aarpanpatel · 4 years
ERA Ameno
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aarpanpatel · 5 years
How to Be Certain about your Relationship.
Whether it is a girl you’re trying to nail, a friend with benefits you want to get serious with, or a group of men listening to your commands, uncertainty looks, sounds, and feels the same. It looks like you don’t know what you’re doing. You may be the best lover and boyfriend she’ll ever come across, but if you don’t act like you are certain – if you seem uncertain in your actions – then visually or subconsciously your followers WILL notice and will follow you begrudgingly, which breeds resentment and dissent, or they’ll simply refuse to follow you.
Signs of Uncertainty in Seduction
    You let her decide the date venue after she rejects your first offer     When entering the venue, you’re uncertain about where to sit and in what position (this is not the same as taking time to decide)     When ordering a drink or food, you don’t know what you want     You fidget a lot     You too quickly jump to talk during silent gaps     You freeze physically and verbally when she doesn’t comply with a request or demand     You let conversation droll on when she is ready to go home     You stutter when you ask her to move to a different area     You mumble when you invite her home     You’re jerky or otherwise awkward with your sexual gesture (e.g., moving only your neck to lean in and kiss her as opposed to bringing in your whole body or bringing her into you)
Signs of Uncertainty in a Casual Relationship
    You set casual expectation with her but very quickly begin treating her like an exclusive girlfriend, and you get uncomfortable, silent, or even upset when she brings up other men     You start transitioning her into a serious girlfriend but spend less time with her as the relationship progresses (i.e., you set a serious precedent, then act contrary)     When she begins to drop hints that she wants something serious, you give no sign that you’re sure where you want it to go
Signs of Uncertainty in a Serious Relationship
    You act as if you have her forever just because you’ve gotten her to commit; you stop seducing her or working on your relationship management     You aren’t aware of your long-term desires with her     Extreme jealousy, which communicates your doubt in her sexual fidelity and a doubt in your own supremacy (coldness and annoyance at certain behaviors are acceptable, as you should state your boundaries with her and other men, either explicitly or implicitly; in fact, too much casual acceptance of strange or line-crossing behavior can result in her thinking you don’t see or desire her as a monogamous mate anymore)     Getting insecure about the stability of the relationship because of a bad day with her or just one fight     Not appreciating when she’s kind and loving; this demonstrates a lack of certainty of your desire for her     When discussing the future of the relationship, you fail to state your position or desires, whatever they may be
Each of these behaviors demonstrate a lack of knowledge certainty, emotional certainty, or value uncertainty. Which uncertainty each behavior demonstrates depends on the context. To pinpoint
“But What If I’m Not Certain?”
Even if you are not certain, make it look as if you are.
As much as this is a series on how to be certain, it’s just as importantly a series on how to SEEM certain.
Certainty in the Face of Doubt
Let’s say you’re new to the game and you just ran up to a girl on the sidewalk; it’s one of your first direct openers outside of a bar or party. Despite the weight of anxiety and fear, you say to her in a confident voice, “Hey, I just wanted to come tell you how elegant yet dominant your walk is – very sexy! I’m John.”
“Woah, is this working?” you wonder to yourself as she just stares at you. After a second of tension that feels like millennia, she gives you her name – “I’m Ashley!” – and continues to look at you with open eyes. But you don’t know what to do next! You haven’t yet learned how to walk and talk casually to appear as though approaching a girl on the street like this is the most normal thing in the world; you haven’t learned how to read her outfit and gauge her personality and tailor your conversational threads on inferences built up from hundreds and hundreds of approaches.
“Does she think I’m creepy?”
“Why is she just staring at me?”
“Should I keep talking to her?”
You’re now lost in your head, and after a few seconds, you decide to punch your anxiety in the nuts and just say with slight nervousness, “Uhhh, so what are you up to?” And then, surprise, she tells you about her day! You’re now surprised that this worked. Wasn’t that such a boring thing to say? Even if it was, you still did it, and it’s working!
You then notice that at some point during the conversation, you two started walking together. You’re not even sure who walked first, but you’re moving! Action is being made!
“Okay, okay, okay, when do I ask her out?” Your head pounds with the question as you try to figure out the solution while also having a conversation with her. But you’re not going to let her go without at least asking her out! So when the conversation lulls for a few seconds, you blurt out “Hey, wanna grab dinner sometime?” And as her eyes widen and her lips spread into a smile, she says “Sure, that’d be great!”
And now you’ve got yourself a date. You went from not even knowing what to say after the opener to getting her number. In your uncertainty, you nevertheless pressed forward as if you WERE certain. But wait, just doing something doesn’t necessarily mean you looked certain about doing it!
And then you had the audacity to ask “So what are you up to?” as if you were just purely curious. Who the hell walks up to a girl, tells her she has an elegant yet dominatingly-sexy walk, then just asks her in more formal terms “What’s up?” She probably glanced at your crotch at some point to see if those massive balls showed through your pants.
Let’s do a more advanced example with relationships.
Let’s say you’re in a long-term relationship with some girl. She’s beautiful and turns you on like nobody else, and you love spending time with her. But here’s the clincher: you only recently began to understand how to handle drama and stay firm in your fights together. Early on in the relationship, you were a strong man, but when she’d have a fit and seemingly lose her shit over nothing, you’d acquiesce and either back off before you won the fight (because you didn’t want to hurt her feelings) or you actually got beaten; she boxed you into an emotional and logical corner that you didn’t know how to get out of; then you admitted you were wrong and said “sorry” a hundred times before she smiled, kissed you, assured you it was okay, then went to bed without giving you sex.
This looks weak to her as demonstrated by her having won the argument and subsequently withholding sex from you. You usually know you’re doing something right when a woman becomes lovey-dovey, investing, and sexual with you afterwards. The proof is in the pussy.
If you’d handled this drama correctly, you might have taken a moment to breathe and think instead of immediately apologizing and doing whatever you could to avail her anger. Your first reaction should be stoic; assess the situation calmly. Maybe you even become a bit despondent and see if she’s doing this to gain attention or because she’s genuinely hurt by what you said or did. You give her time to tell you what’s wrong. If she doesn’t tell you, you say “You seem upset. Talk to me.” She tells you that what you said hurt her feelings. You explain to her what you meant and how she may have misunderstood.
Or maybe you said something in a flash of anger or annoyance, and it was truly cruel. In that case, you tell her you were annoyed or angry at something she said and you responded too hastily, she might not have heard what you said or misunderstood something and you respond with “God, you’re really stupid sometimes,” then you were too much of a dick). That won’t fix it, but it’s a start. You’re acknowledging your mistake without turning into a puddle of tears. She stays mad and you tell her that you shouldn’t have said that. You’re calm while assessing the situation. You’re a rock.
But then, in an attempt to relax her, you cuddle her and kiss her. She stays stoic and cold. Not good. You pull back and tell her that you’re trying to make up for your earlier behavior, but her going cold on you isn’t an appropriate response. Then she starts to complain about your behavior, telling you you’re such an asshole (turning it into a macro-problem).
Do you see the smooth escalation of emotions? That’s certainty. You don’t get confused by the clusterfuck of emotions. You stay focused and certain. You keep your cool.
Keep your cool. Even if it seems uncertain.
Maybe you didn’t know exactly what to do and didn’t handle it correctly, but you still acted like a leader and showed certainty in your position. It’s obviously important that a woman follow a frame that is maximally beneficial to you and her, but foremost in importance is that she follows you at all. A sloppy victory is more important than a refined defeat.
And that, gentlemen, is the lesson of this article. It’s important to be certain, but if you appear certain, you can largely make up for a lack of directional certainty. There are fundamental behaviors in your speech and body language that make it clear you know what you’re doing. To your lovers and friends, you can appear certain that you’re going somewhere with an argument, a relationship, or a seduction… but where exactly you’re heading, you don’t know.
And therein lies the paradox.
Do you ever really know where you’re going or what you’re doing?
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aarpanpatel · 5 years
How to Be Certain about your Relationship.
Whether it is a girl you’re trying to nail, a friend with benefits you want to get serious with, or a group of men listening to your commands, uncertainty looks, sounds, and feels the same. It looks like you don’t know what you’re doing. You may be the best lover and boyfriend she’ll ever come across, but if you don’t act like you are certain – if you seem uncertain in your actions – then visually or subconsciously your followers WILL notice and will follow you begrudgingly, which breeds resentment and dissent, or they’ll simply refuse to follow you.
Signs of Uncertainty in Seduction
You let her decide the date venue after she rejects your first offer
When entering the venue, you’re uncertain about where to sit and in what position (this is not the same as taking time to decide)
When ordering a drink or food, you don’t know what you want
You fidget a lot
You too quickly jump to talk during silent gaps
You freeze physically and verbally when she doesn’t comply with a request or demand
You let conversation droll on when she is ready to go home
You stutter when you ask her to move to a different area
You mumble when you invite her home
You’re jerky or otherwise awkward with your sexual gesture (e.g., moving only your neck to lean in and kiss her as opposed to bringing in your whole body or bringing her into you)
Signs of Uncertainty in a Casual Relationship
You set casual expectation with her but very quickly begin treating her like an exclusive girlfriend, and you get uncomfortable, silent, or even upset when she brings up other men
You start transitioning her into a serious girlfriend but spend less time with her as the relationship progresses (i.e., you set a serious precedent, then act contrary)
When she begins to drop hints that she wants something serious, you give no sign that you’re sure where you want it to go
Signs of Uncertainty in a Serious Relationship
You act as if you have her forever just because you’ve gotten her to commit; you stop seducing her or working on your relationship management
You aren’t aware of your long-term desires with her
Extreme jealousy, which communicates your doubt in her sexual fidelity and a doubt in your own supremacy (coldness and annoyance at certain behaviors are acceptable, as you should state your boundaries with her and other men, either explicitly or implicitly; in fact, too much casual acceptance of strange or line-crossing behavior can result in her thinking you don’t see or desire her as a monogamous mate anymore)
Getting insecure about the stability of the relationship because of a bad day with her or just one fight
Not appreciating when she’s kind and loving; this demonstrates a lack of certainty of your desire for her
When discussing the future of the relationship, you fail to state your position or desires, whatever they may be
Each of these behaviors demonstrate a lack of knowledge certainty, emotional certainty, or value uncertainty. Which uncertainty each behavior demonstrates depends on the context. To pinpoint
“But What If I’m Not Certain?”
Even if you are not certain, make it look as if you are.
As much as this is a series on how to be certain, it’s just as importantly a series on how to SEEM certain.
Certainty in the Face of Doubt
Let’s say you’re new to the game and you just ran up to a girl on the sidewalk; it’s one of your first direct openers outside of a bar or party. Despite the weight of anxiety and fear, you say to her in a confident voice, “Hey, I just wanted to come tell you how elegant yet dominant your walk is – very sexy! I’m John.”
“Woah, is this working?” you wonder to yourself as she just stares at you. After a second of tension that feels like millennia, she gives you her name – “I’m Ashley!” – and continues to look at you with open eyes. But you don’t know what to do next! You haven’t yet learned how to walk and talk casually to appear as though approaching a girl on the street like this is the most normal thing in the world; you haven’t learned how to read her outfit and gauge her personality and tailor your conversational threads on inferences built up from hundreds and hundreds of approaches.
“Does she think I’m creepy?”
“Why is she just staring at me?”
“Should I keep talking to her?”
You’re now lost in your head, and after a few seconds, you decide to punch your anxiety in the nuts and just say with slight nervousness, “Uhhh, so what are you up to?” And then, surprise, she tells you about her day! You’re now surprised that this worked. Wasn’t that such a boring thing to say? Even if it was, you still did it, and it’s working!
You then notice that at some point during the conversation, you two started walking together. You’re not even sure who walked first, but you’re moving! Action is being made!
“Okay, okay, okay, when do I ask her out?” Your head pounds with the question as you try to figure out the solution while also having a conversation with her. But you’re not going to let her go without at least asking her out! So when the conversation lulls for a few seconds, you blurt out “Hey, wanna grab dinner sometime?” And as her eyes widen and her lips spread into a smile, she says “Sure, that’d be great!”
And now you’ve got yourself a date. You went from not even knowing what to say after the opener to getting her number. In your uncertainty, you nevertheless pressed forward as if you WERE certain. But wait, just doing something doesn’t necessarily mean you looked certain about doing it!
And then you had the audacity to ask “So what are you up to?” as if you were just purely curious. Who the hell walks up to a girl, tells her she has an elegant yet dominatingly-sexy walk, then just asks her in more formal terms “What’s up?” She probably glanced at your crotch at some point to see if those massive balls showed through your pants.
Let’s do a more advanced example with relationships.
Let’s say you’re in a long-term relationship with some girl. She’s beautiful and turns you on like nobody else, and you love spending time with her. But here’s the clincher: you only recently began to understand how to handle drama and stay firm in your fights together. Early on in the relationship, you were a strong man, but when she’d have a fit and seemingly lose her shit over nothing, you’d acquiesce and either back off before you won the fight (because you didn’t want to hurt her feelings) or you actually got beaten; she boxed you into an emotional and logical corner that you didn’t know how to get out of; then you admitted you were wrong and said “sorry” a hundred times before she smiled, kissed you, assured you it was okay, then went to bed without giving you sex.
This looks weak to her as demonstrated by her having won the argument and subsequently withholding sex from you. You usually know you’re doing something right when a woman becomes lovey-dovey, investing, and sexual with you afterwards. The proof is in the pussy.
If you’d handled this drama correctly, you might have taken a moment to breathe and think instead of immediately apologizing and doing whatever you could to avail her anger. Your first reaction should be stoic; assess the situation calmly. Maybe you even become a bit despondent and see if she’s doing this to gain attention or because she’s genuinely hurt by what you said or did. You give her time to tell you what’s wrong. If she doesn’t tell you, you say “You seem upset. Talk to me.” She tells you that what you said hurt her feelings. You explain to her what you meant and how she may have misunderstood.
Or maybe you said something in a flash of anger or annoyance, and it was truly cruel. In that case, you tell her you were annoyed or angry at something she said and you responded too hastily, she might not have heard what you said or misunderstood something and you respond with “God, you’re really stupid sometimes,” then you were too much of a dick). That won’t fix it, but it’s a start. You’re acknowledging your mistake without turning into a puddle of tears. She stays mad and you tell her that you shouldn’t have said that. You’re calm while assessing the situation. You’re a rock.
But then, in an attempt to relax her, you cuddle her and kiss her. She stays stoic and cold. Not good. You pull back and tell her that you’re trying to make up for your earlier behavior, but her going cold on you isn’t an appropriate response. Then she starts to complain about your behavior, telling you you’re such an asshole (turning it into a macro-problem).
Do you see the smooth escalation of emotions? That’s certainty. You don’t get confused by the clusterfuck of emotions. You stay focused and certain. You keep your cool.
Keep your cool. Even if it seems uncertain.
Maybe you didn’t know exactly what to do and didn’t handle it correctly, but you still acted like a leader and showed certainty in your position. It’s obviously important that a woman follow a frame that is maximally beneficial to you and her, but foremost in importance is that she follows you at all. A sloppy victory is more important than a refined defeat.
And that, gentlemen, is the lesson of this article. It’s important to be certain, but if you appear certain, you can largely make up for a lack of directional certainty. There are fundamental behaviors in your speech and body language that make it clear you know what you’re doing. To your lovers and friends, you can appear certain that you’re going somewhere with an argument, a relationship, or a seduction… but where exactly you’re heading, you don’t know.
And therein lies the paradox.
Do you ever really know where you’re going or what you’re doing?
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aarpanpatel · 5 years
Fun Ideas for Cuckolding
Why do we do what we do? Why do my husband and I like me fucking other men? Because we don't want to live in the rut everyone else falls into. We do it because it's more fun to have a fun life together rather than just live together. We enjoy the excitement. Part of the excitement is trying new ideas and variations together. Here's a list of fun ideas that fit into what we enjoy. I won't lie. I didn't sit down and think all 69 of these up. I found them online and thought a lot of them were creative. They might give you an idea to work with. I liked some. If your husband is like mine I bet he would love some, too!). 1. Regularly make comments to your husband about other men you find attractive and tell him what it is about them that attracts you. 2. During sex, remind your husband that you prefer larger dicks and he doesn't measure up (trust me, he'll like it). 3. Tell your husband about things your lover/s do better sexually. 4. Tell your husband whenever you have thoughts of sex with someone else. 5. Have your husband watch as you prepare yourself to go out looking for other men, or go on a date. 6. Shave your pussy and tell your husband it's because another man asked you to. 7. Have your husband bathe you, shave your legs and pussy, or pick out clothes, jewelry and perfume to get you ready for your dates. 8. Get a discreet (or temporary) sexually suggestive tattoo. 9. Get a body piercing, cut or color your hair, or do something else that alters your body. Tell your husband you did it for your lover, or to attract a lover. 10. Buy a Hotwife ankle bracelet, and wear it any time you go out alone. Make your husband put it on your ankle for you, reminding him that it tells men you're available. 11. Start wearing more sexy, revealing clothing, hose and high heels in public. Add some super short skirts, see-through blouses and new lingerie to your wardrobe. Switch to heavier, sluttier makeup and tell your husband you're doing it all to attract men. 12. Stop wearing underwear when you go out and make sure your husband knows. 13. Flirt more! Flirt when you're out alone. But also openly flirt with other men in front of your husband, even at bars and clubs. 14. Put an ad on an adult website, under Single Female seeking Single Men. Send the link to your husband. 15. Have your husband go down on you while you watch cheating wife or Hotwife porn on the TV or your computer. Tell him you wish you were the woman in the movie. 16. Have your husband go out and get a hotel room for you and your lover to use, and then bring you the key before your date. 17. Have your husband go out with you and make him watch from across the room as you flirt and try to pick up a man. Let the men know you're available, and give out your phone number. Leave with someone if you can (and if you've agreed that's okay). 18. Make your husband drive you and your lover around while you have sex in the back seat. 19. Have your husband drive you to a motel to meet a lover, and then return to pick you up later. 20. Make your husband help find men for you, or make all the arrangements for a date so you just have to show up and get laid. 21. Have your husband accompany you to a bar to meet other men, and have him wait inside while you and another man go to your car in the parking lot for a "get acquainted" blowjob. 22. Let your husband watch you have sex (be sure to enjoy the sex VERY much!) 23. Deny your husband the privilege of watching at other times. Never let him know which it will be. 24. Travel out of town for weekend trip with another man. 25. Call your husband on the phone during sex with another man and let him listen in. 26. Fuck another man in your marital bed. 27. Fuck another man while your husband is at work or out of town, then let him know. 28. Fuck another man while your husband is in the next room, listening. 29. Fuck another man, film it and let your husband watch it later. 30. When your husband watches you have sex, openly express how good it feels and how much better your lover is. 31. Perform a sex act with another man that you don't do often with your husband. Then tell your husband what you did. 32. Find another Hotwife and start going out together to find men. 33. Fuck a guy your husband hates and tell him you did it. 34. Fuck one of your husband's friends. 35. Fuck a black man. 36. Fuck a much younger man. 37. Fuck someone rich and powerful. 38. Fuck an older man, or authority figure like a police officer. 39. Tease your husband by reminding him that you could get pregnant by your lover. 40. Go to an XXX adult video booth with your husband and let him watch you suck a cock through a glory hole. 42. Accompany a lover to a local swingers club as a couple. 43. Join your lover and a friend of his in a threesome (male or female). 44. Let your lover bend you over his knee and spank you, with your husband watching. 45. Let your lover tie you up in bed and use you, with your husband watching. 46. Have your husband pick out and pay for lingerie or a hot dress you will wear for your lover. 47. When your lovers call, take the call in another room and close the door for privacy. 48. Have phone sex with a lover, and have your husband watch as you masturbate and talk on the phone. 49. Deny your husband sex for several days before you go out on a date. 50. Walk around your house naked before a date, but do not allow your husband to have sex with you. 51. Before a date give your husband a partial BJ but do not let him cum. 52. After a date masturbate in front of your husband while telling him all the details. 53. Regularly wear any jewelry or clothes given to you by your lovers. 54. Have your lover's call you at home and ask for you when your husband answers. 55. Call your lovers in front of your husband and let your husband listen to your call while you flirt. Say things such as "You know you own it, baby" or "I'll do anything you want". 56. Take off your wedding rings and hand them to your husband before leaving for a date, or before going into the bedroom with a lover. 57. Have your husband secretly lie under the bed or in a closet while you fuck a lover. 58. Have your husband perform oral on you after you have sex with someone else (cleaning up a creampie). 59. Compliment your lovers openly during sex, and be loud and vocal when you cum, making sure your husband overhears everything, even if he's in another room. 60. Become known and be seen as a "couple" in public with a regular lover. 61. Spend an entire night with a lover. 62. Have your husband briefly perform oral sex on you as you prepare for a date, or immediately prior to departing, and make him promise to do it again the moment you return. 63. See two different lovers on successive nights, or even on the same day. 64. Let your lover bring over a friend to "share" you. 65. Participate in group sex with several men. 66. Participate in a swingers orgy. 67. Have sex with an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband and let your husband know you enjoyed it. 68. Tell one of your best girlfriends that you fuck other men and your husband is a cuckold, then tell your husband that you told her everything (watch him freak out!). 69. When you're having sex with a lover call your husband, then leave the phone turned on so he can listen in. 70. Take on the challenge of NEVER paying for drinks when you go alone to a bar, and try to get men to buy all your drinks. This is a great confidence builder - men are such suckers LOL. (Hint - this will eventually lead to you getting laid) 71. Constantly remind your husband that he is smallish/inadequate in bed (even if he's not!) 72. Make your husband lick your clit while another man is fucking you. 73. Give a blowjob to another man while kneeling underneath a table at a bar or restaurant. 74. Send texts, pics and vids to your husband when you're with a lover and having sex. 75. Tell your husband sexual details about your previous lovers. 76. Any time you go out alone deliberately stay out later than your husband expects. Keep him wondering.
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aarpanpatel · 5 years
From The Diaries of a couples Friend.
What’s swinging like with single male It’s FUN and double the FUN if male is bicurious triple the FUN if male is bisexual.
We have experienced foursome, group fun, gangbang, org, club swinging, under water fun in jacuzzi, over the water fun on beach, nudism in a naturist farm, being naked in clothes optional beach, mmmf, threesome with female, webcam fun but but the most and amazing experiences have been THREESOME WITH SINGLE MALES 😆😆😆
So for us threesome with single male has been integral part of swinging since we started exploring this lifestyle.
Now comes the question why we like threesome especially with male, the answer is simple - Simran likes to interact and experience sensual touch from various males primarily the caring nature of males makes her feel satisfying which is enhanced via the joy of fun in the bed. Other reason is easy to manage on short notice tooo. And luckily we have managed to meet males and have been connected to them for longer term - one male as long as 6 years.
After knowing why we swing with single males now the next question is how we proceed. It’s not rocket science a simple process. Explore the profile of a single male - one who has decent description of his own personality and swinging likes dislikes we bookmark the profile. Even profile with simple pics not necessary tool pic helps to filter it further. Then we start a chat with the single male and based on the decency and natural conversation we decide to exchange body pics. Most importantly if we gel on the chat with common ground and if a connection is established during the chat then we assume the journey has begun.
Then it’s matter of time to plan social meet. Simran is Preety simple lady and we are clear on what we like to enjoy and how we can ensure even the single male gets what he is looking for. Setting the expectations correct and driving from there is very important. We normally met single male at mall and spend time talking about normal stuff and then tell about each other’s likes dislikes. Simran is also vocal to express her views and she has good observatory skills. But as I said she looks for a simple personality with good sense of humour. She doesn’t have any out of the board requirements - physical attraction is imp but the most important aspect is how easy going the male is.
After social meet my simple question is shall we proceed if you liked the person. If she says yes and then she do suggest to start with soft and then later will go with flow. And most of the instance it has been an experience to cherish.
Then comes exciting part for both us and the male which is build up to fun meet. It’s correctly said - journey to the destination matters most and has to be cherished than reaching the destination. Obviously when we are planning for fun meet - based on suitable schedule we still like to be connected. During this waiting phase I share how and what Simran likes and then to elevate the curiosity and multiply excitement we share some nice sexy pics of Simran . As the conversation goes on Simran is comfortable in sharing nude pics too. Ravishing and gorgeous pics of Simran including beach and sensual massage pics makes the await a lot sweeter. Her sweet smile sexy boobs soft ass and sensual body pics makes it more interesting.
Another important thing during the chat is we understand how male responds to those pics and even the acknowledgement to the pics confirms us and even him that both sides have similar wavelength and already at a common ground when the actual fun meet comes. This gives us all so much comfort that when we meet actually the nerves are already settled. Even to make it interesting for male we confirm in what attire he would like to see Simran since in his imagination male has already started visualising her. Let’s convert that taught into reality. Simran’s dress or saree is decided based on males suggestion. Sometimes she wears nice black dress with deep neck or nice simple saree without blouse or simple jeans and T-shirt without inners. Then we finalise the day after a bit of time management and accordingly plan the fun meet.
Even before the meet we share some more pics and if possible a short phone call to make it more erotic. Describing your imagination is free flowing with words and not restricted. Hence when we meet we just chit chat a bit freely. Approx after 20 odd minutes chit chat in person during fun meet and based on time in hand we take the next step..... no no we don’t jump directly into bed. Simran moves next to the male on the same couch and then we share our swinging experience and so do the male. Simran has nice small album of her dashing sexy aura captured in lingerie which we share with the male. Hopefully by now excitement has reached the highest level and hence now comes the first step to experience each other’s touch. Seated close to each other Simran let’s male take first step to hold her hand or too have his hands around her shoulder. Conversation continues with soft fun like kissing on hand then cheeks and once both get cozy lips kissing and then a sweet warm hug. Conversation and sweet hug and kiss do continue for a while. When each other’s hands starts caressing there body and then male touching Simran’s sensual soft boobs and Simran holding bulging cock of the male over his trousers. This is an indication to move to more comfortable platform - Bed.
From the first adventurous step in bedroom of kiss and smooch to the last step of kissing good bye with a warm hug reflecting satisfaction in each other’s eyes is to be experienced and cherished hence I end this blog here hoping we continue our journey with single males on and on and on...
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