In this evaluation I am going to be about talking the project and how it went. In this project I was looking at documentary photography, so at the start of the project I had to pick what sort of documentary I wanted to do my documentary on  and I had a few options to chose from but I decided to do local documentary because I thought it would be good so I started thinking of ideas of where to do this local documentary and then I thought about my local city centre because there are always loads of people and there are loads of buildings. After choosing my documentary I looked at photographers who did photography documentary and I tired to find a photographer that did a similar documentary to what I was thinking about doing and the photographer I came across was Robert Frank. I was very inspired by his book “The American”. because some of his pictures in his book were pictures I was thinking about doing so I thought he would be the best person to do. I liked the composition on the images and the layout book.
When I was thinking about where to take my images I thought about my local town because it is the main busy place and I wanted to capture many different people because I wanted to recreate Robert Franks images as much as I can and I wanted remake his book as much as I can but also created my own ideas so I took pictures of the local buildings and to make my pictures look more like Robert Frank I went in to photoshop and changed all the photos to black and white to make look like Robert Franks photographs. 
The photos I took are of the everyday life In Britain and for this documentary I wanted to document everyday life and what I see in Britain, for some of my images I used a 200mm lens so that I could zoom in and capture what I wanted capture and then for other pictures I used a 55mm lens to capture images I didn’t need to zoom in for. Also, when taking these images, I checked my camera settings to make sure my photographs are currently exposure.
I think all my images are linked very good together because they were all taken around the same area and all of my images have their own story behind them to show a documentary within my photo book and series. I’m very pleased with my final outcome of my photobook.
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Final Piece
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This is my final piece, my photo book was build around my local town my photographs are from everyday life. To make this photo book i looked at all the pictures i wanted to use in my photo book and after i chose which ones i wanted, i then went into Adobe InDesign and selected 14 pages and i did a title on the first page “The Inside Of Britain” and then put images on the other pages and then on the last page i did the published date. For my photo book I used A3 card and I put the pictures back and back. To put all the pages together I staple the stick them together... I think my final photo book turned out good but If I was to do this again I’d be more prepared and be quick with thinking about my ideas and make sure I have the right equipment because I original wanted to use thread to put my pages together but on the day of making my photo book I couldn't find the needle and thread and so I had to use staples instead, overall I think my final piece was a success and I think I did a good job of recreating Robert Franks book “The Americans” 
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Everyday Pictures
In this part of my project I had to take a picture of the same item everyday for four weeks to see the development of the subject over the four week time period and for my everyday photographs I chose to do a little Christmas tree, this Christmas tree was sat on the top on my draws in front of my television, I chose to do a tree because over time the tree will begin to start dying out and then you'll see the different in the last few pictures to when I started. When taking my everyday photographs I changed the settings on my camera everyday because the lighting was different everyday.
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These are my everyday pictures, to post my everyday pictures i made a 5 by 6 grid for my pictures. To put the images in the squares i did place embedded then made the image smaller to fit the square then i also did rectangular marquee tool to make completely fitted, then i masked the images. 
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This is my Solargram and to make my Solargram, I got a black small tub and i cut out a little black square init and i then got a little piece of can metal and then i got a pin and put a hole in the metal by using the pin to make the make the pin hole, i then got some sand paper to make it smooth and then got some black sellotape and stuck the metal to the black tub and then put some blue tac on the hole so light couldn’t get in the tub... After making the pin hole camera i got a little space of light sensitive paper and put it inside the tub then i took it home and put somewhere facing the light when i found the right place i then took the blue tac off it to exposure the light sensitive paper and let it exposure for four weeks... After four week i then put the blue tac back on to the hole and brought it back to college and scanned the light sensitive paper and this was the finishing product. I think my solargram turned out good, i wasn’t expecting it to work but it did so i am happy that it work and i am happy with the finishing product. 
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Adobe InDesign Photo Book
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Adobe InDesign
This is my practice run of making a photo book and for my first practice i think it turn out good. To make this photo book i looked at all the pictures i wanted to use in my photo book and after i chose which ones i wanted, i then went into Adobe InDesign and roughy did about 8 pages and i did a title on the first page and then the other 6 pages i put a picture on each page and then on the last page i did the published date. To put all the pages together I staple the stick them together. 
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Market Square Documentary
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In today’s lesson we were put into groups of two and each group had to pick an area in town to photographs. Me and my partner chose to photograph the market square so each of these photographs were taken in the Nottingham market square. 
The first image. In the first image, I took a photo of a flower man at a flower store near the market square, wrapping up a bunch of flowers for someone, I wanted to use this photograph because i like the composition of the image and i like the angle i got of the man and i like how there are flowers and a pole in front of his head. When taking this photo I set my camera settings to aperture f/5 and ISO 100 and i took the image into Photoshop and changed it to black and white because i like the look it gives to the image being in black and white. 
The second image. In the second image, I took a photo of the Nottingham council house because It is the main thing In the market square so i thought it would be the best thing thing to photograph i chose to use this image because i like the composition of the image and i like the angle i got of the council house. When taking this photo i set my camera setting to aperture f/5 and ISO 100 and i also went into Photoshop and changed the image to black and white because i thought it made the image look better.
The third image. In the third image, i took another photo of the Nottingham council house but in this photo i zoomed in more to the top of the council house because there were some people doing some work on the clock and i thought it look really good on the image, i used this image because i like the composition on the image. When taking this photo i set my camera setting to aperture f/5 and ISO 100 and i also went into Photoshop and changed the image to black and white because i thought it made the image look better.
The forth image. In the forth image, i took a photo of the side of the Nottingham council house because i really like the way the birds look sitting on the edge i thought it look really good. i used this image because i like the composition on the image. When taking this photo i set my camera setting to aperture f/5 and ISO 100 and i also went into Photoshop and changed the image to black and white because i thought it made the image look better.
The fifth image. In the fifth image, i took a photo of end of some walls because they have a equal space between them and i think it looks good just getting the corner of them. i used this photo because i  like the composition on the image. When taking this photo i set my camera setting to aperture f/5 and ISO 100 and i also went into Photoshop and changed the image to black and white because i thought it made the image look better.
The sixth image. In the sixth image, i took a photo of some people sat inside of a coffee shop because i thought it would look really good and natural and i also like how the old man is looking out the window,  i used this photo because i  like the composition on the image. When taking this photo i set my camera setting to aperture f/5 and ISO 100 and i also went into Photoshop and changed the image to black and white because i thought it made the image look better.
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Project proposal
In this project proposal I am going to be talking about the documentary I am doing and what I am doing for it. For my documentary I am have decided to do local because when I was looking at other photographers I looked at a photographer called Robert Frank and after looking through Robert Franks book “The Americans” I felt really inspired by him and I was very interested in his photographs and the book altogether and I liked the meaning behind the book. Robert Franks book is based in different areas of America, some of his photographs are of people on a bus and others are of big groups of random people walking and it is just a head shot and I really liked the way it has been taken so I want to recreated some of his photographs and recreate the style of his book.
The title I have chosen for my book is “The inside of Britain”. I chose to use this as a title because Robert Franks book is called “The Americans” and so that made me want to add the name of the place of the place I’ll be taking pictures of because Robert Frank has American in his title because it is about the people in America so that why I chose “The inside of Britain because it’ll be about the people and the life of Britain.
The way I am going to be exploring this is making a documentary photo book and when exploring this I will be going to my local Nottingham city centre and try to take photographs of people and hopefully there will be big groups of people to make it look very similar to Robert Franks photographs because I want to do a recreations of “The Americans” by Robert Frank because I am very interested by this book so I want to do a recreation of his book and so I am going to try recreate his photographs and try recreate the style of his book.
I have took some photographs for my book, when taking my photographs I went out to the Nottingham city centre and took photographs of people walking around the square and I have also took photographs of some of the old buildings and when taking these photographs I zoomed my camera lens all the way so that I get the best head shots I can get. I feel my photographs have been successful so far I still have a few more to get for my book but I think I have successful so far, I am very pleased with my photographs.
For my photographs the style I am going to be shooting in is landscape. I want to do landscape because I want my photobook to be landscape because Robert Franks book is landscape and I am trying to recreate his book as much as I can and so that is why I am shooting my photographs in landscape style. For my photographs I will be shooting them in the Nottingham city centre because there are so many people in the Nottingham city centre and so many buildings and so I think it will be the perfect place to shoot for my photo book and also it is local so that is another reason I am shooting there.
The plan for the rest of my assignment is to figure out how I am going to make my photo book and what I am going to use for my photo book such as materials and also take some more images because right now I have about 10 photographs and I want to try and get 15 photographs so I am planning on going to the Nottingham city centre to capture more images for my photo book and capture more people, different angles of people and different buildings and when editing my images I will be changing them to black and white because Robert Franks images are black and white and so I will be doing that to make it really similar to Robert Frank photographs.
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- Describe what a solargram is and how they work.
 A  are images captured when you place objects on light-sensitive photo paper and cover both sides with glass or atleat cover the glossy side that has your objects in it with glass the back can be covered by card which does not let light through if you have a limited amount of glass or want to try something.  
- Find examples of photographers who make Solargrams and write about them.
 The photographer I found who makes Solargrams is Frank Menger
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This Solargrams is from frank manger. 
This series of solargrams was made during our summer holidays in Montenegro. The hot, sunny weather provided ideal conditions to make prints on (extremely) out-of date paper, using found objects as inspiration. I had brought with me a small hinged contact printing frame and some sodium thiosulfate to fix the images with. Exposures lasted between 4 and 6 hours in full sunshine, after which the images were fixed and washed. All images are 7.4x10.5 cm in size.
- Explain how you have made your Solargram
To make my Solargram, I got a little black canister then I got a cutting knife and cut a little square on the canister and then I got a little piece of can metal and put a pin hole in it by using a pin and a hammer, I then got some sandpaper to make it smooth and then got black tape and stuck it to the canister and then i put some bluetac on the hole and then put a little piece of light sensitive paper inside the canister then I took it home and put it near the window and took the bluetac of it. 
- Evaluate the process and your final image.
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Vice or Vogue
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- What type of advertisements are in the magazine?
The advertisements for the vice magazine is documentary. The vice magazine is more health, and talking about different documentary. The vice is everyday life to show what real life is.
- What do the photographs look like in the adverts - where do you think they were produced?
The magazines are mostly adverts for products. to show everyday life and what life is like, I think the photographs are taken in different places. 
-  What do the photographs look like in the articles where do you think they were produced?
i think the photographs cover the whole page so it catches your eye more. 
-  How are the articles written?
most of the articles are written on the left side of the book, the articles are done in big paragraphs with a big bold title. 
- Who is the target audience?
i think the target audience is around 18 and up boys and men. 
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-   What type of advertisements are in the magazine?
The advertisement in this magazine is more beauty and perfume. 
-      What do the photographs look like in the adverts - where do you think they were produced?
The photographs look like they are staged. they are more about fashion and beauty. 
-     How are the articles written?  
Most of the articles are written over the photographs. 
-     What are the articles about?
The articles are about fashion, the model in the magazine who are presenting the outfits. 
-   Who is the target audience?
I think the target audience are 16 and up, girls and women. 
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Martin Parr
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- How was your series set up different to the original?
There wasn’t a big difference between my series and the original series, when given the series I didn’t know much about the series which is why I didn’t get them right.
- Why do you think you placed the images in those series?
When I was looking at the image I was thinking of what looked like it linked together and so I decided to put the images in that order because I thought it linked good.
- Has this helped you understand more about putting images in a series? why?
It has helped me because I now understand more about series and putting images in a series.
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phone boxes
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Explain the process of what you did in this task
- Did you enjoy the task? And why? 
Yeah I really enjoyed doing this task. I liked how we all got something different to pick pictures of and take multiple pictures of the same thing, I found this documentary very easy and fun, I also enjoy creating the collage of the images I took. 
- What would you do to differently should you choose to do this again? And how would improve it as part of your project. 
If I was to do this again I will explore more around the Nottingham city centre to find more phone boxes and I’d think about where to go instead of just going straight out. 
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Documentary Photography inside and outside portraits
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The first photo was taken outside. When taking these photographs I was mainly focused on inside and outside photography, in this photo I was focusing on outside portraits. To take these images I got my friend to be my model and I got him to stand near a tree to show the outside more, before taking the images I put my camera on manual and I set my camera settings to aperture F/4.5 and I changed my ISO to 100 and I also changed the shutter speed to 1/25. I like the composition of this image, I wanted the image. to show that it was outside and so that’s why I got him to stand near a tree, I also like how the background is blurry. 
The second was taken inside so I got my model to stand in front of a wall inside of a building because I was focusing on inside portraits, when taking this photo I set my camera settings to aperture F/6.5 and I set my ISO to 800 and I also set my shutter speed to 1/25, I like the composition of this images but if I was to do this again I'd take him somewhere with better lighting because the image looks very yellow. 
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Documentary Photography - Research
Women in war
- women, life, freedom
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Dijin 21 Years old (photo 1)
Singer, Iraqi Kurdistand
Berivan - 24 years old (photo 2)
Hasaka, Rojava - Northan syria
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Who is the photographer?  - The photographer is Sonja Hamad. How did they achieve the photograph? What camera techniques did they use? - The photograph was taken on a digital camera.  What is being documented? - These images are documenting what happened to women during the war and what the environment they lived in was like and who was in the war. What is the context of the image? (year, country, political/economic climate).  - it was in Iraqi. What is being communicated and how is it communicated? - These images are to communicate what they went through and what the environment was like around them during the war. How does it make you feel? Is this intentional? Or does it make the image work better - I think the images are better as a documentary and shows a better understanding of what happened when it is in a documentary because it shows me a different story behind the whole documentary of women in war.
Gabrielle Galimberi - Toy Stories
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Who is the photographer?  - The photographer who took these images is Gabrielle Galimberi. How did they achieve the photograph? What camera techniques did they use? - To achieve these images they took the images by using a digital camera. Using the same composition to get a documentary of children with their favourite toys.  What is being documented? - Different kids around the world with their favourite toys, so Gabrielle is documentary a story about kids and their toys.  What is the context of the image? (year, country, political/economic climate). - To get these images he went to Taxes, India, Malawi, China, Iceland, Morocco and Fiji.  What is being communicated and how is it communicated?  - The communication in this documentary is to show that every kids have a different life style and some kids don’t have a lot of toys. Then some kids are being spoilt with loads of toys. So she’s trying to document the story of different lifestyles in these kids life’s. How does it make you feel? Is this intentional? Or does it make the image work better? - I think it makes the image work better. Because it shows a different story behind every image and shows a documentary of the children with there toys.
Fan Ho
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Who is the photographer? - The photographer who took these images is Fan Ho.  How did they achieve the photograph? What camera techniques did they use?  - To produce these images he used film, in this process he took the images in the daytime and then developed the images at the nighttime and he also used 11 x 14 paper to print his images. What is being documented? - He was documenting Hong Kong and what it was like in his time around 1959 to get the right documentary and what he sees in his everyday life. What is the context of the image? (year, country, political/economic climate). - 1959, in Hong Kong. What is being communicated and how is it communicated? - The communication of this documentary is what it was like in 1959 in Hong Kong and what the environment was like. So he trying to show a documentary of his everyday life in Hong Kong. How does it make you feel? Is this intentional? Or does it make the image work better? - think the image work better in a documentary because it shows a different story behind and they all link together when looking through the images.
Love we leave behind - Coby Bratt
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Who is the photographer?  - The photographer who took these images is Cony Bratt. How did they achieve the photograph? What camera techniques did they use?  - To achieve these images he used a digital camera, to capture a different documentary in these images he used different effects and editing skills. What is being documented? - The documentary of these images is show his expedition of the love we leave behind. So he’s showing the empty of love when leaving something behind. What is the context of the image? (year, country, political/economic climate). - Los Angeles. What is being communicated and how is it communicated? - This documentary is communicating the love we leave behind and showing different places. How does it make you feel? Is this intentional? Or does it make the image work better? -  think it make the image work better because in his documentary it shows a different perspective to the whole of the images to show a documentary of his love we leave behind.
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Mystery Narrative - Part 2
- How close was your original interpretation of the narrative to the actual narrative? me and my group was very close to the original interpretation. Because there is a light strip going around the roads so that made us think that maybe someone passed away and we also thought that it is set in London and the roads that the light strips were on, were the route the person was on before they passed away
- How has having more context enriched your understanding of the series? How useful did you find the text? i think it shows more of a understanding of the series
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Mystery Narrative
Mystery Narrative 3
-  What do you think this photographic narrative is about? Why do you think this? - In these photographs the narrative is about someone who died and the direction they were going before dying. In one of the photos they're flowers on the floor on the side of the road and putting flowers on the floor near a roads always means there has been a death. I also thought about the lines in every photo represents a cyclist before dying. Also the images was taken In London. But it gives a feel of death because everywhere is quite and empty to we got an Idea of someone dying. Because normally London is a very busy place. So these images symbolism of sadness, loneliness, empty and lack of life in each photography. Also in the last image there is a faint person so this shows a gosh figure of what happen to the person who died. Also in each image there is a light going round every corner, so i think this shows of where the person has been before passing away.  
- How did your understanding develop during the course of looking through the series? - At the begging when looking at these images I didn’t really know what is going on, i was very clueless. But then e all started to think about every image and what is in the image. Then think about the narrative and the series of all the images together and what is going on in every photograph. Then we came up with many different elements of ideas in each photograph and what could be happening when travelling down the London roads. 
- What unanswered questions do you still have? - did the man in the last photo die?
- Include two or three photos which you felt were key to the series. Explain why they stood out to you.
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College Life Documentary
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In today’s lesson we was talking about the life of college and what college is like and how you’d photograph the life of college. So when taking these photographs my main focused was to capture the real life of college and so I went around my college and I photographed areas of my college that I thought represented college and the life of college, to document these photographs I looked through them and I chose 6 that I liked the most and that showed a good documentary of college life. 
The first image, in the first image I saw these stairs and I thought they would be so good to use for this because students and teacher within the college call these stairs “Harry Potter stair” because of the way they look and so I thought that would be good to represent as life of college because the college has a “nickname” for something in the college... I chose to use this photo in my documentary because I like the composition of the photo, I like the angle I got of the stairs just looking up I like it because it’s simply and effective, I also like this photo because of the celling because it’s under the stairs and so the celling of the stairs look like floor boards and I like the look of it. When taking these photographs I set my camera settings to aperture F/5.6, ISO to 400 and the shutter speed to 1/25 and before posting this image I took the image into photoshop and I changed the photo to black and white and I adjusted the brightness and contrast. I wanted to change it to black and white because I think black and white so that it showed I was inspired by Robert Frank. 
The second image, in the second image I was still at the “Harry Potter stairs” but this I got my friend to walk up the stairs when taking this photo I zoomed my camera lens in on her legs and feet instead of her whole body... I chose to use this photo in my documentary because I like the composition in the image and I think it looks good and simple and I also like that you can see how old the stairs look and the railing and I also like how you can see her legs and feet through the gaps on the stairs, When taking these photographs I set my camera settings to aperture F/5.6, ISO to 400 and the shutter speed to 1/25 and before posting this image I took the image into photoshop and I changed the photo to black and white and I adjusted the brightness and contrast. I wanted to change it to black and white because I think black and white so that it showed I was inspired by Robert Frank. 
The third image, in the third image I went to a different area of the college and this photograph was taken in a hall way near class rooms... I chose to use this photograph in my documentary I like the composition in the image, I like the angle I got withe window and the celling and I also like how you can most just see the dirt on the windows. When taking these photographs I set my camera settings to aperture F/5.6, ISO to 400 and the shutter speed to 1/25 and before posting this image I took the image into photoshop and I changed the photo to black and white and I adjusted the brightness and contrast. I wanted to change it to black and white because I think black and white so that it showed I was inspired by Robert Frank. 
The forth image, In the forth image I was in the same area as the third image but in this photograph I was facing the camera a different direction, I took a picture of a tall building through a window because I thought it would look interesting. I chose to use this image because I like the composition of the image and I like how you can see the dirt on the window and I like how the window frame, frames the tall building outside. When taking these photographs I set my camera settings to aperture F/5.6, ISO to 400 and the shutter speed to 1/25 and before posting this image I took the image into photoshop and I changed the photo to black and white and I adjusted the brightness and contrast. I wanted to change it to black and white because I think black and white so that it showed I was inspired by Robert Frank. 
The fifth image, In the fifth image I was in a different area of the college, to capture this picture I stood right outside a class because I thought this would be great fir capturing college life because a girl is doing work at a computer. I chose to use this image because I like the composition of the image, I like how to you can see a shadow of lines in the door I was taking the photo from, I also like how the door frame, frames the girl and the second door and I also like how the second door to half open. When taking these photographs I set my camera settings to aperture F/5.6, ISO to 400 and the shutter speed to 1/25 and before posting this image I took the image into photoshop and I changed the photo to black and white and I adjusted the brightness and contrast. I wanted to change it to black and white because I think black and white so that it showed I was inspired by Robert Frank. 
The sixth image, In the sixth image I went to a different area of the college, I thought this hall way would be good to photograph because it is a hall way of class room with teachers and students learning with is good for representing the life of college. I chose to use this photograph because I like the composition of the image and how the hall way is so straight, it shows some leading lines.  When taking these photographs I set my camera settings to aperture F/5.6, ISO to 400 and the shutter speed to 1/25 and before posting this image I took the image into photoshop and I changed the photo to black and white and I adjusted the brightness and contrast. I wanted to change it to black and white because I think black and white so that it showed I was inspired by Robert Frank. 
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The elements of documentary photography
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Joel Meyerowitz, Aftermath
Where and when was the photographer born?
- The photographer was born 6th March 1938 (age 80 years). He was born in New York.
What is the name of the series of work?
- The Aftermath. 
What is the series of?
- The series is based of the 911. He took images of what the 911 looks like on the inside and what the atmosphere and surrounding was like. 
Where was it taken?
- It was take at the world trade centre . 
How was it taken? (what camera did they use?)
- 8 x 10 large format view camera. 
What was the concept behind this particular documentary series?
- To show what is happing and show the outside world what actually went on after the 911 happened. He wanted to docoument the atmosphere and what the environment of the whole thing looked like. He wanted everyone stop worrying and keep everyone calm and show them a documentary of what happens.
What do you think to the photographs?  Thinking about the concept - do you think the photographer effectively communicates their ideas in this series of work?  Evaluate a minimum of 3 images from the series to support this.
- I think the photographs shows a very good documentary of what actually happened after the 911. Also I really like the composition of the image and how it showing the image. Because I think it shows a series of sadness and shows how scary it was. When the 911 happened. It also communicates the idea of showing everyone the real life of the 911.
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