airportbox · 10 years
Consuming Food and Beverage at the Airport:
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Authors : Mariella Pinna  Giacomo Del Chiappa 
The present study aims to investigate this somewhat neglected area of marketing research. Specifically, it analyzes a) which are the food and beverage formats (bar, fast food restaurant, restaurant, retail shop and vending machine) that consumers use the most when being in airport area,
Shirley de Silva's insight:
When the reason of travelling and the nationality of respondents were considered, the present study showed some significant differences in the way they consume food & beverage in airport areas. 
Authors : Mariella Pinna  Giacomo Del Chiappa
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airportbox · 11 years
The Experience of Shopping for Tourists
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The main points of experiences as a phenomenon, experiences as products and tourism experiences as well as shopping, purchasing behavior and shopping in tourism are discussed.
Shirley de Silva's insight:
Tourist shopping segmentation studies indicate that there is a connection in tourist shopping  behavior and travel motivation. In many studies there is clearly a group of people who use shopping as a means of understanding or experiencing the destination culture. Authors Halonen, Lauri; Domin, Aina
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airportbox · 11 years
No 9 I The Boutique Terminal Network
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Throughout the past hundred years, airports have been reduced to brutally functional, people processing machines that contribute to the disengaged mentality of the passenger. Author: Miller, Lindsey A 
Shirley de Silva's insight:
Analyzing the psychological implications associated with modern airport design reveals conceptions that will inform consciously experienced environments versus unconsciously perceived space. Passenger become part of a larger, carefully articulated spatial configuration that shifts from a state of animated limbo to pleasurable suspension through experiential branding Author: Miller, Lindsey A
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airportbox · 11 years
Passenger Perceptions of Depersonalisation of the Airport Experience
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The aim of this study is to fill that knowledge gap, by surveying people about their opinions of the current airport experience. 
Shirley de Silva's insight:
"The airport environment has been changing drastically in recent years, brought about by economic and technological reforms considered necessary by airports due to rising fuel prices and the global recession experienced  A key response from the commercial aviation industry has been to technologise the airport experience, implementing self-service options so passengers can process themselves.
Author: Jesse Gibbs “
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airportbox · 11 years
Representation of the Airport and its associated spaces
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Photo Hand, Dublin Airport Pier D Graphics
"How can the disciplines of painting and digital media be used to examine the airport environment and explore how technological advances and developments are transforming and affecting our sense of time and space?  Author : Booker, Clare"
Shirley de Silva's insight:
.The project aims to analyze the airport space using art as a geographical research method, looking at combining and mixing physical and digital surface in order to reference real and virtual space
Author : Booker, Clare
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airportbox · 11 years
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The purpose of the research is to reveal the young tourists preferences in the process of planning a trip
Authors:Oana TUGULEA, Claudia BOBALCA, Andreea MAHA, Liviu MAHA
Shirley de Silva's insight:
Sources of information used, the utility of Internet/travel agencies in planning travel trip activities, preferred means of transportation and types of accommodation are investigated.
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airportbox · 11 years
The Airport Business in a Competitive Environment
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Airports have traditionally been considered as public utility providers, with little potential to develop significant market opportunities. Liberalisation of the air transport market around the globe has introduced new dynamics into the airport industry.
Shirley de Silva's insight:
"Airport operators are urged to shift the paradigm of airport planning and management. This paper presents a conceptual model for a new approach to the airport business. It identifies the network of agents with which the airport must cooperate, and their roles in defining the airport product through different service packages
Authors : Edgar Jimeneza„ João Claroa , Jorge Pinho de Sousaa”
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airportbox · 11 years
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Brand image is a prominent marketing tool for destination marketers. A strong brand image implies having an upper-hand over competitors and thus preventing tourists from shifting their purchase intentions to other destinations. 
Shirley de Silva's insight:
The survey was carried out daily over a period of 4 weeks - at the Sir Seewoosagar  International Airport of Mauritius. It is reported that  “Tourist Attractions”, “Up-Market Products”, “Destination Attractiveness” and “Tropical Setting” were key factors in determining the brand image of the destination.
Authors :Perunjodi Naidoo, Prabha Ramseook-Munhurrun Ramesh Durbarry  
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airportbox · 11 years
Terminals or Galleries? An Exploratory Study of Museum Operations in Airports
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Many airports are utilizing museum-quality exhibitions about history, science, culture, and art in their spaces. Some airports have even established a fully-fledged museum and incorporated the museum into the airport’s operations. 
Author:Kramer, Hal
Shirley de Silva's insight:
  Museums are places of wonder, observation, and introspection. Airports, though less obviously, also elicit these actions and feelings. Historically people visited airports just to watch the planes take off and land, and ponder the modern-day miracle of flight.
Author:Kramer, Hal
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airportbox · 11 years
Social Effects in Buying Behavior: Evidence from In-Flight Purchases
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This paper investigates the role of social effects in consumption
decisions. It uses detailed data on purchases made by airline passengers through entertainment systems located in front of them
Author: Pedro M. Gardete   
Shirley de Silva's insight:
The probability of purchasing an item increases by approximately 30% if a passenger observes a lateral neighbor buy. Conditional on incidence, however, no e ffects are found on the number of transactions. Gender appears to play a role: Among all gender combinations women seem to imitate other women the most.
Author: Pedro M. Gardete   
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airportbox · 11 years
First Make It Work, Then Rebrand It
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Usually when companies merge, they get right to work on rebranding. In the case of airlines, the combined entity’s new logo quickly finds its way onto repainted planes, restyled uniforms, and fresh airport signage. 
by Fabio Villegas
Shirley de Silva's insight:
 But after Avianca and TACA merged—each with its own rich heritage, culture, and business—we took our time. In fact, we waited more than three years to put a new face on the company.
Author : Fabio Villegas is the CEO of Avianca Holdings.
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airportbox · 11 years
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General aviation encompasses most of aviation: business aviation, industrial development, recreational flying, support for offshore oil and gas installations, tourism, agricultural services such as crop dusting, firefighting, animal control, hydrographic surveying, geophysical surveying, traffic reporting, search and rescue, police work, and medical transport, among many others. Author: James Fielding Smith
Pdf Link: http://ow.ly/qvmWh
Shirley de Silva's insight:
Airports with such tenants or regular users tend to have greater capabilities for disaster support than simply the use of runways,aprons, and fueling facilities. 
Author: James Fielding Smith  Pdf Link: http://ow.ly/qvmWh
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airportbox · 11 years
Airport Service Quality Drivers of Passenger Satisfaction
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Considering the complexity of the airport industry service palette, it is important to identify which air travel factors are distractors and which factors are enhancers of passenger satisfaction
Shirley de Silva's insight:
An airport should examine the basic factors that would lead to strong dissatisfaction of their passengers. Factors, such as efficient security-check, convenient signage system and variety of restaurants and bars are considered to be foundations of airport quality.
Authors : Vanja Bogicevic, Wan Yang, Anil Bilgihan, Milos Bujisic, (2013) 
PDF Link: http://ow.ly/q46kj
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airportbox · 11 years
Airports and Bicycles: what are the obstacles and incentives for operators to improve bicycle access?
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In this paper we use a case study approach to examine how airport operators are addressing bicycle access to their properties and the motivations and obstacles they face, in light of new policies to integrate bicycles, along with transit and…
Shirley de Silva's insight:
"We found near unanimous agreement that transit access makes bicycling more practical for airport access, and a number suggested that anticipated transit improvements would prompt them to make bicycle enhancements. Our findings in this paper strongly suggest that bicycle access could figure in airports’ future plans to fashion carbon and trip reduction programs, improve employee travel options and respond to land use constraints imposed by airports"
Authors Phyllis Orrick,and Karen Trapenberg Frick,
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airportbox · 11 years
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly - Using Aeronautical Property for Non-Aeronautical Purposes:
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Many airports around the country that do not have lucrative concessions or oil wells gushing dollars are looking for new ways to increase revenues. They often look at non-aeronautical uses to supplement income, especially when there is ample surplus property.
Shirley de Silva's insight:
Airports are uniquely monopolistic niche markets, but competing in the non-aeronautical world requires a decidedly more global and entrepreneurial mindset. . 
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airportbox · 11 years
Picasso's Guernica: The strength of an art brand in destination e-branding.
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Places and their public authorities increasingly perceive art branding as a tool for raising place visibility, attracting investment and tourism, and enhancing their cultural profiles. Online news aggregators offer new potential for measuring the degree to which places associated with art are “seen” in the media.
Authors PLAZA, B, HAARICH, SN and WALDRON, CM (2013)
Shirley de Silva's insight:
The authors design and test a method for evaluating the effectiveness of art brand association and awareness in place marketing. The work draws upon a case study of Gernika.
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airportbox · 11 years
Climate Change, Discretionary Air Travel, and the "Flyers' Dilemma"
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The “flyers’ dilemma” describes the tension that now exists between the personal benefits of tourism and the climate concerns associated with high levels of personal aeromobility
Shirley de Silva's insight:
"Our research confirms that contemporary air travel practices remain deeply entrenched and resistant to change (Randles and Mander 2009a)
Evidently the necessary levels of public behavior change will not occur spontaneously or voluntarily, and interventions will need to take place through  policy, changes in infrastructure (industry) provision, and no doubt, other mechanisms.” By James E. S. Higham, Scott A. Cohen and Christina T. Cavaliere
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