amanda-meyerss · 11 years
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amanda-meyerss · 11 years
So, what do you teach?
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When everyone is happy to get out, I'm actually looking forward to get in
Why thank you, but I’m actually ten years older than twenty.
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amanda-meyerss · 11 years
Old man? You barely look a day over twenty. 
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When everyone is happy to get out, I'm actually looking forward to get in
Thank you, missy. Glad you find this old man handsome, but surely couldn’t beat your beauty.
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amanda-meyerss · 11 years
I'm good thanks, how about you?
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How are you Kat?
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amanda-meyerss · 11 years
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Hope i'm invited.
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Oh well okay then, if you’d like to talk about it then you know where I am.
the date? I have no idea, We’ll decide that when we’re ready.
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amanda-meyerss · 11 years
Oh trust me, I could have handled that bastard with my eyes closed, i've seen worse.
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You didn’t have make up nor designer clothes, but at least you’re alive and not hurt.
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amanda-meyerss · 11 years
I go for a few weeks and come back to a handsome newcomer?
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When everyone is happy to get out, I'm actually looking forward to get in
I hope everyone’s okay though.
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amanda-meyerss · 11 years
It won't be much to worry about soon.
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I did, so when is that big date?
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It doesn’t sound like nothing..  Congratulations? oh. You heard!
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amanda-meyerss · 11 years
You could say that.
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News really does travel fast around here doesn’t it.
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amanda-meyerss · 11 years
Nothing. just rambling again. I hear congratulations are in order?
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What on earth are you going on about?
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amanda-meyerss · 11 years
When they cost more than friendship around here, yes.
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You were worried about your shoes?
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amanda-meyerss · 11 years
Hm. Hiding in my temporary room so that nobody has to see me without my designer clothes and makeup.
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He was keeping your shoes captived? Kidding, kidding. Where have you been hiding, Kat?
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amanda-meyerss · 11 years
And back to your fiance I believe.
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I can finally go back to my bed? Thank the lord.
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amanda-meyerss · 11 years
So this psycho is finally gone and I can have my Prada shoes back.
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amanda-meyerss · 11 years
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amanda-meyerss · 11 years
How long before they actually detain this psycho?
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amanda-meyerss · 11 years
I prefer the term, free.
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You’re crazy
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