adalecampos-blog · 7 years
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ICT had a major role in the society and it took how many years to be fully developed and people are now just depending on to it. In our past lessons I have learned how technology was develop, I have learned who were its creators, and what is its role in our history and present world. ICT did have a great positive impact to the millenials and for me as well. It make things more easier to handle, make works more faster, makes education more reachable and etc. On the other hand, damages were created. There were crucial crimes happened over the cyberspace and as expected this could affect everyone. Furthermore let us seek the greatness that lies beyond ourselves, let us not depend on the things that can affect our lives. "Great things come for those who wait" @nelympz
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adalecampos-blog · 7 years
SONA of Pres. Duterte
“And the Filipino, disciplined, informed, involved, shall rise from the rubbles of sorrow and pain. So that all the mirrors in the world will reflect the face of a passion that has changed this land.” – President Rodrigo R. Duterte
After having watched the State of the nation Address yesterday July 25, 2016, I was able to have some realizations. I came to realize that our Mother Land is facing big changes in different aspects. I can honestly say that I am excited about it and I look forward for more to come. I belong in this young generation and I firmly believe that what ever happen to this administration will affect my future and the future of my co-youth. In this composition, I will be writing expressing my comments and reactions about the things that our president noted in his speech.
I divided this into six parts so as not to mix one idea from another.
Environment. It was pretty obvious that our president wants to totally eradicate or at least to lessen the environmental problems that our country is facing at the moment. He stated that the DENR should review the permits that they have given those who are doing the logging and mining. I feel that this is a big step since this problem has been our problem since the beginning of time. It is now time to minimize the exploitations that we are doing to our environment. In one way or another, this action is also a call to respond in the global environmental problems that we have. I am looking forward for a greener forestry, clean air, and healthy environment. In a much specific way, the president also stated something about the finding solutions for the flooding in Metro Manila as well as in nearby places. I would like to experience typhoons with flood, without worrying where to evacuate people due to this calamities, and without the population decreasing due to different accidents. All in all, I am happy about his plans concerning our environment.
Technology. As part of the youth, I really felt happy about the resolutions of President Duterte such as the development of the National Broadband Plan and the free Wifi Access to public places. This will not only improve our way of communicating but also it will make our school tasks easy to do in an efficient, time-saving, and effective way. We are a generation that belongs to the digital natives. Everything that we do is always associated with technology, so having this promised improvement will really make a big difference in our way of doing things.
Public Service. The improvement of the public services and government also brings bells to my ears. Imagine, people nowadays won’t need to wait on a long cue of line anymore but instead, there will be a more faster and more effective way of rendering their services. It will not anymore consume all our time just to get licenses, clearances, etc. Another thing, the extension of the of the expiration of the passport (up to 10 years) and driver’s license (up to 5 years). This will lessen our spendings in renewing those documents.
Health Matters. Due to the amount of hospitalization plus amount of medicine, the president is now introducing the Universal Health Insurance whereas every Filipinopeople will be eligible to get one. This will ensure that whoever is sick will be able attended by the appropriate treatment. Another thing is the rice subsidy given by DSWD to the family of poor Filipinos. Through this action, we can now ensure that there is no reason for people to be hungry. We will be well-provided with what ever we need. And lastly, the responsible parenthood and reproductive health law, this action will make the parents more responsible for their children, so that they may be able to nourish them as how they should be.
Peace. Although it may be possible that people keeps on telling that the president that we have at the moment is someone who will shed blood, I believe that after all he is only after the welfare of the majority, that at the end of the day, he is still after the PEACE that we have been longing for. He wants to give us the security so that we won’t feel scared anymore especially in our own land. He gives us the essential things of all, the feeling of being protected. For the ceasefire that he declared, it is clearly evident that he wants to have peace between one group to another. And for the policy that no demolition unless there is a relocation, it is also clear that he is after the welfare of not just those who can afford to live, but also for those who have nothing in this land. I am happy that our president now has the heart for the poor, and that act itself is enough for me to trust this administration.
Anti-Criminality. Without elaborating so much with this, we are already aware of what’s happening around us against criminality. The war against drugs, etc. has become a phenomenon and it is inevitable for us to resist this. Truly, the president is serious about this war against crime that he has been talking about. If you are going to ask me what do I feel about this, I am sad that there is a need for this blood-shedding process. But if it is the only way to clean this land from the abusers of drugs, then let it be. I am after all, after the welfare of the majority too. Someday, when we look back to these events, we can realize that we did the right thing because our generation will be the one who will benefit from this.
Generally, I feel that it is also a challenge accepted for me. I have to do my part as a citizen of this country so that in my simple little ways, I can be of help to our Mother Land. No words can actually express how much I feel scared, yet happy for the things that are yet to come. It is an unseen future that lies in the hands of this administration. I am looking forward for the more progress and development of this country, our country.
(c) Local Pulse
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adalecampos-blog · 7 years
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My name is Noren Dale Ebuña Campos, 16 yrs old running 17 this coming August 28, 2017. We are 3 siblings in our family and I'm the eldest one. I can describe myself as a breadwinner because as a young teenage, I already can stand with my own feet without bothering my parents. My Hobbies are playing ball games, singing and dancing. And I believe in this saying "We don't loose we just learn."
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