akishibup · 6 years
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AKSB Project in Thailand, Japan Expo Thailand 2018
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akishibup · 6 years
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AKSB Project in Thailand 2018 April
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akishibup · 6 years
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AKSB Project in Thailand 2018 April
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akishibup · 6 years
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AKSB Project at 727 graduation concert
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akishibup · 6 years
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Yuunarin at 727 graduation concert
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akishibup · 6 years
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Natsumi at 727 graduation concert
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akishibup · 6 years
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Saorin at 727 graduation concert
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akishibup · 7 years
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Please go to this site and scroll to the bottom, click the yellow/golden button to support Akishibu Project. You can vote once a day, and it’s free! 
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akishibup · 7 years
Graduation Messages for Yuunarin, Saorin & Abuchan
Please send in messages for their graduation! It will be written on your behalf into the message book! 
Saorin: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeCeIbbIQGkOJM0ItNp3nSL4zcfZNe6CHveiMT937uObdyyBQ/viewform
Yuunarin: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc0W3zFdJlzoK9ZBo_A1aa4LqhedmQmBohdLwRcI2Nz_83QTA/viewform
Abuchan: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfcwo0V6QS_VyvmV3x6X4rAYUmhuWkknb1zGdJIlIyX6rzo4g/viewform
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akishibup · 7 years
Saorin’s Blog: To everyone
Announced at the regular performance At Akazaka BLITZ on July 27th I’ll be graduating from Akishibu Project.
I’ve spoken at the regular live And maybe, There’re stuffs that can’t be spoken then, And all the honest feelings, I’d be happy if you read it till the end.
The times that had been tough The times that had been unpleasant  Even though there were a few instances of that The starting point of considering for graduation Begins at the end of summer last year.
Why I had started seriously considering this What had changed with myself I had thought about it a lot a lot...
The things that I’ve knew,  I’ve changed and improved, But from then personally, Even with all these movements, It came back fruitless The ideal was set higher each time... And that was when conflicts within myself began. 
Even with that, to be standing on stage The times that I. am Akishibu’s Funaki Saori, It’s the most enjoyable, Even during lacklustre performances Everyone continued to enjoy it fully, And I really love that
The responses from everyone I really love it.
Even though my image isn’t such I had been the type to become the chairperson at my middle and high school.
In my previous official profile, it wrote that I really hated to having think things, to be clear on what’s black what’s white, and that might be my weakness.
My surrounding is strong with me, Saying it clearly Saying it pleasantly,
But in actual fact, it’s not easy to state things clearly, I’ve always fought with my thinking to be firm and resolved, and I’ve believed that’s also for the group
There are many ways for how one have fun, and there’re people who have enjoyment meeting others
The times I’ve spent with all of you It’s not a lie, but that’s an enjoyment for me I’ve no regrets having enjoyed the times.
With all these conflicting thoughts I want to use what I’ve learnt somewhere And without regrets I’ve decided To embark on this path.
After graduation I’ll stay in the same agency Focusing on what I want to learn Connecting with my work And thinking about what’s next.
I’ll also be remaining on SNS.
Even though the chances of appearing before you is lesser, I want to think that we will be able meet
Do not apologise, even if I said so a lot.
That feeling, the thoughts that I want to express...and therefore, thank you.
From the past till now, that didn’t matter For the people who had come to. see me When I see them sad or crying Each and every one of you is really important to me Because that’s what gave me strength
To see the people important to me being sad I do not want to say this easily and lightly, but I want to show and convey my thanks as much as possible from now.
Therefore, the ones who can’t come The fans who are overseas,  Thank you for sending all the replies.
Through Akishibu activities,  I was able to meet with various people And experience various things And therefore in these 4 years,  All these are my treasures.
There’re two more months,
I want to sweat with everyone I want to meet with smiles everytime.
I know it can be selfish but Every day that we can meet is going to be important
There’re still chances For me to talk to every one..
And right now it’s To do my very best for the tour finale
Let’s sweat hard this time 🔥🔥🔥
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Thank you for reading right till the end^^
Funaki Saori 
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akishibup · 7 years
Yuunarin’s blog: To Everyone
To everyone who had been supporting me.
At the regular live yesterday, I had announced that I, Arakawa Yuuna, will be graduating from Akishibu Project on 7/27.
Ever since deciding on graduation, up until the announcement I had kept mum, and I was feeling gloomly about how everyone will take this news...
I am sorry that it ahd been sudden, shocking and sad.
Regarding graduation, I had been thinking about it a lot. To be able to stand on my own feet, to be able to walk on my own. And, therefore, thinking about my future, and wanting to keep doing music which I love, to go deeper into the music that I love, I had an even stronger feeling to move forth. 
The things I want to do, to face with what I love, truly, I want to be challenging this. 
For Akishibu, we’ve said to stand on the stage of Budokan, and to have a revenge to stand back on Zepp, I am sorry I am unable to fulfil this dream together.
But, it wasn’t a lie or facade about how I felt then. I want to see a bigger stage, no matter when, I want to be able to see the scenery with everyone. This is the feeling I’ve. 
I am apologetic towards the new system we’ve adapted. 
But, because it’s such an important time, we’ve decided to graduate at this timing. 
After graduation, I’ll continue to be in Twinplanet, where I’ve been thankful towards and continue with music as my main.
To be in the same agency as Akishibu, we can continue to help and train each other, to challenge each other, and it’s a good thing. And, I can be supporting them from a close distance. 
Up to now, the happy, enjoyable, sad, tough times, all of these, to have spent time with everyone, it’s an irreplaceable time. It’s my source of energy. It’s my treasure. 
I’ll never forget this. No, I can’t forget it.
Everyone of you are my treasure. 
It makes my chest painful to see all of these important people having sad faces. 
But, to have people being sad that I am graduating, to have people thinking they would need me, makes me think that it’s worth the tough and conflicting times that I’ve gone through, makes me thankful that my hard work hadn’t gone to vain.
Thank you for having walked with me on my idol journey.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
So, everyone, let’s not have any regrets all the way till that tim.
“If only I could have met you earlier” “If only I’ve done something“ “At that time, even if it’s impossible, I’d be thankful if I met you“
Do not have these thoughts.
For me, it’s already enough, I am blessed from each and everyone of you.
So, I hope no one will feel the sadness from regrets.
The same time do not come back again, so everything is valuable. 
Rather than regretting about the past, the times that I can spend with everyone is now, now, it’s the most important time to me.
Until the graduation, even though there aren’t much time, I want to have good memories made with everyone whom I really like.
Let’s not cry anymore (>_<)!(I’d like) to laugh a lot, to have a lot of enjoyable memories. 
There’re still a little less than 2 months till graduation.
As Akishibu Project’s Arakawa Yuuna
I’ll work really hard,
And until the end, please watch over me warmly. 
And, from now on,
Please support me.
Arakawa Yuuna
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akishibup · 7 years
Abuchan Blog: Even if I reborn
On 2017 July 27 I, Ishikawa Natsumi, Will graduate from Akishibu Project
With the new system
I’ve been thinking how to convey my feelings properly about these 4 years of activities, what words to be using, and how to let everyone know what I am thinking, and there isn’t any other way than to say it in my own words. Words that can be conveyed, words that can’t be conveyed, words that can’t be written down, please let me know.
I am writing this for everyone who had been coming to see me all these while. Firstly, since last summer, there are so many feelings that I had been battling with, and the treasures that I am unable to protect, and I want to keep believing in myself and what I can do, so I’ve made the decision.
With the new system, what was said then about changes and evolutions, there was a mismatch with the changes and evolutions that I’ve in mind. With the changes in the environment, and the changes within me, there are steady changes to what I am feeling out of live shows, and the decision was made. =
In the years I am alive, Akishibu Project is, the most important existence for me because of everyone who had supported me, for everyone, for my dreams, I lived. I could say that.
When I get frustrated and unease, when I felt it can’t be salvaged, I could stand on the stage because all of you are here. I am alive because of this.
Because I became an idol Idol
I really want to be even better. Thinking of this aim, I did my very best for all the events.
Regardless of when it was, I want everyone who came to the live to be happy, to be an enjoyment both for those on stage and on the floor, and that was my feelings all these while. In my head I could only think of Live and everyone.
And therefore,
For me Since when it began That I no longer think of that for lives In my head, this vision got narrower I’ve lived straightforwardly And, things that only I can do The various stuffs, the things that I’ve to consider have increased,
I’ve lived a straightforward live And, it’s impossible to say this. I hadn’t noticed it, I can’t notice this, and I’ve kept walking. Nevertheless, I believed it, Knowing people, believing in words, and this repeats.
Somewhere along the journey, I suppressed my feelings and left them somewhere hidden. 
No matter what was said, no matter how words were packaged There’s no choice but to do it.
So, this was the feeling that I’ve since some time ago. Even so, somehow something is wrong. It’s not this. I thought about what, who’s the real me. If I denied it, if I stopped thinking about these. Those times existed. I’ve told myself desperately. 
But indeed, I’ve to live my own way, it’s my life, and I’ve no other options but to move forth.  No matter what I’ve said to console myself, I cannot win over reality.
I am unable to convince myself. It’s pathetic. There were times when I thought of everyone and I just felt miserable.
But, I Want to enjoy live. That’s all. No matter how hard I chased after my dreams, I felt like it can collapse all of a sudden.
And, no matter how strong the feelings can be, it can be gone in a blink Indeed, a person’s heart will change. Even so I Am not a puppet nor robot that can be controlled to dance on the stage. So I’ve decided to walk the path that I want to embark on. This year somehow, the presence of fans became bigger, and it became so huge that both the feelings of wanting to quit and wanting to continue collided whenever I see everyone’s faces from the stage. I think that I can’t live a life without every one of you afterall. I could not give enough thanks to everyone who had came to the goods sale after live even if I want to.
I am sorry.
I said I’ll bring everyone to a bigger stage.. I said I’ll bring everyone to various main stages
But I was unable to..
I want to be able to see bigger sights..
Regardless, we have to live on. From high school till now
My Youth is in everyone.
There isn’t any part of the memories that I’d want to change. Really really Even though there are a lot of regretful thoughts, and because of the existence of these thoughts, I am where I am today.
Always forever I used to think it doesn’t exist but it does!!!!!! I’ll prove it through my life! So, in my next life, I want to stand in front of all of you again.
If reborn in this time again
I want to dance on stage with the thought that “I am alive!”
It’s not a dream. I, Everyone, each and everyone, Even the ones who didn’t come for AKSB now, I am thankful to have met everyone of you, from the bottom of my heart.
I wonder, If everyone is thankful to have knew me?
Please let me live thinking this till the end.
Everyone, Let’s meet again 
It disappears with the blink of an eye.
Thank you for oshi-ing me even when I do not act like an idol. Thank you for tiredlessly watching me dance and sing even when I am not good in it. Thank you for coming to the live. Thank you for going to various overseas performances with me. Thank you to everyone whom I’ve met in Osaka. Thank you to everyone whom I’ve met in Nagoya. Thank you to everyone whom I’ve met in when you travelled far to see me.  Thank you to everyone who had love me. Thank you for having supported me.
Thank you for the ones who had liked my dancing on stage.
Thank you for thinking that oshi-ing me was a good thing.
And, thank you for loving me.
There are some more times where I can see all of you There are some more times where I can hear Abuchan calls There are some more times where I can say thank you to everyone I was thinking all these while on the train and I can’t stop my tears. But, Crying isn’t a bad thing..
I want to cry. I don’t want to be apart from everyone of you. The rest of the live I hope to be able to hear Abuchan calls at its best..
I know that school and work can be busy, but I really want to be able to meet everyone who had once came to support me( ;  ; )。。
It’s selfish, but I’ll be happy if I can meet you.
To create lots of memories and to talk a lot.
Wah~ and also the tears~~~~~.
And also, it’s not the end yet, Please support me up to July 27th. Next week June 14th, will be my last birthday show, please come to see me. At Shibuya DUO.
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See you.
Thank you for reading till the end.
Akishibu Project Ishikawa Natsumi
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akishibup · 7 years
Graduation Announcement
Arakawa Yuuna, Funaki Saori and Ishikawa Natsumi announced their graduation at regular live today. 
They will graduate together on July 27
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akishibup · 7 years
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Photos from their Osaka live. 
It’s Mizuki’s hometown so they had special segments for her. No Abuchan photo because she didn’t upload any. 
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akishibup · 7 years
Layout changed!
The layout of the English homepage had been changed. 
If you’re on mobile, please refrain from using Tumblr app since you will not be able to see the individual pages. Use safari/chrome on mobile to check out the full site. 
Click on the members’ photos on the side bar for their profiles. The new members’ profiles are completely updated. Click on the # for the individual members’ tags. Their personal Twitter profiles are also linked under their photos. 
AKSB Project’s tour finale is on June 11th at Akasaka Blitz, and tickets can still be purchased on e+. 
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akishibup · 7 years
[EXCLUSIVE] Okonogi Ruka’s introduction in English! More about Ruururu here.
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akishibup · 7 years
[EXCLUSIVE] Tsushiro Mizuki’s introduction in English! More about Mizuki here.
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