alejandro-flores · 1 year
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alejandro-flores · 1 year
WHERE: The Gym WHO: @juandiego-flores
To say things have been strange in Opulence would be an understatement.  Alejandro now was living with Celine for the time being to be close to the boys and her during these uncertain times.  While the boys were at school and Celine working, Alejandro decided to visit his oldest brother.  Since getting out of prison, he had been making it a point to try and mend some fences between him and his parents and siblings.  Thankfully, Juan Diego was the easiest to get along with, because he always has been that way.
“Hey, how you doin’?”  He questioned as he stepped into the gym where JD worked.  “Are your powers acting weird too?”  Alejandro knew the answer, all the supernatural creatures were having issues, but he figured he would be polite and ask.  Stepping up to the punching bag, Alejandro got into position and punched it a few times before looking at his brother.  “So, you want to go do something?  I got today off and the boys are at school and Celine is working.”
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alejandro-flores · 1 year
Right now, it was about their sons’ security.  Alejandro knew they would feel more comfortable in the home they were raised in than the Flores Estate.  Hell, even Alejandro felt more comfortable here than he did at his family’s home given the fact he was an outsider with the majority of his family.  It was more than that though, the man missed Celine, Blaze and Jagger.  Missed the little things like making pancakes, missed the kids yammering on about something, but was so excited for their parents to hear.  Sure, he got that here and there when they stayed with him, but it wasn’t consistent.
“Are you sure?”  He softly asked, his dark eyes staring into her light ones trying to tell if she was just saying what he wanted to hear.  Navigating this thing between them was hard, he never knew if he was making the right move anymore and when she showed up at his place of employment, there was something simmering between them. “You think they will be?”  Although he heard Jagger on more than occasion that he wanted his dad to stay the night, he just assumed for a sleepover.  Nothing permanent.  “Sure, I will go tell them in a moment.  How about you and me just sit down and relax for a few minutes?  Maybe have a drink,” he suggested.  Not often did he drink, but after the day the two of them were having.  A nice drink to soothe the nerves might be nice for the two of them. @celinecerberus
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⌝ Alejandro's arms came around her and Celine's grip only seemed to tighten, like his acceptance of her affection allowed her to deepen it, even if perhaps that was not what he had meant to imply. It didn't even matter as he declared it all for their boys, the same thing she had told Juan Diego. Whatever Alejandro did to protect their family, it was for the kids, not hurt, not anymore.
⌝ When he asked to stay however there was a fluctuation in that thought process, he could have asked for the boys to go with him more, asked that she give up helping the pack until things changed, instead he asked to come and be with them. The boys, and her. Alejandro wanted her safe too. Celine inhaled slowly, taking him in, feeling like she was holding the parts of him she had fallen in love with again. The man who loved his family above everything, and maybe that could still include her.
⌝ Slowly she withdrew, long arms pulling back but her hands still on his shoulders. "You're welcome to stay," she agreed, wishing she could tell him he needn't stay on the couch, that he could lay next to her, they could be adults, but aware he likely would reject the idea, because the truth was she knew if they were to be adults it would not be the mature kind that kept their hands to themselves but rather the ones that pulled at clothing and did things they might not be able to explain in the morning. So her hands simply moved down his arms. "I would feel better if you stayed, for the boys, and for me. You should tell them, Jagger will be so excited. He's wanted you here since you got back." 'We've wanted you here.'
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alejandro-flores · 1 year
Chaos ensued at the Founder’s Day event, but Alejandro managed to get the boys safely home.  Of course, all three of the boys sat on the couch waiting anxiously for Celine to walk through that door.  At times, Alejandro had to be reassuring for Jagger who just wanted his mommy home while telling their oldest that everything was fine.  That she had obligations to the pack and was handling them currently, but would be home shortly.
Relief came when he heard a jingle at the door and then it opened and she stepped inside.  Both their sons quickly rushed towards her, Jagger holding her tightly for dear life and Blaze giving her a hug and telling her that he was glad she was home.  Alejandro stayed back, not wanting to interfere in his boys getting comfort from their mother and waited until they headed towards their rooms to check in on their friends and go to bed for the evening.
For a moment, Alejandro felt out of place unsure where his role was in the family anymore.  Things were complicated between him and his ex, but he did want to get along with her for their children’s sake.  Before he could even say anything to her, she was right there holding him in a tight embrace.  “Of course,” he softly stated.  It felt weird, but he was oddly comforted by her holding him.  It had been so long since he felt any kind of comfort outside his children.  Alejandro finally placed his arms around her and he smiled to himself hearing it was nice to have another partner…but it faded when she added the last bit.
“I do anything for our sons,” he told her as a matter of fact.  “I want them safe, I want you safe.”  And it was true, he was concerned for all their well beings.  “I uh, I know we have been having some difficulties.  But, I really would like to stay here for a bit until we figured out what happened.  Or at least know things are safe again.  I can sleep on the couch if you’re okay with it.”
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⌝. Celine had gone back to the Den with the pack as she had promised Ryden she would, allowing Cass to help bandage her feet that had become bloody and bruised rushing about the open field with no shoes on. She had texted Alejandro and the boys, telling them she would be home as soon as she could, and for Alejandro specifically saying she had seen him take the boys and trusted wherever he had felt safe taking them. It did surprise her a little that was her home, Blaze obviously having his own keys. It was hard for her, to take care of the pack instead of rushing to be with her kids but, surprisingly it was easier than before, on Halloween. She trusted Alejandro, knew he would keep them safe.
⌝. It was only an hour or so from the incident when she did get home though, not leaving them without her for a ridiculous amount of time, stepping into the room and being rushed upon by Jagger. The boy was getting older to be sure but not so old that something like this happening didn't still make him wish for his Mum, Blaze too who hugged her over the little boy in a less intense way. Her eyes on Alejandro as they did. "It's okay," she assured them both, mostly Jagger as her fingers ruffled his hair. "Dad got you home, we're okay here," she insisted.
⌝. It took Jagger a second to let go, telling her that he needed to check on his friends, Blaze saying he'd do the same as they'd become seperated when Alejandro obviously evacuated them from the riots, adding he'd take Jagger into his room. Jagger asking to be tucked in, and Celine giving him a little nod. The boys departing with those sentiments and leaving their parents alone.
⌝. Celine rushed upon Alejandro as Jagger had on her, arms holding her ex close, fingers at the back of his neck. "Thank you for getting them home," she whispered in his ear, nails running the length of his neck over and over again, aware perhaps this was too much, but she couldn't help it. The affection wasn't about being scared, she did trust him, she hadn't worried the boys would be hurt with him protecting them, it was that it finally felt good to have some of the weight removed, for someone else to make sure she could be less overwhelmed, could lean on someone, it had been so long. "Seeing you get them just...it felt good to have a partner. Even if it's not...like this." She intended to let go, but did not.
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alejandro-flores · 1 year
Each day, Alejandro was grateful Celine chose him to do this life with.  When they were children, he denied her advances and he was glad she did not give up on the two of them.  Even when he was young and dumb and could not see what was right there before him.  As he pulled away from her sweet luscious lips, he started to lead her inside and nodded.  “You know they’re all gonna come here, you’re the most talented artist in Opulence..hell probably the most talented in many places.”
Once inside the place, Alejandro leaned against one of the walls and kept his eyes on Celine wanting to take every expression in as he watched her.  “Whatever you want gorgeous, I’ll get some of the guys to come down and paint it for you.”  He nodded, “of course, I am here to do whatever you need.”  And he meant it, Alejandro wanted her to have a flourishing career doing something she loved.  He was thrilled he could give this to  her and watch the business expand.  At her words, he was thrilled to hear she was happy and looking forward to leaving the diner for good.  Their dreams were starting to become a reality.  All they needed were the kids to complete the family they have been discussing.
Alejandro pushed himself away from the wall and headed over towards her, his arms wrapping around her waist from behind as he kissed softly along her neck.  “You and me against the world, now and always.”
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⌝ "You are the only one I've wanted to do this life with," she responded, taking in his kiss as he gave it to her. Her whole heart had belonged to him since they were little, maybe his family had overlooked him, but she hadn't. He was so sweet in moments when no one else was looking, he'd never made her feel small even when he had refuted her affections for the sake of doing what it was his family wanted of him. She wasn't the right sort of witch, she wasn't the right sort of girl, not for them, but she knew she was for him and she knew he would see it one day. When he had it had all fallen into place.
⌝ At the parting of their lips she squealed, heading towards the door with an obvious sway of her hips in the tight dark grey jeans she wore, a tear beneath one of the cheeks that had once been smaller but from each time he had grabbed at the fabric it had grown. "You're going to tell all the guys this is where to come right?" she asked him as she opened the door and stepped into the dusty building, referring to the dealers he worked with.
⌝ "Obviously we're going to have to have like a big painting day, because we cannot have this place remaining a light grey, no way," she informed him, hands touching one of the walls, getting a bit of dust on her palm. "And I mean, I'll need to take some good photos of the tattoos I've done for you and Henri to put up on the wall, show of all my work," she continued to smile as they stood in the space, still feeling overwhelmed it was hers, theirs but hers. She wasn't stupid, she knew even if Alejandro had bought it with their money, even if they were intending on living their lives together, he'd have put it in her name, because he knew this was her dream, it was okay to show her how much she meant to him without needing to own her. "I cannot wait to quit the diner, I'll hold off though, work mornings still until things come together and I'm getting enough bookings."
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alejandro-flores · 1 year
“Damn, you aren’t as stupid as you look.  Yeah white boy that’s what I want.”  Right now, he needed people to help expand his empire again.  The man already had Rosita selling to her higher end friends and damn did rich people love drugs it seems.  And he figured Cass was someone who knew several people who would be interested in the product.  Alejandro was relieved to hear Cass agree to sell for him, he would have hated to put a curse on the kid.  Especially since he had inkling that he knew Celine through the pack.  “Glad we’re seeing eye to eye on things and you’re not so too fucking stupid to say anything to anyone…or you?”
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"So you want me to be your little servant boy?" This displeased Cass enough for his pleading expression to turn more to one of total distaste, unhappy with the mere suggestion of his having to work for Alejandro.
It wasn't so much being too high and mighty for the task. Cass had done worse for money, in the past, before he'd grown into a somewhat adult with a stable job. (A job for which he had at least partially grown his skills through a past of car jacking, no less.) But being in debt to another was bad enough, and being in debt with the task of being at Alejandro's beck and call was worst of all in his mind. Still, he didn't exactly have a choice. "Fine," Cass said with a sharp exhale illustrating the effort it took for him to accept the agreement. "I'll fucking sell for you."
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alejandro-flores · 1 year
A chuckle left his lips, “why am I not surprised?”  Alejandro shook his head, “just own up to it.  You’re the handsome one with all the muscles.  I only get by on my charm,” he joked around.  “Shit, you mean I am going to get old too.  I guess the only thing I can say is, at least you’ll always be older.”
He nodded in agreement, he knew Juan Diego deserved a wonderful woman to be his side.  And truly, Alejandro wanted that for his brother.  “Don’t worry, you’ll find someone.  You’re too great of a guy, you’ll make some lady really happy one day.”  With that, they got into JD’s car and headed out.  “What are you listening to?”  He questioned looking at his brother.
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alejandro-flores · 1 year
“For fuck’s sake Cel, you’re the mother of my children.  Of course, I wanted you to have it just to have it.”  Alejandro noticed she was looking away from him as he spoke about his time in prison, but didn’t request for her to look him in the eyes, because it would be too hard on him as well if he had to say everything without a little distance between them.  “I did for a while,” he murmured.  “But, time weighs heavily on all of us and as the days piled up I couldn’t figure out why, so all I had left was my anger.”
At her words, he nodded, taking a moment to reflect on them.  If she only knew the truth as to why his prison sentence was as long as it was and why she managed to get off, but here is the thing…he actually did love her and was protecting her from the fact she would have been behind bars too if he didn’t make a deal.  “Perhaps I am not as strong as you thought I was,” he calmly responded.  “I don’t hate you Cel, I just do not know how to be around you right now.  When you gave me those divorce papers through a third party, it felt like we were done.  It felt final to me and it took a long time for me to accept that, because I honestly thought I would get some kind of explanation.  A letter, a visit.  Just something to let me know we weren’t done, this was just a hiccup and things would be fine.  But month after month, there was nothing.  No indication of anything, for all I knew you picked up and left Opulence with our boys.”  Although he tried hiding his emotions, it was clear he had been hurting from it all.  “I wanted us to be a family.”
Alejandro took a breath of air as he agreed they could start at Jagger’s birthday.  “Okay, Jagger’s birthday.  Are we planning this together or do you already have it planned and I just show up?  I just need to know what you need from me for this.”
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alejandro-flores · 1 year
|| Alejandro & Minho ||
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alejandro-flores · 1 year
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alejandro-flores · 1 year
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Credits: ©Cheekeyfire
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alejandro-flores · 1 year
A part of Alejandro wanted to comment that the two could have discussed things together, alone at a different time when he was not on the clock.  However, he was tired of fighting with her and things never went anywhere.  “I uh,” before he could respond about not talking to her in a certain manner, things began to shift drastically as her blue eyes landed on him and her nails tugged at her stockings causing his attention to move towards her legs.  When she spoke, his eyes lifted and when she eased closer and his eyes drifted to her larger chest he was taken back.
Everything started to spin around them, nothing else actually mattered at the moment besides Celine right there and the throbbing going on inside his pants.  Playing at his bottom lip, he didn’t say anything at first as his eyes kept traveling along her body, soaking in every curve of hers and desperate to touch her.  “What?  You want to be punished?”  He finally chimed in, getting into the very act between them.  Closing the small distance between them, he lifted his hand to tuck a few strands of hair behind her ear as he gazed into her eyes.  Suddenly, he grabbed a fist full of hair and tugged roughly as he led her towards the one way mirror that made up one of the walls, so they could look down at the people below them but the people below could not see them, just mirrors.  Pushing her against her, her breast firmly against the glass, he pushed her hair aside and started to kiss, nibble at her neck.  “Tell me how bad you want my cock, how wet you are for me.”
Keep reading...
⌝ Celine exhaled, shoulders falling as she did so. She'd explained why she'd insisted, but perhaps he detected it was only a half truth. Yes, she hadn't wanted to argue around the boys, that was most certainly true, but she hadn't dressed this way for no reason. She'd definitely been dressing in ways intended to provoke him, each time she had known he would come by but this was flagrant, obvious and desperate. Maybe he didn't see it consciously, maybe he didn't notice when she was around her male friends it was hoodies and sweatpants and jeans but around him it was tiny tank tops and skirts he could push up, but maybe inside he felt it, which is why he so obviously doubted her purpose.
⌝ "I wanted to be alone with you," Celine stated with clear honesty, regardless of whether it was to talk without the boys hearing them or so she could try and provoke a specific response from him, it was true. "I didn't want to talk about birthdays," she continued, a few slow steps forward, not quite closing the distance between them but bringing her nearer to him. "I wanted to clear up that you won't speak to me how you have been in front of the boys."
⌝ Celine continued closer, dark nails tugging at the tops of her stockings, a slick snap as she pulled one slightly and it hit back against her skin. "You want to call me a bitch?" she asked him, evident bouncing of full breasts within thin satin, inked rose stem between her cleavage, the same tattoo she'd had since they were teenagers, how half hidden by the fullness of her chest. "You want to punish me for what I did? Do it now," she stated upon reaching him, brilliant blue and icy eyes looking up to his own. "Choke me, spank me, gag me, take it out on me," Celine told him. "Treat me badly."
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alejandro-flores · 1 year
The man remained silent at her words, he was not about to just open up what was remaining of his heart so she could drop it on the floor and smash whatever he had left.  In his mind, the moment he admitted he still loved her was the moment she finished him off.  He barely survived the divorce, he wasn’t sure he could survive much more when it came to her.
Prison was not something he particularly enjoyed discussing, the place nearly killed him.  Despite his rough appearance, he felt like a lost little boy just wanting to make his way home…only problem.  The only home he truly knew was her.  Celine had been his home for years, it was the one place he found comfort and he no longer had it.  “Maybe,” he softly stated.  Never in a million years did he think they would be in this place right now, but things changed.  People change, he wasn’t so sure she wouldn’t have just picked up everything and disappeared.
“We did not need to discuss any of this here, but you insisted.”  Alejandro commented.  It was not to start an argument, but just a mere statement from his point of view.  “Whatever you think is best.”
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⌝. "I don't want it as the mother of your children, I want it as the woman you love," Celine insisted, how did he not understand that it wasn't the same. Giving her something because of a role she fulfilled rather than because of his heart was not the same. "Giving me something to show the boys you acknowledge who I am is not the same as giving me something." Before she was the mother of his children, she was a woman, nothing was going to make her accept a gift given otherwise.
⌝ Celine remained quiet once again, as Alejandro assert the days had weighed on him, that he wasn't as strong as she perhaps assumed he was. If she could get cold it would have been the perfect excuse to suggest she leave but as it happened she never really got cold anymore and so sought more reasons in her mind as he described waiting for her to do the thing she'd been too afraid to. "I wouldn't have done that," she insisted, she'd have never done it, even leaving the house had felt like a betrayal of them keeping things together for him. At his statement he had wanted them to be a family Celine just nodded. She wanted them to be a family, present tense, but as it was starting to feel like the only value she held to Alejandro was family she decided not to say so. Getting a family didn't matter if he didn't care about her.
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⌝ "We don't need to discuss it here," she stated again, shifting in her heels, thinking on where she might go. Home? Probably not. Maybe a bar. "We can work it out together. He doesn't really have many friends so it probably won't take very long. I'll show up early to get the boys next, we can discuss it then."
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alejandro-flores · 1 year
A chuckle left his lips, “why am I not surprised?”  Alejandro shook his head, “just own up to it.  You’re the handsome one with all the muscles.  I only get by on my charm,” he joked around.  “Shit, you mean I am going to get old too.  I guess the only thing I can say is, at least you’ll always be older.”
He nodded in agreement, he knew Juan Diego deserved a wonderful woman to be his side.  And truly, Alejandro wanted that for his brother.  “Don’t worry, you’ll find someone.  You’re too great of a guy, you’ll make some lady really happy one day.”  With that, they got into JD’s car and headed out.  “What are you listening to?”  He questioned looking at his brother.
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“I will agree on you majored in asshole, my language is the language of love” He was just joking around, when he wanted to be an ass, he could be just the same as his brother “I mean yeah, the handsome one, I don’t know time seemed to be taking off some of my best qualities, but don’t worry you’ll get there.” He laughed.
He sighed “I know, I just realize a bit too late that she took advantage of my love for her, and that’s not something that makes me happy.” He shook his head “Let’s go, I’m driving.”
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alejandro-flores · 1 year
“Yes, thank you.  Jagger is a good kid.”  Alejandro wished he could claim credit for the way his sons turned out to be great outstanding citizens for their ages.  However, he had to give all credit to his ex-wife who had been raising them for years on her own with very little support from the families.
“Glad you are enjoying the show, I managed to catch a few acts here and there when I am in that area working.  However, most nights I am elsewhere handling matters.”  Right now, he didn’t want to get into much more about the policies and other things that revolved around The Vault.  “Usually, when people go into the area you were, they are escorted out unless they were on the list.  It is mainly to protect the privacy of certain patrons who come here frequently.  Nothing to be alarmed about, thankfully I caught what was happening and everything was handled.” He heaped that would suffice as an explanation, because after that he could not say much more on the matter.  The establishment had a reputation to maintain, and had an obligation to protect their assets which included a small set of people who frequented there.
It was clear Minho was not exactly thrilled by the events that just transpired, but Alejandro made no mention of it as he nodded at the other man’s questions.  “Yes, this seems to be correct,” he simply commented.  Just as he was about to  head back towards his job.  He looked over at Minho, “currently I am on the clock.”  But in a matter of time, he hoped he would be there more as a member than a worker.  He had plans, one was to get back into the country club using his wealth although his reputation might get him denied.  And to be part of the elite at The Vault.  “You going to be alright?  Got it from here?”
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|| Alejandro & Minho ||
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alejandro-flores · 1 year
“Yes, it is officially Celine Day.”  Alejandro commented back, not giving her too much information since he wanted it to be a big surprise for her.  After everything the two have gone through to be together despite their families displeasure of their relationship and the fact it took him way too long to realize she was the woman of his dreams, tonight was about her and perhaps they make an anniversary out of it.
Even though they two had planned this for years, he wanted it to be a surprise.  Mostly because she was passionate about her artwork and inking people.  And this was going to be a huge opportunity for her to spread her wings.  All he wanted was for her to be happy, do something she loved and go to work happy and be her own boss.
While she was being drawn closer in his arms, he smiled hearing her words.  “Soon my love, we will own it all.”  Alejandro had a lot to prove when it came to his family, prove he chose the right woman to start a family with and show that they should have not overlooked him all those years.  Now, Celine and him were going to take on the world together and either things would go their way or they would burn everything down in the process, but at least he would have his queen by his side.  “You’re the only one, I want to do this life with.  I cannot wait to start this next adventure with you,” he told her as he leaned in to kiss her.  
As he parted his lips from her soft ones, he smirked.  “Now c’mon, let’s go inside so you can start thinking how you want to do decorations and everything.  Whatever you want, babe, it is yours.”
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⌝ "Tonights about me?" she asked him back, trying to think on if today was meant to be anything special. It wasn't their anniversary, it wasn't her birthday, it wasn't their actual anniversary - the one she kept in her head of the first time she had told him she liked him when they were just kids. So far as Celine knew today was just their weekly date day, the day they didn't do any dealing, or work, or their parents and just focused on one another.
⌝ It didn't take him but a moment to explain, of course, his playful wink alluded to an evening covered in sweat in his arms but his sweet nervous chuckle gave way to other notions and when he gestured behind her Celine turned her head, the jingling sound of keys in her ear as she heard his words. 'It's yours.' It had been the dream, of course. A place for her to do her work in some place actually sanitised rather than in bathrooms, garages and parking lots, and a way for them to process the money Alejandro made with his dealing. They'd talked about it since they were teenagers, and while it had always been the plan Celine was unprepared for Alejandro have got the money together without letting her in on it.
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⌝ While she wanted to go inside the woman couldn't help herself, gaze coming back to him and arms already around him drawing him back into her. "Our kingdoms finally growing," Celine smiled as her lips found his again, this time lingering, wet gloss sticking to him as safety pins that held her top together grazed his shirt. They had his business, now they had hers, they'd have the rest soon, the car, the house, the kids, they'd have their own world to live in, a happy one, made of their love and their dreams.
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alejandro-flores · 1 year
“For fuck’s sake Cel, you’re the mother of my children.  Of course, I wanted you to have it just to have it.”  Alejandro noticed she was looking away from him as he spoke about his time in prison, but didn’t request for her to look him in the eyes, because it would be too hard on him as well if he had to say everything without a little distance between them.  “I did for a while,” he murmured.  “But, time weighs heavily on all of us and as the days piled up I couldn’t figure out why, so all I had left was my anger.”
At her words, he nodded, taking a moment to reflect on them.  If she only knew the truth as to why his prison sentence was as long as it was and why she managed to get off, but here is the thing…he actually did love her and was protecting her from the fact she would have been behind bars too if he didn’t make a deal.  “Perhaps I am not as strong as you thought I was,” he calmly responded.  “I don’t hate you Cel, I just do not know how to be around you right now.  When you gave me those divorce papers through a third party, it felt like we were done.  It felt final to me and it took a long time for me to accept that, because I honestly thought I would get some kind of explanation.  A letter, a visit.  Just something to let me know we weren’t done, this was just a hiccup and things would be fine.  But month after month, there was nothing.  No indication of anything, for all I knew you picked up and left Opulence with our boys.”  Although he tried hiding his emotions, it was clear he had been hurting from it all.  “I wanted us to be a family.”
Alejandro took a breath of air as he agreed they could start at Jagger’s birthday.  “Okay, Jagger’s birthday.  Are we planning this together or do you already have it planned and I just show up?  I just need to know what you need from me for this.”
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⌝ Celine didn't want to get into the Christmas fight again, turning away from him, barely existent heels sinking into the fabric of the floor and revealing the back of her stockings, the phrase 'love is enough' running up the dark black back seam of the left leg. Arms over her chest she stared at the door she had come through, aware she could walk out. "You never gave me a gift for the sake of proving some part of yourself to anyone before, I don't intend to open any you give me now," she stated, shoulders falling as she recalled why he had said he had purchased the gift for her 'to be a good example.' "When you want to give me something just for me then I'll open it."
⌝ It felt easier to be turned away from him as he spoke on prison though, when he asked what she expected of him. In truth Celine didn't know, not anymore anyway. When he had first gone in she expected he might find a way out, but when the days went by she simply did not allow herself to think on it for too long, because the things she thought of were too painful to process. "I thought the strength you had would be enough that you'd refuse to believe anything that didn't make sense to your heart," she admitted, finally turning back to him.
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⌝. "I trusted you'd forgive me, because you'd know I wouldn't give up my heart for no reason, because why would prison stop me if nothing else ever had? That you'd protect me from my guilt, and tell me I did right by our sons and you loved me for it, that even if you were hurting you'd rather be the one hurt than have any of us feel it," Celine answered, of course, unaware of the choice he had made when everything happened, that Alejandro had chosen the hurt he experienced in prison over Celine going there too even if now it was much harder for him to process. Even if it meant he couldn't just blindly take on pain to protect her. "I didn't ever think prison would make you hate me like this, even with what I did, I didn't - I didn't think it would mean we were done."
⌝ Celine wouldn't have agreed that her sons would pick her over him, perhaps if forced, if truly made to pick one or the other, but she didn't believe it came from the fact he hadn't been in their lives but based on how weak they had seen their mother without him? If she hadn't survived the loss of him how could she survive the loss of them? They knew their father could make it but their mother? No, no boy wanted to see their mother hurt that way.
⌝ In the end it was about the boys and when Alejandro agreed Celine nodded, gaze falling to the floor. "Jagger's birthday is soon, we can start there," she asserted. "But we don't need to discuss it at your work. I've said what I came to say."
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