#the bad batch imagine
stellarbit · 5 months
Do Not Look Away
Tech x fem!reader
2.7k words NSFW - eye contact kink, unprotected sex, light dom
Tech never really paid mind to eye contact. Finding you staring him down, however, changed that completely and working him up more than he expected.
Notes: 'Sarad' means flower in Mando'an, cute nickname. This gif makes me feral. Just think of that on top of you.
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Tech absorbed the details of his surroundings with a meticulous eye, viewing the world around him as an intricate web of data to be analyzed and understood. Eye contact, though useful for evaluating intentions and planning strategies, wasn't his primary focus.
This preference shifted unexpectedly during a routine briefing in the Marauder. While Hunter and Echo discussed the mission's terrain, and Wrecker and Omega showed their usual enthusiasm, Tech was busy ensuring the mission data on his datapad matched the verbal instructions. Satisfied, he pocketed the device and prepared to give Hunter his full attention.
That’s when he inadvertently met your gaze.
You were watching him intently, your eyes steady and revealing nothing that he could easily interpret. Surprisingly, it was Tech who broke the gaze first, a rare moment of vulnerability for someone so controlled. He quickly looked back, his interest piqued by the challenge you presented, and noticed a small, confident smile playing on your lips. It was slightly disconcerting yet undeniably captivating.
This momentary exchange unsettled Tech in a way he hadn’t anticipated. The directness of your gaze stirred something within him, igniting a flurry of thoughts that were less about data and more about the curious look you had. He found himself eager to understand the enigma of your steady eyes and the subtle confidence they conveyed.
For the first time, Tech felt an urge to maintain that connection, to hold your gaze and engage in a silent conversation only the two of you could comprehend. This newfound fascination made him want to explore this interaction further, to understand why you seemed so intent on him and him alone.
Tech had assumed that, under the circumstances, your attention would be squarely on Hunter as he discussed the mission details. Yet, when he glanced away for a moment to check on his brothers and Omega, and then back to you, the intensity of your gaze was undiminished.
As he held your eyes this time, a warmth spread across his face, an unusual sensation for him. His chest tightened, a physiological response that was both puzzling and intriguing.
The way the light caught in your eyes seemed to draw him in deeper, binding him to the moment in a way that data and analysis never could.
He had rarely seen you so intensely focused, and it felt as if he was discovering a new facet of you. Being the exclusive focus of your attention was absolutely fascinating. It sparked a curiosity in Tech - did you frequently watch him?
The thought that you might often watch him with such focus sent a thrill through him, stirring a newfound eagerness within. Though he could never be certain of your habits, one thing crystallized in his mind—he would not overlook such moments again.
When your gaze finally shifted away, Tech continued to watch you, his thoughts now revolving around how he might recapture your attention. His mind raced through potential conversations and shared tasks that could bring your focus back to him. It was a new kind of strategy, one that involved personal connection rather than battlefield tactics.
Over the course of the next few rotations, as the mission unfolded, Tech found himself increasingly attuned to your presence. He noticed each time you looked his way, though these instances seemed to become shorter and less frequent.
With every brief glance, Tech felt a mix of anticipation and dissatisfaction grow within him. Each fleeting moment left him more restless, his mind constantly toggling between the mission data and the enigmatic patterns of your attention
As the mission drew to a close, you were under Echo's care, receiving treatment for a leg injury. Hunter and Omega were at the controls, piloting the ship, while Wrecker had retreated to his bunk for some much-needed rest. Tech stood a short distance behind Echo, ostensibly engrossed in finalizing mission details on his datapad.
Echo was busy tending to your wound, periodically dictating observations for Tech to cross-reference against their medical logs. Despite the important task at hand, Tech found his focus drifting.
When you, perhaps growing weary of the silence, looked up, your eyes met his. Tech’s head was angled towards his datapad, but his eyes were fixed on you.
You stilled at the sight. His gaze lingered with his earlier impatience giving way to a quiet intensity.
The room filled with the soft hum of the ship and the low murmur of Echo's medical updates, but you couldn’t notice anything beyond Tech.
You were the one to drop your eyes first, searching the rest of his face for a clue as to what he was thinking. The sight of a slight smile pulling at his lips sent warmth crawling up your neck and straight to your core.
Just then, a cool touch on your leg snapped you jolted you back to present.. Echo's concerned face came into view as he applied bacta cream—a detail you would have noted had your attention not been so thoroughly captured by Tech.
“"Did that hurt?" Echo inquired, mistaking your reaction for discomfort.
With a nervous laugh, you shook your head. "No, no! Just cool, that's all." As Echo completed the bandaging, your gaze drifted back to Tech. He had turned his attention back to his datapad, fingers tapping away with a renewed sense of purpose.
The rest of the ride back to Ord Mantell was uneventful. Upon landing Echo, Wrecker, and Omega quickly filed out to head to Cid’s. Hunter paused to speak with Tech before following them out.
"Make sure the systems are fully functional. We took fire before we made it offworld; I’d rather be prepped to go rather than make repairs later."
From behind his helmet, Tech nodded, albeit with a bit of exasperation. “I was already on it.”
Hunter gave you a pat on the shoulder as he turned to leave. “Keep him on track, will you?”
Tech had already moved to the control boards by the time you caught up, his back to you as he deftly navigated through the various system checks on the displays.
You hesitated for a moment, torn between the memory of his intense gaze earlier and the task at hand. With a deep breath, you started to walk past him toward the bunks, trying to focus on anything but him.
But as you passed Tech, the sound of the Marauder’s door sealing shut echoed through the hold. You turned, instinctively looking back over your shoulder.
“Sarad,” his voice stopped you in your tracks. The tone, soft yet certain, made you turn fully towards him.
You felt his stare before you saw it.
Slowly, you turned to face Tech, who now stood between you and the door. The sight of his eyes, clear and penetrating behind the frame of his helmet, sent a thrill through you.
He moved towards you with slow, deliberate steps, his gaze fixed intently on yours. "It seems that you have been watching me," he stated, his voice calm yet carrying an undercurrent of curiosity. As he removed his helmet, revealing his full expression, the room seemed to grow smaller around you. "Without my knowledge."
A nervous smile briefly crossed your face, words struggling to form as you met his piercing gaze. "What can I say? You’re easy on the eyes," you managed, your voice barely above a whisper.
He took a few more steps forward, reducing the distance between you. Instinctively, you stepped back, your back almost brushing against the bunks. Tech paused, adjusting his goggles as he noted your movement. His eyebrows knitted together in concern. "Does this make you uncomfortable?" he asked, his tone softening, indicating his readiness to step back if you indicated any discomfort.
“Not in the way you might imagine.” You answered, referring, whether he realized it or not, to the ache growing between your legs.
The slight raise of his brows indicated he understood precisely what you meant.
Without breaking eye contact, Tech raised his forearm and activated his comm. “Hunter, diagnostics are showing this may take some time. If you want this done in short time, keep the interruptions to a minimum.” His tone was firm, ensuring no further disturbances would interfere.
It took only one more step for Tech to close the distance between you. He placed a hand on your shoulder, applying just enough pressure to guide you gently. Your body responded instinctively to his touch, moving backward until your legs hit the cot, prompting you to sit.
Tech towered over you momentarily before he angled his head back, taking in the sight of you sitting wide-eyed before him. His gaze was intense, yet there was a hint of wonder in his eyes as he processed this unusual situation.
With a gentle touch, he tilted your chin up with his forefinger, the air thickening between you. “If you wouldn’t mind…” His voice was low, almost a whisper as he moved to crouch, bringing himself to eye level with you. “Remove your pants, Sarad.”
His hand slid over your thigh, his thumb grazing perilously close to the apex of your legs. “If I am correct, I may be able to help with the discomfort you are feeling.” A confident smile played across his lips, adding to the mounting tension. With a teasing glint in his eyes, he added, “And I am seldom wrong.”
You swiftly removed your pants, and with Tech between your legs, he assisted as much as he could. The feel of his gloved fingers on your skin was unexpectedly intense, the fabric of his gloves somehow amplifying the heat rather than muting it.
Dressed only in your panties, you felt Tech’s focus shift as he noticed the wet spot forming on the fabric between your legs. His head remained still, but his eyes lifted to meet yours, his hand traveling up your thigh again.
His thumb brushed lightly over the wet spot and then slipped between the fabric and your skin right to the source of your wetness. His finger paused and his eyes widened slightly. “Just as I suspected.” It was all he said before he pushed his thumb into you.
A low whine escaped you and your head tilted back, overwhelmed by the sudden pressure. Noticing your reaction, Tech adjusted his approach, replacing his thumb with two fingers into the tender area, drawing your attention back to him sharply.
“Do not look away,” he instructed, his fingers moving with a deliberate, slow curl that echoed the steady cadence of his voice.
You inhaled sharply and found yourself gripping his shoulder. “Then give me more,” you managed, your voice a blend of challenge and plea.
Tech’s eyes widened again, his focus intensifying as he registered your reaction. He pulled his fingers from you, leaving you empty and wanting.
Using your knees for leverage, he shifted his position with the fluidity born of his training. He crawled on top of you, maintaining eye contact as you adjusted beneath him. You lay back with your spread legs on either side of him.
Tech lowered himself on top of you. Caging you in with a forearm resting next to your head, he ran a hand up your neck to lightly grip your face. “I assume you know what I’m going to do.”
Your hands move between you, pulling away his gear as your only response. “Don’t make me wait, Tech.”
A noise came from him, acknowledgement mixed with hunger, and he nodded. You worked him free of his pants, hand grazing over the length of him. He flinched at your touch, momentarily looking between you to where your hand worked on him.
He pulled one of your legs to hook around him and angled his hips to line up with your entrance. Feeling the tip of him rubbing against you, you tried for a view of it, but Tech’s hand found your face again. His thumb pulled at your lip, working your mouth slightly open.
“I already told you,” he grunted as the head of his cock pressed into you. “Eyes on me.”
When your eyes met again, Tech rolled the full length of himself into you. He filled and stretched you out, pushing into you even after being fully sheathed. The pressure he forced into you made you see stars and your hands gripped at his neck, working into his hair.
When he moved, it took everything in you to maintain the eye contact demanded of you. You wanted to lose yourself completely, but you stayed present, jaw opening more at Tech’s grip on your face.
“That’s a face I have not seen.” Tech commented, his voice slightly breathless as he increased the pace. “Show me more.”
As he worked deeper and faster into you, you convulsed around him and in response you felt him throb. Your eyes, that focused look that had entranced him so thoroughly, drove him into long hard thrusts to control his mounting ecstasy.
Your breathing became labored with his steady, relentless thrusting. You drug your nails over the back of his neck, pleading to him, “Tech, wait.”
“Negative,” he panted and, with a groan, changed his angle. His cock hit a soft spot into you, wracking you entirely with pleasure. The grip of your leg tightened around him, matching the squeezing grip you had around his cock.
For a moment, your eyes fluttered shut. The break in eye contact flared something in Tech. He needed your eyes on him. In the moment he thought he may never be able to stomach you looking at anything but him again.
Tech slammed his hips into you harder than before. Shoved deep inside you, he stilled and you arched at the ache of his cock rammed against your cervix. Your eyes flew back open and back to Tech.
“Tell me what you did.” Tech murmured, making you suck in a breath.
“I closed my eyes.”
He moved his hips back only slightly before ramming back inside of you. You moaned loudly against him. “What were you supposed to do?” Tech moved your face side to side, watching as your eyes stayed steady on him.
“Keep my eyes on you.” You said, practically on the verge of tears. You’d wanted this for so long, although this was more than anything you could have imagined. Barely able to keep a coherent thought, you worked your muscles tighter around him.
“Excellent.” He whispered, delighted at the submission you displayed. Tech receded from you and filled you again - over and over. He hadn’t missed the changes in you, the heightened pitch of your moans and the tension rippling through you, when he shifted his hips.
Maintaining that splendid angle, Tech pounded into you. A bit of your saliva dripped onto his thumb at your lip. Curiosity driving him further, he dipped his thumb into your mouth and roamed over your tongue.
The softness of your mouth around him and the moan it elicited from you drove him over the edge. He hadn’t anticipated you’d drive him into a near delirium.
“Sarad, I’m-”
“Do it,” You begged, already knowing what was coming. Your own release ready to unleash. “Please, Tech. I need you.”
Those three words sealed it. His thrusts became rapid and shallow until he grunted against you, completely losing himself inside of you.
You felt him spilling against you, each pulse of his cock releasing another wave of his seed. Your own orgasm squeezing out every desperate ounce of him until he went slack against you, his forehead resting against yours.
The look between you changed, softening. All the tension built up over your mission dissipated as you both relaxed into each other's arms. When his eyes roamed your face, you finally were allowed to do the same to him.
Pulling yourself up, you moved your mouth against his. The softness of the kiss almost working you up for another round.
Releasing your face, Tech pushed up to position himself upright. He righted his goggles on his face and fully took in the sight of you splayed out for him. His own fluids seeped out around his cock still buried inside of you. A satisfied smirk rested on his lips.
"Judging by your relaxed state, I'd say that was effective as anticipated.” He said, wiping the sweat on his face away with the back of his hand. “Comfortable now, aren’t you?”
The pleasant, delirious hum you managed told him all he needed to know. “We can always go again to test that theory.” You purred.
He chuckled, extending you a hand. “After we finish the diagnostics.”
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kaminokatie · 2 months
Omega Calls You Mum || The Bad Batch
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Synopsis - The Batch react to Omega calling you mum.
Warnings - NSFW.
Notes - Season 3 spoilers, kinda, for Crosshair's part.
Word Count - 8.1k.
{Caffeinate Me}
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hunter: 
“Mum, can Wrecker and I go for some mantel mix?” Omega asked you. Your eyes widened at her question and your mouth opened immediately to answer, but Hunter was quick to answer for you. 
“Just don’t leave Wrecker’s sight.” Omega hadn’t even thought twice about her slip-up and instead, turned on her heels to go and tell Wrecker that they had been given permission to head out. Once she had left the room Hunter looked at you with dark eyes, wild with desire. When he spoke, his voice was a low growl. “Did you tell her to call you that?” 
“What? Mum?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows while shaking your head rapidly.  
“Are you sure?” Hunter asked, his voice dangerously low as he moved closer to you. 
Your eyes were wide, your head still shaking rapidly. You thought that Hunter was mad, but he was far from it. “I’m positive,” you tried to defend yourself. Hunter stood up, his fingers flexing as he grabbed your arm and tugged you out of the cockpit. “Hunter!”
“Get in there,” he growled, pushing you into the small, cramped room filled with bunks. Hunter didn’t even give you a second to ask what he was doing before he locked the door behind him and shrugged off his armour, letting it hit the floor with a clank until he was dressed just in his blacks. Your eyes widened as you saw his erect cock straining against the black material of his undersuit, your mouth drooling at the pre-cum stain that had leaked through his boxers. “Is this what you wanted?” Hunter hummed. 
“I didn’t mean for her to call me mum, I swear!” You exclaimed. And yet despite the fear of the unknown, of what Hunter was going to do to you, you couldn’t help but feel extremely aroused. The heat pooling between your legs was enough to make you feel dizzy, and you staggered towards Hunter. Throwing your arms around his neck, you kissed him fiercely as your right hand moved down his body to rest on the front of his throbbing cock. You could feel it, warm and twitching through his undersuit. 
“Get these kriffing blacks off of me,” Hunter cursed under his breath as his hands desperately undid the undersuit, ripping it off his toned body and leaving him completely bare to you. Hunter pumped his cock a few times as he stared at you, his eyes saying everything he was thinking. You let out a whimper of desire as you began to undress quickly, letting Hunter’s eyes scan every inch of your body as you exposed yourself. “So perfect,” he whispered breathlessly. You shook your head at him, but Hunter was quick to grasp your hips and pull you into a bruising kiss. His hands roamed over your body, groping at your breasts greedily as his tongue slipped into your mouth. “You want me to make you a real mummy so badly, huh?” Hunter growled out against your lips. 
“Kriff yes,” you whimpered softly, nodding your head. 
Hunter turned you around so you were facing the wall, his hands falling down to your hips. “Hands on the wall beautiful,” he whispered in your ear, his voice sending shivers down your spine. You did as Hunter commanded, putting the palms of your hands onto the wall in front of you. “Good girl.” His praises sent another shiver down your spine and just as you were about to speak up, to voice your embarrassment, Hunter slammed his cock into your tight hole. A wanton moan left your lips at the sensation, no matter how many times you and Hunter had sex, the initial stretch never got easier for you to take. 
“Hunter!” You squealed out. “I need a minute,” you begged. 
“No,” he snapped as his hips thrashed against yours. You were already a whimpering mess underneath him and he had barely even touched you, his cock had barely even impaled you. Hunter didn’t give you any time to adjust, instead he continued to fuck into you mercilessly, his mind filled with thoughts of you being a mother to his child. The thought alone almost made him cum immediately, but he slowed his hips down momentarily to give him time to think. “Cyar’ika you’re so warm and tight around me,” Hunter groaned as he sped up his pace once again. 
You let out a choked cry as the palms of your hand slipped down the wall slightly, your back bending over. Hunter revelled in this new position, his cock hitting deeper inside of your cunt with each and every thrust. He couldn’t get enough of you, of feeling you like this. It drove him mad with desire. You couldn’t stop the moans that were threatening to fall from your lips, and you didn’t seem to care that Echo, Tech and Crosshair were still on the Marauder. Hunter's hands gripped your waist tightly, so hard that his touch was almost bruising on the tender flesh of your hips. Sounds of skin-slapping-skin filled the cramped room and you were certain the noise would be heard from the cockpit. “Hunter I’m going to cum!” You cried out softly, your head spinning from the intense pleasure that was welling in your gut. 
“Cum for me cyar’ika,” he whispered, the pet name falling from his lips effortlessly. It didn’t take much convincing for the coil in your stomach to snap. At Hunter’s words, your entire being crumbled, the coil in your stomach finally snapping until all you saw was searing hot, white pleasure behind your eyes. Your legs shook violently and Hunter had to move a hand from your hip to wrap around your waist to keep you upright. “I’m going to cum now, so kriffing much. It’ll be leaking out of you for days.” You couldn’t comprehend what Hunter was babbling about, you were too cockdrunk to fully think. You were a whining mess as Hunter held you upright, pounding into you effortlessly with as much force as he could muster. His cock twitched inside of you as he came, rope after rope of hot sperm pouring into your abused cunt until you physically couldn’t take anymore. “You’re so beautiful,” Hunter mumbled into your ear. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too Hunter,” you whispered back as he pulled out of you, a soft noise leaving your lips at the loss of fullness in your pussy. You let yourself come down from your high before you clothed yourself once again. 
After a few moments of silence, Hunter spoke up from his position on his bunk: now laying down with one hand behind his head. “If you’re Omega’s mum, does that make me her dad?” He asked teasingly. 
“You’re her brother Hunter,” you chuckled as you lay down next to him. 
“Well, hopefully I’ll be a dad soon,” he whispered, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead and placing a hand on your stomach lovingly. Something inside of him had awoken at Omega calling you ‘mum’ and he had no idea what it was, but he never wanted it to go away.
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Crosshair:
Life on Pabu was different from anything Crosshair could have ever imagined. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would be living on an island, leaving the life of a soldier behind him and settling down. It had been a year since Crosshair had shot Hemlock on Tantiss, a year since Omega was saved from that hellhole and a whole year since you and Crosshair had fallen into each other's arms. Now, you shared a quaint little house with Crosshair on the shores of Pabu, a place where the two of you could relax and just be together in your early retirement. 
The morning sunlight broke through the curtains stirring both you and Crosshair awake. The birds chirping outside the open window made the gruff sniper groan quietly as you sat up, stretching. Omega had stayed at your home overnight and would probably be awake any minute now, if she wasn’t already. You had to prepare breakfast. You pulled on your nightdress and opened the bedroom door. “Where are you going?” Crosshair grumbled, his eyes still closed. 
“To make breakfast. Do you want any?” You asked quietly. 
“Mmm,” Crosshair mumbled as he thought. “Just some caf, I’ll be down in a minute.”
You nodded your head silently and turned to leave. You crept your way down the hallway and down the stairs to the kitchen, in an attempt not to wake up Omega. You immediately opened the cupboards to see what you could make for breakfast. As your eyes scanned the ingredients and food tins you decided to make one thing that Omega loved: pancakes. You grabbed the needed ingredients out of the cupboard and began making them. Just as you were about to start making breakfast you heard Crosshair stumbling around in your shared  bedroom and you let out an exasperated sigh. There was no doubt in your mind that with all his faffing, he would have woken Omega. You had half expected her to run down the stairs immediately after waking up, but much to your surprise she didn’t. Instead, she came plodding down with Crosshair, the two of them rubbing sleep from their eyes and yawning in sync. “Pancakes for breakfast!” You chimed as you finished plating up Omega’s pancakes. 
“Thanks mum,” she mumbled, licking her lips as you set the plate down in front of her at the dining room table. Due to her exhaustion, she hadn’t even noticed her mistake of calling you ‘mum’ – however, it didn’t go unnoticed by Crosshair or yourself. You decided not to say anything, knowing it was just a simple mistake or slip of the tongue, but Crosshair glanced at you as he sat down next to her. His heart fluttered at the domestics of it all.
When Omega was finished eating her pancakes and Crosshair was finished drinking his caf, the two of them went off to do some meditating on the beach, leaving you to do general maintenance around the house. After roughly two hours, Crosshair came striding into the house and when you noticed Omega wasn’t with him you frowned. “Don’t tell me you were playing hide and seek and lost her again?” 
Crosshair snorted and shook his head. “Hunter came to collect her from the beach.” 
“How is he doing?” You asked as you finished placing the last pile of dirty laundry into the washing machine. 
“Good,” Crosshair said, sitting down at the dining room table. He was quiet for a few minutes, simply watching you doing the most mundane tasks while looking so effortless when he finally spoke up. “This morning when Omega called you mum… How did that make you feel?” 
You stopped in your tracks, thinking to yourself. How did it make you feel? You paused for a moment before speaking again, “it made me feel… warm and tingly inside.” 
“Warm and tingly, huh?” Crosshair asked, a sly smirk on his face. He wasted no time in wrapping his arm around you and resting his prosthetic hand on your hip before planting wet kisses on your neck.
You let out a soft moan and nodded your head before tilting it to the side, giving Crosshair better access to the skin on your neck. “Yeah. Warm and tingly,” you repeated softly. “I never knew she thought of me as a mother-figure.” 
“Well the kid can be surprising,” Crosshair mumbled against your neck before biting down softly on the flesh and sucking softly enough to leave a red mark. 
“Has she ever said anything to you?” You ask, biting down on your bottom lip to suppress the moans threatening to spill. Crosshair shook his head in response, sucking on your neck again. Both his hand and his prosthetic flew under your shirt and to your chest, squeezing your breasts roughly. He didn’t know why, but the thought of Omega calling you her mum flipped a switch in him, releasing something primal inside that he never realised was there until the word left the little clone's mouth that morning. A soft gasp left your lips as Crosshair began to play with your puckering nipples, tugging at them earnestly. “Cross,” you mumbled softly under your breath. 
“Yes mesh’la?” Crosshair asked, pulling away from his assault on your neck to look at you properly. 
“Don’t tease me,” you begged silently. 
Crosshair smirked at your words and slipped his hands from under your shirt, grabbing at your hand and leading you up the narrow staircase to your shared bedroom. You had already made-up the bed with a fresh set of linen after stripping it to put your other sheets in the washing machine and set up your aroma diffuser on your bedside table to freshen up the place. It’s a shame the sheets were about to become dirty again and for the room to smell like sex – but you didn’t care. Instead you giddily followed Crosshair into your bedroom and closed the door behind you with your foot. Reading your lover's mind, you both began to strip off within record time and soon you were wrapped in each other's embrace on the fresh bed sheets. Crosshair was behind you, spooning you as he spat on his hand and pumped himself, lubing up his cock before he positioned himself against your tight cunt. “Mesh’la, please–”
“Don’t ask, Crosshair,” you whimpered softly. A loud moan left your lips as he slowly pushed into you inch by inch, a moan of his own escaping his lips. 
“Cyar’ika, you feel so good,” Crosshair huffs out, his hips slowly moving against yours. You loved it when he called you petname’s in Mando’a, it always set your heart ablaze. You let out a strangled moan at his words and moved your hips against his in the same rhythm, desperate to feel more of him. “Cyare,” he gasped out as your hips bucked against his own.
“Gods, Crosshair!” You exclaimed, already feeling your orgasm fast approaching. It was shameful, really, just how quickly Crosshair could make you come undone. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling your body even closer to his as his movements sped up. Crosshair couldn’t help but pound into you at a rougher pace, his cock twitching inside of you, 
“Not going to last,” Crosshair grumbled against your throat, pressing soft kisses on your skin. “Cum for me baby, please.” 
“Crosshair I’m cumming!” You call out, your body shaking with anticipation as your orgasm washed over you. 
“Good,” Crosshair purred as his hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing delicately. Your airways were cut off slightly, and a gasp left your throat. Your pussy tightened around Crosshair’s cock, milking him dry. With a few more stutters of his hips, Crosshair was cuming shamelessly inside of you, a loud moan of your name leaving his lips. “Kriff, kandosiil’a.”
“Huh?” You asked, tilting your head at the unknown word. 
“Amazing,” Crosshair explained.
“It was,” you chuckled softly. 
Crosshair remained inside of you, his cock softening by the second. “Do you feel warm and tingly inside now?” He asked, chuckling softly. 
“You could say that,” you replied with a smirk. “I certainly feel full.” 
Crosshair chuckled again at your statement, a sense of pride filling every fibre of his being. “I would certainly hope so.” 
“What got you so worked up anyway?” You asked Crosshair.
Sheepishly, he responded. “Omega, calling you mum this morning.” Your eyes widened at Crosshair's response and you felt that warm, tingly sensation return in the pit of your stomach. 
Crosshair just nodded, his cock still sheathed inside of you. “Really.” 
“If you’re going to fuck me like that every time Omega accidentally calls me mum, I might just get her to do it on purpose from now on,” you grinned cheekily, raising your eyebrow at him. Crosshair just scoffed and shook his head in faux disbelief. 
“Be my riduur,” Crosshair whispered after a few minutes of silence. You looked at him over your shoulder, his arms still wrapped around your waist. When you didn’t respond, Crosshair spoke again. “Be my wife… Please.”
You quickly turned over, his cock slipping out from between your tight heat as you moved. “Do you mean that, Cross?” 
“More than I’ve meant anything.”
“Then yes, I’ll be your riduur.” 
You had no idea that Omega calling you mum would lead to a proposal, and when Crosshair was able to go out and buy you a ring to symbolise his love for you, he would – but for now, he just had to believe you when you said yes.
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Wrecker:
Wrecker watched from close by as you and Omega played ‘Dekarik’ on the holotable located in Cid’s parlour. He drank the ale from his cup, smiling to himself as you sighed frustratedly and furrowed your eyebrows at the holotable in front of you. In a few moves, Omega had once again won leaving you feeling jokingly bitter. “How do you do it?” You groaned, rubbing your forehead. 
“It’s a strategy game!” Omega replied. “I’m good at strategy. Besides, it’s easy when you put your mind to it.” Wrecker felt his heart swell at the interaction. He loved how close you had become with Omega since she had joined the squad a few months back. It was almost as if you had taken her under your wing, being the mother she so desperately needed. Wrecker felt his heart stop at the thought of you being her mother, the idea never crossed his mind before but now he couldn’t seem to get it out of his head. Apparently, Omega was thinking the same thing as she blurted out, “I can teach you how to play properly, mum.”  
You froze in your seat the second the word ‘mum’ left Omega’s lips, and so did she. She was about to apologise when you put a hand up to silence her, a small smile on your mouth. “Don’t worry. Slip of the tongue.” Omega looked sheepishly at you before slinking off her seat and making her way over to Hunter on the opposite side of the parlour, no doubt to talk about her embarrassment. Wrecker hung back for a few minutes, studying your reaction as you watched the young clone walk away to her brother. He took a few deep breaths before walking over to you, sitting opposite from you on the holotable. “Hey,” you mumbled to Wrecker, avoiding his eye contact. 
“Hey,” he replied, a smile on his face. “You okay?” 
You nodded your head and bit your bottom lip. “Yeah, I’m fine. Are you?” 
“I’m good,” Wrecker bites the inside of his cheek as he stares at you.
“What’re you looking at?” You mumble softly, finally meeting his gaze. 
“Omega called you mum,” Wrecker smirked. 
“She did,” you nod your head. “But she didn’t mean it.” 
“But what if she did?” Wrecker asks you, his eyebrow raising. “What if she sees you as a mum?”
“So what if she does?” You asked. You didn’t mind if Omega saw you as her mother, if anything you found it to be quite endearing. “It wouldn’t matter. I’m not her mother anyway.”
“I know that,” Wrecker exclaimed, rolling his eyes with a goofy grin on his face. “I’m just saying, it’d be quite cute. Don’t you think so?” Wrecker was seemingly in thought after he spoke, gazing off into the distance as he watched Omega and Hunter talk. Suddenly, he stood up and held his hand out for you to take. 
“Where are we going?” You took his hand willingly, cocking an eyebrow as he led you past his brothers and into the back room. Wrecker didn’t answer you, just pulled you into the room and closed the door behind you before turning back to you. “What is it?” You trailed your eyes down Wrecker’s large form until they stopped on his crotch – painfully hard and throbbing. Your eyes widened and your lips parted, clearly confused. 
“The thought of the kid calling you mum,” Wrecker mumbled as he took a step towards you. His hands trembled as they reached out to cradle your face, his thumb stroking your cheek. “Did something to me.” 
You bit your bottom lip as Wrecker pressed himself against you, a soft sigh leaving his lips. “What do you need, Wrecker?” You asked softly. 
“You know what I need mesh’la.” A strangled sound leaves Wrecker’s lips as you slowly sink onto your knees before him. Immediately Wrecker began to remove his armour until he was just in his blacks, whimpering before you had even touched him at the way you were kneeling and looking up at him with wide doe eyes. As soon as his armour hit the floor you were pawing at his blacks, desperate to free his cock and feel it on your tongue. “Mesh’la,” Wrecker groaned the second his cock sprang free, bouncing up and down in front of your face. You were practically salivating at the sight. Without a second thought about who could walk in at any minute, you wrapped your lips around his cock earning a hiss from the clone towering above you. His hands instinctively made their way to your hair, gripping desperately as he pushed your face further into his crotch, forcing his cock further down your throat. You tried not to gag, you really did, but he was so large you couldn’t help it. Tears welled in your eyes as you tried to pull away for air, however Wrecker kept your mouth seated firmly around his throbbing cock. You whined quietly around him, sending vibrations up Wrecker’s body and a moan to fall from his lips. With a slack jaw, Wrecker finally released your hair and you were able to pull away for air, gasping softly. “Sorry,” he said, a faint blush on his cheeks. 
“It’s okay,” you smiled sweetly, standing up and ridding yourself of your trousers. Wrecker’s eyes widened at the sight, his heart beating frantically in his chest. You bent over Cid’s makeshift bed, spreading your legs enough for Wrecker to see your tight cunt quivering around nothing. You were so desperate for him. “Wreck, please.” 
“I’m coming,” he groaned, positioning himself between your legs. In one thrust, he fully sheathed himself into you, a growl bubbling up in his throat. He immediately began moving, his hips snapping against yours with ease. Your wet cunt easily gripped his cock like a vice as he moved. “Oh Gods,” he whimpered pathetically, his hands moving to your hips to bounce you on his cock as he moved. “You’re so tight.”
“Wrecker!” You gasped quietly, your eyes widening as Wrecker continued to move. 
“What is it mesh’la?” Wrecker asked, biting his bottom. 
“Gonna cum–” 
“Cum for me sweet girl,” he whispered, the grip on your hips almost bruising. At his words you felt your orgasm wash over you and if it wasn’t for Wrecker wrapping an arm around your front, you would have toppled over at the sheer force. You squirted onto the floor, burying your face in Cid’s covers in an attempt to hide your shameless moans. At the feeling of your pussy clenching around him, Wrecker let out a loud moan of your name, his hips slamming into you ruthlessly. 
“Kriff – I’m cumming,” he growled animalistically, it almost scared you. With one final, hard thrust into your sopping cunt Wrecker spilled himself deep into you. 
Wrecker collapsed on top of you panting heavily, squashing your body uncomfortably between him and the edge of Cid’s bed. “Wrecker,” you squeaked out, catching the large clones’ attention. 
“Sorry,” he gasped, clearly out of breath. “Are you okay?” 
“I’m good,” you chuckled finally as Wrecker rolled off of you and fell onto the floor. “That really got to you, hm?” You asked after a few seconds, watching as Wrecker caught his breath and began to dress himself. 
“I suppose it did,” he said sheepishly. 
You shook your head and laughed. “Don’t worry big guy. There’s plenty more where that came from,” you winked his way and pulled up your trousers before walking out of the room and back into the parlour. The only person there was Cid, who was eyeing you cautiously. 
“The other’s didn’t want tiny to hear your escapade so they took her out,” Cid said, rolling her eyes. “In my bed, really?” She hissed after a few moments, disbelief and disgust laced her voice. 
“It was over your bed, not in your bed,” you corrected. 
“That makes it much better,” Cid said sarcastically. 
Just as you were about to open your mouth and say something else, Wrecker walked out, eyeing the parlour. “Where is everyone?”
“Out,” Cid snapped. 
“They didn’t want Omega to hear us having sex so they took her out somewhere,” you explained to Wrecker before turning to Cid. “Any idea when they’ll be back?” 
Wrecker piped up with a cheeky grin, “round two?” which only caused you to roll your eyes and shake your head playfully. 
“You’ll be the death of me, Wrecker.”
“At least you’ll die satisfied,” he replied enthusiastically, grabbing your arm and pulling you back into Cid’s back room. Hopefully by the time you were finished with the second round the others would be back and you could hop on a mission, but until then, you were going to enjoy every time that you had alone with Wrecker.
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Echo:
“Omega, Y/N, Echo,” Hunter spoke softly, turning to the three of you. “You stay with the ship. We won’t be long.” You nodded your head in acknowledgement and sat in the pilot's chair, patiently waiting for the others to leave for their scouting mission. 
After roughly an hour of no communication with the others, Omega began to worry. She was pacing up and down the cockpit desperately, fiddling with her fingers. “What if they don’t come back?” She asked, her eyes wide.
“They will come back, Omega,” Echo sighed, running his hand down the side of his face. He understood her concern, but wished she didn’t worry as much as she did. 
“Mum, what if they don’t come back?” Omega asked, turning to you. Her eyes were wide with tears and she was obviously too caught up in her own worry to even think about the fact that she had called you mum. 
You blinked at her repeatedly, not sure whether to mention it. Eventually you decided not to, and instead just humour her. “They will come back, Omega, just like Echo said,” you smiled at her softly. 
Low and behold, they did come back, eventually anyway and with extra supplies too. “I thought this was supposed to be a scouting mission?” Echo asked, tilting his head to the side as Wrecker brought the supplies on board the ship.
“It was until Wrecker got hungry,” Hunter scoffed. “Then it turned into a supply run.” 
“Tch, typical,” Echo sighed, shaking his head. Although, he couldn’t say he wasn’t pleased about the extra rations. Tech set off the ship, setting a course back for Ord Mantell while the rest settled into some of the new rations. Echo was staring at you from across the room, his astute ears having heard the way Omega had accidentally called you ‘mum’ earlier on. He couldn’t deny that the words had sent his mind reeling. He had bitten his tongue from mentioning anything but now the two of you were alone, he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. “So… Mum, eh?” 
“Huh?” You asked, looking up at Echo. He was already walking slowly across to your position, his arm and scomp wrapped around his chest. 
“Omega… Calling you mum,” He said softly, sitting down opposite you. You and Echo had been dancing around your feelings for one another for the longest time, but the fact Omega had called you her mum had stirred something up inside of Echo. “It was sweet.”
“It was, wasn’t it,” you smile up at Echo as he stands in front of you. 
“It was,” he mumbles, looking off to the side. “Look, Y/N…”
Echo trails off and this confused you. “What is it?” You ask tilting your head to the side. 
“I can’t deny it anymore. I–I’m in love with you. Irrevocably, completely in love with you.” 
Your eyes widened at his admission of love for you, completely taken back. “What?” You asked, your eyebrows raised. 
“You heard me Y/N. I’m in love with you. And I can’t hold it back anymore.” He held his hand out for you to take. You didn’t even hesitate to take it before wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“I never thought I’d hear you say those words to me,” you mumbled against his chest. “Never in a million years did I think you would love me.”
Echo pulled back from you just enough to look down on you. “What do you mean?” He asked, his voice low. 
“I just meant – like, look at me,” you pull away and motion down to your body. “I’m nothing special.”
“You are very special, Y/N, especially to me,” he cupped your face in his hands and smiled at you gently. “And you’re beautiful. Never let anybody or anything tell you otherwise.” You smiled at Echo softly, your eyes welling up with tears as he plucked a stray piece of hair behind your ears. Echo had always looked at you as if you had hung the stars from the sky yourself with your bare hands. “May I kiss you?” He asked, leaning in closer to your face. Your throat was so dry, you couldn’t respond with words, so instead you just nodded your head desperately. Before you could even comprehend what in the kriff was going on, Echo had his lips against yours softly and tenderly. It was strangely intimate. Echo’s hands slip down to your waist, gripping ever-so-slightly at the fabric around your hips. He deepened the kiss by slipping his tongue against your lips, desperate to taste the inside of your mouth. With a soft moan, you let him enter, opening your mouth to the force of him greedily pushing his tongue inside. You stifled another moan, your eyes fluttering closed as you wrapped your arms tighter around his waist. “Oh Gods, Y/N,” Echo grumbled against your lips. His nails dug further into the fabric around your hips, pulling you flush against his body. “I–I need you. Now.” 
“What do you mean?” You asked, but Echo didn’t answer with words. Instead he picked you up bridal style and carried you to his bunk a few feet away. You let out a slight squeak in protest as he picked you up, but the second you were laid down on his bunk, you wished to be back in his embrace. The clone climbed on top of you, his hands greedily roaming around your body, almost as if he was trying to map out the entire layout of your body underneath him. His hands pulled your shirt up to your chest, exposing your breasts. Shakily, Echo brought his lips up to your nipple, flicking his tongue against the sensitive bud to test the waters. When another soft moan left your lips, Echo’s confidence grew and he found himself mouthing both of your breasts. When he wasn’t sucking one, he was fondling it with his free hand as his scomp desperately tried to pull your trousers down. He was failing miserably, however. “Need some help?” You asked, a cheeky grin on your face. Echo pulled away from your breast and looked up at you, nodding his head before turning back to sucking and biting gently at your nipple. You pushed Echo off to the side, although his mouth was still attached to you, and pulled down your trousers and underwear until you were completely bare to him. 
“Cyar’ika,” Echo whispered softly as he pulled away to look at you. He sounded almost breathless as he stared down at you. “You are so… Mesh’la.” He was too stunned for words. His hands trailed down your body, stopping between your legs and slipping a finger up your slick folds. The clone next to you let out a shaky breath as he dipped a finger inside your tight heat, your cunt sucking his finger in almost greedily. “Kriff.”
“Please Echo,” you begged softly. “Please, I want you so badly.”
“You’ll have me cyar’ika. Just let me…” He trailed off his voice, his finger pumping in and out of you at a languid pace. Soft moans left your lips as you spread your legs wider, giving Echo better access to that sweet spot inside of you. Echo groaned as he felt your walls tighten around him and without any warning, pulled out of you completely. You whimpered at the loss of contact, but quickly gasped when he began to remove his armour and blacks. This was really happening. 
“Echo I’m begging you don’t tease me,” came your whimpering voice, so needy and desperate. Echo nodded his head and settled himself between your wide-spread legs, gawking at the wetness that coated your folds. He grasped the base of his cock as he slowly pushed himself inside of you, his eyes widening and head thrown back as he sheathed himself into you inch by inch. 
“Oh mesh’la, you feel so kriffing good I can’t–” he stopped as he began to move his hips slowly, relishing in the feeling of your tightness wrapped around him. After a few seconds, Echo picked up memento, slamming into you at a slightly faster pace. “You’re – ah – clenching me so tightly.”
“S-Sorry,” came your voice, low and sheepish. 
Echo shook his head in response, his lips attaching to your neck as he kissed down to your collarbone. “Don’t be sorry mesh’la, it feels so damn good.”
“Echo I’m going to cum,” you whimper out softly. 
“Cum for me baby, cum for me and I’ll fill you up,” Echo growled softly. His voice was demanding and primal, and the coil in your stomach snapped at his words. Blinding white light filled your vision as you came, legs trembling around Echo’s waist. “Good girl,” he practically purred. 
“Cum for Echo, please cum for me,” you begged. 
Echo nodded his head, his movements speeding up in the process. He was so close, so unbelievably close he just needed something that would tip him over the edge and the second you wrapped your legs tighter around his waist, that did it. Echo was able to reach a new spot inside of you and it felt too good. The next thing you felt was Echo pumping deep inside of you, his cum spurting out of the tip. “Kriff, Y/N!” Echo called out, his body trembling from the intensity of his orgasm. His movements slowed down until he was at a complete stop, laying on top of you while panting heavily to catch his breath. “That was unbelievable,” he whispered, kissing the top of your head lovingly. 
You nodded your head, smiling up at him with complete adoration in your eyes. “Did you mean it?” You asked, gazing at him. 
Echo raised an eyebrow and looked at you. “Did I mean what?” 
“That you love me? Do you love me, Echo?” 
“More than anything,” came his reply. He bent down to press a soft kiss to your lips, a slow but passionate kiss. Different to any other you had experienced before. You felt your knees go weak from a mixture of your orgasm and the kiss, and kissed him back. “I love you, Y/N. From the moment I set eyes on you.” 
“I love you too Echo,” you whisper softly, echoing the words back to him. The two of you lay there in silence for a while as Echo stroked your hair lovingly. Eventually, Echo let out a hearty laugh, looking down at you. “What?” You asked him, tilting your head. 
“To think all of this happened because Omega called you mum.”
“I’m glad she did then,” you smirked at Echo, not even trying to hide your smugness at the current situation. 
Echo wrapped his arm and scomp around you while nodding. “I’m glad she did too.”
“Hey, are you two finished there? Cid’s sending us on a new mission and we could really use your help!” Wrecker’s loud voice came from behind the door. 
“We’re not finished yet!” Echo called back, rolling his eyes. You looked up at Echo with a raised eyebrow and he just shrugged before whispering to you, “just a few more minutes. I just want to hold you a little longer.” You couldn’t help the wide smile that span across your lips at his words. 
“Well don’t be too long! I’m missing Y/N’s company,” Wrecker said through the door, clearly pouting. Then, you heard his footsteps fade away into the distance and you were finally alone with Echo once more. 
“Sleep, mesh’la. I’ll wake you up when we get to the mission location,” he whispered, running his hand through your hair. You nodded your head and closed your eyes, and it wasn’t long before you were drifting off into the deep abyss of sleep, peacefully dreaming of all of the things to come. 
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Tech: 
“Are you memorising the ship's manifest, Omega?” Tech asked, looking over his shoulder at the young clone besides him. 
Omega nodded proudly to Tech, her eyes gleaming with hope. “Yeah, mum’s been helping me!” 
“Mum?” Tech questioned, raising an eyebrow at her.
“I mean Y/N,” Omega said quickly, her cheeks turning a deep shade of red at her misslip. It was clear she was embarrassed, but rather than keeping his mouth shut Tech decided to make it so much worse. 
“She is not your mother, Omega. She is more like a sister to you than a mother,” he explained, adjusting his orange goggles that were resting over his eyes.
“I know that, I’m not sure why I called her mum,” Omega mumbled softly, looking away from Tech’s scrutinising gaze. 
“It would simply be a slip of the tongue,” it was Tech’s way of trying to make Omega feel better, but it wasn’t working. 
Omega was about to speak when you stepped in. “Hey you two, been looking all over for you!” You exclaimed as you stepped into the cockpit. 
“Well where else would we be other than the cockpit?” Tech asked, raising a quizzical eyebrow. 
You rolled your eyes and huffed. “You could have been anywhere.” Omega continued to read the ship's manifest, trying her hardest to memorise everything, despite the overwhelming sense of dread and embarrassment that lingered in her gut. Her red face worried you and occasionally you glanced over at her to make sure that she was okay. 
“I’m going to see Hunter,” Omega grumbled, standing up out of her chair without saying another word and leaving the cockpit. 
“Where is Hunter?” Tech asked. 
“He’s just outside.” 
Tech simply nodded at your explanation and watched as you tinkered around. After a few moments of watching you, he finally asked. “What is it you are doing?” 
“Just cleaning,” you reply, dusting off Tech’s workspace. He seemed confused, you had just cleaned the space the previous day, it didn’t need dusting again for at least another day or two. Tech continued watching you with a quirked eyebrow, watching intently as you reached high places to dust and picked up various knick knacks to dust too. He felt something well deep inside of him as Omega’s words echoed back in his mind, of her calling you mum. 
Tech cleared his throat and sighed, adjusting his goggles once again. “You know, I often clean this place when I work on my projects. It does not need you to attend to it.” 
You placed down your duster and looked towards Tech, a visible frown on your face. “It just… Makes me feel better knowing it’s been done properly.”
“You doubt my ability to clean?” Tech asked. 
Your eyes widen and you shake your head. “No. Not like that! I just meant that, well I’m not sure what I meant actually.”
Tech couldn’t help but let out a small huff of a chuckle. He knew that you meant no offence, but still couldn’t help but feel as though you doubted his ability to clean. “Nevermind.” You looked somewhat embarrassed but quickly began your cleaning again before you had the chance to say something else to further your embarrassment. Tech continued to watch you and couldn’t help but admire the way your body moved and stretched when you tried to reach high places. 
“What were you and Omega talking about before I came in?” You asked. 
Tech adjusted his goggles once again before muttering, “nothing much. But, something peculiar did happen.”
“Oh yeah? What was that?” You asked. 
“Omega called you mum,” Tech explained. 
Your eyes widened and your lips parted. “She did what?”
“She called you mum,” Tech repeated, thinking you genuinely hadn’t heard him the first time. “I thought it rather funny, if I am being honest.”
“Why did she call me mum?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. 
Tech tried to push the feelings down that were welling deep inside of him. Whatever they were, he couldn’t explain them. Once again, readjusting his goggles, Tech began to talk. “Well, we were talking about whether or not she had been memorising the manifest. She had explained to me that she had and she said, and I quote, ‘mum’s been helping me’ referring to you.” 
“Oh,” you whisper, feeling quite overwhelmed. You felt your heart flutter at the comment, and couldn’t help but smile. 
“I found it rather odd, but at the same I can understand why.” Tech offered you a small smile. “I feel as if Omega has become really attached to you.” 
You nodded your head. “I think so too.” 
“It is not a bad thing, if that is what you are thinking,” Tech said, but you quickly shook your head in disagreement. “I must admit, it gave me a peculiar feeling myself.”
“In what way?” You asked, tilting your head.
“It…” Tech took a deep breath and sighed. “It made my stomach flutter, amongst other things.”
“Other things?” You prodded. 
“Like what?” 
“It does not matter,” he grumbled, feeling his cock twitch against his armour. Thoughts of you beneath him suddenly filled his mind and Tech’s eyes visibly widened in horror. He had never had an impure thought in his life, and suddenly at the thought of his sister calling you mum, he was struggling to compose himself and right in front of you too. Tech couldn’t help but suddenly notice how beautiful you were, his eyes roaming over your figure as you looked at him. 
“Tech… Is everything okay?” You enquired. 
Clearing his throat, Tech nodded. “Yes. Everything is just fine I…” He trailed off once more, feeling his cock twitch against his armour yet again.  
“I am just feeling a bit strange,” he tried to explain without giving away too much but you saw straight through him. Your eyes flickered down to his crotch, now exposed from his manspread position in the pilot's seat, his erection obvious against his now bulging armour. 
A grin appeared on your face. “Really Tech? That does it for you?” 
Tech looked down between his legs, his face heated up almost immediately. “I do not know what you are talking about.” 
“Oh yeah? You have no idea?” You asked teasingly, your voice holding a rather smug tone. “Do you need some help, pretty boy?” 
“W–What?” He managed to stammer out, choking on a bit of his spit. 
“Do you want some help with that?” You repeated, motioning down to his erection. Tech fumbled over his words as you walked over to him and knelt down between his legs. With you looking up at him, his breath caught in his throat and his cock twitched yet again. When he didn’t protest, you began to remove his codpiece, allowing his cock to breathe slightly now that the plastoid was no longer pressing against him. “Tell me if you want me to stop.” He didn’t want you to stop, not at all but his words weren’t working so he simply shook his head. You grabbed the knife from his pocket and carefully slit his blacks around the hip before you ripped them open. 
“My blacks!” He exclaimed, but you simply shushed him. 
“You have more, Tech. Besides, if we’re going to do this you need to be quiet.” Your voice was like a command and it sent a jolt straight to Tech’s cock. He nodded his head again, a slight whimper left his lips as he watched you pull down your own trousers. You unhooked one leg from them, giving yourself easier access to move before spreading your legs. With wide eyes, Tech watched as you spat on your hand and rubbed it against the lips of your cunt, lubing yourself up. 
“Oh Gods,” he moaned under his breath as you straddled him, the heat of your pussy rubbing up against the red head of his cock. Tech’s breath was shaky as you lowered yourself down onto him, adjusting to the new sensation of him seated inside of you. You began to move after a few seconds, bouncing slowly on Tech’s cock. Your cunt gripped him tightly, earning groans and moans from the smart clone below you. This just made you move faster, slamming down on him repeatedly forcing him to moan out your name. “Kriff, Y/N.”
“Mhm?” You asked softly, wiggling your hips from side-to-side. 
“Feels so good,” came a strangled moan from his lips. Spurring you on even more, you let out a soft moan of your own as your hand made its way between your legs, rubbing at the sensitive bundle of nerves. You felt your orgasm approaching quickly, the thickness of Tech’s cock mixed with the sensations on your clit was pushing you to the edge. 
“C–Can I cum?” You asked Tech, slightly breathless. 
“Please,” he practically growled. You nodded your head erratically and rubbed your clit faster, pushing yourself to the brink of collapse. Tech’s hands fell to your hips, gripping them tightly as his own hips moved to meet your harsh movements. With a final bounce, you felt your walls contract around Tech’s cock, quivering above him. Your head rested on his left shoulder as you continued the same movements, but now languidly and Tech knew it was his turn to take over. His hand on your hips tightened as he pushed up against you, hitting that sensitive spot inside of you that had you seeing stars. 
“Gods Tech, don’t stop!” You cried out. 
“I do not plan on it, mesh’la,” he whispered as his hips smashed against yours desperately. He was so big, you felt as if he was going to split you open and your cunt was beginning to become sensitive with each harsh thrust Tech made. “I’m going to cum cyar’ika. Where do you want me?” 
“Inside, please!” You begged. Tech’s eyes widened at your words, not expecting you to ask him to cum inside of you, but he couldn’t deny you. Not when you felt so good wrapped around him. He nodded and began to thrust up against you rapidly until he met his orgasm full force. Tech spilled his cum deep inside of you without a care in the world, his body shivering violently as you milked him dry. 
“Kriff–” he groaned, rolling his eyes into the back of his head. “You’re so beautiful.” 
You pulled away from Tech’s shoulder and smiled softly at him. “So are you.” 
He let out a soft smile your way as he slipped his cock out of you. “Would you mind getting me a spare pair of blacks? Considering you ruined these ones.”
“Oops,” you replied cheekily, shrugging, but nodding your head. You put your leg back into your trouser hole and pulled them up your legs before leaving the cockpit to get Tech a spare pair of blacks. When you appeared again, Tech was looking slightly more presentable than he did when you left, albeit his softening cock was still on display. He took the blacks from your hand and nodded his head. 
“Thank you.” 
“Do you feel better?” You asked, watching closely as Tech dressed himself again and put his codpiece back into place. Tech nodded at you and sighed. He couldn’t help but feel slightly embarrassed that Omega calling you ‘mum’ had aroused him, but it had and there was no going back now. “Now if you don’t mind, I have to get back to cleaning the ship.”
“Understood,” Tech replied, watching as you continued your original position cleaning the cockpit. He smirked to himself before shaking his head. He had no idea what the future held for you, but he was excited to see where things went. 
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Familiar Faces
Tech x Reader
Summary- Techs death was not a reality you were ready for, you relied so much on his love. After months of grief, you find he might not actually be dead.
A/N- SPOILERS FOR TBB SEASON 3 EP 7. I know nothing is confirmed about Tech, but watching this newest episode has got my brain working overtime with fic ideas!
Word Count- 2,708
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The cart creaked across the rail line, sending shivers down your spine. There wasn't much keeping all of you up. Inches from falling thousands of feet to your death. The clouds didn't help either, you couldn't see anything.
You fired away, missing most of the time. Everything was happening so fast. A mission gone wrong. Your thoughts were stopped by Hunter's yelling.
"Three ships inbound!" He informs, even when you saw nothing in the sky- you trusted him. He knew better than any of you.
Shortly you heard them coming, the roar of the engines were loud. Soon followed by it's blaster's shaking the cart.
"Tech we need power!" Hunter commands. You work on pure adrenaline and fire at the ships closing in.
One of them is shot down, but not before it knocks out one of the support hooks. You feel the ground shift down, leaning.
Like a breath of fresh air, you hear Tech's voice. Him yelling back "Echo, Now!" was enough to calm you.
"We're online!" Echo retorts. You can't help your grin rising. Finally, things were looking up.
Though, you didn't need Hunter to tell you three more ships were headed your way.
"Tech, hurry." You called out.
You and Omega blasted at one of the new ships, effectively destroying its wing. It crashed down in a black smoke.
From this black smoke a fourth ship came. It was too quick- it shot at Tech, who was still running towards you. He gave a yelp as he fell off the support beam.
Your eyes widened as you gasped, body craning to try and see him. He had a hard landing, but was standing to his feet on the falling compartment of the cart.
It rumbled and shook, about to crash down.
You ran to the back of the cart, trying to get closer. "Tech!" You watched in horror as he tripped back with the rest of the detached pieces.
His grappling hook barely caught onto a stray metal piece. His body bounced back at the tension. "Don't move! I'll pull you up." You tried to reach his line, but it seemed impossible without everyone toppling over into the abyss.
"I-I can't reach!" You called over comms.
"I will climb up, do not risk falling over." You nodded at this, forgetting he couldn't see you. He was more worried for you than himself.
"Come on Tech, hurry!" Wrecker booms, coming over to see what the status was.
You could feel Tech roll his eyes, "I am climbing as fast as I can!"
His grunts break your heart, he panted as he tried to pull himself up. Storm troopers still fired all around you. One of the blast forcing Tech to fall even further.
"Tech!" This time it came from Omega. Your heart was beating too fast to think and speak. You were so worried.
"Why aren't we moving?" Hunter asks Echo. "The cart is being ripped from the back."
The very cart Tech was holding on to for dear life.
You frantically looked to Hunter. "Wrecker, get him on board!" He instructs.
"No, you're too big." You push past Wrecker to take a step on the falling cart.
It creaked loudly, almost giving out. "NO! Don't!" Tech yells up at you. Your eyes connect through the ripped metal. "Any shift in weight could send both of these carts over."
Incoming ships shoot at Techs line, he dropped down again.
"You must sever the connection hinge. Now!" Tech says.
Your face falls. "Are you crazy! No, you'll go over!" Tears welled up in your eyes. There had to be another way.
Another creak and shift. You were almost thrown over by the rocking.
Tech gave out a heavy sigh. This time he spoke gentle, saying your name. "There is no time..."
"Tech, please no!" You begged. He pulled out his blaster, not looking away from you. He was going to sever the connection himself.
"No!" You screamed, desperate. Your tears were falling faster than ever.
"Plan 99... I love you" He started. With a deep breath you yelled, "Don't you dare!"
"You can't! Please!" You sobbed, still trying to get closer. You heard Wrecker straining behind you, he was trying to hold the falling cart up.
"When have we ever followed orders?"
A shot rang out, he fell.
A piercing scream erupted. You almost didn't recognize that it was your own.
Your instincts kicked in and you tried to leap down, like you could still save him somehow. Wrecker was too fast and caught you, his arm throwing you back into the safe cart.
"No, NO let me go!" You tried to fight off Wrecker, but he was far too strong. He pinned you down easily.
You were hysterical, arms wailing at anyone who kept you from jumping after him. Later, when you were thinking straight- you'd thank them.
"He's gone, he's gone!" You sobbed out, devastated. Your screams filled the air, shocking a few storm troopers close by.
Echo wired the cart to start moving and get everybody to safety.
That was months ago. Just the thought could bring you to tears. You had lost everything you felt the reason to live for. He was your everything. His incompetence for social queues, his punctual speech, his stupidly intelligent brain. All of it was yours, and now it was all gone.
A deep depression fell over you, the only thing driving you was Hunter and Wrecker. They inspired you how hard they fought for Omega. It warmed your heart in your worst times.
It hurt immensely when you heard his name, but it got easier to get out of bed. It got easier to smile again.
Eventually, you reconnected with Omega and started defending Crosshair. Something that was typically Tech's job... You knew you had to take on more responsibilities and make up for the time you were down.
You constantly wondered if Tech would be proud of you.
You and the rest of The Batch found yourselves helping Rex, then... escaping with Rex. An enemy assassin leading the Empire to us.
The nine of you hurried down a secret passage way, to a leach vessel.
The soft clicks of the steps soothed you in some wicked way, even when everyone was running for their lives.
"Stop!" Crosshair yelled out. You turned to look at him, he took a few steps back to look out a carved hole in the stone. "They are coming..."
Just then, a shot rang out. Another assassin hung from the inner walls.
Crosshair ducked behind the wall, "Go, I'll handle it."
The rest of the squad moved down, but you stayed. "I'll help."
That was until you peaked around the hole, getting a glimpse of the man. A rush a deja vu consumed you. Your breath quickened. Why was this man so familiar?
You pushed it down, you had already let your feelings get the best of you too many times. It can't happen again. You fired at him, Crosshair backing you up.
Crosshair put an explosive at the end of his shotgun, catching the man off guard. It threw him off the wall. The two of you headed to the ship.
A blast to the ship sent all of you crashing down. You briefly heard Rex sending Echo a message about an extraction.
Commotion ensued, but it all ended with you falling and getting a bad headache. Your helmet did not do much to cushion the hit.
The rest of the team was briefly recovering from the crash as well, but you had to get a move on.
"We've got attack shuttles inbound." Hunter noted.
"This way." Rex lead.
You traveled on foot in the woods, trying to lose the storm troopers. Fighting them off was light work. One however, stood out from the rest.
Crosshair proved your suspicions when he frantically turned around, gun raised.
"What is it?" Hunter questioned. He got his answer when the assassin shot at us.
With our numbers down and the assassin having the upper hand, Crosshair suggested "I'll draw his fire out. Get to the rendezvous."
You heard Omegas small voice through comms, "I don't like that idea..."
"Too bad." He responds, already crouched behind a rock to fire.
Looking at Omegas worried gaze, "Go, I'll make sure he doesn't get himself killed."
Omega nods at you, then joins Hunter's side. Crosshair just grunts in acknowledgement.
In truth, Crosshair didn't need you. Though, you both knew that Omega needed the peace of you fighting with him. Two verses one had much better odds.
You heard Rex commanding the rest of the squad to move out. You and Crosshair pursued the assassin.
He gave out hand signals, letting you know he was above you. You nodded, sneaking around.
The assassin saw you easily, perfect. He was distracted just enough for Crosshair to get a hit on him, knocking his balance off.
Your face dropped when the assassin recovered in record time, it was like he hadn't even been hit. He now caught you by surprise when he shot at your hand, you lost your weapon. Damn. All you had left was a blade, which you now grasped.
To your dismay, Crosshair had already taunted the assassin away from you. No doubt on purpose.
It took you a minute to find them, Crosshair had followed him to a waterfall. One with rapids at the bottom. The booming of the current was distracting.
You crouched down, keeping a low profile. Crosshair and the assassin fought vigorously. When you saw an opportunity, you jumped.
You tried to get your blade around his neck or at least cut his suit. The assassin was stunned for a second, giving Crosshair time to recover.
The man disarmed you, overpowering you in strength. You fell back with a thud, your helmet flying off. You scrambled to stand, but was forced to stay down because of a stray blast. It just missed your head.
The assassin seemed to know every single move Crosshair made. Like, he had studied Crosshair's fighting technique multiple ways, There was only one man who you knew did that, and he was dead.
The stranger knocked Crosshair to his knees, a gun to his head.
The man now looked to you, ready to dispose of you as well.
You sat up, but did nothing to fight back- fear of him shooting Crosshair.
He however, stopped in his tracks. You just stared, confused. He looked to you, maybe in disbelief?
He, not moving his gaze, stunned Crosshair. You were in shock that he didn't kill him... The thud of Crosshairs body made you jump.
You slowly rose to your feet, you somehow didn't feel threatened by the man anymore.
Now that you stepped closer to him, he stepped back. He seemed to be fighting with himself... Throwing his blaster as far as he could away.
His hands moved to grip the sides of his head, in pain. He stumbled back, head barred down. With a loud 'thud' he fell on his rear.
He scratched at his helmet, trying to take it off. Something inside of him wouldn't let him. He was in turmoil with himself.
Did you feel pity for the man? You slightly shook your head, baffled at what you saw. He was so vulnerable now, you should have killed him for what he did to Crosshair. At least Stun him.
You couldn't find it in yourself. He looked so confused with himself, so conflicted. Your heart wrenched, but why?
Your own actions shocked you, stepping closer to him. You lowered yourself to your knees, inches away. You were skeptical but determined.
He stopped his frantic movements when your hands moved to his head. He let you do as you pleased, frozen in place.
You kept your eyes on him as you gently lifted his helmet. You only got it up enough to see the mans eyes, a deep brown. That and his face structure was enough to tell you who it was.
The face you spent hours drooling over, embarrassing stares caught at, nights laying with. The very face you saw fall thousands of feet down to a cloudy abyss.
You gasped loudly, scrambling back. No, NO. It wasn't him. It couldn't be him...
Your reaction seemed to have broken him out of his haze. His helmet fell back down, covering his face. He, almost instinctively, moved to you. You were too shocked to fight back. He swiftly grabbed your wrist, pulling you up.
The grip was tight, you winced. The man realized his mistake immediately and loosened the grip. if he wanted to kill you, why was he worried about your wrist?
When you were sitting back up, the man reclined on his knees. He slowly moved his hands up to the helmet again, this time with more control.
He raised it completely off. It was him.
Both hands moved to cover your gaping mouth. How? HOW?
"T-Tech?" You called out, voice cracking.
He squinted his eyes and had one hand holding the side of his head in pain.
"You must take Crosshair and run, now." He ended by saying you name desperately.
"W-what? No, I am not leaving you. Tech, what happened? How are you alive!" You leaned to him, wanting nothing more than to hold and kiss him.
He moved back, your touch like fire.
"You have to go. I do not know how much longer I can hold off the chip. I do not want to hurt you." He looked at the ground, ashamed.
"You won't. I know you won't..." You moved closer again, resting a hand over his. You slowly moved it off of his head, holding it. He breathed hard.
"Any better?" You ask. "Yes, I would suspect my will to keep you safe overrided the new chip the Empire has put in my head." You smiled, finally leaning forward to hold him.
The second your arms wrapped around him, you sobbed. It all felt like a dream- well, nightmare.
"I thought you were dead... Tech, oh my Tech." He hugged back, petting your hair. You both frantically proclaimed 'I love you's.' But, he soon pulled away.
"I will not put you at risk any longer." He moved to stand up,
"I just got you back, why are you leaving me?" You couldn't understand.
He stood up, saying your name in a whisper. "I thought I made it clear. My new inhibitor chip is stronger. I am assigned to kill you. I do not want to do such a thing, ever."
"Tech, just please come with me. Rex is with us, he can help remove this one. Just like the others..." You grabbed onto his arm, pleading. How did he expect you to walk away, leave him behind. Especially when you just figured out he was alive.
"I suppose that might work..." He rested a hand to his chin, thinking. More tears flowed from your eyes, he was exactly how he was before. Always calm, always thinking everything through with a steady heart beat.
You looked up at him. "Please, I need you. I-"
"I know. I need you too. I uh- I apologize for shooting you." He said as-a-matter-of-factly.
Your eyebrows furrowed, "You didn't mean to.." You leaned up to kiss him, but something switched in him.
His face twisted and turned, he stepped back. He was fighting himself again, now a hand reached for his blaster. He looked up, face cold and blank. He pointed the gun at your face.
"Tech, Tech, it's just me!" He didn't care, he had a mission to fulfill. The chip was regaining control.
Suddenly, his body quivered and shook. He fell to the ground. Crosshair stood behind.
"Please don't kill him!" You ran to him, making sure he was aware of the situation.
"I know, his chip... I'll carry him back. Rex can look at him." You were hopeful, he was coming home.
It would be a rocky start, but he was alive. He was alive and half-conscious. That was a problem for when you got back on the ship.
For just a second, watching Crosshair hoist Tech up, you relaxed. The pounding of the water on rocks soothed you.
He was alive...
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! I hated the ending, sorry ya'll had to go through that. I didn't know how to end it! I was so motivated with this plot, then kind of lost it. Expect a Crosshair fic this weekend!!!
Tags- (LMK if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss
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infinitevisions · 7 months
A Lesson (To Both of Us)
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Pairing: Crosshair x Gender-Neutral Reader Summary: Crosshair decides to play games on you while teaching you how to snipe, but his plan quickly backfires. Word Count: 1,024 Tags: Crosshair teasing you, unresolved sexual tension, this isn't smut but it's somewhat spicey, wrote this with clone wars Crosshair in mind but imagine whatever era you want!! there is eventual fluff!! Notes: this is my FIRST X READER EVER, so if it's not good please bear with me!! crosshair enjoyers you deserve the world so i hope yall enjoy this
“I just don’t think this is in the cards for me.” You groaned. You stood in the training range with Crosshair's firearm, surprised he even allowed you to use it, even with his surveillance. While you had fired some rounds on the target, the gun grew too heavy and caused discomfort in your shoulders. You had no idea how he did this for a living. Crosshair groaned and used his leg as momentum to rise off the wall he was leaning against.
“So dramatic.” Crosshair remarked as he approached you. Before speaking, his augmented eyes scanned you up and down. It felt like a perfect circumstance for him to test the waters. The stage was set and the fruit was ripe for the taking.
“You’re in the wrong position.” He stated. Your neck was too far forward, straining your muscles, your legs were too close together, and your arms should exchange positions. You felt your breath hitch at the statement, but you attempted to ignore your filthy mind. Crosshair caught your chest stutter and cracked a grin.
“You’re too tense,” he added. “You need to loosen up.”
“Okay… mind showing me, wise one?” You joked, attempting to conceal the fact that your heart was pounding just from hearing his voice. But Crosshair wasn't dumb. He knew just how his voice affected you. He decided to add fuel to the fire. He threw his toothpick aside before getting to work.
“You need to spread your legs.” He drew back, keeping his gaze fixed on your face to watch how you reacted, whether you enjoyed this. If he detected any uncomfortable body language, he would stop instantly.
Luckily for him, he noticed your throat bob as you swallowed spit. Your legs separated, and you assumed a more solid stance. He observed you intently as you were doing so.
“How’s this? This alright?” You searched for more confirmation. He spotted a window of opportunity. He gave you a quick once-over before starting.
“Mind if I… show you?” He inquired before figuratively taking his shot. You finally shifted your attention to him, relaxing your grasp on the rifle for a moment. You took in his small grin and exhaled. You were curious about where he was headed with this.
“Of course.”
Crosshair's eyes shimmered with hunger.
He approached you from behind, pressing his armored chest against your unarmored but clothed back. He took his hands and placed them upon yours, guiding your hands to the appropriate positions. He focused his gaze just past your left ear. His breath fanned over your ear, and you continued to breathe deeply but sought to mask it.
“Much better now, isn’t it?” Crosshair asked smoothly, feeling your hands tremble beneath his.
“Y–Yeah. Lots. Feels amazing.” You tried lightly teasing back. He chuckled before speaking.
“Now, take a look around. Are you vulnerable?” He inquired as he felt your back compress against his chest and swell with every breath you took.
You certainly felt vulnerable. It was unexpected for Crosshair to be so close to you, yet it turned out to be one of the most outstanding experiences of your existence. The sunset made the most beautiful swirl of hues in the sky, and normally, you would take it in and appreciate it, but there's nothing quite like the sensation of having Crosshair against you.
However, it's important to note that his question was simply, are you a current target?
“N–No, uh… I don’t see anyone aiming at me.” You stated.
“Mm-hmm.” He rumbled into your ear, and your legs nearly buckled at the sound. For what amount of time would he continue to pursue this? How much more of you crumbling did he need to see before he was satisfied? Before you further spiraled into your thoughts, you heard Crosshair inhale to say his next words of wisdom.
“Try taking another shot for me.”
For him. For him. The words rang in your brain as you gently placed your finger over the trigger. He was whispering in your ear– right in the open for everyone to see. It drove you crazy. It was your primary motive for shooting the objective. You inhaled before pulling the trigger and giving it hell.
You blasted a straight shot to the target's forehead.
Despite your distraction from Crosshair, you felt quite proud of yourself and puffed out a little chuckle. However, you remained still since Crosshair remained motionless as well.
“Very good.” Crosshair purred in your ear, his tone dulcet as honey.
You couldn’t hold back the whimper that manifested after he said that. It was quiet, but Crosshair still picked up on it. Like he always did. Like he always would. You gathered yourself together, stepped away from him, and looked upward at his face. He also took a step back, allowing you some room.
You couldn't help but reflect carefully on everything as you took in the atmosphere. You trained with the guidance of Crosshair. It was unknown to you if it was for his own pleasure, but as soon as you realized the magnitude of the situation, a smile spread across your face. 
“It was all thanks to you,” You said softly. Even though he riled you up, you were honored that he trained you how to snipe. Crosshair’s sharp demeanor slowly dropped, shocked at your genuine gratitude. When he saw your grin, he didn't know why blood shot to his brain and caused dizziness. It frustrated him as he began to feel overwhelmed. The fact that your enchanting grin was the only thing on his mind just made him angrier.
You held the weapon out for him to take back. He looked down at your hands on his rifle and saw how soft they were in comparison to his. After taking the gun, he broke eye contact and turned around so his back was to you. He chose to dismiss any other possibilities as the source of his condition and put the blame entirely on being ill. Despite his lingering fear that it wasn't what it was.
“Don’t mention it.” Crosshair said sheepishly, struggling to ignore the warm sensation inside his chest.
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Step Into The Daylight
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Click here for my masterlist.
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Requested - @cc--2224 as part of @cloneficgiftexchange
Prompt - "Well, I’m sorry I fell in love with you, okay? But it happened and I can’t do anything about it.” “You... What?” &  "I never wanted anyone to feel bad for me, especially not you"
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The sun streaming through the windows did little to fight against the coldness he felt, he knew the room was warm, he knew the cold he felt deep in his bones wasn’t there and yet he couldn’t fight the shivers that wracked his body. It didn’t matter that he could see the small room his brother’s had shown him to once they landed on the planet, in his mind he was still there, still in that cold, small cell with no hope of escaping.
He’d been there for so long, long enough that he had lost track of the days. He could have planned an escape, could have made some attempt to leave their torture but what for? There was nothing waiting for him outside of his cell anymore.
Gone was his relationship with his brothers, gone was the easy back and forth banter with Wrecker, gone were the late night talks with Hunter, gone were the days him and Tech would sit together, his brother’s voice filling the silence without expecting anything back from Crosshair, gone was Echo’s steady presence, at his side whenever he needed it.
Gone were you.
Gone were the early mornings when the rest of his brothers were still asleep, only you and Crosshair awake in the cockpit holding a warm cup of caff and filling the space with softly spoken conversation. Gone were the days spent trying to stick by your side, gone were the stolen glances and lingering touches, gone was sneaking away after missions to explore together, gone were the chances he took to watch you smile, gone was the promise he’d tell you how he felt tomorrow.
Crosshair had run out of tomorrow’s a long time ago.
After all he had done, all the pain he had put his brothers through, the pain he had put you through, this was the least he deserved. 
And so when the chance came to make his escape, to leave the pain and the torture behind he hesitated. The cell door was open, it would be so easy to leave and yet he hesitated. 
If the kid hadn’t been there, if her life didn’t depend on him getting her out he knows he would have stayed where he was, he would have rotted in that cell for as long as they decided he was useful alive.
Now he was free and somehow he felt more confined than ever. It wasn’t just because Hunter wouldn’t take his eyes off him, it wasn’t because Wrecker hovered or the fact Omega had seemed to attach herself to him. It didn’t even have anything to do with the fact that you were here, stars above Crosshair couldn’t think of a time he would ever have ignored your presence and yet now he did everything to stay away from you, not able to face you yet.
No, it wasn’t because of you or his brothers that Crosshair felt confined. It was because he didn’t deserve this freedom, in his head he was still in the cold cell, destined to rot away.
Crosshair stood from the floor, unable to lay there any longer. The room had a bed tucked against the wall but Crosshair had only managed about ten minutes of tossing and turning on it before he gave the bed up for the floor, the bed too soft compared to what he had become used to.
Everyone else was still asleep as he made his way outside, no real destination in mind. His feet carried him through side streets until they grew sore and only then did he make his way back, stopping not too far away from where the others were to sit on the sand, the sun shining blindingly on the water. 
He didn’t deserve to be here.
“I used to come here.” A voice interrupted him some time later, a voice he recognised all too well. “It’s quiet, no one ever comes here.”
Crosshair didn’t turn to look at you, he couldn’t bring himself to do it but when you sat next to him it was too much. He went to stand but your hand softly grabbing his stopped him.
“Please stop running away.” You pleaded softly and Crosshair didn’t have to look at you to know your eyes were teary but he did anyway, his heart aching for having made you this way.
“I can’t do this.” He told you quietly, forcing his gaze away from yours and looking back out at the water. 
“I don’t know what happened to you,” You said after a moment's silence and Crosshair balled his hand into a fist, silently begging you to stop talking. “I don’t know what they did to you and you don’t have to tell me but-”
“But nothing.” He spat angrily, glaring at the sea and instantly hating himself for lashing out at you, so he tried again, softer this time. “But nothing. What they did to me was nothing less than I deserved.”
“Don’t say that.” You said, head shaking as you tried to compose yourself.
“It’s the truth, I tried to kill you, kill my brothers…I hurt you all and for what? For the Empire to throw my loyalty in my face.” Crosshair shrugged. 
“For what it’s worth, I never gave up on you.” You told Crosshair, looking away from him as you spoke. “It didn’t matter what you did, how far you strayed from us, I never gave up on you.”
“You should have.” He muttered. “Everyone else did, Hunter doesn’t trust me, Wrecker wants to but he knows I’m nothing more than a lost cause.”
“That’s not true. Hunter’s just being Hunter, he needs time to adjust, needs time to figure things out in his head and then he’ll want to talk to you. Yeah you’re both gonna throw out words you don’t mean, maybe a punch or two but after that…it’s Hunter, he’s glad you’re back. As for Wrecker he wants to come to you, you know that as much as I do but he’s scared, he doesn’t want to spook you so he’s waiting for you to make the first move.” You explained, keeping your voice soft, not turning to face Crosshair as he turned to look at you.
“What about you?” He finally asked, voice barely above a whisper. 
“I was with Wrecker. I kept my distance and waited to see what your move was. Turns out your move was to avoid everyone.” You laughed and Crosshair felt himself relax a little, the sound one he hadn't heard in so long and it somehow managed to push out some of the cold he felt. “I feel for you, Cross, I do. Stars only know what the Empire did to you but you’re free now, don’t let them win, don’t shut us out.”
“I never wanted anyone to feel bad for me, especially not you.” Crosshair said after a long pause of silence and you laughed again.
“We all feel bad for you, despite everything you’re one of us.” You told him so sincerely that Crosshair felt like he’d been punched in the stomach at the speed his breath was stolen from him.
You turned to face him, a small smile on your face and you hesitated for only a moment before you reached out and took his hand in yours, entwining your fingers together.
“I don’t deserve any of this,” Crosshair forced out and you smiled at him softly. “I don’t deserve you, you should be running away from me, leave me behind and move on.”
“Well, I’m sorry but I fell in love with you, okay?” You told him, watching as his eyes widened in complete disbelief. “It happened and I can’t do anything about it.”
“You…what?” Crosshair choked, for so long he had dreamed of you and him, of a life where you could possibly want him but it was such a far off dream, something that would never become a reality and now you were saying the words he had longed to hear for years.
“You’re stuck with me, Cross, I’m not going anywhere, I’m not running away. You’re it for me, always have been.” You said, laughing as a tear or two managed to slip down your cheek and Crosshair only second guessed himself for a moment before his hand cupped your cheek and he softly brushed the tears away, his thumb caressing your cheek bone.
“I don’t deserve you.” He repeated and you smiled brightly at him. “But I will spend the rest of my life trying.”
“I love you.” You told him again, watching as his eyes became watery and he rested his forehead against yours.
“I love you too, so much.” He choked out and you couldn’t stop yourself from closing the small distance between the two of you, Crosshair not hesitating to meet you in the middle.
Crosshair’s hand on your cheek moved to your hair, pulling you impossibly closer as he kissed you, savouring every second of the feeling, something he had longed for and convinced himself he could never have.
Eventually the two of you needed to pull apart for air, breathing heavily but not going far from each other, foreheads together as you both smiled at the other.
For the first time in so long Crosshair didn’t feel a single bit of cold, his body was warm, his heart racing as he held you close. For the first time in a long time Crosshair didn’t feel numb, he didn’t feel pain or fear.
It felt like he was finally off that awful planet, it felt like he had finally left his cold cell behind and stepped into the daylight, able to feel the sun of Pabu for the first time and it was because of you, you were the source of this warmth, this love, this joy, this overwhelming relief that things would be better.
For the first time in a very long time Crosshair felt like things would be okay, he had you, he swore he’d make amends with his brothers, spend the rest of his life making up for everything, spend the rest of his life proving he was worthy of yours and his brother’s love. It felt easier, it felt doable with you at his side once again.
Thank you so much for reading!
Crosshair Taglist /
@ughhhhfoff,  @callsign-jinx, @venuskywaker,  @bobaprint,  @solstraalaa, @narcissa-of-kaas, @waytoooldforthis78, @the1sunshine1girl
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 2 years
Oh! How would the Bad Batch react to their S/O protecting them or blocking an attack they didn’t see for them during a mission!
(The Bad Batch) You Block/Protect Him from an Attack
There isn't much that this guy doesn't see, but every now and then, he finds himself a little preoccupied in the heat of battle. He saw the enemy taking aim with their blaster, but he was locked in hand-to-hand combat with multiple targets at the moment, mentally working out the details of how he'd get out of that one.
You saw your enemy's evil intent, heart pounding at the thought of any harm coming to him, and jumped in to quickly knock the enemy out before they could even take a shot.
While grappling with his opponent, Hunter's visor snapped toward you for an instant. If his helmet was off, you would've seen the gratitude in his eyes as well as the pride. But things were moving so fast that he couldn't afford to spare more than a glance in your direction.
A new resolve settled in his chest, and he overcame his opponent with a surge of strength. He had to end this fight.
It was later on aboard the Marauder that Hunter was able to truly express his feelings on the matter. In the quiet of the ship, he pulled you into an embrace that caught you a little off guard.
"I saw that," he murmured. "Earlier."
You smiled as you leaned into his chest, though you weren't entirely sure what it was about. "What do you mean?"
"During the fight," he continued, resting his stubbled cheek against yours. "You were there just in time."
"Oh, that?" Your heart picked up speed as you wrapped your arms tighter around him, chuckling softly. "Just doing my duty, Sarge. I'm always happy to help."
"Saved my behind is what you did."
You rolled your eyes playfully, pulling away slightly to kiss his chin. "You would've found your way out."
He smirked, tilting his head down so that his lips could meet yours. "I'm not so sure. It was looking pretty bleak."
During fights, this guy goes all out. Sometimes he gets caught up in the heat of battle, so it isn't entirely unheard of that he wouldn't see an impending threat creeping up on him.
You never strayed too far from Wrecker in battle unless you were given an order, so fortunately, you saw it coming. He was covering you, as a matter of fact, pulling a particularly large opponent away from you.
You planted your feet and took aim with your blaster, firing off a couple of blasts to take the approaching threat out.
Wrecker hadn't seen them coming behind him, but he heard the blaster fire. He turned around to see your position standing only a few feet away, gaze honed on your target, eyes alight with protective fire.
"Wow," he rumbled in amazement, helmet tilting as he admired you for a moment. His chest swelled with the reminder that you always had his back, and he dove back into the fray.
After the fight, Wrecker came up behind you while you talked to Hunter and wrapped you up in a giant hug, squeezing you until you laughed.
"You were great out there!" He boomed affectionately, bringing you closer his chest and resting his head against yours as if you were Lula. "Thanks for havin' my back!"
You happily accepted the kiss that he bestowed, melting into it and his gentle touch.
Tech was very capable on the battlefield. You'd seen it. He was smart, resourceful, and strong.
But sometimes, he had other things to do even in the midst of a firefight. Whether it was hacking, downloading data, searching his holopad for vital information, or using his custom visor to scan ahead. It was in those times that engaging in combat was put on the backburner, falling to the rest of you while he worked on whatever crisis was at hand.
This was one of those instances. Tech was knelt beside a panel, trying to hotwire a door since Wrecker was not there to bash it in. You and Echo were covering him. It was practically the two of you against an entire wave of enemies that were quickly approaching.
A shot was fired just past Tech, leaving a scorch mark on the door. He paused his work momentarily to steal a narrow-eyed look at the enemy. Heart racing, you jumped in front of him, swiftly taking aim and firing off several blasts.
Tech glanced up at you, brown eyes softening behind the clear visor, and coolly resumed his task.
"Thank you, my dear," he said evenly, though the gratitude was evident in his tone.
"Of course," you grunted back, ducking to avoid a shot and quickly firing back. Together, you and Echo were able to fight off the remaining opponents until Tech managed to get the door open.
Later on, when things calmed down, you and Tech hardly left each other's side even as you went about the mundane tasks of ship repairs, setting coordinates, checking supplies.
Out of the blue, he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you in for a kiss. The gesture was a surprise, but a pleasant one. You sighed into it, and when he pulled away, you smiled. When you asked what it was for, he merely adjusted his goggles and replied,
"Consider that my expression of gratitude for earlier. Thank you for covering me."
"Oh," you chuckled. "Anytime."
You'd been separated from Echo on the latest mission, given orders to accompany Wrecker and Omega and meet the others at the destination. Of course you always worried about your love, but never in a million were you prepared for what you saw when you arrived at the rendezvous point.
In the middle of a fight, Echo was grappling with an enemy at the edge of a steep drop. His blaster was just out of reach, and the opponent had his arm pinned.
Your heart plummeted at the sight, and to make matters worse, another enemy was eyeing the situation from across the platform, possibly looking to aid his ally. The enemy turned his masked face toward you, and the both of you met each other's gazes in silent understanding.
You took off running toward Echo and his opponent, blaster in hand. You couldn't afford a moment of hesitation. Your rival was tearing across the platform as well, both of you intent in the race to help your comrades.
Fortunately, you made it there first, taking aim to keep him from getting any closer. In that instance, Echo managed to overpower his attacker, and knock him out. He looked up through his helmet visor to see you standing in front of him protectively with your blaster aimed at the one who had dared to threaten him.
He still made a move for his own blaster, so you stunned him.
Echo was at your side in an instant with his own blaster recovered. "Thanks," he breathed out through his modulator, still huffing from the effort his his wrestling match. "You alright?"
"Now that you are, I am," you replied, affection creeping into your tone as you stole a glance at him. "Don't do that to me again."
His voiced lilted with playful sarcasm. "I'll try not to."
He is always the eye in the sky. Crosshair is the one who looks after the others, including you.
But it isn't completely unheard of that his location is compromised.
You were down below, engaged in combat alongside the rest of the squad. You fired your blaster and ducked to avoid a swipe from a nearby opponent. As you took him down, you noted the fall of enemies all around you. Single, precise shots from afar. Your eyes travelled up to see the glint of armor nestled atop a boulder at the peak of a rocky slope.
You knew it to be Crosshair, so you gave him a nod of thanks that he would hopefully see through his scope. It always amazed you how far he could be, and yet how safe you felt knowing he was never too far.
Unfortunately, one of your enemies somehow managed to follow the line of fire. They stood at the edge of the valley, aiming their own rifle at Crosshair's position.
"Oh no," you whispered, muscles bunching as you prepared to break into a run. You lifted your blaster and fired a few warning shots, hoping to spook him out of it. Relieved that he turned his attention from your sniper and onto you, you barreled into him rather ungracefully and knocked him out with a harsh blow with the butt of your blaster.
No doubt that maneuver would result in a few bruises on your arm, but things were too crazy to dwell on it for long.
You didn't see Crosshair until after the battle when things calmed down. He met up with the rest of the squad, hovering near you like he usually did.
"Hey," you greeted, eyes brimming with affection and relief. He entered your space, regarding you with his own version of tenderness.
"Hey." His gaze didn't stray from yours for several seconds, a sign he was contemplating his next words. "Are you...alright?"
"Before. You hit him pretty hard."
"Oh," you blushed, realizing he saw that. "I got a little banged up, but nothing major."
"That was reckless." His scolding was flat, but you recognized it for what it was. Even so, his gloved hand curled around yours.
"I know, I just... I got concerned is all."
"Concerned," he repeated with emphasis, leaning in. Before you could respond, Crosshair's lips joined with yours agonizingly slow, leaving you wanting another kiss as he pulled away.
"Be more careful next time," he murmured.
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toastnpretzels · 7 months
relationships: crosshair x reader
word count: 733
warnings: angsty, fluff, there's an unexplained relationship between the reader and crosshair, kinda left it up to interpretation whether you think they were together before or if it was just them having feelings for each other.
season 3 episode 4 spoilers
author's note: i have not posted a fic in so long. ive been so busy but that doesnt matter. the new episode had me feeling some type of way so here you go. its kinda short but i didnt want to expand without seeing hunter and wrecker's reaction to crosshair being back.
thank you for any support whether its likes, reblogs, or comments <3
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“I had help.”
The last few months had been terrible. From losing Tech and then losing Omega to the empire. Spending everyday looking for her with no success. Nothing was ok. All of us were miserable. Our family was being torn apart and there was nothing we could do about it. It couldn’t have gotten any worse.
Getting the comm from Omega was one of the best things to ever happen to us, but seeing her running down from the ship was even better. Embracing her, knowing she was safe, felt better than anything had. Things were starting to feel right again. All it took was one hug from Omega.
But then he walked off the cargo ship and everything in my body froze. He looked so different. He had been gone for so long that I thought the feelings had disappeared. Seeing him there, I knew they never were.
I forgot what it was like to be near him. I forgot how my heart sped up and how my head felt dizzy. I forgot how he smelled and how warm he was. I forgot how much I loved him.
After Kaller, nothing was ever the same. He wasn’t the same. The chip had changed him. The Empire had changed him.
He let us go on Kamino. The same day you had told him you loved him. On the platform before we left, with tears in my eyes. I told him I loved him.
“You shouldn’t.”
“Crosshair, please,” you whispered. He could hear the way your voice was breaking. You couldn’t lose him again.
When he didn’t say anything, you turned to walk away. Typical Crosshair to not say anything. He grabbed your wrist as you started walking.
“I love you.”
You stared at him. Your tears threatened to spill out from his confession.
“But I can’t come with you. You deserve better. This is where I want to be. With the Empire.”
I should have dragged him to the ship. I should have done more. But what more could you do when he didn’t want to be there. He wanted to be with the Empire.
Why couldn’t he have just came with you that day?
No one moved. Everyone was just as shocked to see him. No one knew what he was going to do, how he was going to react. He had tried to kill us before, but he had also let us go. No one trusted him anymore. You chose to remember how he had let us go.
You were the first one to move. Slowly, I stepped out from behind Wrecker. Every step I took towards him was filled with anxiety. It had been too long.
He doesn’t want to see me.
Is he still him?
Why did he come then?
Why would he still be here if he didn’t want to be?
You stopped a few feet in front of him. I could see how tired he looked from where I was standing. I couldn’t stand seeing him like this. It hurt so much. He had been through so much since Kamino.
What did they do to him?
I couldn’t stand there anymore. I ran the few feet that were left in between us. I wasn’t sure if he would push me away. As I got close to him, I fell right into his arms. I didn’t realize just how much I had missed him until this moment. He wrapped his arms around me in the tightest embrace I’ve ever had. It had been too long since I had felt him. He was safe. He was here.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered after a few minutes, so quietly that you barely heard it.
I looked up at him. He had tears that were threatening to spill over. Your heart broke at the look on his face.
“Shh. Not now. Just let me hold you.”
You stood there for what felt like an eternity just holding each other. Quiet tears were spiling from both of your eyes.
“I love you,” he whispered into your hair. His arms tightened around you again, as if he was afraid you would disappear.
It would be hard to forgive. Hard for everyone, not just you. So much had happened. But for now, all that mattered was that him and Omega were safe. Omega was home. Crosshair was home.
“I love you too.”
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echoisbabe · 6 months
Tear in my heart
I had this idea from that scene from Black panther and this was born from that.
I think TW, for death? However! I hope that everyone that reads enjoys! My request are open
<also ooc Wolffe????>
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He stands before you, blaster raised. Your hands are raised, eyes never leaving the familiar helmet of Wolffe.
“Wolffe” his name leaves your lips in a plea, his grip loosens on his blaster
For once you are not happy to see him, your heart beats faster as he steps towards you. You don’t know what to do, turn and run? He’d shot you in the back that you are sure of.
“You are a traitor” his grip tightens on his blaster
“You would kill me, my love?” His grip falters again, he steps towards you once more
You wonder if he remembers it all, if someone where in his mind the thought of you lingers.
“For the empire” he states as he squares his shoulders, a second blaster now in his free hand “Without question”
Horror flashes across your face as you take a step back. What can you do now? You had promised never to use the Jedi mind trick on him, promised not to use the force on him. You know times are different however you can’t bring yourself to do it.
“Do you remember?” You ask, raising a hand and he flinches subtly, you take a step forward “what we shared? Does that mean nothing now?”
It hangs in the air, he’s holstering one blaster. He closes the distance between you and him. His helmeted forehead meets yours. He’s breathing deeply, his arm wraps around you. He pulls you closer, and you allow him to give you this.
“Let me go, Wolffe” you whisper “don’t let my blood be on your hands” you reach up, hands hesitantly taking hold of his helmet
“I-I have my orders, Cyar’ika” he moves away, so as not to let you lift his helmet “there won’t be any pain, if I do it, I promise”
You wrap your arms around him, tears finally falling freely from your eyes. Your heart is breaking with each passing second, clinging to him but also wanting to run. You had spent months running from this moment. Spent months missing this feeling that’s slipping through your fingers.
“Please” you try again, hoping for a different answer “just let me go” your pulling away from him, and he lets you pull from his arms but doesn’t allow any more distance to separate you
In the distance you hear his men, voices that you don’t recognize. It’s now or never, breaking this promise would sting but it must be done. You raise your hand with the words stuck on your tongue.
“Commander!” A voice shouts, Wolffe turns as your eyes widen, the blaster bolt has been shot and there is nothing to be done, if you pull your hand from him now it would be him that is hit, so you shove him and the blaster hits you square in the chest.
You hear your name screamed out like a banshee. Your knees go weak and you stumble, you want to catch yourself but your muscles fail you and you are falling.
Wolffe had never moved faster, he had caught you just before you hit the ground. His helmet had fallen off and you see his face, a smile graces your lips, your mouth moving as if you’re trying to formulate words that won’t come. He cups your face, shaking his head trying to fight the sudden rush of tears that threatens to spill from his eyes.
“Cyar’ika, I’m here” he whispers, he moves the hair from your face “I’m here” he whispers and your smile grows wider, he takes your hand, pressing it to his cheek “Wo- Wolffe, I-I lo-“ your last breath leaves and your body goes limp in his arms “Wait, no, no”
Wolffe reaches for his blaster, turning it on the man and doesn’t think twice, the blaster hits the man and he drops. He turns back to you, he pulls you closer as his forehead comes to rest on yours and he weeps.
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the-marshals-wife · 2 years
The Bad Batch Having a Token of Their Love For You Would Include (Bad Batch x Reader)
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─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─
A/N: I love these boys so much and I thought of this instead of going to sleep all week. I really hope y'all like my idea for Echo's especially. He deserves the galaxy and more.❤️ (I also had extra ideas that are definitely still in character but probably "anachronistic", so I just labeled them bonus. I mean we have finally 'caf'' aka coffee in SW canon, so maybe there's hope for hoodies 🤭)
Description: Bad Batch x Fem!Reader | Warnings: none, just lots fluff and kisses | Gif credit: user mutantfactor
★ Bad Batch Tag List ★ @dantes-devil-huntress @sageislostinspring (comment to be added!)
He would get a tattoo of your name
Hunter did not need his heightened senses to be certain that he had fallen in love with you - if anything, they just strengthened his conviction that you were the one he was meant to find
Being the intensely devoted and thoughtful man he is, you were on his mind constantly, and he wanted a symbol of his love to be as a part of him as you had become
He didn't even tell you at first because he wanted it to be surprise
It wasn't until he changed into plainclothes for an undercover mission that you noticed the new black ink on his right bicep
You grabbed his arm and stared at the Aurebesh letters spelling your name
"You like it?" he asked, a little nervous
Speechless, you pulled him into a kiss
"I'll take that as a yes" he smiled, before getting another embrace filled with kisses
Whenever you have time alone together, you love to slowly trace the letters with your finger and listen as he dreamily talks about the future
Later in your relationship, he would want to add to it with a portrait of you, and someday, the names of your children
Bonus: he would keep anything you gave him like a pendant or a ring and wear it whenever he could (this man would totally wear one of your scrunchies and make it look hot - a product of his 'girl dad' powers that you find very attractive)
He would keep your shirt to cuddle with
The only thing Wrecker has ever been discreet about in his entire life is his feelings as he was falling for you
It wasn't for lack of trying. He had been officially head over heels for months, but every time he tried to tell you, his words suddenly came out wrong
You thought it was adorable, and you were sure he'd figure out how to say what he was feeling when he was ready. It just gave you more opportunity to realize you were falling for him too
What you couldn't figure out, however, was where your favorite shirt had disappeared to
That is until, after days of searching, you finally caught a glimpse of it tucked beneath the pillow in Wrecker's bunk
You were stifling a giggle when he walked up behind you, looking nothing less than mortified
"Oh, Y/N! That! I uh...I found it on the floor and I was going to give it back to you! But it smelled really nice, and pretty...like you, and um, then I forgot..." he stammered, his face bright red
You smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "Keep it."
In the weeks following, you would refresh it with a spray of your perfume every so often when he wasn't looking
He would also draw doodles of you whenever he had downtime
You were all on a mission not long after the discovery of that day, and during his watch, you rolled over to see him drawing in the sand with a stick. He'd scribbled your initials together within a heart, surrounded by a dozen tinier hearts.
Suffice to say he was not the only one feeling absolutely smitten from then on
Bonus: speaking of shirts, you would absolutely be the couple with the "If lost, return to ___ + I'm ___" tees (likely worn with your matching homemade 'friendship' bracelets)
He would keep a recording of your voice and laughter
Tech is a private person when it comes to his emotions, but he feels very deeply, even if he isn't sure how to best express his growing affection for you (he thinks it's obvious, after all)
It's this very reason why you doubted that he returned your feelings at first, until you walked by him one day and heard the sound of your own laughter, playing over and over
"What's that?" you questioned, now recognizing the moment that had caused your sides to nearly split (Wrecker had just taken the most dramatic fall into mud you'd ever seen, immediately after bragging he was 'too heavy' to slip)
Tech muted the sound and kept his stare on the datapad, "I capture auditory recordings of all of my interactions for analysis, and file away important data for later reference."
"My laughing is 'important data'?" you smirked as he hesitated for only a moment
"Well, no. Not technically. It is, however, a pleasant sound that reminds me of you, and one that I would like not to forget. By that reasoning, it is important to me," he stated, calmly meeting your awe-struck gaze
It took all your strength not throw yourself into his arms right then and there. He went back to filing his recordings, oblivious to the fact that he had just irreversibly won your heart
He'd also incorporate you into some of his private passcodes
Anything from your initials to your eye color to your favorite flower - just some of the many details that he associates with you and remind him of how much he cares for you
Bonus: if he had a lockscreen/background, it would definitely be a picture of you. He would also be the type to make you a playlist of your favorite songs all from memory because he knows you that well
He would engrave your name on his rifle
Crosshair is a man of conviction and loyalty, and when he was certain that he could trust you with his heart, he wanted to display his loyalty in turn
Modifying his rifle in any way at all is significant, so ingraining your name on the scope is a very personal gesture to him
He caught you completely by surprise on a mission, casually showing it to you while you had watch together
You were stunned to see your name glistening in the firelight, every letter expertly etched into the smooth metal, "Cross, I can't believe you would do that for me..."
"Your love makes my aim true," he replied, wholly sincere
This one remark sealed your fate, giving you both the courage to lean in and share your first kiss
"Then you will never miss," you whispered afterward
You spent the rest of your watch sitting close together in soothing silence under the stars
He would also carve your initials into the wall of his bunk
Wherever he would go, you would be there also. His devotion is unyielding, and you have a partner until the galaxy itself burns up
Bonus: a huge sign of his affection would be letting you wear his clothes. He may act disgruntled, but it's all in jest because would be the boyfriend that's extremely proud to see you walking around in his hoodie
He would have your handprint on his armor
It seemed like a lifetime since he'd had the handprint from Captain Rex on his chestplate that had meant so much to him through those long years of war
When Echo is sure of something, nothing can move him from it. Not much time was required for him to know that he wanted to share his life with you, and that he wanted your handprint on his armor
He confided in you quite a bit about his past in the GAR, and you knew about the original print, but you never dreamed that he would ask you to replicate it
"Are you sure?" you asked in disbelief
"I am, Y/N. There's no one else whose mark I'd rather carry with me, and no one I want by my side more. On and off the battlefield," he confessed, taking your hand in his
Tears welling in your eyes, you dipped your other hand into the red paint on the table, placed it carefully onto his chest, and pressed your lips to his
More than a symbol of love, you both knew this was a vow to keep fighting for a free galaxy where you could build a future together
He would also have a photo of you in his personal things
He's not afraid of letting his relationship with you be known around his brothers, but his horrifying experiences imprisoned by the Separatists have made him extra cautious in all things. He keeps his photo of you safely tucked away and never brings it on missions, not wanting to risk it falling into the hands of anyone who would ever want to harm you
Instead, whenever you're apart, he holds his hand to his chest before he drifts to sleep and dreams of you. The nightmares are all but gone
Bonus: you two would totally have matching caf mugs with snarky sayings. "Grumpy parents in the morning" vibes all the way
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spinningwebsandtales · 5 months
Imagine Reminiscing With Hunter
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Hunter X FemReader
Rating: G
Warnings: Angst, all the feels, fluff
Word Count: 930
(A/N:) Okay I gave myself some major feels in this one. As I have gone through a lot of loss within the last 3 years this helped me heal just a little bit. I hope this helps bring a little bit of closure to the series. Though I loved the final season I was a little bit disappointed in how fast the ending came. It ended a little quickly (or I just didn't want it to end) but I'm so glad they got the ending they deserved. Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
It wasn't unusual for Hunter to disappear during the night, you had grown used to his disappearances during the waning hours of the night. As a soldier, created for one purpose in life, it wasn't unusual for his senses to overwhelm him. So in moments you would give him his space, but other times you would search for him. You had a way of telling whatever Hunter needed. As a leader, he had to be the guidance and rock of the team. Now he didn't have to worry about such things, but it had still taken it's toll over the years. This moment, finding Hunter's side cooling and him nowhere in the room and the solemnness that had overcome the tightknit family, you knew that Hunter needed you this time.
Searching for any signs of the aging clone, you noticed Batcher's absence as well. Normally the loyal creature was holed up with Omega. But even the younger girl's room was barren of her presence. That's when you knew, she was making good on her argument with her brother's this evening. You sighed deeply, breath hitching as your heart cracked. Passing by Wrecker's open door, deep snores echoing out into the hall, you knew Hunter needed you now more than ever.
Pabu was silent as the town slept on. You sat on the stairs a hot cup of caf in hand as you waited for Hunter's return. The stars above glistening brightly before a ship crossed over above your head, and you knew the blonde haired girl was making her own way in the galaxy. Batcher's padded steps alerted you to the return of Hunter. The Lurca snuffled your hand before heading inside. Though happy to see you, you could tell the creature was saddened by her body language. Hunter sighed deeply and you gave him a sad smile.
"Caf," you asked holding out the cup.
He nodded and took your offering, then took a seat as you patted the spot beside you. You had the uncanny ability to know just exactly what he needed. And caf answered a lot of life's more problematic issues. Though it warmed his body and alerted his senses, it couldn't heal the fresh wound in his heart.
"I take it she's gone," you sniffed, fighting back the tears.
"Yeah," he answered, taking another sip. "I couldn't talk her out of it. I didn't even try."
"She wouldn't have listened. That's why she try sneaking away," you replied. "She can't just sit by and do nothing while other's suffered. It's never been in her nature and," you nudged Hunter with an elbow, "she learned it from you."
"Doesn't make it any easier," he chuckled. "I still remember the first time I saw her on Kamino. I never understood why she was so drawn to us."
"It's because you guys were different," you paused. "Like her."
"Tech taught her a lot too. He was the best out of all of us."
You smiled, wiping a stray tear, "He was definitely a rebel. You probably shouldn't have let her spend so much time with him, he clearly influenced her."
Hunter nodded, grinning to himself behind the mug of caf, "I wouldn't change a thing."
"I wouldn't either," you agreed. "But you know Tech wasn't the only one she learned from. Echo had a lot to do with her to, Wrecker was a total enabler, Crosshair too when he wanted, and don't even get me started on you. You were like a father figure to her. You protected her and you taught her in your own way."
Hunter leaned his head back, taking a deep shuttering breath.
"What I'm getting to is," you grabbed his hand giving it a gentle squeeze, "she had good teachers in her brothers. In you guys. The Force is with her and her other brother is out there watching over her too. Tech is all for this and you know it. He goes with her wherever she goes and so do you, Wrecker, Echo, and Crosshair. She is a part of you and her you. It's a cycle we must live. We have them and then we have to let them go, whether that is in something they must set out to do or they end their race of life."
"That's the only reason I let her go," Hunter replied.
He finished his caf and set the empty mug aside. You held your arms out offering him the comfort he needed now more than ever. Hunter tugged you towards him setting his chin on the top of your head. His beard catching a few of your hairs. You cried softly, letting yourself free yourself from emotions, and Hunter wiped at a few stray tears. The galaxy such a vast place, you meet so many people and they make you into you. He never regretted for one moment having Omega in his life and that's why it hurt so much in letting her go. With one final squeeze Hunter let you go, wiping at wet eyes and cheeks.
You laughed wobblily, still drying tears. "Now this just raises the question. Who's going to tell Wrecker?"
Hunter shook his head, grabbing both of the empty cooling mugs, "I'm not."
"I'm not either," you argued.
He paused for one moment and you both stared at each other for a few seconds.
"Crosshair," you both said in unison making you both laugh.
With sorrowful but light hearts you both went back inside the warm home, hand in hand. Ready for whatever the galaxy threw towards your way next.
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ivonhart · 4 months
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love and war | wrecker x fem twi’lek!reader
— chapter one
| next
cross posted on ao3
gif credit: @dreamswithghosts
summary: The love you shared was one of wide smiles and flushed cheeks. The love that made your heart grow twofold to the point it ached. The love that made one believe in soulmates. But with this love came war. War to survive in such a harsh world. War to ensure that the light of love would not be snuffed out by the growing darkness throughout the galaxy. War to simply…find peace.
a/n: !! chapter warnings !! brief mention of Twi'lek enslavement and scars from slave whips - really nothing major / Summaries are so hard I'm so sorry. Straight up pulled that outta my butt while I listened to Flawed Mangoes. But anyway, I just love love and I love Wrecker so much so here we are! Also, I took some creative libarties and made our Twi'lek reader's lekkus to be considerable longer than presented in the shows/movies because I said so. If that nasty ass Bib Fortuna can have them so can my girl!! Also also, apparently the head-tails that Twi'leks have are kinda like living parts or something. Like I read that they can pick things up and move to communicate like sign language. So that's pretty cool. As well as a backstory behind Wrecker's blind eye and scars, plus a little headcanon about slight hearing loss on his part.
“Oh, I’m so excited to see what Phee has brought back!” Lyana said with bright eyes as the three of you made your way to the top of the island. You eyed her father with a small smile before responding. “As am I.” A thoughtful hum passed by your lips as you pulled one of your lekkus over your shoulder, messing with the flower vines you decorated your head-tails with. “I wonder if she picked up any new seeds for me? The gardens could use some new friends.”
You were as close of a friend to Phee as she let you be after she freed you from slavers whilst on a mission to “liberate” an ancient Ryloth artifact the slavers wished to part with. As the three of you reached the summit and watched the ship come into view, you noted the four individuals that stood in front of her.
One being a young girl with short, blonde hair. Despite the fact they ranged from shape and size, they all sported the same colored armor. “After all, I am a liberator–” Shep was quick to announce their presence by finishing her sentence. “Liberator of ancient wonders.” Clone Force 99’s attention turned towards the new voice and that was when Wrecker saw you.
A Twi’lek dressed in a long, airy dress that blew in the light ocean breeze, paired with a slightly dirty apron that held gardening tools looked at his brother from underneath her large floppy hat that was decorated with flowers along the top. Even though you wore a hat, he could still take in your lekkus that dropped down your back and swayed with each breath you took.
As you got closer, he saw that your head-tails were wrapped in small lines that sprouted a few tiny flowers along the larger parts of the vines. You were the most beautiful creature he had ever laid his eyes on. His eyes never left your figure as you bounced over to Phee with a wide smile. “PHEEEEEEEE!” The woman in question opened her arms with a small smile as she braced for impact.
Everything about you drew Wrecker’s attention and he felt his heart speed up as passed him to get to her. Your scent was one of dirt and flora. It was intoxicating. “Easy now.” Phee started with a laugh. “Those tools you got might poke my kidney out if you hug me any tighter.” And your laugh. Wrecker had to force his legs to stay under him as the sound flowed through his ears like the sweetest melody. He was so enamored with you that he didn’t see the way Hunter eyed him. The speed of his heart was like a hammer inside Hunter’s ears from how fast his heart was beating.
“About time you showed your face around here.” Shep said with a laugh after you pulled away, allowing both him and Lyana to embrace him. “What’d you bring this time?” As Phee knelt down to show Layana, you took the time to look at those she brought along. From a closer distance it was clear that they were clones, but they weren’t like the ones you remembered from the war.
They had similar faces, but they had slightly different aspects about each and every one of them. The one next to the little girl sported a skull tattoo that took half his face along with a notable, red bandanna that held his long hair back a tad. The next one seemed to hide behind his data pad, but you could still see that his goggled-eyes were stuck on Phee as she spoke about the artifact. You couldn’t help the small smile that tugged on your lips.
Then your attention moved to the last clone and he was…breathtaking. He was as large as a house with broad shoulders and strong arms, but his eyes held almost a shyness from under your gaze. His brown and white eye shifted side to side every few seconds as you kept your full attention on him.
You were so focused on memorizing the trail of scars along his eye that you didn’t realize Phee had been speaking to you until she waved her hand in front of her face. “Seems Flower here likes what she sees, huh?” Heat burned your cheeks as you snapped your eyes away from the man with an open mouth. You were about to rebuttal the woman, but she simply turned on her heel and began introducing everyone.
“This is Shep Hazard, Mayor of Pabu, his daughter, Lyana…” She then said your name whilst pointing towards you. “Shep, Lyana, Flower, meet Omega, Hunter, Wrecker and Tech.” Wrecker…that was his name. You thought the name was quite fitting for a man of his size. Even his hand seemed to engulf Shep’s as he gave him a firm handshake with joy.
You shadowed Lyana as she walked closer to Omega while she spoke. “Phee’s never brought any friends here before.” “Never?” You noted the accent the young girl had as she spoke. “Not even Cid?” Phee moved closer to you and hung her elbow on your shoulder while she answered the girl. “Nope.”
“So why bring us?” Hunter’s deep voice was a stark difference from Omega. “Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?” You smiled brightly before you poked her in the side. “She must really like you guys.” Phee stepped away from you with a playful hiss whilst waving her hand at you. “All right, Flower. That’s enough out of you. You want to see what I got you don’t ya?” Wrecker watched as your eyes lit up while you clasped your hands together under your chin.
“A gift? For me?” With quick, small shuffles you closed the gap between you and the woman with a wide smile as she pulled a small pouch from her bag. “Managed to snag you some Bluebell Squish seeds.” You squeal in excitement as you quickly open the pouch to see inside. “The gardens will love them! They have been longing for some new friends.”
“Scientifically speaking, flora of any kind cannot “long” for friends. They do not have the emotional intelligence for such things. In fact, they have no intelligence whatsoever.” You turned to see the voice belong to the one named Tech. His finger was up in the air as he spoke the words as if they were law.
Wrecker nudged his brother in the side to get him to apologize, but your sweet laugh filled the air once more. “Well you may be right, but they still do have emotional intelligence…just not in the same way we do.” You leaned closer to Tech with a smile. “Plants may lack a central nervous system, but they are still able to process information from the world around them and respond to them. And that, to me, is all I need to know to determine that they do, in fact, have feelings.” You stepped back with a joyful sigh before finishing.
“We are all children of the Force, and our energies recognize one another no matter what form we may take and respond to one another.” The Batch watched with wide eyes as Tech lifted his finger once more but was unable to formulate a reply. He simply cleared his throat and moved his hand to adjust his glasses. “I suppose it would be a waste of my time to discuss this further, seeing that you believe in such things, whilst I am a man of fact and logic.” Despite the fact that Tech’s words could be viewed in a negative light, you still smiled at him.
You both were right in your own ways and you had no right to diminish his outlook just because you believed another. And you sensed that he felt the same…but said it in a more clean-cut way.
“Then it’s settled. You’ll join us for dinner.” And with that the group began their way into lower Pabu. Omega and Lyana ran ahead whilst Shep spoke with Hunter and Tech following not far behind.
You had gradually made your way to the back of the group as many members of the community stopped to speak to you. From a quick “hello” to a brief conversation about a plant they had purchased from you. You bid farewell to a fellow Twi’lek when Wrecker spoke to you. “Do you know everyone here?” Oh how his voice made your stomach flip from the rasp it held.
A smile graced your lips as you fell in step with the man whilst responding. “We all know one another. We are all family to one another.” The two of you fell silent for a beat before both speaking at the same time. “So your group–” “So, how do you know Phee?” Both of you looked at one another before falling into a fit of giggles and laughs. While yours was light, his was hearty. You had to take hold of the tips of your head-tails due to the fact they seemed to keep reaching out for him.
Wrecker cleared his throat. “L-Ladies first.” His stutter brought heat to your cheeks once more as you moved your eyes back ahead of you. “I was just curious about you and your group. From what I know about the war, the clones were soldiers. So, your group having a child intrigued me.” You gazed towards the blonde girl as she jumped around with Lyana. “Is she the daughter of one of you?”
You turned your attention back to the large man and saw him shaking his head. “No, she’s our big sister.” You knew of the clones' accelerated growth so you put the pieces together that she must have been different. Wrecker tilted his head slightly. “Though…she is more like a daughter to Hunter.” A small laugh passed his lips. “It’s a lil’ odd.”
You softly shook your head. “Relationships between one another are complex things. As long as she is loved and cared for.” Wrecker looked down at you with sudden serious eyes. “We would lay down our lives for her.” You gave a stern nod. “Good. She deserves nothing less.”
The man was about to open his mouth once more, but Shep suddenly spoke your name. “This is her home and shop.” You looked towards him to see that the group was now in front of your home. “She nurtures the most beautiful plants in the entire galaxy. None are able to do what she does.”
Wrecker watched as you walked over to him while waving your hands in bashfulness. “Oh Shep, you act as though it was magic.” With a polite smile you slipped past Hunter and moved towards your door. “But, since I am here I suppose it’s time to say goodbye for now.” “Wait, you’re not coming to dinner with us?” Wrecker’s question shot through the air even before you had finished your sentence, earning everyone’s eyes on him.
Hunter could hear the way both hearts were beating so fast he feared he would get a headache. You dropped your gaze with a small laugh while taking a lekku in your hands. “I’m sure you all must have matters to discuss and I do not wish to intrude.” Shep shook his head with a gentle laugh before getting your attention. “You would never intrude. We all assumed you would be joining us; you missed Phee the most and I’m sure you’d love to catch up as well as get to know our guests more.” That’s when heat exploded along your cheeks once more.
You didn’t have to see Shep’s face to know he was smiling about a certain member of their team you quickly grew enamored with. With a small laugh you began walking backwards. “Well, in that case–” A gasp shot from your mouth as your hip hit one of the many plant pots you had scattered around your front porch.
Wrecker felt his hands twitch to reach out and steady you as he watched you regain your balance with an awkward cough. “Um…yeah, I’m–I’ll go freshen up then.” You were quick to shut your front door before letting a heavy sigh out from the embarrassment that spread throughout your body. Unaware of the eyes that lingered on your front door for longer than needed before eventually joining his brothers.
It was near sunset when Wrecker saw you again and when he did, the man launched to his feet as he took you in. The chair he sat on almost tumbled over from his speed in which he stood. There you were, the woman that already seemed to take over his mind, glowing underneath the light of Pabu’s setting sun.
Eyes staring straight at him. You were dressed in a loose fitting dress that draped over your body with your head-tails resting down your chest after you tied them together in the front with a ribbon. The tips of your tails barely sweeping across your belly button with the light breeze. 
Because of the lack of vines he was able to see the designs that spread across for lekkus; the faintest of swirls intertwined with your skin in a shade barely lighter than your skin color. His sudden movement didn’t go unnoticed and they all looked to where he was staring…only to see you.
Omega’s eyes widened as she was quick to speak. “YOU LOOK SO PRETTY!” Her excited voice snapped you from his gaze and you quickly looked down to where she was. A smile graced your lips once more as you moved closer. “Thank you very much, Omega.” Your eyes moved to look at everyone at the table. “I apologize for being so late. I still had some chores to finish up and then it took me some time to find a dress that didn’t have that many dirt stains on it.”
Everyone chuckled at your joke. “Uh, I th-I think you look amazingly…uh beautiful.” Wrecker’s words tumbled out faster than his brain could process which caused him to stumble over the words. And once more…your cheeks grew hot.  Omega grabbed your hand and led you to a, conveniently, vacant seat right next to Wrecker.
The dinner went well and as everyone began to scatter to their own devices, Wrecker made his way to where you stood. You had seen Omega and Lyana off towards the boat before settling in against the railing of the balcony just moments ago.
Because the dress you wore had an open back, the men were able to see what was marked there as you got comfortable. Jagged burns littered your colored skin and they knew immediately where they came from. A slaver’s whip. The long weapon coursing with electricity was something none could forget after being struck by one.
Although you just met Wrecker that day, you could tell that he was being unusually quiet as he approached and you knew why. “It’s okay. You can ask about them.” You grew to accept the scars that marked your body and felt no reason to cover it up. “You were a slave?” Wrecker couldn’t help but wince at the phrasing he used to ask the question, but you didn’t seem to be angry.
Your eyes still watched the boat with Omega and Lyana on it leave the dock as you let out a simple ‘mhmm’. You lekkus twirling the flowers that grew on the balcony as you did. “It’s quite common for the women of my species to be taken so it was really only a matter of time.” Wrecker’s heart grew heavy from your words. “Phee was actually the one who saved me.” You looked past Wrecker to where Phee was talking with Tech and a small smile formed. “She saved me in every possible way.”
“I’ll have to thank her then.” Your eyes moved to his brown and white one with slight confusion. “If she didn’t save you I may have never met you.” Heat exploded across your cheeks and you dropped your head with a small laugh. Your heart was pounding just as hard as his. “You sure do know how to make a lady blush.” The once heavy atmosphere grew light as Wrecker threw his head back in laughter.
Your giggles were not far behind. “What about your scars?” You asked once your laughter died down. Wrecker turned his large body towards you so you could get a better view at the side of his face that was littered with a web of scars around his ear and head. Being so close, you were even able to see that small parts of the ear were missing.
“It was during one of my early demolition exercises on Kamino. Normally, the bombs they had me working with were duds but one must’ve slipped through the cracks and next thing I know I was in the medical wing with only one good eye and ear.” So he was blind in that eye and the reason he speaks so loud is because he most likely lost hearing on that ear.
Another hum passed your lips as you slowly raised your hand to the side of his face. “May I?” Wrecker nodded and your fingers moved across his skin he gasped. The reaction caused you to jump back. “I’m so sorry!” Your eyes were wide with worry as you intertwined your claps hands with your lekku tips.
The man frantically shook his head. “M’bad.” You watched red flush his cheeks as his eyes shifted around. “It’s just…no one’s touched them before. People find them too scary to look at.” That’s when his eyes dropped to the floor and you watched as his whole self seemed to deflate. “People find me scary to look at.” Anger bubbled within you at confession.
How could anyone think this man was scary? You could tell he was nothing more than a gentle giant. “Well, I don’t find you scary.” With a small step forward you brushed your fingers against his larger ones. “In fact…” Your voice dropped to almost a whisper as if the wind would carry the sound throughout all of Pabu. “I think you are quite handsome.”
His wide eyes snapped towards you and you had to hold back the giggles that threatened to escape. A few seconds passed before a smile split across his face. “Seems like I’m not the only one that can make someone blush.” Your heart grew full as you smiled up towards him. Unfortunately, the moment was lost when the ground started to shake. Wrecker grabbed hold of you with ease as you lost your footing and with wide eyes you looked up at him. Something was coming.
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stellarbit · 3 months
Two Faces pt 2
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Word Count: 12.5k Pairing: fem!reader x Bad Batch, light Tech and Crosshair nods Warnings: SFW, bitch of a mother, crosshairs mood swings, Summary: You arrive back home with Clone Force 99 to prepare to be your senator sister's stand in at an upcoming event. Letting the Batch learn more about who you actually are. Part 1 note: hope y'all like it, thank you all who sent in requests for it and suggestions. I live laugh love for this shit man.
“Ensure our guest arrives safely on her homeworld. Report back once the Gala is at an end.” Lama Su instructed Clone Force 99, his inky gaze shifting to where you stood in line with them at the steps to the Marauder. “You are most welcome here on Kamino. You have an open invitation should you find a need for it.”
Since your sister’s appearance, Lama Su’s demeanor shifted from gritted tolerance to that of a generous host. Time spent at your mother’s side taught you a politician’s patience was rarely forthcoming.
You attempted a practiced smile, the kind drilled into you from birth. “That’s something I will truly keep in mind.” Lama Su bowed his head slightly and dismissed himself, retreating back into the hangar doors.
Left alone, neither you or any of Clone Force 99 budged and a heavy silence settled over the group. From the corner of your eye, you noticed a few heads turn your way. Looking anywhere but directly at them, you piped up, “Ready whenever you are, Sergeant.” Despite Tech’s reassurances that everything had worked out 'better than predicted,' falling back into rhythm with Clone Force 99 was proving more difficult than you had hoped.
Hunter was the first to move. “Alright then, let’s move out.” He turned and you all followed, with you trailing after Crosshair as the last of the group.
Midway up the stairs Crosshair turned and extended a hand to you - an offer of assistance and perhaps a peace offering. A gesture you walked right by. Crosshair retracted his hand and, mostly, kept his frustration in his throat.
They’d told you about their ship, a modified Omicron-class attack shuttle, but being on it was certainly a different experience. The smell alone disenchanted your anticipation. Touches of the different men were strewn throughout. A knocked over stack of history magazines, food wrappers, half used tins of gun oil, and what looked to be sliced up target practice sheets. It was fairly easy to see who left what, but oddly enough there was hardly a trace of Echo.
Tech caught your hesitant inspection and directed you to the passenger seats. “Sit here during take-off.” Tech pointed to a seat equipped with restraints. “Once we make the jump into    hyperspace, it will be safe for you to navigate the ship.” You silently took a seat, pulling the over-the-shoulder restraints into place.
Tech left for the pilot’s seat, Echo already in position as the copilot. Hunter positioned himself in front of a navigational screen, between the cockpit and your seats, while Wrecker and Crosshair accompanied you in the restraint seats. The restraints barely accommodated Wrecker’s size, causing his arms to push into your space as he sat on your left. Across from you, Crosshair stared you down.
In the hours between the confrontation with your sister and packing onboard the Marauder you’d deliberately avoided Crosshair. He, on the other hand, tracked you with that hawkish watch of his and didn’t take his eyes off you.
His watching you, deciphering you, was a part of him processing the shifted dynamics. Much like you trying to piece together how Tech found out your identity, Crosshair ran through your weeks together, over and over, searching for all the clues he’d missed. He searched your face as if the specks on your face would tell him. 
Mostly, he kept counting the scars on your face. One nicked across your nose, likely from his elbow cracking you across the face. Another cut through your eyebrow with a matching one sat on top of your cheekbone. Admitting to himself, it was difficult to discern which of his many blows might have caused these specific marks.
A large part of him actively ignored the thought of what bruises may be hidden beneath your clothes..
He grit his teeth as he watched you continue to pointedly ignore him. He thought bitterly, If you’d just told us from the beginning I wouldn’t have been so severe. Your eyes cut to him with a look as sharp as his. Crosshair narrowed his eyes, a silent challenge between you. Your only response was a twist of your mouth, looking away in disinterest. 
“Care to share what’s on that pretty little mind of yours?” The sneer in Crosshair’s voice had you closing your eyes, summoning your remaining patience. “Or do you want to keep us all in the dark?”
You rolled out your jaw, nodding through a deep breath. Settling on the sorriest excuse for a smile, you responded, “It must be difficult to never know when to shove off.” Your words elicited a low growl from the sniper, adding genuine enjoyment to your expression. 
Wrecker sat still, gripping his ill fit restraints and keeping his good eye on you with a sideways look. Unlike his brother, Wrecker had made no attempts to push you up to that point. While roughing up a reg during training was standard for him, realizing it had been you all along left him uneasy. The memory of how you had fought against his grip when he had you by the throat now churned his stomach.
The entire vessel shifted and blue light cascaded through the ship. “We’ve made the jump into hyperspace.” Echo announced from the cockpit.
Crosshair shoved himself free of the restraints and stalked off for the front of the ship. You attempted to follow suit, but your restraints didn’t release as smoothly.
Frustration got the better of you and you rammed your hands twice into the bars before Wrecker gently released the safety device. He crouched down to your eye level, anxiety pulling at him. “Listen, I didn’t know it was you under that armor.” He shook his head lightly. “And I’d do it again with any reg… But I-I’m sorry it was you.” Wrecker’s eyes searched the floor for something else to say.
His expression tugged at your heart just enough for you to cave. “Wrecker,” you leaned forward and touched his shoulder. “I’m not mad with you, you couldn’t have known and, honestly, would be weirder if you had.” Wrecker kept his gaze averted, guilt still eating him.
“I take offense to that.” Tech chimed as he walked over.
Ignoring him, you gently turned Wrecker’s face to you. “The only reason I’m upset is that you would ever think this was a game to me.”
His eyes went wide and his head snapped back. “No, no! I never said that!”
“Then why lie and play soldier?” Crosshair said simultaneously from his seat next to Hunter. Crosshair placed a toothpick in his mouth and reclined.
“Crosshair, stow it!” Wrecker snapped, pivoting on the balls of his feet. “You’re just making it worse.”
 You truly believed that coming from anyone else, the question might not have stung so sharply. But coming from Crosshair, it made you want to scream.
“You know what?” You took a deep breath and stood, gently nudging Wrecker aside. As you exhaled, you clapped your hands together, your attempt to stay calm crumbling as your voice escalated to a yell. “I’m sorry. I am. I am sorry for going along with your mix-up!” 
Crosshair grit his teeth and tensed in his chair, a snake ready to strike.
Puffing your chest out, you thrust a finger at him, “I wasn’t playing soldier. I want to join my sister’s guard, so my mother sent me to train. If no one knew I was here and I got the training, I was going to do just that.” You groaned at the thought. The edge in your voice ebbed as you lamented, “Letting you think I was my sister seemed like an easy alibi. I’m sorry I lied to you, but I’d do it again if I had to.”
The topic begged the question, what will happen now that they know?
Tech, not fully grasping the situation, interjected, “Requiring you to mask your presence suggests this wasn’t a decision she was happy with.”
That was not a road you wanted to go down with them. Waving the comment aside with a flippant hand you replied. “She had a different plan for my life. This was just her making sure I knew what I was getting into.” You were surprised at how convincing your tone sounded.
Hunter turned away from the navigational screen, leaning back with a foot propped up on his knee, clearly skeptical. “She had to have known you’d get the kriff kicked out of you with us—or worse. Why not just send you to train with your sister’s guard?
Your chest tightened at the question. “Mother only wants what’s best,” you lied smoothly. Gesturing towards them all, you added in a lighter tone, “Besides, why train with guards when I can learn from the elite?”
Leaning against the back of Hunter’s chair, Echo looked incredulous. “Have you ever even stepped foot in a training facility before?”
You hummed an affirmative, holding your breath, but with the eyes of unconvinced soldiers on you, you quickly exhaled and admitted, “No.”
“In that case,” Tech said, pointing a finger at you. “I’m impressed you managed to only get your nose broken once.”
“We broke your nose?” Hunter sat upright suddenly, surprise in his voice. You resisted the urge to touch your nose or glance at Crosshair.
“I chose this,” you stated firmly, pressing a hand to your chest. “I had chances to back out, and I came anyway. I’d rather you treat me like the clone you thought I was than look at me with pity.” You gestured towards Hunter, whose face was an odd mix of pity and concern. “Honestly, I’d prefer that,” you added, nodding towards Crosshair.
You had hoped the small gesture would serve as your own olive branch, but a glance at Crosshair told you it hadn’t worked. He maintained a tight-lipped frown, his expression stubbornly aggravated. The standoff between you two lingered until you took a step towards him, and he rose from his chair, meeting you halfway with a defiant stance.
“What more could you possibly want from me?” you demanded, hands flaring palms up. There was a raw satisfaction in shedding the veil of polite politics and expressing your true feelings. Voicing your frustration felt liberating, like stretching long-dormant muscles.
Crosshair tilted his head down to meet your gaze, the toothpick rolling to one corner of his mouth. His voice was low and steady, “You attacked me.”
Fury surged through you as you snatched the toothpick from his lips. “Attacked you?” you nearly shouted, incredulous.
Leaning in, Crosshair scrutinized your seething expression, face flushed and fists clenched. Then, unexpectedly, a barely there smile cracked his scowl. Now he was just having fun.
“Crosshair.” Hunter warned as he slowly started to rise. 
“You heard me,” Crosshair retorted swiftly, emphasizing each word, “You. Attacked. Me.”
Echo was too slow to intervene as you grabbed the lip of Crosshair’s chestplate. He snorted dismissively, and you were consumed by a silent, burning rage. Something primal snapped within you, and without words, only a fierce growl escaped you as you lunged at Crosshair, hands driven by pent-up anger.
Crosshair began to laugh, a mocking, bitter sound that only fueled your rage as Hunter grabbed him and pulled him back. Echo swiftly moved between you two, his arms outstretched to create a barrier. Your fingers slipped from Crosshair’s armor as you reached desperately past Echo, trying to get at the sniper.
Hunter, his frustration evident, shoved Crosshair further away and then spun around, pointing a finger sharply at you He then turned to address both of you, his voice raised over the commotion. “How many times do we have to break you two up?” His tone was stern, a mix of reprimand and exasperation reflecting the strain of repeatedly managing your confrontations.
As Hunter pushed Crosshair further away, Crosshair shot back a snarky, taunting remark. "If she could keep her hands to herself, we wouldn't need breaking up."
With a low growl, you threw the toothpick still clutched in your hand, watching it strike Crosshair squarely in the face. It was a minor victory, but seeing his annoyance flare was satisfying. Stepping back slightly, no longer trying to shove past Echo, you fixed Crosshair with a taunting smirk. “Ah, so that’s what’s bothering you. This is the first time a woman’s touched you without a medkit.”
Hunter, witnessing the petty exchange, rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Enough!" he barked, hand chopping in front of him. "We’re on a mission, and I need you two to not kill each other. If I have to keep you separated until we reach our destination, I will."
Notching his hand at his hip, Hunter sighed. Looking at you he shook his head. “Well, you certainly don’t act like a Senator.” Amusement lifted the tattooed side of his mouth.
“Or a soldier,” Crosshair added sharply, slipping another toothpick into his mouth. He watched you a second longer before giving a light scoff, “But good to know our little kitten has grown claws.”
‘Little kitten’ heated your face but Echo guided you away before you could take the bait. “If you haven’t stepped foot in a training facility,” he said, ushering you towards the front of the ship. “What about the cockpit of an attack shuttle?”
And with that you were distracted, allowing for the rest of the journey to pass in relative peace. Aided largely by the fact that you and Crosshair now had a ship and four soldiers between you. 
As the ship began its descent, Tech started detailing the time differences and adjusting for the local standard. Wrecker, seated beside you, yelled, “Yeah, yeah, we can tell it’s late.”
“Or really early,” you quipped, nudging him playfully. Truly, you hadn’t kept track. It turned out to be late into the evening.
Echo and Crosshair had swapped seats, positioning Crosshair in the copilot's seat and further from you. Sitting across from you, Echo leaned forward slightly, curiously asking, “Who do you think is receiving you?”
“Receiving me?” You parroted in confusion.
Wrecker nudged you playfully, flashing a grin. “Yeah! Who’s waiting for ya at the platform?”
Your eyebrows shot up as you glanced down, realizing you hadn't considered this. Normally, no one 'received' you unless your sister was visiting home. You managed a smile, easing into the conversation. “That’s not really a tradition of ours.”
“That’s odd,” Tech said, extending his neck out and raising his voice to ensure you heard him. “I read that the planet’s governor, that is your mother, is well known for her welcoming of distinguished guests.”
“Well, I’m not a guest,” you responded sharply, a hint of bitterness in your voice. With a forced laugh and a casual flip of your hand, you added to cover your misstep, “That is, I’m not just a guest, I’m family.”
As the ship landed and the restraints remained locked in place, Crosshair spoke for the first time in hours. “Looks like you’re wrong about that.” His tone made you strain against your restraining bars in attempts to see outside.
You were unable to see anything but the sky view of the hangar. But you were sure of it, if anyone was there it was your sister. The thought flipped your stomach.
As soon as the restraints unlocked—and Wrecker helped free you—you dashed for the exit. Crosshair was at the mouth of the exit when you pushed past him, hurrying down the stairs. Your chest heaved with anticipation as you spun around, searching for a familiar face, but your sister was nowhere to be seen.
As you were about to have words with Crosshair, your attention snagged on the sight of three clone troopers walking around the ship. Approaching you were two unmarked clones flanking a Clone Captain distinguished by teal blue markings.
CT-7569, the Captain assigned to your planet. The clone presence was meant to be a show of good faith by the Republic, but your mother treated them as ornamental. They ‘maintained peace’ by bolstering your mother’s security and accompanying important trade vessels. CT-7569 usually escorted your mother - you found it made her presence more tolerable. In the end, you and the Captain spent many mindless political gatherings in each other’s company.
As the Captain approached, you wracked your brain trying to recall the name he went by. Embarrassment set in as you realized you might never have known his name, despite having memorized his designation number long ago.
Pushing those thoughts aside, you stepped forward with a genuine smile. “Captain,” you greeted warmly.
“Good to see you back, Miss,” the Captain replied as he halted a few feet away, his men positioning themselves to his sides. His helmet shifted slightly, his gaze drifting past you. “I was wondering if you’d return. I hardly believed it when they said you went to Kamino.”
You edged closer, lowering your voice to a hiss. “How do you know about that?”
“You left with the Governor and Senator, but only they returned. Seeing as how that flight log only showed a trip to Kamino… well it wasn’t hard to figure out.” He chuckled, the sound echoing slightly inside his helmet as he reached up to remove it. The familiar features of the Captain started showing, all wrinkled by an amused smile. “So, how’d that conversation go?” he asked, referring to your discussion with your mother about your plans. His gaze then darted past you, doing a double-take. “Wait—is that the Bad Batch?”
You gave an empty blink. “The what now?” A smile wobbled your lips. They certainly never mentioned that.
CT-7569 nodded, letting out an impressed laugh. “Experimental Unit 99. They call themselves the Bad Batch.” His eyes held a touch of shock before he shifted to a questioning look at you. “This is definitely a story I want to hear.”
“Captain,” Hunter greeted, stepping up beside you with Echo on his other side, while Tech positioned himself next to you. Wrecker and Crosshair presumably took places behind you, maintaining their distance. They all kept their helmets on, reminding you of the edge ‘regs’ put them on.
CT-7569 straightened up, his accompanying clones mimicking his posture, and he replaced his helmet. “I’ve heard good things about your squad, Sergeant. Good to meet you, men.” He extended a hand to Hunter, and they clasped each other’s forearms in a soldierly greeting.
“Thank you, sir.” Hunter nodded
As the Captain and Hunter exchanged pleasantries, you desperately thought back for the Captain’s name. You had faint recollections of hearing it in passing or his men occasionally dropping formalities. Those snippets were vague but persistent, hinting you were just a syllable away from full recognition.
The Captain looked back to you and the name clicked in place. He began telling you something, but your thoughts were far from his voice. Instead you were lost in the thought of having treated the clone before you, a soldier who offered you kindness when that was beyond the scope of his mission, as just a nameless soldier. You were always polite and grateful for their support and the respect you had for clones inspired you to protect your sister, but you’d rarely thought of who they were beyond soldiers.
And with him, you were practically friends.
“Miss?” The Captain’s voice finally reeled you back in. When he saw your focus return he said, “The Governor gave no orders for your arrival, but we can take the men to our barracks wing to settle in.” Pivoting to his men, he began giving orders to escort Clone Force 99. 
You quickly cut in.
“Howzer,” The name immediately silenced him. He seemed caught off by the sound of his name on your tongue.  “There is plenty of room in my wing. I’ll show them up.” 
He opened his mouth to respond, but you pressed on, “The Governor didn’t issue orders because their mission requires discretion. An empty wing is more suitable than a barrack on full display.” You’d taken some liberties speaking for your mother, but he didn’t need to know that. Instead you added, “Which reminds me, why are you here if she gave no orders.”
Howzer chuckled warmly. "I spotted an inbound ship from Kamino on the flight manifest this afternoon. I figured it was you and couldn’t resist the chance to see you limping off of a ship.” The sentiment made you laugh. He added, nodding his head, “Just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
“She held her own,” Hunter came up beside you with a hand on your shoulder. “Even got the better of one of us once.”
“Twice.” You quickly corrected, earning a disgruntled noise from the sniper behind you. The curious tilt in Howzer’s helmet, from behind you and back, made you smile.
“Well then,” Howzer relaxed, a smile in his voice. “We’ll leave you to it. I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow.” He turned to depart, but you reached out and grasped his arm to stop him. He looked from your hand to your face.
“Thank you, Howzer,” you said earnestly, sliding your hand down to his and giving it a warm squeeze. “For being my friend.”
His helmet shifted back slightly, caught off guard once more. After a brief pause, he nodded and returned the squeeze gently. “No need to thank me,” he responded lightly.  “Just a perk of the job,” he addressed you by name and you could have heard the wink in his voice. You realize he might have never said it before. Howzer turned away with his squad following. As they walked off, one of the troopers elbowed him lightly, only to receive an aggressive shove in return. 
“I think I might be sick.” Crosshair murmured from behind you.
You snorted, looking over your shoulder at him. “Feeling queasy, huh? Maybe it’s just your batch going bad,” you teased, giving a playful nod to the nickname you had just learned. Crosshair groaned and Echo coughed to hide a laugh. Bad joke.
“Oh, c’mon.” You gestured for them to follow. “Let’s get to bed.”
Your family home was an architectural marvel built into the side of a mountain, its expansive windows offering a panoramic view of your planet’s capital city below. The residence had been in your family for generations, serving not just as a home but as a political hub, given your family's long history of public service. Though not every generation produced a Governor, there always seemed to be someone who utilized the sprawling estate as a political stage. Under your mother and sister’s tenure, it had practically transformed into an embassy.
Nestled on the quieter, mountain-facing side of the house were your private quarters. Your room, located at the end of a secluded corridor, offered a reprieve from the politics of the main halls. The other two rooms along your corridor remained mostly unoccupied, reserved for the occasional guest, a benefit of your mother's preference to keep you out of the public eye.
You paused at the door next to yours, explaining the solitude of your hall. Extending a hand towards the spare room, you said, “Either room can accommodate your squad, but feel free to use one or both.”
The group exchanged looks, weighing their options. Echo mumbled something about needing a break from the usual barracks scent, but ultimately, they decided to stick together. Their loyalty to one another reminded you of the times your sister would stealthily retreat to your room during her political campaigns. On especially tough days, she would stay the night, and in the early, dark hours of the morning, you would both slip away to the nearby hot springs.
The memory used to be a safe haven for you. Now it left you feeling oddly cold.
After bidding the boys goodnight, you retreated to your room. Setting aside a bag for the morning, you prepared for a much-needed early soak in the warm springs.
Waking well before dawn, you were eager for the comforting waters. From the back of your closet, you retrieved an old rope ladder with patches of fabric woven into it—evidence of years of repairs. Hardly necessary now, the ladder had been a crucial part of your escapades during your younger years, when you were more tightly bound by your mother’s expectations.
Your room opened onto a quaint veranda, bordered by sturdy stone balusters. This railing, carved from the mountain itself, served as your usual escape route.
As you’d done numerous times, you tied the rope off and unfurled it over the ledge of the terrace. Peering down, you were reassured to see the ladder hanging just a few feet above the   ground. Despite the 100-foot drop, a few firm tugs on the knots confirmed it was secure. Bag slung over your shoulder, you straddled the railing, preparing to make your descent.
“That would not be advisable.”
The unexpected voice sent a jolt through you, your arms instinctively gripping the railing to prevent a startled fall. Pressing your face against the cold stone, you scanned for the source of the interruption.
The veranda wrapped around the building, with each room opening onto its own curved section. There, leaning casually against the railing of the adjacent balcony, were Tech and Hunter. Hunter rested his elbows on the railing, a cup of caf hanging between his hands, while Tech leaned his hip against the railing, also sipping his drink. Both were wearing a set of black casual clothes, a long sleeve shirt and pants. It was Tech who had called out to you.
Tech adjusted his goggles, scrutinizing the rope ladder with a critical eye. After a moment, he relaxed slightly and nodded to himself. “The multiple repairs, along with the current condition of the rope, significantly compromise its integrity. If you attempt to climb down, the likelihood of the rope failing is high. You would fall from approximately,” he paused, his gaze measuring the drop, “68 feet.”
“You don’t know that,” you muttered, rolling your eyes as you climbed back onto the safety of the veranda.
“Care to test that theory?” Tech retorted, an amused challenge in his tone, though he already knew your answer.
Instead of responding, you walked over to the stone wall divider, where vines clung and crawled up its surface. Grabbing one, you used it for leverage to hoist yourself onto the railing and then climbed along the railing to their side of the veranda.
Hunter, witnessing the muscle memory in your movements, took a leisurely sip of his caf. "Does that come from having a sister too?" he commented dryly, watching as you landed beside them.
You snorted, “More from young rebellious years.” Glancing around, you noticed the absence of the other men
“Still asleep.” Hunter answered your search, gesturing a thumb over his shoulder. Hunter stood to face you, half sitting on the railing and looking you over with a raised brow. “What exactly were you doing?”
You nodded towards the treeline and the forest beyond. “There’s a hot spring not too far up the mountain.” Tech set his cup on the stone handrail and pulled out his datapad, tapping a few buttons as you continued, “My sister and I used to sneak out from time to time for a dip.”
Tech, always the analyst, chimed in, “I am picking up a heat signature a kilometer out.” He pivoted, scanning in other directions. “This mountain must have volcanic properties to create such a natural phenomenon.”
Impressed, you hummed in agreement. “You’re not wrong—”
“I seldom am,” Tech interjected, still focused on his device.
“—the mountain was once a volcano,” you finished, matching his flat tone.
Tech, now fully absorbed in geological data, murmured, “Fascinating how such places become sanctuaries over time.”
Hunter half-sat on the railing as he watched the sky beginning to lighten. Following his line of sight, you asked, “Are you two always the first ones up?”
“We’re terrible sleepers,” Hunter replied, throwing a knowing glance at Tech. “Tech’s brain doesn’t have an off switch.”
Tech rolled his eyes as he switched from his datapad to the device on his forearm. "And his heightened senses make him easy to disturb," he explained, tapping a few buttons before squinting at the screen. "So, yes, to answer your question—Hunter and I are usually awake before the others."
You heard Crosshair before you saw him. “Not for long with your prattling.” Crosshair appeared, pushing through a fabric curtain. Despite the dim morning light, he squinted as he joined you outside, his gaze shifting between you as if searching for an unsaid clue. Finally his eyes looked you over and he sucked on a tooth, asking, “Here with our orders so soon?” You didn’t miss the lighter tone in his voice. He was joking with you.
Well that’s a good step.
The early hour dampened your mood for bickering, so you forced a smile instead of biting back. “You are as lovely in the mornings as I’ve dreamt.” you quipped, immediately regretting your choice of words by the look he shot you, avoiding his smirk by pretending to brush dirt off of your sleeve. “On the note though, we can expect a droid with our instructions sometime-”
“Mistress?!” A panicked,metallic female voice echoed from your quarters. 
“Now, apparently,” you huffed, impressed yet annoyed by the droid’s timing. “Just a second, 9-E!” you called back to the protocol droid now audibly clattering through your rooms. The three men barely had a moment to react before you turned back to the ivy-covered wall. “Another reason to be glad you stopped me,” you tossed over your shoulder as you climbed.
By the end of the next hour, your family’s silver protocol droid was leading you and the Batch to your mother’s salon. It was the room she formally received visitors in and her typical venue for confrontation. You were particularly worried about the latter category.
“9-E,” you said, holding the droid back by the shoulder just before reaching the salon's doors. The droid swiveled its head to face you, and you gave its shoulder a reassuring pat. “I need to speak with my mother alone. You can come by afterwards, okay?”
The droid seemed to fuss for a moment but ultimately nodded, its voice a mix of concern and programmed calm. “Try not to provoke her this time, Young Mistress. She is in good spirits this morning,” it advised before waddling away. 9-E had been a loyal fixture in your life, often acting as a stand-in nanny. You respected its reverence for your mother, which is why you spared it from witnessing the more challenging family moments.
“What exactly are we walking into?” Hunter mumbled to you.
“Nothing to worry about.” You reassured, but you had a feeling your face didn’t match your tone.
Pushing open the heavy salon doors, you stepped into a room bathed in morning light, offering a panoramic view of the capital. The salon was meticulously arranged with luxurious decor that spoke of your family’s political heritage. At the far end, your mother, the Governor, stood two steps up by a large window, her silhouette framed against the cityscape.
The tall woman stood in a deep purple dress with an overcoat of similar color, all with golden embroidery. Her eyes combed the lot of you as you approached, her expression undeniably cold. There were no witnesses present so there was no show to put on.
In fact, the lack of guards or attendants did not bode well for the conversation.
You paused at the base of the steps leading up to where she stood, the rest of Clone Force 99 arrayed slightly behind. They all stood firm with their helmets tucked under their arms.
“Good job on the prompt return,” she said, cold yet perfectly polite, as if she were addressing a droid rather than her daughter.
“I would never keep you waiting,” you responded, maintaining the formal veneer.
Her lips twitched in what might have been a smile on a more congenial face but came off as a grimace. “You’ve already done so,” she said crisply. “Come here.”
Not wanting to further prove her point, you immediately ascended the steps. She reached out abruptly, her fingers clamping around your chin with a firmness that bordered on painful. Slowly, she moved your face side to side examining the marks, some still pink, on your face. Her lip curled. “The only thing you had going for you,” she murmured disdainfully, releasing your face with a sharp flick of her wrist.
Turning her gaze on the men assembled a step below, she gestured towards you without looking back. “Surely, the Prime Minister instructed you not to coddle her.”
Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech exchanged uncertain glances. From where they stood, it did not look like they coddled you. Crosshair and Echo kept their eyes on your mother. One was coiled for her next move while the other knew better than to take his eyes off an unpredictable politician.
Hunter didn’t recall Lama Su giving that directive and he didn’t have the political finesse to know what answer your mother wanted to hear. His eyes slid to you once more, before answering with cautious formality. “We trained her as rigorously as any member of the Republic's forces, Governor.”
Your mother's attention drifted downward contemplatively before returning to you with a subtle nod. Waving a hand at you, she managed a disappointed smile as she addressed Clone Force 99. “And that is all an elite clone force is capable of?” She held up a finger, considering something for a moment. Without further comment, she moved gracefully around to your back.
Her hands felt cold and foreign, you barely resisted the urge to lean out of her probing touch. With pressure she slid her hands over your shoulders and down your back, probing for vulnerabilities. Occasionally her hand grazed a bruise, at which you tensed but didn’t react further. Then, her fingers found their mark—just behind your shoulder, a spot still tender from Crosshair drilling into you.
As the pain sharply cut through your muscle, you instinctively jerked forward. Your mother's firm grip on your shoulder kept you in place as she pressed harder into the tender spot. The discomfort escalated until a grunt of pain escaped you, at which point she finally eased up. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed movement among the clones.
"There we are," she crooned, her voice chillingly soft as she pushed you toward the troopers. "My apologies for questioning your efficacy."
You hardly stumbled, but cleared your throat against the still present ache in your shoulder. Straightening out, you kept your eyes averted. You’d withstood your mother’s treatment your entire life. You let yourself believe it served a purpose. Whether it was to raise you to her standards or simply to prove her point. This felt different. Humiliating you served no purpose at this moment. After a lifetime of this, you thought, perhaps it’s just what you deserved. 
Finally, you looked at Clone Force 99 thinking you’d find them at attention, trained into stoicism. Instead, they no longer stood in line. 
Crosshair was further out than the others, mid-step, nearly mid-bite and restrained only by Wrecker's firm grip on his shoulder. Wrecker himself stood uncharacteristically still, his usual demeanor replaced by seriousness. Wrecker was holding Crosshair back, but you’d be forgiven to think he was urging his brother on. Beside him, Hunter and Echo mirrored each other’s posture, frowning with fists clenched at their sides, looking like they were about to snap. At the end of the line, Tech maintained the most composed state, though a slight frown tugged at his features as he held a finger to the light on his goggles.
Theirs was more of a reaction than most who had witnessed a glimpse of your mother. These men barely knew you and they didn’t think you deserved this.
They didn’t deserve to see this.
You offered a smile to the men who barely knew you. None of them moved as you tucked your hands behind your back and faced your mother. 
She didn’t bother meeting your gaze, rolling her eyes away as to not entertain whatever confidence struck you. “The Gala is tomorrow evening, you will be briefed later.” Later, her always had a vague way of leaving you waiting. “Make yourselves scarce until then.” She waved you off, turning to face the cityscape again as if you and the situation at hand were little more than a minor inconvenience in her day. 
You gave a respectful bow and swiftly made for the door. Without hesitating, you passed directly between the members of Clone Force 99, not waiting to see if they offered any form of courtesy to your mother before following you.
You all stayed silent until you made it back into the corridor.
“Now you see the reason for the rope ladder.” You said lightly as you led them away.
Echo quickened his step to match yours, a look of concern - if not anger - on his face. “What happened there? That woman is your mother?” He gestured incredulously back towards the salon, shaking his head “She’s... she’s cruel.”
“Always has been.” you replied with a shrug, not bothering to hide your truth anymore. “I’m just sorry you saw it.”
“Someone like that shouldn’t be leading people.” Echo asserted.
You didn’t stop walking, but managed to side eye Echo. “She’s not like that with others.” That answer didn’t calm the cyborg.
Tech chimed in from behind, his datapad beeping softly. “It’s surprising she hasn’t been exposed on the Holonet with that kind of behavior.”
“You’ll understand once you see her tomorrow. There’s no surprise in it.” you scoffed, leading them further away from the scene.
The group murmured amongst themselves, clearly troubled by the encounter. Wanting to shift their focus from your mother, you planned to seize the opportunity presented by the early morning chill in the air.
As you approached your rooms, you spun around, effectively blocking their access to their quarters with a playful stance. They all looked so somber.
“Enough of that.” You said sternly, but there was a lightness in your chest that you hadn’t felt in ages. They remained in similar shades of uncertainty. 
The absurdity of it all hit you —the idea that your mother, with just a small show of herself, could unsettle a group of battle-hardened soldiers. These men faced deadly threats without flinching, yet here they were, shaken by the woman who raised you. The stark contrast between their usual bravado and their current discomfort was ridiculous, really.
Laughter burst from you, resonant and unrestrained, filling the stone corridor. Echo muttered something to Hunter that you didn’t catch, but it only fueled your amusement further. Your sides began to ache, pulling at a tender bruise, yet you continued to chuckle through the discomfort. For a moment, you thought you’d never be able to stop.
Wrecker’s brows were the first to lift as he surveyed his brothers’ reactions. You covered your mouth with your hand, another laugh threatening to bubble out. Crosshair and Tech shared a look of confusion and evident disturbance. The sight of Tech’s furrowed brow and slightly open mouth pushed you over the edge again.
As the last waves of humor receded, you clutched your sides, threw your head back, and expelled one final, drawn-out sigh. A lazy smile spread across your face as you met their gazes once more. Shaking your head, you teased, “You face droid armies and risk your lives every day.” You gestured dismissively towards the direction of your mother’s salon. “And one measly Governor ruffles your feathers?”
A short pause passed and Tech said in a flat tone, “I think I am glad to not have had a mother.” Echo groaned, covering his eyes with his hand, but you found the sentiment funny.
To shake the residual tension, you sighed, “Listen, I really don’t want to dwell on her right now. Instead…” You slid back a few steps, nodding over your shoulder with an adventurous glint. “Come with me to the hot springs?”
Wrecker perked up first. "The hot springs?" His interest was evident as he shared a smile with his brothers, but Hunter remained reserved, arms crossed, his expression tight.
"They're worth the hike," you coaxed, waving them to follow. "It's not far, and it's the perfect way to unwind."
Hunter's brow furrowed as he considered the risks. "We don’t know when the Governor might call us back. It's best not to stray too far," he advised pragmatically. With a heavy sigh, he added, "I'll stay back, keep watch for any messages."
"Same here," Echo interjected, raising his scomp-link arm slightly. "Besides, long soaks really aren't my thing anymore."
You looked hopefully at the remaining three. Wrecker pumped his fist in the air, clearly eager. Surprisingly, Crosshair, despite his sour look, gave a shrug. "I’m in," he said, placing a toothpick bobbing between his lips.
Tech pulled his datapad out, but gave a quick wave. “I will join as well. I'm curious about the natural phenomenon." He paused, pointing a finger at you. "However, we're definitely not using your ladder."
That comment drew a wary look from Wrecker. "Ladder?" he asked.
Which made sense once the lot of you stood at your veranda’s railing. Tech and Crosshair were down to their blacks, the closest You’d just finished pulling up your ladder when Wrecker stepped back. “On second thought, you guys go ahead. I’ll stay here.” He said uneasily.
You spun on him. “What?!” 
Hunter clapped him on the shoulder, chuckling. "Come on, Wrecker, it's not that high."
Tech stepped up beside you to peek over the railing. “That’s about 20 feet too high for his comfort,” he clarified, diagnosing Wrecker’s hesitation. “He's not great with heights.
Wrecker rubbed the back of his neck, his discomfort apparent. “Yeah, I’ll pass this time,” he admitted, resigning himself.
“Alright,” Echo interjected, heading back inside. "Let’s go find some food then," he suggested, inviting Wrecker to join him in a more comfortable pursuit.
Hunter pushed off from his spot leaning against the railing. “You three have fun, but don’t be too long.” He followed after Echo and Wrecker, pausing at the doorway to your quarters to sigh, “Just don’t kill each other.”
The annoyed sound Crosshair usually made at such comments didn’t come. Looking as bored as ever, Crosshair was busy scoping out the ground below. His lack of response felt underwhelming. He passed a cool look at you before silently grabbing for the bag he and Tech brought. From it he pulled a grappling hook and a descent device.
Tossing the device at Tech, Crosshair tossed the bag over his shoulder. “I’m going down first.” He pointed a finger at Tech. “You get to carry her down.”
The three of you ventured to the hot springs, Crosshair notably silent for the duration of the journey. Once there, Tech immediately scoped the surrounding area. The hot springs were a true miracle of the mountain. Nestled at the bottom of a hollow, a handful of pools steamed off into the branching hanging above. The pools were all interconnected, hot water bubbling between them and lapping against the smooth stones lining their boundaries.
This quiet nook, forgotten by all but you, was your sanctuary. The cloud forest and warm waters felt like a personal sacrament, and sharing them with someone, especially Tech with his eager fascination, filled you with a sense of happiness. A feeling that quickly vanished upon looking at Crosshair. The residual smile fell from your face. He wasn’t looking at you but his face was one of disinterest.
The spectrum of Crosshair you’d witnessed over the course of a few days made you realize how little you truly knew the men of Clone Force 99. You’d expected their reaction in various shades of Tech’s reaction. Annoyance and skepticism you’d prepared for, not this sudden coldness.
Only a few hours prior he’d seemed at least cordial for the first time since learning the truth. Now, he seemed unable to even look at you.
 When it came time to shed your outerwear, Crosshair’s reaction was sharp. A sweeping look of you sent distaste across his features, and he turned away, leaving abruptly. Tech dismissed it as just another example of Crosshair’s stubborn nature, but to you, it felt deeply personal.
You checked yourself before entering the waters. Outside of a few bruises he would’ve known about, there was nothing scandalous about your bathing suit.
Moving from his perch at the edge of the pool, Tech dipped into the waters next to you. He shook his head, gesturing to where Crosshair had stood. “Problem?”
You bit the inside of your cheek, determined not to let Crosshair's attitude dampen the moment. Leaning back against the warm rocks, you turned towards Tech, who was now unguarded and bare in the water. “Perhaps one,” you said with a light tone, your eyes inadvertently scanning his exposed skin.
Your eyes roved Tech’s bare upper body, thankful for your already present flush from the springs. As Tech lifted his goggles to defog them, you peek beneath the water's surface and your face heated at the realization that he was completely nude. Once his goggles were back in place, he caught your gaze. “And what would that be?”
“You are naked,” you pointed out, an amused undertone in your voice.
Without missing a beat, Tech replied, “And your clothes are transparent.” His response made you snap your attention to your own attire. To your horror, Tech was right - the wet fabric had gone see-through.
Tech glanced down at himself, seemingly puzzled, then shrugged. “As I have never partaken in such recreation before, I merely followed your example” The bubbling waters filled the brief silence that followed. Tech’s gaze flicked from your chest back to your eyes, his expression marked by genuine confusion. “What is the issue?” he asked.
Not even a shadow of understanding graced his face, he was devoid of any of your engrained reservations. It occurred to you that perhaps the social nuances of nudity were lost on clones. What use would trivial embarrassment serve for soldiers?
Tech’s gaze dropped to your chest again, but you saw nothing lewd in his attention. In place of the lechery you’d expect, his expression only held curiosity - as if your skin could tell him what you weren’t. Here was Tech, a battle seasoned soldier, sharing a moment of innocence with you free of the judgmental social expectations you were trained to abide by. The realization took away the anxiety you felt.
Chuckling, you managed to speak through your amusement, “They’re not supposed to be transparent, you know.” Your humor softened into a warm smile as you observed Tech’s puzzled expression. “It’s generally good practice to wear something a bit more... substantial when you’re swimming.” You waved a hand over your transparent clothing. Winking at him you added, “Or at least when you're in mixed company.”
Tech absorbed this information, his head tilting slightly as if filing away a new data point. “Ah, social norms?” he queried, more intrigued by the learning opportunity than embarrassed by his faux pas.
“Yes, exactly,” you agreed, your smile lingering. “But honestly, don’t worry about it. It’s just us here, and it’s actually quite refreshing to just relax about it.” You appreciated his unguarded state, a rare departure from his usual precision.
Nodding in understanding, Tech’s slight smile suggested he was becoming more comfortable with the situation. Adjusting his goggles he cleared his voice. “I will take note,” he responded, his voice carrying a hint of amusement now joining yours. A hue of pink came to his complexion - whether it was due to the warm waters or the new information you weren’t sure.
You watched him for a moment, the scientist in him always observing, always analyzing. It was endearing and made him all the more fascinating.
 “Speaking of relaxing,” you said cautiously, curious about his thoughts beyond his duties. “Have you ever thought about what you’d like to do when the war is over?”
Tech paused, his gaze drifting off across the steamy water. “I haven’t given it much thought,” he admitted slowly. “There always seems to be another mission, another objective. But, I suppose...” his voice trailed off as he considered the question more seriously.
“An adventurer, maybe?” you suggested playfully, watching his reaction.
Tech looked at you, surprise registering on his face before it softened into contemplative curiosity. “An adventurer,” he repeated, rolling the idea around in his mind. His smile reappeared. “Exploring new planets, studying uncharted ecosystems without a firefight waiting around the corner—that does sound appealing.”
Your conversation drifted into a comfortable silence you both relaxed into. Eventually Tech announced it was time and you got to work heading back. You gave yourself plenty of credit for keeping your eyes above Tech’s waist as you gathered yourselves. Enough credit to indulge yourself in fully devouring the sight of him in his blacks as he led the way back to the grappling line.
Tech tugged his damp blacks into more comfortable angles before crouching in front of you, offering to carry you as he had on the way down. The first time you’d protested, this time you gladly climbed on board.
Securing your arms around his neck you chuckled, “And this really isn’t heavy for you?”
Tech scoffed, bouncing you into position as he stood. “You should not be surprised. After Wrecker, I am the strongest of my brothers.” Your brows raised at his use of ‘brothers’ as well as the fact of his strength. “Any concern is unwarranted, I am more than capable of carrying you.”
Your reply came in securing your still damp hold on him and that was enough for Tech to launch you both towards your veranda above. 
Showcasing his tactical skills, Tech expertly got you up and over the railing without so much breaking a sweat. 
"You were right," you exhaled, releasing a breath you hadn't realized you were holding as Tech helped you down from his back. Laughing lightly, you admitted, "You were right to carry me." Referring to your initial push to rappel on your own.
Tech straightened to roll out his shoulders. "I would get used to it if I were you," he remarked, a playful edge to his voice.
Dropping the bag from your shoulder, you squinted at Tech. “Get used to what?”
With a confident tilt of his head, Tech smiled. "The fact that I am typically correct." His tone, imbued with humor and self-assurance, sent another flutter through your stomach.
A familiar voice came from the open doors of your quarters. “I am glad to see you are taking your duties seriously.” Your sister’s voice spun you around. Her eyes were focused on the forest beyond, leaving it to guess whether she was addressing your or Tech.
Stepping out from among the drapes, she wore a floor-length light purple dress, cinched at the waist with a golden chain and her hair pulled back by an opal comb. The sight tightened something in your chest. Given that you were summoned to be her stand-in, her presence at home was unexpected. “I didn’t think you’d be here,” you admitted.
She glanced over Tech as she stepped towards you, with her attention lingering before she finally looked at you. “The hot springs?” She asked with a raised brow.
“We had the time,” you replied simply.
Humming thoughtfully, your sister pretended to smooth her dress, keeping her focus on you as she dismissed Tech. “You may leave us, trooper.” Her newfound, cool demeanor you’d first witnessed on Kamino was jarring to say the least.
Tech didn’t immediately leave, but looked at you first. His eyes darted between yours with something like concern and a silent question in his attention. Acutely aware of your sister’s scrutiny, you offered Tech a smile of assurance. He returned the gesture with a nod and promptly excused himself. 
He was most likely still in earshot when your sister asked in a cool tone edged with criticism, “What are you doing, sister?”
“Waiting on Mother’s instructions.” You hadn’t expected to sound as snippy as you did.
By the way her eyebrows settled, neither did your sister. Maintaining eye contact, she waved a hand at the doorway behind her. “I meant with the clones.” She shook her head, frustration furrowing her brow. “This stunt of yours is going too far.”
“This stunt of mine?” You recoiled slightly, genuinely confused. “What do you think I’m doing?”
Your sister began pacing the veranda, rubbing her forehead and shaking her head in frustration.. “I thought you were getting some-” Her hand whipped around flippantly, “-Latent rebellious phase out of your system,” she scoffed, looking skyward before fixing her gaze back on you. “But now I’m beginning to think you…” Her voice trailed off as she stopped, pinning you with a stern look. 
She approached with hands outstretched to capture your face. Her warm palms gently pressed on your face, a cherishing touch. “Negating your duties to this family is one thing. Fraternizing with lab experiments is another.”
Lab experiments.
The connection wasn’t instantaneous, after all, it was unthinkable that your sister, who had always been the epitome of compassion, could utter such a callous phrase. When her meaning sank in, you took a step, perhaps the first one ever, away from your sister. The morning sun caught on golden threads sewn through your sister's dress, giving her an off putting halo that chilled you.
Throughout your life, where your mother’s efforts were indifferent, your sister exemplified compassion for others. To hear her now, casually dehumanizing an entire race, was like seeing a stranger in her guise. Hearing your mother through your sister, wearing such a familiar face, gave you pause.
Something fractured inside you, and it sharpened your voice to a jagged edge. “How could you say something like that?” 
Suddenly, her face softened into the warm grin you adored. With a sound of concession her hands waved around her head in submission before falling to her sides. “I’m just saying you were born for more than this.” Pulling you close again, she planted a kiss on your forehead, like you were a wayward child.
A vein of anger pulsed through you as you shoved her off. “And what exactly was I born for?” You challenged, barely restraining the bite behind your tone.
Your aggression didn’t dim her smile; she brushed off your rising ire with one calm word, “More.”
“Now,” she announced, clapping her hands together as if to dispel the tension. “I’m here to ensure everything is in order for the Gala.” Without checking to see if you followed, she began walking back inside, detailing the timeline for the next day. She never looked back, so accustomed was she to your lifelong habit of trailing behind her.
Anchored in place, you watched her disappear into your quarters. ‘Lab experiments’ kept turning over in your thoughts.
Beyond the sisterly love that always bound you, it was her opinions, thoughts, and motivations that you so sought to protect. She aimed to improve people’s lives and be the voice of your planet’s needs. Without her selfless, kind drive—or even the calculating leadership of your mother—you knew you could still support your people and protect your sister by becoming her shield.
But this new facet of her, the glimpses of a harsher woman unknown to you, troubled you. Supporting your sister and raising her voice above your mother’s was one thing. Supporting a voice that echoed your mother’s was another entirely.
Compared to participating in whatever pageantry your mother and sister had planned, scaling the ivy-covered wall beside you looked was the more appealing option. 
Your sister called your name, finally prompting you forward. You could dwell on your family after the event.
The Gala was to be held in a hall open to the public, whereas the rehearsal took place in the privacy of a separate, more secure hall. Typically the venues were one in the same but with your standing in, necessary precautions were taken.
While you managed the rehearsal, Howzer briefed Clone Force 99 on the layout and security protocols of the structure.
Having finished surveying the building’s perimeter, Howzer led the squad up a switchback staircase carved into the mountain. “This is the last access point to the building and, coincidentally,” he noted as they reached the top stair, “a backdoor for tomorrow.”
The stairs led to a rocky outcrop that overlooked the hall where the event would be held. The hall was dimly lit, with staff attending to last-minute preparations.
“It’s an impressive structure,” Hunter remarked, walking to the edge of the outcrop. He knelt down, scanning the windows and balconies below through his binoculars.
Based on Tech’s research, neither the Governor nor the Senator had heat on them. The entire estate was designed to be impenetrable, and as far as Hunter was concerned, everything was in order and controlled. Hunter stood to face Howzer, rolling a shoulder towards the estate behind him. “This seems pretty straight forward, why the extra security?”
Howzer thought, nodding through a long inhale, “The Governor doesn’t do anything without necessity.” He paused, but could only shrug, “But I can’t say. She hasn’t indicated any specific threat.”
Having been on a similar line of thought as Hunter, Echo was the next to question with a question. “Why are clone troopers stationed here anyways?” Clone troopers went where there was unrest and instability; conditions that did not describe your planet. Yours had been stable, if not outright prosperous, in the war so far. 
“This planet exports more raw energy than most planets in the Mid Rim combined.” Howzer explained. “From what I’ve been told, when the war started and sides were being chosen, the Republic wouldn’t risk losing this planet’s energy supply so they’ve done everything possible to placate the politicians here.”
He continued, “Plus, having Clone troopers escort the major energy shipments? It’s a smart move for keeping away Separatists and pirates.”
For most of the afternoon, Crosshair had kept his attitude subdued. Whether it was due to a lack of commentary or abundance of restraint was anyone’s guess. Eventually, his patience waned, and he couldn’t help but interject, his voice dripping with disdain.  “And where does being a glorified bodyguard come into play?” There was no curiosity in his question, only pure condescension.
Howzer shifted his weight, a muscle feathering over his jawline. Looking Crosshair over he mused, “Seeing as how we’re in the same boat for the next two days,” Scoffing, Howzer turned his attention back to venue below and continued, “Why don’t you let me know when you figure it out?”
That earned a laugh from Wrecker. Almost knocking Crosshair off balance, Wrecker knocked him with an elbow and chuckled, “He gotcha there, Cross.”
A snarl rippled over Crosshair’s lips, twisting into a mean smile. “So you enjoy playing lapdog for a few prissy politicians?”
“Prissy is one way to put it.” Tech added under his breath as he lifted his scanner in the air.
A smile softened Howzer’s features as he noticed a familiar figure stepping out onto a balcony. "Like I said - it has its perks," he said, his gaze fixed on the scene below. The two of you were discussing something with your sister holding a datapad between you while 9-E trailed you.
Crosshair followed Howzer's gaze, his annoyance cooling slightly as he spotted you on the balcony. The sniper clicked his tongue and stepped back from the ledge.
Tech, still fiddling with his scanner, noticed the change in Crosshair and found you. He watched you for a beat, glancing between Howzer and you, before tucking his device away. “It looks like they are nearing the end of their preparations. This would be a good opportunity to head back.” It was all the prompting his squad needed to start moving towards the stairs.
Howzer didn’t immediately move, his eyes dropping away before locking back on you. “Tell me something,” He said, voice dropping low. “How’d she take it?”
The question sent a pulse of silence through the men as they exchanged looks. Howzer  faced the group, tapping the scar that marred his left cheek. “I saw her face.”
“Running to her defense?” Crosshair's voice was sharp, tinged with scorn.
Echo passed Crosshair a disapproving shake of his head. Sounding impressed, Echo was the one to answer, “She handled herself like a soldier.”
That was the answer Howzer expected, but still his shoulders fell. Howzer's expression softened slightly, though a hint of sadness lingered. "Prissy doesn't even begin to cover her on a good day," he muttered, more to himself than to the others.
In the limited time the Captain was stationed on your planet, he’d caught on quickly enough to your family dynamics. 
Initially, the Senator had seemed the most approachable. She was amiable, respectful, and appreciative of the clones' efforts, contrasting sharply with the Governor’s dismissive air. Whereas, you were distant, something Howzer took as alignment with the Governor’s sentiments. Rumors even made their way through the barracks that it was the Governor that kept you away, that she deemed clones unworthy of her daughter’s company. Howzer shut the insubordination down, but he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought the same thing.
It wasn’t until the first conference Howzer attended with your family that his perspective changed. The conference kept the Governor distracted and gave you the first real chance to approach him. Your humor surprised him, your unabashed admiration for the clones even moreso. After an evening with you, he found himself in your company at every opportunity. While your leash was tight, more so than you probably even realized, you definitely knew your way around your restrictions.
Once Howzer heard how the Governor spoke of you and your ‘lack of ambition’ Howzer understood he only saw a small part of the whole. After a time she grabbed your arm so hard you winced, he worried about what she did when there weren’t witnesses. In the end, Howzer decided it wasn’t his place to comment. Even as a Captain in the Grand Army of the Republic, he was only a clone trooper.
So, he kept things professional, maintaining a safe boundary with you. Yet, he indulged your questions about training and duties, even encouraged you to get training if that’s what you felt your path was. When you didn’t return from Kamino, that safe boundary quickly felt like a noose on your neck.
Your safe return felt like a second chance. Howzer wouldn’t be a silent bystander again.
“You know,” Howzer addressed the group but looked directly at Crosshair. “We were made to take hits. Clones are trained all our lives to take this well.” He walked past the men, bumping into Crosshair on his way, adding, “Makes you wonder, doesn't it? What taught her to handle it so well?”
This was the first time a reg left Crosshair silent and the first time he resented his ability to see so far off. He didn’t want to look at you.
That evening, you returned well after dark. Exhausted, your feet ached, your back was sore, and your mind thoroughly numbed from your sister’s constant instructions. You didn’t even bother with the lights as you made your way through your quarters.
Slumping down on to the edge of the bed, you began pulling at the tight shoes your sister chose for you. As you bent, a twitch ran through you that flared pain in your shoulder. It reminded you of all the reasons your shoulder was sore and why you were staring at a pair of ugly, golden slippers.
A burst of rage sent the slipper soaring into the wall ahead of you. Unsatisfied, you ripped the other off and chucked it toward the open veranda doors, where it landed just short of the outside. 
Annoyed with yourself, you retrieved the shoe, and as you neared the door, you caught the drift of voices outside. With soft steps, you continued onto the veranda for a better listen.
Hunter’s stern voice made it through the wall first. “Crosshair, calm down.”
“No,” Crosshair snapped, his voice as furious as when you had headbutted him. “He knew who she was and didn’t say anything. He got us into this situation.”
Great, you inwardly groaned. They’re talking about me. Discomfort bloomed in your chest, sending prickling anxiety up your spine. They were fighting because of you.
Echo interjected, his tone just as firm. “The Prime Minister got us into this, not her. And you’re only making it worse with your attitude. Keep it to yourself. We have a mission to do and she certainly doesn’t need it,” he snapped, footsteps receding as he presumably walked back indoors.
As you strained to hear who was left, Tech’s reasoned voice floated over. “I hardly see how my knowledge of her identity caused any problems.”
“Oh, don’t act so innocent.” Crosshair fumed. “You knew, and because of your silence, I—We could’ve handled things differently.
Tech sighed, a mix of frustration and resignation in his voice. “I merely respected her decision to train without interference.”
“And look where that got her,” Crosshair retorted sharply, his voice dripping with bitter sarcasm.
At that you sucked in a small breath. 
Tech started to push back when Hunter finally stepped in, “We’re done here. Tech, Wrecker, inside. Crosshair, stay out here and cool off.”
From the sounds of it, the others retreated inside and the solitary grumbling confirmed it for you. As softly as possible, you walked to the railing. You swallowed what you could of your anxiety and leaned over the balcony to peer around the ivy wall.
Sure enough, there Crosshair was, head in hands, leaning on the handrail. Catching him in this small moment of silence felt like seeing something you shouldn’t have. The moonlight illuminated him, bouncing off his hair enough to give him a glow. He was beautiful.
“What could you possibly want?” You jumped when Crosshair’s sharp tone cut through the silence. He dropped his hands and met you with an irritated look.
The first thing that came to mind spilled out, your nerves getting the better of you. “I want a lot of things.”
Crosshair shifted his weight onto one elbow, twisting in place to see you better. “What?” The tone in that one word sounded like a larger, more insulting question.
Swaying from the balls of your feet to your tiptoes and back, you considered tossing yourself from the balcony rather than saying another word. Staring out over the forest beyond you were slow to think of anything. Hesitantly, you started, “I want… this Gala to be over.” You turned a smile on Crosshair, hoping the humor would crack his scowl. 
It didn’t.
“And I want to apologize.”
That caught his attention. His sour expression pinched with confusion. He straightened, resting his hand on the railing. “For what?” he asked skeptically.
Taking a sidestep in his direction, you took another jab as lightening the mood, crooning, “Don’t get your hopes up, it’s not for headbutting you.” His face didn’t change and the grip he had on the railing went white, spiking that prickling anxiety again. Crosshair said nothing, pushing away from the railing to leave. 
“Crosshair, wait!” You scooted to where the veranda met the dividing wall.
“Save it.” He growled without looking back.
His walking away, dismissing you, not giving you the time of day - all of it broiled a rage deep seated within you. A rage that had been festering inside you since childhood. The very same flood of rage that sent your shoes flying earlier. One of which you still held in hand.
Chucking the slipper as hard as you could, it found its mark on the back of Crosshair’s head. At an abrupt halt, he stood frozen, then slowly faced you. Where the moonlight once brought out a beauty in the man, now darkened an already angry glower.
“What was that for?” His voice was dangerously low.
Refusing intimidation, you curled your fingers into the air in front of you. Through gritted frustration, you said, “Because I’m tired of you being an ass! You’re angry with me so just-” Your hands fumbled in front of you, making angry shapes as you worked out the last words, “Just say it!”
Crosshair said nothing, going silent as he took two long strides, gripped the railing with one hand, and vaulted himself around the wall with fluidity. You managed to get out of his way as he danding on your side without a sound. He didn’t move any closer, but even feet away he stood over you. 
Not backing down, you were the one to close the distance, doubling down by saying, “Say it to my face.” He dodged the finger you thrust in his face.
The two of you stood like that, on the cusp of something angry, for almost a moment too long. As if neither of you had fully thought this through. Thought through what to say or how to say it. Especially seeing as your typical mode of conflict wasn’t on the table.
His jaw clenched a few times before he spoke and, much calmer than you expected, Crosshair said, “You should have told us who you were.”
Your frustration bled into desperation. “Crosshair, please, this isn’t a game to me. If I wanted to train, I had to-” On instinct you reached for his arm but he stepped out of reach before you made contact.
You both froze with your hand still hanging between you. Simultaneously, the two of you broke eye contact to look at your hand and when he didn’t swat your hand, you reached for him again. And again, he evaded you.
“Crosshair.” You said slowly. “What is going on?” His avoidance seemed like anger, but his sidestepping made you think again. “Why are you avoiding me?”
“I...” Crosshair’s voice trailed off as he fell back a step, something flickering in his eyes. He tried to look elsewhere, but you stepped into his line of sight. A little jolt ran up his neck, almost taken aback by your persistence. What little control he had over himself seemed to be slipping.
Careful of the boundary you toed, you held his gaze while extending a hand to him again. His eyes didn’t falter, but the breath he held told you he knew what you were doing. With the caution of handling a wild animal, you gently touched his forearm. The muscles in his jaw went tight at your touch.
In a voice reserved for your sister, gentle and patient, you pushed softly, “It’s more than not telling you, isn’t it?”
The moonlight softened Crosshair’s brown eyes to a pale hazel and revealed a flicker of whatever fight he had with himself. “If I had known who you were-”
“You wouldn’t have trained me?” You cut him off, too eager to know his inner workings.
His mouth opened just enough for him to say, “That’s not it.” For only a second, had you blinked you’d have missed it, his eyes scanned your face.
You didn’t need to ask to know it was marks on your face he sought.
“No.” A dawning realization tilted your head. You weren’t sure if you were flattered or offended. “You wouldn’t have used me like a punching bag.”
Like a child caught in trouble, those pale hazel eyes widened. This was, perhaps, a shared realization.
“Are you avoiding me because you’re ashamed?” Crosshair didn’t respond, his silence a confirmation as he looked away, unable to meet your gaze. 
“I… I don’t want to hurt you,” he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “Not more than I already have.”
His confession pushed your hand from his forearm to his hand, balled into a tight fist.
“Look at me,” You urged gently, wedging your fingers into his. “Crosshair.” For a long moment, he remained still, then slowly, he found your eyes again.
You shook your head with a weak smile, the weight of his guilt adding to your own. Squeezing his hand you made your own confession. “I am sorry-”
“No.” You said firmly, squeezing again. “I am sorry. I didn’t mean to drag you all into this. I just…” A crack in your voice made you pause. Coughing through it, you continued, “I just wanted to be more than I am.”
Red hot shame burned tears into the corners of your eyes. The hold you had on his fingers, sat loose in yours, suddenly felt like an imposition. For weeks he was forced to be in your company. Now you forced him away from his duties to be another unwilling participant.
You slipped your hand from his at the thought of doing anymore damage. Your retreat made it no farther as an armored arm slung around you.
Crosshair pulled you close, trapping you under his chin. The sound of crickets was dampened by his breathing and drowned out entirely when Crosshair spoke.
“Don’t apologize to me or anyone else for that matter.”
The moment was fleeting. Before you could fully register or react to his words, Crosshair let you go, stepping back to give you space, his expression perfect neutrality. The feel of his arm lingered around you and kept you speechless as he lightly swiped a thumb over your eye. 
When all you managed were a few blinks, his lips pulled slightly to one side. “That’s not a good look for you.”
Warmth spread through your chest when he made a swipe over your other eye. You chuffed at the soft gesture, but gently pushed his hand away. While your touch still lingered, you playfully tugged his hand to the side, as if inviting him to dance.
Angling a smile up at him, you asked, “And… who can’t keep their hands off of who?”
Crosshair’s smile vanished as he rolled his eyes and groaned, pulling his hand back. “Don’t flatter yourself.”
You palmed away any remaining tears, chuckling as you stepped back. “Oh, get over yourself.”
There was a beat of silence before you both laughed. It was the first time you heard him laugh softly. The lingering warmth from your brief, shared laughter made the cool night air more bearable.
“As fun as this is,” Crosshair drawled, taking another step away. He flashed you one last disarming smile before turning on a heel to leave. “I think someone needs her beauty sleep.”
Your stomach fluttered as you watched him walk away. Seeing him so relaxed and even playful made his tease feel unexpectedly charming.
With a light laugh and a wave, you called out, “Go away, Crosshair.”
Alone on the veranda, you wrapped your arms around yourself, absorbing the night’s calm. The day had been the longest you’d had in a long time. And at the end of it all - you somehow felt good. Making amends with Crosshair made you feel hopeful that whatever tomorrow brought, you were ready for it.
Whether the men of Clone Force 99 knew it or not, they were changing your life forever.
taglist: @bruh-myguy-what @havocsix2havoc5 @thebadbatchfan @rhyscosmos @euphrosyn3 @a-rose-of-amber @reader3 @gingermeowmeow @noraantilles @tbbtechlover @fruityfucker @sparks0918 @patat-gurl @locamoka-blog @gvnthesia @astralqueenoc @the-adventures-of-alex-aurelius @faborriku @galaxyquirks @bimboshaggy @starlightaurorab @commanderblood @froggygal @bbuckysbeardd @baddest-batchers
246 notes · View notes
kaminokatie · 4 months
Sex Pollen || Poly!Bad Batch
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Synopsis - You get hit with a serious dose of sex pollen and the guys all agree to help you out.
Warnings - NSFW.
Word Count - 3.5k.
Find Part Two Here.
{Caffeinate Me}
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You were back on Kamino in the boys barracks after a particularly stressful mission on some planet you couldn’t even seem to remember at this point in time. You began to fan yourself rapidly with your hand as you spoke to the group. “Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?”
“It’s just you,” Echo replied, not looking up from the holopad in his hand. 
The only person who seemed to notice your sudden distress was Tech. He stood up from his place at his bunk and walked over to you, but you didn’t realise. Your eyes were focused on Crosshair who was cleaning his gun across the room, blacks half-way down his body revealing his muscular toned chest and abs. You felt your mouth watering at the sight and a familiar ache settle between your legs. Tech removed a glove and placed his hand on your forehead causing you to jump slightly and turn your attention to the smartest of the clones in front of you. “Y/N, are you okay?” He asked softly, eyes meeting yours. You shook your head, bottom lip quivering. Tech looked towards Hunter with a concerned expression on his face, “she’s burning up.” 
Hunter immediately stood up and walked over to you. Tech moved to the side allowing the Sergeant to place his hand on your forehead to feel for himself. A soft whimper left your lips at the sudden contact that confused Hunter, but he nodded at Tech in response and kneeled down to your height, gazing into your eyes. “Y/N?” He asked softly, clicking his fingers in front of your face. He just wanted to make sure you were aware of what was going on around you. 
“Stop doing that,” you mumbled to him. Your body was beginning to burn up past its usual temperature and you felt physically sick. Despite the heat your body was radiating, you felt cold shivers tingling over your skin and leaving goosebumps over your arms and legs. Wrecker was next to show concern, walking over to stand next to Hunter and Tech as he stared down at you. 
“What’s wrong Y/N?” He asked, waiting for your response. 
“It’s too hot!” You cried out, arching your back slightly. The ache between your legs becoming more and more intense by the second. You knew what you needed: you needed to be fucked, but why? You didn’t know. 
“What’s wrong with her Tech?” Hunter asked his brother, clearly worried about you. 
Tech shrugged lightly and walked over to Echo, grabbing the datapad out of his hands. “She seemed fine on the mission.”
“Well… Maybe she ate something funny?” Wrecker suggested, looking between his brothers. 
“No it cannot be that. We all ate the same things, so we would be feeling the same too.” 
“That’s true,” Hunter mumbled, his hand going back to feel your forehead. “Tech, she’s burning up really bad.” 
“We will get to the bottom of this,” Tech assured as he scrolled on the datapad. 
Your gaze met Hunter’s and you let out a frustrated sigh as you began to take off your armour, allowing it to fall to the floor with a clang. “I need to get out of these stupid clothes,” you whined, desperately pawing at the back of your blacks. 
Echo sat up and looked at Tech, his eyebrow raised slightly. “What about those flowers? The ones she went frolicking in after the mission?” Echo asked. This gained Tech’s attention and within seconds he had all the information up about the flowers Echo had mentioned. 
“Hunter, this is bad,” Tech gulped as he read the information available to him on the holopad. 
“What is it?” Hunter asked, peering over Tech’s shoulder. 
“Those flowers, when they come into contact with human skin, release a sex pollen,” Tech replied, eyes skimming the words on the holopad. 
“Sex pollen?” Wrecker asked, his eyes darting between you and the squad. 
You were lying down on a bunk, tossing and turning your head, quite clearly uncomfortable. You just needed some relief. Tech looked at you, his eyebrows narrowing. “The sex pollen is basically going to make her feel really aroused until she gets some relief,” Tech explained to his brothers. 
“What sort of relief?” Wrecker asked again. 
“Don’t be so coy Wrecker,” Crosshair grinned. “He means sex.” 
“And how long will it take to wear off?” Hunter asked, his eyebrow raised as he looked at Tech. 
“Until she gets that relief or erm…” Tech trailed off, reading the last part of the information. 
“Or what Tech?” Echo asked, prompting him to continue with what he was going to say. 
“Or she dies.” 
“This could kill her?” Hunter asked, slightly shocked. Tech just nodded, his attention now turned to you. You had managed to take off your blacks, throwing them into a heap on the floor until you were just in your underwear. Your back was arching off of the bunk and your hands were balled up into fists by your sides. “So what do we do?” Hunter asked after a few minutes of silence. He was biting his bottom lip, clearly in thought. 
“Someone has to have sex with her,” Tech replied, also biting his bottom lip. He continued to watch as you writhed, eyes rolling back into your head. 
“Who?” Came Echo’s now concerned voice. Tech shrugged at Echo’s question. He didn’t know, nobody knew. The boys looked around at each other, silently asking for the others permission. 
“I’ll do it,” Hunter replied. 
“I personally think I should do it,” Crosshair said, standing up from his position. 
“And why shouldn’t it be me?” Wrecker asked, looking between Crosshair and Hunter. 
“Please,” you whimpered, hands reaching down under your underwear and circling at your pulsating clit. “Someone just please fuck me.” 
Echo walked over to you, resting his hand on your forehead. “She’s really burning up guys,” he said. A gasp left your lips at Echo’s touch and you found yourself bucking your hips up further into the air. Your eyes met Echo’s as you begged him silently, forcing a shiver to appear up the clones back. He felt his cock hardening at the sight of you, spread out with a hand down your underwear furiously rubbing at your clit. Before he even knew what he was doing, Echo bent down to press a soft kiss on your lips. A whimper of surprise and need left your mouth at the contact, but you didn’t falter the movements between your legs. The other’s eyes widen as you grasp Echo’s scomp, pulling him down on top of you forcefully. He let out a groan as he landed on top of you, lips still attached to your own. You continued to buck your hips up against Echo’s, removing your hand from down your underwear to work on his blacks. 
“I guess Echo has this covered,” Tech whispered to his brothers watching as you pulled down Echo’s blacks, his cock springing free, painfully hard and already leaking pre-cum. 
“Please Echo,” you managed to choke out. The heat radiating from your body had him dizzy as he forced his tip against your entrance, pushing into you with a groan. “Maker!” You gasped out, head spinning from the way he filled your tight cunt. The rest of The Batch stood and awkwardly watched as Echo moved himself against you, mumbling praises against your lips.  
Crosshair tilted his head as he watched, eyes flickering to your face and admiring the way it contorted into expressions of pure pleasure. Your hands flew to Echo’s shoulders, gripping him tightly as he hit that spot deeper inside of your spongy walls. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you lolled against the firm pillow behind you. “She likes that,” Crosshair hummed, walking over to the bunk you were laying on. Echo pulled away from your mouth and buried his head into the crook of your neck, lips skimming your throat as he continued his sloppy movements. You dropped a hand from Echo’s shoulder and reached out to grasp Crosshair’s hand, pulling him further towards you. Lewd sounds filled the room as Echo pulled out of you completely, only to slam himself back into you, thrusts harsher than before. 
“Crosshair,” came your moan as you squeezed his hand tightly. 
“Kriff Y/N, if you keep squeezing me like that I’m going to cum,” Echo groaned against your neck. Your pussy was throbbing, your skin on fire. 
“Already, Echo?” Crosshair chuckled, his fingers dancing along yours. Echo just nodded as his hips stuttered, his cock pulsating inside of you as he came shamelessly with a growl. “Out of the way,” Crosshair grumbled, pushing Echo off of you and taking his place between your legs. “Do you need more, Y/N?” he asked, pulling his blacks down to his ankles, erect cock springing free.
“Please Cross,” you whimpered. 
He just nodded before pushing inside of you, moans coming from both of your throats. He didn’t give you time to adjust to his length before he slammed against you, Echo’s cum drooling from between your filled hole. Crosshair grunted as his lips found yours, kissing you passionately as he worked his way inside of you roughly. 
“Slow down Crosshair,” Hunter warned, but the sniper didn’t listen. Instead, he snapped his hips against yours faster, harder until you were a squealing mess underneath him. 
“This feel good?” Crosshair asked you, completely ignoring the widened eyes of his brothers as he fucked your harder. All you could do was nod as you felt your cunt flutter around Crosshair’s cock. You back arched as he hit that spot inside of you that had you seeing stars, your vision clouding white as your first orgasm approached rapidly. You couldn’t even voice it before you were spraying Crosshair with your juices. “Good girl,” he purred, one of his hands moving to grasp your chin, forcing you to look at him. 
“Osik,” Hunter gasped, watching as your entire body trembled underneath Crosshair’s slender form. 
Within the blink of an eye, Crosshair had pulled out of you and jerked himself off rapidly until he came over your stomach, spurting out of his inflamed tip and onto your soft skin. You were panting rapidly as Crosshair grumbled something under his breath, climbing off of you and pulling his blacks up before leaving the room. “Has the pollen worn off?” Hunter asked, tilting his head to the side asking both you and Tech. Tech was about to answer a quick ‘I think so’ before you let out a loud, pained cry. 
“It hurts so much,” you whimpered. “It’s so kriffing hot!” 
“I’ll take that as a no,” Echo replied, sitting down next to you and stroking your hair lovingly.
“Hunter,” came your choked sob. 
“I’m here,” Hunter whispered back to you, stepping into view. You outstretched your hand towards him waiting for him to take it.
“Please make it stop,” you whimpered. 
“What do you want me to do Y/N?” Hunter asked seriously. His voice was laced with concern as his eyebrows furrowed at you. 
“Fuck me, please,” you practically begged. Hunter was taken back by your plea and, for some reason, looked towards Echo. He just nodded at his brother allowing him to make the next move. Hunter began removing his armour to which you growled. “Hurry up!”
He nodded at you, removing his cod-piece and tugging his blacks down to his knees before crawling on top of you. “Are you sure?” He asked softly, searching your eyes for any form of apprehension. 
“Yes, yes I’m sure!” You whimpered eagerly. You had already been fucked by two of your squad mates: but it wasn’t enough. Your body was demanding more. Hunter pressed the tip of his cock against your folds, lubricating it with the mixture of your wetness and Echo’s cum before slowly inching into your folds. He found himself gritting his teeth as he placed his hands on either side of your head, supporting his body on top of yours. “Hunter!” You cried, arms wrapping around his neck and legs around his waist as he pummelled into you. 
“Stars, you feel better than I ever dreamed,” Hunter whispered softly to you. He couldn’t help himself as his cock twitched inside of you, a growl left his throat as your cunt squeezed him tightly. You couldn’t respond as Hunter smashed his hips against yours, your mouth opening to let out sound after sound, squeal after squeal. “You going to cum, hm? Tell me Y/N,” Hunter groaned, but all you could do was nod a simple ‘yes’. It felt too good. “Tell me,” Hunter growled at you, his eyes boring into yours. 
“I-I’m going to cum Hunter!” You cried out, your legs tightening around his waist as your orgasm washed over you. Your back arched off the bunk, pushing your exposed chest against Hunter’s, forcing a groan to leave his lips at the feeling of your soft breasts against his chest. 
“Kriff, you’re squeezing me so tightly, baby. I’m going to cum, where do you want me?” Hunter asked. 
“Please don’t stop, please,” you begged, but your begging mixed with the fluttering of your cunt around his cock had pushed Hunter over the edge and before you even got to answer, he was spilling himself inside you with a loud moan while throwing his head back. 
“I’m sorry sweetheart I couldn’t…” Hunter mumbled trailing off his sentence, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth. You let out another whine of desperation as Echo continued to stroke your hair. You looked between Tech and Wrecker, desperate for one of them to take Hunter’s place between your legs as he pulled out of you and dressed himself. 
“My turn,” Wrecker sang as he took his blacks off so they were pooling around his ankles. “You okay dove?” 
“Please,” your voice croaked. Sweat beaded from your forehead, falling down your temples from both the heat of the strenuous activity and the effects of the sex pollen. You didn’t need to voice another word for Wrecker to push himself into your tight heat, a pleasured and pained gasp leaving your lips. He was bigger than his brothers, and although you desperately needed a minute to adjust to his length, you were already moving your hips against his. You bit your bottom lip, eyes once again rolling into the back of your head as Wrecker began to move. The tip of his cock poking against your cervix, hitting that special spot inside of you that had your vision turning blurry and tears forming in the corner of your eyes. You let out a cry of frustration as Wrecker’s pace sped up, pounding into your pussy viciously despite his usual ‘gentle giant’ demeanour. 
“Shh you’re okay,” Echo cooed, his fingers trailing through your hair and dancing along your scalp. “We’re going to make sure you’re going to be okay.” 
You nodded your head erratically as an acknowledgement to Echo, hands balling into fists besides you and scrunching up the sheets on the bunk, desperate to hold on to something. You felt your pussy tighten around Wrecker’s cock as he placed his hands on your thighs and spread your legs further, giving him deeper access to you. A loud moan erupted from your throat as he hit further inside of you deeper than anybody ever had before, tears cascading down your face from the pleasure you were feeling.  You felt a third release nearing, but Wrecker pulled out and grabbed your hair pushing your lips down onto his cock. You sucked him greedily, licking the salty pre-cum from his slit as he bucked his hips against your face. “Ah - kriff, I’m cumming!” Wrecker yelped out, his hands on your hair tightening as his hips continued to thrust against your face. Still, you sucked and licked until he was spurting his thick, white ropes into your mouth and down your throat. Eagerly you swallowed everything he had to offer as if you were a dehydrated dog in the sandy deserts of Tatooine causing Wrecker to moan your name over and over again. He looked down on you with lust filled eyes as he pulled his cock out of your mouth before patting your head. You couldn’t help but give him a slight smile despite your continuous discomfort.
“Better?” Tech asked, swallowing the lump in his throat. 
“I need to cum,” you whispered. “So kriffing badly.” Tech’s eyes widened as you reached out for him, anxiety settling in his gut as he took your hand in his. You pulled him to your side. “I don’t care how you do it, Tech, but I just need to cum once more. Please.” Tech nodded knowingly as he settled himself down onto the bed, pulling his cock out of his blacks. You settled down on his lap, straddling him before lining his engorged tip up with your soaked folds. With one swift movement, you slammed your aching cunt down on to Tech’s cock, moaning loudly. Your body was slowly starting to revert back to its normal temperature and your breathing started to slow back down. You knew that you needed to cum once more before your body finally expelled the pollen that had been coursing through your body. Your hands flew to Tech’s neck as you slowly began to bounce up and down, pulling off of him completely before slamming back down repeatedly. The movement itself sent shockwaves of pleasure to your core, but you needed more. “More Tech, please. Touch me,” you begged. 
Hesitantly, Tech placed his hands on your exposed breasts, squeezing them lightly. As you let out a moan of pleasure, Tech tightened his grip and moved his fingers to your nipples, flicking the sensitive buds between his thumbs. You threw your head back as you continued to rock your hips against his. Tech’s breathing became ragged as he continued playing with your breasts, his eyes never leaving yours as you moved against him, “stars you are so beautiful,” he mumbled lowly before capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. Your eyes widened as his lips met yours, but you quickly melted into it, kissing back just as passionately. You felt your third orgasm approaching, your body finally starting to feel tired as the pollen was fully expelling from your body. You moaned into Tech’s lips as your hand moved down from his neck to play with your clit, strumming at the bundle of nerves as you continued to ride Tech with meaning. 
You pulled away from Tech’s lips to speak. “I’m cumming, I’m cumming so hard!” Your voice was shaky and your bouncing was sloppy. Tech, finally gaining some confidence, pushed you back down onto the bunk so you were on your back, legs in the air as he thrusted into you haphazardly. 
“I’m cumming too,” he moaned, his cock twitching inside of your pulsating heat. Just as Tech said those words, you simultaneously came. You couldn’t help but spray over Tech’s cock as he pushed into you one final time, filling you to the brim until you physically couldn’t take any more cum. He was spilling out of you before he even had time to pull out, weeping over the bunks sheets shamelessly. “Oh Gods,” Tech groaned as he slipped out of you, his cock twitching as he slowly began to soften. 
You rested your head back against the pillow, breathing deeply as Echo resumed his position behind your head, stroking your hair. “Do you… feel better?” He asked. 
Your eyes met his and you thought for a moment before nodding. “Yes. I do.” You then sat up, looking around the room at the rest of your squad members before smiling awkwardly. “Thank you. Thank you all of you. I would have…” You trailed off your words, not wanting to think about what would happen if they hadn’t stepped in and helped. 
“Don’t think about it,” Hunter said, a soft smile on his face. “We’ll always have your back.”
“Always,” the rest of the squad said in unison. 
You swung your legs over the side of the bunk to collect your underwear and blacks in your arms before dressing yourself quickly, feeling extremely embarrassed and self-conscious. When you were fully dressed, you stood up and stretched, feeling your bones crack and limbs pop into place from being laid in such obscure positions. “I should… go shower,” you mumbled, looking down at the ground. You were all sweaty and needed to cool down from the intense heat of the room. The boys nodded at you, all of them including Crosshair, offering you a small smile as you left the room. As you walked to the showers, you had no idea where this situation left you with your squad. Were they just having sex with you to stop you from dying, or was there something more behind it all? You had no idea, but the thought made your stomach and heart flutter, along with a small pit of anxiety to settle in your gut. You’d give it a few days and see where this went, but a part of you was hoping there was more to it than just simply preventing your untimely demise from sex pollen.
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Hello there! 👋🏽 If you don’t mind, I was wondering if I could make a request with Tech? With maybe a bookworm reader if that’s okay? I feel like it would be a cute dynamic! Thank you and have a good day! 🙏🙌
Tech x Reader
Summary- You and Tech have a moment alone on The Marauder. What better way to spend it than reading! Accompanied by Tech on his datapad, of course.
A/N- It's totally okay!!! I figured the best format for this kind of request was bullet point- but I am not very good at those. So, i compromised with this! Hope you enjoy, thanks for requesting!
Word Count- 990
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Hunter, Omega, Wrecker, and Echo had all left the ship to go look for some dinner. A job you all completed recently left you with some spending money. You figured everyone deserved a real meal for once.
It left you and Tech alone in The Marauder. You could have easily went to hang out at Cid's bar, but you couldn't stand to be around her. You hated the way she poked fun at Tech's goggles.
Only you were allowed to call him 'goggles.'
The thought only temporarily distracted you from your book. You quickly resumed reading, only to realize you had to restart the whole page. This time actually process what you're reading! You thought to yourself.
Grumbling, you squeezed your eyes shut and straightened up in your seat. You happened to take a spot in the co-pilots chair. Tech always sat in the pilots.
"Something the matter?" Tech asks, not looking up from his datapad.
It was sweet, that he noticed your small movements. "Just trying to focus, I lost my place." You finally found a comfortable position, situating your book back in your hands.
"It can help to fidget with one hand, to increase your chances of focus." He informed, per usual.
You smiled up at him, he glanced up from the pad when he felt your gaze on him. He flashed a very brief smile- more of a grin, it was all you needed though.
You listened to him rant about his findings on 'focus' for a few minutes, knowing anyone else would have shut him up by now. Him talking never bored you or made you uncomfortable, despite many others complaining.
"Thank you, Tech." You simply said, returning to your book. He seemed pleased enough and went back to tinkering on his datapad.
A newfound silence came over, you read your book in peace. The story of the thieves with powers fighting the government amused you. What amused you more was the fact you had personally been on more dangerous missions, yet the book still captured you.
It was nice to imagine yourself in their place, even when you wouldn't change what you have for the word.
You'd go on a million death defying missions if it meant you were with Tech.
While you typically could put down over 50 pages in an hour, Tech interrupted you again. Not with any other intentions than to please you.
"Yes?" You responded after he called your name.
He reached in a compartment to the left of the console. A place Tech used to store his latest experiments.
He pulled out a neatly wrapped gift. It had swirls of color on the paper that wrapped it. He said nothing, just handed the rectangular item to you.
"For me?"
"That would be correct."
You tried to fight the corners of your mouth rising, but it was no use. Tech watched you violently, showing little expression.
You gently took the paper off, not wanting to make a mess of his careful work.
You slowly revealed it to be a new book, the fourth book in the series to the one you were just reading.
"Tech, I- I thought it was a limited edition! There was only a hundred made across the galaxy!" You looked in his deep brown eyes.
"Yes, it is." He confirmed.
"H-how did you get it!" You were baffled, the thought he put into your gift- and for no special occasion.
"It was not difficult. I was able to track all the shipping numbers to their respective planets, and when we had a mission on one- I located the book through its buyers." He said, nonchalantly. Like he didn't easily buy one of the most rare books you knew of.
"Why? Did I miss an anniversary?" You were slightly confused on why he gave you the gift. You hoped you weren't supposed to also have a gift prepared.
"Uh, no. You mentioned exactly 129 rotations ago that you wanted the book. I saw no problem in getting it." He remembered...
You were moved to small tears, now flowing down your cheeks.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yes, Tech. Of course I am." You rose to your feet, throwing yourself on him in a big hug. He hugged you back. While he didn't completely understand your acclimation to physical affection- he didn't mind you doing as you pleased to him.
He gently patted your back, and you pulled away. "Thank you, i'm going to have to finish this book quickly now. I can't wait to read it..."
"You are welcome." He responded, you let him be and lifted yourself off of him. He grabbed his datapad and clicked away.
What you didn't know was that sometimes Tech would watch you read. In times like these, when you found yourself sitting or laying next to each other. You reading, him on his datapad.
He would study your face, taking in every expression. He would think about what you were reading- was it sad, happy, thrilling? Feelings were a trivial matter to him, but he was always thinking of ways to make you happy.
He loved it when you read, sometimes out loud to him. It was soothing to hear your voice when he worked on a project or was fixing a part on The Marauder.
The way you tapped your foot, or bounced your leg when you got to a complex part in a book. Or, when you were both laying down together and accidentally hit Tech in shock at a twist in the story. He loved every bit of it.
You turned back to your original book, now more determined than ever to finish it.
You did, however, catch Tech staring this time. You met his gaze, a wide smirk on your face. You couldn't help but giggle briefly. He gave you an odd look, but went back to his datapad. Just as you went back to your book.
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! Requests are about to be open, just one more to fulfill! As always, I am open to constructive criticism.
Tags- (LMK if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss
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Spark of Hope
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Request -  @narcissa-of-kaas - Hey there! Could you please do something with Tech for #39 from your prompt list ?💜
Prompt - “I had a nightmare about you and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” (Set post season 2, pre season 3)
You couldn’t even say how much time had passed since that Force forsaken day. It had been months at best and yet somehow it felt more like years. You had never been able to adjust to a life without Tech, how could you? It was impossible to believe that there had ever been a time where you hadn’t had Tech in your life, hadn’t had him ready at your side rattling facts of, filling silences with knowledge or just sitting together as he tinkered away. Whenever you needed somebody, it was always Tech you turned to.
Then all of a sudden Tech was gone. 
You still remembered the day, still remembered watching him fall from the cart, still remembered the heart wrenching scream that escaped you as you could do nothing but watch, only Hunter kept you where you were, stopping you from following after Tech, dragging you against his chest and forcing you to stay on the cart as it sped away from Tech. 
You had no memory of leaving, everything since then had passed in a blur and you were certain it was only thanks to Hunter you had managed to make it back to safety.
A day hadn’t passed where you let yourself believe Tech was dead. You couldn’t ever let yourself believe that, the second you did you knew you’d be done. You had to force yourself to keep that small spark of hope that seemed to dim as each day went by. 
You spent your days sat on the comm, pleading for hours for Tech to answer you, pleading with him to come back home, to come back to you. Hunter and Wrecker watched on with aching hearts as you refused to be moved, refused to let yourself accept reality.
The loss of Tech was only worsened by the loss of Omega, then Echo left to go help Rex, unable to stand being on the Marauder. You didn’t blame him, some days being on the ship drove you crazy, there were too many memories, too many constant reminders of those that should have been here but weren’t. Some days you couldn’t drag yourself out of bed, the smell of Tech on the sheets lessened with each day he was gone but you had to believe he’d be back one day.
Months had passed since that day and you were startled all of a sudden when the comm came to life, a distress signal that was used by the Batch could be heard. Hunter watched your face fill with relief, with hope. It broke his heart but still it was a code they used, they had to check it out.
You were relieved beyond words to see that Omega and Crosshair were safe and alive and yet you were disappointed. You hated to even admit it to yourself, hated the fact that when you saw the pair your heart dropped because it wasn’t Tech.
It was meant to be Tech.
Nobody blamed you for withdrawing after that, they knew you wanted Tech back. You had felt the spark of hope you had fizzle out, desperately wanting to stay alight but you didn’t know how to keep believing, didn’t know how to carry on without Tech.
It seemed that even though things had gotten better, two members of the Batch were back where they belonged, it was never right. There was constantly an empty space in every room of the Marauder, a silence after somebody said something where you still waited for Tech to talk, there were no longer random projects left out for you to fall over, it wasn’t home without Tech.
You still sat at the comm but your heart was empty as you spoke, you would give anything for a reply. 
Then one day it came. 
A strange message that consisted of nothing more than a set of coordinates and a cryptic message of ‘pl45’. Suddenly that spark of hope that had gone out weeks ago was back with a mighty flame, pushing out all the darkness and you just knew, it had to be him.
“Hunter!” You called, looking at the coordinates and the message, Plan 45, it was definitely a code the Batch used.
Hunter frowned as he looked at the message, Plan 45 meant mission gone wrong. It was their code, a random one to use but still their code. He wasn’t sure about it, one look at your face and he knew you had gotten your hopes up, he hated that you were going to be left more broken than before, he wasn’t sure you’d recover from this one.
“Y/N,” Hunter sighed softly but you were already shaking your head at him, standing from your seat and pushing past him into the cockpit. “Hey, I want it to be him too!”
“Then let’s go!” You snapped at Hunter, immediately feeling bad. You knew that whilst you hadn’t been coping well with the loss of Tech, without Hunter you probably would have completely lost it months ago. He truly had been your saving grace. “I’m sorry, it’s just…it’s Tech, I know it is.”
Hunter looked at you, his face contorted with sympathy but eventually he nodded, taking a seat in the cockpit as you typed in the coordinates. He didn’t say anything but that was just what you needed, to have Hunter by your side as you went to find Tech.
It had to be Tech.
It had to be.
It took two days to land on the planet the coordinates led to, a planet you didn’t know the name of and was so far off the map. You were sure Tech would have a fact or two about it if he were here.
You had sat on the comm, watching it, willing it to come alive with another message but nothing more came through. 
The ship finally landed and you were the first off it, eyes scanning the forest around you, looking for any sign of Tech. The others followed you out of the Marauder, each of them looking around and seeing nothing, knowing it was going to be bad for you when you came to another dead end.
It was Hunter who heard him first, a crunch and snap of twigs under a boot alerted him and he let out a small gasp, feeling Crosshair and Wrecker look at him. 
It took a few more moments but Tech appeared from the trees and you felt your legs nearly give out as you looked at him, unable to move. 
“Y/N.” Tech breathed out and that was all you needed to force your feet forward, practically falling into his chest and Tech didn’t care how sore his body was he still wrapped his arms around you and held you close.
“You got my message.” He whispered into your hair and you laughed though the noise sounded more like a sob as silent tears made their way down your cheeks.
Tech felt his own eyes well up but he managed to keep the tears contained as he looked past you to his brothers, though a few tears did manage to trickle out as he saw Crosshair looking back at him.
Eventually you managed to pull away and Tech brought his hand to your cheek, brushing away your tears before he leant his forehead against yours.
“I knew you were alive.” You told him, your voice barely audible as you tried to hold back more tears. “I knew you were.”
Tech leaned forward, brushing his lips against yours and you couldn’t stop more tears from falling as you kissed him back, savouring the feeling after doubting if you would ever feel this again. 
You never strayed far from Tech when the two of you eventually pulled away and he was embraced by his brothers, each of their eyes watery and a few of their cheeks wet where tears had fallen. 
Eventually you all made your way back into the Marauder and Tech excused himself for a much needed sonic. You were reluctant to let him go but watched him leave, assuring yourself he was back.
“I told you.” You said softly as Hunter came to sit next to you. “I told you he was alive.”
Hunter pulled you against his chest, his arm going around your shoulder as he placed a soft kiss to your head.
“He’s alive.” Hunter murmured against your hair, still trying to wrap his mind around it himself.
By the time Tech had left the fresher Hunter had gotten the ship into hyperspace and everyone was sat together. Tech immediately made his way over to you, not wasting any time in pulling you close to him, your hand finding his as the others spoke softly, your thumb stroking over his knuckles in a constant reminder that he was there.
The six of you sat there for hours, Tech filled you in on what had happened since his fall, Omega had excitedly told Tech about her and Crosshair’s daring escape and the rest of the night was spent reliving old memories until you were all yawning.
None of you wanted to pull yourselves out of that moment but the need for sleep was too much and you forced yourselves up and into bed. 
You were happy to go to bed though when Tech climbed in after you and pulled you close, the sound of his steady breathing was enough to lull you into an easy sleep, something that you hadn’t been able to do for months, your eyes falling closed feeling warm and overwhelmingly relieved.
It wasn’t until you gasped awake, shivering at the cold air that you knew something wasn’t right. You looked around and felt your heart sink as you realised you were on a cart, Storm Troopers shooting at you from across the way. It wasn’t until you saw Tech running across the rail line that you felt panic build up.
“No.” You whispered to yourself, Omega looking up at you in confusion. “No, he’s alive. I got him back.”
“Um, Hunter, something’s wrong with Y/N.” You heard Omega say but you didn’t pay attention to Hunter calling your name, instead keeping your eyes locked on Tech like your gaze alone could change everything.
“We’ve got three ships inbound.” Hunter said, dragging his gaze from you and back onto the fight.
You shook your head, how many times had you been forced to relive this day? How many times had you been forced to lose Tech? You thought you had him back, you had him back. Was that just a dream, a way to cope with him being gone?
Power came rushing back to the cart, snapping you back to reality and your eyes filled with tears as you watched Tech running back towards the cart, trying to outrun the blaster shots aimed at him.
You could only watch through blurry tear filled eyes as Tech fell from the rail line onto a falling cart, watching as he just about managed to secure himself with his grappling line but there was nowhere for him to go, the cart was falling faster than he could climb.
“Wrecker, get him on board.” Hunter commanded, though the command was filled with underlying worry.
You let out a choked sob, knowing that command wouldn’t be carried out. 
“You must sever the connecting hinge. Now!” Tech instructed and you shook your head madly.
“Tech.” You managed to choke out. “Please.”
“Y/N,” You heard Tech sigh and your name falling from his lips had more sobs escaping you. “I’m sorry, my love.” 
You watched as he pulled his blaster out and knew what was to come.
“Plan 99.” He said and you screamed as he fired his blaster, only able to watch as he fell, seconds away from blinding following after him only to have Hunter snatch you away from the edge, holding you tightly against his chest as you thrashed madly against him, unsure of what you could do if you managed to get out of his hold but the only thought in your mind was that you wanted Tech.
He couldn’t be dead.
You shot up with a gasp, silent tears falling down your face and sweat clinging to your body as you looked around, assuring yourself you were in the Marauder. Your heart hammered in your chest when you realised you were alone.
Had Tech ever been back?
You forced your body out of bed, of course he was back, he had to be.
Your feet silently carried you through the Marauder, only stopping when you got to the cockpit and you felt a sob escape you when you saw Tech in the pilot’s seat, looking out of the window as you flew through hyperspace.
The noise had Tech turning to face you with a worried look.
“What happened, my love?” The pet name had your mind flashing back to the last thing he said to you but you shook your head, wiping the tears away as best you could.
“I had a nightmare about you,” You told him, watching as his face softened and he made room for you on the chair. “And I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“I’m okay, dear.” He assured you as you sat in the chair, his arm wrapping around you as he held you close, guiding your head to his chest so you could feel his heart beat loud and clear. “I’m alive.”
The words were a reassurance to the both of you as you sat there holding each other in silence whilst you passed through hyperspace, Tech was here. 
He was alive and he was going nowhere. 
Tech Taglist (Click the link in my bio to add yourself!)
@ughhhhfoff, @kashasenpai, @venuskywaker, @bobaprint, @starstruckfluff, @solstraalaa
Thank you so much for reading!❤️
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 2 years
Oooo, what about how The Bad Batch would react to catching you singing to yourself? I feel like that would be cute.
(The Bad Batch) He Catches You Singing
Author's Note: In celebration of season 2 starting, here we go! I'm sooooo excited!!!! No worries, though! There are no spoilers here!
Hunter: He was seated in his chair, eyes scrunched shut as he mulled over the most recent mission.  It was a habit.  He thought about everything that went right, everything that went wrong, and everything that went downright ugly.
The Bad Batch made a quick getaway, thanks to Tech’s rather chaotic but skilled piloting.  Things were quieting down aboard the Marauder as it flew through hyperspace.
Hunter let out a sigh, leaning farther back in his seat.
A small sound caught his attention.  The way it rose and fell in a pleasant, rhythmic way was unmistakably a song.  Hunter held his breath and focused.  It was you.
You were singing a song to yourself as you moseyed down the hall.
It was such a simple thing, but the small act of joy brought a smile to his face.  He rested his head against the back of the chair and just listened, the lines of his features smoothing out as the tension began to leave him.
If there was an opportune moment later, he’d ask about it and chuckle at your sheepish reaction.
Wrecker: He rounded a corner aboard the Marauder, hearing the barely-audible sound grow louder as he entered the space where you were doing routine tasks and singing to yourself.  You were so in the zone that you didn’t notice his approach.
It wasn’t often that Wrecker’s presence went unnoticed, so he took advantage of the moment to just hang back.  A soft lopsided grin adorned his face as he admired the way you swayed back and forth, just enjoying a second in your own little world.
So cute, he thought.
Then, after he had the precious moment of appreciation, he couldn’t help but join in.  He waited for the right moment when you hit the chorus and burst into the room with a huge smile.  Was he singing off-key?  A little.  Did either of you care?  Not one bit.
Tech:  “Vital functions of the ship seem to be operating suitably,” he said aloud to himself.  His nose was buried in a data pad as he walked down the exit ramp.  Just in time, too.  It was only a matter of letting Hunter know so he could assemble the team and get them onboard.
His boots landed on grass, and Tech turned every which way in hopes of spotting the sergeant, or any of his teammates for that matter.  He felt a rush of familiarity at the sight of you waiting patiently a little ways away from the ship.  A breeze swept through, carrying your voice to his ears.  Tech adjusted his goggles while he listened, the corner of his lips turning up in a soft smile only reserved for you.  Eventually, you turned around to see him standing there, and you suddenly felt embarrassed.
“Hi,” he chuckled.
Echo:  Singing?  At this hour?  Echo couldn’t understand how you could be so cheerful, but he’d be lying if he said it didn’t lift his mood even a tiny bit first thing in the morning.  He even held back his usual grumbles and complaints to whoever was listening, just so he could hear you from down the hall a little clearer.
Before long, he was smiling.  You had that effect on him, he noticed.  He’d find himself smiling at the strangest of times, and it always felt weird.  It felt like ages since the days he’d smile for no reason.
He followed the sound of your voice, pausing at the entryway to observe you putting on a concert for yourself.  You’d pause every few minutes or so to sip your caf before resuming the tune.  It was very endearing to see you so content.  When you finally noticed him standing there, you clamped your mouth shut, giving him an apologetic look.
“Sorry, Echo.  Am I bothering you?”
He shifted his stance, folding his arms.  “Not at all.”  Humor crept into his tone.  ���Please, don’t stop on my account. ”
Crosshair:  When he first heard your voice through the wall, he just about rolled his eyes, but not out of disdain.  You and your unbridled joy.  It was actually quite endearing, even if the way you expressed it was very different from how he would.  It fascinated him.
He lingered in the hall a while longer, enveloped in shadow, as you began singing a different tune entirely.  It was softer, slower.  Crosshair didn’t realize just how intently he was listening until you rounded the corner and nearly bumped into him.
“Oh, Crosshair,” you said in surprise.
He knew that you were still nervous around him.  Seeing you all flustered, he couldn’t resist having a little fun with it.
“What were you doing?”
“Nothing.  Just- nothing.”
He smirked before thinking twice.  You’d just started to warm up to him, and he realized just how much he wanted that to continue.  So, he wiped the infuriating smirk and flickered his eyes down to meet yours.
“You have a nice voice.”
And with that, he walked away.
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