#sophie rambles
i firmly believe, bob would be the kinda guy to take you on a bookshop date and tell you to grab any books you want and he'll buy them for you. (and then reader comes back with only two cause there's a boyfriend she's been meaning to lavish all her attention on.)
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fairchilds-glasses · 6 months
Behold me and @squidsharky being insane about Chucky
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We’re so nice to each other 😊
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oktxvia · 3 months
just rewatched 2x06/08 and just need to say this once again: screw the Lost showrunners for being such cowards when it came to Shannon.
“Everyone gets a new life on this island, Shannon. Maybe it’s time you start yours” — and then what did they do with her?? Her potential was truly infinite and I will never forgive them for killing her off simply as a stupid plot device to alienate the two groups, that could’ve been done in a million other ways. But that’s what happens when men are in charge of female characters. She could’ve been one of the most complex female characters on the show, she already was, and they could’ve developed her into one of the strongest characters with the biggest personal journey. It’s a shame they didn’t have the guts or vision for it. Plus, her and Sayid could’ve become the real power couple this show deserved. Nah I’m never ever gonna be over it. And everyone hating her, are you really that shallow and blind as to not see what a great character she could’ve become with better writing??
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ohthewhomanity · 1 year
Miguel looks at Gwen and sees himself - a Spider-Man who lost everything, who is alone and without friends and without family, who is trying her best but her world is falling apart around her anyway.
“I don’t know how to fix this,” she says. “Join the club,” he replies.
Miguel looks at Miles and sees himself - a Spider-Man who got something he was never “meant” to have, something from another universe. Who ignores the rules of the universe and consequently causes change, causes destruction, wherever he goes.
So there’s no “join the club.” There’s beating the crap out of him. Because how dare he dream big when Miguel knows better? How dare he strive for more when Miguel could not have more? How dare he even imagine that he could get away with changing his fate, when Miguel could not? Miguel does to Miles what he wishes he could do to his past self. Miguel believes he deserves all the punishment he’s received, and so he doles it out liberally.
Miguel looks at Peter B. Parker and sees… what? A Spider-Man with a family? With a daughter? A Spider-Man who found in his own world what Miguel found - and lost - in another Spider-Man’s world? Is that why Peter believes that Miguel has no bite - because Miguel has never bitten him? Because Miguel can’t bear to attack what he couldn’t bear to lose?
Mayday Parker is an anomaly - undeniably so. But she’s one that Miguel allows. For now.
Does Miguel even realize that Mayday only exists because of Miles? Because Spider-Men from different universes came together and changed each other for the better? Because Miles told Peter, “You have to go home, you have to try again, you can’t know if you’ll get it right but you need to try anyway, you need to take that leap of faith”?
Because Peter went home and tried again?
And now Gwen has gone home - not by choice, at first, but she chose to walk in the door. She chose to speak from the heart, to unmask herself again for her father. She couldn’t have known it would work, but she tried anyway.
And it worked. And things changed. Because Gwen went back home and tried again.
She didn’t know how to fix things. “Join the club,” said Miguel, meaning, “I didn’t know how to fix my world, where I was alone and suffering, so I ran away. So run away.”
Miles does not run away. Not for long. He returns, and he inspires others to return. And he’s two for two on them getting it right. Two for two on it working out.
What if, after seeing the world where he had a family, Miguel had decided to go home and try again, instead of running away?
Is it the trying for better that destroys the universe… or is it the running away?
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larsgoingtomars · 2 years
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This is me fr
Sent to me by my lovely friend @furiousbirdballoon
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fairyofsapphics · 1 year
guys…what if jupiter makes a basketball player!abby audio
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beaconfeels · 11 months
Don’t know if I have any Supernatural fans (past or present) in here, but I was digging through notes I had for a Teen Wolf/Supernatural crossover story I started years ago, and I came across “I also had the idea for a little bit where Dean is telling stories and Derek just sits there and calls him on it every time he lies,” and yes. Yes. I need that. Derek would just do it totally deadpan while Stiles dies of laughter beside him. Sure wish the author would go ahead and write that fic :P
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sophielovesbooks · 8 months
Oopsie, I was Little Miss Moneyspendy today...
Had my phone's cracked screen repaired for an outrageous sum and bought a 100 quid fancy kettle with temperature settings.
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bentostudy · 5 months
I must learn langage
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inessencedevided · 2 years
Hey there (an update)
So in my last post I called my recent absence from tumblr an "unofficial hiatus" and it honestly made me realise for the first time that I'd just kinda up and vanished a few ... months ago (i think? At this point?) And I owe whoever cares enough to have noticed an explanation
So for a time now, I haven't been feeling well. Sometime during the hight of the pandemic, things started going downhill with my mental health. It was pretty gradual and slow and not exactly linear so for a time i found it easy to ignore. Sure, the bad days outnumbered the good but i was still functional, i did my work and all that and i even found some joy in fandom spaces, so it couldn’t have been that bad right?
Wrong. I'll spare you the details but around march/april of this year the "functioning" bit and the "found some joy" bit ceased being true and i was in a depressive episode for some weeks during which my biggest achievement was just making it through to the other side
Things got better. I found a therapist (turns out I've got depression triggered by burn out), I got the deadlines on my univeristy papers extended, i tried to take breaks (that's fucking hard), i tried changing my habits and to give myself time (that's harder), i went on a solo trip to ireland (about a month ago. worth every penny and so needed).
It was honestly an unconscious decision, but I think I also needed to take a break from tumblr and online fandom in general. For a while, I could not feel joy at the things that used to be my bright spots on dark days. interacting with them and not feeling that just reminded me of how empty I felt in general. It made me feel afraid that I'd lost something vital to myself and so I avoided fandom altogether
Again, it wasn't a conscious decision but still, I now regret that I didn't at least write this message way earlier to tell the people I've met over this website that I'd be gone for a while. I've met so many great people here and sometimes even worked with them on fandom projects and I'm very sorry I abandoned those friendships for a while (if you think this might be directed at you, it is!)
Going forward, I will still be less active than I used to be. I'm still recovering and I've noticed that offline activities (mostly just taking long-ass walks and sewing) are more conductive to my mental health than online stuff, especially because I'm working on my degree again and that already means I've got a lot of screentime each day. But I won't be completely MIA anymore
If you've read this far, thank you! Feel free to shoot me a message. Even if it takes me a few days to answer, i promise i will! 💚
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jossoares · 2 years
I Played No More Heroes
This was actually not my first Suda51 game, as I had randomly played Killer is Dead years before, but this is the first one I paid attention to, I guess.
It’s a game about a loser who sucks who lives in a shitty, ugly town and does menial tasks so he can kill people for no reason. Most of the game is actually pretty boring. In-between each ranked fight, you have to do small jobs here and there to afford getting to the next fight. Even when you do get to a ranked fight, you still have to fight through corridors of piss-easy enemies (though maybe that was just because I was playing on Easy mode. Yes, I am a scrub).
Most of No More Heroes is about pressing buttons. You press the button to ride your (terrible-to-control) bike to the next location, you press the button to lift some weights, you press the button to carry coconuts around. When you’re fighting enemies, you have to figure out if you press the button to go high or the one to go low.
Of course, the catharsis is in the boss fights. They’re what the game’s all about. After all your hard work, you’re rewarded with a decently fun battle, and then it’s on to the next one.
It really struck me just how meaningless the killing was. That’s the joke. It’s a game that completely rejects story, and makes fun of the player’s yearning for narrative. What do you want that for? Would it really make you feel better if you knew he had some tragic backstory, that he was on some path to revenge? It understands interaction and gameplay as the main form of audience engagement, and sees “plot” as a form of useless set-dressing. The story starts when you press the button to slash the sword. The game teases you at the end with a plot, but gives you no satisfying conclusion and straight-up skips through the final boss’ monologue before laughing in your face for being mad.
In that sense, it’s maybe the only real video-game out there.
Santa Destroy sucks. It’s ugly and desolate, and I don’t think that was by accident. If there is one thing that is extremely strong about No More Heroes, is its art direction. The environments for the ranked fights are dark, colorful, cool, and their high-contrast style really contrasts with Santa Destroy’s grey monotomy. It’s a shitty town!
Appropriately, Travis Touchdown is a massive loser. He’s a cum gremlin who spends all day sitting in his armchair and jacking off. He’s a redditor who got his personality from comic books and porn. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have any friends. He jacks off to recharge his sword.
All that combined makes No More Heroes probably the most salient parody of the concept of “America” or “The American Dream”. Rather than being a story about corrupted morals or falling from the top, it’s about the meaninglesness of the grind itself. Travis works shitty jobs so he can make the money to kill other assassins to get to the top, but for no reason. Just to do it. I guess there is the promise of getting laid, but I don’t think he even needed that. Otherwise, there is no reward involved. It’s like making an NFT. Travis sits on his armchair reminds me of that scene from Scarface, in which Tony Montana sits at his golden bathtub, complaining to no one in particular, surrounded by luxury but all alone. Travis is the same, but the room sucks. There is not even the premise of ostentatious wealth.
An illustrative moment is on the way to the Rank I fight, where you get your bike stolen and have to walk on foot to your destination, which takes a good 5 minutes. You’re forced to actually look around the town instead of speeding through it on a bike, and what strikes you is how ugly and lifeless everything is. This is the world you live in. You’re fighting to be the ruler of an empty kingdom.
Everything sucks and nothing you do matters. 7/10.
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I thiiiink I have to write a one shot with yes, ma'am!reader taking Bob to the spa hotel where I'm at right now to celebrate a promotion. Casually elegant Bob at dinner, holding reader's hand while the sun sets? Slutty Bob with his shirt off lounging by the sude of the pool while reader's swimming and not letting her out of his sight? The SMUT?! Somebody gimme time to wriiiiite 😭😭
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fairchilds-glasses · 5 months
A little random, but I've seen parts of the original Chucky pilot script floating around, and it turns out that Rachel was written to have degrees in biology and education from Yale. Just thought that was cool...
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Haha yeah I love the pilot script, it has so many extra little details about the characters, I’m actually obsessed with the fact that Rachel went to Yale 😂😂
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oktxvia · 3 months
Rewatching Lost rn and you know what, I never understood the hate episode 3x14 (Exposé—the Nicky and Paolo episode) got. Like I get it, in the age of streaming and binge watching, filler episodes just don’t make sense anymore because people get bored, and writers also can’t even think to afford to give small side-characters their own dedicated episode. But it really is a fun episode; it’s so meta (“who the hell is Nicky?!”), it’s has its self-contained little storyline, a one-off spinoff. And that’s fun. I wish more people would just give it a chance. ​idk I guess with weekly long season shows writers were still freer to explore and have fun with the structure and story of their shows
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ohthewhomanity · 2 months
Woah, you were at Dashcon??
Yep! It was in my home state, so I drove up with a sibling. Cosplayed, hung out with fellow nerds, went to panels. It was a nice small clearly layperson-made event, and I had a great time - that’s really my kind of event, you know? Not huge, no pressure, everyone’s there because they love the thing. Much more comfortable for me than the huge industry cons, as cool as they are, especially when I was younger (I mean heck this was ten years ago! I was a kid! Legally an adult, sure, but very much a baby adult). And tickets were super cheap so over the course of the three days I really felt I’d gotten my money’s worth and like I’d been able to do all the things I wanted to do. There was no “oh this panel filled up so you miss out,” because it was small and friendly. Yes, Night Vale walked out, but on the last day the Night Vale cosplayers took over the room for that time slot and we had an in-character fan panel instead 😂 There was this overwhelming sort of “let’s have fun anyway even if it wasn’t the fun we had planned” attitude among everyone I ran into on that last day, and I really loved that. And then I got online and everyone who wasn’t there was saying it was terrible. 🤷🏻‍♀️ That’s a more fun story to share I guess.
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larsgoingtomars · 2 years
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