devlog #2
This one's going to be short! I took a little bit of a hiatus to change up some major plot points of AYLB and take a quick break for some pretty personal reasons for a while. But I'm back, and on the bright side of things, the first chapter and prologue are almost ready to be released through ChoiceScript. (I'll be moving to Twine for the foreseeable future though.)
As a thank you for being so patient... here's a sneak peek.
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I was really excited for your game, but, making two of your ROs asexual doesn’t make sense to me. You said there will be sexual scenarios, but 1/3 of the characters don’t have sex? Make it make sense 🙄
do you guys… ever get tired from hunting down every author who has ace characters…?
anyways after the third consecutive (seriously?) ask about asexuality i’ve gotten in my inbox, i’m saying it now. i will never tolerate hate of any kind on my blog. this is an inclusive space for people of all identities and sexualities.
and anon. i’m impressed you can spew so much bullshit but then again your head is literally lodged up your ass. it must be really hard for you to make sense of something as basic as respect 😔
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The uquiz was so fucking funny 😂 The questions were uhhhh entirely my vibe. As a sidenote, I got Quatre, and while I'm planning on romancing L first, I literally love all of them and I'm planning on doing a run of all of the routes, which is honestly really rare for me
That’s really sweet of you!!! I hope you enjoy everyone’s routes.
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how tall are the ros? 👀
L: Lucia is 187cm (6'1) and Luke is 191cm (6'3)
S: Siyeon is 171cm (5'7) and Soohyun is 176 (5'9)
Alais: 176.5cm (5'9)
Quatre: 173cm (5'8)
Nick: 180cm (5'11)
Rowan: 167cm (5'5)
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i may be stupid but is quatre's name just the french word for the number 4? is it pronounced the same?
They’re actually named after something else! The pronunciation is more like kua-tuh-re. A little like the word “quarter” I think.
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pale imitation. an interactive novel.
You're not yourself anymore.
Crown of Hearts, a wildly popular YA series fulfills the conditions for any classic fantasy. There's a brave protagonist to save the day, a smoldering love interest (or two) to kiss, and a great evil to defeat in order to return peace to the land.
Perhaps you slipped through chinks in the fabric of the universe. Perhaps some cruel god is playing by some grand, cosmic joke upon you. Regardless of the reason, you've stepped into the role of a side character with a grand total of three lines of dialogue.
Trapped between the pages of the novel, the executioner's axe hangs over your shoulder. Because of course, how else would an epic story be complete without a best friend that dies at the very beginning of the series?
A customizable main character, including appearance, gender, and personality
A relationship-driven storyline
Reignite your hatred for academia.
Five characters to befriend (or romance)
The opportunity to become an absolute societal menace
romantic options:
SOLA RAITHOS (female): The protagonist of the series. With an unwavering moral compass and a sarcastic, witty personality, her passion and drive to protect her home shines through no matter what. A beacon of hope even in the most miserable of times.
ALEKSANDR KAZARIN (male): The star-crossed lover and heir to the Night Throne. Stoic and closed-off from years of brutal training and education, his power has the ability to turn the tides of war. The most loyal of both friends and partners.
NICAI SKYDYNE (male): The youngest prince of the human kingdom, he was portrayed as an incorrigible heartbreaker. Beyond the ink and paper demoting him as just the second male lead, Nicai shows flashes of the potential to become a great ruler.
MALIS REGIN (non-binary): An enigmatic court magician, Malis was hailed as a fan-favorite. Initially cold to strangers, deep down they are a kind and genuine individual. Being both sharp-minded and intuitive has allowed them to be devoted to their studies.
REN (gender selectable): A seemingly unassuming royal attendant, they make no appearances in the book. Despite this, you have your suspicions about their identity. A quiet demeanor and gentle countenance does little to hide trained reflexes and a wide breadth of knowledge.
demo & other items TBA.
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if alais could get a pet what would it be and what would they name it? also will we be able to give cuddles to the existing pets?
They don't have an ideal pet, but they'd definitely foster rescues! It's hard to say what name they would give it them... they'd take some time getting to know the animal before giving it a proper one though.
You can absolutely cuddle the pets. Good luck with Tulle though, it's an uphill battle with that one.
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did I miss when you talked about the poly route?? :0 who is it with?
Uhhh... Surprise! There's a poly route in the game! As for who's in it... 🤐
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i made an uquiz for all the ROs
i'm curious to see who you guys are going to get!!! take results with a grain of salt though, the questions are all pretty arbitrary. let me know your results 👁
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For the ros...perhaps? 🥺
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devlog #1
hey guys!
first of all, thank you so much for 550+ followers! i’ve been awful about keeping an eye on milestones but i'm super honored that so many of you have been supportive and interested in my story.
housekeeping stuff:
a reminder that AYLB is 18+ for a reason. i mentioned it before, but i'm confirming it here: AYLB will have some (optional) sexual content and contain themes i am not comfortable with minors reading. if you’re under 18, i politely ask that you unfollow and do not interact until you become of age.
i really hope to have the first chapter out ASAP. it’s nearing the stage where i’m almost done coding it, so it's definitely coming along! i'm hoping to do monthly releases after the demo drops, but again. i'm bad at coding. I'm Very Bad At Coding.
misc. but Fun things:
i have a few media-based projects i’m planning to release before the actual demo drops, so keep your eyes peeled for those! i’ve been given access to the full adobe suite and i’m going to make that everyone’s problem.
i'm still thinking about what to do for my milestone celebration, and i'm open to ideas. unfortunately, i'm flat broke so i'm afraid i can't hold something cool like a fun giveaway. if it's along the lines of me having a little Q&A or the winners getting early access to the demo though, i'd totally be game.
so! devlogs! they aren't going to be a normal occurrence (unless people want them to be?) but i'll probably post one once in a while to talk about my progress or ask about things i want to hear from you guys.
this month is going to be hectic with college starting up for me (hopefully i don't get the academia bat of stress to the back of my knees) and i hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.
with that, thank you again! here's to the next milestone :DD
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Do any of the ROs have pets?
Yes! L, Quatre, and Rowan have pets living with them.
L has an elderly rescue dog that's been with them since they were 10. Its name is Butter, but people default to calling him Bud.
Rowan has a Persian named Tulle who's constantly getting fur all over her couch. Tulle is a very spoiled cat.
And Nick as a honorable mention! His family cat is named Chrom, and it's still living with his mother. He's very fond of him.
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which ROs would be into pegging?
Under the cut!
I don't think any of them (minus Rowan) would really dislike it, but it would definitely take a discussion and a lot of trust for some of them. Consent and figuring out boundaries is important for anybody in a relationship!
I could only really see S, Alais, and maybe Quatre being into it though.
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I saw you mentioned both Alais and Nick graduated from college. And S went to medical school? How old are the ROs?
Oh, good question! The ages of all the ROs (minus one) aren’t important so you’re free to headcanon them as you wish. I'd say they're somewhere between the early-ish twenties at the youngest, and mid-thirties at the oldest.
I'll plop the ages I can see them as under the cut! Nothing is set in stone though, so they're all pretty vague.
L: Somewhere between 23-28?
S: Around 26-29
Alais: I could see them being 25-ish.
Quatre: I’m thinking late twenties. 28? 29? Early thirties?
Nick: 23-24. Maybe 22?
Rowan: I can vibe with 24-26
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you and your little group of authors are so desperate to be relevant💖
eat my ass
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with the public release of chapter two of body count, here's the vine compilation that's been sitting in my google drive for almost two weeks now. congrats again @bodycountgame!!! i've said it like a million times already but nell your brain is HUGE and i'll attack anyone who disagrees
under the cut because of heavy spoilers <333
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Who's the most down the clown out of the ROs? Also I'm enjoying the fun facts too!!
Doesn't join in but watches fondly
Quatre, S
Down for it, but is incapable of causing chaos
Down for it, more than capable of causing chaos
Rowan, L
Is the entire circus
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