abdulrahman120064 · 4 years
Date: December 8,2020
The last video vlog is about my story
and what I learned.
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abdulrahman120064 · 4 years
Topic: History of body painting.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Video blog4
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abdulrahman120064 · 4 years
Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2020
This video blog is analysing and compering two different activism hashtags, which are
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abdulrahman120064 · 4 years
Date: October 27, 2020
This video blog is analysing and compering two different activism hashtags, which are
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abdulrahman120064 · 4 years
The hashtag activism challenge
Tuesday, October13,2020
‏Many people interact on social media through hashtags, trying to express their views, and this is what we saw in # Trump and # Biden. Social media has topped the world because of the US elections
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abdulrahman120064 · 4 years
New media practical class
#PRSQU #Fall #Mass4025_f20
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abdulrahman120064 · 4 years
ID: 120064
Date: May 31, 2020
Course code: MASS2620
Course name: Issues in Mass Communication Spring20
Numbers of words: 1498
Assignment 2
‏The development of technology and the emergence of the Internet in the twenty-first century and with the beginning of social networking sites led to the rapid delivery of the news to the audiences and ears of people and the proximity of distant distances to less than a step and also increased the speed of dialogue and exchange of views and proximity between views. All this development is sure to benefit people and have many benefits if taken the advantages of correctly to achieve the aspirations of the people of the world to make it easier for them to reach and deal with the most prominent global issues.
Submitted Material
In this course, we learned how to deal with the media and the role they play in guiding the world, the media is biased towards what it belongs to the media is a message the sender would like to communicate to the public, but it may be exposed to terms such as: misinformation, disinformation, news sources, bias in the media, critical thinking, understanding of the media and distorting the news. The media works on these strategies because whoever manages them and is the one who its financial supporter is like governments and businessmen. The money in many media institutions is considered as the driving fuel for them. The number of money provided was everything that was large.
These media outlets started achieving their goals without any objectivity and without human morals before they were media ethics to the media because it distorts the image of a certain groups of people, for example: African footballers always appear in supporting roles rather than the main character and most of them appear in the typical roles. cognitive constructs are studied images concerning how the news media work campaign information processing strategies such as reading between the lines or reflecting on the news.
‏Understanding the media and understanding the mechanism of working with it makes it easier for you to filter the information that arrives to you and choose what is most appropriate for you by using a filter in your mind that distinguishes what is wrong and what is right and for the media. The way that it can contribute to advancing the development, development of people and publishing Knowledge.
knowledge and the performance of its mission as one of the means of cognitive and societal development, as it certainly contributes to making points of view and decision-making, whether economic, political, social or other, but it is harmful to the extent of its usefulness and its harm may exceed the interest in many cases, and that is through use Others Appropriate, for example: hate speech on the Internet is one of these problems, but as with freedom of expression, the term hate comes because the world, in its international and domestic laws and differentiates between the right to opinion and the right to express opinion. The world does not place any restrictions on the right to opinion and it makes it absolute, but it puts restrictions and controls on how this opinion is expressed and any media attack.
‏The media directly affects the individual and society negatively and positively. It fulfils many desires, for example: investors and capital, as the media shortens time and effort on investors who spend long time searching for sharing to buy and sell, as also the media has a role in health education. What is related to health, and about health programs such as: physical and mental health or a product related to human health, the goal is to create a general health awareness and high knowledge among all groups of society, and when the health media are professional and professional media, they transmit news and information appropriately without intimidation. This has a positive impact on the health of the community.
‏Cognitive strategies in media is a concept that was used in educational and entertainment programs where programs are combined with drama to change attitudes or behaviours in order to communicate knowledge easily such as: coffee helps in reading better and its objective financial economic.
‏The media also influences a person's thoughts by displaying some unwanted ideas such as: "the narcissistic personality" that is characterized by the selfishness that a narcissist loves and sees that he is more beautiful and sees people less beautiful than him. Therefore, he allows himself to exploit people and ridicule them and through the fame he has it, so it negatively affects society.
‏As is customary, there is a sophisticated technology for every piracy and hidden hands that try to tolerate the culture and the happiness of others at the expense of special interests.
For accidents, but distorting them and many books were written, so a person must possess a media literacy: some governments may demand that everything be presented with great transparency without exceptions and others prefer not to interfere in political affairs and only care about their lives and lifestyle. So, between the two ideas the person should not fully conscious and favourite for me is the balance between them and the lack of opening the media to achieve what he wants and be under control. In light of technological development is difficult to rely on the public culture. Some of them educated and uneducated, who easily convince him in the ideas.
‏Media misinformation is always done in an organized and focused way in order to formulate an opinion, idea or goal for those from whom this misinformation was issued, and of course they do to change concepts, distort scenes, influence the mind and play with emotions and imagination, to create doubts and create disturbances in critical issues that cannot be underestimated in it. The media strategy uses the media to advertise or provide knowledge content via television, radio or the internet. It also works to deliver the message to the target audience, such as: electronic flies in the Gulf countries. People should be careful of that because it may there is a tool in the hands of those in power who are not affected by everything that is said on social media. There are fake accounts whose sole purpose is to destabilize security and we must be more aware.
‏Media policy in Oman is concerned with the source of information and information is only displayed when verified, because the information is taken from many different sources through which people choose and what they want. However, as it became easy to obtain information with the great technological progress that the world has now reached. There are multiple sources and so may attribute the words of people or institutions and did not say in order to benefit from this big name they own. So, in political media issues try to avoid mentioning the names by saying "private sources" or "from a government official”. Of course, the name of this person who makes him naked for the public and in most cases this trick deceives the listeners, causing them great damage in conflicting information and on the opposite side of many sources such as Reuters, French News Agency or Oman News Agency and trust worthy by the public.
‏During the First World War, the media controlled the propaganda through fiery openings, and satirical drawings that are considered an art of irony because they express reality in a funny or ironic provocative way. There are other methods that are used other than animation such as: national writings, graffiti employees become signs and chants Comics, pictures, pens of journalists, writers, thinkers and painters' feathers are weapons of war, as well as front images taken by armies or movie theatres at that time and these come within the media arts that are used.
Also, in this current crisis (Corona-Covid_19) we see that international and Arab communication sites are spreading satirical and educational cartoons at the same time, and this indicates the importance of these drawings and their great impact on the public.
I benefited from this course a lot of things, as it changed my view of media issues in general and in my opinion, order to create solid and strong positions from countries and the media alike, therefore, concerted efforts should be made to achieve progress on the level of crises, issues and fateful violations in the world and make them the focus of all visual, audio and print publishing media to be in circulation. thus we salute the issue reflects the reality of life that our societies are witnessing in current times and the media face challenges such as the general culture of the public. So, the media had to deal with issues in an ethical way because it contains human life, which is more important than anything else, and not looking at it as an opportunity to achieve the goals at the expense of people and looking at them as numbers are increasing and decreasing. There must be a great moral aspect in the media and a topic whenever this characteristic becomes present will integrate the role of the media with the human to provide a better life.
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abdulrahman120064 · 4 years
Date: May 19, 2020
Number of words:334
Topic: perspective about media ethic challenges
Modifications that occurred in the media during the Corona Virus period:
The media was pouring all their efforts into the pursuit of commercial interests through advertisements and political issues related to contentious problems between countries and influencing the public in any way in order to achieve the required goals. Suddenly things changed and the public became interested in the media and was not interested in using all means for the media to know Corona virus developments and new developments about this crisis and their fear of rapid spread, so the media have become mainly interested in corona. Educational advertisements were displayed on how to prevent disease and deal with the injured and the spread of awareness-raising media campaigns and with the change of power. Web people live in homes have become commercials offer different from the former and a way that there has been a renewal in advertising and media work.
Media challenges:
There are many challenges that the media directs, the most prominent of which is that many media platforms are working to speed the arrival of the news without verifying the authenticity of this news or that it is not true with the aim of increasing the number of followers to it in any way and also fighting the rumors that spread abundantly at this time due to people's fear and Their excessive eagerness, therefore, the media must control the situation, such as the rumors that circulate in quarantine for 24 days on Eid, and also promote false information that works on electronic economic wars between major countries such as China and America to achieve their personal interests.
The media faces challenges such as the general culture of the public, so the media had to deal with the issue in an ethical way because it contains human life, which is more important than anything, and not looking at it as an opportunity to achieve goals at the expense of people and to look at them like numbers are increasing and decreasing only.
#SQUPR#MASS2620_20#spring20  #media_ethics
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abdulrahman120064 · 4 years
Date: May 5, 2020
Number of words:324
Discussing two hypotheses
Hypothesis 1
One of the things that is imperative in this stage of it is that the media be an effective and auxiliary element for society by presenting the topics with all credibility and transparency, which gives the citizen the right to obtain news without coloring and manipulating it according to the personal interests of the institution and must be The media is integrated with the members of society, which achieves balance, full support, and mutual trust between the person and the media in general. Therefore, the media must take care to present everything that is happening because the human being at this time became aware and educated unlike in the past and Especially the Omani society in which the media is considered a developmental hand M the march of development, and this may be a negative thing also because the Omani media may not support freedom of opinion significantly.
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Hypothesis 2
Some news may not be of great importance to public opinion. On the other hand, its appearance on the media scene may cause great tension, so it is smart to avoid displaying these things and it must not be directly related to a person’s life because anything that affects the individual’s life must be presented And the media may avoid presenting the political issues of the country that are related to the negative side, and this may also be a positive thing because it does not allow placing great pressure on the part of citizens on it and in these matters the community's need to know everything is not important.
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The best solution to balance:
Citizens have the right to know everything that affects their lives, such as the economy and social matters. As for political matters, it is not necessary to display their details because some news can affect in a bad way and cause harm rather than a useful thing, so there must be a balance in presenting the news.
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abdulrahman120064 · 4 years
Date: May 4, 2020
Topic : Cyberbullying
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abdulrahman120064 · 4 years
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DATE: April 28, 2020
Number of words : 346
In some images we may see in it the racist view towards the Chinese, such as those racist practices that when many people of the world began demanding the expulsion of the Chinese from their countries on the grounds that the Corona virus was launched from the Chinese city of Wuhan and that they bear responsibility for this virus and were attacked with the use of insulting words or Not to deal with them in public places until it came to not receiving them in the shops and trying to contain them in one place.
Why I selected these four?
I chose pictures according to the data that I saw in them because they contain a lot of different meanings and can represent the actual reality of this crisis that the world is going through because the image may be better than speech in expressing and communicating information and ideas and it has a wide resonance so everyone looks at it In terms of what he wants and this is what distinguishes it.
My understanding:
These drawings served to show the reality we are going through now as the picture shows the size of the suffering that the medical staff are suffering from in hospitals away from their children and their family and the difficulty of communicating with them and convey the size of the suffering that these heroes suffer and from an environmental point of view the people do not leave and The factories stopped working, brought life back to Earth again, as the human being tired of them with environmental pollutants and caused them great harm this is an opportunity to reclean the earth again, and also some resemble the disease in the nuclear bomb that America blew up in the last century to kill many people new but with a new image and it is This virus, but used the same means of transportation only, which is the plane, and these fees work to deliver messages addressed to people according to what the idea owner wants to understand, some use it for educational purpose and others for other political purposes.
The picture from Twitter
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abdulrahman120064 · 4 years
Date: April 21, 2020
Number of words: 281
The media has a great role in educating and educating society in various aspects. Perhaps the health side will have the largest role especially at this time and in light of the spread of Corona disease and therefore in order for it to be beneficial to the community it must do some necessary things such as:
In crisis situation
- Publish news and health information from Achievements, seminars, workshops, health issues and medical experiments, providing statistics and health data and analyzing it.
- Carry out activities that aim to raise health awareness and instill healthy behaviors in individuals and societies.
- Highlighting the pioneering efforts and effective initiatives of individuals and institutions working in the health field.
In prevention
- Notify the community of health hazards and warn them, and enable community members to identify health problems and contribute to offering solutions.
- Raising children to sound healthy behavior and changing their wrong behavior and habits, especially in the event of the spread of diseases within society.
- Improve health at the individual and community level, and reduce the incidence of diseases, disabilities and deaths.
-Contribute to achieving the strategic goals of health plans.
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Health information is not limited to medical conditions, treatment, and elimination of its symptoms. Rather, it is the publication of everything related to health, and about health programs such as physical and psychological fitness or a product related to human health, and the goal is to create a general health awareness and high knowledge among all groups of society, And when the health media is professional and professional media, it transmits news and information appropriately without intimidation, which positively reflects on the health status of society.
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abdulrahman120064 · 4 years
*Hate speech*
Date: April 14,2020
Number of words:264
*how to identify hate speech in media content?*
The Internet and social networking sites, although they have a major role in the process of communicating the opinion of a person, we can still address some of the problems that arise hate speech on the Internet is one of these problems, but as with freedom of expression, the term hate speech comes because the world, In its international and domestic laws, it differentiates between the right to opinion and the right to express opinion, the world does not place any restriction on the right of opinion and makes it absolute, but it places restrictions and controls on the way to express this opinion and considers any attack in the media on people based on their actual or perceived race Strain, national origin, or not Maintenance, sex, gender, nationality, sexual identity, disability, or illness is the orientation of hate speech in media content.
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*In social media, and related to the corona virus*
The biggest example of this is the Kuwaiti artist Hayat Al-Fahad, who has sparked intense controversy and criticism between her citizens and the Arab public after her statements that were described as abusive about "expatriates", as she demanded at that time the expulsion of migrant workers from her country, and expressed her extreme anger, as they are increasing the burdens and pressure on the state, in The spread of Corona virus continued, as a result of her statements, she was attacked by a large number of audiences and critics, even her colleagues in the artistic and media circles, as many described her as racist.
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abdulrahman120064 · 5 years
Selfie and narcissism - fame online.
Date: March 10, 2020
Number of words:214
Selfie and narcissism - fame online
Narcissism is an adjective found in each of us, but to varying degrees. Since this trait is not desirable today, it is necessary to define socially acceptable "healthy" narcissism. Psychiatrist Craig Malkin says it is the ability to see ourselves and others in a different way. This trait may be beneficial because it helps all of us feel unique and increases our confidence that allows us to take risks such as looking for promotion at work, or taking the initiative to date a charismatic and attractive person, but in return.
Selfie and narcissism
The main characteristic of a narcissistic personality is selfishness a narcissist loves himself and sees that he is the most beautiful and sees people less beautiful than him, and therefore he allows himself to exploit people and ridicule them.
Celebratory culture in the internet
The media appeared, and the influence of celebrities was present, and since the beginning of social media platforms, social media has allowed anyone to become a celebrity because the ability to access digital platforms generates a new kind of fame where the famous person can easily interact with his fans and use the side of the granted These celebrities have a huge influence on the rules of their fans and followers.
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abdulrahman120064 · 5 years
Date: March 3, 2020
Number of words:326
How do media outside Oman present
race, gender, ( Male, Female, 3rds ) and class?
The media displays programs on radio,
television, cinema, music and other
media They always represent individuals and their social identities, and how they understand what it means to be male or female, black, white, Omani or British Asian even in rural areas or cities shaped by ideas and images by type The displayed environment
Media and gender
The media are the most influential on
the way we look at men and women, which are often perceptions of the opposite of reality for example, a woman must always be introverted from society and work to secure her life away from men this is not true, so she can do what is not He can do it and sometimes even surpass him, and men and women are portrayed in stereotypical ways that reflect the wrong image.
media and race, class
person is not born racially, but circumstances pass through him in which a person lives with a thought far from the correct thought that affects his behavior the media comes as they distort the image of certain groups of people for example: African soccer players, they always appear in supporting roles rather than the main character, most of them appear in typical roles. Black men are presented as lazy and unable to engage with people to be stereotypes are common assumptions about people who are very simple and not true to everyone.
gender, race and class in Oman media
In Oman, there is a specific policy on which the government works and put in place strict laws towards racism It is impossible to communicate with people of races according to their shape or color, but the Omani media are neutral media, and this is because of the laws and regulations that prevent the media from showing anything that calls for Conflict or hatred between people, this is the thing that distinguished Oman from the rest of the Arab countries and took this matter in media policy as well.
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abdulrahman120064 · 5 years
Date: February 25, 2020
Title: Communication used in Cold War, World War I, World War II, The American coalition invasion of Iraq copy
Number of wards: 222
Cold War:
The Cold War expresses a period of economic, political, and military tension between the United States and the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1991, after the end of World warIcommunication was by establishing a military hotline between Moscow and Washington with the aim of immediate contact when a threat to security in the region occurred, in order to prevent it before it was too late.
Communication used in world war 1:
In all countries, the propaganda was controlled by the media through fiery editorials, nationalist writings, staff hanging on walls, banners, chants, comics, pictures or caricatures. The pens of journalists, writers, thinkers and painters' feathers became weapons of war, as did the images of the front that are captured by armies or cinemas of the time.
Communication used in world war 2:
Propaganda was used by the military media at the time, as it relied on publications, radio, that raised the lethality and destruction and when we look at German propaganda in terms of its inner strength, that is, that uses everything that would shock and shake the entity the war media through propaganda succeeded in making the enemy in a state of inability to defend against its effects.
American coalition invasion of Iraq:
American use Propaganda To influence general opinion , Newspapers/Magazines, Radio, Airplanes,  Telephones, Mail,  and Cryptology.
1- https://www.royalmontrealregiment.com/communications-in-ww1/
2- https://www.ukessays.com/essays/history/communication-in-the-cold-war-history-essay.php
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abdulrahman120064 · 5 years
*cognitive strategies in media*
cognitive constructs are studied images concerning how the news media work campaign information processing strategies such as reading between the lines or reflecting on the news; schema based orientations toward or preference for particular types of campaign related information and patterns of salience for each set of cognitive constructs.
It is the plan that guides the institution, whether scientific or economic, to interact with the media, and it also helps to get organized messages for the campaign or the message to be delivered in order to achieve the best results.
The media strategy uses the media to advertise or deliver knowledge content via television, radio or the Internet It also works to deliver the message to the target audience and define its characteristics anexample of strategies is the commercial advertising process.
This concept has been used in educational and entertainment programs where programs are combined with drama to change attitudes or behavior in order to communicate knowledge easily such as nutrition, smoking and others.
1- Wikipedia
2- scholar.google.com
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