#tlou spoiler
deejay · 2 years
joel with everyone else vs. joel with ellie
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camelotsheart · 2 years
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Left Behind | Long, Long Time
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millsheat · 2 years
i am about to drive off the nearest cliff can u hear me
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wildemaven · 2 years
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theewokingdead · 2 years
The Last of Us episode 2 spoiler but I need to scream.
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apascalypse · 1 month
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halfmoth-halfman · 2 years
neil druckmann is gonna have to endure and survive these fuckin hands cause after that ep it’s on sight
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mysticalsoups · 2 years
I need a way out | Joel Miller x reader
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Joel Miller 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Slight E4 spoilers! Splinters, kidnapping
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: You are tired, hurt and lost in Kansas City after rummaging the suburbs, getting kidnapped and escaping. You meet Joel and Ellie
𝐖𝐂: 1,4k
𝐀𝐍: There will be another part! If there is enough animo, I might make a series out of this :) I haven't written for Joel before, and even though Joel isn't seen much in this part; I have many ideas! Also, warning: this chapter is not proof read, I wrote this and wanted to upload it as soon as I could :p
"Ouch." You hissed while flapping your left hand in the air as a reaction of plucking out a big piece of splinter from the palm of your hand. "That fucking stings."
Your right hand grabbed your bag in search of the flashlight you had packed in the side pocket. With a click came a flash of light and you placed the end of the flashlight in your mouth. You picked up the tweezers from the dirty floor and tried to pick out the remains of the splinter out your hand. With some cursing and grunting, you got all the splinters out. You had no time, or even the recourses to clean your hand the normal way before beginning, so all you did was splash over a little bit of the vodka you kept in your flask over your hand. You grabbed the bandages and before wrapping your hand you remembered you put down the tweezers on a dirty floor, so you had to desinfect your hand again. "There goes my fuel." You mumbled and poured down every last drop of your beloved drink on your hand.
After you had wrapped your hand and put everything back in the spot things belonged; the tweezers in your toiletbag filled with medical supplies, your flashlight in the sidepocket of your backpack and the flask was the only thing placed in a spot where it wasn't before; the front pocket of your bag instead of your jacket.
Your feet hurt, you were hungry and you felt drained. But you had to climb on these stairs, to the roof so you can scout for a way out of this damned city named Kansas. You have no clue how you ended up here in the first place, it was a day filled with chaos.
This morning you left your camp with a handful others, to go scouting in the suburbs for food and more medical supplies. When you got there, you all paired up with a partner and got supplied a list of houses that needed to be searched. You scoffed and cringed internally when Marshall teamed you up with Chase. Of course you would be teamed up with him, Chase did everything in his power to get you on this date he has been nagging you about for months. It did not surprise you he actually bribed Marshall to be teamed up with you.
"I hope you liked the flowers." He said while you were rummaging through some drawers of a kitchen. It was a nice kitchen actually, it had a lot of space; a long counter with a sink, microwave and coffeemaker; behind you was the kitchen island with a six gaspit stove and an oven; and of course, a lot of storage space with adorable cupboards above the counter. A lot of room to make multiple things at once, maybe a cake while cooking dinner even. You could see yourself use a kitchen like this, living in a house like this.
"Oy!" The nagging voice of Chase disturbed your thoughts and you looked up to him, confused. "Hm?"
"I said, I hope you liked the flowers, I know they are your favourite." "Oh! Uh- yeah, I did! They were lovely." You sighed back, not wanting to make a fuss about the fact that you actually gave them rightaway to mrs. Gallagher. They were beautiful, that was true. But what wasn't true was the fact that you liked roses, especially in the form of romance; you adored dandelions much more in general.
When he was about to open his mouth, the high pitched noice of trucks stopping abrupetley sounded through the neighbourhood. You ducked and crawled to the window, peeking open the curtain just a little bit to see what was going on. There were people armed with heavy machinery jumping off those trucks, kicking in doors and dragging people out. The same people you got here with. The sound of guns shooting and men screaming made you bolt for the backdoor. "Wait for me!" Chase yelled. He ran after you, into the line of trees.
"Fucking hell." Panted Chase, "Where did those guys come from?" You made a sussing noice, gesturing for him to get low to the ground. "Get low!" You yelled in a whisper.
"No way man! We need to get out of here." He yelled in a whisper back and continued his way further into the tree lines. "It'll get you killed!" You said back, too focused on him. It made you miss the gigantic dude walking up to you, now clicking the safety pannel on his gun pointed at your head.
"Stop walking or I'll shoot her brains out." The voice sounded heavy with a hint of a sore throat. You hope the bastard choked on a mouthfull of glass while raising your hands in the air. His mates followed along and grabbed you by the wrists before dragging you along to their trucks. Marshall already sat, by the rest of the group and he looked apologetic. You better hoped for that son of a bitch he also was sorry for teaming you up with Chase, because without him and his yapping ass you wouldn't be in this place.
They tied up ropes around your wrist before you could leave the truck and by your guesses, the rookie got assigned your wrists, because one swift motion and you would be out of them. That would get in handy later.
A couple minutes later, your group stood in front of the opening of a tall building, guards surrounding you. The building said something with FEDRA. The leader of their group was making big talk, you got bored quick. You got too focused on looking for ways out, you missed the part where one of your teammates spoke up. He was practically yelling and you couldn't make out his words, but by how everyone reacted on the enemy front and your own team; it'd probably end up in a fight. Just to be sure you took a step back, putting a bit of tension on the ropes. The moment one person gave the other a fist on the face, all hell broke loose. Everyone was too focused on the fight, you saw your chance to pry your hands out the rope and run for your life.
Just when you was about to turn a corner, you heard a male shouting: "We have a runner!". You knew this was going to be a long night, so you kept on running. Eventually you reached a dead end, standing between two tall buildings and a wooden fence. You knew going back was no option and certainly staying was no option either, so you did what seemed most logical and that was jump over the wooden fence. And holy fuck, that left your hand hurting a lot.
A quick scan of the area, you saw a door half-way open and you hoped by all the gods ever known to human kind, the door to the roof was open. Funnily enough, the door clicked close behind you so the enermy had less reason to search this building, they were probably dumb enough to think you took one of the alleyways.
So that's how you got here, okay so you lied a bit in the beginning; you knew how you got here in theory, but how will you find your way back to the camp?
Just a couple stories left to go, you can do this. With every breath you had, you almost reached the top of the staircase when you heard the giggling of a girl. "This is so goddamn stupid." The voice of a man sounded. "You laughed motherfucker." The girl said, which made you snicker in yourself. "I didn't laugh." The girl was out of breath from giggling you heard in the way she sounded when she said "Yes you did." With your hands raised up high, since you had no weapons because you lost them to the people from the trucks took them from you, you took some steps on the stair.
"Jesus, I'm losing it." Just a couple more steps, what were you gonna say? "You're losing it big time." The chuckles of both the girl and the male sounded through your head. You were now walking to the door with the broken window. They hadn't seen you, yet.
"Excuse me?" Your voice soft, yet drained of energy. The male grabbed his shotgun, pointed it at your head and the girl behind him, also with a gun pointed at you.
"Who are you?" The male asked, softly removing the safety with the sound of a click.
"I come in peace. Please don't shoot me. I just need a way out."
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He'd do anything to keep his baby girl safe.
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andrewcogliano · 2 years
ending ep 1 and 6 with different renditions of “Never Let Me Down Again” by Depeche Mode how dare they
craig and neil better endure and survive these fucking hands
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elronds-pointy-ears · 2 years
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me at the ripe age of 25.
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wildemaven · 2 years
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The way Frank painted with vivid colors to decorate the inside of their home, while the world was so dark outside.
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frecklesandpoverty · 2 years
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abbysthighs · 11 months
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When you're lost in the darkness, look for the light.
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lights-on-the-ridge · 2 years
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Ive got you
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