#tech imagine
stellarbit · 5 months
Do Not Look Away
Tech x fem!reader
2.7k words NSFW - eye contact kink, unprotected sex, light dom
Tech never really paid mind to eye contact. Finding you staring him down, however, changed that completely and working him up more than he expected.
Notes: 'Sarad' means flower in Mando'an, cute nickname. This gif makes me feral. Just think of that on top of you.
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Tech absorbed the details of his surroundings with a meticulous eye, viewing the world around him as an intricate web of data to be analyzed and understood. Eye contact, though useful for evaluating intentions and planning strategies, wasn't his primary focus.
This preference shifted unexpectedly during a routine briefing in the Marauder. While Hunter and Echo discussed the mission's terrain, and Wrecker and Omega showed their usual enthusiasm, Tech was busy ensuring the mission data on his datapad matched the verbal instructions. Satisfied, he pocketed the device and prepared to give Hunter his full attention.
That’s when he inadvertently met your gaze.
You were watching him intently, your eyes steady and revealing nothing that he could easily interpret. Surprisingly, it was Tech who broke the gaze first, a rare moment of vulnerability for someone so controlled. He quickly looked back, his interest piqued by the challenge you presented, and noticed a small, confident smile playing on your lips. It was slightly disconcerting yet undeniably captivating.
This momentary exchange unsettled Tech in a way he hadn’t anticipated. The directness of your gaze stirred something within him, igniting a flurry of thoughts that were less about data and more about the curious look you had. He found himself eager to understand the enigma of your steady eyes and the subtle confidence they conveyed.
For the first time, Tech felt an urge to maintain that connection, to hold your gaze and engage in a silent conversation only the two of you could comprehend. This newfound fascination made him want to explore this interaction further, to understand why you seemed so intent on him and him alone.
Tech had assumed that, under the circumstances, your attention would be squarely on Hunter as he discussed the mission details. Yet, when he glanced away for a moment to check on his brothers and Omega, and then back to you, the intensity of your gaze was undiminished.
As he held your eyes this time, a warmth spread across his face, an unusual sensation for him. His chest tightened, a physiological response that was both puzzling and intriguing.
The way the light caught in your eyes seemed to draw him in deeper, binding him to the moment in a way that data and analysis never could.
He had rarely seen you so intensely focused, and it felt as if he was discovering a new facet of you. Being the exclusive focus of your attention was absolutely fascinating. It sparked a curiosity in Tech - did you frequently watch him?
The thought that you might often watch him with such focus sent a thrill through him, stirring a newfound eagerness within. Though he could never be certain of your habits, one thing crystallized in his mind—he would not overlook such moments again.
When your gaze finally shifted away, Tech continued to watch you, his thoughts now revolving around how he might recapture your attention. His mind raced through potential conversations and shared tasks that could bring your focus back to him. It was a new kind of strategy, one that involved personal connection rather than battlefield tactics.
Over the course of the next few rotations, as the mission unfolded, Tech found himself increasingly attuned to your presence. He noticed each time you looked his way, though these instances seemed to become shorter and less frequent.
With every brief glance, Tech felt a mix of anticipation and dissatisfaction grow within him. Each fleeting moment left him more restless, his mind constantly toggling between the mission data and the enigmatic patterns of your attention
As the mission drew to a close, you were under Echo's care, receiving treatment for a leg injury. Hunter and Omega were at the controls, piloting the ship, while Wrecker had retreated to his bunk for some much-needed rest. Tech stood a short distance behind Echo, ostensibly engrossed in finalizing mission details on his datapad.
Echo was busy tending to your wound, periodically dictating observations for Tech to cross-reference against their medical logs. Despite the important task at hand, Tech found his focus drifting.
When you, perhaps growing weary of the silence, looked up, your eyes met his. Tech’s head was angled towards his datapad, but his eyes were fixed on you.
You stilled at the sight. His gaze lingered with his earlier impatience giving way to a quiet intensity.
The room filled with the soft hum of the ship and the low murmur of Echo's medical updates, but you couldn’t notice anything beyond Tech.
You were the one to drop your eyes first, searching the rest of his face for a clue as to what he was thinking. The sight of a slight smile pulling at his lips sent warmth crawling up your neck and straight to your core.
Just then, a cool touch on your leg snapped you jolted you back to present.. Echo's concerned face came into view as he applied bacta cream—a detail you would have noted had your attention not been so thoroughly captured by Tech.
“"Did that hurt?" Echo inquired, mistaking your reaction for discomfort.
With a nervous laugh, you shook your head. "No, no! Just cool, that's all." As Echo completed the bandaging, your gaze drifted back to Tech. He had turned his attention back to his datapad, fingers tapping away with a renewed sense of purpose.
The rest of the ride back to Ord Mantell was uneventful. Upon landing Echo, Wrecker, and Omega quickly filed out to head to Cid’s. Hunter paused to speak with Tech before following them out.
"Make sure the systems are fully functional. We took fire before we made it offworld; I’d rather be prepped to go rather than make repairs later."
From behind his helmet, Tech nodded, albeit with a bit of exasperation. “I was already on it.”
Hunter gave you a pat on the shoulder as he turned to leave. “Keep him on track, will you?”
Tech had already moved to the control boards by the time you caught up, his back to you as he deftly navigated through the various system checks on the displays.
You hesitated for a moment, torn between the memory of his intense gaze earlier and the task at hand. With a deep breath, you started to walk past him toward the bunks, trying to focus on anything but him.
But as you passed Tech, the sound of the Marauder’s door sealing shut echoed through the hold. You turned, instinctively looking back over your shoulder.
“Sarad,” his voice stopped you in your tracks. The tone, soft yet certain, made you turn fully towards him.
You felt his stare before you saw it.
Slowly, you turned to face Tech, who now stood between you and the door. The sight of his eyes, clear and penetrating behind the frame of his helmet, sent a thrill through you.
He moved towards you with slow, deliberate steps, his gaze fixed intently on yours. "It seems that you have been watching me," he stated, his voice calm yet carrying an undercurrent of curiosity. As he removed his helmet, revealing his full expression, the room seemed to grow smaller around you. "Without my knowledge."
A nervous smile briefly crossed your face, words struggling to form as you met his piercing gaze. "What can I say? You’re easy on the eyes," you managed, your voice barely above a whisper.
He took a few more steps forward, reducing the distance between you. Instinctively, you stepped back, your back almost brushing against the bunks. Tech paused, adjusting his goggles as he noted your movement. His eyebrows knitted together in concern. "Does this make you uncomfortable?" he asked, his tone softening, indicating his readiness to step back if you indicated any discomfort.
“Not in the way you might imagine.” You answered, referring, whether he realized it or not, to the ache growing between your legs.
The slight raise of his brows indicated he understood precisely what you meant.
Without breaking eye contact, Tech raised his forearm and activated his comm. “Hunter, diagnostics are showing this may take some time. If you want this done in short time, keep the interruptions to a minimum.” His tone was firm, ensuring no further disturbances would interfere.
It took only one more step for Tech to close the distance between you. He placed a hand on your shoulder, applying just enough pressure to guide you gently. Your body responded instinctively to his touch, moving backward until your legs hit the cot, prompting you to sit.
Tech towered over you momentarily before he angled his head back, taking in the sight of you sitting wide-eyed before him. His gaze was intense, yet there was a hint of wonder in his eyes as he processed this unusual situation.
With a gentle touch, he tilted your chin up with his forefinger, the air thickening between you. “If you wouldn’t mind…” His voice was low, almost a whisper as he moved to crouch, bringing himself to eye level with you. “Remove your pants, Sarad.”
His hand slid over your thigh, his thumb grazing perilously close to the apex of your legs. “If I am correct, I may be able to help with the discomfort you are feeling.” A confident smile played across his lips, adding to the mounting tension. With a teasing glint in his eyes, he added, “And I am seldom wrong.”
You swiftly removed your pants, and with Tech between your legs, he assisted as much as he could. The feel of his gloved fingers on your skin was unexpectedly intense, the fabric of his gloves somehow amplifying the heat rather than muting it.
Dressed only in your panties, you felt Tech’s focus shift as he noticed the wet spot forming on the fabric between your legs. His head remained still, but his eyes lifted to meet yours, his hand traveling up your thigh again.
His thumb brushed lightly over the wet spot and then slipped between the fabric and your skin right to the source of your wetness. His finger paused and his eyes widened slightly. “Just as I suspected.” It was all he said before he pushed his thumb into you.
A low whine escaped you and your head tilted back, overwhelmed by the sudden pressure. Noticing your reaction, Tech adjusted his approach, replacing his thumb with two fingers into the tender area, drawing your attention back to him sharply.
“Do not look away,” he instructed, his fingers moving with a deliberate, slow curl that echoed the steady cadence of his voice.
You inhaled sharply and found yourself gripping his shoulder. “Then give me more,” you managed, your voice a blend of challenge and plea.
Tech’s eyes widened again, his focus intensifying as he registered your reaction. He pulled his fingers from you, leaving you empty and wanting.
Using your knees for leverage, he shifted his position with the fluidity born of his training. He crawled on top of you, maintaining eye contact as you adjusted beneath him. You lay back with your spread legs on either side of him.
Tech lowered himself on top of you. Caging you in with a forearm resting next to your head, he ran a hand up your neck to lightly grip your face. “I assume you know what I’m going to do.”
Your hands move between you, pulling away his gear as your only response. “Don’t make me wait, Tech.”
A noise came from him, acknowledgement mixed with hunger, and he nodded. You worked him free of his pants, hand grazing over the length of him. He flinched at your touch, momentarily looking between you to where your hand worked on him.
He pulled one of your legs to hook around him and angled his hips to line up with your entrance. Feeling the tip of him rubbing against you, you tried for a view of it, but Tech’s hand found your face again. His thumb pulled at your lip, working your mouth slightly open.
“I already told you,” he grunted as the head of his cock pressed into you. “Eyes on me.”
When your eyes met again, Tech rolled the full length of himself into you. He filled and stretched you out, pushing into you even after being fully sheathed. The pressure he forced into you made you see stars and your hands gripped at his neck, working into his hair.
When he moved, it took everything in you to maintain the eye contact demanded of you. You wanted to lose yourself completely, but you stayed present, jaw opening more at Tech’s grip on your face.
“That’s a face I have not seen.” Tech commented, his voice slightly breathless as he increased the pace. “Show me more.”
As he worked deeper and faster into you, you convulsed around him and in response you felt him throb. Your eyes, that focused look that had entranced him so thoroughly, drove him into long hard thrusts to control his mounting ecstasy.
Your breathing became labored with his steady, relentless thrusting. You drug your nails over the back of his neck, pleading to him, “Tech, wait.”
“Negative,” he panted and, with a groan, changed his angle. His cock hit a soft spot into you, wracking you entirely with pleasure. The grip of your leg tightened around him, matching the squeezing grip you had around his cock.
For a moment, your eyes fluttered shut. The break in eye contact flared something in Tech. He needed your eyes on him. In the moment he thought he may never be able to stomach you looking at anything but him again.
Tech slammed his hips into you harder than before. Shoved deep inside you, he stilled and you arched at the ache of his cock rammed against your cervix. Your eyes flew back open and back to Tech.
“Tell me what you did.” Tech murmured, making you suck in a breath.
“I closed my eyes.”
He moved his hips back only slightly before ramming back inside of you. You moaned loudly against him. “What were you supposed to do?” Tech moved your face side to side, watching as your eyes stayed steady on him.
“Keep my eyes on you.” You said, practically on the verge of tears. You’d wanted this for so long, although this was more than anything you could have imagined. Barely able to keep a coherent thought, you worked your muscles tighter around him.
“Excellent.” He whispered, delighted at the submission you displayed. Tech receded from you and filled you again - over and over. He hadn’t missed the changes in you, the heightened pitch of your moans and the tension rippling through you, when he shifted his hips.
Maintaining that splendid angle, Tech pounded into you. A bit of your saliva dripped onto his thumb at your lip. Curiosity driving him further, he dipped his thumb into your mouth and roamed over your tongue.
The softness of your mouth around him and the moan it elicited from you drove him over the edge. He hadn’t anticipated you’d drive him into a near delirium.
“Sarad, I’m-”
“Do it,” You begged, already knowing what was coming. Your own release ready to unleash. “Please, Tech. I need you.”
Those three words sealed it. His thrusts became rapid and shallow until he grunted against you, completely losing himself inside of you.
You felt him spilling against you, each pulse of his cock releasing another wave of his seed. Your own orgasm squeezing out every desperate ounce of him until he went slack against you, his forehead resting against yours.
The look between you changed, softening. All the tension built up over your mission dissipated as you both relaxed into each other's arms. When his eyes roamed your face, you finally were allowed to do the same to him.
Pulling yourself up, you moved your mouth against his. The softness of the kiss almost working you up for another round.
Releasing your face, Tech pushed up to position himself upright. He righted his goggles on his face and fully took in the sight of you splayed out for him. His own fluids seeped out around his cock still buried inside of you. A satisfied smirk rested on his lips.
"Judging by your relaxed state, I'd say that was effective as anticipated.” He said, wiping the sweat on his face away with the back of his hand. “Comfortable now, aren’t you?”
The pleasant, delirious hum you managed told him all he needed to know. “We can always go again to test that theory.” You purred.
He chuckled, extending you a hand. “After we finish the diagnostics.”
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 4 months
(The Bad Batch) Imagine: A Pabu Wedding
Author's Note: I couldn't get this sweet image out of my head, so I wrote some little blurbs on what a Pabu wedding would be like. And yes... Tech gets a happy ending too.
After the danger of the Empire is finally kept at bay… It’s time to begin a new chapter.
It’s safe to say that Omega is going to be your maid of honor.
You coordinate with Shep to hold the ceremony in a gazebo.  Light, airy fabric is draped on the sides, swaying beautifully in the breeze like something out of a dream.  There are lovely tropical flowers woven around the beams of the gazebo, and placed in vases on either side of the entrance.
Your closest friends and family have gathered.  Rex and a few others even managed to take a small break from the beginnings of the rebellion to visit for the event.  Wooden chairs are placed on either side to create an aisle leading up to the gazebo, where you and Hunter stand, the two of you dressed in white clothes.  Hunter’s signature bandana is replaced with a plain one to match his loose white shirt and pants. You wear a simple and lovely dress out of the same material he wears, with a crown of flowers perched on your head.
The ceremony takes place on the beach with gorgeous blue waves behind you. The sun is high in the open sky with not a single cloud in sight.  A wooden arch is set up with flowers adorning every inch of it.  Whenever a gust of salty air breezes by, it carries petals with it that fall around you.
Friends and family are all around, standing with bare feet in the sand, holding flowers close to their hearts.  You see so many familiar faces, smiling... There are glistening tears on some.
Wrecker and you are both wearing white, with colorful flower chains around your necks.  The hem of your dress blows in the wind, and you feel the prickle of sand on your legs.
You make the arrangements to have the ceremony under the large courtyard tree, with tropical flower arrangements bursting with color placed beautifully in vases on the brick structure surrounding it.  Wooden chairs line either side of the makeshift aisle, each one with white fabric wrapped around a lovely bouquet on the back.  
People you know and love are there, including those you haven’t seen for a little while. You and Tech are dressed in light fabric that is both lovely and also practical considering the tropical climate of Pabu. You hold a bouquet of lilies in your hands, and he has one pinned to his shirt.
You both decide to have a small ceremony on a boat.  The sun has begun to descend, painting the sky in picturesque pastels. Flower garlands are draped across the outside of the boat cabin and wrapped around the railing.
It’s a quiet, intimate affair, but not lacking in the ones you wish most to be there.  Rex, Gregor, and a few other close brothers of Echo are in attendance in addition to the Batch and some new good friends made on Pabu.
You are in white lace dress with a hair ornament of the same material, and Echo wears a white tunic with a dark jacket over it.  You pin a flower to his jacket, and he tucks one behind your ear.
The small ceremony takes place by beautiful stone formations near the caves.  The setting sun reflects red, orange, and a deep yellow over the rippling ocean water.  There is a small arch set up with a few bunches of tropical flowers, with vases on either side displaying more blossoms.
It is a small crowd to witness the ceremony, and everyone is rather happy to be part of it.  There are so many smiles, jokes, and warm greetings as everyone assembles.  The mood of the event is rather light and cheery against the bold, moving colors of the setting behind you.
You wear a billowing white dress with a hem that catches in the breeze, and Crosshair wears a dark jacket over his light clothes.
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happytroopers · 8 months
Pent Up // Tech x Reader
Summary: After an awkward wake up call from a rather... entertaining... dream. You spend a week trying to distract yourself from your traitorous mind. It doesn't take long for Tech to catch on.
TW: wet dream, brief mentions of erotic things, nothing outright just a lot of build up and tension
somewhere between pg13 and R, originally I was gonna write the smut but then it sat in my drafts for two years so congrats you're getting a fade to black
18+ MDNI for sure tho
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A hand shook your shoulder, shaking the last sensation of your dream away and forcing you awake with a start. A whine died on your lips as your bleary eyes snapped open to meet the eyes of the object of aforementioned dream. Your already blushed cheeks went even hotter as Tech looked down at you in mild concern and heavy curiousness. He was put together, as always, still in his armor except for his helmet. Laying in your bunk in disheveled pajamas, the contrast wasn’t lost on you. You were acutely away of how warm you were, how much you had been squirming in your sleep, how your thighs were clenching, and extremely aware of the slick warmth dampening your pajama bottoms. 
As your mind reeled from the… riveting dream, it switched gears to run overdrive on how to save yourself the embarrassment of being caught having a wet dream. Caught by the one soldier you were mentally assaulting in your sleep… Under Tech’s curious gaze you wanted to melt- and not in the fun way his gaze usually made you want. How loud were you that you not only alerted the genius, but you drawn him away from his projects- something that usually took an explosion or ship crash to do? 
Of course Tech didn’t look uncomfortable in the least, simply waiting for your answer as he removed his hand from your shoulder so you could scramble up into a sitting position, keeping the blanket firmly around your lower half as you batted sleep mussed hair from your face. The only consolation was that while you and Tech hit the rack, Wrecker and Hunter were supposed to be flying while Crosshair filled out his fair share of his share of field reports. 
Tech gave you a once over as you collected yourself, eyebrows creasing as you tried to get your breathing under control. 
"Are you alright, (y/n)?" He asked slowly, watching you curiously as your knees bowed together under your blanket. If you’re eyes weren’t screwed shut from embarrassment, you would’ve seen his Adam’s apple bob at the sight. You cleared your throat to busy trying not to focus on the way his armor accentuated all of his best features in the dim light of the bunks, hoping your voice would maintain some level of propriety. 
"Y-yeah, yeah, Tech, I’m alright. ‘M Fine." You nodded just a little too quick, voice just a hair from being even, so in an attempt to feel out how much damage you did to your dignity in your sleep, you added in false casual airs, "Why do you ask?"
Tech's eyebrow went from creased to quirked, running a hand over his face, "You were tossing and turning, groaning like you were-" 
You didn’t think you could take him continuing or the thought of him watching you so you went with the first excuse that came to mind, "In pain, like I was in pain." 
Voice rushed, your own eyebrows furrowed at what you were saying. Tech looked confused as well- neither of you knew where this was heading. 
"Pain?" He repeated, voice unbelieving but worried, "Are you…injured? Why didn’t you tell me earlier." 
Well, that lie wouldn’t work either. Besides your inability to control your brain, there was nothing wrong with you. And if you couldn’t come up with something, Tech would insist on checking you over. You couldn’t look him in the eye at the moment much less let him touch you after your dream. Wait, dream! 
"Injured? No, no sir." You cringed, you had never once called Tech ’sir’ since you met him, and judging by his… reaction, now wasn’t the time to start, "I had… a nightmare. Yeah, real bad nightmare. Probably gonna talk to the Civ. Enlistment shrink about it, yep." 
Your nodding didn’t do much to convince the Tech, as he just watched your rambling, with a concerned furrowed brow. Running a hand over your face, flung your blanket off your legs quickly as you swung them over the side of your bunk- the middle one. Just high enough that you had to jump, but low enough someone tall like Tech could still look down at you if you were laying down. Too much laying in the dark room with the man (literally of your dreams) had your thoughts spiraling along with your white hot embarrassment- fight or flight was kicking in and you were choosing flight. 
Pushing off the bunk, your bare feet hit the cold floor but you weren’t prepared for how jelly-like your legs would be. Before you could even hit your knees, Tech caught you against his chest. He was warm, and the hopeless romantic in you didn’t fail to notice how you fit perfectly against him or how easily he held you steady, and his chest was firm. Oh stars, don’t let him feel how hard my nipples are. Tech was leaner than his brothers, but no less stronger than his brothers, something that slipped your mind occasionally- only now, as your palms were splayed over his chest it wasn’t so easy to forget. 
His large hands easily encased both of your arms, images flashed through your mind- but it wasn’t your arms he had been holding in your dreams. Eyes fluttering, you shook your head, backing away from the genius as soon as you were sure you wouldn’t fall over. Tech ignored your stammered apologies though you were sure cheeks were practically glowing in the dim light, "(Y/N), are you sure you’re alright? You feel warm, you might have a fever. I think I should-" 
You were pretty sure if you spent one more moment with his hands on you, you would break every single rule about soldier civilian interrelations in the books so you all but wrenched away from him, earning a confused look as you grabbed the first jacket and pair of pants you could find. 
"No time, I’m perfectly fine- hey that’s almost a rhyme-" You stammered, snatching your shoes, "Look at the time, things to fix, no fever here." 
Tech tried to protest but you were already down the hall before he could even grab a medscanner off his belt.
I’ve been on this ship too damn long.
You thought to yourself, splashing water on your face. If the interaction with Tech wasn’t enough to keep you from sleeping again, the lingering feelings and memories from your dream kept your skin tingling and your mind swirling around one resident genius. So you gave up sleep. 
Instead, you decided to work, preferably underneath floor panels where engine parts were thrumming with power - where Tech wouldn’t run into you unless he tried. Bonus points for being far away one of the few places on the ship your dream hadn’t contaminated. 
If he can’t see me, I can’t think about- images of lips trailing across skin, pressing into your thighs, thighs over a lean shoulder. You smacked hands on either side of your cheeks to physically halt that train of thought, What is wrong with me?!
The answer was simple, you were the only woman on a ship of five men, one of which you pretty sure you were in love with, had been on active duty nonstop for weeks and you didn’t even have your own room- no action, no breaks, no privacy. 
You worked for a couple hours straight, too embarrassed show your face again. Until, you finally surfaced top pass through the fresher. Clean face, clean thoughts, right? Growling in frustration, you ran a dry towel over your face before shoving your arms back into your work jacket. 
You were so caught up in your own thoughts, you didn’t even think twice when the fresher door swished open- it was a communal fresher, it wasn’t uncommon for one or more of the Batch to share the space with you at a time. So common in fact, you didn’t even look up from your routine- adjusting your hair, swiping cosmetics on. 
As you peered into the mirror, internally giving yourself a half pep talk, half scolding, the last face that you wanted to see appeared in the reflection behind you.
"Kriff!" You yelped, startled, spinning around so quickly you risked whiplash, instinctively your hands flew to balance yourself against the counter, the cool metal grounding your feverish skin. It was Tech behind you, in his blacks with a towel over his shoulder, watching you in confusion as you met his eyes briefly before your face went scarlet, your eyes dropped- resting anywhere but his. "Tech! Good morning- night… afternoon? No time in space, am I right?" 
The genius’s eye brows crinkled, which you would’ve noticed if you weren’t so busy staring at the floor. Tech took another step forward, bending slightly so he could look at your face and eyes narrowing. He was close enough to touch, the smell of mechanic grease, GAR issue soap, and something so inherently Tech flooded your senses as he asked, "You didn’t get anymore sleep, did you? Are you sure you’re alright, (Y/N)?" 
Another slew of images flashed through your mind, long fingers tilting your chin up, and the last time you were pressed against a counter it wasn’t from this angle, ‘is this alright?’… It was then you realized with his new position, your floor gaze had turned into staring at his abdomen, where his blacks clung to him leaving very little to the imagination. You forced your eyes up to his. 
Between his scent and your own traitorous thoughts, your throat constricted, eyes widening and nostrils flaring slightly, "‘m fine. Gotta go, things need fixing." 
With that, you ducked away from him and quite literally fled the scene for the second time in a matter of hours. Tech watched you go, head tilting to the side. 
"I don’t understand civilians."
Ridiculous, You thought. I’m an adult, I should be able to control myself. 
The bolt you were tightening popped out of the panel it was supposed to be holding together. 
“Dank Farrik!" You growled, snatching it back and attempting to shove it into place. The first time it skewed to far to the left, and next swaying to the right, and the third it was too far up. Irritated, in rapid succession, you slammed the bolt into the metal over and over- despite it never going into the hole.
 A certain part of your dream popped into your mind.
Don’t think about slamming- or holes. You quickly corrected yourself, but didn’t stop your incessant sla- jamming. 
"I thought being a trained engineer meant knowing how to do something a bit more… technical than that." A drawling voice appeared over your shoulder, the bolt getting plucked out of your fingers and plugged into the ho- opening on the first try. 
"Crosshair." You breathed in recognition, irritation still lacing your tone as you looked over your shoulder. The stir in your stomach thinking it might be Tech fading away into not quite relief, but something less… stirring. The marksman was leaning against the wall you were working on, it wasn’t surprising he sought you out. Aside from Tech, you were close with Crosshair- an odd friendship that no one really understood. "I thought you were next on nav rotation.” 
“Tech came to the cockpit with a pretty interesting concerns. He switched shifts with me, said he had too much to think about to sleep. So, he’s up top with Hunter." The marksmen shrugged, critical eyes giving you a once over as you blushed- a more and more common occurrence. 
"Yeah, we all have bad dreams sometimes." You huffed, a low blow, but if anyone could take a mean comment it was Crosshair. The nightmares were kind of a sensitive spot for most clones, but was there anyone on this ship that hadn’t already heard of your sleep... issues?
You assumed that once he got his odd version of teasing in, he would move along but Crosshair didn’t go any further than the nearest crate so he could sit down and pop a tooth pick in his mouth. You allowed him two minutes of staring before snipping, "Is there something you needed?” 
"Not me. Tech wanted you to help him with something about reverse thrust-“ 
"I’m busy." You clipped quickly cutting off Crosshair’s words, wrenching the bolt so quickly that the metal scraped. Your fingers were shaking as you tucked hair behind your ears, clearing your throat, you elaborated, "Tech can handle them himself, he’s, ah, perfectly adept. I’m incredibly busy here.” 
Crosshair lifted a single brow, looking at the squeaky cupboard panel you were working on. Clearly a bottom of the list kind of task, "You are acting weird. He might be oblivious, but he always notices you.” 
"I am not acting weird." You snapped but your voice had a quirk to it, what did Crosshair mean by that? You filed that away for later, "Unless you have something to put on my to do list, I’m busy because I’m fine, Cross.” 
"Riiiiight, completely normal, I’ll let him know.” 
You watched him go before looking at your rather shoddy wrench-bolt job. Sighing, you set to work undoing the crooked bolt, Maybe I am a little pent up.
So started a week of awkwardness between you and Clone Force 99’s resident genius. And it wasn’t long before the rest of the batch began to catch on. Not that you were exactly subtle about it. 
Any time Tech entered a room, your eyes would go wide and a flush would creep up your neck. If you were speaking to someone else, the moment you saw him you would start stuttering or just stop all together. Sometimes it was fluttery nervousness, and other times you just got distracted by his presence. But always, unless actively in a firefight, it would only take about five minutes before you’d shake your head and escape the room like a gundark out of hell. 
Bright side, you spent so much time avoiding Tech you had made it to the bottom of your prioritized to-do list for the first time since joining Clone Force 99. Down sides, it was getting harder to avoid him, and as mentioned earlier, the others were starting to notice- plus, even if you to do list was getting slim, all the work was shoddy at best. When you weren’t actively avoiding him, all you could do was stare at Tech like a lovesick (re: hormonal) schoolgirl.
Crosshair had caught you staring at Tech on multiple occasions, typically flicking his toothpick at you to get you to stop. He would roll his eyes but at least he was quiet about it. He’d just tease you whenever he caught you alone, constantly reminding you of your embarrassment. If you weren’t so preoccupied with Tech, you’d be glad- his teasing his own way of accepting you into the group. But you were preoccupied, so usually, you’d huff dramatically throwing (and missing) the toothpick back in his direction. 
There was the incident where Hunter himself had to order you to go with Tech on a mission, something that had never been an issue before as you usually preferred working with the genius. Subsequently, you were so high-strung that you put your complete focus on rewiring a door panel. So much focus, in fact, that Tech himself had to pull you out of the way of a super battle droid’s fire. He had pushed you against a wall and completely covered you with his body while Crosshair took care of the battle droid. Had it not been for the smoking blaster shot in the wall where you had previously been working, you would have melted when Tech so tenderly asked if you were alright. Like a helpless damsel, all you could do was stare up into the goggles of his helmet for a moment before nodding demurely. Then, so frustrated with yourself you had to walk away from the genius before you could give Hunter a reason to transfer you. 
Tech, himself, had decided you were obviously upset about something and spent more time than usual trying to get you alone. He’d sit down across from you while you ate, which resulted in an awkward silence and you abandoning your barely touched food. Find you while you brushed your teeth- it had been embarrassing when you accidentally choked yourself with the toothbrush because you’d been too busy ogling him in his blacks. And if you hadn’t been so focussed on saving yourself from any additional embarrassment, you would have noticed the worried expression start to slip into a more hurt category whenever you’d literally run away from him with a lame, short excuse. 
Then there was the time when Wrecker had been speaking to you, explaining how his helmet’s comms unit was shorting out after a hit in battle. You were supposed to be listening to him, figuring out from his description of the sound what the issue was and how to fix it. But over his shoulder, your eyes had landed on Tech and your breath had hitched in your throat as you watched him unfasten his armor. Like a teenager watching a strip tease, you shifted your weight from foot to foot, "Are you even listening to me?" 
Wrecker’s booming voice sounded more distant that it should considering you were fiddling with his helmet, but it alerted Tech who looked up from his chest piece. His eyes immediately found yours, and you looked away quickly. After promising Wrecker you’d look into it, you took the helmet before escaping down to the cargo hold, thankful Tech didn’t follow you this time.
 You might actually have too request a transfer at this rate. 
It was Hunter that confronted you about it. He’d noticed your distraction, your anxious demeanor, the decline in your quality of work, and that’s just the things he noticed outright. He saved some of your pride by not mentioning everything he could smell or hear. Instead taking the role of scolding boss. A role he played expertly, judging by the exceedingly dissapointed way he said your name before pressing further. 
"You’re better than this. What’s up with you?" He had asked, having followed you after you slipped away from Tech yet again. He had found you cleaning the brand-new air filters in the cargo hold. 
"Nothing’s up with me, Hunter." You shrugged, hoping he would drop it. He didn’t. 
"Really? ‘Cause you’ve been making rookie mistakes. You were assigned to us because you don’t do that." The sergeant reminded you, crossing his arms over his chest. You were offended to say he had a point. 
"Just going a little stir crazy, Sarge." You sighed. Hunter shook his head, clapping a hand onto your shoulder. 
"Do us all a favor and just tell him." He requested, shaking his head as he turned to leave, "It’s a small ship to be stir crazy on, and neither of you are subtle." 
You watched him go, first embarrassed at being caught- knowing what Hunter could hear, smell, and infer, that he chose not to complain about- but then your mind fixated on something else. 
"Hunter. What do you mean by ‘neither’?"
You were grateful for the planet’s scorching sun, some unnamed backwater (despite the lack thereof) planet that simply had been the nearest Republic friendly refuel/ maintenance station after you deduced the Havoc Marauder wouldn’t make it back to Kamino with the navigation calibration malfunctioning like they were, lest you hyper speed into a black hole. After you’d made your deduction, you had almost combusted when Tech had leaned over your shoulder, breath grazing your ear as he checked over your work at Hunter’s request. You would’ve been offended if you weren’t so busy gaping like a schoolgirl at Tech’s side profile so close to your face. 
’Neither of you are subtle.’ The sergeant’s words played through your mind for the hundredth tune. 
Like, for instance, as you sat in the cockpit, you were supposed to be running diagnostics on the rather shifty new calibrator and modifier Hunter had procured from the maintenance station’s ‘buy, sell, trade’ front room. It didn’t have to be perfect, it just had to get you from dust ball point A to rainy, Kaminoan point B. 
But instead, you were distracted. Which should really be the summary of the past week of your life. Specifically, you were distracted by Tech’s legs. Long, armor clad, muscled, his leather side holsters clinging to the white composite as they splayed out from under the Marauder’s dash. 
You never exactly forgot how tall Tech was, he towered over you even with his usually hunched posture. But, with his top half hidden underneath the console it was a reminder at just how long his legs were. Your breath caught in your throat as his hips lifted, legs tensing as metal groaned. Something snapped before Tech tossed a rusted piece of metal away from himself. The way his thighs clenched and unclenched with the effort made your entire body tense as well, you hadn’t noticed your straying focus until the electroprod zapped your hand. Fortunately, Tech’s voice drowned out your quiet yelp.
"I have found our problem." He announced, grabbing a tool off of his belt. So preoccupied with his long legs, you blinked slowly at his long fingers as they traced up his thigh to find the right tool. 
"Oh? have you?" You breathed, after realizing you hadn’t answered. You shook your head, forcing yourself back to your task. You corrected your own work, the small electro prod in your hand zapped at the calibrator, mostly to see if it could handle any sort energy current. Tech had started rambling about some Acid spitting bugs the ship had picked up on Ethesda IV, apparently the coating on the calibrator was similar to their main food source. Acid spitting bugs should’ve been a turn off, but how his voice stopped and started and strained and grunted as he periodically tore out rusted pieces outweighed the bugs.  
“And the calibrator? Is it satisfactory?” He asked, hips twisting as he continued working under the dash. Satisfactory? Nothing about the past weeks had been satisfactory but that wasn’t what he asked. He emerged just enough to hold his hand out. 
“It’ll do.” You hummed as the diagnostic ran somewhere between yellow and green. You stood, keeping a respectable distance between you as you handed him the small piece of equipment, “I could use an extra set of hands down here, would you?” 
You were digging through your mind for another lame excuse until you saw Hunter peek around the door frame of the cockpit, a look someplace between warning and scolding crossing the sergeant’s face. So, you sighed. 
“Of course, where do you need m-e?” You nodded, noticing your words as they caught in your throat. You cleared it and crouched down beside the soldier. He paused for a moment, even his feet halted their slight movement until he cleared his throat as well. 
“Beside me, I need you to hold the calibrator in place as I wired it in.” Tech answered you, staying half obscured but twisting his body so his hips stayed flat but he was laying on his ribs. You swallowed around nothing, sighing flatly as you wiggled under the dashboard beside him, “A bit closer, so I can reach around you.”
Stiff and rigid, you slowly inched closer to him until you were close enough for one of his arms to snake under your waist and pull you all the way to him. You choked out a yelp. Just as easily as he’d pulled you to him, he propped you just enough so his shoulder and chest could slot underneath your back. 
Under the dash there was barely enough room for this position, so it wasn’t possible to keep yourself propped up unless you wanted your nose pressed to the exposed wiring he was working on. So, you had no choice but to forced yourself to at least half relax against him. Your back to his chest, his face right next to yours so the light on his goggles could illuminate the slot where the calibrator belonged, one of his knees twisted under yours leaving you caged between the legs you’d been staring at for so long. His even breaths were fanning over your cheek, the two of you practically puzzle pieced together. He retracted the arm from underneath your waist and moved himself accordingly so that arm instead went under your neck, further trapping you against him.
“Apologies, though I trust I don’t need to explain to you what happens if this comes loose during light speed travel.” He explained, though you couldn’t see how his analytical eyes watched you carefully as he pressed the calibrator back into your hands and guided them to the correct spot, “Perfect, just there.” 
His fingers left your wrist and began the process of wiring the calibrator into place. You were grateful for his armor, even if your couldn’t ignore his scent and warmth all around you, you were positive if you could feel his muscles moving underneath you you’d have to stick your hand in the power source to keep from committing a serious breech of civilian-solider contact etiquette. Just a snap of his hips… placed just under the round of your ass… 
“You’re shaking, is everything alright?” Tech’s voice shocked you out of your thoughts. You flinched, almost jerking the half connected calibrator right back out of the dash. You tried thinking of a reason, but your voice seemed caught somewhere between your heart and throat. So you settled for a vague hum.
“Would you hand me the microwelder? It’s on the right side of my belt.” 
Even your breaths were shaking as you used one hand to keep the calibrator in place, and used the other the blindly reach down between the two of you. Your fingers grazed against the composite of the armor on his thigh, overshooting your aim for his belt. For the first time, he tensed as well. Using nothing but touch, you worked your way up, trying to keep your touch as light as possible as it worked over his holsters and to the tools hanging from his belt. You put all your focus on your mechanical knowledge, deducing the tools by shape- data scomp, electoprod, multitool, electrical tape… microwelder.  You almost cried in relief, jerking your hand away as soon as you’d unclipped it. The slight graze of your finger tips against his glove palms felt the same as sticking your fingers in the power source.  Tech’s shoulders adjusted, jostling the both of you. Though he didn’t struggle to move you at all, his voice sounded ever so slightly strained as he used the microwelder to hold the wires in place, “Almost there, keep doing what your doing.” 
Kriff, what the hell was wrong with this man?
“There. That should do it.” 
You wiggled out from the dash so fast that you almost didn’t register his hands on your waist assisting you. Almost. Tech watched after you, the curiosity in his eyes turning into something more akin to understanding as you slipped into the fresher. 
You had never been so grateful to touchdown on Kamino. After the longest week of your life on probably the smallest ship you could’ve been assigned to, you were ready for some much needed space. And the privacy of the usually empty civilian barracks sounded like the perfect retreat. Kamino was the one republic stronghold that didn’t have a shortage of workers, they didn’t need a civilian enlistments to lighten the load when they could hand the tasks off to Cadet’s and call it a learning experience. Usually you found Kamino to be lonely, only seeing the boys at meal times, but this time you were chomping at the bit, praying to the Force or whatever other entity out there that the bunks would be empty as usual. 
As soon as the Marauder touched down in the hangar, you were down the loading steps before it even finishing descending. You finished your debriefs in record time and skipped dinner in favor of returning to the Havoc Marauder to start fixing some of your shoddier than usual workmanship in addition to typical post-mission ship maintenance since your bunk would be the first place Tech might look for you. 
"I thought I would find you here.” 
You physically jumped when Tech’s calm voice called out from the ship’s entrance, hitting your head on the cockpit’s console you were working under. Cursing under your breath, you scuttled out from under the console. Tech was leaning against the entrance to the cockpit, watching you like a wild animal who might spook. You guessed that wasn’t too far off from the truth judging by the already rising heat to your face and the way your eyes danced around to anywhere but his face. 
"You missed dinner." He informed you when you didn’t respond, rubbing your head as you closed the panel you had been working on and pulled yourself up to your knees. 
"Oh, did I?" You asked in faux concern as if you hadn’t purposely skipped communal dinner. Suddenly, you realized you were looking up to him from your knees and your nearly choked on the recycled air your were breathing. You scrambled up to your feet, nervously smoothing out your clothes as you momentarily met Tech’s eyes before purposely pointing your own gaze else where- the blinking lights around the cockpit very interesting. In your peripheral, you saw his eyebrows furrow, face hardening as you leaned back against the console. 
"Have I done something to bother you?" He asked, suddenly. Moving a bit closer to you, he froze when you leaned even further away. 
"Not a thing, Tech. Why do you ask?” 
One of his eyebrow quirked behind his goggles, telling you he didn’t believe you for a moment. Tech might be oblivious about somethings, but he always knew when you were lying to him, "You have not looked me in the eye, much less spoken to me since…” 
He trailed off, looking to you to finish his thought. Your rose tint flashed ruby, redder than the shield button blinking on the console behind you. Yep, time to escape. 
"Listen, Tech, I really don’t-" You chuckled dryly, moving to squeeze past him. 
"Have time for this? I think you do." Tech shook his head, sidestepping so his larger frame immediately cut off your exit. Bumping into the composite chest piece of his armor, you stammered something akin to an excuse as you tried to squeeze past you again. The genius repeated his action, this time catching you by bracing his hands on either of your arms and holding them gently to your side to keep you in place. 
Now, you were forced to look up at him, trying to ignore how much skin his longs fingers managed to cover. You wondered if he could feel your erratic pulse under your skin. He observed your face for a moment, from the tint in your cheeks, the quickness of your breath, to part of your lips. He muttered mostly to himself but you caught it, "Dramatic dilation of the eyes, heightened pulse, shallow breathing, erratic behavior.” 
Once he finished his list- or maybe stopped listing aloud for your pride’s sake- he cleared his throat, releasing his grip one your arms so you could take a hesitant step back. Your mind was screaming at you to create some distance, but your thudding heart made it hard to force yourself to move. Tech wasn’t finished with you yet though, his chocolate yes narrowed on you before softening as he continued, "Hunter informed me that you didn’t have a ’nightmare’, as you said.” 
Yep, you were going to spontaneously combust if the ground didn’t open up and swallow you first- either option was preferable to the turn in conversation. Hell, spontaneous separatist invasion would be less painful. 
"Listen, Tech, I really-" You started, but silenced yourself when you saw the way he adjusted his stance. Shoulders broader, chin dipping lower, one leg moving forward…. if you were any closer it would be between your legs. 
"He also had a few theories about the content of said dream, one in particular that interested me." He continued, voice dipping as he continued to stalk towards you until the back of your thighs hit the control deck, forcing you to half lean half sit on the panel. Your backside pressed a couple buttons, managing to conveniently kill the overhead lights and close the door to the bridge in one fell swoop. Whoever was in charge of the force, you wanted to have a firm talking to because you’re heart couldn’t take much more of this. "You’re in your prime, in multiple adrenaline and endorphin inducing situations, surrounded by 4 men… a healthy drive is nothing to be so embarrassed of.”
Your own voice wasn’t quite a sure, almost choked as you nodded, "Gl-glad we covered that, Tech.” 
"I also know, from my research, that the easiest way to resolve this is to act on it.”
Your mind actually went blank the moment the word sunk in. You weren’t sure, but there was a large likelihood you just stood there and gaped at Tech like a fish. He waited, eyes analyzing you from behind the goggles. One moment passed, and then two before you spoke. 
"Act on it…" You repeated slowly, butterflies melting from your stomach, pooling elsewhere, "Like.. you want to act on it with me?” 
Tech closed the distance, his hands on you again. One at your hip and one gracing your hair,  "We really were as oblivious as Hunter said.” 
The armor on his hips pressed into your soft flesh, his long diligent fingers trailing down your arm, "You can tell me to stop.” 
Your eyes had be following his fingers down, your own twitched and laced into the leather straps that held his holsters to his thighs as if that would tether him to you, "Please don’t.”
A ghost of a smile went across his face before he startled you, picking you up swiftly and depositing you in the pilots seat. You weren’t quite sure of the logistics of this decision until he knelt down in front of you, kissing your lips first and yet not long enough for your liking. You chased his mouth with yours, but he pulled back, focussing down to your belt.
“Now, tell him. How did these dreams of yours go?” 
as usual half edited so excuse the typos
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webslinger-holland · 7 months
Best Pilot in the Galaxy | Tech from The Bad Batch
Summary: During a mission, Tech has a hard time allowing his ship to be driven by someone else.
Warning: slight angst and argument
Pairing: Tech x Fem!Reader Pilot
Type: Oneshot
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The Marauder was sitting on a world in the Outer Rim called Cassander. It was a lush, green planet with a few major bodies of water. However, most notably, the planet was growing in population and had recently become Ord Mantell's most competitive trading rival.
The ship was nearly empty, except for a singular pilot sitting in the cockpit. She was not the rightful owner of the ship, but had been assigned this mission with the group of rouge clones that did own the ship. The squad was located somewhere in the capital city nearby, attempting to steal the package in which they had come for. The pilot waited patiently for the pickup call.
Now, the pilot had been waiting for nearly two hours for the call to come through the comms. She did everything she could think of to pass the time, which included rummaging through the squad's belongings. Though she didn't find anything of value.
The gonk droid made a noise as he waddled into the cockpit. The pilot went through the ship's log, seeing all the planets the squad had recently visited. Their last stop happened to be Ord Mantell where they were assigned this mission in particular.
"Y/n! Come in," Hunter's voice sounded desperate over the comms. She quickly jolted forward in her seat, pressing the button to relay a message back.
"Read you loud and clear," Y/n responded. She began clicking buttons on the control panel, preparing the ship for liftoff.
"We need a pick up. We've been compromised," Hunter explained. He was panting on the other end of the line, which probably meant they were running.
"What part of stealth mission is so hard to understand?"
"Just hurry. We don't have a lot of time. They're sending air support," Hunter warned her.
"Oh great," Y/n scoffed sarcastically.
"I'm sending you our coordinates," Tech interjected over the communications.
As the Marauder departed off the ground, the landing gear retracted back into the ship. The wings moved downwards as the ship was angled towards the sky. The engine roared to life; the ship began flying towards the rendezvous location.
The workers from the trading post were shooting their blasters at the criminals running away from them. They tried to keep up with them, firing relentlessly as they got away with some of their own goods.
It was Wrecker, Hunter, and Tech who were carrying the heavy cargo in the form of a shipping container. Normally, it would take four guys to carry the cargo, but since Wrecker was so strong, he was able to carry the left side without help. Behind them, Echo and Omega fired shots back at the workers. They covered them as the rest ran as fast as they could.
"Whatever is in here, it better be worth it." Wrecker grunted, dodging the blaster fire.
"As long as we get paid," Hunter responded.
The small squad continued running through the vast forest, maneuvering around trees in hopes of using its coverage to their advantage. They came into a clearing with the workers getting closer each second. All of the sudden, a cliff came into their view which caused them to halt in their place.
"Where's our ride?" Echo asked desperately. He peered around his shoulder with his gun still raised.
"There!" Omega pointed into the sky.
The Marauder rounded the corner of the mountain, coming into their line of view. It flew over to the edge of the cliff to meet them. The ramp lowered to hover right by the cliff, allowing the squad to climb aboard the vessel.
The blaster fire was beginning to hit the sides of the ship. The squad fired back, striking a few of the workers down. Once everyone was aboard, Hunter slammed the button on the side of the wall so the ramp was lifted.
"That's everyone," Hunter shouted. "Get us out of here!"
"Roger that," Y/n said.
Pulling a lever, the thrusters sent a powerful volt back which propelled the ship forward rapidly. By steering the ship, Y/n directed the ship back into the mountain range. She could hear the air support coming up behind them. She took a sharp turn to deter them.
The sharp turn caused each member of the squad to loose their footing and grab something nearby to steady themselves. Carefully, Tech quickly made his way into the cockpit. He leaned over the back of the pilot's seat, resting his hand on the panel for support. He hadn't taken the time to remove his helmet.
"That is sufficient," Tech announced to the pilot. "I'll take it from here."
"A little busy here," Y/n stated instead. She turned the wheel to the left, taking another sharp turn which made everything in the ship turn that way. And Tech ended up leaning a little into her.
"Wrecker," Tech ordered. He moved to sit in the co-pilot seat which was where Echo usually sat. "Get to the tail gun."
There were at least six smaller ships following them at this point, firing as many rounds as possible. The Marauder swayed to the left and right, expertly dodging each blast aimed at them. In the tail gun, Wrecker got into position before firing back at the ships. He managed to hit one of them, but it wasn't enough to bring the ship down.
Back in the cockpit, Tech began pressing a few buttons on the control panel. The pilot glared at him through the corner of her eye, knowing exactly what he was trying to do. She maintained her grip on the sides of the wheel.
"Transitioning controls back to co-pilot," Tech announced. He went to press the final red button, but she swatted his hand away. "What are you doing?" Tech demanded an explanation.
"I know how to fly," Y/n said through gritted teeth. Her eyes were still facing forward as she focused on the task at hand.
"I never said you didn't," Tech informed her. "I am simply stating that I am ready to transition controls back to me as I am more capable of flying this vessel than you. It is my ship after all," Tech said as a matter of factly.
Hunter rolled his eyes in the background. He knew it was pointless to argue over the comment.
"You weren't hired to be the pilot for this mission," Y/n argued back. "I can get us out of this."
With that comment, one of the blaster fires struck the right wing which caused it to catch on fire. The two of them peered out the window, spotting the trail of black smoke falling behind the hit.
"You were saying?" Tech replied. He gestured to the damage done to his ship. She rolled her eyes at him.
A few more ships began trailing behind them. They began firing more shots towards them. There was no way one ship could take the whole fleet down.
"Uh guys," Wrecker announced from the tail gun. "We've got more incoming."
Ignoring the comment, Tech quickly transitioned controls back to his wheel before the other pilot could protest. He gripped the wheel harshly, moving the wheel to take a sharp left hand turn. The ship was forced to swerve around the side of the mountain; a few of the enemy ships crashed into the sides as a result. She switched controls back to her wheel, taking a right hand turn. The ship weaved around another mountainside.
Behind the googles of his helmet, Tech squinted his eyes in slight irritation. He changed controls once again. He quickly grabbed onto the lever, pulling it backwards so the thrusters gave another jolt of energy. Now they were flying a little faster.
Nevertheless, another blaster hit managed to strike the back of the ship. The Marauder jolted forward from the force of the blast. The two pilots lurched forward in their seats. The others continued to hold onto things for support.
"You aren't doing much better," Y/n replied snakily. She reached forward to press the button once more. She turned the wheel as far as she could, which caused the ship to completely turn around. She pulled the lever for the extra push.
"What are you doing?" Tech exclaimed. "Are you trying to get us killed?"
Down in the tail gun, Wrecker began firing at the ships flying directly in front of them. With his expertise, he struck down three ships. Those ships exploded into a million pieces, fierce flames erupting around them. The Marauder flew through the fire without taking damage.
The enemy ships needed to turn around before continuing their chase. They quickly swerved their ships. Once the ships were facing the right way, the thrusters kicked in for that extra power. And the enemy continued their pursuit.
"I will only say this one more time," Tech's modulated voice spoke through his helmet. He turned to face her in his seat. His eyes looked angry behind his googles. "Relinquish controls now."
"Over my dead body," Y/n challenged him. She didn't take her eyes off him.
In the background, Hunter and Echo seemed to raise their eyebrows at the two pilots. They looked between them, half expecting one of them to cave in and go back to flying the ship. But neither of them faltered.
"Uh guys," Omega interrupted them.
Both of them directed their line of attention back towards flying the ship. With a quick maneuver, they managed to dodge the mountain they were heading straight for at the last second. A few more ships crashed into it.
"You're both going to get us all killed if you don't figure something out," Hunter shouted behind them.
Reaching forward, Y/n went to press a few more buttons, but Tech swatted her hand away this time. He went ahead and pressed his own buttons. He was punching in the coordinates for their destination.
"You are not the best pilot in the galaxy," Y/n claimed. She glanced at him through the corner of her eye. He kept putting in the coordinates.
"Hardly a measurable cause," Tech said with a roll of his eyes in annoyance.
"You haven't made the Kessel Run in fourteen parsecs," Y/n added. It was like she was insisting that it could be measurable.
"I have a theory that it can be done in twelve," Tech stated as a matter of factly.
"I highly doubt that," Y/n chuckled at the comment.
Suddenly, Y/n pressed the wheel forward with all of her might. The ship began to descend down at a rapid pace, shifting into a nose dive position. The ground was growing closer and closer with each second. The enemy ships following right behind them, firing non-stop.
Both Hunter and Echo were holding onto panels behind them. The force of falling forwards was pushing them back. They were unable to move.
"You have to pull up--" Tech ordered in a slight panic.
"Oh for the last time," Y/n shouted over him. "I know what I'm doing!"
At the last possible second, the wonderfully skilled pilot pulled the wheel into her chest so that the ship was pulled up. It was so close to touching the ground, but it missed it by a hair. The last two ships crashed into the ground, exploding suddenly and sending debris flying.
Now that the threat of the chase was finally over, Y/n could relax in her seat a little. The rest of the squad was completely silent, realizing that she had managed to get them out of the situation with little damage in the end. Beside her, Tech kept his eye on her since he was still angry with her.
The Marauder started to climb in altitude, shifting towards the edge of the planet's atmosphere. It finally passed through the atmosphere, flying through space. The stars throughout the galaxy sparkled as the planet grew small and smaller. It was now all behind them.
"Are the coordinates to Ord Mantell in?" Y/n wondered. Her voice was so much calmer now. Her shoulders slumped at her sides. But she refused to make eye contact.
"Yes. They are in," Tech informed her softly. His eyes softened behind his helmet. He studied her carefully, trying to figure out what she was thinking in that brain of hers. He quickly shook it off, directing his attention back towards the void of space in front of them.
Without thinking, Tech and Y/n went to reach for the lever to send them into hyperspace. Their hands grazed each other's with neither of them being any closer to the lever than the other. They both awkwardly pulled their hands away upon contact.
"I'm sorry," Y/n muttered under her breath.
He wasn't sure if she was apologizing for the situation they just came out of or the situation that just occurred with the lever. Nevertheless, she reached for the lever once again, pulling it back to send the ship into hyperspace.
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Back at Ord Mantell, the Bad Batch went back to Cid's Parlor. They stood on the other side of her desk, having just delivered the cargo that she paid them to retrieve. She peered into the package, checking to make sure everything was there.
Behind the group, Y/n stood there in total silence. Her eyes were trained on the floor as she shifted in her place awkwardly. She waited for their boss to address them.
Beside her, Tech stood about an arm's length away. He glanced at her through the corner of his eye, taking note of her odd demeanor. He raised his finger and opened his mouth to say something to her, but he was rudely cut off.
"Looks like everything is here," Cid announced. She closed the cargo container. She began rummaging through her drawers, collecting the correct amount of credits to pay both parties.
Now Y/n went to take a few steps forward and made her way through the members of the squad. She stood in front of the desk. Her boss went ahead and placed a handful of credits in her hand.
"That is your cut," Cid told her. She handed the rest of the credits to Hunter. "And here is your cut. I'll call you when I have another job," Cid claimed.
There was a brief moment of silence in the room. Cid went to cross her arms over her chest. She narrowed her eyes at the company of six standing in front of her.
"You guys work well together," Cid said honestly. "You should work together more often."
In response, Y/n breathed a scoff under her breath. The boys turned their heads to look at her, slightly surprised at her reaction. She shook her head in denial.
"Yeah. Like that's ever going to happen," Y/n rolled her eyes at the notion.
Without hesitation, she spun around on the heels of her feet in order to head towards the door. She purposely bumped into Tech's shoulder a little too harshly. She left the room with the door closing behind her.
"What's wrong with her?" Cid scoffed. She looked at the rest of the squad for some form of explanation, but none of them said anything. "Fine! Be all quiet and mysterious. See if I care," Cid said.
By the time the Bad Batch left Cid's office, Y/n was nowhere to be found in the bar. They went to sit down at the bar so they could order drinks to celebrate another successful mission. They sat in complete silence, thinking about what transpired during the mission.
"Where do you think she's gone?" Echo wondered.
Though they never pulled missions together, the Bad Batch knew that the pilot worked for Cid and was stationed at Ord Mantell. They had seen her quite often over the past few months. They had grown familiar of her. And now they worried about her.
"The odds are that she returned to her flat," Tech explained. He pushed the bridge of his googles up to be more secure on his face. He kept his focus on his data pad.
"Probably," Hunter shrugged his shoulders. "But it's late. Which means it's dark out."
"Astute observation," Tech claimed sarcastically. He gave a single nod, but didn't take his eyes off his data pad.
"And she's walking back to her flat...at the edge of town...late at night," Hunter further explained.
"She will be fine," Tech stated. He knew where he was going with this. "She is always saying how she can take care of herself and doesn't need our help. Why would that change now?"
The other members remained silent. They turned their heads to take quick glances at one another. With a silent agreement, Hunter rose to his feet and went to stand by Tech. He roughly grabbed his shoulders and hoisted him out of his seat, much to his dismay.
"Go find her. Make sure she gets home safe. And apologize to her," Hunter ordered.
"I do not see why I have to be the one to apologize when I did noth--" Tech began. He was quickly cut off.
"Tech," Hunter said in a warning tone of voice. He crossed his arms over his chest, showing that he meant business.
"Fine," Tech said in defeat. "I will apologize."
With some hesitation, Tech grabbed his helmet and fitted it over his head. He began making his way towards the door of the parlor, leaving the rest of his crew behind. He walked through the deserted streets of Ord Mantell, passing a few shady people in the process.
Now Tech knew that she lived near the edge of town because she had once mentioned it during a conversation. Besides that, Tech really didn't know where to look and simply hoped he'd bump into her before she got home so he'd know she was safe. He passed by a few alleys, peeking through each one briefly.
The Marauder was parked in a hanger bay only a few blocks away from the parlor. Just as Tech passed by the hanger, he heard a familiar voice coming from his very own ship. He backtracked by taking two steps backwards. He peered into the hangar bay to glance at his ship.
Stepping into the bay, Tech tilted his head to the side in slight curiosity. The right wing of the ship began to move downwards until it lay completely horizontal. A few seconds later, Y/n began descending down the ramp with a toolbox in hand. She walked over to the wing of the ship.
Upon seeing her, Tech sharply inhaled. He felt the back of his throat close up and his shoulders tensed at his sides. He hesitantly took a few steps forward, fiddling with his fingers nervously.
Reaching upwards, Y/n placed the single toolbox onto the flat surface of the ship's wing. She proceeded to grab onto the wing before hoisting herself up onto it. She climbed to the center of the wing to assess the damage inflicted in the crossfire.
At this point, Y/n had no idea that he was also in the hanger bay with her. She opened the toolbox, rummaging through to find the right tool. The damage done to the right wing was a massive gaping hole with burnt edges from the fire. It would eventually need a panel welded to cover it up again. But for now, she focused on the internal repairs.
Thankfully, from the assessment, nothing major had been hit. A few bolts had gotten loose and a few parts needed to be replaced. She focused on that for now.
After grabbing a socket spanner, Y/n leaned down to place her arm into the gaping hole of the wing. It went so far down that her chest was practically pressed against the surface of the wing. She used the spanner to tighten some bolts.
"What...are you doing?" Tech decided to finally announce his presence. He stepped forward until he stood in the light coming from the opening of the hanger bay.
Upon hearing that familiar voice, Y/n only rolled her eyes to herself. She continued her work as she preferred to focus on repairs rather than on him. She grunted softly, making sure that first bolt was nice and tight.
"What do you want Tech?" Y/n wondered. She pulled her arm out of the hole to assess her work. She didn't even bother to glance towards him, knowing he would have sent her a look of disapproval for working on his ship.
Slowly, Tech began to lower his gaze to the floor. He contemplated his next words carefully, fighting the urge to lash out at her for meddling with his ship. He liked things to be a certain way and would have much preferred if he did the actual repairs. Now Tech didn't want to fight with her so he changed his approach.
"I analyzed that you left the parlor on your own and thought it would be better if I accompany you back home," Tech explained. She huffed at his answer.
"I've told you before," Y/n began. "I can--"
"Take care of yourself," Tech finished. He adjusted the lenses of his goggles though he still wore his helmet. He noticed how she fell silent. "Yes, I've gathered that much."
"Why are you really out here?" Y/n wondered. She went to lean down again in order to tighten more bolts.
"I...could ask you the same," Tech replied slowly. He honestly felt like this was the first civil conversation they had ever had.
"I wanted to make some repairs on your precious ship since it was apparently my fault," Y/n claimed. Her tone sounding a little harsher now. She tightened two more bolts in the process.
"That is not what I meant," Tech interjected. He took a step forward. He gazed up at her figure perched on the wing, attempting to reason with her. "I was...caught up in the moment. Shouldn't have said those things," Tech confessed quietly.
"Well, don't worry. As soon as I finish up these repairs, I'll leave and you'll never have to see me again," Y/n responded.
For some reason, Tech couldn't combat a response to her comment. He simply nodded his head understandingly. He lowered his gaze to stare down at the ground and allowed her to finish her repairs in silence. He thought for some time how he could fix this relationship since it wasn't his strong suit. Fixing things was more his style.
"Blast," Y/n's voice pulled him out of his train of thought. He glanced up at her.
The sleeve of her blue flight suit had gotten in the way of her repairs. She had rolled her sleeves up to keep the material out of her way, but the sleeves continued to fall back down to her wrists every time she placed her arm in the hole. She pulled back and rose to her feet.
Without hesitation, Y/n's hands flew to the top button of her flight suit. She began to undue the buttons in which she revealed the black tank top underneath. All the while, Tech studied her carefully as her nimble fingers worked steadily. His pupils dilated behind those goggles of his.
Upon reaching her waistline, Y/n had stopped unbuttoning and shrugged the suit off her shoulders. She tied the sleeves around her waist. She dropped to her knees to continue working without the distraction of her clothes getting in the way.
Slowly, Tech raised his hand to the side of his head and clicked the bottom to save the recording to the drive. He records everything and he was certainly glad he recorded that. He wanted to revisit the recording later for his own 'research' purposes.
"There," Y/n sighed. She sat back on her knees, wiping her dirty hands on the pants of her flight suit. "Repairs are finished."
Naturally, Y/n began to pack away the tools she used and placed them back into the box. She closed the lid of the toolbox, tossing it over the edge of the wing for it to land on the ground with a thump. She then proceeded to jump down off the wing of the ship, landing a little hard so her knees buckled slightly.
Just like she promised, Y/n had every intention of leaving the hanger bay so that they'd never have to see her again. She went to walk away, but just as she passed beside him, Tech reached out and grabbed her forearm. She halted in her steps.
Neither of them could look at each other. She felt his gloved fingers digging into her bare skin, but not hard enough that it would leave marks. She slowly turned to look at him, but he kept his head down.
"I...really came here to apologize," Tech confessed. When Tech lifted his gaze to meet her face, he saw how her eyebrows went up in slight surprise. It definitely caught her off guard.
"I see," Y/n thought about his words carefully. She shifted her balance from one foot to the other. "So all those things you said back on Cassander where just...what?"
He closed his eyes, seriously regretting everything he said. "Like I said earlier, in the moment, I was incredibly frustrated with you."
"Because I wouldn't give up the controls?" Y/n said flatly.
"No, because I recognize that my levels of dopamine are elevated when I'm around you and I distance myself from you in order to prevent that from happening,” Tech confessed before he could even stop himself.
But now, hearing what he just said, Tech quickly averted his gaze away from her. He was thankful to be wearing his helmet so she wouldn't see how bright his cheeks had gotten. He released his grip on her arm, letting it fall back down to his side.
For once, Y/n actually understood what he said. Her eyebrows rose in surprise at this sudden confession. She definitely did not expect him to blurt out his emotions that night, especially after their fight on the ship. She knew better than to tease him at a time like this.
"I-I don't understand why," Tech said rather sadly. That was the first time that he'd spoken those words out loud.
What broke her heart was the tone of defeat laced with his words. It told her that he'd been wrestling with these foreign emotions and thoughts for some time. He didn't know how to react around her and so he acted with defense. He pushed those feeling away, fighting against it.
Hesitantly, Y/n lifted her hands to the sides of his helmet. She went to remove his helmet slowly, revealing his face to her for the first time today. She tossed the helmet to the side without a care in the world, but he still refused to meet her gaze.
"You are probably repulsed by me," Tech began. "From the way I treated you and the words I said to--"
But Tech wasn't able to finish that sentence. Because Y/n had taken his face in her hands and leaned upwards to press her lips against his own. He froze in his place.
His eyes were wide open in surprise. His hands were elevated on either side of him because he didn't know what to do with them. He could feel the softness of her lips still against his own. Before Tech had the chance to process what was happening, Y/n pulled away from him.
The two of them were standing so close together; the chests being pressed against one another's. Their breath mingled as their noses bumped together once or twice. He glanced down at her lips because he wanted nothing more than to taste them once more.
His hands found their way down to her hips with one hand sneaking around her lower back. He pressed that hand into her back which brought her body even closer to his. She released a small gasp.
"Apology accepted," Y/n whispered to him. She played with the edge of the plastoid armor on his chest. "And I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you."
"Why cyare?" Tech wondered. He raised his hand to the side of her face, tucking a single strand of hair behind her ear. He held his hand against her cheek.
"I should have given up the controls. You are the better pilot and it is your ship," Y/n explained with a shake of the head.
"I am not the better pilot," Tech stated firmly.
There was a moment of silence between them. "I can't make split second decisions and calculations like you do when you're flying."
"Well, I've never done the Kessel Run." Tech argued back playfully. He smiled down at her. "At least, not in twelve parsecs."
"Fourteen," Y/n corrected him. "I did it in fourteen."
"Fine. Fourteen," Tech caved in.
Slowly, Tech tilted his head to the side and began to lean down with every intention of kissing her again. But the two of them were interrupted when someone cleared their throat over by the entrance of the hanger bay. The two of them quickly pulled apart and turned to face whoever had interrupted them.
The other members of the Bad Batch stood looking at them near the entrance of the hanger. It was initially Hunter who had cleared his throat to garner their attention; he stood with his arms folded across his chest just as a disapproving father would. Beside him, Wrecker and Omega were practically squealing with each other. They couldn't contain their excitement. And Echo averted his gaze in an awkward manner.
"Care to explain yourselves?" Hunter hinted. He glanced between the two of them with a playful smirk on his face.
"I think they finally confessed that they like each other," Wrecker interrupted. His words coming out louder than anticipated. He nudged Echo who stood beside him.
"You think?" Echo glanced at him.
"It's exciting, isn't it?" Omega smiled at them.
Meanwhile, Tech quickly collected his helmet off the ground and placed it over his head once again. He hoped it would cover the blush creeping up his neck to his face. He knew he wouldn't hear the end of the taunting from his brothers anytime soon.
"Well boys. It looks like we got another member on our crew," Hunter said slowly. "Welcome to the Bad Batch."
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the-marshals-wife · 2 years
Keep Me Close (Tech x Reader)
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─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─
A/N: Happy Valentine's Day, babes! I'm hitting two mynocks with one stone: writing something short and sweet for my favorite Batcher and processing my emotions over [redacted].
Description: Tech x Fem!Reader Batcher, semi-established relationship (there's an unspoken thing *wink*) | Warnings: none, hurt+comfort fluff | Word count: 804 | Gif credit: user dreamswithghosts
★ Bad Batch Tag List ★ @dantes-devil-huntress @sageislostinspring @sweetheart-bo (comment to be added!)
Imagine being unable to sleep, upset by Echo's departure, and turning to Tech for comfort
The ship was stuffy. Your mind was full. The future was uncertain. It was the perfect mixture of reasons to be restless.
You'd removed the top half of your blacks and tied it around your waist, putting on a tank top in hopes of cooling down. Sitting on the lowered ramp of The Marauder, you stared into the misty night sky, feeling trapped by the stale silence. Your eyes began to sting, emotions starting to overcome you. How could so much have changed so quickly?
The sound of footsteps pulled you from your troubled thoughts, and you didn't have to turn around to know who approached. The rapid tapping of gloved fingers on a datapad was enough for you to recognize him.
"You are unable to sleep," Tech says.
It wasn't a question. He'd just stated it as a fact, as he did with most things.
"Not really," you answer, quickly wiping at your eyes.
"I suspect there is a reason," he begins, sitting down beside you, "Would it ease your mind if you shared your concerns with me?"
Your heart skipped at the prospect, and at how near he was.
"I'll be alright, really," you hesitate, trying to compose yourself.
"The tension in your voice and your constrained body language suggests otherwise," he replies, putting away his datapad.
You can't help but chuckle, "Nothing gets past you, does it?"
"Not really," he parrots your words. He removes his helmet and puts it aside. You're surprised to see he's smiling ever-so-slightly.
You sigh, trying put your many thoughts into words. "We've all lost so much. After all our fighting and all our running, sometimes I've wondered what it was all for. But I thought as long as we stayed together, things would be alright. We would figure it out because together we had hope. Now, I'm afraid that we've lost it."
Tech pushes up his goggles before responding.
"I know it may seem that way, but Echo did not leave because he had no hope," he offers, "He believes that there are better ways apart from this squad that he can help preserve hope, and if he is successful, pass it on to others."
"I thought we were already doing that," you reply, shaking your head, "I know we have to be careful, especially for Omega's sake, and we can't fight The Empire the same way others can, but I thought we were making some kind of difference."
"Echo's departure does not necessarily signify failure in our pursuits."
"But aren't we stronger together than apart?" you ask, looking to him.
Tech blinks slowly, visibly weighing your question. Surely he is bothered by all this too?
"Theoretically, yes. But our objections cannot change what has happened," he admits.
Your gaze falls back to your boots, shame setting in. How selfish you must sound. "You're right. I don't think less of Echo. Truly I don't," you say, holding your arms, "I just don't want to lose this squad, and I really don't want to lose..."
You were desperate to say it, but the word caught in your throat. Tears threaten to return. This is not how it was supposed to go. Squeezing your eyes shut, you bow your head, hoping he wouldn't see your entire façade crumbling.
You nearly jump as you feel his hand gently clasp your shoulder. You look up to see his soft brown eyes, full of warmth and understanding.
"I do not have plans to go any place where you cannot also be," he affirms, "And I intend to never make such plans."
A tear slips down your cheek as you choke back a sob. Whatever was left of your composure, he'd just destroyed it, and somehow it was the push you needed.
You lean over to rest your head on his chest. You hold your breath as you feel him tense up at the contact. Fear washes over you that you've gone too far, and you're about to sit up, but then he carefully wraps his arm around you, holding you close.
You purse your lips, trying not to grin. How long you had waited for this moment. Heart racing, you close your eyes and wish for time to stop. So many words had passed between you over the months, but now you could barely speak.
"Tech?" you breathe.
"I never want to make those kinds of plans either," you say, relaxing into him more.
"It's settled then," he confirms, proceeding to rest his chin upon the top of your head.
It was settled. You knew with absolute certainty that this is where you wanted to be. You were stronger together, and no matter what became of the galaxy, together you and Tech would stay.
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thedwarventradesman · 6 months
Hollow — Tech x GN!Reader Batcher
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Description: Tech x GN!Reader Batcher, established relationship; POV is 1st person so there's no use of gendered pronouns (: Warnings: Angst, major character death, grief, very vague allusion to suicidal thoughts and self-destructive tendencies Word Count: 916
A/N: This is the first time I've really written any fandom content since high school. Or at least, with the intention of letting others read it. Tried to balance the mix of recounting the past while also shifting to how reader/oc is in the present which can be tricky so I hope it reads well.
Image Credit: @ilcuoreardendo-fic
Everything happened so fast.
It was like any other mission gone bad — shots from grounded enemies, shots from the sky, and having to problem-solve on the fly amidst the chaos. Then… it was very different.
There was a violent shake as the rail cars were hit and then I was looking down at my husband hanging far below the car. Momentarily, all sound became an indistinguishable noise, garbled voices of distress mixed with ringing and roaring in my ears, as you struggled to climb up to the car.
As I moved to help you, the car creaked and, snapping back to reality, I heard you shout up, “Whoa! Don't! Any shift in weight could send both of these cars over. You must sever the connection hinge. Now!” Wrecker and I immediately exclaimed our rejection of that idea. I could feel my panic rising, my desperation increasing. There must be something. There HAS to be something. Anything to fix this mess and save you.
Your next words, spoken so calmly and matter-of-fact, slammed into me. “There is no time, cyare. Plan 99.” “Don’t. You. Dare, Tech.” My voice cracked on your name. Gently, desperately, I repeated my words, punctuating them with “please”. Your eyes locked with mine — soft, sad, and full of love. “I love you, cyar’ika, but when have we ever followed orders?”
When you shot the connection and began to fall, a deafening scream ripped out of me. “NO!” My body automatically lunged for the side with my hand outstretched before Wrecker grabbed me and held me firmly. Thrashing to escape his grasp as the car began to move, I screamed, “TECH! No! No no no! Go back!”
As the car got further and further away, the shock of the situation overtook me — numb, unseeing, unmoving with that same mix of indistinguishable sounds in my ears. My body went into a survival autopilot – moving as prompted but I wasn’t there – and the team had to help drag me back to the Marauder through the attacks.
Once aboard the Marauder, standing in the middle of our quarters, my knees gave out as I crumbled. Ripping off my helmet and goggles, my agonized sobs finally broke free and echoed through the ship. So full of grief, my body shaking, I leaned forward on my hands for support, fingers digging into the metal floor. One hand reached up, taking my chained wedding ring from underneath my undershirt and I clutched it so hard a mark was left in my hand.
At some point, I had stopped crying and left my body. I didn’t even know the ship stopped. Feeling a gentle hand on my shoulder, the only acknowledgment of awareness I could give was a hoarse, emotionless mumble, “You should have let me go with him.” 
From there, I don’t truly remember much of anything. There’s a blur of being dragged to my feet and out of the ship, and of having wet hair and clean clothes while AZ checked me over with no memory of cleaning up or changing. I’m ashamed to say that I don’t even truly remember Omega being taken. All I truly remember from the past month and a half is waves of soul-crushing pain surrounded by numbness as I attempted to lose myself in my work. I keep crying and feeling flashes of disbelief and anger. I’ve lost my appetite… and my desire for self-preservation. All this while moving on autopilot to complete my tasks and finish the mission. Find and save Omega. That is all that matters right now.
Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo are concerned for me, often pushing food on me and otherwise fussing. Up until now, there were eyes on me almost all the time, it felt like, and I hated it, but I understood why they hovered. Echo left a couple of weeks after the events to rejoin Rex, but I still hear him comm Hunter every so often to check in on me and find out how the search for Omega is going.
The days are often easier than the nights since I’ve taken on most of Tech’s tasks alongside my own. Hunter and Wrecker have tried to take some of them, wishing to lighten my load, but I adamantly refuse. I need them. I need the memory of helping with and hearing about them from him by doing them. They’ve let the situation be, but still intervene to make me sleep.
That’s when it gets unbearable.
The emptiness beside me screams, his scent got fainter with each passing day until it disappeared, remembering the quiet moments we shared in this space, and hearing his final words on a loop in the silence. Once the exhaustion finally takes me… I often watch Tech fall and wake with tears streaming down my face or stinging eyes and a heavy heart. Some nights, I think Hunter has been slipping me medicine in my food ‘cause those are the only nights I get any decent sleep.
Despite all this, I have, believe it or not, been getting better. Slowly, I began to reengage with the boys and be open with them. They stopped having to watch me as close or force me to take care of myself. Now, it’s reminders and intervention as necessary along with occasional check-ins when I seem particularly off one day. I’m still far from okay and I won’t ever be the same but, thanks to our brothers, I become a little less hollow each day.
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syndullqs · 1 year
𝐢’𝐯𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 — 𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒉
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summary — he’s falling and you risk yourself to save him
warnings — bad batch finale spoilers, fem!jedi!reader, angst, fluff, this is a fix if fic i will not accept the finale until there is a body ‼️
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐊𝐘 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓. you voiced your distaste for the riskiness of the plan, but the eyes omega gave you gave you no choice. being this close to the empire put you at risk, especially since they’d still kill a jedi at the mere sight of one. the fear slowly waned, seeing as the clones were going out of commission and the new troops, stormtroopers, didn’t know what a jedi looked like when one was standing right in front of them. you knew not to get used to that comfort.
tracking hemlock to see where he was going wasn’t a bad idea. the bad part of the plan was the location. it was a heavily guarded and fortified base holding very important commanders and information. the goal was to track hemlock to see where he’d been taking clones who defected, but your gut was churning.
“you look ill,” tech’s voice disrupted your thoughts as you landed. your eyes moved to meet his, a sigh escaping your lips.
“i’ve just got a bad feeling about this whole thing,” you admitted softly. tech’s eyes shifted downwards, mainly at your hands. he’d been getting used to being in an established relationship with you, and it had taken quite some time for him to get used to it.
“we’ll be fine,” he spoke in the softest voice he could muster. he wasn’t good at hiding his bluntness, but he was sure of himself and the plan. though risky, it would work. you nodded your head and smiled, stepping off the marauder with the rest of the bad batch.
of course, saw gerarra had to mess up everything. he blew up the compound. you probably would have done the same thing in hindsight, but it was not the time. your anxiety doubled as sirens sounded, as stormtroopers flooded the halls. even if you were on a rail car, getting away, you were still having to deal with the troopers on your car. you held a blaster, firing at them before the car came to a stop. your breaths could only be heard as you waited. they’d found out, and no one needed to voice that.
“what’s going on?” wrecker asked. you looked out of the slats of the back of the rail car, sensing something in the air.
“three ships inbound,” came the voice of your boyfriend, who’d volunteered to get the power back on to the rail car. your eyes scanned the sky, not being able to see what tech was seeing.
“where are they?” omega asked, and just as she did, three ships emerged from the clouds, blasters firing at the rail cars. things blurred after that. you fired your blaster along with hunter of the car, everything started to wobble from the impact. it wasn’t until the ships were coming back for another shot that your mind cleared and realized what was going on.
“where’s tech?” you asked, eyes frantically searching the area. he hadn’t made it back inside the car and the ships were coming back towards you. you peaked over the end of the car. you saw now why attachment was forbidden to the jedi, your mind completely froze. your boyfriend was hanging beneath the car, attached by a cable. every step wrecker took caused the car to topple, which would send you all to your deaths. you swallowed, nerves and fear creating a forbidden cocktail in your stomach.
“tech,” you whispered as you stepped closer and closer.
“i have to do this,” he shouted, “plan 99,” he finished, and you barely heard him. your stomach dropped and your eyes stung with realization. you shook your head, unable to form words.
tech aimed his blaster at the cable, and with a squeeze of the trigger, the bolt freed both him and the rail car. before echo could get the power back online, which would be a few seconds, your stomach dropped and your instincts took over. you were not losing tech today. you reached out with your hand, the force flowing through you with a strong current, saying thank you.
“i’ve got you,” you whispered. you grabbed ahold of tech, tears rolling down your cheeks as you strained to pull him up and into the rail car. once inside, the power kicked back on and you lurched with the car, racing towards the other side. you wrapped your arms around tech, and surprisingly, he did the same. you melted into him, trying your hardest to keep it together.
“don’t ever do that again,” you muttered against his shoulder.
“i won’t unless i have to, even then apparently you’ll be there to catch me,” he murmured, which was one of the sweetest things tech said. the words were sweet on his tongue because they were true; you’d always have his back.
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tech isn’t dead until i see a body. period.
anyways it’s been a while and i apologize! i know i have some requests to get to and i will get to those! i just had to crank this guy out because i am in mourning.
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starryevermore · 2 years
to be loved by him ✧ tech
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
request: Tech meeting a cute racing mechanic and 100% being smitten and stumbly and bumbly but when he races he's cool and calm and confident. They 100% make out in the pit stop after he wins - @captainsbestgal​
pairing: tech x fem!mechanic!reader
summary: when tech comes to safa toma, you find yourself smitten. lucky for you, he feels the same. 
word count: 2,085
warnings?: mild spoilers for season 2 episode 4 of the bad batch, fluff, making out, little bit of teasing, pet name (cyar’ika), not proofread
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Working as a mechanic at Safa Toma Speedway was not the sort of work you always dreamed of you. Working as a mechanic? Sure. That had always been the plan. Machines made more sense than people, after all. There were only so many responses, so many actions, a machine could make. People, though? People…Well, they didn’t like you. They thought you were “too much”. They thought you talked too loudly. They thought you laughed too much. They thought you overbearing, annoying, exasperating, irritating. But machines? Machines didn’t think those things. Except for droids, of course, who were maddeningly opinionated. But that was why you didn’t often work with droids. Until now, of course. But these were extenuating circumstances. 
When the Republic became the Empire, everything changed. Your home planet was no longer safe—or, at least, it wouldn’t be. You may not have liked people, but you knew enough to know to recognize patterns. And the way things were looking, you could already feel the cold, iron grip of tyranny squeezing your home. You took the first ship out of there, which, unfortunately, put you on Safa Toma. 
Safa Toma wasn’t…a great place to be. It housed criminals, smugglers, gamblers, and the like. It wasn’t exactly the safe haven you were hoping for. You supposed it was your fault for not paying more attention when you bought your ticket. But, you were here now, and you made do. 
You ended up being employed at the Safa Toma Speedway. It wasn’t the best work, but it paid well. All you had to do was make sure the droid racer, TAY-0, was working fine and that his speeder ran well. And, of course, aid him in modifying the speeder, since the speeder wasn’t designed for racing. You were grateful for the work, so you kept your head down about the seedier aspects of Riot Racing. Don’t kick a gift horse in the mouth, as they say. 
And, oh, were you glad that you decided to stick around. 
Cid, who often bet on TAY-0, had come to the track, alongside two…bodyguards? And a child. (Part of you wondered if the child was also a bodyguard. Though she didn’t look much older than ten or eleven, she looked like she packed a punch.) You more interested in the handsome, goggles-wearing bodyguard, though. If you weren’t busy working, you would have made a proposition or two. Though, you mused, you might just still have the opportunity. 
The race had gone well, until it didn’t. The other racers destroyed the speeder. It crashed. In the wreckage was the broken bits of TAY-0. An unfortunate turn of events for Cid, who bet her freedom on TAY-0 winning. But then the child—Omega— but in, and raised the stakes. If TAY-0 won the next race, Cid was free. 
Your hand was brushing against Tech’s—one of Cid’s maybe-bodyguards (you still weren't sure on the arrangement)—as you reached for a tool to repair TAY-0. 
“Ope, sorry,” you said, pulling your hand away. 
Tech passed you the tool you had been reaching for. “No need to apologize.”
You offered him a smile before turning back to your task of reconstructing TAY-0’s arm. Kriff, you felt like an idiot around him. Tech, you mean. Not TAY-0. (TAY-0 could kick rocks.) You usually had so much to say that people would tell you to shut up. But when you were around Tech, your mouth suddenly became dry. Your palms became clammy. You struggled to even figure out how to form a sentence. What the hell was he doing to you? 
“So, uh,” he coughed, “how’d you end up working here?”
You stared at him. Was he trying to do small talk? Curious. He didn’t strike you as a small talk sort of person.
“If it’s too personal, you don’t have to say,” he rushed out. There was a pink tint to his face. “I thought it might be nice to talk. Fill the air, you know. We’re going to be here all night. Based on my calculations, we’ll be lucky to have everything repaired and in working order before the race begins tomorrow. And—”
You cracked a smile. His words died in his throat. It was endearing, how nervous he got around you. At least you weren’t alone in that camp. “The Empire,” you said. His brows shot up. You were quick to add, “Nothing happened. Nothing specific, I mean. But they took over my home planet, and I got a bad feeling about it. Decided to trust my instincts and booked the first ship outta there. Ended up here, which wasn’t much better.” You took a moment to look him over. “I think it was a good decision, though. I probably wouldn’t have met you if I ended up somewhere else.”
The pinkness in Tech’s face burned red. “Oh—I—uh—“
“What about you? How’d you end up working for Cid?” 
Tech eyed you, hesitancy overtaking his demeanor. Had you overstepped a boundary? Had you said something that triggered bad memories? Oh, dear. That was the last thing you wanted to do.
Tech stared at you, unblinking. He didn’t blink very much at all, though. His wide eyes constantly took in his surroundings, calculating and categorizing all that he saw. It should have been unnerving, but it wasn’t. It was…comforting. You liked knowing he saw you. “I would rather talk about you,” he said finally. “How did you end up a mechanic?”
You pondered for a moment, tried to formulate a response. You didn’t want to make yourself sound like a fool. “Just what felt natural, you know? I was always good with my hands, always had a mind for puzzles. That’s all being a mechanic is, really. Figuring out the puzzle of the machine, determining what pieces you needed to fit together to make a cohesive picture.”
Tech nodded along as you spoke. “Is it not what you wanted to do?”
You frowned. “What do you mean?”
No one had ever asked you that before. When you told your parents of your chosen career, they shrugged with a quiet sort of indifference. Something about how mechanics are always needed, so you’d always have a job. That it made decent money, so you could have a good life. It was nothing of prestige, so it wasn’t something they got excited about. But it also wasn’t something outlandish, so they didn’t protest, either. Now that you thought about, perhaps your feelings were more similar to your parents’ than you once believed. 
“You said being a mechanic felt natural, but there’s no emotions behind your words. Rather, you only speak with a reluctant acceptance. It is reasonable to assume that you don’t care much for being a mechanic. That it is not what you’re passionate about.” Tech tilted his head. “What are you passionate about?”
You considered his words. There was one thing, a long-forgotten dream that you stuffed away to the far crevices of your mind. It felt strange to be pulling it back out now. “I suppose I always wanted to be a pilot. That wasn’t really an option on my home planet, though. People stuck to the ground. But I remember one time, my family and I visited a cousin on a different planet, and I was mesmerized by the stars, the feeling of traveling through space. When I came here, when I was on the ship that brought me here, I felt like that little girl again. Mesmerized by the stars.”
Tech’s hand came to rest on top of your own. You froze at the contact. When was the last time someone touched you? “When this is over, you should come with us,” Tech said. “I serve as our pilot now, but it’s not really something I care for. If you would like to, I mean.”
“I could teach you the basics, if you’d like, and then you could take over—”
“TECH’S GOT A GIRLFRIEND!” Wrecker shouted, his voice echoing off the walls. He made kissy noises in your direction. 
You jumped away like you’d been shocked. Tech whipped around to glare at his brother. 
Omega tugged on Wrecker’s arm, forcing him to return to their task. “Shh, let’s let them be.”
Tech looked back at you. “We can talk about it more later, okay?”
You nodded. “Okay.”
Now, you worried you would never get the change. TAY-0, who you and Tech worked so hard in restoring, was destroyed just before the race started. All hope seemed lost, but then Tech volunteered himself as the racer. Kriff, it made you sick to think of him on the track. He could handle himself, probably, but there were so many risks. People played dirty out there. If he wasn’t careful, his first race might just be his last. 
You muttered a prayer to the Maker as the race began. You didn’t want to lose him. Not when you just met him. You watched as his speeder took off, falling behind everyone else. 
“Do you know what you’re doing?” you asked, anxiety biting at your nerves. 
“Of course I do,” Tech reported. The nervousness he had around you before had melted away. “I’m being strategic. I have a lot of incentive to win, don’t I?”
Your face grew warm. “Yes, yes you do.”
Wrecker bumped his shoulder against yours. When you looked up at him, he wiggled his eyebrows at you. “Lotta incentive, huh?”
You chewed on the corner of your nail as you watched the race. With every movement, you worried that Tech wasn’t going to be able to pull through. Then he took the tunnel to the left, and it felt like you died then and there. Didn’t he know that he wasn’t supposed to take that one? Didn’t he know that was dangerous?
“Tech, I swear, if you die out there, I’m gonna kill you,” you muttered. 
He laughed. “Worry not, cyar’ika. I have not intention of dying today.”
And you were glad he didn’t. As he crossed the finished line, winning the race, all of your worries and anxieties exploded into pure joy. All around you, the crowd shouted his name. Tech! Tech! Tech! He got out of his speeder, looking out at the crowd in amazement. Then his focus turned you. 
You ran toward him, throwing your arms around his shoulders, burying your face in the crook of his neck. 
“Oh! This is nice,” he said, his arms wrapping around you. 
“If I’m going to go with you, you’re not allowed to scare me like that again!” you said. 
Tech’s mouth twitched slightly, a small smirk forming on his face. “You know, I think I deserve a good, proper reprimand, don’t you?” When your breath caught in your throat, he continued, “Perhaps we should take this to the pit?”
That was how you ended up seated on a table, legs wrapped around Tech’s waist, fingers pulling at his hair, kissing him so hard you were sure your lips were going to be bruised. His fingers dug into your hips, pulling you close against his chest, like he was trying to mold you into him. His tongue darted out, tracing along your bottom lip. Your lips parted, letting him in, his tongue exploring your mouth like he was trying to commit every part of you to memory.
“We should,” you mumbled against his lips, “go rescue Cid.”
“Wrecker and Omega got it handled,” Tech said, pulling away for a moment to catch his breath. He nuzzled his nose against yours. “Let me enjoy you.”
“Hey, is this is how your flight lessons are going to go?” you asked, your breath fanning over his face. 
Tech let out a chuckle. “Only if you’re a good student.”
“Mm, I promise to be on my best behavior then.”
Tech leaned back in, his lips molding against yours. You moaned slightly, tugging him closer. But, you weren’t given the opportunity to enjoy him like you wanted to because—
“TECH? Where are you? We need to get Cid—OH MY GOD!” Wrecker shouted. “We already got one kid to deal with, don’t be adding another to this!”
You pulled away, laughing so hard you snorted. Tech glared at his brother, but reluctantly unwound himself from you. He held out his hands and helped you down from the table. One hand held onto yours, keeping you close.
“We will continue this later.”
“I look forward to it.”
And, oh, you did. 
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and-claudia · 1 year
What Hurts the Most (Tech x gn!reader)
Warnings: Season2 finale spoilers, sad, reader is a force user
Wordcount: <500
And-Claudia's Star Wars Taglist
Very short little blurb is based on the song What Hurts the Most by Rascal Flatts
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It was raining on Pabu. It had been five weeks. Five long weeks since we lost Tech. I was grateful for the rain, it gave me someone to cry with. I wasn’t ashamed to cry in front of the others but I just didn’t want them to see that part of me just yet. So here I sit, letting myself cry, alone. Even though it had been over a month since it happened, going on with my life without him being here was hard. It hurt. Of course, it did. He was gone and it was my fault. 
I had a hold on him through the force. The debris of the cart fell down around him as I held him, suspended in the air. All my concentration was on him and keeping him from falling. 
I heard the muffled yell of my voice but it was too late. One of the Stormtroopers’ blaster bolts hit me in the back of my shoulder. And I as fell to my knees, Tech slipped from my grip and fell as well. 
But that wasn’t what hurt the most. 
The most painful part of all of this was that I was so close to telling him the truth. Telling him that I loved him, telling him everything. As I watched, helplessly as he fell, the realization of the moment hit me. Tech was gone. He would surely die on impact with the ground. He would never get to know how much I loved him. I would never know what could’ve been between us. 
Now, it feels like everything in my life is standing in as a reminder of him. I see him everywhere I go. I wasn’t sure how I was managing but somehow, I was. I tell his brothers that I am okay and force a smile when I see them, but it’s all fake. I know this must be hard for them, just as it was for me. 
Just getting up in the mornings, and getting dressed was hard. I was living with the guilt of the accident and regret of never telling him how I felt. At nights when I lay awake I would beg and plead for whatever higher being was out there for the chance to go back and tell him how I felt. Maybe then he wouldn’t have done it. Maybe then he wouldn’t have cut himself loose, forcing me to save him… or try to at least. 
It hurt that he was gone, and I missed him every second of the day. But what hurt the most was knowing he died not knowing how much I loved him.
Tech Taglist:
@fan-g0rl @lothiriel9 @alexxavicry
Star Wars Tagllist
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fandomtrashoe · 2 years
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I started a new playlist for my latest fictional crush. ❤️
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dimensionzero · 1 year
all the implications of the different earths in atsv having different art styles are going to drive me insane. why do some people, like miles and peni and hobie, keep their own art styles wherever they go? why do some people, like gwen, adjust to other universes' art styles instead of keeping their own? is it automatic? do they know that this is happening? do they choose whether or not to keep their own styles in other universes? is it a conscious choice? subconscious? if it's a choice then why do items from other universes, like hobie's watch, keep their original styles? I'm going to start crawling up my wall
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stellarbit · 3 months
Im a huge fan of your tbb x reader works! Especially tech x reader.
Can I make a request for a one bed scenario? (NSFW or SFW, no preference) On a mission maybe, or just generally tech up to his mischief, I adore the way you write his methodical testing and teasing. It appeals to my fandom trash heart *and* the ‘tism 😆
May your next ibuprofen kick in swiftly 💛💛
~And there was one bed~
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Word Count: 1.3k Pairing: fem!reader x Tech Warnings: light petting Summary: It's not your fault there's one bed - you don't speak Rodese. Tech's not mad though.
Tech turned to you carrying an unimpressed deadpan expression. “Care to explain how your planning resulted in insufficient accommodations?”
You took a deep breath, stifling your rising frustration. “I did mention I’m not fluent in Rodese.” Turning a similarly unamused face on Tech, you offered a stiff smile.
Letting out a contemplative noise, Tech shifted his attention to the bed in question. “While it is of adequate size for two adults, I have no issue resting elsewhere.” He pivoted in place to assess the rest of the room. Pointing to an armchair tucked in the corner, he continued. “That will do nicely.”
Without pause, Tech stepped towards the chair only for you to catch him by the arm. His uncanny ability to fall asleep under any circumstances was no secret, but you couldn’t ignore the way he rolled kinks out of his neck and shoulders afterward. You didn’t want to be the reason for his soreness this time. You just had to keep your hands to yourself — no big deal.
Tech glanced between your touch and your tired expression. Nodding to the bed, you attempted to shrug off the situation. “It’s not like anyone is around to see.” You’d been dancing around your nerves concerning Tech for weeks. The idea of him avoiding sharing a bed due to your awkward reactions strengthened your resolve to professionally share the space.
 That very resolve cracked when his armor started dropping. While Tech stripped, rattling off Hunter’s mission briefing, you dialed in on the way his biceps flexed and relaxed as he moved. The tight fit of his blacks highlighted the definition of his muscles, a rare sight you couldn’t break away from.
“Are you listening?” Tech tilted his head to meet your gaze, pulling you back to reality. When your response was just a few absent blinks, Tech sighed but patiently repeated the details he had provided earlier.
After dousing yourself in a cold shower, you joined Tech in the bed. He was propped up against the headboard, sitting over the blankets with the soft glow of his datapad reflecting off his goggles.
Scooting beneath blankets, you debated the most appropriate position to take. Facing him was the last thing you could stomach, but you worried facing away would add to his evidence of your avoiding him. You ended up on your back, leaving it to fate once you were asleep.
“Are you comfortable?” Tech asked, his voice unusually gentle—a rare question for him.
You hummed an affirmative, breathing through the flutter in your chest at the reminder of his proximity to you. You weren’t sure you could manage even a simple ‘yep’ without a crack in your voice. Thankfully, the deep breathing at least eased you into a sleepy haze.
Tech wouldn’t say that he had been waiting for an opportunity to observe you under such intimate conditions. Nevertheless, he wasn’t about to let the time go to waste. Sharing space with you was seemingly stress-free for him. Your response indicated minimal hesitation, which was intriguing to him.
You sparked his intrigue weeks prior during a fast escape. As he pulled you out of the path of blaster fire, Tech sheltered you against a wall, his body shielding yours. Trapped in his embrace, you were wide-eyed and with something like pain on your face, a reaction that lingered even after the danger had subsided.
 Initially, he thought your discomfort stemmed from his leg pressed between your thighs. However, when he shifted his leg and he saw you flinch, he was at a loss. You regained your composure once you completely disentangled, but there was a flush to your skin Tech had yet to witness. 
From then on, Tech meticulously observed your behavior under stress, around his brothers, and during physical contact. Yet, none of these situations triggered the reaction he had witnessed. Eventually, driven by impatience, Tech decided to take matters into his own hands.
He subtly closed in on you during ship repairs, selected you as his partner for running errands, and seized any opportunity to initiate contact. Through these interactions, he deduced that the common denominator in your reactions was his presence. He also realized the limitations of his experiments under the watchful eye of his brothers.
So, while your planning had landed you in one bed, sharing a night alone was entirely Tech’s maneuvering.
Tech waited until your breathing evened into a slow, controlled rhythm before setting his device aside. The room was dark, but his goggles provided him with sufficient visibility. He began his 'test' by slightly moving his leg against yours. When you didn't react, Tech wondered if he had missed his window with you.
Determined, Tech pushed back his side of the blankets and gently slid in. Again, he pressed his leg against yours. You mumbled through a twitch, spurring Tech to move further against you. You let out a long breath, but otherwise were unfazed.
Tech knew he was walking a fine line. While he wanted to test you, tease you even, he didn’t want this to be unpleasant for you. If he wanted to continue, he decided, he needed your consent and he needed you awake.
Deciding that any further steps required clear communication, Tech tapped his finger nervously against his thigh as he pondered his next move. With little experience in these matters, he was charting unknown territory, which only enticed him more.
Carefully rolling onto his side, he propped his head on one hand and prepared to wake you gently. His heart raced slightly at the factor of the unknown. Tech was leaning over you, taking perhaps his last chance to watch you so closely, when he spotted the tint of your cheeks through the low light.
A knowing smile ticked Tech’s lips. Diligently scanning your face, Tech rolled his thigh into you. The twitch of your lips proved his theory right. 
In a low voice, Tech announced, “You are awake.”
Unable to maintain a pretense of calm, your breath hitched and your eyes opened. You blinked against the soft glow of Tech’s goggles hovering above you. He was closer than you’d realized.
“Are you comfortable?” Tech asked you again. He adjusted his stance, purposely resting his free hand over his waist to barely brush your stomach. The light touch sent a shiver through you.
You didn’t immediately answer. You recognized the look in his eyes enough to know he was cataloging something about you. Noting all the places he was pressing against you, a thought occurred to you. 
Shifting your head back for a better look at him, you returned his smile. “Are you?”
His gaze caught on your smile for a moment. Drifting his hand closer, he spread his fingers over your stomach until his whole hand rested on you. Meeting your gaze, Tech gently tapped a finger on your stomach.
“No.” He answered and, before you could panic, added, “But that is to be expected when trying new things.”
Your breath hitched. “And what exactly are you trying?”
“To be blunt, you.” You made a small noise at his confession, flaring Tech’s eagerness. “I’ve noticed you often react like that to my presence and I’d like to see how else you might respond to me.”
Heat flooded your core. “How are you planning to do that?” you asked, a hint of nervousness in your voice.
Tech’s head lifted off his hand with some surprise, processing his next move quickly. Leaning in, he rested his arm on the pillow above your head, subtly shifting his weight onto you. “Would you like me to show you?”
Your response was immediate, your hips instinctively squirming under him. “Very much.”
Tech gave a low chuckle. “Well, for starters, I want to see how you react-” The hand on your stomach drifted lower, over your pelvis, and tucked between your thighs. “When I touch you here.”
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 2 years
Oh! How would the Bad Batch react to their S/O protecting them or blocking an attack they didn’t see for them during a mission!
(The Bad Batch) You Block/Protect Him from an Attack
There isn't much that this guy doesn't see, but every now and then, he finds himself a little preoccupied in the heat of battle. He saw the enemy taking aim with their blaster, but he was locked in hand-to-hand combat with multiple targets at the moment, mentally working out the details of how he'd get out of that one.
You saw your enemy's evil intent, heart pounding at the thought of any harm coming to him, and jumped in to quickly knock the enemy out before they could even take a shot.
While grappling with his opponent, Hunter's visor snapped toward you for an instant. If his helmet was off, you would've seen the gratitude in his eyes as well as the pride. But things were moving so fast that he couldn't afford to spare more than a glance in your direction.
A new resolve settled in his chest, and he overcame his opponent with a surge of strength. He had to end this fight.
It was later on aboard the Marauder that Hunter was able to truly express his feelings on the matter. In the quiet of the ship, he pulled you into an embrace that caught you a little off guard.
"I saw that," he murmured. "Earlier."
You smiled as you leaned into his chest, though you weren't entirely sure what it was about. "What do you mean?"
"During the fight," he continued, resting his stubbled cheek against yours. "You were there just in time."
"Oh, that?" Your heart picked up speed as you wrapped your arms tighter around him, chuckling softly. "Just doing my duty, Sarge. I'm always happy to help."
"Saved my behind is what you did."
You rolled your eyes playfully, pulling away slightly to kiss his chin. "You would've found your way out."
He smirked, tilting his head down so that his lips could meet yours. "I'm not so sure. It was looking pretty bleak."
During fights, this guy goes all out. Sometimes he gets caught up in the heat of battle, so it isn't entirely unheard of that he wouldn't see an impending threat creeping up on him.
You never strayed too far from Wrecker in battle unless you were given an order, so fortunately, you saw it coming. He was covering you, as a matter of fact, pulling a particularly large opponent away from you.
You planted your feet and took aim with your blaster, firing off a couple of blasts to take the approaching threat out.
Wrecker hadn't seen them coming behind him, but he heard the blaster fire. He turned around to see your position standing only a few feet away, gaze honed on your target, eyes alight with protective fire.
"Wow," he rumbled in amazement, helmet tilting as he admired you for a moment. His chest swelled with the reminder that you always had his back, and he dove back into the fray.
After the fight, Wrecker came up behind you while you talked to Hunter and wrapped you up in a giant hug, squeezing you until you laughed.
"You were great out there!" He boomed affectionately, bringing you closer his chest and resting his head against yours as if you were Lula. "Thanks for havin' my back!"
You happily accepted the kiss that he bestowed, melting into it and his gentle touch.
Tech was very capable on the battlefield. You'd seen it. He was smart, resourceful, and strong.
But sometimes, he had other things to do even in the midst of a firefight. Whether it was hacking, downloading data, searching his holopad for vital information, or using his custom visor to scan ahead. It was in those times that engaging in combat was put on the backburner, falling to the rest of you while he worked on whatever crisis was at hand.
This was one of those instances. Tech was knelt beside a panel, trying to hotwire a door since Wrecker was not there to bash it in. You and Echo were covering him. It was practically the two of you against an entire wave of enemies that were quickly approaching.
A shot was fired just past Tech, leaving a scorch mark on the door. He paused his work momentarily to steal a narrow-eyed look at the enemy. Heart racing, you jumped in front of him, swiftly taking aim and firing off several blasts.
Tech glanced up at you, brown eyes softening behind the clear visor, and coolly resumed his task.
"Thank you, my dear," he said evenly, though the gratitude was evident in his tone.
"Of course," you grunted back, ducking to avoid a shot and quickly firing back. Together, you and Echo were able to fight off the remaining opponents until Tech managed to get the door open.
Later on, when things calmed down, you and Tech hardly left each other's side even as you went about the mundane tasks of ship repairs, setting coordinates, checking supplies.
Out of the blue, he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you in for a kiss. The gesture was a surprise, but a pleasant one. You sighed into it, and when he pulled away, you smiled. When you asked what it was for, he merely adjusted his goggles and replied,
"Consider that my expression of gratitude for earlier. Thank you for covering me."
"Oh," you chuckled. "Anytime."
You'd been separated from Echo on the latest mission, given orders to accompany Wrecker and Omega and meet the others at the destination. Of course you always worried about your love, but never in a million were you prepared for what you saw when you arrived at the rendezvous point.
In the middle of a fight, Echo was grappling with an enemy at the edge of a steep drop. His blaster was just out of reach, and the opponent had his arm pinned.
Your heart plummeted at the sight, and to make matters worse, another enemy was eyeing the situation from across the platform, possibly looking to aid his ally. The enemy turned his masked face toward you, and the both of you met each other's gazes in silent understanding.
You took off running toward Echo and his opponent, blaster in hand. You couldn't afford a moment of hesitation. Your rival was tearing across the platform as well, both of you intent in the race to help your comrades.
Fortunately, you made it there first, taking aim to keep him from getting any closer. In that instance, Echo managed to overpower his attacker, and knock him out. He looked up through his helmet visor to see you standing in front of him protectively with your blaster aimed at the one who had dared to threaten him.
He still made a move for his own blaster, so you stunned him.
Echo was at your side in an instant with his own blaster recovered. "Thanks," he breathed out through his modulator, still huffing from the effort his his wrestling match. "You alright?"
"Now that you are, I am," you replied, affection creeping into your tone as you stole a glance at him. "Don't do that to me again."
His voiced lilted with playful sarcasm. "I'll try not to."
He is always the eye in the sky. Crosshair is the one who looks after the others, including you.
But it isn't completely unheard of that his location is compromised.
You were down below, engaged in combat alongside the rest of the squad. You fired your blaster and ducked to avoid a swipe from a nearby opponent. As you took him down, you noted the fall of enemies all around you. Single, precise shots from afar. Your eyes travelled up to see the glint of armor nestled atop a boulder at the peak of a rocky slope.
You knew it to be Crosshair, so you gave him a nod of thanks that he would hopefully see through his scope. It always amazed you how far he could be, and yet how safe you felt knowing he was never too far.
Unfortunately, one of your enemies somehow managed to follow the line of fire. They stood at the edge of the valley, aiming their own rifle at Crosshair's position.
"Oh no," you whispered, muscles bunching as you prepared to break into a run. You lifted your blaster and fired a few warning shots, hoping to spook him out of it. Relieved that he turned his attention from your sniper and onto you, you barreled into him rather ungracefully and knocked him out with a harsh blow with the butt of your blaster.
No doubt that maneuver would result in a few bruises on your arm, but things were too crazy to dwell on it for long.
You didn't see Crosshair until after the battle when things calmed down. He met up with the rest of the squad, hovering near you like he usually did.
"Hey," you greeted, eyes brimming with affection and relief. He entered your space, regarding you with his own version of tenderness.
"Hey." His gaze didn't stray from yours for several seconds, a sign he was contemplating his next words. "Are you...alright?"
"Before. You hit him pretty hard."
"Oh," you blushed, realizing he saw that. "I got a little banged up, but nothing major."
"That was reckless." His scolding was flat, but you recognized it for what it was. Even so, his gloved hand curled around yours.
"I know, I just... I got concerned is all."
"Concerned," he repeated with emphasis, leaning in. Before you could respond, Crosshair's lips joined with yours agonizingly slow, leaving you wanting another kiss as he pulled away.
"Be more careful next time," he murmured.
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rumplereids · 2 months
part one. tags: spencer reid x fem!reader. tech analyst!reader. early-s1!spencer. a/n: tech analyst!reader won’t leave my little brain. i hope u like this :) masterlist. requests are open !
You were 21 when you got recruited into the bureau. Barely a graduate, and already on a FBI watchlist. Honestly, the only reason you’re under their watchful eyes is because of a lapse in judgment.
To celebrate the semester ending, your roommate decided that you both needed to get drunk. Being a psychology major with a pre-med roommate leads to tequila shots in your own dorm room. It’s the convenience and comfort of your own space that got you so drunk. This situation led to this: you admitting to your roommate, with heavy eyes, that you can “hack, you know. I learned when I was 15.”
She sat up from her place on the floor.
“Really? I don’t believe you!” she giggles, and then hiccups.
“I so can!” there’s indignation and a want to prove yourself in the tone of your voice.
“Okay, show me!”
Shuffling on heavy feet, you plop down in front of your laptop. A few clicks and the comforting clacks of your keyboard, and then a window pops open. You look at the wide-gaped mouth of your roommate. “What are you hacking?”
You hum, “I don’t know.”
And then you remember the talk from a few days ago. Two agents from the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit came over to your college to talk about criminal profiling to psychology majors and anyone else interested.
Completely inebriated, you manage to hack into their database. Your hazy mind doesn’t forget to compliment the beauty and intricacy of the codes and firewalls you broke down.
At Quantico, Virginia, Technical Analyst Penelope Garcia rushes into her unit chief’s office.
“Sir, somebody is attempting to get into my system. I think they’re trying to communicate?”
Hotch follows Garcia into her office, the quickness of their steps catching the attention of Dr. Spencer Reid who was seated at his desk, skimming over a case report.
When Hotch gets into Penelope’s ‘lair’, his eyes squint, adjusting to the dimmed lights and bright screens. On the main monitor, a window displaying the barebones of a text chat is open.
<ATHEN411> ????
<ATHEN411> hiiiiidfgsd
<YOU> Who is this?
<ATHEN411> ohymgofd i didnt think anyonewould alsnwer
<ATHEN411> wh o it sthis?
<YOU> BAU Section Chief Aaron Hotchner.
<ATHEN411> omfdg i know uuu !! jason mentoined u
<YOU> Jason?
<ATHEN411> yhuhh jason digeon or sumn omg i cant tpoye
<ATHEN411> sorry
<YOU> Jason Gideon? How do you know him?
<ATHEN411 disconnected.>
You’ve completely forgotten about the conversation. Until, a few days later. You’re turning the corner of the hallway to get into your dorm. Backpack slung on a shoulder, arms full of your laptop, binders and a soft-bound copy of your final paper. You stop in your tracks when you see two men stationed outside your room’s door.
One man was in a shirt, jeans, and combat boots. He also had sunglasses on. The other had a permanent furrow to his brows, dressed formally in a suit and tie.
“Hi, can I help you?” you ask, hand reaching into your hoodie pocket for your keys and pepper spray.
The one in sunglasses holds up a badge and ID.
“FBI. I’m Agent Morgan, this is Agent Hotchner. Are you Y/N L/N?”
You gulp, wondering why they knew your name.
“Um, yeah. Why?”
“Can we talk somewhere private?”
Your bring out your keys, and you notice how Agent Hotchner eyes the pepper spray keychained to it.
“Um, yeah. We can talk inside? My roommate’s still out.”
You unlock your door and walk in, the agents following in after you. Dropping your bag on your desk chair, you turn to ask the agents, “How can I help you?”
Agent Hotchner asks, “Are you familiar with the name athen-four-one-one?”
You look up at them guilty.
“It’s athena-eleven.”
“So, it’s you?” Agent Morgan clarifies.
“Yes. How did you find me?”
The two men share a glance. A silent conversation passing with you unknowing.
“Two nights ago, you hacked into the BAU’s database.”
You look at them in suprise, “I did?”
“Yes,” Agent Hotchner says, passing a folder to you. Inside are images and a transcript of messages shared between a ‘P.GARCIA’ and ‘ATHEN411’.
“Oh my god,” you whisper, realizing what’s happening.
“I was drunk off my ass two nights ago! I’m so sorry,” that catches Agent Morgan’s attention.
“You were drunk?”
“Yeah, my roommate and I were celebrating our exams. I didn’t… Am I in trouble?”
Agent Hotchner raises a hand in a placating gesture, “You were drunk when you hacked into the bureau’s database?” Confusion and slight amusement evident in the tone of his voice.
“Yeah,” you confess, “It was just a dare! I don’t even remember much of it.”
Agent Morgan looks as if he doesn’t know what to think about the situation. You feel the same. Agent Hotchner extends a hand to get the file back from you, and you give it to him easily.
“Would you go with us back to the station?”
“What? For what? Am I being sued?”
“The opposite. I would like to conduct a proper interview.” Agent Hotchner explains.
“An interview? For what?”
“A job as a technical analyst at Quantico.”
You look at them, eyes furrowing in confusion and disbelief, “What? I can’t!”
“Why not?”
You gesture toward your desk, “I still have a paper to pass!”
Meeting Penelope Garcia was like a dream come true.
“I should have realized! The triple-stacked firewall should’ve been so obvious! The Black Queen signature!”
The blonde’s eyes sparkle, happy to meet a match.
“Athena-Eleven! I didn’t even notice you were in my systems until you sent your first message.”
You feel your chest puff up at the indirect praise.
“You were one of my idols,” you admit, “Your exposé on Griffith Industries was just… stunning! Absolutely flawless. You had a section in your code that I used to build my private server—” Agent Hotchner interrupts your spiel.
He gestures to the rest of the room, where agents were seated at a round table.
“This is Y/N L/N, the unit’s newest technical analyst. ” he says, and you give a shy wave. You get a wave back from the agent wearing glasses. He’s cute. Have you seen him before?
“This is Jennifer Jareau, our communications liaison,” you shake her outstretched hand. She’s so pretty, you start to think, gorgeous blue eyes too.
“You’ve met Derek Morgan,” Agent Hotchner says, and Agent Morgan gives a two finger salute, his hands wrapped around a coffee cup.
“Agent Jason Gideon,” you return his handshake, mumbling a shy; “Hello, sir. Nice to see you again.”
And then, “This is Dr. Spencer Reid—”
“Oh! You were with Agent Gideon at the seminar! You talked a bit about geoprofiling, and how an unsub’s subconscious can’t help but stick close to home, which helps you triangulate the—” Agent Hotchner lets out another soft cough.
“Um, yeah. I did. Nice to meet you,” he gives another small wave, smile close-lipped and awkward. Endearing. He’s really cute. “I don’t really shake hands.”
You nod, “I get that, germs and stuff. It’s actually, weirdly, safer to kiss.”
You don’t see the way JJ and Derek look at each other, nor do you notice when Penelope whispered, “Oh my God, there’s two of them.”
“Your code name, it’s for the Athena, right? The Greek goddess of wisdom, warfare, and handicraft?” Dr. Reid asks you, curiosity getting the better of him.
“Yeah. I love greek mythology.”
He gives you a smile, “I do, as well. I’m wondering about the eleven though. Does it mean anything?”
You tsk’d through your teeth, “The angel number 1111’s often seen as a spiritual wake-up call and awakening. I thought it was fitting, and I was 15 when I chose the name, okay? Excuse little old me.”
“That’s cool,” Dr. Reid admits. If he remembers your file right, you were barely 17 when you became a trademark and known name in underground hacking circles. He can’t properly meet your eyes, struck in awe. Athena. It’s perfect for you.
“Y/N formally starts her job with us in three days,” Hotch informs the team, “Be kind.”
With a final word, Gideon and Hotch start to return to their offices.
Derek straightens from his position on the office chair. “I am very kind!”
“He didn’t say anything about you,” Penelope teases.
“Ooh, that says a lot, Morgan. It says so much,” JJ teases back.
You smile at them, your new co-workers, taking the seat JJ was gesturing at for you. The three continue bickering, you start to tune them out as you make eye contact with Dr. Reid. The apple of his cheeks blush red, and you can’t stop the grin on your lips from getting wider. He’s downright enchanting.
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kaidatheghostdragon · 21 days
De-age fic, but good parents AU
Something de-ages danny, not a clue what exactly, but it does. BUT, danny had already had a good reveal with his parents, so he goes home and they see him de-aged and immediately get to work figuring out how to get him back to normal.
Life goes on as normal, its just that danny's body is about ten years younger. He still has to go to school (with a story that the thing that de-aged danny was aimed at fenton and phantom jumped in to take the hit but it got both of them - or open secret au, take your pick), still has chores, still has to deal with the ghosts that cause problems.
With barely a pause to question 'is that still danny?' everyone continues as normal.
Thing is, there's the typical information firewall we like to invoke to explain why the justice league doesnt know about amity. It blocks ghosts, Phantom, infinite realms, liminality and ecto-contamination, you name it.
What it doesnt block? Baby Hero.
As in, now that Phantom is tiny, everyone and their dog is taking pics and recording phantom to coo all over him on social media. Everyone is enjoying how adorable he is while it lasts. Even the rogues are playing nicer to soak it all up.
The justice league is concerned. Apparently there's some new hero (phantom has been active for over a year by now, minimum) operating in the midwest, and he is literally preschool age. Even the Robins didn't start that young! Who is raising this kid? What are they thinking?!
Its frustratingly hard to get any more intel about phantom (because the firewall is still catching everything else about him), so theyre gonna have to send someone in blind to scope out the situation.
Who do they send? You can decide, but i vote they put together a team: batman (wfa characterization) because he knows how to handle child vigilantes, wonder woman because everyone loves wonder woman and she's a good voice of reason, and zatanna (NOT constantine! Zatanna is more child friendly) to cover magical bases in case this is something like a captain marvel situation.
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lornaka · 5 months
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He's a Disney prince ♕
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