afrolatinoscorpio · 3 days
Janet, Janet!
Janet Jackson messed up big time.
So she was on a magazine interview, and they asked her how does she feel about the country possibly getting its first black female president. Apparently she said (paraphrasing) "is she really black? I heard she was Indian and her father was white. Well, I don't know. I haven't seen the news in two days."
TWO DAYS? Girl, you would have had to be in a coma for four years to not know that your vice president is partially black.
I don't think she will recover from this. Her career was already going nowhere. It's a stupid and arrogant comment at the same time. Those Jackson always wanted to denounce their blackness. I declare Janet Jackson as the new Black Karen.
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afrolatinoscorpio · 3 months
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New Leather pants - my first time for leather clothing
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afrolatinoscorpio · 3 months
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With New Leather Pants - it took 4th attempts to make it right.
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afrolatinoscorpio · 8 months
We do know one thing.
Beyoncé will NEVER EVER get the album of the year now. lol
Dude, we get your point, but dude? What are you doing?
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afrolatinoscorpio · 8 months
Grammy Awards
If what Taylor Swift said last night is true, then it's really damaging. 
Basically she said that the Recording Academy makes their decision on what is popular with the public. That's horrible and I hope it's not true. The people who make the decisions for awards should be experts in their field and neutral on other areas. If they relied on the public to decide on who is the most talented, then it's a bias award show.
Let's be real. Most Americans are NOT experts in music. Likewise, human beings are bias based on their appearance - someone their attracted to, and looks like them. 
Therefore, if most Americans looked like Taylor Swift then that is how they will vote. Just like American Idol, hence the name idol, what you idolize. You have these supposed experts deciding on the talent. Then, at the end you have the American public making the final decision. People by nature are bias to what they like, and what attracts them. So, the awards will always be rigged. 
Personally I think Taylor Swift's music is garbage. It all sounds like background music to car commercials, and I DO have a background in music. Yet, awards should never be based on what is popular, but strictly based on the talent level.
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afrolatinoscorpio · 11 months
Well, looks like Houston''s new mayor will be Elmer Fudd.
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afrolatinoscorpio · 11 months
This thought just came to me.
Ronald Reagan: You don't hire actors to be president because they think it's just another act.
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afrolatinoscorpio · 1 year
Life 101
Message to the NFL player that's dating Taylor Swift.
Be careful dude. You might be a song in two years. LOL
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afrolatinoscorpio · 1 year
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This is how I show my bags.
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afrolatinoscorpio · 1 year
The first step to building your own character is by making a stand for something that is important to you.
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afrolatinoscorpio · 1 year
Biden on Affirmative Action
Well, Biden made some intelligent comments about Affirmation Action. He said something I've been preaching for years. He essentially said often a black applicant may be a stronger candidate based on upbringing and other factors. Think about it. There could be two candidates, black and white. Let's say both graduated from a decent school.   The white candidate may come from an affluent family, great schools, access to tutoring, not much responsibilities, etc. Whereas the black candidate may have been raised by a signal mother. Had to he help with chores and watch their siblings. May not have had access to decent affordable tutoring, etc. Again, both graduated from a decent college. In this case, I would see the black candidate as stronger candidate that knows what is like to struggle, knows what it's like to sacrifice, and make ends meet with lack of resources. What if employers used some of this criteria and data for consideration. Change the interview process. Make it realistic. Another example! What if I patronized a business that has about 100 employees, and ALL are white. That's an immediate red flag. Let's just look at the numbers. Likely Blacks or Latinos applied. Did any meet the qualifications, or did they just ween out all the minorities? We KNOW likely minorities applied basse on the unemployment statistics. This tells me there is high possibility the owner, HR, and management are prejudice. On the flip side, I have a sense of comfort when I patronize an establishment where I see Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, etc. That gives me an indication that the owners believe in the candidates and diversity, which would help with their customer base... instead of just the color of skin. Bottom Line: Until blatant or covert racism continues, we will always need Affirmative Action laws.
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afrolatinoscorpio · 1 year
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That stereotypical animal print they always put black men in on porn sites. LOL
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afrolatinoscorpio · 2 years
James Taylor is like the White Negro Spiritualist. Digest that for a minute. 
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afrolatinoscorpio · 2 years
Wow! Two movies I thought the directors would royally fuck it up, were absolutely beautiful movies. Elvis and Top Gun: Maverick. As a movie buff, they were awesome. I always look for and applaud the director first. 
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afrolatinoscorpio · 2 years
420 Moment:
So I usually take a shower at night and in the morning. After my night time shower I put on thong underwear and a robe while relaxing to go to sleep. Man/Child, I was tossing and turning last night. Then when I went to the restroom in the middle of the night... something didn't feel right about this thong. While trying to force it to take in all my junk (and it's a lot mind you LOL) the back part was not aligning correctly with my butt crack. Man/Child I woke up this morning and discovered I put the leg hole as the booty crack hole and vice versa. Hot Mess!
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afrolatinoscorpio · 2 years
So ancestry DNA says I'm 60% African and 40% Latino. When I cook my red kidney beans I will serve them with Pico de Gallo on the side. I know you think I'm racist, but I'm not - challenging counter/cancel culture - which is garbage for ignorant humans that always want to push the blame of their problems on others.
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afrolatinoscorpio · 2 years
So there are always 4 generations in the work place, and sometimes 5. Currently we have some from the Silent Generation, their children were the Baby Boomers, their children were Generation X, their children were Millennials, and their children were Generation Z. I'm three years shy of 60, and I'm Generation X. 
Say what you wish about being old. Just know my generation never ate Tide Pods. LMAO
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