#tw antisemitism mention
tiredandsleepyaf · 10 months
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Ok, so let me explain why rebloging posts like these do little to nothing to assure Jews that they’ll be safe around you.
Goyim reblogging this stuff don’t typically listen to Jews (which is apparent because we’ve said stuff like this doesn’t actually do anything to help us many times) about their experiences with antisemitism or listen when Jews try to educate them on things like antisemitic dog whistles or blood libel. Most of them are way more enthusiastic about punching Nazis than they are about showing any compassion to Jews. I’d venture to guess the majority of Jewish people know that often the goyim who reblog this stuff are just out for blood and don’t give a damn about us, because we’ve seen this many times. Not to mention that the desire for a violent revolution that some leftists seem to have has led to Jewish people facing a lot of antisemitism (at their hands). I would bet that some of the people reblogging this act similar to Nazis themselves. I know at the very least the goyim rebloging this don’t listen to Jews because we’ve said many times that this sort of thing doesn’t really do anything to help us, and we’d much rather goyim call out and learn about antisemitism. Overall, it’s just very performative activism, and it’s pretty obvious that the goyim reblogging this are just doing it to try and make themselves look better, and not for the sake of Jews.
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context: Hubert Aiwanger who had antisemitic flyers in his backpack when he was in school and did not apologize for that and his party, Die Freien Wähler, got the second most votes in Bayern (Bavaria, a state of Germany) and had the biggest increase in voters of all parties.
[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'apparently being accused of being an antisemite gets you more voters instead of less now' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]
People in Germany: Please Vote so people like that don't get that much influence!
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tonkysexist · 2 years
I don’t think people realize how fast “fandom drama” can can push people in to real life bigotry. I see the “it’s not that deep” sentiment a lot when I talk about the MCU and their whitewashing.
Earlier today I was following a comment thread on a TikTok video about Joe Locke potentially being Wiccan in the MCU. A fan of his started the comment thread with “I would love to see him as Billy and I think he’s talented” and within 10 comments it turned in to “Jews make up such a small percentage of the world you guys can’t possibly expect Marvel to find a queer Jew to be in the MCU”. That line of thinking just goes deeper and deeper. I’ve seen it so many times. First you only want to talk about how you don’t care about Wanda’s origins because the MCU is an adaptation and you’re such a fan of Elizabeth Olsen. Then you’re coming in my comments/inbox saying things like “The Jews want to control the media”.
This same logic applies when black actors recast originally white characters. Or when popular characters in media are reimagined as queer. I’m sorry, but it is that deep. Some parasocial defense of an actor slides so easily into real life hate speech and I’m not comfortable tolerating any of it.
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thequiver · 1 year
Charles being a character who wants all the optics of being a good person without any of the actual ethics, he’s more concerned with looking good than actually being good. And David being a direct threat to those optics…….it’s well known among mutants that Charles doesn’t care for his son, David is unwell, he harbors a lot of resentment for his father, and he’s one of the only people alive who knows that Charles preyed on his mother.
Charles loves the idea of having a son because he believes that his son would be like him- someone easily molded by praise to be this great image of the affluent man. But he doesn’t love the reality of having a son, because he cannot grasp that his son is a person who doesn’t want to be controlled and who cannot he easily molded. And he despises that the reality of his son reflects poorly on him. So he transfers that contempt to David.
Charles’ relationship with David is defined by this idea of shame and ownership. In their first interactions Charles takes pride in seeing Jack Wayne, an alter he views as similar to himself, an alter we know as one who wants to hurt David and who is ashamed of how weak and caring David is. When David asks for reassurance and care from his father he’s met with statements of possession, only to be abandoned, discarded to be experimented on as soon as it’s no longer convenient for Charles. The one time Charles organically cares about David in the wake of the Muir Island Saga it takes about five to ten minutes for the X-Men to break into David’s head and convince Charles that David isn’t worth saving and that it isn’t worth trying to save David because Charles likes them more.
Charles isn’t ever even shown to respect that unlike himself, David is not brought up as a rich white culturally Christian child. A fact which Charles should well known given that he met David’s mother in Israel when she was his patient, seeking care after having survived the Shoah. And when their entire relationship transpired while Gabby was his patient. Charles is well aware that David was raised as the son of an Israeli ambassador, and that David’s powers manifested during an antisemitic terrorist attack and that David spent years with the consciousness of the man who tried to kill him in his head. He knows that David was experimented on by Moira. And yet has an expectation of David to act like him, to not show any symptoms of his mental illness or to show signs that he has experienced trauma. And beyond that he also disregards that trauma, allowing a Nazi scientist to experiment on David even with his misgivings about the man deleting parts of his son’s brain, Charles barely offers any resistance.
Charles tells his son to his face that he thinks it’s better if David is dead, that the world is a better and safer place if he doesn’t exist while simultaneously imprisoning children who question his authority in the pit and allowing Nazis to have positions of power and influence on Krakoa.
And throughout it all he can’t seem to understand why David doesn’t like him, why his son might hold anger towards him, hatred even. Even when David tells him to his face “I love you, but I don’t know why,” Charles doesn’t even seem to question his own role in this father-son dynamic. He views his son being happy that his father is showing interest in him for once as a sign of aggression and psionically lobotomizes him, only to finally value David when he takes control of his son’s brain to use his powers to fight an enemy that David knew about already.
Charles views David not as a person to love or a son to cherish, but as an embarrassment to be controlled if brought out at all.
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wolf-tail · 5 months
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"Judeo-Christians" you are either WASPS or racist Catholics stop lying
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dougielombax · 6 months
It’s amazing how often you’d come across somebody whose opinions on things like justice, human rights and other such matters are perfectly rational.
Then you ask them about something like international affairs or vaccines and disabilities and it turns out that they’re completely fucking insane and deranged.
Babbling all the usual conspiratorial drivel about how “tHa JeWz” are controlling everything and that their shitty internet connection is all the fault of the “ZOG”.
(What even is that?!)
Before going on the spout the usual drivel about vaccines causing autism. Which btw they don’t.
The cognitive dissonance on display is astounding.
They’re so close to seeing bullshit for what it is, and then they sell their brains to 4Chan or kiwifarms or wherever and embrace fucking bigotry!
It seems to be something of a pattern.
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hey atheists!
As an fellow atheist
You are literally required to stop harassing Jewish people, and specifically about Christmas. I am gonna explain, tldr at the end
if you aren't doing anything, then no, I'm not talking to you, you did *checks notes* the bare minimum. but still, not as bad as that guy.
PS fucking A:
if a Jewish person says that they don't celebrate j-boi Christ's rescheduled bday then ITS NOT UR PLACE TO GO AND SAY "WELL IM ATHEIST AND ITS NOT EVEN CHRISTIAN ITS FROM PAGAN TRADITIONS AND IT IS NOT ABOUT RELIGION" GOOD FOR YOU, REALLY, IM NOT SARCASTIC HERE, I ALSO HAVE A GRUDGE AGAINST CHRISTIANITY AND STILL LIKE COOKIES AND TREES AND ALL THE FUN SHIT, BUT NO ONE ASKED!! IF THEY SAY THAT THEY FEEL LIKE XMAS IS A CHRISTIAN THING SO THEY DO'NT CELEBRATE IT THEN THATS NOT UR BUSSINESS!! IT LITERALLY DOESNT MATTER! THEY HAVE A. get this. 💫diff-er-ent bel-ief sys-tem💫. wow it's almost as if, they are allowed to feel what ever way they want because it's very likely* (read: almost guaranteed) they face casual antisemitism during the season of one of the main holidays of the church. lots of ex Christian atheists probably also don't like this holiday, so it's not just "the theists". people aren't hate criming you for not liking a time where there is a ton of Christian imagery everywhere. I know it's toned down, but it still came from the church and it's called "christ-mas" and is a major holiday for xtians. I'm begging you, literally none of it is a personal attack to those that like to non-religious-ly celebrate, it's about how they have felt and been treated, bc literally to any Jewish info site and see what they are talking about. they are literally just vibing, what is yalls fucking problem?
tdlr : If ur an atheist that celebrates and is happy when it's Christmas, have fun, but don't harass jewish people (or anyone, but it's mostly antisemitism I see) for simply seeing Xmas as something from another religion/culture (Christianity). also let them be mad about the antisemitism they face. it's not that hard
(I'm not jewish so feel free to correct me, I just posted about this bc a ton of atheists can have a hard time listening unless it's another atheist)
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thattheater-kid · 3 months
There is something deeply and intrinsically traumatic about being a Jewish alter living in a Catholic body, whose family is extremely Catholic and downright antisemitic.
There is something traumatic about being forced to attend church. Church itself is not necessarily traumatic, but being forced to attend, forced to be an altar server, is traumatic. It feels like wearing a costume that you can’t take off for your own safety, a costume that goes against everything you believe and everything you are.
It’s traumatic to hear “your” parents call your people vermin and say you-know-who should’ve “finished the job”. It’s traumatic to know you’re not safe in your own home, and that if they ever find out who you are you’re done for. It’s traumatic to live a lie and know that the only way to be safe is to leave.
It sounds so odd, but it’s deeply and extremely traumatic.
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shynerdwantscuddles · 11 months
Some of you need to realize that being a leftist doesn’t automatically make you a good person, nor does it make you immune to being a bigot. And it most certainly does not give you an excuse to discriminate against other people or mean that your own prejudices must be for the right reasons because you’re a leftist who can do no wrong. I’ve come across plenty of people on here who call themselves radical leftists or communists who preach violence and Nazi ideology. I’ve seen Nazi groups take advantage of that and try to swoop in and recruit those people, and they were probably successful. There are a concerning number of leftists who are only leftists and not conservatives because they want to feel morally superior (and just superior in general) to others. And they are absolutely invested in spreading bigotry and upholding the status quo under the guise of some leftist ideology to keep themselves feeling superior. I.e., if everyone were actually equal, they wouldn’t be able to pretend to support oppressed people, so they don’t actually want equality at all.
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ive talked about it before but it really is just like dan olson releases a new video and it shatters some part of my psyche or worldview, and as per usual, the newest video has done this via the world gold council.
a real thing that exists. there is in fact a real corporation, which is made up of the biggest gold mining companies in the world, that chose to name themselves the world gold council and that is fucking insane.
i mean, obviously theres the
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part of it because genuinely if this was in a satire, i'd think that's a bit heavy-handed, but nope. they just straight-up named themselves that.
presumably so satirists couldnt name their counterpart it as shorthand, because why else would you name it that? the connotations, bro, the connotations.
connotations like the
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part of it where its like, wait this isnt a fake organisation made up by antisemites? its called the fucking world gold council. if that name is not satirical, it has to be antisemitic, right? like that name fits right onto like, any antisemitic conspiracy theory, i.e. pretty much every conspiracy theory.
but no????? like this is just straight up an organisation funded by the world's biggest gold mining companies to represent their interests and sell the idea of gold mining to investors. like, they make propaganda, but its not even like wildly inaccurate, because of the nature of who theyre making propaganda for. theyre mostly considered a very factual resource for information about gold. theyre mostly just an average unethical corporation of that kind.
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chaosclover1999 · 6 months
some of u goy need 2 grow tf up and acknowledge that Wario and Waluigi r antisemitic caricatures and stop calling us jewish ppl antisemitic when we acknowledge that and hc them as jewish as a form of reclaiming them, it doesn't stop being antisemitic bc u just refuse 2 say jewish and say that they look and act like that bc they r "evil" or "cartoon villains" if anything it makes it worse bc its just u refusing 2 acknowledge what is obviously there and then getting mad when we point it out and then u try 2 say that we're the problem somehow
- curly black hair
- big hooked nose
- pointy ears
- talks ""weird""
- main character trait is him being greedy
- curly black hair
- big hooked nose
- pointy ears
- talks ""weird""
- main character trait is him being a creep
stop being dicks and calling us antisemitic 4 acknowledging the obvious and let us jews hc them as being jewish as an act of reclamation if we want 2, personally im jewish and hc that Wario is jewish and a drag king that pretends 2 b greedy as a way of rage baiting the antisemites, would love 2 hear u guys jewish Wario and Waluigi hcs from any fellow jewish ppl seeing this post
goy can interact but don't clown this post
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y'know one of the things that piss me off the most about the elections in germany? that the party (Freie Wähler) of the guy who didnt even apologise when it got out that antisemitic flyers had been found in his backpack at school had the biggest increase in voters in bayern (bavaria). and the nazi party (not the same btw. its called AfD) got the second most votes in hessen (hesse) and the third most votes in bavaria.
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destiel-news-channel · 10 months
Increase of antisemitic and anti-Muslim hate crimes
Following the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre there was a big increase of antisemitic and anti-Muslim hate crimes. CAIR (Council on American–Islamic Relations) reported 2,171 asks for help and reports of anti-Muslim and/or anti-Arab biases in the US since Oct. 7 (as of 2 Dec.). The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) reported 2,031 antisemitic incidents in the US between Oct. 7 and Dec. 7. This is a 337 % increase of antisemitic hate crimes compared to the same time frame in 2022 and a 172 % increase of anti-Muslim hate crimes compared to the two month average in 2022. More than half (1,411) of the antisemitic hate crimes were linked to the fighting in Gaza and Israel.
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tonkysexist · 1 year
Unfriendly reminder that you are indeed the company you choose to keep and Taylor Swift is completely culpable for hanging out with a man who has very publicly done a nazi salute at a concert (among other racist comments). Professional, friendly, or romantic she is proving herself to be a false ally yet again. Stop making excuses for her.
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shutterlens · 11 months
I will be moving my DeviantArt activity to my Instagram account
[tw: zionism, antisemitism mention, genocide, apartheid, financial abuse, emotional abuse, potentially distressing content]
To preface this post, I do not want to hear any argument about this from anyone. This may be an outright dangerous thing to because I am a complete financial dependent on my emotionally abusive father who will not let me donate money to any cause without his direct approval and has complete control over all of my essential information to the point of being under his insurance and him having total access to my bank account information, but it is something that I have to do anyway to prevent further platforming such a heinous website.
The link to my Instagram account:
However, I will not be advertising my Tumblr account as a main art account in any way because I do not want my emotionally abusive family to find out about this more personal account at any cost.
I will be moving all of my art, including series like Windows Humanized, to my Instagram account to protest DeviantArt's ongoing pro-genocide propaganda campaign and will no longer be posting any more art on my DeviantArt account.
I know that I will get a lot of hate for saying this (albeit as someone who's legally recognized as Roman Catholic but still looking for a way out of Christianity), but I am completely against the promotion of Zionist (colonialist promotion of a "Jewish homeland" in Palestine) apartheid genocide towards the Palestinian people that DeviantArt and its Israeli parent company Wix have done, especially in its recent propaganda campaign to get the users of DeviantArt to side with this oppressive regime.
In fact, Amnesty International, "a global movement of more than 10 million people who are committed to creating a future where human rights are enjoyed by everyone" (Amnesty International), considers Israel to be an apartheid regime in the following article:
My support towards the Palestinians, despite not being allowed to donate any money due to living in a very financially-controlling and staunchly pro-Israel family (despite trying to reason with them), should not be conflated with antisemitism or hostility of any kind towards the Jewish Community. In fact, there are countless amounts of members of the Jewish Community who are completely supportive of the Palestinian cause to the point where they have lost their jobs, been blacklisted, and more.
Examples: https://jewishcurrents.org/a-hebrew-teacher-called-herself-an-anti-zionist-she-was-fired https://lesbianchemicalplant.tumblr.com/post/636673678451605504/politicalsci
To conflate the condemnation of Israel's genocide of Palestine with antisemitism is dangerous promotion of propaganda.
Another example of an openly Jewish person who is in support of Palestine:
For those of you on here who are also in support of Palestine, I will also link a website made by Palestinians called "Decolonize Palestine", which educates about both Palestinian culture and their ongoing occupation and struggles, in addition to debunking popularized anti-Palestine propaganda.
The link to Decolonize Palestine can be found here:
I genuinely do not care if this post is deleted, if I get nastiness of any kind on this website for this post, or even if my DeviantArt account or other socials are deleted for this. I am completely in support of Palestine despite not being allowed to donate any money to the cause due to living in a financially abusive household and I refuse to hide it.
For those of you who follow my DeviantArt account, I will now be posting to my Instagram account every Sunday.
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sunnyh8smsi · 2 years
Supporting a racist isn't as progressive as you think.
So I decided I wanted to start my tumblr presence with a bang. Or at least in the fact that IK at least someone will get big mad over this, but I simply don't care. Here's some background before this post continues about the subjects of this post:
A popular blog on here that has gotten on my nerves a few times with how blatantly performative she is, girlgerard, who I will refer to as GG.(she/him) (hello from your search mentions, I don't come in peace)
And the subject she talks about, Lyn-z Way, bass 'player' of the racist band MSI, and wife of girlgerard's fave, Gerard Way. (Lynz-she/her, Gerard- he/they) So with that background, you might be asking, 'yo! how do these people connect at all?' That is very valid to ask. Girlgerard is a person who stans Gerard way so much that if he were criticism or critique. Therefore as someone who stans G Way he stands Lyn-z, and even defended Lyn-z. (Plus made a weird comment about their relationship) First as a brief mention about Lyn-z, it is public knowledge in the MCR space, that she is apart of the Band MSI, who's lead singer says the N-word in multiple songs, and is an alleged pedophile. Lyn-z has also race faked very publicly, on twitter. So with that being said, you can tell why people dislike Lyn-z, she's pretty much an all around POS.
Instead of recognizing his fave's wife is a bad person, while still liking Gerard, GG has weaponized Lyn-z's queerness and womanhood to excuse, or at the very least diminish, Lyn-z's racism. Saying that people attack her because they're misoginistic, and listing reasons in this photo below (alt text in image description)
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Yes, I know that is a lot to cover, but I will break it down, and why I disagree with her, in simple chunks.
1. From what I've seen and experienced on twitter, most people do not like her because she is racist/race faked. I remember once instance where someone made a very uncouth joke about harming Lyn-z, which was also very sexist, and people that called out her before went after, reported and called them out immediately. 2. A nit pick, GG did not have to mention he was Indian in the first post for the anons sending vile messages to her part to have an impact.
3. No one gives a shit that you want Gerard to be happy. People do give a shit that you have defended a literal racist. And yk, maybe the mentioning of ethnicity plays an unintended ironic role. It makes no sense you defend her.
4. Being weirdly sexual. I get it you were being sarcastic about the pegging line, but there is a trend about these oddly sexual jokes that I will bring up later in the post.
5. Lyn-z has said mentioned was a fan of a transphobic, antisemitic, and racist drag queen, Sharon Needles, a few times, it is valid for people to call her a transphobe, or a terf, with how white girl feminist she is, because of that. A specific instance of her supporting this drag queen was a photo she posted on twitter in 2012.
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6.A queer person can be homophobic. Queer people might have a lot of internalized homophobia, or even might be homophobic themselves. We see this a lot in the queer community, as an example, with how bisexuals are treated, and queer people who have been brainwashed by homophobic rhetoric. Do I think Lyn-z is homophobic? Most probably she is not. She toured with a queer man for years and has claimed to be bisexual herself, but I do see how someone can see her as homophobic without that context. If you as a brown person think you should not be defending her, don't defend her. Racism halts any exception.
7.It doesn't matter that people do not know Lyn-z, if she has affected them negatively. Lyn-z has done a lot for people to dislike her, defended a pedo, supported racist and antisemitic bands and people, be a performative feminist, a performative anti-racist, race fake, and more. It is not misogynistic to dislike her for those reasons, even if they don't know her. I promise none of that correlates to her womanhood, except for her using her white woman tears to defend herself on twitter.
8.There is nothing vitriol about valid critique and distain of her behavior. 9.There was and is genuine discussion and intent for discussion about racial dynamics, assuming you didn't just put that phrase in there to sound smart. People call her out because of how she uses her whiteness, and even womanhood, to appropriate other cultures and defend her racism in MSI. (By the womanhood example I mean her saying things on twitter, I'm paraphrasing with this, like 'what would I do if my daughter google searches her mother and sees all these horrible things about her', which she was referring to call outs about Jimmy and MSI, not misogyny.)
It seems GG views Lyn-z not as a person to be judged on her own merits, but to be judged on his bias of Gerard. She brings joy to Gerard, so she can't be critiqued, because Gerard can't be critiqued. Some strong cognitive dissonance is going on here. Although she has mentioned she isn't the biggest fan of Lyn-z, he fangirls over photos, and defends her Lyn-z because Gerard is in the equation.
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Not only fangirling, but defending. Again only because he views her as an asset to Gerard.
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There is a lot of things wrong with this post. A lot. Once again I will break it down into manageable chunks. 1.First of all, what's with this 'kys anons' thing? Seems hypocritical...
2.Gerard is GNC, but has never mentioned being trans. It seems from a lot of GG's posts that she uses a lot of gender essentialism to support the fact that he views Gerard as a trans-femme. Using the fact Gerard wore skirts to call him a Girl in various ways, just feels demeaning to Gerard's explicit statements that he does not want to be assumed about. Gerard might not fit gender norms, but that doesn't mean he identifies with the trans label.
GNC ≠ Trans
3.The use of dyke. Calling a couple dykes just because you think they are a lesbian couple is extremely homophobic. Calling someone a slur in general is extremely hateful, and this is situation seems like fetishization of trans lesbians. I had mentioned before that I feel some of GG's posts feel sexual in an off kilter way, this is one of them. Referring to the couple as just terms like femme4femme without the couple being lesbian in any remote way feels like she's searching up a porn category.
I know GG backtracked on some posts, idk if this one in general, saying it's all just a joke, but calling someone a slur and misgendering them is simply not funny. (plus GG to this day refers to Gerard, (and sometimes Ray) as a woman, uses she/her, calls her girl, etc. The 'its just a joke' statement was just to save his ass from people getting mad she misgendered and sexualized them. It's never just a joke.)
So why write all this?
Girlgerard has made a few posts recently focused on helping out poc, but only using the most basic ways of helping people out, in the short term. And barely addressing the actual racism that change our racist system that keeps poc in poverty. Instead of promoting things that will cause long term change on top of the short term.
It's very hypocritical that he want's to help other poc out but supports a racist, and has called other minorities, that suffer from this system, slurs.
In conclusion, girlgerard's support of Lyn-z shows how he actively will excuse Racist, Homophobic, and antisemitic people if her fave loves that person.
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