a-room-of-my-own · 7 hours
Salut Tilly ! Je ne sais pas si tu as entendu parler du phĂ©nomĂšne "radfem-to-tradthot pipeline" oĂč on a essentiellement des femmes qui s'autoproclament fĂ©ministes radicales, mais dont les valeurs traditionnelles ressortent petit Ă  petit au fil du temps, au point d'abandonner le mouvement. Ca arrive beaucoup du cĂŽtĂ© des femmes qui sympathisent beaucoup, mais alors beaucoup trop avec la droite juste parce qu'elle est contre le mouvement trans.
Alors j’ai pas vu ça sous cette dĂ©nomination mais j’observe le glissement chez certaines et ça me chagrine beaucoup.
Je crois que malheureusement c’est relativement simple de passer d’un extrĂȘme Ă  un autre quand on subit des dĂ©sillusions. Le truc c’est qu’à droite elles vont aussi en vivre de bonnes đŸ€·â€â™€ïž
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a-room-of-my-own · 11 hours
I just wanted to insist because I see a lot of « spiritual » things on social media : be careful with your mental health and keep yourself firmly grounded in reality.
The criticism of organized religion is absolutely justified but it doesn’t mean that other forms of spirituality don’t face the same shortcomings. Not even talking about the « spiritual » risks someone might take by dabbing into occultism / esotericism, there are clear mental health risks that come with convincing yourself everything is a sign, that the future can be predicted or that you have special abilities.
Anyone selling you a magical solution for your problems is a walking red flag.
Do you practice divination? If so, what method? What's something even a spiritually dense person can use as divination to figure out who/what is fucking up their life?
Not really, I do tarot for friends but not as a divination method, more like a way to self reflect. In fact to figure out who or what is fucking up anyone’s life - including my own - I recommend therapy. Preferably someone who practices behavioral therapy and knows about PTSD recovery techniques. That’s what my therapist does and it really helped me get over things I couldn’t heal on my own (for example compulsive behaviors, self harming behaviors, obsessive anxiety and nightmares). Nothing was haunting me except my own trauma, and it’s not like I had a horrible childhood or went through the third world war.
My therapist really helped me understand that a traumatic memory could form out of something that isn’t necessarily a tragedy. I realized I was feeling guilty from suffering from the consequences of things that were « not that bad » compared to what other people had gone through. No esoteric technique is going to help you figure that out, if anything, it could make you more anxious. And if you’re vulnerable, you’re the perfect victim for crooks who will pretend they can read your past lives or something and that for the sum of whatever.99 they can give you a readymade solution to what you’re going through.
I have zero solution except telling you that life is terrible sometimes, that getting better takes a lot of efforts, and it’s not a straight road. You will get better though, just give yourself time and the means to get there.
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a-room-of-my-own · 20 hours
Je rigole aussi beaucoup des pluies torrentielles Ă  Dubai.
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a-room-of-my-own · 1 day
Do you practice divination? If so, what method? What's something even a spiritually dense person can use as divination to figure out who/what is fucking up their life?
Not really, I do tarot for friends but not as a divination method, more like a way to self reflect. In fact to figure out who or what is fucking up anyone’s life - including my own - I recommend therapy. Preferably someone who practices behavioral therapy and knows about PTSD recovery techniques. That’s what my therapist does and it really helped me get over things I couldn’t heal on my own (for example compulsive behaviors, self harming behaviors, obsessive anxiety and nightmares). Nothing was haunting me except my own trauma, and it’s not like I had a horrible childhood or went through the third world war.
My therapist really helped me understand that a traumatic memory could form out of something that isn’t necessarily a tragedy. I realized I was feeling guilty from suffering from the consequences of things that were « not that bad » compared to what other people had gone through. No esoteric technique is going to help you figure that out, if anything, it could make you more anxious. And if you’re vulnerable, you’re the perfect victim for crooks who will pretend they can read your past lives or something and that for the sum of whatever.99 they can give you a readymade solution to what you’re going through.
I have zero solution except telling you that life is terrible sometimes, that getting better takes a lot of efforts, and it’s not a straight road. You will get better though, just give yourself time and the means to get there.
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a-room-of-my-own · 1 day
Je suis pas fonciĂšrement en accord avec le choix de Dora Moutot et Marguerite Stern de s’acoquiner avec les Ă©ditions Magnus et consort (un peu beaucoup trop d’extrĂȘme droite pour ma petite personne) mais faut avouer que les tentatives de censure de la mairie de Paris ont provoquĂ© un magnifique effet Streisand sur les ventes de leur livre, et donc je ris beaucoup.
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a-room-of-my-own · 1 day
He’s a man.
"X days of being a woman teehee" AGP dude from TikTok has been a laydee for 6 months but he's now invited by Forbes to speak over women, in a very appropriate outfit that no woman ever would wear as a speaker in a conference : hell world
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Also, we're keeping the reins.
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a-room-of-my-own · 1 day
Bardella a mĂȘme pas besoin de faire campagne !
Pour parler de Depardieu - un gros con - on trouve des centaines de personnalitĂ©s, mais pour dĂ©noncer l’assassinat de civils dont 40 français et le viol systĂ©matique des femmes, d’un coup c’est trop compliquĂ© pour prendre position.
Tout comme quand une jeune femme est violĂ©e dans un hall d’immeuble et qu’elle a le mauvais goĂ»t d’ĂȘtre de droite, ou quand une petite fille de 7 ans est agressĂ©e sexuellement Ă  un jetĂ© de pierre de la Tour Eiffel mais que son agresseur est afghan.
Faudrait arrĂȘter deux minutes avec cette hypocrisie.
Rien que les vidĂ©os du 31 dĂ©cembre sur les Champs ElysĂ©es sont Ă©loquentes sur le fait que les femmes sont de plus en plus exclues de l’espace public Ă  cause de la multiplication des agressions. Que voit-on? Pas de femmes, pas d’enfants, une marĂ©e de jeunes hommes. Les femmes ne se risquent plus dans ces foules oĂč elles savent trĂšs bien qu’elles croiseront au minimum un frotteur.
Et demain les parcs, les terrasses des cafĂ©s, la rue tout simplement. AprĂšs tout dans certains quartiers c’est le cas depuis des annĂ©es et tout le monde s’en fout.
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a-room-of-my-own · 1 day
Je suis tellement contente de financer ça grĂące aux 70% d’impĂŽts que je paie sur mon salaire ❀
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@a-room-of-my-own 😂
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a-room-of-my-own · 2 days
C’est merveilleux đŸ„č đŸ€Ł
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@a-room-of-my-own 😂
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a-room-of-my-own · 2 days
J’ai toujours trouvĂ© Lordon profondĂ©ment antipathique mais maintenant je sais pourquoi :
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Le bourgeois est le juif, le juif est le bourgeois, comme quoi faut pas gratter longtemps pour voir que les intellectuels estampillĂ©s LFI sont surtout d’énormes antisĂ©mites.
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À ce stade de l’article j’ai commencĂ© Ă  rigoler tant il est dĂ©complexĂ©. Le 7 octobre aura vraiment ouvert les vannes.
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a-room-of-my-own · 3 days
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Manuel Sayrach i Carreras (Catalan, 1886-1937) - Casa Sayrach
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a-room-of-my-own · 3 days
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a-room-of-my-own · 3 days
I think maybe people confuse personal discriminatury behaviour with oppression. I mean, I fully believe that muslims in the west encounter personal discriminatory behaviour. like landlords not wanting to let you rent or hr not calling you back because of your last name, people being rude to you etc. That is not the same as oppression. Like being prohibited by law from owning land, living somewhere, holding public positions etc. Facing personal discriminatory behaviour is hard and bad and unfair. But it is not the same as oppression.
Discrimination can be oppression when the law doesn’t punish it or does but is never applied. Some countries may recognize the existence of religious minorities but do close to nothing when they are targeted by violent groups. Most recently, Christians have faced severe violence all over the Muslim world and it’s not met with any kind of actual concern. And what happens to Christians reaches the west, but traditional polytheistic religions are also targeted.
And not even talking about minorities, in many countries it’s forbidden to be an apostate, or if you are, your marriage and inheritance can be cancelled. And I’m not even talking about blasphemy that can get you murdered by your country or your neighbors.
These situations are absolutely incomparable.
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a-room-of-my-own · 4 days
Muslims are definitely oppressed in the USA
Show me the paragraph in the American law where it explicitly states that Muslims do not have the same rights as any other American citizen.
On the other hand I have dozens of examples of how ethnic, religious and other minorities are legally oppressed in Muslim countries. And that’s leaving aside discrimination and violence
 and women who can’t be considered a minority.
And if we’re talking about religion, there is not a single country in the Muslim world with actual religious freedom. Let’s call oppression what it really is, and not pretend that millions of people emigrated from Muslim countries to the west because they wanted to live in liberal countries where they wouldn’t face actual oppression.
The fact that some of them then used their newfound freedom to turn entire neighborhoods into Islamist enclaves where no public service, no business and especially no woman or girl can thrive is still a mystery to me. But no one is fooled anymore by the ones who cry Islamophobia when they’re told no you can’t put a veil on a child, no there will not be halal food at a public school, no people will still eat and drink outside even if it’s Ramadan, no we won’t use public funding to build a religious building, yes your children will have to listen to the evolution theory in history class and go to PA etc etc.
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a-room-of-my-own · 4 days
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Edvard Munch
The Kiss (1897) / The Kiss (1892) / Kiss on the shore by Moonlight (1914) / The Kiss (1896-1897) / The Kiss (1891-1892) / The Kiss IV 1897-1902 / The Kiss 1895 / Kiss by the Window (1892)
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a-room-of-my-own · 4 days
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Mountain life be like đŸŒ»
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a-room-of-my-own · 4 days
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