altean-plance-au · 6 years
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Surprise, surprise… Krissy can’t chose between two hair colors…
What’s better… OG hair color, or lighter Altean hair color?
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
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Season 8 made me do it!
Here’s a WIP of Altean Plance getting married
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
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Altean Plance!! I’ve been wanting to draw this au for a while now 💚💙
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
Connections Ch. 8
Chapter 1: The Fall of Altea Chapter 2: The Aliens on Arus Chapter 3: The New Team Chapter 4: The Battle for the Castle Chapter 5: The Robeast on Balmera Chapter 6: The Corrupted King Chapter 7: The Rescue of Allura
Chapter 8: The Exchange of Cultures
 A Couple Quintants Later
Shiro was the only reason Katie’s bayard was out of her grasp as the Galra stood in front of the group. She had been against the idea from the beginning but she had been outnumbered by the others and Shiro himself.
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
Never Ending: Message in a Bottle (Part 4)
So everyone over @altean-plance-au is still doing their thing, and the recent updates have been fantastic (a couple of which I still need to catch up on), and thanks to them and also my friends at the Pidgance Positivity Discord I finally managed to get back to this, and I’m really excited about my plans for it going forward. ;) I hope you enjoy the new chapter! 
Never Ending Oneshot  |  MiaB Part 1  |  MiaB Part 2  |  MiaB Part 3
“Almost every single one of these video files has a name - like a real name, not just a number or something. AND they’re color-coded into topics,” Lance observes, as they flip through the file folder on the screen in his room. “Why does that not surprise me?”
“Because you know me,” Pidge smirks. “Just because the log was your idea doesn’t mean I’d have let you get away with doing it without some basic organization. What are we, animals?”
She’s expecting a laugh at that, but when she glances at him his face has fallen, and she realizes she made a mistake in her attempt to make a joke.
Too soon, she thinks. Too soon to be identifying with the people in these videos completely, even for a joke. Lance has come around enough since earlier to agree to watch these videos with her, but he is still confused. Still scared, even, maybe.
“S-Sorry,” she says. “I didn’t mean…”
Keep reading
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
Do you have the stories up on AO3 or fanfiction or somewhere to where I can read in order
Right now we only have them here on tumblr. However, if you click on the Masterpost link at the top of the page it will take you to the content page. There will find links to all the stories and art so, in the correct order and split up into the applicable sections.
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
Coming Clean
Lance arrived at his mother's accommodation at the castle. By chance she was at the castle sorting out some shipments meaning that he would be able to have this conversation in person with at least one person in his family. He knocked on her door. When she answered she pulled Lance in for a hug.
“It’s so good to see you,” She said as she released her hold. “Come in, come in.”
Lance enter, taking a moment to remove his sword and leave it by the door.
“I’m so glad you had time to visit,” his mother stated, “How are things?”
Lance would have loved nothing better than to fall into the usual rhythm of talking about each other’s life but he knew if he didn’t come clean soon he might lose his nerve.
“Mom, there’s something I need to show you,” he finally said.
“What is it dear?”
Lance took in a deep breath and summoned a shard of ice in his hand.
“Wow,” Lance’s mom said in amazement. “You’ve gotten good at that.”
Lance dropped the ice in shock.
“I’m your mother, besides you’re not as good at keeping a secret as you think you are.”
“When? How?”
“The when was probably soon after you discovered your abilities,” his mom replied. “As for the how, I saw you freeze over a puddle and staring at it in amazement.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Well I was going to at the time but then Luis crashed the quad into a silo and we had that big mess to deal with.”
“Oh yeah,” Lance said, recalling that event.
“Then when that mess was dealt with I told your father and we realised you would have to be sent to a boarding school.”
“Dad knows?”
“Of course he does, I wouldn’t keep something like this from him. Also, don’t interrupt.”
Lance laughed affectionately. “Sorry.”
“I don’t know if you remembered but we tried to broach the topic with you about the boarding school. You flat out denied having magic and we didn’t push. You can be really stubborn if you want to be and we knew that trying to force you would just make you deny it harder. We tried to give you space and time for you to open up to the idea yourself. The problem is that we gave you too much time. When we realised that you were never going to come clean with us about it, you were already significantly older than what your classmates would be. We were afraid that people would think you were slow or something and we didn’t want to subject you to that.”
Lance’s mom sat down and ran a hand through her hair.
“I know I should have pushed harder when you were young but I didn’t want you to go either,” she continued. “I liked having you are home and the idea of sending you to some boarding school miles away was too much. So it was just convenient to keep this a secret. I know it probably makes me a bad parent for stopping you from reaching your full potential.”
“Hey!” Lance interjected. “You’re a great parent, thanks to you I was exactly what I was meant to be.”
The McClains hugged. As she pulled away she wiped a tear from her eye.
“Well now that it’s out in the open, how about you show me what you can do.”
Lance happily obliged, pulling water from a nearby sink. The water flowed the air, taking various shapes. Finally Lance gathered the water in his hands and froze it into a bouquet juniberry flowers.
“Amazing,” Lance’s mom said, in awe of how delicate the leaves and petals looked.
“Yeah that took a bit of practice,” Lance admitted. “Wanted to perfect that before showing Pidge.”
“Already bringing her flowers, thinks must be moving quickly.”
“Huh, no out denials about her just being a friend,” she commented. “Any developments we should know about?”
Lance cursed under his breath, realising he really couldn’t keep a secret from her. “Well me and Pidge kissed.”
“Really? Tell me more.”
“Well it just kind of happened when we were in the forest about to be gunned so we are still feeling our way through this and taking it one step at a time.”
“Wait….gun downed?”
“Wow I really can’t keep a secret.”
Lance proceeded to tell his mom about everything that happened leading up to the kiss. By the end his mom was looking significantly shell shocked.
“Wow...that’s a lot to take in,” She finally managed out.
“Are you ok?” Lance asked.
“Yes...well no. I’m probably going to go scream into a pillow later over the fact that one of my children almost died twice today,” she admitted. “That said I’m glad to hear about you and Pidge.”
“Thank mom, like I said we’re taking this one step at a time. Feeling things out as we go.”
“So would you want to hold the wedding at farm?” She asked.
“Actually if we hold it near Lake Altea it means Gommy can attend.” Lance then realised what he had said. “That is getting incredibly ahead of ourselves.”
Lance’s mom chuckled. “You are just too much fun to tease. Come let’s go call the rest of the family and tell them about your magic. Though let’s leave out the part where you almost died.”
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
Loose Ends (Part 2)
Once the shuttle landed at the Castle, two guards took Lance and Pidge to the infirmary while the rest were escorting the prisoners, a shackled Keith amongst them. Shiro stopped the guards.
“I’ll take care of this one,” Shiro said, pointing to Keith. “Uncuff him.”
“But sir…”
“There is nothing you can say that will make me change that order,” Shiro interjected. “So stop wasting my time.”
The guard quickly complied then left with the remaining prisoners, leaving Shiro and the uncuffed Keith behind. Once alone Keith pulled out a miniature projector. He activated it, causing it to reveal a map.
“The rest of the smuggling operation is here,” Keith said, pointing to a mark area on the map. “They should still be incapacitated.”
“Alright then, I’ll send a team right away,” Shiro replied. “Meanwhile, you’re coming with me. Once the King is certain the princess is alright he is going to want an explanation.”
King Alfor arrived at the infirmary alongside Coran. Shiro and Keith were standing to one side, a doctor was giving Pidge a lookover while Lance was already in a healing pod.
“How are they?” he asked.
“The princess is fine, just in need of some rest,” the doctor replied. “The first aid Lieutenant McClain received on the field means he will only need a short stint in the healing to make a full recovery.”
“Thank you doctor. If you are finished with your examination I would like a word with them.”
“Of course.” The doctor gave a quick bow before leaving.
“While we are waiting for Lance to finish healing, how about you explain us what exactly happened.”
“Do you want the short version or the long version?” Pidge asked, clearly wanting to be helpful but also just so done with the day.
“We have a dead Duke, a dead Galra assassin, your guard is in a healing pod and apparently you helped take down a smuggling operation,” Alfor stated. “Tell me what ever version makes sense of all this. Though how about you start with what you were doing taking on a crystal smuggling operation with no back up.”
“Okay for the record. We just so happened come across them.”
“So after months of digging at long last I was able to get information about the drone Lance took down. We found someone who was able to identify the drone as Galra tech. He was also able to help extract information from what remained of the drone. It wasn’t much, just a single GPS location. We figured it might have been the place where the drone came or at least another location that was being watched by the drone. We followed the location and it brought us to a scrap yard. There we found shattered Balmera crystals.”
“That’s odd,” Coran commented. “Any Balmeran crystals that shatter are supposed to be taken back to a Balmera to reabsorb the nutrients.”
“Our thoughts exactly so I ran a scan on it,” Pidge explained. “The crystal had several chemical anomalies that made it different from pure crystals. Someone had been using discarded crystals to grow artificial ones.”
“Artificial ones aren’t as good as the originals but I guess is actual Balmera crystals are out of the question beggars can’t be choosers.”
“We also founds some impurities in the crystal that were consistent with what you’d find in a Scaltrite refinery. There was an abandoned Scaltrite refinery nearby so we decided to check it out.”
“And during any of this did you think to call for support?”
“Well yeah but that was kinda the problem,” Pidge replied. “As soon as we saw significant activity at the presumably abandoned refinery we tried to get out word of what we had been found. Unfortunately they had been scanning for signals and as soon as we got out a message they were on us.  Turns out the Duke had been supplying weapons and artificial crystals to Galra extremists. He then tried to leave us for dead in a burning refinery and when that didn’t work he tried to kill us in the forest.”
“That Duke certainly was a piece of work,” Coran commented before quickly adding. “May his spirit find peace.”
“He was selling to extremists and tried to kill my niece so I’m not wishing too hard for that,” Alfor replied before turning to Keith. “And how do you fit into all this?”
“A group of Galra extremists called the Divine Fist hasbeen causing serious trouble along the outer rim of the Galra empire,” Keith explained. “They weren’t yet a major threat but people were still losing their lives so something had to be done about them.When the Blade of Marmora discovered they’d started using Altean tech and artificial crystals, it was clear they had Altean backing. I was sent to investigate covertly to avoid a galactic incident.”
“Keith contacted me about this investigation,” Shiro added. “I approved it but kept it under wraps both for fear of the backlash and not to tip anyone off.”
“Wait, this is the smuggling operation you told me you were investigating off the books?” Alfor asked in disbelief. “I thought you were meaning something like a bunch of merchants trying to bypass tariffs on Thaja fruit.”
“I told you it had potential galactic consequences and that it was better for you to have plausible deniability,” Shiro replied with a wry grin. “Do you honestly think I would do that for just Thaja fruit.”
“He’s got you there,” Coran commented.
“I tried to find the Altean responsible but when my drone was destroyed I instead infiltrated the Galra on Altea to try to find the operation. Unfortunately the head honcho kept a safe distance from it. Ironically, the princess and her guard snooping about is what managed to crack the case as it caused the Duke to come deal with the matter directly and it brought nearly the entire smuggling operation together in order to close shop. I mean the Divine Fist is still out there but taking away their source of weapons and tech will severely cripple them. ”
“Glad we could help with that,” Pidge replied. “Though care to explain what you were doing spying on me of all people?”
“I wasn’t spying on you specifically, I was trying to investigate as wide a net as possible,” Keith replied. “I don’t even know how it was your guard out all people that noticed it.”
“What can I say,” Lance replied. “I’m pretty awesome.”
“Lance!” Pidge exclaimed. “When did you get out?”
“About a Dobash ago,” Lance replied. “It seemed like it would have been rude to interrupt.”
“Now that you’re out maybe you can fill out a final question I have,” King Alfor in an inquisitive tone. “Namely that dead Galra assassin.”
“What about him?” Lance asked.
“He was found dead because of a shard of ice in his neck, in the middle of a forest in the middle of summer.”
“We know Pidge didn’t conjure it and it is highly unlikely that one of the Duke’s men would kill their own assassin. That only leaves you.”
“How do you know it wasn’t Keith?” Lance asked, side-eying the Marmora agent.
“I don't have Ice magic,” Keith replied.
“A likely story,” Lance accused.
Instead of replying, Keith held out an open palm. There was a brief spark before a small ball of fire appeared, floating slightly above the open hand.
“Okay,” Lance said at the sight, visibly deflating. “That is unfortunate for me but still really cool.”
“Lieutenant McLain,” King Alfor said sternly. “Is there something you’d liked to tell us.”
Realising it was time to come clean Lance took in a deep breath.
“Yes, there is something I need to tell you.”
“Something we both need to tell you,” Pidge chimed in, standing beside her guard.
Lance was at first surprised but then felt relieved at the reminder that he was not facing this alone.
Lance held out an open palm. His markings started to glow as he used his powers to pull in the moisture from the air. Finally enough moisture was collected to form an ice shard in his hand.
“I’ve known for a long time that I could use magic,” Lance confessed. Pidge took his hand in support, and Lance was grateful for it. “The idea of going to school so far away from my family terrified me as a kid, so I never told anyone. After so many years it was just easier to keep the secret - until Pidge found out.” “I’ve been giving him some basic instruction since then,” Pidge took over, voice firm and matter of fact. “Lance has excellent control and he’s well past the required introductory class level. He’s not going to harm himself or anyone else unless he intends to. Therefore I request he remains on as my guard.” “Well, that solves that mystery,” Alfor said with a resigned sigh. “There is still much that needs to be sorted out regardless. Lieutenant, get the doctor to do a final check up to make sure you’re fully recovered. Once that’s done you and Pidge will be escorted back to your rooms while we decide what we’re going to do about all…this.” He turned to Keith, “A couple of guards will escort you to a cell. Unfortunately, this is now a far more public matter than I think you or Shiro ever intended it to be. We will need to provide answers. We won’t be able to hide the fact that you were spying on Altean citizens as a foreign agent. I have no intention of sending you to prison but we need a solution that will satisfy the law and the public.”
“Actually,” Lance interjected. “Since technically he may have saved our lives, how about he stays with me and Pidge until you figure what you want to do with him.”
“Yeah,” Pidge added, feeling that Keith deserved better than being put in a cell. Even if she was still slightly peeved about the whole drone thing. “We’ll make sure he doesn’t go anywhere.”
“I’ll assign some guards outside their door to make sure they don’t go anywhere,” Shiro added, eager to see Keith not be thrown in a cell.
“Those certainly are excellent points,” Alfor replied with a wink before turning back to Keith. “You’ve earned at least a bit of leniency but it would be in your best interest to still be there when we come to get you.”
“I have no intention of running your highness,” Keith replied.
“Are you sure? I promise we wouldn’t try that hard to chase after you.”
“Nice try your highness,” Shiro interjected. “Keith is not becoming a fugitive just so you can get out of thinking of a better solution.”
“It was worth a shot,” the king replied with a shrug.
At that Alfor,  Coran and Shiro left. After a moment of silence Keith turned to Lance.
“What do you mean ‘may have saved you’? You were bleeding out from a stab wound facing guys with guns. There is no way you could have survived.”
“You don’t know that,” Lance shot back. “I’ll have you know I’m incredibly resourceful.”
Keith rolled his eyes at this.
Two vargas later Lance, Keith and Pidge arrived at one of the kings private meeting rooms. The King, Coran, Shiro and Pidge’s parents were already waiting for them. Pidge gave her parents a nervous wave until they scooped her into a hug.
“We’re so glad you’re alright,” Samuel said. “We would have stopped by to check on you but Alfor wanted our advice on this.”
“If we can proceed,” Alfor said, “You’ve all had a long day so I’m sure you’d like to get this done as soon a possible.”
Everyone took a seat.
“We are investigating the Duke’s operations,” Alfor explained. “His death makes things more difficult but because it done by the Gombash it makes malicious intent unquestionable. It may take a while to sort through it all but those responsible will pay for their actions.”
“We have spoken with Kolivan. He has agreed that the dead Galra assassin will be overlooked in exchange for us handing over the smugglers to be questioned and sentenced under Galra law,” Shiro explained. “On our end, all of Lieutenant McLain’s actions were in the service of protecting his charge, as such no charges will be brought forward.”
Lance and Pidge let out the breaths they had been holding.
“Unfortunately things aren’t quite as simple regarding Keith,” Alfor said. “We all know that you were here on orders by the Blade of Marmora and that Shiro approved it. However, we also know the Blade cannot publicly admit to spying on an ally to the Galra empire. Ironically you running an unauthorised mission causes less of a PR crisis than you having run an authorised one. Luckily Coran came up with a solution.”
“Indeed,” Coran said. “Rather than be formally charged, you’ll instead be given a chance to a earn a Paladin’s Pardon.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s a special piece of Altean law that is saved for people who are believed to be a greater service to Altea outside of a cell than in one,” Alfor explained. “Shiro has spoken highly of your skill and we’ve decided that rather than incarcerate you, you will earn your pardon working under Shiro.”
“For how long?” Keith asked. “Not to sound ungrateful but you can’t keep me here forever.”
“Of course not,” Coran replied. “As for how long, that’s entirely up to you. A Paladin’s Pardon is earned through the type of service, not the length of service. Serve just as a regular guard and you’ll earn your pardon in about five Deca-pheobs. Do great deeds for King or country and you’ll the Pardon quicker.”
Keith took a moment to ponder this.
“Well, it’s better than prison I guess
“That’s spirit,” Coran said, giving Keith a hearty pat on the back. “Now if you’d come with me, I’ll get you settled in and discuss the full terms of your stay.”
Keith looked at Shiro. When the captain gave a quick nod, Keith let himself be led away.
“Lieutenant McClain,” Shiro said. “A word.”
Lance followed Shiro out of the room. Pidge turned to her parents.
“So are you alright with all this?” Pidge asked.
“We’re your parents,” Samuel replied. “We’re never going to be alright with you or Matt being in danger but we raised you to be strong, capable people. That comes with the unfortunate cost of having to let make your own choices and take risks.”
“What about Lance?”
“You’re both alive which means he did his job,” Colleen answered. “Besides, you finally have friends that you aren’t related to.  We wouldn’t take that away from you.”
Pidges pulled her parents into a hug. “Thanks.”
“Just promise us that next time you uncover a conspiracy involving gun wielding smugglers you’ll call for backup.”
“I promise.”
“Also try to avoid getting Lance stabbed again,” Colleen advised. “If you break this guard I don’t think Shiro’s getting you a new one.”
Shiro led Lance to a nearby room. As the door closed Lance felt the need to speak.
“Shiro, I…”
“Lance, I am going to speak first and if you have anything to add afterward I promise you will get your chance, sound fair?” Shiro waited for Lance to nod before continuing. “I know you are sorry about what happened at the refinery, I know you are probably still beating yourself up about not calling for reinforcements. Mistakes happen, what important is that you are both alive to learn from them.”
“Thank you sir.”
“As for you hiding your magic. I appreciate that you were stuck in a situation that felt like there were no good options. Know that you could have come to me about this but I’m not going to waste times on coulds or shoulds. What matters is the now and I need to be able to trust you. So I’m going to ask you this one time, is there anything else I should know about?”
“Pidge kissed me,” Lance blurted out. “It happened while we were in the forest. I’m not quite sure what to make of it but it happened.”
Shiro blinked twice at this. “That...wasn’t what I meant.”
“Oh...then no,” Lance answered. “The magic thing was the only major secret I was carrying.”
Shiro gave Lance a hard look but then nodded when he seemed satisfied.
“On personal level, I don’t care about the magic, if anything it makes you more capable of protecting Pidge.” Shiro answered. “However, this isn’t just about my thoughts on the matter. Any Altean with magic can not be a guard unless they the have level one alchemist creditions. Those aren’t rules I can bend for anyone.”
“I understand,” Lance replied.
“The Alchemist tests are in 60 quintents,” Shiro explained. “You will continue to guard Pidge until then. If you pass the level one tests you will be allowed to remain as Pidges guard. This is slightly outside of normal procedure but if anyone questions this I’ll remind them that thus far you are the only guard that Pidge has been able to work with.”
“Thank you Shiro, you won’t regret this.”
“I’m sure I won’t,” The captain replied. “Now we will sit on the whole magic thing for today but tomorrow I will need to get the ball rolling so word of your abilities is going to get out. If your family isn’t already aware of your abilities I’m sure they would rather find out from you.”
Lance nodded. That certainly was not going to be a fun conversation.
“If there’s nothing else to discuss. You’re dismissed.”
Lance turned to leave and then paused before turning back to Shiro. “So about the whole Pidge thing…”
“Officially my stance is still the same as the last time you brought this to my attention,” Shiro replied. “But if you want my unofficial advice, talk to her. See how she feels and go from there.”
Lance and Pidge arrived back at her room. Lance quickly pop into his room and returned with a bottle of Nunvil and two glasses.
“I thought this would be appropriate,” Lance said as he poured Nunvil in to the two glasses. He passed one filled glass to Pidge and held his up as toast. “To cracking the case and not dying.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Pidge replied as she chinked her glass with his.
To the two drank in silence, taking the time savour the Nunvil as well as the fact that they were alive to enjoy it. Lance finished his first and placed the glass down.
“So are we going to talk about what happened in the forest?”
“What part?” Pidge asked.
“The part where we kissed.”
“Oh,” Pidge said quietly as she placed her glass down.
“Yeah, that part,” Lance replied. “I know the timing isn’t great but I doubt there will ever be a good time for this. We kissed, that means something to me and I think it meant something to you too and not in a ‘I don’t want to die before I’ve kissed at least one handsome man’ sort of way.”
“Look I’m not bringing this up because I expect something from you,” Lance interjected. “I just need to know where we stand and how we are going to proceed moving forward.”
Pidge took in a deep breath as she tried to collect her thoughts.
“Let’s break it down logically,” she finally said. “It’s clear we both care about each other. It’s clear that the kiss meant something. It’s also clear that this is a potential minefield in so many ways and I don’t think we’re ready to address all of the potential pitfalls right now.”
“So what? Do you want to pretend nothing happened?” Lance asked. “Go back to being friends while we ignore the Weblum in the room.”
Pidge bit her lip as she contemplated that question. Some part of her wanted just that, to treat this whole thing like a crashed computer. Reboot it back to a previous point where it was still functioning, where she didn’t have to deal with all these confusing emotions.  And yet she knew life didn’t work like that.
“I don’t think we could even if we wanted to,” she finally said.
“So what should we do?” Lance asked.
“Take it one day at a time, not put a name to what this is yet.”
Lance took a moment to process what Pidge was suggesting. He wasn’t sure what he had expected but truth be told this gave him hope. His feelings for Pidge were unchanged and if anything were stronger. And to find out Pidge felt something for him too was more than he could ask for. Still he had had concerns when he first realized how he felt and in time found more. Still if there was a chance to make this work…
“That sounds like the best way to play this,” Lance finally said.  “Though would it be wrong for me to ask for ‘thank the Ancients we both survived today’ hug?”
“No…I’d like that too,” Pidge replied as she pulled Lance in for hug.
Two stood there holding each other, neither of them wanting to admit how right this felt. But eventually they had to be brought back to reality.
“Pidge, there is something else that happened today that we need to address,” Lance said when he finally ended the hug.
“When we were in the forest I told you to run and you didn’t. That can’t happen again. I tell you to run, you run.”
“No,” Pidge replied flatly
“No? You almost got gunned down defending me.”
“And if I hadn’t you would have been gunned down,” Pidge shot back. “Am I supposed to leave you to die just to save my on skin.”
“Yes that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do,” Lance snapped. “I’m your bodyguard, it’s my job to keep you safe no matter what.”
“Well in that case, you’re fired. If having you as my bodyguard means that I should leave you to die to save my skin then I don’t want you as my bodyguard.”
“Come on you can’t seriously…”
“I want you as my partner,” Pidge replied. “I need someone who will watch my back and know that I am watching his. Someone that I can trust to help me do some good.”
This caught Lance’s attention. “Do some good? What do you mean?”
“Look at what we achieved. We helped prevent a major galactic incident.”
“We also barely escaped death twice,” Lance shot back. “You can’t honestly say you want to go through all that again.”
“Not that specifically. Still who knows what cases are out there to be solved.”
“And how do you suggest we go about finding these ‘cases’?” Lance asked. “I don’t think your family would approve of us hunting for mysteries.”
“Nothing drastic,” Pidge assured Lance. “Just put out feelers. When something comes up that seems worth a second look, we’ll take that second look.”
“Still, sounds like we would be looking for trouble.”
“As opposed to what? Spending your time babysitting a princess who has no official duties aside room ‘advisor to future Queen’?”
“Firstly don’t call what I do ‘babysitting’,” Lance replied. “I’ve babysat my niece and nephew on more than one occasion and they never threw hot tea at me!”
“Fair point,” Pidge conceded
“Secondly, even if you want to do this instead of, I don’t know, asking Allura or King Alfor to give you more official duties. Are you absolutely sure you’d want me to be your partner in this?”
“Without a doubt,” Pidge replied. “Separately we’re good, possibly even great. Together we could be legendary.”
Lance stared at Pidge for a moment.
“You know, if the whole ‘princess’ thing doesn’t work out, you’d make a decent saleswoman.”
Pidge held out her hand. “So... partners?”
Lance smiled as he took it.
The two held hands for while. When they realised it was longer than what was considered normal for a handshake, they let go.
“Just one question though,” Lance said. “Were you being metaphorical or literal about firing me as your bodyguard? I’m onboard for being your partner but I still need to eat.”
PIdge rolled her eyes as she picked a nearby tablet and starting downloading a file onto it.
“No, officially you’ll still be my bodyguard. First order of business will be making sure you stay that, meaning we need to get you up the speed on this.” She handed over the tablet.
“What is it?” Lance asked.
“The full curriculum of everything you’d be expected to learn before sitting the first level Alchemedial Tests,” Pidge replied. “First level is fortunately basic level graduation, for people who have fundamental control of their abilities but chose to forego advance Alchemy in favour of some other profession. Unfortunately that’s still several Deca-pheobs worth of learning we need to cover.”
“Deca-pheobs?!” Lance asked in dismay.
“Several,” Pidge replied. “Luckily I passed the First Level Tests when I was 12.”
“Unluckily I’m not you,” Lance replied as he skimmed through the curriculum.
“Come on, you befriended the Gombash, taught yourself basic water magic, cheated death twice in one day and you’ve got me helping you. There’s nothing you can’t do.”
“No,” Lance amended with a smile. “There’s nothing we can’t do.”
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
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Altean Plance Wedding
To celebrate @altean-plance-au getting to 1000 followers, I drew the wedding scene from the latest fic, and I had a blast doing it!! :D  
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
The Wedding
In celebration of breaking 1000 followers, we decided to treat you all to a glimpse of the future. As AdminRue said we are in awe and humbled so many of you want to keep up with this AU. We hope you continue to enjoy following us and look forward to continuing to grow this AU.
The Wedding
Various shuttles arrived at the lake in the forest. A platform was floating in the lake but connected to the shore. On the platform was seating as well as the altar.
Guests from all backgrounds stepped out of the shuttles and were lead to their seats.
King Alfor and Coran went to greet the rulers of Daibazaal and their son.
“Zarkon, Honerva, Lotor,” King Alfor greeted. “Thank you so much for coming.”
“We are pleased to be invited,” Zarkon replied. “Though I am surprised the wedding would be here and not at the capital.”
“That was at the request of the bride and groom,” Alfor replied. “They wanted it held here so two of their close friends could be present. Speaking of which here comes one now.”
A large creature rose out of the lake.
“What is that?” Zarkon demanded.
“That is the Gombash,” Coran explained. “Don’t worry, he’s a peaceful creature. Unless of course he senses you having malicious intent in which case he will kill you where you stand.”
Zarkon looked at the Gombash with fear and uncertainty until Honerva gave him a reassuring pat on the arm.
“It’s fine dear.”
The three went to their seats. Lotor suddenly felt a light tugging on his hair. As he turned he saw a small Altean girl.
“Hi I’m Nadia,” The girl said brightly.
“Prince Lotor, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Lotor replied.
“You have really nice hair.”
“Thank you.”
“Can I braid it for you?”
Lotor was thankfully spared having to give an answer when the Nadia was called back by her mother.
“Nadia! Get back here!”
“Ok, bye Prince Lotor.”
As the girl left Honerva commented. “I think you’d look good with a braid.”
Lotor could only give his mother a half-hearted glare.
Keith and Krolia sat nearby seat watching the everything going on.
“Thank you for bringing me along,” Krolia said to her son.
“The invitation allowed for a plus one,” Keith answered. “There’s no one else I’d want to bring.”
“True,” Krolia developed a sly grin. “Though you know, it might have been a good opportunity to bring a date.”
“Just saying.”
As Alfor was at the Altar going over the notes of the ceremony Blaytz approached and gave the king a hearty pat on the back.
“Today’s the big day, and to think you’re now well on your way to having grandkids.”
“Blaytz, it’s my niece, not my daughter, getting married today.”
“Oh,” Blaytz replied. He then gave Alfor another hard pat on the back. “Well that means you’re well on your way to having grand nephews and nieces.”
In a nearby tent Lance was putting the final touches to his outfit. It was a suit of armour but far more impressive than his normal attire. Not only was it more intricately made and bore his family crest and the metal was gleaming. He attached his clock and gave himself a final look over as Hunk let out a whistle of approval.
“Not gonna lie buddy,” He said. “You’ve never looked better.”
“Come on Hunk, you know I look good in anything.”
“Really? How about that time you lost that bet and had to wear that Snargle herder outfit?”
“Alright,” Lance conceded. “I look good in most things.”
“Though Hunk’s not wrong little brother,” Luis said. “You’ve never looked better.”
Lance smiled as the men present nodded in agreement. It was no surprise that Hunk was chosen to be best man. Filling out the ranks of Groomsmen were his two brothers Luis and Marco as well as Matt.
“Alright you’re ready,” Hunk declare. “Now before go out there I want you to remember three things. I love you, I’m proud of you and if you screw this up I’ll never forgive.”
“Love you too,” Lance replied as they gave each other a hug.
“I hope I’m not interrupting.” Everyone turned and saw Shiro enter the tent. “Just wanted to make sure you were almost ready. We’re starting soon.”
“Shiro!” Lance exclaimed. “How do I look?”
“Really good. Though there is one thing missing.”
“Really? What?”
“This.” Shiro pulled out a small box. He opened it to reveal a medal.
“Is that…?”
“Lance McClain, You have served Altea and the Crown diligently and nobly. You have upheld the principles this world is found on and are an example for others to aspire to. As your Captain I could not be prouder. In recognition of your continued service and valor, It is my honour to present you with the Star of Mefral.”
Lance was dumbfounded as Shiro pinned the medal on to the breastplate of his armour.
“There will be a formal ceremony for it later on but I thought it would only be right that you get to wear it on your wedding day.”
“Wow, Shiro this is amazing, thank you,” Lance stated. “Though is it wrong to say this is only the second best thing to be happening to me today.”
Shiro smirked as he gave Lance a pat on the shoulder. “There’d be something wrong with you if that wasn’t your response. Now all of you finish up. The last thing we want is to make this man late for his own wedding.
Once they all were prepared they stepped out and headed to the altar. As Lance walked up aisle he got various hugs and handshakes (in the case of Blaytz a high five) from the people he walked passed. He lingered with his parents, hugging them tightly as they told him how proud they were.
As he made it to the Altar, he turned his attention towards the Gombash.
“Gommy! I’m glad you could make it.”
Gommy trilled happily as he leaned in to briefly nuzzle Lance.
“Alright then,” Lance declared. “Razzle Dazzle Time!”
The under the shade of the Father Tree, the female party was set up in a tent doing the final preparations.
“There, finished,” Veronica stated as she put down the makeup brush. “Take a look.”
Pidge stood and looked at herself in the mirror. She wore an elegant flowing emerald dress. Atop her head was a tiara more detailed than her usual one.
“You look amazing,” Allura commented.
“She had better,” Veronica stated. “Lance would never let me hear the end of it if I got the makeup wrong.”
For the bridal party Allura was Maid of honour with the positions of bridesmaids going her cousin Mia as well as Lances sisters Veronica and Rachel. Pidge’s mother and father entered the tent.
“Pidge you look amazing,” Samuel stated.
“Thanks Dad.” Pidge replied.
“How do you feel?” Colleen asked.
“Good,” Pidge replied, when Colleen raised a skeptical eyebrow Pidge amended. “Absolutely terrified but I love Lance and want to be with him.”
Colleen smiled as she gave her daughter a hug.
Finally the bridal party was all prepared but before they left Pidge asked for a moment to do one last thing.
She walked up to Father Tree and placed a hand on the trunk. Her markings glowed as she connected with the ancient tree.  
“So what do you think old timer, am I doing the right thing?”
In reply there was a low rumble and the sensation of the ground shifting beneath her. Suddenly two roots shot out from either side of Pidge. The roots then ran along ground, creating a path that was clearly heading towards the lake. The flowers then burst out of the roots to decorate the path.
“Well,” Pidge commented. “I can’t argue with that.”
There were more than a few gasps of surprise as two roots grew out from the forest. The roots ran up the either side of the aisle, stopping just short of the altar before beautiful flowers burst out of the roots.
“You think this is Pidge’s handiwork?” Hunk asked.
“Actually I think it might be an old timer giving his blessing,” He bent down to give one the roots a pat. “Thanks Pappy.”
The root wrapped around Lances hand and squeezed lightly before releasing it. Lance stood back up and got into position as the music started. Everyone in the audience got their feet as the bridal party entered from forest.
Pidge lead the way, her flowing green dressing glowing with golden symbols. Allura carried the train as they exited the forest but released it as they got to the platform. The audience looked on in awe as Pidge walked up the aisle. Lance looked on in unbridled joyed.
The bride arrived at the altar and as she clasped hands with the groom the two became lost in each others eyes.
Hunk meanwhile had become misty-eyed and muttering to himself to “keep it together”.
Coran on the other hand was bawling his eyes out.
King Alfor allowed the couple a brief moment before he began the ceremony.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Lance and Katie in holy matrimony. which is an honorable estate. This is not an institution that they have decided to enter lightly but out of their love and devotion for each other.Ifany one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”
At that moment the Gombash raised himself to his full height and glared down at the audience.
“Although you may have to answer to him,” King Alfor added dryly.
This earned a chuckle from the audience, some more nervous than the rest. When it was clear no one was going to object, the Gombash settled back down.
“The union two souls is a moment great joy and celebration. It is with great pleasure that I now ask you two take these vows.”
“Lance, do you take Katie as your wife? To love and cherish for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.”
“Katie, do you take Lance as your husband? To love and cherish for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.”
“Then it is my honour, as ruler of Altea, to now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
As Lance and Pidge kissed, the audience erupted in applause.
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
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We are in awe and humbled so many of you want to keep up with this AU.
We have a special thank you planned. Please keep an eye out for it this week.
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
A Hunelle request; Hunk shows Romelle his favorite movie, and / or Romelle tells Hunk her favorite fairy tale
So I kinda went off the rails, it’s more soft Hunelle with some @altean-plance-au Ideas I had awhile ago mixed in….Enjoy? 
The Avenger of Altea 
Rating: T - Some descriptions of violence. 
Summary: Hunk asked Romelle to tell him a story.
There was something about Romelle that struck Hunk as different.
Not in the cheesy way, not the “You aren’t like other girls” cliche that was overused and over tired well over by this time.
But, he mostly blamed it on her eyes.
The eyes that were somewhere between the actual shade of purple and the shade of lilac, not that he spent much time gazing at her eyes or anything.
Romelle was curious, curiosity, wariness and grief were the emotions she held most dear in those eyes he’d observed, so when she turned that gaze over to someone else and none of those emotions were present…
He himself, got curious.
“Why do you look at Pidge like that?” 
Keep reading
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
Loose Ends (Part 1)
Continuing from the New Assignment series. This time: a lot of protecting happens and the title refers to the author finally posting something after what seems like forever. Also Keith finally makes his appearance in the AU.
Featuring a scene from this piece by @honestlyprettychill (AdminChilly)
Admin Hush ( @hushman) will provide part 2 in the coming days.
The next time he and Pidge found a trail of shattered Balmeran crystals, he would take the wiser route and alert the Castle first before following it, Lance decided sorely.
Had he done so the first time, they might have been able to avoid this situation.
Heavy footsteps announced a new arrival, interrupting the eerie quiet of the dark room. Lance’s ears twitched, eyes closed to feign sleep and aide his concentration.
It was not armored boots, he knew what those sounded like better than back of his hand. The sound was more akin to softer shoes, like those nobles would wear.
Their host was finally going to introduce himself then.
Lance maneuvered his bound wrists the best he could behind his back, reaching out with the tips of his fingers as far as they could go. They sifted through a sea of crinkly material, the name of which rested on the tip of his tongue. He couldn’t see it, only able to turn his head to see a portion of what was over his shoulder. Even that was a difficult task between the darkness of the room and a taut rope keeping him tight against the back of the chair.
His hands finally made contact with flesh - another pair of hands - and he squeezed them.
“We’re about to have a visitor,” Lance told Pidge. “Stay alert.”
A squeeze back was all the response he received before the door opened and the room flooded with bright light. Lance winced and turned away, closing his eyes at the sensory overload.
“When my men told me I had some unscrupulous visitors, I hardly believed that the honorary princess was one of them,” the voice said with disgust. Lance recognized it immediately, but Pidge beat him to the punch.
“Duke Elor,” she said distastefully. Lance felt her body tense where their backs touched. “I should have known you were behind the drones. What are you planning to do with all these Balmeran crystals?”
Lance opened his eyes once more and turned his head to observe the duke. His gaze was drawn to what the only man held; his broadsword. The one King Alfor had given him upon becoming a Castle guard.
A part of him wanted to be very angry at the irreverence by which the duke held the special weapon. The luxury to do so was not afforded to him.
A very bad situation had just turned into a bodyguard’s worst nightmare. Helpless to protect his charge in the first place, Duke Elor had never been shy about his dislike of the Holt siblings. Although both families were equally distant cousins of the crown, Pidge and her brother had been granted the titles of princess and prince by virtue of their father’s valued scientific and military council.
Elor was perhaps understandably jealous, but Lance had never pegged him to go this far.
“Is it wrongful to do business in the trading of Balmeran crystals in peace and quiet?” he asked airily. “The drones are not mine," his voice carried in annoyance. "The trail which led the two of you here was an oversight which I have personally seen to the correction of.”
“It is illegal if you have them infused with additives,” Pidge accused. “For good reason. They’re a power source themselves, too dangerous to be mixed with any other energy.”
“A growing necessity in a demanding economy and viewpoint which our beloved king does not share,” Elor said condescendingly. “And because we do not see eye to eye, the two of you will remain here while I deliver this to my client.”
“You won’t get away with this,” Pidge growled. “King Alfor will find out about this.”
“Perhaps eventually, after I am long gone off planet,” he said coolly.
Lance scoffed, and grinned in confidence. “There’s no way you’ll get past space port security. They’ll be all over you before you can even break the atmosphere.”
His grin vanished as Elor’s mouth morphed into an unkind smile. “It is a good thing you both are here to provide a distraction, then.”
Reaching into his pocket, Elor produced a flare and lit it with the flick of his fingers.
The room illuminated and fear gripped Lance fast. The room in which they were being held was storage for mounds of dried juniberry and other tea leaves. Tied tightly to the chair, Lance hadn’t been able to feel the leaves through his armor, even though they piled up to his chest.
Leaves dry enough to catch fire with even the smallest spark.
Like the flare Elor had just lit.
“I thank you that your final act in life will be to my assistance.” He placed Lance's broadsword up against the wall next to the door. “I can at least afford you the luxury of perishing with your weapon. Farewell, children.”
“Wait, Duke Elor don’t - !”
The Duke dropped the flare to the floor and both captives gasped in fear as the leaves burst into flame, spreading quickly all around them.
“Do not feel as if you’ve failed your duties, Lieutenant,” the duke said as he stepped backwards out of the room. “Think of yourself as here to guard Miss Holt in the afterlife.”
The door locked shut with deadly finality. Darkness returned but for what the fire illuminated. To Lance’s dismay, it had already engulfed a whole quarter of the room.
“If you have something clever up your sleeve,” he said in panic, “now would be the time!”
Pidge wiggled her wrists furiously. “Don’t you think I’m trying?! The leaves are so far gone I can barely feel a pulse. You’ve got water magic, put it out before it gets to us!”
Lance went rigid, shrieking as his toes begin to get too warm for his liking and a soft glow appeared just before him. “I can’t move my hands. Even if I could there’s no water here!” Desperately, he blew hard towards the flame, hoping to hold it back.
“Stop it, you’re going to make it worse! Just - just give me a minute!” Pidge yelled. Though her words were sharp, Lance could hear the fear in her voice.
Lance gave her silence and felt the familiar warmth of her magic fill the space immediately around them. While normally it gave him good feelings, the encroaching threat and the increasingly unbearable heat on his legs made it difficult.
Pidge coughed and Lance found himself doing the same after inhaling smoke. Was this really how he was going to meet his end? The worst bodyguard ever? Never to see his family again - let alone if they would ever find out what really happened to him.
Maybe now was the time to tell Pidge about his budding feelings for her. The timing was awful, but it was the one regret he could fix right now - for better or for worse.
“Pidge,” he began, “there’s something I need to - “
A leaf cut across his cheek as sharp as any sword. More of them circled and cut the rope that kept him tied down. In a flurry, even more leaves pushed out away from him, reducing the agony of the fire.
Lance looked up in wonder. The words he had intended to say taken from his mouth, leaving him to gape like a fish at the sight. Leaves swirled around the both of them until the floor beneath was bare, making them the center of a vortex of leaf and flame.
The ropes no longer restrain him and Pidge’s labored breath snaps him out of his awe.
“Pidge!” he jumped out of his chair and ran around to face his charge, kneeling to get a better look at her face. She sat in deep concentration, also now unbound. Sweat fell from her temples and her breathing became increasingly strained. Pidge rarely used this much volume of flora in practice, but the amount of energy Lance knew she was using due to the near-dead leaves was overwhelming her.
“Pidge, it’s time to go. I’ll carry you, we’ll make a break for the door,” he prodded.
Pidge did not respond, her head bowed and brows creasing with strain. Her face was more pale than usual.
She wasn’t going to be able to hold the firestorm in place for long anyway.
It was his turn to come up with a solution then.
Lance called upon his magic and with great care not to disturb Pidge, took her sweat and gathered it into as big a ball as he could.
He used the knowledge from one of Pidge’s lessons and infused his own energy into the small sphere. It grew in volume, bolstered by Lance’s magic. Standing, and stepping backwards, he balanced the precious water between his palms. Then very carefully he maneuvered it into the firestorm that surrounded them. The water mixed in with the fire and it slowly began to sizzle out bit by bit, leaving only a tornado of tea leaves.
A moan from behind alerted Lance that Pidge could not last any longer. She fell into his arms and the leaves dropped at the same time. The fire had not been extinguished, but their powers had bought them time.
"Let's get out of here, Pidge. Hold onto me tight." He took her arm and slung it over his own shoulder, carrying her towards the door.
Pidge groaned and her eyelids fluttered. "I've got the door. Stand back."
She raised her arm and Lance saw what she was going for. He supported her arm and activated the computer on her wrist cuff for her once it was aimed at the door's control panel. In just a few tics it opened without a problem.
"Nice job, Pidge," Lance said. Pride for his friend filled him. "You never cease to amaze me."
"Save it for later," Pidge said as she flopped her head into Lance's side. "We need to get out of here and warn the Castle. Duke Elor is still out there."
Lance dutifully helped her outside, a fond feeling rising in his chest. "Let's get you to a safe place and we'll do just that. I have to do my job right once today," he quipped. He accompanied it with a forced chuckle.
Pidge didn't respond. Lance frowned, a serious demeanor falling over him. He collected his sword and sheathed it with his free hand.
He almost failed today. He wouldn't let it happen again.
Pidge woke rejuvenated. Aside from a post-wake up haze, her body felt energized and ready. Her legs felt slightly damp. She opened her eyes to see Lance sitting up next to her, their backs against a tree. The morning dew still clung to the grass underfoot.
Not just any tree, she realized, the Father Tree. Pidge sighed in relief. She couldn’t think of any safer place for them to be right now save the throne room. Even though her relationship with the Tree was still tenuous, she knew permission was there to draw upon some of the Tree's smaller branches.
She still needed to fully earn its trust.
"I'm glad you're awake," Lance said in relief. "How are you feeling?"
"Much better," she said. "I think the Father Tree did me a favor and replenished my magic. Did you call for help?"
Lance nodded. "Shiro has some guards on the way. I told them where we're at." He paused and tears formed around his eyes. Without warning, he grabbed her into a tight hug. "I was so worried for you. Here you are, saving me when I'm supposed to be your bodyguard."
Once over the initial surprise, Pidge returned the hug softly. Something about Lance was so earnest and warm and it infected her with ease. It may have been cliche to think she was safe in his arms. "You brought me here. There was no way I could have gotten out of there alone. You more than did your job. We're a team remember? That was our deal from day one."
Lance chuckled, tears evident in his relief. "You're right. I'm just... so thankful you're okay. And not just because you're my boss. It's because you're my friend and you mean so much mo - "
"This is all very quaint, and rather annoying."
Pidge gasped and broke from the hug. Focused on what Lance had been about to say, she hadn't been paying attention to her surroundings. Inexplicably, Duke Elor stood before them. Two guards of his own aimed blasters menacingly towards her and Lance.
"How - how did you find us?" Pidge exclaimed angrily.
"I'm just as frustrated as you, young lady," Elor chided. "Here I am awaiting my ride only to discover that the two of you have pulled off the impossible and escaped. That building should be in ruins by now."
Lance shifted to his knees, sword between her and them. “We aren’t that easy to kill,” he said. Pidge couldn’t recall the last time he had sounded this devoid of all humor.
This situation scared him, she realized. Same as it did her.
“Careful with your choice of words, Lieutenant. I might take that as a challenge.”
Wind whipped up around the area, causing leaves and branches of all kinds to whirl about indiscriminately. Pidge shielded her face, but did not miss the shuttle that landed on the beach just yards away.
“Be obedient children this time and stay put for your death.”
The trees trembled in the presence of newcomers. It was Pidges only warning and she realized with a gasp that more enemies were inbound from the ship.
“Lance, above you!”
Lance raised the sword above him not a tic too soon. It clashed with a shorter blade descending from the trees. Lance grunted and heaved, forcing the assassin to land a good distance away and unable to complete the blow that had been intended for her.
The assassin was masked in purples and blacks, a sign of Galra make.
A greater fear than death took her. Pidge turned the fear to anger, directed at Elor. “We have been at peace with Daibaazal for centuries. Now you bring assassins and risk it all? For profit?!”
Elor did not react, placing his hands behind his back in proper posture. “We all must do what we can my dear child. Peace is simply bad for business.”
Lance stood to face the Galra assassin, practically snarling with his sword at his side ready to go. Pidge dug into her magic reservoirs, hidden behind Lance for the element of surprise.
Sweat dripped down her face as Pidge's brain fought for a solution. Now the situation had turned impossible. If they were killed by a Galra blade, Altea would go up in arms. If they killed a Galra, even provoked, Zarkon would go to war.
Lance understood this as well as she did. He held his ground, grip visibly tightening around the hilt of his sword.
Elor turned up to the trees on his left, smile savage. “Kill the princess,” he ordered.
“Don’t you touch her!” Lance yelled, and launched himself at Elor.
Elor’s personal guards fired their blasters. Facial markings glowing bright and magic concentration in the palm of her hand, Pidge summoned help from the leaves of the surrounding trees to create a barrier for Lance, desperate to make sure he wouldn’t be hurt.
The leaves could not shield all of the continuous blasts. Lance deflected some with his sword as he pushed forward, but his battle cry quickly turned into one of pain. He twisted and fell to the ground with his back against the enemy.
Pidge's breath caught in her throat as the assassin cut through her leaf shield and came at Lance with sword raised to strike a blow.
“Lance, look out!” she yelled.
Lance spun around on his back and once again met the Galra blade to blade. The two held the others blow, Lance clearly struggling after the repeated hits from the blasters.
The broadsword flew from Lance’s hand, flying and skidding a sizable distance away. The assassin’s blade thrust into his stomach and he screamed in pain.
Pidge wanted to go numb. Lance was her friend, possibly best friend. He was warm and kind and quick to be silly. He was her training partner, the first she’d ever had. Whatever she did, she did with him.
She loved him.
Through tear stained and fearful eyes, determination won out. She would not go numb, that wouldn’t help Lance at all. He would not die today, not if she could help it.
A warm, ancient feeling filled every inch of her being. Rage seeped into the gaps as the assassin ripped the blade out of Lance’s body and lifted him up by his collar.
Pidge saw everything. All around her each individual stem and leaf were outlined in a bright green glow. Thin vines surrounded her, twisting and twirling freely, ready to attack. She did not have to ask the plant life to do anything. They were of one mind and will.
The vines went rigid, making themselves as spears. Like lightning, they make their way to impale the assassin.
He saw the attack coming. With one great heave he threw Lance by the collar and jumped out of the way.
Pidge has no time to avoid Lance as she catches his full weight, sending them both tumbling to the ground.
“Enough toying with them,” Elor said in annoyance. “Finish the job.”
Pidge moaned in pain, but did not lose her wits. She rolled Lance onto his back and set him upright against the Father Tree.
The assassin raced towards the two downed Alteans, blade raised high. Abruptly, the assassin stopped. His blade slid out of his hand and fell to his knees, a bloodied shard of ice sticking out of his throat.
Lance’s markings continued to glow for a moment longer before flickering out. Pidge had no time to be fascinated by not only his quick thinking to use the dew, but also with his impressive phase changing.
He was in bad shape. Blood ran down from his eye, both of which were clenched shut in obvious pain. His right arm held fast to his abdomen and Pidge knew more serious injuries lay underneath his skin.
“Lance? Lance can you hear me?” Pidge said frantically, forcing herself not to shake him but rather apply pressure to his wound. Blood ran up to her wrists in an instant.
He groaned and bit his lip as he sucked in a breath. “Run,” he said. “I can spare you a few seconds. Get to the lake.”
“I am not leaving you,” Pidge declared firmly.
“It’s my job,” Lance said in equal measure. “Let me do it.”
“Shut up,” Pidge said. Instead of telling him why, she showed him.
She cupped her hand around his non-bloodied cheek and brought her lips in to meet his.
The kiss was soft and short. There was no time to dwell on how their friendship or professional relationship would change after this. Pidge didn’t have the luxury of time for it, or to wait for Lance’s reaction.
She stood between Lance and their would-be murderers. Vines from the Father Tree twist and curve around her hand, palm glowing more brightly and more powerful than ever. The sleeves of her dress ripped and her wrist cuff broke; her teeth grit in anger and determination.
They were both going to live, and only after they were both safe they would talk.
“You will not touch him,” she growled.
Elor rolled his eyes, clearly fed up with this whole matter.
“Defiant to the end. Captain.” He turned to his guards “Finish them!”
The guards aimed their blasters.
Pidge felt her markings light back up with fervor as she readied herself to defend against the blaster fire.
The standoff was interrupted as a curved blade flew in out of nowhere, embedding itself in one of the guards blasters. A hooded figure, dressed similarly to the assassin, raced in. With one hand he pulled the blade out from the weapon, and punched the guard in the jaw with the other, knocking him to the ground and out.
The second guard fired his blaster at the newcomer, who effortlessly blocked it with his blade. He raced forward and sliced the gun in half, using the handle of his blade to knock the guard unconscious.
Elor took several steps back, face full of raw fear. “What are you doing?! I pay you and this is how you repay me?”
“I take my payment in justice,” he said.
Gunfire from the shuttle blacked his path, which Elor took opportunity of to run to the safety of the ship.
The man in Galra colors shifted his head towards Pidge and dropped his mask. His black hair and pale face were the last features she had expected underneath the Galra uniform.
“Take down the ship! Hurry!” He yelled urgently.
Elor’s ship was taking off, loaded with the infused Balmeran crystals, Pidge could only hazard a few awful guesses about the type of people who would be buying.
She shot vines towards it, but even the Father Tree had limits. The flora stretched as far as it could, but the ship lifted high enough that they could not reach.
“No!” Their savior cried in dismay.
The shuttle hovered over the lake and turned to them. The telltale glimmer of the beam cannon charging made Pidge’s heart break. She scrambled to create a shield for the incoming blast, but no matter what she did, the physics didn’t add up. It wouldn’t be enough.
The ground shook violently. Instead of a laser from the shuttle, a much more powerful one rose from the center of Lake Altea and pierced the ship, causing it to explode on impact.
The gigantic figure of the Gombash leapt upwards to the flying debris, snatching fragments of metal and crystal before diving back into the lake. So large was the splash that the spray even reached them.
“Woah,” the man said in awe, shoulders slumped to a more relaxed position. “Can I get one of those?”
Pidge couldn’t help but feel only relief. The Gombash has saved not just them, but the Castle too. It was the one creature on the planet powerful enough to contain the explosions the crystals would inevitably create.
She let the plants return to their places. The grove looked as if nothing had ever happened.
She could now focus on the most important issue.
“Lance!” She flopped to her knees to check his vitals. Her tech confiscated and destroyed, she was forced to do it the old fashioned way.
He was visibly breathing. Still, she placed her forefingers at the base of his neck and read his heartbeat. Pidge deemed it within acceptable levels considering the situation. It wouldn’t stay that way if they stayed here too much longer.
Lance stirred and lifted his eyelids. “Are you safe?”
Her vision blurred at his concern. “We both are. We’ll have to explain Duke Elor’s death, but Gommy saved us from a lot of potential problems.”
“Gommy’s a good boy,” Lance chuckled with a soft smile. “I think I prefer your kisses to his though.”
Heat rose into Pidge’s cheeks. “We were about to die. I panicked.”
“I’m glad you did,” Lance said. With effort, he took her hands in his. His affectionate gaze somehow seemed different, a touch of love between the admiration and kindness.
“Is he going to be okay?”
She’d actually forgotten about the not-Galra warrior.
He knelt down the other side of Lance and produced a small container from his belt pouch. He began to rub a magenta colored cream over the wound. “This salve will start the healing process, but it’s not a cure all. He'll still need medical attention.”
Lance looked up at him quizzically, a single eyebrow raised. “Oh. Um, thanks?”
“Who are you?” Pidge asked, trying to figure him out as much as Lance was. “Why did you help us?”
“Because it’s my job,” he said, rolling back onto his feet. “My name is Keith. I’m an agent with the Blade of Marmora.”
“The Blade of Marmora?” Pidge repeated, her mind buzzing with the new information and trying to piece the puzzle together. “That’s Zarkon’s most elite military unit. You don’t look Galra.”
“Wait how do you know about the Marmorites?” Lance asked her. “That’s top secret stuff. Shiro had to call in tons of favors for my clearance.”
“Well, I’m technically not supposed to know,” Pidge admitted frankly. “It came up one day while I was searching the Castle archives.”
Lance’s eyes bulged comically. “Those are encrypted!”
“Yeah, poorly,” Pidge scoffed.
“I’m half Galra,” Keith explained. By the way his eyes darted between the both of them, he was just as equally trying to judge their character. “Dad was Altean. That’s why I was selected for this mission.”
“Wait, how long have you been investigating this?” Pidge probed. She was cautiously curious about the situation. Why hadn’t the guards been notified of this?
“I lost my reconnaissance drone several months ago, so I had to gather information on the ground. Duke Elor was my first suspect, so I joined the Galra mercenaries to see it first hand. Now the Duke is dead and the crystals destroyed. You two,” he said crossing his arms, “are my only witnesses.”
Pidge’s jaw dropped.
“The drones were yours?!” she and Lance exclaimed together.
Keith, taken aback and eyes wide, responded in kind. “You two destroyed it?!”
“So it was a Galra spy!” Lance declared angrily, leaning forward. “You should have told us, we wou - “ a coughing fit cut him off. Pidge gently pushed him back against the Father Tree.
“I did!” Keith defended. “I was assured that King Alfor was aware of everything.”
“He sure didn’t seem like it when we found the drone,” Pidge remarked with suspicion. “Are you sure Kolivan sent you?”
Keith opened his mouth to respond, but was silenced by the noise of Altean blasters. A five man squad from the Castle stood ready to fire.
“Step away from the princess and put your hands on your head, assassin. You’re under arrest.”
The combination of defeated and incredulous was amusing to see on Keith’s face as he raised his hands in surrender. Pidge frowned. This latest action continued to convince her that he was telling the truth. No assassin would give himself up so willingly or offer healing to a mortally injured target.
Help for Keith would have to wait. Lance kept his eyes closed, focusing on every breath. Speaking had drained more of his energy than he had anticipated. Although not in immediate danger, Lance needed medical attention, at least more than Pidge could provide at the moment.
Once the repercussions from today had settled and Lance was healed, then they could talk.
And they had more to talk about than just magic.
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
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Post training cleanup compliments of @nicollini
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
A really cool AU partially inspired by this one! Thanks for the kind shout out @canadiantardis and for letting us share this!
Summary: Princess Katie Holt has been a prisoner of Emperor Zarkon’s since he destroyed Altea. One day, ten thousand years after the start of the Galra Expansion, she finally escapes when the Green Lion comes to her aid.
((Pidge is an Altean, cousin of Allura. Eventual Plance))
Chapter 1: The Fall of Altea
Princess Katie Holt of Cantanel, a small continent on the planet Altea, had been very young when their allies, the Galra, declared war upon her home. She remembered her older cousin, Allura, go with her father in the Castle of Lions. She remembered her family try hard to protect herself and her older brother, taking them to what they were calling an escape ship. A refugee ship.
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
I don't think if you're able to answer this, and if not then it's okay to ignore this! My question is: How did the King react to realizing Lance had magic? What was Lance going through when he found out most of the people in the castle knew he had magic?
Bold of you to assume King Alfor knows Lance has powers. 😏This is a plot point that definitely needs to be addressed. The next installment is fairly plot heavy, hopefully we can give some clarity to this question.Thank you for asking!
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
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I really love your AU and wanted to draw Pidge after practise. Thank you all for creating this story
[Thank you so much for this!!!!! She just got done with some magic training and it’s perfect!]
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