99999-damage · 10 months
saw this hikari solo run video and got really shocked at the amount of details in the world that are covered by DoF and bloom effects. apparently there's a way to remove those in the PC version of the game and it makes the game look from this:
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to this:
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tumblr REALLY fucks up the quality of the screenshots LOL which is why i linked the images individually. i think the DoF/bloom removal makes the game look so much better because you can actually see the details of the environment and sprites, but i also see myself getting dizzy playing like that for a long time due to being able to see all the small parts that get covered up by the effects.
the blurry brightness and excessive darkness in some areas in the original version also got to me pretty badly though, i remember getting some light headaches when playing for too long. i have the switch version and played on portable mode so maybe that's a reason why i got more tired on regular play.
i can't test these new settings for myself since my pc can't handle the game and i don't even own the steam version, but i think it looks cool regardless
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99999-damage · 1 year
sprry for the tiktok screenshots btw ugh i just got so shocked i forgot you can download images if they’re in this slideshow format LMFAOIDHSKDJ
people who like anime and octopath YOU GOT SOME EXPLAINING TO DO.
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99999-damage · 1 year
people who like anime and octopath YOU GOT SOME EXPLAINING TO DO.
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99999-damage · 1 year
i love looking at the top row lineup of the men from octopath because it shows a little bit of the spectrum of body types. we have (from left to right) the skinny but muscly, the slightly-more-muscular-than-average body type —that neck though. damn!!—, an actual twink and a buff guy.
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and then you see the girls and it’s like: small waist, small waist, small waist, small waist. LOL. also for some reason the way they arranged this makes it seem like h’aanit is awkwardly trying to get primrose’s attention which is so funny to me
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99999-damage · 1 year
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99999-damage · 1 year
hi everyone. i need to use a blog with this url so i’ll be switching around some things. i want to get into more stuff too so my posts might expand fandoms :-] thank you for your understanding!
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99999-damage · 1 year
Or in some degree just… showing hikari having a breakdown! Maybe not manifested through anger only, but at least showing he’s affected by what’s happening to him. Because… let’s list all of the traumatic experiences he goes through in his life (that i remember lol i might be forgetting some):
Witnessing his mother’s death: unable to protect her and then awakening the shadow that torments him afterwards.
War. He fights in the wars too. Kills, at the very least, some people.
His father’s death.
His whole town burning and him being unable to do anything (again).
Seeing Tsuki’s body as she said her last words: Save Ku. Also everyone else he knew is dead.
He has to win a civil war.
He is betrayed by his friend Ritsu and has to kill him.
He is betrayed by his friend Rai Mei (it changes later i know but still she hit him with lightning and let him fall off a tall bridge with an iced lake below it. Idk how he survived that unscathed)
Learns of Kazan’s plans and true motivations and how he set everything up for Hikari.
He also has a Bad brother who we don’t get to see much but we can assume he constantly belittled Hikari during his life by the few interactions they get together.
I think there are some scenes missing that could give us a very interesting view of Hikari’s character. The fact he’s Very stoic despite his circumstances is really engaging because you can see he’s smart and ready to tackle on the role of king in the future so it makes us root for him easily, but every person despite their values has their low moments too (especially with a life like the one Hikari has) and i felt like Hikari’s story could have also been a little bit more about him rather than only learning more about the side NPCs.
The biggest example of this I can think of is actually Hikari and Agnea’s part 2 crossed path story, which was more about Yomi than Hikari. Agnea was just there for very little too, and considering that this game puts the character interactions closer to the player it would’ve been fun to have some insight on both Hikari and Agnea as people. Agnea has the skill to move people’s hearts, no matter how different they may be from one another: she complements Hikari so well in the sense that she can give him a deeper understanding over his emotions and let him Feel Things for just a moment, like she does with the other characters of her story, while also getting more information about Agnea herself. You could even show Yomi’s story while exploring all of this too.
I actually thought the shadow would be an allegory for trying to be a good person while having OCD when I finished playing his story in the demo but then i played the other stories after I got the game and realized that wasn’t the route they would take LOL. I wish Hikari’s mental health and how his mental fortitude does not give in at any single moment was better explored to be honest, it could have felt much more down-to-earth by showing Hikari’s pain and grief and stress, because he is a human despite the Lumina and Vide blood he carries, too. He can be very stoic, but still feel things and show them.
I feel like we need more instances where Hikari just goes and gets genuinely angry. I know it’s slightly ooc but at the same time there is only so much someone can take before that leaks out and Hikari has the Curse which probably leaks out in that way but there is also probably Hikari just being genuinely mad.
Genuinely impressed by Hikari being calm all the way through and not just start increasingly become toxic as more and more tragedies start to occur.
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99999-damage · 1 year
i was asking myself today Why the "Invitation to Darkness" song was longer than every transition music used despite how ridiculously small the area it plays even is??? And i think i found some pretty good answer as to why: it sounds like an overworld dungeon because it was meant to be one. endgame spoilers below!
In Yasunori Nishiki's composer notes, there's a specific post that talks a little bit more in depth about the context and creation this song:
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And that's how you can choose to view it, but i feel like there's more to the development of this area.
When you get to the island, you have a save point before going up some long stairs. I personally assumed that what was beyond would be a dungeon that sort of worked like the Gate of Finis, but then quickly realized they actually took me to the final boss directly LOL which felt kinda jarring because i was expecting more walkable terrain.
we also have the wording on the "guidance" text that tells you where you have to go while on "story mode":
Make for the depths of Castle Vidania.
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Honestly with how much of a "climb a straight line upwards" this place is, it feels Odd to even call it a castle when we have gone through actual castles (in Throné and Castti's final chapters). You could argue that it's because Vide is technically still weak while you're in the area and that's why his castle is small and straightforward but idk.. also the wording of "the depths" prepared me for something longer lol
I feel like they probably had big ideas for how to make this area but probably had to cut it due to time constraints. The rest of the game is very polished and clearly shows how much effort went into developing it, I think adding another area that has to live up to the hype of "Final dungeon" would have taken too long to complete
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99999-damage · 1 year
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friend started with hikari and then went across the map to grab temenos
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99999-damage · 1 year
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love is stored in Bewildering Grace 💃🕺
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99999-damage · 1 year
"Atlasdam, Seat of Learning" - By Yasunori Nishiki
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99999-damage · 1 year
"At your Back" - By Yasunori Nishiki
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99999-damage · 1 year
"The Journey Begins" - By Yasunori Nishiki
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99999-damage · 1 year
"Normal Battle" - By Yasunori Nishiki
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99999-damage · 1 year
"Determination" - By Yasunori Nishiki
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99999-damage · 1 year
Key dialogue changes in Hikari’s chapter 4 english vs. spanish localization
I realized after replaying this scene with english voicelines than what was being said was different than the written spanish text. Hikari talks about the desired peaceful future by referencing Jin Mei in spanish. “I’m sure Jin Mei wanted…” whereas in english Hikari mentions how he knows Rai Mei wanted the same future Hikari envisions.
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also a very interesting difference in choice of words in later dialogue: Rai Mei mentions she doesn’t deserve to be by Hikari’s side in spanish. In english, she says she is incapable of being at his side, with emphasis on punctuation, while in spanish she says it in a more straightforward manner, no hesitation. it may seem like it does little difference but it subtly changes the perception of the characters depending on what version you are playing.
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99999-damage · 1 year
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