imjustwritingg · 2 days
like you wanted it forever - chapter 20
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Happy Hockey Jay Day! I know the last chapter was brutal, but this one might make up for it. I did make some changes while editing so there’s no ice skating in this chapter, but it’s coming later. 🥰
Hope you still enjoy this one! Happy reading! 🏒📸✨
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It's okay. I got you 🤍
Jay Halstead & Hailey Upton - Chicago PD
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uptondixon · 4 months
Upstead Foster Daughter
Did you ever wonder how Upstead would be as foster parents for a teenage girl? Like Hank and Erin, Hailey and Jay welcomed Olivia to their home when she was 16. Olivia holds a lot of grudges and is full of mischief, but she is also incredibly sweet and has a tremendous need to feel like she belongs. To her surprise, Hailey and Jay will give her exactly that.
[Chapter I] "If I was dying on my knees you would be the one to rescue me"
Jay is shot and help comes from an unexpected source.
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Blood was no stranger to Jay Halstead. Nor is being in the aim of a gun. But actually being shot, bleeding out? This is something you never get used to. 
Jay had been lying on the cold concrete floor for about two minutes now, unaware that minutes had passed. Everything happened so fast. The bullet missed his bulletproof vest and hit his side, invading him with pain and knocking him to the ground.
Jay made an effort but failed to reach for his radio that he dropped when he fell. Being alone, bleeding out from a hole in your belly, is enough to send anyone into a panic. But not him, because Jay knew that was not how he would die, chasing a stupid drug dealer who shot him down an alley in the middle of the day. He wasn't even supposed to be there alone in the first place. 
His team would find him. Hailey would find him.
Half a minute later, Jay hears footsteps coming from the other side of the alley. His hands loosened the hold on his side where he was stanching the bleeding with a piece of his plaid shirt. They got to him, he could relax now. 
The footsteps were soft, they were probably from Hailey or Kim, even Hank coming-
“Jesus Christ! Sir, what happened?” Jay's head moved in the direction of the voice so fast that he felt pain shooting through his entire body. 
His vision was getting blurry, be he could make out a teenage girl who could not be older than fifteen. She was staring at him from 10 steps away and the strain his neck was doing to look at her was making him even more uncomfortable. He resumed his previous position with a loud groan, pressing the piece of fabric tighter against his side again. 
The action calls the girl's attention to the wound, the amount of blood making her gasp and kneel on the ground beside the man. Although she had never seen a gunshot wound before, she knew it was one. She noticed his vest, his gun, and his radio on the ground. He was a cop and he was bleeding out on the pavement right in front of her. She had to do something.
Her hands flew to the wound, joining his bigger ones in stopping the bleeding. She took out her coat, pressing it to the wound. 
“My belt” Jay said, reaching out to it. He had attempted to remove it earlier, but his hands were shaking excessively and he lacked the strength to do so. Just like he couldn't reach for his radio to call for help.
She got the message and took his belt. His badge and gunholder coming off in the process. The girl knew she had to do a tourniquet, so she wrapped the belt around his side, finding some difficulty in doing so, but still managed to succeed. More grunts of pain left Jay as she tightened the belt. 
Her hands and clothes were covered in blood, and her face had some splashes from when she tried to get her hair out of the way.
What to do now? She couldn't carry him, she couldn't leave him here alone to die either. 
“The radio, take my radio” Jay's voice was weaker now, he was using all his strength to not pass out. 
She looked back and stood up to retrieve the radio. She came back and kneeled beside him again, waiting for more instructions. It was crazy how he could still think rationally in these conditions. She felt so powerless because he was the one dying, but he was still managing to tell her what to do. She knew, however, that he was probably trained for moments like this.
“What's your name?” Jay said after a moment trying to catch his breath.
“Olivia” She answered, her voice shaking.
The girl glanced down at the name carved on his vest “Halstead, Intelligence” she read out loud. 
“Yeah, yeah, you-” he coughed. “You pull this switch and press this button” his blood-soaked hand showed her how to do it.
“Call for help, tell them the address” were Jay’s last words before he started to feel his consciousness fading away.
He turned his head to the side, feeling the cold on his cheek. His vision went completely black but he could still hear Olivia's voice in the background.
Jay could not make out what she was saying but the last thing he heard before passing out was Hank's voice through the radio “Who the hell are you?!”
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You all recognize the lyrics from the title, right? Thank you for reading and let me know what you think! It's my first time attempting to write a story with multiple chapters so any form of encouragement is much appreciated ♡
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karihighman · 6 months
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Upstead on Chicago PD of course 🫢🤭
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lavenderhaize · 29 days
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Oh the soft hard launch of the year 🚬
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ameliagiovanna0 · 15 days
You gain something. You give something up.
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renegadesstuff · 25 days
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CHICAGO PD (2014 - present)
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lady-rhaesnow · 29 days
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I am so fucking happy right now 🥰🥰🥰
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youngeditor1999 · 1 year
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go-to-two · 4 months
The fun thing about the laziness of Hailey's exit story is that it's SO open, I can say that Hailey and Jay reunite and no one can tell me I'm wrong
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ella-moise · 29 days
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AHHHHHHHH OMG! Trasseeeeee!!!! MY upstead and trasse heart is so so happy right now! 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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imjustwritingg · 6 months
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Goodbye Jay Halstead & Hailey Upton ❤️
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uptondixon · 3 months
Upstead Foster Daughter
Did you ever wonder how Upstead would be as foster parents for a teenage girl? Like Hank and Erin, Hailey and Jay welcomed Olivia to their home when she was 16. Olivia holds a lot of grudges and is full of mischief, but she is also incredibly sweet and has a tremendous need to feel like she belongs. To her surprise, Hailey and Jay will give her exactly that.
[Chapter II] “You’re on your own, kid, you always have been”
No one expected to hear a stranger's voice through their radio, let alone saying that Jay was bleeding out on the pavement.
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“Who the hell are you?” Voight’s surprised voice came through the radio.
“My name is Olivia Rivera, I'm with your officer Halstead and he's been shot! I'm sorry I couldn't call an ambulance but I don't have my phone with me,” Olivia said everything so fast they almost couldn't understand it.
“Shot? What the hell?” said Hailey in exasperation. She was driving with Voight after Jay left by himself.
The whole team was checking the crime scene from their current case when Jay got a call from a CI. Hailey was busy interrogating a witness when he got the call. She told him to wait for her but he was so eager for whatever information his CI had to give that he decided to go by himself. Turns out it was a trap. Hailey did not know the details yet, but she couldn’t help but think that this would have not happened if she had been with him.
“Wh-where are you?” Hailey asked, already feeling her heart start to beat out of her chest.
Olivia told her the address as slowly as possible in her state; after that, Hailey started bombarding her with questions she did not know how to answer.
While they talked, Voight rushed in passing the address to dispatch requesting an ambulance and some patrol cars. The rest of the team followed behind.
“Is he conscious?” Hailey asked.
Silence followed her question, leaving them both tense.
“Olivia! Is he conscious?” Hailey repeated.
“I- He- He was until now when I called you.”
“Does he still have a pulse, Olivia?” Hailey guided her to check.
“Yes, he does!”
“Okay, okay, keep putting pressure on the wound.”
“What's the ambulance ETA?” Voight's rough voice questioned dispatch.
“We're close, hang tight Olivia,” Hailey said, trying to calm the girl and herself down. He would make it, he always made it. This was not his first time being shot, but she surely hoped it was his last. She couldn't do this last time and she especially can't do it now.
“He'll be fine, Hailey,” Voight's voice invaded her thoughts. “Halstead’s strong, he'll get through this.”
Olivia didn't like hospitals. She felt trapped, unsafe, and overwhelmed. Probably because of the amount of people coming and going, the voices overlapping each other. There was too much going on and she shouldn't even be there in the first place.
After Jay's co-workers got to them everything happened in a blur. The ambulance got there seconds later, along with the other members of the team.
When Hailey and Voight arrived, Hailey came running in Jay and Olivia’s direction. She stared at the teenager with a mix of desperation and gratitude. Olivia stepped away as Hailey took her place. As others approached, Olivia stepped more and more away from the scene, ending up a little far away from it all.
She watched the scene unfold before her eyes in a trance. Jay was put into an ambulance and taken to the hospital, with several police cars following behind. Should she leave? She wants to know if he is going to be alright, of course. On the other hand, she feels like she was not supposed to be there.
“Hey! Olivia, isn't it?” a tall man appeared in her field of vision, his eyes were gentle and his voice calm.
“Yes,” Olivia answered.
“Name’s Kevin, Kevin Atwater. This is my friend, Kim Burgess,” he pointed to the woman beside him, and she smiled softly. Both officers looked shaken but they masked well, Olivia thought. Of course, this was not easy for them. Seeing a colleague hurt like that, almost lifeless.
“There's someone we can call for you? Your mom or dad?” Kim asked.
The girl didn’t answer. Kevin and Kim exchanged a look.
“Well, just come to the hospital with us then, okay?”
Voight watched them from afar, getting ready to enter the car and head to Med. Jay was the priority now, but they all were grateful for the girl, she saved Jay’s life after all. He made a mental note to thank her personally later.
Olivia debated for a moment. She decided it was better if she went with them and found a way to leave later without them noticing.
She nodded and followed them to the car.
“You can get cleaned up there,” Kim said after getting in the car.
Kevin started the drive to Med. Olivia didn’t answer the officer, suddenly feeling hyper-aware of all the blood on her. The adrenaline was wearing down.
“Are you okay, Olivia?” Kim asked softly.
“Yeah, sorry… I'm fine.”
“It’s okay, we will get to the hospital soon.”
Sitting in the doctors' room in Chicago Med a couple of hours later, Olivia was clean and waiting for a chance to leave. The really nice nurse called April who helped her clean up and gave her some food came by minutes ago and told her Jay would be alright. She left again when another nurse called for her so now was the perfect time for Olivia to leave.
She did not need to be discharged since she was neither a patient nor a suspect, right? Olivia got up and left the room, bringing some of the snacks the nurse gave her.
“Don’t worry Hails, we’re getting the bastard who shot Jay,” Kevin said firmly, looking at a very distressed-looking Hailey. Olivia got to the hospital’s lounge and saw Jay’s team reunited talking. They had their backs to the door she entered and could not see her.
They started to talk about the man who shot Jay and what they were doing to find him, most of which Olivia did not understand or did not care to try to understand. She stopped paying attention and started to plan how she would get out of there. There was only one way out and she could not leave without them seeing her.
Olivia was scared. She knew she wasn’t in trouble or anything but they were still police so she might as well be in trouble if they got to know more about her. Hell, they might as well already know.
“Stay with your husband Hailey, we’ll get him,” Voight's words drew Olivia's attention. Husband? That explained why Hailey was the most distressed of them all. The look on her face when she saw him lying on the pavement.
“Oh! Olivia, there you are,” said April, the nurse who helped Olivia earlier. Olivia's name caught the group's attention and five heads turned to look in her direction.
“Olivia!” Voight said, approaching the girl. “How are you? I need to properly thank you for helping my detective, I don’t know what could have happened if you weren’t there.”
“I… well, he was…” Olivia did not know what to say, so she came with a simple “You’re welcome” and a shy smile. She didn't expect to talk with anyone, let alone have all the attention on her.
“Well, I’m Sergeant Hank Voight and this is my team,” he went on introducing each of them. “You met Officer Kim Burgess and Officer Kevin Atwater. Detective Hailey Upton was the one you spoke with on the radio. And that is Officer Adam Ruzek.” he pointed to each one and they gave her a nod or a small smile.
After the introduction, he turned to look at her again. He spoke in a more serious tone, “We’re going to need your statement.”
Shit. That is exactly what she was trying to avoid. “I can’t!” was the first thing that came out of her mouth.
“It’s okay Olivia, we checked your file and we’re going to call your foster family on the way to the station,” Hank said.
So they know about her foster family, but they did not know she had run away yet. That was why she was in that alley, in that part of town, by herself.
Olivia thought about running but she could never get far with this many cops around. On their way to the district, she thought about jumping from the moving car but that was too stupid even for her. She laughed at the thought. Sitting in the car with Kim and Kevin again, she accepted her fate.
All her effort running away was for nothing. She was back to square one.
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Slow, I know, but this is me trying guys. I love this OC so I hope I can keep writing her story even though I'm slow af. Thank you so much for the likes and reblogs on chapter one! ♡
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karihighman · 9 months
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Lisseth third wheeling my favorite ships is the best thing to ever happen to The Rookie & Chicago PD 🤭😅 it’s too great!!
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japrstead · 26 days
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I’m still at the restaurant 🥹🖤🥰
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