aasher-mason · 3 years
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Fight for what matters to you. No matter what. 
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aasher-mason · 3 years
When she’d been on the flight coming into Colorado, she’d thought numerous times about how she’d react when she came face to face with Asher. Would she approach him at his home? How would she even find his home? Would she find him at one of their favourite old places to go to? How would it be? None of those interactions in her mind had been close to what this was. This was awkward and she wanted the floor to open up and swallow her whole. This wasn’t at all what she was thinking of when she’d imagined seeing her estranged husband again.
She’d thought seeing him would spark nothing in her, how foolish a thought that was. Seeing the person she’d fallen in love with when she was just a kid in high school, how could she feel nothing? She knew without a doubt that he probably didn’t feel this way, especially since he probably labelled her as the worst person around. She watched as he pulled his dog closer to himself, as if not wanting even his pet to be associated with her in any way.
Myra could hardly blame him for doing that. After all, perhaps that was his way of grounding himself in this peculiar situation. Myra needed to do the same thing and so she took a deep breath, her free hand that had been earlier scratching Hobbes now clutching at the pendent around her neck; the ring he’d once slipped on her ring finger—a vow of commitment that she’d broken. 
“I don’t blame you for thinking that seeing me…is hell, I guess.” Myra didn’t like hearing that, or even saying it for that matter but she knew she couldn’t have expected anything else. “I didn’t plan for us to meet again like this. It should’ve been…different.” 
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Perhaps it was dramatic, saying that seeing her here was like hell, but Asher figured it was justified. The way she ended things... showing up over a decade later... and finding out like this... He could make a scene if he wanted to. He could scream and no one would blame him. He thought about it. In the first few years after she left, it was almost exclusively how he imagined such a confrontation going. But he was older now - older and marginally wiser. Or at least experienced enough to know ice could do much more damage than heat. 
“I’m fascinated to hear what sorta plan you had in place that would make you think this could ever go smoothly,” he said wryly, feigning an aloof disinterested as his eyes scanned their surroundings as though taking in the ambiance. What part gave away that this wasn’t as planned? The presence of whole grain? The florescent lighting? 
Lazily, as though she were an afterthought, his eyes landed back on her, only to see her nervously pulling at a familiar piece of jewelry. It had been years and the context of it on a chain around her neck almost threw him, but he’d recognize that modest diamond anywhere. He’d saved up for months just to buy it. The sight of it now sent a sour feeling to the pit of his stomach. He couldn’t say why, only the idea that she’d kept some token so close surprised him in a way he wasn’t equipped to handle right now. He needed to get out of here... 
“I’ll tell you what,” he swallowed hard, trying to maintain his cool. “I’m gonna leave and pretend this never happened. You go and re-evaluate that ‘perfect meeting’ you had in mind. And once you realize that it’s never gonna happen, you can go to hell and send me a postcard.” 
He decided he didn’t need groceries. He’d rather starve. He turned on his heel and with a click of his tongue, Hobbes followed him out of the store. 
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aasher-mason · 3 years
Being back in the place she once called home was beyond a doubt—unnerving. She found herself wondering what old faces she’d run into, and of course a nagging voice in the back of her head telling her to search for the one she needed to talk to and get the job done. But it wasn’t that easy. Firstly she didn’t know where he’d be, she could go visit their old favourite places but Myra wasn’t ready for that yet. Instead she found herself in different places that she hadn’t visited before and continued perusing the aisles, impressed with the concept of the general store and it’s ban of plastic. After her trip to the farmer’s market earlier, she’d decided she also needed to load up her kitchen with the basics and that’s how she found herself here. She’d gotten her flour and some of the organic cane sugar that she preferred and was currently looking at some of the other items when she felt something nudging at her leg—or maybe it was her bag?
Myra glanced down and saw the most beautiful golden retriever by her feet, without a leash. The big guy was just looking up at her with those dark eyes that she couldn’t help but give him a little pat on his head, scratching gently between his ears when she heard someone, probably his owner, call out to him. “No, that’s okay—he’s just being adorable, aren’t you?” And that was when she turned around and realized who was actually standing in front of her. At this point, she wasn’t sure if she should be glad that she’d run into her estranged husband in a general store of all places, or if she should be mortified that this was how he found out that she was back in town. “I—” her words died on her tongue, the dog gently nipping at her bag which had her cast her gaze down, pulling them away from his when she gently told him no, only to look back up at him.
“I—hi?” It was the worst greeting to say to someone after leaving them for ten long years but this wasn’t how she expected their first meeting to go.
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It was obvious that she was just as surprised to see him as he was to see her. A part of him thought ‘good, let her be uncomfortable,’ but a larger part of him just felt angrier for it. What right did she have to be caught off guard? This was his town, after all; she was the one who left. 
It was easier to focus on the anger than the rest of it - the shock, the hurt, the sudden lightheaded feeling that sent darkness creeping around the corners of his vision. It had been more than a decade since he’d last seen his wife, and looking at her now reminded him of something he’d heard of called the ‘Uncanny Valley’ - the sensation that he was looking at someone almost familiar, but distorted to the point of becoming unnerving. There was no question it was her; no amount of time or distance would ever render her so unfamiliar as to be unrecognizable - even without the occasional ad or magazine spread he was subjected to. 
It was her. It was Myra. The only question was why? 
His spine straightened as he allowed the anger to ground him, turning him stiff and cold as his fingers looping around Hobbes collar to tug him closer to his side. “Huh,” he scoffed derisively. Not exactly the opening words he was expecting... “So apparently I’ve either gone to hell, or hell has frozen over right here in aisle 3.” 
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aasher-mason · 3 years
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Today… Today hadn’t started off so bad. But it went downhill the moment a former student of Percy’s saw Avery and asked her about her ex-wife. Completely unaware of what happened between the author and zoologist. Ever since then, she’s been in complete autopilot. The only time she even resembled a tiny bit of life was when she had a FaceTime call with her parents and Mars, and little Leia. Seeing them, especially her son and puppy, brought her back to life for a moment. Brought back a smile and light to her eyes. Then the call was over and she was alone again. Avery couldn’t return back to her apartment. God, she just couldn’t. Sitting in the lobby of the Jade Palace, contemplating whether to stay the night at a friend’s or just sleep in her office at the hotel, she was taken back slightly by Asher’s sudden appearance. How long he’s stood there, she wasn’t sure. But he was holding out a bottle and, well, how could she refuse? “My hero,” she mused. She’d been about to take the lid off before she stopped. “Wanna go to the Golden Elephant and share this with me while we smoke some shisha? I’d rather share it than drink by myself. I’ve done that too much this week, probably should switch things up a bit, you know?”
Asher wasn’t the guy for heart-to-hearts. His vocabulary when it came to sympathy didn’t extend far beyond ‘that sucks’ which, no matter how emphatically stated, did little to really keep the conversation moving. Words weren’t his strong suit; he’d always been a man of action. Buy the ring. Don’t beg her to stay... Alcohol was really the only way he could think to connect with Avery now, whose situation he could empathize with more than she could possibly know. 
“Yeah, okay,” he nodded, tucking his hands deep in his pockets. He wasn’t by any means a priest now, even with slowing down significantly he still imbibed on occasion. The only thing waiting for him at home was Hobbes, more than likely snoring away in his bed. He could spare a few hours. “Lead the way.” 
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aasher-mason · 3 years
location: anywhere downtown (early evening)
status: open (capping at 3) @providencepeakstarters​
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The sky could have not been more clear as Celestine walked home from work. Cloudy nights had been hanging over Providence the last few days, blocking out the vivid starry view. At last, a bit of windy weather had swept away the overcast that had been lingering around. Celestine gazed upwards as she walked along the sidewalk, tucking her gloved hands into the pockets of her leather jacket. It was all too easy for the stargazer to become distracted by the strikingly open skies. The moon was in it’s waxing gibbous phase, just a week away from being a gorgeous full moon. Celestine was so enamored with the sight above her, that she didn’t notice the person crossing her path. She bumped into the other, watching the items in their hands fall to the ground. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. Here, let me help you with that,” she offered, bending down to help pick up their belongings.
Asher decided to pick up some groceries on the way home from work; he’d even gone wild and decided to splurge on a bottle of wine for the evening. The cashier that rung him up was the type for idle chitchat and had asked if he had ‘someone special’ to share it with, a question that did little to improve his mood that was already flagging after a long day of hard labor. 
Needless to say, he didn’t exactly react well to bumping into someone in the parking lot, his contents flying and the bottle shattering at his feet. “Fuck,” he groaned, rubbing his face tiredly. He didn’t bother to try to collect the items - they were all on the floor now, utterly useless and wasted. “Fuuuuuck. Fuck you, universe. You goddamn piece of shit.” 
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aasher-mason · 3 years
—Starter for @myramalik​ Location: Nook’s General Store
Asher barely noticed the occasional dirty look he got as he strolled down the aisles, Hobbes loping along by his side without even a leash on. The dog was so well-behaved he hardly left Asher’s side anyway, never more than a few steps behind even when distracted by a particularly tempting scent. The owner of the store was... if not a friend, then at least resigned to the fact Asher was going to bring the damn dog regardless of whatever rule they tried to enforce. It was a fight that Ned had won before him - when Hobbes was still a hyper puppy - and more than likely, the owner still allowed it out of loyalty to Ned rather than anything Asher brought to the table.  
He was loading up on flour when he noticed Hobbes had strayed farther than usual, now several yards away sniffing up a woman facing the opposite wall. Flirt, Asher scoffed. “Hobbes,” he called with a whistle, stopping what he was doing and walking over. For all he’d said about the dog’s obedience, his one kryptonite was attention and the promise of treats. “Sorry, he’s a food whore. Just tell him no and-” 
His words caught in his throat as the woman turned around. It was a ghost surely, or else a really sick joke. Surely, it was not his wife — his ex wife — now stood in front of him... 
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aasher-mason · 3 years
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aasher-mason · 3 years
—Starter for @averyxchopra​ Location: The empty lobby of the Jade Hotel 
Asher knew that blank look all too well, and while he’d anticipated it, the sudden pang of hurt 13 years later still took him by surprise. “Yeah, I expected as much,” he sighed, apropos of nothing, unzipping his jacket to pull out the bottle he’d stored inside. “This is a one time offer because it leads down a dark path that, trust me, you do not want to go down, but here.” With a little reluctance, he handed over the bottle, plain glass with sloshing amber liquid inside. “Brewed it myself, so... tastes like shit, but I’m working on it. It’ll get the job done.” 
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aasher-mason · 3 years
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roy kent + text post meme (1 ; 2)
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aasher-mason · 3 years
WHERE: could be anywhere, tbh.
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Zak slid into the chair opposite the other, the tip of his finger barely through the rose gold brand. Eyes still glued to the nice size diamond ring he had been given earlier. The scene as to how it ended up in his hands still clear as day in his mind, yet no more clear in understanding. “How much do you think this is worth?” He asked the other, holding it up and slightly out to give the other person a decent look. His attention still firmly upon the piece of jewelry. It looking rather miniature to the large brash rings her wore on his knuckles. Turning the item, he looked inside the brand, a small engraving peeked back at him. “The engraving probably knocks a few dollars off though.” He later stated, before he then read the words staring back at him. “Be mine forever, Jen. - Malcom.” Zak smirked, followed by the shake of his head. “So much for forever.” Finally tearing his eyes away from the ring, they’d fall upon the individual before him. “Sorry, I’m late. Rough night and morning with the baby, followed by an even rougher training session.. then made strange by a quick trip to the bakery.” Then placing the ring on the table, he shifted slightly in the chair, “You wouldn’t happen to keep a diamond ring for something, would you?” He asked, “Fake engagement, Christmas present–” Trailing off, he simply shrugged, there really was very little that surprised him anymore.
“You proposing to me, Kolton?” Asher asked teasingly, neck craning over from where he currently stood slaving over the stove. “I gotta say, the gesture’s sweet, but it’s not really my style - and I doubt it’d fit...” It had been so long now Asher almost didn’t remember he was still technically married; by now, the only lasting impact from that whole debacle was his staunch determination to never do it again. But time, at least, had healed wounds enough to be able to joke about the prospect. “It might be worthless, but you could potentially pawn a couple hundred off it if you’re lucky. I wanna be a bastard and say I’d take it, but... that damn kid,” he sighed, thinking of EJ. Asher had never though of himself as someone who loved kids, but that one had a way of wrapping him around his finger. “He’s got me going soft. You should buy him fucking toy or a car or some shit.” 
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aasher-mason · 3 years
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Name: Asher Mason   Age: 33 Gender/Pronouns: Cis Male / He/Him Occupation: Carpenter/Wood-worker/Grumpy town recluse Neighborhood: Bighorn Hills Relationship Status: Technically married Traits: intuitive, loyal, dynamic, acerbic, stubborn, bitter Nicknames: Ash, Ashole, Mase
The Basics  tw: murder, incarceration, drugs, paralysis, abandonment
Asher was born and raised in Providence Peak by a decent, working class family. His father worked as a San Man, until a workplace accident left him paralyzed from the chest down when Asher was 10. It left the family pretty financially and emotionally devastated, but they all did what they had to to get by.
Asher’s older brother Levi, though, did not take the change well and started heading down a very dark path. It started with stealing their dad’s pain meds and selling them for a quick buck, and pretty much devolved into him becoming a regular at the local police station. When Asher was 14 and Levi was a senior, Levi’s girlfriend was found murdered on Halloween night, and Levi was basically convicted without even getting a proper investigation. (more on that later…)
The only thing that got Asher through his teens was *WANTED CONNECTION (Name TBD)*, the proverbial girl-next-door. They were best friends until they became more, and they got married right out of high school. The next two years were the closest Asher had come to being happy in ages.
His wife leaving unexpectedly was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and Asher spent the next several years completely out of control. Not quite as wild as his brother, but definitely a prototype, if a little bit smarter about getting caught. His parents basically disowned him, saying they weren’t willing to go down the same path a second time.
That went on for about 7 years until his father’s death and a chance meeting with a crotchety old man who would eventually become his mentor served as his wake-up call. Said crotchety man (named Ned Sullivan) taught Asher everything he knew about life and his trade as a carpenter, and Asher followed in his footsteps. The old man has since died, but Asher now lives in his mobile home on the edge of town. He predominately works freelance and finds his customers through word of mouth - he does small remodels, custom wood pieces, basically whatever anyone needs that can be done as a one-man job. 
He lives a kinda ascetic lifestyle now. He doesn’t own a TV. Sometimes, he pretends he doesn’t have a phone (he does, but he’s awful at texting back in timely fashion). He never thought he’d see the day he didn’t live of take-out, but he now weirdly loves cooking (he will probably brag about his sourdough starter...) He still drinks, but he’s definitely slowed down - if he’s still out at 2am, he starts complaining that it’s past his bedtime. 
And now back to his brother… A few years back, Levi’s story regained national attention when a Netflix docuseries came out about the case, calling a lot of the evidence into question. Asher refused to participate in the series and hates all the attention it’s gotten. The case made his life unbearable the first time it gained attention, and he’s not convinced his brother is innocent. His father, on the other hand, was incredibly outspoken about his son’s innocence, and though he died before the documentary aired, he was instrumental in getting the story to the documentarian’s attention. Asher’s last fight with his father before breaking off contact was about Levi, so he has a lot of resentment about everything his brother has taken from him. The idea that some people are now “fans” of his and are fighting for his release makes Asher furious.  
His full bio is here, and I will be putting up a connections page… eventually, here.
Basically, he’ll take friends (if they’re okay with being friends with a grumpy asshole), enemies (self-explanatory, see: asshole), former bullies, clients, “fans” of the docuseries, and more than a few hookups from his wild days (or present, he’s not picky - come be impressed by his ~mobile home~)…
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aasher-mason · 3 years
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Andrew Garfield as Eduardo Saverin in The Social Network (2010)
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aasher-mason · 3 years
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Mistress America, Noah Baumbach (2015)
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aasher-mason · 3 years
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99 HOMES 2014 | dir. Ramin Bahrani
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