reddit-007 2 days
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Imaginary results who confirms ______ I Found it Here !!
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mybellyonly75 3 days
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My belly!馃悥
Mon bide!馃悥
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mactiir 8 months
For my entire life people have told me I am "naturally athletic". I am not "naturally athletic": I am an asthmatic with historically really poor cardio health and joints that partially dislocate themselves if I put pressure on them slightly weird. What I *am* is naturally tall and slender, even more so when I did absolutely no physical activity and ate very little because my neurodivergent body didn't give me hunger signals, which most people mistake for "naturally athletic".
That's not to say I don't have the potential for athleticism. My mother, who has never been under 250 pounds my entire life, is built of sheer farm girl muscle, has stellar blood pressure and cardio health despite her weight, and could (and has!) bodily haul me and my grown brother around like we weigh nothing. When I was a kid the woman was biking triathlon distances before we were even awake for school. The woman is an ATHLETE, and her whole life she has been obese (and heard from everyone and their dogs that she needs to lose weight).
I'm not sure where I'm going with this long piece of anecdotal evidence, except to say: my whole life I heard I was naturally athletic, until I actually became athletic. Because the thing is, I put on muscle like my mom. It fills out my shoulders and arms and makes me look big, thick, and barrel chested. "Genetically beefy", as my brother puts it. And suddenly I wasn't getting comments about my athleticism anymore. I'm quite literally the healthiest I've ever been. I can run for miles, lift my weight, my balance and heart health are excellent. I'm just bigger now. And not one stranger has a comment about my physique since I got fit. Because I don't look like what they think "naturally athletic" is.
I guess what I'm saying is, maybe don't let your perception of what "athleticism" or "health" LOOKS like color your perception of like. People's actual health.
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incognitopolls 2 months
We ask your questions so you don鈥檛 have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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lololmiley 2 months
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Patrzecie kurwa ona schud艂a 30 a wy nie umiecie zrzuci膰 tych kilku kg? zalosne kurwy 馃惙
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genderqueerdykes 2 months
i was reading the recipe suggestions on some of the cans of mackerel i have in my cupboard, and I've noticed that on all of the recipe suggestions for pasta, seafood, anything really say "try this for a low-calorie, low carb, low fat, low sugar dinner". you. need those things when it comes to be mealtime. calories are a measure of how much "energy" you can burn, not how much weight you will gain from eating the food. carbohydrates get broken down into starches, sugars, and fibers, which are all necessary for you to function.
your brain & body operate primarily off of fats, sugars, and proteins, but i've noticed that protein is the only thing we push as absolutely necessary, which just isn't true. whenever you idle and not in motion, your body has nothing to do with the extra protein you're bringing in. it will be stored as extra fat if you do not give that protein a reason to build muscle tissue instead.
your brain consumes 20% or more of the sugar you take into your body- our brains NEED glucose, you literally need sugar to think. if you feel depressed and like you're sluggish reacting to things, thinking, remembering things, and other mental processes, if you are the kind of person who refuses to eat any sugar at all due to wanting to be skinny, you are doing your brain a huge disservice:
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i can't stand the hatred towards dietary fats, because it's causing so many people to be outright miserable or even sick. you need fats to function. they are an excellent source of energy and are literally required for you to be able to move, think, and combat disease. they are not this icky thing that you need to avoid at all costs. fats are extremely important for brain development, as well as brain function, and even immune system function:
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also for many people, 2,000 calories or less per day is nowhere near enough. your brain actively consumes calories, fats and sugars while you are awake, no matter what you are doing:
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i sincerely refuse to believe that if JUST YOUR BRAIN ALONE consumes somewhere in the ballpark of 400-500 calories just for being awake and active that we can only survive off of 2,000 calories a day. capitalism, diet culture and fat shaming forcing us to starve ourselves of vital nutrients so we are weak and too tired to fight back against the bullshit we face every day. food is important.
food isn't just to satiate the feeling of an empty stomach. it is the ONLY way you get vital fuel in order to keep moving, living, thinking, and breathing. vitamins and minerals are NOT the only vital aspects of food. you're not meant to restrict how many nutrients you get at FUCKING MEAL TIMES. YOU NEED FUEL. PLEASE FUEL YOUR BODY AND BRAIN. A CONVENTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE BODY ISN'T WORTH SUFFERING AND LIVING YOUR WORST LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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beginnerbellygrow 4 months
2 bottles of CocaCola, 1 burrito, 2 bags of fries, 2 ice creams and 3 crunchywraps in almost a one hour video. There鈥檚 a lot of burps, belly rubs, talking and moaning. I hope you like it as much as I did! 馃惙馃サ
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thebibliosphere 5 months
im glad you've figured out the boob situationTM, but i must say that i was stopped in my fucking tracks when you mentioned both that you're 135 pounds and that youve had doctors say you need to loose weight. 135 pounds?!? if one ever needed a clearer example of how america's medical institutions are obsessed with weight over the actual health and vital signs of the patient, that'd be the perfect case, because what person weighing 135 pounds needs to LOSE WEIGHT? no one needs to loose weight as much as they just need to exercise for general health, but people at that weight especially don't need to. they fucking shouldn't.
what, are they working under the assumption that your muscles can't fuck you up further if you're just skin and bones instead? some goddamn doctors, man.
Mmm. It's unfortuantely not limited to the US healthcare system. I grew up in the UK, and I've got pretty strong memories of always being told to lose weight even when I was at my absolute lightest so I'd be at the "better" end of the BMI scale.
Because of this, back when I first moved to the US 10 years ago, I weighed about 120-ish lbs soaking wet, and the first doctor I saw looked at me over the top of her glasses, tsked, and told me that based on my BMI I should aim to be 5lbs lighter for optimal health and that "extra" 5lbs was why I had acid reflux.
(Spoiler alert: even when I rapidly dropped 30lbs last year due to a medical complication, I still had acid fucking reflux.)
I'm so, so thankful now that core providers of my healthcare team think BMI is bullshit because, holy fuck, it it bullshit.
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w0nyounq 1 year
Zrebloguj, a obudzisz si臋 -1kg l偶ejszy.
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intriga-hounds 5 days
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reality-detective 8 months
I was watching a video of New York in 1930 and the thing I noticed here was: "Can you spot a single person who is overweight?"
What's changed? 馃
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incognitopolls 7 days
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We ask your questions so you don鈥檛 have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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whoislea-anyways 9 months
Always an angel, never a god.
Always 猸愶笍ving, never loosing.
Always sick, never sick enough.
Always normal, never skinny.
Always an angel, never a god.
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beginnerbellygrow 11 months
Hey! I have reached 100 kg! Thank you all for your support! To celebrate this, more content is coming! Link in bio!
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proudnb 29 days
Being fat doesn't take away from your nonbinary-ness.
You can lose, gain or keep your weight the same and you'll be just as much a nonbinary person.
Fatness is human.
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gramarobin 11 months
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