On Italians and 'Whitewashing'
proudblackconservative ended up making a pretty awesome point just now, and I wanted to elaborate on that.
If anyone has gone and seen the movie ‘Unbroken’, one of the moments that really hit me hard was when Louis was being harassed and bullied for being a ‘greasy dago wop’. Now, he was a pale skinned, blue eyed, European boy. But Italians were once considered to be the lowest forms of life in America.
In fact, during the KKK’s second wave, when it swelled to nearly 3 million members, their main policy was not anti-black sentiments, but rather, anti-Catholic ones. Their primary targets were Irish and Italian people.
And America got on board with it — On board with the mass-deportation and extermination of Italians and Irish Catholics. If you look a little further back in American history, you’ll see that the largest public mass-lynching occurred in Louisiana and was of Italian people.
For the longest time, despite the fact that we were white, Italians were treated horribly in society. The reason why so many Italians are skilled tradespeople or own their own business is because it was historically impossible for them to get work with other people.
But I think equally as important to note is that Italians worked damn hard to change stereotypes that existed about them. Out of all the immigrant groups, I’d say Italians are the most patriotic to the new places they call home.
My nonna was as Italian as they come. She was like
 Neon-Italian. But she still kept the small, paper Canadian flag she received at her citizenship ceremony tucked in the palm cross she had in the kitchen.
My point in saying all of this is: Social Justice Warriors, when faced with the truths and facts of anti-white discrimination, respond by refusing to acknowledge the group being oppressed was white.
Italians are white. We’re European. We’ve suffered greatly as a people. We’ve contributed immensely to the world as a people.
We are white. And we have one of the most enamouring cultures of all the people in the world.
Deal with it.
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“What do you mean?” I protest loudly. “How could you even say that? I’m great at moderation, it’s practically my middle name!”
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If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.
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If they persecuted me, they will persecute you.
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Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. And they will do this because they have not known the Father, nor me.
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So you will have sorrow now, but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.
- John 15:18, 20; 16:2, 22
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They won't kill him. The new films don't have Jasen, Jaina or Anakin so they can't meet old cannon standards anyway.
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The sentimental Joe hopes they don’t kill off Chewie in Episode VII, but the film lover and admirer of the EU canon will hate JJ Abbrams or the next director if he fails to

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This is exactly why learning spanish after Japanese terrifies me. They even use almost the same syllables so their words sound similar. Whenever I try using the little spanish I know a Japanese word always ends up in there somewhere. My Spanish speaking in laws always nod their heads and then jerk back a minute later after they remember- oh yeah- not Spanish.
“don’t you get your languages mixed up?”
yeah all the time in fact in my latest Japanese essay I got 0% because I wrote the entire thing in Spanish and my parents are getting increasingly frustrated because I keep talking to them in German rather than British Sign Language
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Watching Hunger Games
Book Katniss: This was my dad's jacket
Movie Katniss: My dad was a woman's size 4
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I feel like when you’re writing, organizing chapters and dialogue is easy
but the amount of time it takes to constantly keep people moving and make sure they’re in the right spaces and trying to come up with wording for it is always such a shock. 
Like, I made you pick up a coffee cup, you need to put it down at some point. also I can’t remember what I dressed you in, can you push up your sleeves? I don’t remember if you even have your shirt on.
and YOU. YOU OVER THERE, you got out of your chair earlier, but did you come back yet? Are you coming back? Where did you even go and why’d you get up? I can’t make you sit down again already, you just stood up, go
over there. go get more coffee. Did you bring your mug with you? fine. bring the pot to the table and–wait, wasn’t the coffee pot already over here? hold on, I need to go back and re-read and re-write
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Algae can be used to make batteries far better than the ones we use now.
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Let's file this under "sports injury"
So I quit Camp Nanowrimo :( I've been fighting a carpel tunnel flare up for two weeks and even though my stretches finally freed me of the wrist brace I don't think I should push myself right now. Maybe I'll see about getting a prescription for a hand message or somthing. I need a better way of being proactive about this than just stretches and good posture. This ain't something they warn you is part of the professional writer package. Best of luck to all those still in the race though! You can do it!
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I knew the coca cola company in general was crazy but I didn't know about the craziness of the nestle branch too. This site here explains how it's not just nestle in California that needs to go down. The wider company has a history of assassinating union leaders at plants around the globe: http://killercoke.org
water is growing more and more scarce in california because nestle is fucking bottling all of it and selling it. they are on a native american reservation which means they dont have to involve in the emergency water procedures that everyone else in california has to follow. nestle is literally creating these shortages and no one is doing anything to stop them. not only are they doing this to california, but also places where poverty is a major issue and they barely have water to begin with, they are doing this so that it doesnt seem as if they are adding to the problem and its the areas own problems (because they have had shortages beforehand) . now. why is it california has one of the largest fucking bottling plants, and people are ignoring that maybe the plant has something to do with it??? everything to do with it. KILL NESTLE KILLNESTLE
x x x x 
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No, no. See we all know the real reason why the emperor built the death star was to create giant space boobs with the laser beams being it’s destructive milk. Why do you think he built two of them? If you need proof watch this documentary: https://youtu.be/Ke1B1iAeY2c
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Interesting theory.
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Knot practice. And then I kept thinking “more!” So. 
Phrase from when Gina Rodriguez’s golden globes speech was circling tumblr and I wrote it on a post-it that’s been on my computer since. Yes my computer is covered in encouraging post-its. 
(And because the question’s come up a few times, all the embroideries will eventually be up on etsy. Just working out the details ect.)
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In the 20th Century, libraries contained books. Today, The Studio in Long Beach’s Main Library is demonstrating 3-D printer technology that can make a replacement for a human hand.
As part of the Studio’s monthly projects, studio guides have been working together from 1 to 6 p.m. every Tuesday this month to create the prosthetic hand. Since it’s an open source project, studio guides download the files, print out the parts and follow instructions for assembling the prototype hand, which is also shared with the e-Nable organization’s community of volunteers.
“Once we prove we can facilitate the production of a hand, then coordinators from e-Nable will match us up with a person on their list who needs a prosthetic,” Hedden said. “We’ll then work together to build a custom hand based on their specific needs.”
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This one is for my fellow solarpunk fans out there. We've got our first published authors starting to appear!
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Author Sheryl Kaleo shared with Carbon Culture Review her vision for new sub-genre called Solarpunk, and how she interpreted the theme in her new book “Donor” http://ow.ly/L39e7
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Advice: Transitioning Between Exposition and Action
symphonycas asked:
Hello! I’m writing a mythology-heavy story set in a rather medieval time period, and although I love exposition, I’m having trouble bridging my exposition and the more action-heavy parts of the narrative like dialogue. Any advice on how to make a smooth transition from exposition to action? Thanks for the help, and I love your blog. It’s been a huge help in terms of worldbuilding.
The key to transitioning between exposition and action is to find a phrase that bridges the gap between the object of exposition and whatever happens next. If time passes between the exposition and the action scene, you can do something like, “
It was well after midnight when Miranda climbed out her window and disappeared down the moonlit alley.” It was well after midnight takes us from the exposition to the time of the action scene. Sometimes, if the exposition contains a revelation or something that increases the tension or stakes, and time passes before the action, you might try using a scene break and beginning the action after that. If no time passes, see if you can find an element that can serve as both a launch pad and landing strip, bringing you from exposition to action. For example, “
Miranda was only seventeen when Clara had told her the awful truth. It had been a dark and moonless night, one that drained the last little bit of Miranda’s hope. But, as if to make up for past failures, the moon hung high and bright as she escaped from the count’s townhouse, and with its light she found her way to safety.” Here, the moon serves as both a launch pad and landing strip to get us from the exposition of Miranda’s back story to the action of her running away.
Other transitional phrases are things like: 
later that day
the following week
two days later
as soon as she caught her breath
when her mother got home
after a short nap
I hope that helps! :)
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Mountains of the Sea by Ray Collins
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She Tattooed Half Her Face And You’d Never Know It. Her Skills Are Just That Good. Meet Samira Omar.
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The 17-year-old was the victim of a horrific bullying incident. A group of girls threw boiling water on her, leaving her badly burned and covered in scars and discoloration. 
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She thought the physical scars would be with her forever — until she met Basma Hameed.
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Basma Hameed runs a tattoo shop, of sorts — but her tattoo artistry doesn’t look like this:
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it looks like this:
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Basma is a paramedical tattoo specialist. Instead of tattooing vibrant, colorful designs, she uses special pigments that match the skin in order to conceal scars.
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With Basma’s help, patients like Samira can see a dramatic decrease in their scar visibility and discoloration after a few treatments. She even offers free procedures for patients who are unable to afford treatment. That’s because Basma knows firsthand just how life-changing her work can be for those coping with painful scars left behind.
Click here to watch the full video and find out more about Basma’s practice, including how she became her very first patient.
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