aitaikimochi · 2 years
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The Final Fantasy XIV Eorzea Academy manga is officially out! Here is my summary as the manga is currently only available in Japanese on the マンガUP! app.
The characters who appear and their roles in the manga are as follows: Alisaie: 1st Year student (Protagonist) Alphinaud: 1st year student G’raha Tia: 2nd year Estinien: 3rd year Y’shtola: 1st Year Supervisor and Home Room Teacher Thancred: 2nd Year Supervisor and P.E. Teacher Urianger: Chemistry Teacher Emet-Selch: 3rd Year Supervisor and School Counselor Zenos: 3rd year Asahi: 1st year Yotsuyu: 3rd year Haurchefant: 3rd year Aymeric: 3rd year and School President Tataru: Principal of the Eorzea Academy
The first chapter is 32 pages long and is divided into 4 sections for some reason. I'm not familiar with the Square Enix Manga UP! app, but the Eorzean Academy manga Chapter 1 is divided into 4 sections of 8 pages.
Just to FYI, you are not allowed to upload any screenshots of the manga online, so I will only be summarizing in text!
The manga begins explaining that 2 years ago, the Academy of Light and Academy of Darkness merged to form the Eorzea Academy. There is still tension among the student body because of the two rival schools being combined, so Principal Tataru tries to resolve this.
Alphinaud and Alisaie live at the Rising Stones share house (somewhere in Japan I guess??), and it's morning. Alisaie comes down the staircase and yells at Alphinaud for not waking her up earlier. Alphinaud says no matter how many times he tries, she doesn't wake up.
Y'shtola berates them while she sips her morning coffee, saying that their parents wanted them to make a life for themselves, but it's honestly a bit worrying lol. Alisaie then narrates that she and Alphinaud were sent to live with Y'shtola, Thancred, and Urianger.
Thancred appears with Urianger in the living room, and Urianger is reading his tarot cards. Thancred tries to cheer up Alisaie by saying that students are usually night owls anyway. Urianger chimes in saying "thou cannot experience personal growth overnight."
Alisaie and Alphinaud are eating breakfast at the table with Y'shtola, and Alisaie asks Urainger to read her fortune for the day with his tarot cards. Urianger tells her that the winds seem to be changing for her today. She wonders if it's a good or bad thing.
Urianger says whether it's good or bad is up to what she chooses to do. Alisaie nags about what that even means, and Urianger says that fortune telling is just vague like that lol. Y'shtola tells everyone to get ready, and she, Thancred, and Urianger leave first.
Thancred tells Alphinaud and Alisaie to not be late for school. There's an all school assembly today, and they musn't be late for it. Alphinaud asks if she forgot, and she says it totally slipped her mind. They run to school and arrive just in time.
Alphinaud is struggling but Alisaie seems just fine. She asks if he's okay, and he says that his body is not as fit as hers, so he needs some time to catch his breath. Estinien calls to them and asks "what are you guys doing in front of the school gate?"
Alphinaud says, "Estinien-senpai..." and Estinien asks what's wrong? He pats Alisaie on the head thinking she's Alphinaud and says, "did your sister sleep in again and make you guys run here?" and Alisaie gets angry that he mistakened her for Alphinaud lol.
Alisaie continues to yell saying, "I know we're twins, but I'm literally wearing a girl's uniform-- how can you not differentiate between us!?!?" Estinien says "s-sorry.."
Estinien asks "school assembly?" and notes that yesterday one of the supervisors did mention about it. Alisaie is happy that she wasn't the only one who forgot about the school assembly and speaks to Estinien using the casual form of Japanese.
Alphinaud says, "Alisaie, shouldn't you be speaking in keigo (polite form) to Estinien since he's our senpai??" Alisaie says she's just not used to it since she's bad at speaking keigo LOL.
The three of them walk down the hallway together, and Alphinaud continues to try to correct Alisaie's casual Japanese speech lol. Alisaie looks at them and accidentally runs into G'raha, who's carrying a bunch of books. He falls over and drops all the books.
G'raha and Alisaie are both on the floor, and G'raha apologizes for not seeing in front of him because the pile of books he was carrying was too high. He asks if she's all right, and Alphinaud and Alisaie say "G'raha Senpai!!" Alisaie apologizes for being careless.
Alisaie says the books G'raha were borrowing look very difficult to read. He says he's been taking his time with the plethora of books that the library has to offer. Alisaie remarks he looks like he would be the popular delinquent type, but he's actually a bookworm.
Estinien looks on and sighs, saying "What are you guys doing??" and G'raha says, "Estinien-senpai!!" and freaks out. He fanboys over Estinien saying, "what fortuitous chance is this where I can see Estinien-senpai from the morning! Today surely will be a great day!"
The manga basically recreated this entire scene with G'raha fanboying over Estinien, but in manga form where everyone is wearing their school uniform instead lol.
Alphinaud laughs, saying "as expected of G'raha-senpai," and Alisaie calls him out and says, "but what exactly do you find so appealing in Estinien? He often ditches class so..." Estinien says "um, excuse YOU..." to Alisaie lol
G'raha looks offended and says, "how can you not know, Alisaie? Do yo not see how tall he is? How he has excellent reflexes? How he's so cool? How he's popular with the ladies? How every man wants to be like him!" Estinien says "ok, ok we get it. You can stop now.."
Estinien wonders to himself "what is WITH this guy??" lol. He also admits that he does indeed skip class. Estinien then tells everyone they shouldn't dally in the hallway and should go to class. Alisaie hands G'raha a bag to put his books in.
She then sees a bunch of students wearing black uniforms gather around the hallway. Alphinaud notes that the students are the Students of Darkness, and Alisaie says "oh, that means..." Someone squeals, "ZENOS-SAMA!!!!!"
Zenos walks confidently down the hallway, wearing his uniform like this and with his posse Asahi and Yotsuyu on each of his side. He was the top student of the School of Darkness. G'raha notes he excels in fighting and is incredibly strong.
Alisaie says she doesn't care and goes forth through the crowd. She approaches Zenos and Alphinaud tries to stop her. Zenos glares at her. She says, "what's your problem?" Zenos says, "How disappointing. None of the first years can offer me the challenge I seek."
Asahi asks what's going on and tells them to clear the way for Zenos-sama, and they are intruding on his turf. Alisaie apologizes and lets them through. She and Alphinaud wonder what Zenos means by not being worthy of the challenge he seeks.
Asahi says they're really noisy, and that's why the Students of Light are always such a unpleasant bunch. Alisaie gets offended and Alphinaud tries to calm her down lol.
Alisaie yells at Asahi, saying "WHY DON'T YOU TRY SAYING THAT AGAIN TO MY FACE!?" and Asahi says, "I'll say it as many times you'd like with pleasure!!!" G'raha tells Estinien they need to stop this from escalating, and Estinien sighs lol.
Yotsuyu then steps in and says "how unpleasant" and Asahi says they should just leave them be and it has nothing to do with her. Yotsuyu then says "well then, I guess it's not my place to say anything" and Asahi feels bad that he made her feel like that.
Asahi apparently has a hidden sister complex and wants to protect his sister or something. That's...quite different from the FFXIV game version of their character personalities lol.
Y'shtola sees Alisaie and Alphinaud in the hallway and scolds them, telling them to go to their home room quickly. The school bell is going to ring soon, and there will also be a school assembly. Alisaie said that the Students of Darkness were in the way though.
Emet-selch comes into the hallway (wearing black crocs roflmao) and scolds Zenos. The manga really didn't need to draw Emet-selch looking so unbelievably smokin' hot, but I guess here we are lol.
Emet-selch is wearing a sleek black dress shirt with a white tie and black slacks, along with his black crocs lol. Zenos says he was just perusing the school grounds to look for someone strong who he can fight against. Emet-Selch says that itself is the problem 😑
Emet-Selch scolds the students gathered in the hallway saying that they're just causing more work for the teachers, but Principal Tataru appears and says that this is fine. She offers a proposal for everyone to follow, which will be also said at the school assembly.
The proposal is that the Students of Light and Dark have to do various deeds around the school, taking into account their grades and so forth, to obtain points. The ones with the most points will get something that grants them whatever they wish for.
The points will be determined and counted by the moogle faction of the school (lol wut), and doing good deeds for each other and working together will hopefully bring both students of light and dark closer as there is still conflict among the student body.
Some of the students criticize Tataru's plan saying that this would only drive the divide between Light and Dark even further, but Haurchefant comes in with Aymeric and says, "HOW DELIGHTFUL! This is a wonderful idea!!"
Aymeric adds, "indeed, I myself have also put much thought into how we can better improve the relations between students in the school" since he is also the School President lol. Aymeric and Haurchefant came into the hallway because they were looking for Estinien.
Estinien says, "Haurchefant, Aymeric!? When did you guys get here!?" and Haurchefant replies, "Hey Estinien. We were wondering why you weren't in class, so we came looking for you!"
G'raha appears beside them and ponders, "to have anything I wish for be granted...well, there is this one book about the Great Hero's Adventure that I had my eye on..."
Asahi scoffs and says, "hmph, what nonsense. As if Lord Zenos (Zenos-sama) would even agree to such foolish--" Zenos cuts in and says, "if we are to compare our strengths, then I will gladly do so." Asahi then says, "OF COURSE MY LORD, LET US PARTAKE IN THIS!"✨
Zenos then approaches Alisaie and says, "You there, little Elezen girl. Are you up for the challenge? Or are you afraid of losing?" Alphinaud tries to calm her down, but she yells that of course she will rise to the challenge!
Tataru says that the first challenge where the students of light and dark can go about collecting points will be the upcoming Sports Festival. Everyone will be participating, but Alhpinaud says the students of darkness have an advantage as most of them are very fit.
Alisaie says that doesn't matter as she will not back down. She'ill gladly accept the challenge. The Sports Festival will be the first match. And with that, the curtain rises on the everyday school lives of Alisaie and Alphinaud at Eorzea Academy. End of Chapter 1! Chapter 2 will be released in 2 weeks on January 7th, 2022!
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aitaikimochi · 3 years
My Hero Academia Light Novel Vol. 6 Chapter Summaries Master List
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Here is my master list of all the My Hero Academia School Briefs “Cherry Blossom” Vol. 6 light novel chapter summaries that I’ve translated thus far! 
I have done Part 1, 2, 3, and 5! The links will go my Twitter threads, and the “Read More” cut will go to text versions (when available)! Enjoy~
PART 1: The Red Ogre Who Didn’t Cry PART 2: Who's the One Who Gets the Chocolate? PART 3: The Snowy Mountain Camp Spring Festival PART 4: Eri's Shicigosan (Children Coming of Age) (N/A) PART 5: U.A. Studio Promo Video Shooting PART 6: The Teacher's Cherry Blossom Picnic (N/A) Horikoshi’s Comment
CHAPTER 1: The Red Ogre Who Doesn’t Cry?
The chapter takes place in February before the Meta Liberation War but after Aizawa and Present Mic visit Kurogiri at Tartarus.
It’s still Winter, and the sakura are not blooming yet. Class A undergo an exercise with Aizawa and Eri to teach her the Japanese holiday “Setsubun” (Coming of Spring).
During Setsubun, it is common to play traditional games with children where one person acts as the “oni” (ogre) and the children chase the “oni” around and throw beans at them, symbolizing chasing away the bad to the bring in good fortune. Class A are emulating this and are divided into two teams, the “Oni” team and the “Momotarou” team.
They get placed in the teams based on a random draw of tickets. Kaminari teases Bakugou saying that he looks like an ogre, so by appearances alone, he would belong on the Oni team without even drawing the ticket. Bakugou gets angry, but Aizawa tells them to finish drawing the tickets.
The teams are Momotarou Team: Deku, Ochako, Tsuyu, Mineta, Kaminari, Jirou, Sero, Ashido, Ojiro, Hagakure, Satou, and Koda.
The Oni Team is Bakugou, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Iida, Shoji, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, and Aoyama.
Iida asks why the teams are unbalanced as there are far more people on the Momotarou team than the Oni team. The rules are that each team has to either throw beans at each other (Momotarou team members) or get hit by an ogre club (Oni team members) to get that team member out. The Momotarou team needs to hit an ogre three times with a bean to get that person out whereas the Oni team only needs to hit the opponent with the ogre club once to get them out.
The only way for the Momotarou team to win is if they can rescue Eri, who is being held “hostage” by the Oni Team. Aizawa then stares at Bakugou, and Bakugou feels uneasy. He then explains that he has a special assignment for Bakugou, which is he will need to get along with Eri.
Bakugou doesn’t get why this is necessary. The rest of Class A are also surprised as to why Bakugou has this task. Aizawa explains that in order to save people, you can’t just grab them with no care and hope they survive. Doing so makes you seem like the villain instead. If he keeps up his scary demeanor, then in the event he’s trying to save a child, if the child starts crying, then it’ll also attract the attention of the villain. Therefore, this exercise is to help Bakugou control his emotions and attitude around children.
Bakugou is annoyed that he has to do this task but keeps quiet anyway.  The Oni team proceed to scale the mountain, and Kirishima comes up to Bakugou and says “seems like you’ve got a real tough task there. I’ll work with you, and we can befriend Eri together!” and Iida says “of course, let’s all work together!” Yaoyorozu voices concern, wondering if Bakugou can actually get along with Eri. Aoyama suggests that Bakugou brings out a dashing sparkly smile, just like him and Midoriya. Todoroki also adds that since Midoriya is close to Eri, all Bakugou needs to do is imitate what Midoriya does.
Bakugou yells at Todoroki and says that even if the world gets flipped upside down, he would never copy Deku’s moves.
Meanwhile, the Momotarou team are heading to the forest but are also worried about Bakugou trying to get along with Eri. Deku wonders if Kacchan will be okay with Eri, and the rest of the team members also wonder how it will go. They decide that the best thing they can do is just try to save Eri in either case.
The Oni team on the other hand are trying to warm up to Eri. Eri looks really nervous, so they decide to introduce themselves to her. Kirishima and Yaoyorozu both greet her, and Kirishima knows her since they met during the Overhaul mission. Yaoyorozu also knows Eri since she saw her when she accompanied Ochako to the Teacher’s Dormitory several times. The others were not very familiar with her. Eri still looks nervous, especially since Bakugou is behind her staring at her as well.
He scoffs, and Iida reprimands him, saying that it’s not nice to click your tongue in front of a little girl. Bakugou tells him to shut up. However, the teachers who take care of Eri also sometimes use rough language in front her too.
They eventually get to the location where Eri is supposed to stay with Bakugou. The buzzer rings in the air, signaling that the game has started.
Kirishima looks at Bakugou a bit worriedly and says that in either case, Bakugou should look after Eri.
As he says this, both Bakugou and Eri stare at each other in surprise, and feeling awkward, both avert their gaze.
As the Momotarou team approaches to try to save Eri, Hagakure quietly comes around to sneak up on them, but as she does, she steps on a fallen branch on the floor. Shoji notices and Hagakure tries to run away, but Shoji whacks her with the ogre club. Hagakure is out.
Sero uses his tape to swing through the branches. However, he notices that Iida is on his tail. Iida is able to catch up to him and swings his club. Sero is out too.
Ojiro hears Aizawa’s voice ringing across the mountains and says, “man, already two out?” He then runs into Kirishima, who’s holding the ogre club casually on his shoulder. Kirishima says this is the end of the line for Ojiro.
Kirishima smirks and Ojiro puts on a bitter smile. The two proceed to duke it out.
Meanwhile, Tsuyu and Deku are trying to sneak up towards Eri’s location, but Todoroki stops them with a wall of ice. Tsuyu uses her tongue to wrap around Deku to save him from the ice. She tells Deku to go ahead as she tries to hold Todoroki back. He easily freezes her legs and chases after Deku.
It’s been a while since Deku sparred with Todoroki, and the two of them smile playfully at each other like children as they proceed to fight.
Jirou and Ochako are also trying to sneak up to where Eri is being held “hostage,” but they suddenly hear sounds coming from a distance, which they deem to be Todoroki and Deku. They try to proceed but are intercepted by Yaoyorozu. They try to throw beans at her, but Yaoyorozu makes a vacuum cleaner and uses it to suck up all the beans.
Tokoyami then appears up above and uses Dark Shadow to whack both Jirou and Ochako. The battle is heating up.
As the others are fighting, Bakugou is in the small hut with Eri, and silence fills the room. Bakugou is still trying to figure out why exactly he has to do this task. He wonders if Aizawa is trying to teach Eri about Stockholm Syndrome but then berates himself for even thinking that silly thought.
He thinks to himself “what the hell do you even talk about with kids!?” He then thinks about Todoroki’s words about how Deku is close with Eri, so all he needs to do is copy what Deku did. He yells “goddamnit!!” and accidentally surprises Eri.
Bakugou is adamant to not copy Deku, so he resolves to just doing what he’d think is best for this situation. He tries to think about how to get a kid to open up to him while he’s in the role of the “ogre.”
He then thinks to himself, “as if there’s something like that!” He goes through a bit of an internal struggle but then settles on asking Eri what is her favorite food.
Eri responds, “Oh…? Um….a—apples…”
Eri looks confused, and Bakugou struggles internally again and says, “what are you, some kinda damn weirdo…!?”
Outside, the battle has turned as Tokoyami managed to get Ochako, Jirou, Ashido, and Ojiro out. The only ones left on the Momotarou team are Deku, Tsuyu, Kaminari, Mineta, Satou, and Kouda. The Oni team has no outs at all.
The Momotarou team regroups and tries to figure out a good strategy on what to do. They only have five members left, and they’re also running low on beans. Mineta asks if Deku has a plan, and Deku proceeds to open his mouth to explain when…
Back at the the hut, their fears became true. Bakugou hardly made any progress befriending Eri. Iida tries to get Eri to warm up to Bakugou by saying, “Eri-chan-kun, Bakugou might look the way he is, but he actually has some good parts too! Right, everyone!?”
He hopes that if they can all talk about Bakugou’s good side, then maybe Eri would warm up to him.
Kirishima says, “Even though Bakugou looks the way he is, he’s a straightforward guy who will never tell lies!” Kirishima gives a thumbs up and smiles at Bakugou. Yaoyorozu adds, “That’s right! Bakugou might look this way, but umm…oh uh..that’s right! He has great table manners! He’s very neat!”
With Yaoyorozu’s words of encouragement, Shoji also adds “Bakugou might uh, look like…look like this but uh…he gets up early! I’ve never seen him rush in the morning!”
Shoji then looks towards Tokoyami, and Tokoyami says “what, me!?” He then says, “Bakugou might look like err, this…but…oh right. He cleans up the bathroom sink well after he uses it, wiping away all the water splatters.”
Todoroki then adds, “Bakugou might look like this uh….might look like this…?”
Todoroki ponders a bit and gets quiet. Aoyama butts in and says “I’ll go first! Bakugou might look like this but has talents! For example, he wears his pants really low, but they actually never fall down!”
Todoroki remembers what he wants to say and continues with, “Bakugou might look like this, but he takes his studies seriously. He is also Midoriya’s childhood friend.”
Bakugou gets mad and says, “What the hell! Why are you saying that my good side is being childhood friends with that damn nerd Deku!?”
Upon hearing Deku’s name, Eri asks, “Oh, Deku-san?”
Even though Eri seemed interested in the conversation, Bakugou goes on to yell at Todoroki, saying that he never wanted to be childhood friends with Deku. He also asks why the hell is everyone saying “he might look like this…” when trying to talk about him?
Everyone realizes he’s got a point, and they get quiet. Todoroki says, “my bad.”
They then go back to strategizing on how to get the other five Momotarou members out. They know that their opponents are running out of beans, so the only plan they probably have is to try to take Eri.
Suddenly, a long tongue wraps around Aoyama. He screams, and Kirishima tries to help him. Iida follows them.
Deku and the others are jumping through the trees. Mineta throws his mogi mogi sticky balls at them, and they get stuck. Koda then summons a murder of crows to distract them. Satou then makes a hole in the ground, and they all fall down.
Kaminari then zaps them, making the freeze in their tracks. The Momotarou team throws beans at the fallen victims, and Iida, Aoyama, Todoroki, Kirishima, Tokoyami, Shoji, and Yaoyorozu all get out at the same time.
Even though Kirishima is out, he pleads to Deku, saying, “I know it’s probably weird to ask of you guys since you’re on the opposite team, but please help Bakugou get along with Eri, I’m begging you!”
Kirishima puts his hands together to plead. Deku asks Kirishima, “is it really that bad?” and Kirishima nods his head. Iida also mentions that they haven’t made any progress, so please lend them a hand.
Deku and the other Momotaro team members agree to help Bakugou get along with Eri. They think of a strategy and recall a popular folktale called “The Red Oni Who Cried.” They will play a game of “ogres out, fortune in” where they will act like the ogres, and when Bakugou helps defeat them, it will make him look better in front of Eri. This might let her warm up to him.
Back at the hut, Bakugou hears that everyone on his team is out except him. He knows that if they come for him, then there’s no way the Oni team can win.
However, Tsuyu stealthily hands Bakugou a note using her tongue. He reads it and says, “so I’m the red ogre?” The Momotaro team act tough and say “ohh, I’m the villain!” and “I’m here to take the girl!” to sound more intimidating. Bakugou gets angry and takes the ogre club and says, “if you’re not coming in, then I’m coming after you!!”
Bakugou readies his explosions, and Deku realizes if he lets it out, he might actually destroy the entire hut. Deku says, “Wa—wait, Kacchan!” and Bakugou says, “Stop moving, damnit, Deku!!”
Deku tells him to remember his special assignment with Eri! Bakugou doesn’t care and is about to swing the club at Deku when he hears Eri say, “ogres out, fortune in…!”
Bakugou feels something small hit him. It turns out that Eri actually had the beans and was part of the Momotarou team too! She gets Bakugou out, and the Momotarou Team wins!
Eri says she didn’t know when she would have the chance to throw the beans at him to escape. Deku looks at Eri and thanks her for saving him. Bakugou sees Eri looks much different than earlier, and he says “You…did well…”
Eri was scared that Bakugou might be mad at her, but her eyes widen as she hears what he says to her. Bakugou says, “Hey, I’m just saying this to someone who was held captive, all right!?”
Deku’s eyes widen as he tells Eri that Bakugou actually complimented her, which means she really did a good job! He continues to praise her, and Bakugou says “I didn’t compliment her, I was just speaking my mind!”
After Thirteen comes to pick Eri up to see her safely home, Aizawa tells Class A that although the Momotarou team won, they shouldn’t have wasted time doing something aside from the assignment. The class dejectedly say “Yes, sir.” Aizawa then turns to Bakugou and says that Eri’s impression of Bakugou got better compared to before the class started.
She told Aizawa that she was happy he complimented her and that he probably worked his best to try to act like an ogre. Kaminari then lets out a laugh and says, “Pfft, you think he was trying his best to act? That’s just how he is!!” and Bakugou yells, “shut the hell up!” Aizawa tells Bakugou that he at least passed his special assignment.
Kirishima then comes up to Bakugou and throws an arm across his shoulder. He exclaims, “You did it, Bakugou! I knew you would pass!”
Iida says that seeing Bakugou pass makes him happy as Class President. Ochako and the others all offer words of praise as well. Bakugou says they’re being damn annoying. Aizawa watches his class as he says with a hint of happiness “getting along, huh.”
Chapter 2, 3, and 5 in text format will be posted soon. For now, please check the links to my Twitter threads!
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aitaikimochi · 3 years
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My Hero Academia DRAWING SMASH Exhibition Master Thread + Audio Guide Summary Translation!
1) All My Hero Academia DRAWING SMASH Tweets and Info 2) Horikoshi’s Interview about the Exhibition 3) Pre-Order MHA Exhibition Merchandise
FULL AUDIO GUIDE SUMMARY TRANSLATION: 1) Welcome Message 2) Roaring Sports Festival 3) The Test 4) My Hero Academia School Briefs 5) ULTRA HEROES 6) WANTED VILLAINS 7) ONE FOR ALL 8) ONE’S JUSTICE 9) Ending Credits
All Might introduces and welcomes us to the My Hero Academia DRAWING SMASH Exhibition. Deku is also there and says that while listening to this audio guide, please don’t stop movnig as you will hold up the line and flow of traffic. He explains that the Exhibition is split into many different areas, and there’s tons of hand-drawn panels by Horikoshi-sensei on display too. There is also a section in the Exhibition that focuses on the anime too! All Might tells Deku that there’s a section dedicated to All Might himself, and Deku gets super excited and turns to Bakugou and says, “Kacchan, did you hear that? Uh Kacchan? Where are you?” Deku tries looking for Bakugou, but Aizawa comes and tells Deku to move along the line.
Ochako waves at Deku and says, “over here, Deku!” Deku goes to where she’s standing and looks at the different manga panels from the Sports Festival. He says thanks to Ochako, Tokoyami, and Hatsume, they were able to win that fight in the Sports Festival. Ochako sees her fight with Bakugou and says he was too strong, but she really wanted to win that fight for her Mom and Dad. Deku tells her it’s okay because she definitely tried her best. Ochako gets a bit flustered at this. Bakugou then passes by and asks, “Who did their best? No matter how many times I fight Deku, I’d obviously always win. But if Deku maybe was a bit more buff, he could PERHAPS put up a fight.” Ochako exclaims, “WOAH! Bakugou praised him! It’s definitely going to snow tomorrow.” Bakugou tells her to shut up.
Deku sees the next panel, which is the fight between himself and Todoroki. Ochako excitedly recites the line Deku said to Todoroki, which was the “It’s your power isn’t it!?” line. Deku gets embarrassed and tells her to stop. Todoroki thanks Deku and says it’s because of him that he remembered why exactly he wanted to be a hero in the first place. Bakugou yells at them for being sappy and gross. They then turn their attention to the panels featuring the fight between Todoroki and Bakugou. Deku said Todoroki performed really well, but Bakugou’s Howitzer Impact move was super strong. Bakugou yells that he doesn’t want to be reminded of his unwarranted victory from that fight. Todoroki apologizes.
Ochako says that Bakugou’s poor performance made his image look really bad since it was broadcasted on national television, but Bakugou says he could care less. Todoroki says he’s sorry he didn’t fight his best as he was troubled during that fight, but his head is clear now. Todoroki says he will be a proper hero. Deku says he wants to be like All Might. Bakugou says he wants to surpass All Might. Aizawa then comes and tells the group to move along as they are holding up the line.
Deku explains that after the Sports Festival, the Hero Class went on internships with Pro Heroes. Todoroki mentions that during this time, the villains started to make moves in society, such as when they encountered Stain. Deku then goes on to say that after the Stain encounter, their class went to do the Forest Training during the Summer. Ochako remarks that Bakugou got kidnapped during this training period, and Bakugou tells her to shut up. Todoroki then explains that he, Iida, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, and Midoriya went to save him. Bakugou continues to tell everyone to shut up. Deku then says he’s glad they were successful in saving Bakugou, all thanks to Kirishima. Bakugou says, “I told you guys to stop talking about this!”
Deku then talks about the next moment in the timeline, which was the Provisional License Exam. Ochako said she trained so hard using her Zero Gravity quirk that just thinking about it now makes her want to throw up. Deku says that even though it was really difficult to train for the exam, the training did help him master using the Shoot Style with his legs as well. Todoroki mentions that the move Midoriya came up with using his feet was very strong, and Deku said that he also got used to it. Deku thanks Hatsume for making the costume and shoes for him.
Ochako says the Provisional License Exam this year in particular was difficult as the passing rate was abysmally low. She asks Bakugou if the Provisional License Exam was difficult, and Bakugou says “shut up don’t remind me.” Todoroki then says, “Yeah, it must have sucked to fail the Provisional License Exam” and Bakugou says, “What the hell- you failed too!” Deku tells them all to calm down. He says that Bakugou’s team did well in the first exam thanks to Kaminari’s new technique made possible by the point shooter gear he got from Hatsume. Bakugou once again tells everyone to shut up.
Todoroki recalls that their entire class did well in the first round, but he personally messed up in the second round, which caused him to fail the exam. Bakugou mocks him and says “what a loser, failing the exam” and Ochako says “but you failed too.” Bakugou yells “SHUT THE HELL UP!!!”
This entire track is a recap of various events that happened at U.A. Academy on campus. Deku starts off by saying he was so nervous when he first started school at U.A. but was thankful that he was able to make friends with Iida and Ochako so quickly. Bakugou scoffs and says, “isn’t it because you just didn’t have any friends in middle school?” Deku nervously says, “I think I had a few friends…!” Todoroki asks Deku why he didn’t deny it though.
Ochako remembers that Aizawa first asked the class to test their quirks, and Aizawa comes in and says he did that because he wanted to see their potential. Deku gets nervous and wonders if Aizawa came up to them because they were holding up the line, but Aizawa said he didn’t even say anything.
Todoroki said being part of the Hero Class meant that they had tons of different types of classes, and it was sometimes quite confusing. Ochako says even though it was difficult, it was still fun, such as when they had to decide on their hero names. Bakugou scoffs and says, “Stupid Deku actually chose his Hero Name as ‘Deku’ the hell? Did he finally lose it?” Deku rebutts and says, “But I actually like that as my Hero name!” Bakugou asks Deku, “What’s so good about that name?” Deku then asks Bakugou if he had decided on a hero name yet, and Bakugou says, “Nah, I’m not gonna tell you.” Deku replies, “What, why not?”
Aizawa reminisces and says that Deku and Bakugou fought really well against All Might during the Final Exam. Bakugou said he did that so he could win against All Might. If it wasn’t for that why would he team up with Deku? Bakugou then yells, “Stupid Deku! I’m gonna Kill you!” and Deku gets confused as to why he’s saying this. Ochako mentions that saying stuff like that would definitely get them cut from all Hero interviews, and Todoroki mentions that they should be careful about what they say.
Bakugou gets mad and says he’s going to kill all three of them, and Deku asks, “so now you’re targeting 3 people!?”
Aizawa reprimands them and Deku apologizes, promising that he won’t argue anymore. Aizawa keeps a firm stance to Bakugou too. He tells Bakugou that heroes need to use their quirks to save people, not kill them. Bakugou says it wasn’t like he was actually going to do that, he’s not that kind of person.
All Might steps in and says they should put this behind them. He suggests that they should just go and see the other stuff in the Exhibition together in the U.A. area. He sees that there’s a section made just for Mineta. Deku says, “Wow it’s full of Mineta scenes!” Ochako looks at it and says, “Oh, how nice” and Bakugou says, “hmph, it’s just a place to show off an animal.” Todoroki asks Bakugou if he’s jealous that Mineta has the spotlight, and Bakugou says, “Ha! As if!!”
All might sees the Cultural Festival area and says, “Oh! This is the time when U.A. Academy held the Cultural Festival!” Ochako mentions that it was really fun. All might says Class A performed with both a band and a dance team. Deku mentions that during the Cultural Festival, the whole school gets together to create activities and open stands around the campus, and it’s not just the Hero Class but the General and Economics classes also join in too. All Might asks who’s idea was it to do the dance for Class A? Deku says it was Todoroki’s idea. Todoroki said he just thought it would be nice to have something that everyone can participate and have fun, and Deku says it was a great idea.
Ochako says everyone was able to participate in it too. Deku mentions Jirou was the one in charge of leading the band, Ashido was in charge of the dance team. Todoroki said they did well using their quirks to create a great performance. Ochako says she didn’t expect Bakugou to actually participate and play the drums for them, and she recites his line, “Let’s kill ‘em with sound!” Bakugou scoffs at her and Todoroki asks Bakugou, “why do you get angry when people praise you?” Bakugou replies, “What the hell are you even talking about!?”
Todoroki goes on to say that Jirou’s performance during the song was really great. Bakugou yells at hiim to stop changing the subject!
All Might asks if Deku enjoyed the Cultural Festival. He answers that it was really fun, and seeing people outside of their class was awesome, such as Eri as well. Deku mentions that they were able to finally let her smile, and that made him so happy. Aizawa also agrees.
All Might says it’s important for heroes to bring smiles to people’s faces. He tells them to never forget that. Deku says, “Of course, All Might!” Aizawa says to Deku that he’s stopping in line again. Deku apologizes, and All Might asks them to hurry along down the line.
This track plays in the area where you see all the Hero panels. The heroes on display are Mirko, Bakugou, Ochako, Deku, Todoroki, Hawks, Endeavor, Amajiki, Kirishima, Mirio, and Nejire. Ochako says, “woah, there’s so many heroes!” Deku gets excited and sees the first Hero, Mirko. He goes on a ramble saying she’s ranked #5 in the Hero Ranking, her quirk is using her bunny abilities. He says that Mirko has not only a ton of male fans, but female fans as well. Bakugou snickers at Deku and exclaims, “you’re such a Hero nerd!”
Ochako mentions that the next Hero after Mirko is Bakugou. Deku introduces Bakugou, saying “This is Bakugou Katsuki. He’s enrolled in U.A. Academy and sits in Seat #17 in Class A. He has a hero name, but he won’t tell him…”
Bakugou gets angry. Todoroki then continues and says, “His quirk is explosions by using nitroglycerin that he emits from his hands.”
Bakugou tells them to shut up.
Todoroki ignores Bakugou and continues with, “His personality is…”
Bakugou screams, “SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!”
And Todoroki finishes with, “…like that.”
Ochako then sees herself and says, “Oh it’s me!!” She explains her quirk and how she can cause anything to float if she touches then, but if she puts her fingers together, she can release the zero gravity as well. Bakugou then mentions that she also throws up if she uses her quirk too much. Ochako gets embarrassed and says that he really did not need to say that!
Deku says they should go on to the next person, which is him. He introduces himself as Midoriya Izuku, and his hero name is Deku. He whispers, “My quirk is…One For All…Please read the manga to find out more about it…” Todoroki asks Deku why he’s whispering, and Deku gets nervous and says, “Oh, it’s nothing at all!”
Deku sees that next up is Todoroki. Ochako introduces Todoroki and says “his full name is Todoroki Shouto, anad his hero name is just like his first name, Shouto!” Todoroki explains his quirk, and Deku says he has a truly impressive quirk since he can combine them together to create awesome attacks. Todoroki says he still needs to polish his quirk, and Ochako mentions he’s a very stoic person.
The next hero is Hawks, and Deku gets excited, saying “Oh it’s the winged hero Hawks!” Deku goes on to ramble details about Hawks, such as him being Rank #2 on the Hero Ranking Billboard, his quirk is using his feathers, but he keeps going on and Ochako says, “Ahh, maybe we should move on to the next one!”
Next up is Endeavor. Todoroki explains that Endeavor’s Quirk is called “Hell Flame.” He can emit fire at extremely high temperatures, but if he overuses his quirk, he gets burned instead. Deku says on that note, Todoroki’s quirk is better than his father’s since he can use the ice part to cool himself down. Todoroki muses that perhaps he does have an advantage over his Father.
The next Hero in line is Amajiki Tamaki. Deku introduces him as part of U.A. Academy’s Big 3. His hero name is Sun Eater. His quirk is transforming parts of his body into animals, and he can do this by eating food of that animal. Ochako explains further that if he eats takoyaki, he can use octopus arms, if he eats fried chicken, he can use the chickens legs. She then goes off saying, “tuna, beef, fish roe, mochi…” Todoroki asks if she just suddenly started rambling on about food because she just wants to eat those food, and Ochako says “I’m hungry…”
Deku sees that the next hero is Kirishima. He asks Bakugou to introduce Kirishima since they’re friends. Bakugou says, “What do you mean friends? He’s just my lackey!” Deku says, “Err…okay, Kirishima Eijirou, Hero name Red Riot. His quirk is Hardening.” Bakugou then scoffs saying, “He’s just an idiot who gets hard, that’s all!” Ochako comments, saying, “Well, you don’t need to be shy about it!” Bakugou then yells, “I’m not being shy!”
Todoroki moves the conversation along and mentions that the next Hero is Mirio-senpai. Deku introduces Mirio’s hero name as Lemillion and mentions his quirk allows him to go through things. Ochako says that according to Aizawa-sensei, Mirio is the closest to being the same rank as the Number 1 Hero. Bakugou grumbles and says, “No, I’M the one who’s going to be Number 1!” Ochako says, “Right…of course you are…” and Bakugou gets furious, saying, “YOU DARE MAKE FUN OF ME!?”
Ochako notices that the next Hero is Nejire Hado. She introduces her and says her Hero name is Nejire-chan. Ochako explains how her quirk works, and Deku remarks that Nejire can also use it to fly. Ochako adds that Nejire also won the U.A. Beauty Contest during the Cultural Festival.
Todoroki says after seeing all the Heroes lined up like this, everyone truly has amazing quirks. Bakugou says they’re all underlings compared to him though. Ochako says, “Right…of course…” and Bakugou explodes once again, asking,  “What the hell, are you making fun of me?” and Ochako repeats, “right…of course” to which Bakugou curses. Deku says to the group, “We really should be moving down the line now…”
Aizawa asks All Might to look at the new data he pulled up on the computer about the League of Villains. The first villain they look at is the various Nomu. The file says that the Nomus are injected with quirks that are stolen or enhanced from either themselves or other people. The next villain is Stain, who Aizawa mentions killed many heroes that he deemed unfit to be a Hero. His quirk is being able to control people by drinking their blood. All Might says the next villain in the file is Gigantomachia. Aizawa mentions that aside from being able to make his body gigantic, not much is known about Gigantomachia’s quirk. What they do know is that he works for All For One.
The villain after that is Twice with a quirk that allows him to multiply hiimself.
All Might mentions that the next villain file is Shigaraki. Aizawa says he’s the current leader for the League of Villains. His quirk is the formidable disintegration quirk that can disintegrate anything that he touches with five fingers. Next up is Dabi. Aizawa mentions that his quirk is unknown but he has been seen using blue fire. Aizawa remembers fighting against Dabi during the Forest Training, and he saw that blue fire.
All Might pulls up Toga’s file afterwards. Aizawa mentions that she can turn into anyone if she has even just a sip of their blood. The villain after her is Mr. Compress, who is able to compress and decompress things or people. He can also use it on multiple objects at the same time.
The villain after Twice is Re Destro, who is the leader of the Meta Liberation Army. Aizawa says that his quirk is stress, which he builds up to release immense power.
All Might then opens All For One’s file. Aizawa says that they really don’t know anything about his quirk. The villain after him is the Doctor, who also has an unknown quirk. They do have information that the Doctor is the one in charge of creating the gruesome Nomu and High End Nomu too.
All Might mentions the League of Villains is probably plotting something even though he fought All For One and sent many of them to Tartarus. Aizawa said they must be scheming something since if the incident with the High End nomu is any indication. All Might says even if the League of Villains is on the move, the Heroes will not lose to them.
Track 7 is a monologue by All Might. It plays in the All Might section of the Exhibition where manga panels of All Might are on display as well as a ton of decoration with All Might on the walls as well.
All might says that in order to create a society where people can freely smile and feel safe, it was necessary to have a Symbol of Peace. He wanted to be a pillar where people can depend on and smile when they see him. All Might says he inherited One For All to do just that. He is the 8th successor of One For All, and all previous One For All holders and he worked together to try to defeat All For One. However, even if they lose their lives in the fight against All For One, their hope still passes onto their successors.
They need to be Symbols of Peace for the people. All Might says he wants to be the person who can bring smiles to people’s faces. No matter what happens, he needs to keep on smiling. Those who are able to keep smiling are the strongest. That’s why he smiles.
He says that Young Midoriya and he were both quirkless. But after meeting Midoriya and seeing the strong willpower that he possessed, he knew that he had to mentor him to be his successor. All Might says to Midoriya, “Everything, from One For All to my own feelings in my heart, I entrust them all to you. Young Midoriya, you’re next.”
Track 8 plays in the room where there’s panels leading up to the Paranormal Liberation War Arc. All Might starts off the audio track by explaining the big war between the Villains and the Pro-Heroes, which the U.A. Academy heroes in training also participated in. Endeavor, Miruko, and Eraserhead were dispatched to the lair of the Villains where Shigaraki unfortunately awoken as well. Once he woke up, he began destroying people and things one after another. However, the Heroes did not waver and fought back to villains while protecting the civilians.
What the villains want is to create a new world without heroes.
What Shigaraki wants is to destroy everything.
What Midoriya wants is to protect everyone with a smile.
What Bakugou wants is to be the best hero and not lose to anyone.
What All Might wishes is if Young Midoriya and Young Bakugou can work together and acknowledge each other, they can both become who they want to be.
To save and win, to win and save.
All Might says if they are able to do this, they can become the Strongest Heroes.
Deku then exclaims, “Go forward, Midoriya Izuku! Use the power All Might entrusted in you to save people. I will save and win!”
Bakugou then says, “I will win and save! That’s Bakugou Katsukis’ way of life on the path to become the Number One Hero!”
All Might ends the track with the line, “To destroy the word or to save it. One For All’s successor Midoriya Izuku fights head on with All For One’s successor, Shigaraki Tomura.”
All Might says he’s come to send us off and thank us for visiting the exhibition! Deku also says thanks for coming. Ochako asks if we had fun? Todoroki says they were able to relive a bunch of different moments at this exhibition. He says he is thankful for it, and Deku agrees. Ochako asks Bakugou how was the exhibition? Bakugou says screw this- they should all go back inside and just focus on everything Bakugou related, forget about the Villains or anyone else. Todoroki says, “Well, if we do that we’ll need to reserve tickets again so…”
Aizawa asks All Might to do the closing message. All Might thanks us again for visiting, but things don’t just end here! The world of My Hero Academia will only keep getting bigger and bigger! Deku hopes that we can always cheer them on.
All Might then leads everyone in saying “GO BEYOND, PLUS ULTRA!!!”
Deku says to us, “Let’s meet again soon, everyone!” He then turns to All Might saying, “That’s good right? Oh, oh crap I still need to get in line to buy the limited edition goods only sold at the Exhibition! Wait let me go line up ahhh!” and scurries off.
All Might then laughs and says “as expected of the headstrong Young Midoriya!”
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aitaikimochi · 3 years
Here’s the translation for the new Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia Reno bonus story content, released on December 16th, 2020 for the Japanese version of the game! Highlights: -Reno and Rude know that this world is an alternate universe -Rude helped pick fruit off a tall tree for Tidus and Rinoa -Reno used to go out drinking with the Turks and picks up the tab -He said Turks work is difficult, but he’s glad he did it because he was able to meet Rude -Desch says to Reno it's important to encounter friends and meet someone precious to you -Reno explains how the Turks aren't really bad guys
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aitaikimochi · 3 years
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I noticed that some people didn't know much about Reno and Rude's epic bromance outside of the major FF7 compilation installments (OG FF7, Advent Children, Crisis Core, FF7R), so I compiled a list of moments from lesser known but official sources (light novels, Ultimania, etc.)! Enjoy~
FF7 On The Way To A Smile - Episode Shinra Light Novel (2009)
-Rude loves thrills.
-For Rude, It’s too painful to imagine a life without the Turks.
-During Meteorfall, Reno and Rude are alone together and seek refuge in the Shinra building bathroom stalls because Rude wanted to go back to the building to get his tool kit.
-Rude apologizes and notices that Reno’s tone is different from his usual self. Reno asks Rude, “Hey Rude, we’ve been together for a long time.” Rude says, “Yup.” Reno then asks “We’re partners, right?” and Rude says “Sure.”
-Reno then goes to Rude’s stall and kicks in the door. Rude is surprised and asks why Reno kicked the stall’s door. Reno says, “I want to give one last thrill to my partner. Thrills- you love ‘em.” Rude says it’s not enough.
-They leave the building together to see the destruction caused by the Lifestream.
-Reno looks around and says “Holy shit is that the Lifestream!?” Rude turns to him and says, “Reno…”
-Reno says “Yeah?” and Rude answers, “This is amazing.”
-Later in the chapter, Reno frowns and is worried about Geostigma and asks Rude why Rufus was putting his trust into the sketchy Doctor Kilmister. Reno wonders why he and Rude hasn’t contracted the disease yet.
-Rude cheers him up by lightly punching his arm and says, “Hey partner, how about a sparring session? We haven’t done that in a while.”
-Reno asks why, and Rude explains “Exercising both your mind and body can prevent sickness.”
Reno calls him an old fart but gets ready anyway.
Reference: Japanese version of the On The Way To A Smile light novel
FF7 The Kids Are All Right: A Turks Side Story Light Novel (2011)
-Reno’s Profile (official English version):
“[…] Reno also values his relationships, especially the strong connection he shares with his partner, Rude. He also comes to care about Evan and Kyrie, and he starts keeping an eye on them from afar.”
-Rude’s Profile (official English version):
“Reno’s long-term partner and one of the Turks’ elite operatives […] Taciturn but compassionate, Rude ends up joining his partner in watching over Evan and Kyrie.”
-Evan describes Reno and Rude as “they are always together, like a fork and a knife.”
-Rude thinks that Evan might find it annoying that Reno is trying to meddle with family affairs. Rude thinks to himself “My comrades are all I ever need.”
-Reno and Rude end up stranded and away from Rufus, Tseng, and Elena. Reno tells Rude “You’re all I have, man. The Director and Elena aren’t answering our calls, and the Boss just tells us to finish the Monument. They’re definitely up to something. We’re outcasts. You and me, me and you, if we don’t stick together then what?”
-Rude is the only person capable of falling asleep in a car despite Reno’s reckless driving.
Reference: Japanese version of the light novel Chapters 3, 12, 19
FF7R (2020)
-When you cast Sleep on Rude, he says Reno’s name in his sleep.
References: Chapter 8 or 12 Boss Battles
FF7R Ultimania Book (2020)
-Reno only expresses his doubts and worries in front of Rude.
-Rude greatly cares about his friends.
-Reno and Rude work together in perfect sync.
Reference: Pages 52, 53, 641
FF7R Material Ultimania Book (2020)
-Rude worries about Reno’s reckless fighting due to his “professionalism.”
-Rude is willing to risk his own life to protect Reno.
-Scenario Coordinator Oishi says the scene when Rude tosses the EMR to Reno shows a glimpse of their responsibility and readiness for Shinra as well as the bond that Reno shares with his partner.
Reference: Pages 103, 282
FF7 10th Anniversary Ultimania (2007)
-Reno loves gossip, so that’s why he asked Rude who he likes in the OG FF7 Gongaga scene.
-Although Reno likes hearing about other people’s gossip, he never reveals much about himself though, and that’s part of his aesthetic.
-When Reno heard about Rude dating someone (in Before Crisis), he was more keen on figuring out this mission than any other mission he’s ever done.
Reference: Page 94
FF7 Before Crisis (2007)
-In the bonus Episode Reno, Rude is grumpy all day during a mission. After they complete the mission, Reno asks if he’s still mad and says “I can’t have my partner stay mad like this.”
-Rude says he’s just peachy. Reno then says they should have a competition on who can obtain the “target” the fastest. Rude is confused what Reno is referring to. Reno says the target is Rude’s usual pair of sunglasses that’s undergoing repair since he’s wearing a spare right now.
-Reno mentions that they’ve been partners for a very long time, so of course he noticed Rude was wearing a spare pair of sunglasses all day, which affected his mood.
-Rude can easily recall and remember a lot of different random quotes and sayings that Reno said to him early on in their partnership.
-Reno and Rude have a near perfect record for completing missions successfully.
-In Chapter 4, Rude and the player are on a ship with AVALANCHE hostages, and one of the hostages named Sears escapes. The player says they should get Reno to come join them for back-up. Rude says to let him sleep as he was taking a nap in the ship quarters.
-Rude gets hurt by Sears in the fight. Reno wakes up from his nap and finds Rude on the floor and injured. Reno asks Rude who did this to him, but Rude doesn’t answer. Reno then goes and hunts down Sears.
-Rude eventually joins Reno at Costa Del Sol and the two of them find Sears at the beach and easily defeat him. Reno asks Rude what he would have done if no one came to help him, and Rude says he knew Reno would come for him as they have been together for a long time, so he knows how Reno thinks.
-In Chapter 6 of the game, when Reno tells Rude they should go home to the Turks company housing after a day’s work, Rude excuses himself to go somewhere. Reno gets suspicious about this and asks the player to follow Rude. The player tells Reno they saw Rude on a date with a woman (named Chelsea).
-Reno then secretly follows Rude on another one of his dates with the girl but sees that she’s actually an AVALANCHE spy who’s trying to use him to get information.
-Reno approaches Rude about this, but Rude says he already knew.
-Rude tells Chelsea he has something to tell her and to meet him on Christmas Eve in front of the Illuminated Christmas Tree in Midgar that symbolizes undying love. On the day of, Rude waits in front of the tree to see what Chelsea will do.
-Chelsea never turns up, and the player and Reno follow her to see what’s going on. They see that she tells AVALANCHE she cannot carry out her duty because she had feelings for Rude. She then leaves and tells the player that perhaps they can meet again in another life.
-The player returns to the tree to see that Rude is there standing alone in the cold. The player tells Rude that Chelsea said she can never meet him again. The player asks if he will chase after her, but Rude said she made up her mind. Rude is about to leave the area but stops as the person who does appear on Christmas Eve in front of an Illuminated Christmas Tree that apparently symbolizes undying love, is none other than Reno.
-Reno teases Rude and calls him a sentimentalist. He then says they should all go back home together to Turks base.
Reference: Chapters 4, 6, Episode Reno
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aitaikimochi · 3 years
BNHA Team Up Mission Spin-Off Manga Chapter 9 Summary Translation
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The Boku No Hero Academia TEAM UP MISSION manga Chapter 9 follows Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kirishima as they team up with Shiketsu's Camie to act in a stage play at a theme park. The chapter is really hilarious and lighthearted. 
The title of the chapter is “That’s Totally Overdoing the Illusion!”
Here's the entire chapter summary! Enjoy~
Boku No Hero Academia TEAM UP MISSION
By Akiyama Youkou
Chapter 9 That’s Totally Overdoing the Illusion!
The chapter starts off with Bakugou, Kirishima, and Todoroki on a Team Up Mission at a theme park called “Future World.” They arrive at the theme park and Kirishima says the theme park is amazing. Todoroki notes that it’s really big, and Bakugou says, “Whatever, it’s just for kids.” They then are approached by Camie, who says, “Omg no way! U.A. is like, here too??”
Camie says “I’m like so totally excited to be meeting up with some hotties again, like woah!”
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Bakugou says he has no idea what the hell Camie is saying, and Kirishima exclaims, “Oh! It’s a Shiketsu student from the Provisional Hero License Exam!” Kirishima proceeds to introduce himself in his intense manner, and Camie says that he kinda acts like Inasa.
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It turns out that the Team Up Mission requires U.A. Academy to team up with Shiketsu at the amusement park to assist the staff with something. They meet up with the CEO of the park to figure out what exactly he needs help on. The CEO is a tiny man with a large mustache dressed up like a jester.
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The CEO asks them to follow him to another side of the park, called Retro Land. This theme park is a run-down and old looking traditional theme park with barely any customers. The CEO of the theme park says that he brought them here to take part in a stage play to attract more customers.
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He hands them a script, which is about a town being attacked by villains. The heroes show up and fight the villains, and the heroes end up in a pinch. However, with the help of the citizens cheering them on, the heroes are able to restore peace back to the city.
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Kirishima hears the outline of the play and gets excited, saying it’s such an awesome mainstream story. Bakugou scoffs and says, “but it’s damn basic.” Kirishima then says, “Nah, I like it!”
The students then go into a rehearsal of the scene where the heroes are in a pinch. One of the professional actresses, a Dog Lady wearing a skull choker, low v-neck vest, studded belt, and long pants, says, “Oh you guys are actually heroes? Then you probably haven’t acted before?”
Kirishima then tries to do his best acting, saying “Gahh…I’m…strong….guhhh I won’t…fall down…I’ll never turn my back…because I….I….!!!” and overdoes his acting.
Camie then says “Like holy crap the Villain blindsided me, and now I’m on the floor like discarded bubble tea!”
Todoroki just falls onto the floor silently. Bakugou tries acting, screaming “I WILL NEVER FALL TO THE LIKES OF A VILLAIN!” The Dog Lady actress asks them if they were actually even trying to act, and they all say they were doing their best. The Dog Lady says she’s a bit worried about how this will go.
In either case, they need to decide which role everyone will be taking part. The Dog Lady instructs them to decide among themselves who will get what role.
Bakugou and Camie both say at the same time they want to be the lead Hero role. Camie says, “Wait, but I’m older than you so I totally should be the lead Hero role!” Bakugou gets mad and screams, “BUT I AM THE STRONGEST ONE HERE. BESIDES, I AM Q.E.D.!**”
Camie says “Damn yo, that’s the lowest of the low” and Bakugou yells, “Shut the hell up and speak your mother tongue, damnit!”
Kirishima tries to calm him saying, “Calm down guys, Camie-senpai too…!” He then notices that Todoroki is looking at a child’s playground bear spring rider, and Kirishima asks, “Oh, do you want to ride it? The staff did say we could enjoy the park as much as we’d like!” Kirishima mentions that they never really had a chance to go to a theme park ever since entering High School, and being at a theme park feels nostalgic as it brings back memories of his childhoold.
Todoroki then says, “No…I don’t have any memories of ever going to a theme park.”
Camie looks at Todoroki and says, “Uh, like no way?”
Kirishima then grabs Todoroki and says, “WELL IF THAT’S THE CASE…JUST PRACTICING OUR LINES WILL GET STALE, SO LET’S ENJOY THE THEME PARK!” and rides the bear spring rider together with Todoroki.
Camie wants to join them too, and she, Kirishima, and Todoroki go on a carousel while Bakugou gets irritated. Camie is taking a picture for Kirishima and Todoroki on her cellphone while Kirishima calls out to Bakugou saying, “Heeyyy! Bakugou, come join us!”
Bakugou scoffs, “Hmph, waste of time.”
Kirishima, Todoroki, and Camie then ride a roller coaster together and Kirishima shouts, “It’s fun you know!”
Bakugou says, “This is no time to be playing with these stupid toys…!”
Kirishima then grins and says to Bakugou “All right then, if that’s the case, let’s decide who gets the lead Hero hero role by seeing who can get the least dizzy from the tea cup ride!” This piques Bakugou’s interest, and Kirishima further taunts him saying, “If you’re not confident about it, then you don’t gotta force yourself!”
This gets Bakugou fired up and he says, “I’m going to spin this shit and kill all of you guys!!!!!!!” He sits in the tea cup next to Kirishima, Camie, and Todoroki and spins it like crazy. Camie looks like she’s going to throw up and says, “Wait…Bakugou…you’re like, turning it way too fast!”
Bakugou looks at Kirishima and taunts, “HOW IS IT!? YOU DON’T LOOK SO GOOD. GONNA GIVE UP YET!?” and Kirishima yells back, “YOU MUST BE JOKING! NOT EVEN CLOSE! TURN IT UP!!”
Bakugou then screams, “PLUS ULTRAAAAAA!!!” as he spins the cup so fast it looks as if they are not moving at all. Camie squeaks “Helllaaaaaaa…”
After they get off the ride, Bakugou, Kirishima, and Camie are wobbling around and walking unevenly, with Kirishima accidentally heading towards the direction of the girl’s bathroom in his dizzy state and Camie about to throw up on the floor. Bakugou sways and proudly points at no one, saying “You bastard, you’re all dizzy!”
Kirishima says, “Guh…did…didja see that, Bakug….erghh!” Camie says she’s going to hurl. Todoroki asks, “Uh, where are you guys even going?”
Kirishima then notices that Todoroki is completely unphased, and he asks “Todoroki…you’re okay!?” Todoroki responds, “I feel a bit uneasy…”
With that, it’s decided that Todoroki gets the lead Hero role. They then head back to the stage, and there’s a few people in the audience already as well as two camera men who will be filming this performance and uploading it online later.
All the students are ready for their performance, and as they act out the first scene, a group of people corner the CEO and threaten him. The group are land developers who tell the CEO to give up Retro Land since it’s going out of business anyway. He grabs the CEO in a chokehold, but the CEO says he won’t hand over the park to these people.
As this is happening, Camie, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kirishima go backstage after their first act. Camie says they can take a short break until the next scene. Kirishima remarks that the camera was focused a lot on him, but Bakugou says he’s pretty damn sure he was the one getting more spotlight.
As they walk backstage, they see the group of people threatening the CEO. Kirishima, Todoroki, and Bakugou easily take out these villains, but the villain tells the CEO that they had planted a trap at the roller coaster in Retro Land where a part of the roller coaster tracks were destroyed. The ride operators did not know this, and there’s currently a cart that will be falling off the roller coaster tracks soon. The villain mentions that no one would want to go to a theme park after hearing of such a bad accident. Kirishima realizes this and rushes first to the roller coaster ride.
Meanwhile, Camie is wondering what to do because their break is over, and they’re due to be on stage again. Since the boys are dealing with the villains, she decides to create illusions of all of them and wing the performance off script with her illusion versions of Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kirishima.
She recreates the pretty boy Todoroki illusion, who turns to the Dog Lady, who’s playing the role of the villain, and says, “Won’t you…please stop being a villain? You should become a Hero instead!” and the Dog Lady blushes and immediately falls for it, saying “YES…!”
Since Camie can’t access the script right now, she just decides to ad lib everything and make up a new story. She makes the Illusion Kirishima turn out to be the actual villain of the story, and the camera men who are in the audience wonder what happened to the original script.
On the other side of the park, Kirishima is already on top of the roller coaster tracks and uses his hardening to stop the oncoming roller coaster cart. He tries to stop it but the cart still keeps going.
Bakugou then comes behind him and steps on his back, and Kirishima looks back and says “Bakugou!”
The guy on the front seat of the ride screams “Why are there two people [on the tracks]!?”
Bakugou says that there’s not enough manpower to stop the roller coaster. He places one hand on Kirishima’s back to support him while using his other hand to set off a huge explosion, propelling them forward to nullify the movement of the roller coaster cart.
Back at the stage, Camie is doing her best trying to improv the play. Her Illusion Villain Kirishima gloats that he will fulfill his revenge. The Illusion Todoroki cries out, “No! Please stop this fight!” while a very quiet and calm looking Bakugou places his hand on Illusion Todoroki’s shoulder.
The real Bakugou and Kirishima are still trying to stop the roller coaster cart from going further, and Kirishima hugs the front of the roller coaster as Bakugou continues to use his explosion to stop the cart. They finally successfully stop the coaster, and Kirishima falls back in relief, showing a dent in the front of the roller coaster cart in the shape of his body.
Just as they saved the roller coaster cart, Camie was finished with the play as well. The two camera men who were filming the play were so moved they started crying at how good the play was. One of the camera men mentions that he wants to bring this Hero Stage play around the entire country because it was so moving.
The resolution scene shows the Illusion Villain Kirishima shaking hands with the Illusion Quiet Bakugou with the closing line, “And with that, the hero that looked the most like a Villain was able to open the actual Villain’s heart and let him turn a new leaf.”
The crowd cheers as Illusion Bakugou and Illusion Villain Kirishima continue to shake hands.
At the roller coaster, Todoroki assists the people in the roller coaster cart off the tracks by using his ice to create an emergency ladder. Kirishima then smiles at Camie and says, “Good work Camie-senpai! You did it!” Camie looks like she’s going to hurl again since she overused her quirk, saying “I feel hella sick…I like, overdid the illusions…hella…”
With that, the four students finish their training at the amusement park together. Later that week, the Retro Land Stage Play was uploaded onto a video streaming site, and the video got 1,200 likes and counting. The show was a hit online, and because of that, Retro Land’s popularity bounced back and more people started going to the theme park.
However, because of the stage play, Kirishima, Bakugou, and Todoroki also gained some new fans.
The last scene shows the two camera men hiding in the bushes with cameras while Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kirishima are walking.
Kirishima ask them, “Hey uh…do you guys get the feeling we’re being watched…?”
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aitaikimochi · 3 years
Final Fantasy 7 Remake MATERIAL ULTIMANIA and Walk Through Midgar Book Translations Master List
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This is the Master List for all Final Fantasy 7 Remake MATERIAL ULTIMANIA Book and Walk Through Midgar Guidebook translations I have made! This thread will be updated accordingly when new information is posted on my Twitter. All links in this comprehensive post will redirect to my original Twitter posts. Enjoy! UPDATED: November 3rd, 2020
CHARACTER DESIGN INFO 1) Cloud’s Design 2) Tifa’s Design 3) Tifa’s Outfit 4) Aerith’s Design 5) Barret’s Design 6) Sephiroth’s Outfit 7) Rufus’ Outfit 8) Tseng’s Outfit 9) Reno’s Outfit 10) Rude’s Outfit 11) Young Tseng 12) Cloud’s Blue Dress 13) Cloud’s Light Blue Dress 14) Tifa’s Dresses 15) Aerith’s Dresses 16) Chadley’s Design 17) Rufus’ Character Design 18) Reno & Rude’s Character Designs 19) Rude’s Earring 20) Reeve’s Design 21) The Ancients Clothing Design Inspiration CHARACTER BACKGROUND INFO 1) Rude is willing to risk his own life to protect Reno 2) Rufus, Dark Nation, Rufus’ Pistol and his training 3) Tifa’s Deleted Quest 4) Sephiroth is fearsome and powerful 5) Zack’s Victory at the ending 6) Battle against Sephiroth
WORLD AND LORE 1) Edge of Creation Symbolism in the Sky 2) Aerith’s Church and the Rocket 3) Shinra Building’s restrooms modeled after that of Square Enix’s building 4) Ending Scene with the Lifestream versus Meteor 5) The Turks writing a letter of apology if they fail missions 6) Reno telling Rude “you have to write that letter of apology” in Chapter 12 7) Whisper Harbinger actual size and Rubrum, Viridi, & Croceo designer after Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo 8) Whisper Viridi’s special moveset against Tifa is based off of Loz’s move in Advent Children 10) Toriyama hopes that we can see Jessie perform at the Gold Saucer
1) Cloud 2) Aerith 3) Zack 4) Johnny 5) Sephiroth 6) Rufus 7) Reno 8) Rude’s Beard 9) Reno’s Goggles & Rude’s Sunglasses 10) Midgar Hair Tonic MISCELLANEOUS 1) Cloud, Aerith, and Sephiroth’s Voice Actors Comment about the Remake’s story being different
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aitaikimochi · 4 years
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The Boku No Hero Academia Hero Fes 2020 had a lot of different segments to it with all the voice actors and actresses in the official art!
There were live readings of Season 4 highlighted scenes, a mini game that 4 teams had to play, as well as a funny drama skit about Deku and everyone getting isekai’d into a dream world where they were part of the U.A. Troops fighting against the Big 3.
Here’s my Twitter live tweet thread about the entire event! Also, here’s the segment about the Magical Girls part with Jirou, Ochako, Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, and Kaminari transforming into Magical Girls to save the day lol.
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aitaikimochi · 4 years
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The BNHA Season 4 BluRay/DVD Vol. 1-6 Box Set comes with a special bonus light novel called the "Cultural Festival Wrap-Up Party" about Class A's after-party they had the day after the Cultural Festival, written by Anri-sensei. Here's the summary! Enjoy~
Boku No Hero Academia Cultural Festival Wrap Up Party
The story starts off with All Might greeting Aizawa as he enters the faculty office, a day after the Cultural Festival. He says good work to Aizawa and asks how the clean-up went for the Cultural Festival. Aizawa says that everything has been put away properly and recalls how it was a bit of a risky Cultural Festival this year with the whole fiasco that almost caused them to stop the festival, referring to the incident with Gentle and La Brava.
Aizawa mentions that the students are now preparing for an after-party. He says, “too bad they can’t put this amount of effort that they did in the Cultural Festival towards their studies instead,” and All Might laughs and says, “Well, they’re still just kids after all.” He also tells All Might that a little while ago, Sero stopped by the office to ask him something. Aizawa says, “What?” and All Might explains, “Well…you see…”
Next scene is at a nearby discount variety store (**note: basically a Don Quihote department store in Japan that sells a variety of things including food at really cheap prices). The Class A band team, consisting of Jirou, Kaminari, Bakugou, Yaoyorozu, and Tokoyami, are buying snacks and drinks for the after-party. However, Jirou seems to be the only one who’s actually taking this seriously as she can’t find where everyone else ran off to. She bumps into Yaoyorozu, who excitedly says, “Jirou-san, look at these super cheap drinks! They’re only 10yen each! If we buy 20 of them that’s only 200yen!”
Jirou looks at the bottles and notices that they’re only on sale because the drinks had already expired. She tells Yaoyorozu to put away the items. She then continues to search for the other band members and finds Kaminari. He tells her that he wants to add these cool snacks into their pile of food, which come with bonus cards or toys. He says, “Look at these! Doesn’t it take you back? Man, when I was a kid I used to collect these all the time!”
Jirou looks at the items and says “put it back,” and Kaminari whines but does so anyway. Yaoyorozu keeps getting distracted by all the things in the store since she’s very rich, she seldom has the opportunity to visit these discount stores that people go to. Jirou finds Tokoyami, and Dark Shadow dumps a whole bunch of sweets into their shopping cart. Jirou says that they don’t need that many sweets and to put things back. Tokoyami then gives Jirou a snack with packaging that says “The Witch of Darkness’ Apple Pie.” Dark Shadow says, “Fumikage used to love these sweets when he was younger!” and Tokoyami gets flustered. Jirou then pats Dark Shadow on his head, and Bakugou comes up behind her.
He says, “What the hell are you guys even buying!?”
Kaminari cries out, “Whattya mean!?”
Bakugou says, “If we’re gonna eat this at the after-party, then we need several big bags of food! And why the hell am I even here shopping with you guys right now!? This is so annoying!”
As he says that, he fills the shopping cart with bags of potato chips, sweets, paper plates, and trash bags. Jirou sighs in relief and says, “Yeah! I was thinking of getting paper plates too so clean-up would be easier!” They then agree to buy some more bottles of juice and soda, and Bakugou says they only need a maximum 5 bottles to which Jirou agrees.
Bakugou then says, “Well then let’s just get the hell out of here!” and Kaminari regrettably puts all of the sweets that he added to the shopping cart back on the shelves. Jirou looks at Bakugou and says, “Bakugou, you’re…kinda like a very capable Mom.”
Bakugou gets mad and says, “WHAT!? Stop saying such stupid crap!”
While the Band members are buying stuff at the discount store, the Dance Team members and Stage members are back in the Class A dormitory preparing food and decorating the common room. The Dance Team is in charge of the food and the Stage team is in charge of decorations.
Satou is the one who is cooking most of the food, but the other Dance Team members are helping him with the food preparation. Iida is in charge of chopping the vegetables, and although he is known for his speed, he’s not used to handling knives, so he chops them at a slower pace. Hagakure is in charge of prepping the oil and oil absorbent sheets to fry the chicken and place it on the sheets. Ochako and Ashido are in charge of stirring the pot, which contains beschamel and bolognese sauces.
Ojiro checks up on the oven to make sure that it’s the right temperature. Satou tells Ochako and Ashido to add the sauce for the lasagna and to not forget to put olive oil on top. Shouji says that he’s done making the dressing for the salad, and Satou samples it. The kitchen is full of lively sounds, and everyone is excited for Ojiro’s delicious cooking.
Ochako, Ashido, and Hagakure then discuss how Christmas is around the corner too, so they should do this again and throw a Christmas party next time. While they think about having a potential Christmas party, Iida says, “Hey now! Christmas is a day that celebrates the Birth of Jesus Christ! You should be spending it with your families, so this Christmas we…”
Satou then says, “Iida, the knife, watch out the knife!” since Iida was talking while swinging the knife around in his hand. Iida apologizes. Ashido then says, “But wouldn’t a party be fun?” and Mineta appears in the kitchen holding some peaches while muttering, “Christmas…Christmas costumes…Santa Girl skirts…That’s awesome…”
However, they eventually convince Iida that Christmas is indeed a time to celebrate things together, and Iida gives in and says he will ask Aizawa for permission to throw a Christmas party much to everyone’s delight.
Mineta had been slacking off on his duties by looking at the peaches and stroking them gently, imagining something lewd, and Hagakure calls him out on his perverted thoughts and tells him to help out along with the others.
He is in charge of cutting the carrots, and while everyone is helping prepare the food, Ochako stares at the fried chicken that just came out of the fryer. She can’t help herself and pops one into her mouth only to find that it’s burning hot. Tsuyu says to be careful since they’re still hot, and Ochako apologizes as the fried chicken looked and smelled so delicious she moved without thinking.
Satou asks her how’s the flavor, and she says the fried chicken is really good while giving him a thumbs up.
Ojiro and Hagakure are washing the dishes, and Hagakure holds the plates, making them look like they’re floating in mid air. Ojiro then tells Hagakure that she should probably put some clothes on if she’s going to be in the kitchen where people use fire and knives, but she said she just wanted to see what people’s reactions were to her small pranks. Shouji then passes her an apron, and Mineta muses that it’s one of those tropes where girls wear aprons while naked, but Iida warns him to not go further.
Meanwhile, in the common room area, the Stage Team is preparing the decorations to be strung about the living room. Deku, Todoroki, and Koda are folding origami together to put on the walls as banners. Deku folds a cool All Might shaped origami, and Todoroki praises him, saying “Wow, All Might! That’s awesome!” Deku actually used to practice folding the All Might origami countless of times to perfect its shape, and he blushes a bit when he hears praise from someone.
He then sees that Todoroki folded a crane, and Todoroki says that his sister taught him how to fold the crane origami when he was a child.
Koda then says, “Oh um…I…made a camera origami!” and shows them a whimsical camera shaped origami that makes a shutter noise when pressed. Deku then notices that Koda actually had folded a ton of different origami flowers and animals, and Koda gets a bit embarrassed at the attention.
Koda says, “But the All Might origami is amazing…” and Todoroki agrees.
Todoroki then asks Deku to teach him how to fold the All Might origami. Deku is happy to oblige, and he says, “Okay first you fold a triangle and then…”
As he starts teaching Todoroki, Kirishima comes into the room and puts up his own dorm room’s fisherman banner on the wall of the common room. He says that this will make the place a bit flashier, and the others agree. Aoyama then comes in and also says that they need something sparkly and bright. Aoyama tells them that he’ll come back with something sparkly.
Kirishima then says, “Oh wait I’ll come help too!”
Todoroki then turns to Deku and says, “Midoriya, so how exactly do you fold the All Might origami?”
Deku realized that he was in the middle of teaching Todoroki before they got interrupted by the others, so he resumes his lesson by saying to first fold a triangle. Afterwards, he goes off on a tangent about how to perfect the folding process as well as making sure to accentuate the silhouette of All Might through the folds, and as he mumbles a bit, he accidentally folds the origami too quickly.
Todoroki is patient with him though and says again, “Um…can you please start from the beginning and teach me the steps a bit slower this time?”
Deku apologizes for folding the paper too fast and teaches Todoroki again, this time at a slower pace.
Kirishima then walks by and says, “Woah Todoroki, you also want to learn how to fold the All Might origami?” He leaves them to their folding and joins Aoyama and Koda in putting the finished origami and other decorations up on the walls.
After Todoroki successfully folds the All Might origami, Deku says, “You made your first All Might origami!” and Todoroki responds quietly, “I think this should be able to fit in the letter…”
Deku says, “Hmm?” and Todoroki says, “Ah, it’s nothing.”
Aoyama them brings a disco ball into the common room, and he, Kirishima, and Sero put up the other decorations.
Finally, the preparations are complete, and the Class A students gather in the common room surrounding a bunch of food that’s placed on the tables. Iida then makes a toast to a successful Cultural Festival, and everyone raises their glasses and says, “Cheers!”
Satou mentions that he also has prepared dessert, and they have two choices of either a chestnut and fig montblanc cake or an apple and peach jelly. Tsuyu chooses the jelly as jelly is apparently her favorite food. Tokoyami also chooses the jelly dessert while Ashido takes the montblanc.
Iida mentions that he and Mineta were in charge of chopping the cabbages and carrots for the cole slaw. Todoroki and Deku praise him and say that the coleslaw is delicious.
Bakugou watches irritably and decides to leave the party, but Kaminari says, “Hey hey hey, where do you think you’re going, Kacchan-kun!?” Bakugou says that seeing everyone making small talk is pissing him off, but Kaminari rebutts by saying, “But you looked excited when you were buying food!”
Kirishima then comes over and says, “Bakugou! I brought you some fried chicken! Let’s eat a ton!” and puts a bunch of fried chicken in front of Bakugou, to which he says he doesn’t want it. Kirishima doesn’t back down though and says, “Oh I got it! So you want lasagna instead!” and brings a slice of lasagna for him.
Satou noticed Kirishima carrying the food over and says, “Hey, you should put a bunch of tabasco on it before eating too!” and pours a bunch of tabasco onto the lasagna and force feeds Bakugou with it. Bakugou yells, “What the hell are you doing!?” but eventually pipes down after taking the lasagna from Kirishima as it seems like he does enjoy the food after all. Kirishima watches him and says, “See, I told you it’s good! I’ll bring you seconds!” and goes to bring Bakugou more food.
Sero then turns everyone’s attention towards the TV in the common room. He says, “Well then now that Bakugou’s calmed down, let’s watch the recap of our Cultural Festival performance!” He turns on the TV and everyone gathers around to watch the recorded performance.
Some of the members mention that Deku was late to the performance, and they thought that he might not even be able to perform. Deku apologizes for being late, but as the performance starts, they can hear the audience’s chatter as someone yells “YAOYOROZU!!!” Ashido and Kaminari tease her about having fans, and she gets flustered. Satou then whispers, “It’s starting…it’s starting…!” and the screen fills with the sound of Bakugou’s drums as well as a huge explosion.
The girls all fawn over how cool Jirou looks while singing, and this causes her to blush and say, “Please stop…” Koda also adds, “You were really cool, Jirou-san,” which makes her blush deepen.
Ashido exclaims, “Look look, the dance is all in line too!” and the class watches as Ojiro uses his tail to swing around. Everyone on the dance team mentions how it was thanks to Ashido being their teacher that they were able to have fun while dancing and making this possible. Next is Deku and Aoyama’s synchronized dance, and Shouji murmurs to Tsuyu, “Wow, they are so in sync!” to which she replies, “Midoriya-chan and Aoyama-chan practiced real hard, right?”
The students continue to watch as Aoyama becomes a disco ball and the stage team starts their part of the performance with Kirishima shaving the ice that Todoroki created while Sero uses his tape, and Kirishima says, “You guys’ timing was perfect, Seroroki!”
Sero mentions that they should try this move out while doing actual hero work next time, and Todoroki agrees. As Kaminari watches himself play the guitar, he says, “Woah there…I feel like I’m gonna be super popular after this with those slick guitar moves…!” and Mineta says, “But wait did you guys see my harem dance? That was the best…!”
Jirou says, “Tokoyami, you’ve gotten super good at guitar!” and Tokoyami mentions that it’s all thanks to her.
Kirishima and Bakugou are watching the performance from a spot a little away from the rest of the class, and Kirishima smiles at Bakugou, saying, “Man, you’re great at drumming after all!” and Bakugou replies casually, “it’s just average.”
Jirou overhears their conversation and says, “No way! Your drumming was phenomenal! Your rhythm is what allowed us all to stay in sync! Thank you for taking on this role!” and Bakugou scoffs and says, “Well, you’re the one who carried the whole performance though!”
Everyone is really impressed by Jirou’s bass skills as well as her singing, and they vote for her as the Class A Cultural Festival MVP. Everyone, aside from Bakugou, smiles at her, and she blushes, saying, “What…why…”
Yaoyorozu remarks, “Jirou-san, you were shining the brightest!” and Aoyama says, “Even more than me!?☆” But he agrees that Jirou indeed deserves the MVP title.
The class asks Jirou to make a small speech. She thanks everyone for making this performance a reality, and she’s really happy that they were able to perform together.
After everyone is done eating, Sero and Kaminari tells the class that they have some cool party games planned for everyone. Most of the class are excited for what they have in store, but Bakugou feels like it’s a waste of time and gets up to leave. Kirishima tries to stop him, but Sero taunts, “Oh, you’re leaving because you don’t think you can win, right? Well that’s fine, you can go back. Even though we have a quiz specifically tailored for you, but I guess you’d fail anyway.”
This gets Bakugou angry, and he agrees to participate in Sero’s dumb quiz challenge.
The games that Sero and Kaminari have planned are for one member of each Cultural Festival team to undergo a “Can you guess the __” type of challenge. Bakugou is first up, representing the Band Team. His challenge is to differentiate between three different types of pepper spice seasoning purely by taste (called 一味 ichimi).
Bakugou sits down in front of the table that has the seasonings, and Sero blindfolds him by putting on an eye mask that has a funny grinning face on it. Deku and the others snicker at how ridiculous Bakugou looks with that eye mask on, and Bakugou gets mad, yelling, “Damnit Deku, what the hell is so funny!?” Deku replies, “Well, anyone would laugh when they see…hahah!”
Bakugou roars, “You piece of shit!” but Todoroki says calmly, “Hey Bakugou, maybe you should consider wearing a hero suit that matches that mask.” Bakugou is furious and yells, “Shut the hell up, you half and half bastard!”
The challenge then begins, and Kaminari spoon feeds Bakugou the three different spices. He surprises everyone by correctly guessing each type of spice and goes even as far to explain which company manufactures them. Kaminari and Sero are speechless, but Deku says, “I thought that Kacchan would know the difference. He’s always had a very particular sense of taste. He could even tell when sweets expired and would never eat the expired food.”
Bakugou gets mad and says, “Don’t put on that stupid face as if you know it all!” and throws the eye mask at Deku.
The next challenge is Todoroki’s turn, representing the Stage Team. His task is to figure out among three cups of brown liquid which one is soba noodle soup. The cups contain either coffee, soba noodle soup, or throat medicine, and Todoroki cannot smell or taste them before picking his answer.
Iida mentions that Todoroki often eats soba during lunch, so there’s no way he would guess incorrectly for a food that he loves. Deku says, “Good luck, Todoroki!” as everyone watches him study the cups closely. The catch is that he also has to drink from whichever cup he chooses. Todoroki decides on a cup and drinks from it, only to spit it out and say, “That…wasn’t soba noodle soup…”
Kaminari chimes in by explaining that the cup he chose was actually throat medicine. Todoroki apologizes for spitting out the throat medicine, which splurted all over Iida and Deku. They tell him not to worry as more importantly, they need to get tissues to clean up the mess. Todoroki mutters, “I don’t think I want to eat soba anymore after this…”
The next challenge is for Tsuyu, where she has to differentiate from three different types of fluffy things: Koda’s bunny, Ojiro’s tail, and Deku’s hair by touch only. As she puts on the eye mask, Koda, Ojirou, and Deku stand in front of her. When Koda offers the bunny, Tsuyu says, “it’s fluffy.” When Ojiro offers his tail, she also says, “it’s fluffy.” When Deku offers his hair, Tsuyu says, “it’s…fuzzy?” She then correctly guesses which fluffiness was which.
Kaminari and Sero then round up the results of the various challenges, and the winner ends up being Bakugou!
Bakugou says, “Obviously I would win!” but the party’s not over yet! Next up is the Personality Quiz! Sero explains that since the class is with each other practically 24/7, they should all have picked up on small details of each other. This quiz will test how well they actually know each other after all.
The first question they ask is, “What did Iida answer on his Hero Test the other day to name the three most beautiful Heroes of the past?”
The class guesses incorrectly, and the answer was that he wrote on his test “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and everyone has their own different types of beauty.”
Baffled, Iida asks Sero and Kaminari how they even knew what he wrote on a test paper, and they explained that their accomplice, Hagakure, has been doing a bit of spying on everyone in order for them to make this quiz a reality. Hagakure apologizes for doing so, but she says that she saw it as an opportunity to also test out her hero skills too.
The next question is “What has Yaoyorozu been obsessed about lately?” Jirou answers first, saying “Oh, is it furikake (rice seasoning)?” The answer turns out to be correct, and recently, Yaoyorozu has taken a strong liking to furikake to season her rice, which makes her blush a bit.
Sero then says, “All right Kaminari, what’s the next question?”
Kaminari answers, “Okay! For the next question, what made Ojirou disappointed recently!?”
Satou guesses, “Cementoss said his effort was average?”
Shouji says, “Tetsutetsu told him his strength was average?”
Aoyama ponders, “Recovery Girl said his health was average?☆”
The correct answer is actually Ojiro changed the conditioner for his tail recently, but no one noticed. However, Hagakure sidles up to him and says, “I actually saw you looking around near the bathroom area to see if anyone noticed, haha!” and Ojiro gets red, saying, “Well if you were watching me, why didn’t you say anything…!?”
The next question was, “What was hidden in Kirishima’s elementary school yearbook!?” Kirishima panics and says, “Huh!? How did you…!” but Sero grins and says, “That’s only for me to know. But I totally could not believe what was hidden there!”
Ashido guesses, “Maybe a love letter!?”
Mineta exclaims, “A porn magazine!!”
Todoroki says, “Failed test scores?”
All three of them were incorrect. The correct answer is “a photo of him dressed up as a girl!”
Bakugou says to him, “You’re actually into that kinda stuff?”
Kirishima gets flustered and says, “Wait, you’ve got it all wrong! It was during my elementary school’s festival stage play of Cinderella where I played the Stepmother! When I left the picture at home, my mommy kept showing it to other people, so I tried to hide it!!”
Kaminari then continues with the next question, saying “Okay, so next question. Before the Cultural Festival performance, what did Uraraka mess up on!?”
Deku says, “She accidentally made herself float!?”
Iida offers, “She was too nervous she threw up!?”
Tokoyami asks, “She ate too much mochi and threw up!?”
Kaminari says they all guessed wrong and the correct answer is “she was looking for Midoriya but tripped and accidentally went into a room where Class B’s Monoma was in the middle of changing clothes!”
Ochako gets red in the face and says, “I didn’t do it on purpose!!”
Mineta comments something lewd, but Tsuyu shuts him down.
The next question is “What was the reason why Jirou and Hagakure were arguing!?”
Koda says, “Because Hagakure-san was messing with Jirou-san’s earphone jack…?”
Yaoyorozu offers, “Jirou-san accidentally stepped on Hagakure-san’s naked body?”
Mineta exclaims, “Fighting over a guy!”
The correct answer is because Hagakure tried scaring Jirou after they watched a horror film together. Ashido asked whether they actually argued, and Jirou said she got mad because when she takes a shower alone, she’s usually scared of the bathroom area anyway. So when Hagakure messed with her by causing the lights to flicker on and off and the faucet to suddenly turn on by itself, she absoutely freaked out and felt like she almost had a heart attack. Naturally, she was livid, and Hagakure says, “Sorry Jirou, your reactions were just too good!”
The next question is about Deku, and Kaminari asks, “Recently, Deku has been leaving the dorm early to meet with someone. Who is that secret someone!?” (**Note: The word they use is ‘aibiki,” which means secret date/meeting).
Deku is surprised and says, “Wait, how do you know that…?”
Mineta and Satou ask if he was secretly meeting up with a girl, and Iida says, “Midoriya-kun! Are you actually in a relationship with a girl!? You should prioritize studies first!”
Ochako is confused as she says to herself, “Aibiki? Like the type of meat?” (**Note: Ochako isn’t familiar with the word, so she thinks it’s referring to ‘aibikiniku,’ which is a combination of different types of ground meat)
Deku gets nervous and says, “No, it’s not like that…” He thinks of ways to deflect the situation without making it known that he’s actually meeting up with All Might in the morning to train his quirk, but the other classmates continue to guess.
Kirishima says, “He’s meeting with someone from the General Class!?”
Ashido says, “No way…maybe he’s meeting with someone older, like Midnight…!?”
Mineta suggests, “Maybe he’s meeting with a living thing other than a girl…!!”
All three of their guesses were incorrect, and the correct answer was that he was meeting with the Support Department’s Hatsume Mei!
Deku is relieved to know that the others have not found out about his secret rendezvous with All Might early in the morning to do training.
Bakugou snorts and says, “There’s no way that dumb nerd would ever be popular!” but Sero says, “No, Midoriya is quite popular among the ladies. Like during the Provisional License Exam when that naked upper classman got all over him.”
Deku rebutts by saying, “But that was because she was attacking me!?”
Iida then recalls how Hatsume helped Deku out when they went to the department together earlier, and after an explosion, she was also all over him. Mineta then gets lewd thoughts again, but the conversation switches to Mineta using his mogimogi hair balls and puts it on Deku’s head. Iida notes that it looks like Deku’s wearing those infamous mouse ears from “Zoo Dreamland” (aka Disneyland). Ashido mentions that she used to go to Disneyla—…Zoo Dreamland all the time when she was younger. The class chatter switches to discussing their favorite rides, attractions, and food.
The class then asks Mineta to put mogimogi balls on their heads too so they can look like they’re wearing those infamous mouse ears as well. Mineta enjoys the attention and says, “All right I guess…”
Before the party wraps up, Sero mentions that there’s one more video that they want to show to everyone. As they gather around the TV to watch, they see Aizawa on screen with a cat. As the video starts, Aizawa suddenly appears in the common room and reprimands them, asking what are they doing up so late? The video pauses on the screen.
Aizawa stops the party and tells everyone to clean up and go to their rooms. Since the party’s over, he tells Sero, Kaminari, and Hagakure to stay behind. The three students prepare themselves for a scolding, but instead, Aizawa asks them where they got this footage.
It turns out that Present Mic gave it to them after he recorded it while hiding in sight. The footage was of Aizawa trying to befriend a cat, but the cat ignores him and goes to All Might instead. Sero actually came to the faculty department before the after-party to ask for permission to show the footage, and since Aizawa wasn’t there at the time, All Might said it was okay.
However, Aizawa says he will be collecting the footage and tells the three to never discuss the contents of the video to anyone. They agree, and he sends them off on their way.
It’s been a long day, and Aizawa sighs and wonders just when he got caught up in all of this student stuff. However, although adolescence is short, that never stops them from chasing their dreams forever. Happily, while young, without sadness, sweetly, harshly…youth is a precious thing.
The light novel ends with Aizawa saying, “Good luck, everyone” with the words “the festival had ended, but even so, their bright days continue onward.”
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aitaikimochi · 4 years
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Final Fantasy 7 Remake has a new interview with Co-Director Toriyama where he talks about a lot of small details and trivia about the game! This is the first part of a two part interview. Enjoy~
—It was surprising to hear the FFVII Main Theme play in the Sector 7 Slums! Was this intentional?
Toriyama: Since you visit the Sector 7 slums several times, we wanted it to feel like the hometown in FF7R where feelings of warmth welcome you, almost like returning to the place where you grew up. We decided that the original game’s world map song, the FFVII Main Theme, fit that image the best. Even though the Remake only takes place within Midgar, we wanted the music to not be limited to just from Midgar but include songs from the original game that fit the image and concept that we wanted to create.
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—What kind of alcohol does Tifa prepare for you at Seventh Heaven?
Toriyama: The first drink is named after the bar itself, “Seventh Heaven,” and its flavor is supposed to be rejuvenating for those living in the slums. The second drink is called “Cosmo Canyon” with a red appearance to represent the actual Cosmo Canyon scenery. There’s also another green drink on the menu called “The Lifestream.” Since Tifa pulls some cool moves while preparing the drinks, the regulars sitting around the bar usually give her a generous tip if they have the means, so she’s gotten really good at that.
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—Is Chadley supposed to be the young pretty boy of the game? What is the purpose of his character?
Toriyama: Chadley is younger than Cloud and the others in age, so I guess you can say he has that role. As for what is his purpose, if you clear battle reports within the game, it unlocks very difficult battles and explains a bit more about him, so I hope that you can challenge yourself with them!
—Sector 7th’s slums have a lot of cats. Is there someone on the development team that likes cats?
Toriyama: Since Wedge likes cats, he usually rescues stray cats around the slums, so he has a lot of them. Hamaguchi, the other Co-Director (Game Design/Programming), also raises cats, so we modeled the cats after them. I’m more of a dog person, so we tried to also include some dogs in the game to have balance it out. The result is the dog that lies down near Marle at the apartment building that she owns.
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—Wedge’s cat seem pretty large. Are they supposed to resemble their master?
Toriyama: Wedge usually eats a lot himself, so he gives the same amount and portions to his cats too when raising them.
—Cloud’s mother and Tifa’s father do not have names in the original game, so why did they have names in the Remake?
Toriyama: The original concept art for the game actually had their names written down already, so in the Remake Cloud’s mother is named Claudia and Tifa’s father is named Brian. However, since Tifa’s father doesn’t have any lines in the Remake, the development staff just referred to him as the “dead body.”
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—Plants don’t usually grow underneath the plate, so why does the area surrounding Aerith’s house have so many flowers blooming?
Toriyama: There is a large river that runs outside of Sector 5, which allows for a lot of the lifestream to also run underneath Aerith’s house and the rundown church, creating very clean water. Aerith uses this water to carefully raise the flowers. Since Aerith is an Ancient, perhaps she has the power to attract natural water and flowers.
—When you try to sneak out of Aerith’s house at night, the more you fail, the less obstacles stand in your way…?
Toriyama: Though Aerith gets mad at Cloud, she tries to clean up the obstacles a bit so it’s easier for him to sneak out of the house. Also, the lines that Aerith uses to scold Cloud with are supposed to surprise the player, almost like a horror type game. Even after you slip out of the house, she ambushes you later, which perhaps shows that she was just messing with you all along. If you think about it that way, it’s kind of scary, right?
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—Moogie, the kid who sells various items, is quite a strange character. Where does he even get these things?
Toriyama: There’s a lot of adults who passionately collect Moogle Medals, so we created a setting where Moogie has connections in obtaining these rare items. The kids in the Sector 5 slums can really tough it out in their everyday lives.
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—Why does Rude go easy on the girls? For example, using the Sleep spell on them.
Toriyama: In the original game, there was a setting where Rude did not attack Tifa in battle, so we used that and applied it to the Remake where he does not actively attack the female characters. However, if he didn’t attack at all, then that wouldn’t be considered a battle, so we had him use a few easier moves such as sleep [on Aerith].
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—How did the concept of the “Angel of the Slums” come about?
Toriyama: Mireille actually appears in the FFVII light novel “TURKS: The Kids Are All Right,” which takes place after the events of Meteor, so we had her appear in the Remake too. However, when we deeply pondered the question of what she would have been doing in the slums during the time period of the Remake, we decided that she would be a mysterious bandit called the “Angel of the Slums.”
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—Kyrie and Leslie also appear in the same light novel, and they are also in FF7R. Was there any specific reason to have these two appear in the Remake?
Toriyama: Although the light novel shows that Kyrie and Leslie are characters who appear only after the events of Meteor, we decided to have them live in the Slums for this game. FF7R includes a lot of characters who make appearances within the FF7 series after the original game, so we decided from the beginning that we would want to include these other characters. We also tried to have the characters connect with their characterizations in the light novels, so we thought about how these characters were like in the past. Since Leslie is Corneo’s henchman, his character is entwined with the main story, which allowed him to have a lot of scenes.
—The cities are full of various characters who each have their distinct characteristics. Is there any specific NPC that caught your attention?
Toriyama: The lines spoken by the NPCs in the original game that I myself worked on were also placed in the Remake, so it was quite nostalgic for me. In particular, I like the two NPCs who are doing PDA in front of the Sector 7 slums.
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aitaikimochi · 4 years
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Here is the full translation of Nomura, Kitase, and Toriyama, and Hamaguchi’s interview from the FF7R Famitsu feature! Nomura talks about Jessie's popularity, the decision to include the Masssage Parlour scene, comments about the next installment's release, and more!  Kitase discusses how it’s like working with a new generation of game developers, explains a bit more about the scene with Sephiroth and Cloud at the Edge of Creation, and refers to the Remake as the “New FFVII Story.” Toriyama mentions that the staff who worked on the original game wanted to create a completely new game while younger staff wanted to stay true to the original. Hamaguchi explains more about the development process as well as how they came up with the battle system, what type of system they have planned for Part 2, and more!
DIRECTOR TETSUYA NOMURA INTERVIEW —Now that the game has been released, how are you feeling?
Nomura: Well first off, I feel very relieved. Although there’s still a long way to go on the road to completing the entire story, we are now able to see exactly which direction we will be heading.
—From the game’s battle system to its story to the elaborate details of Midgar’s various environments, including songs that sometimes only play in one scene, the game is full of a richness that has been carefully crafted, which shows that a lot of time and effort was spent creating this game. The staff must have been very enthusiastic, right?
Nomura: I think it’s due to the staff’s love for FFVII. The enthusiasm from the fans also helped propel us forward.
—Are there any elements from either the Original game or part of the compilation that you wanted to make a reality or something that you wanted to have in the past game that then added into this game?
Nomura: Definitely the world itself as well as how richly the people are portrayed. With all the different compilations gathered, it was rather easy to create the world. I think we were able to convey the importance of the areas seamlessly.
—FF7R really digs deep into the Original Game’s story, but there is a surprising development towards the end of the game. With Remakes, there’s always a faction of people who don’t want anything changed, but there are also those who actually want things to be changed. Were there discussions among the creators on whether or not you should change things?
Nomura: Since the concept of FF7R was already decided from the beginning, there wasn’t that much discussion. However, since each individual had different ways of perceiving things, we did discuss exactly how far we will change the story. I believe that I was the one who actually put a stop on several ideas towards the latter half of development (laughs).
—The Remake contains the “Whispers of Fate” that are not present in the original story, but what was the intent of having this presence? In English, they’re called the Whispers, but in Japanese they’re called the “Feelers.” Is there a specific reason for this difference, for example if the word “Feeler” was the origin of the name?
Nomura: Nojima-san actually requested us to give the Whispers an eerie aura. Initially, the Whispers were designed to be made out of small particles of sand that crumbled while still maintaining its shape, but also unclear in form. We then created an image of them wearing a robe, but more so than that, when we had to make a lot of them appear together, that’s when their form took a clear shape. The word “feeler” means to sense and to touch, but at the moment I cannot say anymore than that.
—Those who come into contact with Aerith can see the Whispers, right? Also, was Aerith able to see them from the beginning?
Nomura: People can see the Whispers when they come into contact with Aerith. However, at the moment I am unable to tell you when Aerith started seeing them.
—Instead of always being on edge, Cloud seems to behave more cooly but instead comes off as uncool to those around him. Aerith also seems a bit more mature than the original’s portrayal of her, and Barret seems a more unhinged and tense. The characters all seem to have a new side of them now. What kind of concepts did you use to add to the characters in this game?
Nomura: I personally think that the characters still have the same image as they did before, but with much more expressions now, and adding voices also created a large impact. This was my interpretation of the characters at the start, but since the original game required the player to imagine the type of reactions the characters would have, I think that this caused there to be different images of the characters. As time passed, I’m sure that those images of the characters had changed as well. I think that the errors in each individual player’s interpretation is in itself an interesting part of the game.
—Jessie has a lot of scenes in the Remake and has become quite a popular character. Were her scenes planned from the beginning, or were they something that was added midway through development?
Nomura: It was planned from the beginning. However, I did not expect her to be this popular though!
—The three new characters in Wall Market, Andrea Rhodea, Madam M, and Chocobo Sam, left quite an impression. What was created first, the characters’ personalities or their designs? Also, how did the concept of the Massage Parlour come about?
Nomura: At first, the characters’ personalities weren’t that detailed. We didn’t plan for their designs to be that rich either. However, I think that the voices and acting played a great role for them. In regards to the hand massage, in a city like that, well, the maturity rating would probably go up, so we couldn’t go further with what we had.
—Characters such as Leslie and Kyrie appeared in the light novels, but what was the background on bringing them into the Remake? For example, was it for fan service or something else?
Nomura: Since the stories are part of the Compilation, Nojima-san and myself had plans for them to be included from the beginning. We thought that it would be natural for them to appear in that time and place within the story, so we decided to leave them there. In regards to what happens to them after the events in the Remake, I recommend that players read the light novel “Final Fantasy 7 TURKS: The Kids Are All Right.”
—In regards to the battle system, it contains a fusion of both command and action elements, and each character has a different fighting style. By choosing different character moves, players are able to form various effective strategies, making for a very refreshing experience. Also, the acting and conversations that the characters have during battle also gives a fresh spin on each battle. I’m sure that this was made possible by trial and error, but what was the most difficult part in doing all of this?
Nomura: A real time action battle requires a sense of nervousness and realism, but we couldn’t discard the form and battle of the original game’s command RPG style. As a result, we went through a lot of trial and error to find a perfect harmony for the two. We decided early on to allow for a slow motion sequence to take place to allow players the advantage of being able to select their actions, but there was a long period of time that we couldn’t do it properly. It was largely thanks to the staff for tying in the ATB system to perfect this as well.
—Lastly, is there anything you would like to say to the readers?
Nomura: We know that everyone wants the next installment to be released quickly. We would also like to deliver it as soon as possible. Since we were able to see the line of quality from the first installment, we hope to make the next installment even better in quality that will make for an even greater experience. We hope to release it as soon as possible, so please wait a bit more. I think we can clearly convey the direction when we officially announce the next installment, so we hope you can look forward to it!
—From the time that the game was announced at E3 during 2015, the world focused their attention on the game, and after releasing footage of the game’s progress through a promotional video at E3 during 2019, the expectations from the fans has only increased. I’m sure you felt quite a lot of pressure at that time, but now that the game is finally released, how do you feel?
Kitase: I feel relieved that we were able to successfully approach both veteran fans who have been there since the beginning as well as new fans. I feel like right now, the expectations are even higher than before the game was released, and that gives us a lot of motivation to develop the next installment.
—Before the game was released, you mentioned that the hurdle that you needed to overcome was that of the player’s imagination that they have constructed in their minds for the Remake. After seeing the reception from the players post-release, do you feel that you have overcome that hurdle?
Kitase: Well, not just for me, but the power of the entire development staff combined was great. Most of them were fans from the beginning who also played the original game when it first came out. Thanks to that, they knew what kind of image fans probably had for the Remake, and I think we were able to overcome the hurdles that way.
—The game was released worldwide during a time when COVID-19 was affecting the entire world, but did that have any impacts on the game’s development? Also, before the game was released, promotional events were cancelled and the distribution of the game was also shipped ahead of schedule. There seemed to have been a lot of hard decisions to make depending on the situation…
Kitase: In terms of development, we only had the debugging phase left, which meant that the game was pretty much already complete, so there was not much impact from the virus. However, it was a pity that many promotional events were cancelled, and people were not able to really celebrate the release of the game. Luckily, through the means of the downloadable version, we were able to deliver some fun during a very stressful time where it was hard for people to even leave their homes. I hope that we were able to give them at least a moment of reprieve through the game.
—In regards to the FFVII Remake production, was there anything you were particular about?
Kitase: In the latter half of the story, there’s a scene where Cloud and Sephiroth have a confrontation. I wanted the scenery of that segment to show a starry sky that represents the overall themes of FFVII, and the art design team was able to bring that image to life.
—From the game’s battle system to its story to the elaborate details of Midgar’s various environments, including songs that sometimes only play in one scene, the game is full of a richness that has been carefully crafted, which shows that a lot of time and effort was spent creating this game. The staff must have been very enthusiastic, right?
Kitase: That’s all thanks to the careful attention that the Co-Directors Hamaguchi and Toriyama as well as the development staff put in making this game. I started game development ever since the Super Famicom console, so I’m used to the type of “cut” and “reuse” way of production. However, the new generation of games require a sense of reality, so that former way of developing games has become obsolete. The current generation of game development staff have that new type of conscience when creating games, so it’s thanks to their enthusiasm that we were able to make this possible.
—I’m sure that there are several younger development staff who never played the original FFVII, so were there any instances where there was a bit of a generation gap?
Kitase: Not really. But I guess when we wanted to give an example from a movie or something, we wouldn’t bring up a reference from an old movie that they probably wouldn’t know (laughs).
—Are there any elements from either the Original game or part of the Compilation that you wanted to make a reality or something that you wanted to have in the past game that was then added into this game?
Kitase: I suppose that would be making everything in 3D with a 360 degree scope of the world. Especially when you’re looking up into the sky of Midgar or looking down towards the slums, I’m really glad that we were able to give the city a sense of realism.
—As a gamer, was there anything in particular from FF7R that surprised or impressed you?
Kitase: This is connected with my answer to the previous question, but yes, being able to look above towards the sky from the slums, thinking “wow, you can see the sky after all!” For 23 years, I imagined the slums to be under a lot of pressure and cloaked in darkness. In the Remake, you can see a different side of the city during the day that you could not see in the original game, and I thought that was really fun.
—You were involved with the initial level design of the Sector 5 Mako Reactor from when the characters infiltrate the reactor to their escape, but were there any other parts that you also were involved in?
Kitase: I was also in charge of the initial stage level design for the scene at the top of the Shinra Building. The scene where Cloud is about to fall off the rooftop but is saved by Tifa is a callback and answer to the Sector 5 Mako Reactor scene where Tifa couldn’t save Cloud from falling.
—FF7R really digs deep into the Original Game’s story, but there is a surprising development towards the end of the game. With Remakes, there’s always a faction of people who don’t want anything changed, but there are also those who actually want things to be changed. Were there discussions among the creators on whether or not you should change things?
Kitase: Director Nomura as well as Co-Director Hamaguchi and Toriyama hoped to be able to keep all the parts of the original that fans have come to love. However, we also wanted to add several surprises that would balance out the story too. I’m sure there are people who wish to experience the exact same story and relive memories. However, if we were to do that, then all we would be doing is just adding to the original experience, which would cause the Remake to lose its significance. I think that we were able to successfully revive the story by adding new elements for the new generation of a “New FFVII.”
—Lastly, is there anything you would like to say to the readers?
Kitase: The new FFVII’s story has only just begun. Please look forward to the story from here on out! --------- CO-DIRECTOR TORIYAMA MOTOMU INTERVIEW
—Now that the game has been released, how are you feeling?
Toriyama: I’m really glad that despite the abrupt change in lifestyle [due to COVID-19], this game is able to deliver entertainment to people around the world in the comfort of their own homes. There was some skeptism from fans when we announced before the release of the game that the FF7 Remake will only take place in Midgar, but because the game dug so deeply into the world of FF7, I was relieved to hear that a lot of people were extremely satisfied with the game.
—From the game’s battle system to its story to the elaborate details of Midgar’s various environments, including songs that sometimes only play in one scene, the game is full of a richness that has been carefully crafted, which shows that a lot of time and effort was spent creating this game. The staff must have been very enthusiastic, right?
Toriyama: We thought about how we can revive the entity of FFVII using the latest technology as well as capturing the richness of the original. The time it took to oversee one scene or area was great, and in order to do so, we needed much more staff than what we had back in the day. Each and every staff had their own things they were particular about, and we were able to find a balance and successfully craft this game.
—Since you were involved with the development of the game, was there anything you were concerned about?
Toriyama: Since we had to replace many things with a new portrayal, I was quite particular that the essence of FFVII still remained true throughout. I think that if you had played the original game too, you would know which parts were changed and which parts were left in. However, I wanted to make sure that the events of the Remake flowed in a natural way with both new and familiar elements that you can enjoy. I’m happy to know that the Remake is able to add an even more vivid experience to go along with your memories of FFVII.
—I’m sure that there are several younger development staff who never played the original FFVII, so were there any instances where there was a bit of a generation gap?
Toriyama: There are actually a lot of staff who have played the original FFVII and got the opportunity to work in this industry. There are also staff who are more versed in the original game than even the members of staff who worked on the original game, and many of those staff wanted to make an adaptation that kept faithful to the original. In terms of keeping things as traditional as possible, the staff who worked on the original game, myself included, had the notion of “making a new game that no one has ever seen before.” With that conscience in mind, we were able to decide the type of direction we wanted to go in the Remake.
—Are there any elements from either the Original game or part of the Compilation that you wanted to make a reality or something that you wanted to have in the past game that was then added into this game?
Toriyama: In terms of music, FFVII is a rather cinematic series, but in the original game due to disc space and time restraints, we weren’t able to include a movie-worthy soundtrack. However, we were able to challenge ourselves with the Remake. We wanted to have specific songs that played throughout the entire game that would also go along with the scenes, so the Remake gave us a chance to be able to try this out. With this type of composing, we didn’t really have a specific detailed list, so we didn’t count exactly how many songs we created until we realized that the soundtrack itself would span to seven discs, making it a huge volume of songs (laughs).
—As a gamer, was there anything in particular from FF7R that surprised or impressed you?
Toriyama: After the game was released, I saw a gaming review website capture all the little details of various landscapes in the game, from the posters and billboards to the train time schedules, close inspections of the buildings, pretty much everything that showed the lifestyles of people living in Midgar. Although I’m glad that people were able to deeply observe the details we put in, I can’t help but see some flaws, so it kind of gives me pressure to make sure that the next installment will have even more perfected details (laughs).
—Compared to 23 years ago, from the addition of voices in conversations to a change of design, trends have changed. Was it difficult to achieve a balance of retaining the essence of the original game but still representing it for a new generation?
Toriyama: We wanted to have the game be fully voiced including the NPC within the city, so we were careful when putting in dialogue that would sound natural. We left in some funny lines spoken from the original game’s NPC too, but since there were way more NPCs in the Remake compared to the original, we made sure to find a good balance where those lines wouldn’t be buried among the other spoken dialogue.
—Instead of always being on edge, Cloud seems to behave more cooly but instead comes off as uncool to those around him. Aerith also seems a bit more mature than the original’s portrayal of her, and Barret seems a more unhinged and tense. The characters all seem to have a new side of them now. What kind of concepts did you use to add to the characters in this game?
Toriyama: For the Remake, the voice acting was added after we had finished creating the cutscenes, and I think that the character’s performance really shined through from the work that the actors and actresses have done that brought out each character’s charm. During recording, Barret had an unexpected continuity that we pushed further, and the results really brought out his character very well.
—In regards to seeing a brand new side of Cloud, the peak of it would probably be the dance sequence at the Honey Bee Inn. Was this scene planned from the beginning?
Toriyama: We strongly did not want to leave out Cloud’s crossdressing scene but instead wanted to create a concept that would make it stand out even more in the Remake. We decided to make Wall Market a huge entertainment district, and we were very enthusiastic in making the Honey Bee Inn even more of an entertainment hotspot in the Remake. I actually helped create the Honey Bee Inn for the original game, so it was easy for me to reimagine the place for the Remake. While still retaining some elements from the original, we were able to give it a huge makeover.
—The Shinra Mascot dog “Stamp” appears in various locations, even on a snack package blowing in the wind in towards the ending with Zack. Was the character of Stamp originally created in the beginning stages of development?
Toriyama: The dog Stamp is a very important symbol that was planned since the beginning. Stamp’s use was determined along with the game design. AVALANCHE also uses him as their symbol, so there is a good meaning to him that we included to have him stand out. However, the Stamp that appears in the scene with Zack is a different breed, so please pay attention to that.
—I was quite surprised that Chadley turned out to be what he was in the story, but who’s idea was it to create this character?
Toriyama: Chadley is a new character that was not in the original game, so it was the scenario team who decided on creating this character. There are a lot of contents regarding the game’s difficulty levels and clearing the battle reports, so we decided to have Cloud be able to encounter Chadley throughout the entire game. I haven’t finished clearing the HARD mode yet, but I hope that those who haven’t cleared everything yet can challenge themselves with this!
—The new character Roche left quite an impact, but he’s an eccentric one that only appears in Chapter 4 and nowhere else. What was the purpose of his character, and will he appear in the next installment?
Toriyama: We had initially drawn up a concept of having Roche appear at the last battle on the Midgar Highway, but we thought that he might ruin the serious mood of the ending sequence, so we scrapped that idea. We also thought to put him in as a boss battle in the Chapter 14 slums, but since you can’t really race around on a motorbike in the slums, we unfortunately could not make it work. Roche’s spontaneity is one of his character traits that stands out though, so there’s a high chance that he’ll appear in the next installment (laughs).
—In the Remake, the characters have a lot of banter when they’re walking around or fighting battles, and the dialogue is not always the same either. Did you oversee the types of conversations that were put in?
Toriyama: All scenarios were checked and supervised by me and Nojima-san. We actually had a lot more lines prepared in the script for dialogue spoken by characters in boss battles, but somewhere around the middle of production, we eventually cut out the frequency of giving out hints and instead left it to the players to think about what to do. This in turn caused us to cut a lot of dialogue out.
—Are there any specific episodes, scenes, or dialogue that you were interested in or wanted to include?
Toriyama: The AVALANCHE base at the bottom of Seventh Heaven in the original game was an interesting area that left an impression on me, but since Cloud is not very close with AVALANCHE in the Remake, we wanted to show that distance between them, which made us leave out that scene. Although I really wanted to have Barret punching that sandbag in the Remake, I had to restrain myself (laughs).
—Lastly, is there anything you would like to say to the readers?
Toriyama: Even though the first installment of the “FFVII Remake” has ended, the story has only just begun. While listening to the voices of the fans, we also hope to make the next installments something that would exceed your expectations. I personally also played the original game again after finishing the Remake. While waiting for the next installment, I hope you can enjoy the differences in the Remake’s portrayal of Midgar and also have fun imagining what kinds of things lie ahead in the next game too!
—Now that the game has been released, how are you feeling?
Hamaguchi: I felt very relieved after seeing the user feedback after the game was released. I fully joined the development team for FF7R in 2017 when the fans had been waiting for this game for quite some time already. So I made it my mission to ensure that fans do not wait longer than 3 years for the completion of the game. FF7 is a game that many people have come to love, so there was a real sense of responsibility to carry, but even so, the development team staff is composed of people who are extremely passionate about FF7, so we were able to enjoy making this game while progressing on its development.
—Since you were involved with the development of the game, was there anything you were concerned about?
Hamaguchi: What was constantly said to the team was that we must “respect the original game.” We were not creating a new game that is only inspired by the characters and world of FFVII, but we strove to create a game where the elements of the original are remade using the latest game design and graphics, making it feel “nostalgic yet new.” If we were to stray far away from the source material, then people might think “this is not the FFVII that I know,” so we tried to follow the original story but added details that we could not add 20 years ago using the latest technology. With that, we were able to focus on enriching the story to create an experience that is still “the FFVII that l know, but with a lot more new things waiting to be discovered.”
—From the game’s battle system to its story to the elaborate details of Midgar’s various environments, including songs that sometimes only play in one scene, the game is full of a richness that has been carefully crafted, which shows that a lot of time and effort was spent creating this game. The staff must have been very enthusiastic, right?
Hamaguchi: The Remake was made possible by the enthusiasm from the entire staff. During the production of this game, the task division between the development staff was even more than another Final Fantasy numbered game. For example, a person in charge of location would usually be a level designer that would spend 2-3 years on a single location’s design, execution, and then implementation, and we had specific staff designated to work on all the locations as well. For battle parts, we had a single person in charge of 2-3 bosses at a time, and a level designers also oversaw everything from design to implementation. With this scheme, we were able to have each game designer focus on only the parts that they are designated with, which allowed them to be enthusiastic and particular with the production of their areas. However, because of this, each game designer felt very strongly of their work that they poured their all into, so in order to not lose satisfaction, wemade it a priority to view the contents as a whole within the team. By doing this, we were able to combine everyone’s vision into the end product.
—Without having the battle system be solely either a Command RPG or Action style, it must have been challenging to fuse the two together. During development, there must have been some trial and error to get it right, but was there any part that was specifically concerning or challenging?
Hamaguchi: One of the most particular parts was how we were going to incorporate the ATB Battle System. We didn’t want to incorporate a completely new battle style that was different than the original, so we were inspired by the original FF7’s ATB battle system to create a new and improved one that also works in real time. Of course, I’m sure that the action elements we added gives off a very fresh impression, but the root of the system is from the ATB battle system, allowing us to incorporate a sense of nostalgia to the battle system. The part we worked extremely hard on was how to fuse together action and command style elements. Many of the development team staff including myself have a long history working with command RPGs, so we are very confident with that type of battle style in that field. However, when we tried adding action elements in, there was a sense of discord within the battle system we had.
The part we were stuck on was that implementing a command system will cause the the user to have too much information in regards to fighting strategy, and that would only cause issues if we were also going to add real time action options too. When we were doing trial and error to figure out how to draw the line between how many action and command elements we could add, Battle Director Endou Teruki was able to join our team. He is extremely versed with action battle systems and how to develop them, so as soon as he saw what we had created, he immediately pointed out that we were lacking features in regards to the action elements of the battle system. Since we were having trouble figuring out a balance between the action and command elements, we couldn’t really answer what we were lacking since we just simply added in action elements, so we were not able to create a very refreshing experience. Luckily, Endou was able to concentrate on the action parts and balanced out the battle system with fast paced command RPG strategy as well as action elements, which is what you see in the finished product.
—In terms of creating an action battle system, I’m sure there were concerns about the increasing difficulty of that fighting style. For those who are not fond of action battle systems, there’s also the option of “CLASSIC Mode,” but was there anything else you were particularly conscious about?
Hamaguchi: For those who only wanted to enjoy the game’s story, we implemented EASY Mode, for those who wanted to enjoy the command RPG style of fighting, we also created the CLASSIC mode, so there are different play styles you can choose from. Since the “CLASSIC mode” was something we tried for the first time, we were excited to hear the reactions of the players, and I think the reviews have been favorable. We heard comments from users who enjoyed the Normal mode’s difficulty level but in the CLASSIC mode style, so we will refer to their feedback in the future as well.
—Since the game’s release, I’m sure that most people have viewed the battle system in a very favorable light. What do you think about the reactions that you have seen thus far?
Hamaguchi: We feel that we have delivered the exact type of battle experience that users can accept. I think this is thanks to the way we were able to create a system that not only reimagines the ATB battle system in real time form, but we also pays homage to the Command RPG style, which leaves a sense of nostalgia while giving a fresh new experience to the battle style. I’m sure there are a lot of people who are interested in what kind of battle system we have in store for the next installment too. We would like the battle system to be even more customizable with more action and command strategies that users can curate into their own playing style, giving an even newer experience, so please look forward to that!
—It seems that the level cap at 50 has some limitations in regards to your status attributes and range, and since various weapons have their own strengths, it seems like you put thought into balancing out battles. In regular RPGs, characters grow and their weapons become stronger, but it feels like this was done in moderation. Was this balance something that the development team had planned from the beginning?
Hamaguchi: When we were stuck on how to create the battle system, we made changes to optimize the balance of the battle system. We wanted a balance that also incorporated the original FF7’s customizable options with materia, and Battle Director Endou also had the same thoughts. However, if we allowed players to get as many materia as they would like, then they could technically give the same set of materia to each character, which would defeat the purpose of giving each character their own unique abilities. Thus, we decided to put limits on the amount of attributes you can have. Moreso than putting a moderation on gaining strength, we wanted players to have fun with the strategies that they could incorporate by using different materia or weapons. If you were to redo a battle, you could try other ways of setting up your weapons and materia to create a stress free battle, and I thought that was an important function to have.
—Boss battles within the game have different stages where the attacks or field changes, such as the Sword Dance battle that splits between two parties during the fight. Was this concept of having battles be set up in different stages as the fight progressed something that was decided during the beginning of production?
Hamaguchi: That’s right. I told the team during the beginning that boss battles would be executed out in phases. Many of the bosses within each chapter contain some of the most exciting reveals, so we wanted players to be able to feel immersed within the story even through the boss battles. In order to do that, we constructed each boss battle to have several different phases where the battle strategy changes and also focuses on the story at the same time. We also paid attention to the party structure. In particular, we spent a lot of time and effort to solidify the party structure during the battle with Sephiroth. The battle with the Whisper Harbinger that leads to the climax fight with Sephiroth is one that changes automatically as does the structure of the party you are fighting with, so the protagonists need to work together in order to challenge their own fate.
However, we felt that if we were to do the same type of structure during Sephiroth’s battle, then it might become tedious to the player. For example, if we were to take away one of the protagonists out of the four, then the fans of that protagonist might feel let down. Because of that, we decided that the characters who join you during the Sephiroth battle will depend on how you fought during the Whisper Harbinger battle. However, in order to do this, we would have to create a ton of cutscenes depending on the order that the characters appear in, and even now I remember the look on the cutscene team member’s faces when I proposed the idea and the blank stares that I received (laughs). Because the Final Fantasy Series is one that is known for having a large amount of cutscenes, I am really grateful for the cutscene team member’s assistance in not just the Sephiroth battle scene, but for working so hard on all cutscenes within the series too.
—There are weapons, accessories, materia, and items that were added into the Remake that were not present in the original game, but was there any particular reason for doing this?
Hamaguchi: Right before the game went gold, I actually made an absurd request to the team to add the “Pedometer” materia. You get this materia at the start of Chapter 14, and since you’re there to help people out with odds and ends within the Sector 5 and Sector 6 slums, you would need to walk around the areas a lot. Since you had visited these areas within Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 already, there wouldn’t be many changes, so I thought to give players a reason for walking around these places again by adding in this materia. I actually originally called the materia the “Step” materia, but I noticed that Toriyama changed the name to the “Pedometer” materia instead (laughs). I was reminded of it again when I saw the strategy book refer to that name.
—Is there any specific monster enemy or battle (whether it be within the Colosseum or Battle Simulator) that piqued your interest?
Hamaguchi: The “Level 7 Top Secret Battle” has quite a shock factor. The person in charge of battle planning asked me, “Does it make sense for Bahamut to summon Ifrit?” Since they are fighting in a virtual reality, it wouldn’t be a problem, so I answered “Yeah, go for it!” without thinking too much about it. However, when I was doing a play check for the difficulty level of the battle, I remember being shocked (laughs). When that happens, you’d probably panic and think that you should defeat Ifrit first, but it’s actually more advantageous to focus on attacking Bahamut instead. This battle was the most difficult one for me and left quite an impression.
—I’m sure that there are several younger development staff who never played the original FFVII, so were there any instances where there was a bit of a generation gap?
Hamaguchi: Since the original game was so widely loved by fans everywhere, there were a lot of younger staff members who were scared of making changes. On the other hand, Producer Kitase wanted big changes (laughs). Nomura and I saw the Remake as an homage to the original game, so if we were to change anything, we made sure that it would be something planned with a specific reason that fans could accept.
—Did you have any ideas or wishes that you were entertaining by yourself that was then made a reality in this game?
Hamaguchi: It’s not something I was entertaining for a while, but having an automatic weapon growth system was something that I focused on before working on FF7R since I was on the development team for the “Mobius Final Fantasy” game, which left a strong impression on me. Since a smartphone game operates in a way that you return to it on a daily basis, lots of things are automated as much as possible to create a smooth experience. There’s also a card synthesis system within the game that allows for an automated way to synthesize your cards, so that was a point that I thought would be nice to have in FF7R where weapons could automatically level up as well. I’m always thinking about the consumer side when developing games, and being able to see customer reactions in real time, such as when I was developing smartphone games, gave me an environment to try out a lot of ideas I had. I think that was a great experience for me.
—As a gamer, was there anything in particular from FF7R that surprised or impressed you?
Hamaguchi: Although I myself was involved too, I’m still very impressed that we were able to successfully create a game from start to finish without making compromises to any of the large amount of data we had. This is all thanks to not only Nomura, Toriyama, and other directors such as me, but also to the game designers, graphics team, sound team, system staff, and more. All of us had various responsibilities as creators, and it’s because of the best efforts of everyone that we were able to make this game possible. I’m personally very excited to make the next game with the same team members again!
—FFVII Remake is highly praised as a game with amazing quality with the latest technology, but was there anything that was challenging or something that you did not personally oversee but was still impressed with the outcome?
Hamaguchi: Seeing the world of FFVII open up through its story is one of the highlights that makes the game so enjoyable, but the user experience and story immersion could be greatly impacted with too many loading screens and wait times. We therefore kept a technical eye on the loading system since the beginning. In order to do this, we aligned the data with each situation so that it could simultaneously load, which allowed us to not have the loading screen appear during the middle of the chapter. During the last cutscene of each chapter, the next chapter’s data would already be loading in the background, which allowed for the load screen between chapters to also be as short as possible. We also added tips to read on the load screen, but because the loading times are so short, it’s also difficult to read all of them. It made me cry out with joy!
—Lastly, is there anything you would like to say to the readers?
Hamaguchi: The first installment of the “FFVII Remake Project” was centered around Midgar, and we strived to recreate a Midgar that you could not experience in the original story, showcasing the hustle and bustle of the lives of the people there as well as the environment. The next installment will then shift to the other parts of the world since the characters have escaped from Midgar in the story. We hope to create a game that allows you to experience the charm and allure of the world of FFVII from the various lives of the people as well as the environments that will be present. Production for the next installment is already under way, and our team is putting their all into the advancement of the game. Although there is still a wait, we hope that you can look forward to what we have in store!
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aitaikimochi · 4 years
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ultimania Book and Other Translations Master List
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Here is my master list of translations I’ve done for the Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ultimania Book as well as translations of other things regarding the Compilation of FFVII. This thread will be updated accordingly when new information is posted on my Twitter! All links in this master list will most likely go to my Twitter as that is where I usually post my translations. Hope this helps those who are looking for a comprehensive post of all information regarding the series! UPDATED: 7/13/2020
FF7R Ultimania Book Character Profiles 1) Cloud Strife 2) Barret Wallace 3) Aerith Gainsborough 4) Tifa Lockhart 5) Sephiroth 6) Red XIII 7) Reno 8) Rude 9) Rufus 10) Tseng 11) Reeve 12) Scarlet 13) Zack Fair 14) Betty & Marlene 15) Johnny 16) Roche 17) Chadley 18) Biggs, Wedge, Jessie 19) Cait Sith 20) Leslie 21) Kyrie 22) Ifalna, Brian Lockhart, and Claudia Strife 23) President Shinra, Hojo, and Heidegger Ages 24) Andrea Rhodea and Jules 25) Elmyra Gainsborough 26) Mayor Domino and Deputy Mayor Hart 27) Jessie’s Parents FF7R Ultimania Book Character “Impressive Words” Quotes 1) Cloud Strife 2) Sephiroth 3) Aerith Gainsborough 4) Tifa Lockhart 5) Barret Wallace 6) Red XIII FF7R Ultimania Book “Original FFVII Playback” Section 1) Rufus, Tseng, Reno, Rude 2) Aerith Gainsborough 3) Tifa Lockhart 4) Sephiroth 5) Barret Wallace 6) Red XIII FF7R Ultimania Developer Interviews 1) Nomura, Kitase, and Nojima Full Interview 2) Toriyama, Hamaguchi, and Endo (Part 1, 2, 5, 8) 3) Ryota Iwagami Battle Designer about Red XIII’s Collar 4) Nomura on Cloud’s initial Remake Design FF7R Ultimania Secrets Revealed 1) What does Aerith know? 2) The Different Forms of Sephiroth in the Remake 3) What is the meaning of Zack’s Victory? 4) Who are Whisper Rubrum, Whisper Viridi, and Whisper Croceo? 5) Deepground 6) Who can see the Arbiters of Fate? FF7R Ultimania Battle and Gameplay Info 1) Reno & Rude Combination Moves 2) How to get Tifa, Aerith, and Barret’s Resolution Scenes in Chapter 14 3) Criteria to get different dresses in Wall Market 4) How to get Chocobo Sam or Madame M’s Extra Side Quests 5) How to get Andrea Rhodea’s Earrings 6) Shinra Building Stair Climbing Sequence Bonus Scenes (Japanese version) 7) Character Order of Appearance in Sephiroth Fight FF7R Ultimania Trivia 1) The Turks’ Suits 2) Honeybee Inn Dancer 3) Rude’s Victory Fanfare Ringtone 4) Professor Gast Faremis’ Book 5) FF7 Locations outside of Midgar 6) S & G Class SOLDIER References 7) Maximum amount of items and gil allowed in game 8) Shinra Company Hierarchy Chart 9) AVALANCHE Hierarchy Chart 10) Rufus’ Two Sided Coin 11) FF7R Ultimania Book Front Page 12) Jenova 13) The Ancients
Dengeki Playstation Vol. 686 Interviews 1) Nomura talking about Roche 2) Nomura on the Honey Bee Inn Scene 3) Nomura on the Remake’s Ending Inside Games Japan Article 1) Reno & Rude’s relationship and trust with each other Famitsu Interview in April and May 2020 about the FF7R OST 1) The song “Hollow” reflects Cloud’s inner thoughts 2) Toriyama’s Comment about the Honey Bee Inn Dance Battle FF7R Original Soundtrack Pamphlet Quotes (official translations) 1) Tetsuya Nomura 2) Yoshinori Kitase 3) Nobuo Uematsu FF7 Old Ultimania Book 1) Canon info that Reno dyes his hair red
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aitaikimochi · 4 years
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ultimania Book Interview with Nomura, Kitase, and Nojima
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This is the full interview from the Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ultimania Book where Director Tetsuya Nomura, Producer Yoshinori Kitase, and Scenario Writer Kazushige Nojima discuss the Final Fantasy 7 Remake, talking about how the game’s development, ending secrets, and more! Enjoy~
PART 1: This is the fifth installment within the Compilation of FFVII.
—When did the FFVII Remake project start?
Kitase: Actually, this project has been in existence for a very long time.
Nomura: When we developed the Compilation of FFVII, the installments included Advent Children, Before Crisis, Crisis Core, and Dirge of Cerberus, so we knew that we wanted to make a fifth installment. However, we were a bit short on resources as I was the only one heading the project, and since we were busy with other things, the project was put on hold.
—If the project was put on hold, what made it come back officially?
Kitase: When the Final Fantasy series almost reached its 25th Anniversary, I thought about what we should do to commemorate that milestone. That’s when I thought that if we were to go through with the FFVII Remake project to coincide with the 25th Anniversary of the Final Fantasy series, we would have to start it as soon as possible. That’s what got the ball rolling. After that, we had a meeting with producer Shinji Hashimoto as well as Tetsuya Nomura to discuss the details of the remake. Hashimoto was also the one who said he wanted to correct some of the graphics from FFVII Advent Children, and that’s the stage where all three of us decided that we should officially start this project.
—Initially, the project was to be made using staff from external divisions, right?
Kitase: Of course the company’s staff were still involved in the development, but most of the team that had worked on Final Fantasy series were assigned to other projects, so we started the Remake project with other external division staff. However, because we wanted to upkeep the quality of the Final Fantasy series, we decided that we still needed members who had experience working on Final Fantasy. Because of this, we had to do a major shift of staff positions to accommodate for this project.
—Since the Remake will be comprised of multiple parts, when did you decide that the first part will take place up until the escape from Midgar?
Nomura: We made that decision at the start of the project. Midgar stands as a very recognizable symbol of the world of FFVII, and for the Remake Project, we wanted to expand on that. The first installment will establish the root of the battle system as well as the type of basic structure, data assets, etc. that we needed to prepare, so it would take some time to do so. On that note, we had to accommodate in terms of the scale. Since the game would cover up until the escape from Midgar, the contents we needed to develop, such as the world system, level designs, etc., would increase, so we had many reasons to make the decision that we made [to create the story into multiple parts]. When we announced that the project would take on multiple installments, there were many who were worried about how we would be able to make a whole game based solely on Midgar, but I didn’t think it would be a problem. I’ve repeatedly watched videos of gameplay, and in the original game, it takes about 7 hours to go through the Midgar section. In the Remake, the map would need to be in 3D, so there would be much more information to account for as well as time that it will take to go from one point to another, and all that adds up. Since we knew that we would have to add scenarios to the story too, I knew that the overall gameplay of the Remake would be well enough to cover a whole game.
Nojima: We also felt that stopping it at this point would also allow for an adequate amount of story scenarios to be put in as well.
Nomura: After you leave Midgar, you move to a world map, and I mentioned this earlier, but level designs would have to yet again change. If we were to do that, we would also have to split up other scenarios and even if we add new gameplay, it would have to end in an abrupt point of the story. That’s why we felt that if we had everything focused in Midgar, we wouldn’t have to split up any of the story elements that happen there. We had requests to add more content or to make only one installment for the whole remake, but if you take into consideration the quality put into this game, I’m sure players would understand why we made this decision.
Kitase: The Remake is not something that we can finish all at once, so when we decided that the first installment would take place in Midgar, the FFVII Remake Project became a reality.
PART 2: The title “Remake” has two meanings…?
—Nojima-san was added to the team when the project was still being handled by the external division staff, correct?
Nojima: That’s right. I was the one who initially wrote the main scenarios, and the external division staff was responsibile for writing the sub scenarios as well. However, when we transferred the project to internal staff, Toriyama-san (Co-Director) joined and looked over the scenarios we had written up until that point. He then gathered all the scenes we had and rewrote them, and after looking over it myself once more, we decided that the project would take on this shape.
Kitase: After Toriyama joined, we were able to formulate the scenarios and input them into areas within the game itself, and in order to keep the integrity of the story, we let him rewrite some of the story.
—Nojima-san, in what degree do you write the scenarios and how specific do you make them?
Nojima: I lose myself in my writing a lot. I’m always concerned about keeping characters in character, so I constantly make corrections. However, after I finish writing the scenarios, Toriyama-san and his scenario team add revisions, which is then handed off to the dubbing stage, which also makes adjustments to the dialogue. So by the time the scenario reaches completion, I’m not even sure what exactly remains from my initial draft.
Kitase: Of course, the main story’s developments are usually left as how Nojima-san wrote them. The changes that are made are usually minor details that are formulated into the story.
—The title for the remake is just “Remake,” which is a bit rare to put in a title. Is there any specific meaning to it?
Nomura: I am the one who decided on the title “Remake,” but there are two meanings to the title. The first being that we wanted to quell the doubt that arised when we first announced that we were doing a remake. When the first trailer was released, there were people who weren’t sure if this installment of FFVII was merely a remaster or an actual remake, which made them worry. When we revealed the trailer at E3 in 2015, the reactions were as I expected, with some even asking if this was going to be a movie. That’s why I decided to clearly express to those with doubt that this is a complete remake of the original with the title “Remake” as well. In regards to the other meaning to the word “Remake,” well, I can’t answer that right now. Ask me again in a couple of years (laughs).
—The title’s logo with the Meteor is now outlined with a type of metal finish. How did you come up with this design?
Nomura: We wanted to put the Meteor in the title logo when we showed the trailer at E3, but we had not decided on the logo yet at the time the trailer was made. I personally wanted to have the Meteor be in a metallic finish to go along with the mood of this project, so when I conveyed my idea to the trailer editors, they came up with a design for me. The logo wasn’t just for use in the trailer, but it would be used for the main title logo as well. Also, during the E3 trailer, the word “Final Fantasy” isn’t shown, only the Meteor as well as the word “REMAKE.” This was because I wanted to make the announcement of the FF7 Remake with only the Meteor symbol. When the original Final Fantasy 7 was released, the marketing producer at the time suggested that the package design only have the Meteor and said to me, “Even if we don’t write the title, people would know that this is Final Fantasy 7.” Back then, we decided against that, but I wanted to have that idea come to fruition this time around.
PART 3: Wanting to Delve Deep into the Characters from these Realistic Scenes
—What part of the Remake did you pay extra attention to?
Kitase: In the original game, many people were able to live comfortable lives thanks to the power of mako energy; however, the same could not be said for those living in the slums underneath the plate, which left a great impression. In fact, I don’t really remember seeing much about the lives of those living above the plate where mako energy powered the cities in the original game. We wanted to draw out those details, such as in the opening movie where you see people and children riding bicycles throughout the city. The scene then turns darker where you see the effects of a lifestyle reliant on mako, where the light and dark contrasts. We wanted to brush upon this by having the player visit Jessie’s home above the plate.
Nomura: I wanted to keep the elements of the original story. In terms of the battle system, things like the ATB gauge or materia, limit breaks, etc. made up an important part of the game, and I wanted to try to bring over that to the remake. However, we had to consider not only the old fans of the game but the new ones as well. For the veteran players who knew the ropes already as well as the new players who were just getting into it, we wanted to create a satisfying experience for both. Not only did we take the original game’s structured elements and modernized them, but it was important for us to make it so that old fans would also be able to come to terms with the changes as well. Since the original game was released more than 20 years ago, if we were to change the styles to reflect modern ones, I’m sure people would accept them. However, let’s say that we changed Cloud’s hairstyle to not be spiky anymore- that would be weird, right? It was difficult to find a good balance [between realism and the original].
Nojima: When writing the scenarios in the game, I had to pay great attention to the fact that the characters that appear are no longer shown in cute graphics from the original game, but actual people now. For example, in the original game, there weren’t many houses shown in the slums, but in this game, there are tons of houses that allows you to strongly feel the presence of people living within a city. I thought to create scenarios where people are living and breathing in this space. Whether it be the AVALANCHE members or other characters in the story, I always dug deep and thought “Why are they living like this here?” when creating the backgrounds.
—One case of that would be when it was shown that Jessie used to be an actress at the Gold Saucer, right?
Nojima: I wanted Jessie’s mannerisms to be like that of someone who has experience in theater, and I delved into creating episodes about her past leading up to her current family situation. There were many plans to create these types of sub-scenarios for the game when the project first started.
Kitase: When we were in the middle stages of development, we decided to put as many sub-scenarios into the main story to give breathers and pauses from the over-arching plot. We put several sub-scenarios about the Turks as well.
Nojima: That’s right, we had conversations such as “What are the Turks doing right now…?” or “What kind of character from the Compilation of FFVII would appear here?” and etc. Other scenarios we thought of was Tifa asking her landlord to help her figuring out which dress to wear in order to infiltrate Corneo’s Mansion, among other episodes.
Kitase: For example, after Cloud fell into the Sector 5 slums, what was Tifa doing? How did she get into that Chocobo Wagon that took her to Corneo? We had a few things planned during the first half of production, but due to time restrictions, we had to cut it out.
PART 4: Cloud Tries to Act Cool like an Adult but Fails
—As we played through the game, Aerith’s lines left an impression on us.
Nojima: Aerith is the utmost important person in the FFVII Remake, and I was very careful with her lines. Each and every part of her carries a great meaning throughout the story, and I used that premise to write her character.
—In particular, during the nighttime flower field scene in Chapter 14, Aerith tells Cloud “You can’t fall in love with me. Even if you do, it’s not real.” For those who are familiar with the original story, this line carries a lot of meaning.
Nojima: To be honest, some staff actually told me that this line made it seem like Aerith was looking down on Cloud, so it got rejected a few times. If you know Aerith’s fate, then this line would really pull at your heart strings, but if you did not know what happens to Aerith, then you might interpret the scene in a completely different way. I thought the gap between the two interpretations was very interesting. On another note, in Tifa’s scene in the flower field, I wanted Cloud to not look cool in this scene. Even though Cloud and Tifa are close in age, he has a 5 year blank slate, and he doesn’t have enough life experience to consider himself an adult. Even though most of the characters are around 20 years old, there’s one guy, Cloud, who has the mentality of a 16 year old, and that person tries to be like an adult. I really wanted to write that into the story. After the Sector 7 plate fell, Barret comforted Tifa with the temperament of an adult, and Cloud saw that and wanted to do the same for her [in the flower scene], but it didn’t go as planned. I wanted to try writing him as being awkward.
Nomura: On that same note, when recording Cloud’s voice, we had his voice actor perform his lines slightly differently depending on who he was talking to. For example, when Cloud speaks with Aerith, he stands up and tries to act cool, with Tifa he loosens up a bit, with Jessie he sounds confused. When Cloud speaks with Aerith, he’s too self-conscious and gives weird replies.
Nojima: Cloud isn’t able to keep the distance between Aerith and him, right? (laughs). He seems pretty impatient with Jessie, but she finds that amusing and pokes fun at him for it.
Nomura: However, when we did voice recording, initially Jessie came off as a bit too nosy, more than we expected, which might have given the impression that she was being rude. In order to avert that, we had her say lines jokingly each time she teased cloud, giving off a sense of charm and attractiveness, kind of like a “haha, just joking” type of attitude. We decided these things in the recording studio.
PART 5: The Remake’s Scenarios Provide a Vast Setting for Events to Follow
—The Remake’s story has many new episodes that I thought followed the flow of the original storyline, but then there’s suddenly a huge plot device that gets revealed, and that surprised me.
Nomura: Is that so? (laughs)
Nojima: I’m sure you were thinking, “What will happen next?”
—How did this development come to being?
Nomura: When I requested a scenario to Nojima, I first thought, “if I am to create the FFVII Remake, I would like to do it this way.” I then conveyed my ideas to him. During that phase, I planned to make this be more than just a mere “Remake.” For example, the battle system this time around is in real timee instead of using an ATB gauge, and with that, the story itself took a turn that isn’t just the basic FFVII, but something new. That’s the kind of story I wanted to create.
Nojima: As for me, I knew that even though at the very core, this story is about Cloud, the works from the “Compilation of FFVII” have greatly increased [over the years], and I wanted to make something that takes all of those works and combine it into one. Each person who played the original version also has their own vision of the world of FFVII, and I wanted to preserve that too. The results of those feelings are shown within the Remake’s story. These were all the ideas I had, so in the beginning I would initially show it to Nomura-san, and I tried my best to explain them clearly to make sure he didn’t reject them (laughs).
—In regards to the story’s important key points, there must be a flashback scene from here on out, right?
Nomura: At first, the direction we took was that we did not want to put any of these hints while still in Midgar.
Nojima: Right, we originally planned to have the storyline diverge only slightly.
Nomura: We thought to have only a subtle change where in the ending you see Biggs alive, which makes you think, “Wait, this is weird…” and gives a slight sense of unease. But then the staff thought, well if there’s room for more scenes, then let’s just add it (laughs). When we did that, there were scenes that we had to say, “No this won’t do,” and removed it from the story. We didn’t add too many new things, but we did leave a few scenes in.
Nojima: I myself added about two or three scenarios to that too….I’m not too sure what happened to those scenarios at the end. (laughs)
—The scenes where Sephiroth appear in have also be greatly added into the storyline.
Nojima: In the beginning we didn’t plan to have him appear so often, more as an overlooming presence instead. During the middle of production, we changed our minds and decided to have him appear more frequently, and suddenly he was in a ton of scenes.
Nomura: At that time, Hamaguchi-san (Co-Director) quietly pulled me aside and said, “I want the characters to fight Sephiroth in Midgar” and consulted me with this idea. In the original story, Sephiroth exists in a different space, and apparently he gathered materials to persuade me to have the battle play out in this way, but I just said, “Okay sure,” and greenlit the idea. (laughs)
PART 6: Doubts that Arise from Things Not Explained in the Game
—In the Remake’s story, there are a few doubts that are left that I would like to brush upon…
Everyone: …..
Nomura: The story will still continue, so I don’t think we can answer much.
—Then let’s talk about things you can answer starting with the Opening Scene in the alleyway, which was also portrayed in the original game. What was Aerith looking at when she was crouching down?
Nomura: I remember someone saying that she was trying to gather warmth from it…
Kitase: I don’t think so (laughs). If you’re in front of a bonfire, you would see the embers pop, but what you see is the flickers of light from mako.
—In the Remake’s version of this scene, after she looks at the light, it seems like she’s running from something. Why?
Nojima: She felt the presence of the Whispers and wanted to run away from them. Perhaps it’s because Aerith had several bad experiences with the Whispers up until then?
—Why is it that Aerith knows about things that happen in the future or of things she hadn’t heard of before?
Nomura: I wonder why……Please wait until the next installment for that answer.
—At the end of the Midgar Highway, before you pass through the wall, Aerith says, “This is the point of no return. Destiny’s Crossroads.” What was she referring to?
Nojima: If Cloud and the others pass through the Wall of Whispers, then they will be outside the boundaries of the Whispers, meaning they will be going into a place where there is no predestined fate. She meant that they will be at a crossroads where they might or might not be able to cross.
—After you defeat the last boss, Cloud and Sephiroth have a conversation with just the two of them. What was the meaning of that?
Nojima: Exactly what their conversation said. Actually, the lines that Sephiroth said in that scene were written during the beginning stages of production where we did not know the exact placement of when they will be delivered.
—In the ending of the Remake, Zack is alive, which leads to a contrasting development to the original story. What is the meaning of that scene?
Nomura: That’s the biggest highlight of the mysteries that have been been set up in this scene, isn’t it? (laughs)
Nojima: And you can also clearly see the dog Stamp too…
—Stamp looks different in this scene though.
Nojima: Oh, does he know…? (laughs)
—Did you have plans in the beginning for the mascot Stamp?
Nojima: Yes, when we decided on the Remake’s storyline, we said “Well then, let’s have this loyal dog Stamp be the mascot.” Stamp is a popular mascot that everyone in this world recognizes, and we decided to also use him as AVALANCHE’s secret way of conveying messages.
Nomura: By the way, the Stamp that you see drawn by AVALANCHE members is actually the design that I was in charge of. I usually don’t get involved in these designs, but I felt that this character would be very important, so I decided to draw him myself.
—During the ending, Aerith murmurs, “The sky, how I hate it.” [English localization “I miss it, the steel sky.”] Is there some deep meaning to this?
Nomura: For Aeritih, the sky symbolizes sadness. The people who were dear to her, such as Zack and her mother Ifalna, had all returned to the sky, and the sky that she sees above her in the slums was covered by Shinra too. The calamity that destroyed the Ancients, Jenova, also fell from the sky. All of these incidents remind Aerith of the sky, which is why she says she hates it.
—At the end of the game, the words “The Unknown Journey Will Continue” show up. What does it mean?
Nomura: Initially, there was another sentence we were going to put instead, but under various circumstances, we decided to change it [to what it is now]. Kitase told me there should be something that connects to what lies beyond the ending. I also wanted to put something there too, so we ended up using that sentence. I think some might think that the meaning of the sentence is unsettling, but we’ve already taken that into consideration.
PART 7: Original Elements Expected to Happen but Do Not Want to be Erased
—After this first installment, the number of expectations must be very high for the next installment, but how many installments do you think the entire project will be?
Kitase: We have a general idea of how the story will play out, but we haven’t decided exactly how many parts, nor can we confirm anything.
—There has been talk that the story will be in three parts…
Kitase: We have not said anything concrete about how many installments this will be, so people are probably just speculating with no proof.
—The fans would like to know when the next installment will be released.
Nomura: It depends on how many installments we decide to make. If we divide the story into large chunks, then it will take a much longer time to develop. However, if we divide the story into smaller parts, then it might be possible to release them in a shorter amount of time.
Kitase: On that note, if we are to maintain the same quality and volume as the first installment, then it is unrealistic to say that we can churn out the next one in just one year.
Nomura: Personally, I would like to release them as soon as possible so we can take a breather. I’m sure the fans would also want the next installment to come quickly too (laughs).
—If we follow this Remake’s story, then the next installment might have major changes compared to the original, right?
Kitase: I’ve talked about this extensively with Nomura, but I’m sure fans of the original are expecting to revisit familiar locations and scenes, so we have strong feelings to not stray away from that. From here on out, we’re not drastically changing the story and making it into something completely different than the original. Even though it’s a Remake, please assume that FF7 will still be FF7 as usual.
Nojima: For me, I create scenarios that follow the general flow of the original story but with the assumption that the way things are presented or how events occur might be slightly different. Personally, I would like to include towns and areas that originally appeared first in Crisis Core FF7.
—Lastly, do you have any messages to the fans who have played the FFVII Remake?
Nojima: I’m sure that they had a lot of fun playing it and might have doubts on what will happen from here on out, but please remember those doubts you had since you’ll probably find your answer in future installments.
Nomura: This was a very popular game in the past, and since we are remaking it, the amount of attention it had garnered even before it was released was high, and there are many who voiced their concerns about the game too. However, those concerns did not affect our staff as we put in our all to create this work, and we just hope that people will be interested in it. The base for the Remake has been successfully established with the first installment, so we hope to meet your expectations in the next installment too! However, personally, I think there might be some who think “Since this is the Remake, I don’t need to play the original game anymore and just play the Remake instead,” but I want to prevent people from doing that. The original and the Remake are two separate entities. So even if you play FFVII Remake, I would also like you to play the FFVII original game afterwards as well.
Kitase: In this first installment, I think we were able to figure out the exact direction and shape we would like to take with the FFVII Remake. Within the Remake, many hints were strewn along, and we would like fans to get excited and think about on what exactly will happen in the next installments. The theories posted on the internet do reach us, and I think that type of communication between the fans and us will help in creating a story together for all to enjoy.
(Square Enix Interview recorded on March 19th, 2020)
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aitaikimochi · 4 years
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The Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ultimania book has officially revealed the ages of Rufus and the Turks: Rufus: 30 years old Tseng: 30 years old Reno: 28 years old Rude: 30 years old This is the first time that official ages have been announced for these characters among the entire Final Fantasy 7 compilation!
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aitaikimochi · 4 years
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aitaikimochi · 4 years
Subbed the Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer) Infinity Train movie trailer #2! The movie will be out on October 16th, 2020 in Japan!
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aitaikimochi · 4 years
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Here is my full summary for the Boku No Hero Academia HEROES RISING movie! I originally posted it as a thread on Twitter, but here’s a more cohesive version for easy reading! Enjoy~
The movie starts off with Rock Lock, Endeavor, and another Pro-Hero in an epic car chase going after Spinner, Dabi, and Mr. Compress in a truck. They're transporting some important item somewhere, and there is a SICKASS fight between Endeavor and Dabi.
Endeavor uses his flamethrower and blasts it at Dabi, who scoffs at him but throws his blue fire at Endeavor. The blast from Endeavor is stronger though, and Dabi and co. give up as they turn to mud (via Twice's quirk). The truck then reels off the cliff.
Hawks is on the scene to check the damage of the truck. He wonders what exactly they were trying to deliver as the truck was heavily damaged by the fire. Later, we see Nine regroup with Slice, Mummy, and Chimera as he tells them they will soon leave.
After the opening scenes with the villains, we have a short recap of "society consists of 80% of the population with super powers" etc. etc. After the short narration, we immediately dive into scenes of the Class A members helping out on Nabu Island.
The first scene is two girls getting hit on by two guys, but Mineta helps save the girls by sticking the guys to the floor with his mogimogi balls. The girls see Ojiro and think that he's the one who saved him, but Ojiro blushes and says no it's not me!
Shoji is helping out at the beach as a lifesaver, and he spots a kid in trouble. Tsuyu dives into the water to help grab him, and then Satou rows the boat to save the boy. Tokoyami and Sero are also helping out at the beach.
Todoroki is helping the shaved ice stand make ice, and the shaved ice guy asks Todoroki to make more ice, and Todoroki creates a giant boulder of ice and says, "You can use this, right?" The shaved ice stand maker looks at him like wtf lol.
Next scene is Ashido, Ochako, Aoyama, Hagakure, Kaminari, and Deku sitting around in the Hero Agency headquarters on the island. Ashido is taking calls and dispatching Class A members to help out people around the island. They're all in hero costumes.
Bakugou and Kirishima are sitting in their own tatami room, and Bakugou is reading a magazine while lying down on the floor. Kirishima sits across from him. Ochako calls across the room and asks if anyone can help someone find a lost kid.
Kirishima offers to go, but Bakugou says to him in a light tone, "do you think your quirk would be effective to help pinpoint a lost boy?" and Kirishima looks at Bakugou like "Hmm actually..." Jirou volunteers instead and says her quirk would be helpful.
Deku narrates "so why exactly are we at the island? well..." There is a flashback to the Hero Committee saying that villains are getting stronger, and they need to train students to be prepared for anything. Aizawa tells Class A they need to do hero work.
Flash forward back to more montage of Class A members helping out with people around the island. Ashido and Aoyama are helping construction workers clear rubble, Kaminari is using his electricity to help power a farming tractor.
Kirishima is helping move cargo on a truck with the truck driver's wife and baby thanking him. He does his hardening pose and gestures "No problem!" but the hardening scares the baby, making the baby cry LOL.
Yaoyorozu helps repair a motorcycle. Deku, Ochako, and Jirou finding the "missing boy" at a playground. Deku approaches the boy but his sister comes to "save him" from the heroes. The kids then scurry away, leaving Deku, Ochako, & Jirou like wtf was that?
As the Class A members are helping around the island, All Might is back at U.A. and worries about whether they will be okay. Cut back to the kids at the island, and they're wearing their casual clothes now. They're super tired from the day's work.
The Class A members mention how this kind of hero work is still hard, even though they're not fighting anyone. However, the island citizens are thankful, and they bring a bunch of food for the kids to eat at the Hero Agency.
Bakugou and Kirishima are lounging in the tatami room together, and Bakugou mentions this kind of work is boring. Kirishima has his face on the table and looks at Bakugou like ;) as he says "Well, there's no villains here, so that's why."
Kaminari, Sero, Ojiro come and tell Kirishima to join them at the onsen bath and says that Bakugou can't go because he has to patrol the grounds since he didn't do any hero work all day long. Bakugou complains, but the guys leave him be.
As Bakugou is patrolling, Deku is outside training his quirk, and he thinks about OFA and how he can train himself to be able to use this power that All Might has given him. There is a brief scene where they show all the predecessors and silhouettes.
One of the silhouettes looks basically like Bakugou with burning red eyes, surrounded by a red aura. The other silhouette is drawn surrounded by a purple aura with their hair blowing in the wind. It is this exact scene from the manga, but clearer.
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As Deku is training, Bakugou sees him and asks him if he's made that quirk his own yet. Deku says he's getting there, and Bakugou says, "You think you can surpass ME even with that quirk perfected? Just try."
Suddenly, Katsuma comes hurriedly to Deku and says that a villain has appeared. Deku is about to help but Bakugou pushes him aside and grabs the kid, telling him to take him to where the villain is.
The next scene shows Hawks in a committee meeting. The Hero Committee mentions that the League of Villains managed to get a hold of perhaps the quirk nullifying bullet as there have been cases of people getting their quirks stolen.
They ask Hawks if he had heard anything about this, but Hawks said that he doesn't think that these incidents are from the quirk bullet. He thinks it's something else.
Next scene is Toga, Dabi, Mr. Compress, Spinner, and Shigaraki chilling at a rundown shack in the middle of nowhere. They complain to Shigaraki asking him what they're supposed to do. Shigaraki said that the Doctor has something for him.
Cut to Katsuma & Maholo's Dad on a business trip in Kyushu. He suddenly gets attacked by Nine, and Nine takes his quirk. The dad has a cell regeneration quirk. Nine suffers from some kind of ailment that causes his body to freeze up. He needs this quirk.
When Nine takes the Dad's quirk, he uses it to power up and calls lightning down to destroy parts of the city. He then freezes up as he realizes that the Dad's quirk cell regeneration isn't compatible with him. He then sees a video recording of the kids.
Nine then decides to aim for the kids as one of them must have a quirk that is similar to the Dad that might be compatible with his body. Nine is Blood Type B, so he needs someone that can help him regenerate his cells with the correct blood type.
We go back to Bakugou carrying Katsuma and asking him where the damn villain is. They then see a gigantic monster size Praying Mantis wrecking havoc on the side of the hill. Bakugou blasts off to fight the monster but then suddenly stops.
He realizes that the monster is a hologram, and Maholo's quirk is creating holograms of anything she wants. He could tell that the monster was fake because there was no shadow beneath the monster.
Bakugou is furious as he shouts to the girl if she's trying to make fun of him? He tells her that he's aiming to be Number 1 and doesn't need stupid kids to play pranks on him.
As he lunges at the girl, Deku holds him back, and Bakugou gets angry and wrestles Deku on the floor as Katsuma and Maholo scurry off.
The kids end up in a sugar cane field as they look at the stars. Maholo complains that she hates heroes because they're all talk. Katsuma says that they're good heroes though, but Maholo said that the best hero in her heart is their father.
Next scene is back in Kyushu where Hawks is looking at the damage to the city that was caused by Nine earlier that day. He wonders what exactly is going on.
Next day at the island, Ashido gets a call from an island citizen to help out. She dispatches Hagakure and Aoyama, and she tells Mineta that the girl sounded really cute on the phone. Mineta then says he's down to go help too.
Deku wants to go too, but as he leaves the Hero Agency building, he sees Katsuma approach him. Katsuma comes to apologize for the problems they made for him and Bakugou the previous day.
Bakugou also listens to Katsuma's apology as he is outside standing on the veranda and eating a popsicle. He listens to Katsuma explain that he wanted to prove to his sister that Heroes were good people who do come to the rescue when people are in need.
Deku tells Katsuma that it's no problem as his own goal is to become a great hero who can help save people. Bakugou listens carefully to their conversation, and Deku notes that Katsuma has an Edgeshot pin on his bag. He asks Katsuma if he likes heroes.
Katsuma says that he really admires Heroes, but Maholo just worries about him. Deku has a flashback of when his mom told him that she was always so worried about him because heroes put themselves in danger all the time.
Deku asks Katsuma, "What kind of hero do you want to be, Katsuma?" He then explains why he himself wants to be a hero. Bakugou stands at the veranda and listens the whole time, and when they're done talking, Bakugou realizes his ice cream melted away.
The neighbor sees Katsuma leave Deku & comes to him to explain that Katsuma and Maholo live alone with their father on the island. Their mother passed away when they were very young, and Maholo is very protective of her brother since Dad's always working
Suddenly, at the harbor, a boat rams into the pier at full speed. The boat topples over, and Nine, Chimera, Mummy, and Slice emerge on the top of the boat. Nine instructs them to do whatever they need to do in order to find the two kids.
Maholo and Katsuma are returning to their house when Nine appears out of nowhere and literally OBLITERATES their house by striking lightning out of thin air to destroy the home. Maholo then tries to call the Hero Agency to ask for help.
As she calls the Hero Agency, the phone line gets cut off. The Class A members then check their phones and sees that even their cellphone reception is down. We then see that Chimera destroyed the island's telephone and communication tower.
At the harbor, Mineta, Hagakure, and Aoyama just finished helping a couple out with a missing bag. Mineta scoffs to the side saying that Ashido tricked him into coming because the girl was actually taken. Suddenly, they see villains coming up the road.
The villain Mummy uses his bindings and turns anything, even inanimate objects into moving zombies. Aoyama uses his beam to blast away at Mummy's weird zombies, but he just keeps making more.
At the beach, Tsuyu is trying to evacuate all the beach goers as Chimera approaches dauntingly. Ojiro takes the initiative and attacks chimera. He tells Tokoyami to go back to the Hero Agency to ask for help since everyone's cellphones aren't working.
Tokoyami makes it back to the Hero Agency, and he says villains are near the harbor and beach. They need back-up. Iida dispatches everyone. Teams are
Bakugou, Kirishima, & Kaminari
Yaoyorozu, Jirou, & Ashido
Koda & Ochako
Iida, Todoroki, Sero, & Tokoyami
Aoyama is at his limit as he continues to fight Mummy, but thankfully, Bakugou blasts an explosion aimed towards Mummy to throw him off. Behind Bakugou, Kirishima comes rushing in and says "RED RIOT IS HERE!" Kaminari releases electricity too.
Ashido comes to Aoyama's aid and helps him up. She, Jirou, and Yaoyorozu bring the others to safety as well as direct the citizens to the safehold.
Mummy continues to attack Bakugou, Kirishima, and Kaminari. Mummy finds an opening and tries to hit Bakugou, but Kirishima jumps in front of him and deflects the attack but gets caught himself. Bakugou then gets bounded, and Kirishima yells "Bakugou!"
Ojiro continues to fight Chimera at the beach and pulls some pretty cool moves on him. Good thing back up comes from Todoroki rushing in with Iida as well as Tokoyami having Dark Shadow drop him and Satou onto Chimera.
As Satou drops in and tries using his Sugar Rush attack move on Chimera, there is a BEAUTIFUL shot of him and Chimera fist to fist fighting against the sunset mid-air. It was such a dynamic shot. Totally not necessary but beautiful to see lol.
Back at Katsuma and Maholo's destroyed house (I realized that Nine destroys the house after, not before the beach fights). Nine can glance at a person and know what their stats, and he figures out that Katsuma is the one with the cell regeneration quirk.
Nine tells Katsuma and Maholo that he will not kill them, but that they should follow him because he needs something from them. Deku then comes to the rescue though and rushes them through the forest.
Nine then slowly walks to Deku and says, "get out of the way. If you're in my way, I will kill you." Deku then uses full cowl, but Nine is able to block him with a barrier. Nine also shoots energy from his fingers, and Deku thinks that he's like AFO.
Back at the battle with Mummy, Bakugou is completely controlled by Mummy, but he is trying to resist. Mummy is making Bakugou attack Kirishima and Kaminari against his will, and Kirishima tries to desperately call out to Bakugou.
Mummy then wraps both Kirishima and Kaminari, and Kaminari says, "Kirishima, what should we do!?" Mummy then says to them that they either surrender or watch as Bakugou kills them. As he says this, Bakugou's red eye shines, and he creates a huge explosion.
Bakugou is able to blast away the bindings and he completely OBLITERATES Mummy as he pins him against a wall and maniacally uses an explosion that is directed right at Mummy's face. Mummy passes out, and afterwards, they regroup with the others.
Kirishima and Kaminari stay with the rest, but Bakugou blasts off. Jirou asks where he's going, and Bakugou says he needs to fight the other villains on the island.
Next scene is Chimera fighting Todoroki, but Chimera is just too strong. Sero uses his tape to wrap around Todoroki as he saves him from Chimera's blow. Chimera can also breathe fire, and the guys find themselves outmatched by him.
Deku continues to fight Nine and uses Delaware Smash, but Nine uses a barrier to deflect his attack. Deku wonders to himself just how many quirks does Nine even have!? He then tries to use One For All 20% Full Cowl. Nine muses that Deku has a great power.
Nine then grabs Deku's head and tries to steal the quirk from him. Deku then thinks to himself that if Nine can steal quirks, that's exactly like AFO. Suddenly, an image of the OFA vestiges appears including the silhouettes. They appear in line like this:
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The OFA users prevent OFA from being stolen. Deku then realizes that the kids are still here, even though he told them to run -_-;; Nine then shoots Deku with his quirk and heavily injures him. The kids are too scared to move.
As Nine approaches Deku, who's badly injured, he's about to deliver a finishing blow but Bakugou flies in to save Deku. Bakugou attacks Nine, and Deku says "Kacchan! Watch out this guy has more than one quirk and can steal quirks!"
Bakugou then says that he just has to keep fighting him then, right? However, Nine pulls out another quirk that looks like Blue Eyes White Dragon (no joke) that pins down Bakugou. Deku tells himself to try to move as Bakugou blasts an explosion to him.
Deku wills himself to move and they try to fight him, but Nine is too powerful. He pins both of them to the ground and tries to go after the kids, but Deku and Bakugou each hold one of Nine's legs to stop him.
Nine gets super annoyed at them and calls forth a HUGE blast of lightning that zaps Deku and Bakugou completely unconscious. However, since he used his quirk too much, his body freezes up, and he falls to the ground. Slice comes to help him.
Nine tells Slice to get the kids, but as she tries to approach them, Koda calls forth a huge flock of crows to block her path. Shouji then rushes in and carries the kids off while Ochako taps Deku and Bakugou, & Tsuyu carries them together with her tongue.
The kids all escape and meanwhile, Chimera also retreats from where Todoroki, Sero, and co. were fighting him at the beach. The Class A members regroup at a shelter where the rest of the island citizens are currently staying at due to the villain attack.
It's raining, and Nine is sleeping on a bed somewhere on the island, trying to recover as Slice watches over him. Chimera comes into the room and asks where's Mummy, and they realize that Mummy was captured.
There is a flashback to when Nine was without his artifical quirks. He had a very weak body, but he wanted to get stronger and saved Chimera even though everyone hated Chimera due to his appearance.
Chimera says that he is thankful that Nine saved him that day. Also, side note, Nine looked super hot when he was younger and without a mask lol.
Flashback continues to when Nine gets experimented on by Dr. Ujiko. He tells him that he can steal up to nine quirks. Flash forward and Nine wakes up and says that he has to get the cell regeneration quirk that Katsuma has to help his body.
Ochako goes into the room where other civilians are being healed by people with healing quirks. She asks how is Deku and Bakugou doing. They're both completely unconscious as the healers try to help, but they're not doctors so their efforts aren't working.
Katsuma then comes into the room and says that he can help heal Deku and Bakugou. He explains that his quirk speeds up cell regeneration and can also boost one's power. He tries his hardest to heal Deku and Bakugou, to the point where he almost passes out.
The rest of Class A are resting in a break room in the shelter and are trying to figure out what to do with the villains. Deku enters the room with Katsuma, and Ochako says "Deku!" surprised he's completely healed.
Katsuma then tells everyone that the villains are after him, so he can just give himself up to save everyone the trouble of being attacked. However, Deku says that he will never let that happen as he will protect Katsuma and the rest of the citizens.
Bakugou then walks into the room slowly, and Kirishima looks up and says "Bakugou!" while looking relieved. Bakugou heard Deku's words of wanting to protect the citizens. He glances at Deku as they both recall All Might's words "win & save, save & win."
Bakugou then does this pose and says that what they gotta do is just fight these damn villains. Everyone else agrees, and Yaoyorozu & Iida lead the others in a PLUS ULTRA! cheer. Deku then devises a plan on how to capture the villains.
The plan is to lure the villains to the furthest corner of the island where ancient castle ruins are. Koda, Satou, and Hagakure will lead the island's citizens and livestock into a cave to hide. Meanwhile, the rest of the Class A will fight the villains.
(Just random commentary, but can I just mention how hilarious it is to ask the INVISIBLE GIRL to lead the citizens into a dark cave? Like, WHAT IS LOGIC???")
The Class A members then prepare for a large battle as the sun rises. This is the epic scene here where they stand together.
As according to plan, the villains approach exactly down the path that Deku predicted. Shouji is the one in charge of guarding the children while Jirou and Ojiro are nearby as the lookout. Each Class A member is stationed in different locations.
The first attack is by Yaoyorozu and Aoyama. Yaoyorozu pulls out her twin cannons, and Aoyama uses a super powerful navel beam that holds off the villains for a while. The blast is so strong that it causes the ground beneath the villains to break.
Slice then falls down into a cave below, but Chimera and Nine are able to evade the attack and go separate ways. Ochako, Sero, and Mineta work together to barrage Nine with thousands of falling rocks. This action combination looked really cool.
Meanwhile, Slice finds herself in a cave where Tokoyami and Ashido battle her together. Chimera is at another area where he's near a waterfall. As he steps into the water to cross the river, Todoroki turns the entire waterfall and river into ice.
Tsuyu captures Chimera with her tongue and pulls him further into the river where Todoroki tries freezing him. Iida, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Tsuyu then ready themselves as Chimera struggles to get out of his icy bonds.
Nine keeps attacking Sero and Ochako, and they try over and over to stop him with the barrage of rocks flung at him. Ochako is overusing her quirk, and Sero grabs her before she falls down and uses his tape to swing to higher ground.
Ochako then goes to a huge wall of thousands of rocks and uses her Zero Gravity on all of them. She falls to the ground, exhausted, but tries to still fight. Yaoyorozu and Aoyama also fight Nine as they throw attacks at him.
Deku and Bakugou then join Aoyama, Yaoyorozu, Sero, Mineta, and Ochako in the fight against Nine. Bakugou is in the air as Deku jumps high up and grabs his hand while Bakugou spins Deku, and the momentum helps them deal a super cool combo move together.
Meanwhile in the cave, Slice continues to fight Tokoyami, but suddenly she feels the cave stalactites falling as she realizes Ashido is using her acid to loosen the spikes on the ceiling. Ashido then unleashes a bunch of acid and burns off Slice's hair.
With her hair now short, Slice is still able to use them as small spears that she unleashes at Ashido all at once. Ashido is able to evade most of them, but three spears stab her thigh and causes her to fall down side of the cave.
Tokoyami yells, "ASHIDO!" as she plummets to the bottom of the cave. He approaches her and sees that she's very badly injured and bleeding, and his eyes go crazy as he loses it and Dark Shadow explodes out of him. He turns to Slice and says, "YOU BASTARD!"
Deku and Bakugou continue to fight Nine, and Nine keeps using his various quirks to hold them off. The scene then cuts to Iida fighting Chimera. He kicks Chimera, then Kirishima follows up with Red Gauntlet. Their attacks look weak, and Chimera laughs.
However suddenly, Chimera freezes up and Todoroki slowly approaches him as he explains that Kirishima and Iida were only distracting Chimera as they put Tsuyu's poison on his body, effectively stopping his body from moving.
Chimera says not to underestimate him, and he evolves into a crazy animal fusion. Kirishima says, "Woah what is he, Amajiki-senpai!?" Chimera then blasts energy all around him from his mouth, and Tsuyu uses her tongue to wrap around Kirishima to save him.
Iida then grabs Todoroki to push him out of the way from Chimera's energy beam. We then cut to a scene of Shouji protecting the kids as Nine continues to fight Deku and Bakugou but effectively advances towards the kids. Nine destroys Bakugou's gauntlet.
Sero tries to help and attack Nine, but Nine easily throws him aside. Bakugou shouts, "SERO!!" as he falls to the ground. Nine then throws Ochako into the air as well, and Deku quickly rushes into the air and catches her, holding her in his arms.
As he holds Ochako, she murmurs まだ....まだ... "not yet...I can still do more..." but then passes out. Deku then lays her gently on the ground. Nine then approaches Deku and Bakugou but freezes up as his cells have some issue when he overuses his quirk.
Todoroki then devises a plan to fight Chimera. He tells everyone of the plan, and Iida springs to action, trying to distract Chimera. Todoroki then holds Kirishima by the waist as he speeds them forward towards Chimera while sliding on his ice.
As Todoroki wraps his arms around Kirishima, Kirishima says, "Heh, this kind of reminds me of Kamino." Then Todoroki tells Kirishima to harden, and Kirishima uses Unbreakable. Chimera blasts Kirishima with his energy beam, and this scene is SICKKKK!!!!!
While holding Kirishima in front of him as a shield, Todoroki tries to push forward as Kirishima withstands Chimera's energy beam. However, his energy beam causes Kirishima's sleeves to rip, but Chimera finally exhausts his beam and needs to recharge.
As Chimera pauses for a moment, Kirishima falls to the ground, but Todoroki then gets close enough to lunge himself on top of Chimera as he sticks his hand down his throat and gruesomely freezes Chimera's entire body inside out with ice.
Todoroki then also passes out and his thoughts before he loses consciousness is "Midoriya...Bakugou...it's up to you guys now." Chimera, along with Todoroki, Kirishima, Tsuyu, and Iida, are all defeated.
Shouji continues to protect the kids even though nine is advancing towards them still. Meanwhile, Hawks visits the children's father in the hospital. The Dad explains to him that his son has the similar quirk to him.
The difference between Katsuma's cell regeneration quirk and his Dad's quirk is that his Dad's quirk can only help people with Blood Type A. However, Katsuma's quirk can help other blood types too. Hawks then realizes that the villains are at the island.
Hawks calls the other Pro-Heroes and tells them that they need to head to Nabu Island right away as the people there are all in danger, including Class A. He flies to the island first.
Note that it takes around 1 hour for a jet plane to fly from Kyushu to Okinawa (where this Nabu Island is supposedly located), so Hawks flying there is quite a feat lol.
Ojiro and Jirou tell Shouji to project the kids as they go forth and fight Nine. However, Nine is weakened by the constant attacks from Deku, Bakugou, and the earlier ones from the other Class A members.
Shouji holds the kids close to him as he blocks them from Nine's attacks. He takes on all of Nine's attacks and is heavily injured, and he tells the kids to run away.
However, Nine is able to catch Maholo before they can escape, and he tells Katsuma "If you value your sister's life, then come with me." Katsuma is about to give himself up but Deku comes to the rescue and uses SMASH against Nine.
Nine tosses Maholo to the side, but Bakugou is able to capture her before she falls the ground. Bakugou then tells her, "See I told you, I'm going to be the Number 1 Hero. That's why I'm strong!" He puts her down, and proceeds to fight Nine along with Deku.
Deku and Bakugou look like they are getting the upper hand as they throw explosion after smash attacks at Nine. However, Nine uses the purple fluid he carries on his back and makes himself super powered and indestructible. He then creates fire pillars.
He brings down lightning from the sky, and Deku tries using OFA 100% against him. Deku uses a Detroit Smash and Bakugou uses Howitzer Impact against Nine. They hold their attacks as long as they can, and this causes their costumes to get tattered.
Shouji, even in his beaten state, still manages to hold onto the kids to protect them. Bakugou and Deku then look up at Nine as their attacks were rendered useless against him.
Nine then goes onto a short cliche villain monologue about wanting to create a perfect society where only those with powerful quirks live in and those who are weak are eliminated. Deku and Bakugou look at him in disbelief.
Nine uses his blue eyes white dragon move and captures both Deku and Bakugou in its grasp. All hope looks like it's lost, but Maholo and Katsuma cry out to them saying, "Big Brother Deku! Bakugou!!! Don't give up!!!!!!"
Deku then tells Bakugou that in order to continue this fight, there's only one thing they can do. Bakugou makes this face as he hears Deku say this as he knows that in order to fight, he needs to have One For All. He looks regretful with this decision.
Deku and Bakugou both recall All Might's words to them about being heroes who can save and win, win and save. Deku reaches his bloody finger out to Bakugou, and Bakugou extends his finger as well. They miss at first, but they finally make contact.
They touch fingers for a few seconds as OFA is transferred into Bakugou, then they grasp hands firmly like this stock image. The OFA transfer is now complete as Deku wills it to be.
Bakugou asks Deku if he is even still capable of using OFA, and Deku explains that during All Might's fight against All For One, he still was able to use OFA as he was holding onto the flickering embers of the quirk.
Bakugou asks Deku if this is okay, and Deku says it's the only way. They then power themselves up using OFA, and they legit look like Goku and Vegeta as Super Saiyan, even with their hair standing up like this. Bakugou has orange energy, Deku with green.
Might+ U starts playing in this scene where Deku and Bakugou throw punch and explosion one after another at Nine. There is no sound effects or speech during this entire montage as the only music playing is Might+u.
The visuals of this scene are INSANE. Like holy shit the SAKUGA!!!!!! IS OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!!!!! There was this one scene where Super Saiyan Bakugou walks into the side of a mountain and completely melts the ENTIRE MOUNTAIN and throws it at Nine.
As they attack Nine, there is a flashback of when they are children, and Bakugou stands in front of a T.V. and says wow how cool is All Might?? There is also a flashback of Deku as a kid crying in front of his computer screen saying to his Mom AM is so cool
Both of them admire All Might, and the final few attacks are Deku and Bakugou perfectly mirroring each other, doing attacks in sync. They then prepare their finishing blow and do DETROIT SMASH into the air, clearing away the powerful storm to blue skies.
But wait! That wasn't the last move! The fight actually continues in silence with Might+u still playing in the background. Deku has a line over the montage that says "This, this is what One For All is capable of."
Bakugou prepares his final explosion and Deku prepares a finishing kick to Nine, and as they unleash their powerful attacks, Deku says "Thank you and goodbye, One For All" as he passes out, which is this scene in the trailer.
Before passing out and during the part where Deku recalls what One For All means, what One For All is capable of, there is a montage of all of Class A passed out from their own respective fights.
I missed a scene with Tokoyami and Ashido. As Dark Shadow goes crazy, he captures Slice but also causes the cave to fall down on them. Tokoyami shields Ashido with his body, and after Deku & Bakugou's fight, we see Hawks pulling Tokoyami from the rubble.
Hawks asks Tokoyami if he's alive, and Tokoyami says, "Hawks, why are you here??" Hawks then says that he's not the only one who's here as help has arrived.
We then see All Might kneeling next to Deku & Bakugou, who are lying on the ground passed out. All Might cradles Deku in his arms and says he did well. Deku asks if Bakugou is okay. All Might says "Always putting others in front of yourself, yes he's fine."
Deku then starts crying as he apologizes to All Might as he gave away such a great power entrusted with him by All Might. This is the scene where he says "I'm sorry, All Might. I'm sorry..."
All Might says Deku is brave and deserving of OFA, and then miraculously, Deku's body glows with the power of OFA coursing through his veins once more. All Might says it's a miracle, but perhaps the Predecessors willed it for Deku to hold this power.
All Might then thanks his master Nana as well as the predecessors for returning OFA back to Deku. He then holds Deku hand with one hand and in the other, holds Bakugou's hand as he cries.
The ending scene shows everyone being helped out by the Pro-Heroes. I originally thought that the scene took place in an infirmary, but it was actually on site where everyone was passed out.
Although the scene is also silent, we see Endeavor hugging Todoroki tightly as he cries comedically while he says "SHOUTOOOO!!!!!!" there is also a scene of Kaminari and Sero doing a fist bump as they are being held up by the pro-heroes.
 Ashido is being helped out on a stretcher, Tokoyami watches over her closely as she smiles at him, Ryukyu helps Tsuyu and Ochako, and the other students are escorted by the pro-heroes.
Hawks watches as Chimera and Slice are put into custody. He then wonders what Shigaraki has planned. We then see Nine was blasted away to an island surrounded by flowers. Shigaraki appears in front of him, and Nine says he needs more time.
Nine reaches out saying that he hasn't perfected the society yet, and there needs to be someone who can guide everyone. Shigaraki puts his hand on Nine's face and says, "Yes, someone. That someone is me. Good work and goodnight Nine." He disintegrates him.
The next scene is Bakugou waking up in the infirmary next to Recovery Girl. Deku narrates that Bakugou for some reason had no recollection of ever using OFA (how convenient lol), and Bakugou complains that his arms hurt like hell.
Katsuma accidentally sees Recovery Girl kissing Bakugou, and she blushes in embarrassment LOL. Deku tells Katsuma that he will be a great hero. The kids then are reunited with their father and are very happy to see him.
Class A board the boat as they are ready to go home, and Bakugou is at the top of the stern. He sees Deku and asks him if it's okay to leave without saying bye to the kids. Deku says it's fine. However, they then see the kids running to the pier.
The kids wave to Class A and say "Big Brother Deku, Bakugou, Everyone!!! Thank you so much!!" and Class A waves back at them. Katsuma then waves to Deku and says "Big Brother Deku! I'll be a hero just like you!" and Deku says U.A. is waiting for him!
Deku then waves back at Katsuma and Maholo and Bakugou puts his hand up and sort of waves. The last scene is Katsuma's smiling face as he looks on with hope, inspired by the heroes who helped change his life.
THE END!!!!!!
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