#reall hoping that saying 'jewish person' instead of 'jew' will make you guys slightly mor comfortable reblogging this. since people dont
jewishdainix · 8 months
We laugh a lot at tik tok for doing this but I occassionally see tumblr doing this too and I dont know how to desceibe this but I can give some exemples the first being that people on tumblr saw other users posting intellegent disscussions about how the us military is bad so they said "ok got it. Lets purposefully trigger their ptsd because theyre in the military so theyre evil" and users posting intellegent disscussions were like "WTF" so they explained how its actually an asshole move and very ablesist to purposefully trigger someone's ptsd and then they introduced the nuance about how the us military prays on minority groups to recruite them and what the people not making intellegent nuanced conversations got is "ok so people in the us military are actually The Victims, got it". A similar thing you see with how some tumblr users will look at a woman complaining/talking about mysoginy from men and decide its a red flag for her being a terf, or will look at a jewish person complaining about antisemitism and decide its a red flag for them holding zionist believes. Like what are we doing guys why
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