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girl on the far right sun girl on the far left moon
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Us: *dont get garrett content for a while*
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If I had to see it, y’all have to see it too.
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spanish class: i think we have to say stalin and hitler are off limits for prom
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dean: you’re dead to me.
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Jack lookin’ like Anakin Skywalker over here!
I love this scene with Nick/Lucifer’s giggly “Aw! Did I hurt you?” face to “Oh Shit!” face. Once he realized Jack had his powers back.
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Gen Z is these being google’s most searched questions
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some things from our team’s “famous quotes” list pt. 1
“Holy shit, I’ve become a liberal. OK bye gonna go perform an exorcism real quick.”
(teacher) "I could scream until I pee!”
(same teacher, who does not teach sex ed or anything similar, while we are learning about corn) “Yo, you just learned about sex and it’s 8:12 in the morning”
(video we watched in class) “One point million people”
“Okay, so my poem’s about Fortnite…”
“fly little human, FLY”
kid: “These are twelve year old girls; Jake Paul is their IDOL” me: “[kid’s name] you’re thirteen”
“why are we having an intense argument about the psychological motivation of jake paul”
kid 1: “yeah meth’s not too hard” kid 2: “yeah sometimes it just makes your nose dry you know”
“Go commit toaster bath”
“[kid’s name] has beautiful fingernails they’re so PERFECT OMG”
“Train in the water, boat on the tracks”
(while jogging laps in PE) me: “I kinda wanna die right now.” kid 1: “That’s a mood.” kid 2: “That’s such a mood.”
“despacito 3 is the best despacito yeet naenae”
“Maximum yeetage”
(teacher, during our journalism unit in LA) “If there’s someone that died, write about it… if they got run over on the street, and then their wife backs up and runs him over one or two more times”
“When asked about what he did not like in this activity, [kid’s name] responded: ‘Everything.'“
(teacher) “No more dead meat or chickens for your poems”
“Oh, my beautiful child! I’ll name you ‘Wurst’!”
“We’re here for a good time, not a long one!”
“hehe 420”
“[kid’s name] put down the knife”
(teacher) “I’m allergic to [kid 1]. That’s a shame. Look, [kid 2]’s allergic to [kid 1] too!”
“Be a bully, not a buddy”
“My face hurts from laughing at him”
kid 1: “Where’d you get that snake?” kid 2: “From the back of the truck”
“He was like LET’S COMPROMISE and I said NO”
(teacher) *flapping arms* “PTERODACTYL MODE”
teacher: “No one did that bad on the practice test? Really? That’s surprising.” kid: “You know what’s not surprising; you can save 15% or more on car insurance if you switch to GEICO.”
teacher: “What’s the difference between an oboe and an onion?” kid: “Only one of them is supposed to make you cry.” same teacher: “No-one cries when you chop up an oboe.”
“I thought I was singing it inside my head, but it was actually out loud.”
“When I ate chip my nail get red”
“But I’m in charge, and I say no.”
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So I’m trying to register on this counselling service website thing my doctor recommended to talk about non-binary stuff, and
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So I think okay, maybe it will let me leave it blank
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Well F you. Guess I’m a reverend mother now
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exaggerated for comedic effect but–
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Things the lgbt community is doing that make me wish I wasn’t lgbt:
It/its pronouns
He/him lesbians
“Spacesexual genderflux non dysphoric gnc trans boy! (He/she/they/fae)”
“”“"Preferred”“”“ pronouns (they aren’t preferred. I am a guy. You call me he.)
Neopronouns/genders in general……
"I don’t try to pass as a boy but if you misgender me or refuse to date me like a cute yaoi boy you’re transphobic”
Every trans guy is a “smol flower soft boi”
Every trans woman is a “big strong muscle lady wife”
Forcing the queer label on everyone in an act of “reclaiming” it
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How are non-dysphoric trans people “stealing” resources if dysphoric people still have access to those resources regardless of whether or not the former chooses to pursue them? There’s no shortage of hormones. If non-dysphoric trans people get hormones, therapists, and appointments dysphoric trans people still can... I don’t understand your logic. Leave people alone for just trying to pursue their own health and happiness, geez.
[P2]Plus, gender therapy and consultations with endocrinologists aren’t really cheap and, at least in my state, are very hard to get covered by insurance. So saying that gnc people trying to get hormones is just for the sake of attention or to get “free benefits,” for many people, those things are not at all free. Plus in conservative states it’s very hard even for dysphoric trans people to get HRT. Why blame gnc people when you can blame the gvt for not giving trans people their resources???
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Apply this to hormones, counsellors, whatever else. It applies. Trenders who go through transitioning develop dysphoria and damage their body while trans people are suffering with their own dysphoria (and, of course, the image that trenders give trans people).
There may be a price on those “free” benefits, one of which being the consequences of wrongly trying to transition. But what i meant by “free benefits” was more of a “look how oppressed i am for being trans” type bullshit without having to deal with WHAT MAKES SOMEONE TRANS.
People are trying to get/keep transition operations and hormones and counselling insured, but people like you who claim that you don’t need dysphoria make the category of those things fall under cosmetic rather than medical. You are standing in the fire you (helped) made and complaining that it is hot, annie.
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probably done before
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Why I love trans youtubers... Actual trans youtubers.
I love transgender youtubers like Kalvin, Sam Collins, Blaire White ect, because as much as I can relate to them they have enough experience in being transgender that when they call out transtrenders, its fucking hilarious. I notice a lot of cisgender people insult transtrenders in one way. “They want attention.” But transgender people do its so much better. They go into detail, they have proof and justification and as much as it ruins the persons reputation and identity I think its important, if the person is an actual transtrender, that they do this early because transitioning will actually ruin their lives. 
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