#so i expect some of them would have edmond end up with mercedes at the end
mzannthropy · 8 months
I suppose I should start on some The Count of Monte Cristo adaptations now. I think I saw the one with Richard Chamberlain sometime years ago, but I don't even remember if I finished it. I see the 2002 film mentioned a lot, which to me seems well liked by some people but not everyone, so idk... Which one is your favourite?
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vickyvicarious · 6 months
An absolutely stellar quote for each of the villains from 'The Hundred Days':
Villefort shuddered at the idea of the prisoner cursing him in the darkness and silence, but he had gone too far to retreat. Dantes would have to be broken between the cogs of his ambition.
God, that second line is so good. What I love about this line is how deliberate and at the same time resigned it is. Villefort will sacrifice anything to his ambition, and by doing so finds himself somewhat trapped by his own choices. He has no way out but forward. While he may cringe a bit, and dreads the idea of reprisal from his enemies, he knowingly continues to walk this path.
...his denunciation had been accurate and, like all men with a certain natural aptitude for crime and only average understanding of ordinary life, he described this strange coincidence as 'a decree of Providence'. But when Napoleon had returned to Paris and his voice, imperious and powerful, was heard once more in the land, Danglars knew fear.
While his decision to leave here does end up working for him, it's motivated by no great strategic mind; rather, he is described as having criminal instincts but not a great deal more. He fears revenge (and that last line is fantastic) but, for all his scheming, he isn't the character who sees the picture around him most clearly (except in one distinct way - he remembers Dantes, and fears him, rather than any official/larger-scale fallout. He knows the kind of man Dantes is more than the others). That's Villefort, who is described above and earlier in the chapter as being quite aware of his situation and possible future ramifications, as well as having good instincts. So Danglars runs, always hoping to rebuild anew somewhere else.
As for Fernand, he understood nothing. Dantes had gone away; that was enough. What had happened to him? Fernand did not try to find out.
Look, this guy's dumb. He's a loser. He wants Mercedes, he hates Dantes, and that's as far as he goes. His lack of curiosity or awareness of what is truly going on around him makes him in some ways the easiest mark of them all, certainly compared to the two schemers above. This quote made me laugh.
Caderousse was called up as Fernand had been; but, being eight years older than the Catalan and married, he was not recruited until the third wave of conscription and sent to guard the coast.
Okay, I admit this stretches 'absolutely stellar quote' to the limit. It's not really at all, but I do feel like it kind of sums his role up decently. He's kind of a sucky guy, but not as much as the other three. He hangs back, in terms of villainy, both in convicting Dantes and in profiting off his absence, compared to the others. While he does get drawn in to the villainy repeatedly, it is more reluctantly/gradually... but it does still happen. He succumbs to temptation. He gets used, he keeps quiet out of cowardice, he gets greedy, etc. I dunno, it's probably just because I thought some of the other lines were somewhat character-defining, but I thought this line about his eventual conscription sort of matches his role among the villains.
Also, a couple bonus lines that I love:
So it was that Dantes, during the Hundred Days and after Waterloo, remained under lock and key, forgotten, if not by men, at least by God.
The reversal of the usual phrase here, where he may be remembered by men but has been forgotten by God, is delicious.
It was not the fact that Mercedes lacked the courage to carry out this intention, but the succour of religion that saved her from suicide.
I dunno, I love the emphasis on her bravery and her genuine love for Edmond. Also the contrast of her 'hopeless expectation' driving her to suicide being held back by her religion and the comfort she recieves from Fernand is such an interesting contrast to Dantes' own suicidal thoughts in prison.
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pika-ace · 3 years
The Count of Monte Christo AU. I don't know who would fit in the roles. Maybe Abuela as Abbe Faria
I read the summary of this and it was a ride I was NOT expecting!
So I'm thinking for this, yes, Abuela as Abba Faria, Benny as Edmond, Nina as Mercedes, and I'm thinking Usnavi and Sonny doubling as Jacopo and we can give Vanessa a role in there somewhere (I'm thinking some kind of guardian/bodyguard role for Nina, cause lord knows, I'm not letting Nina deal with the bad guy's bullshit by herself)
Also yes, that means Ferdinand is a faceless bad guy because again, ITH has no villains so we gotta fill the gaps with something.
So basically, Benny is falsely accused and arrested and sits in prison for a bit until he meets Abuela who helps him escape. Benny ends up in the sea and washes ashore only to find a band of pirates harassing and preparing to execute two of their own, Usnavi and Sonny (let's say they were kidnapped and forced into servitude on the ship and their warranty expired). Benny rescues them and they manage to escape the ship on a lifeboat and make it to land, where Benny learns of the betrayal against him and that Nina had been forced to marry the one responsible for it.
Nina is trying her damndest to get through the married life that she hates, waiting for some sign from Benny. She knows Benny is innocent and also knows that he won't let a lousy prison stop him. Vanessa is also a constant by her side, keeping her spirits up and also making sure her husband doesn't try anything shady.
Meanwhile, Benny, Usnavi, and Sonny have found a buried treasure and Benny has used it to build up his reputation as a count with Usnavi and Sonny as his servants/advisors, and he manages to draw Nina and her husband to him, where revenge is exacted and Benny finally reunites with Nina.
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femmescripter · 7 years
Why You Can't use Klance for a Parody Fanfic of "The Count of Monte Cristo"
So I have been getting into the DreamWorks reboot of the original Voltron series called Voltron: Legendary Defender. And I really like it. It’s pretty cool, I like the concept and the racial diversity both with the team’s skin tones and the alien species.
Anyway, as I have been getting familiar with the franchise I have come to notice that the most popular pairing is Klance, between Keith Kogane and Lance McClain. That being said there are a lot if fanfics about these two. Cannon based, AUs and parodies alike. Now when it comes to parodies a lot of us like to use musicals as the foundation. And I’ll bet at least one of you reading this was planning to do the same thing with Keith and Lance. Well good for you! I think it will be cool. I only have one bit of advice;
DO NOT use the musical “The Count of Monte Cristo”.
When I say that, you probably ask why. Well I have several reasons as to why not. Thirteen of them actually. So if any of you guys reading this are extremely superstitious then I’m sorry, just skip this part. Also I’m going by the dominant!Lance/submissive!Keith route so Lance is Edmond Dantes and Keith is Mercedes. And even it I switched it around the results would be the same. So don’t bother trying to find a loophole. I crunched the numbers and it won’t work. Also beware as there may be spoilers for those who haven’t read the book by Alexander Dumas.
Now, onto the list of reasons…
Reason #1) No way in hell would Keith let Lance go away on a ship for three months without him. And I know you’re all probably like “But we can just change Keith’s character to be like Mercrdes”. However that would make him way too OOC, and then your inner critique will be screaming at you for making such a first day Fanfiction.Net user mistake.
Reason #2) Lance may be a cocky goof, but he can take a hint and knows when people are talking s**t about him. So when Monsiuer Morrel promoted Edmond to captain, rather than be oblivious about Danglar’s jealous hatred Lance would be like “Dude, I get that we had our differences but I still want you on this crew. I’ll need someone experienced to help me out. So bury the hachet?”.
Reason #3) Lance’s family would never let that drunken neighbor shake them down for money, and tell him he will get it when Lance returns. When you have a big family you need every bit of coin you can save. In fact I’m pretty sure that Lance’s mom would make the drunk neighbor work until his ass sobered up.
Reason #4) Keith wouldn’t spare the feelings of Prince Lotor, who will be playing as Fernand Mondego, for anything even if they were cousins. And when Lotor dares to suggest that Lance could be lost at sea he can expect to get punched out and thrown out. Then Keith would have left Marseilles with Lance forever.
Reason #5) I don’t know who would play Villefort, the lawyer who’s reputation would have been ruined if Edmond talked about some document or something, so I’ll leave him to you guys to cast. But either way I see Lance being like “Whoa, dude, chill! I’m not going to ruin your family name or whatever. I just wanted to borrow some eggs!”. Reason #6) For the song “When Love is True” this still applies to Klance, but Keith would want to the the Captain’s first mate. Not just the bride. Reason #7) Speaking in a logical sense, if Lotor and his fellow conspirators Villefort and Danglars(again, casting is up to you guys) were to sing their plans to frame Emdond IN A MOTHER F***ING PUBLIC BAR, I find it highly likely that the tinker/Pidge would come to Lance’s house and say “Hey, these stupid douches sang how they’re going to frame you for treason and this pretentious purple skinned hipster is going to steal Keith from you”. The musical will end right there with the conspirators all in jail, Keith and Lance get married and Lance flips them off from his boat as he cruises like a captain.
Reason #8) On the off chance the conspirators manage to continue their plan without a hitch, if they interrupt Lance and Keith’s wedding with their treason accusation their friends and family would beat them up and demand proof. And the couple would run off and become fugitives before they separated.
Reason #9) Again, on the off chance that the conspiracy continues without a hitch and we get to the song “Everyday A Little Death”, all of Prince Lotor’s efforts would be wasted. Keith isn’t going to marry someone else out of obligation like Mercedes did with Fernand no matter what people whisper behind his back. If it can’t be Lance, then it can’t be anyone! Plus he would help out Lance’s family in his absence. And while I’m on that topic, can I just say how Mercedes contradicted herself by marrying Fernand? In chapter three she said, quote, “If Edmond dies then I die as well”. But when Fernand lies about him being dead who does she marry? Fernand! And please keep in mind that he is her cousin! Not her cousin in spirit or second cousin by marriage, which would have been fine. But her FIRST BLOOD RELATED COUSIN!! That would mean that their son Albert is like their nephew in a way. How messed up is that? Ugh, let’s move on before I keep ranting…
Reason #10) When it gets to the point with the Mad Priest Abbe Faria, who is played by Coran, I think Lance would have put in a little hustle to try and save him in time. And if not he would bury him in the escape hole they dug then retrieve him later to give him a proper burial.
Reason #11) Once he gets to Monte Cristo, or Monte Voltron in this case, and Lance discovers the vast fortune he wouldn’t spend it all like crazy. He would donate most of the money to those who need it, and live modestly with his right hand Coran(only if he lived in the scenario I gave for number 10). Also he wouldn’t waste his time ruining the men who betrayed him. Oh he’ll get them back alright, like expose their crimes and put them in jail, but he won’t use the people in their circles to hurt them if they had nothing to do with it. Even when he is angry Lance just doesn’t have the heart to be cruel like Edmond was. And he wouldn’t overstep his method of vengeance either.
Reason #12) Once we reach the song “I Know Those Eyes/This Man is Dead” and Keith recognizes Lance, the Cuban boy tries to be dramatic and starts with “This man is dead…” but is cut short when Keith whacks him on the head and shouts “The f**k he is! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN FOR FOURTEEN YEARS!? WHY DIDN’T YOU WRITE TO ME OR YOUR MOM OR SIBLINGS!?!”. And Lance will whimper and plead for mercy being all like “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I was only trying to sound cool! I was going to tell you it was me amore, honest!”.
Reason #13) Keith and Lance get back at Lotor and the conspirators in a big finale together and after they’re in jail the couple live happily ever after.
So yeah…that’s why I don’t think “The Count of Monte Cristo” can work in a Klance slash fanfic parody. Or if you guys can find a way to make it work, go for it.
Well that’s it. Just wanted to share this little tid bit. Later.
@onimi18 @bbb35 @damare-draws @sumi-ink-ninja
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silver-soliloquy · 7 years
So I actually do have very late notes from last week’s reading! Uh, oops, I’m really slow at translating notes into semi-coherent form apparently
o   Carnival time!
o   Dumas seems to be going for a ~demonic debauchery~ angle here, but tbh costumes and confetti and flowers and parades seem like a pretty good time?  okay
o   Why won’t Edmond get down from his fancy window? I want someone to throw an egg at him
o   Albert finally gets some flirting in!  Well done Albert!  Franz’s fond teasing is both hilarious and adorable
o   Franz apparently really wants us to know that Albert’s peasant costume is really hot?  OKAY THEN FRANZ
o   I’m kind of curious about how much regional variation in dress there was that you can specifically do costumes of peasants from specific areas and expect them to be recognized?
o   “I AM IN LOVE” Albert declares after like 3 days of chucking flowers back and forth with a girl, what a nerd
o   Franz is also “a true Byronic hero” apparently? I am a little skeptical of this, he’s not extra enough
o   Admittedly it’s been a while since I read any Byron, I should maybe brush up since they keep referencing him ALL THE TIME
o   If anyone knows of any articles and suchlike on the relationship between the French and English Romantics I would really love to read that
o   I love that Robin Buss keeps calling out Dumas’s timeline inconsistencies in the footnotes, it’s both hilarious and informative!
o   “he himself would prefer not to be in Paris when the count was there” thus proving that Franz is the smartest person in this novel
o   The whole scene with the moccoletti is absolutely gorgeous, and I love that the carnival ends with as sudden a mood shift as it began—from horror at the execution into revelry and then into darkness and melancholy just like that
XXXVII (the roman numerals are getting kind of ridiculous)
o   Okay so I’m assuming Edmond arranged for the kidnapping, but was his plan actually just to loan Franz the money or was he actually counting on Franz knowing that he knew the bandits so he could go play the savior without having to suggest it himself?  Your chessmastering gives me a headache, Edmond
o   The thing where he pretends to be surprised that Peppino remembers him saving his life a whole WEEK ago seems…significant
o   I’m glad Teresa is still having fun at parties, although I have a lot of questions about how her life is going as the mistress of the bandit king
o   I feel like Edmond definitely meant for Albert to have to sit and ponder his fate all night, given his penchant for absolute-last-minute saves
o   Albert is entirely too chill about this whole affair and I can’t stop laughing
o   Franz asking the head bandit for book recs before he goes: EVEN MORE HILARIOUS
o   Okay so by Edmond’s messed-up theories about a person’s reaction to imminent death revealing their True Character, I think Albert did pretty darn well there?  Obviously he didn’t have to wait till the exact moment of death before being saved like poor Morrel (what the hell Edmond), but if this was intended as a test of Albert’s character as well as a way to get him in the count’s debt he should’ve passed with flying colors!  And yet Edmond still can barely deal with shaking his hand :(
o   “I wanted to demonstrate something to those bandits, namely that while people fight one another in every country in the world, only the Frenchman jests as he fights” okay this was hilarious until I thought about “the besieged were running out of cartridges but not out of witticisms; in this whirlwind of the sepulcher in which they found themselves, they laughed” and now I might be crying a little bit
o   Franz is finally realizing that leaving Albert alone with the count is a bad idea!  Well done, Franz!  One near-death experience per vacation is plenty
o   Nooooo Franz don’t leave :((((
o   Yay Paris!!
o   I…still do not really understand what Debray’s job is, but he’s sure entertaining
o   *lowkey ships Debray/Beauchamp*
o   How does Franz still think of himself as The Reasonable One when he apparently gets into duels with his close friends for flimsy enough reasons that no one can remember what that was even about later oh my god
o   I love how Albert solemnly swore not to tell anyone about Franz’s hash adventures at Monte Cristo and then turns around and tells literally everyone he knows at the first available opportunity
o   I don’t actually have that much to say about this chapter except that I love all the banter and teasing SO MUCH, these kids are all so delightful and I hope we see much more of them
o   Okay so Edmond is still clearly very fond of Maximilien in his weird creepy way, and he seems surprised to see him but he doesn’t really react to fact that his friend’s kid is friends with his enemy’s kid? I’m interested that that didn’t get more of a spotlight, since that seems like it’s going to be an Issue with Maximilien later in the book?
o   Edmond does surprisingly well with being thrown into the Baby Dandy Bffs crowd first thing in the morning, that seems like kind of a weird way to introduce someone to ~society~ but our Count is unruffleable as ever!
o   “how do you go without food and sleep for that long????” “oh, drugs” EDMOND THAT IS NOT HEALTHY WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
o   Wait so that was Haydee whose freedom Edmond bought with the giant ridiculous emerald, right?
o   Edmond quit trolling poor Maximilien
o   “They did not know whether Monte Cristo was play-acting, but everything that this man said, despite his eccentricity, was delivered in such a simple tone that it was impossible to suspect him of anything” OH BOY
o   Edmond sure is Weird about Haydee
o   Albert has Notre Dame de Paris fanart on his walls oh my gosh what a cutie
o   Hi Delacroix!!  This is about the time he was bopping around Morocco fueling everyone’s interest in Orientalism, right? (thanks a lot, Delacroix)
o   Dauzat’s Orientalism travel art isn’t actually that bad, he seems more interested in intricate architecture and really big rocks than creepily exoticizecd people.  And he did Sinbad fanart! (although not till the 1860s I think)
o   On the other hand, probably I’m just relieved that he’s not Jean-Leon Gerome levels of terrible, I really hate that guy
o   Wait no it’s not, the class-as-costume thing from carnival getting lampshaded in the portrait of Mercedes is super interesting—also that Albert apparently either doesn’t recognize the style or doesn’t know his parents’ history?  Either way there’s so much disguise in this book I just want to take note of Mercedes’ original identity represented through her poor Catalan clothes being taken for another disguise
o   Also it’s just really cute that Albert keeps a portrait of his mom in his room
o   …Antoine-Jean Gros is the same one as Grantaire’s ex-teacher, yes?  Is there room for crossovers here because I would like Grantaire and Albert to be friends please
o   Okay so the thing with Albert’s family’s coat of arms and his nobility on his father’s side—did I miss something about Ferdinand or did he just totally make all this up after he got rich and titled??
o   Mercedes is still the best!!!
o   THIS GUY IS SKETCHY, literally everyone screams at Albert as he cheerfully ignores them
o   Nothing to add to the last chapters except that Edmond apparently thinks it’s really entertaining to torment his servants, nice
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manleycollins · 5 years
Journal Entry #27 - Party Ain’t A Party...Leaving the Past Behind...Getting it All Out
JOURNAL ENTRY #27 Name: Manley M Collins Social Security Number: 5 7 9 - * * - 6 5 4 1 Date of Birth: 06/21 Place of Birth: Washington, District of Columbia Country of Birth: United States of America Date: June 21, 2019 TOPIC: Party Ain't A Party....Leaving the Past Behind....Getting it All Out DEPARTMENT: United States Department of Justice DEPARTMENT: United States Department of Education DEPARTMENT: United States Department of Health DEPARTMENT: United States Department of Transportation DEPARTMENT: United States Department of Labor
Disclaimer: All English, language, and grammar were purposely made on all or any posts.
As I work on my dissertation updates and law school score.  I am using Khan Academy, Blueprint, and Griffon Prep.  Goal is to aim for 500 points on the LSAT.  Since my first round of schools are denying admission, I am already updating my Credential Assembly Service package and created a brand new list of schools.  I look forward to those applications.  I am expecting to take the LSAT and GRE during the end-of-summer and Fall seasons when I send my second round of applications. If no admissions after second round of applications for August 2020 class, then I am heading to South Carolina around April 2020 to do the position and people, and get it out of the way.
United States LSAC Member Law Schools (First Round) Albany Law School - Applied - Transmitted Sent - Decision is Denied Admission American University Washington College of Law University of California, Berkeley, School of Law - Applied - Transmitted Sent - Decision is Denied Admission Boston College Law School California Western School of Law University of California, Irvine School of Law Columbia University School of Law - Applied - Transmitted Sent University of Connecticut School of Law University of California, Davis School of Law (King Hall) The George Washington University Law School - Applied - Transmitted Sent - Decision is Denied Admission Georgetown University Law Center - Applied - Transmitted Sent - Decision is Denied Admission Harvard Law School - Applied - Transmitted Sent - Decision is Denied Admission University of California Hastings College of the Law Loyola Law School, Loyola Marymount University New England Law, Boston University of New Hampshire School of Law New York University School of Law - Applied - Transmitted Sent - Decision is Denied Admission Pepperdine University School of Law University of San Francisco School of Law Santa Clara University School of Law Seattle University School of Law University of South Carolina School of Law - Applied - Transmitted Sent - Decision is Denied Admission University of Southern California, Gould School of Law - Applied - Transmitted Sent - Denied Admission Southwestern Law School Stanford University Law School - Applied - Transmitted Sent - Decision is Denied Admission Thomas Jefferson School of Law Vermont Law School Western State College of Law at Argosy University Western New England University School of Law Whittier Law School Yale Law School - Applied - Transmitted Sent - Decision is Denied Admission
I did purchase a Yamaha XMAX. It rode very well.  I did have two separate accidents in the Yamaha XMAX.  I thought I was being safe with bike, but unfortunately life did not like me having it.  On December 5, 2018, while I was doing deliveries. The 2018 Yamaha XMAX broke down and could not crank.  I had to push the vehicle from North Capitol St NE and Michigan Ave NE to downtown.  I was severely anger because it was a new bike and some of my recent trips was to Fredericksburg, VA and Baltimore, MD.  I did not know one ounce of help for scooter/motorbike that could have broken down somewhere I was unfamiliar to get help.  It sent all kinds of emotions through me.  So I threw my anger in emails and phone calls to dealer and Yamaha, I authorized the work.  The Yamaha breakdown cut into my XMAS money I could have made from my part-time gig.  Yamaha was expecting payments for the periods of non-use and I told them I was not riding, and I am not paying.  Now, February 1, 2018, Yamaha dealer decides to call back and say bike is fixed.  Guess what I did out of anger?  I got a new bike, Suzuki Burgman 650 Executive, with all the bells and whistles.  I transferred the tags, paid the tax, and now I am riding.  It has been six to seven months riding my motorbike and cycling bike and parking them everywhere.  Guess what?  Now, the cops/MPD and US Capitol Police saw me parking the motorbike on the bike rack.  On Monday, January 28, 2019, I left my motorbike parked on US Capitols ground on a public sidewalk on a bike rack near one of the capitol ground parks for one day because of inclement weather.  I come back the next day, the entire motorbike was gone and someone broke through the Kryptonite lock with security level 10, and all other security features on the motorbike.  US Capitol Police saw me every day and night when I parked in the same spot and did not say anything.  After I made two calls to 911, US Capitol Police showed and told me all the rules regarding the motor scooter.  I paid $210 for towing and they issued me a ticket in the same day for $100.  The ticket infraction information was dated Tuesday, January 29, 2019 at 7:50 PM, location Unit block C St NE and 300 Delaware Ave NE, Code P047, Parked on sidewalk, Signature Officer Dworak, Dept USCP, Element USB/OSB, Badge No 7001.  I am back riding again, but this time I am using all the areas of residential parking in my Zone.  I was completely corrected to use my residential parking permit in Washington, DC and take up a full parking space. My Suzuki Burgman 650 Executive is financed by GE Capital. I do apologize GE Capital for cancelling a credit card earlier in my life when I still did not understand how to use the credit card.  I am glad General Electric came back to be apart of my life. It feels good.
I am becoming better at doing repossessions. My 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee from Carmax was repossessed.  My 2007 Mercedes Benz from EuroMotors was repossessed, but they are getting lawsuit/civil suits for that car experience.  My 2018 Yamaha XMAX from Coleman PowerSports was repossessed and if I incur a balance from that motorbike, then civil suits are prepared and ready.  Just as expected Yamaha made a balance from a defective product.
POSITION #47  - Amazon This was a good position.  I am surprised that Amazon was so inflexible as a 24/7 operation that the organization did not want to switch/change my schedule when offered and I asked.  I learned so much and they pass over plenty people for supervisory positions and ambassadors.  Once the managers and supervisors warn you that you will be terminated due to no more Unpaid Personal Time (UPT) and when coaching kids or providing community service in the same time slot, Amazon will put you in a position not even get unemployment after the years of service.  They did offer for me to come back after 365 days.  I tried to leave with references with the people I thought cared and were friends, but it was a setup.  Since I am not from Virginia, I will not be returning to any Amazon warehouses or fulfillment centers in Virginia or Maryland.  I will take this employer with me to South Carolina.
POSITION #48  - AmeriCorps / Up2Us Sports / TeensRunDC / District of Columbia Public Schools Meredith Lonberger seems like a great person to work with.  I wish Jen Edmonds stayed onboard and things could have been different.  Jen left as a new AmeriCorps service year started.  This experience start out awkward.  I never worked with middle schoolers or in a school environment for a very long time.  District of Columbia Public Schools have a culmunation of a variety of professionals to put the school together.  Students, such as Louis Coney, kept talking and running the 7th grade lunch clubs and interrupt his game with Antoine Lewis regarding bayblades or music sessions with David Adejiji, Louis assaulted me for interruption or stopping them from doing what they were doing.  Jarmal Pannell definitely had a problem with keeping his hands to himself. Jarmal knew his size and kept pushing his friend, Shaun Suber, around.  Jarmal Pannell kept placing his anger out on me by bending my fingers, testing his testosterone, and pushing me and the table at the same time.  Jovan Miles, he was a smart, 8th grade kid and TeensRunDC alum, he came in the first season and started participating, but he started making serious interruptions with watching inappropriate flicks or facetiming girls, throwing food at walls, and assaulted and bullied me around for snitching.  The instructors and security saw what were happening.  They did not do a darn thing.  SaQuan choked Joseph Stanback, a TRDC student, Ms. Latisha Cooper (an adult) assaults SaQuan.  Alexandra Wade, so called Alee, try to keep up this energy and power of psychology.  Positives she was good at attempting to run the organization and attempt to do cohesion, but very bad at decision making as a new program manager of a non-profit.  Lizzie or Elizabeth was good at trying to do the books of the organization, but she will miss some reimbursements as it is see some and do not see some.  Michelle Morris, the Asian girl, tried to fit as much as possible, but purely depressed about not getting in at DCPS as a teacher/substitute teacher.  LeRoy Reed, he was a small and smart young boy.  His friend was Thomas Miller.  Thomas Miller kept complaining and putting down himself with weight problems calling himself fat.  Thomas Miller had a pure attachment to YuGiYoh and his cellphone.  Thomas Miller had several cellphones. I met Thomas Miller's mother and made me wonder who the daddy is because he came out pure red or light skin with black curly hair.  LeRoy Reed was little and bullying people around so people would not mess with him.  I met LeRoy Reed's grandmother alot and she kept thinking I was a DCPS administrator or instructor that could make a difference on his, his teachers', or administrative errors on his records. Thomas Miller disliked Alexandra Wade alot when she dismissed him from an after school practice for keeping and looking at cellphone.  Thomas Miller called her a female dog and all kinds of names.  Thomas Miller dislike Michelle Morris because she dismissed him from an after school practice, but he did not know what names to call her. LeRoy Reed and Thomas Miller were partially coming during Spring season after they caught on to the pattern.  Treazure Stewart was a unique female coming in with all kinds of hairstyles. Treazure Stewart talked about herself alot and able to fully provide her point of view on the lunch club subjects.  Treazure Stewart did come to school with a broken, sprained, or fractured leg.  I did not question what happened.  Joshua Davis started coming to lunch club, but he was being raised vegetarian and lie really well or make an excuse for everything that he does not like.  Alissa Rhodes, Nyasia Coleman, and Jamaya White came to lunch club religiously in the beginning and talking about all the different subjects, then the school started its sports program.  Alissa Rhodes came to one after school practice and complained it was too hot. I let her rest the remainder of practice.  Nyasia Coleman went to basketball program.  Jamaya White sided with her friends and not come at all.  Saviona Richardson, this girl is going to get alot of boys in trouble, and stepped up to all the boys challenging them to anything they say about girls.  Saviona Richardson came to a couple after school practices, then keep saying she cannot come because she is moving.  This was a repeated sentence from beginning of school year to close to end of school year.  I did meet the daddy of Saviona Richardson and her sister.  I got a lyft (TRDC paid) for the family so they could attend TRDC xmas holiday party.  Saviona Richardson did attend almost all the lunch clubs.  Evonye Simmons was convinced sometimes by the boys to attend lunch club....she looks and acts more tomboy-ish.  Evonye Simmons does talk on the subjects and participate in some of the lunch club activities.  Sevyn Robinson only came to lunch club when food is around or when the TRDC is treated by EBFSC.  Jayden Parker is a very intelligent and brilliant star.  Jayden Parker has girlpower to become famous.  I do not know what she plans to become, but it will be big.  Jayden Parker cares very much about the environment and helping others. The way she is coming out to be a selfless person is going to do wonders.  I did meet her mother and she was very kind. Jayden Parker did come to one after school practice. She did not come to anymore practices because she stated she had to get little brother from Maury Elementary.  Navar Rogers had a personal attention complex.  As TRDC coach, Navar Rogers wanted personal attention. He would put down himself to have me as a coach figure out how to uplift him.  Navar Rogers did run in the United States Arboretum Oaktoberfest 5K and did a personal record.  Thomas Miller also walked in the United States Arboretum Oaktoberfest 5K and the only thing that motivated him was to make sure he finished before someone's dog did.  When I started bringing snacks, he expected me to keep rewarding him for every good grade or good act.  I did meet Navar Rogers's guardian.  Allen Jones was a smart dude, but I already see him as a blockhead athlete and jock celebrity (meaning he does sports very well and hates the classroom).  I met Allen Jones's sister during an after school practice.  Morgan Paul was a tomboy, super smart, and intelligent.  Her English was very good and her sense on life was good.  I did meet Morgan Paul's dad.  The parents or guardian are doing a great job helping her understand the different facets of people.  She was coming to after school practices and lunch clubs, but she also was in higher achievement (another after school program) so I think her dad cracked down on what she doing after she was literally not going home after school everyday.  Jakale Lipson was the most unique student I ever met.  Jakale Lipson kept acting like she was a mute student when everyone in the school knew she could talk.  Jakale Lipson participated in lunch club written activities.  Jakale Lipson was helping the main office sometimes during lunch. With Jakale Lipson acting as a mute student in public school questions activities at home or is it truly an act to not get bothered by anyone.  John Moore is going to be a bright student and active athlete.  I can see John Moore as team captain of a sport.  Do not get John Moore talking because gives a point of view on every subject from every angle.  John Moore is very attentive, appreciates praise, and does not mind doing the work.  Ben Boomer, a TRDC alum, came once to lunch club along with his from Orlando Edwards, another TRDC alum, and stated they were in lunch club because of nothing to do.  Ben Boomer stated he was the chill and mellow guy, "nothing about nothing" type of guy.  DeMarko French kept coming to lunch club with a very loud mouth so everyone can hear him or speak over the other person. DeMarko French kept trying insult the female coaches by asking the personal questions or trying to do match maker with the female coaches.  DeMarko French kept promoting sexual activity talking about girls as female dogs and getting their private parts.  DeMarko French even felt comfortable enough to start asking me personal questions about family, having children, wanting children, how to make a baby, etc.  DeMarko French was dismissed from lunch club because TRDC moved to a new room where higher achievement or teachers stored stuff.  DeMarko French took items from boxes and threw them into the cafeteria kitchen when no one was paying attention or looking.  The cafeteria ladies had to tell me what was going on.  Malik Johnson is an internal processor of information.  Malik Johnson took a minute to process thought before he could speak an answer.  If it was not an answer or topic he did not like, Malik Johnson will get up and leave.  Malik Johnson earn a TRDC shirt and he gave the shirt away.  Christopher Fisher came TRDC because of Jovan Miles.  Christopher Fisher is one of those "I do not know what I want to be kids".  Christopher Fisher did not participate in afterschool. Christopher Fisher, Nassir Walker, Elijah Harvey and Jovan Miles kept disrupting the after school program by bullying the younger kids.  Security had the cameras and janitors saw what was happening.  All I could say, "It was inappropriate and not right."  Antoine Lewis presents himself like the victim and yes, he is bullied by other kids, but he is the first to assault a girl.  I never saw him fight or step up to any of the guys.  Antonio Sinclair is a quiet guy and attentive, who do not mind putting the work a different way. For example, at after school practice, I have all attendees do laps around Eastern Sr High School track, but Antonio Sinclair prefer to do sprints or runs up and down the football field.  Elijah Harvey was a very talented artist in the school and he listens to commands when he want to.  Jakhai Pone came to lunch club and participated, then he did not return.  Nassir Walker kept being picked on because everyone claimed he and I looked alike or I could have been his daddy.  Rashaun Bazemore, a TRDC alum, participated in lunch club.  Rashaun Bazemore and his twin brother RaQuan Bazemore wore those TRDC sweatshirts religiously to school. I met Melissa Diggins, who supposed to be after school programs coordinator, and she did absolutely nothing to support me or TRDC.  Ms. Sherry Epps was a funny lady and always talked about my lunch choices.  She, I guess, wanted me to be fat.  Ms. Kimberly George was giving me good tips on how be a better instructor or classroom management techniques that worked for her.  Mr. Christopher Grenier was the track coach and had good attendance when I saw them practice in the same places TRDC practice.  Ms. Patricia Harris was the track coach too and had pleasant personality so it seemed.  Ms. Tara Harris was an interesting social worker who had interest in the kids, but took special interest in Jayden Parker whenever she attended TRDC lunch club. Ms. Tara Harris is the one I sent the bullying email incidents to.  Mr. Joscelin Lockhart, do not know his sexuality, but if girls could talk...LOL...he was the queen bee next to Ms. Latisha Cooper.  Mr. Travis Loggins-Santiago, I kept watching how he was doing crazy and keep me guessing what island he came from.  Mr. Bennisha Lucas is a very intelligent and always fashionable on-point lady.  Mrs. Marlene Magrino, I kept speaking to her like a teacher, I did not say anything uncanny, and did not know she was the principal until February 2019.  Mrs. Ophelia Morgan was the one I thought was the principal because everyone kept sending me to her.  Now, I see why TRDC flyers never got out for the annual fun run or after school practice.  Mrs. Pamela Prescott is kind person and does most of what anyone ask of her.  She deserves a big retirement party whenever that comes.  Mr. Christopher Vann was a cool guy and level headed.  Mr. Christopher Vann did let me know when one of my TRDC students got out of line.  Brian, a new coach, seems like he was timid, introvert, and shy.  Taylor, a Howard Univ. cheerleader, came with full made up face and hair every TRDC event, meeting, or volunteering. Taylor had a car and did not want to use it for the kids.  Sasha, another Up2Us coach, did what she wanted to, had outside employment, had a boyfriend, and kept all her job.  Zachary Thal, a Jewish and Avodah coach, was trying to suck up everyone's hours and work to meet his organization's full time agreement.  Stephanie, a Jewish and Avodah coach, was at TRDC for a month before her cancer returned and she went back home.  Yassah, a Yoga instructor, was off the chain with her life experiences, bartending experiences, and when TRDC started messing up her outside employment income, she straight up quit.  Romeo, a California boy and Howard Univ student, was at TRDC and shared his experiences with the kids, but I always wondered how he paid rent, rarely came to any TRDC event, he was a member of DC Front Runners, and I do not know his sexuality.  After I got terminated, I sent the termination back all the way down the kids and told them I already had two restraining orders filed. I am always seeking how and where to file the third restraining order.  This same information is being formulated to be thrown in the court(s) of law for wrongful termination about all organizations, and not receiving the AmeriCorps education award from Up2Us Sports Inc (New York, NY).  I could not get DC unemployment because not enough time passed and income earned.
POSITION #49  - United Parcel Service I gave this a second chance. This work environment was definitely different from the 1998.  Jarvis Raynor, HR, gave a realistic presentation of the new UPS in 2019. As a preloader, package handlers had to handle three (3) trucks and range 200 packages to 700 packages per truck.  You have thirty days to qualify as preloader. UPS literally was going through people like water and it was a never ending cycle.  My overall manager, William Thompson Jr, known as "JR", was annoying as hell as he kept reiterating stats and procedures to follow. It was impossible to load 75lbs to 130lbs package with 2 or 3 steps inside a truck.  It was insane.  I was calm, cool, and collective.  Julia Barbarczuk, Trainer/Supervisor, was informative and kept following up with plenty of paperwork while on the job.  Angie and Emma, the belt supervisors, were cool and very helpful when the load was light or heavy.  Angela was the Army sergeant in her commands.  Emma was the repeater and coach.  This job was located in Springfield - Newington, VA area.  Cooper was another manager like JR and did crazy by sending me to various workpiles to try and solve them including a truck with payload of 750 packages using a stair to step up in the truck.  The HR manager Jarvis D. Raynor talked to all my references and tried to throw the same game back at me.  I did become eligible for unemployment because of a different rule and did not violate any company policy. However, if there is an ineligible status on the same claim, then you can keep filing, but have to appeal the ineligible status in order to get paid.  My unemployment compensation with Virginia is still pending.
POSITION #50  - Federal Express I applied for the Handler position. It was good to go to familiar ground of Dulles Airport.  I met most of everyone and did the paperwork.  They are very integrated with the United States Postal Service.  United States Postal Service does have a clearance process.  I did go through the Washington Dulles Airport training to pick up my identification badge.  Unfortunately, I did not go to Federal Express because of the travel distance of 35-40 miles one way for a part time and crazy hours. I will take Federal Express as a possible employer in South Carolina.
POSITION #51  - Abercrombie and Fitch I reapplied for this position.  Met two managers Mecca and Luen and made the interview.  It was a great location in the Georgetown community, but I was not hired.
POSITION #52  - PeaPod / Giant Delivery LLC I applied for a delivery driver position.  I had this position along with the AmeriCorps and UPS jobs.  It was another blue collar job.  My hands and fingers were going through slams, pinches, and smashes.  I went to Hanover, MD to have my initial interview.  I got on the PM schedule.  It was fun earning cash tips and meeting the customers.  The challenge was the routes or navigating the truck in Washington, DC streets.  In 90 probationary period, you cannot miss any item delivered to customer and cannot have any accidents.  I did have two minor accidents and they came fast.  The first one was not my fault with a latino lady was driving someone else's car and backed directly into the truck.  The second one was I parked too close to a parked car on one way street and the rear  bumper outside lip caught the front end of the car. I did train with the #1 and #2 drivers of the Springfield warehouse.  I do think about PeaPod / Giant Delivery LLC every time I see those green trucks.  Despite everything, I do miss this job because it was so different, a blue collar job, and driving as a career was not even thought of in my field options.  The uniforms were good and brand new.  The pay was decent.  I got a chance to look at the beauty of Virginia especially when I thought Manassas, Ashburn, Great Falls, etc. were far places.  The job did give me flashbacks to old stomping grounds of Chantilly, Herndon, Centreville, Fairfax, Alexandria, Arlington, Springfield, etc.  I did become eligible for unemployment because the company did not respond.  However, if there is an ineligible status on the same claim, then you can keep filing, but have to appeal the ineligible status in order to get paid.  My unemployment compensation with Virginia is still pending.
I had to file US Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration complaints against the following:
United Parcel Service On my final week April 15-18, 2019, UPS made me very sick the entire week and with the weather 65 to 75 degrees. On the belt in my area, UPS ran the warehouse heaters at 90 degrees making it very unbearable. UPS terminated me the day before graduating.  I did the job, but the only appreciation I received was attendance on coming in every day.  I filed a grievance regarding the situation, but OSHA stated the complaint could not be filed because it has no control on warehouse temperature conditions.
Amazon After crazy termination debacle, I filed a complaint on most of the major conditions of the warehouse from carbon monoxide detectors not working to other issues.  This complaint was accepted and filed as an informal complaint since I was no longer there.
US Department of Defense I filed this compliant, but OSHA stated time lapse.  I was in a long discussion with the OSHA officer discussing all the issues of workplace violence, etc.  It was a very good and informative conversation.
ABBTECH Professional Services I filed this compliant, but OSHA stated time lapse.  It was brought up in the civil case on both Plaintiff and Defendant's testimony.
PeaPod - Giant Delivery LLC I filed this complaint against the trucks I drove and other issues in the warehouse.  This complaint was accepted and filed as an informal complaint since I was no longer there.
Yoh Services LLC I filed this complaint, but OSHA stated time lapse.
AmeriCorps / Up2Us Sports / TeensRunDC / District of Columbia Public Schools I filed this one, but OSHA stated it was out of their jurisdiction.
Birthday Month Festivities I planned major and minor activities for my birthday month, but it seems someone or people did not want me to enjoy it.  This is what happened. 1992-1993 - accidentally lost keys and took no issue with it because replacements were made. In South Carolina, I accidentally lost wallet and replaced everything....nothing really was in it since I was just a kid.
2015 - In New York City, keys were lost and given back to me; even though, I already paid to have the keys replaced.  I was elated and superbly surprised for as large as this city is...that I got something back.
2016 - In Chicago, I became ill and could not control the loss of my wallet and other original identification documents....nothing came back to me.  One out of my set of three keys went missing.
2019 - In Washington, DC, keys were purposely taken from me in March 2019....I already had a backup or 2nd pair. My bicycle seat cover stolen twice for no apparent reason. Life kept on trucking. Then in June 2019, my wallet was purposely taken from me and fraudulent activity occurred immediately.  Nothing materialistically came back to me. The banks, credit card companies, and I fixed the fraudulent activity.  In my sacred home of Washington, DC, I am confused and baffled on the purpose of harming or hurting me in that way in a sacred place of the gym.  Questions unanswered:  Is it to just repeat the same incidents that already happened with family and do it with a bunch of strangers?  Is it to ensure I was physically in the city?  Is it to ruin the happiness and enjoyment I do around my birthday month?  Is it because I talk about everything to the public?  Is it to say we hate you and the way I carry my life?  Is it just do because it is happening to other people?  Is it to do it just to get another police report?  Is it to prevent me from getting a job with WMATA as a special police officer?  Is it to see whether or not I commit crimes without identification or access to money?  Is it to say I cannot physically f*ck up the person that does the harm/hurt for a self-defense plea?  Yes, I felt anger towards me when I went to the Nationals vs another team (2x) and announced it via twitter that Nationals won both games. Either way it goes, 30 years of having the gym/fitness centers as a sacred place has been violated.  40 years of church as a sacred place is being changed to ensure nothing happens there.  I am still on schedule on moving away from Washington, DC.  I stayed still long enough.  After the wallet incident, I will not be renewing anything regarding Washington, DC...let it all expire next year or whenever they expire...join the State of Connecticut.  I will only leave Washington, DC with my corporation headquarters.  I was genuinely asked by some of my organizations to run for Mayor again, and I seriously gave it a thought, but nah....  
Another thing, DC tried to reproduce what Atlanta already did on Flag Day.  DC (NYC) had a red and grey taxi with an ethopian/black driver run me down or hit me from the back at an K St NW & 6th St NW intersection and I am on a bicycle, and knock me to the ground sending me to the George Washington University hospital.  Thanks to the bicyclist and witnesses for taking care of me until ambulance, MPD, and DC Fire and EMS arrived while everyone was calling 911.  After five hours, full examination and x-rays, the doctors and nurses cleared me that I was okay to go home.  At least the white woman driver with her SUV immediately compensated me for ruining my bicycle and the Atlanta bike accident did not send me to the hospital.
Another thing, DC MPD decided to attempt to take credit for giving me someone else's empty, very dirty wallet along with my five (5) cards I cannot use. It was in an evidence bag with things listed on it that was never in the bag.  The incident report quickly reviewed stated their research and contact attempts to reach me.  I am very sorry for poor, poverish, or non-intelligent people, who cannot get themselves out of the legal process or criminal law.  I personally apologize what people do that have power over your life do.  It does give me some sort of relief I did not win Mayor for real and question how some candidates' or incumbent promote, such positive numbers, to retain office.
Here is the backdrop or background of the wallet situation at Sport and Health Northwest (Tenleytown) - my letter of termination and cancellation:
After 30 plus years of fitness and working out in gyms across any city and any state, Capitol Hill Sport and Health showed twice that they can pick locks, then I went Tenleytown Sport and Health.  I thought with the 55 plus gray hairs senior folk that it would be okay to workout there.  I did bring a guest one day to show him the gym and his similar kinfolk, and he got chastised by the Tenleytown sales personnel.  On Wednesday, June 5, 2019, I happened to show up late in the evening around 6:30 PM and trying to catch at least one group fitness class and get a workout in.  I did see some minority faces I never saw before in the gym so I did not question.  I prepared to leave and get my normal shower in.  I went to the Men’s Locker Room.  My locker number was 50.  I insert my key and the entire lock fell apart.  I asked the front desk if it was an accident that my lock was cut.  He (a young white man front desk clerk) informed me to check for my wallet and other valuables.  Sure enough, my entire wallet from my pants and my checkbooks were stolen directly from my bag.  The front desk stated he was the only one on duty to run entire gym.  He stated some people came to check out the gym and did it in less than 5 minutes.  No camera footage and no discernment of the individuals especially if he is paid minimum wage individual with no manager on staff.  At Sport and Health, mid-range price point was to keep rift-raft out.  DC Metropolitan Police Department was called and report is made.  I am locking down my cards.   DC MPD had the nerve to reiterate this happens a lot in the Tenleytown area.
So based on this rollup of a situation, this is my decision.  Capitol Hill, I am terminating my membership on Thursday, June 6, 2019.  No termination fee is charged. No monthly membership fee is charged.  If any fee is charged without my consent July 2019, then I will inconvenience you and all employees’ names at Capitol Hill and Tenleytown, and send it through every system in the United States and the District of Columbia, and at the end send you a bill that you will have to pay.  Thanks for your attention to this matter.  My weapon of choice:  Tell everything to everybody.   At least, I do give the courtesy of telling your first.
Civil Action Suits ABBTECH Professional Services ABBTECH stayed in the State of Virginia and defended their position in Arlington County Circuit Court.  The initial case was dismissed and workplace violence was permissible based on the configuration told.  The configuration is one company invites you in, another company assaults you, and the government hosts the place where it can happen....if you report it, the company that (holds your clearance) invited you in files an incident report on your clearance....then the government files a decision on your clearance...thus leaving you without a clearance.
YOH Services LLC, a Day and Zimmermann Company Emailed copies of everything that was happening in Arlington County (Virginia) Circuit Court was sent to all Yoh offices. Their offices were moved out of Virginia to escape a Class 1 Misdemeanor of Simple Assault and Battery.
United States Department of Defense The Arlington County (Virginia) Circuit Court case was upgraded to United States District Court. It is currently in progress. Two US Department of Justice United States Attorneys and a special assistant attorney are defending US DOD.  My motions are being heard on June 14, 2019, which is Flag Day, or making a decision on the papers.  In relation to the ABBTECH situation, if you are non-military personnel holding a clearance and assaulted or violated, you have two years from the date the incident occurred to file an administrative review with the Department of Army, Navy (Marines), Air Force, or Coast Guard.  You have to google or search the internet for the information....this is not general public knowledge and it is not covered in any of its training for any project.  I am still working the case.
EuroMotors Montgomery County (Maryland) Circuit Court heard the case.  It was a good and long testimonial discussion with the judge to connect EuroMotors to the incidents that happened with my Mercedes-Benz.  However, the initial case was dismissed, but I can re-filed on basis of harm with the repossession.
PODS Middlesex County (New Jersey) Superior Court has this case.  No response, yet.  Still in discovery period.
More civil cases to file, but one to three at a time.
Class Action Suits Postmates I complied and got a response.
Grubhub I complied and got a response.
Uber I complied and got a response.
Caviar I complied and got a response.
Walmart I complied and pending response.
Wells Fargo I complied and got a response because proof of evidence was not supplied.
A Recruitment Process Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority I got notification in April regarding the Special Police Officer position with Metro Transit Police.  I did not go in April 2019 because I did not have all my documents together.  Then, I got another notice regarding a May recruiting event.  I paid quite a bit of money to get originals and copies of all identification.  I went attended the recruiting and got to the first interview.  First interviewer stated they needed the original birth certificate with seal embossed on it.  First interviewer (a white man) did question why someone like me with all this education would want a $36,000 job.  I left and purchased birth certificate again.  I filled out the online application again and got a June 2019 notice day of recruitment.  I went and attended.  Second interviewer (a white lady) looked at my questionnaire and I had all the pages. She stated I needed another work reference, more neighborhood references and everyone has to be local to area. She stated to reschedule. Guess what I did? I walked straight the door and did not look back.  People that were to the recruiting event have been doing it for months and did not get through.
Please see all attachments regarding the cases.
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deonheim30 · 6 years
2018 U.S. Market’s Greenest Year Ever..Automotive News TV/CAR NEWS / Auto News
it’s Tuesday thanks for joining us I’m Jennifer Fong coming up Lincoln’s leadgenerating location but first your morning headlines the united states automarket will be greener than ever next year according to a new forecastanalysts at Edmonds say electric plugin and traditional hybrid vehicles willaccount for 4. 4 percent of the market in 2018 compared with an estimated 3. 2percent this year the firm also predicting that plug-in hybrid saleswill double in 2018 and that plugins will outsell traditional hybrids by theend of next year Jessica Caldwell admins executivedirector of Industry Analysis says even if Tesla fails to meet full productioncommitments for the model 3 until mid summer 2018 still will be a hallmarkyear Col ball adding quote their price of batteries is coming down evey rangeis rising and shoppers will have more choices than everEdmonds predicts total US sales of sixteen point eight million new vehiclesin 2018 down from an expected seventeen pointtwo million in 2017 BMW transforming its iconic four-cylinder headquarters towerin Munich Monday to resemble for upright batteries the project done incollaboration with a local cultural organization it coincided with BMWsannouncement that it had reached a target of selling 100,000 electrifiedcars around the world this year that’s up more than 60 percent from 62,000 lastyear sales benefiting from stronger demand in Western Europe and the US formodels such as the i3 and the 2 Series plug-in hybrid active tourer one otherBMW note the automaker says the production version of the all-new x2will make its world debut and next month’s Detroit Auto ShowBMW showed the coup like crossover in concept form at lastyear’s show also hitting the Detroit stage will be the 2019 I eight coupe thehybrid is slated for sale in the spring along with the x2 and the i8 roadster BMdel be revealed last month in Los AngelesSubaru vowing today to improve oversight of its final vehicle inspections thisafter revealing that uncertified staff had carried out tests of new cars forthe domestic market for decades that disclosure led to the recall of threehundred ninety five thousand vehicles in its latest report to the governmentpresented today Subaru says it will improve training and monitoring andcommunicate the importance of compliance to staff it says management and staffdid not fully appreciate the importance of the final inspection in legal newslawyers for General Motors urging a federal bankruptcy judge in Manhattan tothrow out a settlement it reached in August the settlement would require thecompany to pay a billion dollars to car owners suing over faulty ignitionswitches and Hyundai says it’s labor union in South Korea has agreed to atentative wage deal Lincoln is in the process of rebuilding as it aims totriple its annual sales to three hundred thousand vehicles globally by 2020 partof its plan to reach that goal opening retail centers that don’t sellanything and putting them in areas where people are not aware of the brandour reporter Mike Martinez recently visited one of those spaces in FashionIsland a high-end outdoor mall in Newport Beach California the winkinexperience center has room for three vehicles and allows visitors to schedulea test drive configure a virtual car or order an espresso this space is a fewdoors down from a Tesla gallery and a short drive from a big BMW store and alarge mercedes-benz dealership however Lincoln officials tell Martinezthat’s the perfect location to court new customers officials saying 60% ofvisitors are not familiar with the brand at all but that often changes once theyspend some time there in fact the center has helped deliver about 700 leads toLincoln dealerships so far this past spring Lincoln opened its secondExperience Center in Frisco Texas Ford’s luxury brand plans to add morespaces in the future but no word on where through November Lincoln’s USsales are up about 2% to roughly one hundred thousand vehiclesand that wraps up at this edition our first shift we’ll see you back heretomorrow morning
//<![CDATA[ featureBoxVar = ""; //]]> source https://cardetailingphoenix.com/index.php/2018/08/03/2018-u-s-markets-greenest-year-ever-automotive-news-tv-car-news-auto-news/ from Auto Dealing Services http://cardetailingphx.blogspot.com/2018/08/2018-us-markets-greenest-year.html
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