a-notion-a-journey · 7 years
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"A lass whose daddy always feel that she will always be his little girl, yet her mom think she will be a great mother and wife someday outright." #blessed #wisudaui #graduationday #universitasindonesia (at Universitas Indonesia)
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a-notion-a-journey · 7 years
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This is how I value the love meaning; Love is give and give, love is spreaded. Balairung menjadi saksi kasih dari mereka sekaligus dari Angel. Dua orang tuaku tak pernah putus dukungannya dengan segala bentuk, apalagi kalau berhubungan dengan pendidikan, katanya. Di sisi lain, Angel berjuang untuk menunaikan amanah dari mama dan papa dengan menyelesaikan pendidikan dari sekolah hingga perguruan tinggi yang sudah mama dan papa percayakan. Puji Tuhan, semuanya tuntas karena-Nya. Orangtuaku pernah bilang, "kami gak kasih harta warisan atau tanah berhektar-hektar, tapi pendidikan yang bisa membawa Angel pada tujuan hidupmu". Thank you my most beloved parents, this moment, I hope this early gift would pleased you for your silver anniversary on 14th. Also yeah, it will be the best birthday gift I have ever recieved! Oh, how I love February 💕 -RAD, S.Sos. #graduation #universitasindonesia #wisudaui #officially #sarjana #blessed #love #movingforward (at Universitas Indonesia)
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a-notion-a-journey · 7 years
His Beloved
09 February 2018
I am officially graduated! And I am holding on His words,
“Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in van who build it; The watchman stays awake in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows; for so He gives His beloved sleep.”
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a-notion-a-journey · 7 years
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Wingardium leviosaaa 🎓✨ #pregraduation #gladiresik #wisudaui (at Universitas Indonesia)
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a-notion-a-journey · 7 years
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Menuju masa depan sukses! #thebestandthebiggestgeneration #enjoytheprocess #strongerthanyesterday #graduated #soon #amen #godslove
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a-notion-a-journey · 7 years
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"Gantungkan cita-cita mu setinggi langit! Bermimpilah setinggi langit. Jika engkau jatuh, engkau akan jatuh di antara bintang-bintang" - Bung Karno. Gak pernah kebayang sebelumnya bisa bergabung di Bidang Diseminasi Informasi sebagai 'anak magang'. Sebagai anak muda yang (rasanya) memiliki pengalaman yang biasa aja, ada kebahagiaan tersendiri bisa masuk ke Ring 1 Pemerintahan. Saat itu, "coba aja deh, gak bakal ada yang tahu hasi akhirnya sebelum kita mencobanya, beraniin aja dulu". Selama berjalan masa internship, ketertarikan pada pemerintahan makin terpupuk. Banyak sekali momen-momen yang selalu bikin bersyukur dari magang pertama saya ini, seperti foto di atas saat di Istana Negara. Rasa syukur itu masih ada sampai sekarang saat lagi on progress skripsi yang topiknya mengenai Humas Kemensetneg. Semua dilancarkan selama kita berserah, semuanya terjadi selama kita berani 'bermimpi' dan berusaha menjadikannya nyata. Pun waktu saya sempat mengganti dari topik A ke topik B ke topik C, topik pilihan terakhir ini tetap bisa saya jalani dengan suka cita 😁 dan ada aja jalan yang dipermudah oleh Nya. Teruslah bermimpi yang hebat, teman-teman. Kemudian bangun, lakukan mimpi tersebut, dan jadikan nyata! #SumpahPemuda #Kerja3ersama #internship #KemensetnegRI #Disfo #IstanaNegara #throwback (at Istana Negara)
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a-notion-a-journey · 7 years
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Feeling good whenever I am with them 😊 Finally we took proper pics after years! And fortunately the other parts of us still remain 💕 #amkb15 (at Harris Convention Hall Sumarecon Bekasi)
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a-notion-a-journey · 7 years
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Rapunzel lost her power as she lost her hair. Otherwise, I believe I got a new power at the time when I cut all that long-y thing off 💇 #shorthair #newbie #power (at JW Marriott Hotel Jakarta)
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a-notion-a-journey · 7 years
Cashless is not NO money but ...
13 May 2017
Before I wanna say that this is not an endorsement.
Lately I find that some companies make my life simply easier! Well I appreciate them for adapting the technology era. For me, cashless is one of the greatest found. By the way cashless I mention here is not the reducing the use of money but reducing the payment in cash. Cashless is a great idea because you can pay something just by clicking. You dont have to touch that unclean money. I am really happy for GO-Pay, GO-Jek feature for the e-payment. What I love from GO-Pay is that I can order my Ojek/Car, go with it, and leave! No in cash payment. It is very useful when I am in a rush. And in fact, I really hate handling money in my hand so yeah I love it. And another reason I love GO-Pay is that it us so easy to top-up the GO-Pay amount, via lots of banks, mobile banking, its drivers, minimarkets. Besides, no minimum payment! Oh, I also get a discount for every order that I pay with GO-Pay.
And other company is BNI. I recently activated my mobile banking on my cellphone. I found it is so user friendly. I even can top up GO-Pay as BNI mobile banking has that feature. Also, another good news is that I can top-up my BNI Tap Cash by my mobile banking then I can check its balance by BNI Tap Cash mobile application.
I am really thankful for cashless feature. It is also make a transparency. Is there any great feature I should try?
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a-notion-a-journey · 7 years
12 May 2017
Memanfaatkan waktu yang ada untuk mengerjakan yang ada :) Because time will not wait for you, so you have to make a good collaboration with it. Your task, whatever it is, regardless of the amount, the one who can start is you as well as it is only you who can finish it.
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a-notion-a-journey · 7 years
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with Dwinanda, Fakhrana Rizky, and Rachel at Summarecon Mal Bekasi – View on Path.
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a-notion-a-journey · 7 years
I Have the Right. YES!
11 May 2017
Di timeline, di socmed beramai-ramai melontarkan opininya. Entah bentuknya postingan, meme, atau komentar. Ada yang mengungkapkan kekesalan, kesedihan, kepuasan, kebingungan. Semoga kita bicara sewajarnya, sebaiknya yang menenangkan, mengungkap persektif baru yang positif. Kebebasan kita untuk berpendapat memang dijamin (UDHR art. 19), dan harus sadar juga jaminan itu berlaku untuk semua orang jadi jangan sampai mengganggu hak orang lain (UDHR 29) Kontra itu sangat boleh, tapi jangan sampai kesannya menjadi menggurui, memojokkan, apalagi menghina sesama manusia.
Konten pembicaraan atau tulisan mencerminkan siapa kita. So, mind our words.
Isi Universal Declaration of Human Right article 29: (1) Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible. (2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. (3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. (sumber: http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/)
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a-notion-a-journey · 7 years
Did my mom help me?
10 May 2017
So my mom was just doing something I never imagined before. Omg she really did it. Is it God’s hand to open the door for me? Or just…. well. Just keep doing things well, and good things will be going to you (and me) 😁.
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a-notion-a-journey · 7 years
Sunday Thought
(9 May 2017) Comitted not to insult other’s belief (or religion), the reason is neither feeling superior nor feeling minority.
It is because I am told to love, love everyone. “You have heard that it was said ‘Love your neighbor and hate your family’. But I tell you, love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:43), “Kasihilah sesamamu manusia seperti dirimu sendiri” (Matthew 22:39).
(Means) I am not told to only love certain ethnic, certain race, certain class, or certain believers. No one can choose her/his ethnicity, his/her father, his/her mother, his/her type of blood, her/his skin shade, her/his sex. Dan kepercayaan atau agama, itu lebih dari sekadar pilihan, bukan sekadar untuk dicantumkan di KTP, “saya mau agama A”, “saya mau agama B”. Ada logika, emosional, dan dominasi iman di sana. Dan yang terpenting, hal itu adalah sebuah panggilan, panggilan yang sudah ada baginya sebelum bayi-bayi belum dilahirkan dan belum melakukan yang baik atau yang jahat. Sebuah panggilan yang tidak dapat paksakan namun merupakan hubungan paling pribadi antara manusia dengan Yang ia percayai.
“Tapi lo pernah ngomongin orang Jel?” I did. I insulted people’s personality. I complained to silly-unwise things/people. But okay, I say, the perfect one is my God not me. I do wrong things, but His love is bigger, “For it is by grace you have been saved,through faith  -and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).
I am not the one who is perfect to be followed for you all, I dont wear the symbols of my belief, I dont say much spiritual words in front of people, but at least I am trying and trying to keep my relationship with God higher, I am trying to keep my words and my belief.
And, I am not trying to influence people to agree with me now. As I said above, this is just my thought, on Sunday, this morning. Even the person whom I really close to doesn’t agree with this.
- RAD, April 23rd 2017.
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a-notion-a-journey · 7 years
I do not write to impress. I write to express.
(8 May 2017)
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a-notion-a-journey · 7 years
Do more, can I?
(7 May 2017)
I will end the 6th semester this May. So happy! Finally I can take a deep breath of this all. Yeah I have been doing so many tasks this semester, but I believe that those are very useful thou. And also, I believe that when you face something harder, it proves that you are better than before.
Anyway, until now I am still doing one of my task, a mini research about framing of political actors in internet meme in Instagram. But then, now, I realised that I am going to have a long holiday next two weeks. So? So what?
So, I need to be ready to do something that is useful. Yes, being productive! I am thinking to join something, maybe another internship. Where? Until now I don’t know exactly but I am really excited to do thaaatt!
Okay. Keep thinking, and continue my tasks again now. See you, productive-thing(s)-to-do 💕
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a-notion-a-journey · 7 years
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“Flowers spread good smell, beautiful colors, and speaks thought inside mind, and speak the unspoken ones.” -RA
Those flower boards, I cannot move on from them, the atm of people’s enthusiasm, and the friendly “Pasukan Oranye”.
Btw, this was a-very-short trip with my mom. I was so happy to take her here as it was her request.
Masih suasana di Balai Kota tapi beda topik hehe, sekadar curcol, sepertinya Pak Ahok cukup gesit ya. Although I dont know him personally, tapi kelihatan aja gitu. Pas ketemu di Gedung MPR waktu Pidato Kenegaraan HUT RI 71, baru mau ajak foto wes kabur Bapake turun eskalator. Eh ini, baru kelar rapat langsung lalarian dari kursi satu ke kursi yang lain untuk foto. Mau selfie eh lari lagi, untung masih sempat salaman dan bilang terima kasih di sepersekian detik sebelum melangkah keluar.
Kalau Pak Djarot, kayanya punya motto “smile as long as I can” deh. Dari awal lihat, berusaha selfie, video-an bareng, sampai saya melipir teteup aja nyengir. Good, good, smile is the beat first impression.
Happy for Jakarta’s celebration of democracy on April 2017. Congratulations to the newly selected candidates, Anies and Sandiaga, hope that you both can lead us to the positive improvement. I wish all good things for DKI Jakarta, best and biggest Indonesia! 💕 (at Gedung Balai Kota/ Kantor Gubernur)
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