Virgil probably feels betrayed. Betrayed and alone. 
Virgil and Logan are the same age. 
The end of the first semester comes quickly. It was only a few weeks away, and Logan spends minimal time with Virgil: giving the brothers space to make amends before he comes between them. 
On the last day of the quarter, Logan makes his way to their dorm room. Music had been stuck in his head all day: his soulmate singing the same song over and over again. It’s beautiful, of course, but nagging as he tries to focus. Logan debated singing a little “shut up please” but even that little snippet of musicality makes him nervous. 
And what would his soulmate think? What would he think, after years of silence, that the first thing he gets in return is a demand for silence? Logan shivers at the thought of it. The song goes: Time is an illusion that helps things make sense, so we’re always living in the present tense- it seems unforgiving when a good thing ends, but you and I will always be back then. 
Logan likes the scientific simplicity of it, and finds himself humming along as he swiftly walks across the courtyard to the dorms. His soulmate’s voice rises with the music: piano, he thinks. His soulmate is playing the piano and singing over and over and over again. In his mind's eye, Logan wishes he could comfort him: do the soulmate things that soulmates do. Embrace him and calm him and quell his fears. The music fades in time for him to get to the dorms: Patton’s already outside, bags packed. 
Logan is giving, or rather attacked, with a hug from Patton. 
“You are leaving now, yes?” he says, trying to make it seem like he’s not worming out of the embrace despite his discomfort. Patton releases him after a moment, worrying at his lip. 
“Yeah! I’ll visit as often as I can, call me if ANYTHING happens, and-” 
“Patton,” Logan grips his shoulders, “I can handle this. Go on now,” Patton nods tearily. 
“You promise you’ll take good care of my brother? You have to- to pinky promise, because if anything happens to him it’s going to be my fault,” Patton wipes his eyes, and there’s that intimidating that he always knew Patton had the potential for: “You have to promise. I love Virgil more than anything or anyone in the world. He is the kindest, most thoughtful person. You may not see it right now, but he is. Virgil is the best person I know. You have to help him when he needs it, even if he doesn’t want it,” 
“I promise, I’ll perform to the very best of my ability Patton,” Logan says steely, “I promise. You go and pursue your dreams.” Logan and Patton both glance up to the window of the dorm that Virgil’s in: the curtains are closed, and Patton sighs. Gives Logan a meaningful look. 
Patton juts his pinky in his face, and Logan exasperatedly links his. Patton’s face brightens, and leaves to the nearby road where a taxi awaits. In Logan’s head, a new song begins. It starts with a guitar and then continues with his soulmate’s angelic voice: “Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup, they slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe-” 
Logan watches him go for a moment: and then he starts walking into the dorms to check in on Virgil. Logically, he’s probably feeling due amounts of stress and uncertainty in the new situation. 
“Nothings gonna change my world, nothings gonna change my world…. images of broken light, which dance before me like a million eyes, they call me on and on across the universe,” 
Logan’s heart feels full, an odd feeling: there’s something about the music and the situation that blends and rushes into his chest so wonderfully. Perhaps this is what it’s like to be with your soulmate: life and soul singing together in perfect harmony. 
“Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box, they tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe,” 
Logan takes the stairs step by step, enjoying the music as long as he can. 
“Nothings gonna change my world, nothings gonna change my world, nothings gonna change my world, nothings gonna change my world…” the music stops all at once, guitar too: Logan misses it for only a moment, before he remembers that it’s no passing street musician but rather his soulmate. His soulmate who sings so perfectly. The soulmate he’ll never meet. 
He arrives at the Williams’ dorm- err, now just Virgil’s, and raps on the door. He waits for a “coming!” but then realizes his mistake. He waits patiently for Virgil to open it: and when he does, it’s only a crack. Logan stares back at the scrap of Virgil’s face he can see. 
His lips purse. 
“Would you like to let me in?” Logan asks gently. Virgil’s face tightens nervously, and he signs something quickly. 
“I’m not okay right now,” he says. Logan swallows. 
“Can I help with anything? Or should I leave?” he keeps his voice as soft as he can. Virgil’s head shakes a vehement ‘no’. 
“Virgil… I-” he tries to come up with a reason, a real reason for him to stay. There is none. If Virgil says he doesn’t need any help then there’s no reason to stay. Logan swallows. “If you have no need for me… then I… I should leave,” he sighs. The door closes shut behind him with a click. 
Logan’s moving to leave when he has a new idea. He raps on the door once more. Virgil’s face peers through the crack in the door again. He rolls his eyes at Logan. 
“What is it?” he signs. 
“Fancy a game of chess?” 
Unsurprisingly, Virgil is a silent but deadly good chess player. He’s forward thinking and takes no risks that he can’t counter the backlash of. Logan is thrilled to play with someone so astute. 
“Checkmate,” Logan announces, after a long and difficult game. Virgil huffs in mock indignation, and knocks down his own king. “You’re quite proficient at this, Virgil. We should play more often.” 
Virgil blushes, signing a quick “Thank you” and then zipping his hoodie up further. Logan finds himself smiling at him. 
“Would you like to go again? Or do you have work to do that I can help you with?” 
“Again,” Virgil signs, hands quivering slightly. Logan chuckles and resets the board for another go. Virgil bites at his nails and waits. It’s too quiet without Patton’s incessant yammering. Logan decides to ask the first question that comes to mind. 
“Do you have a soulmate?” 
Virgil makes sweater paws and ducks into his hoodie more. 
“Oh- I’m sorry, is that a bad topic-” 
“No. I do not have one.” 
There’s been cases of people ‘missing’ soulmates: only to find that they were dead, or that they didn’t want a soulmate and merely ignored them. Or like Logan, who don’t sing whatsoever. 
“Ah… well, that’s a shame, Virgil. You’d be amazing to have as a soulmate, I’m sure,” 
Virgil flushes deeper, if it’s possible, and hugs himself. Logan finds himself smiling again: Virgil’s cute. 
Perhaps he said it out loud, because then Virgil’s growling at him and signing a “Fuck you, I am not!” 
“Maybe just a little bit?” Logan teases, he teases, such an odd and different thing for him to do. But teasing Virgil is different. It’s like another game and Logan doesn’t feel out of place or silly: it’s still serious.
“No! No!” 
“I think you are,” 
“No! What? No!” 
“Hmm,” Logan merely says, finishing the chess board. 
His soulmate has a crush. A sort of crush that’s teetering constantly between deep pining and attempting to squash it. 
It’s apparent, between the lines of “Fly Me To The Moon” and “despair”. In other words, I love you. Cause it’s not romantic, I swear. Fill my heart with song and let me sing forevermore. I want you to be here, but please don’t come near. You are all I long for, all I worship and adore. It’s not love, I swear. 
Today’s song is “Raincoat” (according to the internet) and if that’s not appropriate, Logan doesn’t know what is. Once more, Logan wishes he has the confidence to thank him for the soundtrack that’s been accompanying his life as it rises in joy each day. 
These songs… they’re a quick change from the dreary songs that had been going on a few weeks ago. Logan, ironically, doesn’t mind the sappiness, actually. Usually he would, but it fits his recent joy. 
Virgil’s exactly what he wanted, what he could’ve never hoped for. He’s smart, he’s clever, he’s shrewd, he’s not touchy, he respects boundaries… 
It’s perfect. Logan goes and sticks with him each and every weekday after classes end. They work together, they read together, they watch True Crime shows, they eat dinner together, they play chess and cards and backgammon and Clue and everything possible. They talk: and miracles upon miracles, Virgil seems to like him. 
Today is different. Today is a weekend: there’s no real reason that Virgil should need him, he’s never before, but he was invited to have lunch with him anyway. Even though it’s going to be snowing! Even though it’s freezing! Even though in any other instance Logan would be curled up at home with a good book and Star Trek. And rather… rather they’re going to get Hot Pot at the small university town in Logan’s ramshackle car. It gives Logan the strange feeling of hope rising in his chest that Virgil wants him around as much as he does. That Virgil enjoys it as much as he does. 
Enjoys the company, the quiet, the whole thing. 
He doesn’t even have to go up to the dorm: Virgil’s waiting for him outside the building. Logan waves after he gets out of his secondhand car: Virgil offers a small one in return and walks up to him. He’s all bundled up in several mismatched layers: though he still wears aggressively ripped jeans with skinny knees peeking through, he’s wrapped in several warm coats. 
Logan gets a sudden urge to press a kiss to his shaggy hair and hug him tightly, the slouching man at the ideal height. He squashes it quickly, blushing anyway at the mere thought of such romances, and lets Virgil into the passenger seat without looking at him. Virgil taps his hands on the front of the car, a rare grin donning his features. Logan swallows. 
Virgil has never looked more beautiful than he does right now. With a smile and all of those layers and his hood just barely adorning his head. Logan notices now that his makeup is different today: a sparkling purple rather than the usual dark tones. 
“Where to, Virgil?” 
“I do not care!” he signs excitedly. Logan chuckles. 
“How about sushi, then?” 
Virgil smiles and nods. Logan sets the car into reverse, and then drives out of the parking lot. Virgil fiddles with his fingers. I should say something…
“Would… would you like to listen to any music, Virgil?” Virgil’s head bobs an exuberant yes, and Logan gestures to the old car radio: Virgil fiddles with it, and finally ends up with a channel that’s not staticy. 
‘You’d be like heaven to touch… I want to hold you so much,’ At the beginning of ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off You’ Virgil sinks into his hoodie: Logan casts his eyes off the road for a second, glancing at Virgil- the scrap of his face that he can see is ruby red. At least the car isn’t silent anymore, he thinks to himself. Virgil’s quiet (well, not signing), and the song plays to completion and fades into “This Guy’s In Love With You”. Virgil, if it’s possible, seems to hide even more. 
“We’re almost there, do you want me to turn it off, Virgil?” Logan suggests. 
“It’s fine.” 
“If you say so… seems like you’re hiding but…” 
“Fuck you.” 
‘Say you’re in love, in love with this guy… if not, I will just die’ 
Logan turns off the radio as they turn into the parking lot of the local sushi joint. He unbuckles his seatbelt and turns to Virgil. 
“Eat in or take out?” 
“To go,” he signs. Logan hums: maybe one day, they’ll be able to go out together for a meal. Virgil doesn’t like public places due to his anxiety, and Logan doesn’t want him to be uncomfortable and he’d never push him but… it is a classic ‘friend’ activity to go out for dinner together. It would be nice, but having a friend generally is nice and he’s not about to lose him over some stereotype. 
Virgil’s not ordinary, so why would their friendship be? 
“Come now, Virgil, let’s order,” Logan gets out of the car, helps Virgil out, locks the car. It all feels very normal, very quaint. He has to admit that he enjoys it, despite what one would think if they met him. 
Walking into the restaurant is normal. Ordering food (ordering for both of them)? Also normal. They wait for their sushi in the front, Virgil warming his hands by blowing on them. 
“Do you enjoy spending time with me?” 
The question bursts out of Logan with little warning: he doesn’t even register that he said it until after it’s out of his mouth. He’s about to rescind the words when Virgil responds. 
“Yes. Yes. I love spending time with you,” He blushes slightly, looking away, “And you make me feel safe.” 
Logan blushes: he grabs the newly presented food and goes back to the car- but Virgil grabs his sleeve. 
“Do you want to sit in the park?” Virgil asks, nervous after the flurry of hands.
“It’s freezing outside,” 
“I know,” he signs, his expression saddening slightly.
“There’s no one out here.” 
“I know, I can see. I’m mute not blind,” Virgil rolls his eyes, heading for the car already. Logan chuckles and clasps his shoulder: Virgil stiffens under his touch.
“I don’t think I said I didn’t want to,” he teases. Virgil’s eyes widen, and then a smile creeps up his lips. 
“Okay!” Logan and Virgil walk right next to each other into the park: Virgil signs quite fast that he rather likes the cold, and that the skeletal trees remind him of his favourite movie, and does Logan like Nightmare Before Christmas, and what about stop animation? And halloween movies? 
Logan chuckles and answers all of his questions, slowly fielding them back to him. Virgil never talks this much when they’re in public. It’s nice to see him opening up, Logan thinks to himself pridefully, Is this my doing? 
He doesn’t mean to preen, but it happens anyway. 
“Why are you doing that with your chest?” 
“Oh, apologies, Virgil. It was accidental.” Logan reels himself back in: it’s so strange to have to do that. He’s never done anything like that, something that breaks his front stage appearance. It’s odd: like there’s another, smaller, smiling, animated Logan inside of him. A little Logan that’s been ignored and malnourished for a while now. Virgil giggles though, and Logan stops amidst his musings to stare at him. 
That was… cute. Why was that cute? Genuinely cute, not teasingly. 
Virgil catches him staring and glares at him, though his cheeks flush. 
“What are you looking at, nerd?” 
“Ah- it’s nothing. Would you like to sit down here and eat?” Logan points to a random bench: Virgil shrugs and sits, holding his arms open for his food. Giving him his food and sitting down next to him is a battle of wills: if it was another other person, in any other situation, he’d excuse himself and leave. But it’s Virgil, and the man looks so thrilled to just sit with him: it’s his friend. He’s not abandoning him. Even if his emotions are crawling up his throat. 
The silence is amicable as they eat. The first flakes of snow start to fall, and Virgil’s attention is drawn to them immediately. He watches the snowflakes float down slowly, enraptured. 
“You’d think you’ve never seen snow before,” Logan chuckles. 
“Fuck off,” Virgil signs fluidly. He doesn’t even look at Logan, simply eats his sushi and quickly stands to spin in the snow. “It’s beautiful.” 
“Yes,” Logan agrees, as he watches Virgil laugh quietly and kick the powder around, as Virgil’s eyelashes are decorated with snowflakes, as he holds his tongue out like a child, as Virgil looks so free and unafraid in his lonesome company… “It’s quite beautiful indeed.” 
Patton’s coming back in two weeks. The second semester is almost over, spring finally showing her colours after a frigid winter, and Logan’s almost nervous. The music in his head doesn’t help whatsoever to calm him. What if something changes? It’s not like Patton’s staying, he’s allegedly very happy at his new school, but… Logan can’t help but worry at the idea that something in their dynamic will change irreparably if Patton reenters. 
There’s nothing you can do about it, he assures himself once again, Just keep doing your job. Logan’s class lets out early, and he takes a brisk jog to meet Virgil outside his class. By now, Logan knows his schedule by heart and knows where to meet him. 
He waits outside the lecture hall, student after student exiting… he waits until it’s fifteen minutes after his class has ended. Frowning, Logan peeks inside: it’s devoid of people, even the professor. 
“Virgil?” he calls out into the empty room fruitlessly. Panic starts to rise inside of his chest as he calls for the anxious man. “Virgil? Virgil, where are you?” 
He searches each aisle of the lecture hall, calling Virgil’s cell phone. Virgil hates it when he calls him, but if he’d just pick up, it means he’s okay. Logan feels incredibly antsy as he runs out of the room, sprinting at full force (he’s a strong man) around campus calling for Virgil. He wipes at his face: he can’t have the budding tears block his vision. He needs to find Virgil. 
“Virgil, where are you? Virgil, I need to find you. Virgil, please please be okay,” he dashes around a corner and drives his heels in to stop. 
His beloved hoodie in a secluded alleyway. 
Logan reaches down and grasps it: he’d never leave it alone, let alone in a public place. Logan shakily picks it up into his hands, feeling the fabric: it’s dirtied. He gently folds it and puts it under his arm.
He’s starting to walk away when he hears the muffled shout and the sound of a punch’s impact. 
“Oh, so you want to talk now, huh?” Another punch. “Fucker.” 
Logan walks purposefully in the direction of the noise: two large women and one large man are whaling on Virgil, kicks and punches and spit, who’s curled up on the paved ground in the fetal position. Logan takes out the first buff woman with a strong punch to the side of her face, the second with a well placed kick and shove. The man runs away, pulling his fellows along with him. 
“Virgil, they’re gone now. Are you alright?” 
Virgil makes a broken sob, holding his midsection with his eyes downcast, and spits out some blood. Logan sighs and bends down to Virgil’s level, and wipes his mouth with a handkerchief from his book bag. He gives Virgil his hoodie (which he takes to immediately) and rubs his back. 
I should’ve gone after them, made them pay- 
“OH MY STARS, are the two of you alright?” a fanciful voice calls out from the entrance of the alley way. 
“We just saw a trio of assholes running away with some wicked bruises-” 
“Remus, that’s not the point!” The two boys walk into the alley, one worrying with a red letterman’s jacket and coiffed hair, the other (Remus) morbidly interested with a large denim jacket and wild hair sticking up every which way. They have the same face, unnervingly, though the wilder one sports a partially-grown mustache and the other has a scar though his eyebrow. 
“Alright, alright, I’ll bite. Are you okay?” Remus asks, extending a hand to Virgil. Virgil looks away and tucks into Logan more. Remus retracts his hand with a shrug. Logan gives the both of them steely looks. 
“If you’re here to promote any more harm or mockery, I advise you to leave concurrently.” 
“Ooh, put those big words away, Daddy,” Remus mocks. His brother elbows him roughly. 
“Remus, be nice. They’ve clearly been through quite the ordeal! Greetings, I’m Roman, this is Remus. We’re in Virgil’s class, and we saw him being… escorted, one could call it-” 
“Forcibly swept away!” 
“-Thank you Remus, out of class so we followed along after reporting it to the professor. He seems to be in quite a state: is there anything we can do?” Roman finishes, rolling his eyes at his twin. Logan sighs and adjusts his glasses. He doesn’t want to accept their help. He can take care of Virgil by himself. But…
He takes a closer look at the poor beaten man, at his bloodied mouth and shirt and his bruises and scrapes and thinks beyond him. 
“I thank you for reporting it to the teacher. This is a heinous act, and I loathe to think of what would’ve happened if I arrived later or not at all,” he attempts to look thankful, but judging by their expressions, it doesn’t work. Logan pinches the bridge of his nose. “Could you alert the on campus clinic that we’ll be coming? One of you? The other can make sure they don’t come back as I take Virgil there,” with that, Logan takes a deep breath and gets to his feet, holding Virgil tightly in his embrace. Virgil turns into him, making a pained sound. 
It breaks Logan’s poor heart. My friend, my friend, my friend- he’s hurt. 
“It’s alright, Virgil. I’ve got you, you’re safe now,” he whispers to him. 
“Cute!” “Ick.” 
“Oh come on now, Remus, they’re precious!”
“I came over here for the bloody beat down! Not touchy feely lovey-dovey!” 
“I will never understand you. You’re absolutely vile,” 
“Ah, look in the mirror lately?” 
“Excuse me,” Logan growls, diverting their attention from their bickering, “Are you going to help or not?” 
“Ugh,” Remus rolls his eyes, “I guess I’ll go to the clinic.” 
“Goodbye, Remus- you see, he’s a bit of a pain, always been that way,” Roman sticks his tongue out childishly at Remus, who returns the gesture in a more lewd fashion. “Alright, let’s help the emo up,” Roman extends his hands to help: Logan turns away, holding Virgil alone. 
“He is not emo. Virgil is a selective mute,” Logan frowns at Roman. 
“Aha, it’s just a mere quip!” 
“Oh,” Logan swallows. They walk in near silence to the infirmary: How weird it is that the silence with Virgil seems familial and warm but with this Roman it feels charged and uncomfortable. 
“You aren’t a very funny guy, are you?” 
“Excuse me?” Logan glares at him through his glasses, holding Virgil tighter. 
“Take no offense, but I mean… you’re very uptight! Serious. Grumpy. Straight to the point. I’ll stop prattling on synonyms, but I think you get the point now,” Roman explains. 
“I- I’ve never thought about it that way. I presume you’re right,” he frowns. Logan’s never felt like any of those: he just likes working. And now he feels foolish: perhaps that’s the reason that he’s never gotten anywhere socially. Is it his inability to “quip”? 
Would Virgil be happier with him if he could? 
As if he heard his thoughts, Virgil winces in pain in his arms. 
“Oh! Virgil. Should I hold you differently? Are you uncomfortable?” Virgil looks up at Logan blearily: his eyes open in recognition and a full-face blush breaks out all over his face. Virgil takes a bruised hand to hide his face. 
“Awe look at ‘im! Debbie Downer is shy!” Logan whirls over to glare at Roman’s almond eyes angrily. Virgil turns away. 
“Don’t talk to him that way,” he growls. Roman flushes and stammers. 
“It was only teasing!” 
“It was hurtful, and the last thing he needs right now is that. So do me a favor and leave those quips to yourself,” he reprimands. 
“Yes, sir,” Roman salutes. Logan looks away from him and back to Virgil. 
“Hey. Why did those thugs hurt you anyway?” he questions. Virgil frowns. “You don’t have to tell me-” 
“No- I will. I was- I was singing in the bathroom,” he signs shyly. 
“Wait- how could you-” 
“Sometimes I talk when I’m alone. Or sing. I’m nervous around people, when I’m by myself it’s okay,” 
“Oh,” Logan shouldn’t feel so betrayed, he knows he shouldn’t: this is the way Virgil is, after all. He’s a selective mute. He can speak when he wants. And if he doesn’t want to speak around Logan well- it’s fine. It’s his choice. 
It shouldn’t bother Logan. 
“So those jerks beat you up purely for the angelic music of your soul? Their cruelty knows no bounds, if they were to hurt you for communicating with your soulmate! How dare they, those vile, disgusting, cotton headed ninny muggin ruffians!” Roman supplies, filling Logan’s silence with declarations of war. Virgil laughs slightly at Roman, rolling his eyes. Logan swallows his questions, his pleas for “what about me?”. 
Virgil can like whoever he wants. It doesn’t have to be just Logan. 
Virgil had asked Logan to drive him to the airport to pick up Patton. Logan wanted to say no, to say that he didn’t want to, hell, just leave him at the airport but… Virgil’s face betrayed his excitement, and Logan couldn’t put him down. 
So now he’s waiting in the pick up zone with his car, waiting for Virgil to come back and completely ignore him again. Logan blinks.
Is that what this is about? 
Does some part of Logan, some illogical part that manipulates his feelings, worry that Patton would mean Logan’s out of the picture? Logan grips the steering wheel. It’s Virgil’s choice! If he wants to hang out with Patton, sure. Sure. It’s fine. 
Logan makes a low growl. 
It’s not fine. 
And… there was nothing he could do. He stopped coming to visit Virgil during the mid-semester break: why should he? Virgil was with Patton. He’s happy. He doesn’t need Logan around… 
Logan hates it. He hates not going over each day, each class ending with Virgil’s tiny smile. 
He hates his soulmate, whoever he is, for singing so sadly whenever he wakes up. 
“What's the name of the game? Does it mean anything to you? What's the name of the game? Can you feel it the way I do? Tell me please, 'cause I have to know… I'm a bashful child, beginning to grow…” 
“Shut up,” Logan tells him quietly each time he goes at it again, “Shut up. I don’t want your questions, I can’t answer them.” 
Logan, for the first time in his life, isn’t happy doing his work. There’s no gratification from finishing something: there’s no hunched over man beside him gesturing wildly as he finishes so quickly. There’s no giggle as he presses his glasses higher on his nose: there’s no smack on the shoulder when he corrects his work. It’s so… so bland. Was it always like this? 
Before Virgil, was it always like this? 
Logan finishes his test and hands it in at the front: his professor gives him a confused look. Logan twitches as his soulmate starts to sing: “It's you I like… not the things you wear…” 
“Is everything okay, Mr. Adleman? You seem… listless, lately. Distracted. And you took all of the allotted time to finish your work- quite out of the ordinary, I’d say,” 
“I assure you, sir, everything is normal,” he merely says, before adjusting his bag and exiting the classroom. 
“Not the way you do your hair… but it's you I like,” 
“Shut up,” Logan murmurs under his breath, walking stiffly with his head down down the hall. His soulmate’s voice is beautiful, as beautiful as always… but Logan can’t bear it. He’s already dealing with so much! To hear his soulmate’s longing notes doesn’t help. If anything, it exasperates his issues. Logan is grumbling under his breath when he hears it: and suddenly, all his issues get worse. 
Patton’s in a classroom, with his teacher and a few students, singing to them: 
“The way you are right now… way down deep inside you…” 
“The way you are right now… way down deep inside you…” and his soulmate croons at the same time. 
“Not the things that hurt you, not your toys; they're just beside… you,” 
“Not the things that hurt you, not your toys; they're just beside… you,” 
They both stop at the same note, and Logan swallows. 
Patton, smiley, hazel-eyed, exuberant, talkative, Patton, is his soulmate? Patton, the Patton he’s been mildly despising for the past few days.
 I can’t believe it. But I presume… he has a right to know. And maybe we can make this work? 
“Ah… Patton,” Patton’s face whirls to Logan’s in the door, and his face lights up. Logan can’t help but set his face: aren’t soulmates supposed to elicit some kind of joy in their partners? When they finally figure it out, isn’t it supposed to be some revelation? 
“Logan!! How nice!! I haven’t seen you this whole trip, what a delight! Virgil’s been all out of sorts without you around, it seems,” Patton grins, sliding off the desk he was sitting on and walking over to Logan. 
“I- I think- I think you’re my soulmate,” he stammers. 
“I- I heard your singing, in my head, as you were singing in here-” 
“Oh my god. No, no, Logan,” Patton smiles at Logan tearfully, his hands landing on his shoulders, “That was Virgil. I started singing that song because Virgil was singing it again when I left.” 
“That’s- that’s impossible how-”
“If you need any more proof, then just look at my soulmate: I met him at school, he flew in after me,” Patton smiles dreamily and waves at a man sitting in the corner, typing on his phone: he has two black forearm crutches and deep burn scars  across the left side of his face. 
“Hullo,” he greets from the other side of the room, “I’m Janus. Pleasure, fellow Patton soulmate,” Logan’s mouth dries as Patton giggles. 
“It’s really Virgil. That- that makes a lot of sense but- I can’t believe it-” 
“Okay, how about this, Lo?” Logan’s nose scrunches at the nickname, “I’m going to send a message to Virgil: and you go sneak back to the apartment. He’ll sing. It’ll match up. Then you have to confess. He’s thought he’s been alone… for so long. He’ll be so happy: so thrilled to have a soulmate… even more so if it’s you.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Patton shakes his head, chuckling. Logan looks away: his teary eyes are too much for him. Logan clears his throat. 
“Let our third go, Pat!” Janus calls, his voice smooth. Logan casts him a glare, though he blushes, and walks off. Thousands of thoughts swirl through his head, clouding his vision. He almost loses his way to the dorms. His mind is so full, so so so full, and then a voice breaks through it all. 
“If I could ride a bike, I’d zoom around the world, with you sitting there behind me…” 
Logan’s breath hitches. If that’s Virgil, he hates not seeing it before. Meeting him and not loving him right away. Not beating around the bush. But embracing him with everything he is, using all he knows to help all he needs. 
“I’ll take you to places, past several faces… just livin life so carefree. If I could sail a boat, I'd cruise across the seas, a sweet adventure for us two,” 
His pace increases as he gets to the dorms: he runs up the stairs maybe a little too fast. The music increases in volume but perhaps it’s in his head. The door to Virgil’s room is cracked open. 
“I'll be Jack and you Rose, just please don’t let me go, cause I'll be nothing without you. Oh when you call me… I'm drifting on clouds, like I'm dreaming,” 
Logan’s footsteps falter as he peers through the door. Virgil, with a guitar, singing those notes so sweetly. It matches up in his head, it matches perfectly, and despite himself, Logan starts to er up. It’s perfect harmony, it makes his heart swell and the whole world brightens. 
This is what it’s supposed to be like.  This is my soulmate. Virgil’s voice rises and falls, and it becomes so mind numbingly soft. 
“But in the morning, I'll wake up and see that you're stuck… here with me,” Virgil sings, his voice sad, “If only you knew, what I would do for you. I'd jump up and hold you… so tightly…” Virgil sobs, “Logan. Logan. I’m sorry. Whatever I did. I’m sorry. I miss you.” 
Logan’s chest pulls. His voice is like an angel. Virgil, his soulmate, wants him back. Everything he thought… was wrong. He needs to tell him, he needs to- 
No. No, it would embarrass both of them, and Virgil’s anxious. He needs to do it in a way that would make no room for error, no room for suspicion of any foul intent. 
Logan… needs to sing. 
It’s all planned out, only a few days later. The sun is out, the weather is warm. Patton has Virgil entertained, introducing him to Janus in the front lawn. Roman and Remus are keeping people away in their respective fashions so that they have privacy. Logan adjusts his tie, getting ready in their apartment. He wants to have the song at it’s apex before meeting him as his soulmate. 
Logan clutches the ring in his pocket: a customary soulmate ring, black and fitted to Virgil’s finger. They haven’t been together, and he doesn’t have to accept it of course but… he wants to do this right.  
This has to be perfect. 
He takes a deep breath and opens his mouth to sing. 
“I'm nothing special, in fact I'm a bit of a bore… If I tell a joke, you've probably heard it before,” Logan sings softly. He chuckles- something so foriegn to him, so averse to what he wanted to do just a week ago- and he doesn’t sound bad. As he sings the next few lines, he runs out to the window by the elevators and can just barely make out Virgil on a picnic blanket rising to his feet and looking around confusedly. Logan carefully walks down the stairs, taking his time as he goes: 
“So I say- thank you for the music, the songs I’m singing. Thank you for all the joy they’re bringing: who can live without it? I asked in all honesty, what would life be- without a song or a dance, what are we? So I say thank you for the music, for giving it… to me,” he sings, breaking out into the fresh air. Logan sings the next few stanzas under his breath, making his way to Virgil’s picnic spot. Virgil’s standing up, shaking Patton’s shoulder and signing wildly. 
“I've been so lucky, I am the girl with golden hair: I wanna sing it out to everybody…. What a joy, what a life, what a chance!” his voice rises as he nears the grass, heart beating wildly. 
Virgil’s fallen to his knees, his crying sounding even from where Logan stands, dozens of feet away. 
“Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing. Thanks for all the joy they're bringing. Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty… What would life be? Without a song or a dance what are we? So I say thank you for the music,” he’s suddenly close, standing at Virgil. Virgil looks up, tears running down his face. He gasps: he smiles: he laughs. “For giving it to me.” 
Virgil stumbles to his feet, and wraps his arms around Logan’s middle. He chuckles, and hugs him back, squeezing him tightly. Virgil cries into his chest, hiccuping and laughing all the same. 
“So I say,” he rubs his back, and presses a light kiss into his hair, “Thank you for the music, for giving it… to me.” 
There’s no fanfare, no wild confetti or cheering. It’s quiet, as Patton and Janus laugh and Virgil tearily accepts his ring before digging back into his chest. It would be perfect like this but then… 
“Logan,” Virgil whispers, hiding in his chest, “Logan.” It’s so quiet, but it makes his heart burst in joy. Virgil didn’t have to say anything, he would love him anyway, but it shows. It shows the trust. 
“Surprise,” he whispers back, pulling him in closer. “Thank you. For everything, Virgil.”
The End! Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed! 
Anything & Everything: @myraiswack, @blindtaleteller, @head-over-heart, @karushinekomiya
Sides of the Sanders: @a-goldengirl-in-a-condominium246 
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