alter-altars · 6 months
Hel Deity Guide
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Who is Hel?
Often referred to as a “goddess of death”, Hel is actually the ruler who presides over the dead. Her domain is the underworld, also called Hel (or Helheim). She is often described in text as cruel or cold, not uncommon for a deity that deals with death. This may not represent the experience that those who work with Hel have had, please keep in mind that deities are not solely their mythology.
Parents and Siblings
Loki (father)
Angrboda (mother)
Fenrir (brother)
Jörmungand (brother)
Sleipnir (brother)
Lovers or Partners
While modern pagans may have epithets for her, there is no historical Epithet for Hel that I have found.
The Aesir were told that Loki’s three children would cause destruction one day. To combat this, Odin threw Hel into Helheim where she crowned herself queen and made it into her realm.
Her appearance is said to be that of a woman who looks half human and half blue like a corpse.
Some think that Helheim, the underworld, came first and Hel as a goddess became a later development or personification of said place.
It’s important to note that Helheim is not a place of punishment or torture—but that doesn’t mean it’s particularly pleasant.
Hel’s most popular story is The Death of Baldr, in which she refuses to allow Baldr to leave Hel unless every last creature on earth weeps for him. Every being except one giantess (who people believe to be Loki in disguise) cried, but since the terms were not fully met, Baldr remained in Hel.
Her name means “hidden”, referencing those who are dead and invisible to the living.
Many scholars believe that the deity Hel is a creation of the Christian mythographer, Snorri Sturluson.
Since she is the daughter of Loki (a half-giant) and Angrboda (a giantess), Hel is also probably a giantess or jötunn.
Modern Deity Work
Since there is no evidence of a pre-Christian Goddess Hel of the dead, there are no true historical offerings or correspondences that I can write here. Everything in the section will be based either on Hel’s myths or resourced from posts about her from her followers and devotees.
Since there is no historical evidence of a cult or worship for Hel, these correspondences come from her myths and from posts from her followers. These are only some possible correspondences, if you feel that there are others then feel free to add them in a comment or reblog!
Baby’s Breath or other small white flowers
Fungus (though fungi are not plants I'm placing it here)
Vultures or other scavengers that feed on the dead
Meat charred to ash
Black tea
Graveyard dirt (be smart about obtaining it please)
Acts of Devotion
Visit a cemetery
Honor your ancestors
Research her
Go to an apple orchard
Confront any fear of death that you may have (only if you’re in a place to do so) come to terms with it as being a part of life
References and Further Reading
Hel - Norse Mythology
Hel - Skjalden
Hel - World History
Honoring Hel - @theheathenwitch
Hel - @jasper-pagan-witch
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alter-altars · 8 months
Tarot cheat sheets!
Save for later use❤️
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alter-altars · 10 months
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(From research but also from my own workings with him. This isn’t meant to be strictly historical this is more for pagans wanting to work with him. There will be a lot of UPG or SPG)
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Anubis/Anpu/Inpu/Inpw (and some other spellings depending on where you look) :
-He is the jackal headed Egyptian god of mummification, funerary rites and a fierce protector of tombs and places where people are buried.
- a lot of stories have him as either the son of Nephthys and Set or the son of Nephthys and Osiris. I personally go by the mythology where he is the son of Osiris, then taken in by Aset and raised as an adopted son after the death of Osiris. He is fiercely loyal to his adopted mother and his father. As well as supportive of his half brother Horus (Heru-sa-Aset)
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What working with him is like
-He is a sort of Psychopomp deity for dead souls. Also in my experience can help bring you into meditations with other spirits safety (he’s guided me to a few of the other deities I work with now)
- He is a fierce protector. Big guard dog energy. Doesn’t usually have a huge temper until something threatens him or a follower of his.
-Most of the time he’s a very calm and patient deity. He will give space when you need it, and also be around when you need him too. He tends to put in the effort that you do. But if you can’t put in much effort he’s patient (just quieter maybe if you’ve backed away from him first)
- He is usually the first one to jump in to help when I’m going through something emotionally rough. It could be because he is my patron but I do feel like he is the type of deity to want to be there for, and comfort his followers/devotees.
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Offerings for Anubis
(These are the personal ones I use because they work for my own practice and lifestyle- feel free to share any of your own!)
- tigers eye
- obsidian
- onyx
- jet
- lapis lazuli
- red/brown goldstone
- labradorite
- Dalmatian jasper
- frankincense
- Egyptian musk scents
- Sandlewood
- Myrrh
- Tobacco
Food offerings
- Dark chocolate
- dark bread
- red wine
- water
Other physical offerings/associations
- dog statues/imagery
- ankhs
- wooden things/wood carvings
- jewelry with gold on it
- keys
- black candles
- gold candles
- brown candles
- the death tarot card
- the hanged man tarot card
- the emperor tarot card
Devotional offerings
- self care
- taking care of your own dog/a dog
- volunteer at dog shelters
- donate to animal shelters/rescues
- learn about him
- learn about the history of the pyramids and mummification
- draw him
- write poetry for him
- play music/dance/sing for him
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How to know if he’s reaching out to you?
Best way to know is to confirm by tarot or your clairsenses if you have any. Or candle flame reading/other forms of divination.
If you’re looking for signs he’s popping up (this is rather morbid but so it goes with the god of mummification and decay) he tends to send roadkill to me. If you see a lot of extra roadkill on a drive to work/a regular route that isn’t usually there. That could be a sign. (I like to ask him to help guide their souls somewhere nice whenever I see roadkill)
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I think he’s an excellent deity for beginners and if you feel called to him I’d say go for it! I started with a simple candle dedicated to him and went from there!
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alter-altars · 10 months
Bast Deity Guide
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Who is Bast?
The Egyptian goddess is known by many as Bastet, her name is transliterated as b-ꜣ-s-t-t and is pronounced as “Bast”. The Hieroglyphs for her name look something like this: 𓎯𓏏𓏏𓁐 or 𓎯𓏏𓏏
She is most notably a goddess of domesticity, the home, cats, and women. Bast was among the most popular Egyptian deities and her cult ran as far as Rome.
Originally she was depicted as a goddess with a lioness’ head instead of a cat, and she was closely related to Sekhmet, the warrior goddess. Bast’s role was that of protector and avenger of Ra Over time Bast’s depiction softened and she became a goddess related to domesticity and the home. However, she kept the ferocious side of her, only ever using it when needed. She was known to be loving and nurturing but also she was a force to be reckoned with. Bastet used this fury to avenge those who have been wronged, carried on through her son, Maahes, the protector of the innocent.
Due to her association as the Eye of Ra, Bast was more of a solar deity before she became conflated with the Greek Artemis.
Parents and Siblings
Ra (father)
Isis (mother, later in antiquity)
Horus (brother, twin brother later in antiquity)
Anhur (brother
Lovers or Partners
Maahes (son)
Nefertum (son, sometimes)
Beautiful sistrum (rattle) player
The Golden One/The Beautiful One
The Lady of Dread
The Lady of Slaughter
The Eye of Ra - a title held by a group of deities.
Lady of the Ointments
Lady of the East
Goddess of the Rising Sun
Sacred and All Seeing Eye
Her name also is rendered as B'sst, Baast, Ubaste, and Baset
Though sometimes synchronized with Mut, the goddess Bast was never depicted as fully human. She was always depicted as either a cat or a woman with the head of a cat, lion, or desert cat.
In Ancient Greece, she was known as Ailuros (”cat”) and she was likened to Artemis. Because of this association, she was given a twin brother just like Artemis has: Horus became her twin brother and since Horus is Isis’ son, Bast became Isis’ daughter.
Bast was also synchronized with Sekhmet, Hathor, and Isis and picked up some of their associations throughout time.
The meaning of her name is uncertain though it’s possible that her name meant She of the Ointment Jar (Ubaste). This would also point to her relation to perfume.
The central city of her cult was Bubastis. People would travel to this city to have the bodies of their pet cats who have passed buried.
It’s common for people to view Bast as a sexual deity or a goddess of lust, but she tends to lean more toward domesticity and protection. This misunderstanding likely came from her later conflation with Hathor as well as one account from Herodotus who had observed the festival in Bubastis in honor of Bast.
An annual festival was held at Bubastis where supposedly all constraints on women were released and they would celebrate “by drinking, dancing, making music, and displaying their genitals" (Gerald Pincher, quoting Herodotus). This display depicted the fertility aspect of the goddess as well as being a sign of freedom from societal constraints.
Bast has been depicted holding a sistrum, a musical instrument similar to a rattle.
Bast is one of many gods who are referred to as the “Eye of Ra”, a title that belongs to deities that are protectors or avengers.
She has been known as the protector of the dead as well.
As cats were sacred to this goddess, to harm one was seen as a slight to Bast.
Mummified cats were often delivered to Bast’s temple as an offering.
Modern Deity Work
These are modern correspondences, anything with historical or traditional backing will be marked with a (T).
Gold (T) - Cats of royalty were sometimes known to don gold jewelry
Tiger’s eye
Cat’s eye
Bronze (T) - Bronze statues were used as votive offerings for Bast
Mint (catnip is in the mint family also)
Cat, namely housecats but all cats could qualify
Sistrum (rattle) (T)
Cat (T)
Eye of Ra (T)
Cat imagery
Whiskers, claws, and teeth of cats (only if sourced ethically!)
Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Emerald, Carnelian, Quartz, Malachite, and Galena were used in Ancient Egypt for jewelry or various cosmetics and could be offered. (The Structure of Crystals. Early historical notes)
Perfume or scented oils
Alcohol (such as wine or beer)
Incenses or resins (T)
Acts of Devotion
Donate to, volunteer at, or otherwise support cats at shelters.
Pray to her or write poems in her honor
Research her
Honor your mother or the mother figure(s) in your life
Protect and fight for the innocent
Play music or curate a playlist in honor of her
Learn about perfume and scented oils and how they were used and made in Ancient Egypt
Take care of your home
Of course, these are only suggestions based on my research but when making offerings to deities it's always best to do what feels right to you. You can also reach out to the deity and ask them yourself if you feel comfortable doing so.
References and Further Reading
Bast - eqyptianmuseum.org
Bastet - Britannica
Bastet - World History
Bastet - ARCE
Per-bast.org (The whole website is informational but this link will send you to their sources page!)
Offerings for Bast - The Gourmet Witch (blog)
Kemetic Offering Guide - The Twisted Rope (blog)
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alter-altars · 10 months
My favorite epithets for Dionysus
Λυσιος - Lysios: Liberator, Bringer of Freedom
Νυκτελιος -  Nyktelios: Of the Night
Λαμπτηρος - Lamptêros: Of the Torches
Ἑστιως -  Hestiôs: Of the Feast
Κισσιος - Kissios: Of the Ivy
Ανθιον - Anthion: Of the Flowers
Διμητωρ - Dimêtôr: Twice-Born
Σαωτης - Saôtês: Savior
Σωτηριος - Sôtêrios: Saviour, Recovery (from Madness)
Αγυιευς - Agyieus: (Protector) of the Street, the Ways
Μυστης - Mystês: Of the Mysteries
Χθονιος -  Khthonios: Of the Earth, Chthonic
Μελπομενος - Melpomenos: Singer, Minstrel, Of the Tragedy Play
Αγαθοσ Δαιμον - Agathos Daimon: The Good Spirit
Paradoxos: The Unexpected One, the Paradoxical One
Philogelôs: Lover of Laughter
Philogaios: Lover of the Earth
Taurokerôs Theos: Bull-horned God
Thaumatourgos: Wonderworker
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alter-altars · 10 months
Loki's daughter's name is Hel
So I guess you could say he's a
Hel raiser
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alter-altars · 10 months
Do you enjoy reading the devotionals from my Messages from the Gods series?
If I were to offer a channeled message devotional option, please know that this would require a lot of energy and focus. So here is what I was thinking of charging:
1st Tier: 10 lines 🠮 $25 2nd Tier: 20 lines 🠮 $35 3rd Tier: 25+ lines 🠮 $40 - $50
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alter-altars · 11 months
Spaces for Deity work, spirit communication, and witchcraft aren’t even remotely as safe as they could be for people with psychotic disorders, high levels of anxiety, schizophrenia, paranoia, and other conditions altering one’s perception of reality so here’s a reminder: 
Not everything you receive via spiritual communication is a sign. Your sensations can be deceiving and might need double checking. 
Only you and the Deity/spirit/entity you work with know what is and what isn’t a sign. 
People you have never met, especially people online, have no authority over the validity, truthfulness, and meaning of your communication. 
There are no rules nor regulations that would stop you from reasking if something feels off or makes you paranoid. 
People claiming you need to do or be something before reaching out to Deities are fearmongers. If a God wants something first, they will tell you. 
You are not in danger for customizing your own communication. 
You are not obliged to keep up communication that makes you anxious. 
Your wording, pose, spacial orientation, appearance, and other physical characteristics do not define validity of your communication. 
Your intrusive thoughts do not manifest. They are not intentional. 
Your Deities, spirits, and entities can tell your intrusive thoughts apart from your conscious thought process; they won’t make the former come true. 
You do not offend your spiritual companions with thoughts and emotions you cannot control. 
Your spiritual and/or Divine communication must not bring you discomfort. If it does, leave, cleanse, and start anew. 
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alter-altars · 1 year
King Asmodeus
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Ruler of Golachab, Lord of Lust.
King Asmodeus, 32nd Daemon of the Ars Goetia is a great King ruling over 72 legions of daemons and is said to be serving under Lord Amaymon directly. King Asmodeus is said to be patron of lust and love, and is one of the 7 princes of the deadly sins. He according to Solomon can grant the magician any sort of strength and can lure men into temptation of lust. In the Book of Tobit, it was he who killed Sarah's 7 husbands and stopped the couple from consummation of marriage. It was until Raphael who came forth and banished him with incense made of fish's heart, liver and gallbladder, practitioners and devotees who work with him is advised to avoid offerings of fish because of this, particularly a fish's heart, liver and gallbladder. In Hebrew lore, he is the son of Lady Naamah, and is said to be a fallen angel. Some practitioners in this path believe that he was once a human, then mastered his way in the infernal path as a magician and presumed a throne of his own in the Goetia and even the Qliphoth after his death. To each its own, everyone is entitled to their belief. Asmodeus derives from the Persian word Aeshma, it is said that Asmodeus originally came from the Zoroastrian religion, serving under Lord Ahriman as one his daeva of wrath, Aeshma Daeva. That aspect of his very different and they should not be treated equally as such since Aeshma is said to be a lot more dangerous to approach. A magician shall approach him with caution and the greatest respect. King Asmodeus is said to be in charge of luck, gambling, lust, violence, wrath, indulgences, revenge, love, domination, warriorhood. Please approach this King with respect as he can be quite unforgiving to those who don't give the respect he deserves.
My experience:
King Asmodeus is a very very charismatic being, he is very well known to send feelings of lust as signs and can guide one into baneful magick, teaching magician to dominate their victims. He was a very important being in the beginning of my path and guided me along with Lord Beelzebub to this glorious path. He is the ruler of the sphere Golachab and of course is strict when needed be. King Asmodeus is a being that should be treated with respect simply for the very reason that he deserves it, as a king should.
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Titles and Aspects:
Lord of Lust
King of wrath
Ruler of Golachab
Prince of Lust
Lord of strength
Asmoday, Asmodeus, Ashmedai, Sidonay
Origin: Aeshma Daeva
What can you work with him for?
Baneful magick
Sex magick
Domination magick
Protection magick
Wrath/anger magick
Draconic magick
Qliphothic workings (Golachab in particular)
Physical, emotional or mental strength (any kind of strength)
Planetary magick (Mars specifically)
feelings of lust
lustful imageries everywhere
being drawn to him
S€xu@l fluids
Blood (under his guidance, do NOT give blood blatantly to beings)
His imageries
Strong liquors
Loaf of bread
Candles (in accordance with his corresponding colour)
Devotional time/space set up for him
Black coffee
Dark chocolate
Planet: Sun
Element: Air, fire
Cardinal direction: East
Colour: Yellow, gold, red, white, black
Crystals: Tigers eye, Red Jasper (fiery crystals)
Tarot: 6 of swords, King of wands, 5 of wands (dependant on what card is with 5 of wands)
Lord Asmodeus, an offering to you for your gracious and generous guidance throughout my life. Thank you for being a guide of mine. Praise be King Asmodeus, may eternal glory be with your name! Thank you!
(credits to the artist for the art and pictures)
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alter-altars · 1 year
Tarot Suits
Water, Emotions (Emotional situations, your emotions, how you're dealing with emotions), love, relationships/Family, Communication, intuition. But also; frustration, moving on, stagnation, emotional stress. Court card Queens.
Fire, willpower, passion, spiritual beliefs/thoughts, our drive and morals, creativity, growth, strategic planning, transformation, Inspiration, energy/action, travel. But also; deflection, aggression, argumentative, avoidance. Court card Knights.
Air, mental and logical thought and planning, how we think and take action, resilience, rational decisions, reasoning/communication, ideas, awareness and perception, mental health, conscious awareness. But also; conflict, illusion, not seeing clearly, power hungry, guilt, toxic traits and thinking. Court card Kings.
Earth, our labor and rewards, prosperity, stability, environment and body awareness, finances, material/ physical matter, health, practicality/rationality, Ancestors, work/business. But also; greed, disconnection to reality, physical/mental instability, financial instability, materialism. Court cards Pages.
This is a little overview of the Suits in the Minor Arcana meaning can change depending on card/position
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alter-altars · 1 year
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Stolas is a Great Prince of the Underworld and a powerful daemon mentioned in Ars Goetia and Pseudomonarchia Daemonium. According to these grimoires, Stolas appears to the magician as an owl and teaches the arcane art of astronomy, the knowledge of herbs, and the value of precious stones. He is a mighty companion to a mage that wants to learn more of the craft and art of demon work. 
Stolas is a daemon I am personally close to, and owe a lot to for helping me in my path. I’d like to speak on some offerings that one can make for Him as well as a simple ritual to invoke Him were you to want it. 
Note: All suggestions are based on just my experience. Don’t take it as a guide.
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Keep reading
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alter-altars · 1 year
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alter-altars · 1 year
Golden lord of the sky, Brighten every eye. Yet, when the night is nigh, So that the land does not dry, It is time to say goodbye.
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alter-altars · 1 year
Ra, the crown of sunlight, Shining so golden and bright, Beginning and the end, Come again and transcend, You who are always the highest, You who fight darkness the fiercest.
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alter-altars · 1 year
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some very ✨basic✨ information about Ra. ♡ ☥
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alter-altars · 1 year
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Sun god Ra ☀️
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alter-altars · 2 years
Copied from @thetarotroot
Some Gods/Goddess/Dieties associated with the Major Arcana cards.
0. The Fool➡️Uranus
Egyptian: Harpakhered, Bes, Shu
Roman: Pan, Silvanus, Aeolus
Greek: Pan, Aeolas, Zeus
1. The Magician➡️Mercury
Egyptian: Ptah, Thoth
Roman: Mercury
Greek: Hermes
2. High Priestess➡️Moon
Egyptian: Isis (as priestess), Khonsu
Roman: Ceres, Luna, Diana
Greek: Demeter, Selene, Artemis, Hecate
3. The Empress➡️Venus
Egyptian: Mut, Isis (as mother), Hathor
Roman: Juno, Venus
Greek: Hera, Aphrodite
4. The Emperor➡️Aries
Egyptian: Amon, Horus, Khnum 
Roman: Jupiter, Mars, Minerva
Greek: Zeus, Aries, Athena
5. The Hierophant➡️Taurus
Egyptian: Osiris, Serapis
Roman: Liber Pater
Greek: Dionysos Zagreus
6. The Lovers➡️Gemini
Egyptian: Isis & Osiris, The Merti
Roman: Venus & Mars, Janus
Greek: Eros & Psyche, Aphrodite & Ares, Castor & Pollux
7. The Chariot➡️Cancer
Egyptian: Khepera
Roman: Apollo
Greek: Apollo
8. Strength➡️ Leo
Egyptian: Sekhet, Bast
Roman: Hercules, Vesta
Greek: Heracles, Hestia
9. The Hermit➡️Virgo
Egyptian: Atum
Roman: Saturn, Vesta, Proserpina
Greek: Cronos, Persephone, Astraea
10. The Wheel➡️Jupiter
Egyptian: Amoun
Roman: Jupiter, Fortuna
Greek: Zeus, Tyche
11. Justice➡️Libra
Egyptian: Maat
Roman: Minerva
Greek: Themis, Athena
12. Hanged Man➡️Neptune
Egyptian: Osiris, Nu, Tefnut, Mut 
Roman: Liber Pater, Neptune
Greek: Adonis, Poseidon, Dionysus
13. Death➡️Scorpio
Egyptian: Anubis, Nephthys
Roman: Pluto, Mars
Greek: Thanatos, Ares, Hades
14. Temperance➡️Sagittarius
Egyptian: Neith
Roman: Diana
Greek: Artemis, Chiron, Iris, Hermaphroditus
15. The Devil➡️Capricorn
Egyptian: Set, Apep, Min
Roman: Faunus, Bacchus
Greek: Priapus, Pan
16. The Tower➡️Mars
Egyptian: Horus, Montu
Roman: Mars
Greek: Ares
17. The Star➡️Aquarius
Egyptian: Sothis, Hor Wer
Roman: Juventas, Juno, Venus
Greek: Hebe, Ganymede, Astraea, Aphrodite
18. The Moon➡️Pisces
Egyptian: Khonsu, Anubis
Roman: Luna, Diana, Neptune
Greek: Selene, Artemis, Hecate, Poseidon
19. The Sun➡️Sun
Egyptian: Ra
Roman: Sol, Apollo
Greek: Helios, Apollo
20. Judgment➡️Pluto
Egyptian: Neith, Neter, Heka, Osiris, Aten
Roman: Vulcan
Greek: Hephaestus
21. The World➡️Saturn
Egyptian: Ptah, Geb
Roman: Saturn, Tellus, Ceres
Greek: Chronos, Gaea, Demeter
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