#tw Nazi mention
tiredandsleepyaf · 10 months
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Ok, so let me explain why rebloging posts like these do little to nothing to assure Jews that they’ll be safe around you.
Goyim reblogging this stuff don’t typically listen to Jews (which is apparent because we’ve said stuff like this doesn’t actually do anything to help us many times) about their experiences with antisemitism or listen when Jews try to educate them on things like antisemitic dog whistles or blood libel. Most of them are way more enthusiastic about punching Nazis than they are about showing any compassion to Jews. I’d venture to guess the majority of Jewish people know that often the goyim who reblog this stuff are just out for blood and don’t give a damn about us, because we’ve seen this many times. Not to mention that the desire for a violent revolution that some leftists seem to have has led to Jewish people facing a lot of antisemitism (at their hands). I would bet that some of the people reblogging this act similar to Nazis themselves. I know at the very least the goyim rebloging this don’t listen to Jews because we’ve said many times that this sort of thing doesn’t really do anything to help us, and we’d much rather goyim call out and learn about antisemitism. Overall, it’s just very performative activism, and it’s pretty obvious that the goyim reblogging this are just doing it to try and make themselves look better, and not for the sake of Jews.
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violetsandshrikes · 6 months
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like im begging for a divine intervention at this point. a bolt of lightning. a piano from 12 stories up.
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yourdailyqueer · 9 months
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Maximiliane Ackers (deceased)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
DOB: 24 September 1896 
RIP: 17 April 1982
Ethnicity: White - German
Occupation: Writer, actress
Note: The Nazi's banned her book in 1934 and it appeared on the official list of banned books in 1936, and was mentioned in Alfred Rosenberg's anti-lesbian pamphlet Der Sumpf. In the 1990s, the book was rediscovered by feminists and academics. The novel explores lesbian desire in the setting of the artistic and theatrical society of Weimar Berlin. It also touches on issues of gender and sexuality.
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roadhogsbigbelly · 10 months
alot of people are talking about james somerton's misognny, lesbiphobia, and transphobia (and they should) but it's also really bizzare to me how he's also regularly homophobic towards gay men? not doing the whole "gay activists in the 90's only cared about gay marriage and joining the military and not about civil rights because all the cool gays died of aids" which like isn't true and pretty gross but also that the nazi's were primarily made up of mostly gay men? not even proportionally compared to the german population or that statistically there were bound to be nazi's who were secretly gay, but that the ss largly attracted gay men because they'd lookaway from any broken rules if you gave them a blowjob? like this is factually not true, the myth of the "gay nazi" is an extremely homophobic one but i genuinely don't get the point just straight up lying about that? like genuinely what the hell
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tonkysexist · 1 year
What’s the big deal with a Jewish man being cast as Superman? I’ll tell you!
The character was created by two Jewish men, which isn’t an uncommon origin for most classic characters. Comic books were seen as a lesser art form compared to other jobs in the arts, so the majority of creators at the time were Jewish. The creators of Superman wanted to go in to advertising initially, but struggled to find jobs in the industry (a post I’ve made about this here).
It’s incredibly important context that Superman was created by two Jewish men during World War II. There were many Americans who were ambivalent at best and actively supportive at worst of the Nazi party. Antisemitism was massively present in America at the time.
Superman is a positive Jewish symbol. Kal-El is a name derived from Hebrew. His story is easily read as a Moses allegory. Jewish folklore is written all over his origins— the strength of Samson and the protection of the Golem (specifically as portrayed in the Jewish made film The Golem according to one of his creators). If you think of his creators his story becomes that much richer. He feels the need to change his name to fit in, which was incredibly common for Jewish authors in the comic industry. He struggles with being partially assimilated, between two identities that can feel conflicting. His story is a reflection of the Jewish experience.
Comic books are Jewish-American art. They are fundamentally a reflection of our culture and history. Movie adaptations have a habit of never casting Jewish actors or erasing Jewish characters completely. Having a Jewish actor get to step in to the role of one of the most recognizable and iconic Jewish creations is incredibly precious to many (including me).
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imposterogers · 1 year
Jewish villains arent new *points at magneto*
girl if this is a weak attempt at justifying the mcu’s antisemitism……………… I know the movie verse the best so let’s go over a few things
-our first introduction to erik lehnsherr is at the gates of Auschwitz during the holocaust. he is being dragged away from his mother, and his sorrow/anger triggers his mutation — the ability to manipulate metal
-a nazi scientist (sebastian shaw) points a gun at erik’s mother. says if erik can move a gold coin, his mother will walk free. erik can’t, and shaw murders his mother in front of him. experiments on him. turns him into “frankensteins monster”
-erik spends decades hunting nazis and shaw. we see him interrogate germans who escaped to argentina and call themselves pig farmers laughing. erik shows them the tattooed number on his arm and kills them. he tears a metal filling out of a swiss bankers mouth, who while “neutral” during the war, still kept stolen and bloody gold in his vaults.
the thing is, the x men movies didn’t shy away from antisemitism and erik’s jewishness the way the mcu continues to do (even the red skull was separated from nazism in the films). erik is a true sympathetic villain, bordering anti hero depending on the film/comic.
the audacity to try and say erik, a holocaust survivor who lived thru one genocide and whose mission is to prevent another (of mutants), is in the same category of whatever the fuck marvel is doing is wild tbh
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fayevalcntine · 3 months
Don't really feel like the whole "Madeleine fucked a Nazi but she was hungry and lonely during the war :(" stuck its landing in the slightest on the show if the writers were trying to point out that she's indifferent to moral dilemmas that plague human existence and would do anything just to survive. For one thing, French women who were deemed collaborators did not all just have consensual sex with German officers, so I fail to see why the writers thought they needed her to have had an encounter like this in order to be ostracized from her community. She also had to survive WW2, so I fail to see why they couldn't have had her agree to tailor for Nazis in exchange for food, or even kill someone out of desperation in order to survive somehow during the war. People did a lot of things they would later regret or in normal circumstances never do in order to survive, so I really don't understand why the writers had Madeleine refer to this 19 year-old Nazi as "a dangerous love" she clung to to survive.
My other main issue with it is namely the fact that Madeleine is, for all intents and purposes, someone Claudia chooses as a companion and hopes that she will one day become romantic with. Claudia in season 1 referred to Lestat as a slaver and likened him to a Nazi when he made his little tailoring joke in episode 7: "Well-dressed tyrants. Where have I heard that before?". The show is so often very overt in its racial commentary and what the Black characters say. So I find it a bit weird that Claudia, who spent the later half of season 1 pointing out Lestat's racist positioning in their household, would now simply disregard the fact that the woman she intends to live with (and hopes to become romantically entangled with) fucked a man whose position in the war was aiming for upholding a literal genocide and white supremacist ideals, and doesn't even seem to care much about the implications of that. It would've been one thing if the show highlights Madeleine's strange interest in Claudia as a negative thing, and had Claudia instead feel resigned to choosing her when there's no one else that would take her as any sort of companion, should they be turned, but it never does that. Instead, Claudia is elated over the thought of being with her and notes on wanting to choose her for herself.
I feel like even the idea of the writing pointing out Claudia's hypocrisy on such topics through this is in overly poor taste because regardless of whether or not her Lestat comparisons are supposed to be taken as gospel for who he is in general, those were still a reflection of her feelings towards her father who abused her and wanted to keep her locked in with him and Louis. It's also very weird that Madeleine's own words even indirectly parallel her encounter with the Nazi soldier to her encounter with Claudia, by naming both "a love" that she will use to survive. Overall the implications regarding the racial commentary on this is a complete misfire to me and a glaring problem for a show that the writers and in return fandom marketed as very socially aware.
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if you've ever said "it's okay to punch nazis" but are supporting the hogwarts game: fuck you, you have no spine, and you're not anti nazi and you're definitely not pro jewish or trans people. get fucked. i hope this post hurts your feelings.
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antiradqueer · 10 months
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“why does tumblr keep banning rq accounts guys?????”
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dailyhistoryposts · 10 months
Why don't you bully the Nazi's and bully Japan's Empire in World War 2 if you know any of their war crimes.
Me: The British Museum should return the Elgin Marbles to Greece.
Anon: This makes you a Nazi apologist
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zvezdacito · 2 years
⚠️ CW: imperialism, colonization, genocide, rape mention
I honestly hate to make posts like these because the common response are Yana bootlickers invalidating my say in issues affecting me and harassing me😭
But since I've seen not much people bring it up yet. In cased you didn't know New Year's Cater is fsr in Taisho Era clothing, which was an era of Imperial Japan. Thus, fashion from that era is seen as a symbol and glorification of Japanese imperial colonization and brutalization of Koreans, Chinese and Southeast Asians.
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"Twst isn't the only game that does this though, I've seen lots of other media use it as an aesthetic fashion choice! You're overreacting/trying to stir up trouble" Yeah unfortunately this, along with Nazi imagery, are still very glorified in Japanese pop culture. Purposeful or not, it being downplayed as just a cutesy Japan aesthetic in popular exported media (their soft power), helps downplay the severity of what Japan did in this era and make it easier for the government to sweep it under the rug.
When it's brought up for popular anime like Demon Slayer by Korean, Chinese or even some SEAsian people, it's not usually heard because anime fans are so quick to shut us down or even joke about Imperial Japan being in the right despite all the cultural genocide and mass rape committed to spite us☠️ Like I said this only ends in harassment and mockery of us so I wouldn't be saying stuff like this just for fun☠️
They changed Trey's Vargas camp v-neck ingame after already releasing the promo image already so I hope they can fix this too😭
I hope if even not from me, you will at least share this information around for those who aren't aware and tell them how and why it's wrong. Hopefully if enough people bring it up they will notice and change it, if not, then at least do not roll for cater specifically ig😭 Other characters are wearing kimonos from eras without problematic implications on this scale afaik
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average page on that one animation meme fandom wiki
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violetsandshrikes · 1 year
I’ve hesitated over making this post, but I think I’m going to throw it out there.
I’ve seen across social media platforms (but especially especially TikTok) a real increased n/eo na/zi presence. And I don’t think a lot of people are picking it up because they’re not being overly overt - what usually gives it away to me is less common associated symbols.
I’m going to show examples of a TikTok I just came across that had massive engagement. I’m putting it below the cut for trigger warning reasons. (TW for na/zi/sm, pedophilia mentions, murder mentions and hate symbols).
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Here’s the first and last slide. I won’t be showing the ones in the middle, but the summary is - they’re instructions on how to get away with murder such as how to remove your own fingerprints and reduce electronic tracking. A lot of people are obviously very pro-these-slides, because naturally, most people hate pedophiles. Most people are also missing a very important detail on the last slide.
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The tattoo depicted is a Black Sun/Sonnenrad. I would consider this actually a more well-known n/eo na/zi symbol, however many people still fail to recognise it.
As you can see from my original screenshot, 99.4K people saved this slideshow. 337.9k people liked it. Many of those people will not have clicked what the actual messaging is here and who it’s coming from, and that is seriously concerning.
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clione16 · 3 months
i see that farcille pool drawing get reposted and got many notes and yeah i know its well made and you guys love farcille so much but reminder that the artist behind that fanart, Khyleri is already infamous by their own for the spy x family holocaust drawing that posted on holocaust memorial. not only that but they also followed stonetoss and draw porn of underaged characters, making school shooting jokes and drawing anime girls in nazi uniform
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tonkysexist · 1 year
Taylor Swift realizing that she can’t get away with publicly hanging out with Matty Healy the same way she’s got away with hugging a man with a swastika shirt and then getting on stage and saying shit like “YOU KNOW I’m an ally” and “my concerts are a safe space”… embarrassing. So terribly embarrassing. I personally wouldn’t feel safe in a group full of swifties
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