#sam drake fanfiction
thepaperpanda · 2 years
Blankets and Cuddles || Sam Drake x fem!reader
Masterlist ❄
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Summary: The winter can be difficult for Sam Drake, especially when his old wounds flare up as the weather changes. Thankfully, you seem to have a remedy for everything 😊
Warnings: none
Word count: 672
Author: Cass
A/N: today’s prompt: blankets and cuddling Devider by Firefly Graphics - ⛄
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As for Sam, winter time was about 50/50. It was fun because of Christmas; he enjoyed spending time with his family and friends; playing with Cassy and quiet evenings were some of his favorites. In contrast, Sam sometimes really didn't feel well, all thanks to that stupid, old-fun wounds - those painful souvenirs loved to act up during winter season. Pain made him quiet and blue, he wasn't in the mood for anything.
That was why you were worried most of the time when he wasn't all well. There was always something to worry about. It was Sam who was and always would be your beloved treasure hunter, always willing to take you along to the craziest jobs. You took care of him at home and at work, so you felt bad that you couldn't relieve his pain.
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Sam's voice caught your attention as you were cooking soup for the two of you in the kitchen.
“Sweetheart, where are my painkillers?” Drake asked.
It was just one of those days. After gazing over your shoulder, you sighed softly and opened a cabinet to grab the little bottle, fill a glass with water, and go to bed.
Sam was sitting at his desk. During the colder months, when there were no discoveries to be made, Sam enjoyed writing about his adventures. As you approached him, he closed the laptop and looked at you sadly.
As you handed him the pill and the glass, you said quietly, "Here." 
While your hand moved through his hair, Sam muttered a soft 'thank you' and swallowed the pill instantly.
"I guess it will be another evening in bed," he chuckled and nuzzled your belly. "I know I promised you a walk this evening, but I don't think I can keep my promise, I'm so sorry."
While shaking your head, your hand rested on his nape; you hated when he apologized like this, he did nothing wrong, it was all beyond his control, yet he still kept on apologizing. "Love, don't be silly. I understand. There won't be an end to the world today. We'll be able to take a stroll some other time."
"I guess I'll lie down," he sighed.
As you stroked his hair, you nodded. "That's a good idea. Warm beds are good."
Likewise, Sam got up from the chair and kissed your forehead before walking away.
As soon as he left the room, you returned to the kitchen to make sure the dinner wouldn't burn down.
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As much as you wanted to serve the soup immediately after it was prepared, you stopped yourself. Sam still didn't come down to you, which meant he was still not feeling well, so it wasn't worth forcing him.
Taking a seat on a high chair, you hummed while thinking of ways to relieve your man's pain. After a few minutes of contemplation, you snapped your fingers and figured it all out.
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Sam woke up to the door opening, and there you were, standing in your short pjs, holding the few blankets you owned.
You didn't say anything - you simply removed the duvet on your side, took a seat, then patted your legs a little before sliding down.
After watching you for a moment, he settled between your legs, wrapping his arms around you.
Your smile spread across your face as you kissed the top of his head before covering him with a duvet and covering him with blankets to create extra warmness for him. 
Thanks to you, Sam was already feeling better. He nuzzled your belly and hummed.
Wrapping your arms around him, you whispered, "I can tell you like it."
He nodded. "I have you close to me. That's the best medicine."
You gently squeezed him before making sure the blankets were properly positioned on him.
Cuddling like this, surrounded by blankets, both you and Sam drifted off into a deep sleep. Your knowledge of how to help even in times of pain was impressive. He never received a better gift than you.
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inquisitor-of-hearts · 3 months
No Place Like Home
Sam Drake/Reader
Sam brings you back home to meet his family but it's only the start of your relationship and the many feelings that come with it.
Spoilers for all of Uncharted. A sequel to Where No Man Goes.
Rating: Mature (Hinted Explicit, nothing major for now)
Word Count: 2,539
Link to Where No Man Goes
on Ao3
Late at night you arrive from Jakarta to New Orleans. At the airport Sam waves to his brother when he spots him just as you exit the doors past the customs check. The other man raises his hand to greet you but seems somewhat timid. Nevertheless he stretches out a hand to you right away, smiling.
“Nathan, this is the woman I told you about. This is my girlfriend.” he chuckles but then introduces you with your name as well. Nathan smiles and squeezes your hand gently. “Hi, I’m this weirdo’s brother.” he introduces himself and once your hands part, Nathan leans in to hug Sam, who pats his back somewhat affectionately.
As you walk towards the parking lot, you enjoy a bit of casual small talk and load in your suitcase and Sam’s bag in the trunk. “Was he behaving?” Nathan asks while getting into the driver’s seat, inviting you to sit down next to him. “Oh, I don’t know” you say with a mischievous grin. “Yeah, thought so” Nathan replies with a feigned sigh and starts the engine. “Hey why am I the one sitting in the back?” Sam asks while searching blindly for the seatbelt. “I want to get to know your girlfriend, why else?” Nathan says cheerfully and looks over his shoulder with a grin, just as he is driving out of the parking lot. “Good to see you back in one piece though. I bet that’s all just because she took care of you.” “Ha-ha. I can take care of myself perfectly fine.” Sam replies, finally finding the seatbelt in the dark and fastening it. “You barely figured that out there.” he comments. “-- Because it’s dark?!” Sam points out. “Why am I putting on a seatbelt anyway” he mumbles along with something about the car in Madagascar and lets his fingers undo the closure while you chuckle. You could tell Sam was a little nervous because usually he was the one teasing people and now it was the other way around.
After a drive filled with banter and travel impressions, you arrive and Sam’s brother takes you upstairs quietly. You both set off your luggage in the spare bedroom that had been arranged for you. “Elena is already asleep, she didn’t feel so well. But you’ll meet her tomorrow.” Nathan explains. “Thanks, Nathan.” Sam smiles at him, causing Nathan to reach out to your and his shoulder in a welcoming manner. “Make yourselves at home, alright? The kitchen is downstairs if you need anything.” “I think we’re fine. But thanks.” You look at Sam to see if he disagrees but then smile at Nathan, who looks at you for another moment before leaving you two alone.
It was so late that you could not think of eating and you were stuffed from the food you had during the flight. Besides, all that the novelty of the surroundings overwhelmed you. The room was not very big, and it was not like you had been expecting paradise but it was all a little new and strange. It would take you time to get used to it after that apartment you had for yourself in Borneo. The whole atmosphere gave you a bit of a culture shock and you did not know how to behave, tried to just cope with the feelings as best as you could. At least you had Sam with you. With him it was all going to be okay. You would get used to this.
Overly tired you e-mail your work that you are sick and decide to not tell anyone at home anything yet. This one was all for you, no one had to know about it. After Sam and you both had a quick shower, you brush your teeth in the enclosed bathroom and come back to the bedroom. You slip beneath the covers, right into Sam’s arms who hums at the touch of your skin. He spoons you from behind, and the mood is perfectly romantic until you feel him hard against you through your underwear. “Sam” you hiss and he chuckles happily. “What did you expect?” he rasps while his hand on your waist runs down your navel and further down between your legs. “I’ve kept my hands off you during the whole flight.” “What do you call keeping your hands off me exactly?” You remember how he had used every opportunity to slip his hand between your legs beneath the blanket during the flight. Once even when you were asleep, which made you wake up all of a sudden, confused about who was touching you so intimately. “Well I wasn’t doing you, was I?” he defends himself, his hand firmly gripping you, your core tingling at the touch, desperate for release after all the hours of teasing. “I need to catch up on that.” “What if they hear us?” “They won’t. Once Elena dozes off, nothing can wake her up. As for Nathan…” Sam grins with a certain confidence. “I think he’d be worried if we don’t do it. He’d think something is wrong and ask me why I’m not making you happy.” “I-- what? I don’t believe you” You furrow your brow at the statement. “Okay okay maybe he wouldn’t ask me that. But he’d want me to make you happy, that I know.” “I don’t know. It doesn’t seem like a good idea” While you still contemplate, you feel Sam’s fingers running down your inner thigh, teasing lovingly until you whimper slightly. ”I think it’s the best idea I had since, well, taking you home with me” “That-- was indeed a great idea-- oh my God” You moan as you feel his fingers past your underwear and as they slip inside. “Okay now that was a little loud” Sam concludes and lays his hand over your mouth, covering any sounds. The controlling touch on you sends sensations down your body as his fingers continue to move and you eventually feel him hard against you. It does not take long until his bare skin touches yours and your eyes roll back, your moans still muffled against his hand.
Sam catches his breath before reluctantly releasing his hand from your mouth. “That was so good” he sighs happily and with his arm around your waist, pulling you into his embrace. You let him, but as you turn back to look at him, you suddenly notice a foreign feeling arising and lean away slightly. Sam slowly lowers his gaze to you as you do not say anything. “What’s up? Did I say something wrong?” he chuckles, and you slowly, unsure about it yourself, shake your head. You slip out of the embrace and find your underwear, putting on the bottom piece as you sit on the edge, then the bra, fastening the hooks in the back. Sam becomes increasingly concerned, propping himself up with one arm against the mattress, facing you, calling out your name in a questioning manner. Finally you just sit down, your hands in your lap. Sam approaches you from behind, his hand running around your waist once more, reaching your navel as his lips graze your back. “Talk to me, baby.” he begs. “What are we doing here, exactly?” you ask with a look over your shoulder. “What do you mean?” he asks with a chuckle. “We’re just fucking, aren’t we?” “What?” Sam blinks, stopping for a moment before moving over to sit beside you. “Where are you taking this from?” “That’s what it is, isn’t it? That’s all we do.” Sam laughs in confusion. “It’s not all we do.” he states, “Besides, I thought that’s what you want.” You look at him with sad eyes, but then turn away. “Baby” he hums, laying his arms around you time and again. “Where is this coming from? What happened?” You shake your head, his gentle touches overwhelming you so much that you are afraid you will break out in tears if you respond. He notices it and pulls you into a tight embrace from behind. “Did I do something to hurt you?” His hand runs gently through your hair. You want to shake your head, you move it a little but then stop in your tracks. “I don’t know” you say with a shaky voice, clinging to his arm around you. “Something feels wrong.” “What did I do?” he asks. “Tell me what I did, come on.” You sway your head, and lean away and turn to look at him again, but refrain from saying anything. He can see it, and pulls his hands away from you. Past his lips comes what you do not dare to consider. “You’re doubting my feelings.” “Sam...” you say weakly but he stands up, putting on his underwear and walking over to the desk. “You’re here with me. You’re meeting my family. What else can I do?” Though he asks you calmly, tears fill up your eyes. “I just--” You cannot bring it past your lips. Sam sighs and clings to the chair at the desk, his hand running over his face as his gaze grows distant. “I should’ve never let you do it.” “But then I wouldn’t be here.” you test, but he does not reply, so you add, deliberately, “Right?” “Don’t-- don’t make me say it” he sighs, his hand gesturing as if what he was implying was obvious. “Say what?” “Of course you wouldn’t be here!” The agitation in his voice makes you freeze. He softens when he notices your reaction, but the grave tone remains. “How do you think this would have played out? If I had gone in myself, I would have rung all the alarms. That damn American the foreign representative was hanging around with the whole time took off with the treasure -- oh, and now they’re both gone, out of the country. No, not suspicious at all. She surely had nothing to do with it.”
His words make sense and you wonder why you had never thought it through like that; after all from what you could tell the authorities were not even aware that you had exchanged their precious treasure for a counterfeit. You had not done this for Sam -- you did it so that the two of you could be together. All you had thought about before was that he would have not taken you. It all still seemed too good to be true, too good not to doubt it. While you sink into your thoughts, you almost do not not notice how Sam sits down beside you. “What happened, happened. Alright? This is how it is now. I didn’t expect to... -- I didn’t expect it to be you.” “Me?” You wonder what he wanted to say at first before correcting himself. “I never thought I’d meet anyone like you. I didn’t even know there’s someone hot like you who reads and likes art history.” he explains and you smile a little, leaning in to hug him. Immediately he welcomes you, kissing the crown of your head. “Would you have come for me later?” “Of course I would.” he insists without hesitation and you enjoy his caressing. Happily you sigh and feel your heart finally at peace. His hand runs a few more times over your head, then wanders to cup you face, making you look up. “What do you say we drive out tomorrow and I show you the city? We’ll walk around downtown, like back in Borneo, and make all the other couples jealous.” he asks and you immediately nod happily, fond of the idea.
You curl up against one another in bed again and your breathing slows as your head finds rest against his shoulder. Just as you think you can fall asleep, it is Sam now who seemingly becomes restless. “Did you text your friends?” he asks and you hear the sound of his head shifting against the pillow. For a second you consider his question, then slowly look up. Your gaze finds his in the darkness. “Why are you asking?” “Did you or did you not?” “Not really...” you admit, growing increasingly suspicious about why he asked. “Why?” Sam shifts a little, then swallows, shaking his head. “Sam...” you say softly, cupping his face and making him look at you, although it was only the outlines you could see of each other. “Talk to me, too.” It takes him a while to speak up, and he shakes his head first, as if he wanted to brush it off. “I don’t know. Does this really mean something to you? Maybe that’s what feels wrong.” He does not finish his thought and there is strange silence because you cannot answer immediately either. You wonder if that could be true. “I am not really that close to my friends. And... well, my family. They’d just be worried.” you explain. Sam remains quiet. “Do you keep in touch with your friends a lot?” “Well, there’s mostly just Nathan” “See.” You feel like you made a point. “But I’m not as secretive as you, obviously.” “I’m not... secretive.” You shrug. “I’m just not some 14-year-old who needs to tell her friends everything. I’m a grown woman.” “So you don’t really have any friends?” “Look who’s talking.” “I was in prison.” he reminds you. “And I was working a full-time job, which is essentially the same thing.” you remind him, but he looks at you accusingly. “Do you really want to compare that?” “I mean, the hours? And you just get lunch break? And-- I’m sorry... It was a lame joke.” you explain and with your hand running over his chest to his shoulder, pulling him in. “I know I can be lucky to not have my freedom taken away like that. But still, I didn’t exactly have the time and energy to hang out my friends a lot.” He sighs and caresses your shoulder.
You curl back into his embrace as he seems complacent enough and nuzzle against his chest, but in the back of your mind you wonder what Sam was worried about. “I can introduce you to them sometime.” You pat his chest in a reassuring manner. “You don’t have to. Don’t feel forced to.” “I don’t, I want to... if you’d want that, too, I mean.” you insist, and a strange warm feeling spreads inside your body. You wonder if Sam feels the same as you feel his lips against your forehead. “I’d like that.” he says in a soft tone and you snort. “What?” “Nothing. We just rarely meet. They’ll think I’ve seen the light of God when they hear I’m inviting them over to meet my boyfriend.” “Well, you have, right?” Sam asks with a nudge against your head. “I mean, just earlier... I’m pretty sure you got there.” “Oh shut up.” you laugh. “If you didn’t, we could go for--” “I did, I did!” you chuckle as you feel Sam shift as if he was about to get on top of you again. “Alright” he gives in and you pat his chest several times as he relaxes against the mattress. “I’m sorry, baby, let’s sleep or I’ll be really tired tomorrow.” you soothe him and he agrees with a hum, his face nestled against you.
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hogarthwrites · 2 years
home run
pairing: samuel drake/femme!reader (m/f)
genre: smut, alternate universe - baseball
words: 2,778
Alternate universe where Sam is a professional baseball player and the reader is a well known celebrity in a secret love affair. Mostly self indulgent smut.
I didn't specify what team Sam is on, so I'll leave it up to you the reader to decide what team you'd want him to be on. When I wrote this, I had the Red Sox in mind and the stadium is at Fenway Park. Also, baseball AU because have you seen how baseball players? Knew I had to mix Sam into the fantasy.
You walked out onto the baseball field, crowds cheering as you waved. They knew you not as a player, but as a popular celebrity guest who was there to throw the first pitch.
As you reached the front of the mound, you watched as a player who was all too familiar to you walked to the batter’s box.
Samuel Drake took position in front of you, grinning like the devil under his cap as you gave him a cheeky smirk. No one else in the stadium knew.
It was a few days ago when you landed in the city and the first thing you wanted to do was see Sam. Of course, it was a secret, though; you were both too high profile to be caught together. 
“Why would a young actress be with an older man like Sam Drake?” Was what they’d say. Not that you personally cared, but Sam didn't want people to think of your relationship that way. 
And so you waited until it was late at night to walk to the hotel Sam was staying at, not realising it would suddenly rain that much. 
You were soaking wet when you got to Sam’s door and you knew he would still be up because of his insomnia. 
“Hi,” you said as he opened the door, surprised to see you.
“Hi,” he gave you a lopsided grin as he looked at you. He was just in his boxers.
Sam quickly pulled you in, kissing you hard as he closed the door and pushed you against it.
“What are you doing here?” He asked breathlessly between kisses.
“I missed you,” you wrapped your arms around his neck. “I needed to see you.”
Sam’s lips moved down to your neck, leaving soft kisses on that part he knew you loved. A soft moan left your lips and he pulled away.
“You're all wet,” he said, looking at your soaked clothes.
“Oh, yeah, I am,” you pulled him in to kiss him again.
“Babe,” he pulled away. “You should get dried up and warm. You'll catch a cold like that.”
“I know how you can warm me up,” you bit your lip.
Sam gave you a soft kiss. “Oh, I know, gorgeous. But I really don't want you getting sick.”
You pouted as he pulled away and handed you a bathrobe.
“You can hang your wet clothes in the bathroom. I'll wait for you here.”
Sam winked as you took the bathrobe and stuck your tongue out at him.
“You better not sleep.”
“You better hurry up, then.”
You made your way to the bathroom and peeled off your wet clothes, hanging them on the shower rod and drying yourself off with the hotel towel. As you put the bathrobe on, you noticed Sam’s jersey neatly hanging on the door.
You put the top on, smiling as you turned around in front of the mirror and saw “DRAKE” and “71” in large numbers on the back. At that moment, you really felt like you were his and only his.
Sam was standing by the window with a glass of whiskey in his hand when you came out of the bathroom. At first he was surprised to see you wearing his uniform, but he smiled at how baggy it looked on you.
“I just got that ironed, you know.”
You played with the buttons on the front as you walked to him, putting on his cap that was on his bed.
“You can get it ironed again,” you kissed him, tasting the whiskey on his lips. “Are you supposed to be drinking before the game in a few days?”
Sam shrugged as he placed the glass on the table, his hands resting on your hips.
“I shouldn't be having sex with well-known actresses that’s for sure. What's a pretty lady like you doing with a guy like me?”
“Well,” you kissed his neck as you slowly began to unbutton the shirt. “Firstly, you're the sweetest guy I've ever met.”
“Hmm,” Sam’s hands moved down to your ass, squeezing it. “You're lying.”
“Second,” you began pushing him to the bed and he sat on it, watching you. “No other man can make me feel as good as you do.”
You had fully unbuttoned the shirt as you stood in front of him. There was a wild look in Sam’s eyes as he pulled you in, his lips on your nipple.
You gave a satisfied hum as you felt him flick his tongue over the sensitive nub. His hands were at your ass again, squeezing and pulling you in as close as he can, taking in your scent and burying his face between your breasts.
“Is there a third reason?” He mumbled.
You giggled as you ran your hand through his hair. He looked up at you and you kissed him.
“Well,” you got down on your knees and stroked his muscular legs, feeling them get tense as you slid your hands up closer to his crotch. “You're a sexy baseball player. Is that reason enough?”
Sam chuckled, leaning down to kiss you as you pulled his underwear off.
You took his cock in your hand, running your thumb over the head to see how Sam would react. His bottom lip was pinned between his teeth and that satisfied you. He took the cap off you and put it on his own head as he waited for more.
You licked his cock from the base all the way to the tip, slowly and deliberately as you looked up at Sam. You did it again, enjoying as his cheeks turned red and he leaned his head back as he groaned a little.
“You like that?” You asked as you kissed the tip of his cock.
“Do you even need to ask?”
You smiled before taking him in your mouth, slowly bobbing your head up and down as Sam’s hand grabbed at your hair. You loved how he tasted and how it felt to have him in your mouth.
Sam’s hips bucked and he groaned as you took him in further, grabbing onto his leg as he began thrusting into your mouth. One hand held your hair up, while the other one intertwined with your free hand. You looked up at him through teary eyes, enjoying how Sam’s mouth hung open in mindless pleasure.
He gave one last, deep thrust, making you gag a little before he gently pulled you up to kiss you. He didn’t mind tasting himself on your lips and your tongue as you straddled his lap.
“I missed you,” he sighed between kisses. “When was the last time we had sex?”
“Hmm,” you thought as you knocked the hat off his head and pushed him down on the bed. “A month? Before you came back here, that is.”
“It’s been way too long,” he muttered as he pulled you up so you were hovering above his face. 
He gave a knowing hum as you lowered yourself down on his lips.
“Oh, Sam,” you softly moaned as he gently began licking your clit. The familiar tingle that you’ve missed for a month soon came back and you felt like you were going to melt as Sam expertly manoeuvred his tongue and his lips on your pussy.
With your fingers intertwined with his again, you began craving for more, and you felt Sam chuckle before you started grinding against his mouth. He groaned against your pussy, letting go of your hand so he could jerk himself off as you rode him. You moaned his name again as you grabbed onto his hair, moving your hips faster against his tongue. 
It felt good to have Sam under you like that again. You had spent so many nights dreaming about his lips, his fingers, his cock, and the thought of what else he was going to do to you that night made you cum. Your toes had curled as you doubled over, pushing against the mattress so you wouldn’t fall on Sam and hurt him. He didn’t mind, though.
He had a smile on his face as you climbed off, wearily laying down on the bed. 
“Had enough, beautiful?” Sam gave you a soft kiss as he rolled on top of you. 
“No,” you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Never enough.”
You felt his cock against your clit as the kiss got deeper.
“Please, Sam.”
“Please, what?” He pulled away a little, giving you a cocky grin. “What do you want me to do?”
“I want you to fuck me.”
“How?” His lips were on your neck now, leaving soft kisses that drove you insane. “How do you want me to fuck you?”
Your mind raced, thinking of the hottest sex you’ve had with him. There were plenty.
“Like…” You gasped as Sam’s fingers began massaging your clit slowly and gently. “Oh, god. Like that time on that empty beach…”
“That one?” He smiled up at you before kissing your neck again. “Tell me about it again.”
“When you had me on all fours with my face against that bouquet of flowers you gave me. You were so deep inside me, going so slow and softly at first, then so, so rough. I loved it.”
Sam laughed. “Oh, I remember that night.”
“The smell of sweet peas still turn me on, if you must know.”
“Just made a mental note to give you sweet peas every time now,” he kissed you again. “Now, why don’t you show me how I fucked you?”
You gave him a cheeky smile as you got on all fours, wriggling your ass at him. Sam loved the view of his jersey on you like this and he gave your ass a smack.
“Ready?” He asked.
“Please,” you almost begged, grabbing onto the pillows in front of you.
Sam was slow and gentle as he entered you, making sure you got used to him again. “Is this okay?”
“Mmhmm,” was all you could reply as you were lost in the sensation of Sam being inside you again.
He began thrusting in you, his hands grabbing at your ass. His thrusts were mostly shallow, making enough friction to give you that warm feeling inside. 
“More,” you mumbled. “Deeper.”
Sam smiled, smacking your ass as he gave more forceful thrusts. As he got deeper, you collapsed on the pillow in front of you, moaning out his name as he fucked you.
You were so sure other people, other players on the floor could hear you, but you didn't care. Everytime Sam hit that sweet spot, you moaned louder and he’d groan in return. 
“Come here, baby,” Sam said as he pulled you up against his chest, one hand around your waist to hold you up, while the other one pinned your arms behind your back. He kissed your neck, hips slowing down.
“Sam,” was all you could muster before he began moving his hips faster. 
His mouth was against your ear and he gave out the most delicious grunts and moans. He held you tight as he fucked you almost desperately, like he was making up for the past few weeks. 
Sam moaned loudly, trying not to finish just yet. He wanted to pleasure you as long as he could.
You whimpered when Sam suddenly pulled out, but he kissed you hard before you could say anything else. He had you on your back now, making sure you were supported by pillows.
He didn't say anything as he continued to kiss you, his hands roaming your body under his. His lips made their way down your neck and your chest, leaving soft kisses and licks on your nipple, making you sigh as he moved further down.
Sam gave you a lopsided grin as he hoisted your legs up over his shoulders. You smiled back at him, admiring how cute he looked amidst the intimacy. 
“I wanna make up for the month,” he said.
“I can tell… oh!” You grabbed his hair as he licked your clit, slowly and deliberately.
He ate you out the way he knew you liked, making gentle strokes, alternating between his tongue and his lips. It was enough to make you a writhing mess, squeezing his head between your legs as you rode out your orgasm.
Sam was on top of you again, kissing you hard and pinning your arms up above your head. 
“I'm gonna make you feel so good, baby,” he said between passionate kisses. “I'm not gonna stop until you're screaming my name.”
“Yes, please,” you moaned as he slid inside you again.
This time, Sam kept a steady, shallow pace. He kept eye contact with you, watching how you reacted to his every move. Whenever he pushed in deeper, hitting that spot, your eyes rolled back and you moaned louder.
“Faster, baby,” you commanded.
“Okay,” Sam breathed as he held onto your hips and began pounding into you.
Your moans got louder as his fingers dug into your soft skin. The sound alone was enough to make him want to cum, but he held it in, kissing you instead.
“So good, baby,” you whispered. “Pound me, Sam. Please.”
He nodded, head rolling back as his thrusts got deeper, more forceful. He knew he was going to bust any minute, but he wanted you to finish first.
“Keep going, keep going,” you breathed. 
“I…” Sam whispered, feeling like he was going to burst. “Baby, I can't.”
He looked down at you, your face flushed and your eyes screwed shut while you softly said his name over and over. 
“Look at me,” he said, cupping your cheek. 
You met Sam’s gorgeous hazel eyes, the euphoric pressure at the pit of your stomach rising.
“I love you,” he said, his eyebrows knitting together as he thrust into you deep.
It was enough to make you cum, your world narrowing to just Sam and the feelings he gave you. At that moment, it was a mixture of lust, passion, and most importantly, love. He loved you.
Sam let out a deep, guttural growl as he came, leaving finger marks on your hips. He didn't expect to tell you he loved you then, but he couldn't help it. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this way about anyone.
He collapsed on the bed next to you, and you turned to give him tired kisses.
“I love you,” you said breathlessly as Sam wrapped his arms around your waist. “I do.”
“Come here,” Sam kissed you softly.
“Does this mean we're official?”
“What are you talking about? We've always been official. There's nobody else but you, baby.”
“Yeah, but can't we tell other people now?” You pouted as he intertwined his fingers with yours.
“I don't think it's the best time.”
“I just don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you.”
Sam looked at you, a little confused. “You'll be keeping me no matter what, baby. Let's just give it time. I promise one day we can let the world know.”
“You promise?” You touched the hair on his chest with the tip of your finger, tracing the tattoo he had.
“I promise.”
The crowds cheered on, waiting on you to throw the ball.
You looked at Sam, patiently waiting to catch the ball, and your heart melted at the sight of him. 
“You got this, baby,” he mouthed.
You nodded and took a deep breath, bringing the ball back to wind up, remembering what Sam had told you. You threw the ball at him with a lot more force than you expected, but he had caught it in his glove with a surprised look on his face.
“And that's a strike out!” You heard the announcer say. “And there’s the first pitch!”
The crowds drowned out your thoughts as you walked to Sam, expecting him to give you a high five. Instead, he pulled you in for a kiss. It was something he's done a thousand times before, so you automatically kissed him back. It was only after he'd pulled away that you realised he kissed you in front of hundreds, maybe thousands of people.
Sam didn't know what had gotten into him. Maybe it was the thrill of the start of the games, or seeing you in a replica of his jersey on the field of the sport that he loved most, but as you walked to him, he couldn't help but kiss you. 
“Sam…” You gasped. “Are you sure?”
“I made a promise, didn't I?” He smiled.
“You sure did.”
Sam leaned in to kiss you again. Damn what people were going to say. All he knew was that you made him happy.
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the-drakeboys · 2 years
Get Her Out
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Summary: With the love of his life gutshot and falling weak, Sam will fight with his last breath to get her out alive.
Pairing: Sam Drake x Female OC (Unnamed)
Word Count: 2,342
Warnings: Violence, blood, gore, mentions of death.
A/N: Missed y’all so much. Hope you enjoy this lil’ blurb!
“Told…you… this was my last job….” she whispered to him in the dark through a shaken, wry smile, propped up back against his chest. His fingers were curled around her middle, little streaks of dark red blood dripping over his skin where he held all the pressure he could to her gut. He pressed his face to the side of hers, squeezing his eyes closed. “But you were alw-ways too stubborn to listen.” She hummed as she struggled to breathe, her hair stuck to her damp forehead in long strands.
Sam felt a hot tear escape his eye, his teeth gritting as he held onto her. “Me? Stubborn?” he choked, his tone playful as his heart ached so loudly she could feel it in her own. “Not in a million years.”
There was a long, quiet pause, her trembling and shuddered breathing accompanied in the darkened stairwell by the distant drip-drop of a leaky water pipe.
“I better g-get to see the sunrise, though, b-buster,” she murmured, a frog in her throat. Her body slipping as her muscles began to give out.
He turned his head, lips pressing to her temple. “I promise… you will.”
Outside, an endless barrage of hellfire was raining from the sky. Bullets flying in every direction, men shouting orders at one another. Mercenaries out for blood against a rebellious people, protecting their land – and the treasure it held.
“Sweetheart…” he croaked, “We… we gotta try and move you.”
“No,” she shook her head, “I… I don’t think I c-can. Not yet.”
“We gotta try, darlin’.” He looked down at her, meeting her eyes and feeling the earth shatter inside him. “C’mon, you’re tough. Won’t even break a sweat.”
He shifted, and she cried out. Quiet wailing that would live in his veins for the rest of his life. The gaping bullet wound in her gut still flooded beneath his palm, and her vision blurring with the pain.
“C’mon, baby,” Sam whimpered, laying her down beneath him, “Please, god, it’s okay, you— oh, god.” Every cry out of her sent words tumbling from him. He pulled the dirty, sweat-soaked button-down from his back, balling it up. “You can do this, baby. No one tougher’n you.” He couldn’t tell if he was just giving her the push she needed, or flat-out begging her. The words were just coming.
She stared up at him. Her everything. The man she’d hated from the first day she met him; until she didn’t. Until the treasure didn’t matter anymore, until the gunfights and fistfights and running for their lives were just the backdrop to the most intense love she’d ever felt in her life. And now he was shaking in a way she’d never seen him do before. He was afraid in a way she’d never seen him feel before. As he tucked his balled-up shirt beneath hers and pressed it down against her wound, she sucked in air and held in a scream, knowing that if there were anyone else knelt over her now… she would have let go already.
“I got you, baby,” he promised, “You just hang onto me. I’m gettin’ you outta this.” His arms slipped around her body, and he lifted her into his chest. He was up on his feet. He stared down at her for one more moment. “We’re gettin’ you home.”
“I-I’m…I a-am…” she tried to speak, her fingers wringing weakly around his filthy white tank top, but the words were caught. Curled into him, focused - so focused - on breathing. Trying to fight.
“Don’t,” he pleaded, “Just save your energy, just… hang on, okay?” He leaned himself out of the wrecked doorway, rubble beneath his boot. The nearest guns were aimed away from them, utterly unaware that they were still alive.
He finally went for it. Hunched over her as he moved swiftly across what felt like a minefield, sounds bursting from every which way so loud that neither of them could concentrate if they tried.
But she was just holding on. Focusing on breathing. In… out. In… and then out. Slowly. Carefully. Against lungs that felt like fire.
Sam’s tattoos. Just up above her. Her bloodied fingers tracing them once more. His dirty, muddied hair, his stubble. Her mind carving the lines of his jaw and the warm timbre of his voice into her memory, the flecks of green in his eyes and the soft touch of his lips. All of it sealed away so she could never forget.
Sam weaved through ruins. Broken down buildings, smoke billowing from fires in every direction. Bullets pinging off of burnt out cars, grenades rolling into halls and bursting outward.
He stayed away from all of it, ducking behind walls and holding his breath as soldiers and mercenaries shouted and ran.
All he could think about was her. Her body in his arms, her face pressed into his skin, her breaths shallow and quick. Scared to feel them slow down. She was his everything. She was maddening and kind, she was smart enough to knock him on his ass with her words and strange enough to laugh at all of his jokes and loving enough to see the heart he had locked away inside himself, one no one had been allowed to touch since before he could remember. He gasped for air as he ran with her. He couldn’t lose her. He had to get her out.
Sam looked up. A mercenary, gun up, trained on him.
“S-Sam…” she whispered into his skin. “L-Let me go…”
“No!” he yelled, tears pushing to the edge. “No!”
“Drop the gun!”
Sam tightened his arms around her. Her fingers clutching to his tanktop, the blood pooling between them as she began to let go. “S-Sam…”
Sam looked down at her. “Please…” he whispered, dropping to his knees. His gun falling from his hand and landing in the dirt. “You gotta stay, sweetheart, you…”
He watched her eyelids flutter, the mercenary’s boots thudding in front of him and kicking the gun away.
The muzzle of the M4 pressed to his temple.
“Any last words?” the voice demanded.
Sam’s gaze didn’t shift. He let out a slow breath. Everything slowed down. Her eyes slipped closed. And he whispered, “I love you.”
“Hey, asshole–” a voice blurted from behind them.
The mercenary spun on his heels, a gasp flying from his throat.
“Kiss my ass!” Nate shouted. Bam. The mercenary’s body dropped to the ground, and Sam’s eyes finally opened, looking up to find his little brother hurdling over a barrier to get to him.
“I got your cover, big brother, c’mon,” Nate assured him, grabbing at his shoulder, “C’mon! We gotta go!”
Sam’s heart thumped painfully as his brain processed all that had just happened, “Let’s go!” he heard Nate shouting.
And so he got back up, and he followed Nathan. Followed him out. Numb and terrified all at once. Felt her in his hold, her arm hung at her side and swaying limply as he ran. His body exhausted but mind racing.
Nate burst through doors and shot down men, threw everything he had at them as he charged for the train.
And as his bullet reached the last man that stood in the way of getting them to safety, he looked back at his big brother and saw the fear. “We made it, Sam,” he breathed, “C’mon. We’re here.”
Two more were there. Chloe and Elena. Leaning out of the train as it started to chug along the tracks.
“C’mon, Sam…” Nathan’s eyebrows furrowed. Sam stood there, clinging to her. “Sam, we’ve got her. Let us help.”
Sam just looked at him, he didn’t know what to do. Elena stepped forward, and put a hand on his arm. “Sam, we’ve gotta move, okay? Let us take her.”
And Sam felt her pulled from his body. He felt Chloe help him up into the train car. He watched as Nate laid the love of his life down on the floor of the train car, and as Elena hurried forward with her supplies.
But all he knew was what he saw when he looked down.
The blood that painted his tanktop red. That’s all he knew.
Chloe watched as Sam collapsed. Fell to the metal floor, eyes closed and body covered in blood and dirt. She ran to him, too late to catch him.
All he could think as he drifted away was the beautiful face of the woman he loved.
In the distance, words were spoken, almost out of focus in a way. Blurry conversations, muffled and busy.
Sam’s body ached from head to toe. He was slumped in the corner of a hospital room, a clean t-shirt thrown over his head. In the seat next to him sat a bottle of water and a pair of some sort of pills. He grimaced as he shifted himself upright, feeling all the wounds from the days previous stinging and burning. He reached up and rubbed his palms down over his face. He felt numb, eyes slowly traversing the width of the room and finding no one.
The two hospital beds in the room were empty. His gut sunk as he stared at them. One of them undisturbed, and the other with blankets that once held a person…and no longer did.
His chin began to quiver as he stared at the bed, the conversations outside the room still rumbling on.
He cleared his throat and looked down, shakily picking up the water and pills. With everything hurting, he didn’t really care what they were. The bottle next to them only had a label written in what he assumed was Tagalog, so there wasn’t any hope of finding out one way or the other.
He popped them into his mouth, and took a swig of the water, eyes closing with relief at the feeling of it rushing down his gullet.
“...but for the record, I told him. I told him Rafe was bad news. If he’d listened, that whole trip would’ve gone pretty differently–” Nate’s voice led him into the room, breaking Sam’s gratitude for the water and forcing him to turn.
Chloe stood there with Nate, a look of concern and pity etched into her features as her eyes landed on Sam.
“So… Sam, how’re you holding up?” She stepped forward, sitting next to him and taking in the empty look on his face.
“How long I been out?” he questioned with a hoarse voice.
Nate smiled with a sort of sadness, setting his hands on his hips. “Bout a day and a half. Tried to get you into the bed but you put up a fight. So the chair it was.”
Sam nodded, managing a small, dry chuckle. “You tellin’ me I sleepwalk?”
He looked up at his little brother. He had questions, but he didn’t want the answers. So the banter would continue.
“If that’s what you wanna call it.”
Chloe gently rubbed Sam’s back, looking between the two brothers and waiting for the right time to say something. He took one more long swig of the bottle, finishing it off.
“Can you walk?” she asked quietly.
Sam nodded, setting the now empty bottle off to the side. “Let’s go for a quick stroll then, shall we?” she murmured, standing up and offering her hand.
Nate glanced at her, a smile between them as Sam took her up on it. With his hand in hers, he pulled himself to his feet, wobbling at first.
The three left the room. Shuffled down a corridor, toward a door at the end of it.
Warm, golden rays of sun peered through the window in the door, Sam’s gut burning as he remembered his promise.
Remembered the look on her face when she asked for it.
Remembered how she–
“But what about Belize? That was a great one, right?” Elena’s voice cut right through his thoughts as Chloe led him through the door.
She stood at the edge of the balcony just on the other side, chatting happily away.
And that’s when Sam saw her. In the wheelchair beside Elena, a cast on her wrist and a hospital gown hung from her shoulders, all of her little cuts patched up, the dirt cleaned from her skin, and an IV connected to the back of her hand.
She turned to him. She saw the look on his face, the disbelief in his eyes, his whole body frozen in the doorway as he stared at her. She smiled warmly then, tilting her head to the side.
“Told you I’d get my sunrise, baby,” she smirked, carefully reaching her hand out to him.
“Oh…God,” he bumbled, falling forward into her and pressing kisses to her face, one after another, Elena, Chloe and Nate laughing in the background as he overwhelmed her with love. “How in the hell-” he was breathless, kneeling beside her and looking up into her eyes, “How… I… thank god, I… I–”
Warmth and gratitude flowed between the five of them, Sam getting up and turning to grab onto his brother. He thrust Nate into a tight hug, hanging onto him and mumbling “thank you, little brother” again and again.
“Hey, hello, hi–” Chloe waved her hands behind him, “Who do you think drove us in?”
“--and how about who patched you both up on the way to the hospital?” Elena chimed in, hands on her hips but a smug smile on her face.
Sam laughed his apologies out, pulling back from his brother and messily swiping at the tears rolling down his cheeks. He looked at the three of them, his hand reaching out to gently hold a hand he never thought he’d get to again. Her palm warm, fingers delicately lacing together with his. “Thank you. All of you. Really, I…” 
“Oh, just shuddup,” the voice below him laughed. And she pulled him down to her with the little strength she had, a tired grin on her lips as they met his in a kiss.
The happiest kiss of his life.
@s4mdrake @landoverthemountains @supernaturally-avenging-hannibal @cassieseraphim @qwertybubbler @darlingsdevil @hozierwastaken @missdictatorme @archesa @writersblockincoming @ladamari68 @unchartedterritoria @curious-expectations @creative-diaries @jodiereedus22​ @multifand0m-gal0re​ @trickstergoddessblog @chellestrash @jinwonholeo​ @makingpeoplesmile97 @lunarastrobabe @thislifepackagesucks​ @bechobbi​
Shoot me an ask, message, or reply if you’d like to be tagged in my works! Thanks so much for reading!
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bicycle4two · 2 years
uncharted 4 fanfic masterlist
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Pairing: Sam Drake x Reader
say you wanna, say you wanna be 
CHAPTERS 1 || 2 || 3 || 4…(to be continued)
Read on AO3
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sicparvismorrigan · 10 months
Bitch if u don’t finish “when your line is crossed” then i will finish YOU. Baushshshdjsbisjsis it’s the greatest thing ever written and the way you write Sam is so dirty and gross yet hot and dilfy and sexy and downright SINFUL i just want to scream. Pleasepleapslspelspsl finish it i need HARDCORE ANIMALISTIC SEX WITH PERVY SAM OKAY
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Babe your ask made my damn YEAR. Ok ok I might be persuaded to finish it. I love that fic so much. Give me a few weeks I’m sure I can have Sam fulfill your needs. Damn I love that pervy man so much.
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unchartedterritoria · 2 years
Dangerous (Sam Drake x OC) - Chapter 36
Why the hell are action scenes so hard to write, can someone tell me this? But we end it, once and for all.
Previous chapters:
Chapter 1 * Chapter 2 * Chapter 3 * Chapter 4 * Chapter 5* Chapter 6 * Chapter 7 * Chapter 8 * Chapter 9 * Chapter 10 * Chapter 11 * Chapter 12 * Chapter 13 * Chapter 14 * Chapter 15 * Chapter 16 * Chapter 17 * Chapter 18 * Chapter 19 * Chapter 20 * Chapter 21 * Chapter 22 * Chapter 23* Chapter 24 * Chapter 25 * Chapter 26 * Chapter 27 * Chapter 28 * Chapter 29 * Chapter 30  * Chapter 31 * Chapter 32 * Chapter 33 * Chapter 34 * Chapter 35
As always, you can read the story thus far on A03  HERE
Tags: @jodiereedus22, @shambhalala, @missdictatorme​ @bechobbi​ @the-winchesterboys, @peakymarvels
Reviews and comments are always appreciated!
            Dirty ocean water shot into the sky as Jasper and Sam slammed into the moat. Twisting in midair, Jasper's body hit the surface first. The air in his lungs belched out in large bubbles as Sam landed on top of him. Slamming into his chest, he pushed him into the silty bottom. Disoriented, Sam flailed his arms to right himself in the opaque water. His elbow connected with Jasper's head, pushing it farther down. A pointed conch shell embedded in the moat floor tore at the delicate skin of his temple. As the rough outer edge of the seashell made contact, a lengthy gash appeared on the side of his head. Blood immediately bloomed from the cut and began to tint the water.
Sam burst through the surface, sputtering and gasping, anxious to breathe again. As he paddled towards the sloped sides of the moat, Sam felt two hands grab his foot and yank him back into the deeper water. He struggled against him. A wild kick connected, allowing him to break free from Jasper's grasp and push him back. Sam's fingers dug into the muddy bottom after a few feet as he reached the shallows. Sam stood up, grateful that the water came just above his knees. Menacingly, Jasper crawled quickly toward him, his red hair slithering out behind him in the water, mimicking his reptile-like movements.
Jasper's motion tickled a thought within Sam, a notion filed away that he couldn't quite put his finger on. He ignored it completely.
Turning in time to see him, Sam tried to kick him in the jaw. In a perfect world, it would land right in the sweet spot, knocking him unconscious, and Jasper would sink to the bottom of the moat. The son of a bitch would drown, and that would be the end of that.
Of course, it didn't happen that way.
Instead, the muck below his feet sucked at them greedily, and Sam began to sink into the sludge. The bottom of the moat held his boots tight, shifting him off balance and sent him reeling backward into the water. Hinging at the knees, he landed flat on his back. The surface of the water slammed against it, making it sing with pain. Sam felt Jasper's weight on top of him as his hands held his shoulders beneath the surface. Salt water flooded the inside of Sam's lungs as panic set in. Sam struggled to gain leverage against Jasper, anxiously pushing his hands against the bottom of the moat, not quite able to bring himself to the surface as Jasper pushed against him. The world began to go fuzzy.
A plane engine roared to life. Jasper snapped his head towards the sound, his eyes suddenly filled with unwarranted confidence that reinforcements had come to his aid. Reinforcements were not necessary at this point, in his mind, but would nevertheless be welcomed.
Sully's plane puttered from behind its mangrove shield on the lighthouse-held island.
Jasper recognized the plane, and his momentary confidence drained quickly. Reinforcements had come and not to his aid. The sound had shifted Jasper's attention from the task at hand. The pressure on Sam's shoulders slacked. Taking advantage, Sam rolled out of his grasp, kicking himself away. Jasper plunged face-first back into the water as Sam slithered out from under him.
Both men stood up. Jasper's suit, once crisp and clean, was now a dirty, gritty brown, torn, soaked, and streaked with blood. The façade of a put-together southern gentleman had been stripped away entirely. His green eyes, which could always reveal his true nature, blazed wildly.
Sam's chest heaved heavily. He had been choked, shot at, slashed, just about drowned, emotionally and almost physically skewered. His body was tired, and he knew he was just about spent.
Bumps emerged silently from the water behind Jasper's right shoulder.
What the fuck, Sam thought, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion while droplets of bloody water fell from them.
The bumps in the water glided towards them, gaining speed.
The visual of Jasper's body slithering towards him flashed into his brain again as Sully's voice, though it was originally said with a roar, whispered in his ear.
Just be careful of the crocodile.
Sam began to scamper backward.
When Sam was 12, he and three other boys in the orphanage had snuck into the common room one night to watch a copy of Jaws one of the visiting priests had taped off HBO. Sam would never admit out loud how much it had scared him. That would be way too pussy. But Sam never set one toe in the water on the outing the sisters had arranged for the kids to the beach that summer. Neither did the three others, each feigning a different stomach ailment.
Though this wasn't a shark, the vivid memories lightninged through his brain as he scrambled up the sides of the moat.
The son of a bitch is running, Jasper questioned to himself. He opened his mouth to yell and scream. To tell him to get back here and fight, that this was far from over, that wherever Samuel Drake ran, wherever that stupid girl ran, he would find them, kill them and rid this earth of the plague that they are.
Sam's name barely had time to leave Jasper's lips before he felt the pain in his ankle as the bones crunched, crumbling with the force of the animal's jaws. His knees buckled as large teeth sank into the flesh of his calf, tearing away as the crocodile pulled at him. Jasper locked panicked eyes with Sam one last time before he was seized around the waist and pulled under. The animal thrashed with its prey in its mouth. Arms and legs flung in the water as the crocodile executed its signature death roll, the water around it becoming black with a mix of silt and blood. The acid in Sam's stomach lurched into his throat as he watched the animal submerge and retreat, taking Jasper's body with him.
Sam hung his head between his legs, his elbows shakily perched on his knees as he spat bile on the ground between them. He had been through a lot in his life, but he had never seen a grown man eaten by a crocodile before.
Swallowing his stomach back in place, Sam finally realized it was over. Jasper Knox was dead. Faith was alive. The treasure was found, and it was over. The thought made the last of his strength betray him, and he sank to his knees, bracing his hands against the ground to keep himself from faceplanting. Under his hand was a sheet of paper that fluttered down from the top of the fort when Faith opened her hand. He moved his fingers to see the writing beneath. Expecting to find pages of lead-inked script from a fountain pen, instead, he found a map of Fort Jefferson made on an ordinary inkjet printer.
I guess Nathan isn't the only master of distraction. The thought made Sam smile.
Sam sat back on his heels and stared at the top of the fort, its flag blowing in the breeze. His smile faded to stoicism when he saw the bruised female figure staring down at him.
It wasn't as entirely over as he had thought.
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jasmines-library · 6 months
What do you think about a Batfam x Supernatural crossover??? Like, Reader is Dean's twin, and Sam's older sister, but she can't take the boys' nonsense anymore (like the pranks in the first season) and goes out to hunt a nest of vampires alone, only in Gotham, Batman V and confronts her, she even runs away but is caught, so she tells the truth, he takes her to the mansion and everyone is extremely shocked that these creatures are real (including Bruce) but there is no way to deny the facts!! And meanwhile the boys are freaking out because their badass sister is missing and they're looking for her like crazy?
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Note: (how strange, someone requested something very similar: anonymous also requested here.
Warnings: Swearing, blood and gore but not descriptive.
Word Count: 1.9k
You had finally had enough. You just couldn’t take it anymore. The constant bickering and blame passing, the constant nights spent laying awake blaming yourselves when another got hurt…you were sick of it. 
It was in the very early hours of the morning that you slipped out the door, with a handful of your belongings stuffed into a bag. It’s not like you had planned to ;eave forever..you just needed to get away for a little while. To take a breath of fresh air. You had found a hunt a few states over; a nest of vampires which should be simple enough. 
You made your way to the bus station about 10 minutes before your bus was supposed to leave. It was just a short walk from the motel. You had considered taking a car or hitching a ride with someone, but you knew that Sam and Dean would be able to track you much easier if you did that. So, you opted to take a bus and exchange half-way there just to make sure they wouldn’t follow behind as quickly as you wanted them to. If you were lucky, you would make it back before they even figured out where you were. To say that they were going to be pissed when they found out would be an understatement. But you were an adult, for crying out loud. Hell, you were the same age as Dean and he seemed to run off without a care in the world. 
There was little to no-one on the bus as it sped down the freeway. Supposedly that's because most people weren’t mad enough to get up at 2 in the morning to get on a bus. Either way, it was nice. You had disabled the tracker on your phone and plugged in your headphones to prepare for the drive. 
Gotham city was a strange place. Extravagant, but strange. Dawn was slowly creeping into day when you hopped off the bus, and you could tell that the city was lively. There were people roaming the streets as the streetlamps flickered off and the lights inside the skyscrapers blinked on. There were dog walkers, couples holding hands and businessmen hailing cabs over the road. An eerie feeling hung about the city. You couldn’t place it, but there was something malevolent about this city. With the high rise buildings and twisting alleys,it seemed the perfect place for crime. The city was so big that people could just vanish. It was the perfect place for vampires. 
You found your hotel a little way up the street. It was quaint with only one bed and a small table next to the wall by the ensuite, but it suited your needs perfectly. 
Concealing a machete is not easy. Even though the city had died down slightly now it was past the mid-day hubbub, there were still people everywhere and you did not want to risk being caught by the police for carrying a weapon around. By wearing one of your jackets, you managed to conceal it under your arm as you began to scope out the city to find where the vampires were supposedly nesting. 
When you finally found it, it seemed to tick all of the boxes: glazed windows, outskirts of the city, two entrances that you hoped wouldn’t lead to your untimely demise. Vampires were never very subtle. They were always the same. 
The entrance to the building was concealed down a side-road. Checking your surroundings to make sure the coast was clear, you began to work on the lock. It snapped open and you made your way inside. 
Sam and Dean were frantic. 
The day had started out like any other. Sam had slipped out the door early in the morning for his run (a habit which Dean despised and thought was completely unnecessary). He had made nothing of the pile of pillows which you had stacked up on the couch beneath a blanket. It was only when he returned to find Dean nearly burning a floor in the carpet as he paced, taking angrily into the phone. 
“No, I don't know where she could have gone, that's why I'm calling you!”  Dean was scared. Sam could tell that from the first word he spoke. 
There was a pause as the person Dean was on the phone to spoke. Clearly, he wasn’t happy with the response they gave as he slammed the phone shut and threw it across the room. 
“Son of a bitch” he yelled, hands coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose. 
“What's going on?” Sam asked. He had a nasty feeling that he already knew. 
“Y/Ns missing.”
“What?” Sam blinked. 
“Yeah. I thought she’d been snatched at first but most of her stuff is gone too.”
Sam bit his lip. “Have you tracked her cell?”
His older brother nodded. “Nothing. I’ve tried calling her too. She’s turned it off.”
You had managed to get yourself in a little bit of a pickle. And by ‘little bit of a pickle’, I mean ‘there were a lot more vampires than you thought and now you were fighting for your life’. So the usual, really. 
When you had slunk inside the building it was completely silent as the vampires sheltered from the sun. But as you moved further into the room and began counting how many there were, you paled. Things hit the fan when you stepped backwards and knocked over a stack of books. All eyes snapped to you and you struggled to keep up with the sheer number of them. The scent of blood and sweat filled the room as you fought and swung. Most of it theirs, but some of it yours. 
No matter how many you took down, their attacks never seemed to end. You had just sliced the head off of one when another three raced before you. They were about to reach you, their fangs bared and snarling, when someone tackled them to the ground. The boy was tall, muscular and dressed from head to toe in black, besides the brown jacket slung over the top and the red emblem on his chest. Another figure appeared to your left, also dressed in black. Though this time, his face was concealed by a domino mask and a blue symbol was imprinted on the front of it. 
Although the vampires went down, it seemed the two vigilantes didn’t know how to kill them which meant that even with their help, you were going to get nowhere. So as they tussled with them, you swung your arm to defeat the one before you before moving to help them. When the last one went down, their attention snapped toward you as you wiped the end of the machete with the hem of your sleeve. 
“What the hell was that?” The one in blue had you pinned up against the wall before you could even blink. 
You scoffed. “A thank you would be nice.”
You pushed against his arm, trying to free yourself but he had you stuck firmly in place. 
He lowered his voice, leaning closer to you. “I’m gonna ask you again: what the hell were they?”
“You won't believe me.” You told him slyly.
“Try us.” The one in red said. 
The one in red snorted. “Funny. Now start talking before we arrest you for murder.”
“I told you you wouldn’t believe me.” You rolled your eyes. “If you let me go I’ll prove it to you.”
Dick and Jason honestly weren’t sure if they believed you or not. They had heard the commotion when they passed a building on patrol. People had been going missing in the area recently and they were investigating the area. When they saw you inside they were taken aback. Their initial instinct was to attack you, but when they realised that you were trying to stop the group of people they realised it was you who needed help. They thought it would be easy to take them down. That was until they actually tried. The attackers had sharp canines that came very close to their faces and only stilled when you attacked them with your machete. 
When you revealed to them that they were vampires, they thought you were messing with them, but after you showed off their sharp fangs, they were convinced 
They were silent as they walked you back to the cave, unsure what to make of it. They were shell shocked; creatures that they thought only existed in movies were real…?
Even more so, they were surprised at how unfazed you seemed. It made them wonder how long you had been doing this for. They didn’t recognise you, and you had refused to give them a name. Jason was going to ask Tim to run a search on the database later, though he wasn’t even sure if he would find anything. 
Bruce wasn’t sure what to make of it. When the two vigilantes brought you into the cave after introducing themselves and explaining their work, Bruce was hesitant. He thought that this was some kind of joke. A prank by his two sons. You were adamant however, and showed him pictures on your cell and research papers online. 
When you turned your cell back on, you were bombarded with dozens of miscalls and twice as many unread texts from both of your brothers and anyone else who they decided to contact about your disappearance. Shitttttt
Just as you were about to speak, a loud clatter sounded from across the batcave. All of the vigilantes in the room stood to attention and you reached for the gun holstered in your waistband. But as soon as you did so, you came face to face with eyes you knew very well. 
“Dean?!” You gawped at him. 
“Y/N? Oh thank god.” He pulled you close to him. 
The vigilantes dropped their weapons slightly. “You know them?” Jason raised an eyebrow.
“My brothers.” You nodded. They must have managed to track the bus you got on. 
“Jesus christ, Y/N. What the hell were you thinking?” Sam chided. “You could have gotten seriously hurt.”
“Relax, Sammy. I’m fine. I needed to get away from your bickering for once.”
Dick laughed from across the room “You can say that again.”
“What are you talking about?” Dean frowned. 
“I mean you two are constantly arguing and I’m sick of it. I needed to get out on my own for a day or two. I was planning to come back tomorrow morning.”
“And you planned to stay here with these...people?”
“...not exactly.”
“Y/N.” Dean warned. 
“They helped me.” 
“You told them?!” 
“Kind of hard not to when you’re being attacked by a group of blood thirsty vampires.”
“It’s true.” Jason said. “We didn’t believe her at first.”
“It’s alright.” Dean said. “We’re sorry it got so far that you felt you had to leave. All that matters is that you’re safe.”
Bruce decided to speak next, his interest peaked by your earlier statements. “So about those vampires…the other things are real too?”
Dean nodded. “Pretty much all of it.”
“Oh god. I have a feeling things are about to get a whole lot more interesting in Gotham.”
@aestheticdaisies @hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx @mamapucket @hell-o-kittys @harleycao @batfamsstuff
@defonotashleyr @aestheticdaisies @xxrougefangxx
@hell-o-kittys @inlovewhithafairytale @harleycao
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robinsegghead · 3 months
Danny's Daycare Part 11
[Master List]
Dragging himself off the couch (where he’d actually gotten a few hours of sleep- how’s that for ‘not normal’ Red Hood?), Danny checked his phone. He had a missed call from an unknown number two texts, one from Damian one from Tim, and a reminder that Damian was coming over sometime after noon.
Tim: No worries, Danny. I hope everything’s all right?
Danny decided to respond to that later when he heard the bedroom door open and remembered he needed to get breakfast started. Hopping up, he moved to the kitchen, feeling lighter than he had in weeks, and started searching for food.
“‘Morning.” Santi murmured, taking a seat on the stools across the island from Danny. “Wha’s t’eat?”
He’d learned early on that the boys’ Gotham accent was even thicker after waking up and had to keep himself from cooing at how adorable it was. You’re not their dad, chill.
“Looks like….” Danny pulled out the container Red Hood had left the night before and read the little note he also included. Gallo Pinto, make some eggs and toast to go with it- there’s plenty so actually eat it, Danny. -Red Hood “Something called Gallo Pinto. I just have to make some eggs.” He ignored the pointed remark about eating the food and he definitely ignored the part about toast.
Santi sighed and placed his head against the counter. 
“You okay, kid?” 
The boy nodded. “‘M tired. Miguel’sa bed hog.”
Danny laughed. “Looks like you and I have something in common.” Santi looked up, questioningly. “Older siblings who hog the bed. I bet he steals the covers too, huh?” When the boy nodded Danny chuckled again. “Yeahhh…. They always use the ‘I’m bigger’ arguement too.”
“‘F I had a younger siblin’ I’d do it to ‘em too.” Santi sighed. “Did you do it ta Dani?”
“No I… I never had the opportunity.”
Santi tilted his head. “How come?”
He hadn’t told the boys much about himself, though he never held back information it usually just didn’t come up. He wondered though… if they outright asked him about certain things, Phantom, ghosts, Jack and Maddie, would he tell them? “We didn’t grow up together really.”
“But she’s yer sister.”
“Yes, well… I… didn’t meet her until I was fifteen and she was twelve and even after that we didn’t spend much time together. She spent her teenage years traveling and I- well I didn’t.” He let out a puff of air, Santiago was clearly very interested in this topic so he continued. “Dani’s a free spirit, she’s always come and gone as she pleased and well… I couldn’t be happier that shes’s decided to stay here for a little while. Don’t tell her but I kind of missed her.” He stage whispered the last sentence as if she would overhear him.
Speak of the devil and she shall appear. His door opened and closed without so much as a knock and then a very familiar face walked around the corner. “What’s to eat? I'm starving!” She exclaimed obnoxiously.
“So this friend of yours…” Miguel trailed off, Danny waited in silence for him to finish his sentence. “So your friend….” Danny nodded. “You have friends?”
Dani cackled while Danny huffed, exasperated. “Of course I have friends!” Miguel and Santiago shared doubting looks. “Listen, I just don’t have a lot of time to hang out with people. But there’s Sam and Tucker, we’ve been friends forever, and then Valerie joined the group- oh and Wes is definitely a friend too. We became friends towards the end of high school though so we don’t keep up as much. But yeah, I have friends.”
“Dude.” Santiago breathed. “That’s like… four people.”
“I’m pretty sure every friend is canceled out by an enemy so you’re at net 0 brother.” Dani laughed. “The negatives even.”
Miguel frowned. “You have enemies?”
Danny’s rebuttal was cut off by the knocking at their door- saved by the bell, well, sort of. Metaphorically. Damian was on the other side of the door, wearing slacks and a nice sweater (why was the kid always so dressed up?) and had a bag in one hand weighed down by (theoretically) cat stuff.
“Hi Damian!” Danny greeted. “Come on in!” He’d noticed throughout the time he’d known Damian that the boy was rather proper. He was always dressed nicely, always spoke politely, his posture was perfect, and he had an air about himself… like he knew his importance. He supposed it was good that the kid had that much confidence- maybe it would rub off on Miguel a bit.
Leading Damian to the dining room (which was really just a table in the kitchen), Danny started introduction. “I know you guys met briefly at the store-”
“You’re that guy whose brother goes by dick!” Santiago laughed.
Damian quirked an eyebrow. “Yes, Richard insists on going by it which I think is absurd.”
Santiago quirked his head. “Why you talk like that, man?”
“OKAY!” Danny clapped his hands together. “Let’s not be rude to my friend who is here to do us a favor and teach you boys about owning a cat, capeesh?” The boys nodded, Santiago sheepishly, and Damian untensed slightly. “Miguel, Santi, why don’t you show Damian your apartment and he can answer any of your questions.”
The boys nodded and Damian followed them without a word. The second they were out of earshot Dani gave him a Look. 
“What?” Danny asked defensively.
“Oh my Ancients.” She breathed, her eyes widened as if she’d just realized something.
Danny looked between where Damian had disappeared and his freaking-out sister. “What?”
“Nothing. You’re a dumbass.” She stood up and stretched. “This has been fun but I’ve got some things to see to, people to visit, you know…” She trailed off.
Pursing his lips, Danny tried not to ask. He’d suspected for a while that she was hiding something from him, but he didn’t know what or why. And he didn’t want to know. She was free to keep things to herself, he didn’t need to know everything she was doing at all times. “Okay- don’t forget, tutoring with Jason starts a week from tomorrow and you might learn a thing or two from him.”
“Pffff.” She waved a hand at him dismissively. “I’m already great at English!”
He deadpanned her. “You remember who you’re made from, right?”
“Do either of you have any questions?” Damian asked, looking between the two boys who’d been listening to his instructions without interruption for the past thirty minutes. When he’d met them- or, re-met them, he’d thought they would be incapable of listening to his expertise without butting in constantly, but he’d been wrong.
Miguel and Santiago shared looks, the older one was the first to speak up. “I don’t think so. Guess we can always ask Danny if we think of anythin’ later on.” He shrugged.
Knowing that Danny was not only new to owning cats but also incredibly busy, Damian hesitantly offered his own number. “If you ever have questions that Nightingale cannot answer or is not around to answer… you may… call or text me.”
“Oh shit man, really?” Santiago blurted out.
Miguel smacked him upside the head but it seemed to be more of a brotherly affection than anything else. “Manners, man.”
“Right, uh. Sorry.” Santiago offered. “Just excited I guess, we never got a pet before.”
Damian knew the feeling. When father had first agreed to letting him get a cat he’d been ecstatic. One cat, dog, and cow later and Damian was still excited any time he rescued a new animal or was able to get another one himself. “That is understandable, I too was excited to get my first pet.” Checking his watch, he stood. He still had homework to do before patrol tonight. “I should be going, but let me know how things are going once you’ve gotten all of the necessary supplies and have fallen into a routine.”
After saying goodbye to Danny and heading out Damian couldn’t help but hope the boys would text him. He pushed the sentiment away quickly. They either would or would not message him and it did not matter either way.
  “So Danny’s like- not human, right?” And wasn’t that a crazy way to start a conversation?
“Hi Santi, what happened to hi? Hello? How are you? My name is?” Miguel joked back, not taking his eyes off the textbook in front of him.
His younger brother groaned. “Come ooooon! There’s somethin’ weird ‘bout him! He’s gotta be a meta, right?” 
Spinning his pencil, Miguel responded absentmindedly. “What makes you say that?”
“‘Member when he was having a long day last week and accidentally ripped the handle off the fridge ‘cause it wouldn’t open? Or how ‘bout when I left some stuff here the other day and came ta get it while he was at work an’ he was also here? And at dinner that night I asked ‘im how work was and he said it was good?”
Miguel hummed. “Maybe he took that day off and didn’t want us to think he was bein’ a helicopter parent.”
“AH HA!” Santiago shouted, jumping to his feet and pointing. “You called him a parent!”
The older boy groaned. “Santi- I didn’t mean- look, he’s like five years older than me! At most he’s like an older brother and even then-”
“Tell me again how ‘e chased down your kidnappers and kicked their asses? Or how safe you felt when he moved you out of the way of danger? Or how he checked on us a buncha times at night and got you anythin’ you asked for?”
Miguel groaned, completely forgetting about the textbook as his brother listed off more times Danny was ‘meta like’ or ‘dad shaped’. It wasn’t untrue- but Miguel had said he didn’t want Danny to play parent and he meant it. He’d had parents, he knew how that song and dance went, and he wasn’t looking to suffering it again. 
Danny was cool, he fed them, helped them with school stuff, took care of them, all the things a parent did, but he didn’t get on them about curfew, or eating their vegetables, or grades, or any of that bullshit parents got upset about. He was cool. And safe.
He didn’t remember a lot from his kidnapping- Danny said that was probably for the best- but he remembered a lot of loud noises at one point and how badly he wanted them to stop. And all at once they did. After that there was a voice, it was comforting, calming, and gentle hands that held him close. Danny had told him after the fact that he’d moved Miguel away from the danger and had Red Robin take him home.
Because apparently Danny wasn’t done. Miguel had no idea how many guys Danny took out, but any amount was too much. After the way Miguel had treated him, the way he’d yelled at Danny and got mad at him for just trying to help- Miguel didn’t deserve Danny’s help.
“Are you even listenin’?” Santiago asked, leaning close.
“So what if he ain’t human? Meta’s’re cool.” Miguel argued.
Santiago looked at him like he’d said something stupid. “Obviously. But Batman hates ‘em! What if he finds out ‘n kicks Danny outta Gotham!” 
Anxiety clawed at Miguel’s insides but he pushed it down in favor of quelling his brothers’. “That aint’ gonna happen dumbass. Batman don’t care ‘bout Danny bein’ a upstandin’ citizen.”
“Hey guys,” Danny knocked on the door and leaned into Miguel’s room. “Dani wants to go out for a couple of hours this afternoon, go shopping, get food, stuff like that. You guys want to come?”
The boys looked at each other, knowing why Dani was trying to get him out of the apartment. “Nah, got work to do.” Miguel answered casually. 
“Okay… Santi?” 
Miguel froze.
“‘M good, gonna stay with Mick.” Santi answered, unperturbed.
Danny shrugged and left them to their work. When Miguel was sure he was gone he whipped around to Santiago. “You let him call you Santi? Since when?”
His brother bit his bottom lip nervously. “Uh… when… he called me that when I… when you were…”
Right. That made sense. High stress moments make people form bonds or whatever. Jazz said something about that the last time she’d swung by. She was never around for long, just enough to ask the boys about themselves and make sure Danny was eating and sleeping (he wasn’t). “Do you… want ‘im to call you that?”
Up until this point, Miguel had been the only person allowed to call him that nickname.
“I mean… I kind of… like it?” Santi mumbled. “He’s just so nice and he takes care of us and- and I- I… he’s okay- okay?”
Feeling a twinge of guilt and jealousy, Miguel shrugged. “You can let anyone call you whatever you want, Santi.” The two worked in silence for a moment before Miguel’s phone buzzed. “Dani says they’ll be gone for at least three hours ‘n that we can get to work now.”
“I still can’t believe he didn’t tell us ‘bout his birthday.” Santiago huffed as he stood up and followed his brother out of their apartment and to Danny’s.
Miguel shrugged. “He don’t know ours. Maybe he don’t like it?”
They could both understand that a bit. Birthdays were a touchy subject for them, maybe that was the case for Danny?
Danny was kind of oblivious a lot of the time, but that didn’t mean he didn’t know why his younger sister had dragged him out of his apartment for a multi-hour shopping trip on his birthday after very obviously not mentioning his birthday. He tried not to think too much about what the boys might have been dragged into back home while his sister buys anything she sees and likes.
To be fair, she really did need some stuff for her apartment, she’d furnished it almost immediately after moving in, but she lacked decorations. Dani was a maximalist, she liked displaying her knick knacks from her trips around the world, covering every piece of furniture in pillows and blankets, and making the place feel overall, homey. Something Danny wasn’t as good at.
(Where the hell did she get that from? It certainly wasn’t him. His and the boy’s apartments were  true testament to his lack of decorating skills and although he’d offered the boys many times to take them shopping for decorations and whatnot it seemed they felt similarly about the subject.)
“Danny come on!” Dani sighed dramatically. “You’ve been dragging your feet all dayyyy!”
With a scoff, Danny picked up the pace. Luckily they’d already been shopping for a few hours and she had promised this was the last store. He froze when he saw the store. “I am not going in there with you.”
She rolled her eyes. “Don’t be such a boy. It’s just bras.”
“It’s not the bras- it’s shopping for bras for my sister. Not happening.” He was putting his foot down on this one. Dani shrugged and disappeared into the store for way longer than he’d expected. Finding a nearby bench to sit down on, Danny pulled out his phone.
Tim: Astronomy, huh? 
Danny: Yeah its like the only thing Im good at
Danny: After science that is
Tim: And running a daycare apparently
Danny: In my defense I didnt know Id be good at that until I did it
Tim: You’re telling me you just kind of…. Did it?
Tim: No thoughts?
Danny: Something like that
Tim: Dude. What the fuck
Danny: Okay, your turn. Hobbies?
The two had been talking on and off for the last week since Danny had reached out but they were both incredibly busy and often only sent a couple of texts a day. Dani’s impromptu shopping trip gave him a good excuse.
Tim: Skateboarding and photography
Danny: Thats so cool! I remember you said you were going skateboarding with your boyfriend?
Tim: Yeah one of them
One of them? Danny looked up for a moment, his brain rebooting to understand- what the fuck? He couldn’t even get one partner and Tim had two?! How was that fair? Shaking his head, Danny responded.
Danny: Thats cool, does the other one not skateboard?
Tim didn’t respond quickly enough before Dani came rushing out of the store with a large pink bag and a big smile. Danny put his phone away and picked up the myriad of of bags he’d been tasked with carrying throughout their shopping spree. 
“Is that everything?” He asked, trying to keep the whine out of his voice.
She rolled her eyes, carrying only the bag from the last shop they’d been to. “Yes, Danny. We can go home now Ancients, you’re so impatient!”
“I don’t know where you got your love of shopping from but it was not me!” He was just grateful they could fly home invisible and intangible and it wouldn’t take long although it would take a bit longer than if he weren’t weighed down by a dozen shopping bags.
They got to the apartment building a few minutes later, stopping in Dani’s apartment first to drop off the bags- he hadn’t bought anything after all. 
Dani set everything down then gave her brother a thoughtful look. “I wanna say hi to the boys.”
“O…kay?” Since when did she need his permission to say hi to the boys? Before he could ask she’d grabbed his hand and dragged him from her apartment to his. She made a lot of noise trying to open the door instead of phasing through which was strange but Danny was tired.
As the door opened he noted that the lights were all off- maybe the boys were in their apartment? Now that he was thinking about it- hadn’t they been at their place when he and Dani had left earlier? Why did she assume they’d bein his-
“SURPRISE!” The lights flickered on as a chorus of voices shouted at him.
Startling slightly, Danny gained his bearings. Standing in his living room were the boys, Sam, Tucker, Jazz, Valerie, and Wes, all wearing party hats and smiling widely at him. He hadn’t spent his birthday with anyone in a few years so he hadn’t expected anything like this. He probably should have.
“Happy birthday, little brother!” Jazz exclaimed, pulling him into a tight hug.
“Dude! You should have seen the look on your face!” Tucker laughed, joining in the hug Jazz had started. Sam joined too and for a moment Danny felt completely at peace.
Someone shoved through the tangle of limbs and bodies. “Yeah yeah, happy birthday Nightingale.” Valerie scoffed.
“Man you didn’t tell us you had kids!” Wes shouted from the couch.
Danny made his way into the living room and collapsed into an armchair, exhausted from the shopping. “That’s because I don’t.” He thought he caught a frown flit across Miguel’s face but he pressed on. “But they’re good kids and I’m happy to talk about them. Is there food? I’m starving?” He hoped getting the focus off of the boys would help them feel a bit more comfortable.
He wasn’t exactly unhappy that everyone was visiting- he was incredibly grateful they’d taken the time to come all this way and spend his birthday with him but he was worried. The boys had been forced to socialize with people they didn’t know without anyone they knew there to act as a buffer. Sure they’d met Jazz a few times, but they were more comfortable around Dani than they were around her.
Miguel especially didn’t like when there was a lot of attention put on him.
“Of course there is! I brought a meat platter-” Tucker started.
“And I brought a veggie platter and vegan dip.” Sam cut in.
Valerie rolled her eyes. “I ordered pizzas- meat lovers and vegan.”
“I brought drinks!” Jazz offered.
Wes looked around. “Well shit- no one told me to bring anything! Besides I just got off a double shift at the Planet and drove her right after! I haven’t even showered in two days!”
“So that’s what that smell is.” Danny smirked.
Overall, it was a success. The boys seemed to loosen up once everyone started eating and relaxing, Valerie played with the kittens (who were getting quite big at this point) while catching up with Jazz, and Wes was ranting about work.
“I mean- the guy “gets a few interviews with superman” and suddenly he’s like the go to guy! He’s literally superman! That isn’t investigative journalism! It’s an autobiography!” Wes shouts, finishing his rant by stuffing the rest of the pizza in his mouth.
Sam snorts. “Wes, come on, Clark Kent is not Superman.”
Wes gave her a Look. “This is high school all over again! I told everyone I knew who Phantom was- and I was right!” Danny gave him a pointed look before glancing at the boys. “I know who Superman is, I’m ninety-eight percent sure I know who each of the Gotham vigilantes are, I’ve got the Flashes figured out, and no one believes me!”
Miguel tilted his head. “Who’s Phantom?”
Now you’ve done it. Danny glares at his friend. “Small town hero from our hometown. No one’s seen him in years though so you couldn’t possibly know who he is.”
Looking between the curious teenager and the possibly enraged eldritch being that could tear him apart with the snap of his fingers, Wes chose life. “Yeah… you’re probably right.” 
Tucker and Sam laughed as Wes slunk to the kitchen to get more food. “Don’t worry Wes! I’m sure the Planet will recognize your brilliance soon and you can score your own interview with Clark Kent- sorry- Superman.” 
Turns out, Dani had only bought a bra so she could disguise her gift for Danny in a bag she knew he wouldn’t carry for her. He hadn’t expected gifts but upon opening them he couldn’t have been more grateful. Jazz’s gift had been a yearly pass to the planetarium and observatory in downtown Gotham. She mentioned that he was allowed to bring one free guest with him every visit.
Sam, Tucker, and Valerie had gotten him a bunch of new space themed clothes, blankets, and books- including a new book he’d been debating getting for a while.
Wes promised his gift was coming but ‘it was a bit sensitive and he’d understand when it arrived’. That only worried Danny a lot.
Dani had gotten him the newest model of the Celestron telescope. There was no way a store was just carrying one of those, she’d have to have ordered it specially. Turning it over he found his name engraved into it along with his favorite constellation. He almost cried.
(He did).
The cake was delicious, Miguel and Santiago ate more than Danny thought they should have (but he wasn’t their dad and wasn’t going to tell them to slow down) and ended up in a sugar coma for the rest of the evening. He moved them to his bed and closed the door so he and his friends wouldn’t wake them (What? He didn’t have to be their dad to take care of them like one).
“So Danny,” Wes started. He was on one side of the couch, his legs on top of Tucker and Sam’s laps who were leaning against each other. Jazz had taken his armchair from earlier with Dani sitting on the arm which left the spot next to Valerie on the loveseat. Ironic. “You didn’t tell us you had kids.” He repeated from earlier.
Sighing, Danny closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the headrest. “Like I said, they aren’t my kids. I didn’t just say that for their benefit or something.”
Everyone nodded slowly, giving each other looks, but Tucker spoke up. “Sure, but like… you house them, clothe them, feed them, tutor them, love them, protect them… That’s kind of like a dad, no?”
“Not my dad.” Danny shot back nonchalantly. 
Jazz winced. “But like a dad should be.” She added quietly.
He thought about it for a moment. “I’m only five years older than Miguel-”
“Does that really matter?” Valerie snorted.
Shooting her a look, Danny started again. “I’m only five years older than Miguel and nine years older than Santi but if I could legally adopt them and call them mine, I would. It’s not like anything would change if I did, really. I wouldn’t suddenly be overbearing or whatever, but I promised Miguel when he agreed to let me help them that I would not try to parent them. So I’m not. 
“I’m doing what I said I would. Clothing, feeding, housing them, that’s easy, loving and protecting them is something I was going to do whether or not they agreed to let me help. But I’m not going to call them my kids,” not out loud anyway. “I’m not going to… tell them they can’t have more cake than they should or give them a curfew or ground them or- I… I’m not going to parent them unless they outright ask for it.” He finished with a shrug.
The room was quiet for a moment.
“Who would’ve guessed C+ average Nightingale would be the first with a prominent career and kids?” Valerie joked, elbowing Danny in the ribs.
The room erupted in laughter as everyone started bringing up different ideas of where they thought he’d be at twenty-two (twenty-three now) and it was definitely not ‘Daycare owner in Gotham with two pseudo kids’.
Once everyone had calmed down, Danny asked the question he’d been afraid of asking all afternoon. “When do you guys head out?” It had been so nice seeing his friends again, he hadn’t realized how badly he’d missed them since moving to Gotham.
“Well- about that.” Sam chuckled. “I actually got a job under a prominent scientist I’ve been obsessed with since like- forever- so I’ll be moving to Gotham soon.”
“What? Sam that’s- that’s great!” Danny spluttered.
Tucker nodded. “Obviously I’m moving here too and I’ve got a job interview lined up with Wayne Industries.”
“You’re joking.” 
His friends grinned, shaking their heads. 
“You mean, you two are going to live in Gotham?” They nodded. “Jazz and Dani are already here, and Wes is just in Metropolis,” He turned to Valerie. “What do I have to do to get you out here?”
Raising an eyebrow, Valerie scoffed. “As if I’d move all the way to Gotham city New Jersey to be near you weirdos. I’m only friends with you because my life was boring before.”
“So you’re saying we’re exciting?” Dani chimed in.
“I’m saying there’s never a dull moment with you weirdos.”
Danny shrugged, leaning into Valerie much to her dismay. “Four out of six isn’t bad- plus Wes is within driving distance. But I’ll find a way to get you guys here. Just watch, I’ll climb the social ladder, own this city, and bribe you here with crazy good jobs.”
They all laughed. After all, that was a ridiculous notion.
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justsomerandomfanfic · 4 months
Out Of The Darkness, And Into Your Arms - Sam Drake X Female Reader
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Title: Out Of The Darkness, And Into Your Arms
Sam Drake X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Reader's friend one, Reader's friend two, Nathan, Elena (Mentioned), Sully (Mentioned), Rafe (Mentioned), Alcazar (Mentioned), and Bar jerk
Loosely inspired by: 'I'm So Tired' by Lauv and Troye Sivan
WC: 6,390
Warnings: Uncharted 4 canon violence mentioned, Uncharted 4 canon events/storyline, Sam's death, italics used, cursing, crying, nightmares mentioned, bars, alcohol, drugs mentioned, guy at bar harrasses/annoys Reader briefly, blood briefly mentioned, brief mention of mental health/depression, nicknames, slightly suggestive, angst, and fluff
"Come on, Y/N, just try." Your friend placed a hand on your shoulder, stopping your pacing. 
You threw your hands up in the air, "I have been trying." You huffed, glancing at your friend as you tugged at your hair in frustration. "I have been trying - for fifteen years. But you don't understand how damn hard it is." You gently pushed past your friend and moved over to the couch, sitting down. 
As you covered your face with your hands, your friend let out their sign. "I know that it's hard. I truly do. I may not know the full extent of everything, but I'm so sorry for what happened."
"It's not your fault," You whispered, taking a deep breath, dragging your hands down your face, making your cheeks burn slightly; "It's mine."
"No, it’s not, Y/N." They quickly sat next to you, putting an arm around your shoulders, "You didn't know what was going to happen."
You shook your head, looking up at your friend, "I watched him fall." You felt tears sting at the corners of your eyes, "I tried to help Nate but we couldn't hold on..." You stared down at your shaking hands. You could still see the look on Sam’s face when he got shot - the blood - and you could still remember the feeling of his hand slipping from yours before he fell down the side of the building. You remember the shock, the horror; the complete and total shuttering dread that filled and chilled your bones. You couldn’t hear the bullets piercing through the air near you, Rafe, and Nate’s bodies on the rooftop. You couldn’t even feel the bullet as it grazed your arm… You couldn’t even hear Nate as he yelled out to you, nor did you feel his hand as it grabbed you. The dread… The feeling of the adrenaline, and your heart breaking into millions of pieces, were overwhelming as you followed Nate. You wished you stayed… Maybe Sam was alright. Maybe you could’ve saved him… But the blood - his blood - you couldn’t think about it anymore. You couldn’t think about Sam anymore, but it was hard not to think about him constantly. He was always on your mind. You stared at your hands, your mind imagining Sam’s blood on them before you clenched them, your nails digging uncomfortably into your palms; creating crescent-shaped divots. "I should've done something." You took a shaky, deep breath, "I should have stopped him from falling."
Your friend gave you a sympathetic smile, pulling you closer to their side. "But you couldn't, Y/N. You are only human. The only thing we could do was move forward."
"Yeah, I know… That’s what everyone tells me." You sighed deeply, leaning your head onto your friend's shoulder, "...It just hurts." You admitted after a moment, "Every day I think about him... How scared he must have been..." You trailed off, letting your words drift away into nothingness; your hand mindlessly drifted up to the scar on your upper arm, your fingers brushing over the sleeve of your shirt, the scar was slightly raised beneath it. 
They didn't say anything for a few moments until your friend spoke again, "I know, but that's why moving on is going to be good for you. Going out and about in the world, meeting new people... Get your mental health back on track."
"I've been trying, you know I've been trying. But it's been fifteen years and I still love him." You looked up to meet their gaze, tears slowly spilling from your eyes. “And I never got the chance to tell him.”
"I know." They nodded, their voice soft. "I know. That hasn't changed. But you can't live like this. Please, Friday, just go out with us... Just try and have some fun."
"I'll try..." You sniffled, wiping away the stray tears, "But if things start going south, then I'm coming straight home." 
They laughed softly, squeezing your shoulder, "Fair enough." They reached forward and pulled you into a hug, "So... Friday?"
You smiled sadly, hugging back, "Yeah, Friday."
Giving your friend one last smile, you said your 'goodnights' before shutting your door. The moment the door clicked shut, you sighed. Leaning forward, you shut your eyes as you pressed your forehead against the cool wooden surface of the door. Your chest began to tighten as the dam eventually broke, and your tears quickly fell down your cheeks.
Sobs racked through your body as your arms wrapped around yourself, holding tightly to your ribs. A small whimper escaped your lips as you sank down against your door, clutching your knees to your chest as you dug your chin into yourself, muffling your sobs. 
After what felt like hours, your cries eventually quieted. Exhaustion seeped into your limbs as you slipped against the door, finding purchase on the ground; burying your face in your arms as you just curled up on the cold floor. You tried to shut up your brain, trying to force yourself not to think about Sam, or the night you lost him... But you couldn't stop yourself from remembering every detail. 
Every time that you thought about Sam, it hurt more and more each time. The pain never dulled, never numbed... You remembered how his eyes sparkled whenever he talked about his adventures in Italy and Brazil. You loved how they sparkled that same sparkle - that same passion - when he showed off the treasures he had found during those adventures; the same went for when he told you about Sir Francis Drake. It made you miss him even more. You'd never hear his stories again. You'd never hear his voice again; that deep, thick Boston accent. You'd never get lost in his chocolate-brown eyes again, or try and count the small freckles on his cheeks before losing track. You'd never get to hold him again… Listen to his steady heartbeat... Or tell him that you loved him... 
Sam… You'd never get to tell him. You never got to say it back to him.
The blankets shifted as you shuffled closer to Sam, your arm falling over his chest as you cuddled into his side. Sam laid there with you, his hand caressing the soft, warm skin of your back. You, Sam, and Nate had traveled to Spain to find some old pirate treasure of a notorious female pirate of the eighteen hundreds. You and Sam were in your motel room, relaxing after a long day roaming through forests and hiking up mountains. It was nice to finally be able to relax, and have some downtime. You loved adventures - treasure hunting - but it was nice to take a break. No hot weather, no dirt under your fingernails, or running away from treasure-hunting competitors. Just you and Sam, enjoying a peaceful night together. 
Sam chuckled suddenly, causing your eyelids to flutter open. "What's so funny, Sammy?" You asked, glancing up at him.
He smiled, "I'm just thinking about that movie," He glanced at the TV, a soft glow emanating from it; showing the credits rolling. "I liked it."
You matched his smile, "Well, I am happy you liked it. It is one of my favorites." Your fingers played with the edge of the blanket that laid upon Sam's stomach, "I told you bringing a movie with us would be helpful."
Sam hesitated, his mouth opening and closing before opening again, "About this morning... I- uh, it probably wasn't the best time to tell you... Ya'know, when we were getting shot at." Sam tried to joke, but his words sounded awkward even to his own ears.
You hummed, biting your lip briefly, "Sam, I-"
"You don't have to say it back," Sam spoke, interrupting you, "I don't want you to say it when you're not ready."
You felt your face flush, Sam had told you he loved you that morning. Multiple bullets were being shot at you, and both you and Sam were barricaded behind a crumbling wall of an old castle. Sam was right, the situation you two were in wasn’t exactly ideal. But after Sam watched you single-handedly take down three of your competitor's goons; he had to tell you. The sight of you taking those goons down, it was amazing - he couldn’t take his eyes off you, couldn’t keep his focus off the way the sunlight hit you, making the light dance across your features. Your hair was messy, sweaty strands sticking to your forehead, you were breathing heavily, yet you still managed to pull your gun out from its holster and shoot another two goons dead. You did it so flawlessly, it was breathtaking. And by the time you were beside him again, racing to find Nate, Sam just blurted it out. You were shocked, yes, but before either of you could say anything, you had found Nate and the three of you were off to Spain; a piece of an artifact in hand.
"Thank you," You whispered quietly, pressing a kiss to Sam's cheek, smiling at him.
He smiled at you gently, wrapping his arms around you. "Of course," He mumbled, before placing a lingering kiss to the top of your head.
Your eyes widened as you jolted upright, and your heart raced, before swiftly looking around your living room, breathing heavily as you realized you must have fallen asleep. The depression seeped in again, and you let out a small sniffle. You wondered if you'd ever feel better, but it had been fifteen years. Fifteen years of just... Drifting? Living? No, you weren't living, and you knew that Sam would've wanted you to live. You didn't know what you were doing. And you were scared that these feelings weren't ever going away. Looking up at your window, the sun was already low in the sky; it seemed you had slept for a good couple of hours - yet, you were still tired. 
The bar was loud, and the moment you entered it, you regretted ever leaving your house. Yes, you had gone out, but to stores or to the mall when you felt like it. You felt incredibly out of place, even though, years ago, you used to frequent bars with... Sam. You used to be the life of the party, but things changed; you changed.
You couldn't even remember the last time you went into a bar after what happened. After what happened, you and Nate - along with Elena and Sully - stuck together; for the most part. Soon, Elena and Nate got married, it was a beautiful wedding, and the both of them quit their adventuring. You lost contact with Victor not long after. You spoke to Nate on the phone often, and both he and Elena visited when they could; and vice versa. 
Your two friends practically dragged you by the arms further into the bar, snapping you out of your thoughts as you felt the tingling feeling of anxiety coursing through you. You were not ready for this at all. Your friends then found a booth near the small dancefloor, and before you knew it, you were stuck sitting in between your two friends.
"I might get a martini," Your friend, the one that comforted you in your home, spoke.
"You always get a martini. I'm going to try something new, maybe a bloody mary." Your second friend spoke, before turning to you, "What are you getting?"
You shrugged, shifting uncomfortably in your seat on the dark red, leather booth. "I don't know."
Your second friend gently nudged your shoulder, gaining your attention away from the wooden, circular table. They gave you an encouraging smile, "You got this. Just for tonight."
You tried to smile back at them before you watched the both of them head off to the bar on the other side of the large, dim-lighted room. You let out a sigh, before letting your gaze shift around the room, you were already growing tired of the music the bar was playing. You fiddled with your fingers in your lap, somewhat people-watching. It was a pretty crowded bar, with a good amount of people either at the bar, on the dancefloor, or at the booths eating. The bar was located more by your work, close to downtown. You had passed by it many times in your time living in the area, but you never went in. 
Your eyes snapped away from the people of the bar, your ears perked up to where you presumed a speaker was, hanging on the corner of the ceiling. The music, that had been playing throughout the short time that you were there, was ranging between pop, rock, and indie - had changed, changed into one song that you hadn't heard for a long time, and for a reason.
The song was a rock song, though it had some romantic elements mixed into it. It was made by a band from the eighties. A band you used to love - that Sam even liked. The song was your song. It was yours and Sam's song. 
You had first heard the song in your car. It was way before... Before what happened, but you and Sam had been driving away from somewhere, and the song just popped onto the radio. The song was something new, something neither you nor Sam had ever heard before. But as you sat there, listening to the lyrics, you couldn't help but think about Sam. The song spoke about two lovers, who had the power to speak without words. They could go through everything and anything. Their love could transcend all. There was more but the song resonated within your bones. 
Sam thought it was a bit cliche, but the more you insisted that it was your song for each other, the more Sam grew to love it. He never told you, but you knew. 
You bit your lip, your eyes dropping back down at the table, memories flooding your mind. Sam had given you a mixtape for your birthday, composed of your favorite songs. You remembered, a long time ago, listening to the song in the car; from your mixtape. You were singing along, somewhat obnoxiously, but you didn't care, you were having fun. You remembered when you pulled up to the red light, somewhere in the middle of nowhere - miles from home - when you turned to Sam. Your bright smile slowly faded upon seeing Sam's face. His expression was intense, but soft, as he looked directly into your eyes. The side of his face was illuminated by the streetlamp on the side of the road, highlighting his features beautifully. You could hardly take your eyes off him. 
It was like time stood still, and the world stopped spinning. The world only existed for that one moment, and for one single moment, nothing else mattered. No treasure hunting, no running from men with guns, no responsibilities. Nothing. It felt only natural when you both began to lean in, your heart beginning to race in your chest as Sam reached out with a hand, cupping your warm cheek. He closed the distance between you two as your eyes fluttered shut and you felt his lips press against yours. He tasted like cinnamon and smoke, and you loved it. You loved how his rough hands cupped your face, how the calluses of his thumbs felt as they brushed against the apples of your cheeks. You loved him... You loved him.
You blinked away the memories, a heavy feeling resting in your chest. That moment would forever stay with you. But, you were tired. You were tired of love songs, and you just wanted to go home. You wanted to go home and watch some comfort movie while eating takeout. You wanted to be alone. But, you knew that being out and about was probably good for you, as your friends had said many times before.
So, you slid yourself out of the booth, making your way to the bar; passing the dancefloor where you found your two friends dancing and having fun. Upon reaching the bar, you waved the bartender down, but before you could even reply with your drink, a deep voice answered for you.
"She'll have a vodka lime and soda." 
You briskly turned your head, coming face to face with a man in what seemed to be his late thirties. He was tall, had short, curly blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes that you could surprisingly make out within the dim light of the bar. He was attractive, yes, but with the way he was staring at you - ogling you - looking you up and down; there was just something about him that gave you an uneasy feeling in your gut. And you often trusted your gut; something that you learned to use when you used to treasure hunt. On top of that, he ordered a drink for you, choosing a drink for you, instead of politely asking to pay for your drink. 
You weren't at all in the mood for whatever bullshit he was going to pull, "I don't drink those." You replied simply, thankfully the bartender was still there, and you corrected the drink to one you preferred, before turning back to see that the man was still there, so you raised an eyebrow. "Can I help you?" You weren't trying to be polite, and you were hoping the man would just see that you were not interested and just leave you alone. 
"Just admiring you," He finally spoke, his comment making you scoff, and roll your eyes. What? Were you some sort of museum piece? What did he want? He continued speaking, "The outfit you're wearing is gorgeous."
You stared at him with annoyance, not sure how to respond. Did he expect you to thank him? Because you wouldn't do that. Maybe you'd have to simplify your question. "What do you want?"
The man - that you still didn't have a name for, mind you - as if you wanted one - just gave you, what he probably believed was a charming smile. With a swish of a hand, he pushed the curly blonde hair from the side of his temple, "Can I not just admire someone as beautiful as you?" Honestly, this guy was reminding you of Prince Charming from 'Shrek'. And obviously not in a good way, you hated that guy.
"Go find someone else to admire - actually, no, how about you go home and not bother anyone else? Forever." The man, still with no name other than the idiot from 'Shrek,' just continued to smile, unbothered by your attitude. You briefly looked around the dancefloor, unable to spot your friends. 
"I quite like where I am right here." He continued, soon the bartender arrived with your drink, and you were quick to grab your drink; not wanting this guy to possibly drug you. "Unless you want to join me. My apartment is just down the street."
But at this point, this man was becoming insufferable. "Hell no," You took a quick sip of your drink. "Not interested. I have a boyfriend." You pursed your lips, the words had just slipped out, easily, subconsciously. You clenched your jaw, taking another sip; you wished the drink was stronger, but you didn't think they made anything strong enough to numb the pain you were feeling. And besides, that was unhealthy anyway. One drink for the night - maybe even two - was enough. You had a long day of work tomorrow and you didn't want to wake up with a massive headache. Though, you were beginning to get one the longer the man stood beside you. And the jerk was still staring at you. Weirdo. 
You could vaguely hear the man beside you talking, but you weren't paying attention. Your eyes wandered the bar, trying to spot your friends, checking the booth that you had been sitting at before your eyes landed on the dark corner of the bar; near the back door; a green neon sign locating the exit above it. Your eyes widening as you felt your hands shaking; you had to tighten your grip on your drink to stop yourself from possibly dropping it. There stood a figure. One that you could barely make out, but you knew that figure. You knew that stance. 
Feeling a hand on your arm, you snapped your gaze away from the corner, your eyes meeting the blue ones of the man, who was still beside you. Your expression completely soured, your eyes narrowing and your frown deepening. You stared daggers at him before grabbing his hand and taking it off of your arm. "Do not touch me." You practically growled, only for the man to smirk down at you.
"Awe, you're so cute when you're ang-" Before he could even finish his sentence, you left the bar. You were this close to punching him, and you would’ve loved to if you didn’t have the threat of the police being called on you if you did.
Spotting your friends next to a small group of people, you walked over, your friend turned to greet you; but upon seeing your expression, their smiles fell. "Gone south?" One asked, and you nodded, handing your other friend your drink.
"Gone south." You confirmed, before saying your 'goodbyes and thanks' before leaving the bar entirely. 
"Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while." That sentence seemed to echo through the TV screen, making you pause your chewing as you shuffled further back into the cushion of your couch. You watched as Westley and Buttercup lay in the green grass, in each other's arms; you placed your popcorn to the side.
"I'll never doubt again," Buttercup spoke, as Weastly just gazed down at her, with such admiration and true love.
You sighed as he spoke his line, "There will never be a need." Before he brought her in a long-awaited kiss.
You sighed once more, grabbing your large bowl of popcorn - mixed with M&Ms - resuming your eating. You loved 'The Princess Bride' but you hadn't watched it in a very long time. And, like most things in your life, it reminded you of Sam. You somewhat scolded yourself. It had been fifteen years, and you still felt the same as you did since the moment you watched Sam fall to his death. You wished that you could just un-miss him... But, you needed him. You needed him more than ever. 
Somedays were harder than others, and today was one of those days. The night before, you had gone to the bar with friends, and had to deal with that Prince Charming wannabe jerk - and then with that overwhelming thought that maybe Sam was there at the bar... No, you didn't see him. Your mind was just playing tricks on you. It was like that scene in another movie you liked, where the mother spoke that she saw her missing husband ten times a week, in a hundred different faces. You shook your head to clear it, letting a sigh escape your lips.
But that feeling, you couldn't shake it. You needed to tell someone about it. And there was only one person you could possibly talk about it with, that would totally understand.
Leaning over the side of the couch, you grabbed the TV remote; careful not to spill your popcorn and M&Ms. Pausing the movie, you grabbed your phone off the coffee table, replacing it with the bowl. Flipping open your flip phone - you never really got around to getting a new phone - you opened your contacts and called Nathan.
The phone rang a few times, before he answered, "Hello? Y/N?" He asked, and faintly you could hear the theme of 'Crash Bandicoot' before you assumed he paused it.
"Hey, Nathan," You felt yourself smile, "I'm sorry to call so late."
You heard him let out a sputtering chuckle, "Nah," He was probably shaking his head, "Not too late. I was just playing 'Crash Bandicoot.' What's up?" 
"Just checking up on you and E," You spoke, shifting on the couch, "Anything new going on?"
"Mmm, nope, not at the moment." Nate spoke with a short hum, "Still a salvager." He paused shortly, "What about you? What did you really call me about?"
You let out a somewhat awkward laugh, "Nothing! I just wanted to check up on you and Elena. It's been a while since I saw you both." You sighed, glancing over to the shelf beside your TV, spotting the picture frame featuring you, Nate, and Elena; you were all standing by the Colosseum in Rome - your birthday vacation. "I guess I just miss you guys."
"I miss you too, kid," Nate spoke, his voice soft, "I know Elena does too. She talks about you a lot. We've been planning to see if you are available to hang out sometime soon. Have dinner with us. Haven't seen you in like, what? A month?"
"Two, actually." You corrected with a small laugh, "And you know I am free whenever. I am my own boss, so..." You trailed off, and Nate laughed in return.
There was a short pause before he spoke again, "How are you?" He asked, and with that tone of his voice, you knew what he meant, but you played oblivious. 
"I'm doing great-"
"Y/N," He interrupted, and you huffed, "You know what I mean. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But, you know, talking about... Well, everything… It might help."
You glanced at the paused movie, "I know," You bit your lip, your eyes dropping on to your lap before you huffed again, but it turned out into more of a sigh, "Honestly, I am the same as I was since the beginning." You rolled your eyes at yourself, fiddling with the soft fabric of your throw blanket with your free hand, "I went out to the bar with some friends, and I thought-" You swallowed before continuing, "Can I just- Are you free tomorrow? Uh, before work? Can I just come see you? What I have to say might be easier face to face."
"Yeah," Nate answered, "Yeah, yeah, for sure."
"Thank you, Nate. I really hope I’m not bothering you or anything with this." You replied, your eyes closing momentarily, a slight frown on your face, before opening them as Nate spoke once more.
"No, it's totally fine, Y/N." His voice reassured you a bit, "I'll talk to you more tomorrow, okay?"
You felt yourself smile - an appreciative one - "Yeah, yeah… Thank you again, Nate. See you tomorrow."
Hanging up the phone, you tossed it to the side cushion, and grabbed the TV remote, unpausing your movie. 
Your fingers tapped against your car's steering wheel, not to any particular rhythm, nor to the song that was playing on the radio; just your nervous energy that wouldn't leave you alone. Stopping at a light, you blindly grab ahold of your water bottle, taking a quick sip before the light turns green. The drive to Nate's place of work was a good forty-five minutes from your house, so the drive wasn't terrible, and you considered yourself lucky that you didn't get stuck in traffic or something along those lines.
Pulling up into the driveway of the parking lot, you parked beside a red pickup truck, before letting out a sigh. Taking a few seconds, you flipped open the vanity mirror in your sun visor. Pausing, you glanced at the polaroid of Sam that you pinned to the inside of the sun visor. You and Sam had been in Egypt - looking for treasure as always - and you just decided to take a picture of him. The sun was setting, and you could just barely see one of the pyramids behind Sam's head. He looked so… Ethereal.
Fixing your hair somewhat, to at least look presentable, you hopped out of your car. The sun was already raising, and you had to take a minute just to admire the sunrise as you climbed up the stairs towards Nate's office. However, when you reached the top of the stairs, you froze. 
If your heart was beating, you couldn't feel it. All you could feel was the soft breeze that passed by you as you stared wide-eyed at the sight before you. You originally thought that you were seeing things again. But, as he turned to face you, a sort of apprehensive look on his face... You let out a breath - a sigh - that you didn't know you were even holding. 
His name was on the tip of your tongue, just at your lips, and yet, you couldn't force the words to pass through your mouth. Instead, you felt tears burn the backs of your eyes before they spilled over onto your cheeks as you quickly ran towards him. Sam staggered back as you crashed into him - wrapping your arms tightly around him; your hands gripping the denim martial of his jacket.
His arms wrapped tightly around you, squeezing you tighter as he buried his nose into the hair on the top of your head. You shut your eyes, your breathing coming out heavy as he kissed the top of your head softly, whispering your name; almost like a prayer.
You clung to him tighter, an overwhelming wave of relief and happiness flooding over you as you pulled away slightly; your fingers still clinging to the front of his jacket, the other resting on his chest. His heartbeat was the proof that he was real, that he wasn't just some grief-created hallucination; he was alive.
Meeting his chocolate-brown eyes, seeing that smile on his face... You finally found yourself able to speak, "You're alive," You reluctantly let go of him to wipe the tears from your eyes and cheeks, "But you fell…” You buried your face back into his chest, “It’s my fault, I should’ve- I should’ve held on tighter." Sam’s arms tightened around you, shaking his head.
“No, sweetheart, darling, none of this was ever your fault.” Sam let go of you to gesture to himself, “I’m fine, see?” He gave you a reassuring grin.
You nodded, brushing the tears from your cheeks, “I thought you were dead.” You gave him a smile, “But, I am so glad you’re home.”
Sam couldn't look away from you - after fifteen years, you continued to look as beautiful as ever; like a goddess. Sam missed you, so many nights in that prison, Sam had dreamed about you - some nights he even thought he heard your voice... And now that he was standing there, with you standing right in front of him, and all he wanted to do was pull you close to him again.
"So did I." A small grin stretched across his face as he took your hands in his, his thumbs gently rubbing against the tops of your palms as his gaze moved over your face. Honestly, he was still taking you in; it had been so long. 
"What happened?" You asked, your worried and confused eyes searching his as Sam let out a small chuckle, glancing at the sunrise before looking back over at you, he was about to speak, but you continued, "I mean, how did you get out? How did you get here? Nate called basically everyone, and everything led to you being dead, and now you're here, and you're alive. I grieved for you, and I even thought I saw you at the bar, but I think I was just going crazy, or maybe the stress of going out- nevermind that. Are you alright? I mean, you got shot and then you fell-"
"Hey, hey," Sam cut off your rambling, laughing lightly as he raised one of his hands to cup your cheek, "I'm okay, sweetheart, I promise." He smiled reassuringly at you, but seeing the worry that was so clearly written upon your face - the desperation for answers - Sam let out a sigh, nodding his head. "Let's sit down, alright?" Sam led you to the wooden bench, sitting down beside you, and Sam was quiet for a moment before he opened his mouth to explain. And explain he did. He told you about being caught, stitched up, and tossed right back into a cell. He told you about Alcazar and the treasure of Henry Avery. He was in some crazy trouble, and you knew Nate, you knew that Nate was going to help his big brother. You wondered how he was going to tell Elena. "That's the story," Sam let out a sigh, looking over at you with a grin.
You let out a breath, "Wow," You muttered, looking up at him in shock, well, many emotions. "Well, I am just going to say this, I am helping you with his whole Alcazar business. And don't think you can try and convince me not to go. I am going." You hadn't gone on an adventure in a very long time, but you would be crazy to not go with him and Nathan to find that treasure of Henry Avery's. Deep down, you were hoping it would be like the good old days.
Sam raised his hands up in defense, letting out a chuckle, "I'm not going to stop you, the more the merrier."
You felt your shoulders fall as you let out another sigh. Looking up at Sam, relief washed over you in waves once more. You couldn't even express to anyone, nor yourself, how incredibly happy you were that Sam was alive. You missed him, that was obvious, but you missed being next to him, talking to him, hearing his voice; his laugh and touch. And the way he looked at you... You couldn't believe that this was really happening. "I missed you," Came out before you could even have time to think about it. 
Sam's expression softened, his grin morphing into more of a smile - a real one - his hand reached out to grab one of yours; the callouses rough against the soft skin on the back of your hand. "I missed you too, Y/N," Sam admitted quietly, watching you, "You have no idea how damn much."
"I think I've missed you more," You muttered, shifting impossibly closer to him on the bench, your eyes roaming his face before they caught sight of the tattoo on the side of his neck. "I haven't stopped thinking about you, you know? I've had dreams, nightmares. Pictures hanging up on my walls... Even a couple of your shirts." That statement made him chuckle but you continued, your fingers still going along on their journey across Sam's skin; trailing from the apples of his cheeks to his jaw, and so on. "It hurts, sometimes. I miss our talks and our late-night drives. It hurt when I woke up from nightmares and realized that you weren't there..." Your words drew out, your tone wistful and yearning, almost pained.
"Hey," Sam spoke up, pulling your attention away from your exploration, "All that matters is that I am here now," His hand came up cupping your cheek once more, his thumb brushing along the skin of your cheek like he used to do all those years ago; a smile slowly slipped upon your lips, your hand coming up to press against his. You watched as his dark eyes flickered from around your face to your lips, before looking back up to your eyes. He didn't move, no matter how much he just wanted to swoop in to steal a kiss, he spoke, "Can I... Can I kiss you?" He asked, his voice deep, soft, but husky as if there were a slight nervousness hidden underneath it, in addition to longing. "It's been... A long time and I don't know if you-"
"Only you," You answered quickly, "There's only been you." Sam let out a shaky breath before he leaned forward. Your noses brushed together slightly as he brought his free arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him; his lips pressing against yours. The kiss was sweet - gentle yet passionate - as you melted into each other. You hummed, your fingers coming up to brush against the hair on the nape of his neck. Sam eventually pulled away first - reluctantly - resting his forehead against yours, catching his breath, before bringing his hand up and threading it through your hair.
Your hand cupped his warm cheek before you nuzzled your cheek against the other, digging your face into the crook of his neck. Sam chuckled, tightening his grip on your waist, "I love you," He whispered against the shell of your ear. Just for you, and only you to hear.
"I love you, too," You finally got to answer, your own heart beating faster than it ever had before. You didn't want to pull away - not just yet. You couldn't. Not when you finally had him back. You squeezed your eyes shut as you relaxed, leaning into the warmth of Sam's body beside you, relishing every second of being near him. After what seemed like forever, you sighed contently, tilting your head up to press a light kiss to the underside of his jaw before cuddling into his side; admiring the beautiful morning with him. "I hope you know that you're forever stuck with me." You added teasingly as you laid your head back on his shoulder.
"I wouldn't have it any other way," Sam responded without hesitation, smiling as you let out a giggle. Shaking your head as you wrapped your arms around his torso, listening to the sound of his heart beating as you laid your head against his chest.
Finally, after so many years, after so much heartbreak and grieving... After so many sleepless nights, watching soap dramas and binging pints of ice cream and cold pizza... Finally, Sam was home. With you. You closed your eyes, feeling his hand brush up and down your arm soothingly as he buried his face in the top of your head; you still used the same shampoo.
Sam shut his own eyes, ignoring Rafe's voice in the back of his mind, allowing himself, for a moment, to pretend that everything was alright. He let out a sigh from his nose, relaxing at the sound of your breathing as he pressed his lips to your temple. Everything was going to be fine.
Main Masterlist | Uncharted Masterlist
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midnightt-vice · 6 months
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This is from my super old blog and it got about 5k notes. Oldie but a goldie.
90 notes · View notes
inquisitor-of-hearts · 9 months
Call Me Yours (Chapter 3)
Sam Drake/Reader
Spoilers for all of Uncharted.
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1,679
on Ao3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
What do you mean you’ve been dealing with something? With what?
His words lure you into texting back before you can even contemplate whether it is the right thing to do. Of course not. He had been ignoring you for days and now he was trying to bait you again. Your tears stop, you cannot feel the hurt anymore, only anger as again he does not reply as you wait. You consider calling him, although at this point it was all guessing games. Even showing up at his place was a guessing game and you were not going to be that desperate for someone who ignored you like that. He had been dealing with something? You could hardly believe he had the guts to say this to you.
I’ll tell you later tonight
You squint at the text and cannot believe what he was trying to pull. Instantly you click on his name and it dials his number. The phone rings but nobody picks up. You try again but he still does not pick up. Then yet another time but again with no success. It was ridiculous. He talked about him dealing with things and disregarded your feelings completely, yet all you wanted was clarity. Of course you were not going to get that. Even if you would get any idea on what he was dealing with, he would not acknowledge you. You had been going back and forth for a while but this had to be the peak. Every week a new peak topped the previous one anyway. You got angry at him and at yourself for allowing it each time but yet you reached out for him automatically. How long had it been since you last seen him and now you wondered if you wanted to see him at all. Only during some moments. Most days it was just clarity and honest communication that you wanted.
You throw your phone onto the couch. It was useless. You were just getting yourself worked up. Walking over to the kitchen you pour yourself a drink and start sipping immediately, then look in your fridge and arrange some snacks for yourself. And a bag of potato chips because you really could not be bothered to cook. When you turn on the TV there was another one of those scripted reality shows about how people found love.
“Ugh” you let out in disgust, watching the women who had to put up with all the crap and getting worked up about nothing. You realize you were just like them and this was endless. Then for a second you think back of Sam and realize how he tried to be real with you. Or so it seemed. It does not even take you a minute to doubt your judgement again and you wonder if he was not just cautious in his approach.
Past experiences come back into your mind. Suddenly it becomes mixed with the memories of people in your life who really cared. People who stayed and asked about you. But you had decided to close yourself off.
Another sip from the glass of wine and you drown in a shallow sea where things do not matter. You pull up an app from the smart TV and put up some music, then swirl around. Nothing mattered.
Then you have this brilliant idea to call him again. Of course he does not pick up. You try once more and to your surprise someone picks up the phone.
“Hey. You’re not at work anymore?” You look outside. It was so dark you could only see the light from the lanterns and the reflections from inside.
“Yeah just came home.”
“What’s the thing you’re dealing with?” you ask right away, but he only sighs. You wait a few minutes before repeating your question. He sighs again but stays quiet.
“Talk to me” you demand in a calm manner.
“I’m just having a hard time at work right now”
“What is it? What’s happening at work?”
Again you are greeted with nothing but silence.
“Look, I called you to talk and now you won’t talk to me.”
“You won’t understand.”
“Try me” you dare him.
“It’s complicated.”
“Try me” you repeat.
A long silence passes between the two of you.
“You said we could talk about anything and now--”
“Someone got badly hurt at work and I was the one responsible for it.” he finally reveals.
“And you tell me this now? After days of not talking” you ask accusingly.
“Well it wasn’t on my mind back then” he snaps at you.
“Wow, and you’ve got a reason to be mad at me now?”
“You’re demanding that I tell you everything and do everything for you”
“I’m demanding no less than you are demanding from me and you snap at me when I don’t do anything of that.”
He stays quiet. You want to use the chance to bring up all the things you were mad about although you could only remember one of them right now.
“What about me? Why don’t you text or call? Or God forbid, show up? Why are you doing this?”
No answer again. You get mad.
“I’m doing everything to keep us together and you just go silent on me, relying on me to contact you through all of this. This isn’t fair. This is not what we agreed upon.”
“Look I don’t have to sit here and have you blaming me.”
“How am I supposed to not blame you? You don’t even talk to me. You’re barely there. If you even are there.”
“Is that all you have to say? Cause I’m really tired and this isn’t exactly how I want to spend my evening, having you shouting at me.”
“I’m not even shouting” you reassure him in an annoyed tone. “And besides you’re perfectly aware of the shit you’re doing and you still do it, you still pull this every time and it gets worse and worse.”
“Is that it? Is that what I have to look forward to everyday, you bitching at me?”
“Well, hah” you bring out a laugh in surprise and disbelief, “If you behave like that, you have to take responsibility for your actions.”
“How about some understanding?”
“Understanding for what? You don’t have understanding for me either. You were there for me one day when I needed you and then you fabricated some problem just to not talk to me.”
“Well if that’s what you’re thinking” he says in defeat.
“That’s what it is” you announce, sighing. It was going nowhere. It was just dragged out talk.
“What happened to the guy?” you ask.
“He’s in the hospital.” he replies.
“Is he okay?”
“Not really. He is in a bad state.”
“I’m sorry that happened. But you can’t do this to me.”
Silence follows but then you hear him sobbing.
“What? What are you crying about?”
“It was my responsibility… I could have acted differently.”
“I know. I’m sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong, I’m sure. Things like that happen.” you reassure him but then as he continues crying, you feel a bit helpless. “I don’t know what to say. I’m sorry.”
The crying continues and you feel  increasingly more helpless.
“Please tell me how I can help” you plead but he just keeps crying. “Is there anything I can do?”
“No” he sobs.
“But I still want to talk about us. I still want to talk about what’s going on.”
He continues crying and you sit there as helpless as before.
“Can you tell me when you’re ready to talk or when I can do something for you? I’m trying to be here for you.” you tell him.
“Okay” he sobs again.
“Can I do anything else?”
He sobs for a while again and you let him cry.
“No” he finally answers.
“Okay. I hope we can talk again soon. I’m really sorry this happened.” you say again.
You say your goodbyes and hang up. You sit there, half-drunk, realizing once again nothing had been sorted out. You turn the music up again and continue drinking, wondering how long you would have to live this life and when you would finally get clear answers. Deep down you feel like you knew the answer but it was like quitting a bad drug. He drew you back in, he kept doing it over and over. You empty your glass and pour up again. At some point you start walking and swaying to the quiet music in the background. You stare out the window, go through your contacts and write up some of your friends asking them how they are and what they are doing and throw in some random stories of your live the past days, plus the fact that it snowed today.
One of your friends texts back and you talk for a bit, then says she is going to sleep and you say good night end the conversation for that night.
You sit down on the kitchen counter all dizzy from the dancing and the drinking, put your face in your hands and stare into space, wondering if this was really all there was. Wondering why it was so hard to quit this game and just find someone who made an effort consistently. Wondering if adults had sincerely all died and it was a planet of man-children and people who put up with them and had adjusted society to them. You take the last sips of your drink and put the glass down with a louder sound than expected. You are definitely drunk.
Planting yourself on the couch in the living room, you reach out for your phone and dial a number.
“Why hello? At this hour?” Sam asks curiously.
“Hey” you say, surprised he picked up so quickly. “I guess so. Are you doing okay?”
“Yeah, why-- why do you ask?” he asks. “Are you okay?”
“I am I guess. But hey, about what you said before…”
You pause deliberately.
“Yes…?” he asks eventually.
“Do you want to meet maybe?”
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aprocessionofthoughts · 6 months
part 6 of ITR ao3
“Tucker, are you sure about this” Sam asked, pacing around the hotel room.
Tucker sighed, flopping back on the bed. “Sam, we already talked about this, the league won't stop looking even if we rescue Danny without them. Besides!” he said, gesturing toward the window, “We’re already in Gotham.”
“I know that!” Sam said running her fingers through her hair. “It's just that…”
“I know, Sam. I get it. But it will be better if ghost info comes from us instead of them finding out through the GIW or the Fentons. And they’ll have the resources to get the summoning ingredients faster then we could.”
Sam flopped down on the bed beside him. “For all we know they may be in support of the GIW.” Sam grumbled. 
Tucker turned toward her. “That’s why you'll be the one talking to them. You can find out what you can about what their stance is, and then we'll see what to do from there.
She sighed, “Ok. But only because we don’t have much choice.”
Tucker reached over and squeezed her hand. “We’ll get him out. Danny’s strong, he’ll be ok.”
“I hope so.” 
They laid next to each other in silence for a while until they were interrupted by a beeping coming from Tucker’s computer.
“That’ll be the motion sensors.” Tucker said getting up. I’ll be waiting in the room next door listening to make sure everything is going well.”
Sam sat up and nodded.
Tucker quickly left the room and Sam heard the neighboring room’s door open and close. Sam stood up and faced the window, scowling.
Tim and Bruce crouched on the building across from the room registered to Samantha Manson.
“How are we doing this, B?” Tim asked.
“You go in first, see what information you can get from her. I’ll wait here in case she tries to run or has backup.”
“I don’t think she’ll run. She came here for a reason. Not to mention her hacker friend told us who to look into.”
“Yeah, yeah. Always good to be cautious, I know.” Tim said rolling his eyes as he lept onto the fire escape by the window. He paused as he found it unlocked. Either she didn’t know to keep her window locked in Gotham, or, more likely, they were expected. Tim braced himself as he slid the window open and slipped inside. Then he froze when he registered the person glaring at him.
“Why are you just standing there in a dark room?” Tim asked then cursed himself. That wasn’t what he planned on saying!
She lifted an eyebrow. “Why are you breaking into my room?”
Tim fought the urge to fidget. Her unimpressed eyebrow could almost rival Alfred’s. “I need to know about Daniel Nightingale.”
She snorted. “I don’t think so. Not until you give me something first.”
Bruce was silent in his ear so Tim asked, “What do you want to know?”
She stared at him for a moment, then glanced at the window. Did she know Batman was out there? Tim wouldn’t doubt it. Not if she knew as much as they thought she did.
“I want the Ant-Ecto Acts repealed.”
Tim froze. “The what?”
“I’m looking into it.” Oracle said in his ear. Bruce grunted.
Sam just glared harder at him. “Don’t mess with me. You’re a bat. You should know what they are. And if you don’t then you’re stupider than I thought and I’ll look for help elsewhere.” she said then froze.
“You need help?” Tim asked. When she didn’t say anything, he continued. “We want to rescue Daniel, but we need more information in order to find him.”
She didn’t say anything for a moment, just kept scowling. “Fine.” she stomped over the lightswitch and flipped it on. “But tell mister dark and gloomy to go ahead and come in.”
Tim was about to respond when Batman slipped in through the window.
“What do you know about Nightingale?” Bruce said, his tone not quite a growl, but not gentle either. 
Tim fought the urge to roll his eyes, that wasn’t going to work with Manson. They needed to show they were here to help, not interrogate her.
Sam didn’t even look at Bruce, “It’s a kind of bird.” she said while looking at Tim. “Just like a red robin, except nightingale isn’t also the name of a restaurant chain.”
Time fought the urge not to flush in embarrassment, even though he had heard the joke plenty of times it still never failed to get to him. Thankfully Bruce responded before Tim could think of a rebuttal.
“What are the Anti-Ecto Acts?”
Sam was glaring at Batman now and Tim could tell Bruce was glaring back.
Finally, Sam said, “They’re a set of laws that declare ghosts, and the dead adjacent as non-sentient and make it legal for people to kill and experiment on them.”
“Ghosts?” Tim asked.
Sam turned to glare at Tim, and wow, not only could she rival Alfred’s disappointed eyebrow she could also rival the batglare. 
“If you don’t believe in ghosts, then I don't think we can help each other.”
“I didn’t say that.” Tim said, raising his hands. “I was just asking for clarification. I know there are a few ghosts, but enough to warrant a whole set of laws?” Sam snorted. “Just a few? Guess the Justice League is just as blind as we thought.”
Tim ignored that for now, “But wouldn’t this law go against the meta human protection act?”
Sam rolled her eyes. “Didn’t you hear me when I said ghosts are also declared non-sentient?”
Bruce interrupted saying, “We need info on NIghtingale, if he is an associate of yours, like we’ve been led to believe, and if you want him back safe, then you need to tell us everything you know.”
She glared at him. “Don't you dare make it seem like I don’t want him back safe, but I have no reason to trust you.”
Tim stepped forward trying to diffuse the tension, Bruce had always had a hard time communicating with people who were neither victims nor delinquents. “We want to help, and we'll look into these Anti-Ecto acts, but we need to focus on finding Daniel first.”
Sam looked between them, but then responded. “Fine. I need to know exactly what happened.”
“He was helping us with a case involving cultists when the group’s leader used a red gem to control Daniel.” Tim paused as he Sam tense. She cursed and started pacing and muttering to herself. Tim only caught a bit that sounded like ‘I thought we destroyed it.’ “So, you know what it is?” he asked her.
“It’s an artifact that can control ghosts.”
���Well, yes, but why does it affect him?” 
She paused before answering, “He’s liminal.”
“What does that mean?” Bruce asked.
“It means he’s been death touched. He was dead and revived by mystical means.”
Tim thought of Jason. Was he liminal too? What about the other bats who had died and come back? But those were questions for later.
“How do we help him?” Tim asked.
“First, we need a ritual circle to bring him to us. Then we need to destroy the gem.”
Tim glanced at Bruce who gave a slight nod.
“Tell us what we need to get.”
Sam walked over to the hotel desk and picked up a piece of paper that she handed to Tim.
“Here’s everything we need. By when can you get everything?”
Tim glanced over the list. Some of the ingredients were pretty common, but there were others that he’d have to ask Constantine about. “I’ll have to ask some of your contacts about a few ingredients but it won’t take more than a few days. I’ll contact you when we have everything.”
“We’ll also look into these Anti-Ecto Acts.” Bruce said, his voice gentler. Tim wondered if he was also thinking about the possibility of some of them being liminal and falling under the parameters discussed in these acts.
Sam nodded, and Tim and Bruce slipped back outside.
Inside the hotel room, Sam closed her eyes as she waited for Tucker to join her. “Please be safe, Danny. We’re coming for you.
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Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Batman - All Media Types, Red Robin (Comics), Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tim Drake & Dean Winchester, Tim Drake & Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester & John Winchester, Dean Winchester & John Winchester & Sam Winchester, John Winchester & Sam Winchester Characters: Tim Drake (DCU), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, John Winchester Additional Tags: Bad Parent John Winchester, typical cannon amount of bad parent, Bad Parents Jack and Janet Drake, Absent Parents Jack Drake and Janet Drake, Angst, Kind Of, Fluff and Angst, We'll go with that, really just exploring childhood dynamics, idk how to tag this, mystical shit happens Summary:
Sam just wants one more week of normal.
Tim is on his sixth week of very not normal.
The Winchesters go to Bristol for a case surrounding a boy, and the boy is more than a little determined to help, and a decent detective too.
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minnesota-fats · 6 months
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I did it again! I updated!
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cidade-tempero · 8 months
@cryptidcoreenjoyer 's au (@uc-fakeadoption-au )
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