aberrant-blindness · 10 years
He nodded, though he couldn't promise the drowning out bit. His ears were trained to pick up on everything around him, he'd have to plug them if he wanted to drown out any noise.
"I was talking to Hildraal. Remember when I told you about him?" Seigen told her in a hushed voice, "He's being kinda pushy today. I think it's the scary stuff going on around us, it's making him anxious."
He figured he might as well not cover up the truth about Hildraal, given that he had already spilled its existence to JT before. Honestly, she probably didn't even believe that the spirit he shared a body with didn't exist. Well we're going to have to prove her wrong now, aren't we?
Seigen didn't bother responding to its challenging snarl. Instead, he reached out toward JT's voice, signaling he was ready to be carried through this city of monsters.
JT picked up on the sounds, rushing over to the spot Seigen was at. She sighed crouching down next to him for a moment and scooping him up into her arms.
"I thought I could clear us up a path but it doesn't look like that's going to be happening easily. I'm gonna have to make a run for it carrying you."
She muttered hearing the sounds of some other powerful B.O.Ws from nearby.
"Just keep yourself tucked against me and I'll adjust you accordingly. Try to drown out anything you might hear, okay?"
She looked at him firmly even though he couldn't see she hoped she got the message across with the tone of her voice.
"Who were you talking to?"
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aberrant-blindness · 10 years
Fortunately, Seigen got lucky, for the corner he had tucked himself into was very dark, and he had unknowingly curled up under a reception desk of some sort that hid him well. However, his outburst had attracted some unwanted attention. He could hear the other creature prowling about the room, its claws clicking against the floor.
Then he heard JT calling out to him. The kid wanted to call back, but he could still hear the other... whatever it was. When it heard JT's threatening roar, however, he heard it shriek and scurry away, right past him, and down some sort of hallway. 
Then all he heard was her. Heart pounding and body trembling, Seigen finally raised his small, shaky voice, "I-I'm here...in some corner of this place...! Are y-you okay?"
I don't understand what you're so afraid of. "Please go away, you're only making stuff worse," Seigen hissed at Hildraal, "All you ever do is make stuff bad." Right, and at the moment the world is all sunshine and rainbows. Honestly, how could I make this situation worse? "You'll hurt my friend... that's how."
Running In Circles || thecarnalscientist-jt
JT was probably at it for a while with the tyrant. It took several possessions of other B.O.Ws to take the damn thing didn't but eventually it succumbed. JT looked around casually, assessing the area until she picked up on a scent. Her eyes widened slightly and then she took in a large breath.
She muttered and took off running in the direction of where her blood was coming from. Eventually she made it to the area where the boy must have been hiding, letting out another warning roar at any B.O.Ws in the area.
She hollered.
"Kid! Nows the time to speak up!"
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aberrant-blindness · 10 years
He wanted to protest several times as she barked commands at him. How could he find anything when he couldn't see? How would he know when she came back? What on earth had she just smeared on his face? It was just something that smelled like her, that's all he cared to know. 
"But-" he tried to stay with her, but she had shoved him away. He finally met the one person he thought he could be safe with, and she pushed him away.
She's just trying to get rid of you, you know. Seigen nodded to JT in understanding and turned, running his hands along the sides of buildings, working his way around them to try and find a secluded place. You're nothing but a nuisance to her like this. He found a door and listened for anything on the other side, and, hearing only silence, found the knob and turned. Don't feel bad, we don't need her anyways. He closed the door behind him, keeping close to the walls to find something to hide in, or behind. You have me, and I have power, if you would just let me out. "No. You're mean, and all you do is hurt people. You're just a big bully." And you're just a pathetic child. 
"SHUT UP, HILDY!" Seigen shouted, his anger directing itself towards the demon inside of him. If only he could reach in and rip the damn thing right out of his body! In his fit, however, he had forgotten how JT had told him to be quiet earlier, how they could hear him. Fear gripped the child as he pressed himself against a corner of the room, praying that the smears on his face would drive whatever was out there away.
Running In Circles || thecarnalscientist-jt
JT snarled a bit, coming across a few zombies as she cut them down with her claws. One she merely had to shove to the side. Once and again she would holler to the boy, going back over to him once she cleared a path and led him down the road. She then grabbed him, hiding behind a building nearby as she could hear the thunderous stomps from a Tyrant.
She looked down at the boy.
"Excuse my French."
JT muttered and then knelt down.
"Alright kiddo things are going to get ugly. I need you to find some place to hide. Don't come out until I come to you okay?"
JT then bit down on her arm until she was bleeding. Using her left palm she smeared it over the wound then started smothering it on the boys face.
"They'll think your me and they'll stay away. You'll have my scent. If I'm not back in an hour, get yourself out somehow okay? Go."
She gently shoved him to get a move on so she could deal with the tyrant without worrying about his safety.
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aberrant-blindness · 10 years
At JT's explanation, Seigen frowned. How could he become a monster if he technically already was one? I suppose he should keep his distance, he'd rather not turn into something worse than what he already was. "Ok, I'll stay away from them," he whispered.
Soon he found he wasn't the only monster in the room, however. He flinched when he heard her animalistic bellow, eyes widening. At first he wanted to pull away, but the more he came to terms with the fact that she was like him, the safer he began to feel. She may even be able to hold her own against his monster, if the situation called for it. 
Seigen stayed close to JT, even stepping on her heels a couple of times. "Okay, I-I can keep up." he muttered, holding tightly onto her hand. 
That's when he saw her spirit. A bright, warm pulse that shone through the darkness. It was fierce, and the energy it gave off was electrifying, almost like Hildraal, except it wasn't all bad. He wanted to grab it, but he knew what would happen to JT if he did. Strangely enough, the sight gave him hope, even though it only lasted a short while, and brought a small grin to his face.
Running In Circles || thecarnalscientist-jt
JT could have sworn she heard Seigen say something but she brushed it off to the side. She was more concerned with the noises of the other B.O.Ws lurking around. She could tell based on the clicks that they had picked up on the boys scent. The only thing keeping them at bay was her, and the fact they could smell she was higher up on the food chain. JT knelt down to Seigen looking him in the eyes, breath still low.
"Yeah, its like a sickness. Think the black plague in a way. These people got turned into monsters. If they bite or scratch you, you could become one of them too. I don’t want that."
She growled lowly then looked up, sensing one of the B.O.W’s digging at the door. Her jaw unhinged and she let out a bellowing roar until the thing scurried away. 
"Alright, lets go little nipper."
She dragged his arm gently and led him through the warehouse until they were on the other side. She looked around, seeing that there was some zombies roaming around.
"Shit..well they won’t be too big of a deal just keep your pace up with me kid."
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aberrant-blindness · 10 years
Caught completely by surprise, Seigen shrieked as he felt JT's sudden grip. He began to panic until he heard her voice. "JT!" He cringed as he realized that she had just told him to be quiet, "I mean," he whispered, "JT...!"
His brows furrowed in confusion as she told him what was going on around them, his heart beat picking up when he began to hear strange noises outside. If those noises belonged to the things that she said were going to hurt them, he would gladly stay close to her. You don't need her. Get too close and she'll end up burning along with the creatures on the other side. The silver haired boy couldn't help but tense up every time he heard the demon bat's chilling voice speak to him. I could get us out of this mess, if you'd let me.
"No...!" Seigen hissed under his breath. He wasn't about to just give up control to Hildraal. Then he returned his attention to JT, holding onto her hand firmly as if just to spite the creature inside of him. Shrugging off its words, he nodded as she finished, understanding what she told him. "But, what do you mean, outbreak? Is there some kinda sickness?" he asked out of curiosity.
Running In Circles || thecarnalscientist-jt
JT listened carefully, head tilting to the sides every now and again trying to pick up on the boys words. Eventually she found him walking around like he had been lost for ages. She quickly went over to him and grabbed his arm, ushering him away from the area and into the confinement of a small warehouse nearby.
"Kid I was behind you the whole time, don’t be too loud.." She said in a harsh whisper as she could hear the faint clicks and growls from the other side of the wall. Her sharp teeth barred not before looking at Seigen carefully. "There’s an outbreak going on kid. Stay close to me okay? They’re not going to hurt you if I’m around. We gotta get to a safe spot until the BSAA or CDC get here."
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aberrant-blindness · 10 years
Running In Circles || thecarnalscientist-jt
From city to city he had been, for moving around was all he could do to keep others safe.The more he got attached to something, someone, or even someplace, the more likely Hildraal was to destroy it.
However, Seigen didn't realize he had been traveling in circles until he heard her voice again. He never forgot a familiar voice. Twisting his body around to get a better read on her position, the child tried searching for her amongst the darkness that served as his poor excuse for vision. "JT? JT where are you? It's me, Seigen!" he called out, hoping she would hear him.
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aberrant-blindness · 10 years
Your character has full access to all of my character's memories. Which memory does your character force my character to recall?
submitted by quitealovelywallflower.
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aberrant-blindness · 10 years
Reblog if your character has killed someone
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aberrant-blindness · 10 years
The more he lingered in her warm embrace, the more he felt...safe. God knows he hasn't felt safe in a long time. It won't last...It never does...and it never will... Seigen tensed up as the menacing voice spoke up in him, ensnaring his thoughts. Not while I'm here. As much as he wanted to stay in this moment, to stay with her, to have something akin to family, he pulled away. "I-I..." he stuttered, fear hitching his breath as he stepped away from her, "I have to go... or it'll...!"
The short boy accidentally bumped into Auraxh, then stagger back a couple steps with a small 'oof'. "I'm s-sorry, I didn't see you there!"
Feeling a small bump into her side, she turned around. “Are you okay..?” Kneeling down to the boy as she place her hand on his shoulder.
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aberrant-blindness · 10 years
And this is why he didn’t like telling people he was blind. They always felt overly sorry for him. “No no, it’s fine,” he sighed, “I’m okay with it. I was born this way, it doesn’t bother me, really.” At first he tensed up at the embrace, but soon he was hugging her back tightly. Burying his face into her shoulder, he hadn't realized how long he had gone without getting something so simple as a hug from another person.
The short boy accidentally bumped into Auraxh, then stagger back a couple steps with a small 'oof'. "I'm s-sorry, I didn't see you there!"
Feeling a small bump into her side, she turned around. “Are you okay..?” Kneeling down to the boy as she place her hand on his shoulder.
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aberrant-blindness · 10 years
He was happy that she was petting him again. If only I could stay with her, he thought. "I-I don't think I could tell you, Auraxh," he said with a small frown, realizing he might as well tell her about his problem sooner than later, "I don't even know where I am... I can't see anything." As if to prove his point, he looked at her face, or at least tried to, his eyes never hitting the mark.
The short boy accidentally bumped into Auraxh, then stagger back a couple steps with a small 'oof'. "I'm s-sorry, I didn't see you there!"
Feeling a small bump into her side, she turned around. “Are you okay..?” Kneeling down to the boy as she place her hand on his shoulder.
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aberrant-blindness · 10 years
Though he wanted to run, to get away so she wouldn't get hurt, curiosity got the better of him. "Yeah? What is it?" he couldn't help but ask. His face drooped a bit when her hand left his head. Her touch was so gentle, so pleasant.
The short boy accidentally bumped into Auraxh, then stagger back a couple steps with a small 'oof'. "I'm s-sorry, I didn't see you there!"
Feeling a small bump into her side, she turned around. “Are you okay..?” Kneeling down to the boy as she place her hand on his shoulder.
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aberrant-blindness · 10 years
"...Nice to meet you too, Auraxh." A small grin spread across his features as she laid her hand on his head. She had sounded like a nice person, and her soft touch had only further confirmed the inference. Soon, the fuzzy feeling in his heart spurred by her kindness suddenly felt like thorns. He had nearly forgotten the crucial reason why he was alone in the first place. Fear and pain gripped him as he suppressed the growl inside of him; Hildraal didn't like nice things.
The short boy accidentally bumped into Auraxh, then stagger back a couple steps with a small 'oof'. "I'm s-sorry, I didn't see you there!"
Feeling a small bump into her side, she turned around. “Are you okay..?” Kneeling down to the boy as she place her hand on his shoulder.
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aberrant-blindness · 10 years
At that statement, Seigen lifted his head a bit, a mild look of surprise on his face. Usually people, especially the girls, would berate him for being out on his own at this age. "Oh...um, okay," his eyes flickered as he realized that his blind gaze was probably staring straight through some random part of the lady's body, making his disability evident to see. He tried turning his head sharply to the left in attempt to look like he was staring off into the distance. "M-my name's Seigen, by the way."
The short boy accidentally bumped into Auraxh, then stagger back a couple steps with a small 'oof'. "I'm s-sorry, I didn't see you there!"
Feeling a small bump into her side, she turned around. “Are you okay..?” Kneeling down to the boy as she place her hand on his shoulder.
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aberrant-blindness · 10 years
"I'm... eleven. B-But I'm fine on my own...!" He quickly added the latter part, predicting that she, like most people he ran into, would worry about him being on his own at such a young age.
The short boy accidentally bumped into Auraxh, then stagger back a couple steps with a small 'oof'. "I'm s-sorry, I didn't see you there!"
Feeling a small bump into her side, she turned around. “Are you okay..?” Kneeling down to the boy as she place her hand on his shoulder.
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aberrant-blindness · 10 years
"Yeh, I'm alright." He nervously shuffled his feet and kept his eyes to the ground, too nervous to look her in the eyes because, well, he couldn't.
The short boy accidentally bumped into Auraxh, then stagger back a couple steps with a small 'oof'. "I'm s-sorry, I didn't see you there!"
Feeling a small bump into her side, she turned around. “Are you okay..?” Kneeling down to the boy as she place her hand on his shoulder.
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aberrant-blindness · 10 years
Though he couldn't see the bedraggled state of the woman, he could hear the slight shakiness of her voice, the quavering tone that meant a few things, none of them good. Sadness, pain, stress. Seigen bit his lip, holding his small limbs close to his body as if reaching out to the woman was a daunting task. He was but a stranger, what good could he do?
Despite his insecurities, the silver haired boy reached out to her, pressing a small hand to her back softly as he muttered under his breath, "Y-you don't sound like it... I want to help, if I can."
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"No, no, I’m fine." 
With a half-hearted gesture, Sheik shoos away anyone who comes near, who dares question her disheveled state or matted blood hair or blood-shot eyes. She did not expect any to persist in their endeavors, after all. She was someone that people did not care what happened to, the concern was fake, she tells herself. 
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