a-disasterperson · 1 day
The aftg hardcovers are shipping 👀
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a-disasterperson · 3 days
Directory for 'The One Where Kevin Day falls in love with an ice hockey player'
Quite a few people have asked me to do this and I figured that it would be useful too so here, you'll find the links to all the released parts + any extra content from asks or just ones I've randomly shared.
For those who do not know what this is about, this is my headcanon where Kevin falls in love with an ice hockey player, meaning someone from a 'rival sport'. Its main tropes are enemies to lovers and fake dating.
Main Parts:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15 (Epilogue)
Extra Content:
Background information on Eric (my OC)
Eric's POV after the events of the winter banquet (Extra Content Part 1)
Kevin's Birthday Special
Ghosts (Extra Content Part 2)
AO3 link:
You can find the fan fic version here.
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a-disasterperson · 5 days
Andrew Minyard question
I’m sure this has been discussed before, but I’m rereading AFTG (for like the fifth time) and I’m still confused by Andrew’s meds. Obviously Nora has acknowledged that this scenario would never happen in the real world, that this isn’t how courts or drugs work, and that there’s no comparable real-life scenario. I’m cool suspending disbelief with that; it’s a work of fiction.
What I’m unclear on is why he has to take them. Like they don’t seem to match what the courts want them to do, which is make him less violent. Specifically because of quotes like the below:
“Andrew’s drugs made him manic, but they didn’t make him any less vicious.” (US print edition page 111 of The Foxhole Court)
Then what’s the point? Is it just that he’s supposed to be slower to anger when he’s medicated? Because that doesn’t seem to be the case at all. His violent impulses seem to be just as present when he’s medicated as when he’s sober. I’m having trouble with the logic of the scenario and would love to hear thoughts.
This shouldn’t have to be said but it’s the internet: absolutely zero criticism of Nora, she made something beautiful. I’m just trying to understand.
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a-disasterperson · 5 days
david wymack is such a fierce protector. he loves so deeply and so unconditionally it makes me wanna cry.
like he had just met neil when he said "you need one of us to talk to your parents? are they the ones who hurt you? [...] if your parents are a problem for you, we'll move you to south carolina early."
and he offered him his couch. and then he told him "foxes are foxes for a reason and they know we wouldn't sign you if you didn't qualify. that doesn't mean they know the specifics. it's not my place to ask and I'm sure as hell not going to tell them. did you think I made the team the way it is because I thought it would be a good publicity stunt? it's about second chances, neil. second, third, fourth, whatever, as long as you get at least one more than what anyone else wanted to give you."
he barely knew jean when he told him "your so called master and that bitch of a nephew of his. kevin told us the truth when he transferred so we'd know what we were getting into. I know you think you have to go back to evermore and I know what's waiting for you there. I will burn this house down before I let him touch you again."
and let's not forget about "wymack didn’t care if he had nine foxes or twenty-five. he’d stand behind them until the bitter, bloody end."
and how he usually drives the bus himself because "it was apparently better to be uncomfortable but safe than to trust a stranger with his fractured team."
david wymack dedicated his life to showing kids who were dealt a shit hand in life that they can still play their cards right. I heard somewhere once that sometimes miracles are just good people with kind hearts and I thought it was a little corny but oh does it apply to someone like david wymack. he gave each of the foxes their own miracles. I know he is a fictional character but he just has the biggest heart and honestly he makes me want to have faith in humanity.
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a-disasterperson · 10 days
WAIT. jean is paris. jeremy, laila and alvarez are TROJANS. what does this MEAN.
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a-disasterperson · 10 days
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a-disasterperson · 15 days
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a-disasterperson · 18 days
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a-disasterperson · 18 days
at my heart i am an adam parrish apologist and i mean that to the fullest extent i truly do not believe he ever did anything wrong and i don’t think he’s capable of it tbh. everything he ever did was justified and all of his responses are normal and not indicative of emotional dysregulation or manipulative tendencies that is simply the people in his life behaving badly and without consideration to his sensibilities. thank you
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a-disasterperson · 23 days
Do you ever think of Andrew remembering that one time Neil told him "Don't sleep, I'll kill you" after knowing everything about Neil's past, his mother, Nathan, him ordering hits on people like a coffee order? Do you ever think how his brain melts just a little and he's like, "Damn, he wasn't playing around"? No? Just me? All right then. 🫠
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a-disasterperson · 24 days
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a-disasterperson · 24 days
Fun perk of tumblr: everytime ao3 goes down and you're like, "is that just my internet or is something wrong?" You can immediately go to the ao3 tag on tumblr to see other people screaming in agony
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a-disasterperson · 24 days
*sigh* guess we have to do this then
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a-disasterperson · 24 days
“ummmmm ur bra strap is showing :/ ”
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a-disasterperson · 24 days
let's take the time to appreciate nicky "single mother of two" hemmick, especially because the "two" in question are andrew and aaron
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a-disasterperson · 24 days
because wymack is the one you call when you're just lost and you don't know what else to do
we know neil calls from the airport but he also calls from the mall, when teammates have dragged him out after andrew has graduated and there are too many people and he just wants to go home
kevin calls many times his first year out of school, alone, standing in the liquor aisle of the grocery store and just needing to hear that he still matters
seth would have called after he found out his wife was pregnant and he runs out the door. he calls wymack from his car in some parking lot and gets an earful and a game plan
maybe jean calls when he can't get a hold of kevin and hes spiraling. wymack doesn't let him hang up until jeremy is sitting next to jean and wymack has found kevin
dan calls after her aunt shows up. she has a spine she built herself, and wymack reminds of her of that. he reminds her that yes, she has a soft spot and wants to help, but that he wouldn't have made her captain if he didn't have faith in her ability to stand up for the foxes. and he reminds her that she is a fox as well.
renee just calls to talk. she calls because she worries about wymack as he gets older. she calls after her mom passes away. she calls just to keep in touch.
allison rarely calls. she sees him on holidays and misses him but she finds it hard to keep in touch. one morning a scandal breaks: a gossip site has found allison with her girlfriend. it's too soon, she didn't want everyone to know. and that's the face she puts on publicly, but the morning it breaks she calls wymack just to sit, and to remember the family she was and is a part of that will always have her back
andrew calls because he misses wymack but her never admits it. like neil, wymack was the first man who let him be safe, who listened as he crashed through his meds and let him be himself one night a week and believed in him. andrew calls to say nothing, but that's okay because wymack doesn't know what to say either.
it takes aaron a while to call. he liked wymack, sure, but he always knew his brother was the first choice. it's actually wymack that calls first after aaron graduates medical school with a "congratulations" and an "I knew you could do it" aaron starts sending pictures and videos of his daughters and he even tries to get the original foxes organized for a meet up once a year
nicky calls just to say hi, much like renee. but many years after they've all graduated he calls, and thanks wymack for gluing his family together when he was coming apart at the seams to keep his cousins from drifting.
matt calls after his first kid is born. "I don't want to be like my father" and wymack is a little taken aback because he has a hard time seeing how matt and his father are even related and eventually matt says "I want to be you." and wymacks heart heals a little when he hears that because he is so unlike his own father that one of his foxes wants to be like him
this got a little off topic but I love post-uni foxes
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a-disasterperson · 24 days
neil: andrew, we need to get married.
andrew: what?
neil: i want the fbi to have a heart attack, because i'm going to change my last name again.
andrew: shit.
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