#they can't be platonic even for an ace person like me XD
alice-chan-chan · 5 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
tagged by @endless-season /havent't been tagged since forever, it's time to write a wall of hardly comprehencible text, let's gooo!/
3 ships you like: I still love soukoku (BSD) and dabihawks (BNHA), and my most recent fav ship is frimmel (Sousou no Frieren). It's impossible not to love them! \(-o-)/
first ship ever: I don't remember. But the first ship I was really invested in was Mukuro/Byakuran (KHR). I still think of them sometimes. ^///^
last song you heard: I've had my computer upgraded recently, so I had copied all my files on the new hard drive. I've found so many music after I examined my belongings. XD So it must be one of those songs I guess. It's very likely that it was Rise Again  by Ronski Speed feat. Lucy Saunders, it's one of my favourites once again lately. I had to dig up my playlist on vk to find its proper name btw. XD
favourite childhood book: Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny, I almost knew it by heart. Well, technically it's a teenage favourite book, but I don't think I remember childhood books now. =/ They didnt have as much impact on me as this one.
currently reading: nothing, my work consumes too much time and energy, I can't concentrate on books. =/
currently watching: I've finished watching Sousou no Frieren a few days ago, and I am already thinking about rewatching the exam arc. I should have paid more attention to Wirbel. ^///^ Well, maybe rewatching the whole anime wont hurt too. I really loved it!
currently consuming: I've just had a cup of tea moments ago.
currently craving: it's 3 am now. I can't think of anything to crave for at the moment. =/ Well, I'll go with the easiest option and say this: I'm craving for money bcos it gives so many resources and opportunites. I've seen an interesting course on 3d design on an online platform like 15 mins ago, and I am kinda interested. it's rather pricey... And I don't really have much free time... And on top of that, I doubt that I could use this course to earn money. =/ I guess I wont buy it anyway.
tagging: everyone who would like to play this tag game, you don't need to be a mutual, you don't even have to follow me. ^_^
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phykoha · 6 months
I'm not aroace(mayybe some flavor of ace...) but my version of Mikey is aroace so I do kinda wanna talk about it
he doesn't feel anything about relationships for himself but for other people, real or fictional? oh he is ALL OVER that bs!! like. he's not gonna have a partner and he's cool with that(maybe he'll have a QPR or two down the line? he doesn't know!) but he is the #1 fan of every relationship he knows practically XD and if someone tries to homewreck(??) his family oh FUCK does he have beef. also I don't know why I added this little tidbit but he often struggles with speech and has dyslexia- he laughs at himself sometimes about it. also sleep talks
please let me know(you or someone else-) if any of this is disrespectful I don't know if it is or isn't-
Disrespectful?? Nah bro these are facts.
Like I've said in the tags of one of my previous posts, just assume all of my Mikey's are some flavor of aroace unless stated otherwise. HEA Angelo specifically has never felt romantic or sexual attraction towards anyone before (aside from the occasional fictional character).
His feelings toward his eventual partner are tough for him to wrap his head around. He loves them, but he isn't sure what kind of love. What is romantic love even supposed to feel like? Is it really any different from platonic love? He loves his friends, and his family. He heard that romantic love makes you want to be with someone forever. He wants to be with his family forever. Is it just the label that makes it different? He's not sure. Maybe it doesn't matter.
No matter how much research he does or how many questions he asks Raphie and Lee, he just can't understand what makes romantic love so special. And what's so cool and epic about sex?? It seems pretty gross to him, honestly. He can just take care of himself, thank you very much. He'd rather not waste his time smashing bits with someone when he can be cooking or drawing or doing literally anything else.
He'd only really have sex with someone he really trusts and wants a more intimate connection with. And it wouldn't really be about him- he'd mostly just be focused on how the other person feels. Cuz he's just not that interested in the sex itself, just how close and connected it would make him feel to his partner.
But OH MAN is he invested in other people's romantic lives. He's the ultimate wingman- The best hypeman you could ever ask for. As much as he doesn't get romance, BOY does he live for romantic media. Books, movies, fanfics, actual people's lives- you name it. Romance is dumb but wow does it create some great plot (and also really bad plot but at that point it's just funny).
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sizzlinbaconpeach · 9 months
The text connecting Chris and Jill is “戦友” or “kanyuu” which translates to “commrade in arms; war buddy”.?
in the Revelation's bio for Chris, they called him Jill's Brother-in-arms.?
So they don't have feelings for each other?
Hello Anon! I want to start off by saying that it's okay if you don't ship Chris and Jill romantically - not everyone does. I mentioned in a previous post how I can certainly see how others would only view their relationship as platonic or coworkers. Unfortunately, the link in your question does not work so I'm sorry I can't respond to that in particular. And I am not trying to sow any discontent or attacking, I'm merely responding and enjoying my preferred ship. I hope you can understand. If we can all stay positive and respectful that would be greatly appreciated. ^_^ Chris and Jill have been fighting BOW's since the very first game. Actual canon is that they survived through the whole mansion together. They've always protected each other. So 'comrade in arms', 'war buddy, 'brother-in-arms', 'partner', 'bestest friend', 'kindred spirits', 'love of my life' are all titles they would/could use to address each other.
Also, in RE1 original, Chris and Jill were written to be romantically interested in each other. In a recent interview, the live-action actor for RE1 Chris stated that he wanted to remain as respectful as possible to Jill's actress as she was much younger than him and he knew they were supposed to be romantically linked in the story. Source: ROE Plays RESIDENT EVIL 1 w/ Original Chris Redfield (Charlie Kraslavsky)
And this cute song that plays when they are reunited: Long Lost Friend Long Lost Friend Revisited - I love how bittersweet this is, very fitting In my mind, there is definitely some romantic sweetness to this song. But Capcom likes to keep them ambiguous or seems to want to retcon them, so I don't know. Ship them or don't. Doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. I just like how mature their relationship seems - built on lasting trust and respect. Even in Death Island there were ambiguous hints of something more between them. Like, Chris staring at a smiling Jill, backlit by a beautiful setting sun, seems kind of romantic to me. ... Only to fist bump her seconds later. Guess he wanted to keep it professional and clean in front of his sister XD
Before I got into Resident Evil (Biohazard), I never really knew about any 'ships'. I had vague memories of RE2 (Cleon bby) and RE5 (my unknowing teenage self actually shipped Sheva and Chris!), but it wasn't until I actually replayed the games as an adult and explored more of the extended lore that I became a Valenfield fan (and unexpectedly, less of a Cleon shipper). And what cemented it for me even more was the supplemental RE5 guide translations!
I highly recommend any Valenfield shipper to read it here. (scroll down a little more than half way on the page to find the STORY section. It's after the different colored text timeline.)
Some quotes from this official guide book:
... Referred to as "the BSAA's ace", Chris has a brilliant track record preventing many bioterror attacks, but Chris' chest is filled with an indescribable emptiness. Many comrades have been sacrificed to repair the errors of fools. Even if the world's saved, these friends will never return. He had lost his irreplaceable former partner. ...
... Chris has nothing against having a female partner. In fact, the partner he regarded as irreplaceable was a female too. She's the perfect person whom Chris can totally trust and rely on, someone whom he believes is what he needed to complete any mission. Chris felt their teamwork was like an eagle able to escape from biohazardous danger. ...
... Chris is staring intently at a statue of a sleeping beauty. He's like a person looking at his lover through a mirror, where the other side of the mirror's a different dimension. ... The image displayed on the PDA screen issued by the BSAA isn't very good quality. The faint face is illuminated by a weak light, ... Despite that, Chris is able to recognise the person. He's been chasing this lead all the while, just so he can repair the missing piece of his heart. This can't be a mistake, nor an illusion. This is a fact. ... It's Jill, his old partner who sacrificed herself and jumped off a cliff in order to save Chris. Due to Jill's absence ever since, the BSAA have removed her from duty. But two years later, there's finally a sign that shows she may be alive after all, and this sign's appearing right in front of her partner who refuses to believe she's dead. The reason why Chris, who was from BSAA North American branch, was hoping to join this operation within Kijuju, was because he'd obtained some sort of lead leaked by Irving on the black market while he was looking for Jill. ...
... Jill, with her antibodies, has been administered P30--- Gifted with superhuman abilities, she's been given a powerful drug that controls her mind too. This evil drug is continuously injected into her body, torturing her to no end. Just as Wesker intended, Jill's receiving hell-like suffering. "I'm begging you, kill me!" ... Wesker's instruction to Jill before he leaves, which is to kill Chris who has finally come for her, plays mercilessly in her mind like an echo. The painful, unbearable order's destroying Jill mentally, and she's begging with her mind for her old partner, Chris, to end her suffering. "Don't worry about me! If this goes on I'll only end up killing both of you! Shoot me, please!" Despite that, Chris refuses to give up. Chris screams like a beast at the brainwashed Jill. He promises that even if it means giving up his life, he's going to free his partner with whom he has finally reunited, from her curse.
But again, I believe Capcom will keep their relationship more ambiguous and open to interpretation - I think they want to keep all potential shippers content. And they certainly seem to be moving towards a more 'just a good friend/co-worker' angle than before.
Which, in my opinion, cheapens the over arcing story (RE1 - 5) and relationship - but that's for another post to ramble about, I suppose.
No hard feelings if you're not a Valenfield shipper. They have a good friendship and I can totally understand if people only see them as that and nothing more.
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scrollll · 9 months
Hi there :) I'm sorry to bother you but this is very important because you are now the chosen Ace who can give me their perspective on Zouey. I have adamantly argued that Zouey can be read as being on the ace spectrum but some of my friends say that's not realistic. My arguments: - He gets aroused by things that are removed from reality (hentai) and in moments where there is no risk of actually having to be sexual with the person (Teena as a model) but he struggles to enjoy the "real" thing -> sounds very aegosexual to me. - He says sex is for everybody but him. Later he changes that to "sex might be for him if it's combined with love" -> that could either hint at him being demi or it could mean that he is willing to have sex out of love for his significant other (as many aces do). - He can give pleasure and touch others but doesn't like to be touched -> this feels ace to me but I can't really explain why - Even when he touches Teena, he often struggles with things that are "more" sexual (like touching genitals) -> could be that he feels strong sensual attraction towards Teena. He also seems to distance himself from the reality of the situation by escaping into the fantasy of hentai, another thing many aces do because the reality of sex actually turns them off. - He thinks he wants to have penetrative sex with Teena but then doesn't enjoy it
Their strongest counter argument is that Zouey gave Teena a bj in episode 1. Now, I see their point. And I don't think Zouey being acespec is the only valid interpretation of his character. I like some of the other interpretations just as much. BUT I hate when people tell me that he can't possibly be on the ace spec. We have so little representation as it is and telling us that a character who speaks to us actually can't be like us feels shitty. I'm ace myself but my experience with sex is quite different from his. From your post it seems that you can relate to Zouey a lot. So if you feel comfortable sharing your perspective, I'm sure that would be valuable not only for me but for other aces as well. Thanks for making that post! (Also that Chinese definition of asexuality is so badass xD)
For starters, my sweet love anon, thank you so much for this ask and a big warm hug through the internet for you if you feel comfortable with it :D
And it's no bother, I like talking and writing XD
And regarding Zouey... welp, you asked, so I will deliver but be prepared for a longer essay XD
Let's start with the basics for those who are not quite familiar with asexuality: asexuality is a broad spectrum with many different nuances, gray areas and so on.
In the asexual community (as well as in some others), a distinction is made between romantic and sexual orientation. It is therefore possible to love a person romantically and still have no or only very limited sexual desires.
So: Asexual people fall in love with others, they want romantic or platonic relationships, but mostly without feeling sexual attraction for them.
Asexuality doesn't always mean that a person doesn't have sex. Yep, it may sound strange at first, but it's true. Many asexual people satisfy themselves or have sex, e.g. because they want to have a child, but nothing more. Some asexuals who are sex-positive or sex-neutral, i.e. who are not repulsed by the idea of sexual activity or are simply indifferent to it, have had sex or participate in sexual acts.
So an asexual who has sex will not suddenly become homosexual or straight, they can still feel like they belong to the ace spectrum. There are a variety of labels that break it all down and all fall under the ace umbrella, like placiosexual, lithosexual, cupiosexual, but to make a long story short, for many of us it's just too complicated :) So many just prefer "Ace-spec" or Ace-spectrum, but that's a personal preference of myself and a few ace friends of mine. It's nice to know the labels, but usually just too complicated for everyday use XD
And I also rank Zouey's blowjob from EP.1 on the ace spectrum. You very aptly mentioned the point that Zouey gets aroused by things that aren't part of reality. I think in EP 1 the blowjob went in exactly that direction.
For Zouey, as we also find out later, Teena is first of all a beautiful work of art himself. In his imagination, he sees him more as a statue that he can touch than as a person. Only when he runs into the bathroom does this bubble burst for the moment.
Zouey seems very overwhelmed to me, which I can understand, because he normally only experiences sexual stimulation from two-dimensional figures. Teena, however, crosses the line. For Zouey, he is at first only a two-dimensional figure on his easel, but at the same time he exists in real life. Zouey, who only knows sexual attraction based on hentai or pictures, is now confused as to whether this means that he finds Teena or only Teena's picture (similar to Jump's) attractive.
At this moment, however, I don't think he really got anything like sexual arousal or desire from Teena himself. It was, as I said, initially only Teena's picture that aroused him, the confusion comes because Teena runs after him and Zouey is undecided whether he should treat him like an aesthetic art object or like a human being and whether he would still find him attractive as a human being at all.
Zouey decides in favor of safety. He wants to return to the art room, back in front of his canvas and the distance he knows and feels comfortable with.
The blowjob is initiated by Teena putting Zouey's hand on his crotch, making it clear that he is not just interested in a conversation and certainly doesn't want to go back to painting.
And Zouey knows that.
In a household like that with Captain and Porsche, it's pretty much impossible to avoid the topic of sex permanently. As an ace, we may not be interested in sex, but especially if you have friends who are very sexually active, you get a lot of information.
And you can't tell me that the baddie bunch hasn't talked about blowjob tactics and the like at least thirty times. Especially because really none of them can shut up and Captain and Porsche are very keen to get Zouey deflowered soon.
So Zouey presumably knows the stories from his friends and knows on a logical level what it means when someone practically hands you their dick on a silver platter. And he has the theoretical knowledge, so why not try it out, especially with an aesthetically pleasing man like Teena, who is a painting come to life for him from an artistic perspective?
What I'm trying to say is that I don't think it was a real sexual attraction at that moment, but rather an action-reaction. Of course, attraction can also play a role, but as I said, it doesn't have to be sexual, it can have an aesthetic origin, especially with Zouey's artistic mind.
Sex-indifferent aces are not repulsed by all sexual acts, so if our partner desires certain types of satisfaction and we feel like doing it, why not?
As the episode progresses, Zouey gives Teena another blowjob, but still dear people, Bj does not equal sex. Zouey still clearly shows his rejection of penetrative sex, or sexual acts that involve him. And that's pretty typical of us aces, or at least the ones I've met on the spectrum so far.
It feels okay to read about or watch sexual acts (mostly for aesthetic reasons rather than masturbation, but I don't want to generalize) because in 3rd perspective you are detached from the action and can look at it objectively.
You're not involved and that's nice.
By satisfying Teena, Zouey can still keep himself uninvolved. A nice term under the Ace umbrella for this is: Placiosexual (meaning a person that is okay and comfortable with performing sexual actions onto others but is uncomfortable having sexual acts performed onto them) This can still have limits and gradations, such as no penetrative sex in general or sexual acts under certain conditions.
As I said, also with the further development in the series and the way he deals with Teena and sexual innuendos, Zouey just feels very ace-coded to me. He moves on the spectrum, again, labels are nothing solid, but the vibes and the whole thing… Yeah, he is a fellow oft he ace for me XD
I wouldn't be surprised if he turns into Demi or Gray-ace, but his general view of sex and the way he's starting to expand his comfort zone bit by bit is very familiar to me from myself and my adventures on the asexual spectrum XD
However you interpret Zouey, for me he's chilling on the ace-spec XD It's my personal interpretation of him and I'll stick with that for now. I don't want to badmouth anyone's idea of Zouey, in the end he's a fictional character that we can interpret differently :)
But it feels very nice to have someone who thinks similarly :D
So, before this gets way too long, I'll make a cut here, but feel free to write me or send an ask if I should clarify anything :)
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Hey so I can't stop thinking about Loki kiss as in why was Kang the conqueror included? This was weird enough for me that I measured the time of the kiss (about 9 seconds) and I measured the time that Kang was included (about 3 seconds). During about one third of the sylki kiss we could watch kang watch them kiss. Sylvie kisses Loki, they move and the camera moves with them but then, instead of stopping on them front and center, it includes blurry Kang. Who's just sitting there. Watching them. Was that supposed to be awkward/funny? Or dramatic bc Kang is so dangerous (even if he really doesn't seem to be)? Or make the whole thing just this bit weirder? Like it just makes no sense to me?? What was that about? (im asking here bc i genuinely would like to know the reason but anyway feel free to ignore me and release yourself of this ughh) 
inatshej asked: Okay um I'm sorry about my previous ask about loki kissing scene. I just realised that kang was visible to foreshadow the ending where Sylvie still decided to kill him. That even if things seem to be going in the right direction (LOL if you ship sylki MAYBE), something bad can still happen, and happens. So yeah sorry xD took me a few hours to figure it out by myself tho xD
(just an heads up, if anyone is wondering why this question interests me, is because I was posting about LOKI during its runtime, in case you missed it) [FINAL THOUGHTS HERE]
Hey Lovely!
Hahahah no worries at all!
Here's my thing about Si1ki: I have no problem with the ship (I mean, I ship Sherlock with himself sometimes, so I would be a hypocrite if I shat on the ship), but I JUST DON'T SEE IT; it felt REALLY forced. I understand the metaphor they were trying to go for (you need to love yourself before others) but like.... the WHOLE "romance" felt weird. Mobius, ON SCREEN, even said it was "sick and twisted", so like, once he said that, I couldn't unsee it, and I think that was the problem: You on screen still acknowledge it, yet you still go with it.
Almost like Disney is more okay with anything else than they are with queer relationships. But I digress.
Please note I am speaking from a Loki X Mobius bias, so take what you will from my thoughts. It felt like they really were gonna go there. But I'm the clown in believing Disney, after canonically confirming Loki's bisexuality, would go there. It's performative activism, and Disney, heaven forbid, have a story with a male and female lead and NOT make them romantic interests... It's SO TIRING. Because up until the weird... THING in Episode 4, I had high hopes they were gonna go the BFF's / sibling dynamic, but yeah, the romance felt REALLY forced and weird, and the kiss even moreso.
I don't think she really liked Loki "That Way", and used Loki's confused feelings against him. I say that because she REALLY showed NO interest in the whole thing they had in Episode 5, and he's just SO desperate for love and companionship that I think he is will take what he can get. The Lokius Hug in E5 felt REALLY genuine, like two people who care and understand each other, and two people who – if nothing else – share a platonic Philia love for each other. AND they had a chemistry that shined on screen. I don't FEEL that with Loki and Sylvie. They care about each other, that's all I really got out of it.
If they were writing a romance, I PERSONALLY thought it was poorly written and executed even worse. The kiss was cringe, didn't make the romance "more real" and didn't give me the same vibes that the hug did, and it SHOULDN'T do that if it was well written. BUT I've never been in any serious relationship ever, so what do I know. Maybe I'm just too ace to "get the clues" but even movies where I KNOW that the main characters are supposed to be together, I feel the chemistry. I love both Tom and Sophia as their characters, but the "romantic" chemistry wasn't there.
Anyway, just my own gripe about it all.
BUT YES, your second ask in regards to Kang being there is also how I took it, and the kiss was a distraction. He knew what she was going to do; he studied her character all his life, he KNEW she wasn't going to just NOT do it. She never had the love of her family, and bitterness and resentment is all she knew. She didn't get to go through the character arc / development that our 2012 Loki got to, and HONESTLY? I think it's because she didn't HAVE someone like Mobius who believed in her. And Loki knew that, and unfortunately, his verbal trust in her came too late.
That said, I think we'll see her again, but I don't think she's gonna ever be a "good guy"; she'll be a morally grey character like MCU Loki was, and will probably go out in the same way, somehow.
I do like her, I just REALLY felt like the whole romance was shoehorned in by some top exec at Disney who thought it wouldn't be successful without one.
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leannan-sithe · 3 years
Re: platonic warmth, happy feelings conceptualized as romance. THIS!!! I realized teen me did exactly this after getting into a similar fight after describing my experience as such. I'm aro/ace and neurodivergent on top of it, so to teen me those happy feels and taking an interest in things WAS romance. To anyone else (current late 20s self included), that was 100% platonic. I spent a whole week feeling creeped out until I realized this XD
I'm aro/ace too! I know the struggle.
I don't wanna dunk on minors, that's not what this is about.
But, there's a kind of issue (especially with aro/ace folks) where you're taught that attention from people is very often Romance. It's in movies, and tv shows, and books, and just everywhere.
So even if there's nothing romantic happening in the relationship, you're like welp this must be what dating is like. It's fine, I guess! It's just like my normal life plus I get to hang out with this cool person. I like it.
But, take that and slap it onto god relationships. You know that when a god shows you a lot of attention, that means you're "special." You hear about godspousing. Oh, that must be it! They must be into you like that! There's a community for godspousing, so you're gonna join in and participate because there are people that feel like you! It's nice to have a community.
And in the urge not to in/validate folks, no one corrects you. They just say: NO minors are NOT ALLOWED to even think about this. Any nuance is not allowed.
That being said, it does put people in a bad spot when they feel they're forced to help a minor "figure out" if it's romance/s*xual or something else. I've been in that spot and I'm sorry to say it feels super weird and difficult. You don't want to invalidate feelings but you also don't want to justify minor-god relationships.
That's why I keep saying minors shouldn't engage in these relationships. It's not good because minors are bad at consent and boundaries. They just don't know better or how to have those at all. But shouldn't doesn't mean they're not gonna do it anyways. We can't monitor what minors do in their heads, or keep quiet about.
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