#the last of us part 1
elliespuns · 19 hours
Happy Birthday, Joel Miller!
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The man who wears a broken watch because it reminds him of love. The man who trades coffee for half of his stuff and then drinks it from an owl mug. The man who reads an 'Idiot's guide to space' just to make someone smile. The man who goes to great lengths to find a stupid cassette in a post-apocalyptic world because he knows it'll mean a lot. The man who watches silly movies because they make someone laugh. The man who's ready to fight a homophobe if he’s mean to someone he loves. The man who won’t stop resuscitating a kid even when threatened with a gun. The man who sings love songs to a teenager because he just loves her that much. The man who slashes a bloater to death with just one hand to protect his girl. The man who loves his baby girl so much that he would rather die alone than see her unhappy.
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nihildep · 1 year
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ellie-vvilliams · 2 years
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The Last of Us: Show vs Game (part 1)
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ohmanareyoucereal69 · 3 months
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just thinking about how joel still revolved his life around ellie’s from a distance during their time apart.
like he knew he screwed up and that ellie had every right to be pissed at him and want nothing to do with him. he accepted that and kept his distance. he didn’t try to fix the relationship himself, he didn’t try to talk with her, he gave her the space she wanted and needed…
but he also still watched over her, he still loved her.
from the pictures around his home of ellie’s. the drawing she made of him and a photo of him and her at the stables, alongside one of him and sarah.
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to the things he did in his free time, like reading “an idiot’s guide to space” because he knows that ellie loves space.
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and the single table by the window, obviously used by the empty dishes on top, just in view of ellie’s shed.
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and the fact that he was immediately ready to intervene at the dance and protect ellie proves that he had an eye on her any chance he got.
i don’t think he ever thought that ellie hated him because hate really is a strong word, but he knew she was extremely upset with him and rightfully so. he lied about something that majorly involves her.
and when she was ready to talk that last time on the porch and finally try to forgive him and fix their relationship, he was there and ready to accept things on her terms.
he loved her from a distance, let her take the lead in where their relationship went but no matter how hard he tried, he could not live without her. he needs some semblance of her in his everyday because without it, it’d be like losing his kid all over again, and he barely lived past his first loss.
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ranna-alga · 10 months
I just realised something from the TLOU gameplay that made me so depressed that I needed to share with you all.
Rewind back to the prologue where Sarah is dying, and we see Joel look away from her a total of two times before she dies: the first time is at the same moment the camera pans to solely Tommy, of whom Joel is looking at (first image). Before he is out of shot, Joel can just be seen looking to Sarah again, until the camera turns back to him where he looks away a second time towards Tommy again (second image).
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Now, if you go and listen to the audio of the actual scene itself, you'll notice that the second time he looks away is when Sarah draws her last breath and passes away. She's already dead now.
And Joel missed it by looking away for only a second.
The second time he looks away and then looks back at Sarah, she is already gone. He couldn't do anything. He couldn't look into her eyes, still filled with life (albeit hanging on a thread) anymore before becoming absolutely soulless because he missed it. He didn't see the light leave her, he didn’t see her succumb to the bullet wound where she would move on to no longer feel anymore pain in death. He missed it almost instantly. His last good look of her is after the second time he looked away, when she's already passed on.
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But then we fast-forward to the very near end of the game where Joel is trying to perform CPR on Ellie after she almost drowned. He's becoming mentally and emotionally frantic because he cannot lose another one and projects this by trying to resuscitate her. He is back to where he was twenty years prior trying to save Sarah. And then the Fireflies appear.
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Joel looks away from Ellie one time. He probably doesn’t even realise that these are Fireflies (they could have been Hunters or even FEDRA for all he cared). The look on his face in the second image is heart-breaking, but it only lasts for a second before he immediately looks down to Ellie.
He only looks up at them once. He doesn’t look up a second time.
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Again, if you watch the original scene with audio enabled, you can hear the shakiness in Joel's voice, almost tearfully and very much coming from a place of fear. He's literally pleading for Ellie to wake up, all the while keeping his eyes on her - not looking up again - not even with one of the Firefly soldiers approaching him with an armed weapon.
He can't look away a second time because the last time he did, he lost Sarah immediately. He fears that will happen again, but he cannot let that occur. He won't. Not with Ellie: his second chance, his new reason to live, his new love. Joel refuses to tear his eyes away from her, even for another second, if it risks her life suddenly slipping away before he could even realise it.
He cannot afford to have another daughter lay lifeless in his arms and have her drift off to a place where he cannot follow and protect her anymore, even if it means placing his own life on the line.
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thetipsybison · 4 months
Tlou text posts coz I'm funny
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Ellie's one seems like an attack 😭
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stealyourblorbos · 2 years
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Our houses are haunted, dark and deserted - They're made of my secrets and shame Maybe I want it, but now I'm not worth it I can't even tell you my name.
The Last Of Us as Tarot cards: The Judgement
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wh0re4elliewilliams · 5 months
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Her eyes are so beautiful 🤩 Just like the rest of her🤩
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elliespuns · 1 day
Ellie is the language my heart speaks fluently
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gabedoesvp · 4 months
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perotovar · 1 year
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@pscentral​ event 18: adaptations -> the last of us (game vs show)
the changes (or expansions) that were made (and it still worked)
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halfwayriight · 11 months
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Hey, there.
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irrrationalfangirl · 2 years
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give mrs johnson the guest star emmy already
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calkestis · 2 years
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HBO The Last of Us (2023) The Last of Us, Part I (2022)
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joel miller liftin’ people but not lookin’ away or lettin’ go until he’s sure they are secure and fully lifted.
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it’s the simple things.
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