adhd-ranting · 1 year
Good news everyone! I have diagnosed anxiety now (and depression but i think they’re wrong about that) and i’m rereading through this blog and things i’ve posted and realizing very painfully that they were SYMPTOMS.
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adhd-ranting · 1 year
God has answered my prayers after making this post and i can finally order my scripts online.
Refilling prescriptions would be so much easier if I could do it online rather than on the phone with a computer that’s lists all thirty things that I need to say in order to get it filled and forgetting all of them instantly.
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adhd-ranting · 4 years
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im calling myself out on this one
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adhd-ranting · 4 years
Guess who got a full time job and now has a set 5 days a week schedule. This bitch. I work at a chocolate factory motherfuckers. Goodbye executive dysfunction, hello scheduled fucking time WOO!
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adhd-ranting · 4 years
Hi. I think you're really cool and love your page.
Bless you darling. This is very sweet. 😘
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adhd-ranting · 4 years
Hello! I just discovered your blog after I looked into the symptoms of ADHD more. Since being stuck at home because of COVID, I've noticed some behaviors of mine get much worse (executive function issues, under-stimulation, falling asleep if I have more than one cup of coffee, forgetting and losing things constantly) and I think I may have ADHD. I'm reluctant to make an appointment because I'm scared I'm just being a hypochondriac. idk man, this is more of a ramble than an ask, thoughts?
Lol just do it. If you've got the means to what's the harm? Even if you don't get a diagnosis it doesn't mean your struggles aren't real. You still have as much a right as any to seek help and support for them as someone with a disorder. People have this perception that neurotypical people don't experience stress or strain. That is simply not true. Even well adjusted people can struggle with basic functions when put in a stressful situation, such as being made to stay home because of covid. Now I'm not saying all this because I don't believe that you have a disorder, I don't know you and can't make that judgement, but I'm just trying to drive home my point.
Just do it.
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adhd-ranting · 4 years
♡ ADHD things ♡
oof, don't like that! proceeds to do *the squirm (tm)*
"i have to do this thing!" waits a week, and it's already late by then
must draw. no inspiration? too bad!
being able to categorize your hyperfixations because of your camera roll being in color coded chunks
chew on shirt collar
the irresponsible mom friend
"you're so smart, you just have to get your homework in on time" Not happening buddy!
have to move. my arms.
rubrubrubrubrub. i have to rub my face on this.
i must move. my head.
sleep? idk her!
i do not vibe with this person. they remind me of my 4th grade teacher. same haircut.
take plushy. everywhere.
"what's that sound? 'what sound' "the vvvvvvvvv sound" 'there's no vvvvv sound'
oh! people aren't paying attention to me right now? they hate me! :)
whole body tics ♡
sorry, executive dysfunction said i can't
mmm caffei- (falls asleep)
huh? oh it's 7:30
did someone say-
does anyone know-
*dialup sound*
chew on something you shouldn't
yucky texture. it goes in ✨the trash✨
make a nest! with blanket! and pillow! and plushie!
feeling like this image:
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adhd-ranting · 4 years
Imagine being so entitled that you think the only reason people don't get professional diagnosis is because they don't have the money for it. Lol imagine having a pinned post that implies it's useless to get a diagnosis if you don't have the money to pay for therapy appointments.
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adhd-ranting · 4 years
Lol entitlement go brrrrrr
Saw another post about it so hi, I'm back.
Imma say it loud for everyone.
Self diagnosis is valid.
Lol it's like. Still wild to me that people gatekeep in communities that are discriminated against. Like... Are you really that entitled that you're comfortable with verbally abusing a stranger on the internet over something like self diagnosis? What just because they don't have a doctors magic piece of paper? Have you considered that not everyone has the distinct privilage to get a doctor's diagnosis? Is ur lack of empathy that fucking intense that you'd rather bully someone who doesn't have their golden fucking ticket rather than help them?
Congratulations on sitting on ur high horse with the stick wedged firmly up your ass. Funny how you think you're doing a good thing when in actuality all you're doing is perpetuating damaging rhetoric that causes people to question their own fucking experiences.
Hate to break it to you... But you're the one who is a problem. Unfollow me. I am not above bullying someone on the internet.
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adhd-ranting · 4 years
Hi, Sav here, I hope none of the people that follow me are assuming this is an ADHD exclusive club and when I say that I don't mean people with other disorders are allowed to. They are obviously, but I just want to make it clear,
Neurotypical people are 1000% welcome here too
When I say my posts are for everyone I mean it. If they help you I'm happy, I don't care if you have a disorder, disability, ect. I think it is very important that everyone is educated regardless of being included within a particular group.
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adhd-ranting · 4 years
Saw another post about it so hi, I'm back.
Imma say it loud for everyone.
Self diagnosis is valid.
Lol it's like. Still wild to me that people gatekeep in communities that are discriminated against. Like... Are you really that entitled that you're comfortable with verbally abusing a stranger on the internet over something like self diagnosis? What just because they don't have a doctors magic piece of paper? Have you considered that not everyone has the distinct privilage to get a doctor's diagnosis? Is ur lack of empathy that fucking intense that you'd rather bully someone who doesn't have their golden fucking ticket rather than help them?
Congratulations on sitting on ur high horse with the stick wedged firmly up your ass. Funny how you think you're doing a good thing when in actuality all you're doing is perpetuating damaging rhetoric that causes people to question their own fucking experiences.
Hate to break it to you... But you're the one who is a problem. Unfollow me. I am not above bullying someone on the internet.
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adhd-ranting · 4 years
That moment when you start realizing ur not the only one who experiences something and then you have a "oh thats a symptom" moment.
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adhd-ranting · 4 years
I love the community for adhd on this website. Sometimes I see stuff that's sus but for the most part everyone is very welcoming and kind. Like I often see posts where people are complaining about adhd and how mis and under represented it is and how they can never find good resources for research. And that's perfectly fine they're right and completely valid for doing so, but what I love is that like... 9/10 times that same post has people who have either explained their questions to them or linked resources for them to do some quality research with. And I love that for us. I love that for our community.
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adhd-ranting · 4 years
I'm bored infodump to me about your hyperfixations.
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adhd-ranting · 4 years
Wonderful post. With this being said, any people who are choosing to gatekeep and say that self diagnosis isn't valid can kindly fuck right off. You're not welcome here. This is not a safe space for you.
Self diagnosed adhd is valid, no if ands and buts.
Sometimes you can't get one due to other circumstances.
And those of us who got diagnosed later in life know the struggles with that.
Self diagnosed adhd is valid and you are probably right about it. If stims and our tips help you who gives a fuck if you dont have a medical diagnosis.
That being said; I hope that someday (if you want) you get be able to get that and (again, if you want) can get on medication.
But that does not change that self diagnosed adhd is valid
Thank you for your time
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adhd-ranting · 4 years
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adhd-ranting · 4 years
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Holyyyyyy fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkk
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