#pro elain archeron
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Art by peachie.mochi on instagram and commissioned by me 🥀🦇
Happy first official week of fall everyone! In this commission, I wanted to show Elain and Azriel having a sweet moment together after sneaking off to an empty room. I imagine them having many little moments like this in Elain’s book and I can't wait to see how their relationship deepens once they finally act on their feelings for each other (please free them SJM).
Teresa is soo talented and captured the tenderness and gentleness I love about Elain and Azriel perfectly! Thank you so much for exceeding my expectations with this piece and being so wonderful to work with 💙
Please do not repost without permission.
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lulufoxlainfawn · 1 day
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Happy Fall in the Northern Hemisphere!
We wanted to celebrate this season with having Gwyn and Elain bake some delicious fall desserts together.
What do you think they could be chattering about as they go about icing the cinnamon rolls and doing the lattice work on an apple pie?
Art by @kloartz on instagram
Commissioned by @lady-embers /bookish_embers on instagram and me/mayreadsbooks27 on instagram
Characters belong to Sarah J. Maas
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acourtofthought · 2 days
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Nearly two years later and he never has, despite the hurt we know he's felt in that time. 🥺
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lily-nyx · 2 days
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Lately I've been very much in the mood for fanart and I've started to update some of my designs for the acotar characters. At this point I don't really care about canon so all this will be very self-indulgent :D. Anyway here goes my beloved Elain (I'll write down some of my headcanons when I post the colored version 👀)
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oristian · 15 hours
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pinkrasberryfish · 2 days
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A new chapter of A Court of Blood & Mercy is now available! Chapter 36 - "Blood Brothers" is on AO3! Enjoy!
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crazy-ache · 3 days
Chapter 17 Update
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Summary: One moment. All it takes is one singular moment to change the trajectory of fate. Following the events of Hybern, everything changes when Lucien instinctively grabs his mate—Elain Archeron—and brings her back to the Spring Court with Feyre and Tamlin.
In the midst of war and ruin, Elain and Lucien will have to face the bond that connects them together if they hope to survive the unintended consequences. To do so, they’ll have to prevail through games of deceit, powerful forces of magic, and deadly enemies. And hope their hearts survive the journey.
A retelling of A Court of Wings and Ruin (ACOWAR) and a Canon Divergent AU.
Notes: Chapter 17 Update - Sink or Swim (Elain's POV).
Start on AO3 | Read Chapter 17
Vassa was everything Elain was decidedly not—even when she had been human. Stunning with her eyes of ocean glass and fire-colored hair. She held that head up with such allure that could only be possessed by a royal. Yet, she reminded Elain so much of her sisters. Feyre’s brazen tongue and Nesta’s sharp edges.  Thoughts crept into the back of her mind. The kind of thoughts that wondered if Lucien preferred someone with equal fire to the one he wielded in magic and charm.
Tag List: @zenkindoflove, @bonecarversbestie, @little-fierling, @yaralulu, @slipmerfoot, @areyoudreaminof, @comeonladiesitstime2yearn, @ataraxiasflame, @teddyhoneybear, @the-darkestminds, @goghwilde, @positivelyruined, @sad-scarred-sassy, @works-of-heart, @sonics-atelier, @mr-agent-mulder, @shadowqueenjude, @christeareads, @emmers-bens123, @olenvasynyt, @what-about-elvenis
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There seems to be some debate over a curtain Shadowsinger’s shadows. While neither I nor my client have any first hand experience with or knowledge of his shadows my client wishes to make is absolutely clear that the shadows have never treated Miss. Archeron any differently than the rest of the inner circle. They have never gone out of their way to interact with her nor have they even been curious about her.
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Choice is the most important component of Elain’s upcoming story.
Her whole life her mother expected her to marry a rich lord, to keep her family in important social circles and be a simple pretty house wife that holds parties. Her mating bond to Lucien is just another version of that. Having to be with someone for eternity and having no choice in the matter to keep political peace for her new family. Her choosing Azriel will be Elain choosing herself. Even over her families wishes.
Choice also comes into play in how Elain is brought into the fight. Her being able to choose what she does and taking control back from the people who think they can make decisions for her regarding her power and usefulness. We see her finally doing that with Nestas in acosf and its glorious.
Elain choosing to lead a “small quiet life” is just the first step. We get to see how she chooses how she lives her life and its not surrounded by balls, gowns and rich lords. Its working hard in a garden, baking and drinking tea among the flowers.
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Love on Ice Chapter 7: The Bakery
Thank y’all for all the support on this fic ❤️ Please check out my masterlist for prior chapters and artwork!
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39 Days before Competition
“Now, I’m no expert, but do skating practices typically end with almost fucking your partner on the ice?” 
The plate of raspberry tarts almost slipped out of Elain’s grasp. She recovered, thankfully, placing them inside the display case before shooting Nuala an incredulous look. “What?” 
From the other side of the bakery, Cerridwen chuckled softly, shaking her head at her twin sister’s antics as she filled the shelves with fresh bread loaves. 
It’s been two years since Elain set foot in Sweet Sensations Bakery after noticing the Help Wanted sign on the window. It was a bold move on her part. Not only had she been discouraged from working when Mama was alive, every shift deprived Elain of precious ice time she could’ve used to rehearse a routine.
But Mama had passed away and Elain thought she should at least figure out how to support herself in the event she never stood atop the podium, even if Mama would be disappointed in the decision to work at a place she viewed as ‘lesser’. Disheartened to know she was working at all. 
That’s all it was, though. A way to accumulate income. Wake up, clock in, do your job, clock out. It wasn’t much different than skating. She was professional and efficient, keeping the twins at arm’s length. A job she could manage–maybe–but friendships were off the table. No matter how persistent Nuala and Cerridwen were. She’d already declined the invitation to their 30th birthday celebration two times. 
“Well, with the way you just described the last week of practices, color me shocked that none of them ended with your clothes off,” Nuala said, restocking the peanut butter brownies in the display with a shrug. “I haven’t found a kinder way to say it, but you will be a fool if you do not let that man take you to bed and–.” 
Elain gaped, half shocked she didn’t end up giving herself whiplash from the speed she turned her neck. The older twin was the more brazen of the two. Elain still hadn’t got used to it, even living with Nesta all those years. “Nuala!” 
She licked peanut butter from her fingers, poorly suppressing a dimpled grin. 
“He is quite handsome, isn’t he?” Cerridwen muttered to no one in particular. While Nuala was shameless, Cerridwen was more reserved. She mostly spoke only when spoken to. Elain supposed this conversation was the exception. 
“That is…horribly inappropriate,” Elain scolded, emerging from the kitchen with a small fudge cake. And also entirely too close to what would be considered friendship talk. “Us having chemistry is important. It means our performances will be more emotional and believable.” 
It was incredible what they had been able to accomplish in a little more than a week of practices. They were tough and long and she walked away sweating half the time, but she never felt mentally exhausted by the end. She took them seriously, but also allowed herself to giggle at all of Azriel’s terrible jokes and weird dance moves. Sometimes she joined him, and impromptu dance breakouts were slowly becoming a crucial part of their practices. That, and documenting their skating journey with photos and videos in her phone’s camera roll. 
Their chemistry was most impressive and had only grown stronger in a minimal amount of time. She wouldn’t say friendship, not yet, but it was slowly starting to feel that way. Azriel shamelessly shared some of his most embarrassing teenage memories, and Elain offered a few happy ones from her childhood back in the Village. Azriel insisted on spending time together outside of the rink, and she normally shut him down. Her compromise, however, was that they could exchange numbers and message each other throughout the week. He’d taken full advantage of the opportunity, always making sure to send her a message before bed and a kind greeting when she woke up. More than once, she caught herself smiling at her phone. 
Everything was natural. Nothing was forced or fake or awkward. Having him in her life was refreshing. He wasn’t afraid to grip her hips or hold her in his arms or playfully pinch her cheeks. And she wasn’t as hesitant to clutch his shoulders or stroke his face or jokingly bump her hip against his. The past few days were proof enough that their chemistry was alive and burning. And also strictly professional. At least, that's what she was still telling herself. 
“You’re saying if the opportunity presented itself to you, you’d decline?” Nuala scoffed, but it was easily wiped off her face when she noticed how quiet Elain had become. How rosy her cheeks were. How her eyes looked everywhere and nowhere. It clicked. “Oh shoot. You haven’t slept with anyone, have you?” 
Elain rolled her eyes, occupying herself with counting the money in the register. “Would you like to scream that to the entirety of Prythian, while we’re at it?” A long pause, followed by a dispirited sigh. “No, I haven’t. I didn’t exactly have boys lining up to date me, not when Mama scared them away. Not to mention, practice kept me busy. It still does. Sex is the least of my concerns.” But damn, wouldn’t she like to experience it just once. To give herself to someone she trusted. To let someone make her feel good. To make someone else feel good…
“Speaking of sex…” Cerridwen whispered, and not even a second later the bell over the door dinged, signaling the first customer of the day. Elain glanced up from the register, hands gripping the wad of cash. 
“Azriel,” She breathed, kicking Nuala’s ankle when her shoulders shook with laughter. The older twin made herself useful by checking on the batch of blueberry muffins currently in the oven. “Hi.” 
“Hi,” he greeted, flashing her a smile before dipping his head toward Cerridwen. 
“Where are you headed this morning?” Easy and light. Not too eager or curious. 
“A friendly scrimmage game against the Adriata Rays,” he explained, readjusting the backward cap on his head. Waves of black hair curled over his ears and down the back of his neck. 
“Why are you playing a scrimmage in the middle of the playoffs?” Elain snickered, sliding the bills into their allocated slots in the register. 
“You can never play too much hockey,” He cleared his throat, asking, “Ever been to a playoff game before?” She shook her head. “I have not, but–.” 
“If you ask me, I think she’d love to go to one sometime,” Nuala chirped, emerging from the kitchen with warm, toasted muffins. Her brown eyes sparkled wickedly. 
“Well, no one did ask you, Nuala,” Elain huffed, turning her attention back to Azriel. His grin stretched wider, amused by the exchange. “But no, I've never been to one. Skating prevents me from doing anything else.” “Maybe it shouldn't,” Azriel suggested lowly, knuckle rapping against the glass display. “The best seats are right up on the boards, and the energy in the building is unlike anything you’ll experience. You might even get lucky and see Cassian fuck someone up in a fight.”
Elain chuckled, fingers delicately brushing over the keys on the register. “Tempting, although he really can’t afford to lose any more teeth.” 
“Or I could flip you a puck,” Another attempt at convincing. “I’ll even sign it for you,” He winked playfully. 
She rolled her eyes, not fighting against the upward tilt of her mouth. “I will…consider it for the future. I make no promises, though.” 
“Good luck,” Nuala snorted, biting into an extra muffin. “She won’t even attend our birthday celebration at Rita’s.”
Elain huffed. “I will consider attending that, too.” 
The twins’ eyes sparkled in delight. 
Azriel’s efforts had hit a brick wall, it seemed. Another time, he’d try again. “What’s your favorite thing here?” He asked curiously, one arm leaned casually against the display. It took every ounce of willpower for her eyes to remain politely on his face and not track the swirling ink on his arms and neck. 
His neck. 
She blinked, eyes the size of saucers at the discolored bruise. It wasn’t too large, but big enough for her to spot it without really trying. A hickey. There was a damn hickey proudly displayed on his tanned skin. 
Elain’s mind spiraled before she could stop it. Did he have a girlfriend? That would have been imperative to know, lest she be uncomfortable with their proximity on the ice. She didn’t want to appear disrespectful by intimately touching another woman's man. 
Or maybe it was a fling, someone he’d met at a bar and taken home for a drunken fuck.
Elain didn’t know which scenario was worse. 
Or why her teeth ground together.
Or why her skin felt hot. 
Or why she even cared. 
Realizing he was still waiting for an answer, she choked out, “Raspberry tarts for breakfast, oatmeal cookies when I’m upset, and strawberry shortcake for a late night treat.” 
She mentally slapped herself at the unnecessary word vomit. What the fuck, Elain? Luckily, he didn’t appear phased, head dipping toward the treats.
“Then I’ll take a tart. Oh, and two slices of fudge cake for Rhys and Cassian, even though it’s nine in the morning. I don't feel like hearing them run their mouths for not bringing them anything.” With a curt nod, she packaged away a fresh tart and generous pieces of cake, sliding it toward him. Up close, Azriel beamed at the sweets. “These look incredible, Elain.”
“I dabbled in a few recipes when I was young before I really started to take skating seriously,” she shrugged off the compliment, ringing up the order. “Croissants, breads, cakes, you name it. I sometimes made dinner for my family too, though Mama wasn’t thrilled about it. My beef stew was a hit and Nesta always liked when I cooked–.” 
She caught herself, shaking the rest of the thought from her brain. Why in the world would he even care about this stuff? He didn’t need to hear more of her life story. 
Azriel frowned, urging her to continue, but the bakery door had opened five more times since his arrival and she couldn’t hold up the new customers. 
“Well, I hope you gentlemen enjoy the treats,” Elain said, handing him his change. Her eyes fell to the chocolate frosting on his finger that had transferred from the cake container. 
“Oops, sorry,” Elain gestured to the frosting. “Before you go, let me grab you a napkin.” 
He didn’t need a napkin–apparently–because his tongue did the job quite well. In one fluid motion, Azriel sucked the chocolate off his finger, holding her gaze as he did so. 
Cerridwen gawked. 
Nuala whistled lowly. 
And with the way his soft, satisfied moan shot straight to her core, Elain knew she was in so much trouble. 
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ARTWORK FOR THE CHAPTER BY @chachachai17: Here
DIVIDER BY: @saradika-graphics
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faeprincesswarrior · 5 hours
I joined the ACOTAR fandom to connect with fans and vibe about the books. I wanted to make book friends with people who were passionate about the world Sarah created.
I did NOT join to argue endlessly and aimlessly about endgame ships. I frankly don’t care if someone thinks I’m right or wrong. And idc if they wanna ship a different couple.
This is supposed to be fun.
And in the interest of fun, I will be resetting how I approach fandom life. Step 1 is to share things that make me happy. Step 2 is to block anything or anyone that threatens that happiness.
So if you show up on any of my accounts across Instagram, Tumblr or TikTok with something about how you hate my preferred ship or my favorite characters etc, there won’t be a discussion. It’ll just be a block.
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freyjas-musings · 2 months
𝐄𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤: 𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐭𝐡, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
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Since the lovely Sarah J Maas said that Elain and Lucien had “tension, growth, and healing” to be found together— @amandapearls and I wanted a piece of art that really showed the tension between these two characters.
Ekilateral.art did a wonderful job, and nailed this concept flawlessly!
Thank you Kelly for this stunning artwork of Elain and Lucien. They look exactly how I imagined them in the books. Just beautiful artwork!
Commissioned by myself and @amandapearls
PS- Sorry this is a couple days early. I’ll be traveling on Day 7 of Elucien Week and wanted to post it before then.
Characters belong to Sarah J Maas
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fascinatedgirl · 20 days
Lucien: I want to see her. Just once. Just-to know.
Feyre: To know what?
Lucien: If she is worth fighting for.
Lucien: *Sees Elain*
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acourtofthought · 13 hours
Elain had squared her shoulders and declared that she was a part of this court—and would do whatever was needed.
I think Elain's story will be about duty and responsibility over choice. Elain has had nothing but choices in her life. It was Feyre who their mother expected to care for their family. It was Nesta who their mother expected to make an advantageous match that would benefit their family. But it was Elain that was allowed to marry for love. I'm not saying their mother's opinion of Elain wasn't cruel, it was. Imagine your parent thinking you have nothing to offer the world but your good looks which is why she never bothered asking anything of you, because she didn't 't believe you were capable. But that lack of seeing Elain as anything more than a doll to dress up means there were zero expectations placed on her, she was free to do whatever she wanted and marry whoever she wanted whereas Feyre and Nesta were expected to do what was best for the family to further their station and keep them alive. Of course Elain didn't choose for their family to go into poverty, of course Elain didn't choose to be kidnapped and made or for their father to die but Nesta and Feyre went through those same things, the sisters all had things that were beyond their control. Outside of those things though Elain had the freedom to do whatever she wanted because nobody expected anything of her. Therefore choice in her story is simply redundant to how her entire life has been. She's ALWAYS been free to choose who she loves. She chose Graysen for love, did she not? She has chosen to not accept her bond this far, has she not? Elain has never been forced to love someone she didn't want to love and she's never been forced to do things for her family that she didn't want to do. Therefore I think a bigger arc for her character would be to worry less about choosing love and instead focusing on that which benefits their world. Ending up with Az doesn't do anything to help anyone. It doesn't gain them alliances, it doesn't offer them anything that they can't already have with Elain as Feyre's sister. Elain choosing Az for "love" is literally the same thing as her wanting to go back to Graysen because she loved him. But Elain ending up with Lucien? It's combining multiple courts: a lady of the Night Court marrying a son of Autumn, marrying a son of Day, marrying a liaison to Spring, marrying an ally of the human lands. Building an alliance like that can only help their world and the NC who struggles with the perception those other places have of them. Elain focusing on how she can make a difference in their world, how she can become a useful tool (and then falling in love with her mate) is a lot more girl-boss than sneaking behind everyone's back to choose love like she's always been free to do.
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oristian · 2 months
@elucienweekofficial Day Four — High Society
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A prince climbing up the balcony for a chance to earn a gentle kiss from his princess.
This is my first ever commission and I cannot thank poppypola_ enough for this stunning work. The vision was the balcony scene near the end of the film ‘Letters to Juliet,’ where Charlie climbed the balcony in an act to reach Sophie after a slight misunderstanding. Elain and Lucien are incredibly regency coded and their romance is no different—fleeting looks, careful touches, and quiet kisses in her garden with roguish humor and playful blushes.
Art credit poppypola_ on Instagram
Commissioned by — Me
Reposts allowed with full credit
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Elain Archeron Week: Strength
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“𝓓𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓰𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓸𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓷 𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓾𝓵𝓽𝓼 𝓲𝓷 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂, 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓲𝓽 𝓲𝓷𝓿𝓸𝓵𝓿𝓮𝓼 𝓰𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓸𝓷𝓮'𝓼 𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓼 𝓭𝓲𝓻𝓽𝔂 𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝔂."
Art by the very talented gracerstudios and commissioned by me. I loved working with you and adore your portrayal of Elain 💖
Elain has shown her strength many times throughout the series, whether through surviving the Cauldron, seeing the good and finding the beauty in dark times, or protecting those she cares about by kicking hounds in the face or stabbing a king through the neck. I think one of the biggest ways we’ll see Elain show her strength in her book is by standing up for herself and her right to choose. In ACOSF, we saw a glimpse of this when Elain stood up to Nesta after she forbid Elain from going near the Cauldron. I’d love to see Elain defy those orders and explore her powers, proving how capable she is to all of those around her.
We also saw Elain stand up against the concept of mating bonds in ACOWAR when she declared she belongs to no one. I think this could lead to Elain defying fate in her book as she decides who she wants to spend her life with. Elain grabbing the thread of her mating bond in this piece represents that choice. Standing up against society’s expectations and following her heart would be an amazing display of strength for a woman groomed to be nothing more than a pretty face to be married off as an advantageous match for her family. Whatever she decides, I’m so excited to see Elain stand up for what she wants and show that only she knows what’s best for herself.
Please do not repost without permission.
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