A few days ago we found out that one of our female audience members was groped at one of our shows. This made us all very sad and angry, and we would like to say something about it:
It’s not OK to do that to someone. Everyone, and women in particular, shouldn’t have to be afraid of going to...
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Things change.
Sometime, Somewhere, Somehow, one year later and every once in a while... my life improved considerably. Thanks for keeping your promise.
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I have been living in a delusion for a few days. Last week I almost adopted a dog who was adopted by someone the next day. I hate myself for not adopting her but my brain still thinks I have and when I come home I feel like she's going to be there. I think about how I need to walk her. I even catch myself wanting to call other PEOPLE her name. It's kind of absurd.
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There is no god like the one I created for personal gain and profit.
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The things I deal with...
I enjoy a good no-win situation: relationships.
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Truer words...
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teaching kids words in thirds questioning the path i'm on life of questions, regrets, questions cover art for depression meds love the one your with lie to everyone adhesive strip on an arterial wound smile, the sun is shining destiny calls ring-a-ding-ding life is good
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Strong Independent Woman
You can't call yourself a "strong independent woman" when you need men to buy your drinks for you.
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"What are you doing?" he asked himself aloud. "Nothing good," his conscience whispered.
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In those quite moments I think...
It's sad to think that at 28 I have already reached a point where the death of friends is commonplace and forgettable. The other day a friend died and while explaining why the fact didn't phase me I forgot something: my best friend died in 2006 and I don't ever forget that but I have forgotten that another friend died about 2 years ago. It just slipped my mind. She was cool, she was funny, she was kind, she didn't take shit from anyone... and I forgot her. There's a great Chuck Pahlaniak quote from Invisible Monsters, "Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everybody I've ever known." You won't remember everyone who has effected your life but occasionally you should make an effort to think about the people, past and present, who made you who you are and thank them. Matt, Christina, Emilee, thank you. People I love, thank you. Live a good life, not everyone gets the chance.
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Go alone!
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Ooops.... this could be a problem.
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This amazing band released a new song. Listen to it and fall in love! Here's a live version too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCOba6HzkBk
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Ron Weasley’s character is consciously written as somewhat racist. Not as racist as Malfoy, of course - he doesn’t scoff at mudbloods and halfbloods, and he doesn’t see himself as superior at all. Still, he unquestionably accepts the inferior position of house elves (they love serving), when he finds out that Lupin’s werewolf his reaction is not only scared but also disgusted (Don’t touch me!) and he is clearly very uncomfortable finding out that Hagrid is half-giant (giants are wild and savage). And this is brilliant. Because it demonstrates that racism isn’t only present in clearly malicious and evil people, in the Malfoys and Blacks - it’s also there in warm, kind, funny people who just happened to learn some pretty toxic things growing up in a pretty toxic society. And they can unlearn them too, with some time and effort. Ron eventually accepts Hagrid’s parentage, lets Lupin bandage his leg and in the final battle, he worries about the safety of the house elves. Some people are prejudiced because they are evil, and some people are prejudiced because they don’t know better yet. And those people can learn better, and become better people. And that’s an important lesson. The lesson taught about discrimination shouldn’t be “only evil people do it”, because then all readers will assume it doesn’t apply to them. Instead old JK teaches us “you too are probably doing it, and you should do stop ASAP”.
(via catchthefallingleaves)
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