This new fad; two or more semi-colons; in one sentence
I do not like it. It's just wrong.
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I just created a single page with all my fic recs on it, and then went through three years of posts to make sure everything was tagged properly to show up on it.
You’re welcome.
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I'm so sorry...
Don't apologize in your fic notes. Not seriously anyway. It's fine if you're joke-apologizing for writing angst or a cliffhanger or whatever, but saying things like "I'm sorry this is shit" or "this chapter's really boring, I don't know why I wrote it", helps no one, especially not you. You are a strong, confident author who's written an awesome fic! You have nothing to apologize for! That's the you to be presented when you're posting on ao3. All the worry and self-doubt belongs in private conversations with your friends. Not in your author's notes at the top of the page. Putting apologies at the start of a fic or a fic chapter (or, god forbid, half way through) achieves nothing. It won't make readers sympathetic to your plight. The nice ones will just, consciously or unconsciously, start looking for these failings or errors you've mentioned, which they probably wouldn't have even noticed before. The nasty ones will sense weakness and attack in the comments. If you need someone to hold your hand and tell you you're doing ok, that's fine. Lets face it, we all need that from time to time, especially when we're putting ourselves out there and posting our fic, making ourselves vulnerable. But your readers aren't the ones to do it for you. And making yourself more even vulnerable by letting them see your insecurity is not good for you and not good for your fic. You both deserve better.
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Summary: Stiles is used to selling himself to make ends meet. But it's getting harder to keep those ends meeting, and there's only so much of Stiles to go around. Until a too-fancy car shows up in his neighborhood, and he meets Derek Hale.
All Derek wants is Stiles's time, someone to stay on his arm for events and smile for the cameras. It's the easiest job Stiles has ever had, the best-paying one he's ever had, and he's more than happy to sign up.
Derek is everything and nothing Stiles expects him to be, with his tailored suits, sharp mind and his quiet way of caring. But it's just a job and Stiles never meant to fall in love.
Drive by rec today, but this is an absolutely glorious fic. I really, really enjoyed it. It hit so many things that I love. It’s not a Pretty Woman AU in any way, but there were one or two little nods in that direction which I appreciated. It also recognised that some people choose sex work because they want to do it, and that’s fine, and some people do it even though they don’t want to, and that’s fine too in the sense that it doesn’t (or shouldn’t) invalidate those who do and are able to make the choice.
In terms of warnings, there’s obviously a degree of power imbalance between Stiles and Derek inherent to the situation, but it never felt any more uncomfortable to me than any ordinary misunderstanding over who has what feels. There’s also a 12 year age difference between them, which is just about the upper limit of what I’ll read, but that’s a personal preference thing. There’s no Stiles/others shown, and only a few fairly vague references to things that he’s done in the past, which I didn’t find a problem at all (except in the sense that sometimes they were things he’d rather not have done).
If you go into this expecting something that’s basically a long PWP, you will be disappointed, because it’s not. Initially Stiles and Derek’s arrangement isn’t even a sexual one, it’s just about company, so I think for about the first third of the fic there is no sex at all. It’s all about the plot and the feelings. And I for one loved that.
I also really loved the relationship between Derek and Laura. It was a refreshingly different take on them, and although we only saw a few little glimpses, as the fic is Stiles’ POV, I liked that it hinted at a lot more going on behind the scenes. That’s the kind of careful universe-crafting that I always enjoy.
Overall, this is an author whose name you see and you know you’re in for something good. And this certainly lives up to its author. Absolutely worth a read.
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Side eyeing you so hard
Look. I'm onto you. I know what you're doing. You've made your point, you can stop now. Using the phrase "bubble butt" in otherwise good fics doesn't make it acceptable. Ever. It just makes me get halfway through your fic before I roll my eyes and sigh and then keep going, because it's a good fic, yeah, but I'm not reccing it, friend, because DO NOT USE THE PHRASE BUBBLE BUTT OMG WHY AM I HAVING TO SAY THIS AGAIN! Good grief.
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There's a special circle of Hell for people who rate fic E for language.
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aflailureandamasterpiece replied to your post “Sterek Fic Recs”
Thanks for the rec! You definitely steered some readers in my direction. I'm really glad you liked it!
Thank you for writing a wonderful fic! If I was able to help a few more people find and enjoy it, that’s great :)
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Author’s summary: In which Derek and Stiles have been married for ten years, have two kids, and are planning their five year old’s birthday party.
That summary is just for the first part. This is a series, currently standing at 150k, which I just finished today. I’ve had a weird, slightly tough week for me, and what I really wanted was a domestic fic where nothing much happened, everyone was pretty happy and settled, and Stiles and Derek just loved each other and that was that.
And thankfully someone happened to rec me this series, which fit the bill exactly.
The family life feels so real, the kids are actual kids with their own personalities and their own stuff going on, there are scenes that made me laugh out loud, scenes that made me cry, but all of it was a joy to read.
I just hope the author keeps writing this, because I need this family to stay in my life.
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Sterek Fic Recs
The Accidental Hale Brood by Julibean19 [Sterek, M, 42k] Kidfic, adoption, fake/pretend relationship, fluff, cuteness, police officers
Author’s summary: Stiles and Derek have been BCPD partners for years when they are assigned Halloween duty and run into a couple of kids from the orphanage. One fake marriage and two real adoptions later, they somehow become a family.
This is lovely. Fake relationship is one of my favorite tropes, and I love kidfic with well written, realistic kids. This is long enough to be satisfying too, with lots of characterisation and context. A good read.
Lunches, Knitting and Definitely Not Dating by Noxlunate [Sterek, T, 10k] Mpreg, aboverse, past Stiles/OMC, acquaintances to lovers, deputy Derek
Author’s summary: Just a weird mpreg fic with Derek and Stiles totally kinda dating without realizing it, and Stiles figuring out this whole having a baby thing.
It’s not weird, the author’s being way too harsh on themself. I love a good mpreg fic. There’s not enough mpreg in my opinion. I could read mpreg fic all day every day and still want more. So I enjoyed this very much. It’s got great characterisation, especially for Stiles being terribly practical about it from the moment he finds out he’s pregnant, and yet oblivious about how he and Derek find each other without quite realising. Cute.
When You’re Gone by illusemywords [Sterek, T, 27k] Mystery, unreliable narrator, illness, memory loss due to trauma, angst, character death (the Hale fire)
Author’s summary: Stiles Stilinski suffers memory loss and terrible headaches after an accident he had the summer he was fifteen. He doesn't remember what happened that summer or why the Hales left town, and no one seems to want to talk about it. Now he's just turned seventeen and he decides that if he ever wants to know what happened to him that summer he'll have to figure it out himself. Eventually, memories start coming back to him, and he starts piecing them together.
I love fic that’s a bit different, and this is definitely different. It’s got a very unusual narrative structure, but it’s perfect for the fic, which has a creepy, unsettled vibe, due to the nature of the story its telling. It’s angsty and sad and beautiful. I really liked it.
Scowls and Sarcasm by dr_girlfriend [Sterek, T, 26k] Pride and Prejudice Au
Author’s summary: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single alpha in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a mate.
This is a Pride and Prejudice AU. A good one. I don’t know what more information you could possibly need. It veers off radically towards the end for the sake of drama, which I’m not completely convinced was necessary if I’m being brutally honest, because P&P is epic and perfect just as it is, but Peter Hale as Lady Catherine De Bourgh honestly makes up for anything. Heh.
Married at First Glance by Wonderwolf [Sterek, E, 63k] Reality TV AU, fake/pretend relationship, one-sided Paige/Derek
Author’s summary: Married at First Glance gives its participants seven weeks. Seven weeks, starting when they meet and marry their “perfect match”, to decide if they want to stay married or divorce. For Stiles and Derek though, the challenge lies within trying to pretend that they don’t absolutely hate each other’s guts. When you’re married to a werewolf who dislikes humans, however, this can get a little tricky. But the sweet, sweet cash reward at the end will be worth it. Right?
I’ve never watched these reality shows, they’re not my thing tbh, but they’re undeniably and awesome premise for a fic, and this one really does the concept justice by putting meat on the bones and taking enough time over it to make it feel like a proper story, not just a precursor to Sterek getting together. I followed this as a WIP and read each part as soon as it came in because I was enjoying it so much. Good stuff.
Written Can’t Be Denied by lookslikenico and winglesswarrior [Sterek, T, 55k] Actor Stiles, Photographer Derek, soulmates au, soulmarks, single parent derek
Author’s summary: The story goes that, the first time you meet your ‘soulmate’, the universe will give you a sign in what should be the most obvious way - somewhere in your immediate vicinity the word ‘soulmate’ will appear. ...  A fact that causes havoc the day that up and coming actor, Stiles Stilinski holds up a bottle emblazoned with the word 'soulmate' in the middle of a press conference where Derek Hale is working as a photographer, in the middle of the worst day of his life.
The trend for soulmate/soulmark AUs has cooled off a bit recently, I think, which is fine. It’s just the natural rhythm of fandom, tropes come and go. There have been some really intriguing explorations of the concept, and some that have just used the concept to tell beautiful stories, and this fic falls into the second of those categories. It’s depthful and interesting and well characterised and I was rooting so hard for those crazy kids.
Seat Belts & Gravity by calrissian18 [Sterek, E, 22k] Friends with benefits, mostly canon compliant
Author’s summary: People leave in Beacon Hills, give up on the town, the people, on life itself. And he and Derek are still here, six years later, still able to drink a beer and share space. It’s kind of remarkable in a really understated way.
I love the way this author writes. I love their style, and I love their characterisation. They have an absolute gift for writing Stiles especially in this quirky way that feels more canon than canon, like it’s what Stiles should be if the show wasn’t so hampered and trapped by stupid bullshit like being written by a bunch of apes at typewriters under instructions from network executives who think viewers just want more love triangles. To be honest, if I were you I’d just run straight to AO3 and read everything this author’s ever written, and then find their Tumblr and read the stuff there too. You will not regret it.
Whatever Our Souls Are Made Of by Lissadiane [Sterek, T-ish, 15k] Character death (not Sterek), coffee shop au / college au, ghosts, ghost animals
Author’s summary:  In which Stiles Stilinski sees the ghosts of animals with unfinished business, and Derek Hale is unaware that his dearly departed sister left a few things unfinished.
Fair warning, this made me cry. When I read the summary, I went ��phhh that sounds dumb”, but it’s actually beautiful. Just go and read it. But have a box of tissues handy.
The White Hart of Winter by DarkAthena [Sterek, E, 65k] Historic AU, aboverse, mpreg, evil Kate Argent, period typical violence, pre-verbal / animalistic Derek
Author’s summary: Sent to marry the Hale Beast Stiles finds himself alone in a castle left to ruin and watched over by Kate Argent, who he thinks is sleeping with his new husband and seems determined to destroy him.
Oh lord. Where to start. Look, this is not the best written fic in the world, not least (I think) because the author wrote it during NaNoWriMo, so it’s perhaps not been beta read or edited as well as it could’ve been. But it had me absolutely gripped from start to finish. I loved the storyline (it’s historical abo mpreg, I was in heaven), and the historical stuff, you can really tell the author knows what they’re talking about. It’s dark and bloody at times, but Stiles is pretty awesome throughout and Derek as “the Beast” is explained and developed very well. If, like me, you love a bit of abo mpreg and historical high drama, and you can overlook a few typos, this is fantastic stuff.
I’ve Been Everywhere With You by Leslie_Knope [Sterek, E, 61k] College Au, escaping from Beacon Hills, everyone gets therapy, life goes on, friends to lovers
Author’s summary: “Dude, you should totally come with me.” “What? Like on the road trip?" “No, come with me. To Austin. Get out of Beacon Hills.” Derek paused. “What?” he asked again.
This is one of those domestic type fics where there’s no angst or high drama, just people living their lives and finding ways to be happy. I love this author’s style, and this fic is no exception. Lovely, happy, satisfying.
Millstone by eleanor_lavish [Sterek, E, 31k] Sex worker Derek, client to boyfriend stiles, college au
Author’s summary: Derek waits until the door is shut behind him before he turns around. He holds out his hand, plants his ‘if you’re not weird about it, I won’t be’ smile on his face and says, “Nice to meet you, Stiles. I’m Michael. What kind of a good time are you looking for tonight?”
This is a particularly good example of the sex worker trope because it’s not really about Derek being a sex worker, it doesn’t glorify or condemn, it just examines it the same as it examines the other ways Derek responds and reacts to what he’s been through. And it’s told through Derek’s POV, which I liked. Plus Stiles is adorable and supportive in a completely non-pressuring way, which I like to think he would be. Charming.
i have always been the storm by stilinskisparkles [Sterek, E, 25k] Stormchaser Stiles, photographer Derek, break up make up
Author’s summary: that twister au i've been trying to write for three years and finally used a "pining exes" prompt to do so with.
Stilinskisparkles. What can I say that hasn’t been said before. Do you need anything more than to see their name to convince you this is worth reading? Perhaps you do, perhaps you’re new to Sterek. If so, you’re in for a treat. This, like all their fics, has wonderful characterisation, dialogue, emotion, depth, and universe building. It was just so atmospheric. They have a particular gift for showing everyone’s thoughts and motivations while staying within one POV, Derek’s in this case. It sounds easy but it’s really really hard to do subtly, and this author absolutely nails it. And everything else. Go. Read. Now.
The Hollow Moon by thepsychicclam [Sterek, E, 180k] Post s4 fix it, memory loss/alteration, slow burn, mystery
Author’s summary: It's the summer after Stiles' first year of college, and he's working a crappy job and dealing with nightmares and anxiety - but he's okay, he swears. He makes it through most days without too much trouble. Then, a certain werewolf comes back into town. Which Stiles doesn't care about, nope, not at all.
After two and a half years, Derek returns to Beacon Hills with his small Pack. Though he tried to move on, something just kept drawing him back to Beacon Hills, he's just not sure what. Now, he figures he can start building something like a life - but he keeps getting distracted by Stiles Stilinski of all people.
As you’d expect from something that’s 180k long, this is plotty and deep and takes its time taking you on a journey. It’s quintessentially a fix it fic, fixing all the things the author (any many others) didn’t like about canon at and after season 4 of the show. Which means, spoiler alert, a lot of people who are dead in canon are not dead here. But the way everything is explained and how it all fits together works so well, I didn’t mind in the slightest. It’s a bit like everything you wished canon could be, and that’s certainly not a bad thing. I almost wish I’d waited and read it all in one rather than as a WIP, because as much as I usually don’t mind reading things as WIPs, I feel like this should be read the way a novel is read - all in one. So if you can do it that way, I’d recommend it. If you can’t, read it anyway. It’s the canon we all deserve, and if Jeff won’t give it to us, we’ll damn well make it ourselves.
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listen kids, i am very tired and in all honesty have no authority to be giving anyone advice but looks matter in fanfic, how you present the work you created matters, okay
you’re trying to impress, you’re trying your very best to get someone to read this work you’ve created and how you present it is fucking important, ayight?? it’s like having a first date, you can’t just roll out of bed after three months without showering and be like “sup fam, suck on my tongue”
you have to look minimally presentable for people to want to metaphorically suck on your tongue, ayight kids?
so, get a nice title, something that ppl wanna whisper, something nice and related to the content ayight? it can be one word, it can be any word. that’s your calling card kid, that’s the piece of paper you slide over the table with your phone number. good titles can go a long way
and if titles are your name, the phone number is the tags and for god’s suck use the tags. how do you want people to find the unique things you bring to the table if you don’t put them in the database for them to search by name??? how will all those potential people you’re trying to win over find you without some proper tags, huh? they ain’t fam. tag yo shit
and while you’re at it, don’t talk down on yourself, don’t you dare talk down on yourself. you’re beautiful and ethereal and everything you do matters, and everything you do works to make you even more beautiful. “i suck at summaries lol xD give this a try tho”. fam no. don’t do that shit. it’s unnatractive. that’s like being greeted by your date with a “rawr that means i love you in dinossaur lol xD im so random how many kids do you wanna have also my family are all extremists come see our gun collection”
ppl are gonna run away from that. fast. you’re good. what you do matters, OWN IT. seduce your date with a beautiful summary, whatever you like, using any technique you like, just have a good summary ayight? that’s your bait, that’s what you use to reel them in as the beautiful siren you are just before you drown them in your amazing content and eat their hearts. 
and if you don’t think you’re shit and are insecure about posting, then boi u better fake it ‘till u make it, my guy. i can assure you, you’re worth more than you could ever dream.
now that u got em reeled in, now that you got them to click the link and ask for a second date, for mcfuck’s sake correctly format your fic, use some goddamned paragraphs spacing. i want to see beautiful flowing lines of text, not a slaughtered ant colony that faintly resembles a wall of text. and dont forget theres a special place in hell for people who align center their text.
maximize your readability, expand your goddamned market, become enticing to the point where no one can resist you, sloppy fic presentation harms your fic and it’s completely avoidable. take care of yourself and make smart decisions to get that sweet validation medicine friends.
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Nice segue into a fic rec, I like it :D
A lovely warm cup of ... what?
Look, there’s nothing inherently wrong with writing words you don’t know how to spell. We’ve all been there, heard words spoken and not known how they’d be written or exactly what they really mean. When I was little, I didn’t know how to spell make up, or even that it was two words, so I wrote about “maycup”. And then I was corrected, and that’s how I learned the right spelling.
If you’re going to use those words in something you’re sharing publicly, do yourself a favor and google them first. Let that be your learning experience, not snotty comments from readers that ignore all the good things in your writing and just single out that one error.
Just type what you think the spelling is into Google, add a brief description if you need to (eg. “coco” and “drink”), and boom (“did you mean: cocoa?” Yes, you did!). Chances are either Wikipedia or google itself will do the job for you and provide the right spelling, along with a definition of some sort so you know you’re on the right track.
If you’re not sure, double check. You owe it to yourself to be the best author you can be, and this is a really quick, really easy win that will help you improve and help you avoid the kind of negativity you don’t need to hear.
Plus, you get to learn something. There are literally no downsides here.
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Oh my gosh, it is, of course, you're quite right. I should've googled it ... :D
A lovely warm cup of ... what?
Look, there’s nothing inherently wrong with writing words you don’t know how to spell. We’ve all been there, heard words spoken and not known how they’d be written or exactly what they really mean. When I was little, I didn’t know how to spell make up, or even that it was two words, so I wrote about “maycup”. And then I was corrected, and that’s how I learned the right spelling.
If you’re going to use those words in something you’re sharing publicly, do yourself a favor and google them first. Let that be your learning experience, not snotty comments from readers that ignore all the good things in your writing and just single out that one error.
Just type what you think the spelling is into Google, add a brief description if you need to (eg. “coco” and “drink”), and boom (“did you mean: cocoa?” Yes, you did!). Chances are either Wikipedia or google itself will do the job for you and provide the right spelling, along with a definition of some sort so you know you’re on the right track.
If you’re not sure, double check. You owe it to yourself to be the best author you can be, and this is a really quick, really easy win that will help you improve and help you avoid the kind of negativity you don’t need to hear.
Plus, you get to learn something. There are literally no downsides here.
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A lovely warm cup of ... what?
Look, there’s nothing inherently wrong with writing words you don’t know how to spell. We’ve all been there, heard words spoken and not known how they’d be written or exactly what they really mean. When I was little, I didn’t know how to spell makeup, so I wrote about “maycup”. And then I was corrected, and that’s how I learned the right spelling.
If you’re going to use those words in something you’re sharing publicly, do yourself a favor and google them first. Let that be your learning experience, not snotty comments from readers that ignore all the good things in your writing and just single out that one error.
Just type what you think the spelling is into Google, add a brief description if you need to (eg. “coco” and “drink”), and boom (“did you mean: cocoa?” Yes, you did!). Chances are either Wikipedia or google itself will do the job for you and provide the right spelling, along with a definition of some sort so you know you’re on the right track.
If you’re not sure, double check. You owe it to yourself to be the best author you can be, and this is a really quick, really easy win that will help you improve and help you avoid the kind of negativity you don’t need to hear.
Plus, you get to learn something. There are literally no downsides here.
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Sterek fic recs
Forgive me readers, for I have sinned. It’s been five months since my last fic rec post. Oops. So here’s what I’ve been reading the that time.
Baby You Should Stick Around by ElisAttack [Sterek, T, 9.5k] Post-zombie apocalypse, no actual zombies
Author’s summary: Derek's driving along a stretch of highway when an unusual sight makes him slow down, the engine of his old pickup rattling in protest.
There's a kid standing by the side of the road.
It's the middle of nowhere, the goddamn apocalypse, and this kid is standing by the side of the road with his thumb pointed skyward. Like he's playing at being a hitchhiker.
Or the one where Stiles thinks he's all alone in a post-apocalyptic world, until he meets Derek.
Gracious In Defeat by Yodasyoyo [Sterek, M, 18k] Canon compliant, post-s5, Stiles finally escapes Beacon Hell
Author’s summary: Stiles needs to get away from Beacon Hills after the end of his senior year. Derek offers to let him stay with him in São Paulo, and they finally act on the tension that has always simmered between them.
The thing is, when it's time to go home- Stiles doesn't want to leave.
Drawn That Way by ChloeWeird [Sterek, M, 52k] Homeless Stiles, Social anxiety / autistic spectrum Derek, gym AU, artist Stiles
Author’s summary: Derek is settling in (badly) at his new job at a gym in New York City. The job is fine, his co-workers seem alright, and his apartment is great, if a little lonely. The only problem: The infuriating guy who keeps sneaking into the gym to use the showers.
Three Marks by Sanam [Sterek, M, 114k] Soulmates AU, Soulmarks AU, minor/past Derek/Paige
Author’s summary: Derek and Stiles learn that bonding is probably best done with ridiculous amounts of video games and maybe a little bit of time.
Pack Wars by miss_aphelion [Sterek, M, 159k] Kidnapping (the well intended prank kind), alternative s3, Alpha Derek making mistakes
Author’s summary: Scott liked to call it the Great Pack Divide of 2012. Derek liked to call Scott an idiot. (Or the one where Derek kidnaps Stiles to teach Scott a lesson, and ends up learning a few things himself).
Empty by DiscontentedWinter [Sterek, M, 48k] Kidnapping (the evil bad guy kind), dark, mpreg, kidfic, angst, trauma, threats of rape (no actual rape happens), happy ending
Author’s summary: Jordan Parrish is the new sheriff of Beacon Hills, a town haunted by its past.
Only Fools Do What I Do by CharWright5 [Sterek, E, 110k] Fake relationship, ABOverse, mates, teacher Derek, college student Stiles
Author’s summary: It had seemed like a simple plan, a way for everyone to get what they want: pretend to be Bond-Mates so Derek could get the teaching job he wanted, while Stiles didn't have to face living with a total stranger at college and have it be known that he was suffering from night-terrors. Only things weren't that simple. Because they were Mates, a fact Derek was hiding due to Stiles' determination not to have one and his need for independence, as well as his Alpha-aimed anger at his lack of freedom. But the longer they live together, the more Derek finds himself falling for the Omega, and the harder it is for the Alpha to resist the alluring scent of his Mate.
The Distance Between Two Points by SmallBirds [Sterek, E, 5k] Light angst, fluff
Author’s summary: Stiles isn't totally inept- he knows that he and Derek should probably talk about the fact that they keep falling into bed together, and they will. He thinks. Maybe. He just wishes that Lydia would stop using mathematical proofs as a basis for relationship advice. Archimedes, eat your heart out.
The Road Less Travelled by Cobrilee [Sterek, E, 41k] Soulmates AU, soulmarks AU, miscommunication, happy ending
Author’s summary: The thought is, the soul mark is ambiguous so people feel like they have a choice in who they fall in love with. Stiles thinks it’s to torture him. Derek thinks it means nothing. Then they meet each other, and realize they’re both wrong.
Living a Teenage Dream by Lissadiane [Sterek, T, 20k] 10 Things I Hate About You / Easy A fusion, miscommunication, happy ending
Author’s summary: Rumor has it that Sheriff Stilinkski won't let his stepson Scott date until his other son Stiles does, so when Allison makes the mistake of falling for Scott, her well-meaning (and dickish) friends hatch a scheme to hire someone to take Stiles to homecoming.
A Wolf’s Ribbon by Dexterous_Sinistrous [Sterek, E, 36k] Historical/fantasy AU, arranged marriage, mpreg
Author’s summary: The two children made an adorable sight before the Court and their parents. That was the moment Queen Talia and King John decided to arrange their marriage. Every second was planned out without the voiced concern of the children.
(you owe me) Ten Seconds by maybehonestly [Sterek, E, 22k] Undercover cop Stiles, drag racer Derek, criminal au, Fast and Furious AU
Author’s summary: “Wait, so can I race?” Stiles asks.
“I don’t know, can you?” Scott replies over his shoulder as he heads back into the garage.
[Hilary Duff Lyric Redacted] by Calrissian18 [Sterek, E, 40k] Future fic, college student Stiles, post canon
Author’s summary: An abundance of overeating and geekery, dangerous caffeine/sugar cereal addictions, surprise werewolves, bird insults, purple-eyed shrimp, reincarnated serial killers (it's cool, he has a leash), poorly played professional baseball, and a love story. In that order.
Five Times Stiles Apologized (and One Time He Didn’t Need To) by Analinea [Sterek, G, 5k] Five Things
Author’s summary: n/a
Void ab Initio by Leslie_Knope [Sterek, E, 5k] Modern au, future fic, catching up with old friends
Author’s summary:  “We were best friends in middle school and promised (signed a contract and all) if neither of us were in a relationship when we turn 30, we’d marry each other. You moved 5 years later and I haven’t seen you since but you just reached out on my 30th birthday to find out if I’m single. Minors can’t be held to contracts but puberty hit you like a truck and I just broke up with my long term boyfriend a month ago so what the hell I might as well catch up with you.”
Conquered by StarsHideYourFires [Sterek, M, 32k] Historical AU, aboverse, mpreg, learning to speak the same language, awkward sexy times, knights and damsels, (read the warnings)
Author’s summary: Following the Battle of Hastings and King William's ascent to the English throne, Sir Derek Hale is granted an earldom. And that earldom happens to still be home to the former earl's omega son, Stiles. Both of their lives are changed by a bargain made for the good of all, but will it be good for them?
Find Me Sitting Poolside by TroubleIWant [Sterek, T, 14k] Fake relationship, couples resort, pining, miscommunication, happy ending, werewolf culture
Author’s summary: To track down a rogue Alpha who's endangering their pack, Stiles and Derek must go undercover at a Hawaiian couples retreat. Of course, this does mean that the two of them have to fake a relationship well enough to fool their supernatural hosts, or risk getting kicked out. Sharing a bed, hanging out poolside, tracking down a murderous Alpha... should be easy, right?
Secondhand Soulmate by AnnoyinglyCute and Inell [Sterek, T, 25k] Soulmate Au, soulmarks au, trope inversion, angst
Author’s summary: Not always, not even most of the time, but sometimes -- 24% of the time, statistically speaking -- people meet their soulmates and live happily ever after. THIS isn't that story. This is the story of Stiles Stilinski, whose soulmate died before he was born. This is the story of all the sorrows and heartache Stiles experienced, all the bullying and oppression from those who should know better but didn't. This is also the story of the friendships Stiles made along the way, of the battles he fought -- and won -- and the love that endured through it all.
These Woods Sigh by BlackToFade [Sterek, E, 80k] Accidental baby acquisition, mpreg, be careful what you wish for
Author’s summary: Derek and Stiles never plan to start a family together, it just happens. Or, the one where Derek accidentally wishes for a baby.
Leaving Paradise by NARKOTIKA [Sterek, E, 43k] Transgender (FtoM) Stiles, mpreg, post apocalypse, threats of / attempted rape (not between Derek and Stiles), Mad Max inspired
Author’s summary: A boy dreams of freedom, a broken man finds home, and they learn to love in a world where it feels more impossible than water falling from the sky.
Love ‘Em How They Take So Long by Leslie_Knope [Sterek, E, 13k] Olympics Au
Author’s summary: Because really, what are the chances that Stiles meets the love of his life in the Olympic Village dining hall?
Baking Is Whisky Business by Leslie_Knope [Sterek, M, 8k] Great British Baking Show Au, baking, set in the UK, reality tv show au
Author’s summary: But Stiles’ most distinguishing feature, besides the pretty eyes and the mussed hair? He makes a fucking mess every time he bakes, and Derek is the unlucky soul who’s stuck cleaning up after him. Seriously, if he didn’t know any better, he’d think Stiles was doing it just to screw with him. (Or, the one in which Stiles is a Great British Bake Off contestant, and Derek is the long-suffering production assistant.)
a spark of light by stilinski [Sterek, T, 7k] Fluff, first date / blind date, cute
Author’s summary:   "He's quiet and maybe-judgemental, you're loud and very judgemental. You're opposites but with a common link – you'll be fine."
"I'm not—"
"You made a face at the idea of dating an accountant," Scott points out, waving a half-deseeded pepper around for emphasis, and Stiles is going right back to scowling at him because they have definitely been friends for too long if Scott's winning not-arguments by being reasonable.
A Princely Claim by kaistrex [Sterek, E, 40k] Royalty au, werewolves are known, werewolf culture, mating/mates
Author’s summary: In a world where werewolves die if they’re unable to Claim their mate and to refuse them is classed as murder, Alpha Derek Hale makes his very public Claim for Crown Prince Stiles of Beacon. The Royal Family are left with no choice but to accept, no matter the Prince’s imminent marriage to Princess Lydia of Kanima, to whom he’s been betrothed since birth. After having already faced the future of one loveless marriage, Prince Stiles is determined to make things with Derek work.
I don’t need any help to be breakable (believe me) by Oywiththepoodlesalready [Sterek, T, 35k] Amnesia, break up make up, future fic, angst, happy ending
Author’s summary: “He tried to kiss me.” “We know”, Scott says, placatingly, and Stiles rounds on him, fists clenched and eyes blazing. “No. No, you don’t”, he spits, “You have no idea.
In which Derek has an accident and doesn't remember anyone except Stiles.
Plus One by Moosey [Sterek, E, 45k] Fake relationships, wedding au, Stiles doesn’t know about werewolves, derek and kira friendship, scott/kira, allison/OMC, Lydia/Jackson
Author’s summary: “Dude, I can’t show up solo to my ex-girlfriends wedding. I can’t do that,” Scott stressed, his face arranged in an expression that was almost comically anguished, like one of those weird, sad-face, tragic drama masks.
“So we find you a date,” Stiles shrugged, as though it was no big deal. Scott was adorable, in reasonably good shape, and probably the best guy Stiles had ever known, or would ever know. He wouldn’t have any real issues with getting a girl.
“Stiles, it’s in two weeks. Two weeks. How do I find a girl willing to date me, and come abroad with me to my exes wedding, in two weeks?!”
The Circus at the End of the World by mikkimouse [Sterek, E, 91k] Steampunk circus au, post apocalypse, anti-magic AU
Author’s summary: Derek Hale and his sisters, Laura and Cora, are the proprietors of Hale's Circus of Magic, Monsters, and Mystical Wonders, known colloquially as the Circus at the End of the World. They and their ragtag pack ride the rails between the outposts and the Havens, performing for those who can pay (and some who can't). Their circus is a small haven in and of itself, a place of safety for those who have nowhere else to go.
It's a quiet life...until Stiles Stilinski joins the crew.
And I Never Thought I’d Ever Say Forever by suchfun [Sterek, M, 32k] Soulmates AU, soulmarks Au, miscommunication, minor Derek/Braeden
Author’s summary: He used to believe it, back when he was sixteen and idealistic, before he actually got his TiMER, back when he was so sure that his soulmate would be Paige. Back when he believed in the romcoms, in his mom's books, in the elaborate advertisements for TiMERs—the ones with all the interviews with loving real life couples, with testimonials to their effectiveness and their ability to make you happy and fulfilled, with guarantees of an improved quality of life and even life expectancy. Back when he thought meeting his soulmate was an inevitability, not a slim possibility.
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Bubble butt
Do not use the phrase "bubble butt" when writing unless you want to immediately signal to readers that you're trash and so is your fic. Sorry not sorry.
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A whole chapter about your OCs. Awesome. Just what I wanted. (Not.)
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Apparently it’s Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day.
Don’t be fooled by the title of this blog. I “hate” because I love, and I complain because I want you to be the very best you can be and to constantly strive to improve, seeking to reach your maximum potential as a writer.
Thank you. Thank you all, for being brave enough to share your words, and for giving us, your readers, more opportunities to love our favorite characters and shows in new and wonderful ways.
Thank you.
Keep striving.
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