#the mandalorian imagines
homiesexuallaj · 15 days
Red Ginseng
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Pairing: The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x reader
Warnings/Genre: a sex pollen fic <3, porn with plot, foreplay, semi-heavy petting, fingering (fem receiving), unprotected p in v (non recommended), fluff, smut, size kink if you squint, let me know if I missed anything, not proofread because I'm lazy
You’d worked with the Mandalorian for a few years now. What started out as some commissioned help had developed into some lifelong work. You were good with a blaster and excellent with knifes, which you assumed in the beginning was why the Mandalorian kept you around. Now, you think he keeps you around simply for the company.
The Mandalorian is a many of few words, even this long into your partnership. He prefers to shoot first, ask later. He wasn’t also too fond of physical contact. You only felt the Mandalorian’s touch when he needed to pass you through the small hallway under the cockpit of the Razor Crest. This ship really wasn’t meant for two people..
This week, or two at this point, you’d been brought along to a forest-y planet that you couldn’t remember the name of in hopes of finally catching a bounty that the Mandalorian has been hunting for about a month now. This planet was hot and sticky. Leaves, vines, and other foliage practically soaked you when you just barely brushed past a leaf. It was irritating at this point, never being dry.
You let out a loud sigh, stomping over dead leaves and slapping away wet leaves. You were soaked through your clothes. You internally cringed at pealing your leather pieces from your body tonight. Just before a complaint crawls up your throat, an arm cut you off. You looked at the Mandalorian with scrunched eyebrows and annoyed eyes.
He only gestured ahead of you with his head.
You followed the gesture, peaking between your cover of leaves.
Ahead of you, in a shady clearing, is your’s and the Mandalorian’s bounty. It was a male Gungan with burnt orange skin and green eyes. With him was a small male Neimoidian with gray skin and gold eyes. Both were huddled around a smoking campfire, and were sopping wet and obviously malnourished. Runaway life seemed to be harder than they thought.
The Mandalorian caught your attention when he moved the arm down from in front of you.
You looked up at him, waiting to tell you what to do.
He gestured to the right with his head, indicating to circle around and trap the runaways in their clearing.
You headed off and around, careful to barely brushing by foliage and tiptoe over sticks. You positioned yourself facing the back of the Neimoidian. And you watched as your companion strutted into the clearing, the leaves of his cover dripping water onto his already shiny armor.
At the sound of a breaking twig, the runaways snapped their head in the direction of the Mandalorian. They both stood quickly, looking around nervously.
“A Mandalorian!” Exclaimed the Gungan. “What a surprise!” There was obvious panic on the creature’s face. “I didn’t know Mandalorian’s resided on this planet.”
“Perhaps he can show us to a nearby village,” The neimoidian hoped.
The Mandalorian only stayed quiet, waiting for the two to get their panicky blabbering over with. Once deemed quiet for long enough, he spoke.
“Via order of the leader of the planet Naboo,” The man started. “You two have a bounty placed on your head to be brought straight back to Her Majesty’s palace.”
“We can’t go back!” The gungan exclaimed.
The Mandalorian did not react. He only started walking towards them.
The creatures panicked and ran straight for you, the only clear way out of the semi-dry clearing. You jumped out, stopping the runaways in their path. You grabbed the small Neimoidian, trying to restrain him.
His partner, the Gungan, ran straight at you. He pushed himself against you and the Neimoidian, knocking all three of you over. It was a slick battle of trying to grab and get up at the same time.
There was a high-pitched zippering sound that caught your ears and the Gungan gasped, and you watched as he was dragged from the pile and back towards your partner.
The tussle got easier again, with only you going against one. The small Neimoidian fought and squirmed, but his small stature made it an easy fight for you. You restrained him with ease, knocking him to the ground and holding him down back and arm twisted around his back and a knee across both of his legs.
You heard a battle-ish cry and looked up.
The Gungan had leapt from the ground and onto the Mandalorian. The Gungan used his bottom half to grab onto the upper half of the Mandalorian and send them both tumbling down a small hill and into some foliage. Squabbling and scrambling was heard before the Gungan crawled back up into the clearing. He took a gasp of air before there was a shot of something and he fell to the ground.
You’d thought for a moment that the Mandalorian had killed him out of frustration, which wouldn’t have been the first time.
The Mandalorian came out from the foliage, his shoulders heaving as he caught his breath. His chest place and lower left part of his helmet was covered in this sticky looking red pollen, no doubt from a flower or two. As you looked him over, you saw a blaster in his right hand.
“Only a stunner,” The Mandalorian said. “Don’t worry.”
Without another word, he pointed the stunner at the Neimoidian and shot before the creature could get in his pleas. He went limp with sleep, finally.
You both picked up your respective bounties and hauled them over your shoulders. You made your way through the foliage and towards the ship. After you figured enough time had passed for the Mandalorian to catch his breath you started talking.
“What is that stuff?” You asked, hoping he knew that you were talking about the pollen.
“Pollen from a flower I’ve never seen before,” The Mandalorian answered, his voice slightly gruff. “It got under my helmet.”
“I hope there’s no side affects to inhaling the stuff,” You wondered.
“I hope not,” Your partner sounded disgruntled.
You thought back to the time where you tripped and fell into a garden of flowers you’d never seen before. All was fine and dandy until about halfway through that job. You’d becoming loopy and tripped over your feet about every other step. There was no way you’d be able to help the Mandalorian now, so he hauled you over his shoulder, much like he’d done to the Gungan now, and brought you back to the Razor Crest. He sat you down in your bunk, which was one of two bunks in the Razor Crest, and told you very sternly to stay. And off he went.
You don’t remember what you said during that time, but you hope it was nothing too embarrassing.
Once you two arrived at the ship, the Mandalorian encased both bounties in a block of carbonate and slowly got settled into the ship for the night. The Mandalorian disappeared in the refresher to shower and clean his armor and you wandered into the shared space of yours and the Mandalorian’s impromptu shared closet/bedroom space.
It was a small nook in a semi-hidden corner in the bottom half of the Razor Crest. The only light over here was a small lamp you’d bought for the space and the dim lights from your bunks. There were shelves and racks here for clothes, towels, blankets, shoes, and other necessities.
Taking advantage of the limited time of the Mandalorian showering and cleaning his armor, you peeled off your soaked clothes and limited pieces of leather armor. It was more a struggle that it needed to be, but soon enough you were free from your uncomfortably wet prison and it was a wet pile on the ground. You changed into some looser, brown cloth pants and a large white sleeveless shirt, with some socks and a knife around your waist to accompany you. You patted your hair dry with a towel before brushing it out and picking up your wet clothes and towel. You hung the clothes on a nearby rack that was below a vent in the ship, hoping to dry them off before the day tomorrow.
You sighed, stretching a bit. The hiss of the refresher door opening caught your attention and you turned.
The Mandalorian made his way from the steaming doorway, clad in some now shiny steel armor.
“Feel better?” You asked, still observing him.
He hummed in affirmative, making his way past you and up the ladder to the cockpit.
You followed.
When you found you footing on the cold, metal floor of the cockpit, you saw that the Mandalorian was already typing in coordinates for Naboo.
“We’re not taking off already, are we?” You asked, coming up beside him to watch as he pressed buttons.
“No,” The Mandalorian answered. “But I would like to get up early and take off as soon as possible.”
“Why? Is this planet to wet for you?” You teased. “Or are there too many weird, stinky flowers.”
The Mandalorian only looked at you, before turning his attention back to the buttons so he could finish what he was doing. Once done, you noted that the armored man hobbled his way over to his captain’s chair and groaned as he sat, subtly clutching his right side.
Upon not so close inspection, you could see blood seeping out from his black flight suit and pouring over his metal belt, the black cloth damp across the ribcage on the Mandalorian’s right side.
“Mando, you can’t even take the time to stitch yourself up in the shower?” You scolded lightly.
He knew what you were talking about immediately, “It wasn’t bleeding in the shower.”
“Mando.” You scolded.
He only sighed.
“C’mon,” You gave a sigh of your own after a few heartbeats. “Let’s get you stitched up.”
You made your way down to the second level of the Razor Crest first, knowing that the Mandalorian wouldn’t have to take much convincing to follow you down.
While you dug around for a medpack, the Mandalorian sat down on a crate, awaiting your instruction.
Once you found a medpack, you drug over another crate and set that medpack on top of that, opening it and making sure it had all the supplies you needed.
“Alright, armor off,” You order around first.
The Mandalorian unclasped his chestplate and abdomen armor from his torso. Then he removed his cape, setting all pieces to the side. You did the next parts yourself.
You pushed up his shirt and slowly inched down the tight cloth he wore around his mid to lower abdomen until you had clear view of the cut that made its home on the Mandalorian’s right side.
The cut was long and jagged, looking like whatever cut him had torn its way forcefully through the layers of cloth and into the skin. The Mandalorian was lucky that whatever cut him didn’t cut him deep, but it was still needed-stitches deep.
Before continuing, you went and grabbed a washrag and wet it in the refresher’s sink before settling back down at the Mandalorian’s side and wiping off the blood that had smudged around the wound, revealing the golden skin that hid under the armor.
It wasn’t the first time seeing the Mandalorian’s skin, having needed to stitch him up a few times now, but it still caught you by surprise, especially when you could see the muscle rippling under his flesh with every move. It was still distracting, especially as the Mandalorian stretched an arm over his head so you could work with more area.
You shook your head slightly, willing away your distracted brain. After a few more wipes against the skin, all blood was gone. You grabbed a bottle of medical alcohol and damped the rag with the liquid, wiping and the dabbing the wound with that now, hoping to kill off any chance of infection. And next, the stitches. You grabbed a sterile needle from the medpack and situated a thing of thread through the eye. You glanced up at the Mandalorian, anxiety making you nervous.
“Ready?” You asked, giving the Mandalorian a few moments to compose himself.
He nodded.
The Mandalorian never really reacted when you stitched him up, but the tense muscles and the clenching of fists was the tale tell sign of discomfort and pain.
Upon the first stab of the needle, the Mandalorian sucked in a breath and you heard the squeak of leather as the Mandalorian clenched his fists.
“Breath, Mando,” You told him. “I’ll be as quick as I can.”
It was a slow process of stitching up the jagged wound, but in order to close it properly you had to take your time. Before long, you were done. You tied the stitch off and cut the thread with some small sheets you kept in the medpack. In order to keep the wound clean, you packed some firm cotton around the wound and wrapped some gauze around his abdomen to both keep out germs and hold the cotton in place. You gathered up the medical supplies and turned to put most of it back into the medpack, and threw the used and unclean stuff, like the needle, away. After getting the area situation again, you crowded into the Mandalorian’s space, checking that the gauze was tight, but not too tight.
“Okay,” You patted the Mandalorian down. “I’ll have to check the wound and change the bandages tomorrow morning.”
He nodded.
To check, you poked around the wound again, to make sure there was no excess bleeding. Upon touching a tender spot, the Mandalorian groaned and grabbed onto your waist, the closest thing for him to grab.
On instinct, you jerked your hand away and froze at the contact. A shiver erupted from the grasp and traveled outwards through your body and a hint of heat bubbled in your lower abdomen. It was still moment before your touch sense picked up on something else, how hot his hands were. Not on an attractive scale, but on a temperature scale. From the scarce touches that the Mandalorian provided you, you knew that his hands were abnormally hot. Without thinking, you reached down between the Mandalorian’s legs and placed the inside of your wrist on the man’s upper thigh, noting that the heat radiating through the pants was abnormal as well.
Full on concern, you spoke, “Mando, you’re running a temperature!”
At your words and touches, the Mandalorian adjusted his hips, dragging your attention to the tense cotton between his legs.
“Oh no! I’m so sorry!” You tore your hand away from his thigh. “I-I was just checking your temperature, I promise! When I was little my mom used to check my temperature this way!”
The Mandalorian only groaned in response, gripping your waist tighter and hanging his head, which ended up resting on your stomach.
“But I think you’re sick, Mando,” You held your arms up and away from the man’s body, not sure where to put them.
The armored man only groaned again before a strained voice broke its way through the static of his modulator, “Hot. It’s so hot..”
“Okay umm,” You hesitated. “Do I have permission to take the rest of your armor and shirt off? It should help you cool down.”
You felt the Mandalorian nod, so you got to work with unclasping his shoulder and forearm armor and setting the pieces on the ground. Carefully you inched the t-shirt off and over his helmet, and found out that the overheating man wore two shirts and inched off the long sleeved turtleneck he wore to keep his skin concealed from the world. And finally you took off his gloves. With all these clothes on, you wondered when he had the time to get sun and make his skin such a golden tan. It had to have been when you’re not around, or busy with something inside the ship.
The Mandalorian still rested his head against your stomach and his hands had wandered down from your waist to your thighs, gripping the flesh.
Letting your eyes wander before the Mandalorian sat back up, you noted that his back was wide and rippled with muscle at every breath. The skin was littered with scars, big and small, short and long. The perks of being a bounty hunter, I guess.
You tried to keep your hands to yourself, you really did, but the temptation to rest your hands upon the Mandalorian's shoulders was too much. You gave into the temptation and the man jumped below you before relaxing under your touch.
After a few more heaving breaths, the Mandalorian sat up and looked up at you. You could feel his intense gaze boring into you from underneath a heavily tinted visor of his helmet. His large hands squeezed at the fat of your thighs again before he tried to speak.
"I need you," The man croaked out.
"Wha-?" You were shellshocked at the confession.
"Please," He practically begged. "I can't-"
He could barely finish his sentence before a shivered flowed throughout his body and a groan forced itself passed the Mandalorian's vocal chords.
"Ok-okay," You agreed, nervous. "What-what do I do?"
You could barely get the words from your mouth before the Mandalorian stood at his full height. You hands fell from his shoulders and he gripped your own, his large hands engulfed the area. Gently but urgently, the tall man pushed you backwards. You had no idea where you were going until your surroundings became overcast and you were dead-legged by a firm object behind you. You fell and the plush surface of an unmade bed caught you. The overwhelming smell of manly musk and leather were tell-tale signs that you'd been pushed into the bottom bunk of the small sleeping lofts, the Mandalorian's bunk.
Metal sliding against metal filled the small area and the bunk became dark, too dark to see. You could hear a small "hiss" from somewhere above you and a "clank" of metal being dropped to the ground.
A hand patting around on the side of your face, fingers gently finding their way around. A finger found your lips and within a heartbeat it was replaced by a pair of lips. You jumped in surprise, grabbing onto the body that hovered over you, meeting thick biceps.
The Mandalorian leaned down onto his forearms, one hand resting against the side of your face. He kissed and kissed, switching between quick pecks or smooches. A shiver passed over his body and you heard a groan and a quiet "smack" of a mouth opening. You met the man's open mouth with one of your own, and the Mandalorian practically plunged his tongue into your mouth.
Your tongues danced and teeth found lips, tugging slightly. The Mandalorian pulled away for a moment before nosing his way over the right side of your face and burying himself into your neck. He started out with kissing all over, searching for sweet spots, before leaving open mouthed kisses all over. He accompanied the wet kisses with nips of teeth and the sucking of skin.
At a particularly harsh nip you gasped, "Mando!"
"Din," The Mandalorian breathed out.
"Huh?" You questioned through a foggy brain.
"My name," The Mandalorian answered. "It's Din."
You nodded, hoping that the Mandalorian, Din, would feel your response.
Din moved over to the left side of your neck, giving this side the same treatment.
You felt one of his arms move and you felt a tug at your waistline. A quiet hiss of fabric rubbing against fabric told you that Din was untying the tie at the waist of your pants. You let it happen, gladly. After the loosening of the tie, you could feel your pants and underwear being pushed down. You helped Din out, lifting your hips and using your hands to help shimmy the clothes down your legs. You kicked the fabric away. Instinctively, you tried to close your legs at the cool air against your center, but the body between your legs prevented that. You jumped at the feeling of foreign fingers exploring your lower lips. They traced the skin before dipping into the slit and feeling up the wet flesh hidden away. Din's fingers danced all around, feeling you up and almost trying to mesmerize the new area of flesh. They traveled up and up before skimming against your clit. You hissed at the contact, gripping Din's left bicep tighter. He doubled back, finding your sweet spot.
"Here?" The man asked, rubbing your clit with two fingers.
"Yeah," You breathed out.
The warmth and presence of a body left you as Din sat up. His fingers began rubbing and circling themselves around and on your clit. His other hand gripped at your hip, attempting to keep you still.
You gripped at the wrist of the man's left hand, the one gripping your hip. You whined and moaned, squirming below the man. Due to the special attention and desperation, it didn't take you long to climb to your peak. Your pelvis tightened and tightened.
"You gonna cum?" Din asked, his own arousal evident in his voice.
"Y-yes, sir!" You answered.
Din kept the same pace and pressure and before long you were crying out and squirming. Din kept his fingers moving, helping you ride out your orgasm. But the man kept moving, driving you into overstimulation. You tried to pull Din's hand away from your clit but he captured both your wrists in his left hand and kept moving his hand until you tried to close your legs.
You took a deep breath and relaxed, skin cold due to a light sheen of sweat. You tried to catch your breath and Din pulled his fingers away from your clit. Only a few seconds after did you feel a prodding against your vaginal hole. Din's already wet fingers and your soaking arousal made it easy for Din to edge his one finger inside of you. It wasn't hard to do and you felt his finger, whichever one it was, press itself against your cervix. The Mandalorian gave a few gentle pumps of his finger, bringing out gasps and moans from you.
You yelped a bit, Din's finger pressing uncomfortably against your cervix.
"Two-" You tried to speak between breaths. "Two fingers."
A grunt answered you and Din pulled his singular finger out before pressing two against your opening. He slid in with ease. It was uncomfortable at first, but after a few squelching pumps of the man's fingers you relaxed.
Sensing your relaxed state, Din pulled his fingers from your cunt, which caused a noise of protest to sound from your chest. You could hear the shuffling of clothes and the drop of fabric onto the floor. Din sat you up and moved around you, laying down and taking up your place on the bed. You felt hands grab at you and urge you in a certain direction.
You followed his hands, moving up and over to straddle the Mandalorian. You were surprised to find that the man had already discarded his armor, pants, and boxers. You hovered over Din's pelvis and felt around for his cock. Your searching hand skimmed over Din's dick and you heard the man take in a sharp breath. You grabbed the member, taking note of it's girth, length, and a vein that traveled up the side. You adjusted your body and pressed your vaginal hole over DIn's dick. The head stretched you out a bit more than his fingers and you whimpered at the feeling. A few more presses down and the head practically popped into you. You sighed, sinking down more until you and Din were pelvis to pelvis.
"Comfortable?" Din asked, obviously breathless below you.
"Umm it's-" You tried to get words past you tongue. "Something doesn't feel right."
"Here," Din gripped your hips and forced you down more onto his pelvis.
The movement caused Din's cock to press wonderfully and overwhelmingly against your cervix. You cried out, gripping onto Din's biceps again.
At the adjustment, Din started shallowly thrusting up into you. His hands wandered up from your hips to your abdomen. He gripped your loose t-shirt and pulled it up and off your body. Both of you were now completely naked.
"Gods..," Din breathed out.
He gripped your hips once again, urging you to move on top of him. The meeting of your pelvises was made apparent by a slapping sound. You couldn't help but throw your head up, eyes squeezing shut. You still gripped onto Din's biceps. Din groaned and gasped below you, growling as his thrusts became harsher.
In an almost too-quick-to-process movement, Din gripped your hair into a ponytail in one of his hands and pulled you down by an arm around your shoulder blades. He smashed your lips together so hard to almost hurt. He opened his mouth almost instantly, invading your mouth with his tongue. You wrapped your arms around his head and gripped his hair. His messy, wavy hair caught you by surprise, having never actually seen or felt his hair. You wondered what color it was.
The Mandalorian pulled you from your thoughts when he pulled away and buried his face into the left side of your neck, resuming his previous kissing and nipping. At a rather harsh nip, you pulled the man's hair and Din groaned.
Almost out of nowhere, Din's thrusts up into you sped up and lost their rhythm. His body tensed and you inferred that Din was getting close to his own orgasm. You could feel his heartbeat speed up below you and his breathing become ragged.
"Bite me," You begged.
Din made a questioning noise below you.
A moan forced itself as a sob from your throat and you begged pitifully, "Bite me- bite me- bite me!"
Din listened to your cock drunk babbling and sunk his teeth into your neck. With a muffled groan and the tightening of his jaw, Din reached the peak of his orgasm. Slowly, his harsh thrusts slowed and he relaxed, still keeping himself buried in you. The man unsunk his teeth and let your hair go, letting his head fall back into a pillow and wrapping his other arm around you.
You relaxed into Din's sweaty, hot body. You waited until you caught your breath before speaking.
"You feel better?" You asked.
"Yes," Din answered with a sigh. "Thank you."
You responded with a hum.
"Can we..," Din hesitated. "Can we stay like this for a little bit?"
"Of course," You tell Din. "For as long as you want."
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multific · 10 months
Waters - Short
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Din Djarin x Reader
Warning: nudity
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Din swore he had never seen someone as beautiful as you.
His eyes were glued to you every single day and yet, right now, he felt a certain warmth fill his chest.
You were his mechanic. A simple woman as they say.
But to him, you were much more.
You were the mother to his foundling, you were his partner in everything. Mechanic? No. He needed you to look after the kid while he fixed his ship.
You were a woman.
You excused yourself to take a wash in the nearby water. 
Din didn't mean to. 
He truly didn't want to look like a creep.
He put the kid to sleep and headed to see if he could find you because you had been gone for quite a while. 
And he did find you. 
You were naked, your back to him as you washed yourself.
Din felt his heartbeat pick up as he watched you.
Soon, you turned around. 
He couldn't look away, hiding in the darkness, he kept watching you.
He took his leave way too late. He should have left the second he saw you, but no, now you were getting dressed, and he left to go back to the ship. He took a look at the kid before sitting down beside the fire as if he never left.
He had to pretend as if he had seen nothing.
He was thankful for the helmet hiding his face as you walked over to him, preparing to eat something before sleeping.
Din wasn't sure how long he could hide the fact that he had seen your pretty nipples.
Din also wasn't sure how long he could hide his feelings from you.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead@thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak   @manduse   @jacalineiscomingforyou  @mandoloriancookie @noname2246
In case you want to help out a dreamer: patreon.com/multific  
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absurdthirst · 2 years
Simply Din Djarin {Mando x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 6k
Warnings: Nudity, skinny dipping, beskar-less Din, lying, first kisses, oral sex (male receiving), vaginal sex, angst
Comments: Din decides to spend a week on a remote planet, sans armor to swim in the waters and come to terms with what he needs to do. Meeting you when you come to your swimming hole, things become intimate and you have no idea the handsome naked man in front of you is a Mandalorian. He's simply Din Djarin.
✨Who's excited for Season 3 of The Mandalorian? WE ARE!!!! ✨
A/N: This entire story is based of this NSFW GIF. What can we say? We're thots.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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It’s a gorgeous sunny day on Bellassa, the lakes shine and with Grogu safe with the other young ones of the town, Din felt secure enough to seek out the lake. It’s deserted, no one is around, so he methodically strips off his beskar, removes his flight suit and allows this one and only moment so far in his life to let the sun hit every part of his body. 
Completely naked, he sighs in bliss, and after hiding his helmet and armor, he walks towards the shore. The cool water hits his feet, then his calves, then his thighs, until he’s waist deep. He’s never felt so free. The sun warms him and he tilts his head back, enjoying this moment without the galaxy on his beskar-clad shoulders. Dipping beneath the water, he starts to swim and revels in the feel of the cool water and the absolute silence. It’s paradise and Din knows he will be doing this again before he leaves Bellassa. 
When he breaks the surface, he inhales deeply and his eyes widen when he sees you walking towards the shore, also naked, and fuck, you’re gorgeous. He knows he should dip under the water, try to get out of sight before you see him without his beskar, but then he imagines meeting someone as plain Din Djarin. He often wonders who he would’ve been if the Mandalorians didn’t take him in. Would he have been a tradesman? Maybe he would’ve been a Rebel? Would he have a family? It makes his head spin sometimes and ultimately, he decides to pretend to be plain Din Djarin, not Mando. 
“Oh Maker!” You shriek when you see his face and you rush to cover yourself up under the water. 
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there.” Din apologizes in a rush and you shiver at the cold water, 
“I haven’t seen anyone here…ever. I- I didn’t know that anyone else knew about this place. Sorry. You- you scared me.”
“I just arrived last night.” Din confesses, motioning towards the forest where his Starfighter is hidden. Grogu is still sleeping there and he shakes his head.” “I’m sorry again.” He murmurs softly. “The water was too tempting.” 
“It’s- it’s okay.” You swim back a few feet, putting some distance between you and the strange, handsome man. “I understand, I wanted to swim as well.” You introduce yourself and tilt your head at the man, finding his bashful expression to be charming. He didn’t seem like he posed a threat. “What is your name?”
He hesitates for just a second, knowing he shouldn’t give his name but you don’t seem like a threat. “Din Djarin.” He answers and you hum, repeating his name. Hearing you say it, so innocently and sweet, has his stomach twisting. “You are from Bellassa?” He asks and you nod.
“I’ve never left. I like it here. It’s peaceful. Warm and safe. What more could a girl ask for?” You tease softly, waving your arms through the water, and Din nods, a soft smile on his face. You seem so untouched by the horrors of the galaxy. 
“Not much more, I suppose. Does your family live here? Your - your partner?” He asks, a little out of practice with small talk. Most of the time he lets his fists do the talking and he grunts or has a one word answer. 
“My family lives here. My parents, my brothers and sisters. I - I don’t have a partner.” You tell him bashfully.
Din knows that his face gives away every little thought that he’s feeling. Surprise rides across it now. You are gorgeous, why wouldn’t you have a partner? “I’m here with my- my son.” He offers. “He’s like my son.” He clarifies as he realizes it sounds like he is married. “I don’t have a partner either.”
You frown, certain that a man like him would have a significant other. “Well, that’s not necessarily a bad thing that neither of us have a partner because we’d have to explain why we are both swimming naked in a lake.” You giggle, loving how you can see every micro expression on his face. So many people keep their face impassive but his brown eyes show everything.
Din nods seriously, seeing how that could be a problem. “Do you swim here a lot?” He asks curiously, encouraged by the fact that you haven’t left or tried to move away from him. He’s not drifted closer, content with floating in his own area and enjoying the water engulfing him.
You nod, “every day if I can. I love how peaceful it is. It’s nice to escape and just be left to my own thoughts.” 
Din sputters, “oh I’m so sorry. I’ll go.” 
You shake your head, shifting a little closer to him, “no. No. You can stay. It’s nice to talk to someone. Tell me, what do you do, Din?” You ask him, certain he will say he’s a Rebel. He has that look about him.
“I- I’m a moisture farmer.” He thinks of Quill and nods. “On Tatooine. Supplying water to Mos Eisley.” It’s a lie, but it feels good not to have you freeze up at the knowledge that he’s a bounty hunter. Most people either want to fight him or run from him.
You sense a hesitation but you are innocent to the terrors of the galaxy. Safe on your small planet that seemed untouched by the Empire. Maybe they didn’t think it was significant enough. You’ve heard of Tatooine and know it’s a desert planet. “Wow. You- you must have seen a lot of the galaxy.” You shift closer again, curious about him. “Tell me the best place you’ve been to. I - I haven’t left the planet so I need to live through you.”
Din admires the whimsical smile on your face and wishes he could be so carefree, so unjaded by this life. “Naboo.” He murmurs softly, remembering the lush green and blue planet. The waters remind him of this lake. “Although this is a close second.” He bites his lip and flusters when he realizes how you can interpret that. It’s so much easier to think these things and stay silent behind the helmet.
You grin, liking that he has enjoyed your planet so far. “I wouldn’t mind visiting Tatooine one day.” You admit and tilt your head up towards the sun, the water rippling as you kick your legs out to float. You are uncaring of your nudity, knowing that a man as well traveled as Din should have been a variety of figures. You are here to relax, wanting to forget about your troubles.
“It’s all sand.” Din’s mouth is as dry as the Dune Sea, watching your nude body float on the water. Your nipples are perked up and he imagines sucking on them. His cock starts to harden, making him reach down and cup himself to try to make his reaction to you go away. You want to enjoy yourself, not be gawked at. “It wouldn’t be as refreshing as this.”
You close your eyes, enjoying the peace and unaware of the Mandalorian's struggle. You sigh when you open your eyes to see the sun shifting towards the horizon. "I should be heading home. My parents worry even though I am old enough to join the Rebellion." You joke and shift to head back to shore. Again, you care little for your nudity as you reach for your towel, aware of those dark eyes watching you. "Your son shall be awaiting your return too, I imagine?" You hum, drying off your body.
Din scoffs. “Little gremlin sleeps nearly all the time.” He huffs fondly, knowing that he will be hungry when he wakes up. That and will be ready to cause trouble. His eyes flirt over your body and he looks away, aware that if he keeps staring, he will get hard again. He doesn’t come out of the water completely, just to his chest and he glances back at you again. “It - it was nice to meet you.” He offers, frowning slightly at how ridiculous he sounds when he’s not hidden behind his armor.
You giggle at his expression, sliding your feet into your sandals. “You too, Din Djarin.” You wink and know he wants privacy to get out, so unlike the openness of your home planet. You make your way home, thinking of the handsome traveler. 
When Din returns to Grogu, the little gremlin is awake and eating the hidden box of crackers Din had stowed for snack emergencies with the kid. “I know. I lost track of time.” Din sighs, now dressed in his beskar. Grogu coos, tilting his head at Din.
The cracker in his claw, Grogu toddles over to where Din is standing and holds onto his boot until he bends down and picks him up. He shoves the cracker in his mouth and reaches out and touches the helmet and coos again, making Din sigh as he thinks about today.
You spend all day thinking about Din and decide to go back to the lake for your daily swim. You smile when you see him in the water already. “Hello Din. Long time no see.” You tease, working on stripping off to get into the water.
“Yes, such a long time.” Din can’t hide the smirk that he has as he watches you strip. You obviously have no issue baring your body and he’s curious as to why. “Is everyone on your planet like you?” He asks, tilting his head curiously.
You nod, knowing what he means. “We believe that the body should be admired. It is our true blessing. We are alive, we are here and that itself is a blessing. No one is ashamed of their body as every day is a gift. Our culture is not one of constant nudity but we are proud of our bodies, no matter how they look.” You explain, kicking aside your pants and you quickly walk towards the shore to step into the water. “Are Tatooians not happy to bare themselves?” You question him, wondering if his culture is more conservative than yours.
“This is the first time someone has seen me bare since-“ he shakes his head. “Since I was a child.” He admits quietly. “Tatooine has two suns, your skin would be dry and burnt under the fiery suns. Staying covered keeps you protected.” He explains, although he doesn’t tell you that no one has seen his face beyond when he had become an apostate because he is Mandalorian. Broken his creed. He has to put the helmet back on and redeem himself in the waters of Mandalore, but for now, it’s pleasant having you look at his face.
Your eyes widen, “no one has seen you? Not even a lover?” You ask him, surprised that no one has caressed every inch of his body. “Surely you have had lovers caress your body?” You ask with curiosity and confusion.
“No one.” He’s not celibate, he’s had sex. Normally in the back of a cantina or some dusty alleyway. Only baring his cock and taking them from behind. No one had touched his skin until Grogu had when he was leaving with the Jedi.
Your eyebrows raise, “no one?” You’re shocked. He’s so handsome and you’re certain that any lover he chooses would be lucky to have him, you know you’d want him to want you again. Biting your lip, you shift closer. “Can I- can I touch you?” You ask softly and he hesitates, you see it in his eyes until he nods once. You shift even closer until you’re standing in front of him, the water covering your chests but you reach up to caress his cheek. His eyes close and you feel him shudder. There’s nothing but the sound of the waves and the breeze as your hand trails down to caress his neck, featherlight touches to his skin while you slowly move your hand down to his clavicle where you see the scars. “You were in fights?” You question him, tracing a scar.
“Some.” He reminds himself that you don’t know about the beskar that is hidden in a bundle surrounded by his cape in the cave. You don’t know that most tremble and scatter like rats when he walks through the towns he arrives in. You just see a man in front of you, one that you are obviously attracted to. He knows that look in someone’s eyes. He groans when you fingers brush over a nipple delicately, his cock twitching in interest. 
You smile softly when he groans, adding your other hand to the effort of caressing him. You trail your hands along his chest, pressing your palms onto it so you can feel his rapid heartbeat. “Can I kiss you?” You ask softly, meeting his eye and he inhales sharply. He has never been kissed before. He doesn’t know if you’ll be happy with his kiss but he nods and you carefully lean in to brush your lips against his.
Din shudders, inhaling as your lips caress his and his hand comes to hover around the back of your neck before he touches you. Groaning when your kiss firms up, and his eyes flutter closed, just absorbing the almost overwhelming sensation of your lips on his. The idea that his lips might be dry has him sliding his tongue out to wet them and gasping when your tongue touches his. 
He seems so hesitant and you enjoy how he exhales into your mouth when you become bolder, sliding your tongue into his mouth. Your hands slide up to wrap your arms around his neck. You kiss languidly, in no rush to move things along. You like how sloppy he is, making you feel in control, and you tangle your fingers in his hair, tugging on it.
The moan Din lets out is pathetic, nearly a whimper but you seem to know that he loved it. Pulling on his hair again and moving closer to him. His cock is rock hard, poking you in the stomach as you press against him. Making him blush as he pulls away, “sorry.” He rasps out, hating that he can’t control himself.
“It’s okay. It’s okay.” You promise, “I like it. I like that I’ve affected you so much.” You press yourself against him, trapping his cock between you. Loving how big he feels against your tummy. “Tell me what you want, Din.” You murmur, pressing kisses along his jaw.
Din’s lashes flutter and he moans, his cock pulsing against the soft skin of your belly. “I want-“ he starts, panting when you nibble on his ear. “Dank ferik.” He hisses. “I want to- to let you touch me. To touch you.” He’s touched people before but it’s always been through the layer of his glove. “Fuck you.”
You smile against his skin, able to read him like a book but you love hearing him say he wants to fuck you. "I want you to fuck me." You confess, kissing along his neck and you reach between you to wrap your fingers around his cock, squeezing him. "You can touch me wherever you want." You tell him breathily, desperate to feel his hands on you.
Din hisses, barely able to keep from thrusting into your grip. “Fuck, fuck.” He feels you wrap your legs around his waist and he loves the way your skin slides against his. Turning to sluice through the water to shore, he ducks his head and starts kissing any part of you his lips can touch. Carefree in a way Din has never been before, able to just feel and prioritize pleasure over everything else. It’s freeing, you’re freeing.
He lays you down on the sand and you caress his back as he kisses along your chest, down to your breasts. He’s sloppy and eager, making you gasp his name as he takes your nipple into his mouth. You can tell he’s fumbling but his enthusiasm makes up for it. “Maker.” You pant, arching your back into his mouth and his cock twitches against your thigh.
Din has never tasted anything like the taste of your skin, covered in the fresh water and sand. It’s musky and salty, making his moan as his tongue flicks over the hard peak of your breast. Your response spurs him on and he wants to keep suckling at you until you push him away.
You push at his chest and shift so he lays down. He follows your silent request, pliable and eyes full of awe. It makes you feel powerful and wanted. You shift to straddle him, bending over to kiss along his chest. “Din. You are so beautiful.” You lick along the various scars and blemishes covering his skin until you are kneeling between his thighs. You wrap your hand around his impressive cock, fingers not able to touch with how girthy he is, and you lean in to wrap your lips around the head of his cock.
“Dank ferik!” Din whines, eyes blown wide and entire body jolting in pleasure. Without the armor on, he’s stripped of all his defenses and unable to stop himself from talking. “Fuck, oh fuck.” He pants, digging his fingers into the sand under him to keep from grabbing you. Your breasts rub against his thighs and he swears that you are a sorcerer, just like the Jedi, as you lap at his cock. He’s never trusted someone to suck his cock, it made him too vulnerable, but you think he’s just a man and he can’t believe this is what he’s been missing.
You love how wrecked he looks and you haven't even started. Deciding to take him deeper, you widen your jaw and look up to meet his dark gaze, his mouth open as he pants out harsh breaths. It's gorgeous and you want him to remember this moment forever. You want to sear this into his memory. You can sense he's holding back so you lift off of his cock, "you can touch me," you tell him and resume your attempts to take him deeper down your throat.
His hand shoots down to cradle your jaw, cupping it and pressing his fingers to the hinge of your jaw. Making you open your mouth so he can see his cock. “Fuuuuuuck.” He hisses, overwhelmed by how good you look like that. “Are you enjoying sucking my cock?” He groans out.
You hum around him, letting him know you do. You usually don't do this. Your last boyfriend was - Maker knows how long ago. You aren't one for casual but Din seems to bring something out inside of you. You whimper when he grabs the back of your neck and pushes you further down his cock. You choke but try to breathe through your nose to swallow around him.
“Fuck- I - I never -I never had someone do this.” He growls out the confession, eyes burning into yours. You seem to make him want to confess everything, to bare himself even more. “So good.” He pants. “I want to try.” He promises you. “After- after I fuck you.”
You moan around his cock, looking forward to touching you. You’re dripping wet and aching for his touch. His hands are surprisingly soft, making you think he wears gloves. “Fuck. I- I don’t want to cum down your throat.” He admits, knowing he won’t last long if you keep sucking him like that. You reluctantly pull off of him, not wanting this to end too soon, and you kiss up his stomach, loving the slight belly he has, and you eventually press your lips to his. Straddling him so his cock is pressed between you.
He isn’t a virgin, but there is something that about the way you notch his cock at your entrance and start to stink down on him has his toes curling into the sand. His fingers dig into your hips and he groans your name as his voice breaks. It’s hot and tight and wet, probably more so because he can feel everything. Nothing is hidden behind the layers.
You moan, sinking down onto him until he’s fully inside of you. Your walls flutter around him, and you whimper his name. Your hands caress his chest, admiring the tattoo he has etched into his skin. “Feel so good.” You pant and lift your hips, starting a slow pace to ride his cock.
The view is different without that display from his helmet. The colors are more brilliant and without any of the information coming up on the screen. He just…watches. You’re gorgeous as you gallop on his cock, using him for your own pleasure and giving him more than he ever dreamed possible. Making him try to move with you, chasing the heat of your cunt when you lift off of him.
You love how his fingers will leave bruises, how you’ll know he was inside of you tomorrow with every move you make. “Oh Maker. You- you feel so good.” You pant and rock your hips, leaning forward to press your chest against his, your lips seeking his with an eagerness you’ve never felt.
Din jerks his head back on instinct and then lunges forward to kiss you. Most often someone coming towards his face was either trying to remove his helmet or head butt him. Not with you though. Your tongue slides into his mouth again and he twitches deep inside you. Moaning into your mouth as he sloppily tries to copy the flicks of your tongue.
You don’t care that he seems inexperienced, you love being able to take control, to show him what to do. His tongue flicks against yours and you grind back onto him. “Fuck.” You pant into his mouth when the new angle has his pelvis grinding into your clit and his cock angled against that spot inside of you that makes you cry out against his mouth.
The second that Din feels you clench around him, he knows that this is the angle that is going to make you cum. Grabbing the back of your neck, he angles his hips to keep pressure on your clit, loving how you grind down on him. You’re more enthusiastic and responsive than any other person he’s fucked. Making him want to make you scream his name. A memory he can take with him when he leaves.
You squeal, letting him position you, and you frantically grind back onto him. You’re so close. You pant, eyes squeezed shut, until you’re crying out against his jaw. “Fuck!” You wail, clamping down on his cock, thighs shaking and you can’t seem to move anymore, your body freezing as you clamp down on his cock and soak him.
“Dank ferik!” Din wraps his arms around you, thankful that the water had hard packed the sand right where he is laying. Letting him thrust up into you when you seem incapable of moving. Loving how your moans pitch up in octave every time he fills you to the hilt. Every nerve ending in his body alight with need as he chases his own release.
“I- I have an implant. Cum inside of me. Please. Cum inside of me.” You plead, letting him use your body and extend your orgasm. “Please Din.” You ramble, pressing your lips to his, loving how he’s holding you close.
“Fuck, Mesh’la.” Din gasps against your lips and his hips work even harder, pistoning up as hard as he can. Tightening his hold on you while the loud squelch of your cunt is all he can hear along with the roaring thunder starting to build in his blood. “Gonna- fuck, gonna fill you uuuuuuup!” He cries out, body tightening as he pulls you down in his cock one last time and stays buried inside you, pumping you full of his cum.
You collapse against him, head pressed against his as his cock pulses inside of you, and you sigh against his chin. “Fuck.” You pant, out of breath, and when his cock finally stops pulsing, you kiss his jaw. You’re exhausted and boneless but in an incredible way. “Maker. That was - wow.” You giggle, amazed that he made you cum so hard. No other lover has made you feel like this.
Din hums, closing his eyes and panting as he tries to catch his breath. Stroking your back lazily because he’s unable to stop touching you. “Very…wow.” He agrees, more relaxed than he’s ever been in his life. The water laps at his feet gently and the breeze cools his heated skin. It’s paradise and he’s reluctant to move from this spot.
You kiss him softly, glad he enjoyed himself as much as you did, and you are about to slide your tongue into his mouth when you hear a coo. You pull back, looking up to see a small creature with big eyes and even bigger ears staring at you and Din. “Maker!” You shriek, shifting off of Din and you grab your towel to cover yourself up.
“Grogu.” Din had rolled over, about to face whatever danger was coming bare assed, only to be faced with his son. He drops his head slightly as the baby starts toddling over. “This is- this is my son.” Din explains. “I care for him.” Reaching out as soon as the baby toddles close enough, he snatches him up. Watching as the large black eyes get even wider and he coos as he reaches a three fingered claw out to touch Din’s face. “Sorry, he was still asleep.” He tells you. “You know you’re supposed to stay with the ship.” He scolds Grogu lightly, aware the child does what he wants.
You step closer now you know it’s his son. “He looks just like you.” You tease and Din snorts. You reach out to gently caress his ear and he coos at you, reaching up to press his claw to your face, his other hand still pressed to Din’s. You feel a surge of electricity run through you and you gasp, your eyes meeting Din’s. “What was that?” You ask, eyes wide and Din sets Grogu down to grab a towel. 
“Nothing.” Din rushes out and you are confused by his change in demeanor. 
“I will see you tomorrow?” You ask and he nods, picking Grogu up again. “Okay. I’ll see you soon. Bye.” You wave at the child who coos and offers you a toothy smile.
“You can’t do that.” Din scolds as he walks back to the cave where his armor is hidden. “Your Jedi powers shouldn’t be used on everyone.” Grogu coos up at him and Din sighs, knowing the child is hungry “yes, we’ll get you something to eat.” He tells him, wondering if he will see you tomorrow. 
“Dank ferik.” Din moans, sitting up this time with you in his lap, his cock buried inside you as he bites along your shoulder. “So fucking good, don’t want to leave.”
“Don’t.” You beg breathlessly, rocking your hips and your hands grip his shoulders, “don’t leave. I don’t want you to go.” You confess, pressing your lips to his, sliding your tongue into his mouth. Your hips rock against his, nails scratching his skin.
He doesn’t want to go, he wants to stay here with you, but the Darksaber is in his possession. He was the leader of Mandalore. He needed to unite his people and more importantly, he needed to redeem himself in the Living Waters of Mandalore. “Have to.” He gasps when the kiss is broken. “Have to- to move on.”
You hate that he has to go. Certain you could love him. You’ve talked, in the aftermath of your lovemaking, you talk about the galaxy and your family, and he tells you what he can but you can sense he’s holding back. “Stay.” You plead, wishing you could convince him even though you can tell he has to go. You cup his cheeks, pressing your lips to his, and his hands slide down to squeeze your ass.
Din groans, wishing that he could, leaning in and kissing you harshly. Biting your bottom lip and then soothing it with his tongue as he rocks his hips up. “I would.” He gasps out. “If-if things were different. I would stay.” He imagines it, staying and raising Grogu here and marrying you. Having children with you and raising them without his helmet.
You feel tears sting in your eyes, knowing that this man will be leaving tomorrow. It makes your heart break. You have fallen for him and you know it’s going to hurt you to watch him go when you could so easily picture spending the rest of your life with him. You don’t say another word as you focus on how he feels inside of you, wanting to memorize the smallest detail, down to his breathing and the way he smells, his scars and the way his hands caress your skin. “Oh Maker.” You pant, feeling yourself getting close and you whimper, not wanting to cum because when you do, he will and you know he will leave you.
There’s a desperation in the way you move together. The week spent swimming and fucking meaning more to him that he could ever explain. Feeling closer to you than anyone, ever. Din holds you close, rocking his hips up and mumbling words into your skin. Praises, words in Mando'a. Telling you how he feels without voicing the words. His grip bruising and his kisses desperate.
You don’t recognize what he is murmuring into your skin, words like “mesh’la” and “cyar’ika” and “riduur.” You don’t know what they mean but the way he says them has you clinging to him. “Oh fuck. Din. Im going to -” You grind down on top of him and stop, not wanting to cum just yet. 
“Come on baby.” He murmurs, grabbing your ass to help you move and you let him drag you down and lift you on his cock. 
“Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Fu-” You choke, burying your face in his neck as you clamp down on his cock.
Din groans out your name, cumming right behind you. Holding you tight as he rolls his hips up and empties himself into you. Loving how you take every drop of his cum and whine as his seed coats your walls. Holding onto you and wrapping himself around you as both ride out your high.
You wrap your arms around him, holding him close, and you feel his heart beating as fast as yours. You don’t say a word, just breathe him in, and you savor these last moments you’ll have with him before you return him. You’re not sure you could ever come to this beach again to swim after he leaves, he will haunt you here.
“This has been the best time of my life, mesh’la.” Din murmurs softly, his hands splayed across your back as he holds you against him. Not wanting to break the contact because it will be the last time he touches you like this. Skin to skin. He pulls back and stares into your eyes. “I’ll never forget it.” He can’t promise to come back, he doesn’t know what will happen, and he doesn’t want you to wait for a ghost.
You kiss him, soft and sweet, and you delay his departure back to his ship for as long as possible, memorizing those dark brown eyes, tracing his tattoo and the way he smiles when you run your finger along his nose. When the breeze turns cold, you shiver and he lifts you off of his lap, “come on, cyar'ika. Let’s get dressed.” He grunts as he stands up, reaching for your clothes, and you slowly dress. 
Once you’re dressed, you reach up to cup his cheek, “goodbye Din. May the force be with you.” You murmur, recognizing the force in Grogu and you haven’t asked him any questions but you assume that his son is part of the reason he has to leave.
“May…the force be with you.” Din murmurs, trying to school his face so the shock isn’t obvious. Reaching for you one last time, he pulls you close and kisses you tenderly, not a kiss of passion but one of love. “Take care of yourself, cyar'ika.” He begs softly, letting you go and turning around so he can walk to the caves to get dressed for the last time on this planet.
It’s been a restless night, tossing and turning when you think of Din leaving you in the morning and you know you can’t let him go. You’ll follow him across the galaxy, no questions asked. You wake up as the sun rises, rushing to get ready and gather a pack full of things. You say goodbye to your family, acting like it’s another day, and rush to the place you know his ship is parked. “Din! Din!” You shout, rushing up to the only ship in the clearing and you pant to try and catch your breath. A few months later, a man clad in armor appears and your heart stops, making you backup a little. “I- I’m looking for Din Djarin.”
Underneath the mask, Din had broken out into a smile before he appeared in front of you. Happy to hear your voice and hoping that you were going to tell him that you would come with him. That you wanted to be with him wherever he had to go. Until he steps out and your face changes. He sees the fear fill your eyes and you step back from him, wary of the man in front of you. Mando. The same reaction he gets from most. Instead of removing his helmet, Din shakes his head, lowering his voice through the modulator. “He left.” He tells you curtly, heart aching because he knows that he loves you. It’s for the best though, you are scared of the beskar, scared of who he really is. Din Djarin is just an illusion.
Your heart breaks at the news that Din has already left. The Mandalorian looks like he could snap you in two and you know he won’t want you sobbing in front of him. “Oh, uh, okay. If - if you happen to see him, can you tell him I wanted to come with him? If you see him…tell him I love him.” You tell the Mandalorian even though you know he would likely never see Din, you felt like you had to tell someone. Even if it was the imposing beskar clad Mando.
He doesn’t trust himself to answer, instead he just nods once. Watching you and memorizing your face. It’s different through the HUD and he doesn’t like it as much as looking up at your face without the separation. The news that you loved him fills his heart with joy and sorrow, hating that he can’t have what he wants. After staring for a long minute, Din turns around and starts to finish closing up the panels on the star fighter to get it ready for take off.
You stand there, watching the star fighter engines start and you swallow as the tears start to stream down your cheeks, mourning the future you could’ve had with Din. You’re not sure why you watch the Mandalorian go but just as he lifts up from the ground, your eyes widen. “Grogu?” You gasp, seeing Din’s son pop up in the back seat and you glance back at the Mando, putting two and two together. “Wait! Wait!” You shout as the starfighter lifts higher. “Din! Stop!” You scream, begging him to hear you but the engines are too loud and he doesn’t look down at you. You’re helpless, unable to do anything except watch him disappear into the sky and off into the galaxy. 
“Goodbye Din Djarin.” You sob, sinking down to the ground to cry your heart out. You’ll never forget him, the man known to the rest of the galaxy as a bounty hunter, a Mandalorian, the Mand’alor. To you, he was simply Din Djarin.
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honeyedmiller · 1 year
Brown Eyes | Din Djarin
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pairing: din djarin x f!reader
disclaimer: brief season 3 spoilers ahead. read at your own discretion.
warnings: brief mentions of violence, very little cursing, tooth-rotting fluff, Din is honestly such a simp in this (we love that tbh), and smut. 18+. minors dni.
word count: 4.5k
synopsis: Din comes back to Nevarro only to find his favorite soldier acting as an interim Marshall, and the reunion is everything he could’ve hoped for.
divider by @saradika 🖤
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Din felt the weight of the galaxy lift off his shoulders after Moff Gideon's defeat.
Maybe he'd finally know peace.
When he came back to Nevarro after the fact, he was happily greeted by his good friend, Greef Karga.
Greef didn't hesitate to gift Mando his very own home, where he could raise his son and train him to be an apprentice. The whole city was gathered at the main courtyard, welcoming the Mandalorian and his son back with pride. You stepped down the stairs and stood next to Greef with the biggest smile on your face.
You'd fought side-by-side with the man in glinting beskar, and to see him finally get to rest made you so happy. He could finally settle for awhile.
"Well look who it is," You grin up at Din's tall stature after Greef gives him the key to his new home, "Didn't think I'd see you for a good while." You chuckle as he looks down at you, his body language displaying shock.
"What are you doing here?" Din asks in surprise, before getting interrupted by Greef.
"Oh good, why don't you show Din to his new place?" Greef asks you kindly, and you nod your head.
"Gladly." You nudge your head to the right, signaling Din to start walking with you.
"So what, you live here on Nevarro now?" Din asks, pocketing his new key.
"You're looking at the new interim Marshall." You're prideful of your new position assigned to you for now, but you still want to remain humble about it.
"Good. It's well deserved." Din nodded at you, pulling you into his side for a semi-awkward side hug. You're the only person he'd ever be comfortable touching like that. You two have an extensive history of battling together, almost dying a few times, being held hostage, rescuing each other—the list goes on. Needless to say, you both've spent lots of time together, always having each other's backs.
You couldn't deny the tension, though. There was always something in the stillness of Din that made you so curious about him. Everything he did mattered; he always moved with purpose. He was always so sure of himself, especially when it came to kicking ass.
The one thing you'll never forget about him, though, is his beautiful face. You'd happened to be there the day Luke came to take Grogu, leaving Din in tears. Even at his weakest, with hot tears in his eyes, he was still so beautiful.
You often dreamed about him, especially more so now that you know what he looked like. You never told a soul what happened on the ship that day, though, and nobody needed to know.
Nobody on that ship—especially you and Cara, ever talked about it. You were just happy to see Grogu back with his rightful parent.
Unbeknownst to you, Din often let his mind wander to you as well. Especially when it was just him in his ship, while Grogu was asleep. He couldn't help it. You were so beautiful, and the fact that you were practically a warrior made him want to melt to his knees.
He quite literally would worship the ground you walked on, if you let him.
You both reached his humble abode, Din admiring the pond right in front of his new house. His heart warmed at the thought of his son playing in those waters.
"Here you are. I live right down that way," You jerk your thumb over your shoulder to a very similar house only about a thousand feet away, "Pretty sure you'll be seeing a lot of me. Hope you don't get tired of my face." You laugh, and Din chuckles as he shakes his head.
"Not likely. Don't think I'll ever get tired of you." His voice is soft through the modulator, making a pink heat spread across your cheeks quickly at his confession.
"Well, if you need anything, I'll be that way." Your smile is small as you quickly turn on your heel, dirt crunching underneath your boots as you walked toward your house. You were walking so quickly that a small cloud of dust crowded your feet, and Din chuckled to himself as he saw what a simple flirtatious compliment did to you.
Deep down, maybe even surface-level, he was glad he was going to see you much more often now that you two were actually neighbors.
He looked down at his green, bug-eyed son with a smile underneath the helmet, "C'mon kid, let's get settled in."
A few days went by and Din was a bit disappointed that he hadn't seen you since you showed him to his house. He had so much free time on his hands that he quite literally didn't know what to do with himself, other than train Grogu for a couple hours at a time or polish his flashy N-1 Starfighter.
Sure he could go out into the city and mingle, but that's never been his thing. He's always been a man of few words, and he'd like it to remain that way. The only person he'd be interested in talking to for hours is you.
Your absence had a pull on his slightly lonely heart, but he knew you were busy. So, when he finally sees you for the first time in three days, he's secretly ecstatic.
"Hey." He calls out to you, beskar glinting in the Nevarro sunset. It was a warm day. The breeze was light, tampering with your flight suit as you walked up to him with a smile.
"Mesh'la." He whispers so low that his modulator couldn't even pick up on it.
"Hey, Din." You stopped right in front of him, tilting your head back a bit so your eyes could align with his visor.
"Haven't seen you in a few days." He states the obvious. Din was always nervous around you, though he hid it well, he knew he sucked at trying to hold a decent conversation with you.
The most talking you two ever really did was when you were by his side rescuing his son with him and Cara, and most of it consisted of shouting over the sound of blasters. That, and those late nights where you both couldn’t sleep so you stayed up with your backs up against the metal wall of the Razor Crest, talking about life in general.
"Yeah, Karga had a few assignments for me to do the past few days. How've you been settling in?" Your smile beams up at him, reaching out a hand to touch his bicep.
He looked down at your hand, going still for a moment before trying to relax.
Maker, he needed to pull himself together.
"Good, actually. Grogu is doing really well with his training so far." Din's voice is light, sounding happy. It was music to your ears.
"And what about you, Din Djarin? How are you handling the change of pace?" You poke his chest plate teasingly, prodding him to answer you truthfully.
"It's a bit lonely, but it's peaceful. I like it." He answers you modestly, and you nod.
"I get what you mean. That's why I keep busy, to try and distract myself from the loneliness." You chuckle, moving your hand back down to your side.
"Well, would you like to be less lonely and join me for a drink? Karga gave me a bottle upon my return. Don't think I can finish it all by myself." Din's voice held a shyness that you branded in your brain forever.
Without skipping a beat, you nod your head. "I'd love to."
"Wait wait wait," Your eyebrows thread together in complete bewilderment, "You mean to tell me that you nearly drowned in the Living Waters of Mandalore, only for the Armorer to tell Lady Kryze that it was okay for her to walk both ways?" You're trying so hard to wrap your head around Din's story.
You two were currently sitting at his kitchen table, enjoying the delicious liquid gold in a bottle that Greef gifted Din. You both were on your third cup as the stories kept spilling out from the beautiful brown-haired, brown-eyed man sitting across from you.
He'd taken his helmet off in the comfort of his own home, which you most certainly weren't expecting. You wanted to reach out and touch his beautiful features, but you kept your greedy hands by your side.
It was so nice to see him be so carefree for once even if it was just for a little while.
"Yeah," He chuckled, eyes averting to his nearly empty cup. "So technically I wouldn't be an apostate again." He looks up at you, and you offer him a warm smile.
You made sure to listen to all of his stories attentively, each one more terrifying, heart wrenching, and nail biting than the last.
Din was the most interesting person you knew. Though he never really said much around others, he had many stories to tell of his wild adventures all throughout the galaxy. Every single one of them was enough adventure to last one person a lifetime, but he kept opting for more.
You look back up at him, eyelashes fluttering and lips parted as his stare was eminent on you.
“What?” You’re finding yourself blushing under his stare.
“You’re so beautiful, cyar’ika.” Din’s voice is almost a whisper as a small smile etches its way onto his pink lips.
You were suddenly too shy to look this beautiful man in the eyes. Those big, dark, beautiful eyes made it feel like he was staring into your soul in that very moment.
Your eyes averted to the empty cup in front of you on the table, with a small “thank you” that escaped you.
“Let me show you how beautiful you are. Please.”
Your eyes shot up to him, shock not even beginning to cover what you felt. There’s no way this man, that you fought side-by-side with in many troubling battles, was willing to be so vulnerable for you. With you.
Still, you couldn’t help but want him. Maybe it was the alcohol flowing through your system, or your long-time secret pining after him. Maybe it was both. You wanted to feel what it would be like in his strong arms as he made sweet love to you, or maker above, even fucked you into oblivion. Had he ever even done it before?
“I’m sorry, cyar’ika. Maybe my advances were too strong.” Embarrassment started to creep over him as you realized you’d yet to answer his request. He really wish he had his helmet on right about now to avoid the flush creeping up his neck, making its way to his cheeks.
You immediately shake your head, “No, Din. I’d love that. Please, show me.” You’re breathless as you move to stand up, him following suit.
He meets you in the middle of the distance you two had before, pulling you in by your hips. Your eyes were wide with wonder, and you slowly reached one hand up to caress his stubbled cheek, while the other rested comfortably on his chest plate.
“I’ve been thinking about this for a very long time.” Din confesses, tightening his grip on you.
“Really?” You’re in such disbelief. If only you saw the way he’d always look at you when he had his helmet on, then maybe you’d not be so apprehensive to believe him.
“Since I first laid my eyes on you.” Your hand moves from his cheek to the back of his thick head of soft curls, closing the gap between you two. You had to stand on your tippy toes to reach him because he towered over you that much.
His lips on yours was even better than both of you could’ve imagined, and you’d both imagined it more often than not. You moan softly into the kiss, and Din pats your hips to signal you to jump. You obey his silent command, and he easily catches your thighs as you wrap your legs around his waist.
His cold armor pressed against your body in contrast with the summer heat of Nevarro was bone-chilling.
The kissed picked up as he started toward his bedroom, anticipation blooming in your stomach. It’d been so long since you’ve been intimate with someone, so you were a bit nervous.
Din could feel your tenseness, so he pulls apart from you as he lays you down on his soft bed. This bed was so big and luxurious compared to the one he used to have on the Razor Crest. You smile to yourself at the thought.
“Relax, sweetheart. You’re safe with me. I promise.” He smiles down at you and you lean back on the bed, sighing in content. You stare up at the ceiling until you hear a small ‘clank’, in which your eyes avert back to Din. He was slowly removing all of his armor, until he was left in nothing but his flight suit underneath.
“Hey, look, we’re matching.” You joke as you motion down to your flight suit which was very similar to his.
“I’d rather see you in your birthday suit than your flight suit.” Din’s cheekiness always fascinated you. You smile wickedly as you bite your lip, leaning up on your elbows. He moves back to hover over you once more, his face mere inches from yours.
“So take it off of me, then.” You coax him as you drag your index finger from his cheek, down the side of his throat, until you reach the middle of his torso.
He huffs out a small laugh as a smirk appears on his lips.
"Always so eager." He teases, kissing you once more. You felt his bed dip down between your slightly spread legs as he puts one knee in the middle of them, the other on the outside of your right thigh. He fluidly began to undo your suit with his skillful fingers, making sure to purposefully not graze your skin with his touch. He was being a tease and you knew it.
Eventually, he slowly pulls the suit off of you and neatly folds it. You're in your underwear and bra now, and something ravenous flashes across his eyes as he studies your curves.
"Mesh'la." His says aloud, his eyes moving back to yours.
"Din. Please don't keep me waiting." Your yearning and desire for the Mandalorian in front of you grew stronger by the second. You wanted to feel him, taste him, hear him... you wanted to be one with him.
"Never, sweetheart." He climbs over you once more before reaching behind you, taking off your bra before tossing it across the room.
You emit a small laugh at his actions, and his head appears right above yours once more.
"I could listen to that sound forever, cyar'ika." He cups your face as he kisses you gently, trailing his plush, velvety lips down to your jaw, neck, sternum, and stops to hover over one of your breasts.
"Can I?" His voice is soft, almost loving. You nod without hesitation, and he moves his mouth down to feel your soft flesh with his tongue. You sharply inhale at the sensation, a pool of arousal coating your underwear.
As if on cue, Din skates a hand over your torso before tracing the band of your underwear. He releases you from his mouth before looking up at you, eyes asking for permission.
"Yes," You whisper desperately, "You can do whatever you'd like to, Din. My body is yours. For your pleasure."
His heart skipped a beat at your words, feeling his erection becoming painfully tight in his own flight suit. He kept his eyes locked on your face when his hand dipped into the front of your underwear.
You were absolutely soaked for him, and he loved it. He ran his middle finger through your slick folds, eliciting a moan from you. He decided then and there that that sound you made for him was his second favorite. His first favorite is your laugh.
"Gedet'ye." You rasped, and Din's breathing came to a halt.
"You know Mando'a?" His eyes searched yours, and your eyebrows threaded together as you gave him a small smile.
"Elek," Your hand moves up to his hair, "Only a little." As if he couldn't find any more reasons to want to cherish you until the galaxy's end, you just gave him another.
"You never cease to amaze me, cyar'ika." He moves his finger down, teasing your entrance.
You instinctively grab on to his still-clothed bicep, relishing in his touch. He slowly enters his finger into you, and you whimper at the stretch. Not even two of your fingers could reach the length he could, let alone offer the same sensation just his one could.
He starts to pump his finger slowly, drawing sweet moans from your mouth. You pull him down to kiss you, and his tongue is ravenous with yours, both feeling needier with every second that passes.
You couldn't help but grind your hips into his finger, prompting him to slip in a second one.
He stops the languid pace of his fingers, only to unexpectedly nearly tear your underwear off your body. He wanted to taste every part of you.
He was now eye-level with your core, moaning at the sight.
"So pretty, baby, and all for me." He groans to you before delving his tongue into your slick folds, working at a delicious pace. The only sounds that could be heard were the trees rustling in the breeze, his tongue working against you, and your sweet moans.
"Fuck, Din, please don't stop." You're a panting mess by this point, his tongue stimulating you just right.
"Never, cyar'ika." He moans against you, closing his eyes to savor the taste of you. He could quite literally do this all day, if you'd let him.
You could feel the tension coiling in your core. Both of your hands found his hair as you shoved his face into your pussy even further, if that was even possible. His strong nose moved against your clit as his tongue moved up and down, the sensation of stimulation becoming almost unbearable.
He felt you stiffen underneath him as you had a near-death grip on his beautiful locks, silently warning him you were close.
You felt the hot sensation flood your body, your orgasm ripping through you as you moaned loudly, his name rolling off of your tongue multiple times. He lapped away slowly, cleaning your orgasm up with his tongue. It sent shivers down your spine as you were trying to catch your breath.
"So sweet, my love." He praises you as he moves away. He stands up, his erection incredibly evident in his suit.
"Let me take care of you now, Din." Your eyes shift from the tension in his pants back up to his face.
"Next time, baby." He smiles down at you as he quickly finishes removing his suit, leaving him in just his underwear. His body was so beautiful. Tan skin with rippling muscles in his arms and a softer yet sturdy core. Even his legs were a sight to behold. He was so breathtaking.
He moves back on top of you and molds his lips to yours once more, soft and slow.
Your hands rested themselves on his chest, and you wanted to melt. You never thought you’d get to see him like this—feel him like this. The thought that he was comfortable around you and trusted you wholly with not only his identity, but allowing himself to be vulnerable around you, made you nearly want to cry.
He reserved himself like this just for you.
Your hands found themselves moving down as you palmed him through his underwear, eliciting a strangled moan from him into your mouth.
“Can I?” It was your turn to ask, as you tugged at the waistband of the clothing that covered the part of him you so desperately craved inside of you.
He looked down at you, lips parted and hair a mess. He offered a small smile before nodding, and you tugged his underwear down his legs slowly. Once you couldn’t reach down anymore, he moved them down the rest of the way until they were off his legs completely.
Your heart was nearly pounding out of your chest. A part of you wanted to look down at him and his manhood, take him all in in all of his glory, but you were so nervous that you started to tremble. Your mouth went dry and your focus was nonexistent.
You looked up at him, sinking your teeth into the corner of your bottom lip.
“We don’t have to do this.” Din noticed your trembling body and apprehension.
“It’s not that– it’s just, I haven’t been with someone in a long time. I never thought I’d get to be with you like this. It’s… a lot to take in.” You said.
“What do you mean? I’ve wanted you since the day I laid my eyes on you. You’re all I could think about. Especially since you were willing to lay down your life and sacrifice yourself to save my son. You’re everything to me, cyar’ika.”
Din’s confession had hot tears welling in your eyes. You weren’t much of a crier but the fact that this man confessed his raw, unfiltered feelings to you had your head spinning.
He’d never been so vulnerable with anyone in his life, and truth be told, it scared the hell out of him. But, of all people, he knew that you were the one he’d want to be vulnerable with.
“Oh, Din.” You whisper to him before bringing him down to kiss you slowly once more. The kiss you two shared this time seemed to have much more meaning to it than the previous ones— not that they didn’t have meaning, but this one was like branding his confession to you.
His hand moved down to his erection as he broke his lips apart from yours, brown eyes searching yours for any sign that wanted him to stop. There clearly were none, so he took it upon himself to line himself up with your entrance, slowly pushing into you.
You gasped and shut your eyes tightly, the stinging sensation between your thighs all too present.
“Are you okay?” His voice is gentle as he cups your face, thumb caressing your cheek.
You nod reassuringly, “Keep going.”
And so he did, pushing himself into you slowly until he bottomed out. The stretch was something painful, but it was the kind of pain that kept you craving more.
His eyes met yours as he took in your expression, making sure you were okay. You felt so good wrapped around him that he nearly lost his mind. You were so intoxicating, and he wanted every ounce of you.
“Can I move?” He asked. Again, you nod your head.
He slowly moved his hips away from yours only to come right back, reaching the hilt every single time. His pace was gentle and slow, as if he were afraid if he moved any faster, he’d hurt you.
It was only then that you realized this wasn’t just a quick fuck— he was making love to you.
You wrapped your legs around his bare waist; arms around the back of his neck. You tangled your nimble fingers into his hair, tugging softly.
Your eyes sparkled for him and only him, and that made him a weak man—only for you.
Only for you would he ever take his helmet off comfortably for. Only for you would he want to be incredibly vulnerable with his emotions. Only for you would he ever want to touch like this; to make love like this. Only for you would he want to wed you and have you join his clan of two, officially making it three.
“Din,” Your whimper was soft, eyebrows threaded together as he picked up his pace ever so slightly.
He didn’t want to be rough with you. Not for tonight, at least. He wanted to genuinely show you how beautiful you were to him, and how he wanted to cherish you forever and many more lifetimes after this one.
He simply couldn’t deny the fact: he was in love with you. He hoped you felt the same way about him, too.
He gently took hold of your wrists and moved them above your head, his hands sliding into yours as he intertwined them and held them above you. He dipped his head down to kiss you as passionately as he could, keeping the steady pace of his hips.
It felt like hours that you two were moving like this, but in reality, it had to’ve been no more than ten minutes. He kept whispering sweet things against your lips that had you feeling like putty underneath his strong body. You were his, and he was yours, there was no question about it.
You felt the same hot coiling sensation deep in your core once more, burning slowly this time. You knew you’d reach your high eventually, but for now, you wanted to savor the feeling of Din’s body pressed against yours, slight sheen of sweat coating both of your bodies, connecting in the most intimate way.
It wasn’t until a few minutes later that his pace picked up a little more, indicating he was searching for release. His movements had you a moaning mess beneath him, hips rolling to meet his movements. His hands moved from yours and cradled the back of your head, kissing you with such fervor.
“Please, cyar’ika– p-please, be mine. Be mine forever.” He begged you, the sureness and desperation in his voice enough to send you over the edge.
“Elek, Din, ratiin.” You moaned as you felt that same tight coil snap, pulsating around Din as your body shook with pure pleasure. He followed suit, groaning your name as he buried his face into your shoulder, his hips snapping against yours erratically as he spilled into you.
He slumped down, putting some weight on top of you as you both tried to catch your breaths. He slipped out of you after a couple of minutes, and you wanted to whine at the loss of contact. He felt so perfect being with you like that. It was like a missing piece to a puzzle.
He pulled you in closely, kissing the top of your head as you nuzzled comfortably into his chest. His messy hair clung to his sweat-ridden forehead, beautiful brown eyes glossed over with pure happiness.
This is everything he ever wanted, but never expected to get. Settling down in Nevarro with his son, and presumably the love of his life, was something that pulled on his heart strings. He was just so happy to finally live a peaceful life, especially one that involved you in it.
He’d found you fallen asleep in his arms after awhile as he traced light circles up and down your arm that rested on his chest, right where his beating heart was.
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum.” He confessed.
Had you been awake, you would’ve told him the same exact thing, reassuring him that what you two had was written in all the stars the galaxy held, and that he was your brown eyes—
for eternity.
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Mando’a translations:
- mesh’la: beautiful
- cyar’ika: darling, beloved, sweetheart
- gedet’ye: please
- elek: yes
- ratiin: always
- ni kar'tayl gar darasuum: I love you
336 notes · View notes
frost-queen · 1 year
Break the code (Reader x Luke Skywalker)
Requested by: anon, Forever tag: @missmelodramatic,@merlin-dahlia , @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve , @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly , @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko , @bubblybrianna , @justanothercoco @idkwhatmyusernameis,  @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr , @swampthing07​
Summary: Luke Skywalker is ready to take Grogu and Reader with him for training. You are quite intimidated and shy around him because of his looks. Luke notices your nervousness and decides to have a sweet conversation about it. Falling in love with him, you start avoiding him knowing how serious he is off the Jedi code. When Ahsoka stumbles upon you, she finds it adorable that you are hiding yourself from him. Eventually encouraging you to accept your feelings. When Grogu falls asleep, Luke asks why you keep running away from him, leading up to a confession
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The cloaked figure lowered his hood. It’s eyes drawn immediately to you. They lingered for a moment before moving on towards the little green kid that Din was holding. Moving his cloak aside, he rose his gloved hand upwards. – “I’ve come for the child and the girl.” – he spoke, gaze going back to you. Your breath shuddered as your posture straightened. – “I’ve come to train them.” – he added moving his gaze to Din Djarin. Din looked down at Grogu, then up to you. It made you swallow as this was truly the beginning of something new.
The search for a jedi trainer finally fulfilled. Din said his goodbye’s to Grogu as you looked over your shoulder to Bo-Katan. She had a sense of what was expected from you, making her way over to you. Opening her arms, she let you fall against her embrace, hugging you tight. – “You’ll be alright Y/n. We’ll be alright too. Just focus on your training with the kid and we’ll see each other soon.” – Bo-Katan told you, squeezing you tight. Feeling your eyes swell up, you had to hold back any tears. – “I’ll miss you.” – you spoke back, saying your goodbye.
Bo-Katan nodded slowly letting go of you. Fennic nodded proudly at afar to you. Turning around you noticed Din had taken off his helmet. Seeing him for the first time with a face. Grogu already making his way over to the jedi. Din had tears in his eyes. Seeing them made you tear up as well. The water flowing down, making you rush up into his embrace. – “Take care of the kid, Y/n.” – he spoke, brushing his fingers through your hair.
You nodded, tightening your embrace. – “I’ll see you again… I am sure of it Din.” – you whispered to him. – “I love you.” – you said to him as he was like a brother to you. – “You too.” – he answered giving you a kiss against your cheek. – “Don’t forget.” – he said wiping his cheek dry. – “You are part Mandalorian too Y/n. My family.” – he added touching your chin. Your lip trembled, hating to say goodbye. It felt like a piece of your life got torn apart. – “Y/n.” – closing your eyes, you dropped your shoulders with a deep exhale.
Slowly turning around with teary eyes at your new destiny. The jedi carrying Grogu in his hand as his other was still extended towards you. Nodding to reassure yourself of your new faith, you started approaching him. Moving your hand outwards, longing for a grip. The tip of your fingers coming in contact with his. Slowly moving further down his hand to his palm where he gently closed his fingers over your hand. Inhaling deep you had accepted the path your life was taking now.
He turned as you followed his steps, coming to his side. His hand lowered to the side, leading you out of the room, Grogu in his other. You forced yourself to look back one more time with pity in your eyes. Noticing the jedi was watching you. – “It is for the best.” – he told you. – “It is the path you must take.” – you lowered your gaze not so sure of that right now. The jedi let go of your hand near his x-wing where you settled in with Grogu.
You swallowed nervously standing before him. Luke gestured for you to sit as you hesitantly did. He sat down as well noticing you were looking away around to the green scenery of nature rather then your jedi trainer. – “Y/n.” – Luke spoke to pull your attention to him. – “Oh… sorry…” – you responded brushing your palms nervously over your legs, turning your head to him. Still rather avoiding any long eye contact with him. There was just something so intimidating and attractive about him that made you all nervous and shy.
Something you hadn’t been in a while. Unable to know for sure how to handle it. – “Take a deep breath.” – Luke ordered calmly moving his hand upwards. So you did. Waiting further instructions fidgeting with your fingers. Once more rather looking away then be forced to look at him. There was something about his gaze that made you feel shy. – “Y/n.” – Luke repeated to get your attention. You smiled sheepishly already haven forgotten. Luke took a deep breath, setting his hands on his knees.
“What is going through your mind Y/n? You are out of focus.” – he pointed out having observed you closely. You remained silent too intimidated by his good looks and superior position over yours. Luke tilted his head a bit to the side. – “Is it your Mandalorian friend you miss?” – he questioned curiously. You hadn’t even thought about him so openly it made you widen your eyes. Suddenly getting up to leave. – “I…I can understand…” – Luke called out as you got up. – “Y/n!” – he shouted wanting you to come back.
You came sitting down on a large rock, looking over to where Grogu was asleep. Your head turned when you heard a clearance of his throat. – “May I?” – Luke asked politely. He took your silence as an invitation coming to sit beside you. He sat there with you for a moment, listening to the breeze ruffle through the grass. Taking the peace silence gave him. – “You must truly be close to him for you to miss him that much…” – Luke started. You took a deep breath. – “It is not that.” – you spoke. – “Is it not?”- he furrowed his brows, watching you.
“Then what makes you nervous if I may ask?” – he set his hand closer to you. – “I sense you are out of balance.” – his gaze remaining on you. The way he looked at you made you fluster. Cheeks flashed with heat, looking shyly down. – “It’s you…” – you nervously told him. – “Me?” – Luke answered baffled watching you nod. – “How so?” – he wanted to know, turning his posture more to you. Bringing one knee up on the rock with him. You took a breath, a bit scared to tell him.
Luke reached out, placing his hand on yours. – “You can tell me Y/n. I would be happy to improve myself for you.” – he started. – “I might take on a wrong approach of teaching towards you. If that is the case, I am open for critique so I can adapt and be better.” – his hand pressed against his chest. You rapidly waved your hands across as that was not the case. Luke quirking his eyebrow up.
“No…no that is not what it is.”- you told him, making him chuckle. – “It is rather… you… just you… being a bit… intimidating…” – Luke realized. – “Oh… forgive me… I did not intend to.” – he replied shy. You smiled nervously at him as that was the case. Luke looked briefly away, wetting his lips. – “I know I might come across as strict and superior, but I am not. Not so long ago I was a pupil myself.” – he informed you to ease your worriedness.
“Standing in your position, carrying the weight of the jedi way on my back.” – he smiled hesitantly trying to ease the situation. You smiling back at him gave him some comfort. – “What I’m trying to say is Y/n. You and I are not so different.” – he took your hand placing it against his chest, feeling the healthy beating of his heart. – “Please don’t be nervous around me. There is no need for that.” – your heart fluttered at how caring he was towards you. The sweetness coming from him, making your heartbeat louder. Cheeks flushing with heat from simply looking into his eyes. Luke got off the rock, helping you down. – “Shall we give it another try?” – he suggested as you nodded.
“Y/n?” – you heard Luke shout out loud. Peeking through the greenery you watched him at the top of the hill, looking searchingly around. – “Y/n? Where are you?” – he called out. You hid more behind the bush when his head turned this way. Swallowing nervously, you were at it again. Hiding from Luke Skywalker simply because you had fallen head of heels for him. Normally it shouldn’t be a problem if it was not for Luke being such a strict believer of the old Jedi code. – “Y/n!” – your eyes widened seeing Luke make his way down the hill.
Gasping loud, you turned around, sneaking away. The further he staid away from you, the easier it was for your loving heart. No temptations to be tested. You moved through the woods increasing the distance between you and him. You just couldn’t trust your own heart around him. A familiar feeling inside of you made you come to a sudden stop. It was Luke trying to sense your presence with the force. – “No…no!” – you shout-whispered, blocking it out. – “I’m sorry Luke… but I can’t let you in.” – you said to yourself.
You started running again, the farther away from him the better. You came to a new area near water making you jump over a log and drop to the ground behind it. – “Uhum!” – you suddenly heard making you gasp loud. Lifting your head up you saw Ahsoka staring questioning at you. – “What are you doing?” – she asked. Her chin lifted up, head turning to the sound of Luke shouting your name. You smiled sheepishly at her.
“Are you hiding from Luke, Y/n?” – she asked teasingly. – “No…yes…maybe.” – you answered making sure you staid out of sight. Ahsoka chuckling amusingly. She took a deep breath, approaching you. Bending a bit through her knees, hands folded between her knees. – “He’s getting really desperate into finding you.” – she told you trying to hide her smile. – “I know…” – you breathed out, keeping your head low. – “Should you not pull the poor soul out of his misery?” – she spoke coming to sit on the log you were hiding behind.
“I’m the poor soul you should put out of her misery.” – you told her, peeking over the log for any sight of him. – “How so?” – Ahsoka asked teasingly already having a clue. – “I’m overdoing it with my heart.” – you spoke ducking back down. Ahsoka laughed cheeky. – “It is against the Jedi code!” – you shout-whispered to her. Ahsoka rolling with her eyes. – “I shouldn’t feel this way.” – you continued looking at her.
“Damn the jedi code!” – Ahsoka called out, startling you. She took a deep breath, taking your hand as she pulled you up to come and sit with her. – “It is perfectly alright for you to feel such way Y/n.” – she clasped her hands around yours. – “Besides there are no stuffy old jedi masters around to slap you on the wrist.”
She was right. Whatever for were you feeling scared. – “You should probably don’t leave him waiting very long.” – she spoke with a wink. – “Right.” – you answered getting up. Ahsoka watched you leave, chuckling giddy. You stepped through the woods to meet up with Luke. – “Y/n!” – Luke breathed out relieved, coming to run over. He wrapped his arms around you as you could only stare over his shoulder into the distance. – “I’m glad to have found you.” – he told you, pulling back. You followed him back up the hill to where Grogu was. Grogu walking over to you.
You smiled picking him up from the ground. Tickling the little one till you settled down on the ground. Grogu staying on your lap. Luke came sitting beside you staring in front of him. The sun slowly setting behind him. It didn’t take Grogu long to fall asleep in your lap. All curled up against your body, nestled between your legs. – “Y/n.” – Luke started catching your attention. You hummed loud, looking up from Grogu to him. – “May I ask why you have been avoiding me these past few days?” – he so boldly asked making you widen your eyes.
“I never seem to find you or get the chance to even speak with you.” – you swallowed nervously, looking ashamed away. Luke set his hands beside his body, moving closer to you. – “Have I done something wrong?” – moving even closer to you that his hand was already behind your back. You sensed him come up close, flustering you. – “I…I…” – you stuttered out, unable to find the right words.
“Yes.” – he asked staring deeply into your eyes. It made you swallow nervously so caught up with him. – “I swear I didn’t mean for it to happen…” – you said, leaning in as well. – “Running away?” – he asked drawing in even closer. You shook your head, taking a hold of his shirt. – “Falling in love.” – you confessed. Before you knew it the words had come out of your mouth, making you widen your eyes in shock.
Luke’s gaze lowering on your lips when you were moving your head back. Luke pressed his hand against your cheek, pulling you closer till his lips crashed yearningly against yours. Immediately melting under his touch, you kissed him back. Luke pulled back for a moment to speak. – “Don’t go avoiding me anymore Y/n.” – you shook your head as he kissed you again.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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mushrubes · 2 years
Keldabe kiss
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Masterlist | Star Wars Masterlist |
Requested : no!
Prompt 71. “I haven’t stopped crying since Thursday. It’s pathetic.” 
Pairing : Din Djarin x (they/them) Jedi! reader (No use of Y/n!)
Type : Tiny angst and fluff :)
Warnings : Lots of fluff + Vulnerable Mando at the end 
Word count : 2.1k
have a great day/night!! <3
“He’s still not done, Mando.” you breathed out, looking at Grogu who was still sending a signal. “Okay, I’m gonna protect you. Just stay there, I’ll be back soon.” Mando informed Grogu, hoping he could hear him. He walked down the path, you following right behind him. “You should stay with him, up here.” he said, turning as he had changed his mind. 
“But I can help fight, I’m a-” you started but stopped, huffing at the male in front of you. “Please.” he requested, a soft tone in his voice as you nodded. He moved forward, pressing his forehead to yours briefly. You didn’t question it as it was something he did often before going off away from you, probably bringing him comfort. “Okay, be safe.” you sighed, squeezing his hand as he nodded, thankful the helmet was covering his flustered face. 
You went your separate ways, Mando heading down to go help with the fight while you headed back up, sitting against the pillar. You did feel a slight resentment, knowing if he had just let you track another jedi down, you wouldn’t be in the predicament but with Din being his stubborn self, he demanded it was done the ‘proper’ way. “Hurry up kid.” you huffed, nervously watching the green guy in front of you.
You watched as the three ships with the storm troopers take off, soon exploded and then followed by a red beam shooting out the sky, hitting the razor crest. Your mouth opened, letting a gasp out as you picked Grogu up. Din’s home was now gone - well, it was yours as well now and all that was left was the spear. Panic filled you as looked around unable to see him. “Mando!” You shouted, waiting before a figure walked out of the smoke, looking back at you.
Another thing caught his attention due to his helmet picking up a small purple ship which disappeared. Instead, it was replaced by four figures flying down to the area - directly to you and Grogu. “Y/n!” he mumbled before running up, making his way as fast as he could. 
He must of been a few steps away by the time they landed, surrounding you as you held onto Grogu who let out whimpers of fear. One of them walked up to you, trying to pull him out of your hands. “Stop it! Back off!” you groaned, trying to fight back but they were robots - automatically somewhat stronger than you. 
By the time he got up, it had been too late. They had already taken a hold of Grogu and you and were flying back up to the ship. Din already knew the sounds of your shouts and the look on both your face and Grogu would haunt him until he got you back. He zoned out while they ordered Boba to go after them, Mando snapping back to reality.
“Stop him. I don’t want Y/n and the child hurt.” he ordered, the rest of them understanding as Boba now just followed, roughly tracking them. However, Din couldn’t quite ignore the guilt that was consuming him and swore he’d do everything in his power, to get his guild back.
You sat in the cell, glaring at the troopers who passed by as you heard Grogu’s noises. You were still somewhat able to communicate but had to be careful, knowing that Gideon could understand. Tired. You frowned as you gathered, they were wearing him out, aware he hadn’t had the proper training. Mando will be here soon. You tried to comfort, really unsure of it yourself. 
You heard voices down the hall before the lights shut off and then the doors shut. You sighed to yourself before laying down on the mattress, trying to calm down. It had been a few days since the incident, almost a week and there was still no sign of the Mandalorian, but he would come, right? There’s no way he would leave you two. 
The alarms went off, groups of footsteps marching down the halls to the main door as you watched out in confusion. The usual trooper who stood outside was not there, not giving you anyone to question about what was going on. A few minutes later, Gideon walked straight past and hurried into the next cell where Grogu was contained, your thoughts laced with concern. 
You heard voices, one being his and unable to hear the other, it being slightly muffled. You brushed up the hope, settled with the thought it could be a trooper. Here. Grogu was communicating with you again, leaving you in confusion as to what he was referring to. Who? You asked, panicking when you heard a light saber turn on, followed by clanging and something dropping to the floor. “
“Stay here.” the voice ordered, walking away, the sound of chains being opened echoing as you looked up in surprise. Grogu had been unchained, his fearful noises being replaced with usual blabbering you heard. “Where are they?” he instructed, looking at Gideon for answer as he just looked blankly back at him, his anger rising. “I said where are they?” he growled, gripping his gun as Moff surrendered, pointing towards the other door.
You wiped the tears that had formed unknowingly, gasping in surprise as the figure walked in. “You came.” you mumbled as Din scrambled over to you, placing Grogu down and holding your face in his hands, pressing your foreheads together.
 “Maker, you’re okay. I was scared I’d lost you.” he admitted, helping you out of the chains. “Not that easily, Mando.” you joked, wrapping your arms around him for a hug. It caught him off guard but he returned it, rubbing your back gently before pulling away, letting you pick up Grogu. “Come on, we’ve still got some stuff left to do.” he said; even though you couldn’t see his face, you could hear the smile and that was all you needed.
“Luke.” you smiled, meeting the fellow jedi’s gaze. He looked around before his eyes settled in Grogu, smiling back at you and him. “Are you a j-” Mando went to say before you covered his mouth with your hand, chuckling. “Yes, he is.” you answered for him as Luke held his hand out towards Grogu who was frowning. No. You shook your head at the child before approaching him, Din behind you. “Come little one.” he spoke softly, Grogu looking back at you as you nodded in encouragement. 
He looked between you and Din, blabbering as you gave Luke a knowing look who agreed to give you some time before leaving. “He doesn’t want to go with him.” Din started to argue, you placed a hand on his shoulder, reminding him it was okay. “He’s asking for our permission.” you corrected, feeling him tense slightly. “He is strong with the force, but talent without training is nothing.” Luke explained, Mando sighing as he knew he was right. 
“I will give my life to protect the child...but he will not be safe until he masters his abilities.” Luke finished, you nodded your hair at him before taking Dins hand and standing in front of the child. He lifted him up, the others turning away and making conversations amongst themselves. 
“I’ll talk to you after, have your moment with him.” you assured, a moment of hesitation in his movement as he silently debated to himself, aware some people would know what he was doing. He gave into the thought, pressing his forehead to yours yet again as you squeezed his hand and scratched Grogu’s head before walking away, over to Luke.
He looked up at you, smiling. “A Mandalorian, huh?” he smirked, getting a groan from you as you knew what he was on about. “We’re just work partners and good friends, don’t.” You warned as he raised his eyebrows, chuckling at you. 
“So, he hasn’t told you about the Keldabe kiss?” he mentioned as you looked at him in confusion. “The what?” you questioned, confused as to what he was on about. “It’s a like a kiss for Mandalorians, they can’t take their helmets off so.” he shrugged, grinning as he watched you get all flustered. You heard the familiar clasps unlock and a hiss, looking around and making sure everyone had their backs turned to the Mando. 
“You should tell him.” he commented, frowning as he heard the heavy sigh you released. “The Jedi teachings...” you started as he cut you off, scoffing and shaking his head at you. “The orders fallen, it would be silly to lose it.” he explained, giving you advice. 
The clicks and hiss got both of your attentions, as well as the child’s whines. You watched him hug Mando’s leg before waddling his way over to you, hugging yours. You grinned as you bent down and picked him up, giving him a little rock. “We’ll come see you soon, once Luke says it’s okay, alright?” you promised, knowing he understood. Okay.
As you placed him down, you heard familiar beeping, something you hadn’t heard for a while, being greeted by the robot. “R2-D2!” you nodded, the robot turning in your direction and making what you knew were happy noises, smiling as you watched Grogu interact with it. Luke picked Grogu up, before nodding at the pair of you. 
“May the force be with you.” he bid goodbye, heading into the lift with the two following as you watched them leave, making your way over to Din who interlocked your hands, his grip tighter than normal.
You silently thanked whoever had brought your ship, frowning as you remembered what happened to the Crest. It wasn’t the same homely feeling but it was better than the other options of transport you’d have to take instead. You had insisted on Din using the fresher first, your heart slightly dropping as you heard a hint of fear in his voice, almost as if he thought you were going to disappear as well. 
The pair of you got ready to sleep, his armour sat in a crate just below the mattress you were sharing, too tired to even care about it and try to come up with another idea. “I’ll turn the lights off and then you can take the helmet off, okay?” you assured, Din humming in agreement, aware that it didn’t matter anymore.
“I broke the creed showing my face to the kid, it doesn’t matter anymore.” he responded bluntly as you shook your head at him, hugging his side. “You’ve been through enough today, Din.” you argued, turning the light off as he took the helmet off, placing it above the crate. “Do you not want to see my face or something?” he slightly teased, his voice cracking slightly. 
“No! No, not at all, that’s not it. I just...I’d rather you showed me when you feel comfortable.” you defended, rolling your eyes as you heard the laugh he’d do when he got a rise out of you. A silence set over the room as you both got comfy, Din pressing his head to the crook of your neck making you let out a soft gasp as you felt his curls. 
Confusion filled you as you felt a drop on you, confused as to what it was. Then another, and another. Then it struck you when Din’s body racked slightly. “Oh, Din.” you mumbled, moving to his level and resting your forehead on his, butterflies swarming as you were now touching skin to skin.
 “I haven’t stopped crying since Thursday. It’s pathetic.” he opened up, giving him time to talk as it was a rare thing to happen. “It’s not pathetic, everyone needs to let their emotions out.” you comforted, your hands running through his soft curls. “I was really scared...I thought I’d lost you when they took you and... I wouldn’t be able to live with that, cyar’ika.” he admitted, knowing he was feeling like he let you down.
“As a Mandalorian, we have to look after our aliit - our family. And... you and the kid, you’re my family.” he explained, humming to let him know you were listening. You made a mental note to ask him to teach you more at some point, wanting to know more about it.
“Is... Cyar’ika like...” you tried to ask, stumbling on your words a bit, unsure of how to ask - but he understood. “It’s Mando’a - the language. It means like...darling or sweetheart.” he admitted, his cheeks heating up as did yours. “And the Keldabe kiss?” you brought up, catching him off guard. He looked at you before realising you wouldn’t be able to see the look.
“Who told you about that?” he wondered, trying to think of who had seen them do it and would know. “Luke knew.” you answered, caressing his cheek with your thumb. “If you wanted to kiss me, you could’ve just asked.” you taunted, pretending you weren’t flustered but it didn’t go past him. 
“Well, there’s nothing stopping me now.”
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Tome Chapter 5
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TITLE: Tome Chapter 5 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 5/? SUMMARY: Cathrin is the Armorer’s foundling and future Alor of the Covert. But what happens when she makes the decision to abandon the Covert and leave with Din and the Child?
Cathrin stayed back at the village while Cara and Din went to investigate the raiders.
They came back with less than stellar news.
“Bad news. You can’t live here anymore,” Din told them.
Cathrin mentally face-palmed. This man had no idea how to interact with civilians.
“Nice bedside manner,” Cara muttered.
“You think you can do better?”
“Can’t do much worse.” Cara stepped forward. “I know this is not the news you wanted to hear, but there are no other options.”
“You took the job,” one of the villagers said.
“Yeah. That was before we knew about the AT-ST.”
“What is that?”
“The armored walker with two enormous guns that you knew about and didn’t tell us.”
The villagers started arguing.
“We have nowhere to go,” Omera told them.
“Sure you do. This is a big planet. I mean, I’ve seen a lot smaller,” Cara said.
“My grandparents seeded these ponds,” one of the villagers said.
“It took generations.”
“I understand. I do. But there are only two of us. Three if you count the kid.”
It took Cathrin a second to realize Cara was talking about her. Din must have told her that Cathrin had never seen real battle.
“No, there’s not. There’s at least 20 here,” a villager argued.
“I mean fighters. Be realistic.”
“We can learn!” “We can!” “Give us a chance!” “Please.”
“I’ve seen that thing take out entire companies of soldiers in a matter of minutes,” Cara told them.
“We’re not leaving,” Omera reiterated.
“You cannot fight that thing.”
“Unless we show them how,” Din said.
Din and Cara immediately launched into a battle strategy.
Cathrin thought it was fascinating watching how their minds worked.
“You got two problems here. You got the bandits and you got the mech. We’ll handle the AT-ST, but you gotta protect us when they come out of the woods. And I don’t have to tell you how dangerous they are. Cara Dune here was a veteran. She was a drop soldier for the Rebellion and she’s gonna lay out a plan for you, so listen carefully,” Din told them. He turned it over to Cara.
“Now, there’s nothing on this planet that can damage the legs on this thing, so we’re gonna build a trap. We’re gonna need to dig real deep, right here, so that when it steps in, it drops. The two of us will hit their camp. Provoke them. That’ll bring the fight out of the woods and down here to us.”
“I’m gonna need you to cut down trees and build barricades around these edges. I need it high enough so that they can’t get over and strong enough that it can’t break through. Okay. Who knows how to shoot?”
Omera was the only one to raise her hand.
The villagers got to work executing Din and Cara’s plan and training.
“What about me?” Cathrin asked.
“You’re going to stay with the children,” Din told her.
“What! I…I can help!”
“No, this is too dangerous for you.”
“I’m wearing Beskar. Same as you.”
“You have no experience with battle.”
“Then how am I supposed to learn?”
“The answer is no.”
Cathrin wanted to cross her arms over her chest and stomp her foot like a child, but she didn’t.
Din sighed. “You are under my protection. I cannot let anything happen to you. You are the future…”
“I don’t care about that! I don’t care about being the new Alor! I came with you by my own free will to experience the world. You don’t owe me anything.”
Din put a hand on her shoulder. “Stay with the children. Take care of the kid.”
Cathrin stomped off towards the children as Din started pulling out weapons.
Why had she even bothered coming along if Din was just going to treat her like a glorified babysitter?
The sun started to set, so Din and Cara started off for the raiders’ camp.
Cathrin heard the thundering footsteps of the AT-ST.
The footsteps stopped. It hadn’t fallen. Had the raiders surrendered already?
Cathrin handed the baby to Winta. “Stay here, okay? Do not under any circumstances leave this hut.”
Winta nodded.
Cathrin burst out of the hut and ran towards the battle. She arrived just in time to see the AT-ST lumber out of the woods.
It stopped right before it stepped over the ditch they had dug.
She ran towards the mech.
“Cathrin!” Din yelled. Din got up and ran after her. He caught her around the waist and started to pull her back when something happened.
As if pulled by an invisible force, the AT-ST was yanked forward and fell to the ground.
Cathrin went limp in Din’s arms. He dragged her over to the barricade. He pulled off his glove and placed his fingers on her neck.
Her pulse was normal and she was breathing.
“What the hell was that?” Cara asked him.
He didn’t know, but it looked an awful like what the kid could do.
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thefrogdalorian · 6 months
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Din Djarin + Chapter 5: The Gunslinger
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ddejavvu · 7 months
grumpy beefy mando falling for soft!reader in her “grandma era” - all she wants to do is crochet, bake and frolic around the galaxy with mando and grogu 🫶🏽
"He doesn't like hats."
You glance up at Din from where you're testing a length of crocheted stitches beneath Grogu's chin, ensuring that the hat inspired by the local flora of the forest planet you've found shelter on won't fall off if he gets too rigorous in his play.
Grogu coos beneath the flower hat, but whether it's in agreement or protest you can't tell.
"He likes this one," You decide, when the little green terror before you doesn't fight as you maneuver his ears through their designated slots, "And he doesn't have to wear it if he doesn't want to."
Your fingers slip the little white button through the slot you've left in the band, and the hat is secured around Grogu's chin; the cutest little flower you ever did see.
"Oh, honey," You gush, scooping the child up and tucking him into your arms, "You wanna see your hat? C'mere, let's look."
You crouch in front of the tree stump that Din has settled on, holding Grogu up to the man's beskar chest plate. It's freshly polished, but not completely reflective, so at the right angle, Grogu catches a blurry, slightly distorted version of himself in a very pink hat.
His legs are still too small to kick in excitement, but his arms pick up the slack, flapping about while copious amounts of baby babble streams from his mouth. Evidently he's pleased with your handiwork.
Din stays silent while he offers his armor up for Grogu's viewing pleasure, but the child's hands soon find the soft strap beneath his chin and tug.
"I told you he didn't like hats..." Din murmurs, not to be cruel, but to fill empty space in the air when your shoulders deflate slightly.
"I thought he'd like it if it was softer," You hum sadly, helping Grogu take the button out of its clasp so that he can tug the hat off of his head, "I just figured he didn't like the helmet you gave him because it was uncomfortable."
As soon as you've freed Grogu from the confines of his flowery prison his hands slap against the shiny metal of Din's armor. He takes the child out of your hands but Grogu keeps his hat tightly clutched in his fist, and, with valiant effort, pushes the hat into Din's helmet, insistently cooing something that sounds suspiciously like buir.
Your giddiness returns, and you circle Din like a hawk, "Oh, you want your buir to wear it? Let's see," Amidst Din's protests you balance the too-small cap on his helmet, and he stills if only to save the hat from slipping and dying a muddy death on the ground below.
"It doesn't fit me." He grumbles, body stiff as he keeps it balanced on his head. Grogu seems pleased with his buir's new headpiece, squealing and showing off his newly-emerged teeth in a grin.
"I'll make you a matching one!" You declare, snatching the hat off of his helmet to give him the freedom of movement again, "Grogu, baby, what color should Din's be?"
"Bah!" Grogu decides, and your steps still where you're racing back towards your shelter.
"Uh... how about purple?" You suggest, and another resounding 'Bah.' is all the encouragement you need.
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syn0vial · 1 month
yes, yes, boba fett finds it strange and uncomfortable when people can see his face and this is one of the major reasons he almost never removes his helmet (in the expanded universe anyway), but another factor that i think isn't explored nearly enough is just how much his helmet shapes how he sees the world. it grants him 360° vision, lets him interface with his weapon systems and slave I, and automatically dampens loud noises and dims bright lights. imagine going through the vast majority of your life seeing the world through that lens and then suddenly taking it away. removing his helmet for any significant length of time likely isn't just uncomfortable for him but downright disorienting.
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homiesexuallaj · 12 days
The Mandalorian Masterlist
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Din Djarin/The Mandalorian
Red Ginseng (SMUT)
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multific · 1 year
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Din Djarin x Reader
"Again?!" Din almost yelled, nearly waking up the entire household "Say it one more time Meshla." he whispered.
You moved on the bed, watching your husband as he cleaned his weapons.
"I'm pregnant again." you whispered with a smirk.
Din is about to be a father yet again. 
"B-But you had an-"
"Implant, yes. The droid said the thing had a fault." Din let out a sigh.
"So, five children?"
"I mean, they can always turn out to be twins... triplets..."
"I get it. I just wasn't expecting it."
"Me neither. Our youngest is still very young."
"She can barely walk and you are going to be round soon."
"Well, perhaps if my husband didn't enjoy spilling his seed in me every night..."
"If I remember correctly, My Wife, you were specifically asking for it."
"I sure was."
"You locked me in with those gorgeous legs of yours."
"I sure did."
"And kept me there even after the fact."
"We will need another room for the little one."
"We might need a bigger home."
"And more credits."
"We have done this many times already, My Love. Sure, this one was unexpected but they won't be our first child. Not even the first unplanned one."
"None of them were planned."
"That is not true! Our second boy was." Djarin nodded. You were right. 
"Okay, so a new house?"
"Of course."
"Bigger rooms and bed?"
"We should move before I get too big." your husband nodded once more. "Can you believe? Five children?" you smiled as he walked over to you, his blaster long forgotten.
"I do believe. I can never keep my hands off of you." you smiled, kissing his lips. "I love you very much, Meshla."
"I love you just as much, My Mandalorian."
You were about to kiss him once more when you heard your daughter's cries. 
Din groaned as you left the bed, knowing your daughter is probably hungry.
He smiled to himself as he returned to his blaster.
Five children.
He felt truly gifted to have you as his wife and also to be the father of your children. Djarin could hear you softly hum a tune to your little one as you tried to get them to sleep.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948 @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  @mandoloriancookie​​
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mercysong-tardis · 2 months
Obi-Wan and Satine were made to dance to Hozier
Approximately 300 frames, many many tears, and 60 hours of my life later; I finally have the finished product. This Obitine animatic has been a dream project of mine and I’m so glad it’s finally done and I can share it with you all.
Of course Ahsoka has the receipts for the council
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honeyedmiller · 1 year
Night Terrors | Din Djarin
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pairing: din djarin x f!reader
disclaimer: this takes place post-season 3 so if you haven't watched yet there will be spoilers!
warnings: slight mentions of violence, nightmares, mentions of loss that only happens in nightmares, angst, din is insanely vulnerable in this, lots and looots of fluff, slight mentions of smut but no thorough descriptions. 18+. minors dni.
word count: 3.4k
synopsis: Din can't seem to shake the continuous nightmares he has, and he seeks solace from you to ease the pain.
divider by the lovely @saradika
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It was a beautiful, sunny day on Nevarro. You watched after Grogu as he levitated frogs from the pond out front, babbling away in something far off from Basic.
You smiled down at the little green creature, knees tucked to your chest as your chin rested on top of the arms wrapped around the tops of your knees. You yawned softly, not having gotten much sleep the previous night.
Din kept having nightmares every single night. He would never tell you what they were about, but you know they scared the living life out of him with how pale his usually tan face would be in the moonlit bedroom you two shared.
He'd wrap his arms around your center a little tighter while nuzzling his face into your neck as you held him, raking your hands through his damp brown curls on his head. Your heart ached knowing he was suffering from these continuously awful nightmares, and all you could really do for him was be there to comfort him—or let him bury himself in you until he even forgot his own damn name.
While you loved being intimate with him like that, the reasoning behind it made you want to cry for him. Not in any way that says 'Din, you're hurting me', no—crying for him because whatever these terrors were about seemingly shook him to his very core, to the point where he'd go most of the day without even talking.
Even his body language was different. He was more jumpy, more rigid, and his affections for you during the day seemed to come to a slow halt. This was a complete one-eighty of his usual suave, cool and possessive-over-you demeanor.
You wanted to talk to him about this so badly, but you didn't want to upset him or trigger something in him that could cause rash behaviors. So, you just stayed quiet about it as you lost sleep over your lover's silent troubles.
Din's tall frame blocked half of the sun that was shining brilliantly on your back, and your head tipped up to see your Mandalorian in shining armor. He held a cup of some hot liquid in his gloved hand, to which he stretched his arm out so you could take it.
The blissful smell of caf filled your nose, and you hummed in content as you took the cup from his hands.
“Thank you.” You offer Din a small, sweet smile before turning your head to Grogu again before taking a cautious sip of the hot liquid.
Din maneuvered his large body to sit down next to you. He crossed his legs so his right knee was touching your left. You took note of the subtle touch. It was something that he hadn't done in awhile during the day, so you savored it silently.
You both watched as Grogu was waddling around the pond, playing like a child really should've all along. Greef Karga offering this house to Din once he got back from his mission with the other Mandalorians to defeat Moff Gideon was a nice surprise. Karga had a soft spot for Din and Grogu, and over time, you as well.
He was more than happy to give you three a home to where you could settle in peace and actually live a normal life. At peace you were—well, at least you and Grogu. Din was trying so hard to live in normalcy; it was something that he craved desperately. He was trying so hard to adjust to this new life of his. He just didn't know how.
“I was thinking,” Din started, his voice quieter than usual. “We could go to town today to pick out some fresh fruits and meats for the next couple of weeks.”
This clearly took you aback. Din didn’t like going into town often. He wasn’t much of a talker to begin with, and he liked his little bubble with his clan of three—far away from anyone else.
But, him offering this to you was good. Shocking, but a pleasant surprise nonetheless.
“I’d love to. Let me get changed and we can go.” The glee in your voice was evident, and it warmed Din’s heart. You kissed his visor softly before dusting off your legs and turning to head into the house.
Unbeknownst to you, the Mandalorian was also extremely exhausted. He would try to avoid sleep at this point because he was terrified of the same nightmare happening once again. He thinks going into town will be a good distraction not only for you, but for him as well. He knows how much you like to look at the different stands at the market, taking your time to pick out the perfect fruits and meats for everyone.
You appeared by his side again, wearing a pretty brown dress that was floor length with a thin cream scarf wrapped around your shoulders.
“Mesh’la.” Din commented, wrapping his hand around your calf under your dress as he rested his helmet to your abdomen.
“Such a sweet talker.” You teased, resting your hand on the back of his helmet.
“Only for you, cyar’ika.” He murmured, standing up so he was now towering over you once again. You’d brought Grogu’s pod out so you could have him follow you both effortlessly without having to worry about losing him. The little booger got distracted quite easily.
You picked Grogu up and set him in his pod, not without a few whiny protests from him, but he settled in quickly once he realized you were all going somewhere.
The walk into town didn’t take too long. Forty-five minutes at most. It was a bustling scene today, with vendors around every corner and townsfolk littering the paths. This was probably the busiest you’ve ever seen it.
Din put his hand on your lower back to guide you through the crowd. You felt his thumb rub soft circles into your back, whether it be reassurance for him or yourself, you were unsure. But you loved when he touched you like that in public. It made it known you weren’t to be messed with—not that the citizens of Nevarro had ever been rude or unpleasant toward you.
You spotted your favorite fruit vendor and made a beeline for her stand. She greeted you kindly as you picked out plenty of fresh, ripe arrays of the delicious fruit.
Din appeared at your side and the vendor smiled kindly up at your shiny partner. He leaned down to you, leveling his helmet with your ear.
“Here’s some credits for the food. I’ll be back in an hour.” He whispered, caressing your arm.
“Where are you going?” Your brows furrowed as you slipped the credits into the bag you had slung over your shoulder.
“I need to run a quick errand. I’ll be back. Meet me in the towns square when you’re done.” He murmured, and cradled your cheek with his palm ever so gently. You turned your head slightly to kiss his leather-bound palm, nodding.
“You be good to her, okay Grogu?” Din looks down at his green bug-eyed son, causing him to tilt his head and coo. You giggle softly and watch Din as he nods at you before turning on his heel, heading in the direction of Karga’s quarters.
“Looks like it’s just you n’ me, kiddo.” You grin, and he returns the gesture as you pet his head gently.
For the next hour, you’re gathering all of the food supplies you think you three will need. You make a point to grab Din’s favorite meat, which luckily happened to be the same as Grogu’s. They were both fairly easy to shop for, especially since Grogu wasn’t a picky eater.
Just as you were about to leave, you spotted a vendor who sold herbs and spices. You made your way to the table and looked for ingredients to make a soothing tea that should help Din with his nightmares. You remember your good old ugnaught friend Kuiil (may he rest in peace), who was one of the wisest you’ve ever known, teach you how to make this specific tea to calm you from your anxieties and nightmares you used to have.
After he taught you to make it, you made it often, so you luckily never forgot how to brew it up. You’d hoped this would work for Din because Maker, it seems as if these nightmares wouldn’t cease anytime soon.
You thanked the vendor as you gave him credits for the few herbs you bought, finally making your way to the towns square where Din said he’d meet you. Sure enough, your beloved in shining armor was leaning against a building with his arms crossed, seemingly looking around with nonchalance. He spotted you and his son rather quickly, pushing himself off the building before making his way to you.
“Hi, handsome.” You greet him, and he thanked Maker he was wearing his helmet because he was blushing like a fool underneath it. He still could never get used to your kind compliments toward him.
“Cyar’ika.” He nods down at you, offering you his arm to loop yours through. He grabbed a couple of bags from you before you three began your journey back to your humble abode.
It was sunset by the time you three got back to your home, and Din quickly helped you stow away everything you got from the market. He saw the herbs you’d purchased and was going to ask you about them, but he decided against it as you were quite the avid tea drinker.
Grogu was well under a deep slumber for the night, as he’d had a long day playing and eating his favorite foods. You made a simple stew for dinner and brewed the tea on the side, and since Grogu was happily tucked away in his bedroom, it was just you and Din for the rest of the night.
He’d already stripped off all of his armor, including his helmet, so it left him only in his flight suit. It was nice to see him in his rarest form—no armor, no helmet, just a beautiful, loving man inside and out to be in the company of. Din. Your Din.
The only thing that genuinely worried you, though, was the immediately noticeable dark circles under his beautiful brown eyes. He was exhausted. You could tell.
You were determined to make him drink that tea tonight in hopes of it working its metaphorical magic on him.
Din was staring at you from across the table as you both had finished the hearty stew, and your gaze snapped to his once your thoughts were brushed to the back of your mind.
“What?” You huff playfully, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“I have something for you.” He says, reaching into a pocket of his flight suit. You sat there patiently as whatever it was was now clutched in his large hand, as his free one reached for both of your hands across the table.
“Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum, cyar’ika. I want to give this to you as a promise. A promise that I’ll always love you, protect you, and support you throughout all of our endeavors in this life. You are the only one for me. You complete me; you complete this clan of three. I’d be nothing without you or my son by my side.” Din is quiet but sincerely heartfelt, making your heart squeeze in absolute adoration.
He grabbed your other hand and unveiled what was in his palm. It was a bracelet. He clasped it onto your wrist, the dainty but shiny metal heavy. You turned it over to see the charm, and tears sprung to your eyes. It was a simple, tiny mudhorn made out of the same silver material that the bracelet was made out of.
Then it dawned on you—the bracelet was made out of beskar. The same shiny beskar Din’s armor was made out of.
“Din,” you whispered, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. “It–It’s so beautiful. Thank you.” You cried, and the soft look in his eyes was enough to make you want to melt into a full-on sob.
“I love you.” You sniffed, admiring the beautiful bracelet that sat perfectly around your wrist.
“I love you more.”
And that was the last of the words exchanged between you both before he carried you off to your shared bed, making the sweetest love he knew how to you.
It had only been a few hours after you both had exhausted yourselves from your passionate love making, quickly dwindling down to a much needed slumber. It was peaceful—Din’s soft breathing on your chest as he lay his head on you, arms wrapped around your torso, and your head rested on top of his soft mane of curls. The breeze was cool enough to keep you both at a comfortable temperature. It was peaceful. Until it wasn’t.
Din popped up with a sharp gasp, gripping your arm so tightly in an unconscious state that it made you immediately jolt awake. He was squeezing your arm unbearably hard, making you cry out in pain as his grip only seemed to be getting tighter.
“Din, Din! Wake up!” You shook him violently, trying to pry his hand from your arm that you’re sure was already bruised terribly. When he kept thrashing around and crying out, you had to think fast. You maneuvered your body so you swung your legs over him so you straddled him. You took both of his shoulders in your hands, squeezing as hard as you could and shaking him as rough as you could muster up.
“Wake up!” The ring of your own plea shocked you as it sounded loud but broken, cracking as the tears spilled from your eyes at the throbbing pain in your arm.
His eyes finally snapped open, chest heaving uncontrollably as his pupils adjusted to the darkness of the room, looking up at you. His gaze moved to the hand wrapped around your arm, and he immediately let go.
Tears were in his eyes as he sobbed, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you down to him.
“Cy-cyar’ika, I’m s-so sorr-y.” He cried, and you tried to shush him gently.
“Din, breathe, it’s okay. You’re safe.” You wept, cradling the back of his head with your hands.
“You’re here.” He choked out, not letting up on your body. Confusion took over you at his words, and you lifted yourself up enough so you could look him in the eyes.
“Din, honey, what were you dreaming about?” Both of your hands moved to cradle his face, and he immediately melted into your touch.
“It’s Moff Gideon. I keep–” He paused, swallowing hard as if he kept speaking he’d quite literally die from lack of oxygen. It took him a minute to compose himself as best as he could before he continued. “These nightmares that I have. They’re always of Moff Gideon capturing you and Grogu and I can’t find either of you. Bo-Katan tries to help me but it’s no use. In this one–,” Din tries to catch his breath, but a heartbreaking sob escapes him instead. “He k-killed you right in front of me.”
Your breathing stopped as you stilled, your brows threading together. Now you understood. You don’t even know how you’d cope with having nightmares like that, especially one so severe seeing Din being taken away from you with nothing you could do about it.
“Oh, Din,” You leaned down, sorrow in your eyes before you kissed him gently. You pulled apart from him slightly, thumbs caressing his cheekbones. “I’m right here. I promise.” You sit up again and dangle your newly prized possession—the bracelet he gifted you—in front of him and pointed at it.
“You see this? You’ll always have me. I’m yours. I’m not going anywhere. I’m here, ner cyare, I’m never going to leave you. Not in real life, not in your dreams. I’m safe. Grogu’s safe. You’ve got us for eternity.” You rest your forehead against his as you lean down again, and as his sobs subside, you two hold each other for awhile before he starts to kiss your neck very softly.
“How badly did I hurt your arm?” He whispers, hating himself for unconsciously laying his hands on you in a hurtful way. Hurting you is the last thing in the whole universe he’d ever want to do.
“Not that bad.” You lied, feeling the unbearable throbbing pain as you spoke.
“Cyar’ika, please don’t lie to me.” He cups your face in his warm palms, eyes searching yours. You give him a small smile and sigh, knowing he sees right through you.
“It’s going to leave a dark bruise.” You admit, and his lips tremble in pure sadness.
“Maker, I’m so sorry. I never meant–”
“Sh sh, I know. I know,” You shushed him, kissing his forehead. You let him hold you a little longer before you began to move off of him.
“Where are you going?” Your heart broke at the tone of his voice, but you slipped on your nightgown over your naked body before offering him your hand on your uninjured arm.
“C’mon, I want you to drink something to help you. With the nightmares and lack of sleep.” He took your hand and slipped his underwear back on before you led him into the kitchen. The moonlight was bright enough throughout the house that you didn’t need any lights on, which set a calm ambience.
You poured Din the premade tea you brewed hours before, handing him a cup. He looked at you then looked down at it, cautiously lifting the cup to his lips as he sipped the lukewarm liquid carefully. You both sat in silence as he drank the rest of the delightfully surprising semi-sweet liquid.
“Let me look at your arm.” He says as he lifts you up on the counter, making you eye-level with him. He takes your arm softly and skates his fingertips ever so lightly over the already purpling bruise, making you suck in a breath and flinch. Even the lightest touch hurt. He gave you a look of apology before kissing your shoulder, resting his head in the crook of your neck.
You tangled your fingers in his soft hair, kissing the side of his head in comfort. You’d never seen Din so defeated. He was a strong man who’s armor made him nearly invincible, but underneath all of it, he was a beautiful man with a beautiful heart who had the strongest love for his tiny family. He would tear the whole galaxy apart to find you and Grogu, and he’d easily take a blaster shot if it meant you two got to survive. You two were everything to him, and although he sometimes had a hard time expressing his feelings, you knew very clearly that he loved you both so very much.
“Let me give you a bacta shot. For your arm.” His eyes meet yours once more, and you’d usually never agree, but the pain in your arm was like nothing you’d ever felt before. You almost felt sorry for the poor laiserbrain criminals Din had killed just by choking them to death with his iron-like grip.
You nod your head wordlessly, hand dropping from his hair as he turned on his heel after telling you to ‘stay right there, he’ll be right back.’ He was back in less than a minute with a pad of alcohol and the bacta shot. He wiped down the area above the bruise on your arm, administering the shot in such a hasty manner that you barely even felt it.
He patched up the little poke on your arm, helping you off the counter. Sleep suddenly overcame you both like a wave crashing to a shore. You threaded your fingers through his and pulled him back to the bedroom, clambering into bed. He followed suit, pulling you in carefully as your injured arm rested on his chest. The strong, steady beat of his heart had you nearly unconscious in less than a couple of minutes at most.
That night, Din had finally slept the most tranquilly he ever has in his life—free of night terrors, wrapped around the one he loved, and finally at peace knowing his clan of three was truly safe in this house they’d all made a home.
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mando'a translations:
cyar'ika: darling, sweetheart
mesh'la: beautiful
ni kar’tayl gar darasuum: I love you
ner cyare: my beloved
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mushrubes · 2 years
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Masterlist | Star Wars Masterlist |
Requested : no!
Summary : It’s impossible to hide your history as a jedi when you continuously bump into those who know...
Pairing : Din Djarin x (they/them) Jedi! reader (No use of Y/n!)
Type : angst +  fluff :)
Contents : Idiots in love, canon divergent!, references to the swtor game bc I’m obssessed with it atm :)
Word count : 1.6k
i love qyzen fess <3
“Peli!” you grinned as you jogged over to her before she pulled you into a massive hug. After your trips around, you had particularly bonded with Peli while on Tatooine a couple of months ago and she had gladly suggested for you to stay with her when you had come back after the order had fallen, unsure of what to do. In fact, it was thanks to her you had met Din who had become your new partner, asking Peli if he could bring you with him as he ‘needed a mechanic on board’. 
You hadn’t told him about your origins for many reasons. Peli half agreed with your idea to never tell him about being a Jedi or at least not for a while. The first one was your races. Jedis and Mandalorians had never massively gotten along (one of the main reasons as to why your companion, Qyzen, didn’t approve of this) and you were unsure as to if you would get along with him. Another was you didn’t seem like it was important, mainly because although you had training, and was now a master jedi, you lived with Peli and you helped her with her business - it sort of didn’t matter. 
It didn’t matter until the run in you had with the other jedis who were very familiar with you. The first case was when you both came across Ahsoka, glaring at her as she went to open her mouth, signalling to her to not mention it at all. 
“Y/n?” she asked, looking over as you glanced around, seeing Mando go back into the crest with Grogu. “What are you doing!?” she asked in a hushed whisper tone, aware of why you didn’t want him to know. “What?” you retorted, wincing at your own tone of voice. “You’re a jedi! With a Mandalorian of all people!” she lectured; your face flushed as you heard her words. “We’re work partners! It’s professional!” you defended, ignoring the pit in your stomach. 
Ahsoka shook her head slightly in disparagement. “Is this why you left Tython?” she questioned, a toxicity in her voice. You glared at her, taking a deep breath. “Don’t use that on me. Don’t pretend that I’m the only one in the wrong. Where were you and the others when we were needed?” you argued, watching as she struggled for words. “Is everything okay?” Din asked, catching them both off guard and without Grogu, having put him back. “Everything’s fine, let’s get going. We need to find a jedi who can train Grogu.” you sneered, seeing an apologetic look on Ahsoka’s face and her gaze never leave you as you got on the ship, leaving with Din. 
The second time was when you had both found Grogu on Goff’s ship, seeing him sat in there and waiting for you. He was encouraging Mando to just take Grogu while you were stood besides, aware of his plan. “Y/n, it’s perfectly fine for him to, right? Or should I say Barsen’thor?” he smirked, resulting in you throwing a punch and attacking him as Din freed Grogu, throwing him over to you and facing you as he shot at Goff. “Get back to the others with him, I’ll hold him off.” he instructed as you looked at him in concern, seeing the darksaber open but wasting no time in leaving. 
The final was Luke. You were all back in the control room, watching on the cams as a robed figure made his way through and up to you guys. “No, no, no...” you mumbled, securing your hold on Grogu as he knew what was going on, blabbering to assure you he was okay. The doors opened, the familiar sound of a light sabre closing. “Are you a jedi?” Din asked, gaining a snort from you as it was a silly question. “I am.” he responded, taking his hood down. Grogu leans to the side, watching the pair. 
“Come, little one.” he instructed, Grogu looking at him and then Mando and back at you. You took a deep breath before standing up, sending Luke a small smile as his face changed to surprise. “He doesn’t want to go with you.” Din commented, watching Grogu’s expression as you sighed. You placed a hand to his back comfortingly, knowing what Grogu was saying. “He’s asking for our permission.” you exposed, Luke nodding in agreement. You handed him over to Din, who was struggling to come to terms.
“He is stronger with the force, but talent without training is nothing. I will give my life to protect the child, but he will not be safe until he masters his abilities.” he reminded, nodding his head towards you. “Hey, go on. That’s who you belong with, he’s one of your kind.” Din assured, holding onto the foundling carefully. “We’ll see you again, we promise.” you inform him, Grogu reaching up and tapping his helmet. You took that a sign to get moving, giving the pair some space as well as inform those around to look away, giving him a bit more privacy.
“A Mandalorian?” Luke commented as you walked over, rolling your eyes at him as the dynamic between the two of you was still there. “We’re work partners.” you defended as he raised an eyebrow at the pendant around your neck and the obvious weapons he had given you. “Hey, it’s better than that Tharan-” he spoke up before you cut him off. “Don’t you even dare finish that.” you warned, pulling out your cryo blade, finger ready to open it. Luckily, Grogu had waddled over, stopping it from progressing. 
You heard the familiar beeping noise, a gasp escaping as you saw the droid. “Hey bud!” you grinned, smiling as R2D2 beeped happily as it saw you before interacting with the kid. Din gave Luke and Grogu one last nod as you returned back to him, his hand immediately finding yours. “Before I forget, Y/n, it would be nice if you could come by, there might be some quests.” he commented, you nodding, aware he was most likely talking about Tython. “You know where we’ll be if you ever need anything, may the force be with you.” he bid goodbye, your grip tightening on Din’s as you watched the three disappear.
“You’re a Jedi?!”
“Okay, close your eyes.” you requested, rocking back and forth on your heels as Din snorted, waiting for you to realise. “They’re shut.” he commented, amused as he saw through the visor you realising the mistake. “You’re not going to, are you?” you huffed as you tried to think of a way to make sure he didn’t see. He leaned against the door frame smugly. “How can you tell?” he grinned, laughing as you rolled your eyes. “Wait here.” you instructed before going through the door behind you, looking for Peli. “Is she ready?” you called as she gave a thumbs up, heading into another sector to work on something else. 
Walking back, you grabbed his hand and slightly pulled him along, biting your lip as he came through the door, looking at the massive ship in front of him. With having lost the crest, you figured you’d need a new ship for any quest or adventure the pair of you wanted to do, and rather than ask Peli to build a completely new ship (which she would most likely gladly do) you remembered you still had yours on Tython that hadn’t been used in a while and only needed a few changes. You almost instantly travelled over, picking up your ship and some crew mates that were open to returning as well deciding to leave it as a surprise to Mando. 
The old, slightly chipped and faded orange paint had been replaced with a navy blue, matching your light sabre. “Is this...” Din started, pausing as he walked around, standing in front of the door. “Our new ship? Yes. I know it’s not like the crest but it’s my-” you rambled as he cut you off, walking up the stairs and into the ship. “This is amazing, Cyar’ika.” he assured, a grin now plastered on yours as you followed. You gave him a brief tour of the first floor - the control area, the holoterminal area, two bedrooms and a little room in between with a hammock, ready for when Grogu returns. 
“There’s also some people I’d like you to meet, my uh, crewmates.” you explained, aware of how he felt about other people. He looked at the five in front of him, aware of a few of them from stories you had told him. “This is Qyzen, he’s known me since I was a padawan.” you explained, still getting used to opening up about the past to him. “A Mandalorian?” he grumbled in his own language that you had learnt, surprisingly Din also understood. “He’ll warm up to you.” you assured, knowing he was unsure from his body language.
“My Jedi!” Tharan called, causing you and Din to both grimace, the Mandalorian thankful for his helmet so the man couldn’t see his glares. “This is Tharan Cedrax, he’s a researcher.” you introduced the two, chuckling as you saw him get intimidated by the Mando, Qyzen even making comments at him as he walked away. “Zenith!” you called, seeing him walk over to the two of you. “This is Zenith.” you continued, watching the pair of them interact with one another and the twi’lek’s eyes lighting up. 
“Where to?” C2-N2 asked, as you walked over to the control panel, seeing your droid back again. “Ossus, please.” you requested, before turning back and looking at the scene unfold, smiling as you watched Zenith interrogate Din about being a bounty hunter. It was going to be weird at first, both parts of your life now combined together, but these people were your family, and you wouldn’t change it for the world.
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Tome Chapter 3
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TITLE: Tome Chapter 3 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 3/? SUMMARY:  Cathrin is the Armorer’s foundling and future Alor of the Covert. But what happens when she makes the decision to abandon the Covert and leave  with Din and the Child?
[A/N - I figured with the new season premiering, I should probably get to work on this story.]
Cathrin was riveted listening to Cara tell her story. The Child sat in her lap as she listened.
“Saw most of my action mopping up after Endor. Mostly Ex-Imperial warlords. They wanted it fast and quiet. They’d send us in on the drop ships. No support, just us. Then when the Imps were gone, the politics started. We were peacekeepers, protecting delegates, suppressing riots. Not what I signed up for.”
“How’d you end up here?” Din asked, gesturing with his helmet.
Cara looked at the Child. “Let’s just call it an early retirement.” She took a sip of her soup. “Look, I knew you were Guild. I figured you had a fob on me. That’s why I came at you so hard. Didn’t expect you to have backup though…”
“She’s not my backup. She’s my…”
“Ward,” Cathrin supplied. She didn’t figure Cara would know what a Foundling was.
“Well, this has been a real treat,” Cara said, standing up, “But unless you wanna go another round, one of us is gonna have to move on, and I was here first.” She finished her soup and put the bowl on the table, before walking away.
Din turned to Cathrin and the Child. “Well, looks like this planet’s taken.”
The Child finished his soup and Din walked over the hostess.
He came back with a covered bowl of soup and handed it to Cathrin. “For when we get back to the Crest.”
Cathrin took it from him and murmured, “Thank you.”
He kept his promise.
Once they reached the Crest, Cathrin put the Child in his floating pod and went up to the cockpit while Din worked on the Crest outside. Cathrin whipped off her helmet and ran a hand through her hair. She hated having to keep it tucked up in her helmet. She brought the bowl up to her lips and started to eat.
It tasted so much better than the rations Din kept on hand. It reminded her of home. Having handcooked dinner with the Alor.
Just as Cathrin put her helmet back on, she heard voices.
“We have money,” a voice said.
“So, you think I’m some kind of mercenary?” Din asked.
“You are a Mandalorian, right? Or at least wearing Mandalorian armor. That is Mandalorian armor, right?”
“It is.”
Cathrin stepped down off the ramp.
“Kriff, there’s two of them!”
“I’ve read a lot about your people…Tribe.”
Cathrin’s ears perked up at the young man’s use of the correct terminology.
“If half of what I read is true…”
The second man piped up. “We have money.”
“How much?” Din asked.
“Everything we have, sir. Our whole harvest was stolen.”
“Krill. We’re krill farmers.”
“We brew spotchka. Our whole village chipped in.”
“It’s not enough,” Din told them.
Cathrin had had enough and walked over to Din. “We have to help them.”
“We, don’t have to do anything.”
“I said, no.” Din brushed past Cathrin.
“Are you sure? You don’t even know what the job is,” one of the farmers said.
“I know it’s not enough. Good luck,” Din told them.
“This is everything we have. We’ll give you more after the next harvest.”
Din ignored them.
“Come on. Let’s head back. Took us the whole day to get here. Now we have to ride back with no protection to the middle of nowhere.”
Din overheard the conversation and turned around. “Where do you live?”
“In the middle of nowhere. Obviously,” Cathrin muttered.
Din ignored her smart comment.
“On a farm. We’re farmers.”
“In the middle of nowhere?”
“You have lodging?”
“Yeah. Absolutely.”
“Good. Come up and help.”
Together, they loaded up the land-speeder with supplies.
“I’m gonna need one more thing. Give me those credits,” Din told them.
They found Cara and she climbed aboard the land-speeder. “So we’re basically running off a band of Raiders for lunch money?” Cara asked.
“They’re quartering us in the middle of nowhere. Last I checked, that’s a pretty square deal for somebody in your position. Worst case scenario, you tune up your blaster. Best case, we’re a deterrent. I can’t imagine there’s anything living in these trees that an ex-shock trooper couldn’t handle.” Din leaned backed and the Child looked up at the stars.
Cathrin picked him up and placed him in her lap. She made herself as comfortable as she could wearing her armor. Cathrin closed her eyes and soon she was asleep.
Din felt Cathrin’s helmet come to rest on his pauldron as she slumped down. He huffed and repositioned her so her head was lying on his thigh guard. Din looked down at her and he found himself wishing she didn’t have her helmet on. An urge came over him to stroke her hair, so he settled for placing his hand on her shoulder pauldron.
Pedro Taglist: @pedrostories​ @clockgirl94​ @arelyhb​ @iraniq​
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