adelaide-bourbon · 4 years
adelaide || intro.
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her royal highness, adelaide jeanne renee camille, duchess of bourbon, dauphine of france, and sole heir to the throne. 
~ the biography ~
full name: adelaide jeanne renee camille boubon nickname: adelaide, lady, princess age: 26 languages: french and english, rudimentary german and russian, not nearly enough to get by.  birthday: august 10 occupation: princess of france parents: the king and queen of france siblings: n/a education: formally trained in classical studies, as well as training in areas of power, diplomacy, and international relations
~ the beginning ~ 
adelaide is the only daughter, and future heir of france. her birthright is the control of the entire kingdom and she has grown up without want or need of anything. her childhood was spent learning the ins and outs of royal life, by now, the formalities and customs are second nature to her. adelaide’s nickname, lady, began when she was five or six by her mother’s ladies-in-waiting who played and preened over her. lady grew up in paris, behind closed walls and palace doors. she learned subjects of the greats, classic and modern languages and all matters of foreign diplomacy. 90% of her childhood was spent this way, behind doors and windows, without seeing her mother or father for months on end. because of this, adelaide has a very active imagination. there were not many kids to explore the castle with, so she made her own friends. because of her status, she could talk to anyone however she pleased, and get away with it. nobody was allowed to talk back to the princess and she learned this at a very young age.
her summers were spent in versailles with her parents. when she was young, this meant learning how to properly ride horses and take long walks with her mother while her father worked. it meant playing dress up with her mother’s clothing and her parents doting on her every chance that they got. her father rarely calls her adelaide, preferring pet names like “princess” to refer to her. she’s spoiled and she knows it, but adelaide much prefers to be at the top then at the bottom.
her thirteenth birthday changed a lot of that. suddenly there were no more dress ups and tea parties, but instead long conversations with her father about diplomacy. the outfits she wore were outfitted with diamonds and crystals, her ballet flats changing to heels, and her hair pulled in extravagant wigs and curls. everything about her, the childlike playfulness changed overnight. she was dutiful and noted for her ruthlessness when she sparred policy debates with her father, claiming what was rightfully her’s, every time. those that knew of adelaide knew the passion she felt for france and could see it reflected in her eyes each time her father asked a question. perhaps she thrived on this atmosphere, but adelaide likens it to just wishing for her father’s approval. 
but then, it was back to paris and she continued this cycle until her 18th birth year, where she was moved back to versailles permanently. while in versailles, she lords over her own ladies-in-waiting and every move she makes is calculated...well, every personal one, that is.
since adelaide has turned 18, she’s been a bit of the party goer. traipsing around europe has its perks, after all, and she has clearly made it part of her personal mission to romance at least one noble (or several) from each of the kingdoms that she has visited. her parents beg her to settle down and find someone for the good of france, but their attempts to control her daughter’s private life have yielded no fruitful attempts. some children have rebellious teenage years, lady’s just seemed to last a bit longer.
adelaide enjoys the attention, she enjoys being the life of the party, and she loves the game that comes with romancing a partner, not that the games she played ever amounted to much. but, perhaps, that was part of the simplicity of it all, being able to take a lover in the morning and leave the next day, both parties relatively unscathed. 
but, some things certainly changed that dynamic.
~ the war ~
the war changed a lot of the way adelaide looked at the world. instead of domestic diplomacy, she was learning about battle plans. instead of gold crowns, she was looking at the hilt of swords and rapiers, pistols and muskets. she grew serious and locked herself inside of versailles, making plans to protect her people and her birthright. her father was doing the best he could, but adelaide could not stop his worry - what if there was another war after he was gone? how could adelaide best equip the country of france if she did not have a husband at her side to rule the military? and so, while she toiled away under her father’s guide, her mother set to look for a prince or a nobleman, or anyone who could strengthen the power of french crown.
adelaide privately detested the notion of being married off. her birthright was the kingdom of france, but there were never any specifications of marriages or children. if she were to have only girls in the future, would they be cast away in favor of a male heir? with each passing day, as war grew larger and resolve fell slower, she was more and more concerned for the well-being of the nation.
it is in these moments of crisis that people find themselves, it was here adelaide became a future queen. her resolve and action, her diplomacy with other nations, and the luck of being the winners of war fell splendidly upon the french crown’s head. she reveled in the praise she received and ignored the hate that befell her. france was, once again, victorious.
~ the present ~ 
adelaide is now stuck between the far past and the very near one. those who have only known her for this brief moment of time know her to be serious and stoic, those who know her from her past know her as a flirt and a gossip. but now, she’s found herself somewhere in the midst of all this complicated madness, she finds herself the life of the party, but hidden behind it, a young woman who is always on edge. her sharp wit and charm are still there, but she’s  more likely to question and hide her true intentions to herself. 
as lady navigates her personal complications from the war, she is trying to hide it against the facade she once knew. she knows she must settle down and start a life with a husband and prepare to take over the monarchy as her parents age, but does that mean giving up the personality that she had cultivated over so many years? 
she longs to settle down, but isn’t sure if that is what her heart wants. most days, she is consumed by the planning of a new dawn for her kingdom, but on the rare off day, she often takes a moment to ponder her own future. 
she’s stuck between times and the war has changed so much, but is lady willing to give up all of her early years in order to form a more prosperous, united, france?
~ the details ~
pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/alexandrak97/adelaide-bourbon-kingdom-of-france/ playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5OH6fXtwiYEeDyWXa8322S?si=fJxNcDpeTF2hqbe5WcAPpA
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adelaide-bourbon · 4 years
Jacques watched as Adelaide grew their distance, though he did not follow – especially not after her quip at finding a king. He knew she was calculated and every word she said was thought out and had meaning. To physically follow her now after such a sentence would show that her words had an effect on him, and he was not too keen on letting her win such a large prize over him. So, instead, he simply smiled at her.
“I’m glad to hear that you agree,” he said. “And don’t be too sure, Madame. A king might try to overshadow you, but a man will recognize that you are the rightful ruler of your own land you have grown to know and love.” Jacques licked his lips and looked right into her eyes, choosing his words carefully. “I trust that your better judgment will soon understand who you belong with. He must be ready for quite an interesting experience.”
After the weight of the prize had blown away, Jacques finally regained their previous distance by walking over to her. “Truly, I want nothing more than to produce the best results for France. I love her as much as you do and want to see her succeed.”
Jacques noticed her smile break through her previously poised and solid state. For now, he thought, he had won. He laughed slightly. “And if you were to have my head produced on a plate, I do hope it was due to an honorable act.”
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Adelaide paused to take in the scenery around her. Was it the view itself or the stimulating conversation that was making her consider things in a different light? Was she thinking clearly or just consumed by the intelligent conversation that she was having with Jacques? Her tutors and those who conversed her in daily life were blasé in the best way, but they did not indulge her jokes nor her wit, and yet, here was an all willing candidate to challenge her, at least to a cautious degree. 
“You speak words that I have thought for a long time, but I do not believe a man like that exists,” She tossed her hand up intentionally, as if throwing away the thought itself, “You men are all hungry for power and wealth, the Bourbon name and title adds that.”
She paused in reflection, looking at the ground before looking to Jacques, a deep light in her eyes as she spoke, “My heart may want one thing, but it is not just my heart that my husband must take care of, but France’s as well. Any decision he makes must be for the good of the nation, I have made my peace with loving both my future husband and my people, I can only hope that for the safety and preservation of France, that he will think the same.” 
“You have shown me nothing but honor as such so far, Mr. Girard, but you and I both know that what is shown on the surface is nothing in comparison then the what lies below the depths of the soul.” 
She knew he was being secretive about something, he had wasted quite a bit of time with her, not that she minded it, but it was suspicious to be seen, alone, with the princess, let alone during a time when official business was meant to be conducted within the palace walls. 
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never going to happen // jacques + adelaide
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adelaide-bourbon · 4 years
Jacques clenched his jaw while listening to Adelaide’s question, the muscle’s movement visible. “If you must know,” he said, lightly kicking at the ground, thinking on his feet. “I prefer business to be social. I personally value the familiarity and trust between businessman and client outside of meetings.” Pleased with himself, he shrugged boyishly. “My father and I are different, my dear. He’s old school.”
“And… if you must know, I suspect your reign will begin during the time that I own the company. What is the harm in getting to know the future most important player for French trade?”
Jacques decided that was enough, so he smirked and looked down for a moment and looked up, noticing the reaction she had made when he stepped closer. It was what he expected.
One thing Jacques was prideful of was that, unlike other men he had grown to know throughout his life and in business, he respected the autonomy and free thinking of women. It went along with the appreciation of depth.
“I humbly appreciate your concern,” he said. “Honestly, I am unaware, as most of us might be, of what the Colonies will come to be in the future. England seems to have a solid hold on them. And there is no worry, m’lady. I simply meant that your company made me content. But if you feel at any point I am not being genuine, you clearly have the power to walk away.”
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“Social business, a rather free thinking thought indeed, and not one that the crown supports,” She brought her hands together as she pondered the move, her head moving side to side as she thought of the different scenarios, “We are in the new era, yes, one day I will be your queen and I rather like the idea of a being familiar with my...partners,” She smirked, before beginning to walk down the path, away from him. She trusted Jacques enough to follow her, at least, he would if he wanted to hear what she would say or to find his entertainment in their chat.
“You are correct to assume that, but my family is adamant that I find a king to rule with me, so you may very well answer to him, rendering your familiarity with the likes of me...pointless,” She chuckled, her hands fiddling with a heavy necklace that sat ornately upon her chest.
She knew the effect of this conversation, knew that the mention of a king and her eligibility would make nearly any man ponder the thought of their own rule over France. She had seen it the wonder of the Dukes and Lords her mother set her up with, the way their minds filled, hungry for power they would never control. However, she did not know how Jacques would react to her hint, he did not seem like most men she dealt with. 
“The Colonies are trivial for now, good Sir, power rests in Europe and Europe alone, and you are correct, in fact, I could have your head on a plate without batting an eye if I demanded it. Clearly I have enjoyed your conversation enough to let it continue,” She met his eye, a brief smile appearing as mention of her albeit, ill-fashioned, joke. 
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never going to happen // jacques + adelaide
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adelaide-bourbon · 4 years
Jacques raised an eyebrow at her comment. It was, of course, a lie. His father seemingly would not budge on even allowing his eldest son to sit in on the meeting they were having inside of the palace. Truthfully, he had been allowed on the journey to continue a stable relationship between the Girards and the Bourbons around the full palace.
“He will still be around, surely,” he said. “It is our family business after all. I would never want to rid him of his pride and joy. However, my father did mention travel a bit. Something about the British North American colonies. Perhaps he’ll expand out there.”
He took note of how proudly she stood with her hands clasped together and resting on her dress in front of her. Jacques took one step forward toward her, curious of what her reaction might be. He shrugged. “Entertainment. Company.”
“A reflection of the day,” he said. “How funny. We have the opposite situation. My day was boring, bleak… routine. Now I’ve found myself quite content.”
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Adelaide looked towards the palace, “Mr. Girard, if I may dare to be so bold, if your father is conducting business, should you not be with him? Or do you prefer to attempt to circumnavigate the king through discussing your proprietary avenues with his daughter,” Adelaide, this time, raised an eyebrow, giving the man a once-over. She didn’t move, but felt compelled to step in some direction, whether to avoid him or draw closer to him, she did not know. 
From her folded arms, she stood a bit more cautiously, stiffly, trying to reign in her own emotions, to act dutifully and gracefully, a living embodiment of the crown of France itself.
“Conducting business with the North American colonies certainly seems like a risky move - you run the risk of creating tensions between France and England, as minuscule they may be. Pray tell me, how do you propose to support France in all that she may need, if you are indeed expanding to the colonies.” 
“You have found yourself quite content at my loss? Is that so?” Adelaide frowned, “You have found company in me, but I do not think I will be your source of entertainment, as you may well know, I am not exactly one to be trifled with.” 
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never going to happen // jacques + adelaide
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adelaide-bourbon · 4 years
For most of his life, Jacques had found women to be easy to get and easy to disappear from. He hadn’t had that moment yet where he didn’t want to stop playing games or having fun, and he wasn’t sure that would happen for him. When he looked at Adelaide, Jacques saw a stunning young woman who was so concerned about the crown she will soon wear, but he knew there was something more to her.
And yet, as alluring as she was, he still only felt the need to play cat and mouse, waste her time here and there. There was just something about a catch with depth rather than the hollow bodies of women who made it too easy.
“If you must know,” he said. “My father came with me today. The transition of ownership of the Girard Trust Company is on the horizon. I stepped out for a loo break, but have found myself here instead.”
Jacques smiled and stood up, bowing his head to her. “I am well, Madame. And how are you doing today?”
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“Ahh, so the rumors are perhaps, true, then. There was some talk of...as you say...transfer of ownership. Pity, for I really enjoyed the pleasantries of your father,” 
She didn’t draw any closer to him, merely stood her ground. She didn’t know if it were fear from drawing to close to Jacques’s handsome face, or from bravery of being able to play head-to-head with the game he was orchestrating. As fun as this was, she was trying to be serious, she was, all things considered, trying her best to act as a princess to one of her subjects. 
“You have strayed far from the bathrooms, if I should say, surely, there must be a secondary reason that you have found yourself all the way in my gardens.”
She beckoned to the gardens surrounding her, delicately touching a peony in bloom. She was momentarily consumed by her thoughts - how was she today? Such a simple question and yet so many answers, stressed and anxious, sure, but calm and collected? Always. 
“I am but a reflection of the day, I am content and quite peaceful, at least...I was.” She crossed her arms over her chest, a mock glint in her eyes. 
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never going to happen // jacques + adelaide
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adelaide-bourbon · 4 years
Jacques tilted his head at the guards of Versailles, nonverbally thanking them for allowing his entrance as if he wasn’t following behind his father who had borderline express permission to the palace. The entrance took his breath away every time he saw it and seeing the help doing their jobs made him feel right at home.
He broke away from his father, excusing himself to find a toilet and promising to return for their meeting with the gentleman who oversaw all international trade with France. Jacques wasn’t entirely sure of what the meeting was about, but only agreed to tag along to show face for when the family business was his someday.
He walked right by the restroom and bowed his head slightly to any maids or housekeepers who walked by him, but he wasn’t wandering aimlessly.
Jacques found the person he was searching for down in the gardens. He watched Adelaide for a moment through the window up in the palace and admired how she was when she was alone, unaware of anyone watching. After a few minutes, he exited the home and sat down on a bench she was sure to walk by in her path.
“Escaping from your royal duties this afternoon, I see,” he said, leaning back on the bench and crossing one leg on top of the other.
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Adelaide was enjoying a turn about the garden, it was a nice day, after all and she had just spent most of the day in meetings with her father - about which people deserved funding, which ambassadors needed to be heard in French court, and the sort. She was thankful when she could finally slip away.
Adelaide wasn’t sure why she loved the gardens so much, she only could remember the times when her mother and her would play in the expansive grounds of Versailles, through the gardens and the hedge walls, among the fountains and ponds. She missed those days, when life was simpler and she did not have the weight of a crown hanging over her head. Or perhaps, she always had, but never recognized it. 
She had been thinking, not about war or politics, but of James Thomson’s poetry. She had read the book that prior evening and had not stopped thinking of The Seasons. As much as Adelaide liked to play pretend queen with her father, there was something deeply alluring about the arts. That, and it gave her a distraction from the life she was meant to consider instead. She wandered happily along the pathway until she came face to face with a man she had seen many times, but did not know all that well. 
“Escaping from your father’s watchful eye, I presume, Monsieur Girard,” Adelaide smiled politely, if not slightly forced. She knew the man, had seen him around on more than one occasion, and knew his father all too well. And while he was handsome, Adelaide knew she should not concern herself with his sharp tongue. 
“How do you do, sir?”
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never going to happen // jacques + adelaide
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adelaide-bourbon · 4 years
Her breath was coming out in wheezes, and her thin fingers scrabbled to loosen her dress, just a little, so that she may regain her composure. Her cheeks coloured, though it was plain to her that it was from embarrassment, and not because it momentarily hurt her to breathe. Anastasia closed her eyes, and focused on her breathing, the way her physician had taught her, had coached her through so many times. In through her nose, hold, and out, slowly. Steadily, her chest rose and fell with far more regularity. 
Though she had managed to return to normal, a panic still gripped Anastasia. For the first time in her life, she had felt well. Not quite healthy, but better than she could ever remember being. She had not been hit with a bout of sickness in months, and even her more persistent symptoms, such as the dratted constricting in her chest that restricted her ability to inhale, had lessened. Every slight step backwards had her worried for relapse, for now she had tasted even a small measure of the world outside of her chambers, she could never return to her former life. 
She looked up, and caught another’s eyes. “Please, do not be worried for me! I am quite well!” She insisted. The last thing she needed was word to get back to her physician, for she would surely be ushered straight back to Russia. “Please don’t tell anybody.” 
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“Are you alright, young one?” Adelaide had made her way over to the woman, laughing, but breathless herself, albeit for much different reasons, “Have you not been enjoying the party? Dancing out there with all the dashing young men. They’d be so pleased to have a pretty thing like yourself on their arms, but of course, I understand if you would rather stay away from such crowds, they can be a bit...a bit overwhelming, to say the least.” Adelaide made a half-hearted attempt to curtsy to the young woman, but it was clear from her expression that she actually did need help and not just a guiding hand to lead her back to the festivities. 
“Walk with me?” She implored, “I grow bored of the dancing and the loud voices, have you been to this palace here? Or shall we explore together?”
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adelaide-bourbon · 4 years
Night had long since fallen, but Robert was, by now, comfortable with the darkness. More often then not, he stayed awake until the small hours, for that was when he found his mind worked best. Tonight was a different matter, however. He had spent hours hunched over his desk, but try as he might, he could not will his mind to focus. It was a rarity, but sometimes it happened, and it was usually a sign he needed to clear his head altogether, and start from scratch. He lit a candle, placing it inside a lantern he kept to hand for such circumstances, and left his rooms.
He had expected the halls to be deserted at this time, and for the first few corridors he paced, this proved to be true. However, as he rounded a corner, he spied another light ahead, in what he knew to be a drawing room. Curiosity piqued, he made his way towards the room, and knocked on the door lightly to announce his presence. “Another lonely soul unable to rest?” he asked, a small smile playing on his lips. “I did not expect to find company this night, but I am not complaining. Do you mind if I join you? 
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Adelaide smiled, albeit weary, but warmly, “Just writing some correspondence to my mother, informing her of my time here,” Adelaide set down the quill she was writing with to make a formal curtsy but stopped herself from doing so, “It is too late for formalities, would you not agree, sit, won’t you?” She busied herself, tying her dressing gown tighter around her, “I sent for some tea a bit ago, so it should still be warm, would you care for some?” 
She moved throughout the room, and despite the late hour and her sleep-worn eyes, she was fluid in her movements, stoking the fire with ease before coming to rest on the couch, “I could not sleep,” She finally admitted, “Most day I cannot sleep, my dreams are not exactly kind to me nor are they my friends. Have you been awake or have you woken up as well?” She was speaking in hushed tones this entire time, but perhaps did not need to, their voices would not carry and there were no bed chambers to the left or right of them, “I’m Adelaide Bourbon, but please, call me Lady.” 
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adelaide-bourbon · 4 years
† — An amused look crossed his features, and Hans had to hold back a cackle of laughter at her comments. He knew who she was, she most definitely was not a sister of the church, but a woman whom had been ordained by God in another sense entirely. The man took a sip from his own goblet before slowly shaking his head. “You have not frightened me off with the request, Highness. If anything, you have entertained me more.” He mused, offering her his elbow. He was hardly going to leave her and allow someone else to bore her with their antics, and thought that they could go in search of someone serving more wine. 
“Then let us go in search of more wine, I doubt very much that it will be a long search, but it would do some good to explore the room a little.” Hans smirked and looked up, seeing a server approaching. He hoped, that he could lead her in the opposite direction as to spend some more time with her, but if she saw the server, she saw him. “Do you normally drink wine at such occasions, Highness? Have you ever tried any of the other spirits that are normally offered at these?” 
Ale, scotch and whiskey were flowing just as easily as the wine, but were not as in such high demand. 
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“I am glad to not have frightened you off, for I would feel positively terrible if I did, you are l'ambassadeur for our gracious hosts tonight, yes? I believe I may have seen you in my father’s court once or twice, perhaps I have met you along my own travels,” She looked for any drink, but she chose to ignore the server in front of her. It felt too quick a moment to pass up if they were to end their search for the wine so quickly. She moved gracefully on his arm, away from the crowded room and into more sparse areas of the great hall, following his lead. He was more likely to know this place than she, only having been a guest of the Holy Roman Empire for the week.
“I have spent most of my evening on the dance floor, so it will be nice to see more of the splendor you country possesses, is everything here as splendid and beautiful as the people I have met here?” Adelaide blushed slightly, but did not divert her attention away from the architecture of the ballroom, gazing at the gilded accents
“But to answer your question, no, I have not had many other spirits, perhaps a sip of brandy on occasion, but France is known well for her wine, perhaps a bit more well that our current location.” She hadn’t mean to be rude, but nothing truly compared to the Burgundy or Loire Valleys that France held claim to, “Are your other libations well produced here?”
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adelaide bourbon. || open.
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adelaide-bourbon · 4 years
It appeared both herself and Adelaide shared a few traits, signified by the way the two conversed easily, as if they had been friends for years instead of royals from actual different countries. Sophie didn’t have a lot of chances to fully express herself, though in recent years she had become less bothered by the way people perceived her and the things she said. She knew she was a proper princess when she needed to be, and she commanded respect because of it - a cheeky wink or a notoriously bad joke every once in a while could only be a good thing within the world of court politics, arranged marriages and war. Being able to discuss more trivial topics, such as the agreeability of a man’s facial features was a welcome distraction. 
“Seventy?” The number sounded absolutely ridiculous, even though she knew very well that they, as women, more often than not did not have the luxury to choose. “While I cannot fault your precious mother for wanting the best for France, and- and for you, I don’t doubt it, marrying you off to a man who will undoubtedly not be long for this world is absolutely unacceptable.” As if to further make her point about how horrid she felt, she squeezed Adelaide’s arm briefly, her voice conspiratorially low as she said, “I am glad you weren’t forced to marry him. No no, you quite deserve to be pampered and adored by a strapping young sir, with dark hair and deep eyes to get lost in…,” She paused momentarily, subtly directing Adelaide’s attention to a man not far from them - not nearly as handsome and charming as they deserved, truly. “Perhaps him?” she teased. “I really shouldn’t be teasing you as much considering I myself have been on the lookout all night.”
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Adelaide giggled at the girl, she loved the way she could talk so openly with Sophie much more than she could anyone here, she wanted to trust her but forced herself to reign in her feelings and instead place her mind into that of a princess, dutifully bound to France, instead of just another partygoer, “My mother means well, if they will find me a match befitting of my country, then I shall do my best to honor it. The Viscount, while honorable and holding land, did not possess the funds to support the monarchy, I’m sure you can understand what repercussions that might have,” She smiled weakly, looking to the man she had pointed out. 
“Perhaps, but it would be interesting to see how his loyalties are to France, or is he lurking for power? One must never question how careful to be around men, as a woman many do not think it is my place to rule, but instead have my husband rule in my stead, even if he is not a Frenchman by birth, isn’t the interesting? To have such antiquated notions of a male-dominated monarchy, even though I have been the sole heir. Tis’ my birth right.” 
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adelaide bourbon. || open.
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adelaide-bourbon · 4 years
“Princess Adelaide,” Alice said, gently curtsying to her. “It’s nice to see you again.” She gave her a smile at the show of respect and took the glass. “Well just know I truly appreciate the gesture. You may have saved me from doing something I might regret tomorrow morning.” Still, she thought, that option wasn’t off the table just yet.
“I would be honored to accompany you,” she said, taking the princess’s arm. “And it most certainly is my style, thank you very much. But please, do tell me how you have been. It’s been some time since we’ve spoken. How are the upcoming season’s styles? Anything groundbreaking yet?”
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Adelaide walked with the girl around the room, taking in the sights, “This season’s styles, I can expect you shall seen them in the upcoming few months, I am told that blue roses are intended to be a part of this season’s upcoming, blue roses and green vines on a lovely sating gown,” She mused, halfheartedly responding to Princess Alice’s question, “I have only seen one or two things, I’m afraid my father prefers to keep me in a library or a study, reading about foreign policy and war doctrines most days. But he wants what is best for me, that is all.” 
“I cannot complain about myself, we are here and alive and well, and both England and France prosper on account of it,” Adelaide remarked, “How have you been? Are you staying well?”
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𝒢𝑒𝓇𝓂𝒶𝓃𝓎 // open
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adelaide-bourbon · 4 years
† — A small chuckle began to reverberate from the back of his throat, and Hans quickly shook his head, “No, not a sin. If you enjoy it too much, then it might be debated, but I am not a man of the church so I cannot dictate how close you are to sinning.” He stated with a small smirk, hoping that she would not be offended by the comment, as it was meant to be a joke. He prayed that the good mood she was in thanks to her dancing and perhaps the wine would make her understand his humour slightly better. 
He was however, slightly taken aback by her offer and felt a slight flush make it’s way into his cheeks at the notion. Hans had learned to dance, he had taken lessons with his cousins, but he had never enjoyed it and to be frank, he did not think he would do well as her dancing partner. He was too tall and lanky to give a woman with such grace and poise the partner she deserved. “I-I am flattered, your highness. I unfortunately have to decline.. I uh, I have never been one to dance. I will happily get you some wine, or perhaps help you look for someone to dance with, but I fear that if you and I were to dance I would put your toes at risk, and I would be beside myself should I harm you.” 
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“Nor am I a woman of the church, at least, the last time I checked,” She chuckled at his comment, “I suppose the amount of sinning I may have committed or perhaps, will commit, will be up to a divine ruler.” For lack of all better judgement, Adelaide was being far too informal with the man beside her, but pretenses be damned, she was enjoying her evening, and she would not let formalities ruin all of her fun. 
“I have chosen to speak with you for the moment, and as I have been enjoying the moment, you do not need to seek out another to dance with - I shall get to any potential partners at a later time. Few men, however, are willing to excuse themselves from a waltz to prevent my hard,” She smiled to him, her arms folded across her front, an almost empty wine glass threatening to fall from her delicate hands, “Now, wine perhaps is a splendid idea, I will take you up on that offer, but only if you will agree to continue talking with me. Or have I frightened you off with the request to dance?” A smirk tugged at her lips, a little joke of her own, as she drained the last of her wine from her cup.
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adelaide bourbon. || open.
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adelaide-bourbon · 4 years
Truth be told, Sophie was glad her responses to the French princess were received well. She had no intention of insulting any of the royals present tonight, being focused on the good rather than the potentially underlying bad. But it seemed she didn’t have to worry much. She remained slightly wary, knowing full well that a happy giggle or two wouldn’t automatically mean the two would be friends in the long term, but it was certainly better than the alternative, which would’ve been a lot more negative and distrusting. 
Sophie looped her arm around Adelaide’s as the princess escorted her through the crowds of people around them. She listened with a smug smile tugging at the corners of her lips, and she gave the dauphine a mock surprised eyebrow raise when she said she’d had her eye on some of the men present tonight. “You’re more sensible than I am, I suppose,” she smiled, casting her gaze to the ground momentarily as they strolled. “I’d like to say my predominant focus is on finding a man for the good of Germany but…,” she lowered her voice, bit her bottom lip and then said, in a playful hushed tone, “… I’m much too fond of pretty men. My eyes tend to choose over my heart.” As if to make her point, she let her eyes wander to one of the men at a distance, grinned, and then locked eyes with the princess beside her again. “… Perhaps I need to follow your example. Tell me more. Does he have to be tall? Dark hair, perhaps?” 
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Adelaide was happy to have a female companion, especially one so close in age, at this event. So many times, these galas were stuffy and dry, with few others to talk to. For this, she was glad to have Sophie within her presence. She had forgotten what it was like to talk about frivolous things like boys and men, anything other than war and politics and money. All her life, Adelaide had run towards danger and adventure and common things, only to be pulled back. Her reputation as a partier and a flirt may have preceded her, but just as she had that reputation, she had the reputation to be notoriously fierce and protective of her beloved France. After all, she had been trained and raised to guard the kingdom with her life. She, in turn, would have to protect it one day. But that day was not today.  “You are wise to look towards handsome men, for that I cannot blame you,” She paused, letting a server pass in front of them before continuing onto the path that didn’t lead to anywhere in particular, “My maman, she thinks it wise to get married now, before I am queen - it will better serve the people. A few months ago, she attempted to wed me to a Viscount who was only a few days over 70.” Adelaide let out another laugh, taking another sip of wine, “But if you must ask, my ideal man would be tall and with dark hair. But he would have kind eyes and a kind smile. Someone to keep me in line and on my toes and intelligent, I value an intelligent man over many things,” She shook her head, “But that is far and few between, the older I get, the less I believe a man like that exists.” 
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adelaide bourbon. || open.
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adelaide-bourbon · 4 years
Vitaliya’s name meant ‘full of life’ and she certainly felt that way as she made her way through the crowd via dancing and talking, trying to search out the most interesting looking people, the kind that stood out either because of the manner of their dress or the force of their personality. It was as good as a royal duty for her to socialize and form connections at such a well attended event and while perhaps her parents might have had certain officials in mind that they thought it would be better for the oldest Russian princess to meet, Vitaliya thought it was far more fun her way as she indulged freely in the wonder that the anniversary celebration had to offer for those lucky enough to attend.
“Oh, I think it’s magnificent.” She gushed, looking around yet again and feeling almost as if she’d been transported into a story because while the dancing wasn’t the same, the scene reminded her of a ballet performance she’d watched when she was a child. While ballet had been invented in another country, it had only existed in Russia for around fifty years and Vitaliya loved it dearly, but not even the ballet could compare to the feeling she had at the party, her cheeks flushed from exertion. “And it’s so good to see everyone getting along so well. It’s wonderful to think of this as the way the world could be, don’t you think?”
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Adelaide was content to stare and watch, maybe head back to the dancing in a bit. But she also knew how important this event was to network. Visiting nobles and others filled the room, waiting to be wined and dined and Adelaide gulped it all in, like a breath of fresh air. At this event, she was the head of state, her mother and father were not in site and she was the foremost ranking noble to interact with these guests. If someone needed to talk about French policy, culture, or language, she was their point of contact. And despite knowing that, Adelaide thrived. She was entirely in her element as she greeted guests, and Vitaliya was no exception. She greeted the tsarevna with a curtsy and smile, as she had with nearly all princesses, princes, kings and queens that night
She and the young woman had a lot in common, similar in age, similar titles to uphold. They were part of a group that very few had the event to witness, coming into the crown during the age of men and defying expectations of what a woman should and could be. 
“It is wonderful to think of the world this way, but I am doubtful it will last,” Adelaide smiled behind a sip of wine, “As much as I long for peace, I think you and I both know that peace is hardly ever obtainable when men are put into places of power.” 
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adelaide bourbon. || open.
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adelaide-bourbon · 4 years
It was amusing really, how amused talk of men could immediately turn even the most proper ladies into the worlds’ biggest gossipers. It was the same no matter where Sophie had been throughout her life - talking about one’s suitors (and especially any failed attempts) was bound to bring a grin to her face, tonight’s conversation no different. 
“You flatter me,” the German princess said, dipping her head slightly at the compliment. Truth be told, she had made sure to wear a new dress tonight, and while she dressed herself according to what she liked best herself, she couldn’t deny that tonight she didn’t also hope some mysterious noble would get his head turned by it. Nobody as of yet, however - nobody noteworthy, at least. “I’m browsing for now, but there are a few around who are…,” she paused, lowering her voice a bit as she leaned in toward Adelaide. “… more than adequate for our viewing pleasure, shall we say?” With a gleeful grin, she asked, “Oh, you must tell me what kind of man you like. What good will the night have been if we don’t peruse the attendees for a potential future husband?”
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There was no doubt that if other circumstances had presented themselves, if they had grown up side-by-side, Adelaide and Sophie might have been truly great friends. Their conversation tonight was indicative of such a friendship, but Adelaide had grown up far away and with servants and courtisans as her only friends. They would not gossip about eligible men or visiting dignitaries. In her entire life, everyone treated Adelaide with an air of caution and she was fortunate for the relaxed conversation now. 
“Let’s take a turn, shall we?” Adelaide held out her arm for the princess, escorting them through the crowded front lines of those who were not dancing, but talking amongst themselves, eating and drinking, “I’ve had my eye on a few, and perhaps a few I have seen before,” She giggled as they walked, “But as for a man I like, I shall say that his rank must be put before his charm and handsomeness, for as much as I value his mind and face, his status and his assistance in the kingdom of France must always be valued first.” 
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adelaide bourbon. || open.
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adelaide-bourbon · 4 years
“aye, but you must be wary of men who grasp for power. a female monarch needs a consort whose ego can be managed,” anne advised, pale gaze flickering about the soiree, making mental notes of those in attendance. the crown princess was a bright girl but sometimes anne doubted if her upbringing had truly prepared her for what she might face as a queen regnant. well-versed in what it meant to have one’s rights infringed upon, she did not wish to see a similar fate befall adelaide. “as for me, i am but a spinster with few prospects and there are princesses from across the world here with far more to offer.” she brushed off, her valois pride inclined to keep her marriage plans separate from the bourbons as they had controlled much else in her life. she would not marry at another’s command and would take the veil before she took an unsuitable husband, that was for certain. “i suppose even the germans are nice to look at, though.” she added quietly, giving her companion’s hand a squeeze, a glint of mischief in her eye. 
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adelaide was taken aback by anne, but brushed it off nonetheless. she knew that the young woman and her did not always see eye to eye on many things, but they were understanding to respect each other’s differences, whatever they might be. but, for anne to question her taste in men, this made her bristle for reasons she did not fully understand, “you are right,” adelaide struggled momentarily to say, “but rest assured, france will reign under a powerful queen, my husband will not interfere with the policy there.” 
she chuckled at anne’s words, “you are but a spinster, still young and beautiful, perhaps not exactly royalty, but you are noble, you have title and land, well, you shall one day have land, perhaps.” 
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adelaide bourbon. || open.
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adelaide-bourbon · 4 years
Upon hearing the dauphine’s greeting, Sophie bowed her head to return her courteous greeting, smiling over the rim of her goblet. “I think the palace staff, as well as my darling sister, would have toppled over in surprise had I not been involved in the planning in some form or another.” She would have been mortified had she been excluded from the preparations, being as excited about festivities as she were in general. “Though I must give credit where credit is due, I was only involved for a short while.”
Princess Adelaide seemed comfortable enough, though Sophie wasn’t sure if she truly was - people of their status were trained, of course, to keep up appearances even if the truth was something different. “Our language is not easy to learn, though I suppose one would say that about every language,” Sophie laughed. She’d been presented with guests making poor attempts at speaking German this night too, but Adelaide’s was nowhere near as bad as theirs. “Please, do not worry. I’m sure many here are charmed by you, if not by your German, than by your looks.” Now this certainly wasn’t a lie - if she herself was unable to keep her eyes off the Princess, she could only imagine the others at the party. “Some of these men are positively scandalous, the way they look,” she mused, more amused than appalled if anything. 
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Adelaide smiled down into her wine glass, a small smile, but a smile nonetheless. The princess was correct, in that many of the men here were scandalous, but not overly forthcoming. Perhaps that is what baffled Adelaide about Germany the most, the French were opening and welcoming people, they were flamboyant and outgoing. Many of the men from Germany stood around, gruff and silent, and that made them harder to talk to. But nonetheless, they were scandalous in the own rights. 
“Your work has not gone unnoticed. And I appreciate your candor, but if they shall look at me, I think they would find that your own beauty is just as strong if not stronger than my own,” She clasped the hand of the princess warmly, before looking back out to the dance floor, “Have any men here captured your attention? Or are you simply just browsing?” 
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adelaide bourbon. || open.
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