#so don't waste your energy
myvirtuesuncounted · 1 year
From what I have seen it was the triggered liberal woke warriors who even put a "nazi" adjective next to that salute. I've literally seen Jewish creators talk about this on tiktok and say it is not a nazi salute. My friend who is Jewish has said the same.
You can't say it doesn't matter that it wasn't done with right arm straight up extended and lifted (which IS the nazi salute).
That's in the same fucking zone as people being Niger (the country) is problematic bcs thats v similar to n-word. Or when someone on tiktok said montenegro was a bad country name bcs of the "negro" portion of the name.
Like connect two dots and accept that context matters. I am not even defending Matty Healy anymore, I am defending common sense (specifically with regard to the whole nazi salute and antisemitism accusations).
i would like to preface this by saying that my first reaction to seeing this ask was full-on laughter because i had made a post yesterday criticising people for saying 'context matters' when talking about acts of bigotry. so thanks for that anon.
since you love the idea of context so much, let's talk about it!
*trigger warning for mentions of antisemitism and nazism, read under your own discretion*
in the same week as holocaust remembrance day, matty healy is performing his song 'love it if we made it' in which there is a lyric that says 'Thank you Kanye, very cool' (recall that kanye west is infamously someone who holds nazi ideologies). now at this exact line referencing a famous neo-nazi, matty marches on the spot, puts his left arm at his head, and extends it all the way out. now you can come at me and say "diya, it's the wrong arm and the salute doesn't start at the head, he was doing a military salute". two things:
military salutes do not stretch the arm out all the way like the nazi salute does, and it's not held for an extended amount of time like the nazi salute.
let's go back to the mantra you're chanting at me: context matters. it's a lyric about kanye west, someone famously antisemitic. now this is the first time he's done the salute to this lyric, so it's not a fucking act or whatever. and it's most definitely NOT mocking kanye or as satire. this is an action that represents severe danger for jewish people and is BANNED in germany for what it represents.
ok but let's say you still don't agree with me that matty did the nazi salute and that my accusations of him being antisemitic are outlandish. that's fine, he's done quite a bit of other antisemitic stuff we can go off of!
let's take the time where matty posted on his instagram story a screenshot of a link to a wikipedia page entitled 'lists of jews'
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now if you don't know what this means, it's a reference to the fact that nazis used extensive records and lists to keep track of jewish people and to hunt them down during the holocaust. this was posted in the same month matty allegedly did the nazi salute, a time when antisemitism around the world was on the rise. unfortunately, that's not it. take a look at an excerpt of a video i saw on a jewish creator's tiktok criticising matty healy:
notice how a joke about jewish people prefaces a song about death? and he seemed to point that out as clearly as he could. now maybe that wasn't his intention but the timing of it is very off and out of touch.
(also i recommend you go check out danielle if you can, they have extensive videos on matty healy's antisemitism and how harmful it is)
what i hate most about your ask is how you're comparing this situation to stupid internet discourse. it is anything but that. many jewish people have been hurt over his actions and even if you still can't believe matty is an antisemite, he has done heaps of other shit to other marginalised communities that is not worth excusing.
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disdaidal · 2 years
When a person keeps purposefully ignoring all your points and argues with you just for the sake of arguing, it's time to block them. Seriously.
If they actually cared about discussing the topic with you, they would approach it in a more mature way and actually listen to you and "take notes" (assuming you do too because conversation works both ways).
If they keep tooting their own horn and ignoring everything you say, they're not interested. You can't change their mind. It's pointless.
And *you* need to stop it.
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proteusolm · 19 days
Discussed the "would you rather a run into a bear or a man when alone in the woods" question with my friend who is a black bear technician, and I have a lot of experience working in remote areas with a high black bear population myself. She and I both were instantly in agreement that: 1. If I'm in the woods deep in bear country, the bear is simply much more expected and less startling to run into than the man. It would be something we are prepared for and fully unsurprised by. 2. Bear safety is pretty straightforward, we know and have training in their behaviour, how to avoid conflict, what a black bear that is trying to hunt you looks like, and how to maximize your chances of getting out of the situation safely in the incredibly rare case of an attack. There's no equivalent handy step by step guide to respond to a dude attack.
Most people approach the question as a feminist one, thinking more about risk of violence from a man, but neither of us really even expressed much concern about the dude beyond knowing from experience that it is startling and unsettling to run into someone when in a remote wooded area far from any trails or residences. As two animal autistics that studied wildlife management in college and have spent a lot of time in the woods of northern Ontario, we both missed the intended point of the debate, instead coming to a stance solidly rooted in "why would be I be upset to see a bear when I'm knowingly in the bear's home?"
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lazylittledragon · 8 months
Not trying to be rude or anything but you shouldn't use the word 'manic' or 'manic period' etc. unless you actually have manic/depressive episodes because it downplays how severe those disorders can actually be. They're just words but unlearning harmful terminology like that can help destigmatise mental illness and I would hope youi would want to do that.
yeah it's almost like i used those words specifically because i DO understand how severe they are
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After unknowingly becoming the leader of every freaking group I've had to work in (and let me tell you, my major is all about group work) I've concluded that being told what to do must be x100 times easier than doing your own part + being in charge of telling other's what to do (since this entails being fair and analyzing each team mates capabilities)
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pardonmydelays · 9 months
i am taking over lin manuel miranda tag, pjo fandom get the fuck out of here if you have nothing good to say
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joonebugg · 2 months
As a selfshipper I absolutely cannot take it seriously. Like wdym I like this guy who is a absolutely terrible person? And he's nice to me? Yeah actually, and we're in love and queer as hell
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dapg-otmebytheballs · 3 months
coming back the next day to my blog terrified of reactions and yea I worry this will get swept under the rug and be made into a non issue
#the problem isn't even dnp at all at this point it's the way fan spaces are so happy to turn a blind eye#bc they know we'll tire out and leave eventually and they'll never have to think about their own behaviour#like y'all have driven people out this way already but we see when it matters and when it doesn't#this isn't about people posting about other stuff or about tour tickets or anything btw v happy for you guys! /gen#more about people who refuse to acknowledge that there's a racism problem in the FANDOM#and congratulate themselves on simply not engaging with poc when they speak up for your own personal comfort#that's the privilege at work again we see when we are just a 'distraction' to you btw#literally the fact that poc fans taking the time and energy and hate and triggers to talk about this instead of abandoning cause#shows that no one's trying to call dnp racist but that doesn't stop from particular remarks and behaviours in the past being racist#i don't think it's a huge ask to acknowledge that the fans around have been trying to get us to shut up and sit down#and been condescending when we didn't#it's not a big ask to acknowledge that your spaces have these microagressions#ik you wouldn't just pass it off as 'keep safe frol discourse' if a buncha people had been homophobic in here#just think a little man no one's saying you can't also enjoy the tour and other stuff while acknowledging racism#again. genuinely happy for everyone who's going to the tour and excited to see more about what they do there#hope this issue also stops being treated like radioactive waste tho
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anyway I may be unable to watch shows or movies or do anything that requires an electronic device while at home for the past two weeks due to the heat overloading the electricity. but I have read several books!
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You know I think we can resolve a lot of our problems and moral dilemma by asking ourselves "does this really matters that much?"
#this is mostly in relation to current moral panic specifically in france but i think it van apply to a variety of contexts#like idk if yall know but france hate muslim people (specifically women) so much and it's so absurd#like... so much debate over muslim girls in school specifically#'we can't let them wear hijabs cuz hijab is a symbol of oppression*' okay well does it really matters that much?#isn't it more important to let them go to fucking school in peace instead of forcing them to remove it#(*i know it's stupid but that's the mainstream view of the hijab in france)#'but we have to stay religiously neutral at school' why? i understand teachers being religiously neutral but students who care?#wouldn't it be better to let anyone exprime their identity instead of forcing a standard‚ so‚ y'know‚ people can learn about diversity?#'well sometimes they refuse to go to swimming lessons because they don't want to be half naked in front of boys/men'#yeah i can understand that somehow not sure it's specific to their religion tho maybe we shouldn't force kids to get half naked idk#maybe we could allow them to go to female only swimming lessons if they want to#'WHAT?! but that's separating bous from girls that's sexist and we won't surrender to that backwards vie-' does it really matters?#obviously i don't believe society should be segregated between men and women but here isn't it more important that those kids learn to swim?#(yeah i fucking hate this debate)#and that works for a lot of subjects#'but trans people-' that's 0.09% of people what the fuck are you talking about#'but if we let kids transition and they regret it' yeah what if? sometimes people do shit they regret (but let's look at the stats too)#if they have regrets we should support and help them and that's it#and like‚ sometimes the answer is 'yes' and if it is you have to keep fighting for your cause#but you have to choose your fights donlt waste energy again things that don't matter that much
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milla984 · 2 years
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Let’s take a moment to appreciate the body language in this scene: the rest of the team (minus Rossi) has an upright posture and their hands are placed on the desk in front of them. JJ, Emily and Hotch use a hand clasp gesture while Penelope and Derek opt for the ‘one hand over the other’ variation. These gestures generally display an attempt at self-restraint of some sort - mainly a reaction to frustration, anger or anxiety, and also indicate the intention of putting more distance between oneself and the other person(s) involved. Rossi uses what is known as the ‘steeple hands’ pose, an indication that he has a confident attitude or is very confident about the outcome of the situation and may also try to convey a feeling of superiority; the lowered steeple is usually observed when the steepler is listening, rather than speaking. But what about Spencer? His expression is defiant, he’s leaning back on his chair and he’s sitting in a ‘figure four leg lock’ stance... which, according to experts, is one of the most dominant positions someone can assume without manifesting openly aggressive intentions, since it also indicates that the subject feels both argumentative and defensive at the same time.
My man is basically throwing a tantrum during a Senate Committee hearing.
@matthew-gray-gubler-lover, @reidselle, @reidsbookclub, @thisiscalmanditsdoctorreid, @pretty-boys-book-club, @spookydrreid, @f-me-reid, @redwithjoon, @gublerpals, @foxy-eva, @hopefullawyerfishprofessor, @scorpiofangirl1109, @a-potato-wearing-plaid, @fangirlshrewt97​ 
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savage-rhi · 13 days
Late night magenta.
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criscura · 9 months
I wish I wasn't so exhausted and I could make more art.... I even planned out a whole prompt-a-day month for Saigenos/Genosai, TWICE, but the first time no one seemed like they could participate when I asked about it, and the second time I friggin lost the damned plan. I could remake it a third time, but I just....I don't know.
I've been really struggling to get along for a while, and I think if it didn't hit it off--or even if I just got really productive and it seemed like I was reaching crickets--I'd be so incredibly discouraged that it would bring me down even further. It usually takes my stuff a few months to a year to get reach, and that really doesn't do anything for me when I need the support immediately.
It's not that I don't have a billion ideas for so many different things, but my battery has been taking longer and longer to charge up and it's been running out faster and faster, and it's been like this for....a year?? Ish?? Maybe longer, I don't know.
I wish I could just stop needing so much fucking time to bounce back.....
#written from my bed as I'm almost crying from exhaustion and hopelessness#I'm PMSing and I had a really tiring day so i know this feels worse than normal#but when you've been struggling to fall asleep for months because waking up means being disappointed in yourself#for everything you failed to do the day before and everything you know you're going to fail to do again today#it's really hard not to feel like shit about yourself#trying to be constantly hopeful but never living up to your expectations#and then the few times that you do you completely crash for days#and then the only way to not crash is to have your big accomplishment be 'i went to the gym' 'i took a shower' 'i answered a message'#and just. again#to have the be the way you're living for months and months and months#it's so embarrassing to admit how little i can do and it makes me so ashamed knowing how much I've done and see what everyone else around me#is constantly doing#and then when i do share things it just kind of dies off because I've been too exhausted to maintain most relationships#which ALSO makes me feel like absolute fucking shit because i think people think i just don't care about them#when it's really that it takes me hours to get out of bed and I'm lucky if i remember to eat before 4#and I hate so much of myself and see it as such a huge waste of time that it uses up almost all the energy i have to take care of myself#but if i don't do it I'll just hate myself even more#i know i keep on complaining about this but I'm. I'm trying to fix it#i have BEEN trying to fix it actively for so fucking long#but it's.....i think I've stopped believing anything i do has significant worth and it makes it hard to keep trying#and i know people will read this and say take something for it but when you're only interactions with medications and drugs#are one experience that scarred you so bad you didn't go to the doctors for ten years and one experience so bad#that you couldn't even explain it at first without HARDCORE disassociating#it's hard to convince yourself that anything will ever be any better and that it won't make everything intensely worse for years
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50000bears · 5 months
What is up with cishet men pretending they only want to be friends and then getting upset when we're only friends
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
I know it might sound tongue in cheek coming from me but there really are times when your input when it comes to an interpretation of media is actually more harmful than helpful. When I see people's interpretations that are harmless but utterly ridiculous I just,,, keep scrolling. I don't get in their post, I don't try to correct them, I don't interact at all. Because first of all I'm not going to waste my time on something trivial that has no effect on me. But second of all, if I posted a ridiculous interpretation of a character I loved and someone butted in to tell me they disagree/I'm wrong, I'd be devastated. I've had people butt in to tell me they disagree on something so trivial and subjective it's only made me upset rather than wanting to listen to them.
If you see crazy shit you think is absolutely incorrect or that you entirely disagree with (that's not harmful), just scroll away. Please. No one wants to see you debate someone else just having a good time on their dash.
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eterniityblooms · 5 months
updated my rules to include shipping info + a bit more about my monster muses specifically, since shipping with at LEAST one muse on this account is probably inevitable at some point
#『 from the rumblings comes a song: ooc. 』#tldr i don't know who is and isn't open for ships so if you jive with a particular muse after writing with them some by all means feel free#to ask and we can see if it would work; crossover ships are absolutely wonderful too so don't feel afraid to ask even if the verse is#different!#also that all my monster muses are fully sapient and open to shipping with humans/wyverians/nonhumans/other monsters/etc provided they vibe#and most of them possess their true form,a 'hybrid' form and their human/wyverian form but all of them can and will spend at least Some tim#in their true forms and a lot of them Prefer that form#i don't think? that'll be an Issue here on tumblr but on twitter ojhhhh my god nobody would rp with you if you didn't basically make your#monster muse a glorified human. i had ppl try to pressure my muse ic to use their human form just. for a conversation?? then proceeded to#drop the int and cease to acknowledge me whatsoever when i refused because my muse didn't see the point in wasting the energy to shift form#when they can talk perfectly fine in their true form#not ALL of my monster muses speak words verbally (soul comes to mind as one who typically doesn't) but those who don't still have plenty of#ways of expressing themselves#also they choose not to not because they CAN'T because they either don't Want to or mimicking the sound of speech is hard on their throat#(ie soul) so they opt to not unless they Really want to make a point or make damn sure they're being listened to#nonverbal/non-words communication is a valid form of communication and i like writing natural monster/dragon communication through sounds#and body language. it is very fun<3#sorry for the tag spam ramble btw i do this Often. nicer than dumping it all in the body of the post yknow?
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