#sophie devereaux
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Leverage 4x4 - "The Van Gogh Job"
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leveragetober · 15 hours
hello and welcome to the second annual leveragetober!!
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Here is the prompt list for Leveragetober 2024!! It's a mix of some of our favorite prompts from last year and some new ones we came up with this year.
Here is the link to the Ao3 collection, so if your month includes writing for any of these prompts, make sure to add your fic to the collection here!
Under the cut will be the guidelines and prompt lists if the images don't work. Please feel free to either dm or send an ask if you have any questions!! We cannot wait to see all the amazing things you come up with this month!
~ Eli and Blue
Museum  16. Future
Confession 17. S3 Spec
Blood 18. Time Travel
Introspection  19. Kids
Food 20. Job Gone Wrong
lost 21. Dance
Kiss 22. Disguises
Deal with the devil 23. Shopping
Trapped 24. Animals
AU 25. Poison
Crossover 26. Mythology
Family 27. Photos
 Redemption  28. Storm
 Supernatural  29. Past
 Role Swap 30. Halloween
31. Free Day
 1. Tag all your submissions with #leveragetober24 or #leveragetober, as well as tagging us so we can see them!
1.5. If you’re exclusively posting on Ao3, there will be a linked Ao3 collection.
2. The prompts are here as inspiration and there’s no right interpretation for how to fulfill the prompts. Feel free to get creative with some of the prompts!
3. If you don’t have time to do every single prompt, that’s perfectly okay as well, these are here for fun, so if you don’t like one or just don’t want to do it, no worries!
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"We’ve been providing military advisors, internationally, for over forty years."
Leverage S01E02 The Homecoming Job.
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erodingsinner · 5 months
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Leverage x Onion headline
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thelogicalghost · 1 month
I'm sure Nate isn't homophobic - the show makes it pretty clear that all his catholic guilt is directed firmly inwards and we never see even a hint of disapproval over others' personal lives - but he's still an older white guy and definitely defaults to cishet assumptions.
Which makes me desperately want, like, a 5+ type fic of gay flirting for the con where Nate progressively gets his mind blown.
Because Sophie flirting with a woman might throw him for a beat or two, but she's a world class grifter and an actress, of course she can flirt with anyone
And then Parker had to be taught how to flirt in the first place and she's Parker so sure, she's completely faking it either way, she has no internal biases, okay
The first time a man chats up Hardison and the hacker reacts exactly the same way he does when he tries to flirt with women, Nate is so glad Sophie takes over the comms to give flirting advice because it takes him half a minute to recalibrate and edit his expectations
But then Sophie's failing to hook a mark and Elliot steps in without missing a beat, flashing his farm boy smile, and Nate is finally like, "how is it that I'm the only one here who's surprised by any of this?" and the team just shrugs and goes "idk that sounds like a you problem"
The +1 is the only time Nate attempts it and they all agree to never try that again because it was awkward and embarrassing for everyone involved
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shitpostingkats · 11 months
I forgot how hilarious The Juror #6 job is. The episode opens with Nate trying to socialize his crime daughter by having her do civil service. "There is not some evil conspiracy lurking behind the curtain of every routine civic activity." *four minutes later* "Uh, apparently there is an evil conspiracy lurking behind the curtain of every routine civic activity." Brent Spiner plays a hippie spiritualist pharmacist. We have to get Parker from thinking hiding knives in food is a good prank to having her charm an entire room of people. The kids leave for the day and Nate and Sophie line up at the door; they hand Hardison his briefcase, Parker her sacked lunch, and they present Eliot with the exciting news that today is the day he is going to be hit with a car.
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scattered-winter · 8 months
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more memes
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leveragecentral · 15 days
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But worst of all, he completely forgot that I gave him that same button camera for Christmas three years ago.
Leverage - 1x13 The Second David Job
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aardvaark · 18 days
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i <3 when parker appears out of thin air
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churchofthecomet · 9 months
Sophie grifting: hot duchess. seductive investor. mysterious businesswoman.
Eliot grifting: ridiculously competent chef. hot athlete (any sport). heartthrob country musician.
Hardison grifting: overly-confident criminal. assertive FBI agent. heartthrob classical musician.
Nathan Ford grifting: goddamn piece of shit oily slimy scumbag ambulance-chaser untrustworthy con artist with a stupid fucking voice and a silly hat
the show is not doing Nate any favors in the likeability or attractiveness departments here
(Bonus mention: Parker grifting: autism creature)
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Leverage 4x4 - "The Van Gogh Job"
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ageofthegeekdotcon · 2 months
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rotary-supercollider · 3 months
Average leverage episode
Victim: please mr. Leverage. They bought my orphanage and they’re going to sell all the orphans I need you to stop them
Nate “Leverage” Leverage: I think we can get you some… leverage
Sophie: I’m going to start a bullshit argument now
Nate: please dont
Sophie: it’s going to last the whole episode
Nate: 🙄women (laughtrack)
Hardison: alright this is our mark Mr. Monopoly. He owns 16 weapons companies and took in 100000 billion million dollars last year. He just got into the orphan business and on the weekends he plays puppy golf.
Parker: whats puppy golf
Hardison: it’s like golf but you use puppies
Elliot: I’ve seen it. (snifffs deeply) not fun
Hardison: this guys ruthless. we’re going to be exploiting his one weakness. He really likes having a lot of money
Sophie: how?
Nate: we go steal an abstract concept
*they steal an abstract concept*
The mark: hello. I was impressed by your ownership of an abstract concept
Sophie: we’ll give you 50 trillion dollars for the orphanage
Mark: Zamn!!!
Sophie: 😏 we got him
*1 day later*
Sophie: here’s the 50 trillion dollars (holds up briefcase full of crimes)
The mark: I don’t want your money any more. I have a new plan. I’m goijng to dress all the orphans in hot dog costumes and start a theme park
Sophie: 😦
Elliot: we’re blown
Nate: Sophie throw the briefcase 💼 in the lake
Mark: whoa!! Thats wet money
Sophie: I can give you 5000 more orphans. Meet me at this unmarked warehouse in 6 hours
Mark: awooga
Hardison: Nate do you have a plan?
Nate: not yet
*Fade to black*
Nate: alright the marks on his way. Hardison what’s your 20
Hardison: I need at least 30 minutes to finish this Lego Taj Mahal
Nate: ok I’ll stall
Nate (playing bit character): I cooka da pizza!! Ohhhh (drops full pan of sauce on the marks head instantly killing him) mamma Mia (walks into the sea)
Parker: guys we have a problem
*6 Bad Men materialize out of thin air*
Elliot: 😒I got this 👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊🤛🤜🤛🤜✊🩼✊🦶🦵✊🤛🚪🦶✊🦵🤌✊🦶👊🦵✊✊👊🎷👊👊👊
*the Bad Men disintegrate*
Elliot: shit hes here (dives into a trash can)
*the mark reaches the building. There are orphans waving at him from the windows*
Mark: ok I’m here to take the orphans
Mark: what?? This is a completely legal orphan deal
Police: theres no orphans here
*police man grabs an orphan. Hes flat. Flashback to Hardison setting up 5000 cardboard orphan cutouts*
Mark: but what are you arresting me for??
Police man: sir you filled all of city hall with gravy
*flashback to Nate filling city hall with gravy while wearing a T-shirt that says “Im bad businessman”*
Mark: you can’t do this to me!!
Police: (arrests him)
Nate: heh. You could say he got... Leveraged
Parker: i have autism
Everyone: oh my god Parker shut up
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246bce · 4 months
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2024 Leverage Rewatch: 1x8 The Bank Shot Job
I'm a thief. Okay, I don't know what to do with that.
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genericaces · 4 months
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messing around with a poster type... thing (now a print!)
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So I made a thing.
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