acciotravlyn · 3 months
What is wrong with some people on this site?
(also hello, it has been a while. I kind of forgot I had a tumblr account)
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acciotravlyn · 2 years
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Travis when he opens jars for his muscular gf
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acciotravlyn · 2 years
I refuse to listen to anyone who says Travis is taller then Katelyn, okay because they are wrong. Travis is way shorter than Katelyn and is also the shortest out of all of the guys who all take the piss out of him for it.
My white haired flirt is a short king and anyone who says otherwise needs to get their facts checked
I despise how Travis is canonically taller than Katelyn.
No they’re the 5’3 tiny stick bf and the 6’4 giant gf with big muscles :((
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acciotravlyn · 2 years
queen are you alright it’s been 6 months since your last post 🙏🙏
Yeah I'm good :))
I started college and it has swept me up into a tidal wave of learning lines, performances and coursework that I never seem to be able to complete so I kind of forgot I have a Tumblr account until the other day.
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acciotravlyn · 2 years
Garroth: Damn I'm so down for a quickie right now.
Laurance *chokes on his coffee*: W-WHAT?!
Garroth: You know, those little breakfast tart things.
Laurance: DO YOU MEAN QUICHE?!!!!
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acciotravlyn · 2 years
My fellow Pride Knights, it’s time we pick up our swords and shields and proclaim that we will protect our right to love and marry whoever we want, no matter what.
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acciotravlyn · 2 years
Masterpost: How to write a story?
Compilation of writing advice for some aspects of the writing process.
How to motivate myself to write more
How to get rid of writer’s block
Basic Overview: How to write a story
How to come up with plot
How to create a character
How to make a character unique
How to start a story
How to write a prologue
How to write conversation
How to write witty banter
How to write the last line
How to write a summary
How to write a book description
How to write romance
How to write emotional scenes
How to write an argument
How to write yelling
How to write anger
How to write betrayal
How to title fanfiction
How to write an unreliable narrator
How to write character deaths
How to use songs in a fanfiction
How to name fictional things
Introducing a group of characters
Large cast of characters interacting in one scene
Redemption arc
Plot twists
Fatal Character Flaws
Good traits gone bad
More specific scenarios
Slow burn
AU ideas
Favourite tropes
How to create quick chemistry
How to write a bilingual character
How to write a character with glasses
How to create a villain
How to write a polyamorous relationship
How to write a wedding
How to write found family
How to write forbidden love
How to write a road trip
How to create and write a cult
How to write amnesia
How to write a stratocracy
How to write the mafia
Criminal past comes to light
Reasons for breaking up while still loving each other
Relationship Problems
Relationship Changes
Milestones in a relationship
Platonic activities for friends
Settings for conversations
Introducing partner(s) to family
Date gone wrong
Love Language - Showing, not telling
Love Language - Showing you care
Affections without touching
Giving the reader butterflies with your characters
Reasons a couple would divorce on good terms
How to write enemies to lovers
How to write lovers to enemies to lovers
How to write academic rivals to lovers
How to write age difference
How to create a coffee shop atmosphere
How to write a college party
How to write modern royalty
Arranged matrimony for royalty
Paramilitary Forces/ Militia
Inconvenient things a ghost could do
A Queen’s Assassination Plot
Crime Story - Detective’s POV
Evil organization of assassins
Evil wins in the end
Causes for the apocalypse
Last day on earth
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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acciotravlyn · 3 years
Hey Travis...
Katelyn: *phone starts ringing*
Zane: Aren't you a little old to call your dad 'daddy'?
Katelyn: *picks up phone*
Katelyn *smirking & making direct eye contact with Zane*: Hey Travis.
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acciotravlyn · 3 years
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acciotravlyn · 3 years
Skipping Vyald
Vylad did not walk around his house, NO, that gay icon FUCKING SKIPPED AROUND HIS HOUSE LIKE THE LIL FLOWER CHILD, ANGEL BABY HE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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acciotravlyn · 3 years
Basically all of the Dad's are DILFS
katelyn’s dad is hot, i will not lie
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acciotravlyn · 3 years
Here's some headcanons bc I love headcanons (these take place in Ms season 3)
Also sorry most of these are of the guys
I'll post more later probably
Dante is shorter than Travis
Dante is into gardening
Laurence listens to pop music
Travis has insomnia
Dante let's Travis sleep in his bed when he can't sleep
Gene has snakebites (lip piercing)
Sasha has a septum piercing
Zenix and Sasha have know each other longer than they have known gene
Zenix and Sasha met in middle school
Sasha can speak a lot of different languages, Russian, Japanese, vietnamese, swedish, German.
They can also speak Spanish because of Gene who is teaching her
Laurence,Dante and Travis call garroth,gar-gar unironically
Garroth also calls Zane zuzu alot
Zenix gets headaches very often so there's a lot of Tylenol in they're house (like alot)
Travis likes the color blue
Aaron has seen all of the Shrek movies
Zenix loves fuzzy socks and wears them all the time around the house
Gene doesn't have his driver's license, and isn't good at driving in general
Zenix also doesn't have his driver's license but still drives on the road anyway
Gene was stabbed when he was 19 because of a fight he got into at college Wich is why he was expelled
Dante is obsessed with keeping the house clean, mostly because the house him and gene grew up in was filthy all the time
Aaron is secretly bi the only person who knows is aph
Even though Dante was born and raised in Mexico he doesn't know much Spanish
Gene though now his first language is Spanish despite how much he doesn't really speak it
Lucinda makes candles and sells them on places like Etsy,ect
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acciotravlyn · 3 years
Season 2 Cheryl was one of the best versions of her character
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favorite outfits: cheryl blossom (season 2)
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acciotravlyn · 3 years
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LUCIFER (2016 – 2021) (insp.)
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acciotravlyn · 3 years
The fandom shits on Travis and Dante way to much. meanwhile their faves Garroth and Laurance have done nearly the exact same things if not worse but they get a pass because they're hot.
TW: Mention of stalking
yeah agreed!
I suppose it would be with nostalgia and the concept of projection. Let's say one character is absolutely evil and has done horrible things, and the other has done something shitty but happens more in reality. Like; Mys!Garroth & Laurance / Mys!Dante.
Most people wouldn't have experienced stalking one way or another or would have been part of a "love triangle" (which I have been in and it's pretty T/// and horrible) Therefore, the actions of Gar/laur stalking Aphmau multiple times is seen as "lesser" because its an issue that the viewer can't project on and won't relate to, not hating the action as much.
However, with Dante cheating (when he was a teen btw! he has changed) it is something that many probably went through or knew someone that went through that and hate that characteristic because it is something they relate to! So it's more of a grudge. Same with Travis flirting, since many probably went through something similar and find the character trait annoying.
Also, In MCD, Garroth and Laurance already gotten nostalgia points and were romantizied by young children and for nostalgia sakes, are still fan favourites. The same would go with Mys!Dante, however his character is different than it is in MCD and he wasn't seen as a main character nor love interest. MCD Travis and Mys Travis appeared around the same time so there wasnt a nostalgia value that would make certain viewers ignore his actions.
In conclusion : I agree with you a anon, most people do ignore Garroth and Laurance's actions whilst similar characters done it too and gotten more backlash
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acciotravlyn · 3 years
hehe 69
Today is the only day you can reblog this
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acciotravlyn · 3 years
because i don't hear this enough~
if you once thought you were gay and you've decided you're straight, you're still valid.
if you once thought you were lesbian and you've decided you're straight, you're still valid.
if you once thought you were m-spec and you've decided you're straight, you're still valid.
if you once thought you were on the aromantic spectrum and you've decided you're alloromantic, you're still valid.
if you once thought you were on the asexual spectrum and you've decided you're allosexual, you're still valid.
if you once thought you were trans and you've decided you're cis, you're still valid.
if you once thought you were lgbt+ and you've decided you're not, you're still valid.
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